Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 June 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 864 1 —Brit sh Radio. British Soldiers Not Involved QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT London, June 15. Reference was made at Commons question time today to the death of a Japanese officer in Peking on May 26 in connection with which allegations have appeared incriminating soldiers belonging to
    —Brit sh Radio.  -  864 words
  • 163 1 SANCTIONS .—British Radio. House Debate On Thursday London, June 15. There will be a debate in the House of Commons on Thursday on foreign affairs, in which a statement will be made on the Government’s policy in the present international situation. Replying to a large number of questions
    .—British Radio.  -  163 words
  • 138 1 B 'itish Radio. Commjssion T© Investigate Cause Of Unrest London, June 15. The Colonial Secretary declined to make a statement in the House of Commons this afternoon on the causes of the recent unrest in Palestine on the grounds that they would be among the matters for
    B 'itish Radio.  -  138 words
  • 78 1 —Reuter. Shofs Heard After An Argument East Orange, New Jersey, June 15. D. Mcfarlan Moore, inventor and a former associate of Thomas Edison, was found dead on the lawn in front of his home with two bullets in his head, apparently fired from close range. A neighbour heard
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 74 1 —Reuter. Public Order Committee Formed Brussels, June 15. In consequence of widespread strikes the National Government has formed a committee for public order presided over by the Premier, M. van Zeeland, and including the Ministers of Justice and the Interior to deal with the situation. The miners’ strike
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 239 1 ef 1935 and of £2,683,878 over 1934,—British Radio. Britain Buying And Selling More London, June 15. Mr. W. S. Morrison, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, in a speech at Southampton said the trade,outlook was encouraging. The awakining of industry was going on with increasing momentum, and there was
    ef 1935 and of £2,683,878 over 1934,—British Radio.  -  239 words
  • 141 1 —British Radio. "Common Desire Of Individuals" London, June 15. A message from the King to the International Peace Congress at Cardiff, attended by delegates from nearly every part of the world and organised in connection with the Peace Society’s 120 years old foundation was read
    —British Radio.  -  141 words
  • 91 1 ticeble to hold it next summer.—British Radio. To Be Held After Coronation London, June 15. The Prime Minister announced at question time in the Commons that en Imperial Conference will be held in London next May, immediately after the Coronation. Mr. Baldwin added that the Colonial Secretary
    ticeble to hold it next summer.—British Radio.  -  91 words
  • 47 1 —British Radio. London, June 15. Mr. George Bernard Shaw announced in a speech from the stage after a performance of his play at Newcastle yesterday that he has now retired from public speaking. Mr. Shaw will be 80 years old next month.-
    —British Radio.  -  47 words
  • 129 1 i Official Hint Of Restoration Vienna, June 16. A declaration in today’s official Reichpost that a continually growing majority of theAustrian people desires restoration of the monarchy with the return of Otto von. Hapsburg has created a sensation in political circles. The article denies that restoration will
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1587 2 Lord Linlithgow’s Entry PARTIES AND POLICIES THE assumption of the Viceroyalty bv Lord Linlithgow has stirred new political sentiments throughout India. From Peshawar to Madras a mood of expectancy has emerged to colour the political outlook and a fresh spirit of optimism pervades all political camps.
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  • 183 2 Japanese Under The Red Ensign Several large ships of British, registry now engaged in the Pacific trade are officered and manned a.most entirely by Japanese nationals. This was disclosed when a vessel of 6,000 tons gross recently arrived at Hong Kong from Australian ports, with
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  • 323 2 “East African Empire ITALIAN COLONIES INCLUDED Rome. The Italian Cabinet has passed a series of decrees for the government and administration of Italy’s African possessions. The new group of laws is known as the Constitution of the Italian Empire of East Africa. The territories of Abyssinia, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 709 2 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours It is no longer necessary tn Buffer from loss of vigour and manhood, weak memory and body, nervousness, impure blood, sickly skin, depression, and ja>or sleep, because an American Doctor has discovered a quick, easy way to end these troubles. This discovery
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    • 360 2 How to Cure Your SKIN ERUPTION Why suffer humiliation from the scrutiny of passers-by If your face is marred by a disfiguring eruption, an angry rash, or unsightly blotches, a course of Cuticura treat- UFB Wo a 3 HI Vrß ment will quickly clear you skin. Healing starts with the
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  • 263 3 would soon visit Abyssinia.—Reuter Wireless. Civiliza lion’s Contempt TRIBES’ NEW UPRISING London, June 11. The populations of several of the occupied provinces of Abyssinia were rising against their oppressors and the western third of Ethiopia was completely governed by the old authorities, declared the Negus when
