Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
    20 words
  • 243 1 cape' Reuter and Rugby Radio Service. rounds Not erious > M T LET’S VE ANY FUSS’ j. V Vienna, Oct. 3. Dollfuss, the Austrian Chancellor, t at and wounded in the arm but not seriously when attend- eting of the Christian Social Club Parliament Building. The assailyoung
    cape' . Reuter and Rugby Radio Service.  -  243 words
  • 213 1 Divergence of Views With Directors i London, October 3. Mr. Tom Clarke, Editoi of the News Ci r >nicle, has resigned his editorship owing to vergence of views with his directors. Reuter. Tom Clarke was educated at Schools at Bolton and Ruskin Hall Oxford. He st 1
    213 words
  • 47 1 >.‘d. —Reuter. Result of Motor Accident Macon, Georgia, October 3. The boxer Young Stribling, who was m--ired when his motor cycle collided wit automobile, died to-day at 6 aan’’ibling sustained a fracture of his ip nd his left foot, which was later ampu_‘d. —Reuter.
    >.‘d.—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 42 1 U rman Bonds were dull. Rugby Service. British Funds Steady London, October 3. The Stock Markets closed with some A gularitv. British Funds remained s-t? > th War* Loan 3U per cent, at 101 i- rman Bonds were dull. Rugby a
    U rman Bonds were dull. Rugby Service.  -  42 words
  • 377 1 blished.—Reuter. Slight Improvement 25,000 miners rf’urn TO WORK New York. October 3. The speedy development of the credit and monetary situation is suggested by the fact that as soon as he arrived from Chicago, President Roosevelt conferred with General Johnson, Mr. Woodin and Mr. Harrison, Governor of
    blished.—Reuter.  -  377 words
  • 86 1 date of last year.-Rugby Radio Service. Big Increase in Revenue London, October 3. The weekly treasury returns issued tonight show that the ordinary revenue for the current financial year up to September 30—that is for the first half year-amoun-ted £275,736,842. At the corresponding date of last year
    date of last year.-Rugby Radio Service.  -  86 words
  • 76 1 Rugby Radio Service. Starts On Australian Flight; London, October 3. Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith flew from Heston to Lympne aer s ar Folkestone, this evening, m his drome near Folkeston southern ne an British dawn to Cross in readmes been fitted to the Special
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  76 words
  • 332 1 UXILAI American attitude is modified.—Reuter Wireless. By Sir John Simon t I UNFAIR CRITICISM I ■“‘X. Geneva, Sept. 27 A|. spirited defence of the League i! of the Disarmament Conference against; what he described as unfair criticism was; the. most striking feature of Sir Joy Simons
    UXILAI American attitude is modified.—Reuter Wireless.  -  332 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 NAGATA BROTHERS DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary Minch Office 52, Leith Street
      14 words
    • 68 1 Swimmingrequires stamina stamina requires TALISMALT the health giver, which contains Malt. Milk, Honey. Eggs and Cocoa After swimming, what Make sure that you more restorative of ex- have a glass or cup of pended energy than hot TALISMALT after TALISMALT and what every swim more delightful? 1 Delightfully healthful is
      68 words
    • 87 1 DISPUTE OVER DEAD WOMAN’S JEWELLERY —Page 16. TO-DAY’S CONTENTS Page London Letter For Women 3 $lOO Coupon 10 Chinese “Teong Chew” Festival 5 Politics of the Week 6 Exclusive China News Service 7 Court New’s 9 Mr. Bagnall in Pessimistic Mood at Council Meeting 9 Latest Cables 1 9 Latest
      87 words
  • 188 1 —Reuter Wireless. Last Look At Native Land TAKE "THE ROAD TO GUIANA 11 La Rochelle, September 29. Closed shutters along the quay of St. Martin were the order of the day when 673 convicts bound for the penal settlement in French Guiana sailed in the convict ship La
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  188 words
  • 72 1 —Reuter. $lOO,OOO Stuck Licte<l For $36,000,000 Washington, October 4. Evidence given at the Senatorial Inquiry into the Dillon Read Company revealed that the company in organising the Investment Trust in 1924 obtained for 100,000 dollars stock and later listed same on the Stock Exchange at 36.000.000 dollars.
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 646 1 —Reuter Wireless. Withering Rain Of Questions LUBBE CONFESSES Leipzig, September 27. The spectacle of the examining magis-, trate, Hen Vogt, wilting under the questioning ot his former prisoner, Dimitroff, i and the Supreme Court desperately defend- ing its dignity against his furious onslaught was the
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  646 words
  • 169 1 —Reuter. Probable Eventual Return i CHANCELLOR S SPEECH I London, October 4. Great Britain will probably eventually return to the gold standard but the requisite state of affairs is not yet existing de- dared Mr. Neville Chamberlain, Chancel- lor of the Exchequer, at the anHouse.
