Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 152 1 The King To Set An Example In Brevity PRECISE AND DEFINITE PROPOSALS HOPED FOR T' work of preparing the new geological museum at South Kcn-ing’"!) accommodate the World Economic Conference was completed to-day. \nmng the equipment is the installation of twenty-two amplii.ers. Practically all delegations
    152 words
  • 173 1 Reutt Everything Possible for Success Paris, June 9. Determination to do everything possible to make the World Conference a success waa expressed by M. Daladier in the Assembly. He said that France in her policy on the matter did not consider the manipulation of gold would solve currency
    Reutt  -  173 words
  • 157 1 >■ —Reuter Wireless. Slock Seiling lo Selected Clients Washington, June 10. Harold Stanley, a partner in Morgans, '■stifled that he sold stock to his wife at oss m $12,858 which was deducted from ls taxable income under the provision of io.- lV l >, Iln *tting a deduction
    >■—Reuter Wireless.  -  157 words
  • 32 1 Reuter Wireless. banned in Germany Th P Pnt Berlin, June 6. H fV f 1110 London newspaper, The tor an i nto will be banned ndefltt ite period.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  32 words
  • 156 1 for support for his general policy. —Reuter and Rugby Radio Sendee. Bills Tabled in French Chamber Paris, June 9. As a prelude to tariff discussions at the Economic Conference the Government tabled bills in the Chamber authorising firstly, customs surtaxes as a reprisal to measures by foreign governments
    for support for his general policy.—Reuter and Rugby Radio Sendee.  -  156 words
  • 122 1 l —Reuter Wireless. Enormous Expansion London, June 6. The enormous expansion of the Building Society movement in recent years was emphasised at the fifst International Congress of Building Societies. Sir Enoch Hill, Chairman of the Halifax Society, the biggest in England, welcomed the delegates who
    l—Reuter Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 57 1 lIIU3 CLX ICi kl SUU- Manager, performed the ceremony.—Reuter. Reassembled at Shanghai Shanghai, June 9. H.M.S. Sandpiper, which is a river gunboat built in England, and was shipped in packing cases and reassembled at the Kiangnan Docks in Shanghai, was launched this afternoon. Mrs. Mauchan,
    lIIU3 CLX ICi kl SUU- ”—— Manager, performed the ceremony.—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 105 1 Reuter. Anglo-Indian Action And Japan SERIOUS TARIFF PROBLEM Tok io, June 9. “With Britain owning one-fifth of the world the action of Britain and India in taking steps to shut out Japanese goods raises the quest on c± life and death to Japan,’’ declared the
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 83 1 F. Cusicms The 21st and 22nd meetings of the S.S. Trade Commission were held in Singapore on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 7th June, when evidence was taken from Mr. L. C. Hutchings of Messrs. Robinson Co., Ltd., from Mr. R. H. Smith of the
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  • 161 1 ---Rugby Radio Service. Full Meeting Of Cabinet DECISIONS NEXT WEEK London, June 9. To-day’s meeting of the Cabinet which lasted two hours and at which there was a full attendance was mainly’ engaged on the war debt question. It is understood that the matter will remain under
    ---Rugby Radio Service.  -  161 words
  • 49 1 by the Nazi anti-Jew tactics. —Reuter Wireless. Over Nazi Anti-Jew Tactics Washington, June 6. Although it has not lodged an official protest, the United States Government has informed the German Government of the unrest occasioned in the United States by the Nazi anti-Jew tactics. —Reuter
    by the Nazi anti-Jew tactics.—Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 108 1 —Reuter. Spectator" Article HIS WORK FOR CHINA'S RECONSTRUCTION London, June 9. The Spectator in an article on Mr. Soong, says that he has earned a deservedly high reputation for financial ability and personal integrity and his visit to Britain may have important results. His work
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 124 1 Verdict of Murder Against Boy (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The inquest into the death of Mrs. R. W. (Ida) Taylor was held yesterday morning before the First Magistrate, Mr. F. K. Wilson, by Captain Morrish, Officer Superintending the Police Circle. The Coroner found that death
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  • 293 1 Schoolgirl’s Plea for Abbey Battle (Sussex). At Battle Abbey May 27 a young girl asked for a Bishop's blessing on her school, and we who heard her simple plea believed that a curse uttered four centuries ago had been banished. Much in the drama of
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  • 156 1 Settlements called for June 13. —Rugby Radio Service. Some Profit Taking CITY OPINION OF GERMAN MORATORIUM London, June 9. Stock markets closed with irregularity due to some profit making. British funds were slightly easier with War Loan 3% per cent at 98%. Berlin bonds after fluctuating
    Settlements called for June 13.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  156 words
  • 91 1 .—Reuter. a Surrender Not in Vocabulary Hong Kong, June 9. Mr. Eugene Chen and Madame Chen are now in Hong Kong. Mr. Chen emphatically denied that he was going to Japan on a special mission. He declared that as long as Japanese conscrips are on
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 31 1 :.—Reuter. Mattern Arrives at Krasnoyarsk Moscow, June 9. Mattern, the American airman who is on a flight round the world, arrived at K rasnoy arsk. —Reu ter.
