Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 June 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 672 1 tration as in its predecessor.—Rugby Radio Service. MR. MACDONALD AS LORD PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL ONLY THREE NEW MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Ramsay Macdonald, in company with the King’s Private Secretary. Sir Clive Wigram, drove from the Prime Minister’s official residence in Downing
    tration as in its predecessor.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  672 words
  • 182 1 —Rugby Radio Service. National Government Still Required TO SURMOUNT PROBLEMS London, June 7. Mr. Ramsay Macdonald in a message to the nation explains that he has for some time been facing the fact that he would have to seek respite from the heavy and continuous
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  182 words
  • 119 1 —Reuter. Mrs. Rattenbury's Death Sentence SUICIDE WHILE OF UNSOUND MIND London, June 7. At the inquest on Mrs. Rattenbury who was found dead in the River Avon at Christchurch, Hants cn Wednesday a verdict was returned cf suicide while of unsound mind. The coroner read extracts
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 54 1 .—Reuter. Proceeding Satisfactorily London, June 7. An official communique states that the Angle-German naval conversations have been proceeding satisfactorily. In the general discussions the British representatives gave a survey of the present situation in addition to home technical points discussed. Negotiations will be resumed cn June 14
    .—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. Resolution Approved Washington, June 8. The House of Representatives adopted by 264 voes to 121 a resolution for an extension of the modified N.R.A. until April 1, 1936. The resolution now goes to the Senate. President Roosevelt has accepted the resignation of Mr. Dcnald Richberg
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 66 1 Reuter. Inhabitants Panic-Striken Perugia, June 8. A series of earthquake shocks occurred in Scuth Perugia and a number of persons were injured as a result of falling masonry. The inhabitants of the district were panicstricken and many slept in tents and other shelters. Others have
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 84 1 .—Reuter. To Increase Happiness Of People Washington, June 8. An interesting statement of the Government’s social objectives was made by President Roosevelt in reply to questions at a Press Conference at White House. He said that the purpose was to try to increase the security and
    .—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 245 1 Reuter and Rugby Radio Service. In Holy ABSURD AND FANTASTIC London, June 7. In the House of Commons, Capt. Anthony Eden referred to the many wild accusations lately directed against the British Government in the Italian Press and said it was unfortunate that such misrepresentation should have
    Reuter and Rugby Radio Service.  -  245 words
  • 135 1 .—Reuter. Disappointed At Skeleton Of N.R.A. Washington. June 7. Bitterly diseppointed at the skeleton of the N.R.A., the Executive Council of the Federation of Labour declared its adoption by Congress “to be a surrender to the opponents of national recovery.” I Mr. Green issued a statement asserting
    .—Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 49 1 .—Reuter. Volney Davis To Serve Life Imprisonment St. Paul, (Minnesota), June 8. John McLaughlin was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for conspiracy and Volney Davis to imprisonment for life for participating respectively in the kidnapping of the banker, Mr. Edward Bremer, in January of last year.
