Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 486 1 —Reuter. I ROM ISE TO SUPPORT TO THE DEATH AWAITING FRANCE'S ATTITUDE r-rench Government May Fall CONFERENCE TO ADJOURN Geneva. October 15. i As an outcome to the Great Powers’ •ting Mr. Henderson to-morrow will ommend the general commission of the .sarmament Conference to adjourn
    —Reuter.  -  486 words
  • 178 1 —Reuter. German Gathering Consternated SILVER HAMMER BREAKS AT FIRST TAP Munich, October 15. An ominous incident caused by a beautiful silver hammer shattering the first time it was used for ceremonial purposes occurred at the laying of the foundation stone of the New Art Gallery’ by Hitler.
    —Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 47 1 —Reuter. Ulm At Karachi Karachi, October 15. Charles Ulm who left Feltham aerodrome on the night of October 12 in an. attempt to beat Kingsford-Smith’s England to Australia record, landed here at 3.05 p.m. local time and left for Calcutta at 5.30 p.m.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 41 1 —Reuter. Gallagher Exempted Berlin, October 14. The three ex-foreign lawyers mentioned earlier, Willard, Detcheff and Gregoroff after Police examaination were expelled from the country but Gallagher was exempted because Torgler’s counsel specifically invited him tc attend the trial.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 72 1 Four Hundred Horse Shoes Decorate Walls Four hundred horse shoes decorated the walls of a Southwell smithy on September 30 when a wedding reception was held in the shoeing shed. The bride was Miss Doris Foster, sister of the smith, and the bridegroom, Mr. Richard
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  • 67 1 bouts of General Wang is unknown —Shun Pac. Volunteer Leader Returns To Manchuria I Hongkong, Sept. 26. General Wang Teh-lin, Commander-in-chief of the Chinese Volunteers in Manchuria, who left Canton for the Northeast last month, has addressed several telegrams to the Canton South-west Political! Council reporting his
    bouts of General Wang is unknown —Shun Pac.  -  67 words
  • 93 1 Reuter. Help For Depositors CREATION OF DEPOSIT LIQUIDATION BOARD Washington, Oct. 14. President Roosevelt has announced the immediate creation of a Deposit Liquidation Board in order to assist depositors of closed banks by lending them about a milliard dollars, also to ensure a more orderly liquidation of
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 67 1 .—Sin Wen Pao. Huang Fu Meets Japanese Minister Shanghai, Sept. 27. General Huang Fu, Chairman of the Peiping Political Readjustment Commission, called on the Japanese Minister, Mr. Ariyoshi, yesterday. They had a discussion which lasted for about thirty minutes. The Japanese Legation deny that th visit
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  67 words
  • 105 1 before the end of this year. —Central China Daily News. Completion Before End of Year Expected Nanking, Sept. 26. According to information from the Ministry of Railways, the Lung-Hai Railway will be extended to Sianfu by the middle of next year. At present the construction of
    before the end of this year.—Central China Daily News.  -  105 words
  • 103 1 .—Shun Pao. Typhoon Relief 'Association Formed Shanghai, Sept. 27. Under the auspices of several local relief associations and leading personages in the Settlement, such as Huang Chin-yung and Tu Yueh-shen, an association for the relief of typhoon sufferers in Pootung was formally formed yesterday. The association is
    .—Shun Pao.  -  103 words
  • 157 1 .—Keutei. LATEST SITUATION > IN BANGKOK Caoitulate Or—- AMMUNITION DEALERS TO HAND OVER STOCKS 42 ARRESTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oct. 15. The rebels holding Don Muang aerodrome are threatened with bombardment by the Government forces unless they lay down their arms and capitulate. Forty-two
    .—Keutei.  -  157 words
  • 76 1 Reuter. Japan's Trade NOT ACTIONS IN MANCHURIA Tokio, October 15. Emphasising surprise at finding during his recent visit to Europe and America that Japan’s trade and not her actions in Manchuria worries the world most, Viscount Ishii speaking at the Japanese Economic League luncheon stressed the
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 484 1 Only Way To Bring About A United China All friends of China would in all sincerity like to see this country united, prosperous and peaceful, and strong enough to del end her national integrity and territorial sovereignty against foreign aggression. However, there seems to be suspicion
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  • 128 1 —Reuter. Far Eastern Disturbance C. E. R. TROUBLE NOT WHOLE CAUSE OF DISSENSION London, October 15. There is unmistakably an appearance of a Russo-Japanese phase in the Far Eastern disturbance, says the Observer. Haggling over the price of the C.E.R. is an occasion but not the whole cause
    —Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 289 1 not involved in such complications.—Reuter. THE LEAGUE TOTTERING London, October 16. Germany’s secession from the League and the Disarmament Conference is lengthily leadened in all the morning newspapers which, while admitting that the League has suffered a serious setback, deprecate any alarmist agitation and appeal for cool, and
    not involved in such complications.—Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 56 1 —S n We- Fio. Cantonese Troops Plan Grand Review Canton, Sept. 26. The First Group Army under General Chen Chi-tang will hold its annual autumn manoeuvres on October 15th at the Lofushan Hill, in the outskirts of Canton. The review will be participated in by more than
    —S n We- Fio.  -  56 words
  • 65 1 1 Sin Wen Pao. French Minister in Shanghai Shanghai, Sept. 27. I M. Wilden, French Minister to China, arrived from Nanking yesterday. It is I said that the French Minister has already telegraphed the result of his meeting with Mr. Wang Ching-wei on the Sino-French-j Annam Commercial Treaty