    :.—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 35 1 —Reuter. Conservatives Retain Seat London, June 9. The Hitchin bye-election, caused by the fatal death of Viscount Knebworth, resulted as follows Sir Arnold Wilson (Cons.) 14,569 Mr. William Bennett (Lab.) 10,392 No change.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 25 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, June 10. The “Atalanta” left Rangoon at 7 this morning and is due at Don Muang before noon.
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  • 30 1 L —Reuter. Tokyo, June 9. The Finnish aviator, Bremer, left Finland at 11.5 a m. and landed at the Tokyo airport at 2.46 p.m. from Seoul.—Reuter.
    L—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1655 2 RATES FOR CASUAL notices VMWMWJW. ’’“’“oXeation BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS limited. S.S. PEMBROKESHIRE The (Incorporated to the Straits SetUemenU.) NEDERLANDSCHE Chartered n J^rtk^M ni eh tiO M h relat dT ‘d Successors to HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ, OF INDIA. AVSTKALU ■avert isements should be addressed (arrived ON 5— 5—53.1 P I H fl H
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  • 362 3 Lord Howe Hamilton Win in Germany RACE WON ON THE POST Cologne. British drivers scored two fine victories in the international motor races on the famous Neurburg ring on May 28. Earl Howe, driving a Delage, won the race for cars up to 1,500 c.c., covering a
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  • 153 3 Bequests for Research in Improving Health Sir Henry Royce, director of Rolls-Royce, left gross estate valued at about £llO,OOO. His great aim was to make provision for the distribution of knowledge j for the purpose of improving the health i of, and preventing disease to,
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  • 113 3 They Quaff a Tankard or Two England’s oldest twins will be 91 on June 22. And do they enjoy life John and James Piggott certainly do. They are both hale and hearty. And they both intend to quaff a tankard or two of beer on
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  • 709 3 Allegation That Police Wrote It After Man Signed JUDGE “UNDERWORLD OF NOTTING HILL” A suggestion that an accused man had iniaitlled and signed blank sheets of paper and that the police had afterwards written a statement supposed to have been made by the man on the paper
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  • 184 3 Jeweller’s Fight Near West End Safe Deposit A 60-years-old jeweller, Mr. Eugene Baroux, of Heddon-street, W., put up a desperate fight against a motor bandit in a i West End street, but he was overpowered and his attache case, containing watches j and other articles worth between
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 Blackheads and m Enlarged I t Pores Gone in 3 Any woman W’*' < a n now easily banish head» and enUrped p o t and b tvc a new white skin in WKjk t days t>y the use of JBw lokalon Vanishing Skin- gsg( flu. contains pre digested dairy
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    • 23 3 It is a long lane that has no turning. An advertisement in the Pinang Gazette will help to pull you through dull times.
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    • 171 3 i )S I i J :||sS S I < ImiHM l BMI ■W!| I H ’l* I H w I 1 W f f W < Klosterßeer i 1 r "ONE OF LIFE'S PLEASURES" 1 e Obtainable at t I 1« All the Leading Dealers. J 1 V SOLE AGENTS
      171 words

  • 322 4 Wednesday, May 31. In the forenoon His Excellency and Lady Clementi and the Misses Clementi attended by Mr. R. J. Curtis, Private Secretary and Mr. H. C. Beverley, A.D.C. arrived at Singapore by the s.y. Sea Belle.” Hon. Mr. M. B. Shelley had luncheon at Government House.
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  • 153 4 New Books Received The following new books have been received at the Library Tom’s A —Cold by John Collier. Miss Delicia Allen by Mary Johnson. Magic Quest by Stephen McKenna. Martin's Summer by Vicki Baum. Newtimber Lane by Ernest Raymond. I Had Almost Forgotten by Charles B. Cochran.