    .—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 214 1 —Reuter. Business Small f SPECULATORS WAIT AND* SEE London, June 7. The franc staged a sharp recovery this morning on the news that M» Laval had formed a government but business on the Foreign Exchange Market was not large and there were no signs of intervention by
    —Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 50 1 with 10i5.7d a week ago.—Rugby Radio Service. London, June 7. The amount applied for in tenders lor £40,000,000 in Treasury Bills was» £46,830,000. A maximum amount was allotted in Bills at three months. The average rate per cent, was 11|2.49d as compared with 10i5.7d a week ago.—Rugby Radio
    with 10i5.7d a week ago.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  50 words
  • 112 1 view was 15 per cent. —Rugby Radio SO» vice. Film returns for the year ended September 30, 1934, show that during that period, the aggregate length of registered film» exclusively of news reels, etc., exhibited in cinematograph theatres in Great Britain was 36,256.000,000 feet as compared vd-h
    view was 15 per cent.—Rugby Radio SO» vice.  -  112 words
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    • 2191 2 ATPC FOR CASUAL' NOTICE THE NORTH TAIPING TIN BANK HOLIDAY BANKS {ATES rOK LAJUAL DREDGING CO. LTD. nceK ITC Messrs. Pritchard Co., IXd., beg to an- {•f ncf) rporated in the Straits Settlements.) ADVERTISEMENTS «S5 Nm irr 7Z77 VIDEND The Exchange Banks will CHARTERED BANK NEDERLANDSCHE he open.on Whit Monday
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  • 2104 3 FIGHT WITH POLAR BEAR SINGAPORE ROTARY CLUB ADDRESS DOGS WITH WOLF INSTINCTS EXPERIENCES amongst the Polar Ice” was the title of an interesting address by Mr. Gordon Burt to the members of the Rotary Club of Singapore at their weekly luncheon at the Adelphi Hotel Roof
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  • 60 3 Crocodile Thrived On Them When a crocodile which had been raiding a duck farm beside Alligator Creek, near Mackay, in Queensland, was shot and cut open, the stomach was found to contain hoofs cf a calf, a bundle of feathers and about half a bushel of
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  • 66 3 Northern Indians Use Loaded Sticks A number of Policemen were sent t» Malacca Street, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday morning to deal with a fierce fight between seven Northern Indians. The men were fighting with loaded sticks, and one of them has been taken to hospital
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    • 142 3 He said to me shall we ever settle the Irish question 2/$ r I said to him I’ve settled the Scotch question—Johnnie Walker for me, every time I JOHNNIE WALKER, BORN 1820...5T1LL GOING STRONG..I Agents CALDBECK MACGREGOR A CO. LTD., SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR AND IPOH Incorporated under the Comnanies
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    • 105 3 F. 6 EVENING IgiUM tht final teach of alltm 4 45.: Sithat cteatit confidence f one abiltty to charm, toepth within depth f a/ mytterfotut, haunting becatfy Z nnnESilß BO 22 QUEENS WAY CROYDON SURREY ENGLAND Representatives SANDILANDS BUTTERY 4B <XA* Beach Street, Peoang. BUY BRITISH BE PROUD OF IT
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  • 1071 4 Naval Ratings Give Evidence DOUBT CAST ON IDENTIFICATION PARADE A Tamil named Irusappen was brought before Mi. B. F. Bridge, the District Judge, yesterday charged with housebreaking between sunset and sunrise on June 4 by entering into a building used as a human dwelling, namely the New
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  • 292 4 Sequel To Tanjong Tokong Fight TAMIL FINED FOR ASSAULT Hearing in the case in which a Tamil was brought up with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to three neighbours, was concluded yesterday afternoon before Mr. B. F. Bridge in the District Court. The accused in the case was
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  • 150 4 Siamese Released On $l,OOO Bail Lim Choi, a Siamese, was produced before the Magistrate (Mr. J. P. Biddulph) in the Police Court yesterday, charged with importing $6lB in silver dollars into the Colony, namely Penang, from Siam at 6.40 p.m. on June 6. Inspector R. D.
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  • 653 4 Preliminary Enquiry Resumed HOTEL PROPRIETOR GIVES EVIDENCE The preliminary enquiry in which Wong Choo Yean, a Kheh stands charged with being in possession of forged Siamese tical notes at the London Hotel in Argyll Road on March 20, was resumed yesterday before the Magistrate (Mr. J. P.
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  • 441 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. W. A. Gorden Ha»ll Secretary to the Resident, Selangor, is a victim of the ’flu and is an inmate of the hospital. Mr. J. P. Souter, Managing Director of Messrs. Pritchard and Co., Ltd., Penang, and Mrs. Souter are on a visit to Ipoh. Mr. A. J.
