Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 February 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 2046 1 r. Anthony Eden’s Eagerly Awaited Speech WITH PRESTIGE COMES POWER COMMITTEE OF FIVE’S REPORT STILL THE BASIS FOR FUTURE ATTEMPTS AT CONCILIATION London. Feb. 24. v \.i(lc survey of the international outlook was made by the foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Eden, in his
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  • 349 1 Reuter. Arrears Of Instalments QUESTIONS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS London, February 24. 1 In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Moreing. Mr. Eden said that the special reserve fund which the Chinese Govern-' ment had established, for the purpose ot paying monthly instalments to meet arrears
    Reuter.  -  349 words
  • 260 1 .Reuter- Irish Right To Determine INTERVIEW WITH MR. DE VALERA Dublin, Feb. 24. Interviewed by Reuter’s political corres- -undent, Mr de Valera, declared that as 1 a step towards lasting Anglo-Irish friend-1 ship, it was essential for the British people j to recognise the right of the
    .Reuter-  -  260 words
  • 149 1 Reuter. i Facing Very Difficult Situation QUESTION OF SANCTIONS RAISED London, Feb. 24. The situation at the Navel Conference was not improved by the meeting between Signor Raineri Biscia and Lord Monsell which lasted from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at which Signor Biscia conveyed h s
    Reuter. : i  -  149 words
  • 116 1 Governor’s Daughter Engaged (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Feb. 25. It is understood that Miss Bridget Thomas, the only daughter of Sir Shenton and Lady Thomas, is engaged to Captain J. L. L. Lotinga of the Royal Fusiliers and former A.D.C. to Sir Shenton Thomas when he
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  • 75 1 I I 4| Litre Engine Now I Offered Our motoring readers will be interested to note that Messrs. Wearne Bros., Ltd., have received a cable to f he effect that Bentleys now offer a 4’j-lltre engine as an alternative to the present 3’2-litre engine as an alternative to
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  • 55 1 Renter. AT CHATHAM DOCKYARD DESTROYER "VELOX" INVOLVED Fourth Case In Three Months London, Feb. 25. I be Admiralt v has announced that it is investigating another case of suspected sabotage at Chatham dockyard. The destroyer Velox” is the vessel involved, making the fourth inci dent of a
    Renter.  -  55 words
  • 138 1 Sequel To Singapore Accident (From Our Owti Correspondent) Singapore. February 25. Mr. Lindsay Moncur Wylie, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, was convicted yesterday on two charges of causing grievous hurt by reckless driving and sentenced to a fine of $l5O or two months’ imprisonment on each
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  • 152 1 Gold Ring Set With Diamonds Ong Tong pleaded guilty before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the police court today when charged with theft of a gold ring set with diamonds, valued at $4O, at 280, Burmah Road on February 23. Sentence was deferred till March 3
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    • 1528 2 HATES FOR CASUAL, for sale BANKS. ST@P ADVERTISEMENTS The a V aB U A sale for best offer B JJk Ono Shaw number 12 Washer. lifrpbi AkinCf*UC Six Bridge Creeping machines complete CHARTERED BANK NtUtKLANuavnc All communications relating to One 54 HP. Fielding and Platt Suction OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND
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  • 288 3 Standing Committee Desired Delhi, Feb. 4. I' <han Legislative Assembly has passr« ed ition recommending the appointt of a Standing Army Committee of .‘i'Ts o’ both Houses of the Legislature the Government on all matters of resolution was supported by the fed Indian members, who pleaded
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  • 292 3 OLYMPICS MAY DELAY BLOW NAZIS HELD IN CHECK I I Violent outbursts in the German Press at the murder of the Nazi leader Gust’off in Switzerland by a young Jugoslav Jew. has caused a new wave of fear in German Jewish communities. It was
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  • 343 3 Tragic Fate Of Ex-Labour Leader SUICIDE IN FLAT Mr. Robert (‘‘BOB”) Williams, once a chairman of the Labour Party, expected a letter on the day on which he committed J suicide. It came later. The Coroner’s officer opened it and found inside £4 in notes."* XV
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  • 187 3 I i Official's life Saved By Sun Helmet How a sun helmet saved the life of Mr. A-F L- Sharling, a deputy commissioner, when he was attacked by a wounded bear is told in a message from Angul. in OrissaThe bear wandered into Angul early one
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  • 132 3 Serious Shortage Predicted Bombay, Feb. 4. Amazing figures of how India’s increasing population will soon outgrow her food resources have been given at the first Al’India Population Conference now sitting at Lucknow. Prof- Mukerji said that India’s food shortage was already over three million million calories.
