Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 19 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY N vol. xcu. TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1934. PRICE 10 CENTS.
    19 words
  • 1112 1 WILi. OBSERVE PROVISIONS OF NINE POWER TREATY "RE SON ABLY CLEAR STATEMENT O BRITISH AMBASSADOR London, April 30. japan'.'- affirmation of her acceptance of the policy of an open —Reuter. (i ai China was communic; to Sir Francis Lindley, British Ambassador in on
    ’—Reuter.  -  1,112 words
  • 124 1 HllCdl clliU VIlLilVlJ' —Rugby Radio Service. PURELY TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS London, April 30. The British attitude towards the recommendation of the League Assembly report of February 1933 that the League should afford technical assistance to China as one of the methods of the policy of international co-operation
    HllCdl clliU VIlLilVlJ' —Rugby Radio Service.  -  124 words
  • 272 1 was in England last year.—Rugby Radio Service. Nc Communication To London ON TRANSFER 1 QUESTION > London, April 30. L 1 The Dominions Secretary, Mr. J. H. Thomas, in the House of Commons, stated t he had received no communication from His Majesty’s Government in
    was in England last year.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  272 words
  • 35 1 .—Rugby Radio Service. London, April 30. The Postmaster General intends to set up a Committee to report on the development of television and the conditions on which any public television service could be operated.-
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  35 words
  • 208 1 Reuter. $2 Billion FORMALLY CREATED BY TREASURY Washington, April 30. The Treasury has formally created a $2,000,000,000 Stabilisation Fund apparently for depositing $2OO million with the Federal Reserve Banks for active use and holding the remaining $l,BOO millions in reserve. To accomplish this the entire $2,000,000,000 is
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 68 1 j ec t.—Rugby Radio Service. Discussions With Creditors’ To-day London, April 30. Discussions between German authorities and creditors regarding Germany’s foreign indebtedness in respect of medium and long term loans were continued in Berlin today and will be resumed to-morrow. Sir John Simon in the House of Commons
    ject.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  68 words
  • 49 1 —Reuter. To Devote Time To Air Defence Berlin, May 1. General Goering has resigned from the Ministry of the Interior in order to devote the whole of his energy to the air force defence of Germany. He is succeeded by Herr Ferick Reich Minister of the Interior
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 121 1 Goldsmith Sentenced To 2 Months R.I. Cheong Cheow Yeoh, a Chinese goldsmith, in. the Penang Police Court this morning admitted criminal breach of trust in respect of $37 worth of jewellery; of this $27.25, the value of 2 pairs of gold earrings, had been recovered. Detective Inspector
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  • 56 1 Siam Satisfied EXPORT DUTY EXPECTED (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, April 30. Siam planting companies are satisfied with their conditions under restriction. It is probable that the government will now introduce an export duty on rubber. The bulk of the export leaves the country through provincial ports. (EARLIER
    56 words
  • 145 1 One-Sided State Trial (From Cur Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 1. The first state trial was a one-sided game, all the outs'anding players being in the blue team. The defence of Gek Soo, Boon Lay at back and Hay Ke Mat and Donald, halves, was all but impassable and
    145 words
  • 82 1 Alleged Possession Of Deleterious Drug A Hokkien Chinese named Kwek Guan Hock was charged in the Penang Police Court under the deleterious drugs ordinance with the possession, at 8.30 a.m. this morning at No. 450, Beach Street, —of approximately 11 catties of cannabis sativa. The
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  • 71 1 Year Old Assault Goh Hoong Ngooi, a Chinese, pleaded guilty in the Penang Police Court this morning before the Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, to a charge of voluntarily uisiiig hurt to Lim Yoo Hock in Batu Lancl'ang Road at 2.30 p.m. on March 13, 1933,
    71 words
  • 68 1 Inquest Reveals A Very Rare Disease A pathologist stated at a Coventry inquest on John Charles Clarke (39), cf Longford, Warwickshire, that a post-mortem showed all the blood to be coal black, of the consistency of tar. The heart was studded with black spots. He attributed death
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1797 2 RATES FOR CASUAL ijJM TKp banking*corporation BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS BSSWW| 1 11C limited. HONG KONG AND THE~MERCANTILE Sank All communications relating to Successors to SHANGHAI BANKING OF INDIA, LIMITED advertisements should be addressed to S A THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK CORPORATION (Incorporated in England) the Advertisement Manager, The Mfl nil All
      1,797 words

  • 2370 3 RASTER oF the KING'S MUSIC: AWARDS FOR GALLANTRY AT SEA: WORLD LINKED BY a ?SHIPS: VISCOUNT'S AMUSING BOOK. r Own Correspcndcnt) t c London, April 14. t |< THE1 R majesties at ,> WIN- ,R }i 11 i Queen are likely to be cut I.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 Want to sell that car? An advertisement in the “I’inang Gazette”, will do it for you.