    1 Sin Wen Pao.  -  65 words
  • 50 1 China Times. Arrives in Tientsin After Repairs Tientsin, Sept. 26. The Chinese aeroplane “Chiang Chueh,” piloted by Captain Chen Wen-lin, Director of the Seaplane Factory in Amoy, arrived, here from Tsinan this afternoon. Captain Chen will continue his cross-country flight after stopping at Tientsin for two days.—-
    China Times.  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 I. NAGATA BROTHERS DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary Branch Office 52, Leith Street
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    • 86 1 I SELANGOR OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED RICE TAX Page 16 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS Page German People Standing by Hitler 1 Rebels Threatened With Bombardment 1 Correspondence 4 Penang Chinese Athletic Meet 5 Sporting News 3,5& 6 Exclusive China News Service 7 Latest Cables 1 9 Dean Inge Explains Existence lb Science and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2269 2 RATES FOR CASUAL municipal notice johan tin dredging T'L k BANKS ».»»'RTISEMEHTS 1 LIC The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite separate ten- NOTICE is he reby given that an Interim Rfinlc NEDERLANDSCHE ders for the following for one year from Dividend of 2 on account of year
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  • 1727 3 DIFFICULT TASK FOR JUDGES THE RESULTS low we publish the result of the .ng Gazette” Centenary Essay Competition. subject set was, "Captain Light, p of Penang: His Life and Times.” a e works of references to Light and G early days of the Settlement are
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  • 231 3 Colours Draw With Whites TEAM AGAINST NEGRI SELECTED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 14. The last hockey trial before the team to represent the state against Negri Sembilan, was played to-day on heavy ground owing to rain. It provided fast and interesting game. The Colours,
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  • 179 3 16 Pts. To 5 Pts. SCOULAR'S IMPROVED KICKING' In a practice game on Saturady a Penang XV defeated a Kedah and Province Wellesly XV by 16 points (2 goals, 1 penalty goal and a try) to 5 points (one goal). The forwards got through a
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  • 489 3 Drawn Game FREE SCHOOL HOLDS OLD FREES The annual hockey match between the Penang Free School and the Old Frees’ Association was played on Saturday at Green Lane and resulted in a draw of two goals each. The game was scrappy throughout but was keenly contested and
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  • 68 3 .—Reuter. Dissatisfied Queenslanders Sydney, Oct. 14. The Queenslanders, Hartigan and Hutcheon signed a requisition for a special meeting of the Board of Control to discuss the last M.C.C. cable with which they are dissatisfied. The requisition has been posted at Melbourne for the signatures of the Victorians, Kelly
    .—Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 226 3 o BOY SCOUTS RELIEVE POLICE FIRING DISTINCTLY HEARD IN BANGKOK Government Communique (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, October 14. Loyal troops shelled the positions of the rebel troops near Bangkok again yesterday afternoon without drawing reply from the opposition which was lucky because the shells
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  • 252 3 Malays Beaten VICTORY BY FIVE GOALS TO THREE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Oct. 14. In the Singapore Amateur Football' Association Cup final to-day the Wiltshires first team beat the Malays first team by' five goals to three after a most thrilling game, which was never
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 PENANG TEAMS FOR NEXT WEEK-END The following teams have been selected to represent Penang and Penang “A against Selangor and Taiping respectively on Saturday next PENANG PENANG “A” At Kuala Lumpur. At Penar.g WHALEY DAINTRY CLARK (J.W.) CAMPBELL BINGHAM KIRK BOYD BRADY FENWICK BRETHERTON CAMERON KENG CHUAN STRAHAN ROGERS SCOULAR
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    • 640 4 (.To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sir, —My attention has been called to a st. tement made by the Hon’ble the Director of Education at the last Legislative Council Meeting on the question of Capital G ants with reference to the Aided Schools aad
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    • 207 4 Sir, —The Malay Community of the Colony should feel most grateful to the Government, for the replies given to those questions raised in the recent Legislative Council Meeting. The purpose of the questions, evidently, is to do away with the Malay education, which has been instituted since the
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    • 446 4 Sir, —In your issue of the 12th instant, you published an article entitled “Death of Syed Ahmat Idid.” The following passages which form part of such article are taken exception tc by the relatives of the deceased and their friends: “From early morning the various parts and
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  • 253 4 PENANG PROVINCE VOLUNTEERS General’s Annual Inspection The annual inspection of the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps by the General Officer Commanding the Troops in Malaya was carried out yesterday. General Oldfied and several staff Officers having arrived in Penang on Friday for the purpose Colonel Riley, Commandant, Straits Settlemens
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  • 796 4 Need For Funds As Great As Ever At the half-yearly general meeting of the Central Committee of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya, Mr. A. C. Godding, the President, made the following reference to Poppy Day, 1933 You will be glad to learn that Mrs. J.
