Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 December 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 169 1 —Reuter. IN MINING CENTRES GOLD STABILISATION HINT THROWN OUT New York, December 22. ‘'resident Roosevelts silver policy met with a mixed reception in the mining centres. hile the policy is generally acclaimed as providing more employment some leading Utah silver advocates are thoroughly
    —Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 117 1 Christmas *o Great Britain. —Rugby Radio Service. PROSPECTS FOR BRITAIN London, December 22. Yesterday’s fog, which was responsible for holding up Channel and North Sea traffic, and caused much inconvenience and many accidents dispersed to-day. At Southampton the SS. Majestic for New York, the S.S.
    Christmas *o Great Britain.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  117 words
  • 48 1 l —Rugby Radio Service. British Funds Steady London, Dec. 22. The Stock Markets closed in quite a budyant mood. British funds generally showed steadiness. Kaffirs finished very firm as also and internationals. Home rails and home industrials were again good markets.—Rugby Radio Service.
    l—Rugby Radio Service.  -  48 words
  • 144 1 B. P. De Silva’s Sparkling Display No finer jewellery may be seen anywhere than that which is stocked by B. P. de Silva and Co., Bishop Street. This is not an exaggeration. It is the sincere opinion of every traveller who has visited the shop. De Silva’s
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  • 82 1 German invention CAN BE STRUCK 20 TIMES Pforzheim, Germany, Dec 20. A revolution may come about in the match-making industry following the announcement cf a match which can be struck 20 times before becomeing useless. The new match is a stick of wood so treated as to
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  • 131 1 .—Reuter. Son Born To-day Tokio, Dec. 23. The Empress has given birth to a son and heir. It is officially announced that the child was born at 6.39 a.m. and that mother and. child are well. Two long drawn blasts on sirens announced that the
    .—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 114 1 Lt. Col. F. R. W. Graham London, Dec. 22. Lieut. Col. F. R. W. Graham, D.S.O M.C., has been appointed Commandant of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, in succession to Lieut. Col. Thoms, effective from early 1934,—Reuter. Lieut. Col. Graham who is a son of the
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  • 165 1 Sent By Special Courier PUBLIC DISPLAY GREAT INTEREST London, Dec. 22. It is expected that the Codex Sinaiticous, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, bible manuscripts in the world which has been bought at £lOO,OOO for the British Museum from the Soviet Government is being
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  • 108 1 Austrian Sentenced To Death Vienna, Dec. 6. The first death sentence since the beginning of the World War, excepting those pronounced by military court-martials during the war itself, has just been passed by a military court at Weis, in which a youth named Breitwiesei, a landowner’s son,
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  • 106 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Talks In Paris WITH FRENCH MINISTERS I I London, Dec. 22. Sir John Simon on his way through Paris to Capri for the Christmas Holidays took opportunity of visiting M. Chautemps and ;M. Paul Boncour with whom he lunched to-day in company with
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  106 words
  • 69 1 Death Of Hungarian Diplomat Budapest, December 16. The last Hungarian Premier under the Hapsburg Monarchy, Count Janos Handik, died here to-day at the age of 70. Count Hadik, who was one of the greatest landowners in Hungary, held the premiership in October, 1918, for 24 hours
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  • 51 1 French Ace To Tour Four Countries Paris, December 12. The famous French trans-Atlantic flyer, M. Ccstes, took off on Tuesday from the military airport at Villa Coubly for a “goodwill flight” to Greece, Yugoslavia, Rumania and Turkey. M. Costes is flying f. two-engined bombing plane of the latest
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  • 177 1 Branches In Japan And U.S.A. COLLECTS MILITARY INFORMATION Paris, Dec. 22. A fresh development in the spy organisation has taken place with the revelation that the organisation has branches in Japan, and the United States as well as throughout Europe. It is asserted that one of those
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  • 55 1 with £ a week ago.—Rugby Radio Service. London, Dec. 22. A total of £63,020,000 was applied for in this week’s tenders for £45 million treasury bills. The amount allotted on bills at three months was £45 millions the average rate per cent, being £ as compared with £
    with £ a week ago.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  55 words
  • 29 1 Have you forgotten your present? The premises of Messrs. Storch Bros, will remain open this afternoon and will also be open to-morrow (Sunday) until 5 p.m.
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  • 66 1 Points Wedged Open (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Dec. 23. An alleged attempt to derail the night mail was reported from Johore Bahru when the signalman accepting the train attempted to lower the signal apparatus refused to work and it was discovered that the points
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  • 188 1 CAUGHT NAPPING—AT LAST! —Reute.-. Man Who Had Not Slept For 40 Years Mr. William Colson, the 70-year-old curio dealer, who was reputed not to have slept for 40 years, has been caught napping at last! An usher found him fast asleep on a bench in the Port Elizabeth Law Courts.
