Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 September 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833. published DAILY. o. 222. Vol. XCII. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1934. PRICE 10 CENTS.
    20 words
  • 1244 1 F LL REPORT OF DEBATE IN THE ASSEMBLY RUBBER QUOTA PROBLEM oilowing is a fuller eccount of the ngs of the Siamese Assembly on ber 13, which led up to the defeat .gnation of the State Council over 1 ber restriction agreement.
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  • 206 1 May Not Be Acquired IF AWARD INCREASED ON APPEAL (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Sept. 19. There is still a possibility that the old Europe Hotel site may not be used tor building the new Supreme Court tor which plans already have been drawn up. Seen by
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  • 65 1 —Reuter. On Important Business For China London. September 19. Sir Frederick Maze proceeded to China on the "Empress of Britain’ on beptember 8 and will be returning to England by the same ship. Instructions from the Chinese Government are awaiting him at Quebec. It is understood that
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 272 1 Rugby Radio Service and Reuter. But To Play Own Tune SOVIET'S INTENTIONS Geneva, Sept. 20. M. Litvinoff and M. Barthou were guests at a private luncheon and it is reported that M. Litvinoff, talking quite seriously, declared that the Soviet had come to join in
    Rugby Radio Service and Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 439 1 Versailles Treaty POLAND'S REFUSAL TO COLLABORATE Geneva, Sept. 13. The league edifice has agein been shaken by Poland’s refusal henceforth to collaborate with League bodies entrusted with the execution of guarantees for the protection of minorities. Poland has long sought that the clauses in the Versailles Treaty
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  • 109 1 —Reuter. To Break Textile Strike L BY 100 FACTORIES New York, Sept. 19. <• The Chairman of the Silk Code Authority declared that about 100 factories in the silk, rayon and synthetic fabrics branch of the textile industry will make a concerted effort tomorrow to break the
    —Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 317 1 Reuter Wireless. With the closing of the mills for the week-end holiday, the textile areas were comparatively calm to-day. National guardsmen were called out in Northern Carolina and Georgia following scattered disturbances last night. Everything in the north is ouiet on the surface but Fh** National
    Reuter Wireless.  -  317 words
  • 160 1 .—Reuter Wireless. FRANC NOT TO BE DEVALUED Paris, Sept. 15. Indications as to how the French Budget for 1935 will be balanced were given by M. Germain Martin, the Finance Minister, to-, day. He estimated receipts at 47,022,000,- 000 francs and expenditure at 46,984,000,1
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  160 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 TOKISATSU ARTISTIC j OTOGRAPHERS k <B-70, BUhoe» Street, PENANG. Telephone No. 772.
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    • 65 1 After a hard day s work a strenuous day’s pleasure, what V/ more refreshing than TALIS- MALT. It is the ideal before- bed drink because it gives y/ healthful sleep. But if is equally good at breaky/ fast, for its ingredients give renewed energy and vitality. Begin drinking TALISMALT to-day.
      65 words
    • 21 1 The Grand MacNISH CTSQ SCOTCH KgJI WHISKY ‘The Ohotae of I*o ■fa ConnoiflMOr Sole Distributor»: N. V. Straits Java Trading Ok
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1793 2 RATES FOR CASUAL m.v. "glenbeg" Voy. 28 RANKS CleQnii ADVERTISEMENTS (Outward.) /j “Consignees of cargo per the above vessel CHARTERED BANK NEDERLANDSCHE I CW« All communications relating to f rom Europe are hereby notified that she itwt»ia AVRTRALIA AND CHINA UA n?\x\. •dvertiaements shou.d be addresseel to to a^in =g
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  • 4218 3 IWHf iE FURTHER KNOWLEDGE IS I needed I CTURE TO I. S. P. CONFERENCE L TFALLS IN CONDUCT OF FIELD E -ERIMENTS MAY BE AVOIDED re on Tapping Systems i t>e Botanical Division. Rn'bb'" p ere<l b v Alr C. C. >.B. Conference in Kuala
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 314 3 “CROSLEY”j SHELVADOR AND TRI SHELVADOR [I YOU MUST SEE the CROSLEY SHELVADOR I and TRI-SHELVADOR Elec- I y t|*i c Refrigerator to fully I appreciate the advance- I 44ffl-l ment in Refrigerator I design, convenience and I Performance that they I represent. —> '"1 Bd i y° ur < ea
      314 words

  • 542 4 Selections For To-Morrow BIG FIELDS AND LIKELY BIG DIVIDENDS By "Tic-Tac." To-morrow will see the start of the two nay amateur meeting at Singapore Un ess there are heavy scratchmgs, there should he unusually urge and gen erous dividends are likely to lx me th®
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  • 75 4 At Malakoff Club Course On Sunday A Golf Match, Malakoff v. Penang will be played over th e Malakoff course on Sunday. Play will commence et 9 a.m. and the teams are as follows MALAKOFF PENANG Halliday and McKinsterey and Spowers Moncur Craig and Abbott and Fletcher
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  • 30 4 Reuter. Accrington Defeats Mansfield Town London. Sept. 19. ln a match in the Northern Section of the English League, Accrington defeated Mansfield Town by two goals to nil.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 327 4 —Reuter. No Race Owing To Lack Of Wind SEA LIKE MILL POND Newport, Sept. 20. There is no race to-day tor the America’s Cup. This decision was made after two postponements. At 11.35 a.m. the race was postponed for quarter of an hour as the wind was so
    —Reuter.  -  327 words
  • 93 4 Penang Team To Meet Perak The following Team has been chosen to represent the Penang Lawn Tennis Association against Perak Lawm Tennis Association to be played on the Courts of the Penang Golf Club on Saturday and Sunday th e 22nd and 23rd September. SINGLES Goon Kok Yin.
