Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 April 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 6 1 London, April 20.
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  • 6 1 London, April 20.
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  • 66 1 Delayed At Rangoon By Weather The Dutch east bound plane was held up at Rangoon yesterday owing to heavy rains. Tt essayed a flight at daybreak this morning but was forced to return to Rangoon after a severe buffeting. With conditions improving it set off a second
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  • 128 1 renamed Robert Patton.—Rugby Radio Service. Prince Of Wales Presents Medals London, April 20. The Prince of Wales distributed medals to lifeboatmen for outstanding exhibitions of courage and endurance in rescue work. Recipients of gold medal which is the Victoria Cross of Service included the widow of the Coxswain
    renamed Robert Patton.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  128 words
  • 79 1 ion.—Reuter. Diplomatic Relations Established Geneva, April 20. China has established diplomatic relations with Turkey as the result of the visit of Mr. Victor Hoo, the Chinese Minister in Switzerland, to Ankara where he signed with Tewfik Bey, Foreign Minister, a convention for the establishment of diplomatic relations which will
    ion.—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 82 1 Driver’s Narrow Escape F rom Death Berlin, Apr. 13. A new Mercedes racing car, which had completed several successful trial trips, crashed to-day on the famous Neuburg Ring when the well-known German racing motorist, Herr Henne, driving at a high speed, lost control of the car while
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  • 54 1 pared with 171 10.93 d. last week.—Rugby Radio Service. London, April 20. The amount applied for in tenders for treasury bills was £78,260,000. The full amount of tenders invited £40,000,000 was allotted in bills at three months. The average rate per cent was 17|10.70d as compared with 171
    pared with 17110.93 d. last week.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  54 words
  • 50 1 Moscow, Apr. 15. The rumoured general reshuffle of portfolios in the Soviet Government has begun with the resignation of M. Yakovleff, Commissar for Agriculture, which has been announced as due to “his own initiative. His successor will be M. Machernoff, former Cha’rman of the Labour and Defence Council
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  • 264 1 I. Reuter. Tokio Declaration Denounced JAPAN'S TRADITIONAL POLICY London, April 20. A statement denouncing the Tokio declaration has been issued by the Chinese Legation. It says that Tokio’s declaration of policy with regard to China is nothing but a re-affirmation of Japan’s traditional policy of aggression and
    I.—Reuter.  -  264 words
  • 175 1 —Reuter. No Mandatory Legislation CO-OPERATION WANTED Washington, April 20. It was made known at the White House that President Roosevelt feels that an answer to the sliver remonetisation problem lies in the formula presented to the world economic Conference whereby all nations fix definite reserves of silver
    —Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 59 1 Chinese Syndicate May Lease Factories 's (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 20. The “Malaya Tribune” states that a Chinese Syndicate headed by a wellknown Singapore businessman has approached Tan Kah Kee’s now in liquidation with a view to leasing their factories. The paper interprets this as
    59 words
  • 433 1 —Reuter. Domestic And Foreign Affairs COMMUNISM STILL DANGEROUS Berlin, April 20. Seated in his study, decorated with an enormous swastika on the wall, clad in white flannels and beaming with smiles, General Goering gave a long and exclusive interview to Reuter in which he frankly discussed
    —Reuter.  -  433 words
  • 125 1 —Reuter Wireless. Another Drop In Reserves Berlin, Apr. 17. Another drop in the Reichsbank’s gold and currency reserves is shown in last week’s returns amounting to 8,500,000 marks owing to payments for raw material imports. Within a year the reserves have fallen from 530 to 232 million marks
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  125 words
  • 22 1 King Gustav of Sweden, who is staying here with his grand-daughter Princess Ingrid, called on President Lebrun on Tuesday.
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  • 423 1 ment had been reached.—Rugby Radio Service. Further Meeting Yesterday 1 SITUATION REVIEWED J London, April 20. The Cabinet Disarmament Committee which met yesterday following the interview between Sir John Simon and Mr. Arthur Henderson, the President of the Disarmament Conference, held a further meeting' to-day and again reviewed
    ment had been reached.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  423 words
  • 86 1 Rugby Radio Service. Eminent Scientist Opens Exhibition London, April 20. The eminent scientist, Sir Alfred Ewing, at South Kensington Science Museum, today opened the new Refrigeration Exhibition promoted through the collaboration of the British Association of Refrigeration National Physical Laboratory and the Low Temperature Research Station at Cambridge. In
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  86 words
  • 100 1 and Lord Rutherford. —Rugby Radio Service. Series Of Lectures Arranged London, April 20. The Prime Minister will preside and members of both Houses of Parliament, representatives of the Municipal Government, the Civil Service and many prominent industrialist will attend the series of lectures next month arranged by the
    and Lord Rutherford. —Rugby Radio Service.  -  100 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3113 2 RATES FOR CASUAL notice of sale tenders for the supply renders for the supply BANKS A by order of the mortgagee OF TODDY OF TODDY ADVERTISEMcNTS TO be sold by public auction < I On Monday, the 23rd April, 1934 at 1 p.m. I A 'at PekMn Bafik Pulau, Penang.
