Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY f :J 103. Vol. XCII. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1934. PRICE 10 CENTS.
    21 words
  • 2471 1 CONTROLLER'S POWERS R AUCTION IF FALSE INFORMATION PUBLISHED following are excerpts from the enactment to be introduce i the meeting of the Federal Council on May 19. Bill implements the agreements signed between the Assoi cpresentative of rubber interests, and between the Govi the French
    2,471 words
  • 124 1 skilfully packed with forged stamps.—Reuter. Three Poles Sent To Prison FORGED INSURANCE STAMPS London, May 4. Three Poles, I. J. Najmark, E. Popielic and B. Turek were convicted at the Old Bailey on a charge of possession of 619,000 forged British Health Insurance Stamps of a face
    skilfully packed with forged stamps.—Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 66 1 .—Reuter. East Africa In Restriction Scheme Nairobi, May 3. The East Africa tea planters have rpached an agreement on the proposals of tlfe International Tea Committee for tuc in-’ elusion of East Africa in a restriction scheme. The sugar industry is prepared to join a similar scheme. The
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 58 1 Reduction Of Margin Defeated Washington, May 3. A proposal to reduce the margin requirements in the Stock Exchange Control Bill from 45 to 40 per cent, was overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Representatives thus disposing of the most controversial section of the bill. Final approval of
    58 words
  • 171 1 —Reuter. Unprecedented Interruption OF PRIME MINISTER'S SPEECH London, May 4. An unprecedented interruption of the Prime Minister’s speech occurred at the Royal Academy banquet this evening which was attended by the Prince of Wales and a distinguished gathering. Mr. MacDonald was extolling the achievements of the National
    —Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 23 1 Singapore Men Return (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 3. The rail strikers returned to work at noon and were re-instat-ed.
    23 words
  • 24 1 Lord Tredegar aged 67. —Rugby Radio Service. The death occurred in London to-day of Lord Tredegar aged 67. —Rugby Radio Service.
    Lord Tredegar aged 67.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  24 words
  • 195 1 verbal not formal diplomatic notes.—Reuter. Japan's Assurances To France GOVERNMENT'S REPLY Paris, May 3. The Japanese Ambassador called on M. Barthou and gave the same assurances with regard to Japan’s policy as Mr. Hirota conveyed to Sir Francis Lindley. Later. Following the Japanese Ambassador’s interpretative cojnment to M.
    verbal not formal diplomatic notes.—Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 137 1 —Rugby Radio Service. To Raise £2 Millions Loan London, May 3. A treasury memorandum is issued explaining that a financial resolution is proposed to enable the introduction of a bill authorising the treasury to guarantee the principal and interest of a loan not exceeding £2,000,000 to be raised
    •—Rugby Radio Service.  -  137 words
  • 101 1 —Reuter. Death Of Former Secretary To The Treasury New York, May 4. The death has taken place of William Woodin, a former Secretary to the Treasury, which post he resigned on January 1 owing to ill-health. He entered hospital a month ago when his throat ailment recurred
    .—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. No Question Of Devaluation Berlin, May 4. A renewed declaration that there is no question of devaluation of the Reichsmark was given by Dr. Schacht in an interview with the Westdeutsher Beobachter. He said devaluation would carry unrest into trade and industry, seriously endanger the programme of reconstruction
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 319 1 ,—Reuter. Delay On British Side A LIMIT MUST BE SET London, May 3. Although official circles are maintaining the greatest reticence as regards the Mr. Matsudaira and Mr. Runciman interview, Reuter understands that Mr. Runciman explained that any protective action which the Government may think it necessary will
    ,—Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 64 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Not To Be Terminated By Britain London, May 3. Lord Privy Seal, Mr. Anthony Eden, asked if the Government intended to give notice before December 31, 1934, to terminate the Washington Limitation of Armaments Treaty of 1922 said it was not the present intention of
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  64 words
  • 54 1 not to accede to his request.—Rugby Radio Service. Not To Live In United Kingdom London, May 3. The Home Secretary stated that an application had recently been made on behalf of M. Trotsky for permission to enter the United Kingdom and it had been decided not to accede to
    not to accede to his request.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  54 words
  • 44 1 .—Reuter. But Refloats Without Damage New York, May 3. The 21,000 tons Hamburg-Amerika liner, Albert Baffin bound for Hamburg went aground on the Craven shoals. Tugs went to her assistance and she wa» refloated. There was no damage and the vessel proceeded.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2590 2 RATES FOR CASUAL notice of sale company" i TPR BANKS I ADVERTISEMENTS BY ORDER OF sqld By LIMITED M JL>wP I Auction (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) I —I l"t Slops’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the' HONG KONG AND THE MERCANT BANK I crmmunications relating to descrlp/i'on OF property
      2,590 words

  • 2101 3 MR CHURCHILL INDICTS A MINISTER: FEATURES Qf A POPULAR BUDGET: DIFFICULTIES OVER DISARMAMENT: GERMANY'S NEW AIR POLICY. ur Own Correspondent) London, April 21. MR CH U HILL’S INDICTMENT Noth:-’ -h ever happens on the Mondav tj .f ;get day, and it is generally to keep a
    2,101 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 I 1 u// 4<FCHOP ihtan* I pDIAmOHD PIL/ENER BEER KS CU million little, ’‘diamondA’ rom Singapore, X tin /’eorch of thirrty cihzenr -A nt^v<2r before; F found thore citizenr I 3 nF" TThey Luero arked to come again. I gpMMHBgS For it reemed that uuith the diamond/* f-/ CB million
      94 words
    • 102 3 7h9 moat Q9nrally u»9tu! MtiMn* for all Cllmatoo > nUMsBiWg I <lbT B 1 I Them it 11 R»I »4 "I*l Ih no EnBMMMHMMBMMMMMMMIHNHHBMBMMGSsSI Substitute. Acte like a charm In Checks and arrests DIARRHOEA and ’EVER, CROUP. AGUE. CTABS a I tt The reliable Family remedy for STOMACH GMILLS /NFLUENZA,
      102 words

  • 2363 4 Jim Mollison Says it is Safer even than Motoring .—The Daily Express. The great majority of you who are about to read this article are probably unfit to fly —according to present Air Ministry medical requirements. This seems a startling assertion. It is none -the less true.