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  • 60 4 —Reuter, And 100 Guineas FASTEST CENTURY OF SEASON London, September 19. Frank Woolley (Kent) has won the Lawrence Trophy and the hundred guineas offered by Sir Walter Law’rence to the batsman scoring the fastest century in the season. This was accomplished at Dover bn August 17
    —Reuter, «  -  60 words
  • 36 4 Reuter. Meeting To-morrow TO DISCUSS BODYLINE BOWLING London, September 19'. It is understood that the M.C.C. Committee and the Australian Board of Control representatives’ meeting will to-mor- row discuss body line bowling.-
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 1398 4  - PYGMIES DWARFS RY F. KINGDOM WARD In The “Spectator" The word “pygmy” conjures up something sinister in the minds of most people. A pygmy tribe is regarded as a dangerous tribe: and moreover dangerous in a slightly exotic sense, not necessarily to life or limb —pygmies are not commonly associated
    In The “Spectator"  -  1,398 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 18 4 TIJAH RUMBA Sung By The World's Greatest Malay Artist MISS TIJAH “Chap Kuching” i k t HXhoutrieJi I
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    • 211 4 j CLEANS Quink a marvelous writing ink containing a harmless solvent. Quink dissolves sediment and gun; left by ordinary inks. The pe starts quickly goes along like breeze. And never clogs! That’, why we say Quink cleans AS IT WRITES You owe it to your fountain pen fry this quick-drying,
      211 words

  • 2360 5 Science Invention HE TREATMENT OF CANCER section BY finger prints PROGRESS OF TELEVISION FEATURES OF THE NEW CUNARDER ;r Own Correspondent.) H London. September 8. a pio> R against cancer H search is still a very young! s The Times), but already a K' mong the pioneers have beif" to
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  • 655 5 SINGAPORE TO MEET BATAVIA TO-MORROW The challengers for the Interport Cup arrived on Monday by the S. S. "Ophir” I and were met by the members of the crew representing Singapore in the Fours race which will take place to-morrow at 5.30 p.m. over the Breakwater Course of
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  • 1154 5 FEDERATION CONGRESS AT STOCKHOLM 34 WORLD RECORDS RATIFIED London, Sept. 1. The International Amateur Athletic Federation held a Congress at Stockholm from Aug. 26 to 30, during which several proposals affecting athletics, and the rules thereof, were passed and thirty-four world’s record ratified. I The most important
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 Kill Kidney Trouble Quick Thousands of sufferers from Kidney trouble and Bladder weakness have stopped Getting Up Nights, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Stiffness, Rheumatism, Dizziness, Lumbago, Burning, Itching, Smarting, Acidity and Loss of Vigour by a Doctor’s new discovery called Cystex (Sisstex). Gently soothes, tones, cleans, and heals, raw sore kidneys.
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  • 557 6 PROFESSOR PICCARD TELLS OF HIS DARING PLAN For New Raid On The Stratosphere VISION OF AIR TRAVEL AT OVER 500 m.p.h. Saanenmoser, Switzerland, Sept. 1. Plans to ascend 20 miles above the earth into the stratosphere- six miles higher than man has ever gone
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  • 918 6 CROWDS VISIT BUCKFAST HIKERS AND TOURISTS IN ABBOT'S CONGREGATION Buckfast. Devon. Deep in the peace which yet dwells se- cretly in the England countryside there -o. ancient and imperishable thet the very breezes have the sound of whispered prayer. Buckfast, by the far-flowing Dart, is one
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  • 250 6 18 Months’ Work On New Church Mosaic Mr. Boris Anrep. who is responsible for the mosaic floors in the vestibule of the National Gallery, in the Blake Room of the Tate Gellery, and in the Bank of England, has just completed the mosaic arches in Aghia Sophia,
    250 words
  • 382 6 Three Masted S. Oner Yacht's Advent 8s GEAR SMASHED AN Rew 1 ON SHORT RAT j Ns A tale of ill-luck follow:: i of the ship’s cat is told bv Qj i small 95-tons, three-masted j Isobel, which has wandered south seas in trying
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  • 23 6 Councillor IV. Mobbs, presentiny a cup to "Miss Lowestoft (Miss M. Board ey), the winner oi a beauty competition.
