Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 383 1 "Reuter. Arrival At New York PROCEEDING DIRECT TO WHITE HOUSE New York, April 21. The “Berengaria” with Mr. Macdonald and party aboard, is due at quarantine at 5 p.m. G.M.T. and will be greeted by nineteen guns. Mr. Macdonald is proceeding immediately by special train to
    "Reuter.  -  383 words
  • 55 1 Tra de U Co f Z th fifth mee tmgs of Cil c hami^, m L° n Were he,d in the 01 13 m Singapore, on the 11th, frorn P ll, 1933 when evidence ‘Utrg re e H °n’ble Mr. C. E. lppin K lng the
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  • 197 1 England via Berlin. —Reuter and Rugby Radio Service. En Route For England POLES CHEER THEM AT FRONTIER Warsaw, April 21. Monkhouse, Nordwall, Cushny and Gregory were received with a tumultuous welcome on their arrival at the frontier station Stolpce at 1.15 p.m. In addition to
    England via Berlin.—Reuter and Rugby Radio Service.  -  197 words
  • 40 1 .—Reuter. Discovery by Police in Liner Marseilles, April 21. Nearly half a ton of refined opium was discovered by the police in the prison cells of the liner Theophile Gautheir which ar- rived from Istanbul.-
    .—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 162 1 A Record Turnover A new record in the year’s trading was set up by the radio industry in 1932, states the “Wireless and Gramophone Trader.” The turnover was £36,627,425, of which £4,000,000 represented imported goods. The total for 1931 was £29,000,000. Factory-made receivers of all classes
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  • 33 1 has cost £150,000 to construct. —Rugby Radio Service. The Prince of Wales will visit Weymouth on July 13 to open the new pier which has cost £150,000 to construct. —Rugby
    has cost £150,000 to construct.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  33 words
  • 383 1 Can Be Wafchsd And Controlled .-v C. By Experts POLICY INSPIRED BY DOMESTIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS .—Reuter. New York, April 21. Owing to the bewilderment of foreign governments regarding the inflation proposals the State Department, according to a Washington message to the Herald ’Tribune,
    .—Reuter.  -  383 words
  • 66 1 C .2-5,000 ORDER PLACED WITH METROPOLITAN-VICKERS London, April 21. The contract for a 105,000 kilowatt turbogenerating plant which will be the largest in Britain has been placed with the Metro-politan-Vickers Electrical Company by the London Power Company for Battersea power station. The new machine will be
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  • 44 1 Copies of the Report of BrigadierGeneral Sir Samuel Wilson, G.U.M.G., K.C.8., K.8.E., Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, on his visit to Malaya, 1932, are available for sale at the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur, at 50 cents a copy.
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  • 30 1 —Reuter. Returned to Senate Washington, April 22. The House of Represenatives passed Mr. Wagner Lewis’s Unemployment Bill. The Bill has been returned to the Senate. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 344 1 Poor Design and Cheap Output Mr. R. A. Dawson, principal of the Municipal School of Art, Manchester, speaking before the Manchester and district branch of the Institute of Handicraft Teachers, said that a lot of time was spent in schools teaching children about pictures that cost £l,OOO or
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  • 113 1 United States Steels at 52 —Rugby Radio Service. -rvU. Exchange Reflections DOLLAR STERLING EXCHANGE PERSISTS AT 3.85 London, April 29. On the London Stock Exchange the American currency situation continue* throughout to-day to cause erratic movements. The dollar sterling exchange persisted at 3.85 the same as
    United States Steels at 52 %.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  113 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 T. NAGATA BROTHERS I DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary Branch Office 52, Leith Street I
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    • 58 1 sSF" i strenuous day’s pleasure, what more refreshing than TALIS- MALT. It is the ideal before* bed drink because it gives healthful sleep. But it is equally good at break* fast, for its ingredients give renewed energy and vitality. Begin drinking TAUSMALT to-day. Delightfully healthful is the drink made by
