Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 414 1 TEACHING OF IMPROVED METHODS FOLLOWING BORNEO SUCCESS MONEY ADVANCES FOR MATERIALS The authorities in Sumatra are out t" teach the natives to improve the tre lent of rubber; tor this purpose Mi Win Brakel, according to the Dutch papers, has been appointed fori a
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  • 227 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Railway Electrification EXCHEQUER GUARANTEES LOANS London, June 5. A big programme of railway and other transport improvements in the London area involving an expenditure of £35,000,000, loans for which will have an exchequer guarantee is to be undertaken at once and completed in five
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  227 words
  • 161 1 —Reuter Wireless. Socialist Proposals Rejected Berne, June 2. By 18 votes to 4 the Cantons voted against the new deal and it is believed the vote will strengthen the position of the Swiss franc as far as its internal position is concerned. The Swiss referendum
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  161 words
  • 70 1 .—Reuter. Conviction Quashed By Appeal Court London, June 5. The Court of Criminal Appeal quashed the conviction of the Duke of Manchester. The Duke of Manchester was sentenced on May 10 at the Old Bailey to nine months' imprisonment for obtaining an advance of £650 from a
    .—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 143 1 .—Reuter. Passes Third Reading ROYAL ASSENT BEFORE SUMMER RECESS London, June The House of Commons by 386 \otes to 122 passed the third reading of uhe Government of India Bill which will be sent to the House of Lords and is expected to receive royal assent
    .—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 96 1 Reuter. Proposal To Institute Income Tax London, June 5. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Moreing, Mr. Eden said that he had no official information concerning the Chinese proposal to institute income tax. Mr. Moreing drew attention to the high film censorship fees, rendering the import
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 496 1 NO DEMAND FOR INCREASE 1 1 SO FAR AS IS KNOWN F.M.S. CHAMBER OF MINES ENQUIRIES We have received the following letter from Mr. A. C. J. Towers, secretary of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines. (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —As directed
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  • 500 1 —Reuter. Socialists* Remarkable Manifesto NATIONALISATION OF KEY INDUSTRIES Paris, June 5. The political crisis is at present dominated by the Cartel left parties and M. Laval finally gave up the task of forming a Cabinet because he could not count on the support of the Left for
    .—Reuter.  -  500 words
  • 156 1 At Malacca On Tuesday ALTERNATIVE CHARGE (From Our Own Correspondent) 1 Singapore, June 5. The “Straits Times” states that Inspector Nunn of Malacca, who was last week committed for trial before the Malacca District Court on a charge of causing the death of a Tamil
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  • 51 1 —a London nursing home.—Rugby Radio Service. Condition Reported Satisfactory London, June 5. A bulletin issued this morning stated “The Princess Royal has passed a good night and her condition is so far satisfactory.” The Princess Royal yesterday underwent an operation for exophthalmic goitre in —a London nursing home.—Rugby
    —a London nursing home.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  51 words
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    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bisbop Street, PENANG. Telephone No. 772.
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    • 214 1 842. T. Why every day 5000 Women change to "Dull Finish*fowder Ordinary face powders only prevent ugly shine for a few minutes. Then the powder itself becomes shiny. This is because ordinary powders absorb the skin’s natural moisture and form a glistening paste like wet flour. J* Chemistshave devoted years
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    • 23 1 DONALD 4 SCOTCH WHISKY A fine WHISKY At a Moderate Prto» of a bottfe. Obtainable Fra» All Provision Storaa »wn i ——■sak
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    • 2091 2 AdS A Particulars of MALAYAN TIN DREDGING FOO CHEONG HANKS RATES FOR CASUAL Lot 596 Mukim 21, Central District IkJITCH Province Wellesley Lllttll tU* P A Y A to be sold by (Incorporated in England.) WWIYBF I PUBLIC AUCTION M R c u ftO stree f CHARTERED BANK NEDERLANDSCHE FUDLIW
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  • 2314 3 CABINET RECONSTRUCTION POSSIBILITIES GENERAL ELECTION SPECULATION REACTIONS TO HERR HITLER'S SPEECH COMMONS' DEFENCE DEBATE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 25. THE PREMIER’S RETIREMENT MR. RAMSAY MacDonald’s decision to retire from the exacting office of Prime Minister er an unusually arduous period is reshadowed
