Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 172 1 —Rugby Radio Service. No Decision As To Charge ARRESTED SIX DAYS AGO London, Oct. 30. The British Ambassador in Germany, Sir Eric Phipps, has received a further note from the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs from which it appears that no decision has yet been taken with
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  172 words
  • 238 1 t. —Reuter. Forcing Countries Off Gold Paris, October 30. Financial circles regard President Roosevelt's decision as a deliberate attempt to force the gold countries off gold. An anonymous personage, reputed to be speaking on behalf of the Bank of France, expresses the opinion that it is unlikely
    t.—Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 81 1 .—Reuter. Ready To Scrap Them All London, Oct. 31. Japan is ready to scrap all her submarines, provided the other powers will follow -uit, and her aircraft carriers will also be abolished, says the Daily Telegraph s Naval Correspondent who wras informe by a reliable source. The
    .—Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 155 1 and the engine stopped.—Rugby Radio Service. North Sea Gale JAPANESE STEAMER IN DIFFICULTIES London, Oct. 30. Wintry weather prevailed throughout the British Isles during the week-end and gales which had been confined to the North Sea area extended over the whole of the north of
    and the engine stopped.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  155 words
  • 53 1 Rugby Radio Service. £230,000 Development Programme Undertaken London. October 30. Improved trade conditions have caused London and North Eastern Railways to undertake a series of development programmes costing £230.000 which include the construction of many additional engines and vehicles for the extension of fast freight and
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  53 words
  • 40 1 .—Reuter. Vested With The Widest Powers Jerusalem, October 31. The widest powers, including the arrest, court-martial and deportation of offenders, will be vested in the administration from October 31, under a special proclamation for securing the public safety.
    .—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 67 1 —Reuter. Berlin, October 30. The Chinese Minister, Mr. Lien Wen Tao, left for Rome last night and was seen off at the station by all the Legation officials and representatives of the Foreign Office. Mr Lien Wen Tao said he was most unwilling to leave Berlin
    :.—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 56 1 London, October 30. The King of Egypt has signified his intention on the recommendation of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom of appointing Sir George Stewart Symes to the Governor-Generalship of the Sudan. —Rugby Radio Service. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. C. Cobbett left for
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  • 312 1 —Reuter Rugby Radio Service. Simla Cotton Talks INDO-JAPANESE GULF NARROWED London, Oct. 30. The agreement which has been reached between Bombay mill owners and the Lancashire textile delegation recognises that the Indian co ft on textile industry is entitled for its progressive development to n reasonable measure
    .—Reuter & Rugby Radio Service.  -  312 words
  • 165 1 Rugby Radio Service. But Tension Exists MISTAKEN BELIEF OF ARABS London, Oct. 30. According to reports reaching London the situation in Palestine was to-day quiet though some tension still exists after the riots of the week-end. This morning the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, •visited the Government
    ' Rugby Radio Service.  -  165 words
  • 94 1 nish imports may be reached.—Rugby Radio Service. F urther Restriction Necessary London, October 30. Negotiations are being resumed to-day between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Danish Government on the question of the further restriction of imports of bacon into Britain as the British Government feel that unless
    nish imports may be reached.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  94 words
  • 268 1 ways during the past year.—Rugby Radio Service. Imperial Airways TO SINGAPORE IN DECEMBER London, Oct. 30. Presiding at the General Meeting of Imperial Airways to-day Sir Eric Geddes referred to the extention of the EnglandIndia route f o Australia. He said the service had been extended
    ways during the past year.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  268 words
  • 64 1 Alleged Squirting of Sulphuric Acid (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 30. Gokala Chand, a Bengali Hindu, was charged to-day with causing grievous hurt by squirting sulphuric acid at two compatriots, both of whom are at present in hospital. The eyesight of one is despaired
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  • 209 1 March Led By Sir Oswald Sir Oswald Mosley and a contingent of Fascists from London were stoned in Manchester by a party of about sixty young men. A running fight followed, and a number of Fascists were injured. Several j other people were also hurt. Two demonstrations
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  • 119 1 To Present Declaration To Chamber SCHEME TO ASSIST ECONOMIC RECOVERY Paris, Oct. 30. The new cabinet, at its first meeting, unanimously approved the draft declaration for presentation to the Chamber on Friday, when M. Sarraut is expected to announce the early presentation of an ambitious scheme to assist
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  • 317 1 “He Is Right To The Hilt 11 Mr. George Bernard Shaw said that Hitler was perfectly right” in a speech in London on October 12th. I Mr. Shaw was the principal guest at a tea party to celebrate the publication of J Professor Conroy’s book,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 f H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bishop Street, PENANG. Telephone No. 772.