    —Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 169 1 —Reuter. President’s Whereabouts A .Mystery J J > Havana, October 3. Scenes of the wildest orgy were witnessed following the surrender of the beleagured officers who were either killed, conveyed to hospital or arrested. United States bluejackets watched from their launches the shells bursting on the
    —Reuter.  -  169 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2468 2 RATES FOR CASUAL notices tenders invited. BANKS A supply of cooked rations to BATU SELANGOR TIN K Z> NEDERLANDSCHE Chartered Bank DREDGING CO., LTD. depot, penang <■ JA JLIV- HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ or urmA. austbaua anb chi (Incorpora'ed in the Straits Settlements) TENDERS are invited by the Indian MV ('incorporated m
      2,468 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 452 3 (ARCADIA* WORKS LONDON lh«t h 4 Wl” 8 CIGARETTES are’ |hgh J J I !1I B |Q$ mi J 111 llh 1«. i r'r I L. Jj«l_ »1 iii S U fl 88 Hiniii m at' it i r t*? I B jwir twwv awr. wwr gr. r f r
      452 words
  • 2477 3 ROYAL VISIT TO SKYE: COfiNT McCORMACK'S DAUGHTER MARRIED ENGINEERING SOCIETY'S CONFERENCE AIRWOMAN'S ENCOUNTER WITH INDIANS (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Sept. 20. ROYAL GIFTS FOR LADY’S MAID I The Queen, the Princess Royal and her *wo sons have made handsome presents to Miss Lilian Marriott,
    2,477 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 658 4 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS POSITION VACANT WANTED Experienced Shorthand Typist for European Commercial Firm, salary from $BO/-. Must be quick and accurate. Reply stating qualifications to Box No. 76, c/o The Pinang Gazette. NOTICE OF SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES To Be Sold By Public Auction On MONDAY the 9th October,
      658 words
    • 298 4 Rn IJI 1 1i GIVE ME A KING MEDLEY B D.B. 1163 I TONY’S WIFE 8 Another Piano Treat 1 Here’s Carroll Gibbon’s Latest. The Swaggering 6 Rumba Melody of Tony’s W’ife ”is going to be very popular and the medley is full of really sweet tunes. SILVER THREADS AMONG
      298 words
    • 230 4 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sir, —I have read all that has recently been published in the “Pinang Gazette” about Britishers travelling in foreign steamers. It is a very old and recurrent topic. The Press of British Malaya has for years been drawing the attention of the
      230 words
    • 227 4 Sii, —It is understood that the appointment of the Tamil Inspector of Schools (Seremban) who is in charge of the states ci Negri Sembilan and Pahang and the settlement of Malacca, is tc be retrenched by the end of this year. If this is correct, and
      227 words
  • 158 4 Descendants of Khoo Thye Boh In the Supreme Court yesterday in the suit brought by Khoo Piak Tuan against Khoo Hooi Sooi, the present trustee, for the construction of a Family Agreement dated November 5, 1889, Mr. Justice Cobbett, after hearing evidence, held that the true
    158 words
  • 61 4 Mr. Teoh Siow Kong passed away at his residence, No. 2158, Argyle Road at 3.45 yesterday afternoon. Deceased was a leading member of the Hakka community, and he earned a place on the Chinese Advisory Board. The sons of deceased are Messrs. Teoh Thye
    61 words
  • 199 4 Lost 38 lbs.—More To Follow Most women would be alarmed if their weight showed 136 lbs. But not this one. You see she was 174 lbs., and she has found a way to take off that disfiguring overweight. She writes:—“ Six months ago, when my
    199 words
  • 270 4 (Reuter’s Wireless Service) Helsingfors. September 29. Finnish trade unions have decided to declare a general boycott on German goods as a protest against Hitlerism. Lcndcn. September 28. The early reinstatement of the African chief, Tshekedi, is the outcome of public opinion, which felt that he had been
    270 words
  • 157 4 Hot Dog Vendor Becomes an African Chief New York, Sept. 15. King John Kelly a “hot dog” vendor in Central Park, New York, has been made a tribal chief of the Swahili. Now in British East Africa they reverently speak of him as Bwana
    157 words
  • 762 4 Mr. J. T. Smith has won the Island Club, Singapore, golf championship. Bishop and Mrs. Lee arrived in Ipoh yesterday in the course of a tour by the Bishop of the Wesley Missions in Malaya. The Hon’ble Mr. G. Sturrock, Director, Public Works, Malaya, was recently elected
    762 words
  • 190 4 Monday, September 25. Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams arrived to stay at Government House. Tuesday, September 26. Sir Harry McGowan, Mr. W. J. McGowan, Mr. Mrs. V. St John Killery, Mr. J. W. Gibb, Mr. R. D. Shrimpton, Mr. E. J. McNaughton, Mt. Mrs. J. A. Hunter
    190 words
  • 148 4 Bishop Edw’in F. Lee of the Methodist Episcopal Church will pay a visit to Penang on the week-end of October the eighth. Bishop Lee is in charge of the Methodist work in Malaya, Sumatra, and the Philippine Islands. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Lee.
