Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 74 1 Reuter. Until After Economic Conference U.S. PRESIDENT PREPARING RESOLUTION Washington, April 27. It is authoritatively learnt that President Roosevelt is preparing a resolution for Congress to authorise a moratorium in War Debts until after the Economic Conference. The postponement of the moratorium, it is understood, will be
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 78 1 —Reuter. Policy Remains the Same London, April 26. Pending co-operation to provide for an interim period till the disequilibrium is corrected by our scientists and research workers, our policy remains the same as last vear," stated Mr N. C. Bosanquet, presiding at the annual meeting of the
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 46 1 —Reuter. Further Moratorium Refused Nanking, April 27. The Foreign Office disclosed to-day that the Governments of Great Britain, the Inited States and Italy have rejected Chinas request for an extension for another year of the moratorium in connection with the Boxer Indemnity payments. —Reuter
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 73 1 Wirel eM n t 0 Mu ™h.-Reuter Police Discover Plot A nW Berlin, April 23. to hav assassinate Herr Hitler is said polico vJ n discovere d by the Munich m °tor car°n yeS p rday stopped an Italian two occunantT K‘ mstin K and
    WireleM n t 0 Mu™h.-Reuter  -  73 words
  • 60 1 or the DISI Wireless. Award to Mr. Arthur Henderson The The Ha^ue > April 24. Warded Endowmeri t Fund has tiBh Labour «t hUF Henderson the Briin Va >ue m’ d esman > a prize of £2,200 the Promotion n I,b ration of his work for U
    or the DISI Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 38 1 King Leave. C 5 weaves Country 'P'rorn o Ur n Wn Correspondent) t?? 8 Ced April 26 the A SS emblv ttt elections for leaves th WU held before he coun fy next January.
    38 words
  • 166 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Prime Minister In America EXPANSION OF CREDIT NECESSARY London, April 26. During the conversations with President Roosevelt, Mr. Macdonald declared that there should be a constructive effort to moderate the network of restriction of all sorts by which commerce at present is
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  166 words
  • 49 1 —Reuter. Senate’s Amendment Washington, April 27. The Senate passed an amendment to the administration’s inflation proposal to authorise the President, at his discretion, to remonetize silver at any ratio with gold, he deems necessary and for the unlimited free coinage of both gold and silver. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 108 1 ton but eventually won by one hole.—Reuter Wireless. Two Sensations London, April 26. England’s leading golfers have participated in the Amateur Close Championship at Yorkshire. Four previous holders, Stout, Sutton, Fiddian and Crawley, were taking part. There was one sensation in th.e second round when the
    ton but eventually won by one hole.—Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 93 1 sent, will weigh 44 per cent. less. —Reuter Wireless. The “Thaeler” to be Withdrawn Berlin, April 23. New silver coinage is contemplated in Germany, designs for which have been asked from a number of German artists. The new series will be introduced in the summer
    sent, will weigh 44 per cent. less.—Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 368 1 .—Reuter. Joint Communique Issued BASIS OF CLEARER UNDERSTANDING REACHED NECESSITY FOR HIGHER COMMODITY PRICES London, April 26. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald leaves Washington at noon to-day and sails for England at miinight. Last night the following joint communique was issued During the day the Prime Minister and
    .—Reuter.  -  368 words
  • 78 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Meeting At The Hague MALAY'S QUOTA FROM JULY 1, 1927 TONS London, April 26. The International Tin Committee met at The Hague yesterday, and examined the monthly statistics as to exports. The signatory Governments agreed to the following quotas for export and productions with
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  78 words
  • 27 1 —Reuter. Washington, April 26. Mr. Woodin, Secretary of the Treasury, announces that the 500 million dollar Treasury note issue has been oversubscribed. —Reuter,
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 59 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Britain to Australia London, April 26. The Under Secretary for Air, Sir Philip Sassoon in the Commons said that negotiations for a regular British Commercial Air service to and from Australia were proceeding satisfactorily but he was not yet able to anticipate definitely a
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  59 words
  • 81 1 Mr. Justice McCardie FOUND SHOT IN LONDON HOUSE London, April 26. Mr. Justice McCardie, famous as the bachelor judge was found shot dead in his London house. —Reuter. Sir Henry Alfred McCardie (created Kt. in 1916) was appointed a judge of the High Court in
