Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 September 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 177 1 Board Of Trade Returns COURAGING AUGUST FIGURES London, Sept. 13. .-any reliable sources recently, evih.i. been forthcoming of a definite ,:unt in trading conditions in tin. The best possible confirm- > x.ovided by the Board of Trade issued to-day which show that the nt is net confined
    177 words
  • 69 1 .—Rugby Radio Service. Revenue Up: Expenditure Down r )•> latest treasury returns show that < :v revenue for the current financial y r to September 9th amounted to '4 28,045. At the corresponding date <■: la.’ year the amount stood at £243,6 4.267. Ordinary expenditure to date
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  69 words
  • 65 1 ’—Reuter. 3G Hours To Come To Terms Havana, Sept. 12. I. i San Martin has sent an ultimate officers at the National Hotel ng them thirty-six hours to come to with the Government. Washington, Sept. 12. Mi. Kull formally declared that the Unit<t.itcwould welcome any Cuban
    ’—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 79 1 Rugby Radio Service. Schoolboys Feel The Cold London. Sept. 12. After one month's expedition to Lapland, haling twelve days’ compass journey northwards through the forests a party of, English public schoolboys under Sur-, n-Commander Levick have returned to Helsingfors. I The boys marched 140 miles with ruck-,
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  79 words
  • 71 1 hev/t d appreciable gains. Rugby Radio Service. Stock Market’s Cheerful Tone London, Sept. 12. Stock Markets generally left off with a cheeiful tone. Kaffirs closed at about the best points of the day on continental buying. British funds finished steady with War Loan 3 1 per cent.
    hev/t d appreciable gains. Rugby Radio Service.  -  71 words
  • 63 1 —Reuter Wireless. Irish Free State To Withdraw Geneva, Sept. 8. The Irish Free State has notified th? Bureau of the World Economic Conference it will cease to be a party to the customs truce after September 24th while the Danish Government has qualified adhesion with the reservation
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 110 1 2—Rugby Radio Service. High Commissioner Of Australia London, Sept 12. Referring to the reports from Australia that the Australian Resident Minister in London, the Rt. Hon. Stanley Bruce, will shortly become High Commissioner, Mr. Bruce stated last night that the question of the continuance of the
    2—Rugby Radio Service.  -  110 words
  • 85 1 —Reuter. First In London London, Sept. 12. The first Chinese wedding, not Christian, was celebrated this afternoon at China House, Gower Street, the headquarters of the Chinese students. The bridegroom was Mr. Liu Tsin-wen, from Kiangsi, a graduate of the London School of Economics and the bride
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 96 1 r. Reuter. Falls Under Tube Train London, Sept. 12. The Earl of Kerry’, son and heir of the Marquis of Lansdowne was killed when he fell under a tube train in London tonight. Since 1928 the Earl of Kerry had been a victim of a succession
    r.—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 71 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Mr. Davis To Meet Conference President London, Sept. 12. Since his talks on disarmament problems with the Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, last week, Mr. Norman Davis, chief United States delegate to the Disarmament Conference, has been spending a golfing holiday in Kent. He is
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  71 words
  • 32 1 .—Reuter. Waterville, Sept. 12. Maine, after leading the prohibition movement for seventy-five years, voted “wet” by votes 2 to 1. This is the twenty-sixth State to repudiate prohibition. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 134 1 —Reuter Wireless. Report On Dictatorships FASCISM TO BE COMBATTED London, Sept. 7. Although British Fascists claimed that their movement was All-British, it was foreign in inspiration and make-up, declared Mr. Citrine, General Secretary, when presenting the General Council of the Trades Union Congress report on dictatorships and
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  134 words
  • 56 1 Cantonese Charged (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Sept. 13. A twenty-two year old Cantonese was charged with murder of his 18 weeks’ child. The prosecution allegation is that the child was thrown from a window and stabbed afterwards. The men's wife told the court that her
    56 words
  • 25 1 —Reuter. Leaves For Moscow By Air Paris, Sept. 12. The Air Minister, M. Cot, left for Moscow by air at 3.40 p.m.
    .-—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 127 1 Opposition Parties Merge MANIFESTO TO BE PREPARED Dublin, Sept. 8. The United Ireland Party came into existence to-day when the thre' opposition parties, the Cosgravites, Centreites and National Guard unanimously decided to merge as the United Ireland Party under the presidency of General O’Duffy. Mr. Cosgrave, Mr.