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  • 174 6 Breathing Away High Pressure A remarkable new treatment for reducing high blood-pressure by deep-breath-ing exercises is described by Dr. Lothar Gottlieb Tirala, director of the Institute of Eugenics in the University of Munich, in the German periodical “Die Medizinische Welt." Dr. Tirala claims that substantial reduction can
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  • 360 6 “Old Bill’s” Indifference There are two new arrivals in the colony of sea lions at the London Zoo—two young males which have just been purchased. They are spending their first few days in the gardens being introduced to their future companions at a safe
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    • 39 6 'ULWWm JI lIJI j J W MARTELL M brandy I fißi E JIW WORLD BEST miniature bottle is 9 ,ven away gratis with Grits J each bottle purchased. In SOLE IMPORTERS v. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO. imi 1 in
      39 words

  • 650 7 CH ILDREN WIN ACTION BROUGHT AGAINST THEIR PARENTS (t L ATION OF DEFAULT IN DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE -•ate of Elizabeth Surin, who died in 1921 in action in the Singapore Snnr., M 9 l, lor »'ed the Justice Prichard, when n T “«dav. .tries under the will, sued their in
    650 words
  • 186 7 Diamond And Golden Jubilees Two events of interest to the Roman catholic community of Malaya take place this week. To-day Rev. Father J. M. Bolliot, Vicar of St. Joseph’s Church Bukit Timah, celeratt > his diamond jubilee as a priest, and to-morrow Bishop Barillon, who retired from the
    186 words
  • 122 7 Prison For Young Chinese Ismail, a young Chinese, who had converted to Mohammedanism and adopted by a Ma'av family, was convicted of cheating an American fireman on a President liner on August 25 and sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Norman Grice,
    122 words
  • 138 7 verdict of death by misadventure was returned on Tuesday by Mr. W. G. Porter, th- Singapore Coroner, at the inquiry into th. death of a 32-year-old Hokien. Ts ng Guan Who was found dead in the sea of Clvde Terrace on September 13. The deceased was accidentally
    138 words
  • 410 7 An Accident, Says Ipoh Coroner I BUT SHOULD HAVE j BEEN WARNED BY EMPLOYER i f The death of two young Chinese, Kow Chai and Yun Kwan, as the result of being burned following an explosion of methylated spirit at a carpenter’s shop at No. 145,
    410 words
  • 293 7 The appeal of the manager of Rinching Estate. Mr. G. H. S. Fripp. against the decision of the Magistrate who awarded damages to the extent of $5OO for wrong-, ful ejectment to the plaintiff-respondent.! Mr. A. B. Nicholas, was heard by the Hon’ble
    293 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 639 7 px Wteaways h| Tan-Sad «Sib- I JsHKbjßk. SUPERSPRUNG MODEL FOLDERS. I I BEST PUSH CARS IN THE EAST. I I (g w I I TAN SAD FOLDER TAN SAD FOLDER I The popular model with the M B latest improvements. Full tubular handle with rubber Full Bed Body 34" x
      639 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 Spend your holidays at Hua Hin Hotel. Hua Hin On-Sea, SIAM. FROM JUNE TO NOVEMBER SINGLE ROOM it iut oqq DOUBLE ROOM BAHT .’X® REDUCTION FOR LONG STAY. «SuoT^roUow^- 1 04 1 for a lonß per, d U .After i days Baht 1.00 per day per person. 14 >» 1.50
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 94 9 Reuter China Taking Serious View NAMES WANTED Kuling, Sept. 19. Marshal Chiang Kai-shek and Mr. Wang Ching-wei are taking a very serious view of the alleged disclosures at the United States Senate Arms, inquiry that certain Chinese officials have received from Dupont Denemours commissions on the sales
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 98 9 takes 2.500 pictures in one second Rugby Radio Service 2,500 Pictures Taken In One Second London, Sept. 19. A hundred years of photographic progress is represented by two small cameras lying side by side at the Professional Photographers Association’s exhibition of modern portraiture which opened at the
    takes 2.500 pictures in one second Rugby Radio Service  -  98 words
  • 86 9 —Reuter. Spectacular Dash To Rush Food And Medical Supplies New York, September 19. As the food sudplv is ouiv sufficient for one week in Nome, which was almost entirely destroyed by fire yesterday a number of vessels are making a spectacular dash, attempting to rush food and
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 61 9 the roof of the Presidential palace. Reuter. Explosions In Many Parts Of City Havana. September 19 There were disturbances throughout the night and thirty-five bombs exploded in various parts of the city before midnight. In view of the grav e situation, the gunners spent the night
    the roof of the Presidential palace. Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 58 9 of painting and gardening.—Rugby Radio Service. Retiring From Mastership Of University College London, September 19. Sir Michael Sadler, the famous educationist. is retiring at the end of the year from the Mastership of University College, Oxford. Sir Michael, who is 73, wants more leisure for writing and
    of painting and gardening.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  58 words
  • 45 9 .—Rugby Radio Service. Favourable Comparison With Past Years London. Sept. 19 The Chief Medical Officer of the Health Ministry. Sir George Newman, in his comprehensive annual report, says that Britain’s national health was well maintained in 1933 and compared favourably with past years
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  45 words
  • 37 9 for Monday will not occur.—Reuter Wireless. Brussels, Sept. 15. The Belgian coal owners have agreed to withdraw' the proposal to cut miners’ wages and consequently the strike called for Monday will not occur.—Reuter Wire-
    for Monday will not occur.—Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • 158 9 Reuter. No Imperialistic Aims fresh plea for UNDERSTANDING Berlin, Sept. 19. A fresh plea to the world to understand the new Germany was uttered by Baron von Neurath. Addressing the International Road Conference, he declared that Germany was concentrating all her efforts on home revival and
