Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 55 1 —Rugby Radio Service. following rain and snow Hundreds Of Acres Under Water THAMES VALLEY Rugby, Yesterday, Following the heavy rains and snow widespread floods are reported from many parts of the country and in the Thames valley particularly in the neighbourhood of Staines and Windsor hundreds
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  55 words
  • 190 1 Withdrawal Not Likely Till End of March Tokyo, Yesterday. GTicial quarters indicate that withdrawal fr ni the League is not likely before the latt r part of March as another week to ten days is required before the Cabinet has completed preparations which will then require
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  • 100 1 Young Soldier Claims to be Son of King George From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, To-day. Stated to have described himself as a King George and to expressed tear cf evilly disposed persons following him a young soldier of the Wiltshires was ordert 1 to be sent for
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  • 27 1 Paris, Yesterday. I he Senate 180 votes to 118 consented 0 Ccvcrninen‘’s reduction of ihilitary crel,s Mr. Daladier made the vote a ques*ton of confidence.
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  • 39 1 From Our Own Correspondent.) 1 hinese woman, who last week was 1 With a chopper attack on are indiscovered hanging by the neck A 11 at the civil prison on Saturday. n "Quest will be held.
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  • 268 1 BIG REDUCTION OE PARTIES Now Only Eight Berlin, Feb. 21. The number of parties registering lists of candidates for the forthcoming general elections, has shrunk to eight, as compared with eighteen at the last Reichstag elections and twenty-five at the general election inJi May last year. The decrease
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  • 48 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. A Malay woman and a boy are dead and three women and two boys are in a critical condition as a result of eating a meal of jellyfish. The patients were rushed to hospital. Artificial respiration is being applied.
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  • 80 1 Coming This Year Geneva, Feb. 22. The preparatory commission for the forthcoming International Press Conference, scheduled to open at Madrid some time this year, has concluded its deliberations, and has decided to propose to the Spanish Government the convocation of the confer-t ence for September or October. The
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  • 47 1 I Rome, Feb. 14. I Six new Cardinals will be appointed at the next meeting of the Sacred College on i Mar. 13 according to the Osservatore Romano. Those nominated include the Papal Nuncios at Washington and Bucharest and the Archbishops of Quebec and Vienna.
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  • 687 1 -Reuter. Japanese Sweeping Down MAIN OPERATIONS NEARLY COMPLETE Regulars Preparing Strong Resistance Shanghai, Yesterday. With the efficient Japanese military machine sweeping everything in Jehol without much resistance the Japanese War Office is more sanguine than ever that the operations will be over soon with much lighter
    -Reuter.  -  687 words
  • 300 1 Reuter. Alleged Work Of Communist WILD RUMCUIS CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT BERLIN Berlin, Yesterday. y The Reichstag is on fire. Fire engines are hurrying to the scene Avhither great crowds are gathering from all parts of Berlin. Flames are shooting out from the glass dome surmounting the Reichstag
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 163 1 -Reuter. MR. HENRY FORD’S OFFER To Subscribe Capital Stock of Two New Banks New York, To-day. Mr. Henry Ford has offered to subscribe all the capital stock for two new banks in Detroit which is proposed to form as a result of the decision to reorganise the
    -Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 90 1 The Socialists and the Government Madrid, Feb. 22. The Minister of Finance, Don Jaime Carner, who on Tuesday submitted to a severe surgical operation, has handed in his resignation, as his physican advised him to take a long rest. Political circles anticipate that Premier Azana will seize
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

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    • 1621 2 RATES FOR CASUAL VEf L SE^^fpnD ltion BANKS TII 0 <S6 ADVERTISEMENTS I II V (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) MCrCCHItHO BCSFIIC ChdrtCrCU BCHm ■■—m All communications relating to Successors to OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA vr advertisements should be addressed THE CIDNESE cmnTORCIAL BANK nC C i Limited in
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  • 1832 3 MIX UP IN RACE AT WARWICK APPEARANCE OF "NATIONAL" CANDIDATES: LOUD SPEAKERS ON RACECOURSES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, February, 15. THE CHANDLER HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE There was a remarkable mix-up at the last fence in the Chandler Handicap Steeplechase on the opening day at Warwick. There were
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 341 3 Use it in m salads-it adds O piquancy s| LEA 4 Jgk PERRINS' 91 SAUCE ||B§ y— 1 1 •<* KdssuH —II I I -111r Ji 13R &V Anaemia ?M fake FSanatogenl The True Tonic*Food f at all ti Chemists SHE tSSSL ~Sg K yKTT Bill hrescription If you are
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    • 77 3 TEN AC EROS THE I PROVED J PROTECTIVE ANTI-CORROSIVE PA,NT /A 7 Extensively used by Public Works, Mines and Estates. Colour card and prices on request. HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS LTD., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) I Engineers and Contractors. 1 PENANG. I Y.-» Sfxi NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL, TANJONG BVNGAH Telephone—No.