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    • 55 1 HANDICAPS FOR PENANG RACES Page 16 CLOTH-LINED ENVELOPES i Sizes. Prices. (151x6 $5.00 per 100 1 115 x6J $5.00 per 100 1 112 xsf $4.50 per 100 I (llixs $4.00 per 100 ill x 5 s3.ooper 100 1 I TO CLEAR. fi I I Pinang Gazette Press, J I I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1870 2 RATES FOR CASUAL NOT.CES PENANG TU.P CLUB. BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS s_s," CARHARVONSHUE Voy. 26 (Outwordl “XSXXSS NEDERLANDSCHB Chartered R mk •All „„„,,„1..,™. -M.„ HANOEL M AATSCHAPPI J. “T.™. i. ii i jj Consignees of cargo per the above vessel THE CHINESE COMMEKv n (Incorporated in England advertisements should be addressed from
      1,870 words

  • 532 3 Behind the Green Lights in New York LESSON FOR THE ROOKIE Prisoners Taken Out and Battered A vivid description of the life of a New York “cop” is given by Capt. Cornelius W. Willemse, in "Behind the Green Lights,” which has just been published by John Long,
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  • 189 3 The King has been pleased, upon the recommendation of the President of the Board of Trade, to award the Bronze Medal for Gallantry in Saving Life at Sea to Mr. Peter Thomson, assistant engineer superintendent, in recognition of this gallantry in attempting to save the life
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  • 767 3 Diagnosing Malaya's Economic Ills After spending close on two months busily amassing the statistical information on which to base their inquiries, the Colony Trade Commission, which came into existence in February, is now settling down to their task of collecting evidence of local traders and diagnosing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 *J-' A :'--rr sOr r- “Y'WW® ~a < Z.:.S? >•' ■7 >il*»^? kl’ jy -v •>w > < vy.)fc3r Sa w -.-A wMSfco V- v J-Z >;w I a 7 << ;:<; 7 'o “-'-j'^ I nCERBihg -j si a-j si ii* J PEjWjM Ips PJM 1 «meM J L
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    • 64 3 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
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    • 807 3 (REE DOCIOR’S BOOK ON ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS,' CATARRH Qi»k ul tnliit leliel tbnagh Ineqwnin Im Trnhwat < r n win THE latest edition of a Doctor’s Free Bml* Ti D Book describing the most successful tuuS DCQ'IIIIIC rCfUTS of all home treatments for Asthma, j q ee too fa the Free
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  • 572 4 The Discriminatory Campaign MR. LASKI’S VIEWS In an interview with a “Manchester Guardian” reported recently Mr. Neville J. Laski, K.C., emphasisted the concern of the Jewish community in England with the discriminatory rather than the physical aspect of Germany’s treatment of the Jews. While he disclaimed any
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  • 211 4 A Famous Eton Cricketer London, Apr. 1. A fine all-round athlete and a first-rate batsman, Mr. Walter Francis Forbes, aged seventy-five, was involved in a street accident a few days ago. and died from his injuries. Had he gone up to the University or been able
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  • 969 4 Mr. Tom Mann’s Plea LABOUR AND “UNITED FRONT” An enthusiastic meeting called by the Communist party was held in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, last night. The hall was reported by Mr. Tom Mann to hold 3,286 seated persons, and it appeared ito be fully occupied
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  • 176 4 Now She’s Free From Them A woman writes: —“I would like everyone who suffers from headaches to try Kruschen Salts. Before taking Kruschen I was hardly ever free from a headache. But since I have been taking it regularly I have hardly had a headache, for which
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  • 302 4 Sir J. .Stamp on Advance of Knowledge In his presidential address to the Social and Political Education League, at University College, London, with Professor F. J. C. Hearnshaw in the chair. Sir Josiah Stamp spoke upon “The Limits of Intellectual Integrity.” He defined “Integrity” for his
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  • 100 4 Carpentier’s Bereavement Paris, April 2. Georges Carpentier, who has just arrvied in France from the United States, has had a sad homecoming. His elder brother died in his arms only half an hour after he had reached Paris. One of the principal reasons for the boxer’s
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  • 293 4 Dr. Bearblock, of the Malayan Medical Service, and Mrs. Bearblock have returned from Home furlough. Mr. J. H. M. Robson is indisposed and confined to the house. He expects to be in the office in a few days. Mr. J. A. Faith has succeeded Mr. Hughes, lately