      16 words
    • 552 3 C.WEN LET the SIDE "yOULL HAVE TO STAY AFTER W’ < DOWN OADLY SCHOOL AND DO THIS 7. SH£ ONLV SEEMS EXERCISE OVER AGAIN K-'llh S'A half alive gX <7 ™ese days &N seemed tv be no J gx good at cuufthitig.'!. L Bm t I 0ver ,000,000 i||. nour
      552 words

  • 842 4 New Aeroplane NON-FLYING MEMBERS' FEES INCREASED The annual general meet ng of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club was held on Sunday with the Hon’ble Mr. T. S. Adams, British Resident, in the chair, in the absence of Mr. R. T. Mil’s. T!~ s was preceded
    842 words
  • 555 4 Mr. G. G. Roberts, of the Audit Office, Singapore, has left for Home. Mr. W. W. Davidson, of the P.W.D., Ipoh, has been transferred to Taiping. Mr. F. Wagner, of the Archipelago Breweries Ltd., Singapore, has left for Europe. Towkay Ong Teck Ghi has been elected President
    555 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 1/ARt/ns m/’ PILLS AP/OL STEEL H Sureandcertain for all Female S complaints.Everyladyshould S keep a box in the house. S W. J. EDMUNDS fj The English Pharmacy 52-54, Beach Street, Penang.
      31 words
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 480 4 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES B. B. C. Two at ttMB following £rquend«B and wavelengths will be used simultaneously sign Frequency Wavelength GBF 15,1*0 kc|fl 19.82 m. GSK 11,865 kc|a 25.28 m. K? OSD 11,750 kcjs 25.53 xxl 080 9,585 kc|a 31.30 m. To-day P.M. 6.20 Time Signal from Big Tom (St. Paul’s
      480 words
    • 378 4 7.00 —Speech by H.R.H. Prince George. K.G., at the Banquet given by The Royal Empire Society, The British Empire League, The African Society, The Victoria League, The OverSeas League and The British Empire Club, on the occasion of his return from South Africa, relayed from Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London.
      378 words

  • 449 5 V/at Hun's Hard Fight EASY WIN FOR MRS. RU le and knight in the match between Cheah Ex i Cheah Wat Swee in the pionship which went to three matches-played yesterday, in Lawn Tennis Championship led to provide exciting tennis ises. However, these two bro- out a
    449 words
  • 41 5 —Reuter. Aston Villa Beats Leeds United London, April 30. ng are the results of matches in the English and Scottish DIVISION 1 3, Leeds 0. ■'i 4, Middlesbro’ 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE 'th 6, St. Mirren 0. 1, Rangers 1.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 49 5 Last Two Places Filled London, April 30. Co n Walker Cup team has been (R( V inclusion of Lionel Munn .<e Ports) and Eric Mcßuvie t,, Ge).—Reuter. I he ft]],,. members of the team are as Bent],v lan S. McKinlay, McLean, iher,'- Tolle Y» Torrance and We-
    49 words
  • 191 5 CURED IN EIGHT WEEKS. For sixteen years this woman suffered agony from indigestion, dyspepsia, gastric ulcers and colitis. After eight weeks she was cured by a famous doctor’s formula—by a treatment any chemist can sell you. “Sixteen years ago I had indigestion badly” writes Mrs. M.
    191 words
  • 137 5 .—Reuter. Colombo Odds-On Favourite SHORT PRICE FOR DERBY London, April 30. The following is the call-over for the Two Thousand Guineas, the first classic race of the year to be run at Newmarket on Wednesday:— 4 9 Colombo taken and offered. 5 1 Medieval Knight offered. 100
    .—Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 363 5 Motoring In The Jungle The Bishop of Croydon, Dr. Edward S. Woods, who has returned from a three an a half months’ tour of missionary stations in the Sudan, Uganda and Keyna, is to issue a public statement on the much i cussed subject of
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  • 159 5 Diamond—D'Silva Fight Falls Through SULLIVAN TO MEET GOUDIE AGAIN Owing to bad weather, the Diamond D’Silva fight scheduled for April 21 in Rangoon have fallen through. This match was deferred three times and it was found necessary to abandon it. Eric Dunsford was to have fought with
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  • 315 5 Confined To Room SITIAWAN VISIT CANCELLED We regret to have to announce that H. H. the Sultan of Perak is indisposed and on the advice of his physican has kept to his room since Saturday night says the "Times of Malaya”. His Highness, who
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  • 142 5 The death took place yesterday evening of Mrs. Lim Ewe Sean, Nee Quah Siew Kee Neoh, at her residence No. 73, Muntri Street. Deceased had not been in the best of health for some time. She leaves behind five sons, three daughters and seven
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  • 315 5 ENOUGH FOR EVERY ONE ON EARTH TO HAVE £4,500 SCIENTISTS FIND HOW TO GET IT TESTS TO BEGIN SOON Scientists believe that they have solved the secret of extracting from the oceans of the world the rich stores of gold they contain. Recent calculations based on
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  • 276 5 A Steadily Growing Habit “Mr. Brown, S.S. Splendid, Atlantic Ports,” may be the type of address often seen on visiting cards in the near future. The English public has always been a lover of the sea, but it is only recently that the habit of “living in
    276 words