    .—The Daily Express.  -  2,363 words
  • 167 4 Nanking, April 18. Mr. A. Ariyoshi, the Japanese Minister, arrived here this morning and called on Mr. Wang Ching-wei, President of the Executive Yuan, in the afternoon. He will attend a dinner to be given in his honour by Mr Wang Ching-wei this evening, and will
    167 words
  • 267 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr C. Cairns, of the Malayan Forest Service, has returned from Home furlough. Dr. H. O. Hopkins, of Singapore, the wellknown cricketer, is shortly to be transferred to Penang. The marriage took place on Tuesday at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, of M. E. Malfettes, of
    267 words
  • 346 4 From Heart Failure FORMER PRIME MINISTER JOHORE Dato Abdullah bin Jafaar, former Dato Mentri Besar of Johore, died from heart failure at his house at Siglap on Saturday. Dato Abdullah, who was 59 years of age, was Prime Minister of Johore from 1922 until 1928. Before
    346 words
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  • 664 5 WEBER WINS AFTER LOSING FIRST FOUR ROUNDS Sr ERLOCK WARREN BEATS ROUGH DIAMOND huge crowd at the New World boxing arena on Wedneswitnessed the most thrilling contest between two bantal hts that Singapore has yet seen when Frank Weber and .rge met over ten three-minute
    664 words
  • 75 5 eat At Bangalore Bangalore, April 22. rem. ■,g j n deep water for twelve t ‘'yramma, a Hindu girl, aged world’s swimming record for p ge. Enormous crowds from >m the districts watched the j;i 1 concluded at five minutes By, eveni ng. um. 1,1 ntered the
    75 words
  • 112 5 Chan Unable To Meet Jayaraj BOXING ON SUNDAY The Chan-Jayaraj return, which we stated yesterday would probably take place on Sunday, has fallen through owing to Chan’s inability to fight and the Amalgamated Amusements Ltd. have decided to a return contest between Fond and Kid Gabo in
    112 words
  • 67 5 —Reuter. Starters and Jockeys PROBABLE FIELD OF 11 London, May 3. The following are the probable starters and jockeys for the One Thousand Guineas Stakes to be run at Epsom to-morrow CAMPANULA Harry Wragg FOXCROFT Childs HONEY BUZZARD Smith KILMURRY No Jockey LIGHT BROCADE Carslake MEADOW RHU
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 105 5 —Reuters Pacific Service. Closely Examining Draft Constitution Canton, April 18. A spokesman to-day made a statement with reference to the Draft Constitution, in which he said that the matter was still I receiving the closest attention of the South- west leaders. He added ths J the Draft Constitution
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  105 words
  • 73 5 will be used as a sinking fund. —Reuters Pacific Service. I Approves Hukuang Loan i Nanking, April 8. The Central Political Council to-day api proved of the issue of six per cent bonds to an amount of £1,200,000 for the compleition of the Canton-Hankow railway. I A
    will be used as a sinking fund. —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  73 words
  • 132 5 .—Reuter. In Opening Match WORCESTER BEATEN BY AN INNINGS London, May 3. A fine innings of 206 characterised by free hitting by Bradman coupled with a marvellous bowling performance by Grimmett in which he captured 10 wickets for 80 runs enabled the Australians to gain a
    .—Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 44 5 —Reuter. Glamorgan Beaten FREEMAN CAPTURES 12 FOR 108 London, May 3. Kent beat Glamorganshire by an innings and 35 runs. Kent scored 332 (Ashdown 109). Glamorgan 95 (Freeman 7 wickets for 41 runs) and 202 (Freeman 5 wickets for 67 runs).—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 310 5 Fatal Illness In a London Hotel NEW PEER AGED 56 A nobleman who was knowm to Victorian England as “the pocket Adonis,” because of his good looks has died. He w r as Shipley Gordon Stuart Erskine, the 14th Earl of Buchan. He was 84. He went
    310 words
  • 93 5 That Squabble About Manchukuo Kobe, April 28. Escorted by policemen by way of precaution against the rowdyism which was in evidence as the result of the Chinese and Filipino opposition to the entry of Manchukuo for the Games, 163 Japanese athletes boarded the steamer Heiyo Maru, which sails
    93 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 357 5 VAW/A'MWA'.V.W.’.V.VAV.V.WA'/A'/AW/. your acquaintance w/M ttys creation to-day W Pans Jp SOIR de PARIS (Evening Jn Paris) POWDER B HIS is the latest creation of in shades of Blanche, JL the House ©f Bourjois. Paris, Natural Rachel. fascinating blue and fl PRICE $l.lO box. (gUjjß silver pack is the most PERFUME
      357 words

  • 1101 6  -  B. J. T. BOSANQUET Selects: —The Daily Mail. I have been asked to suggest team for England which may worthily uphold the traditions of the past. This is a difficult task. One knows so little about who is going to be available, or who