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  • 186 4 Mr. Chan Swee Hoo (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, Apr. 20. Mr. Chan Swee Hoo, one of the leading merchants died yesterday, at his residence at Pekan China, Alor Star, after a short illness at the age of 66. He leaves behind his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 SUFFERED WITH PSORIASSJEARS Red Patches Itched Terribly. Healed by Cuticura. I was a sufferer from psoriasis for a period of ten years. It started with small, red patches on my stomach and back and gradually became larger and itched terribly. Dry scales soon covered the eruptions, and one in particular
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    • 244 4 iBftRGftlNS E Still have Stocks of the following which we are offering at exceptionally low prices, t 0 avoid the necessity of removing them to our original premises in Beach Street, at the end of this Month. GRAMOPHONE RECORDS $0.50 '«i MUSIC $0.10««. VIOLINS $5.00 ««l FLUTES $1.50 e "'i
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  • 1184 5 ■■Strong In Shadow As In Shine, It Shall Mount A Hill At Last, And End In Light" o Christian With the consent of all ,lk Cities It is evident that his main being a Christian baa nWectnal. He has had to come h
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  • 450 5 C °mplaint of High Taxation of Nation nnt a reduction in the rate director T made by Sir Edgar a luneh brewers’ Society, Ven Lord iT 1 iU Manchester gifor many year? l^ lll7 He claimed that On "t'"nth of ti had P roduce d nearly for the
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  • 547 5 First Division Match DULL GAME ON THE VICTORIA GREEN In the first division of the Penang Football Association League, the Darul Aihsan Football Club defeated the Police by the odd goal in three on the Victoria Green, yesterday. Although a fairly large crowd turned up expecting
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  • 135 5 Mr. McKenna as the Strong, Silent Man Mr. Reginald McKenna recently made one of his rare public speeches. It lasted barely a minute and was made in response to the toast of “Our guests” at a luncheon at the Guildhall in celebration of the part which the
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  • 289 5 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND Ist Sunday after Easter (St. George’s Day) 7.50 Litany. 8 a.m. Matins. Pss 111 and LVII. Hymn 197. 8.30 Holy Communion. 11 a.m_ Holy Communion Chinese 6.30 Evensong— PS CUT 211. Magnificat 225. Nunc Dimittis 220. Hymns 126 Part H, 439,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 HOW TO GET RID OF INDIGESTION. Those who suffer from indigestion, gastritis, acidity, flatulence, dyspepsia, heartburn, etc., will be glad to learn that instant relief can be obtained by taking a little ‘Bisurated’ Magnesia immediately after eating or whenever pain is felt. This instantly neutralises the acid that causes all
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    • 234 5 THE "EMPIRE” All-Mains Electric Clock for Offices, Hotels, Clubs or the Home. Wk The Empire" Clock You just plug in, set hands, release knob at back and away she goes. SPECIFICATION Suitable for plugging direct to mains. Supplied either A.C. or D.C. 200-250 volts Current consumption is less than .5
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 220 5 WIRELESS To-day’s Programme Wavelengths: 31.55 metres. 25.28 metres. Call Signs*. G.S.B. G.S.E. p.m. 8.50 Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin and Announcements. 9.05 Dance Music by Harry Roy and his Band, from the Cafe Anglais, London. 9.50 Non Stop Variety in Light Music, presented by Sydney Baynes and his
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  • 2700 6 Suggestions at Inquest STORY OF AN AIR PLOT Dropping Goods by Parachute Questions regarding drug traffic were asked during the inquest which was opened at Pendleton Town Hall on April 4 by the Salford coroner on Mr. Albert Voss, 69, dentist, of Upper Brook-street,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 SWEDES S f breakfast in every part of the world, the best breakfast is Scott’s Porage Oats. No other breakfast food contains elements so nourishing as oits no other country grows such magnificent oats as Scotland, and Scott’s Porage Oats are best ft W. Sole Agent a for Malaya THE
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    • 115 6 A PICTURE OF HEALTH lb ra —g WF K. BE FAIR TO YOUR BABY. Babies reared on Humanised Trufood are such cheery, healthy little souls because they secure all the nourishment of breast milk in this nearest-to-nature food. Humanised Trufood not only makes strong BONES, sound TEETH, pure BLOOD, but
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  • 1667 7 SCOTLAND'S POLICY W INS THE CHAMPIONSHIP miiMGSTERS WHO MADE GOOD—MOST IMPROVED 1°“""' PLAYER OF YEAR IRELAND'S GREAT WEAKNESS Rugby Football In land 6 pt®-» Scotland 8 Dublin, April 1. hpatinz Ireland here this afternoon W -I two tries Scot W ;Ln the Championship, having beaten land WUI th? other countries.
