Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 July 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 88 1 F.M.S. Perak Hydro-Electric Reconstruction SCHEME SHOULD BE ACCEPTED DECISION OF FINANCE COMMITTEE GOVERNOR IN FULL ACCORD The “Pinang Gazette” i* officially informed that after full consideration and consultation with Mr. Lowinger, the Finance Committee of the Federal Council by a majority has advised theHigh Commissioner that the scheme of reconstruction
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  • 342 1 MR. MUNGO PARK AND MR. LOWINGER'S SPEECH AT IPOH ASKING EMINENT PEOPLE TO SWALLOW THEIR WORDS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 31. course of a long and interesting discussion at a public meeting here, last night, Mr. Mungo Park said
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  • 123 1 .—Reuter Wireless. monstration Of Britain’s Smallest ’Plane London, July 25. Flying Flea,” the smallest aeroplane -;land, involuntarily hopped to earth rolled over on its back when it made st public appearance at Heston. The ;ne is home-made and is twelve feet and has a sixteen foot wing-span
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  123 words
  • 43 1 From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 30. ‘rge crowd at New Bridge Road yesy morning saw a man leap from the of a house on to the roadway. The was a middle-aged Chinese who was to hospital with severe injuries.
    43 words
  • 107 1 “adequate measures io between Italy and Ethiopla.-Reuter Wireless. Japanese Junkers Oppose Italy's Policy Tokio, July 24. The leaders of the ultra-national “Black Dragon” Society, which was largely responsible for Japan’s declaration of war against Russia in 1904 and for her withdrawal from the Deague of Nations has
    “adequate measures io between Italy and Ethiopla.-Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 67 1 Reuter Wireless. Washington, July 27. I A resolution demanding investigation into the question as to whether the United States I would not be warranted in severing diplomatic relations with Germany is being prepared by the Democrat, Senator King w o declared that the Hitler government had been oppressive
    Reuter Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 181 1 number of people.- —Rugby Radio Service. Good Progress Mode SPECIFICATION OF FIRST GRADE PETROL London, July 30. The Secretary for Mines, Capt. Crookshank in a Parliamentary answer furnished an interesting statement by Imperial Chemicals Industries showing the progress which has been made in the extraction
    number of people.-—Rugby Radio Service.  -  181 words
  • 44 1 —Reuter. U.S. To Legislate To Ensure Neutrality Washington, July 30. The Democrat Senator, Mr. Clark, states that he intends to demand legislation, at the present session, designed to ensure the neutrality erf ths United States in the event of a war ebroad.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 217 1 —Reuter. Formed On Broad Basis ALL PARTIES REPRESENTED The Hague, July 30. Dr. Colijn has succeeded in forming a new Cabinet on as broad a basis as re- quested by the Queen which includes new ministers belonging to Catholic, Liberal and Democratic parties. The Catholic Parliamentry Group
    —Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 358 1 Lured Into Trap At Chenderoh BY CHINESE RUBBER TAPPER (From Our Perak Representative) Ipoh, July 30. Reputed to have been a terror for a Jong time in the neighbourhood of Kuala Kangsar having devoured a number of cows and sheep owned by the villagers, a full
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  • 115 1 —Rugby Radio Service. London Railways Make Extensive Preparations London, July 30. The Railways are making extensive preparations to deal with exceptionally heavy traffic anticipated for the next week end and August bank holiday period. The Great Western Railway expects to carry some 3,000,000 passengers between August 2 and
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  115 words
  • 54 1 .—Rugby Radio Service. London, July 30. It is announced by the Colonial Office that Mr. H. C. D. C. Mackenzie Kennedy, State Chief Secretary of Northern Rhodesia, is to be appointed Chief Secretary of Tanganyika territory in succession to Mr. P.E. Mitchell, whose appointment as Governor of Uganda
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  54 words
  • 79 1 Reuter Wireless. All Austria Mourns For Dollfuss Vienna, July 24. All public buildings and house owner» are flying back flags from midday today until midnight tomorrow mournfully commemorating the first anniversary of the tragic death of Dr. Dollfuss. The burningof candles placed in all windows overlooking the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 90 1 —Reuter Wireless. Will Soon Receive The Royal Assent London, July 24. The Government of India Bill is nearing the end of its prolonged Parliamentary I discussions. The third reading was passed in the Lords without a divisicn and the Bill now returns to the Commons for consideration of
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  90 words
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    • 2079 2 RATES FOR CASUAL ™l HAMILTON (KM.S.I PENANG TURF CLUB BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS SILVER JUBILEE MEETING 1935. Notice is hereby given that the ha 5® f 3rd Day, Thursday, Ist August, 1935. ciose^from o August 9th to days; 4th Day, Saturday, 3rd'August, 1935. i NEDERLANDSCHE CHARTERED BANK inclusive, for the preparation of
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  • 2213 3 PRNCE’S YACHTING CRUISE CEYLON'S LONDON HEADQUARTERS SALVAGING E LUSITANIA'S TREASURE PANAMA CANAL'S TWENTY-ONE YEARS ;r Own Correspondent.) London, July 20. rOYAI ACHTING HOLIDAY e of Wales has now decided T, nd his summer holiday ear with a party of friends uchting cruise in the Medin<
