Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 150 1 have another go at the record.”—Rugby Radio Service. 11 Magnificent Flight SCOTT TO ATTACK NEW RECORD London, Oct. 12. News of Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith’s great achievement in completing the flight from England to Wyndham, Australia, in the record time of 7 days 4 hours
    have another go at the record.”—Rugby Radio Service.  -  150 words
  • 61 1 1. —Rugby Radio Service. Sir Herbert Palmer London. Oct. 11. The King has approved the appointment of Eurene Millington Drake, counsellor at the British Embassy at Buenos Aires, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Monte Video. Sir Herbert Palmer has been appointed Governor and
    1.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  61 words
  • 115 1 .—Reuter Wireless. 4 ‘Gifts” For Lucky Numbers Awaited London, Oct. 7. The Duke of Atholl announces that no “gifts” will be received after to-day. This cryptic announcement marks the end of the first phase in the huge plan to circumvent the British lottery laws. Thwarted
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 62 1 tine is conecteu, Lines belonging to the conference.-Reuter Wireless. North German Lloyd Fined New York, Oct. 7. The arbitrator of the North-Atlantic Conference has fined the North German Lloyd 182,000 dollars for accepting registered marks as passage money by passengers saved fifteen per cen fine
    tine is conecteu, – ■ Lines belonging to the conference.-Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 96 1 Quota Or Total Prohibition INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL MEETING London, Oct. 11. The suggestion that the government should take steps immediately’ to regulate the imports of Japanese silk goods by quota fir, if necessary’, by total prohibition was made by the Joint Industrial Council of the silk industry after
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  • 57 1 v.—Reuter. Unrest In H.M.S. Hood London. Oct. 11. The Admiralty has issued a statement to the effect that rumours of unrest ih H.M.S. Hood which has been given prominence in a newspaper was an entire fabrication. Their Lordships deeply regret that they are forced to deny a baseless
    v.—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 89 1 Not To Be Countenanced London, Oct. 11. Conversations on the disarmament question were continued at Geneva to-day and this afternoon leading British, French and United States delegates had a meeting lasting for about an hour. According to Geneva press messages it was stated at the conclusion that
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  • 66 1 appealed to modify their attitude.—Reuter Wireless. German Delegation Oppose Appointment Geneva, Oct. 7. The German delegation has torpedoed the Dutch resolution regarding the appointment by the League of a Refuge High Comm ssioner by announcing their intention to oppose the League's direct participation in the question.
    ***** appealed to modify their attitude.—Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 38 1 Reuter Wireless. Amateur Riders Banned In Germany Berlin, Oct. 7. Non-aryan jockeys and amateur riders i will henceforward be banned from nding in all races by order of the Prussian Mims- ter for the Interior—Reuter Wireless.
    .. Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 172 1 —Rugby Radio Service. September Returns INCREASE IN MANUFACTURED EXFORTS London, Oct. 11. A further expansion in overs cs trade in September is revealed in the preliminary Board of Trade figures. Imports during last month were valued at £37,772,000 against £56,754,000 in August and £54,272,000 in September
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  172 words
  • 104 1 Secret Preparations Ancona, Oct. 8. Colonel Casanelli’s machine in which he broke the air speed record was constructed secretly and daily preparations had been made for a fortnight for the attack on the record but weather conditions were bad until to-day. The engine develops 2,500
    104 words
  • 118 1 i.—R.euter Wireless. Dimitroff's Sallies INFECT FELLOW PRISONERS Leipzig, Oct. 11. The self composure and ready wit of Dimitroff has infected his fellow prisoners who to-day gleefully joined in the general appreciation of Dimitroff’s sallies and answered questions themselves more boldly than formerly. Dimitroff returned to Court and
    i.—R.euter Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 145 1 i.—Reuter. To Issue 12 Year Bonds Washington, Oct. 12. The Treasury has issued a refunding call for 1875 million dollars of the outstanding six billion dollars issue of Fourth Liberty Bonds and has simultaneously announced a new issue of twelve-year bonds of the same amount of which 500
    i.—Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 236 1 —Reuter. Laissez Faire THE FUTURE OF SHANGHAI London, Oct. 11. Dr. Sze interviewed by Reuter on the eve of his departure for Washington to take up the post of Chinese Minister dwelt on the pressing importance of Far Eastern affairs. All over the world, he said,
    ■.—Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 89 1 Shun Pao. Rebel General Starts New Offensive Hongkong, September 21. The South-west Political Council has received a telegram from General Yu Kuotsai, of Kweichow, reporting that General Wang Chia-lieh, Chairman of Kw’eichow, has ordered a new offensive against his forces in Western Kweichow. He
    Shun Pao.  -  89 words
  • 73 1 -—Shanghai Morning Post. New Japanese Minister For China Nanking, September 21. According to a special telegram from Tokyo the new Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Hirota, is contemplating replacing Mr. Ariyoshi, the present Japanese Minister to China, by Mr. Arita, Director of the Asiatic Department of the Japanese Foreign
    -—Shanghai Morning Post.  -  73 words
  • 86 1 —Reuter. New Bonds Issue Washington, Oct. 11. Mr. Woodin has stated there will be a new bonds issue to provide the Treasury with 500 million dollars cash for current needs. The operation has been constituted to start refunding over 6,250 million dollars bonds which, unless previously redeemed, will
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 64 1 Rugby Radio Service. Investigating Atlantic Air Mail TO CONNECT WITH AMERICAN LINES London, Oct. 11. Sir Samuel Instone, director of Imperial Airways announced that it was hoped to operate the complete England to Australia air mail within ten or twelve months and added that they were actively investigating
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  64 words
  • 91 1 Sin Wen Pao. Luantung Bandits Capture Funing Peiping, September 21. Funing, a city in the demilitarized area, has been captured by the “Big Rats Gang,” the same group which captured Chinwangtao. Most of the city has been burned down. The magistrate has had to move his office
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  91 words
  • 49 1 i.—Shanghai Morning Post. Uneasiness Among Local Population Peiping, September 21. Many Japanese troops have lately arrived in Peiping, causing much uneasiness among the local population. To-day another batch of forty artillery men arrived from Tientsin together with three hundred military pigeons.—Shanghai Morning Post.
    i.—Shanghai Morning Post.  -  49 words
  • 69 1 the post on account of ill health. —China Times. Mr. Chang Shou-yung May Be Appointed Chairman Shanghai, September 22. It is learned locally that Mr. Chang Shouyung, new Vice-Minister of Finance, is the most likely candidate for the post of Chairman of the Kiangsu Provincial Government
    the post on account of ill health.—China Times.  -  69 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bishop Street, PENANG. Telephone No. 772.