      13 words
    • 72 1 /i' SIXTY and as fit as ever! Sportsmen know the value of energy giving, muscle building foods. That is why TAUSMALT is so much appreciated. 10% of Talismalt added to a cup of milk increases its nutritive value by 63 /o I TALISMALT is made of Malt, Milk, Eggs, Cocoa
      72 words
    • 95 1 TRONOH" ENQUIRY OPENS PAGE 16 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS Page Unique Industrial Achievement 1 England-India Route to Australia 1 Sporting News 5 Correspondence Football in England G Sport in Scoltland Exclusive China News Service 7 Court News 9 Latest Cables 1 Federal Council Meeting 9 4 The Home Turf 10 Indian Notes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1610 2 RATES FOR CASUAL MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rp. ,*N°KmG BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS > 11C limited. t j -J 004 (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) All communications relating to Successors L:_ NEDERLANDSCHE Chartered Bank advertisements should he addressed iI THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHIN to the Advertisement Manager,
      1,610 words

  • 1064 3 ANYONE MAY CLAIM AN AUDIENCE—AND ANYONE MAY BE PUNISHED ON THE SPOT I have just been talking to a man who has returned to London from the court to one of the most picturesque ruling monarchs alive —a king who
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  • 272 3 No Fears For 200 Passengers UNLUCKY VOYAGE OF CITY OF PARIS Marseilles. Shortly after six o’clock on October 17th the British liner City of Paris (10,902 tons), bound from Liverpool for Bombay, went aground on a sandbank near the mouth of the Old Rhone, twenty miles from
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  • 273 3 Expert On Doctors In Their Grip ALLEGED EXTORTION A demand that the terms of service for panel doctors should be so amended as to secure their rights against the dictation of moneylenders was made in a motion proposed by Mr. H. W. Townley (Lancashire) at the
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  • 193 3 Drama Of Gutter When they last met 20 years ago they were comrades-in-arms in a Manchester battalion in India; when chance brought them face to face in Manchester on Oct. I- 4 they were—comrades-in-misfortune. Ex-Sergeant “Jerry” Hogan, V.C., ekes out his scanty pension by selling matches in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 309 3 Wf just before going to bed 3, vgbrx) V\A Mother says that the last spoonful of Radio-Malt taken just before bed-time seems to act like a charm. The children rest so peacefully and awake next day refreshed and invigorated for another day of fun and frolic. The secret of its
      309 words
    • 151 3 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION r COG» mMtl 1 Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC. Established in 1838. I Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur. i that are I envied and admired, Teeth like Pearls V (V Nature intended you to have
      151 words

  • 332 4 Coroner On Unquiet Modern Life Verdicts of “Suicide while of unsound mind” were recorded by the Westminster Coroner at inquests on two young people who were fatally injured in Piccadilly Tube Station, London. In the case ox Edward P. J. Cleverly (21), an Oxford
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  • 504 4 The Rev. W. Murray returned to Singapore by the Chitral. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. W atson returned to Kuala Lumpur last week. Mrs. Bonar, w’ife of Mr. H. J. T. Bonar, of the Malayan Forest Service, has returned from Home. Mr. C. H. Miller,, of Leuggong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 46 4 *(otL Suffer from, Mb ASK YOUR CHEMIST FOR A TUBE OF Certain Cure /or Haemorrhoids and kindred ailments A TUBE TO DAY KEEPS THE SURGEON AWAY BUcfced by UaitU Karaacy JOS N.rth BrUn Rd.. Siataaara dP WERV£S r take Sanatogen The True Tonic-Food gg o—. I||
      46 words
    • 122 4 WE WILIJ iGIVE yolh A iGOOD PRICE; FOR TOUR TIAN Oi i i d| i g J'- I a In Part Payment For A New One. 8 The Balance Can, If Desired, Be Paid H In Small Monthly Amounts. WE HAVE INSTRUMENTS IN STOCK FOR »S LOW AS J $275.00
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    • 171 5 ..To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sir, —With reference to the Questions id Answers appearing in the Sunday .■azette of 29th instant, under the head,g Do you Know I desire to point out at the answers to Question No, 11 are jviously incorrect. It is stated
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    • 374 5 Sir, —I am surprised at some of the outbursts which appeared in yesterday's issue of your contemporary. I should like to review in a nut-shell the opinions expressed. Dr. Huck Chye says that the Governor’s pronouncement is a shock to the Chinese community. But I am
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  • 433 5 Providing the Public support the many and numerous appeals that are being launched in aid of “Poppy Day”, it looks as though the collections this year, in spite of the decreased population, will again prove to be a record. A preliminary meeting wax held at the
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  • 237 5 Tenant’s Property Lost (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Oct. 29. A disastrous fire occurred to-day which resulted in a well known shop in the Chinese residential quarter of the town being piactically gutted. It was shortly after 1C o’clock this morning, that an
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  • 38 5 Book Your Tables Will intending patrons of the Rag Ball in aid of Earl Haig’s Fund which is to be held at the “E. and O.” kindly note that tables must be reserved at the Hotel.