  • 123 5 Under Majestic Management From To-day The Majestic Cinema takes over the management of the Windsor from to-day. First run films will be shown and it is understood that certain improvements wiU be carried out. Maurice Chevalier’s latest musical comedy, “The Way To Love,” will be shown to-day. Ann
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 I SHOES CHARMING NEW iS IS J B. footwear; FOR LADIES BALLY j IWk ATTRACTIVE models. arola j I II ""■■k |N a range of delightful styles with the exquisite MODELS Spanish heel that gives poise to the arch and a sweeping line to the instep. Court Shoes for even-
      181 words

  • 1923 6 DONCASTER INTRODUCES THE TOTE: "CLASSIC" HORSES IN GREENHAM PLATE: NEWBURY CUP FAVOURITES DEFEATED (From Our Own Correspondent). London, April 18. LIGHT O’ LOVE’S WARWICK WIN The spring meeting at Warwick was brought to a successfir conclusion when the w’eather was moie appiupr ate to the mon‘h of
    1,923 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 686 6 $lOO must Be Won o S.G. P.G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION o NO ENTRANCE FEE j >ELO\V will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pinang Gazette, Football Competition No. 16, in which you are asked to forecast results of ten English League matches to be played on May 5. A
      686 words
    • 332 6 w n < "ft I X x V v* 5 < ..'I w Hunters' Challenge Cup—Household Briga.'. A little bit of Englai i Travel where you will in the World to-day and you’ll surely find Craven Mixture. From Suez to Panama, that honnJ. old Craven Tin has come to be
      332 words

  • 104 7 confirmation. Reuters Pacific Service. Memorandum On Relations With Japan Nanking, April 11. v Yen Chinese Ambassador to Dr. Mr Quo Tai-chi, Dr. Welling*lusslJ Dr Alfred Sze, Chinese Min--1 at Britain, France and Ame.actively, have submitted a xnerif p ,ndum to the Chinese Governrning its foreign policy, espe-Sino-Japanese
    confirmation. Reuters Pacific Service.  -  104 words
  • 348 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. NeW Apostolic Delegate To China Peiping, April 11. AdviC es have been received in Peiping ♦hat the Apostolic Delegate to China, Monsignor Mario Zanin, Archbishop of Rhodopt has arrived at Hongkong, where he wa- met by Bishop Valtorta and the Heads of the various
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  348 words
  • 116 7 Take To Wearing Riding Breeches China to-day women are sport- breeches. Not merely Western ho are resident there, but actualladies too. So much for morn the awakening Immemorial East friend just back from Shanghai ■hat mounted paperchases, in lieu stent foxes, have long been pohat locality, and attract
    116 words
  • 32 7 iv which ne n r.i Pacific Service Nanking, April 11. arr h Yin E> Mayor of Nanking, will BUn from Hankow on Friday to re--11 which he resigned recently.
    iv which ne n ' r.i Pacific Service  -  32 words
  • 170 7 ment of the strike.—Reuters Pacific Service. Situation At Tongshan Improves Tientsin, April 10. Stronger action by the Chinese authorities has effected a raidcal change in the situation at Tongshan, where a speedy settlement of the strike now in progress may be expected. Employees of the Kailan Mining Administration
    ment of the strike.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  170 words
  • 129 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Vessels Race To Assist Tokyo, April 11. Rescue vessels are racing to the assistance of the British freighter Silksworth, or Newcastle, which is in distress on the high seas following trouble with her propeller. Tho Silksworth, a vessel of 4,921 tone built in
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  129 words
  • 134 7 Good Progress Made Canton, April 13. The drive of the Cantonese forces against the Reds in Fukien continues to make good progress. According to despatches from the “front” to-day, the 4th Regiment, which was sent some time ago to Kweihung, in west Fukien, by General Huang Yen-wen,
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  • 85 7 Reuters Pacific Service. Broken Up In Japan Kobe, April 11. The police ban on the recent breaking up of a smuggling gang was lifted to-day. Out of 34 persons arrested, according reports, no less than 29, persons including the ring-leader, a Kobe business man named Azuma Oda, were
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  85 words
  • 46 7 provisional regulation w Yuan for examination. —Reuters Pacific Service. Nanking, April 11. The Central Political Council to-day adopted a resolution punishing persons endangering the silver standard currency. The Ministry of Finance is submitting provisional regulations to the Legislative Yuan for examination. —Reuters Pacific
    provisional regulation w Yuan for examination.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  46 words
  • 878 7 U. S. APPROACH TO BRITAIN JOINT POLICY IN FAR EAST WASHINGTON ALARMED Washington, April 19. ALARMED by the Japanese warning to the rest of the world to keep its “hands off China,” the United States have decided to make overtures to Britain regarding the
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  • 43 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Nanking, April 13. The Ministry of Finance to-day appointed a monetary commission composing of fourteen prominent bankers to study monetary problems. Mr. Li Ming, chairman of the Bank of China in Shanghai, will be sent abroad for investigations.