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 I I r yaraMl r 1 g Q < 1 Spell of the Links H Wv V The thrill of the links buoyant youth romantic Pl V V,\ 1 charm. Moments when the captivating fragrance "A this exquisite and genuine Eau de kJ I i j Cologne preserves and enhances
      200 words

  • 813 4 BIG IMPROVEMENT SCHEME HELPING THE RYOT Simla, July 18. A scheme cf rural reconstruction c<n a national scale has been sanctioned by the •Government of India. It will affect villagers from the Khyber Pass to Madras and bring district officers into fresh contacts with the pea
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  • 94 4 Calcutta, July 18. A Bench of two Judges of the Patna High Court, on a reference from the Judicial Commissioner of Chota Nag pur, has confirmed the sentence of death on a member of the Munda tribe belonging to Hazaribagh, who last April took
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  • 202 4 The Loftiest In India A magnificant new Hindu temple, higher than the Taj Mahal and the historic Tanjore Temple in South India, is to be built at Holy Benares, the focal point of the Hindu faith and reputedly the eldest city in India (Reuter
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  • 57 4 Quetta Disaster Hero Quetta, July 17. Major-Gen. Karslake, the general officer commanding the Baluchistan district, who is known here as “The Hero of the Earthquake,” left Quetta today preparatory’ to his retirement. A striking tribute to him w r as paid by the Viceroy, the Earl of
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  • 163 4 Ancient City Discovered In Old Indus Valley Karachi, July 18. Remains of an -ancient city of earlier date then Mohenjo Daro have been discovered, alongside the bed c-f the old course of the Irdus River in Khairpur State, Bombay, I by Mr. Utam Thakur, a research
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  • 189 4 NEW CONSTITUTION EARLY NEXT YEAR i Calcutta, July 17. The “Amrita Patrika Bazar,” usually well-informed on political matters, states that the new constitution of the Bengal Cabinet is expected to operate early next year. The Cabinet will consist of eight Ministers, of whom five will be Mohammedans,
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  • 200 4 Legislators Buttonholed Bombay, July 16. Scenes reminiscent of the days of the suffragettes were witnessed in the Bombay Legislative Council's Hall at Poona, when hundreds of women gathered to protest against the reported intention of Mr. Desai to introduce a Hindu Adoption Bill. The Bill seeks
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  • 158 4 TRAVELLERS TALES IN INDIA j Russians In Control Of Sinkiang i Simla, July 17. i Travellers from territories which neighbour India continue to act as channels for news of events happening in distant places. Merchants who have reached Quetta from Persia and travellers in Kashmir from Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan) have
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  • 90 4 Simla, July 16. Railway agents from all parts of India assembled here on July 16 on a summons from the Government of India to inquire into the financial position of the railways 1 consequent on the decline of receipts in irecent months. The agents were addressjed by
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    • 145 4 moat gonorally uaofuf Modlolno tor all CUmatoo TJ-Colsßrowpeyt IW I Them it Substitute, t Acts like charm In Chacka and arreats I DIARRHCEA an (f ’EVER, CROUP. AGUE. I ST .°*e. C L LS CHOLERA and CATARRH, ASTHMA BROHCHITIS. A true palliative In DYSENTERY Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism Convincing Moduli Tutimony
      145 words

  • 2665 5 SALMON PAR AND SPOILT GIRL PAY BEST MAGGIE GIRTON AND SPARKLING EYES ALSO SURPRISE SCHEMOZZLE AN EASY WINNER GEE UP AND FAIRFIELDS OBLIGE 8y Tic-Toe )nly a moderate crowd was present at yesterday’s races, the ond day of the Penang Turf Club Jubilee Meeting
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  • 178 5 Yesterday's Matches LADIES TITLE HOLDER IN FORM (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 30. Play was started today in the Malayan Lawn Tennis tournament in splendid weather on the Selangor Club courts. Three ladies singles were played, Mm Allin, the singles title holder of last year~
    178 words
  • 237 5 First Division Match VICTORY BY ODD GOAL IN THREE The D. A. F. C. defeated the St. Xavier’s Recreation Club by the odd goalin three yesterday in a First Division soccer match on the St. Xavier’s Institution ground, but they must consider thempelves lucky to have dene
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  • 59 5 Bobby Ang Meets Rough Diamond (By “Seconds Out”) Ipoh, Today. Bobby Ang of Kuala Lumpur makes his first appearance in the local arena. When he meets Rough Diamond the Indianlightweight from Penang in the star bout of twelve rounds. The main attraction is supported by a
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  • 193 5 Almond Hill And Coro Deans Placed London, July 30. The following is the result of the Stewards’ Cup run at Good wood today:— GREENORE 6y. (Lady Ludlow) S. Wragg 1 ALMOND HILL 4y. (Capt. J. Fielden) H. Wragg 2 CORA DEANS 3y. (Sir V. Sasscon)
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  • 187 6 The Fleet Goes ]nto Action .< THE BATTLE-CRUISERS Renown (nearest camera) and Hood fired salvoes during exercises in the Channel. The King, watched the mimic battle after leading the Fleet to sea. FIRE.—How the crew of a battle-cruiser covered their ears to deaden the roar
