Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 February 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
    20 words
  • 160 1 Reuter. For April/June Quarter PRICE RISES £1 IN LONDON London, Feb. 19. The International Tin Committee has reduced the output quota for the second quarter, April June, by five per cent, to 85 per cent. Token Cut” The International Tin Committee’s reduction
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 247 1 Reuter- Naval Talks Progress BATTLESHIP TONNAGE REDUCTION Italy Never Broached London, Feb. 19. \fter a two-hour meeting the >■ ting Committee of the Naval >. -nference today completed the draft treaty but battleship and political difficulties threaten to hold up the C nference for some time. e
    Reuter-  -  247 words
  • 181 1 with othei Rovaiist leagues-Reuter Wireless. All Parties Indignant At Attack Paris, Feb. 13Strong indignation was manifested in the < 'hamber in connection with the attack by members of the Royalist League, the Came ots du Roi, on the Socialist leader, M- Leon. The President and
    with othei Rovaiist leagues-Reuter Wireless.  -  181 words
  • 86 1 Reuter. Differences In Relations In 1905 1936 Tokio. Feb- 19The War Office has issued a 46-page pamphlet rememorating the Russo-Japanese war, pointing out the differences in Russo-Japanese conditions and relations in 1905 and 1936 and stressing that Russia is pursuing the same aggressive policy in the Far
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 101 1 .Reuter Wiseless. Agreement Announced In Commons London, Feb. 17. An extension of the Anglo-Irish coal and meat agreement was announced by Mr. Douglas Hacking in the House of Com- mons. The United Kingdom has agreed to a ten per cent, reduction in the duties on Irish meat and
    .Reuter Wiseless.  -  101 words
  • 54 1 Majesty King Edward. Rugby Radio Ser- vice. In the House cf Commons this afternoon the Prime Minister answering r rues* io?' said he could no‘ ay yet state when an an nouncement won't! be ncss b’- w»th regard to arrangements for the coronation of His Majesty King
    Majesty King Edward. Rugby Radio Ser- ' vice.  -  54 words
  • 284 1 Rugby Radio Service. Engaged In Night I Operations 3 KILLED OTHER 3 FEARED DROWNED > London, Feb 19. At question time in the House of Commons, th? Undyr-Secretary for Air Sir Philip Sassoon, gave particulars of accidents which occurred early today. i He said the
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  284 words
  • 34 1 NURSE FLORENCE ALICE ALLEN, who u'tis awarded the Albert Medal for heroism during the Quetta earthquake, uxw presented with the medal by the King at Buckingham Palace on February 18.
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  • 124 1 Western, (Chester,) Command. Rugby Radio Service. Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Kirke Appointed Dir.-General London, Feb. 19. Lieutenant-General Sir Walter Kirke has been appointed Director-General of the Territorial Army in succession to Lieu-tenant-General Sir Charles Bonham-Carter who. as announced two days ago. has been appointed Governor and Commander-in- Chief of
    Western, (Chester,) Command.Rugby Radio Service.  -  124 words
  • 119 1 Reuter. Further Reduction Urged IBY INCREASE IN VOLUME OF BANK MONEY London, Feb. 19. An urgent plea for further reduction in long term interest rates by another increase in the volume of bank money was made by Mr. J. M. Keynes presiding at the annual meeting
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 566 1 Revealed At Council Meeting I I QUESTIONS BY HON. MR. E. D. SHEARN Will Reserve Fund Be Started (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 20The High Commissioner presided over the meeting of the Federal Council this morning. At the outset the Acting Chief
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  • 121 1 Rugby Radio Service. The King Visits British Industries Fair London, Feb. 19. After holding the first investiture of his reign at Buckingham Palace at which he conferred on 160 persons honours granted by his father in the New Year’s Honours Lift the King today fulfilled his first
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  121 words
    I.—Reuter.  -  9 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1724 2 RATES FOR CASUAL' to let gAN K S NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL 1 ADVERTISEMENTS I M i J J r and verandah. Fully furnished. HONG KONG AND I THE MERCANTILE BANK 1j t Pleasant compounds. Immediate entry. ki/* LI AI DAMVIMf* OF INDIA. LIMITED. 1 1 J All communications relating toj
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  • 251 3 Nazi Lies Openly Denounced Several thousand Catholics in Munich on Feb. 9 openly displayed their opposition J to the Nazi regime in Germany. They cheered loudly for ex-Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavariaone of the few people in Germany who dares to be known publicly as an
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  • 308 3 Cowman's Death Sequel A charge of poisoning her husband by arsenic was preferred on Feb. 10 at Bryant. The husband, Frederick John Bryant, 39, a cowman, died in Sherborne Hospital on Dec 22 after being taken suddenly ill at hi s home at Coombe, where he
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  • 537 3 AN b.nglish heiress defied her father and forfeited her hopes of lortnne to marry in the Russian Orthodox Church in London on February 8, the foreigner on whom she has set her heart. Andre Mikhelson, thirty-one-years-old Russian author, six feet tall, fairhaired, left
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  • 229 3 NOW HE SHOWS HOW TO RUN HOTELS j A young man with a title who once peel- ed potatoes and onions in a West End hotel I kitchen is now being hailed as one of the greatest hoteliers in New York. I He is the Hon.