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  • 233 5 Estate Clerk’s Attack On Malay (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, October 30. N. D. Retnam, a clerk employed on a rubber estate in Matang near Taiping, was the appellant in a criminal appeal heard by Mr. Justice Mudie in the Supreme Court, Ipoh, on Saturday. According to
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  • 217 5 Extortion Charge Against Constables F ails (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, October 30. A rather curious case came before Mr. Sennett, Magistrate, Ipoh, when two Police Constables, Kapur Singh and Narain Singh, were charged with committing extortion. According to the prosecution, the accused were alleged to have
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  • 114 5 Managing Committee The following form the Managing Committee in the forthcoming Penang Chinese Athletic Meet. Chairman, Mr. Ong Keng Seng; Hon. Secretaiy, Mr. Bcey Eng Eng; Hon. Asst. Secretaries, Mr. Ooi Khye Tuan, Miss Lim Kun: Business Manager, Mi’. Tan Sim Seng; Asst. Business Managers, Messrs.
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  • 46 5 Yesterday’s Results The following are results of ties played yesterday Men’s Singles D. G. Jackson beat P. T. Hutchings 15-0 15-6 L. H. Best beat H. Farrow 12-15 15-11 15-8. Mixed Doubles Mrs. Cooper and Clements beat Miss Parfitt and Abraham 21-13 21-14.
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  • 149 5 Trainers and Jockeys Defeated During the course of Race week in Ipoh the Race Course Golf Club met the Trainers and Jockeys in a foursomes match which resulted in a victory for the local Club by seven matches to two. The scores were as follows
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  • 99 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Oct. 29. Last evening’s match between the second string of the Abdul Hamid Sports Club and the Semiling Football XI. resulted in a win for the former by two goals to one. The game was fast, and the Abdul Hamid
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  • 197 5 P.R.C. *A Defeated By 5 Goals In a hockey match played yesterday on the Esplanade, the Penang Cricket Club ‘A’ team defeated the Penang Recreation Club ‘A’ by five goals to nil. The game was 1 scrappy throughout but the P.C.C. fully deserved to win. Although playing
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  • 71 5 Proceeds in Aid Of Poppy Day Fund The re-play in the Cup competition semifinal between the Darul Aihsan Football Club and the Chinese Recreation Club will be played on the Victoria Green on Wednesday at 5.15 p.m. The collection made on this match will be handed over
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 270 5 HERE S VALUE TWO WONDERFUL LITTLE BARGAINS JUST RECEIVED FROM EUROPE AT ASTONISHING PRICES. n B -r e [LADIES’ beret; D E R E I J W,TH pitched crown t Women will rave over this jolly Little Beret which just adds that 111 Jr w tj tjgE&gk touch of ultra
      270 words

  • 1205 6 THE FIRST DIVISION LEADERSHIP Tottenham Hotspur Forge Ahead COACHING OF YOUNG PLAYERS (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Oct. 14. A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP Tottenham Hotspur jumped to the top of the First Division table again by means of a fine victory over Sunderland. Portsmouth falling at Leicester.
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  • 1205 6 The Championship Prospects MOTHERWELL MAINTAIN WINNING FORM Celtic’s Bad Fall (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 14. AN UNDEFEATED SIDE League results on October 7th left the competition in pretty much the same position as before. The championship contest was not opened out, as it was thought
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 381 6 Non- Ml breakable! L J Parkers have been ■dropped from airplanes, Hr-J run over by trucks, and still they live! Why? KJbB Because the barrel is inon-breakable I And how smoothly, easily, a Parker writes! Each gold point tested 11 KW I times. Leak-proof. Beau- Fj f I tiful proportion
      381 words
    • 248 6 aIGHNNIE WAtaKER r Bom 1820— Still going Strong W 1 in» A Health comes first and for the promotion of health in all climates JOHNNIE WALKER has stood first BBS? favourite since 1820 —and i ea d s RED LABEL for all occasions, the world’s most popular beverage. BLACK LABEL,
      248 words

  • 708 7 ECONOMIC BLOCKADE AGAINST RED REGIONS HOW IT IS ENFORCED BY KIANGSI AUTHORITIES discovered who discovered them.-Kiangsi News Agency, Nanchang. Nanchang, Oct. 4. Details are now available regarding e definite measures adopted by the angsi authorities in enforcing the •nomic blockade against the Commu--4 regions in this province.
    discovered . who discovered them.-Kiangsi News Agency, Nanchang.  -  708 words
  • 160 7 .—Shun Pao. Rebel General To Leave China Peiping, Oct. 11. It is understood that, while skirmishes are still going on at the front, peace negotiations are now in progress in Peiping between General Ho Ying-ching and the representatives of General Fang Chen-wu, the rebel commander.
