Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 965 1 Statement In Parliament By Sir John Simon ALLEGATIONS WITHOUT ANY FOUNDATION WHATEVER Macdonald's Plea Of Guilty To Hold Good London) April 13. Referring to the charges against six British subjects at the Moscow trial, Sir John Simon made the following specific statement in the
    -Reuter.  -  965 words
  • 74 1 —Reuter. Dutch Minister's Declaration NATIVE PRODUCTION TO BE COVERED London, April 15. The Financial Times Amsterdam correspondent cables that a declaration that he considers the compulsory restriction of rubber production desirable in every respect as soon as a workable efficient plan is available was made by Heer
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 69 1 —Reuter. China’s Representative st Shanghai, April 14. The Finance Minister, Mr. T. V. Soong, has agreed to represent China at the Washington Conversations.—Reuter. THE ECONOMIC CONFERENCE Tokyo, April 14. It is authoritatively stated that Viscount Ishii will be the chief delegate to the Economic Conference in London
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 47 1 —Reuter, A Prohibition Bill Washington, April 15. The prohibition of transport by rail-road or pipe-line of oil produced in contravention of State laws and regulations is the object of a bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Mr. Marland, a Republican.' —Reuter,
    ■—Reuter,  -  47 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. Statements In House Of Commons AMBASSADOR TO PROTEST Berlin, April 14. The Crt rman .Ambassador has been instructed to protest to the British Government against the about Germany made in ttu* House of Commons yesterday, when Sir Austen Chamberlain declared this is no time to talk of
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 125 1 —Reuter. Powers of President Washington, April 13. Power to expand the currency without asking for a mandate will be given to President Roosevelt by an amendment to the Farm Bill, submitted by Senator Thomas, i who proposed that this would be achieved by issuing Federal Reserve notes
    —Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 395 1 early opportunity ui ueauug matter.—Rugby Radio Service and Reuter. War Debts Wholesale Prices Disarmament PERSONAL AND CANDID EXAMINATION London, April 13. The Prime Minister told the House of Commons that when in the United States he will discuss with President Roosevelt war debts, wholesale price levels and
    early opportunity ui ueauug ' matter.—Rugby Radio Service and Reuter.  -  395 words
  • 149 1 —Reuter. Likely Withdrawal Tokyo, April 14. The possibility of Japan’s withdrawal from the permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague, following her secession from the League of Nations is indicated by the Foreign Office in connection with negotiations between Japan and Holland for
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 248 1 —Reuter. Portsmouth's Good Showing Against Derby CHARLTON DEFEATS STOKE CITY London, April 14. The following are the results of matches played to-day in the English League:— DIVISION I Arsenal 4 Sheffield W 2 Blackpool 3 Blackbum R 0 Chelseu 4 Leicester City 1 Liverpool 2 Huddersfield
    —Reuter. |  -  248 words
  • 128 1 Four Goal Victory for K. L. XI (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, April 14. Despite the fact that the Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore, was beaten by tour clear goals by the Kuala Lumpur Tamilian Physical Culture Association, they gave a good account of themselves from
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  • 72 1 y Down by Half (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, April 13. When the King came to the Throne the Civil List was 6,000,000 ticals. Subsequently the King agreed to reductions. The new budget discloses that the amount has further been reduced and next year the
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    • 2022 2 RATES FOR CASUAL PENANG LAWN TENNIS penang turf club. BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS ASSOCIATION TOURNAMENT I TIC NEDERLANDSCHE Chartered First Day —Saturday —April, 29th 1933. UAkinFl MAATSCHAPPIJ OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND Cfflw A Tournament will be held under the Second Day—Wednesday—May, 3rd 1933. > Z M M M M HAIXyEL WMMI All
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  • 409 3 “Working-Man’s Wife the World’s Best Manager BRITISH THRIFT PRAISED Company’s Big Undertaking in Time of Crisis The British working man —or perhaps I should say his wife —is the best manager of the domestic exchequer in the world. This tribute to working-class thriftiness was paid by
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  • 172 3 A Gruesome Village Ceremony Budapest, March 21. The “Nemzeti Ujsag” reports a strange ceremony which was performed in the village of Nagylucka, in Ruthenia. At the death of an old woman who was believed to be a witch the villagers became panic stricken, as it was rumoured that
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  • 98 3 Victoria Station Master Talks with King The man who shepherded 32,000 leave trains in and out of Victoria station during the war talked about them with the King at Buckinghan Place on March 25. He was Mr. P. C. Hopper, the stationmaster at Victoria, who is
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  • 602 3 Romance Revealed by Motor Accident A motor car accident which revealed the secret marriage of a former London mannequin to a Bath clergyman’s son ten months previously led to an action before Mr. Justice Avory and a special jury in the King’s Bench Division. The action was
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  • 213 3 Dramatic End of a Notorious Dacoit The notorious dacoit, Juggoo, who was stated never to move without a haversack full of bombs of his own invention, was blown up and killed on March 26th, by one of his own infernal machines (wires Ruter from Lahore).