    148 words
  • 208 4 Fine British Film At Majestic Lf you are in doubt as to how to your evening, make no doubt about m, to the Majestic to see Gene Gerrai l' film, “Leave It To Me.” Monty Banks has done a goi ..ece of directional w’ork in this
    208 words
  • 107 4 South Africa Cancel Freni Visit Without Henri Ccehct. the visit Scuth Africa cf a French lawn t nms t would be no attraction at all.” That statement was made oa Sept--12 at Johannesburg, by Rex Tu ker. sident of the Scuth African Lc.izn i Union, in
    107 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 “Cavalcade IS Coming TO THE Majestic Theatre SEE THE "SUNDAY GAZETTE" FOR Majestic Cavalcade Competition 15 PRIZES. I ii
      19 words
    • 237 5 TWO NEW VALUES i i FOR MEN I C E y NOTHING TO BEAT THEM AT THE PRICE Z !/4' MEN’S SWIMMING SUITS K\ Lj B Meridian Swimming Suits made from a pure soft all wool, spring knit in wK”'’ fashionable cut and constructed to give complete ease in swimming.
      237 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 238 5 WIRELESS B. Programme For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals. Call Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kc|s 31.55 m. or
      238 words
  • 672 5 Xaverians Win CHINESE 'B' BEATEN BY 3 GOALS TO ONE In the second replay of the Penang Foot- .tll Association (1932) Cup Competition mi-final between the St. Xavier’s Recreaon Club and the Chinese Recreation Club B’. which was played yesterday on the Victoria Green, the former
    672 words
  • 103 5 Yesterday’s Match In a football match played yesterday on the Dato Kramat Ground, the Young Indians defeated the M.A.F.C. by the odd goal in three. The game was keenly contested throughout and was witnessed by a large crowd. The Indians opened the scoring
    103 words
  • 84 5 12 Players Selected HAMILTON AS SKIPPER The following players have been selected to represent Malaya in the forthcoming triangular cricket tournament against Hong Kong and Shanghai at Hong Kong:— L. Alvis (Singapore). N. T. Bewick (Johore). D. C. Burn (Singapore). Fit.-Lieut. V. Croome (Singapore). R.
    84 words
  • 205 5 Racing Dates for 1934 The following racing dates for 1934 have been fixed by the Committee of the Straits Racing Association. The allocation to the Selangor Turf Club of their Xmas 1934 Amateur racing dates, and to the Penang Turf Club of their New Year 1935 racing
    205 words
  • 29 5 Reuter. Coup De Lyon Scratched London, October 3. Lord Howard de Walden’s Coup De Lyon has been scratched for all engagements this year, including the Cambridgeshire.—
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 139 5 General Officer Commanding to Inspect (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, October 3. The first annual inspection of the Kedah Volunteer Force by H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Malaya, will take place on the 16th and 17th instant at Sungei Patani. In connection with this event
    139 words
  • 317 5 Offerings Of Cakes EIGHTH MOON CELEBRATIONS To-day being the 15th day of the Chinese Bth Moon, all Chinese are celebrating the “Teong Chew” festival, an event which is of peculiar interest. The words ‘‘Teong Chew” mean “midAutumn.” For this eighth moon festival, Chinese shops in Penang
    317 words
  • 65 5 P.C.C. v. Indian Assn. The following will represent the P.C.C. in a match with the Indian Association, on the Esplanade, on Friday, at 5.15 p.m. C. G. van Houten J. C. Mathison, R. W. Scarlett (Capt.) D. D. B. Cook, L. H. Best, S. V. Adams; C. R. Evans,
    65 words
  • 84 5 don —Rugby Radio Service. Memorial At Allonne London, Octobei 2. Great Britain and France joined yesterday to pay homage to the victims of the airship RlOl, when a memorial erected by the governments of the two nations was dedicated at Allonne in France, where the vessel
    don —Rugby Radio Service.  -  84 words
  • 220 5 To-day at the Esplanade from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. 1 March Lone Pilot Hooper 2 Overture Zampa Herold PROGRAMME NOTE:—Louis Joseph Ferdinand Herold, the author of this brilliant Overture was born at Paris in 1791 and died at Maison des Ternes in 1833. He was a
    220 words
  • 31 5 its promulgation will follow shortly.—Rugby Radio Service. England and Argentine London, October 2. The Anglo-Argentine Tariff Agreement has now been confirmed by Congress and its promulgation will follow shortly.—Rug-
    its promulgation will follow shortly.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  31 words
  • 38 5 firm. —Reuter. Hearings Resumed Washington, October 3. The Senate Banking Inquiry Committee resumed its hearings to-day when four partners of Dillon Read Coy. were questioned on the Rebond Loans floated by the firm. —Reuter.