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  • 944 7 Nonya Tria? EQUEL TO JEWELLERY LET OUT 31,200 Worth Involved story of hew a nenya let out certain ry valued at about $1,200 on hire and saw the articles again was related magistrate, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, in e court yesterday when the case ard in
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  • 284 7 Sequel To Silver Rise People who during recent weeks have tendered currency notes at the Treasury in Singapore have complained that they have been given in exchange very old and worn five cents pieces which they have had difficulty in passing outside. Owing to the
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  • 794 7 EXPERT EVIDENCE AS TO ACCUSED'S SANITY Johore Bahru, July 28. The third session for the year of the Johore Bahru Assizes opened in the Sup- reme Court, Johore Bahru, this morning before Mr. Justice J. V. Mills. There are only two cases on the list, and both
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  • 443 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Inspector A. A. N. Rodway, of the S.S. Police is expected back from Home leave i very shortly. < A meeting of the Council of the United Planters’ Association of Malaya will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 12. Mr. R. G. Heath has been appointed an
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  • 233 7 Alleged Theft Of $660 Kuala Lumpur, July 30. The part-heard case in which Chong Yet Tin a young Chinese dentist, is charged with the theft of $660, the property of one Yap Pooi, a contractor at the Malayan Collieries, was continued in the First Court yesterday. Mr. A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 168 7 WONDERFUL NEWS FOR STOMACH SUFFERERS No matter what form your stomach trouble takes, you can almost certainly be cured. hether it is “just indigestion,” gastritis of long-standing, or an agonising duodenal ulcer, you can get immediate relief and lasting cure if you w’ill only take Maclean Brand Stomach Powder, made
      168 words
    • 420 7 rA-: i'j;;£•; ?’.<. /j; i: jSSSST• Columbia I I FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT g I DANCE MUSIC FROM THE BEST OF DANCE I BANDS I The 8.8. C. Dance Orchestra lo inch Directed by HENRY HALL OLGA PULLOFFSKI, THE BEAUTIFUL SPY, S FB 1054 < Comedy Waltz Jp I’M POP-EYE THE
      420 words

  • 1141 8 t FOURTH TEST MATCH ENGLAND DECLARE BEFORE LUNCH i TOURISTS MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO GET RUNS Manchester, July 30. The Fourth Test Match between England And South Africa was drawn. En-lmd declared at 231 lor 6 wickets before lunch yesterday and set the South
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  • 235 8 —Reuter. Surrey Heavily Defeated ANOTHER GREAT INNINGS BY WOOLLEY London, July 30. At the Oval, Kent defeated Surrey by 10 wickets. Kent batting first declared with 579 for 8 wickets (Fagg 111, Woolley 229). Surrev replied with 290 (Freeman 5 for 99) and following on
    —Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 135 8 Ramblers Beat Sitiawan Team (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 30. The Toiping Ramblers had their third successive win at tennis this season when they defeated a representative Sitiawan teem by six matches to n l. The winners had already created a good impression in their matches against
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  • 144 8 Win For Old Edwardians (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 30. In a Jubilee Cup football match played today on the Esplanade the Old Edwardians defeated the “B” Coy. 2120 Burma Rifles by four clear goals. The game was marred by many infringements and questionable play resulting
    144 words
  • 205 8 i.—Reuter. Davis Cup Challenge Round AUSTIN AVENGES HIS WIMBLEDON DEFEAT London, July 30. Great Britain defeated the United States 1 in the challenge round of the Davis Cup by I five matches to nil. Austin beat Budge 6—2, 6 —4, 6 —B, 7—5 and Perry
    i.—Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 103 8 S'pore Malaya Cup Team Beaten ENTIRELY OUTCLASSED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 31. The Combined Services inflicted a surprise defeat on the Singapore Malaya Cup team yesterday at the Anson Road Stadium in a charity match for the Jubilee Fund, winning by four goals to one.
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  • 34 8 H. Fothergill Wins Stroke Competition The following was the result of the Stroke Competition played at Malakoff on Saturday and Sunday:— H. Forthergill 82—10=72 V. H. Norris 83—10=73 J. W. Cole 103—30=73
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  • 1102 8 MR. LIM CHENG LAW'S PLEA FOR PRESERVATION OF FUND K. L. MEETING DECIDE BALANCE BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG SUBSCRIBERS Objections to the proposal to transfer the balance of the Malayan Floo< Relief Fund to the Selangor Silver Jubilee Fund were voiced by Mr. LinCheng Law at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO LET TO LET From December 1, 1935 for a minimum period of one year Belmonte, 316, Macal ster Rd. Fully Furnished. Apply 316, Macalister Rd., Penang. PENANG SALES ROOM AUCTION SALE Of Household furniture, Jacobean Glass Ware, Dinner sets. Brass Ware, Curio table, Mattresses, Carpets, Rugs, Cooking
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  • 961 9  -  By JACK HOBBS (“P.G.” Copyright.) THE England Selectors were prompt in announcing their team for the fourth Test Match against South \frica, which opens at Manchester, next ■.l'urday, even though they dropped four r rom the side that could only draw at The 12
    (“P.G.” Copyright.)  -  961 words
  • 607 9 CRUDE EFFORTS OF WALKER: GAINS TOO SLOW I iefore the referee, Mr. Jack Smith, wes to lift up the white-gloved fist of Larry Gains proclaiming him the winner ctf e bout with Obie Walker, a section of the crowd on the Leicester Rugby ground jeered in chorus.