    would soon visit Abyssinia.—Reuter Wireless.  -  263 words
  • 105 3 une vicinity, motorised rescue detachment.—Reuter Wireless. Attacked BHrunds For A Month Addis Ababa, Jun 2 10. In response to a s.o.S. Drought oy run- 1 ners, an Italian plane was flown over the plantations at Assala, near Lake Zw.i, in Arussi and established contact with u. British tea-planter,
    une vicinity, motorised rescue detachment.—Reuter Wireless. '  -  105 words
  • 63 3 Reuter Wireless. Spanish Miners 1 Political Demands Madrid, June 12. A strike throughout the Spanish coal industry is threatened. It is understood the demands include replacement of the Ministers of Finance and of Labour in the recently formed cabinet. Representatives of the Province of Asturias have informed the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 145 3 .—Reuter Wireless. Believed To Be The Girl Pat George Town, (British Guiana) June 10. The Girl Pat is thought to have crossed the Atlantic. An unidentified vessel was sighted by the American ship Lorraine Cross near Cayenne (French Guiana) which the Captain thinks is the missing
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  145 words
  • 87 3 —Reuter. Welcome Change In Monetary System London. June 15. The Times City Editor says Sir Frederick Leith Ross’s prolonged visit to China has promoted in several important respects the economic and financial affairs of that tryAt a critical juncture advice helped the Chinese authorities to effect a great
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 86 3 Mr. Hamid Khan, J.P., Elected First President The following were elected first officebearers of the Muslim Benefit Society at its preliminary meeting yesterday at the Malay Recreation Club: President: Mr. Hamid Khan. J.P.; Vice-President: Capt. Baba Ahmed; Hon. Secretary: Mr. S. Kechik Boften; Hon. Treasurer: Mr. S.
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  • 248 3 ’—Reuter. London, June 15. The Times says Chinese traditions of warfare are very little understood by the west. Therefore it is a waste of time to base portentous prophecies on the scanty information available concerning the internicine clash threatening South and Central China, hut the
    ’—Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 250 3 under Air vice-«i<u™«>* nel Evetts as Chief Staff Officer.—Reute. Wireless. Determined Attack on Jewish Settlement Jerusalem, June 11. The first organised and dete m ned attack on the Jewish settlements in the Plan of Esdraelon, in the vicinity of Armageddon, was btaen oil after military intervention. The
    under Air vice-«i<u™«>* nel Evetts as Chief Staff Officer.—Reute. Wireless.  -  250 words
  • 88 3 —Reuter. Decision Tc Alter The Constitution Hague. June 15. Dissolution of the Second Chamber will probably take place at the end of the year and the new elections will be held m I ebruary or March, according to an announcement at a meeting of the Anti-Revolutio iary Party,
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 19 3 —Reuter. Darjeeling, June 13. The Everest expedition has abandoned its attempt and is expected to return shortly.
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 237 3 Heavy Fine For Chinese Addict Heroin, a subtle and more dangerous drug than chandu or opium, is the vogue I among Penang drug addicts at the present moment. This was proved as a result of the activities of the Government Excise De- j partment,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 For conservative car-owners Better The Proved Car fiLLrHft Austin YORK Saloon A splendid example of a medium powered, efficiently engined, saloon car which seats five persons in comfort, and accommodates seven if the two auxiliary seats are fitted. The doors are wide, the floor is low, the windows (mechanically controlled)
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  • 1083 4 No One Ever Earned His Living Easily DR. J. C. TULL’S PARTING ADVICE “No doctor ever earned his living easily. It had been definitely worked out that on an average a doctor did 60 per cent., v' his work for nothing and
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  • 468 4 Notable Career Cf Mr. H.J. Page Mr. H J. Page, who has been appointed Director of Agriculture. S.S. and F.M.S in succession to Dr. H. A. Tempany, is due to leave England for Malaya on August 18. Mr. Page, who is 45, is a Fel’ow of
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  • 1541 4 CHINESE TRADE FAIR To Be Held In Singapore On October 2 COLONIAL APPOINTMENTS AUSTRALIANS VISIT PENANG The Secretary of State for the Colonies I has approved the promotion of Mr. J. E. Kempe, an officer of Class 18, Malayan Civil Service, to be British Adviser. Trengganu, with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 NOW YOU CAN BE it’s Veedol Buy Veedol in these hermetically sealed cans! That is the surest way of giving your car the full protection of 100% Pennsylvania Oil at its finest. And, now you are getting a full measure of dean, unadulterated oil. VEEDOL V MOTOR OIL 100% PENNSYLVANIA
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  • 566 5 Date—Fixing Of Movable Festival LATE KING’S HOROSCOPE The name of Rai Sahib Pandit Kailash Chandra Jyotishamava of Calcutta maj not often come under public notice, but he peiiorms an office which affects practical!} every office worker in Bengal and Assam. Officially, he is known as Astronomer anc.
