Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 December 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 19 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1888 DAILY No. 305. Vol. LXXXXI. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1933. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 1215 1 SUPERIORITY COMPLEX AND AIR OF EXCLUSIVENESS PLEA FOR RECOGNITION OF STRAITS CHINESE BRITISH ASSOCIATIONS (BY L.C.L.) have with great interest your i crial regarding the Governor’s Chinese .sultative Committees. The title of these i bodies is certainly high-sounding and i be pleasmg to the e?.rs
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  • 102 1 Coming Of Age Celebrations The Penang Health Culture League will celebrate its coming of age (21 years of useful existence) on Sunday, December 3 The following is the programme for the da il.3O a.m.—Water-polo at Kelawei Foad Sea-beach. p.H.C.L. vs. Mr. Tan Wah Kim’s Team. 3.30
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  • 106 1 —Rugby Radio Service. LARGE INCREASES DURING CHRISTMAS London, Dec. 28. Traffic on the British railways during Christmas showed a further large increase. Compared with the same week in 1932, London Midland and Scottish Railway receipts for passenger traffic rose by £42,000 and for goods by £44,000.
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  106 words
  • 158 1 Satisfactory With England Moscow, December 29. A sharp contrast between the improvement in Soviet relations with France and Poland with the threat contained in the j present attitude of Germany and Japan was I drawn by M. Molotov at the opening ses- sion of the Central Executive
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  • 94 1 home for the Tioliday season.—Rugby Radio Service. NEGOTIATIONS TO BE RESUMED EARLY London, Dec. 28. The negotiations between the British and the Estonian Governments for a new trade agreement, which opened several weeks ago in London will be resumed early in ’anuary. The ground has been cleared
    home for the Tioliday season.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  94 words
  • 69 1 Rugby Radio Service. Mussolini Insists London, December 28. Signor Mussolini has insisted on Sir John Simon, who is spending the Christmas holiday at Capri, visiting Rome on Thursday, January 4 for discussion of the outstanding problems of the European situation. The invitation, with a
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  69 words
  • 43 1 Prince Purachatra Resigning From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, December 28. Prince Purachatra has tendered his resignation from the Bangkok Rotary Club on th? grounds of business which will keep him in Singapore indefinitely. The matter is being considered by the directors.
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  • 1297 1 Letter To Secretary Of State FROM ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY The following correspondence has passed between the Secretary of the Anti-Sla-very and Aborigines Protection Society and the Colonial Office 2nd June, 1933. To The Rt. Hon. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, G.8.E., M.C., M.P., Secretary of State for the Colonies. Sir,
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  • 307 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Increased Trade GOVT.’S SINCERITY PRAISED London. December 28. Possibilities for an increased trade between China and Great Britain and the need for a greater contact between the British manufacturing interests and Chinese business men are discussed in a report on trade and economic
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  307 words
  • 52 1 Trans-Jordan, Iraq and India.—Rugby Radio Service. 16,000 Mile Trip By Air London, December 28. Lord Londonderry, Secretary of State for Air, reached Khartum to-day by air from Wadi Haifa. In the course of a 16,000 miles air tour, he will later proceed to Trans-Jordan, Iraq and
    Trans-Jordan, Iraq and India.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  52 words
  • 76 1 Another Boatman Fined (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Dec. 29. Another case of evading customs duty on 25 katties of sugar was mentioned before the Taiping Magistrate to-day, when a Chinese boatman named Teoh Chi» Koh of Bagan Panchor was produced in the dock. The