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  • 566 3 DIAMONDS" OF GLASS Three Foreigners i 1 Sentenced i I SMUGGLED INTO ENGLAND I i London, Feb. 6. F rauds on people who w r ere persuaded to buy glass diamonds” were described at the Old Bailey. Three men alleged to j be members of an international gang cf criminals
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  • 104 3 First Indian Elected To Oxford Chair i Oxford, Feb. 7. The Board of Electors have elected Professor Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, ViceChancellor of Andhra University, Waitair, India, to the newly-founded Spalding Professorship of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford, to hold office for five years from October 1, 1936.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours It ia no longer nec- saary to Buffer from loaa of vigour and manhood, weak ->»mory and body, nervousness, Impure lood. alckly akin, depression, and poor ieep, beoauaa an American Doctor has (•covered a quick, easy way to end heno troubles. Thia
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    • 213 3 aIQHNNIE ,q> WAtaKER is the whisky whose biggest recommendation is /y\ v* found inside the Jy \\X bottie Born 1820 still going strong. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD., (Incorporated under the Companies’ Ordinances of Hongkong.) (Incorporated in Shanghai.) PENANG Singapore Kuala Lumpur SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA. NO CREVICE ESCAPES i S
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  • 197 4 Malicious Prosecution Damages London, F:b. 6 Damages amounting 'O £6,500 in favour of a former captain in the Royal Horse Artillery were assessed by a common jury in the King’s Bench Division, in an action for malicious prosecution and wrongful imprisonment arising out of timber transactions Plaintiff
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  • 415 4 KEEPING WATCH ON PRIVATE PLANES Drug smuggling by air on a vast scale through an international organisation is worrying the Customs authorities of Europe. So serious has the situation become that j a recent committee set up by the International Commission
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  • 39 4 .—Irene Rich, the film actress, photographed with her two daughters, Frances and Jane. You have seen the mother many times on the screen—can you identify her? She is between her schoolgirl children— Frances (left) and Jane.
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  • 426 4 ONE LOSES AN EYE I I Two brothers. X-ray pioneers, figure on the list of patients at Middlesex Hospital. George Aimer, fiftv-four years old. is an e I in-patient; Bert Aimer, aged forty-seven, is an out-patient. Both are martyrs in the cause of healing. i The
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  • 194 4 Wealthy Chief Who Flogged European Capetown. Tshekedi Khamathe Acting Regent of the Bamangwato tribe in Bechuanaland, who caused a sensation m 1933 when he ordered a European to be floggedwas married today in the mission church at Serowe, the capital of Bechuanaland. He w*as reputed to be the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 Beauty Cream that Removes Hair SWEET SCENTED -SAFE- SPEEDY jß—***' a Jf 1 A&l i J. Jml f SOFT AND WHITE! ITU WITHOUT A TRACE I J \Of UGLY HAIR The latest discovery of science. A dainty delightfully perfumed toilet ream which ends superfluous hair, and which can safely be
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    • 117 4 I fei VES WTW HAD A TIGER THE LEADING MEDICINE SFOR IN DISEASES, ULCERS, iORES, ENLARGED GLANDS, BOILS, and BAD LEGS, RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS, PAINFUL JOINTS, LOSS OF VIGOUR. Clarke’s Blood Mixture is the direct way to health as it removes the CAUSE of the disease from the blood and restores
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 261 4 I Obituary A QUEEN FOR SIX I MONTHS I Princess Of Wied TWICE FLED WITH HER FAMILY FROM ALBANIA i Extraordinary was the experience of the Princess of Wied, who died on Feb. 4 in Rumania- Twenty-two years ago she became Queen of Albania, but for only six months. Then,
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  • 2974 5 SPECIAL MESSAGE OF GREAT INDIAN SAGE CENTENARY OF SRI RAMAKRISHNAS BIRTH CELEBRATED century ago yesterday, Sri Ramakrishna, destined to bediu <>f the greatest sages in India, was born. He never it a following or proclaimed himself, yet today his message* row.
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  • 309 5 but so o n rebelied against mere book study, fc oi tunateiy, tne pauon, 01 the temple all which his brother was serving was attract-I ed to the boy and proposed that Rama-' krishna should become his brother s assis- tant. This Temple oi Dakahineswar was
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  • 26 5 VIOLETS AKE ELOOMING in Sussex. This picture was taken on a farm at Ilentield, where the Cowers are raised under bell-shaped glass covers.
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  • 961 6 Butterworth Murder Case FURTHER HEARING ADJOURNED < From Our Own Reporter) Butterworth, Feb. 24. As stated in today’s issue of the Pinang Gazette the preliminary enquiry was continued before the Butterworth magistrate, Mr. C-E. Robless, in which Tuah Kaw Ek, Tan Ah Kuah, Mohamed bin
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  • 126 6 Two Months' R.l. For Theft A Chinese. Kong Ong. pleaded guilty yesterday in the Police Court to a charge of theft in respect of a pair of white trousers valued 70 cents, a black coat valued $1 and a sum of seven cents. the property of Chung Saw.
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  • 86 6 Indian's Excuse Of Lost Money When produced before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Police Court yesterday on a charge of being a stowaway on the S.S. Rohna” on February’ 20, an Indian, gave the excuse that he lost his money and that was why he had travelled without
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  • 167 6 Stiff Sentence For Occupier Following a raid conducted by Detective Inspector Jackson on No. 8, Gopeng R o ad on Saturday, six Chinese and a Singhalese were produced in the Police Court yesterday, charged with gambling in a common gaming house. The accused were Chua >
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  • 127 6 Heavy Fine For Three Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent.; J Taiping, Feb. 23 i One of their biggest hauls was made by the Taiping Customs Department when revenue officers raided a remote blukar” in a mining land belonging to Tekka Tin Fields. They caught three Chinese
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 r 3* xl x Passengers prefer Public demand for accommodation by Imperial Airways and its associated companies is so great that their services have been DOUBLED. This ever-increasing patronage by travellers is due to the following facts amongst others 1. All the air liners flying on the Australia, India, England
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    • 272 6 'IKI Bt R aMk oMI i i I Nerves k nv ac k mine,,; K ImE causes irritability and g irregular functionink e nerveK Kalzana will conquer K? condition surely -and easily. K S High Blood Pressure the hidden cause Easily induced fatigueB RV* SA B BBi B B dizziness,
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  • 1270 7 Violent Smash Against Standing Bus TAFAH CORONER'S AND VERDICT Abdul Malek, District Officer BaPadang, .sitting as Coroner, held an into the death of Mr. Chaelis Struts hyte Ogilvie, late Vehicles Regis- it mg Padang and Lower Perak, and lon the 11th inst. at Batu Gajah
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  • 117 7 MME. STAVISKY, widow of the French swindler and who was recently acquitted of being his accomplice. photographed making up in her dressing-room of the French Casino in New York, where she ir appearing in cabaret. LUCIE MANNHEIM, uho plays the two leading parts in th- successful comedy.