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  • 227 5 Early Governor's Advice Quoted Weligama. “The advice given by an early Governor of Ceylon to the British Government was that if they were to rule Ceylon as they wished they should completely reorganise the system of education and take it over from the hands of the Bhikkus.
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  • 111 5 Removal Of Customs Duty Approve J ■ylcn will shortly join the Internal ;onal vention ror facilitating the circulation films of an educational character A despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject was ;on.sidered by the Executive Committee of Education last week and it
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  • 236 5 S.M. The Penang Stamp Club held their w eekly meeting at the premises of the Chi- nese Merchants’ Club, Penaijg, during the week-end. i The President Dr. Victor F. T. Chan was in the Chair and the meeting was well attended. There was no talk but instead
    – S.M.  -  236 words
  • 112 5 Jewellery Worth Us. V3OO StC-ICH I Dehiwala. A burglar last week entered the house cf Mr. D. E. C. Wijesinghe, pawn-broker 1 and stationer, at Hill Street, Karagampi- tiya, Dehiwa'a, by climbing the electric j post, to get into an upstair room. He had bent th? brass
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  • 139 5 Home For Foor At Jaffna TO BE OPENED BY THE GOVERNOR Jaffna. The Home for the Destitute, the Aged and the Blind, which has been built in memory of His late Majesty King George V was opened last week by His Excellency the Governor, Sir
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  • 194 5 "ROMAN CANDLE’ 1 HRED DURING WEDDING Jaffna. The firing of a “Roman Candie amid Vvxdcling ce cbracions icsuited m the parLcnage, wliicn adjoined tne church, being set on fire and gutted within an hour. As the bride and bridegroom walked into the vestry ci the American Mission
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  • 83 5 The Cc’nmho Council’s new by-law excludin' 1 th&lt;&gt; storage coconut oi 1 from the list of Trades" has been approved by the Governor. 0 A cable has been rece ved stating that Mr. David S. Marshall, who hes been away frem Singapore for two years, has passed his final
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  • 22 5 The Panchan Lama, one? ruler of Tibei and note exiled in China, grass believed to ensure long life.
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  • 83 5 Strange Ceremony At Dianka Dumka. A peculiar ceremony of a ~marriage” between two boys a,nd a mango tree was witnessed here recently. Ihe boys, who were minors, belonged to the Bania caste. Ignoring the laws of trespass a procession advanced into a compound where a large mango
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  • 61 5 How Wife Frightened Husband Kandan i. Dona Alice Jayakoddy. wife of the Headman of Walpitamulla, told the Police Magistrate of Gampaha last week that she tied a rope round her neck to frighten her husband as he was ‘‘constantly harassing” her. She pleaded guilty to
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  • 92 5 Whole Family Affected An overseer employed in the Railway and his family fc 1 ill last week as a result ol having taken mushrooms at dinner one night. The overseer, who is stationed at Panipitiya had gone to work as usual, but fell ill and was taken
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  • 253 5 Increase Of Murder Convictions In Ceylon The total number of admissions of convicted prisoners to the prisons in Ceylon during the years 1933, 1934, and 1935 were as follows: 1933 15,924 1934 13,742 1935 14,451 The number of admissions of prisoners on conviction
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  • 134 5 Estate Kangany Who Resented Scolding Gampola. A young sub-kangany, named Suppiab. of Scarapitiya Estate, committed suicide last week-end by shooting himself with a gun. The incident was reported to the Gampola, Police by Mr. W. G. Forsyth, Superintendent of the estate. The deceased had left
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  • 114 5 Artiste From Santiniketan Horana. An Indian artiste from Santiniketan airived in Ceylon last week and will instruct Ceylonese students in Indian dancing. He is Santi Ghose. He will join the Fine Arts Department cf Sri Palee, the Modem Educational Institute being conducted at Horana
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 76 5 I OUR CUSTOMERSCONFIRM OUR apraf ’«»e morri r'W'EIGHT has no 1 equal among cars or its price and its size I Ik. J r "Ci Wj -A W 'CI. &lt; i THE ONLY EIGHT PRODUCED BY is y o Lockheed hydraulic brakes. Hydraulic shock absorbers. EbS'hT SALOON Synchromesh gaarbox. O
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 389 6 (YrwM2Sfc&gt; Jw mrav 1M a L&lt;l TONIGHT 9-30 OPENING TONIGHT 6-15 9-30 6-30 OPENING TONIGHT 9-30 *——***——•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r&gt;n*WSnEW«WW«FmmP«Mß«»«OmßDßW^Ta«»BMßWW Bn «MM«B«m«BM Mß Mi Just the sort of a comedy that everyone will POSITIVELY LAST 2 SHOWS Paramount's Sparkling Comedy of a Girl of like I No Wonder London Theatregoers Flocked Twenty-five Who
