Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 183 1 —Reuter. EXPECTED FROM JANUARY 1 INCREASED QUOTA 50 PER CENT. FROM APRIL LIKELY The Hague, Oct. 12. Steps to amend the present Tin Reid fictions Agreement in certain instances were taken at an official meeting of the Tin Committee though details will not be divulged until
    —Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 78 1 —Reuter. America’s Pseudo-Fascists Philadelphia, Oct. 12. The city was startled by the arrest of 27 ‘•Khaki-shirts” members of the PseudoFascist organisation who were awaiting orders from the self-styled Commander-in-Chief Art Smith to march to Washington with 150,000 others, to install President Roosevelt as Dictator. Later the chief
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 100 1 War Loan finished at 101%. Rugby Ra•dio Service. General Advance In Prices Registered London, Oct. 12. Following the excellent overseas trade figures for September the Stock Markets presented a cheerful appearance and the advances in prices registered when business closed were almost general under the lead of gold,
    War Loan finished at 101%. Rugby Ra•dio Service.  -  100 words
  • 29 1 —Reuter. Sir Frederick Whyte As Adviser Washington, Oct. 12. The Chinese Legation announces that Sir Frederick Whyte has been appointed adviser to the Chinese National Government.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 252 1 —Reuter Wireless. Dimitroff Rebuked CONFLICTING EVIDENCE BY WITNESSES Berlin, Oct. 10. The Reichstag fire trial was resumed to-day in the Reichstag building when the first witness was a little student, named Floeter, who gave evidence that a fewmen .with burning brands in their hands were breaking the
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  252 words
  • 109 1 gin a few days later. —Rugby Radio Service. London, Oct. 12. The Parliament will reassemble on November 7th after the Summer recess. The I new Unemployment Insurance Bill will be I one of the first government measures to jbe introduced and the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
    gin a few days later.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  109 words
  • 131 1 China Times. Meeting At Semirechensk Nanking, September 24. According to information from diplomatic circles the Chinese Consulate at Semirechensk, in Soviet Russia, has been chosen for the meeting between Dr. Lo Wen-kan and Dr. W. W. Yen, but when it will take place is- still unknown. While there
    China Times.  -  131 words
  • 32 1 —Reuter. Oklahoma City, Oct. 12. The notorious gangster Machine Gun’ Kelly and his wife have been convicted and given life sentences for kidnapping the millionaire, Mr. Urschell. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. Soviet Manager Protests AGAINST ASSISTANT S ACTION Moscow, Oct. 12. M. Rudy, the Soviet manager of the Chinese Eastern Railway, has notified the railway board of certain actions by’ the Manchurian assistant manager, Chian Min-chid which he asserts are illegal especially Minchie’s revocation of the order
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 122 1 Canton by the said organization.—Sin Wen Pao. Opposition To Increased Duty On Rice Canton, September 24. There is no improvement in the rice situation in Canton following the refusal of Hongkong rice merchants to send rice to Canton as a protest against the new rice duty recently
    Canton by the said organization.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  122 words
  • 188 1 Rugby Radio Service. Opened By Prince George MANUFACTURERS 1 CONGRATULATED London, Oct. 12. Prince George opened the 27th International Motor Show at Olympia and in company with King Alfonso made a tour of inspection of the 400 cars on exhibition. Cars from five European continental countries
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  188 words
  • 33 1 —China Times. Hongkong, September 24. Dr. C. C. Wu, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, arrived here yesterday with Miss Hu Mu-lan, the daughter of Mr. Hu Han-min.
    —China Times.  -  33 words
  • 245 1 —Reuter. Date Extended REORGANISATION OF N.R.A. Washington, Oct. 12. While President Roosevelt’s personal intervention was sought to end the strike scourge the task of reorganising the N.R.A. is proceeding apace. Conversations were held betw’een General Johnson and Mr. Wallace Peek with a view to co-ordinating the
    —Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 118 1 —China Times. Question of Settlement Very Unlikely Shanghai, September 25. The meeting on Saturday between Mr. Fessenden and Mr. O. K. Yui, representatives of the Shanghai Municipal Council and the Municipal Government of greater Shanghai respectively, failed to achieve any result as the views of
    —China Times.  -  118 words
  • 68 1 —China Times. Surrounded By Yunnan Provincial Forces Nanking, September 24. The Government is in receipt of a telegram from General Lung Yung, Chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Government, reporting that the Tibetan tribesmen which recently captured Chungtien district, in North-western Yunnan, have been severely beaten by
    —China Times.  -  68 words
    —Reuter.  -  158 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 T. NAGATA BROTHERS DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary Branch Office 52, Leith Street
      15 words
    • 87 1 K£Y BRAND vi nc BiaNmr PRODUCE OF SOUTH AFRICA I'' i Of exce P Uonal Q ualit y ijli “KEY” BRAND Brandy is J;:*: of full yet delicate flavour, ;!<• I fig .1 and sells at a remarkably BM lli ll H IOW price 11 is recommended by all wno
      87 words
    • 96 1 IPOH TRAINING LIST •A PAGE 16 TO-DAY’S CONTENTS 1 Page i Martial Law Declared In > Bangkok 1 $lOO Coupon 3 News From Australia 3 Prize Distribution at Hutchings School 4 16 Correspondence 5 Exclusive China News Service 7 Court News 9 Latest Cables 1 9 Stirring Pageant of English