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  • 397 3 Promoters and officials of the Irish sweepstake, with one exception, maintained a complete silence regarding the Betting and Lotteries Bill. The exception was Lord Powerscourt, Chairman of the Hospitals Committee, who said. “The least said about it the better.” It is clear
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  • 214 3 The Betting and Lotteries Bill will be debated in the House of Lords after Easter. It is intended that the Lords should pass it by Whitsun. It will then go through the Commons, and it is expected to get the Royal Assent at the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 I APIOL 8t STEEL S Sure and certain for all Female I complaints. Every lady should I keep a box in the house. I w. j. Esmonds I The English Pharmacy B 52-54, Beach Street, Penang.
      36 words
    • 292 3 9 YOUR HUSBAND’S gj DELIGHT plate of good cold roast beef is the delight man so rare ly the cold beef just what it ought to be. The cook’s fault probably. I j The addition of Al sauce makes all the 0 difference in the world. It provides that I
      292 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 872 3 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES B. B. C. 1. When the soldiers march through town. <te toltowtog trquencten and March H L Blawenburg. '"r.gths will be used simultaneously:— 2 Sad Waltz Ch. Berger, 3. Pudding—Potpourri C. Morena. a Sign Frequency Wavelength 9 30—Talk “From Week To Week” by L. Alterino. 15,140 kclß 19.82
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  • 1291 4 Annuls Meeting PAYMENTS TO CENTRAL OFFICE The annual general meeting of the Penang Branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya was held yesterday at No. 9 Beach Street. Mr. G. Maund (President) took the Chair and the others present were: Messrs. J. A. McEvoy, V Mercer Smith,
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  • 187 4 Husband Persuaded Her To Take Kruschen By following her husband’s advice, this woman took off 32 lbs. of her excess fat. Telling of her experience, she writes: “A year ago I was troubled with rheumatism, nervousness and other complaints. And I got so fat that I
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  • 126 4 Guilty Man Drops Tin Sheet And Runs Yeoh Ah Sin, a Chinese, pleaded guilty in the Police Court to the theft of a piece of tin sheeting value 50 cents, the property of Lim Ah Kow, and to a second charge of possession of an housebreaking implement
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  • 54 4 A Chinese named Lee Ah Fook was charged in the Penang Police Court this morning with, at 3.15 p.m. yesterday at 29E, Da‘o Kramat Road, commission of house breaking’. The Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, granted a pcstponmcnt till Thursday, April 26, with bail for accused n
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  • 461 4 Youngest Son Of Sultan (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, April 20. The funeral of Tunku Pengeran, youngest son of Sir Abdul Hamid K.C.M.G., Sultan of Kedah, whose death occurred at Alor Star on Wednesday last took place at the Ruling House Burial ground Alor
    461 words
  • 122 4 Five Chinese were fined $5 each by the Penang Police Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, this morning for playing in a common gaming house, 161 Penang Road. I De*ective Inspector Alexander, who conducted a Police raid, found $7.63 on the table together with three or four
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  • 271 4 Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sanders were passengers travelling home by the Silver Cypress. Major C. J. K. Hill, Paymaster, Malaya Command, has been promoted Lieutenant Colonel with effect from March 19. Mr. A. Macaulay, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Singapore, and Mrs. Macaulay are spending their
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  • 230 4 Funeral Yesterday The funeral of Mr. Wong Kum Seng, the head of the Wong Kongsi, took place yesterday at noon from his residence No. 82, Cintra Street. Deceased, who was 60 years of age, left behind a widow, three sons, Wong Yew Kee, Wong Yew
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  • 62 4 The Chinese driver of motor car P 1466 was brought before the Penang Police Court this morning and charged with negligence by colliding with trolley ’bus no PlO at the junction of Sungei Ujong Road and Prangin Road at 2.25 p.m. yesterday, April 19. The Magistrate, Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 34 4 Kml 19 It’s the years in the wood |W that mature a Liqueur Brandy Ba I Hennessy I I xo I |g LIQUEUR BRANDY |gl Matured in the wood for over 40 years |g|
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    • 60 4 Amateur Boxing Championships I Town Hall j 7 th May 1934 AT 9.30 P.M. ENTRIES TO:— I J. N. COOLEY. Hon. Secretary. PENANG AMATEUR BOXING ASSOCIATION (1032). This space kindly donated to Local Charities by Messrs. Robinson Piano Co. t First With The N EWS iTlh\<s (fSAZETTE ON £ale ip
      60 words

  • 776 5 Fine Win For Chinese LOSERS" POOR FORWARD PLAY Although they enjoyed an equal share in the exchanges, if not more, the Penang Recreation Club was yesterday beaten to the tune of five goals to nil in their match with the Chinese Recreation Club in the
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  • 494 5 Towel Thrown In LAST NIGHT’S BOXING (BY “SECONDS OUT”) Last night’s boxing promotion at Wembley Park proved an entertaining affair, science being the hall mark of almost all the contest. L. S. Fond maintained his unbroken local record at the expense of Teddy Heng of Johore, the
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  • 323 5 Church Of England 3rd Sunday after Easter. 8.00 a.m. Matins and Litany. PSS 124—127. Hymn 7. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 00 a.m. Holy Communion—Tamil 6.00 p.m. Evensong PS LXXXI—183. Magnificat 46. Nunc Dimittis 64. Hymns 299 —-141—503—13. WEDNESDAY S. Mark E.M. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 235 5 PENANG HILL RAILWAY. The attention of the Publie is 4rawn to the following cheap tickets obtainable on the Railway. Week End Tickets (Saturday—Monday). H single fares for return journey—--1 ;t 2nd Class —all stations. 2 Excursion Tickets (Sundays Public Holidays) Single fare for return journey—wer—Upper Station (Return on day issue).