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  • 668 4 Mr. J. O. Plunkett, of the P.W.D., Singapore, recently returned from Home leave. Mr. B. R. Whitehouse, M.C.S., has been appointed Superintendent of Prisons, Malacca. Mr. J. Parke, Deputy Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., sailed for Home yesterday on furlough. Mr. Frankie Nicholls, of Temengor Tin Mining Co.,
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  • 215 4 Tragic Death of W. S. Gilbert Recalled A pathetic interest attaches to the publication on September 28 of “Celebrites and Simple Souls” by Duckworth, for the author, Mr. Alfred Sutro, the playwright, died only a fortnight ago. In these very entertaining reminiscences we are given glimpses of
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  • 124 4 German Girls Who Dared to Smoke Because they were said to have been very rude to some Nazi troopers who reprimanded them for smoking in a restaurant, two Cologne girls have been sentenced to 25 and 14 days’ impiisonment respectively. One apparently was ruder than the other.
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  • 201 5 Entries Close On Nov. 1 EVENTS FOR MEN AND GIRLS he Penang Chinese Athletic Meet will place on Saturday and Sunday, No mber 11 and 12, 1933, at Victoria Green, is meeting is preparatory to the Allulayan Chinese Olympics to be held at ila Lumpur in
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  • 176 5 Schoo!-boys Beat The Rest Yesterday at the Chinese Swimming Club the school-boys’ first and second teams beat The Rest at water-polo by 4 —l and 2 —l respectively. S( ho i-boys’ first t'.am Foo Meow Fong, Ng Kam Goon, Lim Hooi Keat, Lim Hooi
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  • 100 5 —Reuter. England Beats Ireland Belfast, October 14. At Windsor Park, Belfast, 40,000 pepole saw England easily defeat Ireland in the International association football match by 3 goals to nil. Ireland was badly handicapped by losing their centre forward Martin in the first half hour when the score sheet
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 54 5 The D.A.F.C. will be enterta n ng The Young Rovers Sports Club of Alor Star at a soccer match on October 19th, 1933 at The S.X.I. Ground. This is the first time The Y.R.S.C. are visiting Penang. The team will arrive at Penang on Thursday afternoon,
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  • 683 5 Saturday Night's Thrilling Fights JAYARAJ'S POPULAR WIN (BY “SECONDS OUT”) Frank Webber, who turned professional on Saturday night gave a remarkable good showing against Francis Aposto, and won the fight after one of the best flyweight bouts ever seen locally. The young Burma lad kept
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  • 175 5 To Fight Y. C. Song on Saturday (BY “SECONDS OUT") Following the cancellation of a fight with Aircraftsman Graham, Thajudeen is now being fixed with Y. C. Song in Singapore for ten three minute rounds on Saturday at the New World Arena in a promotion by
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  • 158 5 Ipoh Defeats Taiping Customs (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, October 15. In the final of the soccer competition for the Hobbs trophy, the Ipoh Customs decisively defeated the Taiping Customs by 3 goals to 1 and thus retained the Challenge Cup for the second year in succession.