    —The Daily Mail.  -  1,101 words
  • 120 6 Competitor To Be Financed By Irish Sweep London, Apr. 26. The Irish Sweep authorities are financing the flight of the Irish competitor Col J E. Fitzmaurice, in the London-Melbourne air race in October next. Col. Fitzmaurice was one of the pilots in the first East-West Atlantic flight. Sweep
    120 words
  • 102 6 Would Liberate Thousands Of Gunmen Madrid, Apr. 25. t the formal closing of the Cortes folowing the Cabinet crisis, the Monarchist eputy, Senor Maura, shouted “Long live e King Now more than ever.” The <Ty was drowned in shouts of “Long Live the Republic.” Ono of President Zamora’s
    102 words
  • 73 6 owing to violent rain-storm.—Reuters Pacific Service. Canton-Lungchow Flight Inaugurated Canton, April 18. The inaugural flight of the Canton to Lungchow airline will be made to-day. The new air service, operated by the Southwest Aviation Corporation, was scheduled to have started yesterday but was postponed until to-day on
    owing to violent rain-storm.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  73 words
  • 175 6 Dates And Venues April 30-May 5. —Lawn Tennis, Hard Courts Championships, Bournemouth. May 4.—One Thousand Guineas, Newmarket May 11-12.—Walker Cup, Golf, Britain v. U.S.A., St. Andrews. May 21-25.- —Amateur Golf Championship, Prestwick. June 6. —The Derby. June 8. —The Oaks. June 8,9, 11, 12. —First Test
    175 words
  • 491 6 Sir S. Jackson Talks With Larwood OUR FAST BOWLER HOPES TO PLAY For nearly two hours Larwood, the Notts and England fast bowler, talked cricket with Sir Stanley Jackson, the new chairman of the Selection Committee for the Tests to be played against Australia this summer.
    491 words
  • 182 6 Deal In A Grocer’s Shop The following story of “a drama of a grocer, two other men and a violin” is narrated by Reuter’s Bucharest correspondent: Act I,—A tattered gipsy hurries into the grocer’s shop and barters a shabby violin for some caviare. He leaves
    182 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 ■II n> 1 gives that matt complexion; I the best powder base. I I for cleansing and massagejß I keeps the skin supple. I Representative :—Robert Blau (Malaya) Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore. ’Phone It’ll).
      35 words
    • 64 6 Slump or no shitntx. al) the advertising businea. that reaehe. this is not accented. Our Adver tising Department esercises diKnnnnatioa. It na> to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving idvertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
      64 words
    • 692 6 $i oo Must Be Woi o: S.G. P.G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION o: NO ENTRANCE FEE BELOW will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pi na Gazette, Football Competition No. 16, in which you are asked to fo? cast results of ten English League matches to be played on Mav
      692 words

  • 513 7 Pacific Service. Publicly Dismissed SENSATION IN edvcatalion circles Peiping, April 16. >n was created in Chinese educles this morning when Mr. wan, military instructor of the Engineering of the Peiping liversity, was publicly dismissal Pan Yu-hsiang, Chief of the Cu lihtary education of the Direcral of Military Training
    Pacific Service.  -  513 words
  • 127 7 p a in London and Paris.—Reuters uic Service. Mr. S. Nakayama Promoted To Counsellor Peiping, April 18. ayama, Head of the Japanese Peiping, who was recently prothe rank of First Secretary to leaving for Tokyo on April 1 ral years in China. ayama, who was in charge
    pa . in London and Paris.—Reuters uic Service.  -  127 words
  • 128 7 whole is again stiffening.—Reuters Pacific Service. Hu Han-Min Meets Canton Leaders Canton, April 18. A political conference, having an important bearing on the relations between Nanking and Canton, is proceeding in Hongkong between Mr. Hu Han-min, the veteran Cantonese politician, and Southwest leaders. General Li Tsung-jen,
    whole is again stiffening.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  128 words
  • 504 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Mr. Wang Ching-wei TO GIVE INFORMATION ON SINO-JAP. SITUATION Nanking, April 18. Mr Wang Ching-wei, chairman of the Executive Yuan and concurrently Foreign Minister, whose recent conversations at Nanchang with Generals Chiang Kai-shek and Huang Fu are admittedly of an important character, may
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  504 words
  • 36 7 .—Reuters Pacific Service. Nanking, April 18. Fifty boxes of confiscated opium and other narcotics were burned here to-day in the presence of a number of judicial and polico officials.— Reuters Pacific Service.