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2224 2 HATES FOR CASUAL notices municipal notice w.'.'.'.'.’.'.v.v.'.". BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS The Municipal Commissioners of George EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Town, Penang, hereby invite separate ten- ders for the following for one year from PENANG i the Ist January, 1934: I ohOl*t6l*6Cl BCIIIIC I NEDERLANDSCHE All communications relating to I Rent f Jelutong Market
      2,224 words

  • News From Australia
    • 308 3 Telegraph Linesman in Heart of Australia Does It For 52 Years A man on the world's loneliest job has ist retired. He is W. Holtze who is going ito civilisation after 25 years’ service on lie overland telegraph line which runs >rth and south, right through the
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    • 230 3 Leaving This Country Next Month The five destroyers which the Admiralty] are transferring to the Royal Australian Navy will leave England for Sydney on October 17. It was announced in June that these ships would be sent to Australia to replace vessels which have served there since
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    • 172 3 Former Sydney Official s Collection Mr. Thomas H. Nesbitt, an 80-year-old f ormer Town Clerk of Sydney, has a collection of 6,500 autographs, most of which he has obtained in the nine years since he retired from public life. When he wrote to Mr. Bernard Shaw
      172 words
    • 449 3 Australian High Commissioner Melbourne, Sept 2.. e Federal Cabinet has now completed e arrangements for the appointment of Mr. S. M. Bruce, ex-Prime Minister of Australia, as High Commissioner in London. The preliminary arrangements, which included the resignation by Mr. Bruce of his
      449 words
    • 150 3 Sir A. Cobham’s Plan A “flying petrol station” which is to be used to supply petrol in mid-air to the aeroplane in which Sir Alan Cobham plans to fly non-stop from Britain to Australia, has been tested at Croydon. The machine was originally an air liner
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    • 71 3 Melbourne Centenary Music The largest number of choirs ever massed will sing during next year’s Melbourne Centenary Celebrations, says Austral News. Besides twenty metropolitan choral societies, about 200 church choirs will join in. Several thousands of voices will thus make music at oflicial functions, the principal being
      71 words
    • 172 3 Are Ocean Currents Changing There is something extraordinarily interesting, even queer, this year, about the waters that surround Tasmania, and all kinds of theories which would account for far reaching changes in ocean currents are being discussed. Recently the mainland coast of Bass Strait (which separates Tasmania
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    • 215 3 Problem For Australian Golfers Crows have again become a problem to golfers in some parts of New South Wales. The essential principle of the game. “Keep your eye on the ball” has never been more necessary’, but the crows appear to be far more accomplished in
      215 words
    • 116 3 Sydney, Sept. 26. In the case brought against Mr. Lang, the former Premier of New South Wales, by Mr. Willis, the former Agent-General for New Scuth Wales in London, the jury returned a verdict for Mr. Lang on all counts. In his summing up the Judge
      116 words
    • 178 3 Joint Naval Exercises Wellington, September 22. HM. Australian Cruisers Canberra and Australia are now in New Zealand waters carrying out exercises with the Diomere and Dunedin of the New Zealand Division. The combined exercises are said to have been of great value, and the Australian
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    • 115 3 Australian Farmer’s Resource At last the Eaglehawk has found his match in an Australian farmer's resource, states Austral News. Tired of watching his young lambs disappear at sunrise and sundown as the result of the bird's depredations, the manager of a station in upper New South
      115 words
    • 158 3 Dramatic Test of Famous Wicket Soil Soil kept in a bottle of water for nine years has just been opened. Except on the surface which has been in direct contact with the water, the soil was quite dry. The culmination of this remarkable experiment took place at the
      158 words
    • 158 3 800 Fellmongerers Out Sydney, September 22. Eight hundred employees of the five principal fellmongering firms in Sydney went on strike without warning this afternoon, leaving 50,000 perishable skins, valued at £25,000, rotting in the sheds. The present is the busiest time of the year in the
      158 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 B ********************111 l B J Bn, nJ Representative :—Robert Blau»(M alaya) Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore. •Phone 1,711.
      18 words
    • 736 3 $lOO Must Be Won :o S.G. P.G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION :o: i NO ENTRANCE FEE o BELOW will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pinang Gazette, Football Competition No. 1 in which you are asked to forecast results of ten English and Scottish League matches to be played on
      736 words

  • 1496 4 MR. W. R. BOYD PRESIDES MRS. GOODMAN GIVES AWAY THE PRIZES T.k following is the Headmaster’s Report read at the prize-giving at the Hutch ngs School to-day, together with a full list of the prize winners. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Before reading to you
    1,496 words
  • 1116 4 Mr. A. Nunn, of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, is in Ipoh on business. Mr. J. C. Peskett, of Linggi Estate, is going home by the Chr. Huygens on October 27. Mr. H. A. Exley, of Mansfield and Co., Singapore, returned from Colombo by the Antenor. Mr.