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  • 1804 7 Sentence Varied In Mui Tsai Conviction IMPRISONMENT ALTERED TO A FINE Lim Kim Beng, an elderly Chinese woman with “small feet”, who had been convicted by the District Judge, Mr. Bridge, and sentenced to 12 months’ rigorous imprisonment on a
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  • 448 7 Methods Of New Bar Applicants On the ground that business was not too good and that profits were small, the proprietor of the Bukit Mertajam Bar objected to another being opened at Bukit Mertajam before the Board of Licencing Justices. The objector further stated that
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  • 883 7 TEA PARTY BY STAFFS OF LOWER COURTS After the day’s work was over yesterday, the Penang District Court shed its usual drab appearance and assumed a pleasant aspect. The occasion was a tea party by the staffs of the District and Police courts
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 636 8 3'l' was stated in a Reuter telegram Btrom New York yesterday that thei largest registered post in history containing upwards of $2,000,000,000 was in the process of .delivery to more than 3,500,000 American households. 'Coincident with the receipt of this telegram was the delivery in Penang
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  • 622 8 Peculiarities of Butterworth’s Water —Government Slow to Act —A Suggested Remedy —Future of Penang Padang THE good people of Butterworth have long accustomed themselves to getting tap water similar in colour to a whisky and soda, but, alas, the taste has been sufficiently aqueous to disillusion even
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  • 446 8 Modern Germany leaves little to I chance. The official insistence of the past few years upon the glory which racial integrity reflects upon a resurgent nation should have made it sufficiently clear, we may think, that German gentlemen are expected to prefer blondes. To this end
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  • 244 8 Ahmad bin Ghouue, who had been charged with the murder of T. Meera Hussain in 10, King Street, Penang, appeared in the Penang Police Court again when hearing in the preliminary enquiry' into this case was resumed yesterday. I Court Inspector J. E. Jeans conducted the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 fj Xlyt POSITIVE PAPER CONTROL Aw?-| ...New! Revolutionary! Ensurcs easier, faster typing! TOUCH TROL. Adjustable to everyone’s finger /fit/ pressure! Exclusive with Royal! PROTECTED FINGER COMFORT KEYS against dust and Scientifically de- dirt. The New signed for eye-comfort. Royal Portable White letters on black. lasts a lifetime. Handsomenewcarryingcase —at no
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    • 19 8 flit Kills flfesj (juickerlsZ/A Obtainable at ALL THE LEADING DEALERS OR FROM THE AGENTS: Henry V/augh Co.. Ltd.. PENANG.
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  • 241 9 Threw Sugar At Man In Restaurant Boys at Harrow School had their leisure time curtailed by one hour each evening as a punishment for chasing a man down a street near the school last week and jeering at him. Some of the boys objected to the appearance
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  • 110 9 TIN YESTERDAY TODAY London—(Spot) No market £180.5.0 London—(3 months) No market £178.5.0 Singapore $90.50 $88.75 Business Done Penang $90.25 .Business Done Buyers No sellers COPRA.— (Sundrted) BLACK PEPPER RUBBER London 7/ (i d New York 15%c(G) 15lJc(G&gt; Singapore—Spot 25%c 25%c July/Sept. 26c 26y 8 c Oct/Dec 26 26
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  • 307 9 TEXT OF THE TELEGRAMS I A emergency meeting was held at the I Philomatic Union yesterday. Forty representatives from various clubs, associations, I schools and guilds were especially requested to attir'd this meeting. i After consideration, it was decided to send the following telegrams to
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  • 155 9 Lord Runciman's Offer Lord Runicman, entertaining shipowners on board his yacht Sunbeam 11. at Blyth. Northumberland, stated that he was wiilI sailing vessel for training seamen if i ing to take the initiative in didicating a other shipowners were willing to join in the enterprise. “There is a
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  • 89 9 The Duchess of Kent has consented to launch the cruiser Sheffield from Messrs. I Vickers-Armstrongs’ Naval Yard, Walker-on-Tyne, on July 23. The vessel would have been ready for launching next month, but has been held back for the Duchess’s visit. The last occasion on which
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  • 310 9 Alterations After Sunday's Game I As a result of the P.S.C. match against I the Aon Benders on Sunday the P.S.C. I catting averages for the season (see P. 15) ;aie slightly altered. T. S. Anthony, who Iscoied a lO5, now has the highest I aggregate with
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  • 172 9 Visit To Kedah On Thursday The China Olympic football team will arrive at Penang on Thursday morning by the s.s. Krian and will be met by the Kedah Football Association representative, Dr. Cheah Toon Loke. The following are members of the China Olympic soccer team:— Official-in-Charge: Dr.