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  • 93 1 —Reuter Wireless. Commemoration of Easter Week Rising Dublin, April 23. Let us remove the forms one by one out of keeping with Ireland’s right as a sovereign nation that this state may be a Republic in fact, was De Valera’s graveside exhortation to his Cabinet colleagues
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 107 1 pected to accept that date. —Rugby Radio Service. To Open On June 12 60 NATIONS PARTICIPATING London, April 26. The Organisation Committee of the World Economic Conference will meet at the Foreign Office on Saturday under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon. Representatives of France, Germany, Italy,
    pected to accept that date.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  107 words
  • 167 1 .—Reuter. Resignation of Second-in-Command Berlin, April 26. Changes in the German Cabinet are reported to be imminent. In political circles it is widely believed that the German Nationals Hugenberg and von Neurath art. likely to leave and it is generally expected that General von Papen will
    .—Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 144 1 .—Reuter. London and Simla Conversations Tokyo, April 26. Although a section of the Japanese cotton traders are increasingly vociferous in advocating a boycott of Indian cotton in retaliation for the abrogation of the IndoJapan treaty if the conversations in London and Simla fail to produce satisfactory agreement,
    .—Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 53 1 —Reuter. Excluded from Schools Berlin, April 26. The children of Jewish immigrants from the East since the beginning of the war are totally excluded from State schools and universities under the law adopted by the Cabinet, which also further restricts the numbers of Jews admitted
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1949 2 BATES FOB CASUAL NQ-ncES PENANG HILL AN O «'“J O ?KKSoN BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS RAILWAY BA limited. AM rH ruT- PENANG TURF CLUB. Time Table. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) j NEDERLANDuCHE O|)C?rf bank HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. india. australu All communications relating to EXTRA MEETING 1983. TOAI CHINE LIMITED. M W (Incorporated
      1,949 words

  • 265 3 New Plans Discussed at “Yard” Conference LONDON’S ‘BLACK SPOTS Problem of Stolen Cars in a Growing Menace Recent activities of London criminals have produced a curious situation. In some areas of London there are women who are almost afraid to remain at home because of
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  • 155 3 Neighbour Wins Case Against Woman Maisonnette Dweller Trouble between tenants of maisonnettes in Jackson’s-lane, Highgate, N., led to a summons for assault being heard at Highgate Police Court. Philip Green, a Civil Servant, and a resident in the maisonnettes for 30 years, sued Mrs. Hopley, who
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  • 163 3 Engineer’s Secret Method London, April 7. A simple but ingenious method of telephoning from public call-boxes without paying, which has defeated all the efforts of the Post Office engineers to prevent, was referred to at Marylebone Police Court, London. Christopher Murphy (23), an engineer, of Welbeck-street, Marylebone,
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  • 375 3 They Get a Chance to Make Good “OLD LAGS” BEST The remarkable activities of a wealthy Londoner, Mr. Arnold Hamer Hall, who is spending his days and fortune providing a fresh start in life for ex-convicts, were revealed to the “Sunday Chronicle” on April 9th. Mr. Hall
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  • 194 3 Endows Prizes for Tolerance About twenty-five years ago a poor Jewish boy attending the Chalfont-street Council School, Bolton, was subjected to a certain amount of persecution by the other pupils because of his race. Now he is a man of considerable means. He has
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  • 194 3 Is It the Ghost of the Miller About strange and eerie noises at the Miller’s Cottage, Shrubbery-road, Gravesend (Kent), now an old-fashioned inn, which is 500 years old. Mr. Hodge, the licensee, who is a member of Gravesend Town Council, and several of his customers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 399 3 Baby’s Head a Sight With Itchy Busters Healed jy Cuticura was foul h( y ltc hed so badly (1I) his hands>;After that they would cales fell off rm again. Hi* h«d had to cut bis hair was a B ‘6 off- tisement for CuticuM Ointment and sent for a
      399 words
    • 104 3 ——*> I I i a w ttl IB i --''E-B A Jr'S kJ pdf ,Es t Scotch < I'j t i 0F great age w i -Vuf! !D^ewar^^ OpS h B iii —irrriS Be Sure it’s Dewar’s (l ‘White Label’ SOLE AGENTS FOR Penang. Perak and Kedah HENRY WAUGH CO.,
      104 words

  • 735 4 Misconduct Charge Wholly Unfounded 1 JUDGE ON FRIENDSHIP A suit for divorce brought by a baronet, and described by the President, Lord Merrivale, as “as unhappy a case as ever came before the court,” was concluded in the .Divorce Division after a hearing lasting four days.