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    • 266 3 r fl I i I fIWOMi a i Ehl I r=4 Ostomalt is your most reliable source of fl vitamins A. B, C and D—the four vital fl B food factors which keep you well. fl Vitamin A—to give you resistance to ills fl K —is supplied by a high
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    • 228 3 ssSrffiKir nirrr -.> WWj TOBRMCO 80 EASY TO WASH SO HARD TO WEAR OUT A TOOTAL PRODUCT HAVE you bought your TOBRALCO Directly you touch Tobralco you are conscious of its quality; its beautiful weave; its firm texture. It proves a wonderful economy in sunny climates —and it washes so
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  • 318 4 Having been acquitted of murder, a young Cypriot, now in London, has declared a vendetta against the real murderer, and does not mean to cease in his efforts until he sees the guilty man stand in the dock from which a British jury recently released
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  • 134 4 And Was Only Bruised New York, March 25. Police received a frantic telephone call: “Come at once! A man has fallen out of a seventh-floor hotel window!” So the police rushed to the spot—but they could see no sign of a corpse. They asked the reception clerk
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  • 145 4 May Be That of Tramp Who Smoked The charred remains of a human body were discovered on March 24 after a clover rick had been burned down in a field on the Hoggs Back, miles from Guildford. The rick belonged to Mr. Phillips, of Blakewell
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  • 187 4 Woman’s Thanks to Kruschen “I have been suffering from rheumatism for years. At one time I could scarcely walk with pains in my feet. The thumb of my left hand was so stiff I could only bend it with the aid of the right hand. I
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  • 173 4 Dual Personality and Dead Woman Blida, Algeria, March 25. “Mr. Hyde,” said Inspector Jekyll, “I arrest you on the charge of murder, and warn you that anything you may say may be used in evidence against you.” In some such words, Inspector Henri Mengnot, of the French
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  • 158 4 A Central European Wedding Belgrade, March 23. A wedding on a scale practically unknown in Central Europe has just taken place in the Transcarpathian town of Mukatchevo. The fathers of the bride and bridegroom, whose ages are now seventeen and eighteen, are famous and wealthy rabbis who
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  • 644 4 Lieut. J. M. R. Ditinus, R.A.0.C., has been promoted captain. Sir J B. S. Campbell, D. 5.0., arrived in Singapore by the Talamba from Hongkong. Mi’. Max Baker, of the Alhambra Theatres, has joined the board of Amalgamated Theatres Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. S. Haughton
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    • 425 4 al Leaves Hair Twice as Beautiful The simple hair styles of to-day make beautiful hair a necessity. Luckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. Proper shampooing makes the hair soft and silky. It brings out all the real life and lustre, all the
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    • 116 4 Cambridge Examinations QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON BRITISH EMPIRE HISTORY. First Series Periods from July 1921 December, 1925. Second Series Periods from July 1926 December, 1930. All Rights Reserved. Price $l.OO each Series. Printed, Published and Sold by PETER CHONG CO., Educational Suppliers, Printers, Etc. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Branches.
