Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 261 1 Following Second Operation CHAIRMAN OF MALAYAN COLLIERIES A Great Business Man (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 8. John Archibald Russel, chairman of Malayan Collieries and one of the best known Europeans in Malaya, died at the General Hospital last night aged 50. Mr.
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  • 49 1 by Radio Z-L° ffiCe neXt Sir Charles Harington London, April 7. haS been P leased to appoint mJ S r Charlcs Harington to be GovS° n d Commander-in-Chief of GibralGodUv- expirat ion of Sir Alexander bv R e erm f ffice next October.—Rugy Hadio Service.
    by Radio Z-L°ffiCe neXt  -  49 words
  • 69 1 -avn tn Koyat A igby Radio Service. P. Cunliffe-Lister Thp London, April 7. «ffe-List ni al Secretar y- Sir Philip CunImperiai a- t,tves London to-morrow by Palestine and r Egypt n a ViSit to short visit t o yprus and hopes to pay a
    -avn tn Koyat A igby Radio Service.  -  69 words
  • 33 1 Lne gros Radio Servic?. Le aves Gross Estate of £88,587 Mr t London, April 7. dri irnati S t lsWorthy’ the novelist and ‘state of the gross value Radio Servic?.
    Lne gros Radio Servic?.  -  33 words
  • 43 1 —Reuter. A Straight 10 Per Cent Cut Washington, April 7. A straight ten per cent, cut in import tariffs is reported in Congress circles to be the basic recommendation of President Roosevelt’s plan for reciprocal trade treaties with foreign Powers.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 288 1 —Reuter. New Mint To Turn Out Silver Dollars Shanghai, April 7. Though the Chinese Government, w’hich has several times announced the forthcoming abolition of the tael, promulgated an order abolishing the tael yesterday, foreign banks are still quoting tael rates of exchange though they are
    —Reuter.  -  288 words
  • 103 1 Trial Plot in Farquhar Street A test plot of the Singatex Road Mixture will be laid at the lower end of the S. curve on Farquhar Street to-morrow beginning from 7 a.m. under the supervision of the inventor, Mr. V. K. Singhan. The mixture is composed of
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  • 50 1 Reuter. Millowners’ Call on Viceroy New Delhi, April 7. A deputation of millowners from Bombay, Ahmedabad, Calcutta and Dehi are interviewing the Viceroy, urging the protection of textiles against Japanese dumping. Reuter understands that the Government of India is introducing an Anti- dumping Bill to-morrow.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 155 1 Major Rowley On Another Search IN SUNGEI DEGONG AREA Major Rowley, who accompanied Mr. A. S. Vernay a year ago on his Malayan expedition to secure a specimen of the onehorned rhinoceros, arrived in Ipoh on Tuesday to make arrangements for a tour of the swampy areas
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  • 23 1 .—Reuter. Mr. Frank Murphy Washington, April 7. Mr. Frank Murphy, Mayor of Detroit, has been appointed Governor of the Philippines.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 40 1 Rugby Radio Service. London, April 7. Tenders for a maximum of £45,000,000 of Treasury Bills were received to-day. Applicants for Conversion Loan at £94 3s. received 85 per cent, of their requirements and the amount allotted was £8,220,000.
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  40 words
  • 458 1 SINGAPOREJOHORE AGRI—HORTICULTURAL SHOW Opened By Governor AIM OF A SELFSUPPORTING MALAYA (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 7. H.E. the Governor opened the SingaporeJohore Agri-Horticultural Show at the New World to-day. Lady Clementi and the Misses Clementi paid an informal visit prior to the official opening. Among those present at
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  • 70 1 were less active.—Rugby Radio Service. Gold Shares Less Active London, April 7. On the Stock Exchange there was a sharp recovery of German Bonds following the statement at the Reichbank annual meeting. Five and a halfs closed at 65 and sevens at 79. The leading
    were less active.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  70 words
  • 77 1 ment of approaching vehicles.—Rugby Radio Service. New System A Success London, April 7. The electromatic traffic control system now successfully operating in Trafalgar Square will shortly be adopted in 36 municipal areas including many large industrial cities. Instead of fixed time intervals the new system actually operates
    ment of approaching vehicles.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  77 words
  • 77 1 plicate and magnify.—Rugby Radio Service. Inaugurated by Sir P. Cunliffe-Lister London, April 7. The telephone service between England and Palestine was inaugurated to-day by Sir P. Cunliffe-Lister who conversed with the High Commissioner, General Sir Arthur Wauchope. The Colonial Secretary expressed the hope that
    plicate and magnify.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  77 words
  • 135 1 —Reuter. Amsterdam Broker's 5 Proposals y 1 NO PLANTING FOR 10 YEARS Amsterdam, April 8. A ten-year convention between rubber growers all over the world in which the extension of rubber growing will not be allowed is proposed in a scheme drafted by a prominent Amsterdam
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 112 1 are also contemplated.—Rugby Radio Service. U. S. A. Invitation London, April 7. The Prime Minister’s forthcoming visit to America will be discussed on Thursday in a foreign affairs debate on the motion for adjournment of the House of Commons? for the Easter recess. Mr. MacDonald
