Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 August 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 3511 1 DISTINCT COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES DR. TEMPANY'S ADDRESS AT THE I.S.P. CONFERENCE EXCELLENT REPORTS ON SAMPLES \t the I.S.P. Conference on Saturday at Taiping Dr. H. A. Tempany, I; Director of Agriculture. S.S. and F.M.S., read a most interesting on tea growing in the Cameron Highlands—■“
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  • 68 1 Reuter. BODIES OF ETON MASTERS RECOVERED Pontresina, Aug. 19. The bodies of the four Eton masters who were killed while on a climbing expedition now lie in stretchers before the altar of the church and the funeral will take place on Monday. The bodies are so badly smashed
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 355 1 Couple Criticised By Judge I think the plaintiff and her sister would not hesitate to swear to anything which might advance or support their cause. The defendant may fairly be said to be of a similar character and he evinced l that in the
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  • 247 1 cept the oil code in its present form.-—Reu-ter. President Appoints Committee TO SUGGEST MODIFICATIONS Washington, Aug. 20. Owing to persistent reservations and objections President Roosevelt has agreed to appoint a committee representative of the oil industry to suggest modifications of the code. The oil men have agreed
    cept the oil code in its present form.-—Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 182 1 —Reuter. Dublin In State Of Tension BUT ALL QUIET Dublin, *Aug. 20. The city was in a state of tension all through the day though all was very quiet apart from minor scuffles. Reuter was informed at the National Guard headqarters that all Blue Shirt parades
    —Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 365 1 Captain Mundy to Play No More London, August 7. Capt. Lindsay Mundy, captain of the English bridge team, has decided to pay the side bets which the American team claims he lost when he conceded, owing to illness, the bridge match he was playing last week-end
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  • 125 1 PUBLISHED TO-DAY Regular subscribers to the Pinang Gazette will receive with their paper to-day a copy of our 88-page illustrated Centenary Number. This number contains articles dealing with the principal industries of Malaya and the history of Penang from the time of Light. A limited supply
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  • 70 1 dor. —Reuter. Mussolini To Help Rome, August 21. Complete agreement on all questions «Ils cussed w*as reached at the conversations held at Riccione between Signer Mussolini and M. Dolfuss. It is understood that all aspects of the political situation in Austria were reviewed, and Mussolini was of the
    dor.—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 30 1 Reuter. Missouri’s Overwhelming Vote St. Louis, August 20. Missouri voted overwhelmingly for the repeal of prohibition including hitherto dry rural sections. This is the twenty-second wet State.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 42 1 —Reuter. Soviet Financial Expert Appointed Moscow, August 19. Baryshnivkov, a member of the board of the State Bank, has been appointed financial expert to the Soviet Delegation negotiating the sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway. and has left for Tokio.-
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 —IMB |T. NAGATA 1 BROTHERS I I DENTISTS Head Office next I to The Dispensary I ich Office 52, Leith Street I
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    • 42 1 “Pinang Gazette” Centenary Number 1833 1933 ON SALE TO-DAY AT 25 CENTS PER COPY. POST FREE TO ANY ADDRESS 43 CENTS. ORDER YOUR COPIES NOW. Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., la, Penang Street, ’Phone 477. Penang. TierF -1- MU y yzi u g
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    • 118 1 HOME NEWS I FOR i MALAYA Page 14. TO-DAY'S CONTENTS Pinang Gazette Centenary Number 1 Oil Industry 1 Blue Shirt Parades Held 1 Alpine Tragedy 1 Foreign Cables 1 and 9 Tea grown on Cameron Highlands 1 and 10 Kedah Appeal Court 4 How To Win a Wife 6 Tic-Tac’s
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2099 2 RATES FOR CASUAL PENANG HILL OVERSE CH'«« SE BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS RAILWAY corporation All communications relating to Time Table. TIIC (Ineorporsted tn the Straits SetttemenU Chd Herod advertisements should be addressed HANDEL M AATSCH APPIJ t dia, Australia and nmto the Advertisement Manager, The UP TRAINS. Successors to: sq V <
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  • 3298 3 gr ve warning at taiping IALF YEARLY MEETING LOSING $4,000 PER ANNUM K ST DIE ABOUT 4 OR 5 YEARS HENCE Unless Members Support It (From Our Own Reporter) Taiping. Saturday. dt yearly-general meeting of the Incorporated Society of at the Xew tlub
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  • 134 3 Research Institute to Benefit Less (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Aug. 17. In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 16 of the Kedah Customs Enactment 1343, the President of the Stat<* Council hereby amends Table B of Rule 33 of the Customs Rules