    firm.—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 30 5 —Rugby Radio Service. 73 Drowned Tokio, October 2. Thirty-three corpses have been recovered and forty are still missing and are feared drowned in a pleasure ship disaster,
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  30 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 NJ r J*. 7' N. 'j fr I*! l\l /X II U! t uII 11 111 ill al/ v ySu X/I44XXZr 14X/ and adds a keener edge to mm your appetite NOW SELL,NG AT 7 (SINGAPORE PRICE) nJ/lI Per Case of fgSr 7 96 Pint Bottles U W ORPERDOZ 3.50
      152 words
  • 2415 6 BROADCAST TALKS ON POLITICS: MORE DISARMAMENT DISCUSSIONS: AMERICA'S NEW DEBT PROPOSALS LEGISLATION NEXT SESSION (From Our Own Correspondent! London, Sept. 16. KING AND PREMIER There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mr. Ramsay MacDonald’s visit to Balmoral was longer than those of Mr. Chamberlain and
    2,415 words

  • 702 7 TEMPORARY DELAY IN CONSTITUTIONAL GOVT. AND ABANDONMENT OF PARTY RULE “As a result of the Kuling discussions, the National leaders have decided to postpone the Fifth Plenary Session of the Kuomintang- committees scheduled for next November. “This is naturally not a legal decision but
    702 words
  • 59 7 —“China Times. Nine Killed And Eight Injured Nanchang, Sept. 13. A long distance motor-bus travelling between Chekiang and Kiangsi was held up to-day by two armed bandits three miles from Chinhsien, in Chekiang territory. The passengers resisted whereupon the bandits opened fire, killing nine and
    —“China Times.  -  59 words
  • 63 7 —China Times. Raising Of Import Tariff Shanghai, Sept. 14. According to information from financial sources, the question of raising the import tariff on foreign rice is now under consideration by the Finance Ministry, following the receipt of numerous petitions from the various provinces demanding its enforcement Plans have
    —China Times.  -  63 words
  • 94 7 i.— sin Wen Pao. Initial Establishment Expenses Over $30,000 Shanghai, Sept. 14. Under the auspices of the Social Affairs Department of the Municipal Government of Greater Shanghai, a factory will soon be established at Kaochingmiao, Kiangwan, to afford work for the poor. When the factory
    i.—sin Wen Pao.  -  94 words
  • 52 7 —Shun Pao. Unwilling To Divulge Object Shanghai, Sept. 14. Mr. Ariyoshi, Japanese Minister to China, left for Nanking last night. The Japanese Legation is unwilling to divulge the object of the Japanese Minister’s trip saving that he will pay a courtesy beyonu cal! on Mr.
    —Shun Pao.  -  52 words
  • 499 7 ■shortly.—“ Shun Pao.” Activities In Fukien And Yenping Chengtu, Sept. 10. The Communists on the Szechuen-Shensi border have organized their own government at Nicgchiang, in Southern Shensi, where they have established their headquarters. Taking advantage of the civil war in Szechuen, the Communists have considerably strengthened
    ■shortly.—“ Shun Pao.”  -  499 words
  • 183 7 —“Ta Kung Pao.” Helping Bandits In Luantung Peiping, Sept. 11. It is understood from a reliable source that the Japanese are pulling wires in connection with the bandit situation in the Luantung district. It is said that, at I present, there are at least eight or nine
    .—“Ta Kung Pao.”  -  183 words
  • 763 7 EXTRAORDINARY PREFERENCE -midst.—“ The People’s Tribune.” A sidelight—interesting if true—upon certain supposed Chinese characteristics is furnished by the “Who’s Who” section of the British-edited China Year Book. For in this we learn that there are various Chinese who prefer the English rendering of their names
    -midst.—“ The People’s Tribune.”  -  763 words
  • 527 7 PROVE THAT CHINA MUST PAY IMMEDIATE ATTENTION TO ITS CONSERVANCY WORKS Loan for farm relief.”—Shun Pao. “The recent Yellow River floods have affected five provinces and over 15,000 square miles have been inundated. The number of refugees is placed at more than 1,100,000. The districts in Western
    Loan for farm relief.”—Shun Pao.  -  527 words
  • 131 7 ed by the Government. —“Central China Daily News.” General Fang Chen-Wu’s Demands Kalgan, Sept. 13. It is learned that a brigade of the rebel troops under General Chi Hung-chang have been disarmed by General Liu Kwei-tang’s forces at Tushihkou. Consequently, General Chi’s strength has
    ed by the Government.—“Central China Daily News.”  -  131 words
  • 133 7 ed by the Government. —‘Ta Kung Pao”, Tientsin. Farmers Return Under Protection Of Militia Chengchow, Sept. 10. The bandits on the Honan-Hupeh-Anhuei border have been exterminated by the determined push made by the troops under General Liu Cheng-hua. The farmers, who had been driven away from their,
    ed by the Government.—‘Ta Kung Pao”, Tientsin.  -  133 words
  • 137 7 repairs have been made.—“ Shanghai Morning Post.” Forced Landing Near Hsuchow Hsuchow, Sept. 13. The seaplane “Kiang Chueh,” in which Captain Chen Wen-lin left Shanghai on Tuesday, made a forced landing near Hsuchow yesterday and had its motor damaged. Captain Ch<n and the pilot Pan escaped
    repairs have been made.—“ Shanghai Morning Post.”  -  137 words
  • 133 7 —Shun Pao. Appeal For Relief Funds Shanghai, Sept. 14. Representatives of the recent typhoon .victims at Tsungming Island have arrived here to appeal for relief from the local associations. i Interviewed by the press, they declared that they represent the people living on Shihchiao Island,
    —Shun Pao.  -  133 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 FINEST Scotch Salmon Per lb. -70 cents PRITCHARD'S FOOD DEPT. BUY ONLY CLOVER BRAND MILK p /2 II b T I S' p U s v*®" 5 'n, R/ S E n?''A\'v'X T s I 1 t y c rV. %AVMb3h h i E c A 0 p E Wflßiiw
      224 words
    • 36 8 When Buying Hams ALWAYS SPECIFY IS Av r, K »-<■?/-< IMI 1 I Well-known throughout THE WHOLE WORLD. :o: OBTAINABLE FROM All the Leading Dealers. SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh. A Kuala Lumpur.