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  • 82 1 Further Supplemented Washington, December 29. Supplementing President Roosevelt’s gold order of August 8, Mr. Morganthau has ordered the surrender of a>l gold to the treasury except gold bullion held under federal licence, rare coins, unmelted scrap gold or gold used in industrial purposes. Henceforth no individual
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1829 2 RATES FOR CASUAL shfhngnotice IBANKS ADVERTISEMENTS KUALA LUMPUR 13-1- a* IN PENANG I I The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. offer a nederlandsche Chartered Bank special reduced first class return fare to UANHEI -M A ATSCH APPIJ OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA '4 IN-.-’ _w connection with the n TURF CLUB
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  • 2481 3 A GOOD GANGSTER PLAY: A REVIVAL OF REVUE: PRINCE AT THE CINEMA: A FILM OF ARAN (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 9. “MESSIAH” IN NEW FORM It may be doubted whether the “Messiah” has been peformed under more suspicious condition than at the Albert-hall on December
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 i IH «I I. I WORTHINGTON-SIMPSON, LIMITED, K fa «<?* g ''llm s fa —x 'lla l •wlßVfwl I I I fcJStjl F I I IHIGH LIFT RAM PUMPS I Pressures from 100 to 1.200 lbs. i j Full Particulars from Sole Agents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED, t. PENANG. ■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■ THE
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    • 176 3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Concerning De Reszke Coupons. The recent decision of cigarette manufacturers to abolish gift coupons in Great Britain does not affect De Reszke coupons in Malaya. The De Reszke gift scheme, which has met with such success in the past, will therefore continue to be in force throughout 1934
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  • 274 4 To-morrow's Fixtures ARSENAL TO VISIT BIRMINGHAM The following are the matches to be played to-morrow in the English and Scottish Leagues: DIVISION I Birmingham v Arsenal tTielsea V 'Stoke C Tierby C v Middlesbro’ Leeds U v Blackbum R TBicester C V Aston V iJverpool v
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  • 286 4 Saturday, December 16. T.-ady Clementi and the Misses Clementi were the guests of the Hon. Mr. J. D. Hall and Mrs. Hall at Bakar Bata, Alor Star. Sunday, December 17. His Excellency had luncheon with the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club at the Grandstand, Race Course. H‘f Excellency was
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  • 488 4 Chinese Cyclist's Death BETWEEN TWO CARS Further hearing of the inquiry into the death of a Chinese, named Goh Boon Lim, who fell a victim to a motor accident at Northam Road cn November 10 was recorded by Mr. D. Wills in the Police Court yesterday. Court
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  • 675 4 —W.W.C. Many of the older generation in Malaya will remember John Henry Tatlock, who was an outstanding personality in Perak before the War, and will learn with regret of his death which occurred at Mer ano, Italy, on November 3rd last. He came out
    —W.W.C.  -  675 words
  • 48 4 —Route:. M.C.C. Win By 8 Wickets Calcutta, December 28. In a one day match the M.C.C. defeated a combined team of Bengal Indians and Anglo-Indians by 8 wickets to-day. Indians and Anglo-Indians scored 123 to which the M.C.C. replied with 125 for two wickets.—Route:.
    —Route:.  -  48 words
  • 76 4 D ECE.MB ER 30 Penang Races, 4th day. Special Dinner and Masquerade Ball, E. O. Hotel. Ra«a Dinner and Fancy Dress Ball, Runnymede Hotel. DECEMBER 31 Supper and Dance, E. O. Hotel. Gala Supper, Dancing and Souvenirs, Runnymede Hotel. JANUARY 1 Penang Races, last day. PUBIJC AND
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  • 622 4 Mr. H. M. Pendlebury, Curator, Selangor Museum, has gone home on furlough. Dr. R. H. Dive, of the Malayan Medical Service, has returned from home furlough. Mrs. Diana Whitley, late of Kulim, Kedah, is working at Reville’s, Hanover Square, as a mannequin. Mr. L. W. Tivy, of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 16 4 Want to sell that car? An advertisement in the “Vinang Gazette” will do it for you.