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 I s I So Smooth! I There is such clean efficiency in its performance. The full width of the blade edge—an edge as free as that of the Barber’s razor—comes into action with a smoothness that astounds. Sets at 50 cts., $1.50, $3.00, $4 50 yA 1 VtV (With a
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  • 415 4 Greatest Needs Of Children difficult years An appeal for the wise teaching in schools of the details cf sex was made by Dr. John F. Davidson, Medical Officer of Health for Suffolk, at the Conference of the World Federation of Education Associations, which continued in Dublin
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  • 285 4 Honour Awarded To Col. S. Cotton LADY BROUGHTON’S NEW EXPEDITION Scarborough, August 8. Lord Moyne's steam yacht Rousalka arrived off Scarborough with Lady Broughtcr an the tunny fish weighing 546 lb. which she caught. It was only killed after a 13 hours' struggle. It has
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  • 160 4 Leaving for Bombay on Holiday In view of Lis departure to Bombay on leave a tea-party was given yesterday at 136, Brick Kiir. Road, in honour of Mr. Ratilai S. Narechania, J.P.. Penang. Dr. G. H. Joshi and Mi. Bamanshaw Mehta acting as hosts. Among those present
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  • 234 4 Unhonoured And Unsung Mr. John Masefield, the Poet Laureate, addressing an audience of over 6,000 people at the Welsh National Eisteddfod at Wrexham said that there w’as a great need for festivals such as that. Not many people had the faculty of finding poetry
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  • 692 4 All Murder Sentences Upheld Except One FINANCIAL CLERK'S LAPSES [Fiom Our Own Correspondent.] Alo. Star. Aug. 20. Presided over by Sir Waite. Mv.ggard, K. C., Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, who was supported on the bench by Mr. Justice ’Beckett Teirel and -»ii- Justice Cobbett. the
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  • 647 4 Messrs. Joseph Ranc, H. S. Lee and Chan Siak Lee have been elected members of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines. Mr. E. R- W. Partridge, who was for many years planting in Perak, is now living at Sandown, Isle of Wight. Miss G. L. Piggot, Nursing Sister,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 226 4 Municipality of George Town, Penang. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MUNICIPAL HEALTH OFFICER. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, require a Deputy Municipal Health Officer for their permanent staff, the appointment being, in the first instance, on a three years agreement. Candida f es should be between 25 and 35 years
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    • 123 4 I SELL I YOUR i piAr o I jT I j I WicafWrwmfflwi HMwywFWiw U I lIMHI2J B I JI, >* To us. We will allow you a liberal figure, i which can be used as part payment on a j 1 Modern Instrument. PIANOS IN STOCK By Guaranteed Makers,
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  • 362 5 Wickets Victory For P.R.C. TAYLOR BATS WELL FOR 49 ket match played on the Esplanrday the Penang Recreation Club the Straits Trading Club by six wick tits Trading Club lost their first aply but Strahan and Reeves >od stand to see the score past before a
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  • 515 5 Singapore Rugby Tour M.R.U. Referees 1 Society To Be Formed The fact that a Malayan Rugby nion Society of Referees is to be >rmed was announced at Friday's ting of the Rugby playing members of the S.C.C. iraft constitution for the Society been drawn up
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  • 237 5 P.C.C.'s Lean Innings SPELDEWINDE AND WARD DEADLY (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Aug. 20. What would have been a very interesting match, was spoilt by rain to-day when a team from the Penang Cricket Club, motered to Taiping to play the Perak Club. Batting first, the visiting
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  • 43 5 .—Reuter. Kirkwood’s Victory Toronto. August 20. Joe Kirkwood, of Chicago, with an aggregate of 282. won the Canadian Open Golf Championship. The holder. Harry Cooper (Chicago) and Le X. Robson (Toronto) were joint runners-up with 290. Gene Sarazen returned 293.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 740 5 Penang XI Beaten VICTORY FOR MISS RIBOET’S UNBEATEN SIDE The charity football match yesterday between a Penang Football Association side and Miss Roboet’s Java team (Soekiman) attracted a record crowd to the Victoria Green. The fact that the visiting team had played quite a number
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  • 258 5 Penang Lose To Perak WINNERS SUPERIOR IN DOUBLES After leading by one match at the close of play on Saturday. Penang lost the InterState Tennis match at Ipoh by five matches to seven. The following were the results SINGLES Chin Kee Onn (Perak) beat Goon Kok Ying
