Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 July 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 101 1 I.—Reuter. Will Not Refuse To Buy BUT WILL NOT PRESS PURCHASES London, July 9. In a leader on silver the “Financial Times" says private cables from the United States have intimated the expectation that while not refusing to buy more silver the United States would no longer
    I.—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 91 1 —Reuter. August Sailing Cancelled London, July 8. The North German Lloyd liner, "Scharnhorst’’ now on its homeward journey has cancelled its August sailing due to engine trouble on its outward voyage and resumes sailings on October. The “Potsdam” will leave on its maiden voyage to the Far East
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 103 1 j.—Reuter Wireless. In Norfh-West Frontier Town Nethiagali (North-West Frontier), July 5. The entire Indian quarter of the town of Abbottabad has been gutted by a fire which raged for seven hours owing to the shortage of w’ater and the absence of a fire fightihg service. Indian troops tried
    j.—Reuter Wireless.  -  103 words
  • 50 1 —Reuter Wireless. Signalman's Error Of Judgment London, July 5. At the inquest on the victims of the Welwyn train disaster, a verdict was returned of accidental death owing to a temporary lapse of memory and error of judgment on the part of the Welwyn Garden City signalman.—Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 71 1 L- Reuter Wireless. Berlin, July 5 E ght people were killed when an aeroplane crashed on a suburban house end the pe’rol tank exploded setting the block aHght. Six of the dead were the crew of the machine and the other two were occupants cf the house
    L- Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 534 1 evidence from Professor Jeze.— Rugby Radio Service and Reuter. Conditions Of Entry ADMISSION AFTER SIGNING DECLARATION London, July 8. In the House of Commons todav the Foreign Secretary. Sir Samuel Hoare, was questioned regarding stipulations* made by the British Government in 1923 as a condition precedent
    evidence from Professor Jeze.—Rugby Radio Service and Reuter.  -  534 words
  • 29 1 .—Rugby Radio Service. Sterling on New York was 4.96=1i16, Paris 74=7'8. Stock markets were dull and irregular. War Loan closed at 106= s[B. Rugby Radio Service.
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  29 words
  • 228 1 j.—Reuter. Many People Killed DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT $2,000,000 Albany, July 8 The highways were flooded to a depth of four to six feet, bridges and dams were broken, housese were destroyed and crops ruined by disastrous floods following torrential rains in the New Ycrk
    j.—Reuter.  -  228 words
  • 44 1 Information has been received by telegraph that 609 state-aided labourers will arrive on Thursday morning by the s.s. “Rohna.” It is expected that 301 will be sent to Pulau Jerejak and the balance will proceed to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 90 1 t. —Reuter. Tientsin's Contributions London, July 8. Asked in the House of Commons by Sir Cyril Cobb what the Japanese Government’s intentions were regarding Tientsin’s contributions fo the Chinese marit'me customs revenues in view of the noncontribution to the revenues of the Manchurian ports taken over by
    t.—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 46 1 at Buckingham Palace.- Rugby Radio. Service. Received By The King London, July 8. Members of Parliaments in London es guests cf the United Kingdom branch of the Empire Parliamentary Association were received today by the King at Buckingham Palace.- Rugby Radio
    at Buckingham Palace.- Rugby Radio. Service.  -  46 words
  • 29 1 —Reuter. Mrs. Grahamfair Vanderbilt, ex-wife of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt from whom she was divorced after 28 years of their marriage has died of pneumonia.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 174 1 r. —Rugby Radio Service. Considerable Improvement Shown LOWEST RECORDED SINCE JULY 1930 London, July 8. A further considerable improvement in the unemployment situation in Great Britain is shown in the figures for June published by the Ministry of Labour. The numbers of unemployed, which are the lowest
    r.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  174 words
  • 126 1 Mistress Charged With Theft (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 8. A Chinese cook went to court one and heard a case in which a young Chinese woman was involved and he acted as Samaritan when she cculd not pay a fine of $3O. He took her
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  • 53 1 "Mr. X" Guilty Of Misconduct (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 9. Mr. Justice Burton and Mr. Justice Terrell this merning gave judgment that Mr. T. Talukda, Advocate and Solicitor, hitherto referred to as Mr. “X,” was guilty of misconduct and their Lordships suspended Mr. Talukda
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  • 48 1 1. —Reuter Wireless. New York, July 4. In upholding Judge Carew’s decision the Appellate Court expressed the view that the evidence given in support of the allegations concerning Mrs. Vanderbilt’s moral conduct were so unsubstantial that she was entitled to an unqualified and complete exoneration.—Reuter Wireless.