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  • 86 5 Under the auspices of the “Sportsman” magazine, there will be a three night Malayan Amateur Boxing Contest at Singapore on November 10 and 18, the winners on the last night of the contest will be aw’arded Handsome Silver Trophies. Will all those amateurs who are interested
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  • 153 5 Win For Ipoh Side By 9 Pts. To 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, October 15. For the first time this season, Ipoh fielded an All-Asiatics XV. to defeat a Combined Taiping Asiatic team this evening by 9 points to 3. The match was keenly contested
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  • 61 5 Riff-Raffs’ Runaway Victory The Riff-Raffs scored a runaway victory in their rugger match with the Young Muslim Union, yesterday, on the Dato Kramat ground defeating them by 38 points (3 goals, 5 tries and 2 drop goals) to nil. The game was one sided throughout,
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  • 96 5 Results of Yesterday’s Fixtures Last evening s fixtures in the tournament at Fun and Frolic open-air stadium resulted as follows BASKET-BALL Chung Ung beat Tai Sun by 72 points to 30. The following played for the winners Chin Teik, Kheng Loon, Khye Chuan, Choo Peow,
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  • 65 5 The Secretaries, Messrs. Gattey and Bateman have received a large number of applications for accommodation during the coming Xmas and New Year holidays, but it is much regretted that for reasons beyond the control of the Directors it is not possible to accept bookings for
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  • 257 5 The vacant patch of land which has for more than 20 years been an eyesore opposite the Sanitary Board Officials in tbg middle of Kuala Lumpur has been taken over by the A. A.M. Selangor Branch as a public Car-Park. This plot, known for many years
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  • 79 5 Erics Beaten By Tunku Yacob’s XI. (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, October 15. Playing better hockey in almost all departments, H.H. Tunku Yaccob’s XI. beat the Erics by 3 goals to nil at the Kedah Warders’ Recreation Club ground yesterday. The game was practically one sided
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  • 228 5 Badminton Tournament The Anglo-Chinese School Union are holding a Badminton Tournament which will commence on Monday, the 23rd. October. Two matches will be played daily, the first at 5 p.m. and the second at 5.30 p.m. The following is the list of fixtures MONDAY 23rd. Class B
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  • 31 5 Saturday’s Results The result of the tie played on Saturday was as follows: Mixed Doubles: Mrs. Cooper and Clemen s beat Mrs. Purcell and Tofield 11—21, 21—12, 21—18.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 AIR-MAIL STATIONERY Writing-Pads 100 Sheets Paper, Blotting Paper and Writing guide 40 Cents. Envelopes 6 x strong but very light 60 Cents per 100 Compendiums 60 Sheets paper 10 x 8 30 Square envelopes and writing guide 80 Cents. The Pinang Gazette Press, Limited, No. la, PENANG STREET, PENANG. ’f■bcnßa
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 510 5 WIRELESS 8.8. C. Programme For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmit tjir Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals. Lail Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kc|s 31.55
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  • 917 6 CARD OF NINE EVENTS o WILL GET UP AND MELBOURNE WIN AGAIN o By TIC-TAC Below will be found the weights for, the first day of the Perak Turf Club Sum- mer Meeting to be run on Saturday, 21st. j together with preliminary selections.
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  • 472 6 Won By Rovers' B BATU ARANG CLUB BEATEN AFTER EXTRA TIME (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 14. The Selangor Association Football Cup final was played here on the Tamil’s padang and provided ample thrills this evening. The match was between the Kuala Rovers’ second
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  • 991 6 M. A. F. C. Lose To P. R. C. DEFEAT THAT WAS TURNED INTO VICTORY The 1933 Cup-tie match between the Penang Recreation Club and the Muthibol Ahzan Football Club (Kampong Java) on Saturday on the S.X.R.C. ground attracted only a very small gathering, the football
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  • 1407 6 PORTSMOUTH LOSE TO SPURS o FIVE DRAWN GAMES IN NORTHERN SECTION o QUEEN OF THE SOUTH STILL WINNING London, Oct. 14. 'I The following are the results of matches played to-day in the English and Scottish Leagues DIVISION I. Arsenal 3 Newcastle U. 0
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  • 83 6 The Club Lose At Newport RUGBY UNION RESULTS The following are the results of the r" cipal rugger matches played to-day: i East Midlands 29 Warwickshire North Midlands 14 Leicestershire Birkenhead Park 12 Halifax Bristol 0 Bath Cambride Univer it; 14 Old Leysians Coventry 6 Old
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  • 23 6 Rangers Defeat Clyde London, October 14 In the Glasgow Cup Final Rangers feated Clyde by two goals to nil Reute
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  • 750 7 national disaster is inevitable.”—Peiping Morning Post. “A despatch from Tokyo dated September 17 says that Mr. Wang Chingwei, the President of the Executive Yuan, has indicated to Mr. Ariyoshi, the Japanese Minister to China, the intention of the Chinese Government to regularize the abnormal situation existing bet
    national disaster is inevitable.”—Peiping Morning Post.  -  750 words