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  • 723 4 Rescuers Did Not See Her ON COASTAL STEAMER FOR RANGOON Undaunted by the misfortune which overtook her in the hop from Alor Star to Victoria Point, which ended in her machine being wrecked on the seashore in the Burmese wilderness, Mrs. Bonney has gone on to
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  • 350 4 Man Alleges He Was Beaten By Waiters An incident at a road house on the Kingston by-pass, Surrey, had a sequel ini the King’s Bench before Mr. Justice Swift, 1 when Mr. Guy David Manikum, a com-(. mercial traveller, of Loughborough Park,! Brixton, S.W., sued
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  • 323 4 Transferred to Singapore Mr. S. G. H. Leyh is being transferred in June to Singapore to act as Senior Assistant Superintendent, Government Monopolies, Straits Settlements, for seven months before his departure on leave to the United Kingdom in February, 1934. Mr. Leyh became the local head
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  • 705 4 Mrs. S. S. Logan will sail for England by the Chitral. Inspector H. F. Ridley who is a passenger on the Kaiser-I-Hind is expected in Penang very shortly. Mr. R. H. White, of Harrisons Barker I and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, has left for home on furlough.
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    • 197 4 BARGAINS Jk /E Sfill have Stocks of the fo’?ov<!ng l which we are offering at exceptionally low prices, to avoid the necessity of removing them to ©yr original premises in Beach Street, at the end of this Mcnth. GRAMOPHONE RECORDS $0.50 each. MUSIC $O.lO c ®pyVIOLINS $5.00 each. FLUTES $1
      197 words

  • 222 5 .—Reuter. Won By Rodosto king SALMON AND GINO PLACED London, April 26. Tie following was the result of the Two jJUd Guineas Stakes run at Newde F. buciage) Brethea KPJG SALMON (Lord Carnarvon) H. Wragg r wo (H.H. Aga Khan) Elliott 3 HARINERO (Mr. W. Barnett)
    .—Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 118 5 Reuter Wireless Jardine Congratulated EXPENSES OF AUSTRALIAN Tour £5,000 London, April 20. ltl( annual M.C.C. report, Jardine t numbers of the British team are 1 I°n 1 n access in Australia mm i tS d ue to a hle and deterto u d c *P tainc y-
    Reuter Wireless  -  118 words
  • 40 5 W EST INDIES CRICKET TOURISTS —Reuter. M tth With Scottish XI Drawn M ARTINOALE captures 4 W| CKETS FOR 39 d a sc niah “-XXTI Tu 226 for 145 West t k 4 wick ets for r 7 -Rente? SCOred
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 97 5 —Reuter. Birmingham Hold Albion To A Draw BRISTOL CITY DEFEAT READING London, April 26. The following are results of matches played to-day in the English and Scottish Leagues: DIVISION I Birmingham 1, W. Brom. A. 1. DIVISION II Charlton 2, Port V. 1 DIVISION 111 (Southern Section)
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 189 5 4th List of Subscriptions Previously acknowledged $6,453 90 Per Mrs. Sime. Anonymous 20 00 Mrs. Lester Goodman 10 00 Mrs. K. G. M. Fraser 20 00 H. W. Shook, Esq. 10 00 John Duke 10 00 Mrs. G. W. Wight 20 00 J. A. Clarke, Esq. 50
    189 words
  • 169 5 Income Tax Inspector Sentenced for Embezzlement An income-tax collector who, after he had been suspended for investigation into embezzlement charges, continued to collect taxes and pocketed the money was sentenced to twelve months in the second division at Bow-street. He is Arthur Sidneyl Britton, aged 44,
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  • 471 5 First Division Match PAVANARIS FAILS WITH A PENALTY After an even first half in which neither side gained any advantage and after missing a glorious opportunity of a goal from a penalty the P.W.F.A. gave an improved display in the later stages of the second
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  • 275 5 Arms for Which King Ibn Saud Could Not Pay The British taxpayer is to pay £21,000 for arms supplied to help Ibn Saud, the Wahabi King of the Hedjaz and Nejd, to subdue his rebellious subjects. This revelation is made in additional details of estimates.
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  • 46 5 The following is the band programme for this afternoon on the Esplanade:— 1. March—The Little Drummer—Dowell 2. Overture—Marinarella—Fucik 3. Selection—Rose Marie—Stothart 4. Anuante from Beethoven’s Symphony in “C” Minor 5. Intermezzo—Softly unawares—Lincke 6. Selection—The Boy—Monckton 7. Fox Trot—Good Evenin’—Hoffman GOD SAVE THE KING
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  • 526 5 Mr. A. G. Gardiner’s Views Mr. A. G. Gardiner, in an article of great and useful lucidity, explains in the "Star” why Signor Mussolini is the one man in Europa best fitted to bring the four great European Powers into a Peace Pact. He writes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 82 5 WIRELESS To-day’s Programme Wavelengths 31.55 metres, 25.28 metres. Call Signs; G.S.B. G.S.E. P.M. 8 50 Big Ben The News 9-05 Talk: “India” Sir John Perronet Thompson, K.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Blattnerphone-Stille Process) Even Song From Westminster Abbey 10.05 Shakespearean Songs Gramophone Records) 10.25 The Hotel Metropole Orchestra (Leader, A. Rossi) Directed by
      82 words

  • 557 6 Tells Court of Woman’s Craze for Beauty “CLAP-TRAP” SAYS JUDGE Judgment for £27 2s. was given by Judge Sir Alfred Tobin at Westminster County Court, on April 4th, for a young woman who said that her hairdresser had turned the colour of her hair into Cambridge blue. Plaintiff
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  • 197 6 Three Large Sized Double Beds Side by Side Naples, April 9. Two strong men will stand face to face if Primo Camera achieves his heart’s desire and is received by Signor Mussolini, for whom Camera has an unbounded admiration, before he sails for America to fight for
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  • 296 6 Protest Against Lottery Prosecution ON NATIONAL DAY The Brighton magistrates on March 24, fined George Parker, aged 50, formely a London furniture dealer, £lO for “publishing a scheme for the sale of tickets in a lottery upon a certain horse race, to wit, the Lincolnshire Handicap.’’