    127 words
  • 109 1 —Reuter Wireless. Farmers Arrested While the police were coping with riotous street behaviour, noise and disorder broke out in the police court. Scuffles took place between the civic guards and interrupters. The prisoners who were already in the dock were taken below and two interrupters were
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  109 words
  • 304 1 Kansas and other oil States.— Reuter Wireless. Labour Troubles CONCILIATION EFFORTS FAIL New York, Sept. 7. Labour troubles are adding to the difficulties confronting the National Recovery Administration. In spite of the efforts at conciliation by the Administration, 15,000 embroidery workers have struck to-day and are demanding
    Kansas and other oil States.— Reuter Wireless.  -  304 words
  • 105 1 -Shun Pao. Chen Kuo-Fu As Home Minister Nanking, August 24. It is learned from official circles here that General Huang Shao-Hsiung, Minister for Home Affairs, will shortly be appointed Chairman of the Honan Provincial Government and General Liu Shih, the present incumbent of the Honan post,
    . -Shun Pao.  -  105 words
  • 107 1 --Ch n Times. Dissatisfied With Gen. Chen’s Attitude Hongkong, August 24. Being greatly dissatisfied with the indifferent attitude of General Chen Chi-tang, the Party leaders in the South-west are gradually leaving Canton for Hongkong. Mr. Teng Cheh-ju. a prominent member cf the South-west Political Council, has
    --Ch;n Times.  -  107 words
  • 55 1 Singapore Proposal STRONG OPPOSITION EXPECTED (brom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Sept. 12. I he Municipal Committee recommend that all bicycles be registered and taxed $1 per annum, also that the tax ore tricycles be raised from $2 to $5. Strong opposition is expected when the matters
    55 words
  • 77 1 —Reuter. Light Rain Over Southern England London, September 12. London has experienced its first wet day for several weeks. Light rain was general over southern England to-day and fell also in many parts of the north. The forecast is for unsettled conditions. —Rugby Radio Service. DROUGHT
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 98 1 >, —Min Pao. Will Sun Tien-Ying Go .To Chinghai Peiping, August 24. Under the pretext that he was not yet completed his preparations to go westward General Sun Tien-ying, who is supposed to lead hia troops to Chinghai for land reclamation purposes, is still lingering behind at
    >,—Min Pao.  -  98 words
  • 84 1 Shun Pao. Kuling Conference Favours Reorganisation Nanking, August 23. It is reliably learned that the reorganization of foui provincial governments was. decided upon at the recent Kuling Conference. The provinces affected arc Kiangsu, Honan, Shangtung and Chekiang. The personnel of the new provincial governments is still under
    . Shun Pao.  -  84 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 t. NAGATA BROTHERS DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary Atich Office 52, Leith Street
      15 words
    • 95 1 w I N HE ■mH» 1 VljKfeJ PRODUCE OF SOUTH AFRICA I!!, 1 j;■ Of exceptional quality 1 “KEY” BRAND Brandy is jj ffifl 1 1 1 fl delicate flavour, IB B -'I and sells a t a remarkably •L “l HI gjiff jb j Illi Illi IB low price.
      95 words
    • 97 1 SELECTIONS FOR TO-DAY’S RACES AT STORE Page 76 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS a Politics of the Week 3 Danger of Incidence of Yellow Fever 4 Govt. Servants Thrift and Loan Society Meeting 5 Sporting News 5 A London Letter for Women 6 Exclusive China News Service 7 Majestic Cinema Granted Bai Licence
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  • 20 1 OBITUARY Mr. Alfred Sutro The death has taken from pneumonia of the playwright, Alfred Sutro a brother-in-law of Lord Reading.—Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2150 2 RATES FOR CASUAL municipaijiotice BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS Reconstruction of Campbell —r L/entisb Street. Chartered Bank nederlandsche AU communications relating to HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ fj J «.ivertisements should be addressed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the by Royal Charter ISSS). N.V. W I Ifi fj >avertisemenib snwuiu wc «v. Municipal Commissioners intend to
      2,150 words

  • 2525 3 PREMIER'S SOK REVIEWS PARLIAMENT: IP.ELAND'S SEARCH FOR FREEDOM THE NEAR APPROACH OF SOCIALISM LORD TAVISTOCK CRITICISES POLITICIANS (From Our Own Correspondent) London, August 25. ITALY AND AUSTRIA Talks about the Nazi campaign against Austria have taken place between Signor Mussolini, the Dictator of Italy, and Dr.