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    • 84 4 removal Ln EEa f. Rather than move our stocks back to our original premises, we offer special inducements to the Residents of Penang to acquire any of our present stocks at BARGAIN PRICES ACCORDEONS $3.00 each. VIOLINS $7.00 GRAMOPHONE RECORDS .50 MUSIC CASES $2.00 ■< FLUTES $1.50 BANJO MANDOLINES $5.00
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  • 632 5 Alor Star Beaten MALAY C.C. WIN BY 31 RUNS Exactly on time and with the last ball of the match —e i*ialay Cricket Club gained a victory by 31 runs in their annual match with the Alor Star Cricket Club which took place yesterday on
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  • 206 5 ST GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND EASTER DAY 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Matins. Hymn 134, 499, 131. Easter Antiphon 324. Ps CXI 318. Te Deum 4th Set. Bendictus 37. 10.45 Holy Communion. 6.30 Evensong— Hymns 134,131,128, 127. Ps XVI 94. Magnificat 50. Nunc Dimittis 250.
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  • 145 5 And Can’t Even Get a Job as Reward London, March 26. Hero of a hundred daring exploits, and rescuer of a hundred human lives, Absolom Edwards, of Lower Dale-rd., Derby, at sixty, cannot find anyone to reward him with a job of work. To-day he is
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    • 723 5 $lOO $lOO football forecasts. > 6 $lOO WAITING FOR YOU! Just a few strokes of the pen. Quite a simple task. Nc orry> n 0 waste of time. Yet it may bring you $lOO. Yon are not required to forecast scores —only results. If you succeed in forecasting the highest
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    • 104 5 Blackheads and Enlarged SPOres GoneinS -'■J Any woman W easily banish Y black heads and enlarged pores, and have a neyr white skin in 3 days by the use of Tokalon Vanishing Skinfood This contains predigested dairy cream and olive oil combined with whitening, tonic and astringent ingredients. They penetrate
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    • 201 5 ANOTHER "MONEY SAVER" FROM OUR I I SUPER BARGAIN EVENT NOW ON I THE > J RUBERG > FUTURO ROLL J FILM CAMERA I /Fitted Roden- I > stock Len s H i Periscope 1:11 Instantaneous and Time Exposure, 2 J Diaphragms, Auto- mafic self-opening i view finder. This Amazing
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  • 787 6 Curious Story Of Air Ministry's Two Orders Some of the curious ways of officialdom are revealed in the annual report of the Comptroler and Auditor General for 1931. The story of a petrol installation is told in the Air Services accounts. It is as
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  • 338 6 Sentences In The 28 Days’ Trial After a trial lasting 28 days, sentences. were passed at Liverpool Assizes on March 1 24 in the case in which a Liverpool soli- citor and other men had been found guilty, of conspiracy and other offences. The charges
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  • 232 6 Wrong Numbers Cost Actress’s Life Paris, March 25. Fate’s cruel trick in producing two “wrong numbers” is to blame for a tragedy that has ended the life of a promising young actress here and plunged into grief her manager fiance. Seized with the fear that he was
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  • 103 6 Chaste Youth Happiest, He Says That the new morality will never reach Golders Green is the earnest hope of the Bishop of London. He expressed it to the consecration of the new Church of St. Alban the Martyr Golders Green, on March 25. He declared that
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    • 191 6 Z-l,£W5 r i WWri® >* AW. -’v r r; 'i «Wwrjb Rtwlr.-? ■W-»- .4 1 vrWmMlfe l!©®» *J i KMv '''■>''*[—— V W\< &W X x I I i, I V* -#l .ELJ MF^Bfep > l :z^*f■vA >S&/?.£ U* I Xj;»- <•>< ■’?.“'-^'i;^ t Z. i(<sS; ■>■.;'•.?; z.<'' zzW/ I
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  • 586 7 WIDOWER wins appeal Incumbent or a church in entitled to X permission lor the erection or n marble memorial in his church. the effect of a ruling in the Court es at Church HoUS<! Weatmma U vr Geoffrey Bourke Cuthbertson apX from a judgment of the
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  • 370 7 Sir Sydney Skinner’s Appeal Fleet Street, March 22. “Give the young people in business a chance,” pleaded Sir Sydney Skinner» President of the Drapers’ Chamber of Trade, at the Chamber’s annual meeting at the Hotel Victoria to-day, when questions of importance to the textile trade were discussed*
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  • 155 7 Public Protests Against a Scare Advertisement Paris, March 26. “Is War Coming is the scare headline of a French firm’s advertisement of gas masks at 100 francs (£1 35.) each, “warranted durable.” “If you never need one so much the better,” says the advertisement,
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  • 102 7 Pupils Strike Against New Version of History Le Mans (France), March 26. Because he taught his pupils that Joan of Arc was not burned at the stake, but escaped from Rouen with a British soldier and had several children, Charles Neuilly, a school master at Neuzille-sur-Sarthe,
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  • 92 7 More than 24,000 people attended the five performances of the Naval and Military Tattoo held at Kingston (Jamaica). Seven hundred troops took part in the performances the units participating including those from the cruisers Norfolk and Dragon, the sloop Heliotrope, and the Canadian destroyers Saguenay and Champlain.