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  • 247 3 Guildford, Feb. 8 I visited a local Samson today, whose hair is so strong that he can pull a light car with it; writes a "Sunday Chronicle" Correspondent. He is also proof against pain. His name is Francis Cummings; and like the original Samson, his
    247 words
  • 254 3 LABOUR CHAMPION ANOTHER nCW KC s have cn appointed y e King, on the recommendation of the I Lord Chancellor. They are: Mr. Noel Middleton; Mr. K.R. SwanMr. F.E. Bray; Mr. G.R. Blanco WhiteMr. H.P. Glover; Mr. H. St. John Field;
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  • 176 3 Tragedy In Mid-Ocean London, Feb. 11. Mystery imrrounds the disappearance from the North German Lloyd liner Bremenwhich left Southampton for New York last weekof Mr. Adolph Cotton, aged 25, a student of archaeology, who had been working at the British Museum. A wireless message
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 Help Kidneys D n tT ake Drastic Drugs a?!."' J?.""»" ware! If Kidney trouble nr s StaX Tains fl Ne^ousn 1 ?r“i es stl u„ n d“Sunste? sSV’ft vitality In 48 hours. f’y„ tex IT
      35 words
    • 122 3 ABOUT A TONIC WINE MADE BY MONKS. Buckfast Tonic Wine is made and guaranteed by the Monks of Buckfast Abbey, England. Many years of pitien’ research were devoted to the discovery of its formula, which is now a closely guarded secret Rich and vitalising, Buckfast is of immense help to
      122 words
    • 398 3 EVERY WOMAN TAKES PRIDE WT T IN HER HOUSE Cheap disinfectants have no value J They merely smother unpleasant l odours with their own peculiar smell, and the money paid for them literally goes down the drain L YPE N E is a modern disinfectant. It’s soap «-ontent lifts the
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  • 431 4 Two Men Boy On Menaces Charges FATHER’S PLEA FOR SON Iwo men and a boy were committed at Clerkenwell on Feb. 8 to the Old Bailey, The men were: Albert Edward Thompson, 21, a painter, of Northdown-street, Islington. and .John Stapleton, 27, a labourer, of
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  • 269 4 200 Rooms And An Old English Garden Queen Mary spent two hours on Feb. 10 on a tour of inspection at Marlborough House, which is likely to become her new home. I King George was born there and after- wards he and Queen Mary
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  • 542 4 MORE THAN A HUNDRED WITNESSES Manchester, Feb. 8. Mr. Norman Birkett, K.C., will probably defend Dr. Buck Ruxton, the Lancaster medical man, when he appears at Manchester Assizes on the double charge of murdering his wife, Mrs. Isabella Ruxton, age thirty-five, a Scotswoman, and Mary
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  • 407 4 Call For Grouping Of Facilities I SIR DAVID OWEN AND BIG SHIP ERA The danger of excessive capital expenditure on British ports, of competition between different centres, and the need for the grouping" of British ports for < control purposes were discussed by Sir David
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  • 450 4 "Grave Position" In i London i i WATER SUPPLY NOT SATISFACTORY I I There might be grave danger in certain districts of London from fire in the event of an air raid,” state the General Purposes Committee of the London County Council in their report
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  • 208 4 II I First changes in the Royal Household i made by the King were announced in f he Court Circular on Feb. 1. I They were: j SIR R. SEYMOUR Lieut -Colonel Sir Reginald Seymour succeeds Captain the Lord Claud Hamilton as Equerry-ih- Waiting to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 I STEEL I Bullock Corts I Portable Tanks I Storage Tanks I Export Drums I Refuse Bins I Shelving, Benches. I EASTERN MFG. I CO- I 1. River Road. li PENANG. 11
      32 words
    • 231 4 I I THE LEADING MEDICINE SFOR IN DISEASES, ULCERS, SORES, ENLARGED GLANDS, BOILS, and BAD LEGS, RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS, PAINFUL JOINTS, LOSS OF VIGOUR. Clarke’s Blood Mixture is the direct way to health as it removes the CAUSE of the disease from the blood and restores health and vitality. Ask for
      231 words

  • 1394 5 PASSENGER'S EVIDENCE IN GRIEVOUS HURT CASE PEDESTRIAN WHO CROSSED ROAD Singapore, Feb. 19. It the resumed hearing yesterday of the charges of causing hurt by rash and neglig< nt driving, preferred against Mr. L. M. A’yliv of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore, Mrs. D. O. Moseley, one
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  • 440 5 Church Street Bookmaking: Case SECOND ACCUSED FINED, $4O At the conclusion of the case yesterday in which tw’O Indians Abdul Rahman and I Veeraperi were charged with assisting in the management of a common betting house No. 21. Church Street, Mr. H. A. |L. Luckham, the Police Magistrate,
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  • 348 5 CHANGE IN SOLICITORS ORDINANCE Singapore, Feb. 18 Important alterations to the Advocates and Solicitors Ordinance of 1934 have been made by the first reading at yesterday's Legislative Council meeting of an amending bill. Nine new sections replace one section of the old bill. These sections alter the pro-
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  • 125 5 Distressing Accident Near Bidor Tapah, Feb. 18A distressing accident occurred at about 2 p-m- yesterday in a stone quarry not far from Bidor, resulting in the death of a Chinese named Chong SeeIt appears that while the deceased was working at the foot of a hilfi the earth
    125 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 523 5 3 CHOOSE AT > WHITEAWAYS YOUR OFFICE PEN i !> OTHE U-O S I 11 1® E LIIET" ii EH THE ONLY FOUNTAIN PEN WITH I 1 < i 9 THE rel,ef nib in gold 111 s I n no other pen can you obtain the famous "Relief” Xib in
      523 words

  • 248 6 METHODS OF PROGRESSION in the Tidworth area of Wiltshire where the River Bourne has overflowed, and South West England inundating the countryside. Floods were reported from many parts of South More Floods B CROWN PRINCE I RETURNS. The Duke of York shaking hands with Prince
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  • 365 7 Trade Commissioner On Growing Market COMMONWEALTH RECOVERY HELPS Singapore, Feb. 18 Mr. C.E. Critchley, ths Australian Trade Commissioner in Batavia, who hag been visiting Singapore to study market prospects, sees great possibilities f o r increased trade between Malaya and AustraMr. Critchley said that Australia,
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  • 249 7 Interesting Case Heard I In Tapah I Tapah, Feb. 17. An interesting case today was partly card by the local magistrate who, after j «•cording evidence led by the prosecution, stponed further hearing to the 26th inst. A Chinese, Cheong Fong, was charged with sending
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  • 545 7 PRESIDENT'S WIFE TELLS ;OF ANOTHER PLEBISCITE j Singapore Feb. 18. Pr H Aurora Aragon Quezon, wife of the waZn“ rt f 7 Phhppine Commonwealth. I Ho..X <J luncheon at Government "Cas ye erdaybySirSh 'ot7h S v QUeZ n mak K a ho,ida v oon
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  • 65 7 Kuala Lumpur, Feb 19 Th-"* mangled rema ns of a Tam'd w?< e discovered on the railway line near Pe taling Road daughter house yesterday morn ng rear Kuala Lumpur. Decea cd was identified as a gang cooli and had apparen‘ly been knocked down by a.