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    • 336 3 Back to health RjggsM and strength -with HORLICK’S When illness has left you weak and limp, your body’s great need is nourishment j nourishment that will rebuild wasted tissues and bring energy flooding back, yet placing no i yj/ strain on digestion. Doctors recognise that Horlick’s is invaluable «II for
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  • 1255 4 PROGRAMME AND SELECTIONS FOR SATURDAY GOOD FIELDS AND OPEN RACING Below will be found the full programme for Saturday’s racing at Kuala Lumpur, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Summer Meeting: Race 1, Ponies, Class 2, Division 1, 5 furlongs, 2.30 p.m. 0
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  • 1200 4 GENERAL EXPECTATIONS CONFIRMED ROBIN GOODFELLOW AND FIELD TRIAL PLACED KING AND QUEEN PRESENT London. June 5. The King and Queen drove to Epsom Downs this afternoon to see the Derbv. Other occupants of the royal stand were the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of
    ill! Let! Wtllllg lIIW'L 11 w be scratched.—Reuter and Rugby Service.  -  1,200 words
  • 848 4 Many Absentees PENANG TEAM TO MEET PERAK A soccer state trial was played yesterday on the Victoria Green and as on previous occasions there were several absentees from the two sides selected and play to be commenced with ten men playing for the Colours while nine men
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  • 331 5 BAER SCHMELING TO MEET IN LONDON? tish Boxing Board of Control has ■d a world’s heavy-weight 'hip fight in London between Max e American holder of the title, < Schmeling, of Germany. v 21 the Board issued the followln& dement: ard at its meeting has given for
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  • 1170 5 DERBYSHIRE THE LEADING COUNTY UNKNOWN YOUTH'S FEAT cm Ou.- Cwn Correspondent) London. May 25. E AMD’S CAPTAIN r< gard to a report concerning the y of the England XI. in the ling Test matches against South Mr P. F. Warner, chairman of the Committee, makes the following
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  • 291 5 INJURED JOCKEY REPLANS A CAREER Grimsby, May 18. For the first time since he was flung from his horse in a race for the Pelham ’Chase at Brocklesby s x weeks ago. Bob Lyall, the famous steeplechase jockey, on May 18 put his foot on
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  • 572 5 I H. F. E. Coles (England) had no difficulty in winning his second game in the j British Empire amateur Championship at the Burroughes Hall in Soho Square on May 21 when he beat S. Fenn ng (Irish Free State) easily. Coles, who is the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 288 5 BUY BRITISH BE PROUD OF IT FROM WHITLEY'S Bf® (Newly Opened Sports Store.) All kinds of Badminton Rockets. w From 60 CENTS upwards. I FREE SERVICE for One Year to any Tennis I Badminton Racket purchased or strung from I our work-shop. I TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. A WHITLEY CO.,
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  • 2559 6 LIFE WITH THE SPARKLE GONE FATALIST, TIRED OF HIS FAME l "To Die's Best Because There Is No Reveille GRAMOPHONE FAN Sent Home From India And Guarded On The Route NEW LETTERS by Lawrence of Arabia are published below:— This man of mystery, who was
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  • 319 6 j Before the end of this month one of the most elaborately equipped salvage ships m the world will leave the Clyde in an attempt to locate the Lusitania, torpedo d by a German submarine off the south coast of Ire* land
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    • 62 6 CTADI WHY RE-LINE YOUR Olw r. bearings so often It's a waste of money and quite unnecessary For Trouble-free bearing surface R > I C, -W ?i y I MAGNOLIA BEARING METAL I Specifically prepared for each and every purpose. ASK UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED, PENANG. I The Orig nal and
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  • 561 7 Allegations Against A Clerk Muttiah, an English-speaking clerk em1 by the Agricultural Department, once again in the First Magistrate’s i rt, Ipoh, on Tuesday when he was ged with being drunk and incapable, Friday last in Batu Road. week previously Muttiah had been i with being
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  • 311 7 Malaya And Siam To Exchange Reports VITAL IMPORTANCE TO AVIATION Malaya and Siam have agreed to exchange, by wireless, weather bulletins twice a day. This decision, of vital importance to aviators flying through what in the monsoon season is one of the worst stretches of the Imperial,
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  • 148 7 Hu Yew Seah Leading By One Doubles Further play in the Junior Inter-Team Badminton fixture between the Hu Yew Seah and the Anglo-Chinese School Union, yesterday, resulted in the Hu Yew Seah leading by two doubles to one. The Seah’s pair Lim Choon Seng and T«n Teik
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  • 303 7 I Fights In Penang And Singapore NARA TO MEET CHOO (BY “SECONDS OUT”) No oxing has been arranged for this week but it is possible that the next one will be between Nara and Choo. The latter has just returned from Rangoon where he has had several fights.