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  • 782 7 Record Of Meeting ACCOUNTS ADOPTED The following i s a record of a meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 15th February, 1 1936, at 10 a. m. f which has just been released for publication: Present: The Chairman (The Hon’ble the
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    • 192 7 MARCHING] ORDERS? I JY/ FOUR PAINFUL ©oras When Radox gives a corn its marching orders it GOES! And goes for good! Just read what Radox did for this corn a tiff ere r: suffered with four corns for five yean and it was torture to walk. I tried aU kinds
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    • 212 7 Jill 3iid dies Jsfove KID-KORD” NURSERY RHYME AND ZOO TALE RECORDS The greatest GIFT OF JOY FOR GIRL OR BOY is an Album of loud tone, electrically produced KID-KORD gramophone Records. There are two complete and different series of i these miniature masterpieces. SIX RECORDS IN ALBUM COMPRISING 39 NURSERY
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  • 75 8 Reuter. Law Court Favourite At 100 To 8 London, February 24. The call-over for the Lincolnshire resulted as follows 100/8 Law Court offered, 13/1 taken 100/8 Priok offered, 100/7 taken. 100/6 Screamer offered. 20/1 taken. 25/1 Ooer offered, 28/1 taken. GRAND NATIONAL 11/2 Golden Miller offered 6/1 taken.
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 73 8 Reuter. Match Against Auckland E*rawn uckland, February 24 The match be ween the M.C.C. and Auckland was dirwr. In reply to Auckland’s score of 306 for d wickets, declared, the M.C.C- made 329 runs. Parkers scored 88, Barber 72, Lyttelton 60 and Sims 52. Garrard
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 106 8 Managing Director Leads Team (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 24 Mr. J.G. Hay, managing director of Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., now visiting Malaya, captained Guthries Cricket XI against the Selangor Club in a whole day match yesterday. Guthries’ bowling was ineffective against the vigorous
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  • 59 8 Chinese Real K.E. V!l Schoo! (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, Feb. 23 Two soccer matches were played in Taiping during the week end. The Chinese did well to beat the King Edward VII School m their first turn-out by two clear goals while the School’s B” team drew’
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  • 34 8 Reuter. Fulham Dert Chelsea By Odd Goal London, February 24. In the fifth round replay of the F. A. Cup, Fulham defeated Chelsea of 3 goals To 2. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 74 8 Khoo Again Draws With Arjunan (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, February 24. The third boxing promotion in Alor Star was held last night at the Grand Amusement Park. Battling Khoo met Arjunan in a return contest in the main event and despite giving away half a
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  • 81 8 i To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette) Sir.I shall be very much obliged if you could kindly published the following While glancing over the "Club house chair" of yesterday's Sunday Gazette I found an open challenge from Little Juan at his weight for
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  • 89 8 As a curtain-raiser to the Half-yearly General Meeting on February 23, the Kulim Club held a golf foursome competition. Thirteen pairs entered and the leading scores were Mrs. Kitching and A. V. Perrin 4911*4=37*2 P. H. Goss and P. H. Jackson 47 8*2=38*4 Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
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  • 60 8 Reuter. Irish Team To Meet Wales London. February 24. The Irish rugger team to meet Wales at Cardiff on March 14 will be as follows Malcolmscn O’Cornor. McMahon, Bailey and Boyle Hewitt and Morgan Alexander, Beamish, Deering. Greaves, Russell, Siggins, Sayers and Walker. The team is the same
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 51 8 Our attention has been called to the fact that the results published yesteruay of the English League match between Swansea and Bradford City show that the match was postponed while the heading was as above. The result of the match was Swansea 8. Bradford C.