    65 words
  • 201 7 Millionaire Tourists AVERAGE AGE IS SEVENTY Singapore, Feb. 18. A luxurious American yacht is now in the Roads. On boaru are a party elderly American millionaires who are on a leisurely trip round the world. THE ISOLANDA The palatial Yacht, cal’ed the Isol and a, is
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  • 215 7 Malay Youth To Go To Prison Kuala Kangsar. Feb. 18 Ibrahim bin Mat Taib, a Malay youth of Kota Lama was brought before Che Othman First Magistrate, Kuala Kangsar yesterday on a charge that he committed j theft of a pair of gold bangles belonging to
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  • 657 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Scott Dalgleish has just returned to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore. Mr. V. D. d’Oliveiro, Veterinary Inspector, Padang Besar, is proceeding to Alor Star on transfer. Mr. R. F. W. Leonard, of Mansfield 'and Co. Ltd., is sailing for Home on i leave by the Patroclus.” Mr. Feo
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 414 7 Jill Xiddies 2s>ove I KID-KORD” NURSERY RHYME AND ZOO TALE I RECORDS I The greatest GIFT OF JOY FOR GIRL OR I BOY is an Album of loud tone, electrically produced KID-KORD gramophone Records. K There are two complete and different series of j these miniature masterpieces. SIX RECORDS IN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 60 8 P.C.C. V. S.X.R.C. The following will represent the S.X.R.C. on Saturday, February 22, at the Esplanade nt 2.15 p.m. A. J. Williams, C. Wat Gart, D. La E. Rodrigues, F. A. Peutens, G. Mah Teong, K. Boon C’ioo, L. Hoot Yeang, L. Sow’ Chek, L. Seang Guan and
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  • 42 8 Go«\* M&dciS 1935 The draw u the 1935 Go’d Medal which is to be p’\ d io. op Saturday is as foilown G A. Carmichael v. W H- Brodie. R..H. Williams v. J.D. Petrie. W. Anderson v. J. Paterson.
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  • 119 8 Reuter. Chelsea Fulham Meet Again But No Result NEWCASTLE DEFEATED BY ARSENAL London. Feb. 19. In the replay match between Chelsea and Fulham, in the Fifth Round of the Association Football Cup. there was no decision the match resulting in a goalless draw. Arsenal defeated Newcastle
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 195 8 New Machine Gives Satisfaction I The flying time for the month was as! follows Hours Muis. Solo 19 45 Instruction 27 15 Cross Country 23 55 Joy Rides 8 00 Test 4 55 83 50 Private Machine 26 .40 110 30 I The chief event of
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  • 66 8 Reuter. Match With Piako i Drawn (VISITORS RECOVER AFTER BAD START Mataniata, February’ 19. The match between the M. C. C. and I Piako was drawn. I Piako scored 104 (Sims 4 for 33). hi. C. C. had scored 100 for the loss of 4 wici
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 215 8 Lawn Tennis Tournament The following ties have been arranged TUESDAY Men’s Doubles H’cap (Final) R. D. Milligan and C. N. Reed v. R. MSnge H F. Clancy. Veterans Doubles H’cap (Final): J. Martin and F. N. Syer Scr. v. H. E. Muriel M T P. Rulels.l. Ladies’
    215 words
  • 214 8 Mountain Stream To Class 3 LATEST S. R. A. AMENDMENTS i The following are the latest amendments t etc., to the Straits Racing Association Official Classification list cf herses and poI mes I I HORSES TRANSFERS.— Her be Folle from Class 2 to
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  • 32 8 Freddie Miller Outpoints Pena Seattle. Feb. 19 Freddie Miller, the World’s Featherweight Champion according to the National Boxing Association, outpointed Johnny Pena at San Francisco in a 12 rounds
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 Beauty Cream that Removes Hair SWEET SCENTED SAFE-SPEEDY HS SOFT AND WHITE 1 pFU WITHOUT A TRACE B OF UGLY HAIR F y The latest discovery of science. A dainty delightfully perfumed toilet jream which ends superfluous hair, and vhich can safely be used on the most ensitive skineven on
      141 words
    • 201 8 > ~]J)unlop SHUTTLES »MADE TO CONFORM TO THE LAWS OF THE BADMINTON ASSOCIATION Distributors CHEN C 0.,! 32 BEACH ST., PENANG. I I i ST@P U TH4E tur« means oi j relief from coughing a EVANS' Pastilles. In the procew e 4 cissoMng they tend penetrating antiseptic vapours Wo every
      201 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 138 8 incT'in tonight OPENING TOMORROW! wwvwav. MAJ tbi 4-15 9-30 j PARAMOUNTS SUPERB COMPANION PICTURE TO "THE LOVE PARADE (LA /X <n<l TLF’ Tt-JT 59 JOHN BOLES I ulb\® S lnl©ffS®s AND With *Stft R|L 1 JEAN MUIR I The Popular Star of MURDER AT THE VANITIES BRISSOH Orßi ftß ~cHios
      138 words

  • 2533 9 ENGLAND CAUGHT NAPPING—BEATEN RIGHT ON TIME TWO SNAP TRIES FOLLOW BLUNDERS Rugby Football IRELAND 6 pt.s., ENGLAND 3 Dublin, Feb. 8 To everyone’s surprise, and most cf all to the supporters of Ireland the home country beat England by two tries lo a tiy.