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  • 454 6 Parents Sued A case concerning a public school boy who was a pupil in a West End beauty parlour came before Mr. Justice Humphreys and a common jury in the King’s Bench Division. Miss Arline Constance Hedge, Georgestreet, Baker-street, W., carrying on business in the West
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 242 6 f gafe —that’s the Ensure safety by asking j I f° r See OU j f 1 Born 1820— 1 Still going Strong AJk 1 So/e Agents i j CALDBECK. MACGREGOR j AND COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 I (Incorporated under the C ompanies’ Ordinances of Hongkong) j J (Incorporated in Shanghai»
      242 words
    • 184 6 S 'Utz' LO Sil it '7 low»i Slfck'' I SI s .;w- Io o I f A Vv-'- •i;-’ ■4--' d x i- '7. 7\7--‘. frlCißßteM »g 8k Ski i’ll »h& j: I, II II T— 2« 77ie most generally useful Medicine for all Climates nUfollisßrowoKT rIH 11kliTn 1 k
      184 words

    • 166 7 —Central Press. competency to Accord Diplomatic Protection GENERAL CHIANG KAISHEK’S DISMISSAL demanded Can* on, April 12. in bitter against the Chtr.. r its incom pet e ncy diplomatic protection toa X in OUS P* rsecuticn b the resulting hese overseas Chinese y. < ii-shek’s dis-Kdi-snea
      —Central Press.  -  166 words
    • 83 7 Central Press. Conference to Discuss Remedies Canton, April 14. For the relief of famine in Kwangtung, the Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry under instructions from the provincial government, will hold a conference on April 25 and 26 to discuss ways and means for remedy. The four pacification
      Central Press.  -  83 words
    • 266 7 VAACMI CO f Li'ral Press. v u °mintang Provisional a a tional Congress Disapproved a a The Pnn Canton, April 12. c choir O f i° n Clty Kuomin tang joins the I Uns Prr, :Sapproval “gainst the Kuomin- P on Juiv T 4l National Congress
      • VAACMI CO f ' Li'ral Press.  -  266 words
    • 696 7 Opposition by Executive and Supervisory Committees Canton, April 15. Opposing the provisional Kuomintang National Congress as unnecessary and unjustifiable, members of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee and Central Supervisory Committee in the Southwest issued a circular rejoinder on Friday to the reply of the central authorities dated
      696 words
    • 163 7 duing the Communist hordes.—Central Press. Welcomed at Hongkong Canton, April 12. General Tsai Ting-kai, commander of the 19th route army, arrived here last night by train from Hong Kong. A guard of honour composing of gendarmes lined up at the railroad station to welcome the hero
      duing the Communist hordes.—Central Press.  -  163 words
    • 127 7 —Central Press. Trouble Aggravated by Political Intrigue Canton, April 13. The students’ strike at Sun Yat-sen University has been settled. The collegians w'ere reminded that during the present national emergency there should be no ripples in school affairs but keen attention should be devoted in the pursuit of
      —Central Press.  -  127 words
    • 113 7 Central Press. Foreign Minister’s Proposals Canton, April 14. That Foreign Minister Lo Wen-kan has entered into direct negotiation with Japan is stated in several press dispatches received here to-day. Minister Lo’s proposals to the Japanese are said to be the following:—(1) That Japan should initiate proposals
      Central Press.  -  113 words
    • 92 7 j Southwest Executive Committee. —Central Press. Canton, April 14. Members of the Kuomintang C.E.C. in the Southwest have opposed the provisional Kuomintang National Congress to be con- vened on July 1 and will not be affected by I the evasive reply from Nanking, Mr. Chow Lu
      j Southwest Executive Committee. ”—Central ' Press.  -  92 words
    • 48 7 —Central Press. Shanghai, April 14. Police of the Municipality of Greater Shanghai last night raided the office of People’s Warding Off Humiliation and SelfHelp Association which is formed by Madame Sim Yat-sen and Dr. Tsai Yuan-pei, the eminent Kuomintang leader and scholar.—Central Press.