    2,525 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 297 3 W wosesj X BOURJOIS-PARIS £jl -4 Ifdflullai imip* ggjr o<A \o <^ cC c Ac t \o' Xc s \»ceP° S V C ube c iW \n9 b< <'°°’ 9 \e^ xO °i 0> 9 >S d -H *> .;j HS|fRiBS 1:;: J r > \o\S eV n v c
      297 words
    • 199 3 that needs no artificial aids r 'HE kind of beauty that is founded on rational living and eating endures through a lifetime. Include Quaker Oats in your daily diet. It will send rich, red blood pulsing through your veins bringing a lasting colour to your cheeks and the charm of
      199 words

  • 1040 4 MATTER FOR PORT AUTHOR’TIES YESTERDAY'S MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS' MEETING A Welcome And An Au Revoir Yesterday’s meeting of the. Municipal Commissioners turned; out to be a little more interesting than usual, a number oi announcements being made. Mr. R.. Boyd, President, presided and the. others
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  • 165 4 But He Estimates the Cost at £20,000,000 Mr. W. A. Conrad, assistant professor in mathematics at the United States Naval Academy, thinks it is possible for people to go to the moon in a rocket. He estimates that it would cost £20,000,000. He
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  • 187 4 She Feels Like 48 Aches and pains are not inevitable in old age. When they do come, there is always a cause for them a cause that can be overcome. Here is a little lesson on growing old, by a woman of 78 For the
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  • 348 4 First High Post Awarded by Lord Trenchard to a “Ranker” The appointment of Superintendent Janies Wilson, of Croydon, to the rank of Chief Constable is of more than ordinary public interest in that it is the first time that Lord Trenchard. in filling a
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  • 180 4 Magistrate Suggests He Should Interest Himself in Others A well-dressed man, who was stated to have an income of about £4O a week, was fined 40s. at Westminster Police Court on a charge of being incapably drunk. The man refused to
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  • 551 4 Mr. R. O. Bishop is due back in Ma- laya from home leave on Sept. 23. Mr C G. Wilkinson has been elected a member of the F. M. S. Chamber of Mines. Mr. J. Rowley of Cumberbatch and; Co., Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur, returned from leave by
    551 words
  • 155 4 70th Birthday Celebrations The 70th birthday celebrations of H.H. the Sultan of Selangor were held at Klang yesterday. The programme of celebrations began at 9 a.m. when there was a parade of volunteers and scouts on Klang padang. About 1,300 school children attended the parade. After the
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  • 295 4 Man Who Was Away With Friends for Two Days Sir Bernard the pathologist, said he was puzzled to find the cause of death w-hen he gave evidence at an inquest at St. Pancras on Jessel Charles Ludlow, aged 35, commercial traveller, who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 173 4 WIRELESS E.3.C. Prccjrair.rit For Straits Settlements, and Fedtraiefc ualay States from the Empire transohtter, Daventry, England. Two of the following frequenc-es ind wavelengths will be used Ui the tinNciisdons to the Indian zone. Aanomt in ntx will be made at frequent Intervals. Call Sign Frequency Wavelength. GSB 9,510 kC|S 31.55
      173 words

  • 680 5 Local Preparations 3ASKET-BALL AND VOLLEY-BALL PLAYERS ON THE WAR-PATH T; e Penang Basket-ball and Volley-ball iation have received a letter from the c< nmittee of the AU-Malayan ChinHympics asking them to prepare for tbcoming meet at Kuala Lumpur. ssociation have therefore formed ~n d teams of Penang
    680 words
  • 118 5 —Reuter. To-Day’s Race FIELD REDUCED TO 14 The following are the probable starters for the St. Leger Stakes to be run at Doncaster to-day. The field has been reduced to 14 Belfry, Dona Sol. Typhonic, Highlander and Earlston being scratchedHARINERO (Mr. W. Barnett) ......Ray EIGHT SUSSEX (Major
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 80 5 Result Of St. Leger Sweep The following is the result of the Penang Turf Club Sweep drawn on the St. Leger: HARINERO e e 7312 LIGHT SUSSEX 7409 THOR 9167 BELFRY 8256 YOUNG LOVER 6595 KING SALMON 6724 DONA SOL ***** SOLFATARA 9537 TYPHONIC 2340 HIGHLANDER 13
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  • 45 5 —Reuter. Result Of Champagne Stakes London, September 12. The following was the result of the Champagne Stakes run to-day BLAZONRY 1 ALISHAH 2 VALERIUS 3 Eight ran. Won by a short head; two lengths. Betting 11,2 Blazonry; 8 1 Alishah; 2|l Valerius.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 94 5 —Reuter. Johnny Fisher Sets Up New Record Cincinnati, Sept. 12. At the Kenwood Country Club course Johnny Fisher led the field at the end of the qualifying stages for the American Amateur Championship with a score of 141 (72 and 69) which is a new all
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 26 5 —Reuter. London, Sept. 12. In a match played to-day in the Scottish League, Queen’s Park drew with Hearts, each side scoring A goal.
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 44 5 Commission Of Enquiry’s Report Copies of the Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Constitution, Administration and Working of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya are available for sale at the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur, at $1 per copy.
    44 words
  • 196 5 —Reuter. Freeman’s 8 For 22 LEVESON GOWERS XI BEAT WEST INDIES London, September 12. H. D. G. Leveson Cowers XI defeated the West Indies to-day by 125 runs. Leveson Gowers XI batted first and totalled 310, Wyatt contributing 108: Martindale captured 5 wickets for 87 runs.