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  36 words
  • 495 7 said that he had no information. —Reuters Pacific Service. Inspected By Gen. Ho Ying-Ching Peiping, April 14. The drill ground of the Fourth Middle School presented an animated scene this morning when General Ho Ying-ching, Acting Chairman of the Peiping Branch Military Council, inspected the student army
    said that he had no information.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  495 words
  • 265 7 municipal authorities. —Reuters Pacific Service. Peiping, April 14. After several months of agitation on the part of tenant farmers, the Yuan Ming Yuan or the Old Summer Palace, has been peacefully taken over by the Nationa Tsing Hua University. The work of
    municipal authorities.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  265 words
  • 366 7 be able to bear such a burden. Reuters Pacific Service. Against Handing Over Control Dairen, April 16. The head office of the South Manchuria Railway Co., the largest organisation in the Japanese Empire, has issued a statement declaring that it is impossible for the Colonial Ministry at
    be able to bear such a burden.— Reuters Pacific Service.  -  366 words
  • 224 7 .—Reuters Pacific Service. Minister Of Interior Returns To Peiping Peiping, April 16. General Huang Shao-hsiung, Minister of the Interior, who has been inspecting administrative conditions in Shansi and Suiyuan, returned to Peiping at 9.20 o’clock this morning. He was accompanied by only four members of his staff,
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  224 words
  • 112 7 -—Reuters Pacific Service. Discovered In Dairen Dairen, April 18. A huge quantity of counterfeit notes of the Bank of Communications was unearthed here to-day. Acting on a clue the police ordered an investigation into the contents of 150 cases labelled “Tobacco”, which had been in a warehouse ever
    -—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  112 words
  • 90 7 Reuters Pacific Service. Armcrment Race Blamed For Increasing Demand Canton, April 18. The increasing demand for wolfram ores by foreign countries has led to a steady rise in the local prices of wolfram. In order to improve the conditions of the miners, the Government to-day instructed
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  90 words
  • 274 7 mally bear Chinese stamps.” Reuters Pacific Service. Admitted By Japanese BETWEEN CHINESE PORTS AND DAIREN Dairen, April 16. Commenting on the report that the Chinese authorities at Tientsin had lodged a vigorous protest with the Japanese Consulate General against the practice of carrying mail matter bearing Japanese stamps
    mally bear Chinese stamps.” Reuters Pacific Service.  -  274 words
  • 118 7 Tangchiachwang mine.—Reuters Pacific Service. Worker Caught Stealing Coal Tientsin, April 18. Further trouble broke out in the Kailan mines area to-day when a worker was caught stealing coal at Tangchiachwang. He was apprehended by a policeman, whereupon other workers joined in a free-for-all completely
    Tangchiachwang mine.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  118 words
  • 131 7 ceptance offices will be multiplier Reuters Pacific Service. To Be Combined Nanking, April 18. The Ministry of Communications announces that measures are being taken to combine postal and telegraph offices at 47 important coastal and inland centres throughout the country, including Shanghai, Peiping, Tientsin, Tsingtao. Hankow
    ceptance offices will be multiplier Reuters Pacific Service.  -  131 words
  • 397 7 spirit of the Kuomintang.—Reuters Pacific Service. In Full Swing OVER 1,000 REDS KILLED AT LOTONG Canton, April 17. According to reports received here today, the drive of the Kwangtung forces against the Communists in Kiangsi has been prosecuted with great vigour during the past few weeks. The vanguard
    spirit of the Kuomintang.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  397 words
  • 292 7 Mr. Tai’s proposal.—Reuters Pacific Service. To Resign When Successor Found Peiping, April 16. Professor Ma Heng, Acting DirectorGeneral of the Palace Museum, returned from Nanking by the through express this morning. Interviewed by Chinese pressmen Professor Ma said that the recent meeting of the reorganized board of
    Mr. Tai’s proposal.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  292 words

  • 759 8 Sir John Simon’s statement in the House of Commons on Japanese Policy has cleared the air at least so far as enlightening world opinion about the general trend of Japanese policy but others are of the opinion, and we arcinclined to the same belief, that Mr.
    759 words
  • 435 8 DEATH’S HARVEST: I Death, the Reaper, has been busy of late among Malayan Royalty, the latest being the Regent of Kedah. Before jthat it was the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan, whose successor has just been j enthroned, and shortly before that the i Sultan of Pahang.