    1,116 words
  • 110 4 Next Meeting At Taiping (From Qur Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Oct. 12.. The fifth session of the Perak State Council will be held at the Council Chamber, Secretariat Buildings, Tai ping, on Monday.,October 23rd, 1533. The meeting will be a ceremonial one and on the arrival <rf His
    110 words
  • 101 4 The 68th and 69th Meetings of the Trade Commission were held in Singapore on the 10th and 11th October. Evidence was taken from Mr. A. P. Cameron, Managing Director of Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co., Ltd., regarding the question of a Customs Union for Malaya and
    101 words
  • 42 4 Third Anniversary On the occasion of their third anniversary, ’the Sun Bin School Union, Presgrave Street, are holding a tea-party to-morrow at 2 p.m. There will be a dramatic display m the evening commencing at 7 p m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 2146 5 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette), Sir,—~Tbe present educational advisers of The Government of the St aits Settlements .and of the Malay States are proposing to bring about as froiv Jan. 1, 1934, a cut of no less than 42 per cqnt. in the annual educational grants-ifi-aid
      2,146 words
    • 291 5 Sir, —The above will soon be round again when thousands of dollars will be collected from all nationalities throughout Malaya ostensibly for the relief of disabled ExService Men in England. For the present year I suggest that all monies collected be kept for the relief of unemployed
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  • 59 5 —Reuter. Only 20 More ARCHER'S 1885 RECORD TO GO At Newmarket to-day the champion jockey, Gordon Richards, rode five consecutive winners. He has now ridden 226 and is only 20 short of Archer’s British Record established in 1885. Richards to-day passed Loates who, in 1893, rode 222
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 50 5 Yesterday’s Results The following are the results of ties played yesterday: LADIES' DOUBLES Mrs. Rule and Miss Fitzpatrick beat Mrs. Wallace and Miss Gibson 15-4, 15-4. LADIES’ SINGLES Mrs. Hoblyn beat Mrs. Hutchings 11-7, 11-9. MENS SINGLES P. G. Clark beat H. C. Abraham 15-12, 14-14 (3-0).
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  • 16 5 The Library will be closed on Wednesday, October 18th, 1933, being a Public Holiday.
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  • 270 5 To-morrow's Fixtures HOTSPURS TO VISIT PORTSMOUTH The following are the matches to be played to-morrow in the English and Scottish Leagues: DIVISION I. Arsenal v Newcastle U. Birmingham v W. Brom. A. Chelsea v Middlesbro’ Everton v Blackburn R. Huddersfield T. v Leicester C. Manchester C.
    270 words
  • 33 5 —Reuter. London, Oct. 12 The Daily Express announces that Larwood stated if he was selected for England and forbidden to bowl fast leg theory he would refuse to play.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 35 5 —Reuter. Home Rugby Results London, Oct. 12. The following are the results of the Rugby Union matches played to-day. Leicestershire 10 Durham 15 Newport 10 Barbarians 16 Northampton 27 Guys Hospital 13
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 102 5 .—Reuter Wireless. More Life Sentences New York, Oct. 8. More heavy blows have been struck in the campaign to rid the country of kidnappers by seven life sentences passed over the week-end. In addition to four in Oklahoma, one woman and two men have been sentenced to
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  102 words
  • 154 5 Penang v. Kedah Province Wellesley The following are the revised teams in the Rugger trial to be played on the Esplanade on Saturday at 5.15 p.m.:— Penang.:—A. F. Baughan; J. W. Clark, H. W. Brady, J. L. M. Boyd, J. H. Fenwick; J. P. B. Whaley, Keng
    154 words
  • 78 5 —Reuter. Won By Medieval Knight London, Oct. 12. The following was the result of the Middle Park Stakes run at Newmarket today. (Distance 6 furlongs, value £3,000). MEDIEVAL KNIGHT 1 MRS. RUSTOM 2 FLYING COOT 3 Eleven ran. Won by a length; short head. Betting: 100-30 Medieval
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 45 5 —Rugby Radio Service. Five In One Race London, Oct. 12. Five of the six starters in a historic four miles race for the Newmarket Town Plate were ridden by women. The winner was Journeys End, ridden by Miss Gladys i Waldron.-
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  45 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 383 5 r i dollarl BARGAINS; Z NEWER, BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Z Z CHILDREN'S SHOES LADIES HATS B Really astounding value in children’s Smart New Models in Ladies up-to- One Bar Shoes. Just a few pairs date models. Small straws etc. in left over. Best leathers. Black, chic shapes. All
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    Shun Pao.  -  1,036 words
  • 75 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Liu Wen-Huei Refused Entry Into Sikiang Chengtu, September 25. General Liu Wen-huei, the defeated general in the recent Szechuen civil war, is now at Hanyuan, on the Sikang border, after having been ousted from Ya-an by the Allied forces. General Liu has twelve regiments
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  75 words
  • 120 7 .—Shun Pao. Appointment of Special Commissioners Nanking, September 24. Definite arrangements have been made for financial readjustment in the country, according to information from a reliable source. According to the tentative plans, the country will be divided up into three financial districts; the North China District,
    .—Shun Pao.  -  120 words