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  • 194 4 ROBERTSON PEARSE Wedding At St. George's The wedding was solemnized at the St. George’s Church yes'erday, the Rev. Keppel Gamier officiating, of Duncan Robert- son, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Robin-' son, of Stockport, and Jeon Pearse, eldest j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Langly- Fraser, of
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  • 583 4 ASSIST. MANAGER STRUCK BY A WOMAN Johore Bahru, June 5. There was insufficient room in the dock to accommodate 13 Tamil male labourers and four female labourers who were produced before Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya, Second Magistrate, yesterday on charges of having committed riot on
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    • 64 4 Miaumq IL soap j Only in Cutieura J I Shaving St irk do you get the Cutieura emollients which give you a smooth, easy shave. Medicinal and antiseptic, the creamy, lasting lather softens the beard quickly, keeping it in that condition until the shave is finished. Then—a skin that is
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  • 1179 5 PROGRAMME AND SELECTIONS FOR TODAY GOOD FIELDS AND OPEN RACING Below will be found the full programme for today’s races Kuala Lumpur, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Summer Meeting: ice 1, Ponies, Class 2, Division 1, 5 furlongs, 2.30 p.m. RO( KLEY
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  • 242 5 Crisp 6 For 50 NORTHAMPTON'S INNINGS DEFEAT London, June 7. There was rain throughout the country and play in most of the principal cricket matches was curtailed. The following are the results of the principal cricket matches concluded today The South Africans beat Northamptonshire by an
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  • 171 5 —Reuter. Quashed Wins By Short Head MESA THIRD London. June 7. The following was the result of the Oaks run at Epsom today QUASHED (Lord Stanley) Jelliss 1 ANKARET (Mrs. G. B. Miller) Fox 2 MESA iM. Pierre Wertheimer) Johnstone 3 Buchanite (Sir Abe Bailey)
    —Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 36 5 —Reuter. Japan Eliminated By Czecho-Slovakia Warsaw, June 7. In the Davis Cup, Czecho-Slovakia eliminated Japan by three matches to nil and will now meet the winner of South Africa- Ppiand tie in the semi-finals.-
    —Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 1067 5 Tomorrow's Tournament At Ipoh PENANG'S CHANCES OF WINNING By Spectator rhe fast approaching inter-State Triangular Tournament, which will be played at Ipoh on Sunday and Monday, is being keenly awaited. The necessary arrangements have beenVnade and the tourney is expected to turn out to be a greater success
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  • 383 5 I Lucky Odd Goal Win MATCH AGAINST FREE SCHOOL In the final match in the O’Farrell Cup {Competition played yesterday on their own ground, the Free School put up a great fight against the Trade School, this year’s winners of the cup. The Trade School
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  • 1917 6 MR. C. H. YOUNG'S TALK INTERESTING ADDRESS AT IPOH ROTARY TIFFIN THE following is an interesting paper on “Bee-keeping in Malaya,” which was read by Mr. C. H. Young at the tiffin meeting of the Ipoh Rotary Chib, at the Grand Hotel. The menu included
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  • 452 6 Alleged Offence With Sticks j ACCUSED LOSES JOB The case in which a Tamil was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt, was again brought up before Mr. B. F. Bridge, 5 the Disrict Judge yesterday. The complainant was Arimuthu and ac- cused was Kalimuthu, his neighbour. Court-*
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  • 2868 7 EMPIRE NEWSLETTER RECEPTION OF JUBILEE PROGRAMMES arts received by the B. B. C. inc that reception of the special Jubilee p mnies broadcast throughout the v on May 6 was excellent. t from those listeners who listened <• t ther to the Home or Empire Transi, rs