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  • 130 9 Board Of Trade Inquiries At Loading Ports In the House of Commons, recently, Mr. J. C. Ede (South Shields, Lab. asked the President of the Board of Trade what action he proposed to take on the findings of the court of inquiry into the
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  • 164 9 FEWER DEATHS THAN IN APRIL Four European children, all boys and five surasian children, including two girls were born in the Municipality of George Towns during the month of May. Chinese births numbered 373 out of a total of 499. The Malay community increased by 49
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  • 116 9 Following are the ties for tomorrow Court 1 Men’s Doubles. —Muriel and Nixon —3 vs. Jerram and Macintosh —15.3. Court 3 Men’s Singles.—Calder Scr. vs. Mackenzie 1. Court 4 Hall Cup.—Mrs. Blythe vs. Mrs. Purcell. Court 5 Mixed Doubles.—Mrs. S. Smith and Kimpster 3 vs. Mrs. Roberts and
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  • 41 9 TUESDAY, JUNE 16 London Bank 214 1J32 4 mlrt 2|4 3132 Private 3 m st credit 214 3 8 3 Documentary 214 I’2 On New York Demand 58 India T.T. 151 1 France T.T. 375 Hong Kong T.T. 55 (A
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  • 113 9 BRIGADE CALLED TO NORTHAM ROAD The fire brigade was called last night to the junction of Jones Road and Kelawei Road where a two-seater car belonging to Mi. M. Saravanamuttu was practically destroyed by fire which started in the engine. The call was received from the
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  • 134 9 Mr. Ng Swee Kin And Miss Seow Geok Chun (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, June 15. A wedding in reformed style took place at the Tong Wah School, Bagan Serai on Sunday between Mr. Ng Swee Kin, of the Government Rice Mill, Bagan Serai, and Miss Seow Geok
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 300 9 NOTICE OF SALE By Order of the Mortgagee to be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION On Monday, the 22nd June, 1936, at 11 a.m. At entrance of Slot Alley, Beach Street, Penang. The undermentioned property belonging to Vawana Shinda Madar Sahib bin Vanjoor Madarsahib of No. 61, Bishop Street, Penang. DESCRIPTION
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    • 455 9 5.00Q000 WOMEN CAN’T BE WRONG in choosing this FACE POWDER r I A complexion of fc.3cina.ftng beauty. A smooth matt finish to the skin that lasts all day. A natural Iweliaess that is not affected by vrind and rain or perspiration while dancing. These are guaranteed only by Poudre Toka’oo.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 41 9 TIDE TABLE TODAY High Water Low Water 10.10 a.m 3.40 a.m. 10.35 p.m 5.01 p.m. TOMORROW 10.56 a.m 4.40 a.m. 11.31 p.m 5.54 p.m. WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Rainfall 4 a.m. 77 E 6 a.m. 77 E Noon 78 S
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  • 30 9 OBITUARY Valberg-Eudoxie Bridget Valberg, age 73, at her residence 43 Lorang Salamat, Penang. Funreal tomorrow evening at 5 p.m. at Church of the Assumption and thence to Western Road Cemetery.
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  • Financial & Commercial Section
    • 1227 10 MR. J. G. HAY EXPLAINS REASONS FOR NEW ISSUE The twenty-seventh annual general meeting of the United Sua Betong Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held in London on June 8. •Mr. J. G. Hay, chairman of the company, who presided, said: If you approve the recommendation which
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    • 433 10 SHAREHOLDER DEPLORES LACK OF DIVIDENDS (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 9. The failure of the Directors of the British North Borneo (Chartered) Co. to de-1 clare a dividend for 1935 has evoked a protest from “An Old Shareholder,” who, 1 has written as follows to the
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    • 84 10 Increased Costs In 1935 Amsterdam, June 5. Banka, the Dutch Government-controTcd tin producer, report? an output of 10,705 long tons in 1935, which is 1,810 long tons below the allotted quantity under the restriction scheme. This is due to the necessity for keeping down
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    • 95 10 During the week ending June 6, 1936, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 128,324 cases, of which: 116,866 (91 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 425 cases to the Continent of Eurone, 6.744 (5 per cent) cases to Canada, and 4,289 (4 per cent)
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    • 772 10 SPECULATIVE GOLD SHARES ADVANCE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 8. In the past week the tone of the security markets has been reactionary in most departments, due to the variety of reasons including the advent of the holiday season, the ending of the account and, added
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    • 161 10 Chairman's Claim Paris, June 8. The permanent and absolute neutrality of the Suez Canal Co. was emphasised at today’s annual general meeting here. Stating that this neutrality was guaranteed by international convention, the chairman, the Marquis de Vogue, said fantastic reports regarding the company’s position
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 732 10 BANKS. A NEW HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING SAFE DEPOSIT corporation I i Incorporated in Hong Kong.) Ebe LiauiiiiA ox mernl/ers is linnied to th© OEaw v &gt; extent cad in manner prescribed ty Ordinance No t» of 1929 ut the SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Colony. Bead Office HONG KONG. Authorised
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  • Laetst London and Local Share and Commodity Market Quotations
    • 375 11 London, June 15. The London Stock Exchange reopened steady with British Funds firm. Industrials were irregular but tins were steady despite the further heavy fall in the metal. Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or fall Conversion Loan, 5 p.c., 1944-64 &lt;•*... 117% Funding
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    • 112 11 London, June 14. RUBBER: Quiet. Spot 7{' s buyers, 7/.; sellers. July Sept. 7% buyers, sellers. Oct. Dec. 7/,. buyers, 7% sellers. Jan. March 7% buyers, 7% sellers. New York 15.67 cts. United Kingdom Stocks, London 58,886 tons Liverpool 68,480 tens OOPRa Straits S.D. to Rotterdam £13.10.0.