  • 112 7 Government asking for instructions.—Sin Wen Pao. Chinese Banks in Shanghai Approached Shanghai, September 25. As the Kiangsu Provincial authorities have failed to raise the necessary funds for the repair of the dykes along the sea coast, the local authorities of Taichang, Kahsing and Paoshan are
    Government asking for instructions.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  112 words
  • 75 7 —Shun Pao. Government To Inquire Into Conditions Nanking, September 24. It is understood that the Government has decided to send a special commissioner to Inner Mongolia to inquire into conditions in that region and to introduce necessary cultural, agricultural, financial and administrative reforms. The commissioner will also
    —Shun Pao.  -  75 words
  • 86 7 Mr. T. V. Soong would visit Peiping. —Sin Wen Pao. Necessary Arrangements With Govt. Not Ended Shanghai, September 25. General Huang Fu yesterday issued a categorical denial to the report that he is leaving for Peiping within a day or two. He declared he
    Mr. T. V. Soong would visit Peiping.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  86 words
  • 54 7 —Shun Pao. Not One Red Within Twenty Miles Foochow, September 24. The Yenping district in Northern Fukien has been cleared of Communists and now not one Red soldier can be found within twenty miles of that city. The Communist threat in Fukien is now regarded
    —Shun Pao.  -  54 words
  • 776 7 World Daily News, Peiping. Demand From A Few Disgruntled Politicians JAPANESE AGENTS BEHIND THE AGITATION “At the present moment when the nation is beset by internal and external difficulties, the Princes of the three leagues in Inner Mongolia, namely, Shilingol, Ulantsab and lededzu, have issued a
    World Daily News, Peiping.  -  776 words
  • 132 7 .—Sin Wen Pao. More Military ’Planes Ordered From Europe Wuchow, September 15. Kwangsi is making rapid progress in developing her aviation. Although the Aviation Bureau of the Fourth Group Army was organized only a year ago, the Bureau now boasts a fleet of more than forty
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  132 words
  • 134 7 —Shanghai Morning Post. Organization of Bandits in Luantung District Peiping, September 24. The bandits which are now active in the Luantung district cal) themselves the Eastern Asia Allied Army. At present only two armies of the new organization are active in the demilitarized zone with Kuo
    —Shanghai Morning Post.  -  134 words
  • 93 7 —Shun Pao. Initial Capital of $5,000,000 Shanghai, September 25. Plans have been drawn up by the Ministry of Industry for the establishment of a large paper factory at Chientien District, in Southern Chekiang, with an initial capital of five million dollars. Three millions are to
    —Shun Pao.  -  93 words
  • 91 7 in Shanghai supervising the work. —Sin Wen Pao. Shanghai Commercial Press Undertaking Shanghai, September 25. A contract has been signed between the Peiping Palace Museum and the Commercial Press in Shanghai for reprinting the Chinese Encyclopedia. The Commercial Press is now drawing up plans for the
    in Shanghai supervising the work.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  91 words
  • 50 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Farmers Appealing For Decrease Chungking, September 24. General Yang Sen has ordered that the land tax for 1932 be collected in his “garrison area.’’ The farmers are now appealing to the provincial authorities, requesting a decrease in the tax on account of famine.
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  50 words
  • 514 7 —Shun Pajo. Abolition Of Unnecessary Organisations FINANCIAL AFFAIRS IN N. CHINA “With the continued financial stringency experienced by the Government a movement is now in progress for the adoption of another retrenchment policy by the Government. Shantung is the first province to adopt it, by reducing the
    —Shun Pajo.  -  514 words
  • 146 7 tricts of the western frontier. —Sin Wen Pao. General Attack On Sikang Launched Nanking, September 24. The Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission has received a report from its representative in Hsining, in Chinghai, stating that considerable military activities are now in progress along the Kinsha River, in Sikang.
    tricts of the western frontier.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  146 words

  • 950 8 By virtue of his sheer enthusiasm Herr Adolf Hitler, like Signor MussoI lini. has given the people of his country a renewed faith in themselves, and the old German qualities of work and thrift are beginning once again to assert themselves. The menace of Bolshevism at one time
    950 words
  • 1261 8  -  J. E. Knox in the Glasgow Herald. Years ago some man whose adventurous sp.rit was greater than his agricultural sense built a hut in the heart of the virgin bush of the coastal hills of Queensland to start a banana plantation. Who he was no one in the
    in the Glasgow Herald.  -  1,261 words
  • 877 8 STONE AGE REFINEMENTS The discovery in the Bernese Alps of what is described as “a summer hunting lodge used by r Stone Age men” has pleasing possibilities. It suggests niceties and refinements that are not usually associated with the Neolithic tradition. If Stone Age man had a
    877 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 11 < _L T rOMv M 5 Wf T= ®a ®CB% I hfww'W-J mark.ncm P /1 It?'c. L*- Uo. S2fc2J-*fiß PaW W? /1 -’s J§£ i •>. Koren JaBlR < 'ar SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated in England.) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR Jt IP OH. -I*L* >wa ‘lf
      164 words
    • 23 8 rtn rri m HnrtrtHnrinnr JI3OI3OIJOIUIUIUOIJUI3I3UUIJLJIJIJLJI ruT Kills fligsj Obtainable at ALL THE LEADING DEALERS OK FROM THE AGEzVTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG.