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  • 198 9 TITLE FOR A CLERK New York July 21. The New York State Amateur Golf Championship was won on the links of the Winged Foot Club by Ray Billows, 21. clerk, who had arrived there nearly penniless. Billows is self-taught. Billows provided the spectators with an exciting finish,
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  • 131 9 BELGIAN GRAND PRIX Frandorchamps, July 21. J. Guthrie, the British Tourist Torphy rider, has added another big race to his Jong string of victories. He won the 500 c. c. event in the Belgian Grand Prix, which took place here today. Guthrie had already won the English
    131 words
  • 1534 9 YORKSHIRE THE LEADING COUNTY YOUNG PLAYER'S FEAT M.C.C. TEAM FOR NEW ZEALAND Thia youth was top-scorer, but th er*? were four other centuries, as follows Hop.wood (Lancashire), 101, and Washbropk (Lancashire), 107 not out, v. Essex; Car (Sussex), 102 not out, v. Hampshire; and Davies, E. (Glamorgan),
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 Colour Hath Charms PARTICULARLY THE DELICATE TINTS OBTAINABLE IN WESCO KALSOMINE. FOR INTERIOR WALLS CEILINGS (HR WESCO KALSOMINE Gives A Beautiful. Soft, Rich. Durable I t 100 J j Finish At A Very Low Cost. SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. Soie Agents.
      41 words

  • 500 10 1 here seems to be a distinct possibility that the visit of a secession delegation to London from Western Australia will have the desired effect at home. There was little, as has been shown, to be gained at Westminster. When Western Australia, after a referendum, agreed to
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  • 294 10 A sensation was caused in the Ipoh First Magistrate's Court yesterday, when a remand Tamil prisoner, during the course of his trial, pulled out a clasp-knife from his waist and adopted a threatening attitude. He refused to surrender the knife to the Court Corporal
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  • 63 10 In the police court today before Mr. J. P. Biddulph the case was mentioned in which an Indian named Kadir Pitchay stands charged with false representation to Lam Kee Ung that an article of jewellery was pure gold, thereby dishonestly inducing the delivery of $ll. Inspector Lewis prosecuted.
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  • 501 10 MAIL CHANGE: Quite a number of firms who use the mid-week Dutch air mail have been caught the last two or three weeks by the fact that the changing of the; closing of the mail from 6 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesdays, announced in the Post
    501 words
  • 101 10 —Reuter. American Sympathy Expressed Washington, July 30. American sympathy towards the exeri cise of religious freedom and liberty of conscience in all countries was expressed by Mr. Phillips, Under-Secretary of State in a letter to Jewish organisations which recently protested to the State Department against alleged anti-Jewish persecutions
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 58 10 will rather than his misdeeds.—Reuter Wireless, Communist Sentenced To Death In Germany Berlin, July 25. The first death-sentence under the new treason law was passed on the Brunswick communist, Rudolf Claus, charged with smuggling political fugitives over the frontier and supporting their dependents. The 1 Court said it was
    will rather than his misdeeds.—Reuter Wireless,  -  58 words
  • 51 10 Radio Service. London, July 30. The Exchequer returns show that ordinary revenue to date exclud'ng self balancing items amount to £179,988,133 compared with £180,393,847 at corresponding date of last year. The to 4 al ordinary expenditure, exclusive of self-balancing items is £238,638,500 against £231,899,394 at corresponding date of
    Radio Service.  -  51 words
  • 126 10 rivals of the J class. —Rugby Radio Service. The King Expected To Race Britannia London, July 30 The King and Queen, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York left London today for Portsmouth. They are paying their annual visit to Cowes, where the Regatta week begins on
    rivals of the J class.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  126 words
  • 28 10 Rugby Radio Service. London, July 30. The post office announces the inaugura tion on August 1 of a radio-telephone ser vice between Great Britain and Iceland
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  28 words
  • 73 10 Latest Case Proves Fatal Singapore, July 29 The latest case of smallpox which was discovered on July 25 at 1171. Serangoon Road has proved fatal, the victim being a Malay named Hashim bin Ali. The man, who was 46 years of age, succumbed on July 26 at
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  • 31 10 —Reuter. The War Office announces that Major General A.W. Bartholomew has been appointed General Officer Commanding the British troops in China effective towards the end of the year.-
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 /7 e co FrEE UNDER VACUUM PROCESS <lNCOR»O«*^’L "j tZ** |P' jr o'* 0 There is no container which protects coffee flavour better than does A fLITTLES. Compare its a\'.“ th,t Others, you will soon know why ■gt®* LITTLE'S fcwws ;#XSt! COFFEE Is so definitely worth protecting. The uniformly high
      244 words
    • 36 10 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE > For ANY OCCASION cog>l NISMoI I I Jl|l hJSwbwl RdleS fBRA® Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang. Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur.