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  • 751 4 Mrs. Yeoh, of Femina. Limited, Ipoh, has returned to Ipoh after a visit to Singa- pore. 1 Mrs. A. Metcalfe, who has been in Kuala Lumpur for a few days, has returned to Ipoh. Mr. Ong Thuan Beng has been appointed chief cashier of the Ipoh branch
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 THE SECRET OF I GOOD DIGESTION How Anybody Can Have It. Practically all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble are due to or accompanied I by an abnormal condition known as acidity, which causes fermentation and the formation of gas. Correct this condition and all pain and distress instantly disappears.
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    • 225 4 RUNS UPSTAIRS AT 92 Daughter’s Pride in Active Father “I feel in duty bound,’’ writes (Mrs.) A.J.W., “to express my gratitude for the marvellous results my father has obtained from Kruschen Salts. They should really be called Miracles.’ He is ninety-two years old, and is as fit as a fiddle.
      225 words
    • 314 4 m wa 11 Ml w CB 5« {X” r™ 0, 584 I rut A LiHle Spring-Time T Four London Hits Superbly Played by the 8.8. C. Dance n-. Tunes That Are Catchy. 7 c nestra, CB 584 Underneath The Harlem Moon F ox r ref Honeysuckle Rose ot Played by
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  • 765 5 Favourites* Day MR kirwan RIDES FOUR WINNERS (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 9. The Amateur races to-day drew a fair crowd. Those present included the Sultan of Pahang and suite. The going was good. It was a favourites’ day. Mr. Kirwan rode four winners
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  • 264 5 —Reuter. M.C.C. Win At Lords HEADLEY SCORES DOUBLE CENTURY London, June 9. The following are the results of County Cricket matches which were commenced on Wednesday: M.C.C. v KENT Lords: M.C.C. 406 (R. W. V. Robins 106) and 187 for 8 wickets declared; Kent 253 and 254
    —Reuter.  -  264 words
  • 178 5 —Reuter. Great Britain in Semi-finals Eastbourne, June 9. In the third round of the Davis Cup competition Great Britain eliminated Italy by three games to nil Great Britain will now meet Czecho-Slovakia in the semifinal. Perry (Great Britain) beat Morpurgo (Italy)6-4, 7-5, 6-4. Austin (Great Britain) beat
    !.—Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 110 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, June 8. Entries are invited through affiliated Clubs for the Kedah Lawn Tennis Tournament Association’s open championship meeting. The entries should reach the Hon. Secretary Mr. W. N. Sands, Alor Star on or before June 13. The fees are Singles
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  • 142 5 D.A.F.C. 4 B Win by Six Goals to One In a one-sided match the D.A.F.C. B defeated the Penang Teachers in the second division of the Pepang League bj the broad margin of six goals to one, on the Dato Kramat ground yesterday. The winners
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  • 86 5 P. C. C. vs. Krian Club The following have been selected to represent the P.C.C. against the Krian Club at Parit Buntar, on Sunday, at 11 a.m. S. V. Adams, H. W. Brady, J. G. Carr, R. G. Gibson, W. A. Kimpster, H. E. Muriel (Capt), N. Rees, J.
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  • 35 5 Bowls Tournament The prize distribution in connection with the above tournament will take place on Thursday, at 6.45 p.m. A series of matches will be played prior to the distribution of prizes.
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  • 565 5 Taiping Sensation (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, June 8. What is believed to be the first case of its kind occurred at Taiping’s principal thoroughfare (Main Road) last night, at 8 p.m. when a Chinese named Yap Sin Kee (aged 32), the ne’er?do-well son of a
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  • 142 5 Preferential Duties Collection (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, June 7. According to latest legislation, on claim to pay preferential import duty shall be made or entertained in respect of any dutiable goods unless such goods are imported at one of the following ports and places of import
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  • 43 5 BOXING AT THE FUN FROLIC Postponed to Monday The boxing promotion of the Amalgamated Amusements Company which was to have taken place last night had to be postponed to Monday owing to adverse weather conditions. There will be no alteration in the programme.