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 233 9 Reuter Wireless. Creditors Approach Government London, Sept. 17. One of the most influential as w’ell as one of the largest industrial delegations to the Board of Trade for years waited on the Parliament Secretary to-day to discuss the debts of over £2.000.000 due to British exporters
    Reuter Wireless.  -  233 words
  • 121 9 Reuter Wireless. Sequel To German Plebiscite Berlin, Sept. 17. The extraordinary boycott imposed by Nazi doctors on the Catholic hospital at Dusseldorf is revealed in the Berlin Doctors’ journal which says the president of the Dusseldorf Doctors’ Association has circularised to all members of the Association declaring
    Reuter Wireless.  -  121 words
  • 121 9 Well-Known Chinese Scholar Dead I London, September 19. The death has occurred o< Professor Jo- sepb Percy Bruce, formerly Professor of j Chinese in the Univesity of London. Reu- te/. Professor Joseph Percy Bruce was born in Hendon on April 17, 1861. He went to China as
    121 words
  • 105 9 which will be broadcast.—Rugby Radio Service. Speed To Be Reduced For Launching London, September 19. When the "Cunarder 534” is launched next Wednesday, its great hull, weighing 40,000 tons, will take four minutes to cover th e slipways which are some 2,000 feet in length. Experts have decided
    which will be broadcast.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  105 words
  • 77 9 —Reuter Wireless. Good Rally In Diamond Shares London, Sept. 17. On the Stock Exchange today, the chief features were the upward movement of Giltedged Securities and the further strength of Brazilian bonds and the good rally in diamond shares. In other sections business was small and prices tended
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 84 9 Reuter Wireless. To Improve French Air Defences Paris, Sept. 17. A remarkable plan to erect a tower 6.000 feet high with the object of improving the air defences is outlined in Excelsior by an architect and engineer. The Tower will have three platforms of different heights whence
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 59 9 Rugby Radio Service. Sir Osborne Smith As First Governor London, September 19. It is announced by the India Office that Sir Osborne Smith has. with the consent of the Board of the Imperial Bank of India, accepted the invitation of the Go-vernor-General in Council to become
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  59 words
  • 59 9 —Reuter. Preparation In Case Of Attack Washington. Sept. 19. Next summer’s naval manoeuvres are arranged to take place in the Pacific between Alaska. Puget Sound, and Hawaii. The Naval Secretery Mr. Swanson, announces that the exercises will simulate actual War conditions to the utmost, but the real
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 112 9 fire-drills aboard another liner-Reuter Wireless. Captain Suspended On Previous Occasion New York, Sept. 17. How far the crew helped the pasengers to escape, the presence of inflamable polishes and the function of the fire-doors were the chief points concentrated on by Mr. Hoover on the resumption of the
    fire-drills aboard another liner-Reuter Wireless.  -  112 words
  • 36 9 .—Reuter. Washington. Sept. 20. i Mr. Cordell Hull announced that one of the ultimate objectives of the U.S. reciprocal trade agreement programme was to eliminate all quota restrictions as soon as practicable.
    .—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 590 9 Reuter Wireless. SHOWN BALMORAL BEAUTY SPOTS London, September 19. Prince Georg e spent much of yesterday showing many of the beauty spots round Balmoral to his fiancee, Princess Marina. He called on many of the tenants and introduced them to the Princess. Afterwards th c Princess accompanied the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  590 words
  • 23 9 .—Reuter. Guards on government buildings have been doubled as a stringent precaution against revolution. The ministries are now considered safe.-
    .—Reuter.  -  23 words
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  • 843 10 Of the many documents and reports that emanate from the Municipal Commission during the year that issued above the signature of the Municipal Secretary, in this instance by Mr. T. W. Douglas, who is away on leave at present, is probably the one most easily followed and understandable.
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  • 1092 10 DUKE OF GLOUCESTER’S VISIT TO CEYLON: All Cevlon and Colombo and Kandy in particular is astir on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester who is expected to land Colombo on Saturday and will pay two day visit to Kandy on Sunday ami
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  • 155 10 i Miss Seet Whatt Keat Ar Mr. Ooi Phee Jin I The wedding in the reformed styl place at No. 349. Dato Kramat K 12 noon to-day, of Mr. Ooi Phee Miss Seet Whatt Keat. The bridt daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Kwee Lim while
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 347 10 A Perfect Chemist’s Shop s 1 X *1 I A Perfect Chemist's Shop "is the one that I has the right kind of goods at the right time ji and sells them at the right price. i| We devote our energies particularly in making 1| our Pharmacy the very best
      347 words
    • 43 10 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For S ANY OCCASION J CrM.xll mMtd Bbrjsl Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang, I Singapore. Ipoh X Kuala Lumpur. "< <F- 517 S •<” 5: 51 515:7s 5151 S
      43 words

  • 967 11 CO -OPERATIVE AND LOAN SOCIETY a Yearly Meeting Of vt. Medical Dept. «I CRAWFORD GIVES OUND ADVICE Vice «-as given by the Assisr of Co-operation, Penang to the Government Medical De- -operative Thrift and Loan he half-yearly ordinary general j iG je>terday at the General Lindow, Chief Medical Officer -.air
    967 words
  • 193 11 Funeral Of A Well-Known Muslim Widow The death of Manti Nachar, widow of the I late Md Sultan Gany Rawther occurred on Tuesday at 4.20 p.m. at her residence No. 38 Ah street Penang at a age of 70 years, after a short tl.ness of.