      —Central Press.  -  48 words
  • 320 7 His Ten Commandments for Editors Adolf Hitler’s ideas of what the German newspapers should or should not publish are set out in the form of "Ten Commandments" which have been issued to the Hessian Press, and which, says an Exchange message, may be regarded
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
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  • 877 8 Little to enthuse over is to be found in the report of the proceedings of the annual general meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held on Tuesday. That of course is not the Chamber’s fault. With the doleful record of 1932 still before us it is a
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  • 978 8  -  illusions was quickly dying.—W. V. Noble, j in the “Manchester Guardian.” t There is a certain age when a child begins to lose his beliefs and yet is eager to retain them. It is a time of inward struggle about which grown-un people know very little because
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  • 872 8 CHECK ON SWIMMERS Londoners will not be able to stea i n extra 10 minutes in the open-air bath/tv summer, no matter how hot the v may be and how welcome the cool Every swimmer will be required before?' enters the pool, to put on a coloured
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 262 8 SPECIAL OFFER! FINEST NEW ZEALAND Cheddar Cheese 40 cents per lb. PRITCHARD’S FOOD DEPT. I I If the sun is shining hot and the windows all are shut CARLSBERG LAGER PILSNER STOUT] SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur ■Z SEPPELT'S FAMOUS Z' "CHATEAU TANUNDA" <
      262 words
    • 64 8 E. O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE HOTEL IN THE EAST. ALL ROOMS FACE THE SEA each with sitting room and private bathroom attached. Modern Sanitation Throughout EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef. I 111 la «11 s B~ I B II II t I I 1 ALWAYS SPECIFY 1 "KLOSTER
      64 words

  • 903 9 Wide Range Of Goods LOOKING towards EASTERN markets fralian show Boat the Nieuw Tt due at Penang on May 12th is n ts conception as it carries in bition Which is almost js ntative of ue products of ‘coking more than ever; AUS th- East for markets
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  • 201 9 —Reuter. Questions In Parliament POLICE CHIEF IN CHARGE London, April 26. Questioned in the House of Commons with regard to the officers of the s.s. “Nanchang” Sir John Simon stated that as a result of the untiring efforts of the ViceConsul at Newchwang the Manchurian authorities had
    .—Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 173 9 —Reuter Wireless. But Definite Break Unlikely Moscow, April 22. Soviet retaliation to the British embargo on Russian goods may in the opinion of well-informed circles be a diplomatic move under cover of which Thornton and Macdonald will be reprieved or it may be preliminary to
    !.—Reuter Wireless.  -  173 words
  • 74 9 Another Operation in America (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, April 25. The King and Queen of Siam are leaving for England and the Continent and will go to America in the middle of January. The visit to America is dictated by the desire of the
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  • 339 9 —Reuter. Withdrawal Of Japanese Forces CHINESE FORCES FOLLOWING UP Shanghai, April 26. 5 The Far East generally, and Nanking in particular, is mystified at the ulterior moi tives of the voluntary withdrawal of the Japanese forces along the Luan River to- wards Shanhaikuan for reasons which are
    —Reuter.  -  339 words
  • 31 9 —Reuter. $100.999 for Red Cross Washington, April 26. The Red Cross has received $lOO,OOO from the Chinese Swastika Society for the relief of sufferers in the Californian earth- quake.—
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 655 9 Why Man Was Left at Roadside A woman motorist, who told a Sussex coroner that she resented his imputation, replied to the criticisms of the coroner and the jury made at an inquest at Wisborough Green. The inquest was on Wilfred James Cooper, aged 19,
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  • 384 9 treaty operates for three years.—Rugby Radio Service. New Agreement Signed SUBSTANTIAL PURCHASES OF BRITISH STEEL EXPECTED London, April 26. By the new Trade Agreement between the L nited Kingdom and Denmark signed on Monday, each country undertakes that import duties on certain classes of
    treaty operates for three years.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  384 words
  • 84 9 TTTV Sl>ot YESTERDAY TO-DAY ’“’LX ««3»-» £163 7 TIN 7 nU £163-12’« London $86.75 $87.00 Singapore Business Done Penang $86.75 Business Done 25 tons COPRA —(Sundried) $3.85 $3.8 BLACK PEPPER $16.00 $16.00 RUBBER 9 London 2^d New York <c.(G) 4%c.(G) Singapore 7 cts c 8 TAPIOCA Fair Seed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 157 9 Bi I When a child has been fed from birth on Humanised Trufood, he sleeps well, progresses well—just as a healthy youngster should. Although, perhaps, he has been deprived of breast milk, he has still received the equivalent nourishment in Humanised Trufood. That is why he is so strong and