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  • 2308 5 THIRD DAY OF PENANG RACES BONGAO AND MITHRAS ALSO SURPRISE THE FIELD PAYS $754 (BY TIC-TAC) Is was forecasted by me on Wednesday the third day of the Penang races provided the traditional upsets, Gold Piece winning race 5 to fay out the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 266 5 ■.■Ji Whiteaways GIFTS FOR THE NEW YEAR. SOS //MO COCKTAIL SET /JF IJ Finest quality English plate set of \Jj six glasses and shaker. Prices $30.00 $37.50 Set. WHISKY SET Price $30.00 Set. "THERMOS" SERVICE 4 SET An ideal set for NEW YEAR. Combined with beauty, utility and durability. Price
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  • 218 6 Accused Man’s Story WAR-TIME AIR RAIDS PRECAUTION A war-time story of buried gold was told at the Old Bailey, when the trial was continued of William Gervaise Thorpe, 60, soft goods merchant, of Bournemouth, who carried on business as W.G. Thorpe and Company in Aldermanbury-buildings,
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  • 336 6 Overheard Verdict Of Doctor A will written in verse after the testator had accidentally overheard his sentence of death spoken by a doctor has just been admitted for probate. The document, which relates to the estate of Mr. Henry Edward Hubbard, a young plasterer, of
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  • 548 6 In connection with next year's Eleventh Malayan Exhibition, which, as already announced, will be held in Kuala Lumpur on June 2nd, 3rd and 4th, a special feature will be the All Malayan Padi Competition which is being organised by the Malayan Agri-Horticul’ural Assoeation in conjunction with the
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  • 185 6 A Modern Don Juan A chauffeur named Patrick O’Brien, who was stated to have posed as a V. C. and to have obtained £lB7 from a woman with iwhom he went through a marriage ceremony, was sentenced at Highgate to 12 months’ hard labour. The woman
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 I I II 'IMPERIAL [I I AIRWAYS j ffi I I SAY I '<■ "ALL of the engines in n k ALL of our regular ji service aircraft are |i operating on S I SHELL J LUBRICATING OILS" I II PICNIC AT FUN SPECIAL OFFER FOR FEW WEEKS ONLY '<
      146 words
    • 603 6 $lOO Must be won :o S.G. P.G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION o NO ENTRANCE FEE o 4b BELOW will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pinang Gazette, Football Competition No. 7, in which you are asked to forecast results of ten English and Scottish League matches to be played on
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  • 2720 7  -  "THOSE WHO ARE DISPOSED TO ATTACK US, LET THEM DO SO BY MR. WANG CHING-WEI to attack us, let them do so.—The People’s Tribune. establishment of the Republican regime in China has J been followed by many political complications and
    ‘ to attack us, let them do so.—The People’s Tribune.  -  2,720 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 irir»rinririririnri ririnrinririri rim 11J M U I.J i J IJIU JIJI J| IJIJIJ |J I.J IJ UIJ UI. TO HIRE CAR OR BUS OWNERS Any hire car or bus owners operating BUTTERWORTH—SUNGEI PATANI —ALOR STAR AND BUTTERWORTH—TAIPING—IPOH Willing to make contract for daily journey at specified times write for particulars
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  • 906 8 The Disarmament Conference meets again next month at Geneva. Its temporary failure has driven us back, for the time, on the channels of conventional diplomacy, which is reticent and secretive and tells the public as much as suits its book. W'e sit now not before the
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  • 337 8 THE FIRST POSTAGE STAMP j Who invented the adhesive postage: stamp? Philatelists are planning to celebrate with an international exhibition I in London in 1940 the centenary of the’ first British stamps sponsored by Row-’ land Hill and taken into the service of H.M. Post Office on
    337 words
  • 1138 8 uiK m.f V. Ilf s yvu i::...' *>• with me—-on the hous;.” -I(TT 1 “Manchester Guardian."' “Sure, but spying’s not so bad as al! that! You mightn’t think it, but I’ve been a spy meself once—for a bit.” Riley, proprietor of the road-house called the Cocktail Shaker, glanced