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  • 260 9 Wrist Fractured By Fall FORCED TO RETIRE Cannes Feb. 2 After making a gallant recovery in the second set against Mme. Mathieu in the final of the Gallia Tournament Miss S. Noel was forced to retire. In running for a drop-shot, she slipped
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 347 9 How To Get Rid Of A SHINY NOSE PERMANEN TL Y I A a -J k (By a Skin Sptcialitf.) I \f R/i No man likes to see a woman take out LZ] Z her powder puff and commence powdering i 1 her face at a Thĕ Dansant, to hide
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  • 866 10 First thoughts at a glance of a report of the S.S. (Penang) Association yesterday was the lamentable failure of the Penang public to support a verv laudable body; that aspect of the matter and a plea for a bigger membership were made yesterday. As we mentioned yesterday
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  • 80 10 The engagement is announced and the marriage will shortly take place of Mr. Douglas Cook, sjon of Mr. Mrs. Wallace Cook of Oakley, Merstham. Surrey and Miss Rhona Munro of Tree-Hill, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Mr. D.D.B. Cook wa 3 formerly with Messrs. Boustead Co.,
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  • 1082 10 Earliest Printed Account In the Middle Ages the vague legend of a Christian kingdom ruled by a priestking, Prester John, hung like a mist over the East. In the fourteenth century the mist cleared, and Prester John was identified as the Negus of Abyssinia. Early in the
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  • 158 10 Rugby Radio Service. Revision Rests With League Members London, February 19. Replying to the debate raised in the House of Lords by Lord Rennell on the I constitution of the League of Nations, the Under-Secretary fcr Foreign Affairs, Lord Stanhope, said that fcr ma*?y reasons the British Government
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  158 words
  • 49 10 Rugby Radio Service- London, February 19. The Middlesex County Council is issuing at par £2,500,000 of three per cent, redeemable stock to be applied for refunding £1.109.000 of the three and half per cent. < stock and for rew capital developments sanctioned by the Ministry of Health.
    Rugby Radio Service-  -  49 words
  • 130 10 proceeding with the conversations. Rugbv Radio Service. Preliminary Conversations Next Month London, Feb. 19. Reports from Cairo state that March 2 i has been fixed as the opening date for preliminary conversations between the British i and the Egyptian delegations in connection with negotiations for a new Anglo-Egy*p-,tian
    proceeding with the conversations.Rugbv Radio Service.  -  130 words
  • 51 10 Reuter Wireless- London, Feb- 17The income of the B. B. C- in 1935 increased to approximately £2,500,000 and expenditure to £2,148,000, according to the ninth annual report. Licences increased by a quarter of a million to 7,400,000- Weekly appeals for good causes realised the record figure of £lll,OO0Reuter
    Reuter Wireless-  -  51 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 307 10 B$ 1 I BEAUTIFIERS i a 3 j; are beauty preparations of repute and highest purity. They y consist of f I I 1 < AMBROSIA !S CLEANSER A wonderfully efficacious skin overhauling treatment 0 and renewer. i 1“ AMBROSIA YIGHTENER i For large pores, wrinkles, Oiliness etc., etc. <
      307 words
    • 46 10 *1 s n b a r. r r n r r r s s < NATURAL MINERAL WATER j The Ideal Beverage for use in the Tropics. CORRECTS ACIDITY AND AIDS DIGESTION I BOLX A&BNT8: Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd.. PENANG. Btag«|Mrß, Ipeb and Kuala Lumpur. B AW.V.".S".V
      46 words

  • 303 11 MONARCHY'S RESTORATION Singapore, February 19. While Innce Don Juan, the young heir-presumptive to the Spanish -hrone. was sleeping in a Singapore hotel, a revolution was sweeping Ihrough Madrid. The -Left Front” gained a clear victory
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  • 409 11 But Not In Penang PASSENGERS LEAVING j TOMORROW rhe Blue Funnel liner Patroclus” which due at Penang tomorrow has come to ,ny Malaya out of one of the worst inters of the North China Coast. She is snow and ice-bound in Dairen (Man-, rnkuo) and
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  • 537 11 WEIGHT LOST IN MILLING Singapore, Feb. 19. e probable loss in weight whe n inferior rubber is milled and converted was an is- sue raised in the High Court, Singapore IJ! before Mr a'Becket rreii ln a case Jaunched by Lee Ruan Woo, trading
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  • 72 11 Steering Gear Fails: Runs Into Ditch Yesterday a Ford >orry. P. 2594. was travelling from Penang to Taiping «hen X it had gone about eleven miles something went wrong with the steering gear. The lorry turned right round and then went into the ditch. The windscreen was
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  • 89 11 OWNERS NOT TO RAISE RENTAL The ricksha pullers are not going on strike. Negotiations between the owners and the representatives of pullers have successfully concluded. At a general meeting yesterday afternoon at the Hooi Keow Association, Gladstone Road, which was attended by representatives of the
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  • 125 11 Woodcutter Who Resisted Arrest (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, Feb- 19A Chinese woodcutter was produced before the Taiping Magistrate today on a charge of putting up resistance by attempting to strike a Forest Guard with an axe. According to the prosecution when the Guard questioned the accused
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  • 185 11 Tan Khor Two weddings were solemnised at the Penang Buddhist Association yesterday. The first was that of Mr. Tan Ghee Kcoi. youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tan Teik Keng, and Miss Kh o r Phaik Guat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Khor Cheng
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  • 145 11 Johore Chinese Fined Singapore, February 19. Mr. S. Fung, the Singapore lawyer, was complainant in a case before the fifth magistrate, yesterday, in which a Johore Chinese lorry driver was charged with driving recklessly on Bukit Timah Road on February 4. Mr. Fung said that the lorry overtook
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  • 57 11 Reuter Wireless. London. Feb- 17Arrangements have been completed for a world-wide broadcast of the departure of the liner Queen Mary from the Clyde shipyard where she is being fitted out, on Mar- 24 or 25It is expected that a quarter of a million people will
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 394 11 $25,000 FOR SCHOOL BUILDING FUND Singapore, Feb. 18. It has been announced by the Rev. R. K. S. Adams, principal of the St. Andrew’s School, that through the generosity of Messrr. Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par a sum of $25,000 has been promised
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  • 158 11 Daughter Of Mr. Walter j Runciman In Singapore I i Singapore, February 19. Mrs. King Farlow, a daughter cf the Rt. Hen. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, arrived in Singapore in th? liner Marnix van St. Aldegonde’’ yesterday and is staying at Government Hous?