      235 words
    • 187 5 Don’t order Beer ask for TIGER BEER The word TIGER makes all the difference. A j 1° wJ C/ vlwv Fraser Neave, Ltd. DISTRIBUTORS. 7/>« uttful Mtliclno for all CHmatoo o hMisßrWg 1 i STa l m T > 1 J Them h substitute. Acts like a charm In Checks
      187 words

  • 344 6 The astouding allegation that British Governments have failed cr refused to pay full compensation amounting to millions of pounds to civilians for damage to life and property during the war through bombardments and air-raids has just been made. £44,000,000 CLAIMS Though the total civilian claims
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  • 284 6 Big Increase In Stocks This Year Gold is flowing into London from nearly every country in J he world. The vaults of the Bank of England and the private banking houses in Lombard-street are stacked up to the ceilings with it. It is coming here
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  • 469 6 BACK FROM VICTORIA PENNILESS AND DISHEARTENED After a losing fight for many years in Victoria, Australia, the first batch of British Legion settlers to return reached England on March 28th. About 300 men are to return. They have accepted the cash compensation offered by
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  • 187 6 Fisherman Dies From Loss Of Blood The folly of a Chinese fisherman in not seeking medical aid in time after being attacked by a fish, presumably a shark, cost him his life on April 9. According to the evidence recorded by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. W.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 D’you „u’re cWWy I, it ’co® taKe iv 9 t > 11°* kf it ’cos you co ’.•e W eal J v e it ’cos yo« ve take n ftS you’re n ot take it c q von re kappT take H ’co® yoo os „ou’re sad take it c«s
      148 words
    • 62 6 Slump or no ihtmp advertMnff buMnew th** reaehw rtifo :< nn r accented. ()ur Using Department evereiaes discrimination. It tea* to lire up to the tradition» of a century of unbroke publication and maintain it» reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see It advertised in
      62 words
    • 275 6 Clean teeth are sound teeth: how can this K BIG brush clean B rt the inside curve Tck has a special short head, to fit everywhere, brush every crevice clean ai so Johnson’s 0 Baby Powder, Baby Soap and “T* I Baby Cream, IA U JSfy Johnson’s Pricklv Ivn, the
      275 words

  • 730 7 Severe Fighting BACKBONE OF BANDIT FORCE BROKEN X decisive victory was claimed by gov mept forces at the battle of Yangmeitt, point south of Nanfeng, which was t with great bloodshed for four days ,-ncing March 10 and ending at midof the 13th, and
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  • 84 7 quelled.—Reuters Pacific Serivce. Tientsin, April 2 The situation in Tongshan became complicated to-day by a strike at the Huahsin cotton mill. Approximately 1,000 strikers from the mill and the Kailan mines surrounded the Luantung administrator’s office and presented their demands, not dispersing before dusk. The cotton
    quelled.—Reuters Pacific Serivce.  -  84 words
  • 92 7 vernments in Kwangtung. —Reuters Pacific Service. For Relief Of Refugees In South Canton, March 31 The issuance of tickets in the lottery sponsored by the South-west Relief Association for refugees in Kiangsi will begin from to-morow. The drawing of prizes will take place on July 1. All
    vernments in Kwangtung.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  92 words
  • 236 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Remains Removed To Tientsin Peiping, March 31 The remains of Miss Chiang Su-ying, the eight-year-old grand daughter of General Chiang Kuei-ti, who was murdered by her kidnappers several weeks ago, have been removed to Tientsin for burial. The body was found in a wicker trunk
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  236 words
  • 183 7 'four days in Peiping.—Reuters Pacific Serl vice. To Peiping Peiping, March 29 Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the St. Louis Post-Despatch, who is visiting Peiping as a member of the Empress of Britain party, addressed the School of Journalism at Yenching University yesterday afternoon
    'four days in Peiping.—Reuters Pacific Serl vice.  -  183 words
  • 378 7 tion of the province.—Reuters Pacific Service. Former's Keen Interest IN RECONSTRUCTION PLAN Canton, March 29 That Great Britain is taking a keen interest in Kwangtung’s Three Year Reconstruction Plan, particularly the part in connection with textile development, was revealed by Mr. Herbert Phillips, British Consul-General in
    tion of the province.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  378 words
  • 161 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Disorganisation Of South-West Council Canton, March 31. In an interview with pressmen here today, Mr. Chow Lu, a member of the Central Executive Committee and the SouthWest Political, replying to a query regarding the disorganisation of the South-west Executive Committee and the
    • —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  161 words
  • 140 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Extraordinary Canton Divorce Case Canton, March 30. An extraordinary divorce case has come up in the local court in which a young woman, belonging to an old type family in the Honam district, is seeking separation from her husband, who lives not in
    ”—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  140 words
  • 374 7 —Reuters Pacific Serivce. An Expensive Item MILLION-DOLLAR ENDOWMENT FUND CAMPAIGN Peiping, March 31 That modern college education is an expensive thing in China is revealed in a statement just issued by Yenching University, Peiping, in connection with its MillionDollar Endownment Fund Campaign. It is estimated that