    . —Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 286 5 Alleged Sale Of Son (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Sept. 12. A sensation was caused in the Taiping Court, to-day, when a Chinese woman, the widow of a fisherman, was produced before the Taiping Magistrate, Che Albakri, and charged with "that you on July 19 last at
    286 words
  • 231 5 Worked As Typist After Once Wealthy Husband’s Suicide A former London dancer’s marriage to a shipping merchant and her husband s suicide a few months afterwards were mentioned at the inquest at Westminster today, on Mary Aileen Papadatos, aged 35, who was found dead
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  • 919 5 Larut Districts PROPOSED DIVIDEND OF 5 PER CENT The following is the Committee’s report of the Government Servants’ Co-Operative Thrift and Loan Society, Limited Larut, Matang and Selama Districts) to be presented to members at the 11th annual general meeting to be held at
    919 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 Display i R -«t: B of :NEW 3 niOBL«7. FASHIONABLE. q FASCINATING, CHIC MODELS JUST |MpoRTED FROM THE BEST pJ~A JF® MILLINERY HOUSES J < /f/ IN EUROPE. /X j UNIQUE! &> i 1 a B B B Fashion decrees ever something new and smart in modish headwear, whilst economy
      135 words

  • 2286 6 ROYALTY IN THE NORTH GYMNASTICS AS PART OF LIFE WOMEN DOCTORS' NOVEL SCHEME HOUSEKEEPING AS a PROFESSION (From Our Own Correspondent) London, August 31. THE KING AT BALMORAL The duration of the King’s stay at Balmoral is dependent on the weather. If it keeps fine,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. Tt has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
      64 words
    • 335 6 fl I M M Ik ARC A D/ CZIWORKS shoutnti x X > I Cigarette-making machines WJ. invented by the late Mr. Bernhard Baron (founder of Arcadia Works) which roll, cork-tip, cut and finally deliver complete Craven*‘A” cigarettes, ready for final conditioning and sealed- fresh packing. ■'< i L
      335 words

  • 742 7 REVELATIONS IN PUBLIC TRIALS o LONDON-JAPANESE CONFERENCE FAILURE SIGNAL FOR A SERIES OF MURDERS AND OUTRAGES "CHIEF DELEGATE WAS INFLUENCED BY FINANCIERS" When the Japanese delegation headed by Mr. (now Baron) Wakatsuki left Tokyo towards the close of 1929 to attend
    bring about national reform.—Reuter’s . Pacific Mail Service.  -  742 words
  • 477 7 —China Times. Party Government Minister FOREIGN POLICY UNCHANGED n it was announced that Dr. Lo w t n would proceed to Sinkiang and v. Wang Ching-wei would concurT become Minister for Foreign Affairs, were in circulation that the change o f -n Minister indicates a possible
    ”—China Times.  -  477 words
  • 152 7 i.—Shun Pao. Girl Of 27 Years Wants To Marry REALISATION DISGUST ENDS IN SUICIDE Shanghai, August 25. Because she is still unmarried when already 27, Miss Hung Hsiao-mei, a resident in the French Concession, got tired of her life and decided to end it all by taking
    i.—Shun Pao.  -  152 words
  • 738 7 MILITARY ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANISATION “General Sung Cheh-yuan, the Chairman of Chahar, is scheduled to return to Kalgan to-day to tackle the problem of military and administrative reorganization. “According to official communiques, a definite plan has been agreed upon concerning the reorganization of the troops formerly belonging to the People’s AntiJapanese Allied
    738 words
  • 244 7 —Central China Daily News. To Remove Communist Menace AEROPLANES TROOPS MOBILISED Hongkong, August 24. General Chen Chi-tang, of Canton, is now determined to remove the Communist menace on the Kwangtung-Fukien border once and for all by mobilizing all his aeroplanes and the best of his troops
    •—Central China Daily News.  -  244 words
  • 101 7 Shanghai Morning Post. Irregulars Support Gen. Fang Peiping, August 23. General Fang Chen-wu, whose troops are now concentrated in Northern Chahar, has assumed office as Commander-in-Chief of the Anti-Japanese Allied Army in succession to Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang and has established his office at Changpei, north of Kalgan.
    Shanghai Morning Post.  -  101 words
  • 131 7 for any breaches that occur.—Shanghai Morning Post. Immediate Measures To Strengthen Dykes Tsinan, August 24. The Yellow River flood is now threatening the safety of Tsinan, according to reports received by the local authorities. At Lokou, a city only seven miles away from Tsinan, the water
    for any breaches that occur.—Shanghai Morning Post.  -  131 words
  • 63 7 tween. Chinese and Mohammedans. —Sin Wen. Pao. Gen. Ma Liang Urge Organisation Nanking, August 23. Under the auspices of General Ma Liang, aged ex-officer and a Mohammedan, a National Mohammedan Association will soon be formed in Nanking. The Association will include representatives of all Mohammedan organizations throughout
    tween. Chinese and Mohammedans.—Sin Wen. Pao.  -  63 words
  • 165 7 a.—Sin Wen Pao. Sharp Divergence Of Views BETWEEN POLITICIANS AND MILITARISTS Hongkong, August 24. It is reliably learned that a sharp divergence of views has arisen between the politicians and the military commanders in Canton over the question of the Fifth National Congress and other political issues.