      23 words

  • 279 9 Rugby Radio Service. Almost Pre-War Security A HAPPY POSITION London, Oct. 12. The President of the Board of Trade, Mr Walter Runciman, speaking last night, .said: 'Britain was in the happy position ol regaining bit by bit her old position .u; a great major trader of the
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  279 words
  • 147 9 —Reuter. Wall Street Very Expectant New York, Oct. 12. Wall Street is very expectant owing to <he rumours that President Roosevelt is making an announcement on the monetary policy on Sunday night. The monetary scheme at present being discussed is stated to include silver though bimetallism is considered
    —Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 71 9 Rugby Radio Service. Heavy Rain London, Oct. 12. Exceptionally heavy rains occurred on Tuesday night in the West and North of England and in the Midlands. In some places two and three inches, equivalent to the average month’s faU, were registered. In South Wales, widespread damage
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  71 words
  • 44 9 .—Reuter. To Report To Hitler Berlin, Oct. 12. Herr Nadolny has been recalled from Geneva to report to the Chancellor on Disarmament Conference. In the meantime it is expected that Herr Hitler will postpone his eagerlj awai speech on disarmament. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 37 9 —Rugby Radio Service. London, Oct. 12. A delegation representing the Kingdom coke producers and expor s leave for Sweden to study the market position on October 14. They will later visit Finland.-
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  37 words
  • 92 9 Reuter. Without Restriction Scheme 1,000,000 TONS ANNUALLY London, Oct. 12. The rubber commodity and share markets this morning reflected the interest in the meeting of Messrs. Harrisons Crosfield at which the chairman, Mr. Eric Miller, declared that his experience clearly demonstrated that in the absence of a
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 142 9 —Reuter. To Unite PREVENTING SENSELESS COMPETITION London, Oct. 12. The movement among the spinners of Egyptian yarns to prevent cut throat competition is importantly developing. The members of the Bolton Master Cotton SpSnners Association are balloting on a scheme basea on the new costing method. It is
    . —Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 80 9 500 Millions In Cash Washington, Oct. 12. Mr. Woodin in a statement said that the new bonds issue will provide the Treasury with $500,000,000 cash for current needs and the operation as constituted will start refunding over $6,250,000 bonds, which, unless previously redeemed, will mature in 1928
    80 words
  • 165 9 Eastem affairs are rich in surprises. —Reuter. Uneasiness In France AN UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Paris, Oct. 12. The Japanese-Soviet tension is causing growing uneasiness here. Le Temps” in a leader states that tvere dees not seem to be any prospect of an agreement at present. If things ccntinu? thus
    Eastem affairs are rich in surprises. —Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 124 9 Theft Charges In the Penang Police Court this morning a Malay named Che Mat bin Ibrahim was charged with the theft, at 1.30 p.m. yesterday in the Burmah Road, of a necklace valued at $5O belonging to Lee Yok Leong. Bail being fixed at
    124 words
  • 57 9 Hhree Chinese. Teh Ah Koo. See Ah Sun, and Tan Kim Un, were charged with vagrancy, having no visible means of subsistence and no fixed place of abode: accused were seen sleeping on the 5 foot way of Stewart Lane. The Magistrate. Mr. D. Wills,
    57 words
  • 78 9 The unwary and uninformed daily fall victims to the ordinary rule of the road which prevails in Pitt Street, a thoroughfare whose two streams of traffic are distisguished by a dividing grass plot which holds its centre. Four Chinese were yesterday fined $2 each by the
    78 words
  • 42 9 Three Chinese were fined 50 cents each in the Police Court this morning, convicted of gaming on the 5 foot way of Muntri Street with chitty cards: the stakes were small, and three other players made good their escape.
    42 words
  • 87 9 —Reuter. TO BEAT KINGSFORD SMITH London, Oct. 13. Charles Ulm, the Australian airman, left Feltam Aerodrome last night for Australia, in an attempt to break the record set up by Sir Charles Kingsford Smith. Reuter. NEW AMERICAN DEVILS ISLAND Washington, Oct. 13. The Department of Justice has selected
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 112 9 tin-spot yesterday to-day I London £224 5 0 £223.17.6 £22 <50 £2231 Singapore' »113.3754 SHJ2-75 Business Done $113.25 $112.75 Penang Business Don» Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers ~$3.15 $3.25 COPRA—(Sundried) «la no $13.75 BLACK PEPPEB W rubber j 4d. 3 3 id. New York ™c.(G) holiday Singapore
    112 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 212 9 I ft everything is plain sailing now... R »> I There is a feeling of restfulness --.J, throughout the house—Worry I and Anxiety have given place irCK yfSWI > to Relief and Cheerfulness— i// BABY IS ON COW GATE NOW I f i J I LOOK AT HIM All chuckles
      212 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 74 9 I? La!3] v’be TOO PENANG. “The most pleasant of atmospheres SATURDAY 14th SPECIAL DINNER DANCE AND CABARET MARTY SANDS AND MILDRED DAWN in an entirely new programme DANCING —SINGING —COMEDY DINERS $3.00 NON DINERS $l.OO Dancing until 1 a.m. r I 'y 4 x yjl< w ■agaj-. > i i
      74 words

  • 800 10 k "CAVALCADE" OPENING TO-NIGHT AT THE MAJESTIC “In Cavalcade,” which opens at the Majestic to-night, Hollywood is declared by a Home critic to have made Britain’s greatest film. Not only has it made our first truly national film, but also found our first real woman
    800 words
  • 93 10 .—Reuter Wireless. M. Mkfis Jedda Pressed For Quick Decision Geneva, Oct. 9. M. Mkfis Jedda (Liberia) is being pressed to make up his mind quickly with regard to the League's plan for the solution of Liberia’s problems in consequence of the news that fighting has broken
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 86 10 a determination to be prepared.—Reuter Wireless. of Concrete Pillboxes To Be Erected Brussels, Oct. 8. A continuous line of concrete pillboxes protecting the approaches to Mamur and Liege and the Meuse Valley and extending io the Dutch frontier is expected to be a feature of the new
    a determination to be prepared.—Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 122 10 —Reuter Wireless. Six By-Elections In England London, Oct. 9. A miniature general election is now pending and is likely to indicate the strength or otherwise for the support of the national government. The death on Saturday of Mr. N. W. Smith Carrington, Conservative member for the Stamford
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 878 10 ADDING CONGESTION AND WASTE TO LONDON S ALREADY OVERCROWDED STREETS One or the greatest of the problems of traffic congestion in London’s streets, so S from being remedied, is beeommg worse every day. The number of horse-drawn vans in use is increasing
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  • 78 10 .—Reuter Wireless. M.P. Kissed By Admiring Women London, Oct. 9. Kisses from admiring women constitutents formed part of the farewell to the Australian-born Captain W. P. Crawford Greene, M.P., for Worcester, who took off from Worcester to-day in a specially chartered triple-engined cruiser monoplane on a 25,000
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  78 words
  • 42 10 will assemble on December Bth.—Reuter Wireless. New Elections Fixed For November 19 Madrid, Oct. 9. The President has signed the decree dissolving the Cortes, the elections are fixed for November 19th and the new Cortes will assemble on December Bth.—Reuter
    will assemble on December Bth.—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 23 10 C. C. WAKEFIELD CO., LTD. Borsumy Building, Robinson Road, Singapore. Tel. No. 4565. Chartered Bank Chambers, Union Street, Penang. Masters Tel. No. 1023.