    1.—Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 61 1 Vienna, July 4 The Cabinet has sen’ two cf its members on sudden and mysterious flights. Prince Starhemberg, the Vice-Chancellor, and Major Fey, Com missioner for Defence, have left by air for Rome and Belgrade respectively. It is believed the former is going to see Mussolini with regard
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  • 206 1 The amendments were defeated. —Rugby Radio Service. No Alteration To Be Made VIGOROUS SPEECH BY LORD ZETLAND London, July 8. The statement issued by the India Government last week to correct the impression that constitutional provisions based on what is commonly known as the communal award were
    The amendments were defeated.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  206 words
  • 93 1 t. —Reuter Wireless. Austria's Unrelenting Opposition > Paris, July 5. Unrelaxing opposition of the Littlef Entente to the restoration of the Hapsburgs was voiced by the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, M. Spalaikovitch, in the course of conversations with M. Laval. It is understood the French Government are of the
    t.—Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 105 1 tor over whom the dispute arose. Renter’ Wireless. Board's Disciplinary Machinery To Be Reviewed L<ondcn July 3. The bus s rike has been settled end he men resumed work this morning with services running normally. The back-to-work decis on was taken at a meeting of union
    tor over whom the dispute arose. Renter’ Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 75 1 The death is announced cf Leopold Wcc ex-Archduke Leopold Ferdinand cf Austria, who renounced bis title in 1902 when he married an actress in Vienna. He lived in Switzerland c ’lcwance from his uncle, the Emperor Franz Josef, until the latter’s dca’h after which he became alternately
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    • 2050 2 MATES FOR CASUAL] PERAK TURF p. w. D. tender notice BANKS AHVCDTfICCMFNTS JULT 3ILIC MCCIIHV Tender will be received at the Office of• |MSCIUX> VI VQI IB AU" El» I IO2K [the Senior Executive Engineer, Kuala w SATURDAY BtK JULY, 1935. j to noon or ue 19t h July «35
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  • 2407 3 KING'S REVIEW OF R.A.F. HISTORIC MINIATURE FOR NATION PRINCE OF WALES' HOBBIES MEMORIES OF LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 29. KING’S GIFT TO BOY SCOUTS THE King has presented to the Boy Scouts the electric button with which he ignited the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 385 3 I WA 1 W.W/AY.V JAVA’/ZAW/ i BUY BRITISH BE PROUD OF IT FROM WHITLEY'S. UflM' (Newly Opened Sports Store.) 4 All kinds of Badminton Rackets. From 60 CENTS upwards. FREE SERVICE for One Year to any Tennis I Badminton Racket purchased or strung from I our work-shop. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 77 3 3 Great Favourites In M.-G.-M.'s Newest Sparkling Comedy Sensation Produced By W. S. VAN DYKE, Famous Director Of "THE THIN MAN" OPENING FRIDAY NEXT AT THE QUEEN'S (g GABLE 1 ET t They're both in f z love with Joan I 1 Isr V. JSr Whos lucky |T one time?
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  • 429 4 WIFE AND PEER'S DAUGHTER SAVED WARRIORS RAID KENYA OUTPOST FOUR SHOT DOWN GOVERNMENT RUSHES AID Nairobi. June 27. How a British Government official, after removing his wile, child, ami a peer’s daughter to safety, routed a mob of 200 armed and frenzied natives
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  • 131 4 Two Chicks Hatched From Hampshire Sittings Sydney, June 27. A second experiment in sending eggs by air from England has proved succesftil, resulting in two sturdy Rhode Island Red chicks. The test opens big possibilities of introducing new blood into Australian poultry flocks without the
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  • 682 4 Eight-Storey Building "POWER-HOUSE OF INFLUENCE" Work on the new building of the Royal Empire Society in Northumberland- I avenue is rapidly proceeding after the laying of the foundation stone by the Prince of Wales on June 3. and informa- tion is now* available concerning the appearance and
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  • 406 4 Perforins Operations BEFORE GOING TO CABINET MEETINGS Mr. G.M. Huggins, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, who is a brilliant surgeon, and divides his working day between these two widely different careers, was a medical student and also house surgeon at St. Thomas’s Hospital. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 I “Del Monte Products” J i Lead For Lowest Prices l|i|| Bri H EfcjLgLg Consistant With feSfedi Highest Quality r. DEL MONTE PEARS B OBTAINABLE AT All High Class Provision Dealers. SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD. PENANG. SINGAPORE, IPOH AND KUALA LUMPUR. I* Have sparkling teeth this new way!