      12 words
    • 113 1 ■Y APPOINTMENT MACFARLANE LANG CO.’S FAMOUS ASSORTMENTS M L. ASSORTED Red Blue Tin X very popular assortment of sweet and •horteating biscuits. AFTERNOON TEA Special Tin Original introduction of M. L Co., for dessert or afternoon tea purposes. A eery high-class selection. FAMILY ASSORTED Special Tin assortment of biscuits for
      113 words
    • 99 1 I PERAK TURF CLUB AUTUMN MEETING Page 16 1 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS Page i Sale of Adulterated Dewar’s Whisky 4 Chinese Provident Assn. Annual Meeting 4 Record Entries for Ipoh Races 5 Malays’ Runaway Victory 5 Cesarewitch Result 5 Exclusive China News Service Court News Latest Cables 1 9 Increase of
      99 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2321 2 *ATES FOR CASUAL hitam tin limited, and municipal notice BANKS ARVERTIRFMENTS REDUCED Mil W fall I Ivtlntn I w (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) rj- be Mimiripal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite separate ten- notice is hereby givex that the one year Chartered Bank neDcRLANDSCHE AH communications relating to
      2,321 words

  • 393 3 Two R.A.F. Men Burned To Death ANOTHER MACHINE HITS A WALL A Third Missing Disaster has overtaken one if not two of the aeroplanes which took part in the recent manoeuvres with the Navy off the coast of Scotland. On September 26 two of the machines crashed
    393 words
  • 234 3 A man who said he was relieved to discover that his “wife” was a bigamist gave evidence at the Old Bailey recently, when Lilian Maud Gwatkin, aged 29, kitchen worker, of Deptford, pleaded guilty to bigamy at Bermondsey with James Arthur
    234 words
  • 534 3 Baffled Editor’s Story An amazing story is told by Mr. Bernard Falk, a former London editor, in his book, “He laughed in Fleet-street,” which is to be published by Hutchinsons (18s. 6d). He does not pretend to explain what he describes as a “curious experience,” but
    534 words
  • 128 3 A plague-stricken rat was found in the motorcar in which the General Officer Commanding, Lieut.-General Sir George Jeffreys, and his wife Dorothy Viscountess Cantelupe, were visiting the military hospital at Poona, where bubonic plague is rife. Apparently there is no fear that either Sir
    128 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 143 3 feH Horlick’s builds up vigorous young bodies k v€?" 0 CHILDREN in chefr j* early years should be given a nourishing v jSEr-?, r diet —one that provides x_■ <~>v.l■ 81 plenty of X. ■> food. That’s why doctors V x ■R recommend Horlick s Ja Malted Milk. P
      143 words
    • 36 3 SELLING MAD.i EASY —Times are hard but there ts no need »o offer that article at a “throwawaj price.” Send along a aißall advertisement to the “Pinang Gazet»-” and dispose of it at a satisfactory Hgure
      36 words
    • 144 3 ayyyii- Y V .1 «r v ODE O' 7 °the ffEWT9 °L Dl/TRiBUTOR/ V7Af?!tW r4*eaB£KOHK£3ESHaBKS WTIWI rW JWWJT”‘i» mi.CTOaW»SFSSSC3 j Th 9 most generally useti iVJedioine for all Climates (KLCollis Browser fcprwrawjwx 7 Substitute. Acta like a charm In Check» and arrests DIARRHEA and CROUP, AGUE, fi |UE A I
      144 words

  • 758 4 Dealer Acquitted POSSIBILITY OF BEING TAMPERED IN TRANSIT Holding that there was no evidence to show in what condition the five bottles of whisky were when they were sold to the Chop at Kepala Batas and that there was a possibility that the bottles might
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  • 609 4 Meeting At Chamber Of Commerce The Twelfth Annual General Meeting of the Chinese Provident Association, Penang, will be held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, October 18, 1933, at 5 pm. AGENDA 1. Minutes of the Eleventh Annual General Meeting held on 12th October, 1932,
    609 words
  • 50 4 In cur report yesterday, concerning the activities at Fun. it was stated that Mrs. >J. W. Murdoch, sports captain of the jY.W.C.A., had expressed her intention lof giving instruction in swimming. This lis not the case. Mrs. Murdoch has no intention of taking on swimming instruction at Fun.