      36 words

  • 1617 11 TWO HAPPY BEDFELLOWS-COMMERCIALISM ART INSEPARABLE AS SIAMESE TWINS MR. LASZLO SCHWARTZ ADDRESSES PENANG ROTARY CLUB mercialism and Art have become as inseparable as the Siamese Twins said Mr. Laszlo Schwartz, the eminent Hungarian anist and humorist, in an address to the Penang Rotarv Club at the weekly meeting at the
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  • 129 11 The cases were withdrawn today in the police court in which three women Kim Luan, Min Gan and Raja Bee, were charged with playing in a common gaming house No. 64, Malacca Street on July 23 and the occupier, Heh Moon (f), with permitting the premises to
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  • 79 11 Tamil Bound Over CAUSING GREVIOUS HURT TO COMPATRIOT At the Penang Assizes this morning, before Mr. Justice Whitley, a Tamil named Pakiry, pleaded guilty to a charge of causing* grievous hurt by means of a dangerous weapon to a compatriot, Arumagam at Nibong Tebal in May. His Lordship
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  • 211 11 Prior To Departure On Leave The tutorial staff of the Anglo-Chinese Schools, Penang, held a tea-party yesterday at the Primary School hall to bid “au revoir” to the Rev. Abel Eklund, Principal of the High School, who leaves shortly on furlough. Mr. D. D. Chelliah, who
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  • 383 11 Monday, July 22. In the morning His Excellency visited the Poh Leung Kuk Home. His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas attended by the Personal Staff left Singapore for Kuala Lumpur by the night mail train. KING’S HOUSE Wednesday, July 24. In the morning His Excellency
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 70 11 Eastern Oriental Hotel PENANG. TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER DANCE And CABARET With LASZLO SCHWARTZ The Eminent Hungarian Violinist, Humorist Caricaturist. HAVE YOUR CARICATURE DRAWN BY LASZLO SCHWARTZ BETWEEN THE DANCES. j Dance Music by the Band of the S. S. “PRESIDENT POLK’’ And HARRY LAMMERTS HIS ORCHESTRA Dinner Cabaret $3/- Non-Dir.ers
      70 words
    • 121 11 W/AVAW.'.V.VMVAV.V.WM 4 j i W:' Ji Mt ..-F' He Fair To Your Baby. Nature intended that he should be fed on breast milk or alternatively on the nearest food to Nature. In other words he should have HUMANISED TRUFOOD because it is the only food which can justify, by every
      121 words

  • 1409 12 TIN RUBBER SHARES BY AIR MAIL (By Courtesy of Kennedy Co.) London, July 22. RUBBER Anglo-Malay—l2|6 Ayer Kuning—29 3 Bah Lias—27| Bertam Consd. (2|) —3|7% xd Chersonese (2|) Dunlop Plants. 6 pc Pref.—27| |3 East Asiatic (2|) —2'3 Kepong (2|)—3|4% |3 |3% |4y 2 Kimanis—l2' Labu —44]
    1,409 words
  • 108 12 j Latest Quotations > i Tuesday Monday I Paris 75 164 75 364 [New York 4.96% Montreal 4.96% 4.96% I Brussels 29.33 29.31 I Geneva 15.17 15.17% Amsterdam 7.31% 7.31% Milan 60 60% Berlin 12.29 12.9 Prague 119% 119 ft Copenhagen Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Stockholm 19.39%
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 44 12 y Visit Si Comfortable travel fromfenang to Bangkok the Capital of Siam in Day Night Coaches ’A*roYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM H STEEL Bullock Carts Portable Tanks Storage Tanks A Export Drums Refuse Bins Shelving, Benches. EASTERN MFG. CO., 1. River Road. I PENANG.
      44 words
    • 55 12 He said to me— shall we ever settle the Irish question ff I said to him I've settled the Scotch question—Johnnie Walker for me, every time JOHNNIE WALKER, BORN 1820...5T1LL GOING STRONG..I Agents CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO. LTD., SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR AND IPOH Incorporated under the Companies Ordinances of Hong
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 156 12 B Ry S B BSr MM—MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM BROADCAST RELEASE. NEW RECORD FOR JULY, 1935. eHear Srimathi K. Kochamal Really At Her Best On Record. No. R. 4040. The Best Up-to-date Dialogue. Hear It Now. S. V. Subbiah Bhagavathar Miss M. S. Vijayal. FL Kochamal. BT. 2099. LATEST RELEASE!
      156 words

  • 320 13 of a successful issue.— Rugby Radio Grovt. Help To Continue ENDEAVOUR TO RE-OPEN NEGOTIATIONS London, July 30. L House of Commons today, the of Agriculture, Mr. Walter Elliot, ai... c. "d the decision of the Government future of the sugar beet industry. Go' ent had concluded it
    of a successful issue.—Rugby Radio  -  320 words
  • 79 13 ’-ter Wifeless. -ound Not Guilty On Two Out Of 12 Charges London, July 27. >• trial by court martial of Lt.- Col. Daly D.S.O.M C. commanding the Field Brigade of the Royal Artillery charges relating to three men forin his Brigade was completed rday at Woolwich. o
    ’-ter Wifeless.  -  79 words
  • 233 13 —Rugby Radio Service. Mr. Eden Leaves London London, July 30. The Minister for League of Nations Affairs, Mr. Anthony Eden, will fly to Paris today, where he will see the French Premier, M. Laval, and the two statesmen are expected to travel by the same train to
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  233 words
  • 58 13 Steamer Abandoned By Owners (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 30. The "Batavia Mani’’ has been abandoned by its owners and the officers and crew have proceeded to Japan by the “Sumatra Maru.” The cargo, which is jettisoned, included 1,000 tons of rice or over 9,000 bags and
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  • 71 13 i.—Reuter. Priceless Jewels Stolen MARIE ANTOINETTE'S NECKLACE New York. July 30. The priceless ruby necklace formerly belonging to Marie Antoinette and certified to be genuine by the French Government was stolen by bandits who raided the exclusive Fifth Avenue store in w hich the necklace was being
    i.—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 125 13 —Rugby Radio Service. Complimentary Dinner At Commons London, July 30. Warm tributes were paid to Sir Samuel Hoare, last night, at a dinner in h s honour at the House of Commons, held in recognition of his services, w’hen as Secretary for India he piloted the India
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  125 words
  • 70 13 its new’ craft back to Basra. —Rugby Radio Service. Returning Home For Re-equipment London, July 30. The Royal Air Force squadron No. 203 in its four Rangoon type flying boats are flying home from Basra to be re-equipped with the short Singapore four engined flying boats.