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  • 308 7 Nephew Of Sir A. Du Cros Killed Aidershot, May 28. Two men, inseparable friends during their Army service and also since their return to j civil life, were killed on May 28 when thĕ car in which they were travelling collided with an electric standard
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    • 319 7 I THE new I A McC ALL>i Rlla printed y'W 1/PATTERNS 1 FOR JUNE JUST RECEIVED THIS WEEK j) I ONLY ,N MeCALL STERNS i i LITTLE COST PI,INTED CUTTING LINE fabrics 1 1 That Makes I SEWING SO ACCURATE! i' other pattern has a printed cutting fe. r i
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  • 978 8 It is a well-known fact that about the end of this year the Malayan judiciary’ will be considerably short of judges. It is said there will be about four to five vacancies to fill and already the names of one or two prominent members of the bar
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  • 854 8 OBJECTION NOT SUSTAINED 1 Alleged Breach F.M.S.R. EMPLOYEE CHARGED Kuala Lumpur, June 7. Brisk passages between the prosecuting officer, Mr. G.E. Devonshire, and the' chief Chinese interpreter. Mr. Pauh Seng 1 K ang, culminated in the latter leaving the court yesterday morning when the
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  • 168 8 Garrison's Departure Postponed STRENGTH DOUBLED FOR INDEFINITE PERIOD Tientsin, June 7. The departure of the Japanese gair n scheduled to be relieved by new for 3 June 12 is postponed thus doubiinr >r an indefinite period the strength of la Japanese troops in North China.
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  • 170 8 .—Reuter. Bad Impression Crested In London London, June 7. Contrasting the earlier hepes of a settlement, the latest reports of renewed Japanese bellicosity at Tientsin create a very bad impression. While the full details are awaited, it is pointed out that China already appears ito have acceded
    .—Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 74 8 .—Reuter. All Salvage Work Abandoned London, June 7. Quetta with its multitudinous dead, hasbeen seailed for one year on the doctors’ edvice. All salvage work has been abandoned and assistance will be given to survivors pending the disinterment of their property buried under the mountain debris. Guards are
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
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    • 603 8 S BE YOUR OWN HAIRDRESSER! I thevenidaway. I SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! gj SHAMPOO I f"~ Mui i WITHOUT I t< ATiSIiM I I7‘W 111 b I: 1 j|i SOAP! r L_ ĕ™ sB3 I Ijl Oil is as necessary to the hair and scalp as food is to the
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    • 41 8 4S2RRRRRI2RRI2RRRRRRRRIB2IB NATURAL i MINERAL WATER The Ideal Beverage for use in the Tropics. I o CORRECTS ACIDITY I) AND AIDS DIGESTION I I S U > i O SOLE AGENTS: I Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd., I PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 142 9 Singapore—London In 5| Days REPLY TO LETTERS IN FORTNIGHT Twice-Weekly Planes Begin On Wednesday The weekly Amsterdam-Batavie service of the K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Airlines) will be doubled next Wednesday. The service will be operated with Fokker-Douglas DC--2 aircraft, the transit time being reduced to
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  • 162 9 By Canton Association RETALIATION FOR UNFAIR TREATMENT Shanghai, June 6. The Rice Merchants Association of Canton held a meeting yesterday and decided to launch a boycott campaign against rice from Siam says the Sin Chew Jit Poh. The measure is reported to be a retaliation for unfair
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  • 32 9 .—Rugby Radio Service. London. June 7. A bulletin issued today states that the Princess Royal hed a good night and the condition of Her Royal Highness is satis- factory.-
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  32 words