    —Reute.-.  -  188 words
  • 57 1 One Accused Gets 3 Years OTHERS DISCHARGED (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 22. In connection with the recent gold robbery one accused was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and the others discharged owing to insufficient evidence. The reward being paid to the police for the recovery
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  • 118 1 To Live With P.C. Companion P.C. Barber, of Reading, had a dark and lonely beat—Whitley Wood. An Airedale dog was attached to the .police station, so P.C. Barber took the dog" with him each night for company, and to guard his cycle. They became great
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  • 88 1 It Eats With Both Beaks At Once A curiosity Barnum would have gone far to purchase, and Ripley would like to draw —a two-headed sparrow is becoming a familiar sight in a garden at Lindley, Huddersfield. Mrs. E. Crosland, the owner of the garden, has seen
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    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bishop Street, PENANG. Telephone No. 772.
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    • 118 1 -TTy-rrrrrßTi-rR-iTrrR WW PULL THE STRING is all you need to do to open the hermetically sealed inner container no tin to cut an d leave sharp jagged edges no sticky tape to get entangled in your fingers. And then is revealed to view the array of luscious chocolates each piece
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    • 70 1 FRESH RUBBER MEETING IN DUTCH INDIES PAGE 76 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS Latest Cables 1 Mail Train Robbery 1 Sporting News Queen's $2OO Competition 7 Well-known Straits Chinese Arrested 9 Penang Chamber and Japanese Trade 9 Early Cables Armistice Eve Accident I 1 Commercial News 12 The Mails 13 Shipping 12 8.8.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2201 2 RATES FOR CASUAL notices j spend your xmas—new year holidays BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN PENANG nederlandsche Chartered Bank UANnci MAATSCHAPPIJ or India, Australia and china PENANG TURF CLUB GOLD CUP MEETING HANDEL MAAT»vnArrw (Incorporated in England N.V. b V Royal Charter 1853). All communications relating to The Exchange Banks
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  • 605 3 Of Wiltshire Regiment COMMEMORATION OF FEROZESHAH One of the most interesting military ceremonials that has ever been seen on the parade ground at Tanglin Barracks takes place this afternoon at 4.45 says Thursday’s Singapore Free Press. It is the annual parade which is held by the Wiltshire
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  • 113 3 And Was Assaulted By Her Relative For misinterpreting the attitude of a compatriot towards a woman relative, a Javanese named Mat bin Dollah was fined $5O, or one month’s rigorous imprisonment, followed by three months’ police supervision. He was convicted in a lower court of voluntarily causing
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  • 560 3 An Editorial Note COUNSEL QUOTES FASCIST RULES A libel action by Sir Oswald Mosley against the Daily News, Limited, was mentioned in the Court of Appeal before Lords Justices Slesser and Romer. The action arises from a statement published in the “Star” of February
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  • 55 3 A Chinese named Chan Ah Gah, was charged before Mr. N. A. Worley (the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge) with borrowing a sum of over $lOO from a Sikh moneylender while still an undischarged bankrupt. He claimed trial and the case was fixed for January 25, for trial,
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  • 50 3 The case of three Chinese, charged in the Penang Police Court yesterday morning with making false representations to the Pen: ng Immigration's.* Officer in order to obtain a landing permit, was transferred to the District Court for mention in the latter on Wednesday next, December 27.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 p 3 l u fl A star ds for resistance to ills for J A cod-liver oil. b stands for appetite fl 2' regained—tor barley. C stands for J freedom from disease—for concentrated fl F orange juice. D stands for good blood, J B good nerves, general and thorough good
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    • 209 3 THE SCULPTOR r most inspiring head he ever tackled— The HEAD on a Tiger Beer Th 9 mo9t Q9n9rally u»9fu! E bllis BrowpeXT Substitute. Acta like a charm In Checks and arrests DIARRHCEA and ’EVER, CROUP, AGUE. CmmiAr'U run I e The rellabla Family remedy for STOMACH CHILLS /NFLUENZA, COUGHS,
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  • 403 4 Son’s Plea To Thieves ROYAL GIFTS Burglars entered the home of Lord Fisher Kelverston Hall, Thetford, Norfolk, during December 3rd. They s’lole the late Adml. Lord Fisher’s decorations, six valuable pieces of porcelain, and a quantity of silver plate. The burglary was discovered by a
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  • 113 4 According to the latest telegraphic reports received by the Department of Commerce. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bangkok, the area of rice planted in 336 districts in Siam up to the end of October was 18,513,600 rai, against 18,309,600 rai in the same districts at
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  • 50 4 On behalf of the Convent Christmas Fund Mr. L. R. Tofield gratefully acknowledges the following donations Dr. B. Bertoli 5.00 H. MacNeice Esq., 5.00 N. M. Kennedy Esq. 10.00 Dr. McKern 100.00 Mrs. M. King 10.00 Mr. Ong Joo Sun 10.00 140.00 Previously acknowledged 522.00 $662.00
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  • 64 4 During the week ending 16th December, 1933, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 30,817 cases, of which 25,908 cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,535 cases to the Continent of Europe, Nil cases to Canada and 2,347 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, Ist January,