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  • 466 5 Selangor Assizes (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. At the Selangor Assizes to-day before the Hon’ble Mr. Justice McFall and assessors, Mr. W. H. Noble and Mr. C. F. Seimund, a Telegu named Gangayah who was charged with murder by causing the death
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  • 90 5 To-day at the Esplanade, 6 p.m.—7-30 p.m. 1. March —Colonel Bogey—Alford. 2. Overture—The White Queen —Metra. 3. Selection —Community Land. No. 1— Stoddon. 4. Waltz—September—Godin. 5. Patrol—Gathering of the Clans— Williams. 6. Selection —The Rose of England— Hume. 7. Fox Trot—Around the Marble Arch Gay. God Save The
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  • 178 5 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND 7.50 Litany. 8 a.m. Matins. Pse. XXIX and XXXIII Hymn 162. 8.30 Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Holy Communion Chinese. 6.30 Evensong. Ps. XCUI 201. Pa XCIX 207. Magnificat 200. Nunc Dimittis 209. Hymns 163, 161, 100, 28. TUESDAY S. Barnabas a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 GENERAL SALES ROOM Usual Auction Sale. of Teak Furniture, Office Desks, Typist Desk, Books, Rice, Show Cases. Provisions, Electrolux Refrigenerator, Perfection Stove, Brassware, Meat Safe, Chairs, Baby’s Sleeping Cot, Almeirahs, Records, Iron Beds, Mah-Jong Sets, and Sundries, etc. To be held at, GENERAL SALES ROOM, On Sunday, 11th June, 1933
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 37 5 WEATHER REPORT Temp. Wind Rainfal 6 a.m. 78 E 12.9 Noon 87 N TIDE TABLES High Water. Low Wat® TO-DAY 1.59 a.m. 8.02 am. 1.57 p.m. 8.54 p.m. TO-MORROW 1.59 a.m. 8.02 a.m. 1.57 p.m. 8.54 p.m.
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    • 142 5 WIRELESS 8.8. C. Programme For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter. Daventry, England. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals. Call Sign Frequency Wavelength GSB 9,510 kc|s 31.55 m.
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  • 452 6 Taxicab in Collison With Fire Engine MR. BARRINGTON-WARD A London magistrate, Mr. BarringtonWard. K.C., was awarded £1,351 18s. lOd. damages against the L.C.C. on May 30 for injuries received in a crash between his taxicab and a fire-engine. The action was heard by Mr.
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  • 230 6 “My Wife Had Nine” He Says Exeter, May 27. An anti-birth control movement in the West country has revealed the Bishop of Exeter, Lord William Cecil, as the champion of the big family. His outspokenness on what he believes to be the peril of the
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  • 711 6 Mr. Claude Aurelius Elliott CAMBRIDGE DON The Provost and Fellows ot Eton Co* le S® have appointed Mr. Claude Aurelius Elliott, OBE P Feliow and Senior Tutor or Jesus §OUe«. Cambridge, to be Head Master, m succession to Dr. Alington, the new Dean of Durham. Mr.
    711 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 A "BRACER" Ml you’ll enjoy— SI an eggcupful of IS I LEA&PERRIHrgSI IAIK£ illll first thing in the morning. ijnuuuMHi nr nssn I < I j B g? 0/9 s %gs 1 I Bi U 2 fl 3l I—fl Vitamin A to ensure resistance to fl fl infections; Vitamin B
      197 words
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    • 110 6 Time Gentlemen!! i 11 k > \l B |y ■vTjFiO/ \i f/ Bl nL 18l IBS B off J\|B If/1 FOR A TIG-ER Bftß DISTRIBUTORS FRASER G NEAVE. Eastern bazaar’s I- i r* LL NOW C A I C 10th JUNEf ON f ONLY SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR CHILDREN SILK SOX
      110 words

  • 2732 7 A Year Of intensive Work A striking tribute to the work of the late Sir Ronald Ross, the founder of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Putney Health, is made in the annual report of the Institute. During the last few years, the report states,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 204 7 I Enkancingly lovely I The most J wonderful series of Beauty preparations ever created, even by the genius of M. Bourjois, the foremost Parisian I Beauty Specialist. They have, by their distinction an d refinement, their unapproachable perfection, won the unstinted praise of *he sma test women in the most
      204 words
    • 277 7 Dentists advise: your teeth, brush yWggfl I j J them. Clean the badcs Z and fronts and crevices with X a modern, short head-brush” fi, the cuttide of your teeth: this H diagram rheus how badly they fit the inside curve, making it j difficult for ycu to brush all
      277 words

  • 760 8 Following the announcement that the Siamese Government intends to run a million tical lottery with the object of aiding the hospitals comes the news that the final report of the Royal Commission on Lotteries and Betting has been issued at Home. The Commission has taken an unconscionably long