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  • 294 8 Residents Fear For Lives i ROOFS UPLIFTED: MINING POOL SPOUTS j Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 24 I I Uprooted trees, electric light cables trailing on the ground, roofless houses, and a complete failure of the electric light supply in certain areas, marked the passage yesterday afternoon
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  • 181 8 Penang P. W. Collections OVER $15.650 I (To The Editor of the pinang Gazette”.) 5ir....1 enclose for publication a copy of the 1935 Poppy Day results, and a summary of the collections. Last year’s total was $15,628.21. I shall be glad, if, at the same time,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 i Restores Natural to Your Teeth! There is now a way to restore the natural yBJ* whiteness to your teeth. All you do is put just a half-inch of Kolynos on a dry brush. Quickly Kolynos removes the ugly yellow stains and destroys the dangerous mouth germs that cause stain
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    • 479 8 'PHONE 543. PENANG. TOMORROW COCKTAIL DANCE 7.30 TO 10 P.M. DINNER WILL BE SERVED ON THE LAWNS, WEATHER PERMIT! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE DESIRING MEALS OUT OF DOORS. WEDDING CAKES We specialise in cakes of the very best quality of any weight. I Bread is obtainable direct from the
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  • 1167 9 CHANGE IN LEAGUE POSITION ABERDEEN'S CHANCES IMPROVED AMATEUR BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Feb. 8. FIGHT FOR LEAGUE HONOURS here was a mixed programme of Scotti Cup-ties and League games on Feb- i ry Ist. when for the first time in three] weather conditions allowed
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  • 601 9 Yachting BUILDING A NEW CHALLENGER Quest Of The America's Cup In addition to the new Endeavour, the construction of which is rapidly proceeding, i Mr. T.O-M. Sopwith has ordered a motor yacht of 1,614 tons. This vessel is among the largest yachts built in this country, and
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  • 377 9 Golf POST THAT SHOULD BE LUCRATIVE Percy Alliss, the famous international golfer, has accepted an invitation to become professional to the Leeds City Council’s public golf courses at Templenewsam, Leeds. Subject to confirmation of the appointment by the Council Alliss, who has been attached to
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  • Boxing
    • 796 9 MIXED RECEPTION FOR VERDICT At the Granby Halls, Leicester, on Feb. 10, Ben Foord, the South African now resident in Desborough. won a points decision over Tommy Loughran. ex-light-heavyweight champion of the w’orld. The bout was one of twelve rounds, and the referee Mr. C. B.
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    • 484 9 C?G:ms Precedence Over McAvoy j There is one person who does not think that Jock McAvoy has a rightful claim to meet John Henry Lewis for the world light-heavy-weight championship. This is Eddie Phillips, the present British 12st. 71b. champion. Phillips said that he intends prqtestiug to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 t ENG AUN TONG &THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL 378 BEACH STREET, PENANG. f lIGER (To Merchants, Rankers, Professional Men, Clerks, Students and all those who require good and strenuous brain work THE I IGER BRAND MEDICINES are really absolute necessities. TIGER BALM increases brain power. PAT KAVA TAN increases appetite
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  • 962 10 Mr. Justice Gordon Smith is a comparatively newcomer to the Malayan bench but he delivered a most important judgment yesterday in a i litigation, which has gone on in one form or another, for the last quarter i of a century; but His Lordship, with several
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  • 466 10 Subject Of Inquest "CAUSED BY SOME PERSONS UNKNOWN" (From Our Perak Representative) Ipoh, Feb. 25Remarking that her death was due to a criminal act by some persons unknown with the intent to cause a miscarriage, the Ipoh Coroner, Mr- V- W. W. S- Purcell, concluded
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  • 236 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. F. Bede-Cox, of Gopeng. returned i from Home at the week-end. f Mrs. E. T. Jacques, of Matang. Taip- ing. ar.d her daughter have returned from Heme. i: 1 A Public Health Museum, modelled on the famous Wellcome Museum in London, is being started at King Edward
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  • 244 10 Headed By Institute Principal PROMOTING CHINESE ART OF DEFENCE (From Our Perak Representative) Ipoh, Feb- 25. The belief that the correct promotion physical culture among the masses China's people, and Chinese living over seas were expressed in an interview whi< was granted me by General Chang,
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  • 391 10 In Holland Next Year i j NO PROSPECTS OF MALAYAN CONTINGENT There is no prospect of a Malayan contingent of scouts attending the world jamboree to be he’d next year in Holland. Malaya, however, will be represented bv scouters who will be on leave in England at
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 If the wn V and the windows all are shut WijNMHCr*&L r J? 4: j CARLSBERG LAGER PILSNER STOUT SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY LIMITED. Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur. ~Dunlop MAffM SHUTTLES Bmade to CONFORM TO THE LAWS OF THE BADMINTON association PirtrihfOT 32 BEACH ST., PENANG. CHEN CO.,
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    • 33 10 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS Always Specify. DEL MONTE PRODUCTS are known the world over. 0 OBTAINABLE AT All the leading dealers. BOLB AGENTS Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd., PENANG. Bta<apore, Ipoh and Kuala Ltanpur.