    are also contemplated.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  112 words
  • 123 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Slowing Down of Volume of Unemployment London, April 7. The Ministry of Labour’s annual report, shows that the volume of unemployment moved between relatively narrow limit* last year compared with the three preceding years, the high and low monthly percentage being respectively
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  123 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. International Action Needed New York, April 7. Legislation for the solution of the silver problem will not be enacted in the prerent session of Congress, according to th.Journal of Commerce which, quoting Rainey, says the problem is so complex ns will require international action. This
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1976 2 r r BAN !C S RATES FOR CASUAL notice ADVERTISEMENTS Th a The Mercantile Bank Hong Kong en j India. L,m ed Shanghai Ba All communications relating to **•*> Corporation I advetisements should be addressed d g“^ y the'strafffsettli admired- Fl■■W I *J «000 000 incorporated In Hon s Ron
      1,976 words

  • 1741 3 DEGRADING AND BRUTAL SPORT: SHEFFIELD INQUEST Reference to the brutality and "sava- gery of all-in wiestling contests was. made at the inquest on March 15 on George Johnson (28), an unemployed collier, pro- i fessionally known as Strangler Johnson,” I, Rhodesia Road, Brampton, Chesterfield, who died in
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  • 173 3 Woman’s Hair Turns Overnight FIRST ARREST FOR LOOTING —XM —j M People Pay Little Attention to Continued Shocks The great Californian earthquake, in which more than 100 persons lost their lives, produced many strange incidents —comic, pathetic, and fortunate. Here are some of them as recorded
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION cogxm r M >: S||| &01DLEJ# c BRA jS Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co M Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur. rliMcir FORMEDJN FACE Felt Very Miserable. Healed by Cuticura. My skin began
      301 words
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    • 379 3 -~~y- > ,-wr n. n j I 1 ii wi K The most deliciour tonic food you have 2 B ever been asked to take contain* all the O K most important health' factors you need! ja M Ostomalt contains vitamins A B. C and D, V K the vitamin:
      379 words

  • 1045 4 ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1932 The following report on the administration of the Federated Malay States War Relief Fund for the year 1932 is presented for the information of the General Committee in accordance with the procedure laid down for the administration of the
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  • 286 4 Breach of Trust by Trustees In the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice J. C. Cobbett, judgment was entered against Mr. J. B. David, of Oxley Rise, Singapore, for a sum of $30,315 and interest at the rate of 5 per cent from January
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  • 406 4 March Donations List of Donations received by the European Unemployment Committee in March, 1933. c. Government Contribution, S.S. 930.02 Ex-Service Association of Malaya. February account 1,003.53 Ex-Service Association of Malaya. March account 413.85 Incorporated Society of Planters. 300.00 Clubs 2,372.59 T. C. Hume, Esq. 1-0° N. 500
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  • 137 4 Perak Church Notes The Bishop of Singapore has been in Ipoh and Perak Church Notes for April has the following paragraph:—“Apologies for the late appearance of this number. Please blame the Bishop, not the Editor.” “Perak Church Notes,” under the able editorship of the Rev. H.
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  • 53 4 At the lecture on the Crash of Empires to be given at the Town Hall, on Sunday night, at 8 o’clock by Prof. V. E. Hendershot, M.A., the Hon. Mr. C. E. Lim will take the chair. The lecture is on Christianity but is open to people
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  • 548 4 Mr. A. K. Biown, Land Officer, Sarawak, is retiring and has gone on leave. Mr. E. Spooner-Lillington of the Post and Telegraphs, Alor Star, has gone to Java on a short trip. Members of the Ipoh Club are reminded that the Tennis Tournament begins on Monday, the
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  • 132 4 Bond-street Is Rather Shocked Bond-street—London's most aristocratic shopping centre—is raising a delicate eyebrow over a new threat to its quiet exclusiveness. Into New Bond-street, where the older traders still sigh for the days of powdered footmen waiting for milady’s carriage, has crashed the poster advertiser. Above a dog
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 REMOVAL Lh el Rather than move our stocks back to our original premises, we offer special inducements to the Residents of Penang to acquire any or our I < present stocks at BARGAIN PRICES I ACCORDEONS $3.00 eadi. I VIOLINS $7.00 I GRAMOPHONE RECORDS S .50 I MUSIC CASES $2.00
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 161 4 WEMBLEY o Tan Hong Seah Amoy Opera Will Stage SATURDAY SPECIAL LICENCE At 1 p.m.: “CHEE SIM LOO CHOO’’—Part One. At 8 p.m.: “HONG SIN PONG’’—Part Twenty-four. SUNDAY At 1 p.m.: “CHEE SIM LOO CHOO’’—Last Part At 8 p.m.: “HONG SIN PONG’’—Part Twenty-five. Thoong Yit Cantonese Will Stage SATURDAY At