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  43 words
  • 162 7 ing.—Reuters Pacific Service. Yenching Students Robbed At Taishan Peiping, April 10. A Chinese despatch from Taishan tells cf the hold-up of a group of forty Yenching students who took advantage of the spring vacation last week to visit the famous Taishan, China’s sacred mountain. The students arrived at
    ing.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  162 words
  • 227 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Young Japanese Who Posed As An American Tokyo, April 8 Hiroshi Hida, university graduate expelled for misconduct, went to Shanghai five years ago to finish his education. There he took courses in English and cock-tail-shaking. Somewhat fair for a Japanese, goodlooking and with brown hair,
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  227 words
  • 100 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Investigating North China Situation Nanking, April 13. Reports from Nanchang received here today state that Mr. Wang Ching-wei, president of the Executive Yuan, since his arrival there on Wednesday afternoon, has had a number of meeting with General Chiang Kai-shek and General Huang
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  100 words
  • 132 7 .—Reuters Pacific Service. Peiping, April 12 According to semi-official information there are 200 Japanese troops in Fengning in eastern Chahar and 100 Manchoukuo troops. The Japanese are under the command of Captain Tamura. In addition there are two Japanese aeroplanes which make flights
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  132 words
  • 116 7 Reuters Pacific Service. Barter Arrangements Almost Completed Nanking, April 14. Arrangements are reported to have been almost completed by the Kiangsi provincial authorities for the barter of Chinese tea for Polish products. The Polish Government, it is reported, is favourably disposed towards the proposal. The Kiangsi
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  116 words
  • 206 7 Soviet authorities. —Reuters Pacific Service. Released Soviet Mechanic Interviewed Dairen, April 12 Death awaited him if he returned to Russia, said Nikolai Dumitrieff, the mechanic of the Soviet bomber which made a forced landing in Manchoukuo territory north of Vladivostock last month, in an interview to-day. Dumitrieff, who,
    Soviet authorities.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  206 words
  • 112 7 tion.—Reuters Pacific Service. Canton Strive To Improve Bank-Note Currency Canton, April 12 An agreement has been signed whereby local merchants have agreed to lend the Provincial Bank of Kwangtung a sum of $5,000,000, with the 20 per cent surtax on imported agricultural products as security. It is understood
    tion.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  112 words
  • 82 7 to be made to-day.... Reuters Pacific Service. Canton Defences Greatly Strengthened Canton, April 12 Since the organisation of a department for the training of militia in various counties in Kwangtung province, local defences have been greatly strengthened. In order to concentrate the controlling power, General Chen Chi-tang, the
    to be made to-day.... Reuters Pacific Service.  -  82 words
  • 71 7 about three weeks. Reuters Pacific Service American Minister To China Peiping, April 11. Towards the end of this month Mr. Nelson T. Johnson, American Minister to China, is leaving Peiping for a brief trip in Central China. Mr. Johnson will proceed by train to Hankow, thence by steamer
    about three weeks. Reuters Pacific Service .  -  71 words

  • 821 8 It is time a separate court were established for dealing with technical offences and petty ‘‘crime” which does not come within the popular conception of crime. Most people dislike going to court, but with the complexities of modern life and its mechanical aids to comfort and efficiency, few
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  • 84 8 Murder Case Struck Out In Police Court Ng Ah Koon, who was charged with attempted murder and attempted suicide :n the Singapore Second Police Court, died in hospital on Saturday. The case was struck out by the magistrate, Mr. N. Grice. Ng Ah Koon was alleged to
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  • 79 8 At Age Of 64 Years The death took place on 30th April at IA, Lorong Salamat of Mr. Lim Cheng Sow, who was formerly Job Manager of the Criterion Press, Ltd., the “Times of Malaya,” Ipoh, and the Commercial Press, Kuala Lumpur. Deceased who
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  • 488 8 MALAYAN EXHIBITION The Railway authorities have made a valuable concession in connection with the forthcoming Exhibition to be held in Kuala Lumpur on 2nd, 3rd and 4th June next. 1 hey offer a special weekend return ticket at a single fare for the double journey provided that
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  • 81 8 Singapore Doctor’s Burmese Wife Charged With Arson London, April 29. Mrs. Bella Evans, the Burmese wife of Major D. G. Evans, R.A.M.C. (Singapore) was remanded in custody at Canterbury on a charge of feloniously setting fire to farm outbuild ngr. at Barham. When medical observation
    81 words
  • 646 8 —“Straits Times.” AT LAST So. at last, after sora< tv-, ear cret negotiations and me.- Ton] highest authority,” “auth< IVp ters” etc., there is somethin 1 t-C ciboiif rubber control. During t IS opinion had steadily crystal!. country that an official sta’ 106 I L was very near
    —“Straits Times.”  -  646 words
  • 99 8 Young Woman Fino* T en Times Its Value Ah Ncah, wbo W&S A young woman, Lim ah sC ssio n caught by Revenue officers!!- wftS o n of $l6 worth of contraband pjisonSaturday fined $l6O, or 18 ment, in addition to sentence trer the imprisonments, by