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  • 1424 7 Most Stylish Batsman of His Day A LEEDS MEMORY Helped in a Sensational Yorkshire Defeat Mr. Lionel Charles Hamilton Palairet, who played for England, Oxford University, and Somerset, and who was said to be the most perfect exponent of the offdrive that cricket has
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  • 123 7 To-day, at the Esplanaue, from 6 p. m. to 7.30 p. m. 1. March Contemptibles Stanley 2. Overture The Magic Flute Mozart 3. Selection The Pirates of Penzance BuUivan 4. Sketch By the Swanne River Myddleton. 5. Serenade Love in Arcady Hadyn-Wood 6. Selection The Beauty Spot Tate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 190 7 K I i I J Sil -Crt+jj 111 S lilloslll i 7 '< S lIS ■H i J I- fe i\\ J J Hj 8 H I Ky ii/i r 11 BIwI Hon® nil i Wl T Im ‘IfI rPI Ktaterßeet "ONE OF LIFE'S PLEASURES" Obtainable at I I AU
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  • 910 8 In The Times last month there appeared a series of articles by Mr. J. M. Keynes on how to lift the United Kingdom out of the trough of the depression. Reference to them has already been made in these columns. It is not surprising that they
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  • 1162 8 It was that of the incoming tenant.^ —E. W. in the “Manchester Guardian.” Simeon Bean had farmed Dodholme Grange for thirty-eight years, but this was the first occasion on which he had been able to take in at a glance the whole of his dead farm stock.” Every
    It was that of the incoming tenant.^—E. W. in the “Manchester Guardian.”  -  1,162 words
  • 693 8 AN OVERWORKED WORD Observant readers of the daily n cently may have noticed that anntv. ■mother W(j 4 is having that spell of overwork whlfh periodically comes the way of WO r ds phrases. This time it is “sabotage” wh as currently used in the news from
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    • 66 8 E. O. HOTEL PENANG. SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Wed. 26th April, 7933 Dance Music by the Band of the S.S." President Monroe w| RlF iFtiiFiFiPiriririmfMFiririFiFirfripir‘ 'JIUIJIUIumIJIJIJ IJIJIJIJIJiJIJU IU lU<! JI7 One never tires of cool D E RESZKE CIGARETTES They Always Satisfy Say “DE RESZKE” to your tobacconist. SAVE THE
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  • 143 9 .—Reuter. London Malayan Opinion SPECIAL meeting of association of BRITISH MALAYA London, April 21. General «quiescence in London on the u,e Wilson Report is tempered m else or the protagonists tor the redew the tear or domination room r and the insistence that decenXtt ve.