    .—Shun Pao.  -  160 words
  • 103 7 .—Shanghai Morning Post. North-West Communists Routed Foochow, Oct. 11. The Communists at Tainmg, m Northwestern Fukien, have been completely routed, following the defeat of the Red forces at Lichuan, in Eastern Kiangsi. Being hotly pursued by the 19th Route Army’ and the Fukien forces, the Communists
    .—Shanghai Morning Post.  -  103 words
  • 122 7 —Sin Wen Pao. New Attempt To Attack Peiping Peiping, Oct. 11. The rebel troops under General Fang Chen-wu made a renewed attempt yesterday to attack Peiping by’ making a sudden onslaught on Kaoliying from two different directions but were repulsed by the Government troops with the aid of
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  122 words
  • 111 7 tne ponce tau start a determined attack on the city. Sin Wen Pao. Special Police May Not Hold Them Back Peiping, Oct 11. The bandits which recently captured Funing and Liushouying are now making an attack on Changli, which is full of refugees from the bandit
    tne ponce tau start a determined attack on the city. Sin Wen Pao.  -  111 words
  • 161 7 Entry Into Luantung Agreed By Japanese Peiping, October IL The Peiping military authorities have received a telegram from the Headquarters of the Japanese Kwantimg Army at Dairen stating that the Japanese commandant has agreed to the Chinese proposal to send troops to the Luantang area
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  • 147 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Punitive Expedition Against Mohammedan General Nanking, Oct. 11. The Government is in oi a telegram from General Shen Shih-tsai, Defence Commissioner oi Smk.airg, importing that he has launched a punitive expedition against Geneial Xia Chung-yin. the Mohammedan general who recently revolted against
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  147 words
  • 99 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Mobilisation Of 30 Brigades Ordered Chengtu. Oct. 11. General Liu Hsiang has issued an order for the mobilization of thirty brigades of Szechuen troops for the campaign against the Communists. These troops are instructed to reach their respective destinations within ten days. They
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  99 words
  • 599 7 THE SITUATION IN SZECHUEN MOST TURBULENT AND CHAOTIC PROVINCE 1 IN CHINA World Daily News, Peiping. “Szechuen is the most turbulent and chaotic province in China. Within a period of io months two civil wars have occurred, one in September, I 93 2 and
    World Daily News, Peiping.  -  599 words
  • 258 7 i.—Sin Wen Pao. Princes Meeting Ends In Failure Peiping, Oct. 11. Prince Teh has not yet abandoned his attempt to call a conference of the Mongolian princes for the discussion of affairs in connection with the establishment of an autonomous government. Originally Prince Teh intended
    i.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  258 words
  • 146 7 or to extend them any facilities. —Shun Pao. Help Refused Land Reclamation Commissioner Nanking, Oct. 11. The Government has been informed that General Sun Tien-ying, Land Reclamation Commissioner in Chinghai, has been definitely rejected by the Chinghai authorities and will not be permitted to bring his troops
    or to extend them any facilities.—Shun Pao.  -  146 words
  • 57 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Damages Still Unascertainable Chengtu, Oct. 11. According to advices from Mouhsien that region suffered for a second time by another earthquake on October Ist. The quake center was again at Tiehhsi, which caved in during the previous earthquake in August. The damages inflicted
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  57 words
  • 66 7 —China Times. Chinese Flier Returns To Shanghai Shanghai, Oct. 12. Captain Chen Wen-lin, Director of the Navy Seaplane Factory in Amoy, returned to Shanghai yesterday from Nanking after successful cross-country flight to North China. Captain Chen has visited Hsuchow, Tainan, Peiping, Chengchow and Nanking in his long
    —China Times.  -  66 words
  • 50 7 l. —Shun Pao. Railway Ferry Service Inaugurated Shanghai. Oct. 12. It is learned from railway circles that the Nanking-Pukow Railway ferry service will be formally inaugurated on October 15th. The Shanghai-Nanking Railway administration has already received instructions from the Railway Ministry to make necessary preparations for the occasion.—Shun Pao.
    l.—Shun Pao.  -  50 words
  • 116 7 —“Sin Wen Pao.” Assured Of Sufficient Representation Shanghai, October 12. Mr. Chen Kung-po, Minister of Industry, is coming to Shanghai in a day or two to confer with local industrial leaders concerning the convocation of the National Production Conference for the purpose of regulating production in China.