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  • 342 5 Synthetic Immortality FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL ORGANS I I i (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. Working with Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Colonel Charles Lindbergh, the well-known j American airman, claims to have perfec- ted a “mechnical heart” which confers
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  • 170 5 First Of Its Kind In England ONLY LARGE ONE IN 1 THE WORLD (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. A new solar tower telescope, the first I of its kind in England and the only large astronomical telescope in the world with j optical parts made
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  • 198 5 Coke Made From Non-Coking Coal (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research has issued a report on its tests of a new smokeless fuel. This is a coke which will burn in an open grate, and is prepared by a
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  • 530 5 J 7ft-Long Anti-Aircraft Rifle "MIRAGE" SMOKE 1 l SCREEN I .(.From Our Own Correspondprit London, July J. 5 Three new devices, said to have been 1 invented secretly in Britain to counter enemy air attacks, are descibed by Mr. John Steele, The Chicago Tribune’s London i
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  • 175 5 Perfect Set Of Artificial Teeth i (From Our Own Correspondent.) I London, July 2. An important discovery by dental surgeons working with British chemists, which may have a big influence on efforts to make a perfect set of artificial teeth, was the annual meeting of the
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    • 338 5 MALAYAN FLOOD RELIEF FUND PUBLIC MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the subscribers to the above Fund will be held at 5.15 p.m. on TUESDAY the 30th July, 1935 at THE TOWN HALL, Kuala Lumpur for the purpose of considering and if thought fit passing the following
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    • 136 5 PILESJURED No Knife! No Surgeon! No other affliction causes more human misery than Piles. Yet Pilescan be quickly and easily cured without the uss of injections, knife, scissors, "hot iron,’’ e ectricity, or any other cutting or burning method, and without confinement to bed, and no doctor's or hospital bills
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    • 226 5 i GET FROM j BOON’S I I PENANG IPOH. I i NATEX No. 5 I Morgan’s Pomade IPRUNOIDS I Lean agin Tablets KAYLENE OIL Kaylene Powder Kaylene with Phenolphthalein EPHAZONE. SILVIKRIN HAIR PREPARATIONS Luxuria Cold Cream Ip Ingram's Shaving Cream N.D.K. Tooth Paste I s X La Reine Face Cream
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  • 276 6 THE QUEEN'S STATE DRIVE Ascot was back to its glories on Roya’ Hunt Cup Day—the sun shining brilliantly before racing started. The is seen, accompanied by the Punce of Wales and uie Duke ana Duchess oi Yoik, m sua«.e up uie couise cneerca by
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  • 315 7 Light Without Heat FIREFLY'S SKILL 1 EMULATED (From Our Own Correspondent.) I London, July 2. Science has at last probed the secret 1 of the firefly, whose achievements as an automatic lamp have long been a source of envy to illumination engineers. The trouble has not been
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  • 72 7 DECEASED EX-SERVICEMEN The Committee of the above are desirous of obtaining the names of any Ex-Servicemen, who have died and been buried in the local Cemetery, with a view to affixing the British Empire Service League’s memorial plaque on the headstones of their graves. Anyone able to furnish
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  • 491 7 Retaining Stolen Bicycle TRIED TO HELP FRIEND For trying to dispose of a stolen bicycle for a friend a ricksha puller. Heng Ah Seng, was apprehended by a detective constable and produced in the District Court yesterday’ before Mr. B. F. Bridge who sentenced him
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  • 345 7 j New Method Of Treatment FOR INFECTIONS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. Described in popular language as a “shower-bath for the brain,” a new method of treating such infections of the brain and nervous systems as infantile paralysis, St. Vitus’s
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  • 194 7 A German Invention iFrcm Our Own Correspondent) London, July 2. The gramophone record that will run on for nearly an hour on end—to be precise, just fifty minutes —without stopping, has been patented by two German inventors, Herr Basse and Professor Vorwreck. after long experiments by many
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  • 79 7 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) London, July 2. A mechanical eye, which enables the, blind to read ordinary prin*\ has been invented at the Institute cf Physics, Kiev, Ukraine. A specially designed microscope and a photo-electric cell produce electrical impulses differing for every letter in the alphabet.
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  • 438 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL j Mr. A Lamont,’ manager of Bristol estate, Kuang, has just returned from r leave. Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon have returned from Europe to Labu estate, Negri Sembilan. Mr. Cowans and Mrs. Harry Duncan also left Penang by the night mail for Rawang yesterday. Miss Scott, matron. District
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  • 139 7 Malay Cyclist Killed I I A fatal accident occurred yesterday afternoon at Peel Avenue in which a Malay cyclist, Ali bin Haji Mohamed, was knocked down by a motor-car in front of the gate leading to the Vclunteer Headquarters. It appears that the cyclist, an assistant armourer
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    • 209 7 CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED. .A. REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN FOUND ut-KK P. YONKERMAN, DISCOVERER OF TH* NEW REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION. Marvellous as it may seem after centuries of failure, a remedy has been discovered that has cured the deadly Consumption even in the advanced stages of the disease. No
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  • 198 8 Kok Ying In Third Round OTHER PENANG PLAYERS ELIMINATED (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. July 8. The Perak Tennis Championship meeting- officially began todey, in fine weather, •when seven ties were played, walk-overs being in two events. Chin Kee Onn, the Malayan Champion, had an easy victory
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  • 139 8 Yesterday’s Results (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 9. i Two European pairs were eliminated by Chinese opponents in the Men’s Doubles Open Championships yesterday: Chee Lim j and John Lim disposed of Swinchatt and Huggins in two straight sets after 22 games and Choon Leong and
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  • 129 8 Tournament Starts Next Week (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. July 8. The annual tennis tournament for the Open Singles and Doubles events of the Kempe Club will be started next week. The following are the entries:— Singles:—Raja Mohamed, Tambyrajah. Vyramuthu, Murugasu. Dr. L. Jayesuria. Alladad Khan. E.