  • 105 7 with the Government leaders here.—Shun Pao. Closer Co-operation Being Sought Shanghai, Sept 27. It is learned here that the Government is now bending its energy on effecting a closer co-operation between the National Government and General Chen Chi-tang in Canton. Yesterday Mr. T. V. Soong had a meeting with
    with the Government leaders here.—Shun Pao.  -  105 words
  • 148 7 China Times. Transactions in Stock and Gold Bars Shanghai, Sept. 27. Through the mediation of Messrs. Tu Yueh-shen and Chang Hsiao-lin, two leading figures in the French Concession, an agreement has been reached between the authorities of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Gold Bar Exchange
    China Times.  -  148 words
  • 76 7 —Sin Wen Pao. For Development of Mineral Resources Nanking, Sept. 26. The Government is in receipt of a telegram from the Yunnan Provincial Government urging that $12,000,000 be set aside for the development of mineral resources in Yunnan. The Yunnan Government urges that, if
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  76 words
  • 81 7 —Shun Pao. Chinese Railway Guards Evacuate Tangku Peiping, Sept. 26. The Japanese commandant at Tangku delivered a note to the Chinese railway guards at Tangku at 5 a.m. this morning demanding the latter to evacuate immediately on the grounds that the Japanese troops could maintain peace and
    —Shun Pao.  -  81 words
  • 72 7 Special Administrative District To Be Created Hankow, Sept. 26. It is learned that a special administrative district will be created out of the ex-Communist area on the Hupeh-Anhuei-Honan border so as to facilitate reconstruction of that region after the devastating warfare against the Communists. General Liu Cheng-hua, who
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  • 1174 7 CONFLICTING REPORTS REBEL FORCES APPROACHING PEIPING Martial Law Declared At Changping —Sin Wen Pao. Tientsin, Sept. 26. Following the fall of Funing, martial law has been declared at Changping, a city in the demilitarized zone north of Peiping. It is rumoured that the rebel troops
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  1,174 words
  • 83 7 .—Chine. Times. Pacification Commissioners For Inner Mongolia Nanking, Sept. 26. The Government has decided to send Genera 1 Huang Sbao-hsiung, Minister of Inter or, and Mr. Pai Yun-t 1 a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, w’ho is himse’f a Mongolian, to
    .—Chine. Times.  -  83 words
  • 99 7 —Shun Pao. Tibetans In Sikang Ready To Advance Chengtu, Sept. 26. The Tibetans in Sikang are now making preparations to attack Pa-an, east of the Kinsha River and some of the Tibetan troops are reported to be already on the move. The Chinese troops at Pa-an have received
    —Shun Pao.  -  99 words
  • 165 7 ed by November, it is learned.—Ta Kung Pac, Tientsin. Construction of the CantonHankow Railway Hankow, Sept. 24. Work for the completion of the CantonHankow Railw’ay is now’ under way. The construction is to be financed by a $60,000,000 loan, w’hich is to be issued by the Ministry of
    ed by November, it is learned.—Ta Kung Pac, Tientsin.  -  165 words
  • 85 7 —China Times. China Merchants Lease Two Ministry’s Vessels Shanghai, Sept. 27. A contract will soon be signed between the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company and the Ministry of the Navy for the charter of two unused naval transports for a period of five years. The
    .—China Times.  -  85 words
  • 64 7 Shun Pao. Commission to Organize Mongolian Bank Nanking, Sept. 26. For the purpose of developing the Northwest, the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission has drawm up plans for the establishment of a Mongolian Industrial Bank in Inner Mongolia and to issue notes to an amount of $10,000,000
    Shun Pao.  -  64 words
  • 66 7 —Shun Pao. Readjustment of Peiping Financial Affairs Peiping, Sept. 26. In spite of denials by responsible quarters, rumours are still afloat to the effect that Mr. T. V. Soong will visit North China early in October to attend to readjustment of financial affairs in
    .—Shun Pao.  -  66 words
  • 74 7 .—Sin Wen Pao. Canton Political Council To Be Enlarged Hongkong, Sept. 26. It is reliably learned that General Chen Chi-tang has at last agreed to accept the proposal of the politicians and Party leaders to enlarge the South-west Political Council. General Chen has telegraphed to General Yu
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  74 words
  • 637 7 ’—Shun I’ao. According to the arrangements made, four-fifths of the American Loan should be in the form of cotton and onefifth in wheat. To conclude such a loan at a time when Chinese agriculture is experiencing an unprecedented depression is bound to have a profound effect
    ’—Shun I’ao.  -  637 words
  • 36 7 .—Sin Wen Pao. Peiping, Sept. 26. General Li Chi-chun. commander of the reorgan’zed Manchoukuo irregulars, has arrived in Peiping in disguise. The Peiping authorities are paying close attenVon to hie activities.
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  36 words

  • 691 8 The Berlin correspondent of The limes cited some extracts from a little handbook, recently published in Germany by Professor Ewald Banse, which indicated that all the old mistakes are being repeated in an intensified form. This book, which is entitled Wehnvissenschaft, or Military Science, is the
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  • 1306 8 LOST NOISES HAD SOME COMPENSATIONS Cloop-cloop go hooves over the new road to the new bridge. We hear that old sound more often, perhaps, than the makers of the road expected, for they have surfaced P with concrete as if it were to be only a motorists’ track.