      36 words
  • 790 8 Among the principal subjects disl cussed at the Legislative Council meeting on Monday were, the Defence Contribution. Rubber Restriction, the 'Penang Hill Road, and the Opium Revenue Replacement Fund. The announcement that the first-mentioned I has been fixed at §4.000,000 annually will be received with satisfaction.
    790 words
  • 1367 8  -  n r oi the world.—J. B. Morton in the Manchester Guardian. Sitting in a shady garden high above the happy little harbour of Mytilene and drinking a wine called Bacchus Sec, I blessed my good fortune. For Mytilene is the Greece of a boy’s dream, the Greece
    1,367 words
  • 874 8 CELEBRATIONS IN TURKEY Three European countries —Spain, Itah and the Soviet Union —have already adopt ed the French custom of celebrating national anniversary. The latest to emplo. this form of nationalist propaganda ar the Turks. Mustapha Kemal is making extraordinary preparations to celebrate tht j tenth anniversary
    874 words

  • 45 9 l —Reuter. Throwing Blame Beforehand Batavia, October 3The Dutch Rubber Growers consider Sir Cecil Clementi’s speech as an effort to throw the blame beforehand on the Dutch East Indies if restriction should fail in consequence of the excessive British demands.
    l—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 4 9 —Reuter. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  4 words
  • 5 9 janai au—Reuter. —Reuter.
    janai au—Reuter.  -  5 words
  • 10 9 in the last twelve months.—Rugby Radio Service. —Reuter.
    in the last twelve months.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  10 words
    reading was can led.—“ Singapore- Free Press.”  -  3,087 words
  • 102 9 TIN-SPOT YESTERDAY TO-DAY Duxxdon £222-2-6 £220-7-6 TEN—(3 Months) London £222-0-0 £220-5-0 Singapore 5111.37 1 /2 Business Done Penang Nominal Business Done No Buyers. CXlPRA—(Sundrted) $3.25 $3.20 BLACK PEPPER $14.00 $14.50 RUBBER London 4/ 6 d. New York 7(Bc.(G) 7%c.(G) Singapore 13, „c. 12 I TAPIOCA Fair Seed $4.30
    102 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 169 9 < e MA**** J A o,c v>c<xt,V l .v«i.« iro la (f A j* THE SALUTE! Here they come... “Smiler” leading— i a gallant and endless little army radiating Health and Happiness I The tramp of these V sturdy little feet is heard increasingly throughout the world to-day for Cow
      169 words

  • 915 10 WHAT THE SCHEME IS COSTING Insured For £250,000 AGENTS PAY Shops Not A Charge On Venture While everyone was wondering on Sept. 18th what were the Duke of Atholl’s planj in connection with his mystery appeal to a million sportsmen and sportswomen to send
    915 words
  • 255 10 £5,000-A-Year Post A man who was educated at a village elementary school and started work when he was 13 years of age has been chosen as the “superman,” with a salary of £5,000 a year, rising to £7,500, to manage the operations of the great new
    255 words
  • 294 10 Perjury Charge An allegation that a man was offered £25 to sign a false confession of adultery was made at Bow-stree‘ Police Court on Sept. Bth. Douglas Walter Atkinson, aged 33, an electrical engineer, of Haverstock Hill, Belsize Park, N.W., was charged on remand with committing
    294 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 j? i/jitisC' jV'v SVHEM > Vn »v> -*v Tired with running B9 |k f ’A. s j us > II Sole Agents N.V. Straits Java Trading Co. latch «Batchelor s WIRE RO FES FOR All PURPOSES SOLE AGENTS: United Engineers Limited, PENANG. m w f The most generally useful Medicine
      164 words
    • 741 10 sioo Must be won o S,G. FOOTBALL COMPETITION :o: NO ENTRANCE FEE o fl ELOW will be found particulars of the Sunday Gazette and Pin. B Gazette Football Competition No. 1 in which you are asked to fore-’ results of ten English and Scottish Teague matches to be played on
      741 words

  • 502 11 Yo Ho Ho And Lots Of Smuggled Gin Bought At Is. 6d. A Gallon Sold At 225. ENGLISHMAN'S STORY How enormous profits are made out of smuggling gin into Belgium from Holland was revealed to a “Star” representative by an Englishman who made two trips in