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  • 357 4 Dr. (Miss) S. M. Bernard has gone on Home furlough. Mr. G. P- Bradney, has left for a short holiday trip to Hong Kong. Mr. E. A. Gardiner, Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., has been seconded for service in Johore. Mr. H. H. Sturt, of A.P.C., who was formerly
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  • 390 4 P. O. “RANPURA” Passengers For Penang And Singapore The following are passengers by the P. and 0. Ranpura, which left London on Dec. 8 and is due in Penang on January 3. For Penang, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. M. Bell, Mr. A. F. Bruce.. Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
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  • 190 4 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND 4th SUNDAY IN ADVENT 8 a.m.—Matins and Litany. Ps. XCIV. Hymn 53. 8.30 —Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. Chinese. 6 p.m.—Evensong. Hymns 58, 62, 60. Ps. XIX. 100. Magnificat Turner. Nunc Dimittis) Carols. CHRISTMAS DAY 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. 10.30 —Matins. Hymns
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  • 177 4 I DECEMBER 23 Rugby Penang vs. Taiping at Penang. I Penang Races, Ist day. Rugby Football: Taiping “A” v. I Penang, Esplanade, Penang. Special Dinner and Dance, E. O. Hotel. Special Dinner, Dance and Cabaret, Run□ymede Hotel. I DECEMBER 25 1 X’mas Dinner and Entertainment, E. O.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Concerning De Reszke Coupons. Q The recent decision of cigarette manufacturers to abolish gift coupons in Great Britain does not affect De Reszke coupons in Malaya. O The De Reszke gift scheme, which has met with such success in the past, will therefore continue to be in force
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  • 1529 5 BAD SCRUMMAGING THE CAUSE OF LIGHT BLUES' DEFEAT GREAT FULL-BACK DISPLAY BY OWEN-SMITH Oxford University 5 pts; By the skin of their teeth—a goal to a try, to be exact—Oxford beat Cambridge 1 at Twickenham on December 11, and never has a victory
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  • 176 5 But None Since 1930 This man must have something like a record for suffering. He says Since 1910 up to 1930—that is 20 years —I have been a great sufferer with rheumatism. I am pleased to say that since 1930 up to date, I have
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  • 317 5 Yesterday’s Hockey Match A hockey match was played yesterday in the Esplanade between the Penang Cricket Club and the Indian Association and resulted in a win for the latter by the odd goal in three. The game was fast and evenly contested throughout. The P.C.C. attacked from
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  • 48 5 Len Harvey To Meet Gains London, Dec. 16. Len Harvey, who won the British heavyweight title by defeating Jack Petersen, the holder, at the Albert Hall a fortnight ago, will fight Larry Gains for the Empire heavyweight title at the Albert Hall on January 11.
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  • 106 5 Teams Selected For Saturday’s Game The annual Trophy match between Singapore and Selangor—actually the S.C.C. and the Selangor Club —will be played at the S.C.C. on Saturday. The teams will be S.C.C.: D. R. Harper; Lundon, D. G. M. Owen, Cook, F. G. Minna Lieut. G. H. T.
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  • 612 5 Rough Diamond Wins Main Event BASCO OUT-POINTS KHOO (BY “SECOND OUT”) Rough Diamond, the local lad won a points victory over Eric Dunsford after a keenly contested match of ten rounds at last night’s boxing at the Fun Frolic Stadium. The decision however found a mixed reception
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  • 95 5 Last Night’s Singapore Fight (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Dec. 23. Harry Graham, the Aircraftsman, conceding nearly a stone, was fairly beaten on points by Battling Guillermo last night at the New World Arena. Graham did not shape at his best. Guillermo brought into play rushing
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  • 190 5 Powerful Love Story At Majestic Paramount’s powerful love story with a’ war background, “A Farewell To Arms,", opened to enthusiastic audiences at the; Majestic last night. Gary Cooper, Helen Hayes and Adolphe Menjou are in the leading featured roles and the trio rival each other for
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  • 111 5 Local Film To Be Made ByRepertory Players A local comedy film entitled Mem Sudah Pergi” is now in preparation and will be made by the Penang Repertory Players next month. The principal character are: a rubber planter, a visiting agent, a malay servant, a planter’s wife. a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 WHITEAWAYS ♦Us. Chrisimas Slore Here's Something f j Novel os a J? Gift! jSf -1 m REAL-PHONES THAT TALK AND RING FOR THOUSANDS OF FEET Real Phones are the new two-way telephones that operate on simple pocket torch batteries. 1 No installation necessary. No complicated mechanism. Furnished in Bairs. Complete
      103 words

  • 511 6 Showed Them What A British Engine Can Do BUT DRIVER WONDERS WHY AMERICAN CHILDREN NEVER SAY “PLEASE” Tilbury, Dec. 5. After a triumphant tour in America and Canada, a famous British railway engine—the L. M. S. Royal Scot —returned to England. She has taught America
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  • 150 6 Not To Drive Again For Two Years Sentence of two months’ imprisonment in the second division was passed on Dr. John Rex Godsell (31), of the British Empire Club, at London Sessions for dangerous driving. He was also: Fined £25 on another charge of dangerous driving. Fined