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  • 1014 11 G.H. JOSHI v. UNITED INDIAN ASSOCIATION INTERIM INJUNCTION SOUGHT AGAINST ASSOCIATION TO RESTRAIN THEM FROM EXPELLING PLAINTIFF ON GROUNDS OF ALLEGED MISCONDUCT hi the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Gordon 'milli began the hearing of a motion (which is expected to last days) in which
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  • 94 11 Traffic Police Sweeps Ipoh Streets (From Our Perak Representative) Ipoh, February 24. A record haul of cyclist offenders in Ipoh was made by the Police traffic branch during the week-end when, it is reported, nearly two hundred cyclists were taken into custody for failure to
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  • 184 11 Predicament Of Ricksha Puller CONVICTED OF THEFT OF METAL (From Our Perak Representative) Ipoh. February 25. Thye Chong is a middle-aged and cockeyed rickshaw puller pulling his vehicle about the streets of Ipoh town for his daily bread. Early yesterday morning he was hailed by
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  • 189 11 Borrowed Cycle Which Was Not Returned j ACCUSED GIVEN CUSTODY I How a Chinese borrowed a bicycle, took off its dynamo lamp and left the cycle lying on the road, was related to the magistrate, Mr. H. A. L. Luckham. today when Ong Ee Chooi was
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  • 62 11 A young Chinese. Siew Chye Ah, was produced in the police court today on a charge of committing criminal trespass, by entering into a room of No. 63. Kinta Lane with the intent to commit intimidation, at 11 p.m. on February 22. Accused claimed trial and the
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  • 65 11 Chinese On 5 s Bail A charge of theft in respect of 50 cents' at 203. Magazine Road on February 24. was preferred Lim Kong Hoi in the police court today. Accused pleaded guilty and the magis-' trate, Mr. H.A.L. Luckham. deferred sentence till March 3.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 I JU I Vow l ss£ IllfcoOH® I I I Th e Smjie j$ generally an index of Health, the CV .ij.-.- .1.. outward sign of an inward happiness both mental and physical. And you want your Baby to smile Then above all things feed him correctly and see that
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    • 181 11 "E. O." Hotel PENAXG. TOMORROW Extension of Bar Licence to 1 A M. Special Dinner Dance FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS, PHONE 322. P77EY rrsmxG Singapore stay at rattles hotel. EVERY WOMAN Wy... TAKES PRIDE W f j IN HER HOUSE Cheap disinfectants have no value Tlk 1 They merely smother unpleasant
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  • 1102 12 STEVENSON AND SUBSEQUENT SCHEMES Although, with the discovery of vulcanisation in 1839, the uses to which rubber could be put steadily increased both in quantity and variety, it was not until the opening of the twentieth century that any. rubber produced’ from cultivated plant
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  • 27 12 'QUINS OF NURSERYLANDThis large family of dells caused considerable Comment uh fi n r/if'-n an airing at the children’s corner in Hyde Park.
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  • 823 12 MYSTERY INDUSTRY IN LONDON Little-Known Facts About Mincing Lane COLONIAL PRODUCE To the uninitiated the industry of Mincing Lane, London, is full of mystery. Actually it consists of buying and selling what is known as colonial produce”that is spices of all kinds, also tea, coffee, sugar and rubber, to mention
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 304 12 =WWWI. IBSI t w 1 Uli lU: --Ay yEu lw pl 4||l: M 0 fl Label l r OF GREAT AGE m a iW/1 tip Dewar Sop s p b Ji >1 c Be Sure it’s Dewar’s E H|l White Label b OBTAINABLE IN THE USUAL QUART AND PINT BOTTLES
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    • 78 12 NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED FANCY LADIES* STRAW HATS (MADE IN ENGLAND.) PRICES sßr Many Varieties. J $l.OO Each (l Bpli An $2.00 XS Colours. $2.50 $3.00 New Fashions. j. $3.50 $4.00 f W A Sizes Sole Importers M. A. PITCHAY GUNNY SON. GENERAL MERCHANTS 252/4/6, PENANG ROAD. Tel. No.
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  • 134 13 Reuter. Big Scale Raid Successful SURPRISE ATTACK ON ITALIAN TANK DEPOTS Addis Ababa, Feb. 24. 1 he country is jubilant over reports of a successful big scale raid in the region of Gojam where the Abyssinians penetrated behind the Adowa-Adigrat-Aksum line and surprised tank depots, killed 412 white
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 134 13 Reuter. Soviet As Protector Of Outer Mongolia Tokio. February 24. According to the Asahi Shimbun, in the course of conversations on the subject of b order commissions. M. Stomoniakov promised the Japanese Ambassador at Moscow that the Soviet would urge outer Mongolia to accept the plan for the
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 88 13 Reuter. More Than 100 Arrests Made Peiping, February 24. More than a hundred students, including a, number of girls, were arrested under the emergency decree issued by Nanking on February 20, conferring on the police a virtual blank cheque to deal with political disorders and also
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 77 13 Reuter. Progress Of R.A.F. Planes Shanghai, Feb. 24. The R.A.F. planes which are on a goodwill flight to Japan made a forced landing it Nankwan Harbour at 1-35 p-m- owing <o bad weather. An earlier message from Amoy stated that two R.A.F. planes left for Shanghai at 10-10
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 28 13 Reuter. Son Efcrn ?n London London, Feb. 24«untlbss Revcntlow, formerly Miss Bara Hutton, the £8,000,000 Woolworth heir*, ss has given birth to a son in London.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
    Rugbv Radio Service.  -  270 words
  • 81 13 XAX-lVx vill be deducted from his sentence.Reuter Wireless. n First English-Speaking Citizen Condemned In Germany Munich. Feb. 21 The first English-speaking citizen to be condemned for High Treason in Nazi Germany is the Naturalised American, Charles Nisselbeck, who has been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. The prosecution accused
    XAX-lVx *** – -- vill be deducted from his sentence.Reuter Wireless. n  -  81 words
  • 63 13 Rugby Radio Service. Business On Smaller Scale London, Feb- 24Sterling on New York was 4.99-3 16 and Paris 74-25 32. The stock markets started the week quietly with business on a smaller scale than of late. French 4-0 0 and German 7-0 0 were weaker while British funds
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  63 words
  • 63 13 Reuter. Big Demand For Railways But No Sellers London, Feb- 24. Chinese loans are very’ firm particularly Tientsin and Pukous which advanced to 44/48 for 1908 issue from 36 last week on persistent rumours that the Chinese Government is shortly making a favourable announcement. Lunghais advanced to 22
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 47 13 Policy Of 1934 Agreement To Be Followed Rome, Feb- 21. Following conversations between Signor Suvich and the Austrian Foreign Minister, a communique states that the Ministers are in complete agreement and confirmed the intention of following the policy outlined in the Italo-Austro-Hungarian agreement of
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  • 554 13 bpvviai in- I held this morning.Reuter Rugby I Radio Service. Interest In Commons' Debate EARLY SPECULATIONS London, Feb. 24Interest attaching to today's debate in the House of Commons on foreign affairs especially Mr. Anthony Eden's maiden statement since he became Foreign Secretary are reflected in speculations on it
    bpvviai in- – I held this morning.Reuter & Rugby . . I Radio Service.  -  554 words
  • 99 13 Rugby Radio Service. Sheffield Scientist's New Invention London. Feb. 24 A new type of stainless steel which it is c’amied will revolutionise scores of industries has been evolved by a Sheffield scientist, Mr. F. F. Cordon. The method, briefly stated, is to give ordinary steel a coating of
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  99 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 20 13 gtejg /Q 'll I 8 Jwilß! 2 <DIA MON 1)11 ft UtliJiiiifirJM a! n biWXwIJiM GOOD AB pI>ISHEPS 1 Tans.