    502 words
  • 608 11 FELL FROM COCKPIT OF I HER PLANE i I Mystery Of Aerodrome Accident V I Lady Claytcn East Clayton, widow of Sir Robert Clayton East Clayton, the explorer, was fatally injured at Brooklands Aerodrome on September 15, when she fell from the cockpit of her aeroplane as
    608 words
  • 253 11 Mother Openly Sides With Prosecution Fresh drama has occurred in the case of Violette Noziere, the 18-year-old French girl arrested on a charge of poisoning her father and attempting to murder mother, for whom on September 17th a request for provisional release was made. The girl’s
    253 words
  • 301 11 Stopped 1 rain Running Over Child’s Body “VERY DANGEROUS” A woman who tried to pull a child from a "live” rail, and afterwards prevented a train from running over the body, was complimented by the jury at an inquest at Hammersmith on Ronald William Ryan,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 381 11 THE TIRELESS SALESMAN—An advertisemen. in the “Pinang Gazette" is a tireless salesman. Fruit one week’s end to another it talks business without boring potential customers. It tells your story (unknown to you perhaps) to a wide c-rcle of in terested readers and its influence is all the more satisfactory in
      381 words
    • 73 11 DE BE/ZKE cigarettes ■■BKHBafef/ I f j U are smoked \1 I n wherever the right people a meet they ere A /Ailik I i\ r a lal< h I y i li y I 1 Sb I i z lA n ’Lk Ssr/e the Coupons THEIR Handsome Gifts obtainable
      73 words

  • The Latest Commercial News
    • 687 12 SYMINGTON WILSON’S WEEKLY REPORT London, Sept. 13. After remaining fully steady though idle on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning the Rubber Market commenced to decline somewhat sharply on Thursday and continued weak on Friday and Saturday There were rumours of some large Continental operator being in difficulties and there was
      687 words
    • 70 12 The following are Outputs for the month of September, 1933: lbs. The Penang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd. 348,700 The Sabrang Rubber Estate, Ltd. 94,500 The Straits Rubber Co. Ltd. 238,000 The Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd. 103,000 The Bagan Serai Co., Ltd. 42,630 The Tali Ayer Rubber Estate, Ltd.
      70 words
    • 1148 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES KENNEDY COMPANY The following wem the latest quotations n MESS>-.3. KENNEDY share list to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER I Ayer Panas 67 75 65 75 Bassett 45 55 45 55 Batu Lintang 55 60 55 60 i Broga 50 60 47
      1,148 words
    • 88 12 The following are Outputs for the month of September, 1933: RENONG CONSOLIDATED TIN DREDGING CO., LTD.—Hours Run 470; Cubic Yards Treated 182,500; Piculs 501; Estimated Cost $12,000; Cost per Cubic Yard 6% cents. KATU TIN DREDGING LTD.—Hours Run 640; Cubic Yards Treated 178,000; Tin Ore Won including 150
      88 words
    • 134 12 Latest Quotations Tuesday Monday Paria 78 3132 78 23 32 New York’ 4.78% 4.78% Montreal 4.86% 4.8 < Brussels 22.15% 22.12% Geneva 1595 15.90 Amsterdam 7.66 7.65 Milan 58 13j16 58 11 16 Berlin 12.95% 12.92% Stockholm 19.40 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.4 V Oslo 19.90 19.90
      134 words
    • 64 12 PENANG, OCTOBER 4 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2 4 1 32 4 mts 2 4 332 Private 3 m ts credit 2 4 5 16 3 Documentary 2 4 716 On New York Bank Demand 55*4 nom. France T.T. 910 nom. India T.T.
      64 words
    • 1103 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST TT- rr NAMES, X ’u RUBBER (Dollar.) S c Allenby Rubber Co. CO Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 4 n Amalgamated Malay Estate» 1 3S I C J Ayer Hitam Plantina Syndicate 75 Ayer Kumng Rubber Estates I j 2 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 6c Ayer Panas
      1,103 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 CLOTH LINED ENVELOPES Sizes. Prices. 15|x6 $5.00 per 100 15 x6l $5.00 per 100 12 xs} $4.50 per 100 ll|xs $4.00 per 100 11 x 5 $3.00 per 100 TO CLEAR. Pinanq Gazette Press, Ltd. IA, PENANG STREET.