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  • 469 6 And Made A Rude Grimace CASE AGAINST DRIVER IS DISMISSED “He shook his fist three or four times at me and made a rude grimace,” complained Inspector F. Goodship in the Singapore fourth magistrate’s court on Wednesday, referring to a motoring incident on Collyer Quay in which
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  • 212 6 Ceremonial Inauguration ON NEW YEAR'S EVE A ceremonial inauguration of the Imperial Airways service between London and Singapore will take place at the Air Base at Seletar on Sunday December 31, when the first homeward flight by the Astraea will commence. Captain Prendergast, who brought the Astraea
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 313 6 Dentists say: CLEAN tooth never de- B cays—but most patients’ m teeth are not properly cleaned *t the bach, where old-fash- Tooth-brushes like this are out of 1 .1 t_ i~ j date! They are shaped only for the toned tooth-brushes don t tit outside of your teeth: they cannot
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    • 338 6 IMPERIAL I AIRWAYS I i I SAY s ALL of fhe engines in s ALL of our regular K s S service aircraft are s b. operating on > w !fi g K SHELL Hi ffi K I I f" S LUBRICATING I S i OILS 1 ffi ffi S
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  • 656 7 —Central China Daily News. Towards Fukien Uprising CO-OPERATION WITH NANKING URGED “The indignation of the people towards the Fukien authorities against their declaration of independence at a time of national crisis has reached the climax. ‘•No one could imagine that the so-called national leaders
    —Central China Daily News.  -  656 words
  • 60 7 .—Shun Pao. Dalai Lama’s Representative Issues Denial Nanking, December 5. The representative of the Dalai Lama in Nanking has issued another denial of the reported Tibetan invasion of Sikang. He declares that so far he has not recived any information from the Dalai Lama in Tibet about
    .—Shun Pao.  -  60 words
  • 598 7 Boycott Of Latter's Goods I SETTLEMENT OF i DIFFERENCES ADVISABLE The boycott appears to be still on as no notice to the contrary has been given to the public by the Chinese Government. There is nothing in the world that can force the
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  • 139 7 —China Times. "Actually Holds The Key To The Settlement Of Fukien Situation" Shanghai, December 6. The South-west actually holds the key to the settlement of the Fukien situation. The Government is now paying close attention to the much rumoured organization of a third government in Canton in
    •—China Times.  -  139 words
  • 116 7 t. —Sin Wen Pao. Japanese Insist On Immediate Settlement Peiping, Dec. 5. The question of the retrocession of Shanhaikuan and other Great Wall passes should be settled simultaneously with the traffic issue on the Peiping-Mukden Railway. As there are still some difficult questions pertaining to the
    t.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  116 words
  • 157 7 .—Sin Wen Pao. Claim More Victory In Kiangsi Nanchang, December 5. General Chen Chen, commander of the Government troops at Wuchow, has telegraphed to the Headquarters at Nanchang giving a report of his latest victory over the Communists at Shenkang. According to the despatch, the Ist and sth
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  157 words
  • 75 7 ;—Sin Wen Pao. Progress of Provincial Troops In Szechuen Chengtu, December 5. Following the general offensive launched against the Communists in Northern Szechuen, the provincial forces under General Liu Hsiang are making progress along all fronts. General Wang Lin-chi, commanding the First Route Army, is directing the attack
    ;—Sin Wen Pao.  -  75 words
  • 96 7 —China Times. Important Conference At Nanchang Nanchang, Dec. 5. An important conference, which will decide the fate of the present government, will be held at Nanchang within a day or two, according to information from semi-official circles. Messrs. Wu Tze-huei and Chen Li-fu have already left
    —China Times.  -  96 words
  • 257 7 Worrying About Kwangsi’s Attitude Canton, December 3. The refusal of General Li Tsung-jen to go to Canton is causing much anxiety to the Canton authorities, as evidenced by the recent military preparations in the West River region. Rumours are afloat in Kwangtung to the effect that Kwangsi is
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  • 93 7 —Shun Pao. Defence Commissioner Flees Tihua, December 5. General Ma Chung-ying staged a coup e’tat in Tihua yesterday with the result that General Shen Shih-tsai, Defence Commissioner of Sinkiang, who had been fighting against the Mohammedan commander for several weeks, has now fled from the
    —Shun Pao.  -  93 words
  • 94 7 —Chao Jan Pao, Hongkong. Has Foreign Military Officers Canton, December 1. According to infcrmaticr. from Japanese sources, the Foochow People’s Government has a number of foreign nationals serving as military instructors. According to this report there are 23 Americans, five Japanese and three French military officers serving as
    —Chao Jan Pao, Hongkong.  -  94 words
  • 88 7 .—Sin Wen Pao. Detained By Foochow Government Foochow, December 5. The People’s Government in Fukien has taken over the Customs houses in Fukien. i The Customs revenue will be deposited in the Bank of China instead of in the Central Bank, as was the case before the organizaton
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  88 words
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  • 683 8 The Newfoundland Bill has received Royal Assent and the joint plan of reconstruction which the Royal Commission urged will come into operation. Government by commission is a stiff dose for Dominion pride, but the conditions of deterioration so plainly revealed would be unlikely to yield to any other specific.