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  • 1040 8 OSIER WORK BY THE RIVER From the landing window he watched the brown, rusty horse toil around the kink in the road. The head of the brown horse was lowered as he flung his weight solidly forward against that of the caravan which swayed ever
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  • 772 8 THE PERFECT GESTURE If the essence of the perfect in that, while there is no pos 3ible Sult b its intent, there is stl n g und of complaint t place in the annals of abuse m’.-A s corded to a little demon., curred on the German
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 if'your face wears a frown wL a ami the spleen w< w i keeps you down t*>~ 1 r~~3BF®K~B w] /J®7/ U»k W J Jg IkX Ji CARLSBERC LAGER PILSNER STOUT, SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur '^■■■■■■maanviaaaQMßMßenßMHrxMnn mmmmhmbbhmmm sa■*■■■■■■■■1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ —B^MIM—l^— I Have Yau Tried
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    • 36 8 The Coolness Of De Reszke Satisfies Every Smoker. Famed as The Aristocrat Of Cigarettes Say “DE RESZKE” to your tobacconist SAVE THE COUPONS. SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Singapore, Penang. Ktiala Lumpur A Ipoh. A.P.8.—34.
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  • 2385 9 Wife Helps Him With $lOO,OOO drew company cheques without BOARD'S SANCTION Says It Was "The Custom" Further startling evidence was forthcoming in the Supreme Court yesterday when the public examination of Lim Chin Guan, in bankruptcy, was continued before Mr. Justice Sawrey Cookson.
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  • 387 9 Marvels Of Her Second World’s Fair PLACE OF HONOUR FOR THE ROYAL SCOT Chicago, May 28. This is Chicago’s great day. The gates of her second World’s Fair —a century of progress—opened this morning, on May 28. With their opening begins a five months’ celebration of Chicago's
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    • 241 9 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette) The Chairman of the Tin Producers’ Association at the annual general meeting which you reported yesterday quoted the remarks of a speaker at a meeting of the Bankers’ Association on Bth May and of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
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  • 209 9 “Arrested by Mistake,” Says Smuggler A revenue officer on midnight w’atch on board the m.v. Seistan w’hich arrived from China ports on May 26 saw a sampan cruising aimlessly round the bows of the ship. Being well versed in the wiles of smugglers this
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  • 185 9 Screaming Woman in a Strange Scene There was a strange scene in the vestibule upstairs in the Singapore Police Oourte when a Malay woman stripped herself of her clothes. The woman was found wandering in the streets previous night and was brought before the magistrate charged with
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  • 225 9 French Dressmaker and Shanghai Tailor A French woman dressmaker and a Shanghai tailor were complainant and accused, respectively, in a case of theft before Mr. A. W. Hay, the Singapore Second Magistrate on Thursday. The subject of the charge was one and a half yards of green
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  • 248 9 No Proof it is Not Genuine London, May 28. Plans for showing the Holy Robe—said to be the Coat Without Seam which Christ wore at the Crucifixion —at Trier Cathedral, Germany, to thousands of pilgrim» from all over the world, are now being completed. In a letter to
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  • 103 9 TIN —Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £223-15-0 £223-10-0 TIN—(S Months) London £223-15-0 £223-10-0 Singapore $124.00 $124.00 r Business Done > Penang $124.00 Business Done Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundried) $4.35 $4.25 BLACK PEPPER $20.00 $20.00 RUBBER London 3 fad. New York 6/«c.(G) 6ftc.(G) Singapore Ut'« 11% cts. TAPIOCA Fair Seed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 THE TIRELESS SALESMAN—An advertisement in the “Pinang Gazette” is a tireless salesman. From one week’s end to another it talks business without boring potential customers. It tells your story (unknown to you perhaps) to a wide circle of interested readers and its influence is all the more satisfactory in so
      88 words
    • 142 9 few REASON/ I a -SI i.ififjJr*" Ifl F I J 1 oft \\.iL CMXO»T» JM, From his first feed of Cow Gate, Baby shows pleasure and contentment —he loves it! And the Mother too watches with delight the regular and natural growth of strong firm bone and sound healthy flesh.