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    • 200 13 J FRESH Yates Seeds JUST RECEIVED. Jr I lway 8 Fresh -«gM Note the Date ASTERS—American Beauty, Tasmanian Californian Giant mixed. ANTIRRHINUMSnapdragon, Dwarf mixed. BALSAMSSuperb double. CALLIOI’SISLanceolata double, Tinctoria double. CANDYTUFTSgiant flowered mixed. CHRYSANTHEMUM—tricoIor r-. mixe d- -3b COCKSCOMB—mixed. COSMOS—double mixed. DAHLlA—choice mixed. DIANTH US—double hybrids. A GAILLARDI A—Picta, G
      200 words

  • 190 14 i Today at the Esplanade” from 6.00 pm. I to 7.30 p.m. |1 March—El AbanicoJavaloyes12 SelectionViktoria And Her Hussar Abraham. t 3 WaltzQuand L’Amour Meurt I Cremieux 4 Overture Morning, Noon And Night In ViennaSuppe. 5 SelectionFinale Act 111 Rigoletto j Verdi;6 Intermezzo Softly UnawaresLincke. 7 Fox Trot—You
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  • 689 14 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule Of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week > IN PORT TODAY S.S. GEN V. D. HEYDEN from LhoSeumawe, Sigil, Olehleh and Sabang. S.S. ALFOER from Belawan-Deli and Ba-toe-Bahra. Sails next day for the same ports.
    689 words
  • 677 14 The Post Office notifies that a Telegram from G.P.O. London says that the mail despatched from Penang on February 1 by the s.s. Rajputana” was delivered in Loudon on February 22. NOTICES The Air Mails despatched from Penang on February 13 per the Imperial Airways were delivered
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 40 14 BROADCAST HINDUSTANI TAMIL RECORDS Are the out-come of the Hidden Music Treasur** «f Eminent Musicians' who will be the of India, nav. of the whole world. Latest Releases just arrived. Bole Agents THE INDIAN FILM AGENCY, 130 Penang Road, Penanj
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1177 14 Wireless Programmes 3q a Pocock. Adapted and produced by John Pudney. Greenwich Time Signal at 7.20 p.m. TODIY 7.3o.—Eileen Joyce (Australian Pianist). 7.40.Talk: Foreign Affairs.”* Sir FreS t k derick Whyte, K.C.5.1., LL.D. 7.55.The Composer at the Pianoforte Two of the following frequencies win be; 4: Landon Ronald. A recital
      1,177 words
    • 585 14 ler Youth. 4.35 Hallo, girls and boys! 4.50 News in English. 5.05 A Dance through' the Centuries. Arranged by R. Storck. 6.05; News in German. 6.20 Concert of Light Music. 7.20 News in English. 7.05 Con-, cert of Light Music (continued). 8.20 Close j dow’n. 8.25 p.m. Call DJA, DJB,
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    • 18 14 conducted by Lorenzo Molajoli. 8- pm- Dance Music9- p-m- Close down. (Records by courtesy of Robinson Piano Coy.)