    435 words
  • 1203 8  -  sure? to end her troubles. —D. G. D. in the Birmingham Post. When the forest officer came in with his exciting news I happened to be in bed, with some intermittent fever or other, in camp on the eastern shore of the
    1,203 words
  • 518 8 —Malay Mail. EXPORTABLE ALLOWANCES: Our London corresp< I“a usually very well-inf J i has revived the un< re the extent to which out, Jtricted when the control The view that production in June, a r in July, 20 per cent, in ?<ust 01,1 per cent, in September i.-
    —Malay Mail.  -  518 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 376 8 B p Wk FROM &&> MWgg yg I=lm I* J tj~ll lU@ IF DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL lOs f>T?nO ECONOMICAL Ibm ludt addwatefr SOLE AGENTS JOHN UTILE <-C°L" jil ,n in gland SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG IPOH. A good A®®! game J|/Afl lA. L\ and then y I a Carlsberg. r "M
      376 words
    • 78 8 YARDLEY LAVENDER n I ffl H Ik i ;\«Bf w WF E |r wt How exquisite is the fragrance of the famous Yardley Lavender I A perfume in harmony with everj’ mode and mood. No other perfume is so charming for the young girl—so full of dignity for the woman
      78 words

  • 2288 9 Gid Not See Shots Fired But Sure Accused Fired Them JURY PAY VISIT TO SCENE OF CRIME ic Popejoy murder trial was continued throughout Wednesthe Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice Gerahty and a >JK d jury. iie accused Mak Wing Chung, a Cantonese, is charged with
    2,288 words
    • 143 9 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette) Sir, —In yesterday’s issue of your welledited paper, your indefatigable boxing correspondent discusses enthusiastically the respective chances of Battling Chan and Jayaraj in their coming encounter on “Sunday next.” In the same issue of your paper, Kid Gabo is adver'ised to fight
      143 words
  • 77 9 Increase Of 7.5% In view of the increase of 10% in quotemade by the International Tin Committee the Central Committee have determined the domestic quota for the current period in the Federated Malay States at 37.5% of assessment retrospectively from Ist April 1934. This represents a
    77 words
  • 81 9 Scratchings For To-morrow The following scratchings are officially announced for to-morrow, the first day of tho Singapore Spring Meeting: Race 1: Alor Star. Race 2: Coral Moore. Race 3: Haraga. Race 6: Comprador; Aureate and Ascot Frock. Race 7: Limber Up. Race 8: Greenoak and Byno. Race
    81 words
  • 83 9 Wages Paid Are Adequate (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, May 3. Tho Commission, appointed by the Government to consider the wages of rice mill coolies and the conditions of living have reported unanimously that the present wages are adequate and that their status of living should not
    83 words
  • 118 9 TEN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £237.15.0 £234.10.0 TIN—(3 Months) London £235.5.0 £232.10.0 Singapore $117.25 $116.00 Business Done Penang $116.75 $116.00 Business Done Buyers no sellers 25 tons COPRA —(Sundried) $2.65 $2.70 BLACK PEPPER $16.75 $16.75 RUBBER London 6%d 6 1316 d New York 14c(G) 14 116c(G) Singapore Spot 23c
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 137 9 f The day of the ordinary j M j /y Food is over deficient and often merely fatforming—no wonder the mother dreaded its advent, when breast feeding failed. But Cow Do not risk Baby’s health on Foods which Gate has changed all that!— lt is the modern may be stale
      137 words

  • 284 10 —Reuter. MINISTER SATISFIED AS REGARDS FUTURE PRICE FRAMERS OF SCHEME ANXIOUS FOR MAXIMUM CONSUMPTION London, May 3. In the House of Commons, the Conservative Mr. Guy asked the Minister for the Colonies whether he was satisfied that the uncertainty as regards the future
    .—Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 84 10 —Reuter. New Low Record BIG INCREASE IN BANK NOTE CIRCULATION Berlin, May 3. The meeting of Germany's creditors, during the sixth day's discussion on her debts, was confronted with the disquieting announcement that the Reichsbank coverage had fallen to the low record of 5.8 per cent at the
    .—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 90 10 .—Reuter. Treasury Contemplating Huge Bond Issue New York, May 3. Reports are being circulated in Wall Street that the Treasury is contemplating a huge bond issue, probably in June or July with a view to funding a large part of the short term debt. Observers point to
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 74 10 ■Leuter. Free Vote Dublin, May 3. The Government was defeated in the Dail for the first time since it came into power eighteen months ago when the opposition to the amendment was carried by 50 votes to 48 in the Redistribution of Seats Bill. The
    ■Leuter.  -  74 words
  • 113 10 —Reuter. U.S. Protest Represents Attitude Of People Washington, May 3. The assertion that Japan should understand Mr. Hull’s position in protesting he r open door policy in China as the attitude of the United States people and “not of any particular party,” was made in the Senate by
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 57 10 .—Reuter. Japan Against Suspension Of Negotiations Tokio, May 3. Commenting on the London reports of the probable breakdown of the Anglo-Ja-panese textile negotiations, the “Jiji Shimbun” understands that Japan is ready to entertain any new proposals from Britain but if, however, the negotiations are suspended,
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 56 10 —Reuter. Accident To H.M.S. “Eagle’s” Plane Hongkong, May 3. A Fairey 3F machine of H.M.S. “Eagle” shot over the ship’s landing stage outside Hongkong and crashed into the sea. As far as can be ascertained, the pilot and the observer whose names were not divulged, were picked
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 61 10 khaki shirts and blouses. —Reuter Wireless. Participation In May Day Celebrations Moscow, May 3. 160 bombers and 375 scouters observation ’planes, constituting the biggest Soviet force hitherto seen, are participating in the May Day Celebrations, a feature being the imposing military display, including a corps of women
    khaki shirts and blouses.—Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 159 10 —Reuter Wireless. Stop Talking STALLS AND GALLERY REBUKED London, May 3. Sir Thomas Beecham, the famous composer, has expressed no regrets for his indignant outburst at Covent Garden on the occasion of the first night of the Grand Opera season. There was a brilliant and magnificently