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  • 54 8 Film Shown In A Church A cinema film took the place of the customary sermon at evensong on Dec. 10th at Christ Church, St. Marylebone. “I want to attract the young people,” said the rector, the Rev. T. G. Brieley Kay. •’The film takes an hour to show. It
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  • 94 8 Flying is now safe enough for civil servants, but they must use British machines unless the circumstances are unusual. The Treasury warned employees in April 1922 that if they flew it was at their own risk—which meant that the dependants of air-crash victims would not
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  • 1281 8 The restaurant seemed ideal, not too brightly lit and very few people in it. j He pushed the swing door, went in first, and held it for her, looking round meanwhile with an anxious desire that the place should be just right. He took her slow, demure, half-smiling
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  • 141 8 German Diplomatic Anger At i Polish Court’s Decis on I Is it an insult for one woman to call another "Mrs. Hitler?” I A Warsaw court has ruled that it is. And the verdict has caused so much indignation in German circles that there is talk
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  • 150 8 j Abhes To Be Scattered At Favourite Spot I The death is reported, after a leng ill i ness, at the age of Gl, of Mr. Edictt Cun berland, at Ccombe Hill Golf Club, Maldei Surrey, where he lived. His ashes aie t be scattered beneath
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 267 8 stops 1 DIGESTIVE PAW J \4 OST people who suffer from stomach K I I*l weakness and indigestion are ready suffering from acidity, and then pains result from the effects of the harmful ;-to ach acid. 1 To check this there is nothing sg effective as Bisurated Magnesia, which positively
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    • 23 8 ISM j mils /■k j-J i ALWAYS SPECIFY i "KLOSTER BEER" Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd.? PENANG I Singapore—lpoh—Kuala Lumpur. i ■aHUQsasßßaaa
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  • 339 9 Penang Chamber And Japanese Trade DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE PERFORMING ITS DUTY Under the heading “Curious!” Egoist rites in the “Tinies of Malaya” as follows: Merchants in Penang who regard with rturbation the capture of the piece goods irket, hitherto a Mancunian stronghold, •> Japanese manufacturers, will find
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  • 232 9 Local Kongsis Entertain Clansmen To Dinner Yesterday was "Tung Chay” and the Chinese in Penang, as well as in other parts of Malaya, offered the usual yearly sacrifices to their ancestors. Each and every home was the scene of a "family re-union. Between 11 a.m. and 12
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  • 58 9 PENANG, DECEMBER 22 < cour*-eov «f the CThirtered Bnnlrl On London Bank Demand 2|4 1|32 4 m|ts 2|4 3|32 Private 3 m|ts credit 2|4 11|32 3 Documentary 2|4 15|32 On New York Bank Demand 59 nom. France T.T. 950 nom India T.T. 154% Hongkong T.T. 37 dis. nom. Shanghai
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  • 124 9 Contempt Of Court WARRANT ISSUED IN 1932 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Dec. 22. Yin Choo Soon, a member of the wellknown Straits family, was arrested on a warrant issued by the Chief Justice dated August 11, 1932. The warrant is in connection with an order
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  • 35 9 Xmas Day Wavelengths FINAL ARRANGEMENTS Transmission No. 2. 12 noon—2 p.m. G.M.T. and Transmission No. 3. 2 p.m.—3.05 p.m. G.M.T. The three following wavelengths will be used GSD 25.53 metres. GSG 16.86 GSB 31.55
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  • 49 9 Excellent Broadcast Last Night The Penang Wireless Society broadcast from 7—9.30 last night and excellent reports were received from listeners. Later in the evening the Society tested a Lady announcer. The Society will broadcast every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evening from 7 p.m. onwards beginning TO-NIGHT.
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  • 210 9 Explorer’s Prediction Comes True Mr. Martin Lindsay, the explorer who is to lead the next British Arctic expedition, wrote a book in the early summer, “The Epic of Captain Scott He dedicated it "Meo filio nondum” (“To my unborn son”). Now his wife has
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  • 858 9 WIGS The wearing of wigs by members of the Bench of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States is not unusual, and no precedent will be made if the practice is officially adopted in the Colony. From time to time judges of these Courts
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  • 225 9 Ex-Magistrate’s SpareTime Feat At least one man in England has solved his own housing problem. He is Mr. Harold Tantram, once a dis- trict magistrate in the Fiji Islands, and now a Civil Servant. He is forty. He has built a house with his own hands
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  • 117 9 TIN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY *****11 £227-0-0 £227-12-6 TIN—(S Monttv.l 1227 12 6 t ondon £227-0-0 £227-7-6 aP rfl ***** $114.50 Business Deme Penang $114.25 Business Done Buyers No Sellers CXlPRA—(Sundrted) $3.15 $3.15 BLACK PKPPKR w $14.25 $l4 00 BUBBEB London 41/8d <Ad New York B%c.(G) BHc.(G) Singapore Spot i
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 166 9 t ”s '2- 2 xr—jr- v "x r r -.-r -if r"~ i I everything is j plain sailing now... 1 There is a feeling of restfulness r h throughout the house—Worry and Anxiety have given place YBMI to Relief and Cheerfulness— (Gy 7 BABY IS ON COW GATE NOW
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    • 326 9 MEW ADVERTISEMENTS i FOR sale I 1 Real Bargain for $l5O Cash to Ist Comer. j A Morris Cowley 4 Seater (28 miles per in/ikivrn gallon) for Sale, good appearance and in r wbl I lON WAN I EIU splendid running condition, can be seen any hour between 1 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 33 9 WEATHER REPORT Temp. vVlnd Kalnfa 6 A.M. ..74 N NOON 84 NW Tir»p TABLES ’’O-DV HIGH WATER LOW WATER 4.20 A.M. 1115 A.M. 5.55 P.M. 11.42 P.M. 5.10 A.M. 12.02 P.M. 7.11 P.M.