    a.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  165 words
  • 108 7 l. —Sin Wen Pao. Japanese Government to Seize Them Nanking, August 24. According to information from diplomatic sources, the Japanese Government is now making preparations to occupy eight small islands in the vicinity of the coral islands which the French Government recently occupied in the South China
    l.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  108 words
  • 95 7 .iCCVOUIG io icy 1. —Shun Pao. Harvesting Under Military Protection Nanchang, August 24. At the request of the farmers in districts inside the Communist area, General Chiang Kai-shek has ordered full military protection be given to them when gathering the harvest to prevent possible surprise attacks by the
    .iCCVOUIG io icy 1.—Shun Pao.  -  95 words
  • 78 7 —Shun Pao. Declare Go-Slow Strike Shanghai, August 25. Following the failure of the authorities of the Municipal Government of Greater Shanghai to effect an amicable settlement in the dispute between the employees and the management of the B.A.T. Company which has arisen owing to the latter’s summary dismissal
    —Shun Pao.  -  78 words
  • 65 7 Sin Wen Pao. To Be Revived Shortly in Shanghai Shanghai, August 25. The women’s movement is expected to be revived here shortly following the decision of the various women’s organizations to organize an association for the promotion of women’s welfare in October. According to those responsible for the
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  65 words
  • 79 7 i.—Sin Wen Pao. Minister to Tokyo Not Returning Shanghai, August 25. General Chiang Tso-ping, Chinese Minister to Tokyo, who is at Kuling for the summer months, will not return to his post in Japan in the near future in spite of reports to the contrary. It is
    i.—Sin Wen Pao.  -  79 words
  • 74 7 j.—China Times. Are Not |To Be Censored Nanking, August 24. The Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang has issued a circular order to all provincial and municipal governments instructing that, while the censorship on mails and telegrams should continue, such censorship should not be applied to letters between
    j.—China Times.  -  74 words
  • 80 7 t.—China Times. Loan of $12,000,000 For Construction Nanchang, August 24. In connection with the contraction of the proposed railway between Yushan, in Chekiang, and Pinhsiang, in Hunan, passing through Nanchang, it is learned that a new loan of $12,000,000 will be floated to finance the construction. The loan
    t.—China Times.  -  80 words
  • 47 7 China Times. Form Branch in Peiping Peiping, August 24. It is reliably learned that the German nationals in Peiping have formed a Naiz branch which has now a membership of fifty persons. It is said that the Germans in other ports will follow suit shortly.—
    China Times.  -  47 words

  • 398 8 The Ministry of Health in Great Britain recently called upon the local authorities in the large cities to prepare schemes for the sweeping away of slum areas. Not for years has it been possible to undertake such schemes at so low a cost. It is the same all
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  • 310 8 ()ne of the most severe blow s that were dealt at Germany by the peace treaties was the loss of her colonies. It must be admitted that the Germans, on the whole, were fairly good colonisers. and that their administration in Africa and elsewhere was reasonably successful. For
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  • 1122 8  -  at the golden sovereign in his palm.—Eardley Keswick, in the Manchester Guardian.” He was on his way to the Cairfax Hotel, j where his Aunt Alice stayed fcr the fortnight that she spent in town each jear. xlc- was a, thin, cage.-looking toy c. s;x--i toon, wuicse uouseis
    1,122 words
  • 758 8 HAND POWER The first thought of i the Tokio kettle d a’ r tion to *he city’s nni p v campaign killed l-",09< will be that Tokio is lonly di- place. And the secor when flies abound in g be simpler and cer a’r. i i i
    758 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 165 8 BUY ONLY CLOVER BRAND MILK P j- B u fcW X R />« /> A s E A T Y Q/' T T \xJ C R Y h e c A ?ens a ed s unsweeteho p E E S F T T Obtainable from all Ist class provision dealers
      165 words
    • 108 8 YARDLEY LAVENDER BRILLIANTINE The Yardley Lavender Perfumery comprises a complete rauj-? cf Toilet articles, all of the highest quality and all lavishly perfumed with the lovable fragrance of the famous Yardley Lavender. Among these little luxuries the Yardley in every form are included; their use will give a gloss
      108 words

  • 130 9 Reuter Wireless. Socialist Bid For Power RESOURCES OF SENOR AZANA INSUFFICICENT Madrid, Sept. 7. 1 is persistently rumoured that the nation of the government is imminent, ht feeling has been general for some n that the energy and resources of jj ,r Azana, the Prime Minister,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  130 words
  • 117 9 S r Wen Pao. Tibetan Leader Retire To Lower Province Nanking, August 23. Iht Panchan Laina is leaving Suiyuan f< T.-inghai early this autumn. He will blish his Pacification Commissioners’ at Hsining, according to the Panchan 1 nr’ representative in Nanking; who •Ji That, following the
    S r Wen Pao.  -  117 words
  • 100 9 Min Pao. Agreement to Return Great Wall Passes Peiping, August 24. According to information from the Rerocession Commission, the Japanese mili- ary authorities have at last agreed to turn the Great Wall passes which they ccupied during the recent operations in that region. In a telegram to
    . Min Pao.  -  100 words
  • 246 9 Unregistered Doctor Cheong Teik Kong, a Hockchew Chinese, was charged in the Penang Police Court, his morning before the Magistrate, Mr. I' Wills, with practicing in medicine and urgery without being registered as a practitioner. Detective Inspector P. S. Gordon stated that accused was an
    246 words
  • 104 9 have on the European situation.—Reuter Wireless. Chancellor's Difficulties BUT DR. DOLLFUSS TO STICK TO JOB Vienna, Sept. 6. Reports that Dr. Dollfuss is intending to resign shortly are officially denied. The Chancellor’s difficulties are admittedly heavy nowadays owing to internal divergencies in the Cabinet, while the
    have on the European situation.—Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 265 9 Former Straits Resident Dies In Shanghai The Jewish community of Shanghai has suffered a great loss in the death of Mr. Silas Simon Levy, which took place, after a lingering illness. He was 73 years of age, an old resident of China and well-known throughout the East.