    99 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 190 8 If the is pouring down and jrou can’t get to town Bj&f CARISBEPC 3 LAGER PILSNER STOUT SOLE IMPORTERS /HE EAST ASIATIC LIMITED Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumnur ’<< :-Z <•: ?;< 'J <lg 'J< m; w £1 yv v< T.; ?tv gj yv yv v.’ yr yr t? gj vr
      190 words
    • 30 8 "LUXORE" FAMOUS HANDKERCHIEFS A Necessity to the Stylish Gentleman BBn AND "LUXETTE" FOR THE LADIES. :o: OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE AGENTS Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur. «■.WbVAWbW-V
      30 words

  • 942 9 p f SENTENCE REDUCED UNDER FIRST OFFENDER RULE is to me that the magistrate had dence on which to convict,” said Justice, Sir Walter Huggard, on in the Appeal Court, in dismissing d of B. R. Samarawickrama, a clerk formerly employed at the luapore
    942 words
  • 232 9 3,000 Bnvs Scout Thrills Boy Scouts to the number of 3,000 made whoopee before a packed audience at the Royal Albert Hall at a remarkably clever» demonstration of scoutcraft. 1 To the accompaniment of fife and drum, i scouts bearing the flags and wearing the uniforms of
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  • 345 9 i First Batch Of Hey fords j i I j Delivered j i i i The original order for 15 Handley Page Heyford twin-engined bombers, which was i placed early last year, has now been fulfilled, and work is in progress on a second I batch of
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  • 223 9 INDIANS SENTENCED FOR CREATING The trial of two Indians cn a charge of cheating, before Mr. N. Grice, the Singapore second magistrate, which has been protracted over many hearings, terminated on Saturday morning with the conviction of both accused. The men were S. M. Maricar. a Tamil
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  • 730 9 Changed Attitude Of The Churches SIR. H. LUNN’S VIEWS Canon Ryley’s story in the Sunday Times of the remark of an Oxfordshire farmer after hearing his vicar preach on Dean Farrar’s “Eternal Hope”—"lf there beant no ’ell, where be you and I to go to?” has
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  • 239 9 Standing in the grounds of Gibside Hall, overlooking the beautiful valley of the Durham river Derwent, stands the enormous statue of Liberty, which was erected there by George Bowes, f he owner of the estate, in 1750, either to beautify his park or
    239 words
  • 123 9 riN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY London Nt> market 1 £239.2.6 TIN (3 Months) London No market £236.5.0 Singapore* $118.62 y 2 $118.62 V 2 Business Done Penang $118.621/2 Business Done 23 tons 50 tons COPRA (Sundried) $2.65 $2.65 BLACK PEPPER $16.00 $16.00 RUBBER London 61 d 6 9 16 d
    123 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 353 9 Look at k ♦he Date windi |l MM I »iin I coou M i A# a f or \\< 11l I 2 xsSn d..,. j XJ y./ There is everything youi >4 baby needs in a tin of Cow Gate! The rich concentrated nourS i ishment of the world’s finest
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  • 418 10 LEGISLATION IN COLONIES IF OTHERS AGREE SPEED MOST IMPORTANT London, April 30. In the House of Commons, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister announced that the Government had received the request by the Rubber Growers’ Association to give effect to the restriction agreement in so far as it
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  • 59 10 —Rugby Radio Service. 12,000 Miles’ Cruise To Transvaal And Back London, April 30 The Royal Air Force flight returned Cairo to-day on the completion of a 12,000 miles’ cruise to Transvaal and back. The flight left Cairo on February 26 and made stays of several days’ duration at
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  59 words
  • 52 10 Reuter. Government’s Failure To Provide Loan Geneva, April 30. The Banque d’Escompte Suisse, one of the leading banks of Geneva did not open this morning in consequence of the failure of the present Socialist Government of Geneva to provide the five million francs promised by the
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 572 10 London Stocks Up I London, April 30. The rubber market was very firm with the commodity showing an increase of 13 32 at 6j4d. on the London Stock Exchange this morning, following the announcement of the Rubber Growers Association that a complete agreement had been reached in the
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  • 179 10 Brisbane and Tasmania.—Rugby Radio Service. Duke of Gloucester TO TAKE PLACE OF PRINCE GEORGE London, April 30. It is announced from Windsor Castle The King has decided that, in view of the heavy strain entailed, it would be inadvisable for Prince George, after his successful visit
    Brisbane and Tasmania.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  179 words
  • 53 10 :.—Reuter. Workers Decide To Resume Work Cleveland, Ohio, April 30. Several thousand workers of the Fisher Motor Body plants who have been on strike since April 23, have decided to resume work pending negotiation for a wage settlement It is expected that their colleagues in other cities
    :.—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 83 10 —Reuter. 300 At Work Below FIVE KILLED IN LEIGH DISASTER London, April 30. It is so far known that five were killed in an explosion in a coal mine at Leigh, Lancashire in the early morning when three hundred miners had just started work. Many escaped
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 42 10 —Reuter. 14 Labour Leaders Arrested Bombay, April 30. Fourteen labour leaders, including Karnik, secretary of the All-India Textile Labour Conference, have been arrested in a surprise raid under the Emergency Powers Act in connection with the mill strike here.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 57 10 —Rugby Radio Service. New Commander-in-Chief Of W. Indies Station London, April 30. Tho King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Vice-Admiral Matthew Best to be Commander-in-Chief of the America and West Indies Station in succession to Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Plun-kett-Ernle-Erle-Drax to date October 11, 1934. Vice-Admiral