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  • 2561 10 Post Of Chief Sanitary Inspector 1 To Be Advertised NEW OFFICE ASSISTANT APPOINTED J Electrclelhaler And Pig Trap Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, held on Tuesday, the 11th April, 1933. Present :—Mr. G. W. Bryant, President,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 323 10 g Regulate your DIGESTION IS W*th t Kj Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills R Ku People who eat and drink too much, or get 1/1 their system upset from any other cause need US a medicine such as Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Kb Pills to keep the digestive tract in
      323 words

  • 413 11 Public Trustee and the -Underworld of Nice” NOT AN EASY PLACE Difficulty in Proving Cases of Forgery London, April 10. q r Oswald Simpkin, the Public Trustee, evidence m the King’s Bench Division .st the Bank of Montreal ffairs of Mr. John Albert Cnnan. the
    413 words
  • 201 11 But Too M ndS L U S Pressmen ‘OO Much for Him eX' d ba,tery of arrival f Bemard Shaw stage of h b rancisc on anoNot to L 8 World tour P!ay of witUdsm Qe ShaW gave a dis living party which entertained
    201 words
  • 401 11 Inspector Tells of 20 Years in London Mounted Police CHANGING WAYS OF CRIMINALS The oldest policeman of his rank in the country, Sub-divisional Inspector E. Land, of Clapham, S.W., retires on March 26 after 40 years’ service in the Metropolitan Police. He joined the
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  • 550 11 Boy’s Claim Against Head Master The Court of Appeal on April 7th ordered a new trial of an action which arose out of a boy’s left elbow being fractured when he was “bumped” in a park by schoolboys. Laurence Alex, aged 12, who sued through his
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  • 215 11 But Only for Trout in Scotland Isaak Walton’s dictum that “a man should not in honesty catch a trout until the middle of March was approved in the House of Commons, when a Second Reading was given to a Bill introduced by Sir R. Hamilton (L.,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 122 11 WHERE THE [CALL FOR yig QUALITY BQ) ■.IS MOST «INSISTENT |H MADE IN)) ENGLAND.’ I iXAPSTAjb wpglrs Sglil TF ffidH WW IS THE FINEST VALUE IN THE WORLD FOR YOUR MONEY O- WILLS. BRISTOL LONDON THE TIRELESS SALESMAN--An advertisement in the “Pinang Gazette” is a tireless salesman From one week’s
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    • 11 11 Anaemia take FSanatogen J IBbk The True Tonic «Food TiaL.- aasiM
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    • 138 11 YOU GET THEM L L NEWS— A service of local and general j news that gives a complete picture of the happenings of the day. SPORT— Crisp reports and expert comments on events in the world of sport —Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Racing, etc. COMMERCIAL All the latest information
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    • 702 12 Annual Meeting LOSS FOR YEAfcOF $7,400 The twenty-ninth annual general meeting of the shareholders of The Sandycroft Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the office of the Secretaries, British India House, Penang, on Wednesday, 26th April, 1933, at 11.30 a m. Those present were :—Mr. G. D.
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    • 37 12 The output of Ayer Weng Mines for the month of March, 1933, was 180 piculs. The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N.L. from 16th to 22nd picui. 1933 (being ne Week) Was 180
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    • 750 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotation* in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday To-day. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Mi S ING Ayer Hitam 11)6 12,0 ex 11|6 12;0ex Bangrin 11|6 12,3 11|6 12(3 Batang Padang 7% 12% 10 15 Kinta
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    • 53 12 PENANG, APRIL 27 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2)3 23)32 4 m)ts 2)3 13|16 Private 3 mfts credit 2)4 3 Documentary 2)4 I|B On New York Bank Demand 43 France T.T. 990n0m India T.T. 153 Hongkong T.T. 39% dis. non Shanghai T.T. 44% dis.
      53 words
    • 133 12 Latest Quotations Wednesday Tuesday Paris 87 7)16 87 31)32 New York 3.79% 3.85% Montreal 4.39% 4.40 Brussels 24.65 24.77% Geneva 17.85 17.94% Amsterdam 8.55% 8.62 Milan 66 3|16 66% Berlin 14.02% 15.06% Stockholm 19 11)32 19% Copenhagen 22 7)16 22 7)16 Oslo 19% 19% Vienna 33
      133 words
    • 1120 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST tn E t! g. 2 NAMESI g 1 $1 (RUBBER (Dollar.) > c c Allenby Rubber Co. Aloe Gajah Rubber Estate 2- 35 Amalgamated Malay Estates 70 9 Aver Hitam Planting Syndicate 50, 0 Aver Kunmg Rubber Estates 5 J 5 Aver Molek Rubber Co. 3°
      1,120 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 SELLING MADE EASY—Times are hard but there is no need to offer that article at a "throwaway price.” Send along a small advertisement to the I inang Gazette and dispose of it at a satisfactory figure.