    uiK m.f V. Ilf s yvu i::...' *>• with me—-on the hous;.” -I(TT 1 “Manchester Guardian."'  -  1,138 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 %A* _Jr < JSs®SP| W/ riaiq MO FiMiR WHISKY A* GOES IMTO ANY BOTTLE 1300 Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG, IPOH. If your face wears a frown gvHfr wfe and the spleen W/ J keeps you down _s*~ Bt, mvm AendftrtcL &4u<
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    • 36 8 DEL MONTE PRODUCTS ARE THE Best Obtainable ou Ax. t ipelftonteji I tyV£\/ ,r «I SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur. r ’n’'-■ ’rr 'Tr 'S’ T/ ’.r? ;r? v;; tv
      36 words

  • 1493 9 HOW BAG OF GUILDERS WAS STOLEN FROM RIKISHA Evidence of a sensational nature was led bi _>re the Singapore third magistrate on W dnesday at the opening of the prelimin.n airy into charges of armed robbery abetment of the crime against three was
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  • 210 9 Lim —Tan The marriage took place in the reformed style at noon yesterday at the Hu Yew Seah, of Mr. Lim Khean Seng, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Boon Lye, with Miss Tan Saw Im, fifth daughter of *he late Mr. Tan Choo Choy and
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  • 592 9 If we say that we enjoyed “The Rotters” j more than any of the previous productions of the Penang Repertory Players it is with no intention of belittling the former efforts 1 but rather that this was a play which fitted the time. Neives,
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  • 119 9 TIN-SPOT Yesterday To-day London £227.12-6 £227-7-6 TIN— (B Montha) London £227-10-0 £227-12-6 Singaperfl $114.50 $114.75 1 Businear Dane Penang $114.75 BusiniDo,:». 50 tons (XJPKA—.. $3.05 $3.00 I BLACK PEPPER $14.00 $14.00 Z RUBBER London 4 7|32d. 4’Ad. New Ynrir 8 13|16c.(G) 8 13|16c.(G) Singapore Spot 13%c. 13%c. JaniMar.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 The Runnymede Penang SATURDAY—3Oth DECEMBER RACE DINNER. CABARET FANCY DRESS BALL DINERS $5.00. NON-DINERS— $3.00 Extension of Licence r.ilil 2 a.m. SUNDAY, NEW YEAR’S EVE MONDAY, Ist JANUARY, 1934. Supper, Music, Dancing &iCabaret s*h DAY OF RACES. with Souvenirs Tiffin from 12 Noon. Supper from 9.30 p.m. H t i
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    • 64 9 19 ’SMILER’ t no) wishes Every Baby I '“A a a PPy Healthy I New\fear OQjL COW GATE ©323 COW 6 CATE LTD., GUILDFORD 1 Agents for North Malaya and Penang THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY. LTD., PENANG AND IPOH. MADAME DAVIES 30, Bishop Street, Penang. ARRIVED FOR THE RACES:— MODEL
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 34 9 WEATHER REPORT i'emp. ‘Villu rtMleJs 6 a.m. 74 E Noon 84 NW TIDE TABLES TO-DAY HIGH WATER LOW WATER 11.31 a.m. 5.50 a.m. 11.22 p.m. 5.24 p.m. 12.12 a.m. a.m. 11.59 p.m. 6.10 p.m.
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  • 249 10 —Reuter. PROTEST AGAINST NEW INDIAN TARIFF i APPLICABLE TO GOODS ALREADY IN TRANSIT Tokio, December 28. At an emergency conference at Osaka this afternoon, the Spinners Association, the Cotton Textile Exporters Association and the Raw Cotton Buyers Association have decided to order the withdrawal
    —Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 105 10 —Reuter. Drastic Changes Announced Xew York, Dec. 28. Drastic changes, in listing the requirements of the new New York Stock Exchange are announced, designed to preyent corporations from influencing the market value of their own dhares. The provisions include, firstly, that all companies must after January
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 89 10 ,—Rugby Radio Service. Protest By British Creditors London, Dec. 28. The British long-term and medium term creditors’ committee has sent a letter to Dr. Schacht, President of the Reichsbank, protesting against the treatment accorded ot the views of the cerditors’ representatives at the recent meeting in Berlin. The
    ,—Rugby Radio Service.  -  89 words
  • 47 10 —Reuter. Recommissioned For China Station London, December 28. H M.S. "Adventure” is the only cruiser minelayer that the Royal Navy recommissions to-day at Devonport for the China Station. She is due at Singapore on February 25 and will be commanded by Captain W. H. Gell.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 38 10 .Rugby Radio Service. Metropolitan Police Magistrate Resigns London, Dec. 28. The Metropolitan Police Magistrate, Mr. Frederick Mead, who is 86 years old, has resigned from office which he has held since 1889. Rugby Radio Service.