    .—“Sin Wen Pao.”  -  116 words
  • 98 7 —China Times. General Inspection To Be Held Shortly Shanghai, Oct. 12. A general inspection of Chinese warships will shortly be held, it is learned from naval sources. Admiral Chen Chi-liang, Commander-in-Chief of the First Squadron, has been appointed Commandant of the naval review’. He left for Foochow yesterday
    —China Times.  -  98 words
  • 83 7 —Sin Wen Pao. New Passenger ’Planes Used Shanghai, Oct. 12. The Shanghai-Canton air service will be formally inaugurated on October 15th, it is learned from the Management of the China Aviation Company. Two new passenger ’planes recently purchased by the Company will be put on the new
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  83 words
  • 96 7 tinental Bank and Chinchen Bank. —Shun Pao. S Postpones Departure For Nanking Shanghai, Oct. 12. Mr. T. V. Soong has again postponed his departure for Nanking as his presence here is necessitated by the negotiations which he is now carrying on with local bankers concerning a
    tinental Bank and Chinchen Bank.—Shun Pao.  -  96 words

  • 669 8 Ever since the Balfour Declaration was made, Palestine has been a prey to unrest. Great Britain's mandatory powers in that territory have certainly acted as a soporific to both Arab and Jew. but it never has and never will, bring about a mutual understanding between the two races. The
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  • 227 8 A newspaper in Paris has been investigating the influence of high prices upon the tourist traffic. France, once an exceedingly cheap country for holidaymakers, is now anything rather than cheap. The high prices, apparently, have diverted a large proportion of her former tourist traffic to countries which
    227 words
  • 1049 8  -  the interesting records go on. F. B. A. in the “Birmingham Post.” HUMOUR LURKING IN MUSTY RECORDS Visitors to the churches of the countryside are usually content to observe the interest of the buildings and their furnitures. Many, perhaps, do not know that often there are books in
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  • 752 8 THE ART OF FORGETTING The advertiser who offers a free dem stration of a new system by which, 1 claims, many thousands have banished f getfulness for names, faces, and facts, no doubt a potential benefactor of the man race. But it is still to be hoped
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 K- m z f j fe e DON’T BE VAGUE ORDER 'r' £r .r i 4? r MHk 3kV i ?< nil--'. -A -mK| Haig <y <* SOLE AGENTS:— JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. Incorporated in England.» tfVGXPORE. KUALA LUMPUK IPOB jlf your face wears a frown k wfr J
      147 words
    • 41 8 The Coolness Of De Reszke Satisfies Every Smoker. Famed as The Aristocrat Of Cigarettes Say “DE RESZKE to your tobacconist SAVE THE COUPONS. SOLE AGENTS Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Singapore, Penang. Kuala Lumpur Ipoh. A.P.8.—34. ■■i Mai ii« i i i
      41 words

  • 3706 9 ÜBLIC INTEREST IN YESTERDAY'S FEDERAL COUNCIL MEETING REVENUE FIRST USED TO BALANCE BUDGET (brom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, October 30. 1 icie was a lull attendance at to-day’s budget meeting of the federal Council which was ceremonially opened. 'l'he public gallery
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  • 121 9 China Times.” Parf Of Japanese Empire FROM JANUARY 1934 London, Oct. 30. The Daily Telegraph Dairen correspondent states that Manchukuo is expected to be proclaimed a monarchy under I’u-yi in early spring. Whether it will be a continuation of the old Chinese dynastic style or a constitutional
    .—“ China Times.”  -  121 words
  • 83 9 Sentence on Chinese Postponed Chiew Tioh, a Hokkien Chinese, when charged in ’he Police Court this morning with voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon to See Khow at Acheen Street, at 9.30 p.m. on October 30, admitted striking See Khow with a hook after the
    83 words
  • 139 9 Accommodation of Fowls At Deepavali The las* witness was called to-day in th»> defence of Kuppusamy, a Tamil charged with the fraudulent possession of three handsome fowls, p’ 2 a.m. on October 19. Accused protested that he was taking the fowls to his family at
    139 words
  • 120 9 Sikh Compatriot Arrested On Capital Charge Charged with murder by causing the death of Kesa Singh at the Penang Racecourse between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. on October 25. a young Sikh named Darbara Singh expressed a wish to make a statement to His Worship in
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  • 154 9 Piles of Ticket Books in Court In the Penang Police Court this morning, before the Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, a Teochew Chinese was charged with assisting in carrying on a public lottery at Chulia Street at 5.20 p.m. on October 30. Public lotteries of this nature are illegal.