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  • 1295 10 MINTS OPEN TO COINAGE OF STANDARD SILVER COINS FROM METAL PRODUCE IN U.S.A. OR HER POSSESSIONS A proclamation has been issued by President Roosevelt stating that under the clear authority granted him at the last session of Congress he had ratified the London Silver agreement
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  • 115 10 outlook is distinctly brighter. —Rugby Radio Service. General Confidence IMPROVEMENT WILL CONTINUE London, Dec. 22. The people in Great Britain have good reason to celebrate Christmas in a cheerful spirit for the conditions are now much better than a year ago, and indeed for some years past,
    outlook is distinctly brighter.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  115 words
  • 101 10 —Rugby Radio Service. Spring Cruise To West Indies London, Dec. 22. During the spring cruise of the Home Fleet, the contingent under the personal command of the Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Sir William Boyle, will visit a number of ports and islands in the West Indies in February. The
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  101 words
  • 38 10 .—Reuter. Assembly Passes Bill New Delhi, Dec. 22. The Assembly has passed the Bill to establish a Reserve Bank on the lines of other Reserve Banks. The Bank will have a branch in London.-
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 38 10 Lands At Don Muang (From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok, Dec. 22. The first plane piloted by an Indian with two Indian passengers en route from Madras to Saigon landed at Don Muang yesterday.
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  • 73 10 Only One S.O.S. Before Crashing Marseilles, Dec. 20. A disabled seaplane is tossing precariously in a storm-whipped sea in an unknown position near the Balearic Isles on Sunday night, with one passenger and a crew of three, with vessels unavailingly searching for it. The machine, flown on
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  • 53 10 Reval, Dec. 20. Eleven fishermen perished in a raging sea when two trawlers sank off Aaland in a violent gale which is sweeping the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland. Twenty fisherman with seven horses are marooned on. an ice-floe drifting on Peipus lake
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  • 33 10 Sofia, Dec. 20. The blue Danube turned white on Sunday when the southern reaches between Vidin and Orsova were frozen solid, cutting off all direct shipping traffic to Bucharest.
    33 words
  • 48 10 ,—Reuter. June Denies Adultery With Stage Producer Edinburgh, Dec. 22. Lord Inverclyde was granted a divorce from June on the ground of adultery by June with the co-respond-ent, Mr. N. B. A. Paanakker. The allegation was denied. Mr. Paanakker is the theatrical producer. —Reuter.
    ,—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 108 10 —Reuter Wireless. Brighter Conditions Prevail London, Dec. 19 On the Stock Exchange to-day, somewhat brighter conditions have prevailed. Home industrials being especially good, with Courtaulds a strong feature at 43/on the belief a fresh tariff will be imposed in the New Year on Japanese goods and reports of
    •.—Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 70 10 .—Reuter Wireless. Civil Servants’ Salaries Paris, Dec. 19 The Government easily won the only serious battle in the Senate when Article 6 of the Chamber’s Finance Bill touching civil servants’ salaries was voted for by 201 votes to 58. It is learnt that the Government will
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 72 10 Reuter Wireless. In Air Crash But Uninjured Barcelona, Dec. 19 M. Pierre Cot, returning from Algiers, where he welcomed a French squadron commanded by General Vuillemein on completion of a 1,500 miles flight across Africa, was involved in an aeroplane accident when his machine crashed on landing
    Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
  • 41 10 Reuter Wireless. Former Commander’s Death Berlin, Dec. 19 The death is announced of Admiral Friederich Von Ingenohl, aged 76, who was a former commander of the Imperial Yacht, Honenzollern, and until 1915, Ad-miral-in-Chief of the High Seas Fleet.—
    Reuter Wireless.  -  41 words
  • 157 10 Cow Gate Successes The remarkable series of successes gained by the well-known product “COW GATE MILK FOOD” have been increased recently by an additional GOLD MEDAL which was awarded in October at the important Mysore Dasara Exhibition. Over 100,000 people visited the exhibition including the Royal Family, all
    157 words
  • 179 10 .—Shun Pao. Towards Canton’s Conditions Nanking, December 5. It is understood that the Government has decided to accept the four points brought up by the Cantonese authorities to a certain extent. With regard to the first point, the nature of which is so far unannounced, it is the
    .—Shun Pao.  -  179 words
  • 168 10 .—Shun Pao. Has No Intention To Leave T aishan Taian, December 5. Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang has no intention of leaving Taishan for any place, it is learned from a well-informed source. Recently the Marshal made it definitely known that he would not go to Nanking to attend the
    .—Shun Pao.  -  168 words
  • 143 10 the 19th Route Army.—Chao Jan Pao.. Hongkong. Cantcn, December 2. Normal relations are being maintained between Fukien and Kwangtung inspite of the recent political changes. Although both sides are making military preparations to safeguard the border districts, transper tat on between the two provinces