    ”—Reuters Pacific Serivce.  -  374 words
  • 187 7 Reuters Pacific Service. To Reorganized Into 6 Regiments Peiping, March 30. The troops of General Sun Tien-ying will be reorganized into six regiments, according to General Ho Ying-ching, Acting Chairman of the Peiping Branch Military Council, in an iterview with Chinese pressmen this morning. The troops will
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  187 words
  • 105 7 pas 2. —Reuters Pacific Service. General Yu Hsueh Chung Visits Tinghsien Peiping, March 30. General Yu Hsueh-chung, Chairman of the Hopei Provincial Government, who has been on a tour of investigation in South Hopei on his way back from Hankow, arrived at Tinghsien this morning and inspected the
    pas 2. —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  105 words
  • 75 7 ing and Harbin.—Reuters Pacific Serivec. Harbin, April 1 Bandits to-day pulled up the track, wrecked and poured a fusillade of bullets on an eastbound freighter lat a point 30 miles west of Muling. The outlaws overpowered, disarmed and subsequently made off with the military guard, after a
    ing and Harbin.—Reuters Pacific Serivec.  -  75 words
  • 150 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. $lOO,OOO Fine For Overloading Canton, March 31 An echo of the Szehai motor-launch disaster in the Pearl River on the night of March 4, was heard to-day when the Southwest Political Council decided to impose a fine of $lOO,OOO on the company owning the
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  150 words
  • 170 7 by the Nanhsiung prisoners.—Reuters Pacific Service. Request For Wives To Stay Refused Canton, April 1. The prison authorities of Nanhsiung, a large district in this province, have been confronted with a big problem to solve. In a petition to the district magistrate the inmates of the prison
    by the Nanhsiung prisoners.—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  170 words
  • 120 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Inspection Trip To T aiyuan Peiping, March 30. General Huang Shao-hsiung, the Minister of the Interior, who arrived here from Nanking last night, called on General Huang Fu and Ho Ying-ching this morning. He will leave for Taiyuan on April 2 to see Marshal
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  120 words
  • 48 7 Reuters Pacific Service. Nanking, March 31. Large shipments of railway material are expected to arrive shortly from England for the Canton-Hankow Railway. They will be delivered at Canton and Wuchung, and arrangements are being made for them to be shipped to the interior.
    Reuters Pacific Service.  -  48 words
  • 267 7 What Study Of World Trade Figures Reveals JAPAN'S POSITION World trade of the principal countries in 1933 is compared with that of 1932 in the “Board of Trade Journal.” Four only showed an increase in the value of imports of home consumption last year compared with
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  • 131 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Successes Against Reds Claimed Canton, March 31 Further success against the Reds in East Kiangsi are claimed in despatches from the “front” reaching Canton to-day. It is stated that the Cantonese troops, on instructions from General Chen Chi-tang, are pushing forward in a new offensive,
    .—Reuters Pacific Service.  -  131 words
  • 68 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Mr. Ma Heng Leaving For Nanking Nanking Peiping, March 30. Mr. Ma Heng, acting Director-General of the Palace Museum, is leaving for Nanking to-morrow morning to attend the meeting of the new board of directors of the Museum to be held there on April
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  68 words
  • 76 7 —Reuters Pacific Service. Seek Abolition Of Canton Supreme Court Nanking, March 31 An attempt is being made by the central authorities to secure Canton’s approval for the abolition of the Branch Supreme Court for the South-west, according to Chinese reports published to-day. The tribunal was established some time
    —Reuters Pacific Service.  -  76 words
  • 43 7 .—Reuter Pacific Service. Nanking, March 31. Mr. Chien Tai, Chinese Minister to Spain, who has been on home leave to attend his father’s funeral, is returning to Madrid on April 10 in the Italian line* Con- te Rosso
    .—Reuter Pacific Service.  -  43 words

  • 734 8 The three power meeting which came to a successful conclusion recently at Rome will provide one more, conceivably the last, opportunity to bring order out of turmoil in the Danube. The Dollfuss regime, though attacked both internally and externally by Nazi groups has stood firm and overcome the immediate
    734 words
  • 1711 8  -  many lives?—lvor Brown in the Manchester Guardian. ‘At the Critics’ Circle dinner in Lon-' don last Sunday Dr. Mavor, .who is well known as a dramatist under the name of James Bridie, lamented the invention of psychology, an occurrence whose date he placed a quarter of a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 BOON GOES TO IPO H 1 AT THE REQUEST OF OUR NUMEROUS OUTSTATION CUSTOMERS PATRONS, WE HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A BOON BRANCH at 39, MARKET STREET, IPOH. The same extensive variety of Reliable Goods n will be stocked at Ipoh as at Penang and Z whatever you expect to find
      289 words
    • 37 8 Up above the rest so high Like a Diamond in the sky by COMPANY. 'ARCHIPELAGO AHCHiPEI B»OUWt>» Clb SINGAPORE THE SAME SPARKLE IN THE BOTTLE. AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.