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  • 147 11 Police Request To Car Driver Singapore, February 19. The Singapore police wish to communicate with a Chinese motorist who between six and seven o’clock on the night of February 11, near the seashore on the East Coast Road, assisted a young Chinese woman by taking her to her
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 More Health and Happiness for MALAYA! GU jx»* Wfeß® i Aiii 1 Ml (1 n icl 351 \v JteMw i <( Here she comes, with her rich gift z z from the green pastures of England I J U'.' Factory packed with its fresh wholesome nutrition intactCow Gate Milk Food
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  • 247 12 5.047 Tons Below Quota Amsterdam, Feb. 10 The preliminary Netherlands Indies export figures of rubber for January, published today, show that exports during January were short the quotas of 25.400 tons by 5,047 tons, the deficit of estate exports amounting to 2,119 tons., and that of native
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  • 437 12 Increased Net Profit of £7,960 Accounts of Toerangie (Sumatra) Rubber and Produce Estates (a member of Harrisons and Crosfield group) to 31st Oct. show net profit £7.960 (agst- £5,4 i 0), alter charging £9,793 (£7,682) loss on exchange and £1,059 (£1.182) to depreciation. Adding £16.930
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  • 975 12 TWO UNDER EUROPEAN CARE ARE EXCEPTIONS The business of dairying in the Straits Settlements does not assume the proportions and commercial importance of pigfarming. One of the chief reasons for this 1 is the competition found in the tinned milk j trade. I Except for
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  • 991 12 Review Of Past Year's Operations DIVIDEND MAINTAINED I he twenty-fifth ordinary general meeting of the Bila (Sumatra) Rubber Lands, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, 1-4, Great Tower Street, London, EC. 3, on Thursday, 6th February, 1936. Mr- H. Eric Miller (the
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  • 106 12 Additional Vote For i Penang Launches That Malaya is now paying for the economy introduced in the slump is shown by a vote of $3,800 made for the additional maintenance of steam launches belonging to the Marine Department. Penang. It is stated that owing to the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 123 12 itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes Tour skin has nearly 50 million tiny earns or pores where tiny Kerins or paraBites can hide and cause your skin to Itch, «'rack, reel, Hum, also Eczema, Dhoby Itch, ItinKworm, Pimples, Acne, Crotch-Itch, and Singapore Foot. Don’t waste time with ordinary methods. You
      123 words
    • 48 12 JOHNNIE q, WAbKfR JM. is the whisky IjWL. whose biggest re- JWk commendation is /y\V* found inside the ly bottle Born 1820 still going strong. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD., (incorporated under the Companies’ Ordinances of Hongkong.) (Incorporated in Shanghai.) PENANG Singapore Kuala Lumpur I SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA.
      48 words
    • 170 12 i ii i .ji i_.ii wi tui The white Visible v wO dot identifies the Lifetime Pen TIIE world’s finest writing instrument. SHEAFFER S LIFETIME FEATHERTOUCH pen with its patented BALANCE shape, w rites with a smoothness that w ill deli<dit vou. TWO-WAY writing—held normally it gives your regular stroke;
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  • 225 13 Reuter and Reuter Wireless. Sand Put In Oil Of Emperor's Plane BATTLE NEAR MAKALE Abyssinians Admit Heavy Losses BUT ITALIAN CLAIM RIDICULED Addis Ababa, Feb. 19. pb>t against the life of the Negus was discovered at the airport. It is understood that sand was put
    Reuter and Reuter Wireless.  -  225 words
  • 87 13 Perjury Charge SENTENCED TO IMPRISONMENT FINE (brom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Feb. 19. alter Denis Lambert, manager of the Pavilion Theatre, Singapore, was convicted by Mr. 11. A. Forrer, Criminal District Judge, this morning on three charges of perjury. He was sentenced to a total of
    87 words
  • 29 13 lit J)tn Batavia, February 19. Export duty on native rubber has bt en fix* 1 at 33 guilders per hundred kilogramt dry as from February 20
    lit J)tn .  -  29 words
  • 199 13 leuter. Covernment Resigns Following Attempted Coup Madrid, Feb. 19. The Government has resigned. Military leaders attempted to seize con- j rol of the country late last night but the coup was thwarted by prompt action of he Government which retains power. Two iigh army officials have been
    leuter.  -  199 words
  • 218 13 American Lawyer To Help Draft Treaty FRANCE TO GIVE WAY TO U.S. -ru x, London, Feb. 19. finl? 3tX al £T f r nCe iS enteri s 8 ages. An American lawyer has arrived to help to draft the treaty. I The situation i s
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  • 94 13 .Rugby Radio Service Numbers Broken Up Or Sold In 1935 London. Feb. 19 The details of the number of ships broken up and sold to foreigners in 1935 are given in a written answer by the President cf the Board of Trade. The figures were 178 steamships of
    .Rugby Radio Service  -  94 words
  • 55 13 Rugby Radio Service. To Be Debated On Monday In Commons London. Feb. 19. The supplementary estimates for £7.800,000 for the Navy, the Army and the Air Force mainly incurred in the concentration of British Forces in Egypt and the Mediterranean. will probably be debated in the House
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  55 words
  • 69 13 Reuter. Two Machines Crash THREE KILLED AND THREE MISSING London, Feb. 19. Two Royal Air Force bombers were lost in manoeuvres in which 72 bombers were participating. The first fell into the sea at Le Havre. One of the crew swam ashore but the other three are
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 45 13 Reuter. One Machine Arrives At Amoy Amoy. February 19. The R.A.F. Plane which has been delayed in Manila for engine repairs arrived here direct at 2 p.m. after an eight-hour flight. The two machines from Hongkong are expected tomorrow morning. Reuter.