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  • 192 5 Chinese Sporting Club Tennis Tournament (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, August 20. The Chinese Sporting Club, Taiping, the premier Chinese Club in North Perak, which has several prominent tennis players, is starting their annual tennis tournaments next week, beginning with the Open Singles Championship. Last year’s champion, Lai
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  • 74 5 Reuter. Monaco Eliminated in Qualifying Round Monaco, August 19. In the qualifying round of the Davis Cup, Switzerland eliminated Monaco by four matches to one. Fisher (Switzerland) beat Gallepe (Monaco) 6-3, 6-3, 6-1. Ellrner (Switzerland) beat Landau (Monaco) 6-2, 6-3, 6-2. Fisher (Switzerland) beat Landau (Monaco) 6-2,
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 91 5 6-2.—Reuter. Miss Nuthall Marvellous But Beaten Forest Hill, August 19. In the American Women’s Tennis Championships, Mrs. Wills Moody defeated Misa Betty Nuthall 2-6, 6-3, 6-2. Miss Nuthall was marvellous at first, setting up a blistering attack with a variety of strokes and accurately placing to
    6-2.—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 91 5 Interesting Fixtures for the 1933 Season (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, August 20. The Taiping Rugby Season will be started early in September. T. P. M. Lewis has been elected captain, and is taking an energetic interest in enlisting all interested in the game, both European and Asiatic.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 275 5 Market Reports From Eu rope Record Sharp Advances In All Cotton Goods w BUY NOW WHILST PRICES ARE LOW -w FLEECY COTTON BLANKETS Plain White with Whipped End». Soft, comfortable and Fleecy. Light weight. Adequate Warmth. Size 54 x 75 inches. Sale Price $1.90 Each. WHITE COTTON BLANKETS $2.95 Y
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  • 905 6 Humour At Dunmow Flitch Trial THE MERITS OF UMBRELLAS AND TREACLE TARTS Three happily married couples went to the ancient village of Dunmow on August 7 to stand trial for the famous Dunmow Flitch. They had to convince the jury of six maidens and six
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  • 297 6 Court Story Of A Berlin Meeting LOVER WHO WAS MARRIED A Hungarian. Josephine Garuoy, was found guilty at Marylebone on August 5 of stealing a purse and contents from the handbag of Mrs. Annie Cull, of Hitchin, as she was boarding a coach’ in Rengentstreet.
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  • 207 6 ‘Hello” Obsolete ’Hello is unnecessary, time-wasting and obsolete. “Are you there is vapid. meaningless and utterly ridiculous. This is one of the several striking comments ir. a booklet issued by the Telephone Development Association on “How to get the best value from your telephone system.' It
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 BMHBBBBB^wmEBBmSwi r BHi Bit Bk f iS JA T z A '"'l f A I v I I/ -BF s /M i I H II H M J iiy ‘i /"V s wl' V \HF■ II T\W ''/f II TR/PLESHFLL The Lubricating Oil Recommended for Most Cars in Malaya 30
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  • 793 7 SECOND DAY'S RESULTS tetrawa scores his first win (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, August 19. rp to-day attracted a bigger crow yesterday. His Highness the gulUin ak and suite were again present. j n f ning race Minnie Mouse took the ’h Mek well up
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  • 97 7 —Reuter. Rangers Held VICTORY FOR QUEEN'S PARK London, August 19. In the Scottish League Queen of the South won away from home defeating Third Lanark by two goals to one. Hibernians held Rangers to a goalless draw. The full results are as follows: Airdrieonians 0 Aberdeen 1
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 352 7 First Division Match POOR GAME ON S.X.I. GROUND In one of the poorest games witnessed on the St. Xavier’s ground this season the Police defeated the Penang Recreation Club by 3 goals to one in the first division of the Penang League. Both teams were below full
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  • 342 7 CHINESE 'A TEAM TROUNCED Cook Bowls Well WIN FOR P.C.C. BY 5 WICKETS A cricket match was played on Saturday on the padang between the P.C.C. A and the C.R.C. A and resulted in a win for the former by five wickets. The Chinese, batting first, were only able to
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  • 338 7 A Cambridge Experiment A party of men from Westcott House, the theological college at Cambridge, assisted by some undergraduate Rover scouts, recently organized and staffed for six weeks a camp for ICO unemployed men aged 19 or 20 from Bristol and South Wales. The only qualities
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  • 556 7 Cullen Wins Individual Championship SELANGOR UNIT CHAMPIONS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, August 19. WdTse weather than yesterday prevailed for to-day’s Malayan A.A.A. sports making the ground conditions most difficult for the competitors. The first event was run in a drizzle which cleared up towards the