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  • 172 9 Burial At Bidadari Cemetery The funeral of Captain M. O. Leyne, of the Heap Eng Moh Steamship Co., who died at the General Hospital, Singapore, took place at the Bidadari Cemetery, preceded by a choral service at The Cathedral of The Good Shepherd. The Service was attended
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  • 114 9 Numerous Malayans Mourn A Bereavement Cable news has been received of the death of Madam Ampiavager, the mother of Mrs. S. Eliathamby of 84. Maxwell Road, Ipoh, at the ripe age of 97 at her residence in Changanai, Ceylon. The deceased who came from a wellknown family, leaves
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  • 784 9 Yesterday's Meeting MAJESTIC CINEMA GRANTED LICENCE At the meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices, which was held yesterday at the District Court and presided over by Mr. B. F. Bridge, a first class licence for a bar at the Majestic was approved. The other members
    784 words
  • 244 9 Transport To Prai HARBOUR BOARD MAY TAKE IT OVER The ‘’Times (ft Malaya” gives publication to an unconfirmed report that th Penang Harbour Board may shortly take over the Penang Railway Station and the transport of Railway passengers from Penang to Prai and Prai to Penang.
    244 words
  • 109 9 TLN- bpot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £214.17.6 £217.7.6 TIN—(S Months) London £214.17.6 £217.7.6 Ringapord $lll.OO $110.50 Businera Done Penang $llO.OO Business Don» bu y ers no sellers COPRA —(Sundried) $3.50 $3.50 BLACK PEPPER «i $13.75 $13.75 BUBBEB London 3/,id. 3'. Jd. New York 6}Jc.(G) 6%c.(G) Singapore 11 %c. HI2C.
    109 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 w'w/W THE SALUTE! Here they come... “Smiler” leading—a gallant and endless little army radiating Health and Happiness The tramp of these V sturdy little feet is heard increasingly throughout the world to-day for Cow Sc Gate is fast becoming world-famous —and happy Mothers everywhere are saying ALL TINS ARE DATED
      139 words
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    • 396 10 Between Ceylon And London o LIKELY COMPLETION NEXT YEAR Cost Of Calls NEW CABLE TO BE LAID IN MARCH, 1934 Satisfactory progress has been made with regard to the proposal to connect Ceylon with London by telephone, and there is 1 every prospect that the scheme will be
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    • 172 10 Training At Buona Vista Camp i SERVING LONG TERM Galle, Aug. 19. On their Scout honour, three prisoners who are serving long terms of imprisonment in the Welikade gaol, are now spending a period of ten days at the Scout camp at Buona Vista. These three
      172 words
    • 111 10 Memorial Forwarded To Governor Kelaniya, Aug. 23. A movement which had been set on foot among Bhikkus and Buddhist laymen to make representations to His Excellency the Governor with a view to having the sentence of death passed at Matara on the Rev. P. Sri Dhammadinna
      111 words
    • 115 10 Drank Wife’s Blood Revolting evidence was given by a woman at the Kegalle Police Court on Firday' when a charge was made against a man, John Karunanayake. The woman said her husband came back from Minneriya and made accusations against her, finally demanding her blood to drink,
      115 words
    • 86 10 Last Of Escaped Prisoners Re-Arrested Of the five prisoners who recently escaped from the Hulftsdorp Remand Jail four are now behind bars. News has been received by the Crime Police of the re-arrest to-day of the last of the escaped prisoners by the Alutgama' Police. He is
      86 words
    • 186 10 Sartorial Problem For Buddhists PROPOSED PUBLIC ENQUIRY Avisaw’ella, Aug. 22. It is learned from the Ven. Pahamune Sri Sumangala, Chief High Priest of the Malwatte Chapter, Kandy, that the adjourned inquiry into the wearing of trousers by a Buddhist priest, who w as recently
      186 words
    • 104 10 Hangman In Stray Cattle Case Among those present in the Colombo Municipal Court to-day was a hangman. Having had to carry out an execution on August Bth in the Welikade gaol, the hangman, H. Davith Singho, of Baseline Road, was absent when a case against him
      104 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 487 10 THE PROFESSIONAL MAN' misfortune LieS n the faCt that hiS specia,ised knowk-.i JKr priceless to himself, is merely a personal as> If While he lives and is physically fit his skill be capitalised in definite measure: when dies Ws asset dies with him and his inc i ceases THE greatest
      487 words
    • 71 10 t Siemens.—- —1 ,-{CABLES WIRES I r I m ManuG>ctur*rs of ALL CLASSES o /CABLES! /S— I TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE yts \\\X\A —u an d f POWER TRANSMISSION L®- lUll SIME, DARBY L I >J CO., LTD, penang ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Buy Your Printed Requirement Z From J THE PINANG GAZETTE I PRESS,
      71 words

  • 760 11 p o i Deny Allegation T' of He Was Treated With Violence s encounter with the police was t th' South-Western Police j.'rnest John Paul McDowell, ysician, of East Hill, Wanswas charged with driving a v. hile under the influence of drink e-road,
    760 words
  • 896 11 SIGNFICANCE OF MR. HAY’S DISCOVERY i A RECORD IN SIZE AND BRIGHTNESS I Only on very rare occasions since they were first observed by Herschel in 1793 have prominent spots been seen on the globe of Saturn. In 1876 Professor Asaph Hall, of Washington,
    896 words
  • 450 11 Far-Reaching Effects Of The Prince’s Appeals The far-reaching consequences .1’ the speech by the Prince of Wales, as pa ion of the National Council of Social Service, at the Albert Hall a year ago, are shown in the annual report of the Council. A year
    450 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 270 11 Combining’ A™ Good company wilSl Good taste/ Save the Coupons! Handsome Gifts Obtainable. SOLE AGENTS rtrMoerat of HENRY w UGH k co y”- < v Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur Ipoh. (3igarette.s s-a.p.b. 8 Abundant Energy FO* WO fOB TN these strenuous days, thousands of active Amen and women rely on
      270 words

  • 910 12 SOCIALISATION AN!? SELF-GOVERNMENT hostility to empire PREFERENCE Socialisation and self-government are set out is the objectives of the Colonial policy of the Labour Party in a report on The Colonies which the National Executive Committee will submit to the party s annual conference at Hastings in October.