    50 words
  • 293 4 Forthcoming Kedah Visit (From Our Own Correspondent! Alor Star, Oct. 10. In connection with the forthcoming visit of H. E. Major General Oldfield, General Officer Commanding Malaya Command, for the first annual inspection of the Kedah Volunteer Force, H. E. and Staff will arrive at the
    293 words
  • 137 4 Fortune Teller Tells The Magistrate “It is not I but the sparrows and the tortoise that tell fortunes,” said an aged Chinese who appeared in the Se rem ban Police Court charged with fortune telling. Two Java sparrows and a tortoise were produced as exhibits. The magistrate: Have
    137 words
  • 65 4 Two Candidates Pass In First Division The following are the Malayan successes in the London Matriculation Examination held last June First Division.—Lim Kean Hcoi, private study. Arthur Babraj Pragasam, AngloChinese School, Penang. Second Division.—Andrew Joseph Soh, Andrew Martin Loh, Murugesu Kathiravelu (private study), Oh Ewe Kin, Goh
    65 words
  • 745 4 Mr R. V. N. Shute, of Barbour Co., Singapore, has returned from Home. Mr J Parke, of Kuala Lumpur, is Homeward bound by the “Corfu” this week. Captain Columbine, of the- 220 Burma Rifles, Taiping, has proceeded Home on furlough. Mr H. A. Exley of «Mansfield and
    745 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 890 5 MEETING EXTENDED TO FOUR DAYS FULL CARD OF NINE EVENTS A DAY The entries for f he Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting have been so exceptionally good that the Committee have had no alternative but to extend it to four days. The racing dates
    890 words
  • 497 5 e. —Reuter. Easy Win For Seminole LOOSESTRIFE AND ROI DE PARIS PLACED London, Oct. 11. The following was the result of the Cesarewitch run at Newmarket to-day:— SEMINOLE 4 yrs. 8.0 (Mr. J. E. Widener) F. Fox 1 LOOSESTRIFE 4 yrs. 8.6 (Mr. P. Johnson) Perryman
    e.—Reuter.  -  497 words
  • 584 5 Province Beaten SEVEN GOALS IN OPENING CUP TIE Thanks to fine work by Kronenberg in goal the Province Wellesley Football Association escaped a double figure score against them from the Darul Aihsan Football Club yesterday in the opening Cup tie in the 1933 competition, but the Malays
    584 words
  • 56 5 Saturday’s Match The following will represent the Muthibol Ahzan Football Club (Kampong Java) against the Penang Recreation Club in the p.F.A. Cup-tie on Saturday at the S.X.I. ground at 5.15 p.m. Seyed; Mat b Said, Mat b Abiang; Che Hussain, Osman, F. Ibrahim; A. Hamid, Abdul Manap,
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  • 47 5 The usual Devotional Meeting will be held on Sunday, the 14th October, 1933 at 5.00 p.m. sharp at the Wesley Church. Rev. Goh Hoed Kheng, the Pastor of the Singapore Straits Chinese Church, will deliver a lecture on Christainity. All are cordially invited.
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  • 282 5 Drawn Match (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Oct. 11. In an exciting hockey match played at Taiping yesterday evening, the King Edward VII School drew with the Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar, each side scoring two goals. The game w r as played in a drizzle
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  • 91 5 Outbursts By Larwood And Duckworth Sydney, Oct. 12. Outbursts by Larwood and Duckworth, the fermer saying he will continue to bowl to a packed leg trap unless expressly forbidden which is most unlikely, and the latter saying the M. C. C. had not been extended the courtesies customary
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  • 75 5 Latest Results The following are the latest results in the European Badminton Tournament: TIES PLAYED ON OCT. 10 A. C. Trotter beat P. J. Regester 15-2, 15-6. L. M. Norris and Miss Risoe beat Capt. and Mrs. Ridout 21-5, 21-7. TIES PLAYED ON OCT. 11 Mr. and
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  • 50 5 The following will represent the U.A.F.A. against the Young Indian XI on Sunday, the 15th inst., on the Renong Ground at 5.15 p.m. sharp: Foong Chin; Cheng Hoe and Chan Poh; Kee Kong, Sum Pheng and Danker (capt.); Wong, Phee Seng, Kee Seong, Kee Lin and Kok Huat.
    50 words
  • 46 5 Reuter. County Rugby London, Oct. 11. The County Rugby match between Derbyshire and Durham was played to-day at Chesterfield and resulted in a win for Derbyshire by, 11 points to 9. The United Services (Portsmouth) defeated the R.M.A. by 11 points to 6.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 54 5 To-day at the Esplanade 6 p.m. —7.30 p.m. 1 March —Dons of the Brave—Bidgood. 2 Overture —La Couronne D’or —Hermann. 3 Selection —A Country Girl —Monckton. 4 Waltz —Silvery Moon—Frazzini. 5 Intermezzo —Anona —Grey. 6 Selection —Leslie Stuart’s Songs— Godfrey. 7 Fox Trot —Around the Marble Arch Gay.