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  • 321 5 1,750 Businesses Begun This Year BRITAIN’S BID FOR PROSPERITY WITH NEW ENTERPRISES More new businesses are being started than for three years past. The figures for the first two months of this year show a remarkable increase over 1932, both in the number of new firms
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  • 138 5 Lives Saved by Clinging to Girders SHEETS OF FLAME Gas Explosion at Electricity Works Three men, who were shot into the air by an explosion at Brighton electricity generating works, had to cling to the girders of the building for their lives. Workmen were adjusting
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  • 246 5 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND PALM SUNDAY 7.50 Litany. 8 a.m. Matins. Ps LXI Ps LXII. Hymn 267. 8.30 Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Holy Communion Chinese. 6.30 Evensong Ps LXXXVI 189. Hymns 98, 99, 306. Magnificat 187. Nunc Dimittis 250. Monday Tuesday 8 a.m. Matins and
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    • 303 5 PDUCE or Sfq ™F>YW tf Spey Royal WvW nf^ Whisky l|ft W r Choicest and oldest WK HQi ?1 procurable foouct o» «cotlam* jßjßg* Sg! I'SPnV//\ ,n Gw ra n) *t K JlfigH.- M ptM I M «L K R GUTHRIE A CO. Ltd V•t'- smunu muc. mi iuuw«. maucu
      303 words
    • 148 5 HAVE YOU AN ACID STOMACH? When wind, pain and distress follow a good meal, it is a sure sign of too much acid in your stomach. Get rid of it now, for it is dangerous. Acid is the cause of ulcers. No matter how much acid there may be in
      148 words
    • 207 5 ASTOUNDING VALUE IN SUPER QUALITY TOWELS AT BARGAIN PRICES a Turkish 4«ATora These T weis I l.i-11 •tV! k have no equal for Quality and Lowness Price! White Turkish Towels Durable and Reliable Quality with Close Soft Absorbent Pile Hemmed Borders. -Ask for the Empire' Towel. No. 1 SIZE 25
      207 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 138 5 WIRELESS To-day’s Programme Wavelengths: 31.5 metres, 25.28 metres Call Signs: G.S.B. G.S.E. P.M. Big Ben 8.50 The News Announcements 9.20 Popular Concert (Gramophone Records) 10.05 Harry Roy and his Band From the Cafe Anglais, London 10.50 The Wireless Military Band Conductor, B. Walton O’Donnell John Thorne (Baritone) Band Overture, Orpheus
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  • 500 6 LEFT PRISON BY A SIDE DOOR Now at Her Mother’s Home in Paris SIR BASIL ZAHAROFF His Intervention on Her Behalf Lady (Edmee) Owen, widow of Sir Theodore Owen, arrived at the home of her aged mother in Paris, a free woman. On March 13
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  • 196 6 Miner Collects 20 ozs. in 20 Years SETTLING OWNERSHIP QUESTION A remarkable story has come to light at Johannesburg of a gold miner whose evening baths for 20 years have netted him some 20 oz. of gold. It appears that after each bath on leaving work
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  • 765 6 Plight Of Ihe Workless The Soviet Government has ordered the reintroduction of labour exchanges in order to combat the problems of industrial unemployment. The labour exchanges of Russia were dissolved at the end of 1930, after unemployment had been formally abolished by decree on October 9, 1930.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 <MS?< pllW W SOA Js@l9Sh& f'wv'Lj'V > >:-.-'* Zfffi ffiFuflSftiSHßSjm < a'-L-Y’U ’4 lEm 1 /^O'- r J gy<MKl >vLt WbGSm r ■«Wr ®W>' fc|c arafe. ■;&'<<<■ f .-■Z-Z: -'.Z3.. -> ><><?//'< :>/l< ’■'■‘’V ■■<<.■>''V r < mar rri™: ~rr:r:' zrxzrxi:ixtixt < T^rr T r .nrirrrr-- i _r ::HRftt\Js9BKnSm&lnßftSJGKSSßiß9s3S&&&M3s&£&ZsSe!&ix !»S
      117 words
    • 188 6 Iw >1 P“ E fol b b-cause it is, neatest to j I nature Jl| i il HUMANISEDwsi si PtwißDß EACH TIN STAMPED WITH DATE— R |l YOUR SAFEGUARD. SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA THE DISPENSARY (1929) LTD., PENANG. The choice LEA& of the O’ PERRINS' gourmet. H JAUCE 965 1
      188 words

  • 586 7 residents call it VANDALISM beauty spots closed tor months dcsts were made against a < to set up two cn th d Wiltshire Pov-r.s ar Warminster. Ul/' I J., 1(R; un that for more than three moot from April 18 to July 291 an
    586 words
  • 98 7 Go »<> Athletes are Best Scholars Parents t Q i br- dWn 11 heart! Brain do go with at hlete ij r fal, acy that the muscular Posed. s< -holar has been exStudy nf 7n>y riir nmar «ch studen ts at Manchester With the fin( K has
    98 words
  • 589 7 Not to be Kept or Imported PROPOSED ORDER The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Secretary of State for Scotland have issued an order prohibi'ing absolutely the importation into and keeping j within Great Britain of musk rats. i This order has been laid before Parlia-
    589 words
  • 82 7 For Wiveliscombe Did Not Wait Wiveliscombe, West Somerset, has just| held an election which the Government has declared void. When the town was told that Wiveliscombe Urban Council would shortly cease to exist owing to the rearrangement of the rural district, the inhabitants at once proceeded to
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  • 195 7 When this woman of 72 years found a remedy for her indigestion, it proved to be one her 70-year-old brother was already using to keep him “a perfect picture of health.” She writes: ‘‘For years I had suffered with indigestion, and simply could not eat an
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  • 197 7 Against Injury, Loss or Death Every dog has his day! Man, his pal, has studied his diet, provided him with surgeons and hospitals and even with legislature. And now comes the latest step of all. He is to be covered with a Life Assurance policy.