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  • 109 8 InterVarsity Cricket .—Reuter. Cambridge Scores 302 TATE IN FORM AGAINST ®LOUC ESTER London. July 8. At the close of first day s play in the Inter-Varsity Cricket match at Lords today. Cambridge had scored 302 (Tindall 53 and Parker 76 not out) and Oxford 37 for no wickets. The following
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 67 8 Europeans v. The Rest The following have been selected to represent the Rest side at cricket against the Europeans on Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21:— M. Saravanamuttu (Capt.) Eu Cheow Teik. Tan Ah Ee. Lim Seng Kim. Eu Cheow Chye. F. Reutens. A. J. Williams, J. Andres.
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  • 161 8 Alterations To Official Programme The committee cf the Taiping Turf Club has decided that the second run for Hhorses. Class 3 and 4 will be about six furlongs, or about one mile and one hundred yards, and not seven as stated in the official pregramme. Owners
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  • 50 8 e Reuter. British Team Announced London, July 8. The following have been selected to represent Great Britain against America in the Ryder Cup. CHARLES WHITCOMBE PERCY ALLIS Rl<l lARD BURTON JOHN BUSSON WILLIAM COX EDWARD JARMAN ALFRED PADGHAM ALFRED PERRY The two others will be announced later. Reuter.
    e Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 192 8 The Entries CARD OF EIGHT EVENTS The followirg are the entries for the Perak Turf Club Skye Meeting to be run t Ipch on Saturday, July 13. The entries are not toe good but they are just sufficient to give a card of eight events.
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  • 54 8 I.L.T.F. Play With Local Amateurs Debarred (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July The Secretary of the Malayan Lawn Tennis Association has received a cable from the International Lawn Tennis Federation prohibiting any amateur playing exhibition matches with Cochet, the French professionaL [Cochet is expected to arrive at
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    • 206 8 Third Test J _1 5 Sutcliffe Not Fit ’i y London, July 8. F, Sutcliffe notified the selectors X that he is not fit and has retired ••'i' from the third Test match. Reuter. H SUTCLIFFE COMING ATTRACTIONS PLEASE CUT THIS OUT LEST YOU FORGET Wembley Cabart e COCKTAIL DANCE
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  • Article, Illustration
    1984 9 RACING AT ASCOT YOUNG JOCKEY'S ROYAL HUNT CUP SURPRISING GOLD CUP VICTORY (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 25. ROYAL ASCOT Tall mirrors in frames designed by Robert Adam adcm the new Royal luncheon room at Ascot, which was used by the Queen and her guests for
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  • 1614 9 SHADOWS OF GREAT NAMES FROM THE WATCH TOWER CRICKET is an Imperial game: grown in England, it has been;, transplanted into all the coun- tries which are coloured red pn the map of the globe. Showing the cricket bat is very like showing the flag
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  • 785 10 '1 he latest news regarding the ItaloAbyssinian dispute is most disquieting. Mussolini in a speech at Salerno declared that the Italian Government and people have irrevocably decided to carry on the struggle on which thev have entered to its conclusion and this is interpreted to mean that
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  • 86 10 .—Reuter Wireless. Oldest Clyde Shipyard Closes London, July 3. The gates were closed ‘onighi for the last time of the oldest shipyards in the upper reaches of the Clyde of D. W. Hendersen and Company which in nearly a, century of existence has built craft of all
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 469 10 HOPE FOR THE DRAMA: Dr. J. W. Mackail, the guest of honour at the fifty-first annual supper of the Elizabethan Literary Society, responding to the toast of Our Guest,” after recalling how the novel succeeded the drama, said that the English novel began with “Pilgrim’s Progress” and
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  • 158 10 For Distillers Caught By Customs Judgment was delivered on Saturday in connection with the finding of a large still and illicit liquor near Rambutan Ltd., when Customs officers, in charge of Mr. Rivaz, arrested two men, named Siew Pow and Lai, and charged them with distilling liquor without
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  • 196 10 Jewellery Stolen HIRE CAR DRIVER DETAINED BY POLICE An Ipoh Chinese lady is reported to have been the victim of a daring robbery on Saturday night in Tiger Lane, when her car was held up by three men and she was relieved of all her jewellery.