    .- Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 63 13 Execution In Lost Week Of March New York, February 19. Hauptmann has been sentenced again to die in the week of March 30.Reuter. Hauptmann’s appeal against sentence of death for the murder of the Lindbergh baby was rejected by the Court of Pardons on January 11 but
    63 words
  • 28 13 .—Reuter. Leaves For Germany On Health Trip Shanghai. Feb- 19. Mr. Wang Ching-wei left for Germany aboard the ss. Genisenau” to recuperat his health
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 59 13 Gold was 144 (Hid.—Rugby Radio Service London. Feb. 19. Sterling on New York was 4.98-11T6 and (Paris 74-3(4. j The Stock Markets were generally firm and Internationals good. German and French funds were steady I and British Funds show an upward movement with War Loan at 107-1 16.
    Gold was 144 (Hid.—Rugby Radio Service .  -  59 words
  • 36 13 Renter. Squadron Leader MacGregor Wellington. Feb. 19 Squadron Leader MacOregor of air Race and war Time fam.. crashed in binding ut the tijr port bercf in a gale and died of injuries. Renter.
    Renter.  -  36 words
  • 134 13 .Reuter. Imprisonment As Deterrent London, Feb. 19. In the House of Commons, Mr. W- Lunn tLabour» drew attention to the Committee's finding that while the mui tsai of Hcngkong were undesirable, any attempt to stop the practice was doom d to failure and asked whether the Government
    .Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 68 13 .Rugby Radio Service. Continues To Draw Record Crowds London, Feb. 19. Many large orders were placed at the British Industries Fair yesterday and the second day’s attendance of world buyers, both at London and Birmingham, again passed the figures for last year. The London sections of the
    .Rugby Radio Service.  -  68 words
  • 29 13 Rugby Radio Service. Improved Condition Maintained I i j London, February 19. J The improvement in Lord Beatty’s cond*tion has been maintained and his pro- gress cof-tinues.
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  29 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 44 13 Nacet blades have an established reputation for fine quality at an amazingly low price. Their absolute reliability has won for them great popularity every blade gives many quick, clean and smooth shaves. Nacet blades fit three-peg razors. MADE IN ENGLAND A—jTrin 3 PEG RAZORS
      44 words
    • 229 13 Make This A eDate Friday 21st inst. We have arriving from England a consignment of FRESH ENGLISH VEGETABLES, the first cf their kind imported into Penang from England. CAULIFLOWERS, CELERY, LETTUCE, PARSNIPS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, SAVOYS, TURNIPS, TURNIP TOPS. Also LEMONS, SPANISH ONIONS CRANBERRIES. z There is always something Fresh at
      229 words

  • 565 14 NOTICE The. Air Mails despatched on February 9 per the Imperial Airways and on February 12 per the Netherlands Aircraft were delivered in London on February 18. OUTWARD IMPERIAL AIR MAIL The Outward Imperial Aircraft (due Penang 19 236) is expected to arrive at Bayan Lepas at
    565 words
  • 901 14 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Sehedafe Of Principal Lines I The following is a list of vessels arriving and Flailing from Penang during the week IN PORT TODAY S.S. FLINTSHIRE from London via Suez Sails same day for Port Swettenham Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai and Dairen. S.S. HECTOR from Liverpool. Sails for Hong
    901 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 41 14 BROADCAST HINDUSTANI &TA L RECORDS Are the out-come of the H Music Treasure» of Em Musicians who will be the of India, nay. of the whole w Latest Releases just arrive Sole Agents THE INDIAN FlLi< AGENCY. 130 Penang Road, Penang
      41 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1681 14 Wireless Programmes 3B son (Bass-baritone). Greenwich Time 7.30 8.8. C. Weekly Bulletin. 7.45 Signal at 7.20 p.m. 7.35 From the Wo- Dance Music. 7.55 Anthony and ComTODAY man’s Point of View.”* A talk by Cori- pany’s Share Report. 8.00 Asiatic Transmissions sande” (Miss M. T. Hogg). 7.50 Mono- Music. 8.30
      1,681 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1859 15 C~j j~ W 1 r 4 I I £3- c 1 f py \J 15 H* 1 /iv x l w hamburg-amerika linie WMIA? i ''i.'" >BLUK|!UMMIIL LIMB hambubg. ..JMSHFiffl*** 1 tlgmfeuiit»; dondon? and north continent Leave Doe Eastern Mail Passenger and Freight Service in conjunction with Glen Shire Line.