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  • 1771 9 MORTGAGED TO FELLOW BROKER TO SECURE JUDGMENTS OF $150,000 MORTGAGEE SUES TRUSTEES i interesting argument was heard in Singapore Supreme Court before Justice Prichard on Thursday re-.-,g the position of a mortgagee who ,:S security a beneficiary’s share in ite and who
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  • 286 9 H.A.F.C. Beaten By Muda I I Stia Party On the Date Kramat padang yesterday the Muda Stia Party beat the H.A.F.C. by two goals to nil in a friendly game of j football. The game was keenly contested j but unfortunately some of the players were j
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  • 31 9 Reuter. Leicester Defeats Derby County London, April 20. In a match in the first division of the English League, Leicester City defeated Derby County by two goals to nil.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 40 9 613.— Reuter. Inter-County Championship London, April 20. During the Middlesex —Warwickshire contest in the Inter-County Tennis Championship at Southport, C. Hare, of Warwickshire, the eighteen-year-old former junior champion, defeated Perry 6|3, 3 [6, 61 3. —Reuter.
    613.—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 200 9 Traditional Celebration BALL AT RUNNYMEDE HOTEL St. George’s Day was celebrated in traditional fashion by the members of the Penang Branch of the Royal Society of St. George. Over 350 members and guests were present and were received on arrival by the President, the Hon. Mr. A.
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  • 87 9 Farewell Dinner To Dr. H. R. S. Muthu The members of the Ceylon Association, ■Penang, entertained Dr. H. R. S. Muthu to a dinner on Saturday, the 14th inst. at No. 104, Tanjong Tokong, on the eve of his departure to Butterworth on transfer. Covers were laid for
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  • 61 9 Exhibition Dance At I Wembley To-night j I Miss Lily Toh of the Moonlight Crystal Follies fame will give an exhibition of a series of classical dances at the Wembley j Cabaret to-night with the Donaldsons. As this is the first exhibition of its kind in Penang
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  • 199 9 But No Foot Set On Foreign Soil Oslo, Apr. 16. For the first time since becoming the Chancellor, Herr Adolf Hitler has paid j a visit to a foreign country without, howI ever, setting foot on foreign soil. This seeming paradox is explained by the fact that Herr
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  • 165 9 New President Of The German Academy Munich, April 13. The senate of the German Academy assembled cn Thursday and elected as its president, Professor Dr. Karl Haushofer, to succeed Geheimrat Professor Friedrich von Mueller, who retired from the post on Apr. 1 after six and a
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  • 118 9 TIN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAT J London £238.0.0 £240.0.0 TIN—(3 Months) London £236.15.0 £238.5.0 I Singapore $119.00 $ll9. j Business Done Penang $119.00 Business Done 30 tons COPRA—(Sundried) $2.60 $2.60 BLACK PEPPER $16.70 $16.70 RUBBER London 5 ll|l6d 5 13|16d New York 11 15|16c(G) 12 s|l6c(G) Singapore Spot 18%c -1914
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 194 9 HAVE YOU AN ACID STOMACH When wind, pain, and distress follow a Igood meal, it is a sure sign of too much acid in your stomach. Get rid of it now, for it is dangerous. Acid is the cause of ulcers. No matter how much acid there may be in
      194 words
    • 152 9 nl mi in.... 11l What a Relief ...everything is J plain sailing now... There is a feeling of restfulness throughout the house—Worry and Anxiety have given place xru YWS to Relief and Cheerfulness— BABY IS ON COW A GATE NOW I J j/'" fl LOOK AT HIM All chuckles 5
      152 words

  • 1443 10 FOREIGN OFFICE SPOKESMAN'S STATEMENT OPPOSE ANY MEASURE LIKELY TO DISTURB PEACE IN THE ORIENT London, April 20. AVhat is interpreted by the press as a warning to the world to keep its hands off China is contained in a statement by the
    . Y: ’-'Ouncu describes the manifesto as intimidating and warning.—Reuter and Rugby Radio Service. j  -  1,443 words
  • 135 10 Reuter. Abolition Bill PASSES SECOND READING Dublin, April 20. The “Dail” passed by 70 votes to 51, the second reading of the bill to abolish the Free State Senate. Mr. de Valera, replying to the debate, said that if to-morrow they had a reunion in Ireland and
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 64 10 Paris, Apr. 11. When the British Ambassador, Lord Tyrrell, visited President Lebrun on Tuesday to take his leave on giving up his post, he received from M. Leburn the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour as a mark of the
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  • 36 10 Special Spanish Envoy- To The Vatican Madrid, Apr. 13. The Foreign Minister, Don Leandro Pita Romero, will proceed to Vatican City at the end of this month as a special envoy of Spain.
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  • 35 10 r.—Reuter Wireless. Lahore, Apr. 17. Obeidullah, nephew of the famous Red Shirt Frontier leader, Ghaffar Khan, styled the Gandhi of the Frontier, has abandoned his fifth hunger strike. His condition is satisfactory
    r.—Reuter Wireless.  -  35 words
  • 108 10 —Reuter. Nearly A Million A Month BUT SALES STILL IN EXCESS London, April 20. Russia’s purchases from Britain last month totalled £907,668, or nearly six times March 1933, and for the first quarter of 1934 £2,226,317 as compared with £1,271,922 last year, according to official figures
    —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 38 10 —Reuter. Conservatives Retain Basingstoke London, April 20. The Basingstoke by-election caused by the resignation of Viscount Lymington resulted as follows Mr. Drummond Wolff (Con.) 16,147 Mr. John Foot (Liberal) 9,262 Mr. J. W. Barker (Labour) 4,663
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 124 10 German Officer Takes A Second Prize Nice, Apr. 16. Ten thousand spectators assembled at the parade ground here on Sunday to witness the 14th international military riding tournament. The competitors strove for two prizes: that of the festival and sport committee and another donated by the great hotels
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  • 82 10 New Insurance Scheme Launched In Italy Rome, Apr. 17. A new insurance scheme for promoting marriage and increasing the birth rate has just been launched by the National Insurance Institute. The greatest of its kind in Italy the plan has the full approval of Signor Mussolini.