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    • 117 11 London on Previously Latest Paris 76 23 64 76 29)64 New York 5.02 H 5.03% Montreal 5.03 5.04 Brussels 29.71 29.77 Geneva 15.56 15.57 Amsterdam 7.44% 7.44% Milan 63}0 63}| Berlin 12.47 12.49 Prague 121% 121% Copenhagen 22.39% 22.39% Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% 26%
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    • 244 11 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s Share List today Buyers Sellers MINING Ampat 4|1% 4|7%c Asam Kumbang 27|0 28)0ex Ayer Weng 1.37% 1.47%ex Bangrin 14,6 15|6 Hitam 41 45c Hongkong Tin 14|9 15|6 Idris Hyd. 6)0 6)9 Jelapang 14)0 141 6
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    • 180 11 Buyers Sellers RUBBER: AUenbys 1.50 1.60 Ayer Panas 1.45 1.50 Bassetts 55 60 B. Lintangs 1.10 1.15 Changkats 85 90c Mentakabs 37% 40 New Scudais 1.35 1.40 Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.02% Tapahs 1.77% 1.85 Ulu Benuts 42% 45 TINS Ayer Wengs 1.42% 1.47% 2 Chenderiangs 13 3 13
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    • 25 11 Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development Prospecting Company, Limited, output tor the month of May 1936 was 116 piculs. Total for 8 months 1,094 piculs.
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    • 138 11 Buyers Sellers TIN Ayer Weng 1.40 1.45 B. Selangor 62% 65 Hitam 40 45 Hong Fatt 72% 77% Jelebu 75 80 Klang River 1.75 1.85 Lukut 95 1.00 North Taiping 50 52% Rahman Hyd. 90 92% Rantau Ordy. 60 65c Rantau Pref. 75 80c Sungei Luas 1.22%
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    • 223 11 Opposition To The New Motor Tax Minutes of a special committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Penang) Association held at the Offices of The Penang Chamber of Commerce on June 8. Present :—Mr. Lim Keong Lay (President) in the Chair, Messrs. T .C. Martine (Vice-President) D. A.
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    • 130 11 Mr. Winston Churchill has accepted an invitation to become President of the British Section of the New Commonwealth Society—an organisation which seeks to strengthen the machine of the League of Nations by the creation of an International Police Force and an international Equity Tribunal. Mr. Churchill has
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    • 273 11 The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TINS Ampats 4)0 4|6 4|o 4[6c A. Wengs 1.40 1.45 1.40 1.45 ex B. Selangors 63 66 63 66 Hong Fatts 72 75 72 75 Jelepangs 13|3 14|3 13)9 14)3
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    • 165 11 Chinese Charged With Housebreaking A Chinese named Ng Ah Seng was produced in the Penang District Court charged with housebreaking by entering into premises No. 9 Aboo Sittee Lane, a place used for the custody of property, on June 1, with intent to commit theft. The accused claimed
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    • 148 11 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING Asams 27 6 28:6c Jelebus 70 75 Johans 20 24 Kepongs 1516 16|6c K. Kampars 10)0 10)9 K. Lanjuts 16)0 16|9 Laruts 8)6 9)0 Pungahs 18|1% 18)10% Rahmans 87% 90 R. T. Fields 6|9 7|o Satupulos 19)0 20)0 S. Kintas 4.65 4.80
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    • 234 11 Lessons Of Many Wars “An Outline of British Military History,” from 1660, the year of the birth of the Regular Army, to the present day, is what students of military history are seeking. Major D. H. Cole and Major E. C. Priestley have prepared an excellent
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 Itch Cause Kilim In 1 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams or pores where tiny germs or parasites can hide and cause your skin to Itch, Crack, Peel, Burn, also Eczema, Dhoby Itch, Ringworm, Pimples, Acne, Crotch-Itch, and Singapore Foot. Don’t waste time with ordinary methods. You
      123 words
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  • 858 12 The B. B. C. recently broadcast Tire Three Valleys Festival. Below is a description of the festival by Stephen Williams, music critic of the Evening Standard: MOUNTAIN ASH The most remarkable musical festival of modern times has just ended here. For i three days