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  • 160 7 PAN TRY PARTY Dr ”nk £2OO Worth of J eer’s Wine **hilip Huph 1 Uth P rosec uted his butler, n March 25 aged 24, at Marylebone B Dnts v’ai a Charge Of stea hng wines sin at from his London A detect v 1931 10 lo k after n'"
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  • 109 7 Peasant Women’s Duel to the Death March 24. A duel to the death between two peasant women took place in the village of Koros. The two principals were a married woman of 49 named Elizabeth Balogh, and a beautiful peasant girl of 28, Vilma Koth, also married.
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  • 74 7 An estate of £49,305 has been left by Field-marshal Sir Wiliam Robertson, the only man who has ever risen from trooper in a cavalry regiment to the highest rank in the British Army. Sir Wiliam, who lived at Westbourneterrace, Hyde Park, W., died in February,
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  • 209 7 Lawyers Want Their Book to be Simpler I The “White Book” is to be redrafted. The book is that monumental volume which contains the rules of practice and proce- dure in the Courts. In 50 years it has grown and grown until to-day it
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    • 210 7 P 3 innate charms by the dis- 3' I Tosca Perfume f adding t° her natural graces f Q r h er Tosca Toiletries: ULv j J J Eau de Cologne fragrant and i I 1 i refreshing Compact—the ideal powder Vanishing Cream L Wh M'J W I 1 the
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  • 896 8 Conversations, conferences and pacts notwithstanding, the world is no nearer disarmament to-day than it was in 55 B.C. In Europe the atmosphere is definitely unfavourable to any scheme which has for its basis the beating of swords into ploughshares. At the moment it is more conducive to the forging
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  • 932 8 When first we saw him he was standing in that attitude we were to know so t well, his short legs slightly straddled, one j hand in his pocket, the other busily playing with the chain of his watch. The rusty spray of his beard, from which jutted
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  • 820 8 A GOOD MOUTHFUL The South Country clergyman who just described his rectory as this dan, sodden, rot-ridden, verminous ruin i oeeirig to have a prose style that must be rather 1 wasted in the pulpit. Doubtless the seat in question is all that he claims for it
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    • 226 8 Work is over and then l\ |fe| a Carlsberg, flfl Kil z >1 I z fljl fl /’’"fe flTsfl fl fl |'|KflVf fl fl Once tasted wanted Ik the beers SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore PENANG Kuala Lumpur •j®.?? .w JSiJJI m!f w -r- v- 5; v?