    .Rugby Radio Service.  -  38 words
  • 103 10 .—Rugby Radio Service. Cheaper Rates For “Group” Subscribers London, December 28. Sir Kingsley Wood, Postmaster-General, in a broadcast speech last night announced that a telephone service at cheaper rates is to be introduced nxet April for the benefit of the small user. Under the new system a
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  103 words
  • 227 10 Phya Bahol Remains Premier Bangkok, Dec. 23. Phya Bahol Bolabayuha Sena retains the post of Premier in the reorganized Cabinet of Siam. In addition to the Premiership, Phya Bahol takes over the portfolios of Interior and Public Instruction and also retains his former post as Commander-in-Chief of
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  • 120 10 .—Reuter. Intermittent Appearance THOUGHTFUL VARIATION OF SIZE London, Dec. 28. The Loch Ness monster is acquiring an international reputation. Professor Gruvoi of the Paris Museum identifies it with the megophias-megophias, specimens of which, seventy-five feet long, were thrice sighted by the French gunboat Avalanche off Indo China
    .—Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 315 10 Chinese Mason Fined The Case was heard in the Penang Police Court yesterday morning of Goh Teik Ghee, a Chinese stone mason brought before the Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, upon a charge of the posession of distilling apparatus at premises in Brook Road at 11.10 a m.
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  • 67 10 Sockalingam, a Tamil, was charged in in the Penang Police Court yesterday morning with the theft, as a servant to Mr. W. Nisbet of 122, Kelawei Road on June 4, 1933, of eight £1 notes. The Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, granted a transfer of the case
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  • 149 10 —Reuter. Possible Support IF AGAINST WAR AND FOR PEACE New York, December 28. The Soviet may support the League if it is against war and for peace, declared M. Stalin in an interview to the “New York Times”. There is a real grave danger from Japan’s
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 158 10 .—Reuter. A Promising Field DEBT ARREARS MOST SERIOUS PROBLEM London, December 28. The Overseas Department report on Chinese trade is the subject of comment in the Financial Times and the Financial Neics. The latter observes that there are signs that China has turned the corner. The
    .—Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 237 10 A case in which four pigeons, a hen and a cock featured as the stolen property was heard in the Police Court yesterday morning by the Penang Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills. A Chinese named Lim Teong Choon was accused of this theft, while Abdul Rahman
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 120 10 Aids to the CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS Questions Answers on British Empire History First Series 1.00 Questions Answers on British Empire History Second Series 1.00 Paraphrase or Questions and Answers on Julius Ceasar 1.00 each Questions Answers on The Book of the Long Trail 90 Supplement on Julius Ceasar 41 Questions Notes
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    • 267 10 Dentists r|j||pH say: A CLEAN tooth never decays—but most patients teeth are not properly cleaned at the back, where old-fash- Tooth-brushes like this are out of date! They are shaped only for the toned tooth-brushes don t nt outside of your teeth: they cannot clean just the places you are
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  • 823 11 Position Restored DECISION AFTER STORMY MEETING After the stormiest meeting of its career, the British Boxing Board of Control licenceholders affirmed their support of the attitude of the stewards by rescinding en bloc a number of resoultions passed at the recent annual general meeting. These
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  • 357 11 300-Mile Tour To See Workless GORDON RICHARDS’ DOUBLE The Prince of Wales became a Grand Companion of a Good Companion Club. It was the first day of a 300-mile tour which he is making in the East and West Ridings of Yorkshire to see