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1835 15 b 2H i A f <•% I W hamburg-amerika linie >* blub PUMMEL LIMB HAMBURG. Ve ete London and north continent Leave Due Fa r Eastern Mail Passenger and Freight Service w in conjunction with Glen Shire Line. K »-“*>" OUTWARDS a O MEMNON US Mara rih/p L ,1M J
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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  • 490 17 Briton's Death In i Zanzibar I POLICE CHIEF SENT BY AIR i Marketing Plan Trouble i i Nairobi Mr I. H. D. Rolleston. only son of Sir Humphry Rolleston, Physician Extraordinary to King George V has died from the wounds he received in the rioting
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  • 197 17 1,300-Years-Old Jerusalem, Feb. 4 Extraordinary precautions are being j taken to prevent papyrus rolls- believed to be more than 1.300 years old—which have just been discovered in Palestine from crumbling to dust before they can be translated. They were discovered by the Colt expeditionan Anglo-American enterprise led
    197 words
  • 483 17 Dr. Temple On A "Grave Moral Situation" I LAWS OF WORSHIP NOT OBSERVED London, Feb. 5 A very grave moral situation” in the Church of England was described by the l Archbishop o f York, Dr. Temple, at the j Church Assembly in London. There are
    483 words
  • 185 17 Secret Wedding To Count Paris, Feb- 4. I A message received from St. Moritz revealed that Senorita Liii de Alvarez, the j 30-years-old Spanish tennis star, has been secretly married She is now the bride of Comte Jean de Gaillard de la Valdene, a member
    185 words
  • 336 17 WEDDED BLISS SCHEDULE 'FOR ENGAGED COUPLES' j I A new class of specialists or marriage I doctors’ is expected to develop among the 1 i medical profession as a result of a re- j markable schedule which has just been com- pleted. i. It is the work
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  • 285 17 Girl Wants "Lots Of Bab ies" A broken-hearted girl, relative of Colonel Alfred Dreyfus, central figure of the famous Dreyfus case in France, is suing the United States Government for £27,600,000 so that she can have lots of babies. Mrs Rollande Dreyfus Pecaut, who recently
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 529 17 *‘KI A PET M s' x Jl ASrfcT ill S X CENTS 1 Nacef blades are esfab- J lished favourites because of their high \CjV quality and low price. Don't gamble on cheap blades. Buy Nacef and be sure of many clean, smooth shaves from A every blade. Nacef 5
      529 words
    • 224 17 Itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tin» seams or pores where tiny germs or parasites can hide and cause your skin to Itch. Crack, Peel Burn, also Eczema Dhoby Kch Ringworm. Pimples, Acne. Crotch-Itch, anti! Singapore toot. Don't waste time with ordinary methods. You
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  • 38 18 POST OFFICE MESSENGER BOYS being tested in their knowledge of the Highway Code, part of the driving test every messenger has to pass before being allowed to use a motor cycle for delivering telegrams.
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  • 850 18 BUILDING DEVELOPMENTS REVIEWED ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN'S VIEWS An interesting review of structural en-I gineering developments in Malaya during' the last fifteen years was given by Mr. F-G. Coales, chairman ol *he Selangor Negri Scnibilan and 1 ahang section of the Engineering Association oi zialava. at
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  • 218 18 Tank Holding Only 27 Gallons Lympne, Feb. 6 The first long-distance flight attempted in a Midget plane will start at seven a.m. on Feb. 8 from here if conditions are favourable. Fit.-Lt. David Llewellyn, who holds Hie Cape-to-England record, is to try to fly a
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  • 503 18 Charged With Attempted Murder SHOOTING AFFAIR I I How a Cantonese, Loh Luk Wah, who had been detained in custody to be charged! in court the following day with attempted murder, hanged himself in a lock-up cell at the Detective Station on Feb. 13,
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  • 222 18 Croydon The "Best Prepored Town" Croydon. Feb. 4 Five hundred trained men and women are to protect the people of Croydon in the event of an air raid, Col. E.M. Coweil, Surrey County Director of the British Red Cross Society, told Croydon Rotarians. Croydon, he said,
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  • 593 18 Matter Again Before Sanitary Board PROBLEMS OF CONTROLLING MILK SUPPLY Mention of a’ water-borne sewage system for Taiping was again made at the monthly I meeting of the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board held on Wednesday last. Extracts from the official minutes given' below reveal that
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 308 18 How to Cure Your SKIN BRUPTIOK Why suffer humiliation from the scrutiny ECZEMA of passers-by? If your face is marred by a disfiguring eruption, an angry rash, or un- ETCH sightly blotches, a course of Cuticura treat- DH Vol ment will quickly clear you skin. Healing starts with the first
      308 words

  • 549 19 eed For Men Of British Blood 4OOM IN NEW SOUTH WALES Premier On Expanding Demands Of Industry Sydney, Feb. 6. he vital need for British migration to r ia so that the continent may remain I sh in spirit as well as in n anie> Was m
    549 words
  • 177 19 Mr. Claude Houghton is a novelist who, moughout the course of his writings, j des and maintains an intellectual stjmu- i n which is communicated with perfect’ uty to his readers, and is. obviously, the lection of a powerful mentality. Christina (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.1, his dost book, finds
    177 words
  • 557 19 ENGLISHMAN'S 30 YEARS IN THE GREAT OUTBACK Can such races as the Australian abori- gines, most instinctive and primitive of people, absorb Christianity in its entirety? Mrs. Daisy Bates, 0.8. E., one of the most remarkable women in the Empire, who re- cently returned to the
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  • 247 19 From anyone. particularly a novelist. who is known to have notable political views one can always expect to get a stimulating argument in favour of those views. One is J never disappointed, for instance, in Mr. I Shaw. Mr. Wells. Mr. J. L. Hodson. Mr. j Walter Greenwood.