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  • 900 8 A CASTLE IN SKYE Dunvegan Cas‘le, W’here the Duke an Duchess of York are staying with Macle, of Macleod, can put a good claim to the oldest inhabited house in Scotland thousand years ago some stones of tj great, stark pile w’hich now looks ou‘ uncompromisingly on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 CONFECTIONERY FOR ALL OCCASIONS In Any Quantity Maple Brazils, Peppermint Cream, Marshmallows, Chocolate Marshmallows, Cotfee Walnuts, Richmond Assortment, Country Assortment, Cokernut Assortment, Butter Ginger, Butter Apricots, Apricots Brazils, Etc. PRITCHARD'S PENANG. sun s shining hot WR and the windows all are shut —7< i i 'Ji CARLSBERG LAGER PILSNER STOUT,
      195 words
    • 156 8 A real beauty secret for you Try these perfect aids to skin loveliness Not every woman is bom beaut’ful. But every woman hance her natural charm and know the thrill of an alluring complexion. First, apply an exquisite foundation of beauty for your make-up with Daggett Pr'-msdeH’s Perfect Vanishing Cream.
      156 words

  • 1281 9 HITLER GOVERNMENT SHOULDERING IMMENSE RESPONSIBILITY U.S. STANDS BY WAR ALLIES r London, October 14. 1 o-day ax as marked by sudden and important developments in the international situation. Shoi tlj aftei the British Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, had made a declaration in Geneva,
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  • 537 9 Conference. —Reuter and Rugby Radio Service. Solidarity Of English Speaking Peoples DISMAYS GERMANY London, October 15. A calmer mood of contemplation succeeds the stunning blow of Germany’s decision to withdraw from the League and the Disarmament Conference. The former allied and associated powers stand shoulder to
    Conference.—Reuter and Rugby Radio Service.  -  537 words
  • 19 9 —Reuter. An Untrue Report Moscow, October 15. The reported deportation of German engineers is untrue.-
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 107 9 TIN-SPOT SATURDAY TO-DAY London £224.0.0 No Market TIN—(3 Month*) London £223.17.6 No Market Singapore $112.50 Business Done Penang $112.62% $112% Business Done 25 tons 25 tons COPRA —(Sondried) $3.20 $3.20 BLACK PEPPER $13.75 $13.75 RUBBER London 4d. .3jqd. New York 7%c.(G) 7y 2 c.(G) Singapore 12 %c. 12
    107 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 n «If /f @||3 I fr The day of the ordinary artificial l?.*****^;^^*** d Food is over deficient and often merely fatforming—no wonder the mother dreaded its advent, when breast feeding failed. But Cow Do not risk Baby's health on Foods which Gate has changed all that !—lt is the
      236 words

  • 975 10 Birmingham Rotary Plans A Campaign TO WORK IN CONJUNCTION j WITH COPEC Mindful of their motto, Service above Self,” Birmingham Rotarians are contemplating the making of some practical contribution to the solution of the problem of slum clearance or the reconditioning of slums but, first, they are
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  • 596 10 Austria T akes The Plunge NEW CABINET End Of Parliamentary Regime Vienna, September 20. Chancellor Dollfuss, after seeing President Miklas, has decided personally to take over the entire State Executive, according to a communique published just before midnight. He will form a Cabinet of leading personalities. All
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  • 735 10 And Foretells the Extinction of Life on This Earth “WHATEVER IS BORN IN TIME MUST PERISH FOR TIME The utterances of our leading scientists are enough to drive a poor layman to despair,” writes Dean Inge i n his new book I God and the Astronomers.”
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 127 10 1 v IA How else could “CAPSTAN” retain the title ‘Malaya’s standard cigarette’ if it were not for constant attention to every detail of manufacture They are so dependable—the next CAPSTAN you light will be as perfect as the o; j you have just enjoyed so much. A A MALAYA’S
      127 words

  • 2277 11 NOVELTIES AT CHEMI S T S' EXHIBITION: APPLE PRESERVATION RESEARCH NEW TYPE OF ROAD LIGHTING: A BIRDLIKE AEROPLANE (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, September 30. NEW CHEMICAL AIDS TO LIFE A new elixir of life for which wonderful things are claimed is among the exhibits it tne
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 273 11 ___i-.rtT-... ..I u.. 1 dSo Smooth! I I I There is such clean efficiency in its performance. The full width of the blade edge—an edge as free as that of the Barber’s razor —comes into action with a smoothness that astounds. g Sets at 50 cts., $1.50, $3.00, E A
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  • The Latest Commercial News
    • 675 12 Annual Meeting 1 PROFIT FOR YEAR—SIO,9S9 At the fifteenth annual general meeting of Hitam Tin, Ltd., held at the office of Messrs. Evatt Co., Ipoh, on the 13th October, Mr. H. Huntsman, the Chairman, presiding, said Gentlemen,—The report and accounts for the year ending 30th June, 1933,
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    • 25 12 The gold output of The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended 10th October, 1933, amounted to 2,058.35 ounces.