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    • 67 8 E. O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE HOTEL IN THE EAST. ALL ROOMS FACE THE SEA each with sitting room and private bathroom attached. Modern Sanitation Throughout EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef. IT’S THE perfect plend OF Virginia Tobacco That Satisfies the D E RESZKE Smoker THE ARISTOCRAT of ai
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  • 1125 9 I Sensational Development In Moscow Trial thornton faces charges more AND MORE FIRMLY Straightforward Denial By Monkhouse Moscow, April 13. Early in to-day’s proceedings of the Moscow trial of the Metro-Vickers’ engineers a sensation was caused by William Mac- donald, the youngest of the men
    The hearing was adjourned.—Reuter and Rugby Radio Service.  -  1,125 words
  • 141 9 —Reuter. Advocated By British M.P. BASIS OF LEAGUE FLOUTED London, April 13. A world boycott of Japanese goods was advocated by Major Atlee in the House of Commons for discussion by Mr. Macdonald and Mr. Roosevelt at Washington, in the course of the debate on
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 186 9 Shop Looted An audacious gang robbery was committed at Bagan Pen jam at in Lower Perak a few days ago. It would appear that between 8.30 and 9 p.m. a gang of seven Chinese who were dressed completely in black except for their head coverings
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  • 97 9 Koleh Capsizes off Pulau Brani A Malay boy about eight years of age was drowned off Pulau Brani at 8 p.m. on W ednesday. He set out on a small koleh—similar to those used by the Malay divers for coins in the Harbour—to get to the fishing
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  • 81 9 Yet another divorce petition—the third this week —came up before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, on Thursday, in the Supreme Court, Singapore. There was one on Monday and another on Tuesday. Like those two, the petition to-day was undefended. The petitioner was Rudolf Clark and the respondent
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  • 65 9 During the week ending Bth April, 1933, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 23,737 cases, of which 16,840 cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,640 cases to the Continent of Europe, 3,190 cases to Canada and 2,067 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, Ist January,
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  • 45 9 —Reuter. A Civil Engineer Chicago, April 14. Edward J. Kelley, civil engineer and Democratic leader, has been elected Mayor of the City Council in succession to Anton Cermak, who died of bullet wounds received in the attempt to assassinate Pre- sident Roosevelt.-
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 65 9 —Reuter. Lt. Baillie-Stewart FIVE years penal SERVITUDE London, April 13. Lt. Baillie-Stewart of the Seaforth Highlanders who was recently charged under the Official Secrets Act whom the court found not guilty on the three alternative charges but on seven others announced that their decision would be submitted
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 673 9 The Chief Justice POSITION OF IRISH BARRISTERS The position of Irish judges and barristers in the S.S. was regularised at a special meeting of the Legislative Council on Thursday morning. An extraordinary meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Thursday in the Council Chamber. H.
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  • 32 9 —Reuter. An Enormous Deficit Paris, April 14. After an all-night sitting the Chamber passed the budget at 6.15 a.m. by 514 votes to 67. The deficit is 4,177,000,000 francs.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 2075 9 Illuminating Lecture By Dr. K. C. Yeo EASTER MESSAGE Life Of God And Life Of Man Are Edentiical Dr. K. C. Wu, M.D. (Hongkcng), D.T.M. and H. (London), D.P.H. (Cantab), Medical Officer, Hongkong Medical Service, a Penang boy who has made good in Hongkong and now
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  • 498 10 Bosom F riend of Lord Darling ALLEGED PRETENCE OF TWO MEN London, March 23. The names of noted judges were mentioned in a remarkable case against two men at London Guildhall. Henry Arthur Leaver, 60, engineer, Gun-terstone-road, West Kensington, and Brenchley Barrett Kingsford, 58, agent, Westbourne Park,
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  • 140 10 Three Days Without Food in Siamese Jungle Rangoon, March 12. Mr. L. W. Elsum, the English mining engineer who had been missing since he left the camp where he was living on the Siamese border last Wednesday, was found today. With the overseer and two dogs,
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  • 55 10 Have you ever seen a red delphinium There is a possibillity of such a rarity being exhibited by a Dutch grower at the show of the Northern Delphinium Society to be held at Alderley Edge, Cheshire, on July 15. Arrangements have been made for a display of white
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  • 238 10 A Town’s Debt Reduced by £2OO March 22. The progress made by women as rulers of men is shown by two Reuter messages. The town of Grover, Colorado, is entirely governed by women. The mayor and board of trustees are all women. Since their election over a year
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  • 184 10 R.A.C. and Lack of Proper Parking Facilities Out of every 100 motorists defended by the R.A.C. last year, 25 were summoned for obstruction. In 1931, the last year for which statistics are available, 33,672 were convicted for obstruction, and the sum of £21,016 was collected
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  • 139 10 Injured While at Breakfast Just after Mrs. C. Davis of Formosast., Paddington, had sat down to breakfast with three of her children on March 25, part of a wall, the fireplace and heavy mantelpiece collapsed. Mrs. Davis and her eight-year-old child were buried under
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  • 118 10 Douglas Fairbanks, Junior, Says Charge is Blackmail” Two suits for damages have been brought by a Los Angeles chemist, Jorgen Dietz, against Douglas Fairbanks, junior, charging the film actor with alienation of Mrs. Dietz’s affections. Mr. Fairbanks, in an interview, said “It is out-and-out blackmail.” His wife,
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    • 502 10 New Way to Banish l Ugly Hair "ship” brand beer K-“““ I will BREWED AH BRITISH and BEER I BO7TL£D IO ,n 1 EVERY IS. BRITAIN CF/'. jiji THIRST Sensational Discovery of British Scientist Men detest superfluous hair ucyr. ver > find a. woman attractive who sutlers from < it.