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  • 817 10 1 Famous Author on Alleged Negligence PILOTS’ FATE IN SOUTH AMERICA Paul Morand, one of the most influential of French authors, makes a strong attack on the “negligence” of the French Air Ministry in the matter of their air routes between
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  • 243 10 Stolen Fan Chua Ah Wah pleaded guilty in the Police Court yesterday morning to the theft, from house 65 Western Road, on June 8, of one electric fan and 30 switches, the property of one Tan Ah Chuan. Accused stated that he understood the charge.
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  • 225 10 800 Escape Attempts Every Year According to a Salvation Army official who has spent many years there, out of the 5,000 prisoners on Devils Island, about 800 try to escape each year, and 550 of the attempts are unsuccessful. Of the other 250 attempts, many of the
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  • 191 10 JUNE, 1933 JUNE 10 Singapore Turf Club Amateur meeting, 2nd day. Cricket: P.R.C. “A” v S.L.R.C., Esplanade, 2p.m. 3rd Annual European Volunteer Ball, Runnymede Hotel. JUNE 11 Cricket: P.R.C. v Straits Trading Club, Esplanade, 10 a.m. JUNE 13 Cricket: P.C.C. v The Authentic», Esplanade, 10 a.m. JUNE
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Adver Department exercises discrimination. It has luJir' tradit n of century of unbroken IdveXTand rc UUtion ior X” in c Z u, "p r a T re deal rou •Mured that the aHi 1
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    • 13 10 Every Wednesday Ladies will find special articles of interest in The PINANG GAZETTE.”
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    • 217 10 ODD ftrescription B If yoa are a sufferer from Eczema, Ringworm, Dhobies B Itch, Salt Rheum, Prickly Heat, Psoriasis, Singapore Foot, Itching Eruptions and Rashes, use B D.D.D. Prescription. Just a few B drops of this marvellous lotion and B you have instant relief. Irritation B and pain goes at
      217 words
    • 314 10 Itor your throats sake, smoke C&WENA CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES FRESH 2® J v (SEALED-FRESH m patented << TRU-VAC tiM and moisture- z :>:• V proof'‘CELLOPHANE.") t ■it ’*< t r |j|||| QpSl K >J H STRIPPING THE LEAF \.I” *ke tpacioui, tunny Stripping room» at Arcadia Workt. vein» and stalk
      314 words

  • 1258 11 Qrbon Monoxide Gas “Most Humane BIRMINGHAM PROCESS DEFENDED echo of the case in which two ofof the Royal Society for the Prevenf \t Cruelty to Animals were prosecuted '-nn-h-im Police Court recently on a of°c. ity in destroying a dog by of < tH>n monoxide -gas
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  • 308 11 Strengthening of Ties HOPES FOR RENEWED PROSPERITY Empire Day was celebrated on May 24, j throughout the King's Dominions on a scale never before attained. The following message from the King was read at a luncheon given at the Junior Carlton Club, London: I know
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 194 11 I\ i ft -gllgh I i|| ?J The Perfume I II for You I I m i z- t is*-_ Captivating by its delightfully fresh but unobtrusive aroma, Tosca Perfume is the choice of sophistic- 1 B ated women, the very incarnation of charm and IBIS i| beauty iR-l-Y° u
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    • 779 12 Review of the Past Week RISING SHARE MARKET REPORTED Singapore, June 6. The appreciation in the price of tin, noted in our recent reports, has again continued throughout the past week, the quotation for the three months’ position having noW reached £209.15.0 per ton. The spot
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    • 907 12 SYMINGTON WILSON’S WEEKLY REPORT London. May 24. From Thursday to Saturday last week the Rubber Market remained fully firm, prices showing a slight advance on those quoted here last week. On Monday, how’ever, a somewhat easier tone developed. Wall Street and the principal commodity markets in America had a somew’hat
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    • 523 12 Messrs. William Jacks Co. reported as follows on May 17 The disappearance of Fear has induced consumers to replenish their empty cupboards, and that has done more than the united efforts of Cartels, Combines and Restriction Schemes calculated to raise prices of commodities and at the same
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    • 221 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Rubber Sales Department Penang, June 8. Although the Whitsun Holidays have interfered with business to a certain extent, the undertone generally has continued firm and values apart from slight reaction yesterday have advanced steadily, again closing at the best with buyers of Standard Sheet F. 0.8. at