      36 words
    • 198 12 Wji noon-tune ttever come WHETHER you lead an active physical life out-of-doors, or an active mental life indoors, you spend your greatest amount of energy, and do 70% of your work before noon. That is why everyone should have a nourishing first meal of Quaker Oats every day! Quaker Oats
      198 words

  • 566 13 Schedule Of Principal Lines is a list of vessels arriving Jlmng from Penang during the week: IX POET TO-DAY uaHIDOL from Mergui, Moulmein 85 and Tavoy. Sails for the same ports c ,kaWERA from London. Salls for 6 c a pore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Mo- Ko be
    566 words
  • 326 13 APRIL, 1933 APRIL 27 League Football: P. R. C. v M. A. F. C., Esplanade. APRIL 28 Bruas Rubber Co., Ltd., annual meeting, Messrs. Evatt Co., 10.30 a.m. League Football: P. O. R. C. v Bousfields, Dato Kramat ground. APRIL 29 Penang Turf Club Extra Meeting, Ist
    326 words
  • 997 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram from the G. P. O. London, says that the mail despatched from Penang, Air Mail (via Karachi) of April 8 by the s.s. "Karoa” was delivered in London on April 25. i AIR MAILS A mail for Medan (via Alor Star)
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 104 13 Blackheads and Spores Gone in 3 BOW easily banish black beads and enlarged pores, and nave a new white duo in 3 days by the use ot Tokaloo Vanishing Skinfood Thu contains pre digested dairy cream and olive oil combined with Whitening, tonic and astringent ingrad»ants They penetrate deep into
      104 words
    • 156 13 BOXING FUN FROUC O SUNDAY 30th 9.15 P.M. STUPENDOUS RACE WEEK CONTESTS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMALGAMATED AMUSEMENTS LIMITED X INTERNATIONAL CONTEST G. MORALES vs. NAI SMARN (Singapore) (Siam) 10 ROUNDS The Ring Gorilla and Former Featherweight Champion of Featherweight Champion of Siam, who claims to have beaten Penang,
      156 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 36 13 'OPENING j The Magnificent Gaumont-British's Musical Comedy <J an Kiepura I TELL ME TO-NIGHT I WITH 1 j SONNIE HALE MAGDA SCHNEIDER j Wonderful Songs Gorgeous Scenic Background r Side-Splitting Comedy Bookings at Moutrie's ’Phone 795.
      36 words
    • 117 13 iMAJtSTICi j OPENING TO-NIGHT! j j OUR GRAND RACE-WEEK ATTRACTION C I W DIFFERENT AND DELIGHTFUL I id® Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell have never been more appealing i than they are as the young lovers I > V exquisite romance. IwMF Janet ÜBl .> GAYNOR 5 B I wmh
      117 words

  • 228 14 Value of Awards £l,OOO DONCASTER MAN RETIRING FROM TRACK London, April 8. Tom Hoyland, of Doncaster, now in the Bradford Police Force, who is retiring from the track as a competitor, has furnished his home by his splendid running. During his remarkably successful career he
    228 words
  • 521 14 And Wears Their Clothes London, April 9. He is the man with a hundred identities. His face looks at you—and at him—from hoardings, newspapers, magazines, films, and from statues in parks, picture galleries, and buildings. This much-reproduced man is Mr. Richard de Neuville, a
    521 words
  • 545 14 Surprise Fortune for Welsh Family LEFT BY MAN THEY BEFRIENDED Sudden wealth, amounting to £75,000 has been left, it was revealed on April 6, to the family of an unemployed window cleaner, Mr. Arthur Williams, of Davidstreet, Cadoxton, Barry, by an “eccentric” missionary whom they befriended when
    545 words
  • 181 14 British Explorers Cross Africa Luxor, April 9. The first explorers to cross Africa from the farthest point west to the farthest point east have arrived here in the best of health from Khartum, after trekking for two years with three motor lorries. The party, which consists of
    181 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 172 14 SWEDES A s v/EDES s t breakfast ln every part of the world, the best breakfast is Scott’s Porage Oats. No other breakfast food contains elements so nourishing as oits no other country grows such magnificent oats as Scotland, and Scott's Porage Oats are t o^ KDs B£r7 BHsis Vi||rß
      172 words
    • 363 14 wife Tt F Newly discovered! a priceless safeguard to teeth —an entirely new cleansing and polishing material has been developed that is twice as soft as polishing materials commonly used in tooth pastes. Gives teeth a higher polish, brighter lustre—film stains disappear completely. Pepsodent Laboratories announce a the Pepsodent you
      363 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2099 15 J J I /X A. P* 0.--BRITSSH INDSA j J S' /LL. /K AND APCAR lines I (Companies Incorporated in England) r^^urritoMi; "travel home by dollar mail passenger^^ RGO SEKVICf;s Leaves Due I 9MC Peninsular and Oriental S. N Co P» nann Tit* n LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London
      2,099 words

  • 700 16 Pace Work And Trotting MEDAN STRING LOOKING VERY FIT (BY TIC-TAC) There was no fast work on the track this morning and the final gallops were restricted to steady pace work. Both tracks were open but the majority were worked on the second
    700 words
  • 103 16 England vs. The Rest The following are the teams for the England versus The Rest ladies golf match to be played to-morrow: ENGLAND THE REST Time Mrs. Knight Mrs. Mrs. Moncur and Douglas v. Mrs. Anderson 4.30 Mrs. Finch Mrs. Mrs. C. T. Smith Clarke v. Mrs.