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  • 81 11 Chinese Remanded In Custody Alleged to have voluntarily caused hurt to a contpatriot named Ah Seng with a 7 instrument, namely a knife, a Xneae named Tan Ah Hoe was to-day ew“ed before Mr. D. Wills. Police Mawho appeared for the cution mentioned the case and o .jec
    81 words
  • 228 11 Chinese Girl Killed BY FALL OF COCONUT TREE ON HOUSE Ihe severe storm which raged in the early hours of this morning het ween 3 and 4 caused a coconut tree in Perak Road to be uproot|ed and it fell right across an attap house, occupied
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  • 321 11 By Nanyang Cheang Chew Association General Chang Ching, who is on the Executive Committee of the Chinese National Government, and who is at present residing in Penang at Mr. Khoo Loon Teik s bungalow. Kam pong Bahru, was entertained yesterday by the members and committee of the
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  • 152 11 Three Cattle Killed BRANCH FALLS ON WIRE At about 8 o’clock this morning a large crowd collected opposite the old Zoological Gardens on Ayer Itam Road when it became known that some electric wires, which had been brought down bv a tailing branch, had killed a
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  • 116 11 Europeans Swim To Safety I From Our Own Correspondent > Singapore. September 20. Two Europeans had to leap into the sea and swim to safety when their yacht "Ribut" caught fire in East Lagoon yesterday. The fire float, "Klip Klip” of the Singapore Harbour Board Fire
    116 words
  • 95 11 M A.F.C. v. P.R.C. The following have been selected to play for the M.A.F.C. against the P R C. on the S X R C ground in the replay of the semi-final in the P.F.A. Cup to-morrow at 5.15 p.m. Karsa: Wari. S. Hamat; Che
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  • 40 11 Scratchings For To-morrow The following are the scratchings in the Singapore Amateur Races Race 2 Miss Singapore and Republican. Race 5: Bridget. Race 7 Army Contractor. Race 8 Lady Wallada and Silvanus (the latter all engagements. I
    40 words
  • 45 11 Several Youthful Members (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, September 20. According to this morning’s Siamese papers, the new Cabinet with a policy should be able to present themselves to the Assembly on Saturday. They hint that several new Cabinet members are youthful.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 70 11 »dd E rescription If yon are a sufferer from Eczema, Ringworm, Dhobi** Itch, Salt Rheum, Priekly HeaK Psoriasis, Singapore Foot, ItcbK Eruptions and Raahea, use D.D. Prescriptioa. Just ops of this marvellous lotioaaad ’j hav© instADt relief. d pain goea at once, and a Jew plications will usually complete cure.
      70 words
    • 205 11 5 X Jr noiinnLUHi- VAV, »A-,. Ay IT'S A WISE MOTHER WHO PUTS HER CHILD ON TRUFOOD Nearest to Mother's Milk Humanised Trufood carries on the good •work associated with breast feeding because it is actually almost akin to breast milk—so near in fact, that medical science says there is
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  • 2559 12 ALTERNATIVE TO RED SEA ROUTE DESIRE TO SEE WHAT REMAINS OF "GARDEN OF EDEN" ADDRESS BY ROTARIAN E. A. STAINES At the weekly tiffin meeting of the Penang Rotary t lob at the E. and O. Hotel, yesterday, Rotarian E. A. Staines, delivered the tollowing address on
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 113 12 REMEMBER J J THE LAST TWO WEEKS ONLY J Z OF PARMANAND’S i GRAND I SALE Z WHOLE YEAR'S GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IS Z GIVEN AWAY AT THIS GENUINE SALE Z I 1. High Quality Woolen Carpets and Mattings in beautiful designs and Various Sizes. B 2. Genuine Moth-proof Camphor-wood Chests
      113 words
    • 201 12 <2 y When Distance Lends Enchantment Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills will Help. I THE old «aying that "Distance lend» enchantment" 1 is never more apt or to the point than when applied to people whole breath is laden with evilsmelling odours. No matter how handsome they 1 may appear,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 252 12 WEMBLEY CABARET THONE 1117. The Liveliest Most Enjoyable Spot in Penang. PATRONISED BY THE ELITE OF PENANG. TO-NIGHT DANCING TILL 1 A.M. VILLANUEVA’S RHYTHM BOYS in the latest Dance Numbers. New Charming Hostesses—Spring Floor—lst Class Bar ADMISSION 50 Cents only. COUPONS 7 for $2/-. BY POPULAR REQUEST n RETURN FAREWELL
      252 words

  • 939 13 issix e drinking certainly may cause mg neuritis, degeneration of the and arteries, and certain types of Excessive drinking very rarely do harm, but the type and degree depend on the susceptibility of the The thing which is important to r. and which is the sine
    939 words
  • 156 13 Debt Barred By Limitation JDGE'S PLEA FOR DEFENDANT i enang District Judge, Mr. B. F. yesterday morning gave notice of plea of limitation on behalf oi mal a Tamil woman, who in two bullocks and a cart by promis from J. F. John, a retired
    156 words
  • 226 13 Magistrate’s Novel Decision i M r D. Wills. Police Magistrate, decided on a novel way of disposing of a number of bit cycles Which formed the exbibitis .n a ease of theft of bicycles in which the. accused ■were all convicted and sentenced. The i