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    • 130 12 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 85 1316 85% New York 4.11% 4.11% Montreal 4.55% 4.54 Brussels 24.21% 24.19% Geneva 17.50 Amsterdam 8.40 8.38 i Milan 64% 64 1316 Berlin 14.45 14.55% Stockholm 19 13 32 19.40 Copenhagen 22.45 22.42 Oslo 19.80 19.80 Vienna 30% 30% Prague
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    • 135 12 The following are the tin outputs for the month of May, 1933 Piculs. Gopeng Consolidated, Ltd. 716 Tekka, Ltd. 200 Tekka Taiping, Ltd. 239 Pengkalen, Ltd. (Dredges 475, Tributers 13 Nett) 488 The Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. 464 Idris Hydraulic Tin, Ltd. 217 The Lahat Mines, Ltd. (Tributers)
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    • 88 12 The following are the rubber outputs for the month of May, 1933 Lbs. The Nar bo rough (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Ltd. 75,450 Fusing Rubber and Tin, Ltd. (Bedrock Estate) 19,119 Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. 38,913 Juru Estates, Ltd. 36,000 Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd. 32,600 Anglo-Johore Consolidated
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 244 12 i .VS®** 4 Alls n ew W* meat fis SOU P S ar> d stews. so.e Agents W LL A M JACKS Co., (Ma!a Va ui SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH, PASNAISG. J zwu ww J "v How-will he look when he grows up? WELL he be strong, active, brimming with
      244 words

  • 591 13 Schedule of Principal Lines Tij, following is a list of vessels arriving sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY m s MANDAR from Tg. Mengeidar, Bagan Si Api Api, Paneh, Berombang and Asahan. Sails on Sunday for Pg. Brandan, Pg. Soesoe, Tg. Poera, Simpang
    591 words
  • 1992 13 AIR MAILS A mail for South America, by Steamer to Marseilles and thence by French Air Mail Service, will be closed at 6 p.m. to-day. A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra by train to Singapore and thence by Dutch Air Mail Service K.N.I.L.M. will be closed at
    1,992 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 397 13 BOXING Postponed To 12th June 1933. EE Romance-IQO/o 1 4 TO-MORROW NIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT, JUNE 11th An Extravaganza Malay Operetta Programme A Gorgeous All Singing, Dancing: And Musical Drama WEMBLEY MOONLIGHT OPERA Will offer a Special Programme that has never been shown in Penang before. EDDIE MENDEITTA supported by WILLIAM
      397 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 108 13 BmBBBBBBBHBB b si b_b_b bsbbbbsb s_b b B a Vb r"b B B B BBBHBEBBBBBBBBn B B B B B b j A Ya ms| nr*m Krijgj a B s "■6.75 TONIGHT 9.30 I" MATINEE TO-MORROW a# 2.45 Z" W ARNER BROS. All Colour Musical Comedy "HOLD EVERYTHING" S WITH
      108 words
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  • 227 14 After Clinging Two Hours to Upturned Boat SQUALL OFF MARGATE Companion Rescued by Pleasure Steamer Two men clinging to an upturned yacht in the Thames estuary on May 27th unsuccessfully endeavoured to attract the attention of a ship entering the river. They had remained in their precarious position
    227 words
  • 693 14 Allegations Against a I Warder DISBELIEVED AT INQUEST A prisoner at Walton Gaol, Liverpool, made serious allega ions against an officer on May 24th when he gave evidence at an inquest at the gaol on another prisoner, Joseph Graney (29), plasterer, of Corlett Street, Liverpool, who
    693 words
  • 136 14 Manila Man Who Often Visited Singapore On the arrival in Singapore of the s.s. Cingalese Prince,” the story was told of a tragedy on board when the vessel was at Shanghai. Going to inform a passenger that the vessel had berthed, a steward found him
    136 words
  • 165 14 Wife's Tragic Story WORKLESS HUSBAND HANGS HIMSELF How her husband committed suicide because he was out of work and had had no meal for three days was told to the Singapore Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, when a verdict of suicide by hanging was returned
    165 words
  • 154 14 Help for Those Too Poor to Pay Fees To help poor children to pay their school fees and keep them in school the Malacca I Teachers' Association is organising a coni cert to-day by which it is hoped to raise $3OO for scholarships. The scheme is