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  • 267 7 30 COMPETITORS SHARE PRIZE Tic-Tac’s Free Treble for the first day of the Ipoh Turf Club Amateur Meeting has been won by 30 readers of the Pinang Gazette who will share the s2oo|- offered. Cheques for $6.66 will be posted to-day to the following winners: Mary
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 195 7 WIRELESS < 1 8.8. C. Programme For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter, Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent Intervals. Call Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kc's
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  • 413 8 Baghdad. the city of the Caliphs, is in the throes of a transformation which bids fair to deprive it of all its glamour and romance. Under Iraq's new and enlightened rulers, the city is being westernised. In addition an intensive campaign of moral uplift is being
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  • 277 8 Herr Hitler’s decision to revoke the ban on duelling among students will be received with joy in the German universities. For centuries duelling has been practised by German students, who regard it as the finest test of manhood. I'he student who flinches when his face is cut open by
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  • 1214 8 E. H. in the Birmingham Post. ELIZABETH ELSTOB’S SCHOOL AT EVESHAM Few people may have heard of that lady whom Taoresby describes as “the justly Cvielx-ated Saxon nymph, for fame is a chancey jade and. scholars are doomed to obscurity. Yet Elizabeth Elstob, the nymph in question,
    E. H. in the Birmingham Post.  -  1,214 words
  • 712 8 HISTORY IN Zfr Several eighteeru;- €ont being pulled dow f V ho,J se» ‘to have a number 3S j and probably ar. r L a nA builder says unusually int > rot4 *3 s “breaker.” s< r > found upon t’-e a 1 history of the I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 331 8 If the sun is shining hot V JmS and the windows all are shut z* t iysf7<r X j cl v CARLSBERG LAGER PILSNER STOUT| SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY LIMITED Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur. y: -jjt I? w L?r NEW SHIPMENT DUTCH ROLLED I HERRINGS I IN BOTTLES
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  • 249 9 Reuter. Manchuria Issue CHINESE REFUSE RECOGNITION Banff, August 20. Hict has developed on the Manchuat the Institute of Pacific Relahe Chinese delegates declared that ’ould steadfastly refuse to recogpolitical entity of Manchukuo. aied that Manchuria was the logifor China’s teeming millions and >an's claim to the
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 297 9 No Two Alike In Millions Of Impressions A i-finite denial of recent reports conthe similarity of fingerprints was by Detective-inspector Charles t*. of New Scotland Yard, during the of a case at Gloucester City Quart> r ssions, on Aug. 2nd. i •■ctor Garrett was called to give
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  • 124 9 tion in submitting evidence. —Rugby Radio Service. Fire Insurance Frauds 10 FOUND GUILTY London, Aug. 20. Ten persons accused of complicity in gigantic fire insurance frauds were found guilty by the Jury' at the Central Criminal Court yesterday. Six others had already pleaded guilty. The trial,
    tion in submitting evidence.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  124 words
  • 317 9 Drowning Native Saved By Tail A big hippopotamus which attacked a canoe, got one foot into it, nearly drowned one of the crew and was only beaten off after it had torn large pieces from the craft, provided an excising adventure for Mr. Culwick, tthe administrative
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  • 210 9 Penang in Semi-Darkness Shortly after 12 noon to-day, the sun seemed to have lost its brightness—not of the sort which heralds the coming of a storm or of approaching darkness —but a gradual almost inexplicable fading into semi-darkness. This was due to the annular eclipse
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  • 170 9 newspaper “Harijar.”.—Rugby Radio Service. Give Up Civil Disobedience COMMUNIQUE TO BE ISSUED London. Aug. 20. H. E. the Viceroy of India, Lord Willingdon, on his return to Simla with Lady Willingdon from their Bombay tou yesterday, held a meeting of the Executive Council. Later the Government will
    newspaper “Harijar.”.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  170 words
  • 279 9 Amendments to Present Legislation A Bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council to amend the Women and Girls Protec'ion Ordinance, 1930. The objects and reasons state Section 7 of the Women and Girls Protection Ordinance, 1930, forbids the owner or agent of any premises letting the
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  • 249 9 $lOO Fine for Persian Without Visa The classification of “undesirable alien was given by the police to a Persian named Lazo Ahmed Ogly, who appeared before Mr. J. F. F. Gregg in the Third Police Court, Singapore, on a charge of entering the Colony without a visa. Inspector J.