    103 words
  • 285 16 Ssh I have a secret to unfold. Millar and Barnes (skip) who have kind of had a monopoly of the Championship Pairs,” were bumped off last night by two other bowling gangsters, namely, Sanders and Edwards (skip) in a most enjoyable game by 21—18.
    285 words
  • 59 16 Boy Quee’s Agreement The need for a Boxing Board of Control is shown by the fact that we understand that Boy Quee has not received permission from Mr. G. E. Faulkner to fight on Sunday next. Boy Quee nas signed an agreement to fight
    59 words
  • 122 16 Chew—Ooi Mr. Chew Boon Chuan has issued invitations to a dinner at No. 62, Seang TekRoad, on Sunday, April 30, 1933 at 8 p.m. on the occasion of the marriage of his fourth brother, Mr. Chew Boon Tat, of the Boon Pharmacy, to Miss Ooi Siew Hooi
    122 words
    • 610 16 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette. gj r> a lone voice in the wilderness was heard at the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce when, against the weight of three unsuccessful attempts by Government to force us off our perch, and against a decided, outspoken
      610 words
  • 206 16 Says “He is So Miserable A 19-year-old wife, Mrs. Henrietta Evans, of Woodside-avenue, Thundersley, summoned her 68-year-old husband, Joseph George Evans, at Southend, for alleged cruelty. They were married in November, 1930, and have one child. Mrs. Evans said that her husband was
    206 words
  • 443 16 Struck Doctor With Beer Bottle TWO MONTHS FOR DISPENSARY ASSISTANT Chief Court Inspector McQuarrie briefly summarised the facts in a case of voluntarily causing hurt which came before the Penang Police Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, this morning. Tan Kiah Lam was the boy employed by Dr. Lee
    443 words
  • 304 16 P. O. NALDERA Passe "3er, f or M I The P. o. NaWera I ang this morning, W i th arr,v Str'aitXrh' o''"’" 0 I Estate, Kuala Katil. Kedah W Mr. W. R. H. SrottofX 1 Anam, Johore. Mr. A. E. Thowless of M eBSr and Co., Ltd., Penan- J
    304 words
  • 52 16 In the Supreme Court to-day tefonl Justice Cobbett the hearing of themtw continued in which A. N. Mohamed ir liah (defendant) sued Shakkrai PXi J.P., (plaintiff) on a counter-claimfri certain sum of money. Mr. C. D. D. Hogan is for defends• Mr. F. G. Pooley for plaintiff.
    52 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 47 16 I A NEW SHIPMENT HAS < Just Arrived; I AT YOUR NAME! j I o I j BRIDGE COATS in various I designs and most fascinating Colours. J PRICES TO MEET THE PURSE INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. I Wassiamull Assomull Co., I < 12, BISHOP STREET, f 'Phone 626. j
      47 words
    • 14 16 Buy Your PRINTED REQUIREMENTS From THE PINANG GAZETTE Press. Limited. Immediate Attention Prompt Delivery
      14 words
    • 65 16 NEW CARLTON RESTAUR BEACH STREET. As from 26th April, the above W* is under new management and I*are assured of unsurpassed «fY® cuisine. Charges are in keeping sent conditions. p v XAVIEB ,MaaK» 270—25 26 27-4 C A L D BE C K' S Palm Tree Golden (kb BREWED AND
      65 words