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  • 81 10 Honour Conferred On Werner Krauss Berlin, Apr. 16. The honorary titles of Kammersaenger and Staatsschauspieler respectively have been conferred upon a number of prominent artistes by the Prussian Premier, Gen. Goering. The list included the famous German actor, Werner Krauss, who from now on will be
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  • 54 10 German Liner Inaugurates New French Quay Paris, Apr. 16. The newly-built quay at Cherbourg for ocean liners, which until now have been unable to enter the port, was formally inaugurated on Sunday by the crack German liner Bremen. A number of French authorities made the trip on board
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  • 212 10 Medan Stop To Be Resumed It is possible that Medan will once again become a port of call on the Dutch air mail route between Amsterdam and Batavia. This (according to a Medan correspondent) is foreshadowed by the Sumatra Post, folowing the visit of Mr.
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  • 172 10 Malay Who Asked To Return To Prison A curious criminal recidivist appeared before Mr. N. Grice in the Singapore police court charged with stealing a brass bowl containing sugar from an ice hawker. The accused, a 45-year-old Singaporeborn Malay, Mohamed bin Haji Maydin, pleaded guilty. A strange
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  • 160 10 Factory Control In Singapore Further evidence of local industrial acti- vity was given at the meeting of the Rural Board on Wednesday. When application was made to convert a dwelling house in Simon Road into a fruit preserving factory. The chairman, Mr. W S. Ebden, said that
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  • 88 10 Adulterated Milk With Water Bremen, Apr 17The mediaeval custom of inflicting punishment for offences against the public welfare by standing culprits in the stock® was revived on Wednesday when two women convicted of adulterating milk were exhibited for several hours as a warning others.
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  • 73 10 Exaggerated Report Of Injury To Thumb London, Apr. 10 It is reported that Max thumb merely was wrenched ba and severely sprained. jnfu i Though the injury is exceedingly 1 wcr and necessitates a complete rest, ti. 1 of his right fist is not permanently paired. i His
    73 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 192 10 /rl Keep strong end conquer these signs of 1 I v\ V Advancing Age Dizziness njra Palpitation Difficult breathing Nervous Irritability WS| High BloodPressure ng by taking KALZANA Ikl Keep your arteries young —every man and woman, especially those over 35, should remember this advice. For such complaints as high
      192 words

  • 940 11 GROWING HOPE OF' I SUCCESS Strata Waiting To Be Explored WAR TIME RESULTS RECALLED That three is a genuine prospect of oil found in commerical quantities in Britain is indicated by the fact that inquiries have already been made by important oil interests. Behinu
    940 words
  • 464 11 The man who suffers from a toothache to-day is a much luckier person than his great-grandfather. Any dentist will remove the troublesome tooth by means of a painless operation. He will give his patient “gas’” or novocaine, and within a minute the
    464 words
  • 122 11 Government May Cease To Pay In Advance Kuala Lumpur, April 16. The question of ceasing the payment of Government salaries in advance on the occasion of the various festivals in Malaya, was referred to by Mr. V. H. Winson, presiding yesterday at the annual general meeting of the
    122 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 635 11 I Cadbury s reveal I why Bourn-vita is better Scientific test shoves I for sleep and dierff y• in "diastase, a great natural I I aid to the human digestion I*^^— The ,n dependent proof of Bourn-vita’s superiority d* I \n> The digestibility and “digestive power” of a x \\>
      635 words

  • 1275 12 SHIPPING ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving did sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. MATA HARI from Singapore via Ports. S.S. MATANG from Tongkah, Kopah, Renong and Victoria Point. Sails for the same port to-day. S.S. IPOH from
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  • 470 12 KENNEDY CO. Penang Share Report The Share Markets during the past week have been very active with interest centring round Rubber shares which came into fresh demand and rose. The price of Rubber shows a further advance 5 ll|l6d. while the price of Tin has kept steady and closes £236-15-0
    470 words
  • 117 12 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 77 23|32 77 ***** New York 5.16% 5.14% Montreal 5.13% 5.13% Brussels 21.96 21.96 Geneva 15.84 15.85 Amsterdam 7.58 7.58 Milan 60 5j16 60 7-16 Berlin 13.06 13.05 Stockholm 19.40 19.40% Copenhagen 22.39% 22.39% Oslo 19.90% 19.90% Vienna 28 28 Prague
    117 words
  • 80 12 During the week ending 14th April, 1934, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 46,024 cases, of which 36,324 cases were to the United Kingdom, 426 cases to the Continent of Europe, 6,135 cases to Canada, and 3,139 cases Elsewhere. Total exports for the period Ist January,