  • 202 9 Singapore Court's Decision ALLEGED LOANS Manager's Case Postponed Singapore, June 6. The Third Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, delivered judgment today in the case in which five directors of the Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd., were charged with authorising a lean up to
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  • 132 9 .—Reuter. Manchukuo A Large Source Of Supply London, June 7. Practically all illicit drug factories in Europe have now been abolished but still a large source of supply in the Far East is Manchukuo w’hich presents a most difficult problem, said Russell Pasha interviewed by Reuter
    .—Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 62 9 By HARRY LAMMERTS SOLOISTS At The E. O. HOTEL Sunday, June 9, 1935. 9.15 p.m. to 11.15 p.m. PROGRAMME Poet and Peasant —Overture (By Request) —Suppe Beautiful Spring—Waltz—Lircke Rigeletto—Opera-Selection—Verdi Second Hogarian Rhapsodic—(By Request) Liszt Sweethearts of Yesterday—Potpourri— Hall Salut d'Amour—Melody —Elgar RusUe in Spring—(By Request) —Sinding Merry’ Widow’—Operetta-
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  • 486 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR Church of England WHIT SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10.00 a.m. Ma*ins. Venute—324. PS XLVUI—I34. T. E. Dewm—lV Set. Benedictus—2s2. 1 Hymns—2oB—ls4—ls6. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. PS CIV—I2I. Westminster Chaub Book. Magnificat—so. Nune Dimittis —64. Hymns—lss—29s—2ls—2lo. WHIT MONDAY 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. WHIT TUESDAY 8.00
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    • 476 9 INDIGESTION 4 ,pped in 5 minutes! n g- evidence of the remarkable ith which indigestion and stomach n be stopped has been revealed by experiments and X-ray photoof actual cases. These prove the nts of Bisurated Magnesia to be kest-acting and most effective o medical science. 5 minutes a teaspoonful
      476 words
    • 176 9 Jr* JQmßn THE TRUFOOD BABY IS A HAPPY BABY Be Fair To Your Baby Babies reared on Humanised Trufood are such cheery, healthy little souls because they secure all the nourishment of breast milk in this nearest-to-nature food. Humanised Trufood not only makes strong BONES, sound TEETH, pure BLOOD, but
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    • 121 10 WNO dining Jebh complete without it M LEA&PERRINS R SAUCE i n r J.Collis Brtiwreg I Them Is 11 I *4 j•B k| no Sufcßtituts. g Acte Ilk* a charm In Chackc and arrest* DIARRHCEA and ’IVER, GROUP, ague. STOMACH CHILLS 0 CATARRH. ASTERA, BRONCHITIS, r CHQLERA and A palliative
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  • 332 11 King Made Request For It THE King makes the special request that at the end of the .-'cert the entire audience will sing •Jerusalem That announcement, made at the md of Albert Hall court, turned 10.000 people into a st choir that sang Blake’s famous ■ds. Bring
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  • 273 11 Praise For Sanitation System HEALTHIEST CITY IN THE EAST Dr Wu Chi Moy who was sent by the Mun ty of Canton to investigate the J'i! a’th and sanitation questions in t > S h Seas. Europe and America in Singapore on Tuesday. I' rot
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  • 251 11 Singapore Venue Singapore Diocesan Conference will' in Singapore next week. On the even- j T Tune 11 clergy from all parts of the! 'ila and the adjacent countries of I and Java will gather in this city. next morning at 10 o’clock the »p will give
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  • 214 11 Australian States 1 Plight MEN GOING BACK TO THE LAND The bronzed, husky men of the great spaces of W estern Australia, where I men are men. are short of wives. 1 here] are 34,000 of them who can never hope] (or fear as the case my
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  • 76 11 Australia Building Warships Built by private enterprise, a naval sloop has just been launched as aj farther Australian contribution to Empire defence. Another sloop has been laid down, and an appropriation of £2 Li millions has been made for building a new cruiser to replace the old H.M.A.S.