    54 words
  • 163 5 Hilarious Comedy At Queen’s Local Boy Makes Good, which opened a season at the Queen’s last night is a hilarious comedy with the wide-mouthed funster, Joe E. Brown in the leading role. Dorothy Lee is co-starred with Joe for the first time, and she gives her
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 265 5 WIRELESS 8.8. C. Programme For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmit terr Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the tranamissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals. Ball Sign Frequency Wavelength. GSB 9,510 kc|s 31.55
      265 words

  • 208 6 Golf Links Fight With Arabs FIANCEE IN ENGLAND Cairo, Sept. 24. Leading Aircraftman John Adam Howard, aged 27, of No. 216 Squadron of the R.A.F., Heliopolis, near Cairo, was murdered by footpads on Sept. 22nd when walking over Heliopolis Sporting Club golf links—which extend far
    208 words
  • 377 6 A story’ of two Sandhurst cadets being chased by a poliee-constable at Southsea after what they were alleged to have described as "just a mad binge" was told at Petersfield (Hants Petty Sessions*. Peter Hatton Allen Gardner, aged 19, and James Crockett,
    377 words
  • 97 6 Lord Melchett’s Daughter A* Synagogue Viscountess Erleigh was received into the Jewish community according to Liberal Jewish rites on September 9. The ceremony was private and took place at the North London Liberal Synagogue, Stamford-hill. It was conducted by the Rev. Maurice L. Perlzweig. Lady
    97 words
  • 293 6 Hidden Child “SHE IS NOT MENTALLY DEFECTIVE” Newport, Monmouthshire. Sept. 22. “I shall certainly not comply with the magistrate’s order, whatever the consequences. My child shall not return to a mental institution, for she is not mentally defective, whatever the doctors may say.” This declaration, says a
    293 words
  • 376 6 Outspoken comments on what he described as the opportunities given to windowcleaners in London to act as agents for burglars were made by Mr. Fry, the Bowstreet magistrate. He told a representative of a windowcleaning firm: “Your firm has been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 P^*'^ iii; i i*ah^-J =jaaaM*aH»M*l Fyzrte——— —W ||i 1 r ||rLJ 1 I i 1 f-*' <-ST ||l ill j i i'll tf>. gJgJiaß J j u .3._Aj_——J SOLE AGENTS HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. f I PENANG. i NOTHING LOOKS SO GOOD LASTS SO LONG PROVES SO ECONOMICAL AS ATLAS
      193 words
    • 186 6 JOHNNIE WAbKER orn \lB2O- sti 11 ''Ml \g° in 8 strong For your very good health holds twice its meaning over a glass of Johnnie Walker. There is no finer or healthier stimulant than whisky, and no whisky more acceptable than JOHNNIE WALKER. RED LABEL for all occasions, the J||[i
      186 words

  • 302 7 —China Times. SOUTH-WEST C.E.C. MEMBERS AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT’S DECISION “Recent reports state that the C.E.C. members in the South-west have decided to support the stand taken by Generals Chen Chi-tang, Li Tsung-jen and Tsai Tingkai in their joint telegram issued on Sept. 3rd advocating a postponement
    ’—China Times.  -  302 words
  • 105 7 —Shun Pao. General Huang Fu to Confer With Nanking Shanghai, September 22. General Huang Fu, Chairman of the Peiping Political Readjustment Commission, is leaving for Nanking shortly to confer with the Government concerning the financial situation in North China. It is said that General Huang
    ,—Shun Pao.  -  105 words
  • 100 7 —Shun Pao. Conference With General Chiang Kai-shek Peiping, September 21. General Wang Yi-cheh, an army commander of the North-eastern Army, left here for Hankow yesterday on his way to Kuling to see General Chiang Kai-shek. After a brief stop at Kuling General Wang will proceed
    (.—Shun Pao.  -  100 words
  • 62 7 —Sin Wen Pao. Gen. Ma Chan-shan’s Office Wound Up Shanghai, September 22. By order of General Ma Chan-shan the local office of the Heilungkiang hero was formally wound up yesterday. General Lang Kwan-pu, former Acting Chairman of the Heilungkiang Provincial Government and head of General Ma’s local office,
    ’.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  62 words
  • 59 7 ammunition. Shanghai Morning Post. Reinforced By Full Division Of Infantry Peiping, September 25. The Japanese garrison in North China has been reinforced by one full division of infantry which will be distributed at Tientsin, Peiping, Tangku and Tongshan. Yesterday a company of Japanese infantry arrived
    ammunition. Shanghai Morning Post.  -  59 words
  • 156 7 i. —China Times. Plans To Organize Independent Administration Peiping, September 21. Another two thousand of the rebel troops under General Fang Chen-wu, who is calling himself commander-in-chief of the Allied forces, entered Huaiju last night. There are indications they will advance towards Changping and
    i.—China Times.  -  156 words
  • 162 7 and is now being held for ransom.—Central Daily News. Magistrate Held For Ransom Kaifeng, September 17. Luyi, a city in Eastern Honan, was attacked and captured by bandits on the night of September 13th and the magistrate was kidnapped, according to news just received from
    and is now being held for ransom.—Central Daily News.  -  162 words
  • 106 7 i.—China Times. Trouble Brewing in North Hopei Peiping, September 21. General Li Chi-chun, commander of the Manchoukuo irregulars which were later l reorganized as Special Peace Preservation Corps, recently demanded that his troops be increased to six thousand men from the present number of four thousand.
    i.—China Times.  -  106 words
  • 841 7 LARGELY DUE TO POLITICAL HEAVY {ECONOMIC DISTURBANCES TAXATION DEPRESSION FARMERS NOT TO BLAME REMEDIAL MEASURES MUST BE WORKED OUT AT ONCE o try from certain bankruptcy.” —Shun i Pao. For thousands of years China has been an agricultural country. Although the political organization of
    try from certain bankruptcy.”—Shun i Pao.  -  841 words
  • 114 7 —Shun Pao. No Less Than 90 Kinds On Land Alone Nanchang, September 21. According to investigations made by the newly formed Economic Commission of the Kiangsi Provincial Government there are no less than 90 kinds of taxation on land in western and northern Kiang si. At
    .—Shun Pao.  -  114 words
  • 99 7 Shun Pao. Loan Obtained From Sino-British Boxer Fund Shanghai, September 22. Plans for the construction of several ocean-going and river steamers with the loan obtained from the Sino-British Boxer Fund Commission have been drawn up by the management of the China Merchants Steam Navigation
    Shun Pao.  -  99 words
  • 577 7 —Literary Digest. GEN. CHIANG KAI-SHEK AND HIS CAMPAIGN AGAINST OUTLAWS Are Chinese Nationalists impotent against outlaws? Victory after victory is reported. Nationalists of the Kuomintang seem everywhere to have the bandits of the country and their suppose allies, the Communists, on the run. But these bandits
    ”—Literary Digest.  -  577 words
  • 70 7 l. —China Times. Jepanese Training Mongolian Army Peiping, September 21. The Japanese military authorities have established camps at Hulunbal, Taonan and Chengteh for the training of Mongolian recruits. Most of the Mongolians now under training are cavalrymen. It is said that the Japanese plan to