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  • 183 12 Nazi Divorce Changes Berlin, March. 26. So many applications for divorce have been filed on the ground that one of the parties is “Aryan” and the other Jewish, that the Prussian Ministry of Justice haa published an article in “German Justice giving particulars about the legality
    183 words
  • 110 12 and Chengteh and that pians cific settle them in Suiyuan. Service. Opposition To Jap anese Recruiting Of Chinese Peiping, March 31-* Kuomintang organzations in 1 branch decided to petition the P e ‘l- n Military and Political Counc 3 fflUJl icipal Hopei provincial and Peipm£ pinie diat» authorities,
    and Chengteh and that pians cific settle them in Suiyuan. Service.  -  110 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 88 12 THE TIRELESS SALESMAN—An advertisemenf In the “Pinang Gazette” is a tireless salesman. Frot» one week’s end to another it talks business without boring potential customers. It tells your story (unknown to you perhaps) to a wick circle of interested readers and its influence is all the more satisfactory in so
      88 words
    • 115 12 New Life New Healu New Vitality To enjoy life to the full, to face den sion and loss of vitality, to mst ore and vigour, each person can and take advantage of the wonderful re«tZ’ tive powers of l/)ra PHYLLOSAN.’ Doctors and Scientists unite in the remarkable testimony ever paid
      115 words

  • 1441 13 AIR MAILS A mail for Siam (Bangkok) by Im- perial Airways direct will be closed at 8 a.m. on Sunday. A mail for Burmah (Rangoon) by Imperial Airways direct will be closed at 8 a.m. on Sunday. A mail for Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Central Provinces, Hyderabad, Madras Presidency,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 216 13 WEMBLEY CABARET GRAND OPENING OF JERE LEE And Her 8 All American GIRL ORCHESTRA On Sunday, 22nd APRIL, 1934. The Hottest JAZZ You Will Ever Hear Nightly From 9 p.m. Including the following Musical Dance Numbers by Themselves 1. MEDLEY—Featuring RHAPSODY IN BLUE 2. GREAT DAY—Modem Negro Spiritual 3. DAISY—WaIIs
      216 words
    • 45 13 TO HIRE CAR OR BUS OWNERS Aay hire car or boo owners operatin< BUTTERWORTH—SUNGEI PATANI —ALOR STAB AND BUTTERWORTH—TAIPING—IPOH WHHng to make contract for dally jourocy at specified times writs for particulars to BOX 95, PINANG GAZETTE, l-a, Pcnsßg Stafist, PENANG. rl vjiui7un2nssuiuu*uiaji-i w unsawuwar
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 125 13 TO-DAY Positively Last 3 Snows 2-45 6-J5 9-30 MAR IE DRESSIER LIONEL BARRYMORE IN M.-G.-M.*s COMEDY MASTERPIECE j CHRISTOPHER BEAN TO-MORROW Opening 2-45 Matinee I E D WY N N Radio Land in M.-G.-M. s Side-Splitting Comedy "T H E CH IE F" WITH DOROTHY MACKAILL CHARLES CHIC 1 SALE.
      125 words
    • 156 13 f 'iIaBIFWW Phone 185 IV I OPENING TO-DAY I at 2-45 6-15 9-30 A 0 S»* Featuring Miss Fatima i Benti Jasman OF HM V RECORDS FAME J k’ n Noordin J THE STAGE craft Syed Ali bin Mansoor i STRONGLY supported by a great < CAST OF MALAY STAGE
      156 words

    • 1055 14 MR. GANDHI APPROVES THE DELHI DECISION ENTRY INTO LEGISLATURES NOT ONLY RIGHT BUT DUTY OF CONGRESSMEN Patna, April. 5. I have no hesitation in welcoming the the revival of the Swarajya Party and the decision of the meeting to take part in the forthcoming elections to
      1,055 words
    • 150 14 India To Resume With Irish Free State i The following communique was issued at New Delhi on March 31st. j During the Ottawa Conference the In- dian delegation entered into conversation with the representatives of the Irish Free State regarding the possibility of developing trade between
      150 words
    • 464 14 Swaraj Party's Aims COMMUNAL UNITY New Delhi, April 7. On his arrival in Delhi from Patna, Dr. Ansari, in a statement, says: “I am more than satisfied, indeed, I am happy over the result of our visit to Patna and ouT| conversations with Mr. Gandhi. With his
      464 words
    • 175 14 Ex-Councillor Appeals To I Governor Calcutta, April 7. Bepin Bchary Ganguly, the ex-councillor of the Calcutta Corporation, who was arrested at Bally near Howrah on March 31 iin a garden house, was again placed bei fore the Sub-Divisional Officer, Howrah, and remanded in custody
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    • 133 14 Deputation To Viceroy On Question? HONOURING PLEDGES New Delhi, April 5. It is understood that a movement has been set afoot to organise a powerful deputation, representative of all sections and communities to wait on H. E. the Viceroy and urge on the British Government
      133 words
    • 101 14 High Court Trial Opens Madras, April 9. M. Pamanuja Ayyangar, ex-Munsiflf of Salur, a village in the Chingleput District, appeared to-day before the Chief Justice at the Madras High Court in a charge of murder. The charge against Ramanuja is that on or about January 11 last,
      101 words
    • 72 14 Colombo, Apr. 3. Shouts raised by a girl and her mother drew crowds to the Mutwal Beach, yesterday, where they saw a strange sight. A girl aged 14 was holding on to the tail of a shark, which was struggling on the shore. Despite
      72 words
    • 626 14 FOLLOWERS' GREAT SACRIFICES CONGRESS NOT THEOLOGICAL LABORATORY FOR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIMENTS Bombay, April 9. An emphatic declaration that Mr. Gandhi’s latest announcement advising all Congressmen to suspend civil disobedience, and restricting 1 it to himself, has not in the least altered the constitutional position