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  • 166 11 Mr. R. Brown And Miss P. Lacey The first European wedding on the Cameron Highlands toe k place at 10 o’clock in the lounge of the Cameron Highlands Hotel on Thursday morning the parties being Mr. Robert Brown, Manager of Boh Planations. Boh Valley, Cameron Highlands
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  • 172 11 Historic Link With Josiah Wedgwood Mr C T. Wcde-wood. who is of the sixth "eneraticn of thr> famous family of English notters. and wh° is vis Ping Svdnev. Hs iust disolosed an interesting link between the founder of his family and Australia. Th~ first niece of Australian
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  • 111 11 Fare Paid By Jubilee Visitors Three people, in Queensland decided some time ago, to make the trip “home” to England in Jubilee year, and smarted to save all the English pennies they could get. Gradually they saved £l2O worth. In five metal-bound and sealed boxes, each weighing
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  • 87 11 BRIAN appears with Warner Oland and Thomas Beck in Charlie Chan in Paris,” BRIGHT SCARLET VELVET contrasts with the close fitting skirt of bhek velvet, worn by Steffi Duna. who appears in the new film, Red ’I irnina THIS petrol-driven portable rc .d drill, weighing 751 b.
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    • 386 11 rPeopleWho NeecK YEAST-VITE I Arc TOUR SYMPTOMS HEBE? dOfe WM ill Xlgz/ Sufferers from 1 1 INDIGESTION K»mns i -r should try Yeast-v”" MOTHERS Those Who Lant INSTAN ILY. In a will find a source of New 1 OLt E P minutes it banishes the Life, New Energy, New need
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  • 340 12 Figures For April PURCHASES OF I MACHINERY Wateyan trade continues to expand. Gross trade during April amounted to >88,433,000 compared with $78,454,000 in April last year. Trade for the first four mpnths of this year has totalled $364,380, DOO compared wi h only $294,894,000 in the
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  • 316 12 Aeroplane Crash On A Road Melbourne, May 26. A former Cambridge man, Mr. G. P. Fairbairn, and his wife, formerly Miss Mary Murray, of Melbourne, were killed when their aeroplane crashed on a road near Essendon aerodrome. The machine was that in which
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  • 97 12 Business For Tuesday Meeting The following is the agenda for the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Tuesday:— 1. To confirm minutes last Ordinary Meeting held on the 28th May, 1935. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. To confirm decisions arrived at
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  • 776 12 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule Of Principal Lines The following is a hst of vessels arriving and selling from Penang during the week: Df POST TODAY S.S. MANDAR from Langsa, Idi, Simp-ang-Olim, Tg. Poera and PangkalanBrandan. Sails tomorrow for the same ports including Tg. Soesoe. S.S. MELAMPUS from Singapore. Sails for
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  • 588 12 IMPERIAL AIRWAYS The!Eastbound and Westbound Imperial ’Aircrafts are expected to arrive at Alor Star and Singapore respectively on schedule. AIR MAILS A mail for Netherlands Indies, Australia, New Zealand and other, places by train to Singapore and thence by SingaporeAustralia Air Mail Service will be closed at
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  • 281 12 Reunion Dinner At Matacca Malacca, June 4. On Sunday night on the lawns in front of the Malacca Rest House an al frescos dinner was held to mark the reunion of tht Old Boys of the Brothers’ Schools The tables were laid out in horsesho# fashion
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 130 12 WHAT LONDON IS DOING HEAD CHARLES ROBERTS In The SUNDAY GAZETTE. A A/* M bauT* hi PA y kwa tann. Those who chew Betel cannot afford to be without ---7 Packet of Balashin Sai or "Pat Kwa Tann". i BALASHIN SAI OR "PAT KWA TANN" Possesses six exclusive virtues beneficial