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  57 words
  • 853 10 COMMITTEE'S OFFER REJECTED STRIKE PAY WANTED AS GUARANTEE OF GOOD FAITH 2,000 MEN STILL IDLE Kuala Lumpur, April 30. The F.M.S.R. strikers devoted the week-end to mass meetings, at one of which Railway officials made a final effort to pers e the men to resume work
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  • 103 10 —Reuter. Police Fire On Mob SITUATION UNDER CONTROL Peshawar, April 30. The police were forced to fire eight rounds on a mob outside the police station this morning. The trouble arose when a greup of Musakhet Mohmands visiting here in connection with the Council of Elders, presided
    —Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 298 10 Found Shot In Their Home Dunstable, April 16. Lt.-Col. Martyn Fenwick and Ins only daughter, Miss Judith Fenwick, who at the Old Vicarage, Tilsworth, near Duntable, were both found dead a 1 with gunshot wounds in their ids_ ia understood that Col. Eenw; hac worried by
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1015 11 YOUNGER MEN MUST TAKE COMMAND WHY SHOULD WE ALWAYS HAVE A MILLION UNEMPLOYED Echoes of my first fc’r against policies of inaction and the “enemies behind our 1 lines” are still ringing round the country. Hundreds of fron'-liners have told me they
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  • 476 11 Allegations that she was taken into a garage, kissed, and caned were made by Miss Eileen Harrison, 17, when John George Donovan, 28, was committed for trial at Wimbledon on April 14 on a charge of assault. Eileen previously stated that she had gone
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  • 217 11 TARGET NO PILOT COULD MISS V. C.’S CALL FOR > STRONGER R. A. F. i I I “London possesses the biggest human! target in the world for air bombardment.” I In these words the Lord Mayor of London, S r Charles Collett, gave a warning of London's
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  • 175 11 V. C. on When The Next War Comes A plea for a strong Air Force as a first line of defence is made by Captain A. O. Pollard, V.C., m “The Royal Air Force: A Concise History” (Hutchinson, 185.,) He writes: The conquest of the air
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  • 153 11 Air, La-d Au-1 Sea “Wo stanu to-day in the worst position we have ever stoed in the mat'er of adequate defence,” said Capt. A. C. N. Dixey. M.P. for Cockermouth and Penrith, when, addressing the Leeds Conservative Association. “In the a r, on land and sea, this
    153 words
  • 195 11 Dates And Venues i April 30-May s.—Lawn Tennis, Hard Courts Championships, Bournemouth May 2. —Two Thousand Guineas, Newmarket. I May 4.—One Thousand Guineas, New- market. 1 May 11-12.—Walker Cup, Golf, Britain Iv. U.S.A., St. Andrews. May 21-25. —Amateur Golf Championship, 1 Prestwick. June 6.—The Derby. June
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 VA’AYbVbVbVA AFTER ALL SORTS OF DRIVES! Golf Drives, Motor Drives, Whist Drives A Friend Arrives. PARDON ME! TIGER BEER IS BEST FRASER NEAVE, LTD. DISTRIBUTORS f Wlr!-a P O P U L ArW@K| ALL OVER THE WORLD Fruit at its freshest and finest, pure sugar and unfailing quality have made
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    • 397 12 MERGER APPROVED Singapore, April 30. The extraordinary general meeting of the Kinta Tin Dredging Company Limited today unanimously passed a resolution approving the amalgamation of the company with the Penawat Consolidated Tin Dredging Limited, the Kampar Malaya Tin Dredging Limited and the Southern Kampar Tin
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    • 1180 12 April, 18. LONDON ASIATIC. The London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company is one of the Harrisons and Crosfield concerns, whose offices are at 1-4, Great Tower-street, E.C.3. There are estates both in Malaya and Burma. Total area is 45,455 acres, of which 29, 034 acres are planted, about
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    • 513 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following are the latest quotations In MESSRS. KENNEDY OCXs share Hot Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenby Rub. 1.27% 1.35 1.50 1.60 Amal. Malay 2.50 2.60 2.55 2.65 Ayer Panas Rubber 1.27% 1.37% 1.40 1.60 Bassett Rubber 70 80
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    • 110 12 Latest Quotations Monday Saturday Paris 77 11|32 77 13!32 New York 5.13% 5.13% Montreal 5.11% 5.12% Brussels 21.87% 21.85 Geneva 15.78% 15.76 Amsterdam 7.54% 7.55 Milan 60 1,16 60 I|l6 Berlin 12.96 12 95 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.39% 22.39% Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Vienna 28 28
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    • 330 12 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S NOON QUOTATIONS Yesterday To-day Buyers Sell ms Buyers Sellers TIN Hitam 52% 55 53 55 Jelebu 130 1.35 1.30 1.35 Kinta 2.70 2.75 2.72% 2.77% Kuchai 1..04 1.06 1.05 1.07% Lukut 97% 1.00 99 1.01 Nawng Pet 97 99 97 99 Petalings 6.65 6.75 6.70 6.80 Rahman
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    • 144 12 The following are the latest quotation» for to-day Buyers Seller» RUBBER Ayer Panas 1.35 1.45 Amalgamateds 2.70 2.90 Bassetts 80 90 Batu Lintangs 1.05 1.15 Bi ogas 85 95 Connemaras 1.40 1.60 Glenealys 1.75 1.85 Jerams 90 1.00 Lunas 1.80 2.00 Mentakabs 47% 52% New Scudais 1.75
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    • 55 12 PENANG, MAY 1 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) London Bank Demand 2|4 3,32 4 m|ts 2|4 5|32 Private 3 m|ts credit 2|4 13|32 3 Documentary 2|4 15|32 On New York Demand 59% nom. France T.T. 890 nom Hongkong T.T. 39% nom. Shanghai T.T. 45% dis nom. India „T.T.