    l.—China Times.  -  70 words
  • 188 7 .—China Times. Japanese Oppose Chinese Intervention Peiping, September 21. All the nineteen districts in the demilitarized area are new in the hands of bandits. A state of anarchy exists in the area as the Japanese troops have refused to interfere, while the Chinese troops are unable
    .—China Times.  -  188 words
  • 137 7 1. Sin Wen Pao. Informal Martial Law Enforced in Canton Canton, September 21. Following the raid last night on a Communist organ in Canton and the subsequent revelation of the Communist plot in the southern city, informal martial law was declared in Canton to-day. The city was
    1.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  137 words
  • 115 7 troops to General Liu Hsiang.—Sin Wen Pao. 1 $4,000,000 Voted For General Liu Hsiang Chengtu, September 21. A sum of $4,000,000 has been temporarily fixed to finance the forthcoming campaign against the Communists in Northern Szechuen. Pending the remittance of the said sum by the Central
    troops to General Liu Hsiang.—Sin Wen Pao. 1  -  115 words
  • 72 7 —Shun Pao. Japanese Authorities Mak Yg F requent Enquiries Peiping, September 21. To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding on the part of the Japanese General Ma Chan-shan has been compelled to drop h s proposed intention to visit Chahar to ;n--spect his troops there. It is said that since
    .—Shun Pao.  -  72 words

  • 510 8 As time advances the movement for a fusion of the nvo great parties in South Africa gains in strength. It has already received rhe approval, by a huge majority, of the Transvaal National Congress, and the Natal Nationalist Congress also supports it. although the majority
    510 words
  • 508 8 In the film world it is easier to make confident predictions than in most* other branches of activity—that is. so far as mechanical development is concerned. It' is obvious that the coloured film, which has already made a tentative appearance, I can be developed still further,
    508 words
  • 957 8  -  —J. M. W. reliability.—J. M. W. in the Birmingham Post. ARE WOMEN MORE EXPERT THAN MEN If Thomas Hardy did not include packing among life's little ironies, it was probably because he stayed so much at home. Even his infrequent visits to London, it will
    reliability.—J. M. W. in the Birmingham Post.  -  957 words
  • 784 8 ADRIAN ROSS LYRICS The name of the late Mr. Adrian Ross will always be associated with the era of popular musical comedy, which has flourished during the last 40 years. He wrote some 2000 lyrics, and took par-t in th production of 60 light plays, having for
    784 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 Guinne»» arriving at our London Bottling Factory direct from Dublin, by water. MSi. gx\ Zjfc m -j==-»A I^.-3 ZZ® -fc g M S a\ 1 ft, I 1 Direct from Dublinf the home ofthe finest.hews. M) REWED in the Emerald Isle —the home of the finest _D stout u BULLDOG
      247 words
    • 92 8 jf® v |>'"4F 111 YARDLEY LAVENDER BRILLIANTINE The Yardley Lavender Perfumery comprises a com- ■Ljaf plete range of Toilet articles, all of the highest quality and all lavishly perfumed /y'A\ with the lovable fragrance of the famous Ya rd ley Lavender. U Among these little F 1 luxuries the Yardley
      92 words

  • 356 9 111 n. Reuter Wireless. Warning To The Minority A CRUCIAL TEST Washington, Oct. 11. A warning to the minority, both in industry and labour who, he said, were threatening the recovery enterprise, is .the gravamen of General Johnson’s address to the Convention of the American Federation of
    111 n.—Reuter Wireless.  -  356 words
  • 119 9 wreckage frustrated rescue efforts.—Reuter. Seven Killed Chesterton, (Indiana», Oct. 11. An air liner exploded in midair and crashed in flames near a farm and four passen•gers who were Chicago from New York with the pilot, co-pilot and stewardess are reported to have been killed. A later
    wreckage frustrated rescue efforts.—Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 76 9 —Reuter. Killed By Laboratory Explosion Berlin, Oct. 11. Herr Einhold Tilling, inventor of the rocket aeroplane, was blown up and killed by one of his own rockets and two assistants, including a woman, were seriously injured. The disaster occurred when the party was charging the apparatus in
    :.—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 112 9 1. —Reuter. Japan-America Armament Race BARON WAKATSUKI'S WARNING Tokio, Oct. ii. arning his hearers that the failure of the Naval Conference in 1935 would precipitate a new Japanese-American armament race disastrous to Japan. Baron Wakatsuri. chief delegate to London in 1930 and President of the Minseito
    1.—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 78 9 Lengkou and Chienehangying —China Times. Troops Not Withdrawing This Winter Peiping. September 21. There are indications that the Japanese troops in the Luantung district will not withdraw this winter at least. The Japanese military authorities have constructed barracks in the outskirts of Luanchow while strong
    Lengkou and Chienehangying —China Times.  -  78 words
  • 78 9 .—Sin Wen Pao. Plague Feared in Affected Region Chengtu, September 21. Somke continues to gather over the recent earthquake centre at Tiehhsi and Mouhsien. in Northern Szechuen, and gives out a very’ bad odour. The area affected is still unapproachable, owing to the breakdown of communications.
    .—Sin Wen Pao.  -  78 words
  • 72 9 —Sin Wen Pao. Joint Organisation To Be Established Nanking, September 21. A joint organization will soon be established by the Ministries of Finance and Industry to take charge of affairs in connection with’the disposal of the American cotton. The two ministries concerned will call a conference
    ..—Sin Wen Pao.  -  72 words
  • 96 9 —Shanghai Morning Post Collapse of Communist Forces Near Yenping Foochow, September 21. Peace and order have been restored in Foochow following the collapse of the Communist forces in the vicinity of Yenping. The 19th Route Army has the situation wefi in hand and the people who
    —Shanghai Morning Post  -  96 words
  • 57 9 .—China Times. Japanese Minister Returning Home Soon Shanghai, September 22. Mr. Ariyoshi, the Japanese Minister to China, is returning to Japan shortly, according to information from well informed sources. The Japanese Legation does not deny this report. It is said that before returning to Japan Mr. Ariyoshi will
    .—China Times.  -  57 words
  • 141 9 ’—Reuter. Bota Bark JAPAN AWAITING DEVELOPMENTS Tokyo, Oct. 11. The Soviet’s motive in publishing the alleged documents in puzzling the Foreign Office, which is awaiting the receipt of Ambassador Ota’s report from Moscow before deciding on a course of action and holding a consultation with
    ’—Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 104 9 Vagrant’s Unsuccessiu! Flight "Nothing was known” against the character of Choci San. that is to say that he had a clean Folice record, when he appeared for sentence this morning cn a conviction of theft ot a sewing machine, value $BO, from shop No. 49. Maxwell Road.