      1,859 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 115 16 22 Passengers prefer Public demand for accommodation by Imperial Airways and its associated companies is so great that their services have been DOUBLED. This ever-increasing patronage by travellers is due to the following facts amongst others 1. All the air liners flying on the Australia, India, England routes have four
      115 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 309 16 «L 9® >. My p><wb i>s< 7i*y 6-30 OPENING TONIGHT 9-30 I 6-15 NIGHTLY 9-30 matinee Saturday, 22nd, at 2-30 p.m. UNIQUE FILM CO.'S MILLION DOLLAR SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S PRODUCTION DARING DRAMA OF A WOMAN'S LOVE I THE MIGHTIEST THRILLING CANTONESE TALKIE AN ALL-STAR EVENT! Warner Bros, team </’ the star
      309 words
    • 239 16 Thursday, 20th February, 1936.. Fun Frolic Park. MAIN GATE 10 CENTS ONLY. Combined FOONG SAU LIN FOONG HENG LIN CANTONESE OPERAS FAH BOK LUN Starring Misses Moay Lan Heong, Chan Gim Loong, Mr. Mun Kok Fie, etc., etc. SEATS :BO, 60, 40 and 20 cents. NO FR EE LISIAMOY MISS
      239 words

  • 237 17 Hearse Borrowed For Funeral NURSE CAVELL’S FRIEND Brussels, Feb. 10i Bodart, the British war heroine and ant companion of Nurse Cavell, was 1 here in circumstances which aroused it pity and indignation. I had died in poverty, and the funeral >es were subscribed by Belgian ex-1
    237 words
  • 336 17 Lively Incidents Aix-En-Provence, Feb. 9 A series of lively incidents between. counsel for the defence on the one side and the Judge and prosecuting counsel on the J other marked the proceedings at the con- < tinuation here on Feb. Bof the trial of I Raditch, Kralj,
    336 words
  • 540 17 Story Of New Gas I Torpedo i MERCHANT NOT GUILTY i OF FRAUD I A man, frequently referred to as The Colonel,” whose name was not disclosed, gave evidence at the Old Bai'ey, on Feb--10 when Alexander Herbert Tucker. 40, a merchant, of Basinghall-street, E-C-,
    540 words
  • 198 17 Delayed Action Victims I Gas is by far the most humane weapon of all those used in war. The Geneva protocol of 1925 was actuated by false and 1 foolish sentimentalism.” Major-General Sir Henry Thuillier, speaking at the Royal United Service Institution. Nearly 21 years
    198 words
  • 376 17 EX-NURSE LORD JELLICOE'S GIFT Her Care For Family During War 'THEY STILL VISIT ME’ A woman who, during the war years, was nurse to the children of Lord Jellicoe. learned with surprise on the publication on Feb. 10 of the famous admiral's will that she had been left £lOO. She
    376 words
  • 215 17 Saved By A New Treatment Havana, Feb. 9 The Count of Covadonga, the eldest son of King Alfonso, w’as completely out of danger as the result of the remarkable and quite unhoped-for success of a new treatment for patients suffering from haemophilia, bleeding disease.
    215 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 123 17 ZtIBMBI-- r FLAVOURS~| /SPwIP? wfT< i U //•<! s PU LAR W®i-P ALL OVER E WORLD A Consistent high quality that never varier "Kid a wide range of V \Sj, <\ delicious flavours have ensured xS\ universal fame for Olivers* 'ty/ Jellies. Delightfully cool and appetising, they are, at the
      123 words
    • 388 17 USE 1 iioVIM' J u I ITS for cleaning paintwork r I MX f/f X r- Vr X You can’t do without Vim J Jl for cleaning your paintwork! m Its scientific double action” t F first loosens the dirt then I j picks it up. Just a little Vim
      388 words

  • 1912 18 THE KING AND HIS PREDECESSORS Training, Character And Duty 25 YEARS AGO AND NOW THE beginning of a new reign is not a mere date in the calendar, but rather: a herald of the future. It marks, or. if we are not conscious of it
    1,912 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 97 18 Il Mu w lil!iMi r iiJ/f®. >1 l/'x f k< A _-□u vtsT SMS ro VES. WTER <«. HAD A TIGER I NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED FANCY LADIES' STRAW HATS (MADE IN ENGLAND.) Many Varieties. All Latest Colours. New Fashions. I All Sizes. Sole Importers M. A. PITCHAY GUNNY SON,
      97 words
    • 880 18 I 1 glands Made Active and Yfiii’hfel Vigour Restored In 24 Hours a. lowed by renewed American Doctor s Discovery Sirengtn- jlgsoßh ergy and ambition, t nimriiwM n j ticularly gratifying cns Blood, Nerves, Body, Memory, sfW xnen and women in n j. a die or older ages.” .a Brflin,
      880 words

  • 649 19 Amazing Story Of British Officer’s Trick Belgians Disguised As Jocks Secret Of Big Flanders Massacre DRAMATIC CALL TO FLEET And A Daring Ruse That Stopped Germans N astonishing story of how a British officer was responsible for winning the Great War by an
    649 words
  • 161 19 Brisbane Has The Oldest, Too Age is no limit to enterprise in Bris- bane. In this city live the Empire's young-’ est amateur radio operator, 13-year-old. Madoline McKenzie, and the man believed to be the oldest, Mr. Philip Hardgrave, t aged 76 years. From Brisbane also
    161 words
  • 127 19 Ordered For Sydney s Defence As part of the big reorganisation of Australia’s defence forces, both mobile and coastal made in accordance with an Empire defence plan, huge new guns have been ordered for the protection of Sydney. The first has just arrived, according to Austral News,
    127 words
  • 241 19 SIGN OF WORLD TRADE REVIVAL After a sharp decline, due to the world t ie depression, emigration is increasing again. This evidence of economic re- <»•, try is examined in a report on the u.gration of workers issued by the Interitional Labour Office of the