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  • 207 10 Sultan And Sultanah Back In Malaya Much improved in health after her four months holiday, spent mostly in England, the Sultanah of Johore returned by the French steamer Sphinx on Saturday accompanied by H.H. the Sultan. Her Highness, who went home early in March by the Dempo, reached
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  • 134 10 Second Hand Dealer Fined By Magistrate Vellasamy Chetty, a dealer in S2cond hand goods, was fined $6O or six weeks in the alternative for dishonestly receiving stclen property and Suppiah, a young Tamil, was cautioned and discharged for disposingof stolen prop ?rty in the Ipoh Magistrate’s Court on
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  • 79 10 Exhibition Of Italian Sculpture Messrs. A. Dennys Co. are selling by Public Auction on the 10th instant at 11 a.m. all the marble statuary, busts, lamps, pedestals, etc., which are now displayed at No. 22, Beach Street. These are pieces have been specially brought over by Professor
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1159 10 If you strive quite a lot v ’»< J and the rumba <)R %r'/ J makes you hot ran<#.>, jf Y* -w gHRFar 'ii HtX*** tCj J It I .JS X SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY LIMITED. Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur. BEACH STREET AUCTION ROOMS NOTICE OF SALE PARTICULARS
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    • 45 10 FOR GOOD SHIRTS Tootal Poplins in r’l designs and colourings c*»-ry the Tootal guarantee of satisfaction in Wash -id Wesr. TOOTAL POPLINS are only genuine with the Tootal Trade Mark stamped on every yard. IMPORTERS: Henry Waugh Co., Lfd. PENANG. SINGAPORE, IPOH A K. LUMPUR
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  • 1211 11 SUNDAY'S DRILL HALL CEREMONY WHY THE COMPANY WAS FORMED The Volunteer Drill Hall in Beach Road was filled on Sunday with over, 300 people, including His Excellency) the Governor and Lady Thomas, as: guests of “F” (Malay) Company,! Singapore Volunteer Corps, who were' celebrating
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  • 238 11 Chinese Charged With Murder ADOPTED DAUGHTER'S EVIDENCE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 9. The third session of the Perak Assizes for the year was commenced today when a Chinese, Ho Yew aged 70 was arraigned for the murder of Leong Ah Leong. The principal witness for
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  • 184 11 Palmist Who Predicted Inspector's Luck A Cantonese fortune-teller, Lee Thit Peng, predicted to one of his clients that he wculd win a prize in two years’ time. That client, however, happened to be an inspector and the fortune-teller found himself before the magistrate Mr. J. P. Biddulph. in
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  • 129 11 Accused Who Could Not Get Chandu Unable to obtain his usual daily dose of chandu a Chinese named See Ah Tee tried to commit suicide by cutting his stomach with .a penknife. The man was produced before the magistrate (Mr. J. P. Biddulph) in the police court today
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  • 84 11 Prosecution Unable To Get Witnesses Owing to the inability of the prosecution to produce witnesses from Siam the case was withdrawn today in the police court in which Teh Toh Tuan, a Hokkien, was charged with theft from a tongkang of 1,100 pieces of firewood on May
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  • 83 11 Date Fixed For Hearing The case was mentioned today in the police court in which a Chinese named Lek Choi stands charged with fraudulent pos- session of 25 packets of Rough Rider t cigarettes which were suspected of having been stolen, at the junction cf Carnavon
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  • 67 11 An Indian named Ramasamy, was charged in the police court today with voluntarily causing hurt to a compatriot, Odayan, by means of a knife at the Kuantan Road coolie lines on July 8. Chief Court Inspector R. J. Stewart asked for a postponement as the complaini
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 •Some Recent Cow Gate The support and prescription of ~B| the Doctor—the warm recom- "BHgK mendation of the Nurse—the Z—H praise of the Mother, and the W V delighted though unspoken approval of the Baby all these x' are tributes highly valued and e me d b v Co w
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  • 1208 12 FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NO SHORTAGE OF MINING COOLIES THE fourth annual general meeting of the Dredging Association Southern Malaya was held at the Registered Office oi the Association. Nos. 1-3, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, the 29th June, 1935. at 11 Mr.