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  • 463 11 GIRL "CAREFREE" MAN'S DEATH found Hanged When He Was to Take Her to Dinner CORONER SUGGESTS HE yielded to impulse A rriri told at the Westminster Coroner’s mC e was found hanged at o&ce shortly before he was to take he r out for the evening to the cinema and
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  • 97 11 After Hours street' pj 'T ent Sidney Best of BealeHani- p r W E WaS fmed 10s at West ttatney atlerT tM nd the shnno Pm he com Plained that ta lo Xh e l t °a l a 3 a 10 tempt 8anl "wf 011 1
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  • 91 11 111 Asks For Only Wild Uome-Grown Flowers Ma i°r C. W Guard, 7 bj J: Grifflth f the Grebuf near li (retirad Of Padworth «hot, win, g BerkB who was )Vem her, has i a revol ver at his side, last tJ £lB7 604 rnp,e
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  • 170 11 Fl.-Lt. Stainforth in Height Test Drama TURNS FINDS ASSISTANT HAS COLLAPSED Oxygen Mishap Flight-Lieut. G. H. Stainforth, holder of the world’s air speed record, was carrying out an altitude test when his assistant, Mr. C. Watson, of the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, collapsed. The airplane
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  • 248 11 Dr. Norwood on Britain’s Political Bankruptcy Dr. Cyril Norwood, Headmaster of Harrow, preaching at Harrow Parish Church, said: “There is one black shadow very near us—the shadow of war. The League of Nations struggles along ineffectively. It is not able to stop war in
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  • 240 11 Hair Literally Standing on End A plea that terror due to shell shock when serving in the Royal Air Force as a youth had resulted in lapses of memory was advanced at Leeds assizes on behalf of Richard Henry Moore (3o), surveyor, of Beverley, East
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    • 549 11 oi Calcium Irritability, oTooih>decay SlcCjpl-C&Sj! I.CSS, Expectant Excessive M her weakening of the teeth A e(fi Your teeth WW protecting the expectant and are .urge y ui tup of Tl nursing mother against a dancalcum and any lack gerous oss of ca l cl m writes of this vital element
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    • 636 12 Committee Meeting f LOCAL TOBACCO AND DUTIES IN SINGAPORE A Committee meeting of the Johore Planters’ Association was held at the offices of Rennie Lowick and Co., Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Monday at 10 a.m. with Mr. J. W. E. Adams in the chair. A letter
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    • 53 12 The following are the rubber outputs for the month of March, 1933 Lbs. Alor Gajah 25,000 Australasia 26,105 Ayer Panas 68,000 Bukit Kubu 14,500 Glenealy 44,102 Jalan Kebun 9,400 Kluang 43,000 Pajam 112,500 Port Swettenham 11,000 Tambalak 18,800 iTeluk Anson 46,706 |pUlu Benut 33,800 The Ayer Mjlck Rubber
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    • 486 12 A Small Profit The 16th Annual General Meeting of Ayer Tengah Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Malacca on April sth, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts the Chairman said: The Report and Accounts have been in your hands
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    • 433 12 Loss of $2,700 on Year The Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting of Radella Rubber Estate was held on Wednesday, April sth, at Malacca, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. In the course of his speech the Chairman said: The Report and Accounts have been in your hands for the
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    • 741 12 London, March 25. This market, like others, has brightened somewhat as the week proceeded and prices show a rise of 375. 6d. for cash and 275. 6d, for three months since our last. Business on the Metal Exchange has been on a small scale, but in the United States
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    • 59 12 The following are the tin outputs for the month of March, 1933 Satupulo N.L.: —Hours, 565 c. yards, 100,000 piculs, 537. Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd. (Ngow Property) —Piculs, 1,267. Only two dredges were in operation. Kinta Tin (Dredge No. 2):- —Piculs, 703.97. Semenyih :—Piculs, 59.00 hours run, 144
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    • 223 12 Monthly return of dealers and port stocks, Straits Settlements, at close of business, March 31st., 1933, in tons, as declared. A DEALERS’ STOCKS DRY WET TOTAL Total dry CREPE rubber as O USS Wet estimated Area Estate Remill Blanket Scrap Lump Dry Wet Dry by dealers Crepe
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    • 405 12 Messrs. William Jacks and Co., reported on March 22 as follows: The Government issue of a 2y 2 Loan would seem to anticipate a continuance of the present Trade depression, but the Four Power Pact holds out some promise of a peaceful Europe, while the U. S.