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  • 246 7 S.X.I. Beat P.F.S. In an O Farrel Cup match played yesterday on the Trade School ground the St. Xavier s Institution defeated the Penang Free Schocl by two clear goals. Both teams were evenly matched but the S.X.I. forwards combined better. The winners dominated play in the
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  • 401 7 Motion Withdrawn PRINCIPLES OF PROSECUTION ACCEPTED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 5. What has become known as the Three Lawyers Case,” came to a sudden end today, when .the action against three local advocates and solicitors to show cause terminated on the application of the Attor-ney-General.
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  • 140 7 Sinclair To Meet Ee Kong In Final Kuala Lumpur, June 5. By defeating Ng Kok Thoy in the semifinal of the Selangor lawn tennis championship meet ng this evening H.J. Sinclair qualified to meet Ong Ee Kong in the final. The match ran into three sets. The Chinese
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 Help Kidneys Don’t Take Drastic Drugs Your kidneys have nine million tiny tubes or filters which are endangered by (gleet or drastic, irritating drugs. BeW are! if Kidney trouble or Bladder weak- ss makes you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Beg Pains, Nervousness. Dlzzbless. Stiffness, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Burning, Itching,
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    • 83 7 ARE YOU LACKING IN VITAL FORCE&VIGOURP Pure Blood is HEALTH, VIGOUR and LIFE. Impure Blood is the root cause of Skin Diseases, Boils, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism. The poisons result in damage to the arteries, internal organs and premature old age. The direct way to health is by
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    • 22 7 BANK HOLIDAY The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday, June 10, 1935, which has been proclaimed a Bank Holiday. (WHIT MONDAY)
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    • 35 7 PENANG ’PHONE 543. PENANG S. S. Monday, Wednesday and Friday COCKTAIL DANCES 6.30 to 9 p.m. THURSDAY SATURDAY > DINNER DANCES JUNE 15th. P. P.W. EUROPEAN VOLUNTEER BALL. I 01 I I -A- I r m
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 221 7 Ladies* Guest Night TONIGHT ONLY FREE ADMISSION TO BOTH WEMBLEY AND FUN FROLIC PARKS TO ALL LADIES. Phone 485. Amalgamated Amusements, Limited, 86, Beach Street, Penang. FtW FROLIC MAIN GATE 10 CENTS. Thursday. 6th June. 1935. THEAN LOK 800 TAI SHANGHAI OPERA “OH HOOI TYE LAU MUAR CHOON HNOOI” Seats
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  • 309 8 Chevalier-MacDonald-Lubitsch Musical AT QUEEN'S AND ROYAL TONIGHT Gay Viennese music Continental joyousness, Parisian revels and charming old world romance blend with massive spectacle and glamorous locales in "The Merry Widow,” Ernst Lubitsch’s production of the Franz Lehar masterpiece, opening simultaneously tonight at Queen’s and Royal. Reuniting the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 366 8 Found in Film on teeth... the germs of tooth decay! X Buried beneath an ever-forming jXJ tIT S film, this invisible enemy attacks enamel and destroys the part beneath. To fight decay, you J" must remove film every day. 1 what the scientist finds > SrdL, when he analyses film
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  • 251 9 nuts not in the shell.--Rugby Radio Ser- Signed At Angora PAYMENT OF U.K. GOODS London, June 5. Anglo-Turkish trade and payments < ment was signed at Angora yester;ind pending exchange of ratifications s into force provisionally on June 20. the House of Commons, Colonel ~ie of the
    nuts not in the shell.--Rugby Radio Ser-  -  251 words
  • 276 9 R- utor. Briiain's Cesare To Heip London, June 5. It is learnt that very highly placed are closely paying attention to Chin < tinance. There is a real desire to help China if a permanently useful way can be found but the problem has extra’rcimary complications. It
    R- utor.  -  276 words
  • 123 9 bme after Whitsuntide. —Rugby Radio Service. London, June 5. Lloyd George has detailed his pro- *l3 for national development as a 3 of dealing with the unemployment 'lems in a series of meetings with, the >al committee of the Cabinet and the hof these meetings, which is
    bme after Whitsuntide.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  123 words
  • 319 9 been provisionally fixed for JUne 18.—Reuter. i Sequel To Murder Trial INQUEST ON FRIDAY London, June 5. Mrs. Rattenbury, who wes discharged in the trial for the murder of her husband on May 31, was found drowned in a river at Christchurch, near Bournemouth, yesterday evening.