    104 words
  • 125 9 Unfortunate Lapse In Benefacor’s Absence George Delabat. a sub-overseer of the Penang Public Works Department, was described as having no previous convictions when he appeared cn a charge of theft of a watch and four apples from the house of the Reverend Father A. Devals
    125 words
  • 269 9 A Chinese youth named Ooi Am Khoo .was to-day sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment by’ the Penang Police Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, having been convicted on a charge of extortion in a Lorong Sratus Tahun (Century’ Lane) coffee shop. Accused maintained that he had merely
    269 words
  • 104 9 TIN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY I London f £224.10.0 £224.5.0 TEN—(S Months; London <; £224.10.0 £224.5.0 Singapore $113.37 ’2 $113.37% Business Dbn£ Pefiang $113.37 y 2 Buslneea Done Buyers no sellers c6pra—(Sandrfed) 53.10 $3.15 BLACK PE£*EK $14.00 $14.00 RUBBEB London 4 3 lild. 1 il d. 4d. New York 7%c.(G)
    104 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 Look at k Date 1 I W* i ioiAt/ ■nfahvs and c ZkJF Jr vSlllul 7/ 2 q ..f < h k There is every thing yout vj baby needs in a tin of Cow Gate! The rich concentrated nourm. ishment of the world’s finest milk T is here—made safe
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  • 1797 10 MUNICIPAL COMMISSION MINUTES Cigarette Stalls Converted Into Eating Stalls I ELECTRICAL I DEVELOPMENT Minutes of an ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town. 1 Penang, held on Tuesday, the 26th Septem-1 ber, 1933. Present.—W. R. Boyd Esq., (President! 1 I>r. J. E. Smith,
    1,797 words
  • 212 10 Increased Tariff Duties on Foreign Rice Nanking, September 21. Opinion in various quarters concerning the proposed increase of tariff duties on foreign rice is agreed that an increase should be enforced for the protection of Chinese native products. The Finance Ministry is now drawing up
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  • 238 10 Reported Formation of Independent Organisation Peiping, September 21. The report that the rebel generals Fang Chen-wu. Liu Kwei-tang. Tang Yu-lin and Chi Hung-chang are planning to form an independent organization in North China is confirmed in official circles here. General Fang is Commander-in-Chief
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 274 10 M LOU,S BLER,OT 4 flew the English BM Bl Channel for the first time in 1909 NOWflSfllN I M.M. Codos and Rossi flying a BLERIOT (500 h. p. Hispano Suiza)—of similar design to that used in the cross Channel flight have created |K THE WORLD’S LONG DISTANCE RECORD (New York
      274 words

  • 426 11 Claims For Damages Hard To Win CHURCHGOER’S LOST ACTION Many of those who during the past summer have been struck by errant cricket or golf balls will have learned somewhat ruefully of Judge Crawford’s decision in the Romford County Court on Sept. 18th. A churchgoer
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  • 263 11 The development of television was discussed at the British Association meeting at Leicester. Major A. G. Church, speaking in the Mathematics and Physics section, said that in view of the Geneva Convention, under which no provision was made for the proper expansion and
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  • 258 11 Broadcast Scuffle At A Football Match I UNOFFICIAL MESSAGE FROM DUBLIN An amazing incident occurred during the progress of the all-Ireland Gaelic football final played at Croke Park. Dublin, on September 24th. when a number of young men. entered the radio announcer’s box and took
    258 words
  • 303 11 The Dog Fell, the Car Crashed, A Man Killed Jury Condemn Practice With a dog on her lap, Mrs. Stiebel, of East-drive. Queen's Park, Brighten, sat on the front seat of the motorcar her daughter, Miss Agatha Stiebel,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 ECZEMA CAUSED DISFIGUREMENT Watery Eruptions Formed on Child. Cuticura Healed, My little girl suffered from eczema 101 some time and nothing seemed to help her. It first started with a dry skin which began to weep. The irritation caused her to scratch until watery, sore eruptions formed, and the trouble
      282 words
    • 40 11 rmiTrYr D f APIOL STEEL I I Sure xnd certain for all Female 1 I ccmplamts. Every lady ahoul4 f keep box in the house- K r w. RDMONIMi a The lEnrftwh Pharmacy I 1 W-M, Roach Street, Peaanf 1
      40 words
    • 143 11 fw B GOOD 15 GOLD h i w. 1 A. V AMb,. X S Si'- x .'Aw WnR f 'wk WK WMk V' I X’’ Ip \< 5 f .N 'I-- y All the value is INSIDE the CIGARETTE. I It is not necessary to be a tobacco expert to
      143 words

  • The Latest Commercial News
    • 246 12 Net Revenue Higher DEFERRED PAYMENT DOUBLED i Net profits of Harrisons and Crosfield, the Eastern produce merchants, for the year to 30th June last amounted to £214,339, an increase of £32,307 on the previous year’s figure. With the £108,978 brought in, there is a total of £323,317,
      246 words
    • 290 12 Bangrin Resumes Payment A further batch of Tin-mining dividend announcements are announced. The Bangrin Tin Dredging Company is resuming payments with an interim dividend of 10 per cent. (2s. per share less tax. This is the first distribution since the 10 per cent interim dividend paid in respect
      290 words
    • 148 12 Work in the Mersey Tunnel Interesting developments have taken place recently in connexion with rubber paving and ancillary applications of rubber. Universal Rubber Paviors, Limited, have obtained orders for the following work Mersey Tunnel.—(l) Paving with the Gaisman rubber road blocks a section of 2,000 square yards of
      148 words
    • 177 12 Big Improvements in Profits ORDINARY DIVIDENDS RESUMED A substantial improvement is recorded in the annual report to 30th June of the Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Company, manufacturers of rubber hose and other articles. Gross profits increased by £35,274 to £59,763. After providing £17,736 for depreciation, £2,573 for
      177 words
    • 230 12 Domestic Production, as represented by exports from Federated Malay States, Unfederated Malay States, and Stra'ts Settlements. of Tin. and Tin-in-Ore. at during the month of September, 1933. Tons Tons Federated Malay States 1.335 Unfederated Malay States Johcre 17 Kedah 3 Perlis 25 Kelantan 1 Trengganu 26 72
      230 words
    • 873 12 Rubber MACASSAR PLANTATIONS.—At an extraordinary general meeting of Macassar Plantations, held at 2-4, Idol-lane, E.C., resolutions were unanimously adopted agreeing to the sale of the company’s undertaking and assets to the Bajoe Kidoel Rubber and Produce Company and the voluntary liquidation of the company. VAUXHALL RUBBER OF CEYLON
      873 words
    • 26 12 The output of The Bukit Katil Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the month of September, 1933, was 15,865 lbs. Total for 5 months, 77,685 lbs.