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  • 975 13 Evidence In Defence j A SOCIAL REFORMER, NOT AN INSTIGATOR Further evidence was heard by the Penang District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, yesterday of the good conduct of Kalimuthu, who is defended by Mr. Lim Cheng j Fan. and is cal'ed upon to show cause
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  • 359 13 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. R. Nutt, Manager of the Arcadia Coconut Estates, Ltd., Perak, is in Penang on a short visit. Lt. Com. Gifford (London) arrived in Singapore on Monday by the Imperial Airways plane, Athena. Messrs. A. D. Warren and J. Wright were among those who left by train last
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  • 58 13 Reuter Wireless. Two hundred delegates from thirty countries including forty British members of the House of Commons attened the opening of the 19th International Par'iamentary Conference of Commerce performed by King A’exander. The conference is presided over by Sir Sandeman Allen. M.P and wil 1 discuss economic
    Reuter Wireless.  -  58 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 414 14 1 “No New Sources Of Ore 1 Supply Yet Located” I I The fallowing circular has been issued to pareholders of Pulau Karnin Limited by pe Board of Directors, dated September At the Second Annu, 1 General Meeting eld on April 7 last, the
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  • 60 14 3 12 Per Cent. War Loan London, September 19. The persistent strength of British Comment stocks, attributed partly to ome ying cn foreign account but mainly to continued glut of money seeking safe vestmenv, was a"ain the feature cf the ock Markets. War Lai 3% were ally
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  • 607 14 I The industrial development of the Soviet Union says the Monthly Review, issued by Moscow Narodny Bank. Ltd.. London i has naturally resulted in a huge increase in the consumption of rubber materials Rub- ber is used in every branch of industry. and the number oi products
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  • 374 14 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following are the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY CO.’s share List to-day.— Yesterday To-dey Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN Ayer Weng 2.07% 2.12% 2.07% 2.12 Chenderiang 89 93 89 93 K. Lan jut 20 0 20 6 20’0 20;6 Kamunting 12
    374 words
  • 163 14 Various experiments in paving with rubber have been undertaken in Italy during recent years, with blocks designed and produced by the Societa Italiana Pirelli. In 1933 a section of paving was laid in the Via Galilei. Milan, with Pirelli blocks, or tiles as they might more
    163 words
  • 123 14 Reuter Wireless. Further Drop In Treasury Bills Rate Discount London, Sept. 15. On the Money Market this week, the further sharp drop in the average rate of J discount for Treasury Bills from 12s. lid. to 10s. 6d. was the main feature and, although the plentiful supply of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  123 words
  • 253 14 SOON THEAM CO. The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon to-day Yesterday To-dey Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller* TIN q a Q 3 B’9 9 3 Chenderiangs '8,9 ™X Fatts Jelapangs 120 12 6 Johans Kamuntings 12 3 13 0 12 K. Lanjuts 20 0 20 6
    253 words
  • 127 14 Latest Quotations Wednesday Tuesday Paris 74 31 32 75 1 32 New Ycik 5.00 5 16 5.00\ Montreal 4.85% 4.85% Brussels 21.05 21.65 1 Geneva 15.15 15 15% I Amsterdam 7 28% 7.29% Milan 57% 57% (Berlin 12.38 12.38 Stockholm 19.39% 19 391j Copenhagen 22.40 2?.4f
    127 words
  • 44 14 PENANG, SEPTEMBER 20 London Bank Demand 2|4£ 4 m ts Private 3 mjts credit 2 4% p 3 Documentary 2-4-r* On New York Demand 5? France t.T. 86c Hongkong T.T. 31 a 4 Shanghai T.T. 33 India T.T. 155 Silver 21 13 16
    44 words
  • 135 14 London SATURDAY £229-0-0 £22R 17 R TIN— (3 Months) 8 17-6 London e Singapore e e 4 £227-5-0 Business Done $113.50 $113.75 Penang iz Business n,. 2 $113.37% COPRA.— (Sundried) *****1-3 Bu Y er 3 no sellers BLACK PEPPER to L $3 05 RUBBER.— $18.50 L ndon 7
    135 words
  • 193 14 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S QUOTATIONS The following are the chenges in our quotations up to noon to-day Yesterday To-dey Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN Ayer Weng 2.05 2.07% 2.05 2 07% Hitem 48 50 48 50 Hong Fatt 47 49 46 48 Kinta 2.52% 2.57% 2.50 255 Kuchai 1-05 1.07% 1.05
    193 words
  • 155 14 Tire following are the latest quotations for to-day.— Buyers Sellers TIN Chenderiangs 8 9 9 3 Hitams 47% 50 Hong Fatts 46 48 Jelapangs 119 12 3 Jelebus 1.22% 1.27% Johans 29 31 Kamuntings 12 3 12 9 K. Lanjuts 20 0 20 6 Kintas 2.52’j 2.60
    155 words
  • 884 14 KENNEDY CO SHARE LIST e ĕ names. J 5 J? ;H RUBBER C I C l6 165 Amalgamated Malay fo /Ker Hitam Planting Syndicate 235 250 Ay«r Molek Rubber Co. <35 142 Ay*- Pana» Rubber Estates 1 200 -I2 j 2OO %%r KSTiSS'R"'*» X K 0 RoreTlb Rubber Co. 2