    858 words
  • 303 12 Thfl following is a list of arriving and Railing from Penang during me IN PORTS S.S. “NORDMARK” from China, Japac Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila and Singapore. Sails same day for Colombo Port Said, Marseilles, Antwerp, r;jt terdam and Hamburg. M.V.V “GREYSTOBE CASTLE” from Belawan. Sails same day
    303 words
  • 128 12 T lay &lt;&gt;n “E .I'ne 1 n G.CO p.«&gt;to 7.33 pari. March—Clear The React Hum?. Overture- Tancrcdi Ros ni. Se’cc’-icn —Bran Pie —Darcr/ski. Waltz- Cairo Fletcher. Mcreeau Characteristic Bells Of Oi. ley Hume. I3elec ti on—-Toto—J oy ce. Fcx Trot —-I Believe In Miracles Meyer. Cn l‘h::.s»siy eti
    128 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 676 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. EMPIP.E STATION TODAY TRANSMISSION 2 OSJ 21.53 Mc’s. (13.93 metres). GSG 17.79 Mc]s. (16.86 metres). 6.20 p.m. —Big Ben. Dance Music. 1 6.35 —Sports Talk.* 6.50 —The 8.8. C. Northern Orchestra; led by Harold Jones; conducted by Alfred Barker.—"Starlight,” Number Seven. Interviews with famous
      676 words
    • 415 12 11.20 p.m. 11.35—The 8.8. C. Dance Or- .7.3o—Children’s Hour—l) Two Short chestra, directed by Henry Hall. 11.50- 'Stories, a) The First Wireless Message. “Dcwn to the Sea in Ships—Sea Com- b) Simon Loses the Baby. 2) Bird Stories munications: (10) The Question at Issue. 'V in Verse. 3) Recorded Bird
      415 words
    • 597 12 Times. 7.00 —Concert arranged by Madame Felicia Dietz 7.45 Recorded Music. 8.30 p.m. —Close down. TTnirsday, June 18 6.00 p.m.—Malay Krongchongs. 6.45 News Bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 7.00 —Recorded music (European). 8.30 p.m. —Close down. BATAVIA—NIROM Wavelength: YDA 3.040 k|c (98.68 m and YDB 9,610 k|c (31.2 m TODAY
      597 words
    • 387 12 News in English. 7.35 —Records. 9.35, a.m.—End of broadcast. 10.05 a.m. Talk. 10.20 —News in English. 10.35 —News in French. 10.50 Theatrical broadcast. 12.05 p.m.—-News] in German. 12.20 p.m.—End of broadcast. 25.23 m.—11.880 KC 1.20 p.m.—Relay from P.T.T. transmitter. 1.40 Records. 2.oo—Relay from P.T.T. transmitter. 2.15 Records. 2.50 —Talk on
      387 words
    • 152 12 HOLLAND—PHOHI Wavelength 16.88 metres TODAY 4.20 p.m.—6.20 p.m.—Broadcast by P.C.J., experimental station of Philips Radio, Eindhoven, Holland. (wavelength 19.71 m. TOMORROW 7.20 p.m.-—11.20 p.m.—Broadcast hy Station P.C.J. (wavelength 19.71 m.). EAQ MADRID Wavelength: 9.86 mc s (30.4 in.) TOMORROW 5.35 a.m.-—United Press News. 5.50- Announcements. s.s4—Music. G.o6—Radio Chronicle. G. 16
      152 words

  • 1297 13 HELD VALID IN AMERICAN COURTS Legal Decision Of Importance To Shippers News is to hand to the effect that the c “both to blame” collision clause in bills of t lading has been held to be valid in Ameri- g can law, and so the
    1,297 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 761 13 JhIBLUK FUfIMEL* LIMB Veeeela. LONDON AND NORTH OONTENKNI Due (in canjimctlOQ with Glen Jk Shire Line) Penang London OREISTES London, R’dam, H’burg, Middlesboro and Antwerp. June j u i y 17 C. DEUCALION. Mars, L’don, R’dam H’burg G’gow June 26 July 23 RADNORSHIRE L’don. R’dam, Hamburg, Middlesboro and Antwerp. July
      761 words
    • 69 13 THE IBEN LBNE Far East Service. United Kingdom and Continent. OUTWARDS Wwamer For Date Due. BENVORLICH— _Port Swettenham, Singapore, Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, OO.J and Yokohama. J UH© ZZIICL BENLAWERS —Port Swettenham, Singapore. Manila, Hongkong July sth. Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, and Yokohama. HOMEWARDS Loading BENREOCH—
      69 words
    • 808 13 and BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., undwr Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenhaiu» contract with His Majesty’s Government Ma'acca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S BULAN” June 19 S/S “MATA HARI” June 26 Outwards from London for China and Japan. SAILINGS OF STEAMER 3
      808 words

  • 523 14 88 Horses And Ponies CARD OF EIGHT EVENTS EACH DAY Below will be found the full entries for the two-day Selangor Turf Club Skve Meeting- to be run at Kuala Lumpur on Friday and Saturday', June 19 and 20. The entries have filled in