      26 words
    • 943 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following wens the latest quotation! In MESSRS. KENNEDY share Us) to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenby 85 95 85 95 B. Lin tang 57% 62% 57% 62% B. United 2.10 2.50 2.20 2.50 Connemara 82% 87% 85 90
      943 words
    • 1144 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST Ĕ NAMES. S~ S <55 RUBBER'CDoIIar.) c. c Allenby Runner Co. 85 95 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 40 50 Amalgamated Malay Estates I 35 I 45 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 75 85 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 15 20 Aver Molek Rubber Co. 65 75 Aver Pan”
      1,144 words

  • 117 13 Latest Quotations Wednesday Tuesday ’arts 79 9)32 78 3132 New York 4.65% 4.69% Montreal 4.76% 4.79% Brussel» 22.30 22.19% Geneva 16.03 15.95 Amsterdam 7.70 7.66% Milan 59% 58 1516 Berlin 13.02% 12.97% Stockholm 19.39 19.39 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 28 28 Prague 104%
    117 words
  • 56 13 PENANG, OCTOBER 12 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) Ou London Bank Demand 2 4 I|l6 4 mjts 2|4 18 Private 3 m|ts credit 2J4 5|16 3 Documentary 2|4 7|16 On New York Bank Demand 53% France T.T. 910 nom. India T.T. 154% Hongkong T.T. 38% dis. nom. Shanghai
    56 words
  • 577 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving jml sailing from Penang during the week; IN PORT W-DAY S.S. MAHIDOL from Mergui. Moulmein and Tavoy. Sails for the same ports on Friday. 4 S.S. HONOLULU MARU from Belawan. Sails to-day for Rangoon
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  • 241 13 OCTOBER 13 Hutchings School, annual distribution of prizes, 11 a.m. OCTOBER 14 Hockey State Trial in Ipoh. Penang Football Association Cup tie P.R.C. v. M.A.F.C. St. Xaviers Ground. OCTOBER 15 Annual General Inspection of the Penang and Province Wellesley, Volunteer Corps. OCTOBER 18 Penang Football Association Cup
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  • 278 13 SPECIAL NOTICE EARLIER CLOSING OF MAILS Postal Union Transit Statistics During the period 15th October to 11th November 1933 inclusive all mails for Europe and Foreign countries generally will close erne hour earlier than usual. The hours of closing mails for Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States will
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 201 13 BOXING Saturday—J4th October, 1933. WINNER—TAKE—ALL APOSTO vs. FRANK WEBBER 10 (2 MIN.) Rds. FUN FROLIC AMUSEMENT PARK Thursday, 12th October, 1933. CANTONESE OPERA will present Mr. SEE SZE ON in THOW ARH or STEALING DUCK With Tew Sim Yut, Loh Kim Hooi, Wong Ai Wah, Choy Khuan Yuk, Peh Ean
      201 words
    • 75 13 —Quaker Oats is U cooked in open ovens B to a succulent, flaky tenderness, producing a flavour never k successfully imitated. Quaker Oats Cooks in 2 x /z minutes —longer if you prefer 3641 a CLOTH LINED ENVELOPES Sizes. Prices. 15j x 6 $5.00 per 100 15 x6l $5.00 per
      75 words
    • 77 13 m Entrancingly lov»ly I Th» Hl wonderful s»ri»* B»»uty M preparations over created, M even by the genius of M. |H Bourjois, the foremost Parisian m Beauty Specialist. B They have, by their distinction H and refinement, tholr unfl approachable perfection, wob H the unstinted praise of the II smartest
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 307 14 CLUB RULES BROKEN YACHTS ARE BARRED Tunny angling off the Yorkshire coast, the great deep-sea fishing sport, inaugurated only four years ago by the British Sea Anglers* Society, is already threatened with extinction. According to a writer in the “Anglers’ News.” only five tunny were killed in
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  • 245 14 Summons After Seaside Holiday Incident Dismissed With Warning A pilot who, it was alleged, flew an airplane a f an altitude as low as 60ft. over the beach and the sea at Southend on August Bank Holiday Sunday was summoned at
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  • 570 14 Sentence of four years’ penal servitude for blackmail was passed at the Old Bailey recently on Albert Daly, aged 42, an Indian electrical engineer, living at Elm-road, Camden Town, N.W. He pleaded guilty to demanding money i with menaces and
    570 words
  • 182 14 I A charge against an R.A.F. officer of being drunk and disorderly in Godstow. near Oxford, was dismissed at Oxford Police Court. Flying-Officer Alexander Spottisw-oode, stationed at Gosport, pleaded not guilty to the charge. A police constable said: “I saw the defendant being
    182 words
  • 112 14 Nearly a thousand undefended di orce cases are down for hearing before Christmas. They include 120 cases left over from last term. The first of the longer Michaelmas law terms after the first shorter “Leng Vacation is likely to prove one of the busiest
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 225 14 Itemembertthat pure blood not only keeps sway disease, but is Nature a remedy—ln fact, the blood b the stream of life. In the treatment of Blood and Skin Complaints Clarke’s Blood Mixture b unexcelled, b cxpeb the poisons and assists Dealing. Of aK CBmrfm «W teoa. Bfdbg—J fa LIQUID tr
      225 words