    .—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 144 9 Opened At Bank Of England TOTAL APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR £68,822.300 London, April 21. Tenders for £50,000,000 2% per cent. Conversion Loan 1944-1949 and Treasury Bills were opened to-day at the Bank of England. The total applied for was £68,822,300. Amounts allotted were conversion B Loan
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  • 1538 9 Its Programme for the First Year I It is leas than a year since the pro-t posal to set up a British Institute was first seriously put forward by an unofficial body, the Commission on Educational and Cul-j tural Films, in its report on "The Film
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  • 108 9 .—Reuter. A Paris Comment PENNILESS MOSCOW MAY CEDE INTERESTS Paris, April 21. Le Temps in an editorial says that the Russo-Japanese crisis over the Chinese Eastern Railway is unlikely to develop. Penniless Moscow will, probably, to save face cede her interest in the Railway for a
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 1129 9 Despicable Fraud SINGAPORE CHINESE SENT TO PRISON Characterised by the magistrate as having taken part in a deliberate, carefully planned, mean and despicable sort of fraud, a young Chinese named Tan Kian Teong was sentenced to two months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. A. W. Hay,
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  • 94 9 —Reuter. Complete Cessation Of Trade CHARTERING OF BRITISH VESSELS PROHIBITED Moscow, April 22. The Soviet retaliation to the British embargo which is announced by the Commissar for foreign trade consists of the complete prohibition of orders to, or purchases from, Britain. The chartering of vessels
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 435 9 Peacemakers Who Came To Blows CORONER'S VERDICT OF CULPABLE HOMICIDE A fight (which began over a woman) in front of a coffee shop in Duxton Road on the night of April 1 between two rival Hokkien gangs, the members of one of whom were said
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  • 86 9 TlN—Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £159-17-6 £l6O-2-6 TIN—(3 Months) London £l6O-5-0 £l6O-15-0 Singapore »«5.00 $84.25 Business Done Penang $84.50 Business Done Buyers—No sellera COPRA —(Sundried) 3 85 BLACK PEPPER $16.00 $16.00 RUBBER London 2^d Qll 2 New York 3Hc.(G) 3Hc.(G) Singapore cts C TAPIOCA Fair Seed 3 70 Medium
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    • 257 10 Tragic End of a Family of Seven DEATH PACT Tiruvannamalai, April 6. A shocking tragedy involving the destruction of a family of seven souls occurred on Tuesday in Adi-Annamalai, a village five miles from Tiruvannamalai, South Arcot. The body of an elderly man hanging from a
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    • 216 10 Bride to be Included As Co-accused Allahabad, April 3. The hearing was resumed to-day before Mr. F. H. Logan, City Magistrate, of the case in which Shyam Lal, Manager of a local orphanage and widows home, and Dr. Jagdish Ram, alleged to be the organiser of the
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    • 141 10 Deterrent Sentences for Brutal Attack 4 Nagpur, April 11. After a portracted trial lasting nearly 2 years, the 15 accused in the Patansavang Rioting case were sentenced to-day by Mr. Mukerjee, First-Class Magistrate, to undergo various terms of rigorous imprisonment ranging from seven
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    • 1247 10 PROSPECTS OF RESPONSIBILITY AT THE CENTRE SIR JOHN SIMON'S STATEMENT Indian Political Notes The debate in 'the House of Commons on the White Paper is over. As pointed out by Mr. Winston Churchill, the motion before the House was adroitly framed, i and Mr.
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    • 106 10 Suicide and Attempted Murder Mangalore, April 9. An open-air theatre at Padav, on the outskirts of the town, was the scene of a tragedy last night, when Gunda, one of the actors who was shortly to have appeared on the stage, is alleged to have
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    • 617 10 The King’s Message of Sympathy M.C.C. MOURN LOSS New Delhi, April 3. The following condolence message was received by the Viceroy from the King: “I am so sorry to hear of the death of the Maharaja of Nawanagar. Please express my deep sympathy with his family. Lord Lewisham,
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    • 83 10 Reported Arrest F rom Midnapore Calcutta, April 1. Dressed in a dhoti, coat and slippers, with her hair cut like a man’s a Bengali girl of about 18 years of age is reported to have been arrested in Midnapore. Her movements aroused suspicion while she was
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 246 10 IMPERIAL WINES AUSTRALIAN AND SOUTH AFRICAN WINES DRY AND SWEET GuTnpjE c @b SOLE AGENTS. 'PHONE 357. Six Pint Blancmanges ready flavoured nJ x. Brown Polson’» Flavoured Com Flour is a great idea, 'w It saves time, labour and money because you can make delicious blancmanges and pudding sauces in
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  • 606 11 British Profession Waiting for Reprisals Medical specialists should have specialist knowledge vouched for by a special degree. That is the view of the profession, and doctors are demanding examinations which will achieve this end. ‘‘Specialist degree would be in the interest of the public
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  • 856 11 A Man Who is “Just a Bit of Human Bait” sharks should have made a meal of Mr. ramP'-n Heilner years ago. «a worth while for ralist now visiting "don when he is studying the habits X-eaters on the bed of some tr °q
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 306 11 A 977 Z) LJi Wffll I DE COLOGNE > Creme A U 2 t ifa"47lt'Vantsfiing A < << Cream AT A f A splendid protective cream for day use 1 3 and the ideal foundation for powder. 3 Supplement it by Cold Cream, the 4 1 3 perfect cleansing cream.