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  • 400 9 Belonging to Wife of Peer’s Son MANY RINGS Basement Window Forced The theft of £6,000 worth of jewellery! from a house in Upper Berkeley-sireet. London, was investigated on August 5 by detectives under Divisional Detective-ins- i pector Sharpe. The house is occupied by the Hon. Donough O’Brien,
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  • 59 9 Berlin, August 7. The National Socialist executive for the Breslau district announce through the columns of their local newspaper, the “Schlesische Tageszeitung,” that women with painted faces will be refused admission to all meetings and demonstrations organized by the Nazi party. The enforcement of this
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  • 76 9 A group of Nazi Storm Troopers caused a sensation in Nuremburg, Bavaria, when they marched through the streets with a young man in their midst who was pushing a motor-cycle. On his breast was a great placard announcing I am a cad,” and on his back,
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  • 113 9 ON--Spot SATURDAY TO-DAY London £215-2-6 £215-2-6 TIN—(3 Months) London <. £215-0-0 £215-0-0 Singapore $109.37i/ 2 Business Done j Penang $109.25 $109% Business Done Buyers no sellers. Buyers no sellers. COPRA —(Sundried) .4 $3.60 $3.60 BLACK PEPPER $14.00 $14.00 RUBBER London 3%d. No market. New York 6!,1c.(G). No market,
    113 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 267 9 Look at k the i >* T 1 "T*** 1 For infants and inva l '°2 b, B XSBfaR... 't. q xj 7*7 —< There is everything your -4 baby needs in a tin of Cow 5 Gate! The rich concentrated nourm ishment of the world s finest milk is
      267 words

  • 186 10 Spurred By Promise A native’s feat of travelling 70 miles on foot within a day is vouched for byMr. L. S. Norman, of Luchenza, Nyasaland, who writes “I had occasion, very early one morning, to send a letter to Blantyre, distant 40 miles
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  • 475 10 Gives Up Channel Swim Though “Quite Fit OVER 7 HOURS IN WATER Miss Mercedes Gleitze, who entered the water at Dover at 10.15 on the morning of August 2 on an attempt to swim the Channel, gave up at 6 o’clock in the evening.
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  • 264 10 Nineteen years to the day after Britain’s entry into the Great War comes the news that an Australian who picked up the wallet of a German in No-man’s Land has taken steps for its return to its owner. This is not the first case by any means in which
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 220 10 1 IL |b^IBEAUTY 7 that needs no artificial aids THE kind of beauty that is founded on rational living and eating endures through a lifetime. Include Quaker Oats in your daily diet. It will send rich, red blood pulsing through your veins bringing a lasting colour to your cheeks and
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  • 2253 11 )RUG FOR HEART DISEASE: POISON FUMES f rOM MOTOR-CARS: EFFECT OF WIND ON Bv'LDINGS NEW TYPE OF RAIL LOCOMOTIVE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, August 5. i I io replace digitalis Hampshire, Secretary of the ,1 Commission which is resp|j;i! fllH< l < he new Pharmacopoeia made
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 13 11 Every Wednesday Ladies will find special articles of interest in The PINANG GAZETTE."
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    • 131 11 ft| "4S GOOD 4S GOLD i ’W>- 1' A A li w fX» ggg; V. 1 S ■*>«. "'Mt/: 3 All the VALUE IS INSIDE the CIGARETTE. It is not necessary to be a tobacco expert to appreciate that in choosing a quality cigarette the TOBACCO is the first consideration.
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    • 810 12 Annual General Meeting REDUCED SALES OFFSET BY LOWER EXPENDITURE The annual general meeting of Messrs W. Hammer and Co., Ltd., was held at Singapore, on Friday at the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Derrick and Co., Mr. W. E. Rainer, chairman, presiding. Others present were
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    • 24 12 The output of The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.. Ltd., for the four weeks ended 15th August, 1933, amounted to 2,066 ounces.