    been provisionally fixed for JUne 18.—Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 171 9 .—Rugby Radio Service. Further Shocks Felt London, June 5. Further ear‘h tremors have been experienced at Quetta and the surrounding area but these have mostly been slight and no fur*her casualties or damage hove been reported. The enormous task of relief is proceeding effectively. The earlier estimate
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  171 words
  • 110 9 —Reuter. Authorities Not Satisfied With Chinese Reply Tokio, June 5. The “Asahi Shimbun” declares that the Japanese army authorities are not satisfied with General Ho Ying-ching’s second reply which were submitted at Peking yesterday during the interview- with the Japanese Chief of Staff in North China. The “Asahi
    —Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 371 9 Revolver And Amunition I Among Stolen Property j 1 $1.603 HAUL FROM LAWYER'S HOUSE j Singapore, June 5. I Houses in several parts of Singapore town have been raided by burglars during, the past two nights and nearly $3,000 j worth of cash and property has been
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 SUNLIGHT ANU UMBRELLA SOAP FREE OFFER! Are you collecting the wrappers from these famous soaps? i From Ist May the wrappers from exchange a large-size tablet of Lux Sunlight and Umbrella Soaps will be Toilet Soap—the famous beauty soap worth money to you! All you have to used by 9
      168 words

  • 912 10 Europe’s problems, both political and domestic, continue to provide the “best news of the day.” The French Government has twice been defeated within a week and M. Bouisson’s four day cabinet xvas to be replaced by a cabinet to be formed by M. Laval, until recently French Foreign
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  • 2393 10 Further Developed In Penang Than Anywhere Else INTERESTING ADDRESS TO PENANG ROTARIANS T-lAT he would not be at all surprised if once again Malaya made a fundamental contribution to malaria control methods throughout the world, was made by Dr. Paul
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 592 10 BE YOUR OWN HAIRDRESSER! S the venida way. I SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! SHAMPOO I r"" s 1 WITHOUT L lJ£jjTyfl| i|| iil SOAP! —Bi I’ Oil is as necessary to the hair and scalp as food is to the body. All soap shampoos rob hair and scalp of oil
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    • 47 10 A FOR GOOD SHIRTS Tootal Poplins in all design* and colourings carry the Tootal guarantee of satisfaction in Wash and Wer/. TOOTAL POPLINS are only genuine with the Tootal Trade Mark stamped on every yard. IMPORTERS: Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd. PENANG. SINGAPORE, IPOH A K. L.VMPUB ’RRf2fiffira2Rßf2Rf2Kß«eßfiK»2fi
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  • 395 11 Sungei Patani Final Statement OVER $6OO BALANCE To The Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sungei Patani, June 5. Dear Sir, —As you have been so kind as to publish our collections, perhaps you will assist us further by publishing our final statement for the benefit of your
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  • 213 11 Commander In Phillipines Passing through Penang this morning on his way to New York by the President Johnson was a distinguished American in Brigadier-General Stanley H. Ford of the U.S. Army, Commander of 23rd Brigade of the Philipine Divisions. General Ford has seen many years of
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  • 30 11 Important Notice CROSSWORD PUZZLE NO. 55 has been cancelled, and further puzzles will net be continued until the return of Mr. T. B. Rogers from England.