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    • 1196 12 Benefits From Light Tapping MR. H. ERIC MILLER ON REGULATION OF OUTPUT The Twenty-third Ordinary General Meeting of The Bikam Estate, Limited, was held on March 29th at the company’s offices, 1- Great Tower Street, London, E C. Mr. H. Eric Miller (the chairman of the company)
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    • 212 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT Penang, April 20. On continued speculative support, especially from America prices advanced steadily during the past week. With a further sharp rise to-day, local closing quotations record a gain on balance of approximately 1 cent per lb. whilst London is up %d. to 2%d.
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    • 130 12 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 89 5|16 87% New York 3.85 3.85 Montreal 4.36 4.36 Brussels 25.21 24.76% Geneva 18.19% 17.86 Amsterdam 8.75 8.58% Milan 67 67 Berlin 15 716 15.15 Stockholm 19 116 19 I|l6 Copenhagen 22.45 22.45 Oslo 19 9116 19 9j16 Vienna 33
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    • 107 12 The following are the tin outputs for the first half of April The Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. (No. J. Dredge):—Piculs, 94 hours, 317 c. yards, 50,000. The North Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. (Dredge working only 2 shifts a day, four days weekly. One wash-up every second
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 527 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF SALE By Order of the Executor To be sold by Public Auction At No. 79, China Street, Penang, at 11 a.m. On FRIDAY, the sth day of May, 1933. The following property belonging to CHAN FOOK NGHEE (deceased) of 70b, Irving Road, Penang. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY
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    • 363 12 iTANGYE 5 S 5 PUMPS FOR ALL DUTIES: I Centrifugal m B Eff k'ency J, Steam W d J Power Ou put J ■I Ram Guaranteed J n i J HUTTENBACH. LAZARUS SONS. LTD., J (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) 5 5 B Engineers and Contractors, ■I PENANG. J 5
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  • 582 13 Schedule of Principal Lines -e following Is a list of vessels arriving filing pe ang durlng the W k: TN PORT I'D-DAY a a CELEBES MARU from Singapore via pelawan. Sails for Rangoon and Calcutta. PATROCLUS from Liverpool. Sails for Hongkong. Shanghai, Taku and Dalny. «q
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  • 364 13 APRIL, 1933 APRIL 22 Cricket: P. R. C. v Malay Cricket Club, Esplanade. Ulu Piah Company, Ltd,, annual meeting, Kennedy, Burkiel Co., Ltd., noon. League Fottball: S. X. R. C. v. C. R. C., S. X. I. ground. APRIL 23 Cricket :P. R. C. v. B. R.