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  • 239 19 BRITISH FIRMS HIT BY i HIGHER TARIFF I London, Feb- 6Thousands of pounds’ worth of business will be lost to Britain’s motor-car industry if a surprise decision made known by the Australian Customs authorities is upheldIt means that, instead of paying £l5 im- port duty on
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  • 169 19 GEORGE THE FAITHFUL: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GEORGE V- Edited by Sir Philip Gibbs. K.B.E. (London: Hutchinson and Co., 3 6). Originally issued as The Book of the King's Jubilee.” this work has been revised since the death of his late Majesty and brought up-to-date so
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  • 166 19 The Punt Murder." by Aceituna Griffin. Sampson Low; 7s. 6d. Those who follow the progress of that rising novelist Aceituna Griffin will consider this, her latest, quite the best story she has yet woven. She has tightened up her style of writing considerably, and also her construction of
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  • 174 19 Judgment Reserved In Perak Civil Action Judgment was reserved by the Hon ble Mr. Justice Howes in the Perak Supreme Court. Ipoh, at the conclusion of the hearing of the case in which Towkay Ng Fan is suing the estate of the late Towkay Lee
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  • 546 19 INDUSTRY AND POLITICS IN AUSTRALIA The death occurred in London on Feb. 6. from bronchial pneumonia while on a visit to England of the Hon. William Lawrence Baillieu, of Melbourne, at the age of 76. He had played a prominent part in the political and industrial life
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  • 302 19 For only the second time since its foundation in 1876 the Dean Hole memorial prize- the National Rose Society’s finest award has been given to j someone outside Great Britain: to Mr., Alister Clark of Victoria. Mr. Clark has, been a pioneer of rose hybridisation >r. Australia. Since
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  • 295 19 AUSTRALIAN GERMAN BARTER PLAN Reasons For Rejection 1 Canberra, February 5. Sir Henry Gullett, Minister in Charge of Trade Treaties, said that he did not understand the reported surprise of the German Government at the Commonwealth's refusal to endorse the plan for bartering Australian wool for German goods. When he
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  • 243 19 Conviction Upheld In Electricity Case I Judgment was delivered by Sir Samuel Joyce Thomas (Chief Justice, F. M. S.), in the case in which Ng Wui Pang appealed against his conviction by the Klang Magistrate and a fine of $l5O, or, in default, four months’ rigorous imprisonment,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 91 19 ALL OVER THE world W The first choice of a discern* a °d world-wide public; pre-eminent for its tonie Jr bitterness and ever increasing n popularity 1 Over thirty years’ supremacy entitles Olde English Marmalade to the place of honour on Your table. Chivers' Olde English Marmalade < Try also
      91 words

  • 445 20 A. A. ANTHONY CO.'S QUOTATIONS Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers oelier» 1 Ayer Weng 1.75 1.80 1.75 1.80 B. Selangor 92 94 92% 95 Hitam 40 45 40 45 Ho..g Fatt 95 1.00 95 1.00 Jelebu 95 1.00 97% 102% 'Johan 27% 30 27% 30 1 Klang River 2.07 ft
    445 words
  • 185 20 The following are the latest quotations for today Buyers Sellers TIN Ampats 56 60 Ayer Hitams 14 9 15 6 Ayer Wengs 1.75 I.Boex B. Selangor 90 95 1 Chenderiangs 13 6 14 3 Hong Fatt 1.00 1.02%c Jelebus 94 97 Johan 28 30 I Kamuntings 12
    185 words
  • 332 20 KENNEDY COMPANY TODAY’S PRICES The following are the latest quotation* tn MESSRS. KENNEDY Ca’s Shan Liat today Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellen TIN A. Kumbang 29 6 31 0 29 0 30 0 B. Selangor 92 95 94 97 Hitam 42 45 42 45 Hong
    332 words
  • 226 20 Latest Quotations I Monday Saturday I Paris 74% 74 47 64 New’ York 4.99% 4.99 Montreal 4.99 4.98% r Brussels 29.34 29.29% Geneva 15.13 15.10% I Amsterdam 7.28 7.27 Milan 62 62 Berlin 12.30 12.29 Prague 119% 119 Copenhagen Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Vienna
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  • 16 20 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced between Mr. W. Somerville and Miss G. M. Wavish.
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  • 44 20 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 London Bank 2[4 1'32 4 m|st 214 3 32 Private 3 m)st credit 2 4 3:8 3 Documentary 2|4 112 On New York Demand 58 i India t.T. ***** France t.T. 260 Hong Kong,, T.T. 43 i Shanghai t.T. dlfl
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  • 126 20 YESTERDAY TODA 5 London (Spot) No market £207.0.0 London—(3 months) No market -201.0.0 Singapore $102.1214 $102.1214 Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA (Sundried) $5, 65 S 5 60 BLACK PEPPER $lO.OO $lO.OO RUBBER London 7%d 7% New York Holiday 15 9 16e(G Singapore—Sppt 25 %c 25 Feb./Mar 2
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  • 32 20 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mrs, Richard C. Stiven and Family, 19, Blackness Avenue, Dundee, return grateful thanks for all the kind sympathy and services extended to them in their recent bereavement, also for floral tributes,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 211 20 Aha, something a A£ ir! wonder if a filter tip tFX does make a difference ft v I r Doesn’t it though! Tip or tobacco, the flavour’s superb. Smooth as slow music, cool as a breeze n J So new that they are News A brand new i pleasure has
      211 words
    • 134 20 QUICK RECOVERY 1 AFTER ILLNESS WZ HAT ,rt lcr guarantee is needed of rhi j VV quality and tonic value of Buckfas*. Tonic Wine, than the fact that it* aoorce of origin is Buckfast Abbey, England. It is made by the Monks themselves according j to their own carefully guarded
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 38 20 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind Rainfall 6 a.m. 82 S.E. 2 m.m. Noon 80 N.W. TIDE TABLE TODAY High Water Low Water 1.59 a.m 8.34 a.m. 2.30 p.m 8.55 p.m. TOMORROW 2.34 a.m 9.06 a.m. 3.05 p.m 9.30 p.m.
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