    its new’ craft back to Basra.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  70 words
  • 100 13 Compagnie Messageries Maritimes' Plans (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 30. The Compagnie Messageries Maritimes plans a large scale reorganisation of passenger and mail services according to the shipping correspondent of the “Straits Times” who states that a new me tor ship, “President Doumer,” 14,800 tons gross, w’ill
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  • 145 13 —Reuter. "Daily Herald" Naval Stary London, July 30. The Admiralty has verbally described i the “Daily Herald’s” naval story as "purely imaginary and based on conjecture” but it has been decided to let the matter rest j and not to make a statement. The morn- ing papers, however,
    —Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 80 13 —Reuter Wireless. Estate Of The Late Mr. Justice Avory The late Mr. Justice Avory left £137.000, one of the largest fortunes ever bequeathed by a British judge. The wife is the principal beneficiary, together with a number of charitable bequests but a codicil dated December 1932 revokes a.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 34 13 —Rugby Radio Service. London, July 30. Sterling on New York was 4.95-13,16 and Paris 75. Gold was 140'5d. Stock Markets display a steady tone with War Loan 3-F!2 per cent, at 106-15[16.
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  34 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 29 13 IHI 'PHONE 543. PENANG PENANG S.S. -:o: l Saturday Aug. 3rd. race DINNER DANCE EXTENSION TO 1 A.M. :o—- DANCES Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, X Till 9 p.m. X.'S
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 152 13 jv& N S 6 5_ o ,n the picture f the year .< ll’ll ?:1 .”17”! ?.;1 ii ”1 ?j7ii 7i iGI ?';7 Ll 111 ?.£?..< 7ul ?.l iui ?..< al 1 UNIVERSAL'S MAGNIFICENT PICTURE OF FANNIE HURST'S CELEBRATED NOVEL! WWK CLAUDETTE COLBERT WARREN WILLIAM w IN MR “IMITATION OF
      152 words

  • 559 14 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule Of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving «nd selling from Penang during the week: IN PORT TODAY S.S. ALFOER from Tg. Mengeidar (Koealoe), Bagan Si-Api-Api, Paneh, Berombang and Asahan (Tg. Baled). Sails today for the same ports. S.S. BATAK from Belewan-Deli and
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  • 202 14 notice The Air Mails despatched from Penang on the July 21 per the Imperial Airways via Alor Star were delivered in Landon on the July 29. OUTWARD MAILS A Mail for Ceylon by the s.s. “President Polk” will be closed et 7.00 a.m. tomorrow. A mail for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 111 14 Never neglect CONSTIPATION Check it at once with Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills As a remedy for constipation, Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are in a class alone. They give you clean bowels which act regularly, a healthy stomach, a lively liver and blood that is rich and red. They
      111 words
    • 438 14 /■PeopleWhoNeeck ‘YEAST-VITE’ AreISUR SYMPTOMS HERE? !Mi Sufferers from I ..W.. "T.vvr- iINSTANTLY. In a few. will find a source of New d L t t r minutes it banishes the Life, New Energy, New need no longer suffer the awful Stomach Pains,| Vitality in Yeast-Vite.” 'hopeless torturing twistFlatulence, Heartburn, Two
      438 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 927 14 Wireless Programmes 1 ZEESEN 7.3s—Gramophone records. 9.00—Close down. german shortwave station l TOMORROW I TODAY PM. 7, oo—Gramophone records. p M 7.55 —Messrs. Anthony Co.’s Share Report. 4.05 p.m.—DJB, DJN Announcement 8.00 —Asiatic Music. (German., Engl German Folk Song. Let_ 8.30 —What’s on in Peneng. ter Box. 4.20 —Concert Programme.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1937 15 21 t IKpsl EWJ *<•*% l M/il> /iK < k •<_^^ BLUK FUMMBL LIMB vessel» london and north continent. Leave Due r Eastern Mail Passenger and Freight Service Penang London outwards London, Amsterdam and Hamburg Aug. 2 Aug. 29 poot Swettenham, Singapore, Hongkong t Shanghai, Taku Barre, I/ A. AENE>as>
      1,937 words

  • 358 16 Studying Educational System Singapore, July 28. Many prominent Chinese citizens went On board the Dollar liner, President Polk, to welcome Mr. Wang Lin-Shue, the Commissioner of Education of the Canton Government, who arrived in Singapore this afternoon. Interviewed by a representative of the Malaya Tribune, Mr Wang
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  • 110 16 Agreement Regarding Sale Of Land Kuala Lumpur, July 30. In the Supreme Court yesterday morning before Mr. Justice Cussen the civil suit brought by Lim Yew Keng against Lee Phooi and Lee Choon Kong for specific performance of an agreement regarding the sale of land
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 164 16 HER HEAD FELT LIKE A TON WEIGHT Put Right by Daily Dose of Kruschen ffor inp- with severe headaches After suffering X rs it must have for nearly twenty y th g woman when seemed like a result of taking SuXnSlta th He m rc is the letter describhhravear£ headaches
      164 words
    • 16 16 WHAT LONDON IS DOING Jutland's Best BTWHJJPWJFW READ CHARLES Roberts fiSSwQI in The v THE original
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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  • 1028 17 WAR TO BE WAGED ACCORDING TO CIVILISED RULES WIILE Great British and France, supported by America, are doing their utmost to avert war between Italy and Abyssinia, the view held in diplomatic circles in London as to the outcome of these iTorts is entirely pessimistic.