    154 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 410 14 DO YOU //j BUY YOUR z /j PEN FOR '7 BEAUTY'S SAKE T •9 -agi Different people have different reasons for selecting a pen for personal use. If you want a pen that looks like an aristocrat in your pocket EBB and on your desk, one that comes in many
      410 words
    • 376 14 I s is I U I J I I ■Vio* o The Sllenburys Foods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured in the home counties, the ‘Allenburys’ Foods are as easily digested as mother’s milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of
      376 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1783 15 I zu p ©.-British india 1 Oj.L jiiTJQIWMILWyi 11.1 mi (Companies Incorporated in England) “*SZ TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR' —»»5»»»«. !X)WI AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London LINE Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., Penang, Teluk Anson, Port SwrK V ttq Marseilles. London, R’dazn, H’burg Glasgow June 15 July 13 under
      1,783 words

  • 349 16 Weights For To-Day CARD OF NINE EVENTS The following are the handicaps for today's races at Singapore: RACE 1 Ponies, Class 3, Division 2,5% furlongs. Cinders 10.12 La Petite 10.09 Arjuna II 10.04 Land’s End 10.00 Mek 9.08 Beau Geste n 9.06 Prime Minister 9.06 Chaldoyle 9.04
    349 words
  • 22 16 BIRTH CLARK—On 10th, June at Maternity Hospital, Penang, to MAVIS, wife of J. A. Clark, Hongkong Shanghai Bank, a son.
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  • 217 16 RECITAL RARE TREAT BY PROF. DORASWAMI At the town hall last night an appreciative audience was given one of the best musical treats that have ever been heard in Penang. For two hours Professor Dorasyami entertained his listeners and it would be difficult to single out any
    217 words
  • 73 16 i,—Reuter. Easy Win for Robber Chief London, June 9. The following was the result of the Manchester Cup run at Manchester to-day ROBBER CHIEF 4y. 8.1 (Sir A. Butt) 1 CREME BRULEE sy. 9.10 (Lord Astor) 2 ISTHMUS sy. 6.13 (Mr. H. P. Clayton) 3 Eight ran. Won
    i,—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 41 16 P.R.C. v. Straits Trading Club The match between the Penang Recreation Club and the Straits Trading Club, which was fixed for to-morrow on the Esplanade, has been cancelled as the Butterworth Club is unable to raise a team.
    41 words
  • 38 16 Rider Hurt (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 9. Just before the start of the Polo Pony Race, Mr. Hulbert, on June II fell and sustained head injuries. The horse did not run in the race.
    38 words
  • 385 16 RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 5 RACE 6 RACE 7 RACE 8 RA( E 9 jl I I I I I TIC-TAC 1. Prime Minister il. Merry Chris 1. New Issue 1. Mada |l. The Cow 1. Royal Property 1. Springkell 1 1.
    385 words
  • 92 16 —Reuter. Goodman Now Leading AMAZING SECOND ROUND RETURN OF 66 Glenview, Illinois. Jack Goodman of Omaha, Nebraska, in the second round of the American Open Golf Championship returned a score of 66, which is a record and equalled the Lowest ever made in a championship. The
    . —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 57 16 up at the end of the morning round.—Reuter Wireless. Won by Brigadier-General Critchley Fourquex, June 6. The French Amateur Golf Championship was won to-day by Brigadier-General Critchley who beat Gadikison, brother-in-law of the new American Ambassador to France, by 10 and 9 Critchley was 10 up
    up at the end of the morning round.—Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 589 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESSU.-6. KENNEDY Co.’s shart list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Asam Kumbang 25(0 26|0c 25(0 26 0c Ayer Hitam 13(6 14(3ex 13|6 14 3ex Batu Caves 42 50 42% 50 Hitam
    589 words
  • 54 16 PENANG, JUNE 10 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank' On London Bank Demand 2(3 15(16 4 m!ts 2(4 1(32 Private 3 m[ts credit 2|4*4 3 Documentary 2(4% On New York Bank Demand 47 France T.T. 980nom India T.T. 154 1 Hongkong T.T. 38 dis. nom. Shanghai T.T. 43 nom.
    54 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 76 16 SELLING MADE EASY—Times are hard but there is no need to offer that article at a “throwawa. price.” Send along a small advertisement to the “Pinang Gazette” and dispose of it at a satisfactory figure. NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL, Tanjong Bungah Penang—Telephone No. 60 DINNER DANCE EVERY SATURDAY From 8 p
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