    910 words
  • 172 12 For years, people have gone to Rothwell Churchyard, near Kettering, to see a tombstone with this inscription IN MEMORY OF MARY. THE WIFE OF ANDREW BARKER, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AUGUST 17th, 1774. AGED 265. And they have gone away convinced that they have
    172 words
  • 175 12 A man’s death after he had been knocked dowm by a motorvan on the Victoria Embankment has revealed that he was an exconvict who during his life had been sentenced to 49 1 2 years’ imprisonment. Detective William Phelps of the City Police,
    175 words
  • 124 12 A ta”i-driver said at Petersfield i Hampshire) Petty Sessions that he saw a woman motonst collide with a stationary car and then begin to drive on. He added “I went over to her and told her she ought to stay and
    124 words
  • 133 12 Latest Quotations Tuesday Monday Paris 81 31 32 82 23 32 New York 4.57% 4.55 Montreal 4.79% 4.77 Brussels 22.97% 23.20 Geneva 16.59 16.75 Amsterdam 7.95 8.03 Milan 60 13 16 61 7 16 Berlin 13.43% 13.57% Stockholm 19.37% 19.37% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.10 19.90
    133 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 312 12 NOTICE PRANG BESAR SEED Supplies of good vigorous seed collected from high-yielding areas containing trees of the recommended clones available for immediate delivery. Price $4/- per 1,000 ex. Estate plus small charge for packing. Apply— HARRISONS BARKER CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur. SELLING MADE EASY—Times are hard but there is no
      312 words
    • 158 12 Mrß<y IB Mk W 1 1 I Pepsodent polishes teeth as it removes film This double-action tooth paste brings a rapid improvement in the appearance of your teeth SOME tooth pasteswill remove three most important things necessarv film, but they may harm tooth to keep teeth clean and sparkling, enamel.
      158 words

  • 533 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram from G P.O. London, says that the mail despatc from Penang Air mail (via Kara > of August 26 by the s.s. “Karoa” was dr’iv, red in London on Sept. 11. AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra by
    533 words
  • 541 13 Schedule of Principal Lines Thfi following is a list of vessels arriving sd sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY M.S. ALSIA from Europe via Colombo. Sails for Port Swettenham, Malacca,; Singapore and Bangkok. S.S. SANTHIA to Calcutta. M.S. MANDAR from Tg. Mengeidar, Bagan
    541 words
  • 202 13 SEPTEMBER 13 Singapore Races, 4th day. SEPTEMBER 14 Penang Mercantile Employees’ Co-opera-tive Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., Annual! meeting, Town Club, Downing Street, 5.15 p.m. SEPTEMBER 16 Singapore Races, sth day. SEPTEMBER 20 Government Servants’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., Penang, Half-yearly Ordinary General Meeting, Survey
    202 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 252 13 FHOLf® AMUSE U r PARK. Wednesday, *933. v v* v ~r.-'-r~nrw rwai. SHOWS WILL STAGE PARTICULARS With Mr. SUN KENG KOW in the leading role supported b y At 8 P.M. Messrs. LOH KIAM HOOI, WONG Al CANTONESE “TAI CHEOH CHIP” WA !I and Misses OPERA SIE H \I” LEONG
      252 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 126 13 PENING W® W <WfO«3H T a» KOfrI H Im” SI FO'NIGHT EwH R "sM The Samuel Goldwyn Production of the Famous Broadway and London Stage Hit IBBIb». 11l jfisgk JHBL 9» jKg d-Z COMMENCING PERFORMANCE NIGHTLY at 8 p.m. UNIVERSAL'S STUPENDOUS SHOW Th Screen’s Funniest Pair GEORGE SIDNEY CHARLIE MURRAY
      126 words
    • 99 13 With RONALD COLMAN KAY FRANCIS PHYLLIS BARRY -tIK «fc .-sMr -W' I feoiß m as, You may disagree with the wife who forgives, yon may sympathise with the husband who slips, but you’ll enjoy RONALD COLMAN in “CYNARA” It plays with your heart-strings tenderly, warmly, as a harpist on her
      99 words

  • 1082 14 AMALGAMATION OF "BIG FIVE" PROPOSED PROBLEM OF GRANTING CREDITS Following their previous proposal that the Bank of England should be socialised, the Labour Party, in a report to the annual conference of the party at Hastings from October 2 to October 6, put forward the
    1,082 words
  • 422 14 Mr. F. J. Blakemore On Low Prices Mr. F. J. Blakemore, of Wolverhampton. a past president of the National Chamber of Trade, suggests that prices have now reached rock bottom, and that now is the time to begin national and private work, particularly the two