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    • 169 12 YOUR DOG MUStI UAVEMEAT J n v'fe He gets It ifi really wholetome form in combination with finest wbeatmeals in OVAI? QUITS SUPREME IN THE DOC*S «ITr-M Tradt Sa:—o E. S. BEST, P.O. Box 291, Bombay. MkshAway Superfluous Hair A |N 3 MINUTES I This New I V 7 \7
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 126 13 4-15 NIGHTLY 9-30 MATINEES TODAY TOMORROW AT 2-45 P.M. ARGE CROWDS AT EVERY SHOW REVEL IN THE BEAUTY OF THIS GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT The Famous Stars of LOVE PARADE r woevdlier < cHgitacPOiiau» s!Mraw> Ti -fa Tw' 's 2R/ Production fa Metro j with t QoUwvn EDWARD EVERETT HORTON, I
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    • 176 13 M-LLLIL'WIjSHk. Ig2»g 3 SHOWS TODAY TOMORROW 2-45 6-15 9-30 ONE OF TRULY GREAT HINDUSTANI PICTURES OF THE SEASON ‘BAG-E-MISAR’ OR “Beauty Of Islam” -OH: Wp#■ 1 >' 1 With the famous stars of "LAL-E-Y AM AN FEROZ DASTUR—MISS PADMA—MASTER MOHAMED A Story of faithfulness and patriotism made into a mighty
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 107 14 fctfeWW i wEtaf a® i Sole AgentsH. V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO. ARE YOU LACKING IN VITAL FORCE VIGOUR? Pure Blood is HEALTH, VIGOUR and UFE Impure Blood is the root cause of Skin Diseases, Boils, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism. The poisons result in damage to the arteries,
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 546 14 Wireless Programmes BB.C. The following are the wavelengths, two Of which will be used simultaneously QSG 10.8« metres foul GSF 19.82 metres GSF 19.82 metres throughout and OSG 18.8« metres until 11.00 pjn. Local Time GSE 25.29 metres after 11.05 p.m. Local Tim« GSD 25.58 metres and GSC 81.30 metres
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    • 591 14 (Fritz Brase). Miniature Overture (Vincent O’Brien). 8.10 Weekly Newsletter and Sports Summary. 8.30 —An Empire Service, relayed from St. Paul’s Cathedral. London. Order of Service: Introit, Lead me, Lord (Wesley); Prayer; Hymn, When God of Old Came Down from Heaven (A. M., 154; E. H., 158); Thanksgivings; Psalm CXXI; Lesson,
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    • 440 14 Greenwich Time Signal at 10.20 p.m. 10.20 A Sonata Recital by Frederick Grinke (Violin) and Dorothy Manley (Pianoforte). Sonata in G. Op. 96 (Beethoven). English Dance (B. J. Dale). 10.40 The Gwaunceegurwen Junior Prize Band, conducted by Dan Lloyd. Ronald Chivers (Baritone). Ronald Chivers: Port of Many Ships (Keel), Song
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    • 313 14 Programme Forecast (German, English) 8.35 Music and Topical Events 9.05 —News in English on DJQ and in Dutch on DJB 9.20 A Summer Walk through the “Mark Brandenburg” 10.05 —Virtuoso Light Music The Max Gunther Orchestra. 10.35 News in German ion DJQ and DJB 10.50 Violins calling to the dance!
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    • 1875 15 lyU ml<l yvrm? oM American mail line < l I w' S<- nfeUST Wl -‘l'i I BLUE FUMMBL LIMB Ll4-' LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leave Due J rr ~l c MEI-• S Amsterdam, London and Hamburg London aSSLaZSZSSEfeXIS» > t ANTF Mare., L’don, R'dam, H'burg 4 Glasgow y 13 I
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  • 856 16 Raphael Superior At Infighting FERNANDEZ BEATS MONTANES (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 8. A reocrd crowd saw Aime Raphael defeat Young Frisco on points. The fight was fought at a hectic pace throughout, the Frenchman being always superior at infighting and cleverly avoiding some dangerous attacks
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  • 24 16 BIRTH At the Maternity Hospital Penang on June 7th to Mavis, wife of J. A. CLARK of the Hongkong Shanghai Bank—a son.