    1,028 words
  • 231 17 NORMANDIE THE QUEEN MARY Liners May Share Traffic MR. RUNCIMAN'S HINT OF A PACT Southampton, July 20. An agreement may be reached between the French Lines, owners of the Normandie, and the Cunard-White Star Line, owners of the Queen Mary, to prevent the two giant liners competing. At a luncheon
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  • 148 17 Suicide In Office Gibraltar, July 19. The Colonial Treasurer, the Hon. Donald Leslie Bethell, was found shot dead in the Treasury office here shortly before one o'clock on July 19. A verdict of suicide while of unsound mind w r as returned here at the inquest. Witnesses
    148 words
  • 95 17 Mr. Bethell w’as born in 1895 and was educated at King Edw’ard VI. School at Stourbridge. He fought with the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the Great War, and then entered the Colonial Service. He was first appointed Assistant Treasurer in Tanganyika, and for six years was Senior
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  • 864 17 TO BE HELD IN PENANG ON 2ND, 3RD, 4TH STH AUGUST, 1935. General Programme Date Tlme EVENTS. Place. 2nd August 9 a.m. Opening Ceremony Track A. m: la z, 9 a.m. Tennis (Men) (Selengcr vs. Penang) C. R. c Oronnri rsound 9 a.m. Tennis (Men) (Malacca
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  • 205 17 Fall From Steamer Great Yarmouth, July 21. Mr. John McCormack, the Irish tenor, who is a Papal Count, had a narrow escape from drowning here. His rescue was seen by holiday-makers in a crowded steamer and c<n the quayside. Mr. McCormack was standing on the gangway between
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 29 17 More than Half a Century Quality and Purity are Our Guarantees for i aßlloMHdl 11.. a I I KEY-BEER SOLE IMPORTERS; N. V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO. PENANG SINGAPORE
      29 words

  • 593 18 TESTS BY DOCTOR AND HIS WIFE What percentage of modern marriages is entirely happy and successful? Probably a far higher cne than you think. Society marriages, which the cynical are fond of believing to be in nine cases out of ten the first step
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  • 128 18 Gen. Nobile As Adviser Moscow, July 22. Two new semi-rigid airships, V 6 and V 7, are undergoing test flights here. Both are built by the Soviet State Trust, “Dirigeable Strcd.” They have been built under the supervision |of the Italian, Gen. Nobile, who commended the
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  • 606 18 Manager's Memories Of The "Stars" FIRST CONCERT PARTY TO THE FRONT Some delightful stories of the oldtime music-hall are told by Mr. W. H. (“Billy”) Boardman. for many years manager of the Brighton Hippodrome, in his autobiography “Vaudeville Days” (Jarrelds 18s), edited by David Whitelaw, and published
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 203 18 Use this Wonderful Hcalcr r for >ow? SKIN DISORDER The most stubborn Eczema, Psoriasis or Pnintas yields Xmg healing influence of D.D.D. Prescription. Rebel if> unmedZ EczemaLs diseases are always most «tive gs» tc bod. but a little D.D.D. Prescription applied with will stop the itching in two or three
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    • 151 18 II I loose Your Handkerchiefs ls You Choose Your Ties. You choose shirts and ties for their pleasant colours and designs. Why not your handkerchiefs too Ask for Pyramids and your outfitter will show you a variety of designs in colours and white, and colour borders. Buy a dozen different
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  • 1251 19 COMING AUTUMN EXHIBITION THE PAINTINGS little-known national treasures forthcoming Chinese Exhibition, to pened at Burlington House towards the of November, has already excited a „1 deal of anticipatory interest. The that the Chinese Government is lenda choice collection of national trea- <». almost unknown hitherto even to il
    1,251 words
  • 122 19 Army Ready To March i Hsinking (Manchukuo), July 17. I An omnious statement presaging Japanese action in Outer Mongolia and challenging Russian intervention is contained in a semi-official statement issued here. It says: "Decisive action for a solution of the Hilatengol affair [when Japanese surveyors were
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  • 272 19 New Manchukuo Allegations "DAYLIGHT MUST BE LET IN" Hsinking (Manchukuo), July 19. The Manchukuo Government spokesman, referring to the Outer Mongolia Crisis, declared, in an exclusive statement to me, "Mongolia is a dark, mysterious country resembling the Tibet of former times. “Urga, the sacred
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  • 110 19 Big Increase In Duties Tokyo, July 16. The Cabinet on July 16 approved the Tariff Commission’s proposals of a 50 per cent, increase in the duties on Canadian wheat, timber, and certain classes of paper. It is expected that the ordinance will be promulgated on Saturday,