      38 words
    • 246 12 I Entrancingly lovaly I Th* I wonderful seri*s of Beauty I preparations aver croatod, I even by the genius of MI Bourjois, the foremost Parisian I Beauty Specialist. I They have, by their distinction 1 and refinement, their unI approachable perfection, wow I the unstinted praise of the I smartest
      246 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 38 12 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Rainfal 6 a.m. 76 E Noon 88 S TIDE TABLES TO-DAY High Water. Low Wat» 12.41 a.m. 7.05 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 7.13 p.m. TO-MORROW 1.10 a.m. 7.39 a .m. 1.20 p.m. 7.42 p. m
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  • 588 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of veaaela arriving jad «ailing from Penang during the week IN PORT TO-DAT M.V. MONCALIERI from Singapore for Venice and Triste. GEN. VAN DER HOYDEN from Langsa, Lho Seumawe, Sigli, Sabang, and Olehleh. Sails for Belawan, Langsa,
    588 words
  • 216 13 OCTOBER 4 Hocaey Selangor State XI vs Rest. OCTOBER 7 Inter-State Rugby Football Penang v Perak, Ipoh. Selangor Races. 2nd day. Penang Football Association, 1932, Cup Final, Victoria Green, 5.10 p.m. OCTOBER 11 Entries close for Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting 3 p.m. OCTOBER 14 Hockey State
    216 words
  • 495 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram frem G. P. O. London, says that the mail despatched from Penang, Air mail (via Karachi) of September 16 by the s.s. “Rohna” was delivered in London on October 2. AIR MAILS A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra by train
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 323 13 WHY SUFFER Ef7CMA7 TORTURE.WITH EvAEIHAa The soothing, healing power of D.D.D. Prescription will amaze and delight you. Itching stops two or three seconds after you apply D.D.D. By persevering with D.D.D. Prescription, the germs and cory X rodmg impurities ensconced in the deepe»> layers of the skin, VHff /f V,
      323 words
    • 290 13 fUN FROLIC Wednesday, 4th October, 7933. CANTONESE OPERA. Will Present At 8 p.m. Miss CHOY KHUAN YUK in I “KUM SEONG BEE JIN KOW” Supported By Miss TEW SIM YUT and Messrs. LOH KUM FIE, SEE SZE ON and WONG Al WAH. We Are PROUD To Offer You The Strongest
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 98 13 eb a ■rfl-fl-fl-fl-ifl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl JIUaJ F| L> I t. w *wiL a 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 85 B IP’s UPROARIOUS COMEDY 'LEAVE IT TO ME s' sF 1* i y" < j With X GENE GERRARD B OLIVE BORDEN—w J GEORGE GEE B? MOLLY LAMONT REFRESHING ENGLISH HUMOUR I WITTY DIALOGUE B
      98 words
    • 92 13 B 13 n B B B E B BBQ E E BEP B fl B B D D B 3 -a a 6.75 TO-N7GHT 9.30 POSITIV ELY LAST TV. O PERFORMANCES B The Re-Edited, Brand-New Copy Of The World-Famous Musical 11 Extravaganza "KING OF JAZZ” UNIVERSAL’S MAGNIFICIENT MUSICAL, SINGING. AND
      92 words

    • 282 14 Unique Incident In Police Court "TOSSING" TO DECIDE QUESTION C.C.A. President Coiis Galle, Sept. 12. An unique incident took place to-day in the Galle Police Court when, on the suggestion of Mr. M. H. Kantawalla, Police Magistrate, Mr. E. M. Karunaratne and Mr. F. W.
      282 words
    • 319 14 Moratuwa Samithiya Makes Suggestions Moratuwa, Sept. 16. I A memorandum has been submitted by the Moratu Sevaka Samithiya to the special Committee appointed at the Conference of Producers and Shippers', on the question of improving the Coconut Industry. The memorandum urges that much may be achieved
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    • 311 14 ALL GUESTS SUDDENLY BECOME INSANE Alleged black magic caused the proceedings in connection with a wedding in Ka'.apugama, a village near Wadduwa. on Saturday, to come to an abrupt close. Everything had apparently gone all right until the wedding party arrived at the bridegroom’s house,
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    • 127 14 Kataragama Murder Case An official communique tabled at the Secretariat, announces that His Excellency the Governor, after very careful consideration. has decided to pardon and order the release of the Buddhist Priest who was condemned to death in the Kataragama murder case. The communique reads:—His Excelency the
      127 words
    • 112 14 [Merchants To Obey Authorities: I New Trade Connection The Maldavian Consul informs the Times of Ceylon” that the tension between the Malvadian authorities and Borah merchants in the Islands has now satisfactorily been adjusted, the merchants having agreed to abide by the local Government’s orders. It is
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    • 617 14 Sinhalese Workmen's Latent Talent CEYLON MADE MOTOR YACHT The construction of sea-going vessels on a scale not hitherto attempted locally has been undertaken at Panadura, where a motor yacht of 20 tons, to ply between the Maidive Islands and Ceylon, has been almost completed. The yacht, which
      617 words
    • 74 14 Mt. Lavinia, Sept. 16. A case of sudden death in unusual circumstances occurred in the Dehiwela area yesterday. A verdict that it was due to swelling of the voice box and consequent asphyxiation was returned by Mr. E. H. Seneviratne, the Enquirer. The deceased, a man of
      74 words
    • 127 14 Request Of Man Found Guilty Of Murder “I don’t want any mercy. Only allow me the privilege of smoking cigarettes till the sentence is carried out,” exclaimed a man found guilty of murder at the Assize Court yesterday afternoon when he was asked by the Judge
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    • 122 14 Prospect Of 20,000 Finding Employment On Estates With the re-opening of many of the rubber estates that had been closed down, several applications have been received by the Ministry of Labour for licences to recruit Indian labour. The Ministry, it is understood, has