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  • 115 12 Latest Quotations I Monday Saturday Paris 74 55 64 74 47 64 New York 4.96;’ 4.95 Montreal 4.97 4 95 Brussels 29.37 29.32 Geneva 15.14 15.11 Amsterdam 7.28 7.26 Milan 60 A 59 H Berlin 12.30 12 25 Pra^ue 118% 118% Copenhegen Osl 19.90% 19.90% i
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  • 910 12 SYMINGTON WILSON Weekly Market Report RUBBER London, July 26. Since our last Report the Rubber Market has been dull and inactive with prices trending slowly downwaird. Business was done in Ribbed Smoked Sheet on the Spot on Wednesday of last week after 3.45 at 618 d., this being the highest
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 358 12 Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed. Without Operation If you feel old before your time or suffer from nerve, brain and physical weakness, you will find new happiness and health in an American medical discovery which restores youthful vigour and vitality quicker than gland operations. It is a simple home treatment
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 30 12 |THE PICNIC "KONG!'’ AN j#, ZTCr thE T«JB\ (hURRtThuA (with tiger/ nnw Tiii Tli ■MH x LAST DRINK) /here 5 to) I Arvo a Quick/ V ,ge R cc /sNoRt/
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  • 546 13 ITALO-ABYSSINIAN DISPUTE QUESTION OF PROCEDURE MAY BE REVIEWED IN CONVERSATIONS TODAY FRANK DISCUSSION OF SITUATION IN BRITISH PRESS London, July 8. The whole question of the League of Nations procedure in regard to the Italo-Abyssinian dispute will probably be reviewed in conversations tomorrow in
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  546 words
  • 103 13 Leader of the House.—Radio Rugby Service. Cabinet’s Plan To Deal With Situation COMMONS DEBATE TODAY London, July 8. The lines on which the Cabinet proposes to deal with the situation in Greet Britain’s distressed areas during autumn and winter will be indicated in a speech by
    Leader of the House.—Radio Rugby Service.  -  103 words
  • 128 13 Central China ON VERGE OF DEVASTATING FLOOD Hankow, July 8. Central China today appears to I>e on the verge of a devastating flood as the bottled-up water of the Yangtze River has reached the danger level at Hankow, overlapping the bund at several places. In the past
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  • 102 13 :.—Reuter. Chinese Govt. Responsible For Suppression Shanghai, July 8. The Japanese Embassy spokesman in an interview with Reuter expressed entire satisfaction with the measures announced by the Kuomintang to meet the Japanese requ rements arising from the lese majeste incident, and "The Kuomintang has assumed complete responsibility for
    :.—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 180 13 Flying conditions were perfect.—Rugby Radio Service. 350 Planes At Mildenhall London. July 6. Brilliant weather favoured the Royal Air Force Jubilee Review at Mildenhall and Duxford today. The King, who for the first time wore the blue service uniform of Marshal of the Royal Air Force, drove
    Flying conditions were perfect.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  180 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 502 13 {itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes T OUr sk,n has near ’y 50 million tiny •earns or pores where tiny germs or parasites can hide and cause your skin to Itch Crack, I eel, Burn, also Eczema, Dhoby Itch, Ringworm, Pimples, Acne, Crotch-Itch and Singapore Foot. Don t waste time
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    • 15 13 Batavian Fireworks «sS Display BSBKM Fun and Frolic Saturday—l3th July it i: m s that
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    • 323 13 II THE PERFECT automatic fl I I ROLL-FILM MIRROR REFLEX 111 CAMERA is the most easily manipulated fejk of all the miniature cameras—for instance, focussing MUST be accurate, for you see your picture actual size on a brilliant ground-glass screen —and a Irxxvil magnifier is provided,for e?cH\ iml k tremely
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  • 565 14 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES < Schedule Of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving ■kkd sailing from Penang during the week: IN ran TODAY S.S. KUMSANG from Calcutta. Sails same day for Singapore, Hongkong, Kobe, Osaka and Moji. y y TANCRED from Far Bast via Singapore. Sails same
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  • 347 14 The Post Office notifies that a telegram, from G. P. O. London, says that the mail despatched frjom Penang on 15th June by the s.s. “KaraparoT’ w’as delivered in London on Bth July. AIR MAILS A mail for Medan (via A lor S’ar) by train to Alor
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 268 14 When SHOPPING Always REMEMBER EASTERN BAZAAR For "LAME" LACES VELVET ANGLESKIN FLORAL CHIFFON WrtWrtWn’JW, Again "NATIONAL" Leads I B ANOTHER SUPERLATIVE OFFER SILCOX SILCOX radios are represented exactly as they are. No excessive claims are made concerning their respective qualities. They will fill all performance statements made for them—no more
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1470 14 Wireless Programmes »D c (Bnnel.) Solemn Melody (Walford ZEESEN Davies). Toccata in G (Dubois). The following are the wavelengths, two B.2o—The News. GERMAN SHORTWAVE STATION 4 which will be used simultaneously:— B.3s—The Birmingham Hippodrome OrGSG I<MJ6 ißStroi chestra, conducted by Harry Pell. TODAY QSf* 10X2 Bistres Relayed from the Hippodrome