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  159 words
  • 53 10 Reuter. Complete Shut Down For Week Ordered New York, May 3. “Upon the insistent demand of an overwhelming majority of members of all divisions of industry.” the Silk Textile Code authority has ordered a complete shutdown of all production throughout the United States for a week, beginning
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 68 10 Quotas Generally Expected WILL S.S. BE AN EXCEPTION London, May 3. The introduction of colonial quotas for Japanese goods is generally expected by the press. “The Times” says that the Government propose, with the approval of the Crown Colonies, to take the necessary steps to restrict Japanese imports
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  • 105 10 Freedom Of Ports (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 3. The Singapore Secretariat has no knowledge of ‘he London report of a quota system for the entry of Japanese goods into the Colony. A business authority stated to the “Straits Times” that a quota system would be extraordinarily
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  • 670 10 FRANCE'S NEGATIVE ATTITUDE FOREIGN MINISTER'S SPEECHES London, April 28. The speech of the German Foreign Minister, Baron von Neurath, on Fridayon disarmament is being featured by the entire British Press, his important criticism of France’s negative attitude and his j reiteration of his willingness to conclude a
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  • 149 10 Nanking Wants Strict Control RECENT CONTRACTS WITHOUT LICENCE Tokyo, April 28. According to official information reaching the Foreign Office here from Nanking, the Chinese Government on April 26 cabled its. diplomatic representatives abroad instructing them to exercise strict control of the export of arms and ammunition to
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  • 82 10 Returning To Russia by Way Of America Moscow, April 28. The leader cf the Chelyuskin expedition, Professor Schmidt, who was rushed by the rescuing airmen to an Alaskan hospital a fortnight ago where he was treated for pleurisy, arrived at Fairbanks on Friday Where competent physicians declared him
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  • 92 10 New Organization In Portugal Lisbon, April 28. The museums of the future were afforded still another item for their collections of the assorted political haberdashery of the present era when the “Green Shirts” put in a vernal appearance on the streets of the Portuguese capital on Friday. The
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  • 78 10 Arrival At San Francisco San Francisco, April 26. The British Consul, Mr. Cane, the Federal, State and Municipal authorities welcomed the Sultan and Sultana of Johore who arrived for a leisurely tour of the United States, after which they will be going to London. The extensive programme
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  • 42 10 —Reuter Wireless. Work For Clyde And Barrow London, April 30. The Admiralty has decided to order the construction of two nunotaur class cruisers in the 1933 programme from John Brown and Company, Clyde Bank and Vickers, Armstrong of Barrow.—Reuter Wireless.
    •—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
  • 30 10 Consternation Among North China Students Nanking, April 30. Consternation broke out among Chinese students in North China when the Minister of Education issued a degree strictly prohibiting smokng.
    30 words
  • 314 10 Important By. Election POLITICAL ROWDYISM 1 ar >s, April 30. A by-election took place at Nantes Sunday, when the ex-Dtpu'.v o f Left, the Liberal M. Bergci was beat en by M. Sarret. a :anJl for national unity. When the result of the poll Was an nounced pandemonium
    314 words
  • 120 10 Democracy And The Outlook Paris, April 21. French democracy began to see the writing on 4 he wall on Friday night when I read of the amendment passed by the constitutional committee cf the Chamber, yielding the French Presdent power to dissolve the Chamber without the approval of
    120 words
  • 110 10 would oe a matter ior ecclesiastical authorities. —Rugby Service. On Church Of The Holy Sepulchre London, May 2. The Colonial Secretary was further que> tioned in the House of Common.-, the repairs necessary to prevent t ht of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem a into ruin. He replied
    would oe a matter ior ecclesiastical authorities. —Rugby Service.  -  110 words
  • 86 10 —P.e’/.tci To Contest Legislative Electi May Ranchi, Bihar swa raJ A meeting of leaders o*. Rational Party, consisting of membe. ~,e |ecCongress who favour contest tions for the Indian Leg'--Autumn has decide that th. Opposiof the party’s programme w nce detion to all forms of imperial ic j
    —P.e’/.tci  -  86 words

  • 2359 11 ANTARCTIC BROADCASTS TO LONDON: LORD MAYOR'S GITY CARVER: SIR GERALD DU MAURIER'S WIT PREVIOUS BUDGET EXPERIENCES. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, April 21 i THE KING’S NEW COINS Fiji, which the King once visited as a 1 midshipman, has sent him a set of its
    2,359 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 369 11 jq eW Life New Health New Vitality g- (l <i\ life to the full, to face depresjoi i<i loss of vitality, to restore health and vigour, each person can, and should, l. lk advantage of the wonderful restora- 1« or I’HYLLOSAN.’ rs and Scientists unite in the most n nl
      369 words
    • 198 11 I When I think of how timidl I my boys used to be* I I v *o' I -WHEN Ann told me that L "The neighbours can’t gossip Oa,S of Ae n mo” a Xtt ff Zhiest boys you tWO Father and I began eating Quaker Smstoo. We both ive
      198 words

  • 518 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following are the latest quotations tai IOCSSRA. KKNNKDT OCYe abare Hat to-do*. Yesterday To-day Buyers Seilers Buyers Seilers RUBBER Ayer Panas 1.55 1.70 1.50 1.60 Bassett 95 1.05 90 95 Batu Lintang 1.10 1.20 1.05 1.15 Broga 1.00 1.10 95 1.02%
    518 words
  • 35 12 The Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows Cents per lh Spot 22% May|June 1934 23% July September 1934 23% October] December 1934 24% Market quiet.