    523 words
  • 39 14 —Reuter. Eliminates Austria Vienna, June 15. In the Duv.s Cup Jugo-Slavia elim .nated Austria, by three matches to one and will meet Germany in the European zone final. J. ANDRES, P.K.C.’s best bowler and StaCe player.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 200 14 Average Speed Of 80.14 m.p.h. Over Mountain Course LAST YEAR’S WINNER DISQUALIFIED British Radio. London, June 16. The Junior International Tourist Trophy race, run yesterday over 264 miles of mountain course in the Isle of Man was won by F. L. Frith,
    British Radio.  -  200 words
  • 162 14 Storch Brothers’ Challenge Cup The following are the tics in the C.R.C. Ladies Single."' Tennis tournament for the Storch Brothers’ Challenge Cup TODAY Mrs. Low Hooi Seah vs. Mrs. Lim Chwee Leong. TOMORROW Mrs. Foo vs. Miss S. H. Lim. THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Mrs. Lee
    162 words
  • 131 14 Reuter. Over-ccz£ 100/8 Faveunte Lender, June 16. The call-cver for th? Hunt Cun. which will be run at Ascot tomorrow, resulted e.-r fellows: ICOT, Over Coat taken and offered. 1311 Law Court offered. 1411 taken. 100 7 Chuchcteur taken and offered. 100|7 Zingaro taken and offered. 15,1
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 33 14 —Reuter. H. Stephens Breaks 1933 Record St. Louis, June 15. Helen Stephens wen the 100 metres in ll.Ssccs., beating the previous record of 11.8 secs. established by Stella Walsh in 1933.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 281 14 OFFICE-BEARERS FOR THE YEAR The second annual general meeting of the Windy Dale Badminton Party was held at their President’s home at lyc Sin Street, J Penang last week. Before proceeding with the business of the meeting, the President explained that the delay in calling the
    281 words
  • 208 14 Inter-Team Fixtures The following a-'e the fixtures for the inter-team badminton tournament for the Sheppard Cup:— 21. 6. 36. Sunlight vs Evergreen (TP C.L.); Lodge “A” vs Lodge “B” (Evergreen); Malay vs P.W.D. (Sunlight); T.P.C.Lj “A” vs T.P.C.L. “B” (P.W.D.). 28. 6. 36. C.R.C. vs Malay (P.W.D.);
    208 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 79 14 I teOll f. 11 T‘u •W B W S M Z v k si 0 'rw 3 A SB h IBs ■si z B JISr I w I —""""Il J N THE INCREASING THRONG I i OF MILK DRINKERS It is so simple if you use “Ideal." Just empty a
      79 words

  • 559 15 ROBLESS BEST P. R. C. BAT; ANDRES TAKES 41 WICKETS Jockey Turner who was seriously injured at the Selangor meeting heads the batting averages for the Penang Recreation Club. In the one match in which he played he scored a brilliant 94. Of
    559 words
  • 784 15 C. N. Reed with an aggregate of 220 and an average of 110 heads the batting averages of Penang Sports Club members who have played cricket in first team matches this season while H. L. tFenn heads the/bowling averages with
    784 words
  • 289 15 The Penang State side lost its cricket match against Perak and drew with Selangor. Robless who scored a century in the first innings against Selangor heads the Penang’ batting averages, followed by Lun Seng Kim and M. Saravanamuttu with 38 and 22.75 respectively. T.
    289 words
  • 117 15 At a recent meeting of the Oxford University Athletic Club the following officers were elected:— E.B. Teesdale (Lancing and Trinity), Captain in succession to F.A.S. Gentry (University of Virginia, U.S.A., and Christ Church). A. Pennington (Berkhamsted and Hertford), Secretary, in place cf E.B. Teesdale. The Rev. J.H.S.
    117 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 211 15 “I’ve found something Something quite jBS A different in cigarettes» j X-F JU. Try one they come J}l from London I jyxYA. lijflHH /eSy A M tf Yes, quite differc.)/ r "Here’s a new pleasure a new ent fascinating I r r X. Hoiv do they make experience In the
      211 words

  • 260 16 FREAK CAR IN HILL CLIMB This Joystick Special caused considerable comment among the onlookers when it competea tn rhe Shelsley Walsn hill climb. NEW FIRE FLOAT for London. The Massey Shaw undergoing pumping trials at Cowes Each jet is capable of throwing water to a
    260 words