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  • 211 11 Executors And A £63,000 Deal The “Daily Express” understands that the solicitors and executors are investigating the circumstances in which £63,000, part of the estate of the late Colonel Sir Augustus Fitz George, great-grandson of King George 111. and cousin of Queen Mary, was dealt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 309 11 Aeiv Way to Banish Ugly Hair *§jW w -WwSI 0F Sensational Discovery of British Scientist Men detest superfluous hair. They never find a woman attractive who suffers from it. To-day, in three minutes, you can say goodbye forever to all unwanted hair, and have smooth white •,rms and legs free
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    • 440 11 SBMI 9/te PRUDENTIAL ANNUAL BONUS W UJehaye pleasuJie in advising i/ou 1&9 ImHMH aßonus deda/ied. in. nespect of the qeafi, EVERY YEAR A BONUS YEAR! That is What Insurance with the Prudential Means. All policy holders of with profit policies receive a bonus on December 31st every < Afa oag
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  • 241 12 TO DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following were the latest quotations In MESSRS. KENNEDY CO’« share list to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Seliere MINING Ayer Weng 1.72% 1.80 1.75 1.80 Changkat Tin 42 6 43 6 43 0 44 0 Chenderiang 5 6 6 0
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  • 24 12 The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N. L. from 17th to 23rd December 1933 (being one week) was 260 piculs.
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  • 254 12 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S NOON QUOTATIONS Yesterday To-day. Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller* TIN Ayer Weng 1.75 1.85 1.80 1.85 Batu Caves 97% 1.02% 95 1.00 Johan 22 24 21 23 Kinta 2.37% 2.42% 2.40 2.45 Klang River 1.75 1.85 1.80 1.90 Kuchai 102 1.04 1.02% 1.05 N. Taiping 37 39 38
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  • 61 12 PENANG. DECEMBER 29 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2|4 1 32 4 mts 2|4 332 Private 3 nrts credit 2|4 11 32 3 Documentary 2|4 15|32 On New York Bank Demand 59 nom. France T.T. 950 nom. India T.T. ***** Hongkong T.T. 36% dis.
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  • 277 12 SOON THEAM CO. The following are the changes ’x u quotations up to noon to-day:— Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellei TINS Ayer Hitams 14|6 15|0 14[6 15 0 Ayer Wengs 1.70 1.80 1.75 1.85 Bangrins 36'0 370 36 3 37|3 Batang Padangs .31 .33 .31 .33 Changkats 43]0 4410
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  • 156 12 The following are the latest quotation for to-day:— Buyers Sellers nN Batang Padang 32 34 Batu Caves 1.00 1.02% Changkats 43 0 44 0 Chenderiangs 56 6jo Hong Fatts 48 50 Jelapang 13 3 13 9 K. Lanjut 21 0 21 6 Kamunting 13 3 14 0
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  • 124 12 Latest Quotations Thursday Wednesday Paris 83 21 32 83 15 32 New York 5.08 5.10% Montreal 5.08% 5 10 Brussels 23.59 23.53 Geneva 16.92% 16.92 Amsterdam 8.15 8 13% !an 62% 62 5 16 rUn 13.72% 13.69% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 3810 19.90 19.90
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  • 1072 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST k t I cn NAMES, s Sn S j RUBBER (Dollar.) ’f c. c. Allenby Rubber Co. 9« 100 Alor GajaUßubber Eatate' 60 70 Amalgamated Malay Estates I 70 I 90 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 90 I 00 Ayer Kuningß übber Estates 15 20 Ayer Molekfßubber
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 fl A star ds for resistance to ills—for fl cod-liver oil b stands for appetite fl fl regained—for barley. C stands for fl fl freedom from disease—for concentrated fl fl orange juice. D stands for good blood, fl fl good nerves, general and thorough good fl fl health—for ultra-violet rays
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    • 110 12 THE SCULPTOR |hr W I it cfjhe most inspiring head he ever tackled— The HEAD on a Tiger Beer n eb s a ■■■■■■□■■■> Pinang Gazette Press Ltd. Z Z MONTHLY CHECK ROLLS J J POCKET CHECK ROLLS Z Z NOTE BOOKS S PENCILS Z Z INK Z GUM M
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  • 550 13 Schedule af Principal Lines I S.S. K ARAP ARA for Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. KAROA for Port Swettenham and Singapore. S.S. KAROA for Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. SANTHIA to Far East. S.S. SOMALI to Europe. S.S. BULAN to Bagan Datoh, etc. S.S. JUN A to Moulmein.