    241 words
  • 371 19 Fiscal Severance Of N. China SALT TAX DETAINED Peking. According to Chinese reports the Japanese military authorities are pressing for the complete fiscal severance of North China from Nanking. Their demands are stated to include the retention of all Customs, salt, postal telegraph and telephone, railway, shipping,
    371 words
  • 119 19 Without garage and forced therefore, tc leave his car in the street, a Sydney shopkeeper sleeps in it at night rather than expose it to the activities of car thieves. He has already been the victim of several thefts. Sometimes relatives
    119 words
  • 71 19 Prospector Is Grateful There is one Australian at least who feels kindly disposed towards rabbits. A prospector at Alice Springs owes h’s discovery of tin to what looked like black 'stone found in a rabbit’s burrow. The animal, says Austral News, had dug up a piece
    71 words
  • 73 19 To strengthen Brisbane’s defence f he Commonwealth has decided to establish a new fort with a permanent garrison at Cowan Cowan Moreton Island. A battery of powerful 6 inch guns will be installed almost immediately also some powerful antiaircraft guns. The latter, which
    73 words
  • 74 19 The return of prosperity to Australia haa igiv.n a great impetus to weddings, j Sydney, with a population of a million jand a quarter, is becoming married at the rate of more than a thousand couples t Jmonth, a figure far in excess of that
    74 words
  • 183 19 Plan To Meet Defence Needs Canberra, Feb. 10. It is understood that the Commonwealtlß Government arc negotiating with oversea, and Australian financial interests for the establishment of a complete aircraft manufacturing industry in Australia. If the proposals develops a large part of the defence material required will
    183 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      94 words

  • 1423 20 WHAT SHOULD WORLD TIN STOCKS BE M/s. A. STRAUSS ON YESTERDAY'S VITAL MEETING OF I.T.C. In their monthly review, dated London. Feb. 1, A. Strauss and Co. Ltd., state: The statistics for January reveal a decrease in the available world stocks of 611 tons but as the carry-over in the
    1,423 words
  • 109 20 Reuter Wireless. Canon City, Colorado, Feb. 15. Fiye killers” were executed by cyanide gas in the lethal chamber here last night. They went into the chamber jesting and demanding a good stiff drink of whisky, though this was refused them as it is against prison regulations. One
    Reuter Wireless.  -  109 words
  • 332 20 Two Geldings By Upsalquitch j 27 HORSES DELETED I Against eight new additions to the Malayan Turf the latest Straits Racing Official Classification List shows that 27 horses and ponies have been deleted.” Among those deleted are Lrnst and Sailor Bill in Class 2 and
    332 words
  • 124 20 Latest Quotations Wednesday Tuesday Paris 74 47 64 74 47 64 New York 4.99 5 s 4.98 11 16 Montreal 4.99 4.983£ Brussels 29.30 29.28’2 Geneva 15.10% 15.10% Amsterdam 7.27 7.26% Milan 62 62 Berlin 12.28% 12.28 Prague 119 119 Copenhagen Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Stockholm 19.39%
    124 words
    • 931 20 Mr. Jonklass Refutes Allegations (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, Referring to the open letter of apology from the Hon. Secretary, Perak Cricket Association, published in the Malayan Press, I wish to refute the allegations contained in both this letter and his covering letter. It
      931 words
  • 448 20 A. A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller» TIN I Ayer Weng 1.80 1.95 1.75 I.Boex Batu Selangor 92 94 92 9.4 Hitam 40 42 40 42 j Klang River 2.07% 2.12% 2.01 2.12% Kuchai 72% 75 74 77% Lukut 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.25 Nawng Det 62%
    448 words
  • 44 20 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 London Bank 2 4 1,3 i 4 m|st 2|4 3j3T Private 3 mist credit 214 S',B 3 Documentary 2[4 112 On New York Demand 58 India T.T. 154 «4 France T.T. 865 Hong Kong T.T. 43 Shanghai T.T. 47% dis
    44 words
  • 106 20 TIN YESTERDAY TODAY London(Sppt) £208.0.0 £208.5.0 London(3 months) £200.10.0 £201.5.0 Singapore $101.75 $102.12% Business Done Penang $102.25 Ready Business Done Buyers no sellers COPRA.—(Sundried) $5.40 sf BLACK PEPPER $lO.OO S IU RUBBER London 7 516 d 7 New York 15%c(G) 15 7 16' '<• SingaporeSpot 25%c J Feb./Mar
    106 words
  • 382 20 KENNEDY COMP TODAY’S PRICES The following are the Latest in MESSRS. KENNEDY Liat today Yesterday Buyers Sellers Buj > lt RUBBER: Amal. Malay 3.37 3.50 3 Ayer Motek 85 96 Bassett 62% 67%. B. Lintang 1.15 1.20 1 Broga 92% 95 Connemara 1.62% 1.70 l.b I
    382 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 80 20 POSITION VACANT Experienced Architectural draughtsman required. Must be neat and accurate. Apply, stating salary required and enclosing copies jof recent testimonials, to Box No. 14, c/o, Pinang Gazette. S/S "FLINTSHIRE" VOYAGE 2 (OUTWARD) Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Europe are hereby notified that she is expected to
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 34 20 WEATHER REPORT Temperatures Wind RalnfaJ 6 a.m. 77 N.E. Noon 83 N.W. TIDE TABLE TODAY High Water Low Water 11.21 a.m 5.26 a.m. 11.17 p.m 5.30 p.m. TOMORROW 6.06 a.m. 12.03 p.m 6.15 p.m.
      34 words