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  • 419 9 Commodity Dollar Plan New Ycrk, October 31. The majority of the so-called conservative wing of the administration, irrespective of their views on the commodity dollar plan, promised President Roosevelt to keep silent until the advocates of the plan had the opportunity to prove their thesis. If the experiment
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  • 98 9 UN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY London No market £225-5-0 TIN—(S BBoatta) Tendon No market £225-2-6 Singapore $113.62y 2 $113.50 Business Done Penang $113.50 Business Done Buyers no sellers 25 tons COPRA —(Bimdried) $3.25 $3.30 BLACK PEPPER -1 $14.25 $14.50 3SD. 3 )S d. i3c 12%c TAPIOCA $425 $425 See i
    98 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 186 9 jiWw? 4 What a Relief ...everything is I J plain sailing mm... J 1 There is a feeling of restfulness throughout the house—Worry and Anxiety have given place i to Relief and Cheerfulness— F i '-Wl BABY IS ON COW A GATE NOW I I J LOOK AT HIM All
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  • 2001 10 AMERICAN WINS CESAREWITCH RICHARDS' EQUALS A RECORD: THE WORLD'S FASTEST HORSE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, October 18. KING AT NEWMARKET There was some disappointment that th 3 King did not put in an appearance at i the Newmarket meeting. The Princess' Royal was there, but though
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 B B B B This shininq copper cauldron 111 I —one of many —in its setting of IL® glistening white tiles, reflects the E extremely hygienic conditions and sedulous care d cleanliness observed (j==Tl fj in the brewing of Malaya s Purest o Lager Beer. Dirt and dust are B
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 260 10 W'RELESS I Tc-Day's Programmes 8.8. C. For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies anc wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcementf will be made at frequent intervals. Lail Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kcls
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    • 159 10 11.20 —Troise and his Mandoliers, with Ivor John (tenor). 11.50 A light classical concert by The Entente String Quartet Dorothy Churton, Norman Chapple, John Fry, Edith Churton Mary Hamlin (soprano). A.M. 12.35 News Bulletin. 12.50 1.20 —The 8.8. C. Dance Orchestra, directed by Henry Hall. 1.53 —Time Signal from Big
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    • 125 10 MALAYAN AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY, K.L. I < i Columbia Records Z. G E. Nos. 7.00 p.m. 48 92 Metres. L 2125 Orchestra. Ballet Music from Rosamunde —Halle Orchestra. DX 253 Octet. Serenade in C —Squire Celeste Octet. Octet. None but the weary heart —Squire Celeste Octet. L 2260 Piano. Berceuse—lgnaz
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    • 153 10 5294 Song. We never know what to expect—Flotsam and Jetsam. Song. When I grow old, Dad—flotsman and Jetsam. 9285 Medley. Hit the De K- Kit Cat Band. 9594 Piano. Show Boat -Billy Mayerh Piano. That’s a good girl—Billy Mayerl. 9915 Selection. The House that Jack built—Ray Starita’s Orchestra. DB 1164
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  • Indian Notes And News
    • 202 11 "Unite And Work New Constitution" MODERATES' AIM Bombay, Oct. 15. An appeal to Indians to try and work the new Constitution to the best of their ability and derive the greatest benefit posable from it, was made by Sir Cowasji Jthangir (Junior), a Member of the
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    • 284 11 Mysore Boy’s Strange Death Bangalore. Oct. 13. A superstitious act on the part of a schoolmaster, who is alleged to have 1 adopted a strange method of discovering aj thief, is alleged to have preceded the sud- i den death of a schoolboy in the village
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    • 109 11 Tragic End Of Mother And Children Kottayam, Oct. 12. woman and three of her children, a aged 4 and a girl aged 6 and a baby K’ri aged 10 months, were drowned in a w 'ii in Vedaserikara, a village near Ranni, h, the planting district
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    • 1161 11 :o PUNDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CRITICISES NATIONAL MOVEMENT MORE NEW PARTIES—COUNCIL-ENTRY PARTISANS INCREASING IN NUMBER Indian Political Notes Madras, Oct. 14. Notwithstanding all that has been done to strengthen the hands of the officials, Terrorists’ activities in Bengal are still causing grave anxiety all-round.
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    • 250 11 Normal Situation In Bombay And Karachi Bombay, Oct. 11. After two days of feverish activity among depositors, who withdrew large sums of money from banks due to the panic created in commercial circles by the financial difficulties of the Currimbhoy group of mills, the city banks
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    • 556 11 "Inner Voice" And "God's Command" HIS DICTATORIAL HABITS AND QUACK REMEDIES Karachi, Oct. 12. A vehement denunciation of the present Congress leaders, whose "game of hide-and-seek has brought about chaotic confusion in the country, which is in a state of utter prostration,” and a strong plea
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    • 165 11 Simla, Oct. 16. The importation of Japanese paving tiles bearing representations of the Lords Sri Mahabir and Sri Gautam Gandhar, venerated by Jains, has caused a considerable stir in the Ambala district, and resolutions of protest have been passed at a special meeting of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 730 11 $lOO Must Be Won :o S.G. P.G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION £r. :o; NO ENTRANCE FEE o DELOW will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pinang Gazette, Football Competition No. 3 in which you are asked to forecast results of ten English and Scottish League matches to be played on
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  • The Latest Commercial News
    • 371 12 International Council s Analysis SIGNIFICANCE OF UPWARD TREND World consumption of tin, one of the jnost reliable indices of the world’s industrial activity, continues to maintain a steady upward trend, acording to official, figures prepared by the Hague Statistical Office of the International Tin Research Development Council.