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  • 65 11 Funeral This Afternoon The death took place last night of Mrs. M. Doraisamy, mother of Mr. D. Baooo, of the Staff of the Angle-Chinese High School, Penang. Deceased leaves her husband, three sons, four daughters and 20 grand-children. The funeral will take place this evening
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  • 132 11 Another Charge Against Lorry Driver An application for a transfer to the District Ccurt was made by the prosecuting officer in the police court today in the case in which Saw Chooi Teng, a young Hokkien, stands charged with causing hurt to Khoo Jin Sean and
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  • 134 11 Tamil Gets One Week's R.l. Sentence of one week’s rigorous imprisonment was passed on a Tamil in the police court today for committing theft of a handcart valued at $9, the property of Ramatavai, at 4 a.m. on May 29. The accused, Andy, had previously pleaded guilty before
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  • 248 11 Chinese Millionaire's Gift Of $15,000 Mr. Eu Tong Sen, the well-known Chinese millionaire, who now lives in Hong Kong, has subscribed $15,000 to the Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund. The utmost gratification is expressed by c the organisers of the Fund and it is hoped < that this
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  • 217 11 Claim Against Ipoh Tin Dredging Co. INCOME TAX REDUCTIONS DISPUTED (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 6. A suit of considerable interest to mining circles began at the Supreme Court where M. C. Corbett is claiming for a correct interpretation of an agreement made with the
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  • 49 11 $50,000 Vote Approved (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 6. It is understood that government has approved the expenditure of $50,000 for a golf course at Cameron Highlands. Of this sum $30,000 is to be spent in the current year and the balance next year.
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  • 85 11 Handed Over To Escort Wong Sang alias Wong Lei, a Teochew, who was charged yesterday with criminal breach of trust in respect of $274 at Rambau Market, within the jurisdiction of Negri Sembilan on August 15, 1934, was again produced in the police court this morning. Detective
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  • 87 11 Criminal Breach Case Postponed As one of the principal witnesses was still in hcspital, the case in which S. M. Noordin, a well-known Malay, stands charged with criminal breach of $1,125 worth of jewellery on April 19 at No. 60, Madras Lane, was again postponed. Chief
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  • 108 11 Chinese Sentenced And Fined (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, June 5. A Chinese, Cheah Boon Chooi, brought up before Che Mohamed Salleh, on a charge of kidnapping a miner, was sentenced to one day’s r.i. and fined of $l5O in default, six ifionths’ r.i. The accused had
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  • 50 11 .—Reuter Wireless. To Be Closed For Two Days Danzig, June 6. The Government composed of Nazis has ordered the closing of all banks for two days, owing to the feverish rush in the buying of foreign exchange in consequence of the rumour of further devaluation of Danzing gulden.-
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 75 11 —Reuter Wireless. Employer's Group Not To Participate Geneva, June 6. The employer’s group of the International Labour Conference recommended its members to abstain from th e discussion and voting of the 40 hour week question, if the attitude maintained by the Conference is unable to take effective
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 35 11 tion was unchanged. —Rugby Radio Service. London, June 5. Lord Carson, who is gravely ill with bronchial pneumonia, was slightly weaker this morning and this evening his condition was unchanged. —Rugby Radio Ser-
    tion was unchanged.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  35 words
  • 67 11 A Chinese youth, Tan Ah Chan, claimed trial in the police ccurt today when charged with theft of a dynamo lamp valued at $1.50, belonging to Goh Huat, on June 5. Chief Court Inspector R. J. Stewart, who prosecuted, asked fcr a week s postponement. The