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  • 136 19 An Offer To Tokyo Ottawa, July 17. The settlement of the dispute between Japan and Canada arising from the latters imposition of dumping duties against [Japanese goods, is making little progress. 1 Canada made what is regarded as a gener- ous offer a fortnight ago whereby
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 208 19 Sole Agents HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD. ARE YOU LACKING IN VITAL FORCE &VIGOURP Pure Blood is HEALTH, VIGOUR and LIFE. Impure Blood is the root cause of Skin Diseases, Boils, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism. The poisons result in damage to the arteries, internal organs and premature old age.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 72 19 OPENING U NEXT AT CHANGE M-G-M' s WALLACE BEERY MIGHTIEST! |H HIS GRANDEST A Saga Of Flying Aces That Will Make Your ill Sam's Flying Aces! Heart rßtdv with A Cast of Loop The Loop With »SIrKT its Spectacle A “WEST POINT k Thousands I La.,., fl OF THE AIR-
      72 words

  • 1144 20 PROGRAMME FOR TOMORROW SCRATCHINGS AND ORDER OF RUNNING Below will be found the full programme for to-morrow, the third day of the Penang Turf Club Jubilee Meeting, together with scratchings and selections by Tic-Tac: RACE 1 Horses, Class 3, Division 5, 6 Furlongs. 10 4
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  • 89 20 Competitors Expected To Arrive Tomorrow The representatives of the seven States who are competing in the Malayan Chinese Olympiad in Penang are expected to arrive here tomorrow by boat and train. A tea party will be held at the Chung Ling High School, Kampong Bahru, at 3
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  • 87 20 Rhinoceros, Seladang, Tigers Snakes Aboard STRANGE FREIGHT FOR NEW YORK Noah’s Ark of 1935 is the s.s. “Steel Navigator,” which arrived in Penang this morning with a remarkable collection of tropical fauna. The passengers included two seladang, two tigers, a rhinoceros, several deer, a hamadryad, a
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  • 101 20 Fine Paid By Instalments A Chinese named Kang Mah Lai appeared in the police court today for sentence, having pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing dutiable liquor at No. 537 A, Tanjong Bungah on July 25. Mr. G. J. G. Pitt, of the Excise Department, said there
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  • 71 20 Chinese Released On $5OO Bail Arrested yesterday evening a Chinese named Lee Ah Seng was produced before the magistrate (Mr. J. P. Biddupih) in the police court today charged with frequenting Transfer Road for the purpose of receiving bets. Detective Inspector W. Ingham prosecuted and Mr.
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  • 149 20 Skeleton Plan 1 AUGUST 1935 August 6th Noon Leave Singapore for Kuching (436 miles) 7th At Sea. Bth 10 a.m. Arrive Kuching (“Sea Belle” return to anchor at Pending) Midnight Sail from Pending for Miri (290 miles) 9th At Sea. 10th 6 a.m. Arrive Miri. Land
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  • 215 20 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller» TIN Ayer Weng 1.80 1.85 1.80 1.85 Batu Selangor 75 80 75 80 Hitam 46 48 46 48 Hong Fatt 47 49 47 49 Johan 22% 25 22 25 Kuchai 62% 67% 62% 67% Lukut 97% 1.02% 97% 1.02% Nawng
    215 words
  • 50 20 WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 London Bank Demand 2'3 1316 4 m]st 2|3 15[16 Private 3 mat credit 2!4 I}B 3 Documentary 2'4 732 On New York Demand 57% j France T.T. 855 Hongkong T.T. 7%% dis. I Shanghai t.T. 31 dis I India T.T. ***** J Bar Silver g 9
    50 words
  • 103 20 I Issuing Rupees 153 $lOO Paying Rupees 155 $lOO RATES OF EXCHANGE FOR MONEY ORDERS ON OTHER PLACES: 1 CHlNA—lssuing Rates Canton $6B Straits $lOO Chinese Swatow $67 do $lOO do Amoy $6B do $lOO do Foochow $69 do $lOO
    103 words
  • 119 20 YESTERDAY TODAY London (Spot) £233.12.6 £233 1. > London (3 months) £2lB 176 ♦‘V ,11 5 ;2 n550 Business Done xiMs Buyers no sellers Buyers no sei; COPRA.—(Sundrled) $4 10 BLACK PEPPER s i loo $n H Lon<K» 5Hd 5 i New York HHc(G) Singapore Spot 19%c Aug./Sept
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  • 305 20 KENNED/ COMPANY TODAY’S PRICES The following are the latest qi, in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co tire List today Yesterday Buyers Sellers Buyer TIN.— Ampe.t Tin 3 6 4 3 3 6 43 Ayer Weng 1.70 I.Boex 1.7 u Batu Selangor 75 80 7 Hitam 45 50 47
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 30 20 KONDO HAIR DRESSING SALOON 35, LEITH STREET. MASSAGE BY MISS SATO by New Process Instantaneous remedy. Guarantee i for Rheumatism, Headache Instant relief for Headache or e%<* no payment made.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 36 20 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind RainfaS 6.00 a.m 79 SE Noon 82 S TIDE TABLE TODAY High Water Low Water 1.45 a.m 7.51 a.m. 1.31 p.m 8.20 p.m. TOMORROW 2.11 a.m 8.20 a.m. 2.00 p.m 8.46 p.m.
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