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    • 26 12 The output of The United Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the month of July, 1933. was 30.606 lbs. Total for 3 months, 100,289 lbs.
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    • 84 12 The following are the tin outputs for first half of August, 1933 The Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd (No. 1 Dredge):—Piculs, 145 hours. 307 c. yards, 50,000. The North Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. (Dredge working only 2 shifts a day, four days weekly. One wash-up every second
      84 words
    • 65 12 PENANG, AUGUST 21 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank> On London Bank Demand 2 3 15 16 4 mts 2 4 316 Private 3 m ts credit 2'4 3 Documentary 2 4 516 On New York Bank Demand 51 nom. France T.T. 970 nom. India t.T. 154 Hongkong T.T.
      65 words
    • 878 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES I I KENNEDY COMPANY The following were the latest quotation» tn MESbi.S. KENNEDY share Hsi to-day. Saturday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenby 70 80 65 75 Alor Gajah 55 65 50 55 Ayer Hitam 1.00 1.10 75 85 Bassett 40 50 32%
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    • 1158 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST 2 si NAMES. > I I£l RJBBER (Dollar.) Sc. cl Allenby Rubber Co. AlofCajah Rubber Estate Amalgamated Malay Estates 1 2C I A’ 1 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate Ayer Kunmg Rubber Estates 13 20 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 60 70 Ayer Panas Rubber Estates i Balau
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 285 12 I SKIN TROUBLES i 0 3 Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying 5 3 Properties of Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills II B A PERSON suffering from g g] eruptions of the skin has f rQ much to endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and IwC' ''fixw irritation and
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  • 592 13 5 C s dule of Principal Lines ng is a list of Teasels arriving from Penang during the week: 31* M M PORT «'O-L>AY I ANA to Europe. ARI to Teluk Anson, etc. RA to Rangoon and Calcutta. •A from Pangkalan Brandan at. Sails for the same
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  • 1200 13 NOTICE The Air Mails despatched from Penang on 9th August per the Butch Aeroplane via Alor Star-Amsterdam were delivered in London on 17th August. AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra by train to Singapore and thence by Butch Air Mail Service K. N. I. L.
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  • 105 13 AUGUST 23 Entries close for Singapore Turf Club Amateur Meeting. AUGUST 26 P.C.C. “A” vs. Indian Association, Esplanade. SEPTEMBER 2 Singapore Races, Ist day. SEPTEMBER 6 Singapore Races, 2nd day. SEPTEMBER 9 S’ingapore Races, 3rd day. SEPTEMBER 13 Singapore Races, 4th day. SEPTEMBER 16 Singapore Races, sth
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 85 13 f APIOL STEEL I fi Site And certain for all Female I complainti.Every lady should I Keep box in the house* 1 I w. J. EDMONDS I J The English Pharmacy K I 5?-54, Beach Street, Penang. nF REFRESHING Cuticura Talcum Soothes and cools h ather s face and removes
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 75 13 Ik jI Ha wH Id li I- 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 LAST TWO SHOWS 1 Glamorous j CAROLE LOMBARD "NO MORE ORCHIDS" WITH r Louise Closser Hale and 1 A Brilliant Cast 1 A ROMANCE OF PERFECT LOVE. TO MORROW BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND i An Entirely Brand New Copy of
      75 words
    • 71 13 1 J' —y 1 6.15 j LIL DA ©OVER j > THE ALLURING NEW CONTINENTAL t iKS? 5 STAK IN FIRST NATION \L’S NEW SEASON SUCCESS /V BI THE WOMAN T MONTE f CARLO" e with i WARREN WILLIAM WALTER HUSTON. A fascinating story of a siren who tried to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 47 14 t 1 f Inr ILT.YJW r M HLL.IU J rx. i r F AUCU f M 7 I r i r I 7 I f Malaga» v (Tnlfpp f I I I I i 3'l SOLE DISTRIBUTORS HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD., PENANG SINGAPORE, IPOH and KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1979 15 I -TTd A p ©.-BRITISH INDIA K fcr 4 >.\ J Bl» 1 yyK A\. AND APCAR lines s£ssS3&M B ?LR| 11V PIIMMPVi a MM* MAIL PASSENGER and CAP Go t>C> VICES Vj s LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Leaves Due TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR I KUS Mars. Havre, L’don, R’dam.