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  • 796 13 OUTWARD AND HOMEWARD WEEKLY DUTCH AIR MAIL SERVICE Alterations To Time Table. Commencing on the 26th April next the weekly Homeward Dutch Air Mail will depart from Alor Star on Thursdays. Correspondence for inclusion in this mail must be posted at the General Post Office, Penang, not later
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 16 13 Sa\ Good bye to pains and Blit < CORNS jgr The univeisal corn cure I -never tails
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    • 163 13 ll, T-S ’I Ar Foods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured in the home counties, the ‘Allenburys* Foods are as easily digested as mother’s milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Fresh supplies, specially packed for the
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 1365 14 EXPLOSION HAVOC IN LONDON I Houses Collapse on Sleeping Tenants ONE DEAD AND MANY INJURED Factories Forced to Close Down London, March 31. A boy was killed, thirty persons were injured and the homes of about 200 families were reduced to ruins by an explosion at the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 304 14 S W Wjß %f O H^P^^|r JhblilA Ct/ sf* /sos >i ),<-w«‘'c^ A JEfiHfeAW > POP ALL OVER THE WORLD Fresh English Fruits, gathered and fjf packed at the acme of their perfec- X tion —serve them with CHIVERS* v CUSTARD—they are delicious Jr 3» r|Sk Sf Chivers’ Canned English
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    • 129 14 Has No Ugly Hair NowU "I become 1 Completely discour- S 'fcged by a heavy L Way «r growth of disgusting jrjj naif I tried depila- j Cory pastes, evil y* aEB •fuelling powders and I painful Electric treatments even J' Vai < razor. Staving f limply made the
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    • 335 14 WHEW wW Kackind a Fhirs^ is FIKST. I? Sole Agents N.V. Straits Java Trading Ct K EKK.CĔ’3 I a THE BLUES No man or woman is more sick of life than I J when they have that trouble commonly J called “The Blues.” It amounts to a disease in many
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2133 15 "'A A. U p O.— BRITISH INDIA fc»l —jdgl-igjy -a^l^ AHfAltT AND APCAR L *NES jßssSai tin 1 *lll *i jimwij I (Companies Incorporated in England) ruMjißt uni’ home by dollar mail PASSENcFR~7ZLr,..T[, LINE L PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London Ve L London Rotterdam and
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  • 392 16 Weights For Firsf Day CARD OF NINE EVENTS The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Penang Turf Club Extra Professional Meeting to be run on Saturday, April 29 RACE 1 Horses —Class 3. Division 3. NASSAU BELLE 9 0 J ADI
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  • 283 16 England Defeat The Rest CLOSE AND INTERESTING GAME The annual St. George’s Day football match on the Esplanade yesterday between England and The Rest resulted in England winning by the odd goal in five. It was a keen and closely contested game in which the
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  • 323 16 Result of Draw The following is the result of the draw for the batch of 30 Singapore Turf Club horse griffins:— 1 2 y.o.—b.a.f. by Tarquin—Marcovara, F. Knewstubb. 2 3 y.o.—br.a.m. by Top Gallant Maggie Lewis, “Kumlee Kongsi.” 3 3 y.o.—b.a.g. by Top Gallant —Early
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  • 729 16 Fighting Choo Well Beaten SUCCESSFUL FIGHTS AT DRURY LANE By “SECONDS OUT” The first promotion of the Young Men’s Hindu Association which was held at the Drury Lane Hall last night attracted a packed audience. In spite of the rain crowds rolled in to see Boy
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  • 232 16 AT FUN FROLIC PARK An All Professional Card Offered To-morrow Night (Contributed) In view of the fact that local fight fans are offered an all professional programme at the Fun Frolic Park on Sunday for the first time in Penang, a large crowd is -anticipated. The public can rest assured
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  • 709 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotation* in MESSikS. KENNEDY A Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER Glenealy 75 85 80 90 Kedah 1.02% I.loc 1.05 1.15 c Kempas 50 60 55 65 Kuala Sidim 75 82
    709 words
  • 39 16 —Reuter. Great Britain Leading Spain Barcelona, April 21. In the First Round of the Davis Cup, Great Britain leads Spain by two matches to nil. Perry beat,Maier 7-5, 7-5, 6-2. Austin beat Sindreau 6-0, 6-3, 6-2.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 35 16 PENANG, Ap ßla (By Courtesy of the On London Bank Demand Bi U Hongkong t.T. 2j, Private 3 m)ts credit 3 DocumentaryOn New York Bank Demand France t.T. India t.T. Shanghai T.T. Bar Silver
    35 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 116 16 Fon sale A large compound Kramat Road, together with of 5.799 square reel, cl« e J and tram. Price $6,500. A Dato Kramat Road, Penan P L.?. :ĕ: j L X Eucryl Tooth I thoroughly deans a polishes your teeth. 11 keeps the mouth hah and the breath sw. Free
      116 words