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 229 14 COULD NOT REST WITHJICHING Little Red Pimples on Face, Arms, Neck. C uticu ra Healed. “My trouble started on my leg. It came in little, red pimples that got bigger with white heads on them which would dry up scaly. I could not rest with the awful itching. Then they
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1919 15 wwLiwnw flk -41 1 to EUROPE VIA SUEZ 1 BLUE FUNNEL LINE From Penang Arrive Marseilles Arrive New York I I Apr. 26 PRES. GARFIELD May 23 June 5 LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Doe May. 10 PRES. POLK June 6 June 19 'L niOMYD London, R’dam, H’burg and Hull
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  • 513 16 Final Selections FASTER GOING LIKELY TO-DAY The going is I kely to be faster to-day, for the concluding day of the Penang Turf Club Extra Meeting. There is bound to be a bigger gathering to-day and the Tote should be well patrenised, despite the smaller
    513 words
  • 601 16 Large Gathering KUALA LUMPUR OWNERS DRAW GOOD PAIR The draw for the batch of Penang Turf Club English maidens yesterday at the Batu Gantong stables was largely attended, among those present being H. H. the Sultan of Perak, Capt. Lindsay Vears, Messrs. J. D. Kemp,
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  • 53 16 The death took place in London yesterday of Mr. George Reid, who will be remembered by the older school in Malaya as a partner in R. T. Reid Co. The offices of Messrs. William Jacks and Co., Ltd. in Malaya were closed to-day as a
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  • 97 16 Crowd 800 Referee ROUGH DIAMOND BEATS GUILLERMO (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 21. There was an amazing scene at the New World last night when the referee. Mr. Robinson, gave a verdict in favour of Rough Diamond after ten rounds against Battling Guillermo. The crowd
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  • 258 16 Escapade After Sea Bath The racehorse Soldier Boy was destroyed yesterday by the Penang Assistant Veterinary Surgeon following an escapade in Northam Road in the course of which he received several injuries Soldier Boy was being bathed behind th® Nanking Hotel Beach when he kicked his syce’s
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  • 79 16 —Reuter. Following Mayoral Defeat New York, April 21. John Curry, head of Tammany since 1929 was overthrown by a revolt within the organisation. The cause of Curry’s dow’nfall was the smashing defeat suffered by the Tammany candidate in the Mayoral election in November when La Guardia
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 82 16 —Reuter Wireless. Four Communists Executed Berlin, Apr. 17. Four young men belonging to a band of Communists which two years ago terrorised Berlin, were to-day executed in Ploetzensee prison. The gang was responsible for organised attacks on pedestrians, shopkeepers and restaurants. The men escaped arrest until they killed
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 75 16 Temporary Home During Repairs (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 20. In view of the extensive repairs which are to be carried out to the magistrate’s court there is the possibility of the second and third courts being temporarily transferred to the old Chinese Protectorate in Havelock Road.
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  • 614 16 25th Annual Meeting LOSS TURNED INTO A PROFIT The 25th Annual General- Meeting of shareholders of the Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at 12.30 p.m. to-day, at the registered offices of the Company, la, Penang Street, Mr. J. D. Kemp (Director) presided, and the others
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  • 56 16 Criminal Breach Of Trust Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 20. G. M. Goodall, European Assistant to the Immigration Officer was arrested yesterday on a warrant for criminal breach of trust in respect of $1,220. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Long, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMullin and
    56 words
  • 21 16 birth At the Maternity Hospit d Mr. and Mrs. M. S. McGa? to Estate, Matang, Perak, a 50... ebo
    21 words
  • 337 16 TO-DAY’S PR CES KENNEDY CC jp ANy The following are the quota fa MESSRS. KENNEDY to-ttay. Yesterday Buyers Selle? veraSelltn MINING Ampat Tin 6|6 6! 6 6 69 Ayer Weng 1.95 2.05 c 2.00 2.10 c Hitam Tin 52% 57’. 52% Hong Fatt 49 5z- 50
    337 words
  • 49 16 PENANG, APRIL 21 (By Courtesy f f he Chartered Baa» London Bank Demand 4 3S 2 4 5* < 24 Private 3 m|ts credit 3 Documentary j 59% no® On New York Demand France T.T. 35% DO®' Hongkong T.T. 6 mrii 41% dis n°®' Shanghai T.T. India „T.T. Silver
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 29 16 ■■■■MM———————— I Eastern Oriental Hotel PENANG. TO-NIGHT RACE DINNER BALL Dance Music By MISS JERE LEE'S ORCHESTRA DINNER—S 3. NON-DINERS—SI. Have You Booked Your Table 'Phone 322 Telegrams Hoteleando
      29 words
    • 44 16 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting Commissioners will be he 04® cipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, instant (By Order) T w. DOUGLAS' Secret**? to the Municipal Comm** 100 SITUATION VACANT Wanted Linotype Opend ting 6,000 ens an hour. c|o. Pinang Gazette. —u c
      44 words