    35 words
  • 282 12 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S NOON QUOTATIONS Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN Hitam 55 57 54 56 Jelebu 1.32% 137% 1.37% 1.42% Kinta 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 Kuchai 107% 1.10 1.15 1.20 Lukut 101 1.03% 1.07% 1.121% N. Taiping 63 65 64 66 Petalings 6.85 7.00 6.85 7.00 Rahman Hyd.
    282 words
  • 118 12 Latest Quotations Thursday Wednesday Paris 77 13 32 77 932 New York 5.12% 5.12 Montreal 5.11% 5.10% Brussels 21.87 21.83 Geneva 15.75% 15.73 Amsterdam 7.54 7.53 Milan 60 59 29 32 Berlin 12.97 12.94 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.39% 22.39% Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Vienna 28 28
    118 words
  • 384 12 SOON THEAM CO. The following are the changes in otn quotations up to noon to-day Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller» RUBBER Allenbys 1.60 1.70 1.55 1.65 A. Panas 1.65 1.50 1.60 Bassetts 92% 97% 90 95 B. T<intangs 1.10 1.17 1.07% 1.12% Brogas 92% 97% 92% 97% Connemaras 1.60
    384 words
  • 53 12 PENANG, MAY 4 (By Courtesy ef the Chartßred Bank) London Bank Demand 2|4 3|32 4 m|ts 2|4 6|32 Private 3 m|ts credit 2|4 13|32 3 Documentary 2|4 15(32 On New York Demand 59% nom. France T.T. 890 nom. Hongkong T.T. 39% nom. Shanghai T.T. 45% dis. nom. India „T.T.
    53 words
  • 903 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST NAMES. I g a RUBBE? TDollar.) J c Allenby Rubber Co. Alor Gajah’Rubber Eetate, ,5 Amalgamated Malay Estates Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate > Ayer Molek Rubber Co. (n Ayer Panas Rubber Estates) Balau Planting Syndicate Barnett Rubber Co' 2° Batu Lintang Rubber Co. 1 k Redford
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 791 13 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving nd sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. AGAMEMNON from Liverpool for Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan. M.S. LAL ANDI A, from Bangkok, via Singapore, Malacca and Port Swettenham. Sails to-day for
    791 words
  • 790 13 NETHERLANDS AIR MAIL The Eastbound Netherlands Aircraft left Calcutta yesterday morning. The plane will probably arrive at Alor Star this morning. AIR MAILS A mail for Siam (Bangkok) by Imperial Airways direct will be closed at 8 a.m. on Sunday. A mail for Burmah (Rangoon) by Imperial Airways
    790 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 20 13 what London is doing RF4O CHARLES ROBERTS in the SUNDAY GAZETTE. TjTctb' ly tc. tt tt tcy.'JlI 1 WJ/VJl 1
      20 words
      232 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 217 13 V -ib -ds All Ay 6’5 TO-NIGHT*"2I7 Matinee To-morrow At 2-45 p.m. i I M.-G.-M.’s MIRACLE MUSICALE "DANCING LADY" JOAN CRAWFORD CLARK GABLE r such an entertainment in all with FRANCHOT TO N F en history Songs that thrill MAY ROBSON WINNIE 1 throb Hundreds of dimpled LIGHTNER, FRED ASTAIRE
      217 words
    • 79 13 SEASON EXTENDED TILL TO-MORROW TO-NIGHT 6-15 9-30 1 Matinee Saturday at 2-45 p.m. BRITAIN'S SUPREME SCREEN MASTERPIECE CONRAD VEIDT I MwM 1 THE WANDERING B&MnH JEW> with a cast of thousands. A FEAST OF ACTION AND DRAMA J A Screen Play Told in 4 Entrancing Episodes. OPENING WITH A MATINEE
      79 words
      84 words

  • 501 14 Rivers Silting Up PLEA FOR CUTS RESTORATION At a meeting of the Johore State CounI cil, on Tuesday, Dato Awang bin Omar pleaded for a restoration of the five per j cent, cut in the salaries of Malay Officers. He pointed out that in Kedah restoration
    501 words
  • 189 14 License Suspended Taiping, May 2. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The Chinese motorist, Lam Kam, who knocked down a Malay pedestrian at the third mile Ayer Kuning Road, on the 24th April, and then w r as alleged to have driven on, w’as to-day fined $47/- or in
    189 words
  • 252 14 A PENSION FOR EX-QUEEN HELEN 5 Exiled Families With £30,000,000 RICHEST OF ALL The Greek Government, which now contains a number of avowed Royalists,, has decided “in principle” to accord .ex-King George of Greece and his family a suitable annual income from public funds. One of
    252 words
  • 102 14 Election Of Office Bearers At the Annual General Meeting of the Old Xaverians’ Association held on May 2nd, 1934, the following were elected OfficeBearers President Mr. Lee Soon Peng. Vice-President Dlr. Gurcharan Singh, and Mr. Heah Seng Hong. Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Wong Foong Mau. Hon. Auditor Mr. Teoh
    102 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      22 words
    • 84 14 IN EXCHANGE For 200 used Stamps of Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Hong K°ng, Java, and the surrounding countries will give Picture Post Cards OF English Scenery Photographed from AeropIanMMISS TEE “KIA *ORA,” Stockwell, London, England. Cuticnra Talcum Soothes and Cools Fine, soft and smooth as silk, it keeps the
      84 words
    • 162 14 SO EASY TO WASH SO HARD TO WEAR OUT Z J/ A TOOIAL PRODUCT Go to the stores and see the fascinating new Tobralco patterns. Enjoy the lasting delight of frocks that wash and wear amazingly and keep their loveliness—of quality that proves by fax the cheapest in the end.