    • 337 14 HOTTENBACH CONTINUOUS| SHEETER MADE IN TWO MODELS WITH ROLLS 24, 26 AND 28 INCHES LONG. FULL PARTICULARS ON REQUEST. HUTTENBACH. LAZARUS SONS. LTC. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. PENANG. t th st Pepsodent announces a notable new discovery —an entirely new cleansing and polishing material that is
      337 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1875 15 -TErSstS A~~ m. '"A, K P 0.-BRITISH INDIA -/li A x. and APCAR lines FBMMEU LIME MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES Vjuela LONDON AND NOKTH CONTINENT. Leavce Due TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR PenlKAular and Oriental 8 N Co ip ti i Penang London ini > under m Penang, Teluk Anson,
      1,875 words

  • 448 16 Time Table And Schedule 9 RACES A DAY The following is the time table and schedule of racing for the Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting which has now been extended to four days: FIRST DAY, OCT. 21 Race I—Horses, Class 3,' Division 2, 5 furlongs,
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  • 291 16 D. O. Pulau Langkawi MOURNERS FROM ALL PARTS OF KEDAH (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. Oct. 11. The funeral of the late Syed Ahmat Idid, eldest son of Tuan Syed Mohammed Idid. Second Malay Judge, High Court, Alor Star, and son-in-law of H.H. Tunku
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  • 75 16 New Concessions To Public With a view to popularising the Penang Hill, the Railway Administration is making further concessions to the public. These concessions coincide with the change in management of the Crag Hotel and pleasant days on the Hill should now’ be within the reach of
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  • 159 16 Penang v. Kedah And P.W. The following teams have been selected to play in the State rugger trial on Saturday on the Esplanade at 5.15 p.m.: Penang.—J. P. B. Whaley: J- W. Clark; F. E. E. Hindley; J. L. M. Boyd and J. H. Fenwick; H. W.
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  • 110 16 Engine Trouble PASSENGERS 1 UNCOMFORTABLE NIGHT From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Oct. 12, The following official statement has been issued by the Flying Club: Contact with the “Cutty Sark” has been made by the Royal Air Force who report that the machine was unable to return owing
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  • 42 16 In fairness to the Advocates and Solicitors practising in Penang it should be stated that the member censured by Mr. Justice Cobbett with regard to the drawing up of a Deed is no longer in the Colony or in Malaya.
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  • 192 16 Municipality Refuse Management With regard to the brief announcement made yesterday in the “Pinang Gazette" that the Commissioners by a majority of 10 to 1 had rejected the proposal to relieve the Government of its expenditure in connection with the Penang Library, the expenditure referred to, it is
    192 words
  • 70 16 Leaves Immediately For Singapore Capt. Euan Wallace, a Civil Lord of the Admiralty who is on a visit to the Eastern Naval Stations arrived in Penang this morning by R. A. F. Seaplane, from Rangoon, tw'o days later than expected. There is another seaplane accompanying the
    70 words
  • 898 16 —Contributed. Is It Necessary THOUSANDS OF ACRES ALREADY AVAILABLE It is difficult to detect from the reading of it, the real source of inspiration for the Director of Agriculture’s specious Memorandum on the Rice Tax question. In view of its penultimate paragraph it would not appear
    .—Contributed.  -  898 words
  • 778 16 Lottery Tickets ACCUSED COMMITTED TO ASSIZES (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Oct. 11. After a lengthy hearing, the Taiping Magistrate, Che Mustapha Albakri, committed a Straits Chinese named Chew Guan Chye to stand his trial at the next Assizes of the Supreme Court, Ipoh. The accused,
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  • 420 16 F.M.S. Chief Justic Arrives FULL PASSENGER LIST The P. &O. “Comorin” which 1 Lon don on Septmeber 15 arrived here am to-day with a full complement gers and the English mails for p ar East. Amongst the passengers for M ya Waij the Hon. Mr. Justice
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 29 16 PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. Special Monthly Rates For Permanent Residents Dipper Dapee© Tuesday Thursday Saturday E. O. GARAGE. First Class Cars On Hire Day and Night. ’PHONE 322 ’PHONE 322.
      29 words
    • 48 16 FOOTBALL COMPETITION No. 1 s 9 Results Only Owing to a clerical error the match Millwall v West Ham Ĕ’ United was wrongly set in our Coupon No. 1. This match will not be taken into consideration and the $lOO will be awarded for H 9 Results Only
      48 words
    • 238 16 MISCELLANEOUS M ANTED, any kind of business, hat can prove to be on the profit side, for a reasonable sum, Cash down, must be O.K. as strict investigation before purchase apply Box No. 80, Cjo Pinang Gazette. NOTICES EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, PENANG ADMISSIONS GOVERNMENT ENGLISH SCHOOLS, 1934 The Wellesley Primary School
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