      371 words
    • 127 12 Empire Trade Body’s Congratulations The following message has been sent from Sir Henry Page Croft, chairman of the Empire Industries Association, to Mr. Stanley Bruce, High Commissioner for Australia in London: “I desire on behalf of the Empire Industries Association to offer you most hearty congratulations on the
      127 words
    • 160 12 The Directors in their report for the year ended August 31, 1933, state ACCOUNTS.—It will be seen from the statement of accounts attached hereto, that the profit for the year amounted to $60,314.96; the balance brought in from the previous year was $11,982.52; which, less directors’
      160 words
    • 266 12 The directors submit herewith the accounts of the company for the year ended 30th June, 1933. A full report on the operations at the mine during the year under review is given in the consulting engineers’ report herewith. AREA. The land held by the company remains the
      266 words
    • 366 12 The following publications were issued or received bv the Department of Statistics, S. S. and F. M S., during the period October 14th to October 20, 1933. inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library. Fullerton Building. Singapore. Application may be made by members
      366 words
    • 1115 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST s d i! NAMES, i ffl </: RUBBER (.Dollar.) c. c. Allenby Rubber Co. go Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 50 6o Amalgamated Malay Estates I«0 150 ex Ayer Hitrm Planting Syndicate 90 100 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 15 20 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 50 60 Ayer
      1,115 words
    • 1022 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY > rhe folkwlng ven the latest quutAtloxu n MESSxtS. KENNEDY ahart Ust oday. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Weng 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 Ayer Hitam 15 6 16 0 15 9 16 3 Batu Caves 87 9O 1.00 Hongkong
      1,022 words
    • 110 12 Latest Quotations Monday Satui day Paris 80 19|32 81 53. New York 4.78% 4.71 Montreal 4.85% 4.8 Brussels 22.61% 22 76 Geneva 16.29 17.41 Amsterdam 7.82 7.8 Milan 59% 6>'. Berlin 13.19% 13 A 9 1 Stockholm 19.39% 19.39 Copenhagen 22.40 22.41? Oslo 19.90 19.9( Vienna
      110 words
    • 55 12 PENANG, OCTOBER 31 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Rank Demand 2)4 1)16? 4 mjts 2|4 l[tb Private 3 m|ts credit 2)4 11)32 3 Documentary 2)4 15)32 On New York Bank Demand 55nom France T.T. 920 nom India T.T. 154% Hongkong T.T. 38% dis. nom Shanghai T.T.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 135 12 THE TIRELESS SALESMAN—An adverns-me' in the “Pinang Gazette” is a tireless salesman. >•'•<» one week’s end to another it talks business wnnm’. boring potential customers. It tells your (unknown to you perhaps) to a wide circle oi terested readers and its influence is all the satisfactory in so far as
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 39 12 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind RaLr& 6 a.m. 72 E 1 m jt- Noon 84 E TIDE TABLES TO-DAY High Water. Low 11.17 a.m. f 23 a.m. 11.40 p.m. 5.36 p.m. TO-MORBOW 11.51 a.m. 6.12 a.m 12.09 a.m. 6.10 p.m.
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  • 536 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following la a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. TEUCER from Singapore. Sails for Genoa and Liverpool. S.S. RHEXENOR from Singapore. Sails on Ist November for Boston, New York and Baltimore. M.S.
    536 words
  • 300 13 OCTOBER 31 3rd Lecture by Dr. J. Moncur to Penang Teachers’ Association, St. Georges' School, 8 p.m. Municipal Commissioners’ Meeting, 4 p.m. NOVEMBER 1 P. F. A. Cup Semi-final, Victoria Green. NOVEMBER 2 Penang Reperatory Players in "A Perfect Alibi” E. O. Hotel. NOVEMBER 4 Official Poppy
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  • 632 13 SPECIAL NOTICE EARLIER CLOSING OF MAILS Postal Union Transit Statistics During the period 15th October to 11th November 1933 inclusive all mails for Europe and Foreign countries generally will close one hoi>r earlier than usual. The hours of closing mails for Straits Settlements and Federated MaJay States will
    632 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 260 13 oiEsSi v[| M jR jl i Th.r. ,rMh d Hl .nd delight in the haunting, ffl indefinable’ loveliness •< P’ Evening in Paris Perfume. Soft as a zephyr is the caress H of Evening in Pans face powder, ye» *•’••"< to i protect the most delicate I complex on from
      260 words
    • 15 13 Every Wednesday Ladies will find special articles of interest in The PINANG GAZETTE.” TffCul7a. Tartar
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 631 14 HE WOULD SINK OR SWIM ALONE STICKS AS SPARS AND A TENT AS SAIL Aid Scorned HIS EMPTY BOAT FOUND IN DREADED STRAIT A Cornishman who had been taken to Canada in his youth failed to make his way there, returned to his native