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    • 29 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Rubber Sales Department Penang, April 12. The tone during the interval has ruled firm as a result of general speculative buying, particularly by America and closing
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    • 367 12 Domestic production, as represented by exports from Federated Malay States Unftederated Malay States, and Straits Settlements, of tin, and tin-in-ore at 72 per cent., during the month of March, 1933. Federated Malay States 1,506 Unfederated Malay States i < Tons Tons Johore 7 Kedah 7 Perlis 13
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  • 583 13 Schedule of Principal Lines -e rouowtog 13 “3t of vessels arriving Jelling from Penang during the week: !N PORT TO-DAY eQ raWANG from Pangkor, Dindings and Sltlawan. Salla for Kantang, Pungah and Ghirbi. KINTA from Singapore and Port gweltennam. Salls for Teluk Anson, port Swettenham and
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  • 371 13 APRIL, 1933 APRIL 15 Inter-state Cricket Penang v Perak, Esplanade, Ist day. APRIL 16 Inter-state Cricket Penang v Perak, Esplanade, Contd. APRIL 17 Inter-state Cricket Penang v Perak, Esplanade, Contd. ground. APRIL 19 Entries close for Penang Turf Club Extra Meeting. APRIL 22 Cricket: P. R. C.
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  • 633 13 HOMEWARD MAILS A mail for Ceylon, Southern and Western India, Aden, Egypt, Europe, U. S. A. and Canada. *Westem Australia (to connect with s.s. “Ormonde” at Colombo) by the s.s. “Ranpura” will be closed at 6 p.m. to-day. Letters &c., may be posted on board from 6 p.m.
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    • 108 13 THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION is the one that removes the cause. Indigestion in its many forms is nearly always due to excess stomach acid. This acid ferments the food, causes painful gas to form and finally attacks the delicate stomach lining. Neutralise this harmful acid and you remove the
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    • 105 13 it Blancmanges p^ ent y W flavoured too There is something particularly attractive about the new flavoured blancmanges which Brown Polson you. Children simply love them in their delicate flavours and pretty colourings. Time, labour and money saving—they are prepared in a moment with Flavoured Corn Flour —made by Brown
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 582 14 Man Leaps to Bus Driving c Wheel AND FINDS DRIVER DYING ON FLOOR A Gas Attack AMMONIA CYLINDER CRASHES AND CLEARS STREET Two strange accidents occurred in London recently. A man, seeing a L.G.O.C. bus with passengers aboard going driverless along the road, leaped
    582 words
  • 108 14 Twice “Wed” in a Year Welshpool, March 25. Sergeant John Doogan, V.C., who is over seventy, who fought in the Zulu War and won the famous Cross in 1881 in the Boer War, has married Miss Bessie Evans, a girl in the early twenties. The ex-soldier hero went
    108 words
  • 258 14 Coroner Returns “Natural Causes Verdict At the Battersea inquest on March 21 on Alice Marion Wright, the 73-year-old sprinster, whose funeral was stopped in dramatic circumstances on Friday, a verdict was returned of Death from natural causes.” Miss Wright lived at Upper Richmondroad, Putney, and while Dr.