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  • 187 7 Train Tragedy of an Open Door An astonishing series of tragedies resulted in the death of three men within a few hours on the newly electrified Southern Railway line between London and Brighton. About 1 a.m. a passenger dosing in a compartment of a Brighton train
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  • 143 7 Free Make-up to Boost Shop Sales Liverpool, March, 12. A touch of make-up saves nine customers.” This is the decision of a big Liverpool store, and its assistants are now being armed for a “beauty war.” You can bring a customer into the store, but you
    143 words
  • 287 7 By Coach to the Train SIXTEEN BRIDGES BUILT AS PART OF PLAN 1,000-ft. Platforms A £1,000,000 railway station is being built at Cardiff. It will be the most modern in Britain. It will be completed early in 1934, will link Cardiff General and Cardiff Riverside Stations in
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  • 138 7 Holloway Wing to be Cleared for Them Men and women prisoners will soon be housed in Holloway Prison, which has hitherto been used for women only. This is the result of acute overcrowding in London’s male prisons. The Prison Commission has ordered one wing of
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  • 133 7 Plucky Rescue in a Disused Mine Three men risked their lives in the inky depths of a disused mine to rescue a foxterrier. The men were Philip Edwards, a grocer, of Loggerheads, Staffs, the owner of the dog, and George and Arthur Morris, two brothers.
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  • 1099 7 THEIR REMARKABLE GROWTH The census of Palestine which was taken last year indicated a remarkable growth of the three principal cities Jerusalem, Jaffa with Tel Aviv, and Haifa. Since that census the three towns have been marching forward again with great strides. Jerusalem is the centre of
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  • 146 7 This Man Waits for People to Fall Into River One of the quaintest jobs in London is that of the man who has to sit in the middle of the Thames in a small boat—waiting for people to fall into the river! To reach this high estate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 230 7 WE sm >■ Leaves Hair Twice as Beautiful The simple hair styles of to-day make beautiful hair a necessity. Luckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. Proper shampooing makes the hair soft and silky. It brings out all the real life and lustre,
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  • 709 8 On Monday, under the caption Without Comment,” we published in our By the Way column a paragraph which purported to record the activities of an adventurous party of film producers now on location in the jungles of Penang in the Straights Settlements.” The paragraph went on to say
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  • 1269 8  -  —Elisabeth Kyle, in the “Glasgow Herald.” The first time I was really aware o him he was standing by one of the bookstalls beneath the pillars of the Odeon. It was a gusty spring day, and the wind played with the tasselled end of the rec muffler about
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  • 660 8 BOMBS FOR CHINA The Metropolitan-Vickers people in Manchester have lately been perplexed i. y persistent rumours that the firm was supplying munitions to China or Japan. Denials did not seem to smother the rumour, but by pure accident one source of it has now been discovered. Recently
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    • 79 8 E. O. HOTEL PENANG. SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Wed. J 2 th April. 1933. Dance Music by the Band of the S.S. "President Pierce." When you have tried them all you will come back to D E RESZKE and be satisfied FAMED AS THE ARISTOCRAT OF CIGARETTES Say “DE RESZKE
      79 words

  • 327 9 Skeletons Found In Newfoundland BY PLANE WRECK I May Be Those Of Fliers Missing Six Years Paris, March 27. A six-year-old mystery of a transatlantic flight is recalled by a report from Paris of the discovery of remains believed to be those of the French airmen,
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  • 102 9 uuuu noca, vice-rresit Rugby Radio Service. Leaving England on July 29 London, April 7. fifteen schoolboys between the ages of 17 and 19% will leave England on July -9 for a tour of Argentina, returning to England at the beginning of October. On the outward
    uuuu noca, vice-rresit Rugby Radio Service.  -  102 words
  • 87 9 aptUl conui i—Reuter. President Hindenburg Receives Credentials Berlin, April 7. de ti S 1 Cnt Hindenburg received the creMr 'm* 8 01 the n£w a P anese Ambassador, Jannn atSU Zonagai who said that the not Sl Wlt!l<irawa l from the League did betw niCan
    aptUl conui i—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 27 9 —Reuter. Washington Discussion Th* > Washington, April 7. man r f Italian and GerWa.shiXT ernmentS have 1x5611 invited to recovery or^to^ diBCUaB the world economic
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 32 9 a n Keuter. Lands at Haiphong Mar yse Hn, Ph ?u g A P ril 7 18 n a flight the French airwoman who Neuter Japan, has arrived here.