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  • 1066 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram from G. P. O. London, says that the mail despatched from Penang, Air mail (via Karachi) of December 9 by the s.s. “Rohna” was delivered in London on December 27. AIR MAILS A mail for Siam (Bangkok) by road to Alor
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  • 283 13 Schedule Of London-Alor Star-Singapore Service Commencing with the plane leaving Singapore on Sunday, 31st December and Alor Star on Monday, Ist January, 1934, Imperial Airways will maintain a. weekly service between London———Alor Star and Singapore. 2. The planes from London are due to reach Alor Star at 5.30
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 38 13 i.i_ Quaker Oats is pre- u| eSSOS cooked in open ovens 2 to a succulent, flaky tenderness, produc- ng a fl avour ne ver successfully imitated» Quaker Oats Cooks in 2’/z minutes —longer if you prefer 364 ia
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 250 13 L 6.15 NIGHTLY 93Q J MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 2.45 P.M. Crowds At Yesterday's Opening Were THRILLED— STARTLED— AMAZED This Thrill Picture Supreme pJBELOW i ftlKe SEA’ fl VVITH RALPH BELLAMY FAY WRAY Battling for life in a Drama of Thrills in the Dangerous Depths of the Sea I With Undersea
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    • 61 13 fl The Whole Town's Raving Over This Grand Musical Comedy Spectacle H 2 ASK THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN IT I 6.15 9.30 3 Matinees TO-MORROW At 2.45 p.m. J 12 STARS fl >7 R 300 GIRLS I MMfl vf r imp 5 SONG HITS! 7 STUNNING ENSEMBLES B cvzrat TRULY
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  • 84 14 To-day at the ESPLANADE 8.30 p.m. —10.30 p.m. 1 March—The Thin Red Line—Alford. 2 Overture—Marinarella—Fucik. 3 Selection— The New Moon—Romberg. 1 Containing :—“lntermezzo” “Marianne” “Softly as in a morning Sunrise” “LOVER, COME BACK TO ME” “Try her out at Dances” “One Kiss” “Funny Little Sailormen” “The Girl
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  • 821 14 CONFIDENCE TRICK ALLEGED An alleged fraud, by means of the “confidence trick,” on Sir Albion Banerji, the distinguished Indian, was described at Marlborough-street. Harry Harrison, 38, a salesman, of no fixed address, was remanded on a charge of conspiring with two others not in custody
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 378 14 DOCTOR'S WARNINGTOWOMEN Discomfort a Sign of Danger. The moment sanitary protection becomes a cause of chafing women should take heed of the warning. Chafing is a serious aggravating factor —women doctors say—and even the determining cause of many feminine ills and the stupid tragedy of it Is that it is
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    • 330 14 SIEMENS J CABLES WIRES 1 r Manufacturers of ALL CLASSES o/ CABLES fl >r telegraph, telephone. 'A POWER TRANSMISSION r__- —F Illi 14 Agents L®— J I luil SIME, DAREY i I pH® I /""> I 1 R MR Foods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured in the
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 471 14 8.8. C. WIRELESS PROGRAMMES TO-DAY For the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter Daventry, England. Two of the following frquencies and wavelengths will be used simultaneously, but the wavelengths may be changed in the course of each day’s transmissions. Announcements will be made at frequent Intervals
      471 words
    • 320 14 TO-MORROW P.M. 3.20 Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin and Announcements. 3.40 Music from Films and Revues (gramophone records). 4.20 Time Signal from Greenwich. Music and the Ordinary Listener, a talk by Sir Walford Davies. 4.40 5.20 —Dance music (gramophone records). 7.20 Time Signal from Big Ben. The Western