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 NOTICE Lectures on MEDITATION CONCENTRATION By VEN: BHIKKHU JAGADIS KASYAPA, M.A., Commencing Saturday, Bth June, 1935, at 8 P.M. and continued every succeeding Saturday at the same hour. Our members and the public are informed that a series of lectures will be delivered [by our Honoured Guest Ve. Bhikkhu i
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    • 152 11 A PICTURE OF HEALTH aagSfep Z" BE FAIR TO YOUR BABY. 1 Babies reared on Humanised Trufood are such cheery, healthy little souls because they secure all the nourishment of breast milk in this neaiest-to-nature food. Humanised Trufood not only makes strong BONES, sound TEETH, pure BLOOD, but BRAIN power
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  • 510 12 Used Knife On Compatriot STORf OF BEING PROVOKED “It is like the British ruling this country for years and the Japanese suddenly com- ing to take control,” said accused in the I police court y.slciday afternoon, to explain his injured feelings at the overbearing and insulting
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  • 697 12 Supreme Court Suit DEFENDANT GIVES EVIDENCE The hearing went on till 5 p.m. yesterday in the Supreme Court, at which stage ‘he further hearing was adjourned till June 13, of the suit in which Shaik Mohamed Alhasawi, a Penang produce dealer and Commission Agent
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  • 391 12 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. L. H. Gorsuch goes home on leave i by the Ranpura” this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rogers of Singapore are in transit to London by the s.s. “Jutlandia.” Mr. V. C. Bath has returned from New York and rejoined the firm of Lewis and Peat
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 734 12 Glands Made Active and Youthful < Vigour Restored In 24 Hours lowed by renewed en- AatriMß Doctor S Discovery Strength- ergy and ambition, par- ticularly gratifying to •M Blood. Nerves. Body. Memory, men and women In middie or older ages.” And ■rm, Muwta, m 4 WKU 5< w Better
      734 words
    • 138 12 Wash Away Superfluous Hair ,N 3 MINUTES 1 i This New &A 1 Delightful tY/ m Way A \7 Far Better a Razor 1 688 than it takes to slip JHBkH into your bathing costume, you can now banish superfluous Ibairtroubles forever Famous scientists have discovered a Pew dainty, sweetsmelling
      138 words
    • 197 12 Columbia Grafonolas THREE MODELS OF THIS BRITISH PORTABLE, WORLD RENOWNED FOR THEIR SUPERB TONE COMBINED WITH THE BEST BRITISH WORKMANSHIP. Model 205. $21.00 201. $32.00 I 202. $50.00 Fitted with the latest type of soundbox, and guaranteed for One Year. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS ROBINSON PIANO CO.. PENANG. Sherry and some reasons
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 123 13 jvwwwwwwwjv Op Cn j ng Tonight 6-15 9-30 Simultaneously at a o w www J &i I 1 IAUtEIW AND J U M j ._"Tj :iT"" a I I l I I o FitluXMJ I I PRESENT WITH PRIDE THE OUTSTANDING MUSICAL SCREEN SPECTACLE OF ALL TIME I Maurice Chevalier
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  • 99 14 COMPANIES* OPERATIONS FOR MAY Ampat Tin Dredging Limited Pu'eh Dredging Co., Ltd. Southern Kinta Consolidated Ltd. Kramat Tin Dredging Limited Kampcn; Lian jut Ti~i Dredging Ltd. Kuala Kampar Tin Fields Ltd. Larut Ti J Fields Limited Malim Na.wer Tin Limited Rawang Tin Fie’ds Limited Rawan; Concessions Limited
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  • 123 14 tin YESTERDAY TODAY London (Spot) £227-0-0 £225-17-6 Do. (3 months) £221-10-0 £222-10-0 Singapore $113.25 $114.50 Business Done Penang $114.25 $114.50 Business Done 25 tons. 25 tons. i COPRA. (Sundried) $4.75 $4.75 SLACK PEPPER $17.00 $17.00 KLTFRER.— London 6d. 6d. New York 12%c.(G) 12%c.(G) Singapore Spot 20 %c. 20%
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  • 166 14 New Service To Far East WATER IMPURITIES IN BOILER Information has been received in Penang that the arrival of the new 18,000 ton German Liner “Scharnhorst” will be delayed until June 15. It is understood that the Scharnhorst,” after successful trials in which she easily attained her prescribed
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  • 268 14 A. A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS The fo’k'.vlnz are the ctxmgee tn ou quotations up to nnon todv Txlav Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller» TIN Ayer IVeng 1.90 1.95 1.90 1.95 Hitam 49 51 49 51 Hong Fatt 50 52% 50 52% Lukut 90 100 95 1.00 Newng Pet 70 75 70