    a n Keuter.  -  32 words
  • 369 9 New Fascists LED BY MAN WHO LOOKS LIKE HITLER Fascism —under a new form but Facism none the less —has laid its hand upon Portugal, writes Reuter’s correspondent at Lisbon. By way of contrast with Mussolini black or “Hitler brown” the Portuguese Fascists have adopted
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  • 139 9 .—Reuter. Present Efficiency to be Maintained Nanking, April 7. The Ministry of Communications publishes details of an agreement signed on Wednesday by representatives of the Ministry of Communications, the Great Northern and Eastern and East Extension Commercial Pacific Cable Companies, the main features of which are,
    .—Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 59 9 —Reuter. No Further Flights Possible Purnea, April 7. Further flights by th.e Houston Everest Expedition at present are impossible, owing to the heat which reached 103 Fahrenheit, accompanied by strong wind. A hydrogen weather balloon exploded under the heat while being let off from the roof observatory
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 37 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 7. Mr. W. Millard Watts, formerly a member of Rose Macphail and Penman, was granted his discharge from bankruptcy, subject to judgment being entered against him for >5O,OCv.
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  • 620 9 By-Passing On Bukit Timah Road NO MORE FLOODING Transformation Of A Highway By-passing,” the modern road builder’s unromantic name for the art of establishing the shortest route between two given points on an old road, has come to Singapore, and the first big road work of the
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  • 164 9 South African Youth Injured Pretoria, March 23. The “Larwood influence,” which broke out as a minor epidemic in junior cricket, following the Australian controversy, continues to make its presence felt both metaphorically and literally. In a Second Division match between Pretoria and Southern Suburbs, played at Pioneer Park,
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  • 399 9 Half-Yearly Meeting NO QUORUM TO CONSIDER BY-LAWS The adjourned half-yearly meeting of the Penang English Teachers’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Limited, was held yesterday at the Anglo-Chinese School Hall with the Rev. W. A. Schurr in the Chair. Opening the proceedings, the Chairman informed those present
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    • 291 9 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette) Sir, —In submitting a necessary Rubber Restriction Scheme, which should be something so simple that it is at once recognised to be quite simple by the simplest, would it be asking too much from the Governments of the
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  • 376 9 BOXING NOTES At Drury Lane Hall IPOH KID UNLUCKY BY “SECONDS OUT” A good crowd gathered at the Drury Lane Theatre Hall last night for the first promotion of the Malayan Boxing Syndicate principally to see the Penang boy, Boy Nara, fight the K.L. boxer, Bobby
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  • 145 9 Leaves for Sinagpore (From Our Own Correspondent) Kota Bharu, April 6. H.H. the Sultan, accompanied by H.H. the Rajah of Kelantan, Tengku Sri Maharanee, Tengku Sri Otama, Tengku Long and Tengku Sri Mara, left by the Turn pa tSingapore Express for Singapore this morning. There
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  • 454 9 Speech Day MRS. KEMPE PRESENTS PRIZES (From Our Own Ccrrespondont) Taiping, April 7. The annual Speech Day of the King Edward VII School, Taiping, was held this morning. Prior to the time of the function a distinguished gathering of heads of Government departments, leading merchants
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  • 74 9 ,—Reuter. Hitler to Administer Prussia Berlin, April 7. Administrators in each Federal Statt with far-reaching powers will be appointed under the new law to be promulgated shortly. The administrators, under Hitler’s orders, will completely control the State Cabinets. Hitler will administer Prussia. It is expected
    ,—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 97 9 -HN—Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £153-12-6 £155-2-6 TIN —(3 Months) London £154-10-0 £155-17-6 Singapore $79.87% $80.62% Business Done Penang $79.87% $80.62% Business Done Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundried) 3 60 BLACK PEPPER $16.00 $16.00 RUBBER London 2^d 2 New York 2lBc.<G> 3c.(G> Singapore ctB 1 c s
    97 words

    • 961 10 For Insulting His Client COMPLAINANT IN 1 TEARS Story of Broken Home A fine of Rs. 30 was imposed to-day by Mr. R. H. D. Manders, Additional Police Magistrate, Colombo, on Mr. V. A. E. Aberyratne, Proctor, Colombo, whom he convicted after trial of a charge
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    • 369 10 Escape of Gang Robbers OVER PRISON WALL Jumped Fifty Feet KANDY, March 27. Two long-term convicts escaped from the Bogambara prison early this morning, while a third, who was detected in the act of attempting to get away, fell off an improvised ladder in his excitement, breaking
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    • 293 10 No Permanent Posts for European Engineers NEW POLICY It is understood that at the last meeting of the Executive Committee of Agriculture and Lands, the question of the retention of the services of four temporary European Irrigation Engineers, whose contracts are about to, expire, was considered. It