      162 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 494 14 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES B. B. C. Two of ttie following frquesdeo and wavelengths will be used simultaneously:— ■aS Sign Frequency Wavelength MF 15,140 kefs 19.82 m. QU 11,865 kc|a 25.28 m. pr OSD 11,750 keja 25.53 m. GSO 9,585 kc|s 31.30 m. To-day P.M. 6 20 —Time Signal from Big Tom
      494 words
    • 320 14 PHOHI—HOLLAND TO-DAY WAVELENGTH: 16.88 metres. P.M. 7.50 —Dutch National Anthem. 8.00 Station Orchestra conducted by Loe j Cohen: 1. Tempora Mutantur. H. L. Blankenburg. 2. Lotosflowers —-Waltz. I Emil Chlsen. 3. Ouv. “Zampa* F. Hereld. 8.20 Declamation by Mr. Kommer Kleyn. 8.4Q —station Orchestra conducted by Loe Cohen: 4. Moment
      320 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2105 15 .\f r -> W 1 $J tW" /x u ~"K '<\ !1 2 U f A Jffir in*lii f ir'l 'i Ai r i. ?V' BLUE PUMMEL LIMB TO EUROPE V,A SUEZ From Penang Arrive Marseilles Arrive New York May. 10 PRES. POLK June 6 June 19 LONDON AND NORTH
      2,105 words

  • 962 16 Tamil On Trial ALLEGED STABBING OF LANDLORD At the Assize Court this morning before Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley and a Special Jury the trial was commenced of Kannapiran, a Tamil, who was indicted on a charge of causing the death of one Pakirisawmy at
    962 words
  • 147 16 Accused Escapes Through The Roof! POLICE COURT IMPOSITIONS Lau Ah 800, the Chinese owner-occupier of coffee shop 335 Paya Terubong Road, Ater Itam, was fined $lOO with the alternative sentence of two months’ simple imprisonment by the Penang Police Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, this morning for
    147 words
  • 1347 16 Annual Meeting OVER $3,000 PROFIT Touching reference was made to the death of Mr. Henry Waugh, the founder of the Parit Perak Rubber Co., Ltd., and one of the pioneer promoters of rubber companies in Malaya, by Mr. D. A. M. Brown, who presided at
    1,347 words
  • 201 16 256 Millimetres In April 140 FOR THREE DAYS Penang is experiencing a very heavy rainfall, such as some other parts of Malaya had about a week ago. For the last two days there has been very heavy rain during the night and the “weather experts” predict
    201 words
  • 48 16 Abdul Kader bin Jamaludin was charged in the Penang Police Court this morning with the theft, on January 31, 1934, of $l5 within the jurisdiction of Perak. Detective Inspector L. G. Blakesley, producing the warrant, said that an escort was expected from Klang to-morrow.
    48 words
  • 819 16 Minister Arrives At Penang MET BY LOCAL LEADERS Rural work, in the rehabitation of farms and villages, and the Chinese Government’s policy to industrialise China are the two factors which will bring about the salvation of China” was the opinion of Mr. Chung Kung Po, Minister of
    819 words
  • 71 16 Seven D‘ e (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Eleven coolies were struck Sungei Rambai estate b recently and seven have 1 r on tra® The following are Passengers tbi to Naples and New V' 1 p r incf morning by the m.v. J ;a ßrady os■
    71 words
  • 40 16 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT The family of the late Mr. Lim Cheng How thanks all. those who kindly attended the funeral on May 2, sent wreaths, scrolls, letters of condolence, and also those who lent their motor cars for the occasion.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 154 16 M M.-M m m B 5 The Runnymede 3 Hotel PENANG. < i g™ H 1 h J With Its Hill Station i THE CRAG HOTEL MALAYA’S BEST HOTELS B I with the most moderate rates. EMPIRE DAY, Thursday, 24th May k "EMPIRE AIR DAY' I DINNER BALL MARK THIS
      154 words