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  • 64 14 German bonds are both lower. —Rugby Radio Service. London, June 5. Sterling on New York is quoted at 4.94% and Paris at 75 3 3 2 Gold is 141 2%d. a decrease of B%d. The st'ck markets are quiet and inclined to be weak. War Loan 3% Per
    German bonds are both lower.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  64 words
  • 78 14 —Rua by Radio Service. U.K. Shows Increase Of 3.2 Per Cent. London, June 5. The net tonnage of foreign trade, ship- ping and arrivals at United Kingdom ports with cargo in April was 3.2 per cent greater than in April 1934, while arrivals in ballast showed an increase
    —Rua by Radio Service.  -  78 words
  • 354 14 KENNEDY COMPANY TODAY’S PRICES The following are the latest quotation* n MESSRS. KENNEDY CO. «2MMD* Lilt today.— Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller* TIN Ampat Tin 4 6 50c 4.3 4{9ex Ayer Weng 1.90 1.97% 1.90 1.97% Chenderiang 8 0 8 6 Bto8 t 0 B'6
    354 words
  • 44 14 PENANG, JUNE 6 London Bank Demand 2 3 ***** 4mts 2|4 I|l6 Private 3 mlts credit 214* 3 Documentary 2|4 7116 On New York Demand 57% France T.T. 850 Hongkong T.T. 4 prem. Shanghai T.T. 25% dis. India T.T. 154 Bar Silver 33
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  • 1060 14 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST. J G MAMES 3 11. RUBBER (Dollar.) Allenby Rubber Co. |5O 165 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 115 J Amalgamated Malay Eatatea 300 3ZU Ayer Mitatu Planting Syndicate 160 1/5 I Ayer Molek Rubber Co. I 75 Ayer Panaa Rubber Estates 1 62% 1 /•> nassett Rubber
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 159 14 ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY) In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankruptcy No. 19 of 1934. Re MICHAEL D’SOUZA Notice is hereby given that a First Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. AU Creditors who have not proved their Claims by
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    • 508 14 Itch Cause Killed in 7 Mimi» Your skin ha* nearly 60 mm seams or pores where tiny ny parasites can hlda and cause v r to Itch. Crack. Peel, Burn, a?s« Ringworm, Pimples, Acne, Cr. and Foot Itch. Don’t waste ordinary methods. You must' penetrating treatment like th 14 covery
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 37 14 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind Rainfall 6.00 78 NE 1 m.m. Noon 80 N TIDE TABLE TODAY HIGH WATER LOW WATER 3.43 a.m 9.43 a.m. 3.19 p.m 10.26 p.m. TOMORP'*" 4.14 a.m 10.12 a.m. 3.43 p.m 10.55 p.m.
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  • 1124 15 THE SOYA BEAN NE HUNDRED DAYS FROM THE SOWING TO THE HARVEST tf I were a sugar beet grower, I should >tbly put up a bit of a fight for the idy in my spare time says William ley in the News Chronicle. But
    1,124 words
  • 108 15 Latest Quotations Wednesday Tuesday Paris 75 1164 74 H New York 4.95% 4.93% Montreal 4.94% 4.93% Brussels 29.13 29.00 Geneva 15.18% 15.07% Amsterdam 7.32% 7.27 Milan 6012 59% Berlin 12.20 12.15 Prague 118/« 117 916 Copenhagen Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Vienna 26% 26 Helsingfors
    108 words
  • 701 15 HENRY GARDNER CO. Metal Market Report London, May 24. The outside situation has been full of, interesting features during the past week, all more or less of a kind likely to cause the activity of markets to be maintained.! Although Herr Hitler’s speech was helpful and accommodating, the British Government’s
    701 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      11 words
    • 162 15 Motoring costs less than ever with the POPULAR 8 h.p. FORD ABUNDANT POWER —ROOMY AND COMFORTABLE W w Whatever the purpose for The Popular Ford is a splenj which you mainly use a did choice because it is so car touring, shopping economical to buy. to run A aR d
      162 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1753 16 "JTI DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE A. feffvT J f'iMSISQ cWAMERICAN MAIL LINE •(>-.< <, W I^y. J_A_JLJ J j p°gUt£ /jm' v w *l\’i 41 I ftgl>k€/-CNTING Vj-. k J flMu < ASSK >BLUB FUMMBL LINE W& IBHRbm T'SK’ I fT Veesels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leave Due C. MELAMPUS Amsterdam,
      1,753 words

  • 605 17 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule Of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TODAY S.S. GEN V. D. HEYDEN from Lho-Seu-maiwe, Sigli, Olehleh end Sabang. Sails 'oday for the same ports. S.S. PASIR from Singepore, Cheribon, Semarang and Soerabaya.