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    • 381 12 SOON THEAM CO. The following are the changee In oui quotations up to noon to-day Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenbys 1.35 1.45 1.45 1.55 A. Panas 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.60 Bassetts 75 80 85 90 B. T .in tangs 1.00 1.10 1.05 1.15 Brogas 85 90 90
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  • 693 12 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of ves md sailing from Penang during the week IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. LARADA to Rangoon and -.lcutta S.S. BULAN from Singapore vi porta. S.S. MANTUA from London via Colombo S.S. CARTHAGE from Yol; ports. S.S. ALIPORE from
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  • 1188 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram 1 from G. P. O. London says that the mail despatched from Penang, on April 7 by. 1 the s.s. “Karoa” was delivered, in London on April 28. M NOTICE I The Air Mails despatched from Penang, on the 18th April
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 319 13 BRITAIN'S SUPREME SCREEN TRIUMPH! ~2' lll\ /v\\ OPENING e s^ c l THE WANDERING JEW O TO-MORROW ML With CONRAD VEIDT and a cast of thousands. W Boofc y<>ur Seats Now MAJESTIC IN ITS PAGEANTRY. IMPRESSIVE IN ITS DIGNITY. THRILLING IN ITS APPEAL. plans at Robinson s phone 567 Itfll
      319 words
    • 64 13 cilu ¥k W 1 il (BMLHI A.v!b?C M 6-15 LAST NIGHT 9-30 A Picture Which Speaks A Universal Language Music Songs ‘The Unknown Singer’ I (Specially imported, with sub-titles in English) b Hear the song hits which are the sensation of Paris “When I Am Far From You” “The Nicest
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    • 112 13 ißfflMtlj 6.15 To-morrow Last Wight 9.30 p.m. < PACKED HOUSES IN ALL SHOWS > The Most Thrilling Hindustani and Perfect Talking, Singing and r Dancing Picture Ever Presented in Penang. 1 LAL-E-yAMAN OR J THE HERO OF ARABIA J Featuring THE BEWITCHING MISS PADMA, With Her Wonderful < Acting. J
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  • 588 14 Plenty Of Money For Science TOWED MOTOR-LESS GLIDERS To the great triumph of Arctic rescue by five airmen cf Soviet Russia, and to stratosphere exploration by Russian balloonists, is new tc be added the train of tewed motorlesr gliders which is tc start from Moscow on ar
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  • 1034 14 MARSHAL PETAIN'S WARNING Every City Open To Bombers GERMANY HER AIR BUDGET Paris, April 16. Marshal Petain, French War Minister, and General Duchesne, who has succeeded him as Inspector-General of Air Defences, have joined in demanding that France should immediately awake to her peril in
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  • 280 14 WOMEN DRIVEN INTO JUNGLE Geneva, April 12. Driven into the jungle by their civilis- I ed” masters, helpless women of the Kroo tribe of the Negro Republic of Liberia have been devoured by lions. Menfolk of the tribes, who have refused to become enslaved as
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 70 14 SE y the pen JfF that Jr NEVER DRY Like an ever-flowing fountain, Parker’» amazing new Vacuniatic need never run dry. It holds 102% more ink. And that tremendous supply is always visible. Through the handsome laminated barrel you can see, drop for drop, exactly how much remains. People call
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    • 470 14 Z—__ BRITISH MALAYAN COFFEE PLANTATIONS Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan, SOLE AGENTS HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. SINGAPOREPENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR H B Energy? I IsanatoceJ ■k,’, Ibe Tru» B 'Jy. 'A. X. j Ch.mbi. I cna I To treat these complaints successbilly, jet to the root of the trouble. I feu
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1925 15 f >' BlliS PUMMEL AIMS TO EUROPE V,A SUEZ ft. Fr(ym penang Arrive Marae lles Arrive New Yorb May. 10 PRES. POLK June 6 June 19 -2_ LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Due May. 24 PRES. ADAMS June 20 July 3 Mars., L’don, R’dam,H’burg, Glasgow 4 June 7 PRES July
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  • 429 16 A proposal to give up all idea of running the giant American liner Leviathan, again and to replace her by a super-cabin ship has been put forward by the practical shipping men who have been managing her for some years; but
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  • 167 16 Victimised By Crocodile Jasin, April 26. A most pathetic story of how a Malay fisherman, Samat bin Hj. Sukur, was victimised by a crocodile, comes from Pengkalan Leban on the Kesang River. Pengkalan Leban is a halting place for fishermen in Sungei Rambei, and here Samat,, along with
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    • 274 16 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —I happened to travel on the Ist of last month and was stopped by the watchman who took me to one of the assistant superintendents for not possessing a season ticket for that month. I tried to
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  • 41 16 I.R.C. v. D.A.F.C. The following will represent the I.R.C. against the D.A.F.C. in the First Division League Match at the C.R.C. ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m.:— Suppiah; Benedict, David; Gurusamy, Vadivelu, Kalimuthu; Kuppusamy, Muniandy, Mariappan, Somu, Muthu.