    258 words
  • 208 14 One the Son of Man of Independent Means Three youths were sentenced to receive the cat on charges of robbery and assault at the Old Bailey. They were Ray Edward Akerman, aged 23, engineer, and Edward Pritchard, aged 21, engineer, 20 months' hard labour and 20
    208 words
  • 223 14 Surviving T win F ree to Marry Bishop Auckland, March 26. A pact made 35 years ago will be fulfilled at Stanhope (County Durham) Re- gister Office, at Easter, when Mr. John Weatheraid (79), will be married to Miss Mary Barker (67). Mr. Weatheraid’s twin brother, James,
    223 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 312 14 THE FAMOUS “PRESSURELESS TOUCH’’ HAS MADE IT THE FAVORITE OF MILLIONS It’S ABSOLUTELY true that many people would never think of owning any pen but a Parker Duofold. It writes so easily, holds so much ink, and looks so well in their pockets and on their desks that they just
      312 words
    • 37 14 If you wish to extend your trade and find new customers, try a small advertisement in the “Pinang Gazette.” It circulates throughout the whole of North Malaya. Siam an.. Sumatra. As a selling medium it stands unrivalled.
      37 words
    • 258 14 Of S|»®rf dewn rm<L. C' BKhi 10 Sole Agents N.V. Straits Java Trading Co. i,■ —A PO P U L ALL OVER THE WORLD Vaglk Fruit at its freshest and finest, pure sugar and unfailing quality have made Messrs. Chivers’ Jams s world-wide favourites. Thousands of tons of ripe fruits
      258 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1971 15 /V p ©---British india swW >&JLa=!==— j^r^rj andapcarlin es (Companies Incorporated in England) Leaves Due I mXDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London »<-* Marseilles. London. R'dam and Glasgow. Apr. 20 May 20 and enjoy S J'uw Penang Teluk Anson Port Swet».*^^T E S London. Rotterdam and Hamburg Apr. 28 May
      1,971 words

  • 191 16 DIRT TRACK RACING Visitors Win Toss CHENG HOCK COMPLETES HOME ELEVEN The heavy rain which fell outside the town last night and in the early hours of the morning did not fall in town and an early inspection of the wicket revealed the fact that the bowlers
    191 words
  • 6 16 —Reuter. BOXINQ
    —Reuter.  -  6 words
  • 144 16 AVIATION Reuter. Another Forced Down Hong Kong, April 13. Maryse Hiltz arrived at 6.15 from Haiphong, having flown through bad weather. She is leaving for Shanghai at 6.30 a.m. to-morrow, i Shanghai, April 14. Maryse Hiltz arrived here this afternoon from Hong Kong. She will
    – Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 128 16 No Scratchings BIG SWEEP ON RACE 8 There are no scratchings for to-day’s amateur races at Ipoh. The Big Sweep will be held on Race 8, and the Double Tote will be held on Races 3 and 4 and 6 and 7. The following are
    128 words
  • 57 16 Three Readers Share Prize The Pinang Gazette Football Competition No. 12 was won by three Penang readers each with all correct forecasts. They are A. M. Manickain, c/o Labour Office, Penang. J. Chee, Government Survey Office, Penang. Tan Kyin Poo, 148 Beach Street, Penang. Cheques for $33.33
    57 words
  • 278 16 An Excellent Performance at Wembley As anticipated a very large crowd, despite the rain, attended at Wembley last night, to witness the first performance of the Oleh Oleh Party of Singapore. Half an hour before the play every point of vantage was secured and hundreds
    278 words
    • 216 16 BOXINQ AMATEUR BOUTS The three lads of the Health and Strength Union won from their respective opponents in the amateur contests. Frank Webber won from Black Diamond. This was a most thrilling fight and produced some good boxing. Samy Boy, was given an easy fight from Puncho.
      216 words
    • 44 16 .—Reuter. McCorkindale’s Win London, April 13. A large crowd, including the Price of Wales, saw Don McCorkindalc (South Africa) knock out Larry Gains (Canada) in the tenth and last round of a heavy- weight contest at the Albert Hall.-
      .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 95 16 I PROBLEM SOLVER i Modern science has been applied B to evolve the perfect sanitary B protection for women—and has given us Lilia. Absolutely hygienic and made from sterilised materials, Lilia is a safeguard to health, incomparable for comfort, coolness and absolute security. |H| The problem of disposal is solved
      95 words
    • 14 16 Every Wednesday Ladies will find special articles of interest in The s PINANG GAZETTE."
      14 words
    • 259 16 V I g I "wj I j rajZZ WJ!? II ■«‘Alienburgs Foods Made from Ihe purest milk of cows pastured in the home counties, the ‘Allenburys* Foods are as easily digested as mother’s milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water
      259 words