      23 words
    • 135 10 LATEST CABLE:— World Altitude record established by Lemoine flying Potez Aeroplane Gnome and Rhone Engine, 44,819 feet. I I 'JIS I 'i? I A DISTINCTIVE I TRIBUTE to I Ik tgsntot MOTOR OIL used in the making of the three latest world air records —again proving CASTROL to be the
      135 words

  • 1034 11 RECEPTION CONDITIONS RADIO MAGIC o (BY THE PENANG WIRELESS SOCIETY.) (Wireless Magazine). Reception conditions are improving day after day as shown by the good reception of the B. B. C. which can be tuned in usually after 9 p.m. At about 11 p.m. onwards its volume is something like
    (Wireless Magazine).  -  1,034 words
  • 116 11 I. —Reuter Wireless. Being Actively Pursued London, Oct. 8. The plans formed at the recent conference of the Little Entente at Sinaia for closer co-operation of all South European States are being actively pursued with the participation of the sovereigns concerned. A meeting has just
    I.—Reuter Wireless.  -  116 words
  • 66 11 —Reuter Wireless. Unfavourable Weather London, Oct. 9. The Mollisons have now decided to abandon their proposed flight due to the lateness in the season and the persistent unfavourable weather conditions. The Mollisons have cabled that they have decided to use the alternative route and are reshipping
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 512 11 WIRELESS 8.8. C. Programme For Straite Settlements, and Federated .'Malay States from the Empire transmitter Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent LaU Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kcjs 31.55 m. or
      512 words
    • 163 11 Selection. “Monte Carlo”— NewMayfair Orchestra. B 6334 6 8 One Step. “Hyde Park Corner —John Jackson and his Orchestra. Fox Trot. “What have we got to lose” —John Jackson and his Orchestra. B 6363 Waltz. “I can’t remember”— Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra. Foxtrot. “Hold Me”—Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra.
      163 words
    • 1130 11 PRINCIPAL SHORT-WAVE BROADCASTING STATIONS (By THE PENANG WIRELESS SOCIETY.) In Order Of Wavelength Difference in x time to Malaya. GENERAL INFORMATION. &0 x «n tn 1 It STATION. t if J= U J i 5 Interval signals, days of transmission», eta. 7.4 41,891 La Turbie, France J I 7 9.8
      1,130 words

  • The Latest Commercial News
    • 409 12 Messrs. William Jacks Co. reported as follows on September 20 The prolonged summer weather is postponing the post-holiday covering of consumers’ requirements and fresh investment of paper currency in commodities, and because of that there has been a tendency to sag. At the Association of British Chambers
      409 words
    • 35 12 The following are the tin outputs for the month of September, 1933 Ngow Estate (2 Dredges only):—Hours, 1,***** c. yards, 224,700; piculs, 965.04. Takuapa Property (2 Dredges):—Hours, 946%: c. yards, 205,700; piculs, 1,218.33.