    884 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 119 14 Runnymede Hotel I 1 te. 3?.>. 1 PENANG ‘Phone 543. 1 TO-NIGHT DINNER DANCE I v (INFORMAL) I SUNDAY—23rd SEPTEMBER ORCHESTRAL CONCERT J on the lawns, weather permitting. 1 7 to 9.30 p.m. i Programme: 1 Overture •LA DAME BLANCHE" Boieldieu 2 Suite PETITE SUITE DE CONCERT" S. Coleridge tai
      119 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 38 14 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind Rainfall 6 a m 74 E 13 m.m. Noon 74 S TIDE TABLE To-day High Water Low Water 10.22 a.m. 4.32 a.m. Noon 84 S To-morrow 11.07 a.m. 5.20 a.m. 11.50 p.m. 5.50 p.m
      38 words

  • 219 15 .K Plantations is a step in the At present the ordinary 3,000 in 2s. shares, while imp the exhaustion of funds •v of the general lack of conprevailing. A sum of £ll.- c sed by means of a 10% cumulae 2s. share issue, whose entitled to all
    219 words
  • 123 15 rst rubber companies to anj sment under the regulation ng Rubber and Tobacco, a properties in British North mal production is assessed r month, or at the rate of ir. This conforms closely ional 920,000 lb. assessment market circles. The exportbine and July was 77,850 lb. I,r
    123 words
  • 1349 15 F EDERATION TIN MINES RECONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVED OFFER TO SHAREHOLDERS meetin^^Tv l^? 1 exlra -ordinary general I held of 4 Fed ration Tin Mines. Ltd., was C L th 28 at S Uthern E. I Providin PUrp se of sub mitting resolutions company reconstruction of the course h Canning presided
    1,349 words
  • 685 15 The tea share market has been rather dull, and a certain amount of selling has j taken place on the part of speculative I operators who are transferring their activities from tea shares to rubbers. The auction tendencies also act as a damper on purchases, but there may
    685 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 107 15 liSWlir Jb W. I W TO PREVENT IOKER’S TEETH” smoke heavily, your teeth .eaned twice a day with te specially made for For stains left by smok''.bbom, and cling fast to e:, and your toothpaste mtain special ingredients to e them away without injurcate tooth enamel. ns Peroxide Toothpaste a
      107 words
    • 82 15 cy-\ I C BT s' 88 8 W/ »1. W Vi ONE OF LIFE’S < PLEASURES BOLB AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., B Penang, Singapore. Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., I MANUFACTURERS OF t WATER PURIFICATION PLANT > a Ji i i -nof l w I m
      82 words
    • 85 15 I Elto Outboard j j Motors Encfosed Flywheel Spiral Bevel Gears t Underwater Silencing Propeller Protection t Clutch Co-pilot Steering (steers your I boat when you let go. J I i I' I SPORT FOUR 16.2 h.p. $355.00 I FLEETWIN 8.5 h.p. $230.00 S LIGHTWIN 5.5 h.p. $220.00 I 1
      85 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1772 16 I I DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE W 1 1 ’jlwEjl MAH< .L* ■'V‘ Tvkwti I 7^BLUB PUMMEL LIME Vcooc¥- LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leave Due Penang London CL AJAX Mars., L’don, R’dam, H’burg Glasgow Sept. 21 Oct. 17 CllttOPF VIA SUEZ kM«7iT^" C. STENTOR London, Rotterdam Hamburg Sept. 27 Oct. 24
      1,772 words

  • 744 17 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES $b Jule of Principal Lines 'ving is a list of vessels arriving j s from Penang during the week IN PORT TO-DAY ERKERK from Far East via < vre. Sails same day for CoSuez, Port Said, Genoa, Mar- Rotterdam, Amsterdam and gS X’ from Singapore via ports,
    744 words
  • 786 17 OUTWARD MAILS A mail for North, North Eastern and North Western Sumatra by the s.s. “Kedah” will close at 5 p.m. to-morrow. A mail for Australasia (except Western Australia) by train via Singapore by the s.s. “Nieuwholland” will be closed at 8 a.m. to-morrow. A mail for
    786 words
  • 318 17 Dates And Venues 1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Newbury Autumn Cup. Run at Nra bury, Distance Two Miles, One Furlong. OCTOBER 4 Jockey Club Stakes. Run at Newmarket. Distance One Mile, Six Furlongs. OCTOBER 5 Ro-c Meme-rial Stakes. Run at Newmarket. Distance Five Furlongs. OCTOBER 6 Prcduce
    318 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 124 17 a LET PHYLLOSAN’ REJUVENATE YOU I The Most Wonderful Substance in tha World,” is one of the attributes paid to PHYLLOSAN by an eminent physician. This scientific remedy, prepared under tltt direction of Dr. E. Buergi, Professor of Medicine at Berne University, revitalizes the blood, increases physical energy, fortifies tha
      124 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 788 17 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. PHOHI—HOLLAND in© following are the new which win be used TO-DAY GSG 16.86 metre» Wavelength 16.88 metres and GSF i 9 .82 metr GSP 19.82 mrtr£ PM and GSG 16.86 metres 8,50 —-Dutch National Anthem. until 11.05 p.m. iXa! 8 55—Instrumentel quintet of The Hague: GSE
      788 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 59 18 gr nf*y 'S- i'^ >s ‘X tAe cA&ice La rRfISER&ntOVELTD. t DISTRIBUTORS I i Great Opening SALE I S 8 ffi I T OF I Dresses I i I Hats i i I I 30 TO 50 I DISCOUNT I |Kinjong co.| I 27, BISHOP STREET. PENANG. Sj SHANGHAI MILLINERS
      59 words
      93 words