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    • 1050 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following wem the latest quoCWoni a MESb .8. KENNEDY ahart Us o-day. Saturday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenby 85 95 85 95 Amalg. Malay 1.35 1.45 ex 1.40 1.50 ex Ayer Hitam 75 85 90 100 Bassett 50 55
      1,050 words
    • 132 12 Latest Quotations Saturday Friday Paris 80 15 32 80 1 3.' New York 4.57% 4.60 4 Montreal 4.694 4.73 4 Brussels 22.64 22.524 Geneva 16.26 16.20 Amsterdam 7.82 7.70 Milan 59% 594 Berlin 13.174 13.114 Stockholm 19.40 19.39 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 28
      132 words
    • 1159 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST I t II il NAMES. StJ V 5 03 m H RUBBER'(DoII*r.) c. c AHenby Rubber Co. 85 95 Alor Gajah Rubber Eatate 40 50 Amalgamated Malay Estates 140 150 ex \yer Hitam Planting Syndicate 90 I 00 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates I" 20 Ayer Molek
      1,159 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 300 12 fl RES Furers cf ESo/ CABLES Ar I, TELEPHONE >nd tANSMISSION Sole Agenta SIME, DARBY —MM— M Regulate your DIGESTION I ru Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills M Ko People who eat and drink too mucn, or get their system upset from any other cause need a medicine such as
      300 words

  • 602 13 Schedule of Principal Lines Tha following Us a list of TeoMls arrlTlna sd MdHng from Penang during the week} LN PORT TO-DAY S.S. RAWANG from Pangkalan Brandan and Langkat. Sails for Teluk Anson and Bagan Datoh on Tuesday. M.V. ROMPIN from Pung ah and Ghirbi. Sails
    602 words
  • 203 13 OCTOBER 18 Penang Fcotba’l Association Cup tie C.R.C. v. Police, Victoria Green. OCTOBER 21 Penang Football Association Cup tie Selangor at Kuala Lumpur. Rugby Taiping vs. Penang A at Taiping. Ipoh Races, Ist day. Penang Football Association Cup tie IS.X.R.C. v. winners of P.R.C. and M. A.F.C.
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  • 219 13 SPECIAL NOTICE EARLIER CLOSING OF MAILS Postal Union Transit Statistics During the period 15th October to 11th November 1933 inclusive all mails for Europe and Foreign countries generally will close one hour earlier than usual. The hours of closing mails for Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States will
    219 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 181 13 ”■B■■■SB■H■■■■H■ S 3 H B B B B B B i B B 9 frou GEt| ITHEM ALIJ I X’EWS—A service of local and general news that gives a complete picture of B "a the happenings of the day. 1 a" SPORT— Crisp reports and expert com- aj B ments
      181 words
    • 112 13 REDUCTION OF FREIGHT ON THE ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. Effective October 1, 1932, until further notice, freight on RICE, BROKEN RICE, or BRAN to Padang Besar, Sungei Golok Kantang is CHARGED under Class VI. One Wagon-Load of 10 tons, from Bangkok to Padang Besar Baht 103.0*) Sungei Golok 118.00
      112 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      72 words
    • 289 13 a a a a a a a~a ■TrTrB-araTr’a-Bra araTmrH 3 H“H B B"H"j > 6.15 OPENING TO-NIGHT 9.30 Universal's Daring Epic Of Courage a And Romance! 2 F \-O B e Love! War! S'pfi’v Sensational! LUISTRENKER, D VILMA BANKY, Victor ■> Varconi. Directed by Curt H V Bernhardt and Luis
      289 words

    3,449 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 72 14 V I DRINK I BERTOLA c I SHERRY •i o is C OBTAINABLE AT 1 J ALL THE LEADING DEALERS. AGENTS: J HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. j I PENANG AND BRANCHES. rrrrri ia »“WT» WTr» «Tr>rTiTr»ni I St. Ann’s i Malvern Water Unrivalled for Purity HEALTH GIVING (Bottled from the
      72 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1822 15 i A a K P. ©.-BRITISH INDIA 1 AND APCAR LINES k4* /XNT IN 6 (Companies Incorporated In JFIMLNEIU LIMB MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES TlBMelB LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Doe TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR a MERIONES Mars. L’don, R’dam, H’burg and Gl’gow. Novels LINE w' JS’ Penan S’
      1,822 words

  • 242 16 Application For Receiver Refused A motion for the appointment of a Receiver in the estate of Chew Bah Siah, a Lumut landed proprietor and merchant, was refused in the Supreme Court this morning, by Mr. Justice Cobbett. Mr. Somasundram appeared for defen-dant-applicant, and Mr. Lim Cheng
    242 words
  • 103 16 Stole Bicycle From Volunteer Headquarters A Chinese named Lim Ah Ghee who had been convicted in the Police Court on two charges of theft was to-day produced before the District Judge for sentence. Chief Court Inspector MacQuarrie who appeared for the prosecution proved a previous
    103 words
  • 131 16 Nineteen People Fined For Possession Eighteen Chinese and a woman were today summoned before the Penang District Jadge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, at the instance of the Monopolies Department charged with the possession of a Chinese medicine which contained 16 per cent, morphine. All the accused
    131 words
  • 268 16 ADMINISTRATION I Estate of Mohamed Hussain In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Cobbet* allowed the application of Kulsome Bee binti Mohamed Dali for probate in *he estate of her brother-in-law Mohamed Hussain bin Puteh. Application for probate had already been made. Hearing this morning
    268 words
  • 22 16 It is officially notifi.d that Buffoon's weight for the First Day in Race 1 should read 8.9 and not 8.11.