    the 19th Route Army.—Chao Jan Pao.. Hongkong.  -  143 words
  • 98 10 —Shun Pao. Establish Recruiting Station At Chengchow Nanking, December 5. The Military Council has established central station at Chengchow for recruiting new soldiers in Honan, Shantung, AnhUf’ and other northern provinces. All recruits from this centre will be sent to Nanchang for training purposes. The Council has ordered
    —Shun Pao.  -  98 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 267 10 Wangs* l «gp «j. 31 DECEMBER OPENING OF NEW SINGAPORE LONDON AIR SERVICE THROUGH MALAYA INDIA TO LONDON IN 10 DAYS! The great system of air services operated by Imperial Airways and Indian Trans-Continental Airways will be extended so that the regular weekly air service between Rangoon, India and London
      267 words

  • 1136 11 Northam Road Car— Cyclist Crash DIVERGENT EVIDENCE fhere were further developments at the 1 •1 quest resumed in the Police Court on ursday before the Penang Coroner, Mr. Wills, into the death of one Goh Boon irn a 48 years old Chinese who was knocki down in
    1,136 words
  • 279 11 Jelutong Toddy Shop Dispute with the disappearance of a goat. a witness was at the Jelutong toddy shop on the date in question. He «aw accused with a woman beside him a baSket With mu tl (the 1e > ThlS wlLness I>oraisamy (the complainant) approach and
    279 words
  • 129 11 Court Sequel To Disobeyed Order A Chinese who gave his name as Goh Soo Geok was brought into the Penang Police Court yesterday morning to appear before the Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, with Mr. R. L. Pim, Assistant Controller of the Government Monopolies Department, prosecuting. The full
    129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 309 11 T jji in i'ti 11 ii 111 in 'j"rrm nnu.niiii.jiiiii»>ijui»i,nu.„nn- 7, i i'7 1 V mTh w i u m HBfUBI /wHB i I 3 The Star Mf. HCu K JIM. B of the Fete /SwSU B by h er beauty, but by V < VE- < IBS aS her
      309 words

    • 606 12 Share Report Markets have been quiet again this week, chiefly owing to the near approach of the| 'Xmas Holidays and the Penang Races, though there has been no pressure to sell. The price of Tin has eased 30 to £227.0.0 and the price of Rubber is 1
      606 words
    • 126 12 Latest Quotations i Friday Thursday Paris 83 7 32 83 23 32 New York 5.10% 5.08 Montreal 5.09 5.07 Brussels 23.56 23.60 Geneva 16.93 16.97 Amsterdam 8.14 Vi 8.16 Milan 62 7i16 62Vi I Berlin 13.72 13.72%; Stockholm 19.39 Vi 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90
      126 words
    • 651 12 SYMINGTON WILSON’S WEEKLY MARKET REPORT London, Dec. 6. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week the Rubber Market was firm and fairly active, prices at one time on Thursday showing an advance of over %d. on those ruling at 3.45 on Wednesday. There was a fair trade enquiry and
      651 words
    • 94 12 Municipality Of George Town The health statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending December 16, 1933, shows a total of 58 deaths —42 males and 16 females—the death-rate being 19.38 per mille, compared with 20.05 in the preceding week and with 21. 54 the
      94 words
    • 1056 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST e e. NAMES. St S <? HS RUBBER (Dollar.) c. c. Allenby Rubber Co. 90 I oo Alor Gajah Rubber Eetate r 60 70 Amalgamated Malay Estates I 70 I 90 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 90 100 Ayer Kunmg Rubber Estates 15 20 Ayer Molek Rubber
      1,056 words
  • 250 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Penang, Dec. 20. There has been little change in the tone of the market since our last report. No news is apparently interpreted as good news, and so long the trade believes that some form of restriction will ultimately be introduced the price remains
    250 words
  • 127 12 KELANTAN GOVERNMENT THRIFT LOAN SOCIETY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kota Bharu, Dec. 21 Commencing from Ist January, 1934, there will be a Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, and it is understood that the Government will give $30,000 for its inception. The present 15 per cent, cut in the initial salary
    127 words
  • 312 12 Because A Man Left £6O A Year IT’S £3,000 NOW Three hamlets in the Hitchin district of Hertfordshire have one of the richest private educational charities in Britain. It enables children to enter a university, go to any school for which they can pass the examination,
    312 words
  • 168 12 December Records Broken £39,000 FOR EARL HOWE’S TREASURES A hundred thousand pounds has beer spent on art treasures at London auctionin one week. Next week and the following week thf totals are expected to equal and perhaps to exceed this figure. Not for many years
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 604 13 of Principal Lines S.S. K ARAP AR A for Rangoon and Calcutta. S. S. KAROA for Port Swettenham and Singapore. S. KAROA for Rangoon and Calcutta. S. SANTHIA to Far East. S.S. SOMALI to Europe. S.S. BULAN to Bagan Datoh, etc. S.S. JUN A to Moulmein.
    604 words
  • 906 13 AIR MAILS A mail for South America by steamer to Marseilles and thence by French Air Mail Service will be closed at 6 p.m. today. OUTWARD MAIL A mail for North, North Eastern and North Western Sumatra by the s.s. “D’van Twist” will be closed at 4 p.m.