  • 445 19 111 VAMVz —Reuters Pacific Service. ■aNDS >00,000,000 f OR =ENCE B ixvo, August 30. B national defence B demanded without s the agreement ar Office and the new projects to be Office total Y406,B he basic War OffiB '0 will bring its B ’nan ¥600,000,000. fl
    111 VAMVz —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  445 words
  • 220 19 the telegraph administration.— Reuters Pacific Service. To Devise Ways To Improve Services fl The National Postal" 1 8 Sep K opened here thic Conference which Hal conferee at a dfpa I savings executives ot th. m SU a d postal i munications have mstry of c
    the telegraph administration.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  220 words
  • 141 19 ments or interests. —Reuters Pacific Service. Agreements With Foreign Governments Forbidden Nanking, Sept. 1. China s border provinces are not allowed to conclude agreements with foreign governments, according to a recommendation submitted to the Government. Mr. Shih Ching-yang. chairman of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, in
    ments or interests.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  141 words
  • 114 19 Young Chinese Start On Year s Journey A group of 17 young Chinese men started icm Tientsin on August 25 on a oneyear investigation trip to the North-West, states the Peiping Chronicle. The energetic Chinse explorers will first proceed to Tsinan, capital of Shantung. Nanking and Shanghai
    114 words
  • 54 19 —Reuters Pacific Service. Friendly Visit To Weihaiwei Chefoo, August 29. The Japanese cruiser Idzuma and three destroyers have left here for Weihaiwei on a friendly visit. It is understood that their trip is not in connexion with any incident at Weihaiwci. These warships arrived here on August 27
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  54 words
  • 447 19 Reuters Pacific Service. BRAVERY of JAPANESE CAPTIVE Harbin, September 3. Thtr,d raPhiC aCC Unt f their Ca P‘“« a south’> n Sht b 5 bandi,s who attacked south-bound C.E.R. train and their subrescue yesterday, was related by E p Johanson and Mr R. Lurv employees of.
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  447 words
  • 140 19 Reuters Pacific Service. Secret Radio Station Discovered Harbin, Sept 4. The unmasking of a Soviet spy organisation which paid particular attention to Japanese troop movements is claimed in official quarters here to-day. Japanese gendarmes are stated to have discovered a secret radio receiving and transmitting station
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  140 words
  • 94 19 .—Reuters Pacific Service. Strike Called In Tokyo Tokyo Sept. 4. The Transport Workers’ Union to-day called a general strike of Tokyo tramwaymen for September 5. In a manifesto which was simultaneously issued, the Union expressed stout opposition to the reorganisation plan for the municipal tramway enterprise which was
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  94 words
  • 187 19 of the Provincial Government.- Reuters Pacific Service. Main Items Of Kwangtung Resolution Peiping. Sept. 1. Canton advices state that the Kwangj tung Provincial Economic Plans Commisi sion has passed a resolution to urge the j Provincial Government to control the commerce of the province in order that
    of the Provincial Government.- Reuters Pacific Service.  -  187 words
  • 161 19 concerning the matter. Reuters Pacific Service. Special Administrator Interviewed Peiping, Sept. 1 In an interview with local pressmen today. Mr. Yin Ju-keng. Special Administrator of the Chihsien-Miyun Area, intimated that within a few days the representatives of Chinese and Japanese authorities would begin an informal conference here to
    concerning the matter. Reuters Pacific Service.  -  161 words
  • 114 19 him for his exploits at Shanghai.—Reuters Pacific Service. To Study Military Tactics In America Canton. Sept. 4. General Tsai Ting-kai, hero of the SinoJapanese hostilities at Shanghai early in 1932, has telegraphed friends here from Washington that he intends to remain in the United States for a
    him for his exploits at Shanghai.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  114 words
  • 95 19 —Reuters Pacific Service. Retrenchment Policy Decided Upon Nanking, Sept. 3. The plan for raising a §30,000,000 loan for the improvement of tffc Peiping-Han-kow railway, and especially to repair the Yellow River bridge has. for the time being, been abandoned, declared the Minister of Railways, Mr. Ku Meng-yu, wffio
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  95 words
  • 42 19 lance of $337,620,024. —Reuters Pacific Service. Nanking, Sept. 3. China’s foreign trade in the first seven months of this year amounted to $944,537,734. Imports totalled $641,078,879 and exports $303,458,855, .thus showing an adverse balance of $337,620,024. —Reuters Pacific Ser-
    lance of $337,620,024.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  42 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 224 19 THE SMARTEST WOMEN USE OUTDOOR GIRL BEAUTY AIDS I YET THEY COST J ONLY 25 CENTS. t Hr L f Y„ 1 Times have changed. So have opinions. Fashinable women no longer believe necessary to pay high prices for high quality beauty aids. Scientific tests have absolutely proven that (OUTDOOR
      224 words