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    • 329 10 Servant’s Story of Quarrel at Midnight NEGOMBO, March 23. A large crowd watched the proceedings to-day in the Negombo Police Court when sub-inspector G. D. Alnoris of the Town Police filed a plaint before Mr. D. W. Subasinghe, the Negombo Police Magistrate, charging the wife of
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    • 202 10 Clerk Implicates Two Others Over Rs. 10,000 In the Colombo Police Court before Mr. E. H. R. Tenison, Police Magistrate, on Thursday, Mr. C. V. Gunaratne, Assistant Superintendent of Police, C.1.D., charged a clerk, Albert Ernest Attanayake, of Albion Lane, Demetagoda, with having on various dates from
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    • 249 10 Leaves on World Tour Mr. G. Huxley, the Tea Propaganda Commissioner, leaves Ceylon shortly on a protracted world tour in connexion with the popularising of Ceylon tea. Interviewed, Mr. Huxley stated that he was proceeding straight to Calcutta, his first city of call on the tour.
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    • 192 10 For Murdering Her Husband KANDY, March 23. A woman was sentenced to death in the Kandy Assize for murdering her husband. The accused was K. Alice Nona, of Nawalapitiya. She had been the mistress of the deceased, H. H. Radage Marthelis, for 20 years. The story
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    • 191 10 Policeman Remanded for Observation Jaffna, March 21. Having, it was alleged, terrorised the villagers of Nivelly, where he had come on leave from Colombo, in the early hours, armed with a knife, a police constable was arrested on Saturday by Police Sergeant Subramaniam and three
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    • 113 10 Ceylon’s Luck in Dublin Draw £15,0000, nearly two lakhs of ruppees, is the prize won by Mr. J. G. Fernando, a teacher of Nalanda Vidyalaya in the Irish Sweepstake on the Grand National. Really True, the horse he drew, ran second in the big race. He
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 BEAUTY f that needs no artificial aids THE kind of beauty that is founded on rational living and eating endures through a lifetime. Include Quaker Oats in your daily diet. It wilt send rich, red blood pulsing through your veins bringing a lasting colour to your cheeks and the charm
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    • 94 10 TOUTreEPAMJIONI Entrancingly lovely I The most wonderful series of Beauty preparations ever created, even by the genius of M. Bourjois, the foremost Parisian Beauty Specialist. They have, by their distinction and refinement, their unapproachable perfection, won the unstinted praise of the smartest women in the most fashionable capital of the
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  • 690 11 He Was Really A Waiter I “DRUGGED CIGARETTES and champagne parties’’ Tale Of Titled Women L DANCED WITH THEM I and TOOK their JEWELS” I References to drugged cigarettes and ■champagne parties at West End hotels, at ■which titled women were said to
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  • 317 11 Holy Garment Restored To India From England A MUTINY RELIC How Lord Lothian Arranged Its Return Lord Lothian, former Under-Secretary for India, has earned the gratitude of numbers of Indian Muslims by arranging for the return to India of a holy robe on which is
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  • 566 11 20th-Century Faith In the course of his speech to an audience in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, Sir Oswald Mosley outlined the political principles of the British Union of Fascists. FREE SPEECH He began by arguing that Fascism was the new faith of the twentieth
    566 words
  • 345 11 An Interview z JAPAN AND BRITISH TRADE Mr. Y. Matsuoka, until recently chief Japanese delegate to the League of Nations, who spent a week in England in the course of his homeward journey from Geneva to Tokio, arrived in Manchester and made a tour of several
    345 words
  • 106 11 Comedy Of The Unsigned Driving Licences The Law All driving licences must be signed. Failure to comply with this makes the motorist liable to a fine. The motorist in a case at Folkestone who was summoned for failing to sign his licence, was said to have put
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 247 11 jTANGYE I PUMPS FOR ALL DUTIES: j it A I Centrifugal I Rm lO Efficiency j Steam 1 and I Power utput I Ram Guaranteed i 7 L r- AGENTS FOR MALAYA HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS. LTD.. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) 1 Engineers and Contractors, PENANG. IRISH STEWS NOT I
      247 words

    • 407 12 Ocean shipments of rubber, including concentrated latex, latex and revertex, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports, during the month of March, 1933, in Long tons. Sheet Crepe Latex, Concentrated TOTAL Latex Re vertex Destination Ex- Transhipment Ex- Transhipment Ex- Transhipment port port port Grand
      407 words
    • 70 12 The following are the rubber outputs for the month of March, 1933 Lbs. The Narborough (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, Ltd. 72,470 Fusing Rubber and Tin, Ltd. (Bedrock Estate) 18,080 Anglo-Johore Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd. 31,000 Bukit Palong Syndicate, Ltd. 25,000 Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd. 73,000 Chulsa (Selangor) Rubber
      70 words
    • 22 12 The Directors have declared a Dividend of 2%, per cent, of profits earned, payable on the 26th April, 1933.