    605 words
  • 670 17 NOTICES i I I The Air Mails despatched from Penang j on the 26th May per the Imperial Air-1 ways via Alor Star were delivered in Lon- I don on the 4th June. The closing of mails for South Africa on the 6th instant (today) by the
    670 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 28 17 THE BEST OF BEST In Your Latest Requirements SILKS UNDIES Dressmaking SHOP Comfortably AT EASTERN BAZAAR, The Only Silk Store With Fixed Prices 8, Bishop Street. Phone 1396.
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 540 17 Wireless Programmes 8.8. C. following are the wavelengths, two tiich will be used simultaneously GSG 16.8« metre* *ind GSF 19.82 metre* QSF 19.82 metre* throughout And GSG 16.86 metre* until 11.06 p.m. Local Time GSE 25.29 metre* after 11.06 p.m. Local Ttane GSD 25.68 metre* and GSC 81.80 metre* TODAY
      540 words
    • 253 17 strong Gibbs). Orchestra: Three Dances (Tom Jones): (1) Morris > Dance; (2) Gavotte; (3) Jig I (Edward German). Greenwich Time Signal at 10.20 p.m. 10.20—Talk: "Foreign Affairs.”* 10.35—The Hotel Metropole Orchestra; leader, A. Rossi; under the direct tion of Emilio Colombo. Relayed from the Hotel Metropole, London. 11.20 —Short Story
      253 words
    • 336 17 B.2o—Microphone dcbutsnts. B.3o—Latest News From Holland, j B. 4s—Records.—Special breadcast for listeners in the tea cul ure. Talk by Mr. D. Lageman. 9.2o—Sta'ion orchestra. 9.40 —Records.—Dance music by Juan de Casas. 10.20—Closing down —Dutch National Anthem. STATION ZGE—KUALA LUMPUR Pre gramme to be broadcast by the Malayan Amateur
      336 words

    1,093 words
  • 734 18 Making "Really Fine" Landing-Ground WHITSUN RALLY OF FLYING CLUBS The following is the report cf the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club for the month of May: Since the last issue of Club Notes appeared, Mr. Arthur New’ark, the chief instructor, has returned from home leave and resumed his
    734 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 319 18 1 wai in iiff b 11» w w w w w 01/ w wm m a u a W I 111 >!■■■! i~w r IT a—~ WMS THE CHOICE OF THE Discriminating Industrialist RELIABLE SER VICE A Product Of THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY The Company experts in industrial power plants,
      319 words
    • 76 18 H MARTELL'S Er ft BRANDY T H E WORLD°S BEST ne m > n ia* ure bottle is given away gratis with each bottle purchased. q SOLE IMPORTERS N.V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO. PENANG, SINGAPORE. 1 I 1 1 1 I EYES TESTINC I. a I Wk I I GLASSES
      76 words

  • 1066 19 CRUISER'S PRECIOUS FREIGHT THE LONDON SHOW MASTERPIECES FROM THE FORBIDDEN CITY ion of the treasures frcm the Chi- t rial collections which will form i t ant part of the London Interna- Exhibition of Chinese Art to be held n ten House from November. 1935, i. 1936. has
    1,066 words
  • 132 19 Recognition Report Not Confirmed A report that China is about to recognise Manchukuo finds no confirmation in London. In well-informed quarters it is regarded as unlikely, while the fact that it came from Hsinking suggests that the message is inspired by Japanese sources. Conversations between Nanking
    132 words
  • 716 19 Must Be Simplified, Says Expert LEARNING BY 11 INSTALMENTS 11 Colombo. May 20. Mr. Harold E. Palmer, Languistic Adviser to the Japanese Government end the author of a number of books on Language Teaching and the speaking of English, is passing through Colombo today on his way
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 429 19 I .1,1 .1. I; i i For The lIWERJUBILEE I Hii I I KM I masters Specially brewed to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary. >■ niCollis Browoe\~ 1811 Tll I T,w ,e ■al 1 1 1 1•■ k I no > ■IhHMIMkHaHMAaMIMBMaftaBwMNRsSS
      429 words

  • 303 20 A wintry scene on the outskirts of Southport. Arctic winds, frost, < rain, hail and sleet which turned to snow formed the amazing weather pot-pourri experienced over the greater part of the British Isles. j FARM WORK came to a sudden end when heavy snow jell in
    303 words