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    • 129 14 Rise In Value Of Total Exports The Customs Returns for August show a further rise in the value of Ceylon exports, from Rs. 16.838,695 in July, to Rs. 18,119,217. On the other hand, there has been a simultaneous rise in import values, from Rs. 13.796,112 to
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    • 73 14 Support Proposal To Send Deputation The Executive Committee of the Ceylon National Congress strongly supported the proposal to send a deputation of members of the State Council to England, in connection with the reform question, at a meeting held on Friday, with Mr. G. C. S. Corea,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 314 14 RMBglife? J BMWOW' > jgL H ■B'' IM ..-W f 9 r L Ji WJW < From a Doctor’s Letts i* T I have just watched a baby, obviously dying, recover completely, I might almost say, dramatically, when I altered its diet to Sunshine Glaxo and a daily dose ol
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 231 16 Whither away, proud ship, thy white sails crowding, Leaning across the bosom of the m> gent west, That fearest nor sea rising nor sky clouding, Whiter away, splendid stranger, and what thy guest? Americans have built skyscraper cities, and beneath London is a network of underground tubes: new
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  • 74 16 Last Night’s Results The following are the results of the badminton matches played in the Drill Hall last night. MEN’S SINGLES C. H. Rogers bt. R. H. Cooper 15-7, 7-15, 15-11. J. Moncur bt. J. W. D. Harding 15-2, 15-12. P. T. Hutchings bt. H. J. Shuttleworth
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  • 51 16 J. W. Clark Unable to Play J- W. Clark, who was selected to play for Penang in the inter-State Rugger match against Perak, at Ipoh on Saturday, is indisposed and will not be able to travel. A. D. Campbell has been selected to fill the
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  • 112 16 should be stopped at once.—Shanghai Morning Post. Occupy Important Place In Chinese Sculpture Shanghai, Sept. 14. Dr. Tsai Yuan-pei, President of the Academia Sinica. yesterday sent an urgent telegram to General Yen Hsi-shan, at Taiyuan, requesting him to do his best to preserve the valuable stone
    should be stopped at once.—Shanghai Morning Post.  -  112 words
  • 215 16 Early Morning Discovery ACCIDENT OR FOUL PLAY Quite a stir was caused in Leith Street early this morning when the body of a Malay was discovered in the drain on the opposite side of the road to the Old Xaverian Association. In the drain was
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  • 105 16 unable to cope with the situation. —“Sin Wen Pao.” Organised Like Regular Peiping, Sept. 13. The Peiping authorities have received an urgent telegram from Chinwangtao reporting that more than four thousand bandits, commanded by a man named Lao Pao-tze. have arrived in the Chinwangtao district
    unable to cope with the situation.—“Sin Wen Pao.”  -  105 words
  • 103 16 —Sin Wen Pao. Ban On Directions In English Shanghai, Sept. 14. No Chinese product should be permitted to have directions or explanations in English except those intended for export, declares an order just issued by the Ministry of Industry. It points out that, hitherto, most Chinese products have
    —Sin Wen Pao.  -  103 words
  • 75 16 —Shun Pao. Inspection Visit By Reporters Shanghai, Sept. 14. The headquarters of the Japanese Marine Corps in Shanghai has extended an invitation to al’ Chinese and foreign newspapermen in Shanghai to inspect the new Japanese barracks on the North Szechuen Road at 2 p.m. to-morrow. Those who
    —Shun Pao.  -  75 words
  • 805 16 Supreme Court Suit DAUGHTER. SON AND "HUSBAND" Daughter, son and the husband’’ or man who had kept the woman as his mistress, all appeared as claimants to a quantity of jewellery left by the woman, Tan Lean Neo, who died in March this year, in
    805 words
  • 436 16 Two Tamils Charged beaten and left UNCONSCIOUS (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, October 3. Still unable to use his left leg. Mr. J. W. C. Treeby, manager of Bemban Tin Dredging, the victim of a severe assault, related to°the Court to-day his experience on August
    436 words
  • 394 16 Tamil Acquitted of Theft of Rara Avis Its owner. Mr. R. Woodford, had already given evidence when a Tamil youth named Ayahoo stood his trial in the Penang Police Ccurt to-day on a charge of the theft of one merebok dove, value $181.90 from an
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  • 86 16 Two Chinese Women. Arrested Two Chinese women were charged in Police Court this morning with assisting the management of a public lottery calk d the Chap Jee Kee at 425, Beach Street they pleaded guilty to gambling only Detective Inspector P. S Gordon pointe out that
    86 words
  • 103 16 An Old Lag’s Admission i j When Teh Boon Guan appeared in t Penang Police Court this morning convk ed on his own plea of the theft of 20 p< of preserved cabbage leaves from 12, M a ket Street, his record displayed two pr< vious convictions
    103 words
  • 96 16 No Coin In Circulation On The Market Nanking, Sept 1 According to a telegram just rect i here from Tihua, the capital of Sink; that city is now experiencing an shortage of cash. There is practical coins in circulation on the market, payments are being
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 65 16 <nB >>VWBMMMaMnnmHWWMBMaiWHMMMM>MWaiiV«r9*e***> VMIMVqD HMflMllr,lllaaaßa,BllliaHßHaaHßßUlaaHr K. O. I PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. Dances Every TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY. SAT. 7th. Oct. TUES. 10th. Oct. SPECIAL PENANG REPERTORY MONTHLY PLAYERS RATES FOR Present PERMANENT "TWO HUSBANDS” RESIDENTS. Extension till 2 a.m. I Book Your Tables Now. E. O. GARAGE. First Class Cars On Hire
      65 words