    422 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 287 14 B n ‘L ?L *3 L- J 4 »131M 4 ><°] I 3 0 f> 1 Bral > a -*Wj jB gn w Ball e 1 I r 9 Il I 11 kU 11 O You did not learn that at school. But, fl for your health's sake, you should
      287 words
    • 37 14 If you wish to extend your trade and find new customers, try a smau advertisement in the “Pinang Gazette.” It circulates throughout the whole of North Malaya. Siam and Sumatra. As a selling medium it stands unrivalled
      37 words
    • 217 14 (fib WHIM Things mavb ceased A just < M TOPPING. Sole Agents ;~N,v. Straits Java Trading Co. s a b r P• Air compressors, Vacuum Pumps, Electric Pneumatic Tools, Faint Sprays, Rock Drills, Demolition Tools, Coal Picks, lifting Jacks, Mitchill Tiamond Core Drills, Air Lifting Pumping Equipment for Fluids. Expert
      217 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2070 15 s Z22^^Ff T r :=s T^^^&=-s^XN > ‘V'“'<<£ f ■<mi /X Sr~K Tk p ©.-BRITISH INDIA fl \WL* j and apcar LINES f A^R^ENTI (Companies Incorporated in BnglanC) MBLBlfc FtUtMEI» liMf j MAIL PASs£Nm4‘.k -< u C4RGO bEFtVICES -<« LONDON AND NORTH CON-HnS?"* One TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR £.J° Penang,
      2,070 words

  • 138 16 Chinese Girl RESCUEDLY LAUNCH CREW A Chinese girl passenger from Sungei I’atani, dressed in Shanghai fashion, attempted to commit suicide this morning while coming over to Penang in the Railway launch. She was alone and seated in the second class accommodation. About ten minutes after the launch
    138 words
  • 133 16 The following matches have been arranged:— SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. G. B. F. Southam vs. D. McLeod Craik. Mrs. Tofield vs. Mrs. McGregor. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 9.30 AM L. R. Tofield vs. M. T. P. Rule. W. T. Semple vs. F. T. Clifton. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. Mrs. Wemyss
    133 words
  • 144 16 Capt. Cameron Charged GRIEVOUS HURT TO POLICE CONSTABLE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Sept. 12. Captain E. P. B. Cameron, of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Assistant Staff Ofiicer to the Local Forces, was charged in the District Court with causing grievous hurt by a
    144 words
  • 26 16 Yesterday’s Result In the Men’s Singles Handicap “B Final yesterday, J. R. Strachan —15.4 beat L. V. J. Laville —15.1, 2 —6, 6—4,
    26 words
  • 373 16 r RACE 1 RACE 2 i RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 5 RACE 6 RACE 7 RACE 8 TIC-TAC 1. Rangoon 1. Iseult 1. Aiya-Aiya |l. Melbourne 'l. Geninderra 1. Buffoon 1. Coral Moore 1. High Forest zdtxt x-r. a k’ride Of Perak 2. Can Do \2.
    373 words
  • 320 16 THE SCRATCHINGS GOING EXPECTED TO BE GOOD (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Sept. 13. There were slight showers yesterday but it is fine this morning and the going is expected to be excellent. THE ACCEPTANCES The following are the acceptances RACE 1. Maidens—Division B—7
    320 words
  • 26 16 .—Reuter. Barney Ross Retains Title New’ York, Sept. 13. In a 15 round contest for the World’s Lightweight Championship Baney Ross (Holder) outpointed Canzoneri
    .—Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 49 16 The s.s. "Carthage” from Yokohama via Singapore is expected to arrive here at 10 a.m. on Saturday (16 —9 —33) and wall leave for Colombo, Bombay, Aden, Port Said, Malta. Marseilles, Gibraltar, Plymouth and London at 7p. m. the same day. Steamer w’ill work at the w’harf.
    49 words
  • 157 16 Landslides On Penang i Hill NO DISRUPTION OF HILL RAILWAY TRAFFIC Since before five o’clock this morning Penang has been very anuch under the attention of Jupiter. Heavy and steady rain came down for hours over the best part of the island. LANDSLIDES ON HILL Several landslides are
    157 words
  • 809 16 TO-DAY’S k Es KENNEDY )M l>ANy The fouesnng we-x 1.. m ftIESbKENNER Uj: M Uoia tO'iay. 1 m Yesterday To d Buyers Sen< Buyers Bei MINING Batang Padang 15 s Batu Caves 55 Hong Fatt 46 50 ap 1 Kampong Lanjut 12 9 ]2# Katu 15
    809 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 36 16 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Ralnfal 6 a.m. ..76 E 38 m.m. Noon 77 N.W. TIDE TABLES High Water. Low Wat® TO-DAT 4.17 a.m. 11.58 a.m. 3.43 p.m. 7.05 p.m. TO-MORROW 9.05 a.m. 10.52 p.m. 4.47 p.m.
      36 words