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  • 390 16 C.R.C. "A” Beats P.W.F.A. BY TWO GOALS The C.R.C. “A” gained a convincing victory over the P.W.F.A. yesterday at the S.X.I. ground, in their First Division League fixture. Though beaten, the P.W. F.A. gave a very plucky display, playing throughout the game with one man short, and
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  • 69 16 It is understood that Mr. Victor Lowinger, the Agent of the Malayan Governments in London and Malaya’s representative on the International Tin Committee, is arriving in Penang on July 18 .and will proceed immediately to Lumpur and at a later date will go
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  • 196 16 Now She Milks 8 Cows She is a farmer’s wife —and she couldn’t put her feet to the ground. What a terrible handicap, both for her and her husband It was ail due to rheumatism she was helpless with it. She writes of her experiences
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  • 122 16 Malaya Cup Soccer THREE CLEAR GOALS VICTORY The Combined Services folic wed up their last Saturday’s Malaya Cup success by defeating Johore at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday by three clear goals. The Military men displayed good understanding throughout and played well together as a team while
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  • 231 16 Seeded Player Beaten In First Rcund I (From Cur Cwr Correspondent) Taiping, June 7. Good progress has ccn made in the North Perak Tennis Championships which s‘erted at Taipinj o Thursday. The weather, hough e’eudy turned out to be fine yesterday and today, and afforded all tennis
    231 words
  • 315 16 KENNEDY COMPANY TODAY’S PRICES RUBBER: B. Lintang 1.05 1.15 1.02% 1.12% Benta 85 90 92% 1.00 Broga 92% 97 %c 90 97 %c Pajam 1.80 1.87% 1.80 1.87% S. Tufaeng 1.02% 1.07%c 1.02% 1.07 %C Temerloh 57 65 57 65 TIN s Ampat Tin 4)3 4|9ex 413 4[9ex Asam Kumbang
    315 words
  • 215 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS TIN Ayer Weng 1.90 1.95 1.90 1.95 Hit 2 m 49 51 48 50 I Je’ebu 97% 1.02% 1.00 1.05 K. River 1.57% 1.62% 1.57 1.65 Mambau 50 55 50 55 Nawng Pet 72% 77% 72% 77% North Taiping 50 52% 50 52% I Rahman
    215 words
  • 105 16 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 74 37 64 75 17|64 New York 4.93% 4.95% Montreal 4.93% 4.95% Brussels 29.05 29.17 Geneva 15.09 15.20 Amsterdam 7.28 7.33 Milan 59% 59J& Berlin 12.18 12.24 Prague ns 118% Copenhagen Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Vienna 26% 26% Helsingfors
    105 words
  • 71 16 Returning To America Immediately (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 8. Douglas Fairbanks accompanied by Lady Ashley and Miss Maureen Carew arrived 1 by air from Batavia yesterday. Fairbanks said that in ccnsequence of the receipt of a very disturbing telegram he must return I to
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 10 16 will be no issue of the “Pinang Gazette” on Monday.
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    • 89 16 ASAM KUMBANG TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federated Malay States) NOTICE OF FIFTY-SECOND DIVIDEND NOTICE is hereby given that a Dividend the 52nd of Sixpence per share has been declared due and payable to registered i shareholders at the offices of the Company, Taiping and Sydney, on Friday, the
      89 words
    • 132 16 PENANG 'PHONE 543. PENANG S. S. WHITSUN WEEK-END DINNER DANCES 1 TONIGHT TEDDY WEATHERFORD at the Piano. PROGRAMME INCLUDES “MERRY WIDOW’’ piano solo with Band accompaniment. TOMORROW Music at the CRAG HOTEL for Tiffin from 12 noon. Piano Violin solos. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT AT RUNNYMEDE 7 to 9.30 PM MONDAY Music
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 311 16 Phone 485 Amalgamated Amusements, Limited, 86, Beach Street, Penang FUN FROLIC MAIN GATE 10’ CENTS. Saturday, Bth June, 1935. THEAN LOK 800 TAI SHANGHAI < OPER A 1. “PENG KOOI PLAT EWE” 2. “TEONG PAN PHOE—HUN CHOAN hq w 3- “LOW SIEW NW AR” Seats: 40, 2O and 10 Cents.
      311 words