    22 words
  • 46 16 The following arrived at Penang by the S.S. Kedah, from Belawan Deli. Mr. C. Whalan. Mr. J. Donnelly, Mr. R. W. Hadley, M. Van Breukelen, Mr. L. M. Renrers, Mr. Ang Bah Gnan, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. A. Georgenon, Mr. F. M. Still.
    46 words
  • 74 16 Off Ferry Boat POLICE LOOKING FOR BODY A Chinese who was crossing to Penang by the ferryboat Kulim at noon to-day, suddenly jumped into the sea and disappeared when the boat was half-way across. Although the boat immediately put back and made a search, the sea had
    74 words
  • 114 16 Driver-Prosecutor s Evidence S. Joseph, motor car driver, stated in evidence to-day against Lee Hoo, charged with the theft of a motor car jack, that cn the merning cf October 7 he left his cai co the drive in front of his employer’s house,
    114 words
  • 99 16 Bet/, Mchamedanized daughter of a Chinese, war charged before the Police magistrate th's with, on or about October 4 in building 54A. Batu Ferringhi, commission cf the theft of jewellery to the value ot SIB 6 and S3O cash, the property of Chia Nya Chee. In
    99 words
  • 83 16 The case of Muthusamy, a Tamil charged with the possession of hens in Macalister cßad and failure tc give a satisfactory account ox how he came b\ the same, was postponed as the Police wished to investigate furthei the ownership of the birds,
    83 words
  • 78 16 Repatriation For Indian Dame Nadar Rowther, a Tamil, undertook to send to India at his own expense an old lady named Malaiamah. charged in the Penang Police Court this morning with vagrancy. Accused had been seen for a long time begging near the trolley
    78 words
  • 119 16 Jelutong Gaming Incident A young Chines? named Cheng Ah Hiew, claiming trial in the Police Court, on a charge of gaming in public on the 5-foot way outside house 562, Jelutong, stated that five or six Chinese, of whom he did not form one,
    119 words
  • 1845 16 Opposition In Selangor CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROTEST (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, October 15. At a crowded public meeting held yesterday at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce it was unanimously decided that a deputation wait on the Chief Secretary and place before him the
    1,845 words
  • 48 16 PENANG, OCTOBER 16 (By Oourteey ef the Chartered Banx Ou London Bank Demand 4 m|ts Private 3 mjts credit 2 4 3 Documentary 4 On New York Bank Demand France T.T. 915 m India T.T. 154 Hongkong T.T. 38% dis. no Shanghai T.T. Bar Silver 1' 3
    48 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 43 16 E. O. j PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. DANCES EVERY Tuesday Thursday Saturday TO-MORROW ROTARY TIFFIN at 1.15 p.m. SPEAKER Mr. J. S. de Villiers ON Anti-Malarial Work in Penang. E. O. GARAGE. First Class Cars On Hire Day and Night. ’PHONE 322 ’PHONE 322.
      43 words
    • 198 16 POSITIONS VACANT VACANCY—On Nursing Staff Calm Holm Private Hospital, Singapore. European essential. Apply by letter to 55, Cairnhill Road. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Au experienced shorthand-typist for Mining Company in Selangor. Only thoroughly competent applicants will be consider <x Apply, stating last salary received and salary expected, with copies of testimonial, to No.
      198 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 37 16 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Rainfa am 74 S 1 m.m. Noon 82 S TIDE TABLES TO-DAT 31gh Water. Low Watg 10.35 a.m. 4.34 a.m. 11.10 p.m. 5.05 p.m. TO-MORROW 11.11 a.m. 5.30 a.m. 11.41 p.m. 5.40 p.m.
      37 words