      22 words
    • 118 12 The following are tin outputs for the month of March, 1933 Batang Padang Dredging Co., Ltd.:— Piculs, 31 hours, 83 c. yards, 7,500. Bangrin Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.: —Piculs, 866.18 hours, 663 yardage, 136,000. Kuala Lumpur Tin N.L., (No. 1 Dredge):—Hours, 583 yards, 75,018 piculs, 296. Renong Tin
      118 words
    • 725 12 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Hitam 10[6 ll|oexll|o ll|6ex Bangrin 10|6 lljO 10|7% 11)3 Ipoh 13|3 13|6 13|6 14|6 Killinghall 7|3 7j9 7|6 B|o Kuala
      725 words
    • 53 12 PENANG, APRIL 8 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2|3 23|32 4 mjts 2|3 13|16 Hongkong T.T. 43% dis. nom Private 3 m|ts credit 2|4 3 Documentary 2|4 I|B On New York Bank Demand 39% France T.T. 990n0m India T.T. 152% nom Shanghai T.T. 137
      53 words
    • 124 12 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 87 15|16 86 31|32 New York 3.41% 3.41% Montreal 4.14 4.14 Brussels 24.50% 24.50% Geneva 17.69% 17.70 Amsterdam 8.47% 8.48 Milan 66% 66% Berlin 14.65 14.43% Stockholm 18.90 18 29 32 Copenhagen 22 7|16 18.90 Oslo 19% 19% Vienna 32% 32%
      124 words
    • 1021 12 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST g C »2 NAMES, > -u 3 v t+ co r* rt 1 RUBBER (Dollar.) c. c Allenby Rubber Co. 4’ 5° Alor Gaiah Rubber Estate 27t 35 Amalgamated Malay Estates 70 9 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 50 u Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 5 Ayer Molek
      1,021 words
  • 73 12 She Would Not Kiss So He Stole Her Bag Walter Morgan, aged twenty-four, of Chatham-street, Liverpool, gave Kathleen McCarthy his seat in a tramcar, talked to her, persuaded her to go to the pictures, and finally tried to kiss her. When she resis'ed he stole her handbag.
    73 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 64 12 Slump or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see it
      64 words
    • 476 12 KEDAH RUBBER CGM7-, Ny LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits S -‘•‘..tments.) NOTICE ©F D3VBDEHD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that u Directors have declared a Dividend of 2%% (per cent.) of profits earned'n able on the 26th April, 1933. The Transfer Register of the Comn will be closed from 18th to
      476 words

  • 545 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving H.nd sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY s.s. CARIGNANO from Italy. Sails for Singapore, China and Japan. S.S. RAWANG from Pangkor, Dindings and Sitiawan. Sails for Kantang, Pungah and Ghirbi. S.S.
    545 words
  • 279 13 APRIL, 1933 APRIL 8 Cricket: P. C. C. "A” y Hutchings School, School ground. Penang Teachers’ Association, annual dinner and Dance, Springtide Hotel, Tanjong Bungah, 8 p.m. APRIL 8 and 9 Cricket: State Trial, Esplanade. APRIL 15, 16 and 17 Inter-state Cricket: Perak v Penang, Esplanade, Penang.
    279 words
  • 1065 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram from the G. P. O. London says that the mail despatched from Penang on March 17 by the s.s. “Dempo” was delivered in London on April 6. OUTWARD MAILS A mail for Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port Swettenham, Malacca and Singapore
    1,065 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 300 13 v j ’'•Ty I K TBlalt-Creme "WirCoCd. Cream I 1 igSk c lhe-47irVanisfiing jgk 0 GrCCtm delightful cleansing cream h i H A r (J will keep your pores in working M Exquisitely perfumed 1 SI pi lU' W z Wj-j order and your Rj I H with '47IF Eau
      300 words

  • 1238 14 Guest Of Yorkshire Society IMPENDING DEPARTURE FROM MALAYA Sir John Scott, Colonial Secretary, was given a great ovation by his Yorkshire compatriots when he and Lady Scott were the guests of the Society of Yorkshiremen in Malaya, at the Adelphi Hotel, on Wednesday night. Sir John
    1,238 words
  • 241 14 Prince Who Fought Duel Over His Wife’s Statue The death occurred at Rome at the age of 72 of Don Marino Torlonia, Prince of Civitella Cesi, the last dandy in Rome, a great Roman landowner, and one of the richest men in the Italian aristocracy.