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  • 117 16 Bailee Offends During Bctmd-over Period 1 Jaganathan, a Tamil who stood surety for a youth convicted in Kuala Lumpur of soliciting for employment as a “jaga kreta” boy, was asked to show cause before Mr. Brander in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Saturday why his surety
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  • 470 16 Annual Meeting PROPERTY NOT DISPOSED OF The seventh annual general meeting of members of the Penang Tin Prospecting Co. Ltd., was held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 9, Beach Street, Penang, yesterday: PRESENT. —Messrs. E. H. Bulford (Chairman), L. R. Tofield, F.
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  • 137 16 —Official. Notice To Workers STERN ACTION TO BE TAKEN Kuala Lumpur, May 1. The railway strike position remains unchanged excepting that the men have returned to work at Prai. Train services are being fully maintained. Notices were issued last night reading An opportunity is now given
    —Official.  -  137 words
  • 459 16 Conducts Confirmation Service At Serangocn ADDRESS OF WELCOME FROM PARISHIONERS Bishop Adrian. Devals, the newly consecrated Bishop ci Malacca, performed his first official duty or Sunday when he conducted confirmation service at the Church of the Nativity, Upper Serangoon. There were a large number of candidates,
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  • 364 16 Possession Of Seditious Documents PLEADS GUILTY ON COUNSEL'S ADVICE At the opening of the Penang Assizes, Mr. Justice N. P. H. Whitley delivered judgment to a young Chinese, girl, Mui Keng Mei, who was charged with the possession of seditious literature. Taking into consideration her youth
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  • 279 16 And Still Laughs At Fear At 87 Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny is 87. Twice h.e has broken a leg ballooning; hunting falls have snapped three cf his ribs, three of his fingers have been broken at boxing, and once he was nearly scalped by his favourite
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  • 145 16 Death Of Chinese Carpenter Seremban, Saturday. Before Mr. T. P. McNeice, sitting as Coroner, to-day, an inquiry was held touching the death of a Chinese carpenter, who, while at work on a building at the junction of Paul Street and Jalan Tuan Sheikh, fell from a scaffolding to
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  • 309 16 Two Accused Sente-, ced To 4 Years THIRD ACCUSES DISCHARGES Charged with gang robbery on ruai 7, 1934, at Jelutong, Ng Ah Ser. Boey and Yeoh Pak Phee pleadM guilt before Mr. Justice N. P. H. Whi’.'v a t Penang this morning. The charge was read
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 53 16 Eastern Oriental Hotel PENANG. All Rooms Face The Sea Modern Sanitation Throughout Excellent Cuisine Under European Chef Terms Moderate DINNER DANCES EVERY Wednesday, Thursday Saturday TO-MORROW DINNER DANCE Dance Music By THE E. O. ORCHESTRA Special Monthly Rates for Permanent Residents can be obtained on application to the Manager. rphone
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    • 111 16 NANODAYA BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION FUNERAL NOTICE Members are informed that the funeral of Mr. Lim Cheng How, a member, will take place in accordance with Buddhist rites on 2nd May, 1934, at 10 a.m. at la, Lorong Slam at. ONG HUCK KEAT, Hon. Secretary. STAMFORD SCHOOL OPENING ON 7th MAY AT
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 40 16 WEATHER REPORT Temperature Wind Rainfall 6 a.m. 74 E 1 m.m. Noon 88 NW TIDE TABLE i To-day High Water Tow Water 2.00 a.m. 8.13 a.m. 2.10 p.m. 9.00 p.m. T o-morrow 2.40 a.m. 8.46 a.m. 2.43 p.m. 9.43 p.m-
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