      35 words
    • 92 12 Municipality of George Town The health statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending October 7, 1933, shows a total of 68 deaths -—4 O males and 28 females—the death-rate being 22.72 per mille, compared with 15.37 in the preceding week and with 19.49 in
      92 words
    • 64 12 During the week-ending 7th October, 1933, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 20,593 cases, of which 15,390 cases ■were to the United Kingdom; 1,086 cases to the Continent of Europe; 2.575 cases to Canada and 1,537 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, Ist Jan., 1933,
      64 words
    • 1104 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The foikrylng ven the latest quoCatlotu m MESSRS. KENNEDY A shart Usl to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING A. Hitam 15 6 16 Oex 15 3 15 9ex Bangrin 30,6 316ex30 6 316 ex B. Padang 90 1.00 92%1.00 Hitam
      1,104 words
    • 131 12 Latest Quotations Thursday Wednesday PariH 79 5 32 79 9,32 New York 4.66% 4.65% Montreal 4.«< 1 4 4.76% Brussels 22.27% 22.30 Geneva 16.02 16.03 A ms terdam 7.69% 7.70 Milan 59 59% Berlin 13 13.02% Stockholm 19.40 19.39 Copenhagen 19.90 22.40 Oslo 28 19.90 I
      131 words
    • 58 12 PENANG, OCTOBER 13 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2 4 116 4 mts 2|4 18 Private 3 m ts credit 2|4 5|16 3 Documentary 2j4 7'16 On New York Bank Demand 53% France T.T. 910 nom. I India T.T. ***** Hongkong T.T. 38% dis.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 37 12 If you wish to extend your trade and find new customers, try a small advertisement in the “Pinang Carette.” It circulates throughout the whole of North Malaya. Siam and Sumatra. As a selling medium it stands unrivalled
      37 words
    • 6 12 SEE THE Sunday Gazette 20 Pages
      6 words
    • 113 12 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION The Government private road round the P.W.D. Stores, etc., at Sungei Pinang will be closed to all through vehicular traffic between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday, the 15th October, 1933. By Order, r. h. McCleland, Senior Executive Engineer, Penang Province Wellesley. MX "GLENLUCE"
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 36 12 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Ralnfal 6a.m. 76 S 2 m.m. Noon 86 N.W. TIDE TABLES J TO-DAY Sigh Water. Low Wats 4.45 a.m. 9.50 p.m. 2.30 p.m. TO-MORROW 9.07 a.m. 3.31 a.m. 10.11 p.m. 3.50 p.m.
      36 words

  • 685 13 MR. SAMUEL JOYCE THOMAS TWICE WELCOMED BY SIR WALTER HUGGARD In Trinidad And Kenya Mr. Justice Samuel Joyce Thomas, 'he new Chief Justice of the F.M.S., who arrived by the P. O. Comorin yesterday left for Singapore by the same steamer, although preparations had been made
    685 words
  • 549 13 Schedule of Principal Lines Tha following la a list of ▼pi—ela arriving Milling from Penang during the week.. IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. MAHIDOL from Mergui, Moulmein and Tavoy. Sails for the same ports to-day. S.S. COMORIN to Far East. S.S. MATANG from Tongkah, Kopah, Renong and
    549 words
  • 240 13 OCTOBER 13 Hutchings School, annual distribution of prizes, 11 a.m. OCTOBER 14 Hockey State Trial in Ipoh. Penang Football Association Cup tie P.R.C. v. M.A.F.C. St. Xaviers Ground. OCTOBER 15 Annual General Inspection of the Penang and Province Wellesley, Volunteer Corps. OCTOBER 18 Penang Football Association Cup
    240 words
  • 418 13 SPECIAL NOTICE EARLIER CLOSING OF MAILS Postal Union Transit Statistics During the period 15th October to 11th November 1933 inclusive all mails for Europe and Foreign countries generally will close one hour earlier than usual. The hours of closing mails for Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States will
    418 words
  • 152 13 Great Success Miss Mildred Dawn and Marty Sands, the cabaret performers now appearing at the Runnymede Hotel, had a great deal to do with the success of the special dinner and dance held at the Hotel last night. The number of diners was quite good. After dinner
    152 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 iVeiv Way to Banish Ugly Hair RSfeO Sensational Discovery of British Scientist Men detest superfluous hair. They never find a woman attractive who suffers from it. To-day, in three minutes, you can sav goodbye forever to all unwanted hair, and have smooth white arms and legs free from the slightest
      139 words
    • 38 13 f apiol steel I I Sure and certain for all Female I I complaints. Every lady should I I keep a box in the housfc I f W. J. XSDIfONDO I The Twrltah Pharmacy SS-M, BBBCb Street, Penang.
      38 words
    • 21 13 Whaf is the Good of repining buy I THE PINANG GAZETTE AND SUNDAY GAZETTE Keep up date and J be happy
      21 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 209 13 Ji n s a a ra 6.15 OPENING TO-NIGHT 9.30 MARION 8 partes DAVIES: AS BELOVE,> tJEG and her dog MICHAEL— H in 5 W t M.G.M’s BRiLLIANT I 1M M R T al,zat,on 1 OF THE w R L 0 S BEST-LOVED COMEDY "PEG O'MY HEART" nr J. MANNERS.
      209 words

    • 151 14 Mannar Landing-Ground Unsuitable FRESH CONSULTATION REQUIRED Mannar, Sept. 25. Mr. J. Shillitoe, Chief Engineer, Post and Telegraph Department, and Mr. Baxter, Assistant Chief Engineer, visited Talaimannar and Mannar last week-end in connection with the laying of the new cable for the purpose of telephonic
      151 words
    • 122 14 Weavers At The Wellawatte Mills Another strike has occurred in Colombo —at the Spinning and Weaving Mills, Wellawatte, on Wednesday. There is, however, no connection with the strike at the Galle Face Hotel. Since a settlement was reached during the last strike at the mills, the
      122 words
    • 126 14 Why Not A Ceylon Regiment At a meeting of the Taldua Village Protection Society, held on September 17th, Mr. M. de Mel Laxapathy proposed a resolution asking Government to form a regiment to be recruited from the village youths in Ceylon. Such a meausre, he said,
      126 words
    • 143 14 To Protest Against Use Of Public Funds Jaffna, Sept. 18. The Committee of the Tamil Conference appointed at the last Ridgeway Hall meeting, who met His Excellency the Governor on his recent visit to Jaffna, as stated before, and wished for another nomination day, are taking
      143 words
    • 118 14 The “Times of Ceylon" learns that the Controller of Establishments has issued an important circular to Heads of Government Departments in connection with new entrants to the Public Service who are nonCeylonese. The circular states :—“Since the scales of salary recommended by the Salaries and Cadres
      118 words
    • 91 14 Labour Party Cable Mr. Arthur Henderson A cable has been sent to the Rt. Hon. Mr. Arthur Henderson, Secretary of the British Labour Party, by Mr. A. E. Geonesinghe, as Chairman of the Ceylon Labour Party, asking him to take measures for receiving the Ceylon deputation.