    241 words
  • 27 14 While about to enter his house in Pump Hill, Loughton, Essex, Henry George Hughes, aged 59, a builder’s foreman, collapsed and died.
    27 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 236 14 I p fS Packed by El JOHN A HUNTER CO.. LTD. f KJ LIVERPOOL AND LONDON I-WFwi f wSfWI ffliM w x? A. J 4. I *4’z<fewM-#^ill|toi; oISSKS' LfefesfHL fr Wwiwf* R j 8 SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO*. LTD. PENANG, SINGAPORE, IPOH and KUALA LUMPUR. MwuemMßsn&asa m»m ohmmmm bmm
      236 words
    • 35 14 SELLING MADE EASY—Times are hard but there is no need to offer that article at a “throwaway price.” Send along a small advertisement to the “Pinang Gazette” and dispose of it at a satisfactory figure.
      35 words
    • 255 14 IP! I !z \l 11 I/ 1 X H II Never neglect CONSTIPATION Check it at once with Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills 11 1 As a remedy for constipation, Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are in a class alone. They give you clean bowels which act I regularly, a
      255 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2143 15 /1 N. p ©.--BRITISH INDIA \w A gX* ?J: AND APCAR lines jl, Rf X NT IN (j (Companies Incorporated in England) XBUItHiMtCUIte TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR -a S s E «c ER services Leaves Due I I |l| p VwweL LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London LiEFSE POLYPHEMUS Amsterdam,
      2,143 words

  • 353 16 Full Entries LADIES RACE CANCELLED The following are the full entries for the Perak Turf Club Easter Amateur Meeting to be run at Ipoh on Saturday, April 15 and Monday, April 17: HORSES: CLASS HI Ist 2nd run run 1 s’/ 2 F. 6 F.
    353 words
  • 69 16 —Reuter. Easy Win for Lochiel London, April 7. The following was the result of the Craven States run at Newmarket to-day pver one mile LOCHIEL (Mr. J. A. Dewar) 1 CORONA CORONA (Lord Blandford) 2 LIGHT SUSSEX (Maj. C. Behrens) 3 Eight ran. Won by three
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 506 16 Won By Free School MALAY COLLEGE, KUALA KANGSAR, BEATEN After six years of endeavour the Penang Free School again annexed the Silver Cup presented by the Sultan of Perak for annual competition at football between the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, and the Penang Free School by
    506 words
  • 129 16 Hoblyn’s XI v. Knight’s XI The following are the teams in the State Trial match, to be played to-day and tomorrow?, commencing at 2.15 p.m. and 10.30 a.m. respectively. D. R. A. HOBLY’S XI.—D. R. A. Hoblyn, I. Scott Dalgleish, Eu Chow Teik, A? W. Foster, R.
    129 words
  • 100 16 To-day’s State Trial The following players have been selected for the Perak State Trials to be played on the Ipoh Padang to-day and to-mor-row: PROBABLES W. O. Jonklass (Capt.), P. S. M. Dew, C. A. Speldewinde, K. S. Murray, T. P Weerakody, E. J. R. Perimpanayagam, Ho Ah
    100 words
  • 1205 16 S.X.R.C. Defeat Malay Club TWO GOALS LET IN BY FLURRIED GOALIE With the first match in the Senior League Division between the St. Xavier’s Recreation Club and the Muth Aibul Football Club, played on the Victoria Green yesterday, the Penang Soccer Season can be
    1,205 words
  • 190 16 Six Months’ Rigorous Imprisonment (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, April 8. C. W. Younger, European accountant, until recently employed by the PenewatTin Dredging Co., Ltd., was convicted on a charge of falsifying accounts in respect of $7BO and sentenced to six months rigorous imprisonment. Accused, giving evidence,
    190 words
  • 124 16 Faints and Falls Off Motor Cycle Lim Beang Hong, a local Chinese, while riding on his motor-cycle P. 3001 along Mac Alister Road and when nearing the junction of Jahudi Road suddenly fell off with the handle-grips still in his hands, while the cycle careered for
    124 words
  • 113 16 Departure of French ConsulGeneral M. Ballereau, Consul General France in Singapore, after a stay of three years in Malaya passed through Penang, on his way home on the M. M. motor vessel Aramis The Resident Superior Chatel of IndoChina, a passenger on the “Aramis” has
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 88 16 6.15 OPENING TO-NIGHT 9.30 MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 2.45 fk JACK British And VA AND HIS /*7 D ,n,oni r Glorious r Triumph I K A FEAST OF I melody, ROMANCE I Added: '"MUSICAL GEMS OF IRELAND 11 I GAUMONT NEWS, COMEDY, ETC. i For Reservation Please 'Phone 264. R Bi
      88 words