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    • 124 14 8.15 —Gramophone Records. 9.00 —Close down. SATURDAY P.M. 7.oo—Gramophone Records.— Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s Share Report. 8.00 —Asiatic Music. 8.30 —“Pinang Gazette” News Bulletin. 9.00 —Close down. MALAYAN AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY (KUALA LUMPUR.) Call Sign ZGE Wavelength 48.92 110 metres TODAY 7.00 P.M. Columbia Record DX.664—Overture, The Corsair—London Philharmonic Orchestra.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1855 15 ESjpHfc I XT 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE A rT\J 4 m jßrffifeEj oMAMERICANMAIL LINE <• W/ m€wiN<rißasaß|g k > b LUKFUMMBLLIMB 4g|g||||g&|k LuV Vernels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Um Do B. PERSEUS Mar'» L'don, R'ttam. Hlnirg and G'lnagow. /T*7 I TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ I C MFNESTHETTS 7:. R’dam, H’burg,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 30 16 i yfisit I /auaAs anddove. I I orr «fort e travel from Fenang to Bangkok l e P -I °fSiam in Day Night Coaches with excellent Restaurant Car Service. S
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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  • 548 17 "Vast Areas Still Unknown" PLANS FOR THE NEXT EVEREST ATTACK "It is said sometimes that the day of exploration is almost, over and that there are »o new lands to discover,” said the Duke of Kent at the Royal Geographical Society •dinner held in
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  • 600 17 Their Devotion To An Imbecile Brother "NOT MALICE, BUT LOVE" —Says Counsel Dramatic statements axe alleged to heve r been made by two sisters after they had been arrested at Bamber Bridge, near Preston, charged with murdering .heir 30f year-old imbecile brother by administering coal gas
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  • 317 17 Church Where 2-Year-Olds Were Once Trained IN KENSINGTON Behind a brief entry in o Sotheby catai logue, announcing the sale of four pictures of “The last grand steeplechase at the Hippodrome racecourse, Kensington, “lies a story of a racecourse which existed nearly a century ago, only a
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  • 226 17 Service In Many Campaigns On the day following his eighty-fourth birthday, Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Browne died in Farnham (Surrey) Infirmary of injuries sustained by being knocked down last w’eek in Farnham by a lorry. Sir Arthur Browne had a’ long and distinguished career in the Indian Army,
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  • 159 17 Collision In Fog Copenhagen, June 23. The Danish Government’s scientific expedition ship Dana sank in the North Sea 60 miles west of Ringkjobing. Jutland, after a collision in thick fog with the German trawler Pickhuben, from Cuxhaven. The present leader. Dr. Vedel Tteaning, and the crew, in
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 32 17 t EY£S TESTING FREE K AflJlsPr W 8 FRAMES) -uF* 1 TO I FAVOR YOUR I COMPLEXION 1 The World Optical Co., MANUFACTURING opticians, 24, T.ETTH STREET, TELEPHONE NO. 337, Penang, S.S.
      32 words
    • 261 17 I F I I vAT// /7/J A. h 77 i 7 m/ aT W W 7) m r w I Z /4/ X MAVBE WE I //f zT SHOULD HAME I I USED I J i,TWPLE SHELL- I W® l! I I Shell Motor Oils will never let you down—one
      261 words

  • 610 18 TWO BRITISH CARS! WITH A MISSION DRIVING FROM CALAIS TO ISTANBUL Vienna, June 24. Two handsome motor cars, carrying the British flag disguised to cheat the inquisitive,\ and covered with the white dust of Austriam highways, has arrived in Vienna. We are on a voyage of
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  • 474 18 Revision Of Ordnance Sheets An important piece of air survey work for the purpose of an experimental revision of some 270 Ordnance Survey sheets will be started shortly by Aerofilms, Limited. The company has received contracts from the Ordnance Survey to take air photographs of an
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  • 218 18 Roman Catholics Protestants Clash TWELVE ARRESTS Edinburgh, June 24. Police made a baton charge here during a clash between a body of Protestants and Roman Catholics attending the Eucharistic Congress. Stones were thrown, several people were injured, and 12 persons were arrested. I The trouble
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  • 110 18 60 Years At Sea And Now A Farmer Sydney, June 22. Stanilus Pothin has achieved his life’s dream. He was bom in his father’s sailing ship in 1872, spent sixty years of his life in sailing ships, and has now retired to settle on a
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  • 368 18 Over 80.000 At Manchester Demonstration Manchester, June 22. What was described by the High Chief Ruler of the Independent Order of Recha bites, Mr. Robert Anderson, of Darlington, as “the greatest temperance demonstm- tion that this country has ever known,” was held at Belle Vue Gardens, Manches- ter,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 131 18 rozx rHixwf ~*T~ He said to me —do you believe in second sight. cst>. ■r»j I said to him certainly. Let's have a second sight of that Johnnie Walker JOHNNIE WALKER BORN 1820. ..STILL GOING STRONG..I Agents CALDBECK MACGREGOR A CO. LTD., SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR AND IPOH Incorporated under
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    • 202 18 Mrs. C. M. Pugh Tells How Cuticura Healed Eczema Eczema began at the back of my ears like a small cut. It was itching so much that I scratched and rubbed until it began to weep and every morning the backs of my ears were all a dry crust. I