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  • 246 16 Playing Of Great Beauty LAST NIGHT’S RECITAL Paul Schramm and his partner had several difficulties to overcome at the opening of their recital at the E. O. Hotel last night, not the least of which was the disturbance created by late arrivals—an old fault of Penang’s
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  • 164 16 Five Matches to Three The golf tournament between the Penang Golf Club and the Malakoff Estate and Sungei Patani (combined) resulted in a win for the Penang Golf Club by five matches to three. The following are the results Halliday and Goodman
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  • 85 16 Visit to Penang The soccer team of Abdul Hamid Sports Club will be visiting Penang on August 24 to play a couple of soccer matches. On Thursday, August 24, they will play against the S.X.R.C. on the S.X.I. ground, and on Friday they will meet the
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  • 414 16 It is often said that one must never criticise an amateur dramatic show seriously, still less honestly, and the truth of this ancient adage of newspaper offices has been proved once again by a recent incident in Penang. The newly formed repertory
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  • 168 16 Results of Saturday’s Ties and To-morrow’s Fixtures The ties that were played off on Saturday, Aug. 19 resulted as follows LADIES’ DOUBLES Miss Boey Chwee Lan and Miss Khoo Kor Cheng beat Miss Leong Chai Tein and Miss Cheah Shing Ging 11—15, 15 —1, 15—9. MEN’S DOUBLES—SEMI-FINAL
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  • 1499 16 IN COURT OF APPEAL ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SOLE MANAGER USED FIRM'S FUNDS FOR FLOATING COMPANIES The partnership dispute in the firm of Hoe Guan and Company was carried a step further to-day when the first defendant, Mr. Khaw Joo Tok, appealed to the Court of
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  • 128 16 Kidnapping Charge Against Indian A provisional warrant valid until August 24, was issued this morning for the arrest of Samy Kanoo on a charge of kidnapping Mariayee at Kulim, F. M. S. Both Samy Kanoo and Mariayee were found asleep in a Penang kitchen. Chan Yoon
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  • 84 16 In the Penang Police Court this morning, before the Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, a Tamil named Abdul Salam was charged with cheating by falsely representing to one Eusoff Mollar that he would work for him as a tailor and thereby inducing him to deliver the sum of $BO
    84 words
  • 85 16 Cyril Gay pleaded guilty in the Penang Police Court this morning to a charge of vagrancy, having no fixed place of abode, nor visible means of subsistence, and being unable to give a satisfactory account of himself. Accused wished to go back to Rangoon, where he
    85 words
  • 48 16 The case of Yeoh Boon Siew, a Chinese charged with the possession of dutiable liquor on the public road at Relau at 1.55 p. m. on August 20, was postponed for hearing on August 29, Tuesday, with bail for accused in the sum of $5O.
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  • 95 16 In Course of Criminal Proceedings Alleged tc have given false ehJaw» the course of a case in trial before thePo ang Police Magistrate, a Yeoh Ah Tan. was to-day produced the District Judge, charged with the i fence. The accused claimed trial and the a
    95 words
  • 101 16 Latest Quotation‘s Paris 4.48 4U New York 4.74 7 s Montreal 2 3-68 Brussels 47.12 Geneva 3.19 if Amsterdam 62 13 'll Milan 13.87% Berlin 19.39 jj Stockholm 22.40 11 Copenhagen 19.90 Oslo 30 ill Vienna ii2h J .Prague Helsingfors 39 I<3- 0 Madrid io9h 1
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 45 16 Lil Al— Ek O. PENANG’S PREMIER HOTEL. DINNER DANCES Tuesday Thursday Saturday. Saturday, 2nd Tuesday, sth September PENANG REPERTORY PLAYERS present "ITS A BOY" by AUSTIN MELFORD. BOOKING NOW OPEN. E. O. GARAGE. First Class Cars On Hire Day and Night ’PHONE 322. ’PHONE 322.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 34 16 WEATHER REPO rT Temp. E S* 6a S 3 SW Noon 56 TIDE TABLES High Water. TO-DAT 7.07 a.o. 12.56 a.m. 33p,n. 12.50 p.m. tomorrow 8.00 P 1.19 p.m. 7 37 aB 1.25 a.m.
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