      91 words
    • 78 14 European Association Council’s Resolution At a meeting of the Council of the European Association, held on Thursday, the following resolution w r as passed without opposition after careful consideration of all aspects of the question “That in the opinion of this Council the proposed amendments
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    • 290 14 Girl Says Yes And Is Shot WANTED LETTERS BACK How her former fiance shot her after begging her not to break off the engagement was told in the Nugegoda revolver shooting case on September 23rd. Mr. E. A. Pieris, Chena Muhandiram, Matale, is charged in the case
      290 words
    • 157 14 AT FOUR-SCORE-AND-FIVE Killed Octogenarian Wife Matara, Sept. 26 The story of a man, 85 years old, having stabbed his wife, 80 years old, to death with a katty, because, as he said, she had carried tales, was told in the Matara Police Court by the grandson, aged ten. The incident
      157 words
  • 61 14 Reuter Wireless. Ottawa, Oct. 7. Canada will market a funding loan of $225,000,000 on Tuesday next divided into three series of two, six and twelve year maturities, yielding respectively 3.75%, 4.20% and 4.35% interest. The primary purpose of the loan is to refund the $170,000,000
    Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 154 14 .—Reuter Wireless TRIUMPH OF MILITARY DISCIPLINE London, October 7. An elderly motor driver’s fainting fit; while at the wheel is believed to have been the cause of the tragedy at the chan- I ging of the Guard at Buckingham Palace' to-day. The car, a salmon, estimate! to
    .—Reuter Wireless  -  154 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 53 14 Sunsel approaches 3 n&v ftra sicngah KINCCEOFCE Qw Jak ’l'» x After a strenuous day in the boat you can’t r'WK» J'v* w i fail t 0 a PP rec i ate that first stengah if it’s WkWV jBKvA “King George”—others may follow, each giving the same mellowed satisfaction. 1
      53 words
    • 118 14 FAMOUS FOR ITS FINE j 1 DELICATE FLAVOUR AND UNVARYING QUALITY 1 I Il I I 1 1 1 1 II 3s 1 I 1 LI; -X. PSOOuCIS w a hikc ceqrgev t n, r 1 i r ’tt l iij o ..ii. SOLE AGENTS FOR I I S. S.
      118 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1235 15 e I I k> i I |g 1 J Cll I 1 r^*" 1 jrC 1.-ias&r *<BLiiifMiiuiEij w »i «wxxnnsxwHm LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. ta TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR c y .ONES Mars. L’don, R’dam, H’burg and Gl’gow. P Oct“ S 2O I IMF j BATES London, Amsterdam Hamburg Oct.
      1,235 words
    • 800 15 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in *<:■ jtayydi MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES Peninsular and Oriental g. jj. Co. p t- i “der contraci with Hu Majesty* e an S> Anson, Port SwetGovernment, London and Far East tenha m» Malacca and Singapore. Mall Service. Service. Outwards from
      800 words

  • 1130 16 TRAINING LIST SEVERAL newcomers to make debut The following is a list of horses and ponies in training for the Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting, showing present age, owner and trainer of each candidate. No. Horse. Age. Descr. Owner. Trainer. 1 Brampton a <"h.a.g H.
    1,130 words
  • 396 16 Municipal President Presides MRS. GOODMAN PRESENTS PRIZES The annual distribution of prizes of the Hutchings School was held in the Mortimer Hall to-day and was presided over by Mr. W. R. Boyd, President Municipal Commissioners, while Mrs. A. M. Goodman, wife of the Hon. the Resident
    396 words
  • 45 16 9 Results Only Owing to a clerical error the match Millwall v West Ham United was wrongly set in our Coupon No. 1. This match will not be taken into consideration and the $lOO will be awarded for 9 Results Only
    45 words
  • 651 16 Echo Of Pawnshops Failure 11 APPLICATION FO DISCHARGE REFI I In the Supreme Court this morin Mr Justice Cobbett refused the applic. t J Eng Kok Siew for his discharge from banJ ruptcy. Applicant was one of the ners in the big pawnshop business
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 729 16 EL O PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. Special Monthly Rates For Permanent Residents TO-MORROW Orchestral Music During Tiffin 12.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. Dinner and Dance 9.30 p.m. Midnight MUSIC BY THE NEW E. O. ORCHESTRA (Under the Direction of Leonardo) I E. O. GARAGE. First Class Cars On Hire Day and Night.
      729 words
    • 204 16 ■■■■■■■B B B B I PILES CAN BE CURED. A Treatment That Is Different If yon are suffering the tortures of Piles and its kindred ailments, and have tried every known remedv without obtaining relief, we ask you to give Dr. Van Vleck’s Absorptive Pilk Plasma a trial. Its curative
      204 words