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  • 299 14 Three Lawyers To Leave Germany EXPULSION ORDER The foreign lawyers commissioned by the relatives of the Bulgarian prisoner Dimitroft were deprived of their right to watch the proceedings in court when the Reichstag fire trial was continued here. This action has been taken in consequence of a
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  • 294 14 Doubts Whether Negotiations Can Lead To Anything Many City men are irritated by the conflicting statements that have been made in market circles during the past two weeks as to the possibilities of rubber restriction. The situation ought to be brought to a head at once
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 376 14 i I FOR MOTORISTS Dr. Morse’* Indian Root Pills Are Invaluable. < THETHER one motors for business or \A/ pleasure, either as a driver or passenger. Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills will be found a valuable accessory. How often does one find at the end of a day s
      376 words
    • 63 14 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unUoi.ei) publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
      63 words
    • 153 14 II 1 1 fl /a 1 a a7a a/a a* 7 a 7 A A ■**>4®**" Uf f Packed by a fyjk/ JOHN A HUNTER 6t CO. LTD. k I AND LONDON 1 f A T SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD. j PENANG, I SINGAPORE. IPOH and KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2024 15 -TIISSS 7£~ att~k. p. ©.-BRITISH india /K AND APCAR LINES ,JMSr&< AmtWINGJKS (Companies Incorpiraced in An.j-«u*i.> TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR »m x. PATROCLUS Mars. L'don, R’dam. H’burg Glasgow 3 LINE Pe a Te ul AnSOn Por Swet EIOMED Vdon, R’dam H’burg and hLi Dec flnrfpninv Far tenham, Malacca and Singapore
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  • 162 16 22 Survivors SOME IN WATER FOR 30 HOURS (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Oct. 30. There were many interested and curious spectators this morning when the 22 survivors of the s.s. Tronoh arrived to attend the preliminary private inquiry under Commander Dix. It is regarded as almost
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  • 33 16 E. O. HOTEL No Dance To-Night Owing to the St. Andrews Dance practice and the full dress rehearsal of “The Perfect Alibi”, there will be no dance at the E. O. Hotel to-night.
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  • 35 16 The weekly tiffin meeting of the Penang Rotary Club was held to-day at the E. O. Hotel. .After tiffin club affairs were discussed. Forthcoming speakers include Mr. Maund and Mr. N. Raghaven.
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  • 73 16 To-morrow at the Esplanade, 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. 1. March—St. Sebastian —Stafford. 2. Overture— Rosamunds —Schubert. 3. Suite—L’Arlesienne. (Suite No. 1.) —Bizet. I. Prelude. 11. Minuetto. 111. Adagietto. IV. Carillon. 4. Meditation—Sanctuary of the Heart —Ketelbey. 5. Two pieces: (a) Waltz— Mello Cello —Moret. (b) Fox
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  • 115 16 S. R. A. AMENDMENTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 31. The following amendments are announced to the S. R. A. Classification List of horses and ponies, following form shown at the Ipoh Race Meeting. CLASS 2 TO 3 M arm on Tinakill. CLASS 3 TO
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  • 47 16 Christmas Visit THREE FIXTURES ARRANGED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Oct. 30. The Medan Hockey Club will be visiting during Christmas holidays. The following fixtures have been arranged December 23 v. Penang. December 25 v. C.R.C. December 26 v. Van Houten’s XI.
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  • 95 16 In Non-Title Bout London, Oct. 30. At the Albert Hall, Midget Wolgast, who is recognised in some States of America as the world's champion outpointed the official world’s flyweight champion Jackie Brown of Manchester in twelve round non-title bout. It was one of the fastest and
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  • 2467 16 CHAIRMAN'S ABLE REVIEW OF MAIN ACTIVITIES PROTEST AGAINST EXTRA SUNDAY CHARGES GRATIFICATION OF PROVISION FOR HILL ROAD Prai Wharves Development Mr. H. W. Hughes presided at the half-yearly meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce which was held at 2.15 to-day at the Chamber
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 87 16 E. O. PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. Saturday, 4th November Thurs. 2nd Tues. 7th Nov. OFFICIAL POPPY DAY PENANG REPERTORY prizes for Gentlemen PLAYERS BOOK YOUR TABLES NOW. ARMISTICE DAY present Saturday, 11th November a E.S.A.M. Dinner Dance A Perfect Ahbl Saturday, 2nd December Book Now. St Andrew’s Dinner i and Dance
      87 words
    • 63 16 R m NO QUESTIONS There were no questions, and therd being no business under general, the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks M the chairman. Wj CLOTH LINED ENVELOPES Sizes. Prices. 15|x6 $5.00 per 100 15 x6l $5.00 per 100 12 xs| $4.50 per 100 11|x5 s4.enperloo 11 x
      63 words