    906 words
  • 280 13 Schedule Of London-Alor Star-Singapore Service Commencing with the plane leaving Singapore on Sunday, 31st and Alor Star on Monday, Ist January, 1934, Imperial Airways will maintain a weekly service between London -Alor Star and Singapore. 30 Dm qJ 2 The planes from London are due to reach Alor
    280 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 324 13 .g. .-Ji ™itu ret IUI mZlgr Tncvufe IN RIOTOUS REUNION! opening ™ay at matinee ERY MARIE WALLIE AT 2-45. 3F H ,f»WWS| Ca— k2L *f FIGHTING ONE MINUTE—LOVING THE QT T ■JT"'» WT 9 f°s IfriTt f next —JUST FOR THE FUN OF MAKING UP! UELN S m&U, ?wW laurel
      324 words

  • 519 14 Marion Davies The Best Paid Artist £104,000 A YEAR A fresh-faced, good-looking young man with a soft voice and charming manners —such is Mr. Frank Joyce, one of the uncrowned kings o Hollywood, now in London with his English wife. Mr. Joyce is senior partner in
    519 words
  • 203 14 Lady Houston Renews Offer Of £200,000 “DARE THEY REFUSE?” Lady Houston, who is on board her yacht at Sandbanks, Dorset, has sent, through her secretary, a message to the Press Association on December 2. She stated: “When the £200,000 offered by me' towards the five million
    203 words
  • 70 14 P.M. 3.20 Time Signal from Big Ben. A summary of the week’s news. 3.35—A short service from a studio conducted by the Reverend K.E. Kirk, D.D., foCowed by God and the World through Christian Eyes A religious lecture from a studio— The Vision of God, by the Reverned K.E.
    70 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 385 14 V PAH-MEUTUS? WHY NOT? sw The reasons why Diabetes was termed incurable and why all remedies have failed to cure it till now are discovered and “Pan* Melitus,” evolved on these path* ©logical findings is one of the greatest boons ever offered to humanity in recent years. The inclusion of
      385 words
    • 166 14 I APIOt STEEL I I Sure *nd cert-finfor all Female I complaint». Every lady »houM f I keep a box in the hou*e« 1 4. MDMUNM The English Pharmacy P 83-M, Baeck Street, Penang. > Has No Ugly Hair Novy, I bed become 3 completely discour- g Iged by a
      166 words
    • 190 14 Uo just watch YOUR boy may have plenty of courage, but it takes energy and stamina to give and take in a fast boxing match. Almost any boy, though, can develop strong muscles and a robust body by eating the right food every day. Quaker Oats not only builds bone
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 406 14 8.8. C. WIRELESS PROGRAMMES TO-DAY Malay States from the Empire transmitter Daventry, England. Two of the following freuuencies and wavelengths will be used simultaneously, but the wavelengths may be changed in the course of each day’s transmissions. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals Call Sign Frequency Wavelength GSF 15,140
      406 words
    • 355 14 4.50 5.20 —Carols by the Midland Studio Chorus, directed by Edgar Morgan; Gilbert Mills (organ), relayed from the Church of the Messiah, Birmingham. 7.50 Time Signal from Big Ben. The Cresswell Colliery Band, conducted by David Aspinall; Frank Webb euphonium solo); Wilfred Pickering (baritone). (Time Signal from Greenwich at 8.20
      355 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1904 15 TfVTi J H A a: a, K p ©---BRITISH INDIA 1 A- AND APCAR L,NES *oi£jxntingles I RMh I (Companies Incorporated in England) FUfINBU MMB TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ mail passenger and cargo services p esse Is. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Due From Penang Arrive Marseilles Arrive New York
      1,904 words

  • 108 16 Reuter. MALAYAN PLANTERS TO ATTEND? MORE DEFINITE PROPOSALS London, Dec. 23. The Financial Times Amsterdam Correspondent learns that rubber restriction discussions Holland appear to have now gressed so far that negotiate as regards Europe are we’ vanced. A fresh, important meetr will be held
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 1867 16 FULL PROGRAMME FOR TO DAY FINAL SELECTIONS SENLAC FOR THE BIG RACE Below will be found the full programme, after scratchings to-day, the first day of the Penang Turf Club Gold Cup Meeting, together with find selections by TicTac: RACE I,—THE SELANGOR
    1,867 words
  • 866 16 TO-DAY’S 1 RICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY CO’a share list to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MININO A. Weng 1.55 1.65 1.55 1.65 B. aves 1.00 1.05 97%1.02% K. Lanjut 20 0 20 6 20 3 20 9
    866 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 161 16 EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL PENANG. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES. TO-NIGHT RACE DINNER DANCE 23rd December Dinner $3 per head. XMAS DINNER ENTERTAINMENT Christmas Dav Dinner $3.50 per head. Collection will be made during performance 25th memixr for st Home, Penang. Boxillir Dav SPECIAL DINNER GALA NIGHT •Z’ Dinner $3 per
      161 words
    • 20 16 There will be no ♦ion of the Pinang Gazette on CHRISTMAS DAY SEE TUESDAY'S EDITION FOR THE LATEST RACING INFORMATION
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