      320 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2157 15 f! 4ld I /X -K P ©.--BRITISH INDIA '1 \jr s /v' AND APCAR LINES !L>ffMWK AWWJ-LNriNGlrs I I incorporated in •‘f'BMifc FSIIIMBU LIMB TO EURO p E V A SUEZ MAIL PASSENGER aid CARGO SERVICES easels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Due From Penang Arrive Marseilles Arrive New York
      2,157 words

  • 822 16 Long Blast On Siren JUNA'S DANGER SIGNAL TO SAMPAN As a result of giving a long blast of ten seconds duration upon the steam siren of his vessel at 8.5 a.m. on the morning of December 2 Captain H. Sinclair, Master of the s.s. Juna,
    822 words
  • 246 16 iZpic Drama Of The Deep At Majestic Life at the bottom of the ocean, in itself an inexhuastible and highly interesting source of entertainment, is one of the features of the fine Columbia picture, “Below The Sea,” which opened a season at the Majestic last night. The
    246 words
  • 145 16 Open Singles (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore Dec. 29. The Open Singles of the Kempe Club Badminton Tcurnament are now approaching the final stage. So far, no great upsets have been witnessed in the course of the competition arid a keen struggle is expected between the
    145 words
  • 405 16 FOR THREE DAYS HONOURS EVENLY SHARED Below will be found the riding and training statistics for the first, second and third days of the Penang Turf Club Gold Cup Meetings now in progress. So far the honours are evenly shared. FIRST DAY—Winning Jockeys 1 2 3
    405 words
  • 599 16 Weights And Selections For To-morrow CARD OF 8 EVENTS Below will be found the weights and selections for to-morrow, the fourth day of the Penang Turf Club Gold Cup Meeting. The card consists of eight events, and includes one race for Class 1, Division
    599 words
  • 473 16 “Kind Hearts Are More Than Coronets” The above epithet can be justly applied to each and all of the generous benefactors who have done so much to radiate happiness among the poor orphans of the Convent. It is only right that Mr. L. R. Tofield should
    473 words
    • 203 16 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sil', —I have read through the article by Mi. Cheah Kee Ee and I must at once express nr, high admiration for the way in which he has so candidly expressed his opinion. As I read through the
      203 words
  • 51 16 Child Dies Of Small Pox On Board “Cremer” Singapore, December 28. (From Our Own Correspondent) Chinese child died of small pox on board the “Cremer” from Belawan this morning. The vessel has been sent to St. John’s Island wheere 400 passengers were vaccinated, and giver, other precautionary
    51 words
  • 242 16 —Reuter. ARTIC CONDITIONS IN U.S.A. New York, December 29. Artic conditions are taking a severe to’ on life from Maine to Montana bodies w found, frozen to death on the streets in a least a dozen cities. Three workmen v< killed on Lake Superior when an iceplough crashed
    —Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 76 16 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES -„-T DEATH. MCDONALD.—On the 22nd instant, Donald, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McDonald of Dunedin, New Zealand, (and late of Bukit Sembilan and Selama Estates, South Kedah), in his fourth year. (By Cable). FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of the late Mr. Chin Look Seong
    76 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 81 16 EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL PENANG. u. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES. SPECIAL. DINNER MASQUERADE TO-MORROW j BALL Dinner $4 per head Saturday 30th December costumes. Extension till 2 a.m. n m (Special late launch at 2.80 DINNER, MUSIC DANCING NEW YEAR S E Dinner $3 per head. 31st Decemocr with
      81 words
    • 454 16 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE A Morris Cowley 4 seater car in good running condition. 28m. per gall., going cheap for cash down. Can be seen and tried out any day from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m 305, Tanjong Bungah Road. NOTICE OF SALF BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAC IE TO
      454 words