      202 words

  • 1056 19 BRITAIN'S POSITION IN THE TROUBLE FAR EAST THE raising of the status of His t Majesty’s representative in’t China from that of a Minister a Plenipotentiary to that of an Ambassa- t dor is a testimony to the improved stability of China. It automatically improves the
    1,056 words
  • 93 19 Drain On Peking Banks Peking, June 25. Over 600,000 silver dollars have been brought to Peking from Shanghai to alleviate the financial crisis among the Chinese banks. The crisis hes been aggravated by the steady outflow of silver dollars from North China. Chinese smugglers are liable
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  • 71 19 —Reuter. German Disciple Of Trebitsch Lincoln Shanghai, June 7. A German nun, formerly Fraulein Hertha Henschel, of Berlin, has committed suicide by hanging in a temple near Hangchow, 40 miles south of Shanghai. She was one of a group of converts who came to China
    .—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 972 19 HOPES OF CLOSER CO-OPERATION Bangkok, July 2. The following is the gist of an interview which H. E. Mr. H. Mat sushi me, the Japanese Ambassador-at-large, gave to a representative of the “Nation on the occasion of his recent visit to Bangkok. The Ambassador expressed his pleasure
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  • 124 19 I I "A Friendly Gesture" Adelaide. June 25. Mr. Longfield Lloyd, recently appointed to be Commonwealth Trade Ccmminsicner in Japan, who is at present surveying the South Austral an industries, has announced plans for an exhibition of Australian products in Japan, which the Osaka Asahi Shimbun
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 151 19 Positively The greatest variety of Modern -Furniture that has never been seen is now offered in our n: i: i! m ic ni ;r<j I Don’t miss this o|p|>ortiituty < I Paterson Engineering Co., ltd., MANUFACTURERS OF 1 WATER PURIFICATION PLANT MTMVM 1 J IQ I VMrn.rtwee vm.v* I I
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  • 282 20 Record Broadcast This Evening The Malayan Amateur Radio Society, Kuala Lumpur, will commence broadcasting British Broadcasting Corporation items this evening, when the programme will include an item entitled “Nuts and Wine,” being a selection of old English folk songs with male chorus. On Friday night
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  • 143 20 PENANG, JULY 9 London Bank Demand 2 3 27 32 4 mjst 2’4 Private 3 mst credit 2 4 316 3 Documentary On New York Demand 57% France T.T, 855 Hongkong T.T. 5% dis. Shanghai T.T. 30% dis. India T.T. 153% Bar Silver 30/g RATE OF EXCHANGE FOR MONEY
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  • 389 20 Boys' Farm School To Be Opened At Malacca TUITION FOR SMALLHOLDERS' SONS It has been announced that a Farm Schoo] is to be opened at Malacca in September. It will be at the Sungei Udang Agricultural Station, on the Masjid Tanah Road, about 13 miles from Malacca
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    • 140 20 r.— Reuter. In Charge Of Nanking Admiral FEARS OF CANTONNANKING BREAK Hongkong, July 9. The rebel cruisers slipped out quietly from Hongkong at 2 a.m. presirmab'y northward bound. It is underetood that Admiral Chan-chak, Nanking’s representative is aboard the “Haichi” and is conducting The vessels to
      r.—Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 223 20 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN Ayer Weng 1.90 1.95 c 1.90 1.95 c B. Selangor 72% 77% 70 75 Hitem 49 51c 49 51c Klang River 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 Lukut 97% 1.00 1.00 1.05 Nawng Pet 65 70 65 70 North Taiping 50
    223 words
  • 103 20 The foßowing are latest ,uotatk>n for today Buyer* Hellers FIN Ayer Weng 1.90 1.95c.d. Hitam 47% 50c d. Hong Fatt 47% 50 Jelebu 85 90 K. Kemun’ings 5 9 6 3 K. Lanjuts 14 9 15 3 K. Kampars 99 103 Laruts 89 93 Lukut 1.00 1.05
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  • 465 20 KENNEDY COMPANY t TODAY’S PRICES The following are the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s Share List today Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER: Allenby 1.40 1.50 1.30 1.42% Ayer Hitam 1.55 1.65 1.55 1.62% Ayer Panes 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.57% B. T .intang 95
    465 words
  • 138 20 Tin London (Spot) London (3 months) Singapore Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA.— (Sundried) BLACK PEPPER RUBBER London New York Singapore Spot July/Sept Oct./Dec Jan./Mar TAPIOCA Fair Seed Medium Pearl RICE Rangoon—Parboiled No. 1 XX’hite No. 1 XVhite No. 2 XX’hite No. 3 Local Rice—Parboiled No. 1 XVhi‘e
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  • 1130 20 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST. names. >. 5 *5 3 a M I*s RUBBEk (Dollar.) I Allenby Rubber Co. ISO 1 42' Alor Gai*b Rubber Estate IJS I£> Amalgamated Malay Estates 285 I J W I Ayer tlrtsto Planting syndicate 1 Ayer Molen l übber Co. 95 10> I Ayer Panas
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 180 20 ’PHONE 543. |g|||g PENANG PENANG S. S. :o: THURSDAY SATURDAY Dinner Dances r > v. 1 Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Cocktail Dances < 6.30 to 9 pm. r I A TIP! I IS TO TRY US FOR YOUR 1 MEDICINAL REQUIREMENTS f PATENT MEDICINES Burroughs, Wellcome Products, 1 Parke
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 40 20 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind RainfaT 6 00 76 E Noon 82 S TIDF TABLE TODAY High XX ater Low Water 52 a m 11.34 am. 4 57 P m 11.52 p.m. tomorrow 6.39 a.m 6 05 P m 12.45 p.m.
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