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    • 80 3 IMUMM S THE WORD I The EW The Champagne Champagne 1 For !b for Any I Everybody 1 Occasion reins I I Ckumaa Trbs r 1 PRODUCE OF I G. H. MUMM CO., Sociĕtĕ Vinicole de Champagne, Successeurs. O— 1 Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG SINGAPORE, IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR. r
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  • 439 4 SMART DISPLAY Police and School Cadets Add to Numbers The annual Route March of the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteers yesterday was a great success and incidentally marked one of the last big occasions to be carried out under the Adjutantship of Capt. Gilmore
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  • 100 4 At the General Meeting of the above Union held on Saturday, 25th February, 1933, the following were elected officebearers for the year 1933. President:—Khoo Soo Jin (K. Lee San Co.); Vice-President:—O. M. Noordin (O. M. Noordin Co.); Hon. Secretary: Toh Hooi Choon (Wearne Bros., Ltd.); Hon. Treasurer:—Lim
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  • 1091 4 Mr. J. A. Russell is much better. Mr. F. Stanley has been appointed to be a Supervisor of Export Duties in charge of Malacca Collection Station. His many friends will regret to hear of the indisposition of Brother Dionisius of the Tutorial Staff of St. Michael’s Institution,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 401 4 al Leaves Hair Twice as Beautiful The simple hair styles of to-day make beautiful hair a necessity. Luckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. Proper shampooing makes the hair soft and silky. It brings out all the real life and lustre, all the
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    • 44 4 Too need suffer no longer the pein and discomfort of Rheumatism Sciatica, Lumbago If your blood b kept In a pure and healthy state: remove the cause of the trouble by taking Clarke’s Blood Mixture. j' Of all Ckranui and Smt«. ZJQOTD ar TABLBTAra
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    • 191 4 Memories You Treasure Will Be Pleasantly Revived When You Listen To These Old Time Songs HR QA9 HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN DB YOx PART 1& 2 Introducing “Sweet Adelaine Garden Of Roses”. Ij] p, e Your Sweetheart”, “Tiny Seed Of Love”, “Nellie Dean.” DX 426 f WHEN I WAS YOUNG PART
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  • 975 5 LAST TEST AUSTRALIA COLLAPSES YESTERDAY Verity's Superb Trundling Sydney, Yesterday. Plav was resumed this morning before :i crowd of 15,000 spectators. The weather was sunny and the wicket good. and Alexander opened the bowling. The latter had Verity caught at the wicket in his third
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  • 421 5 Sunday’s Cricket Match LOW SCORING ON BOTH SIDES A cricket match played on Sunday between the Post Office Recreation Club and the Malay Cricket Club resulted in a tie each side scoring 102 runs. The following are the scores: P. O. R. C. FIRST INNINGS F.
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  • 1751 5 The Referee Made a Mistake WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE A CHAMPION London, Feb. 13. Oh, to be heavyweight champion of the world! Five-figure purses.... film “rights” .fat contracts easy money Wealth! What heavyweight boxer, however thirdrate and disillusioned, has not at some time wasted
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 Nothing succeeds like success but success needs t<, be backed by consistent advertising. Use the Pinang Gizette r-gulnrly and keep at the wp of the fee.
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    • 52 5 CUIICURA Preparations I Bl wor ld over by bose who realize the mporta nee E of pure Soap and Ointment s nsur passed for their fa I eliable Medicinal ntiseptic BpLB Qualities Sample each Soap, Ointment and Talcum I free upon request, from Muller Phippa I (Malaya) Limited. Union Building.
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    • 268 5 j IPOH TAIPENG PENANG— ALOR STAR. The A RAZOR "Goodwill" i A. SET New Gillette I Razor Together with 5 Double! Edge New Slotted Type! V Gillette Blades. Post- 1 j tive Registration as- 1 X. 7^*^*V sures perfect Blade! adjustment. I Price $l.OO «-J— UJ—UJ-U J rTHE "GAZELLE 11
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  • 532 6 at a great pace, despite the sound tackling and sure kicking of the defenders. Following strong pressure by Arsenal, Everton broke away, and Stein got a goal. Moss prevented Everton from increasing their lead by keeping out shots from Dunn and Johnson, while Bastin made two great
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  • 668 6 EVERTON HOLD THE LEADERS THE WEAKNESS OF STOKE CITY (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Feb. 11. ARSENAL’S LEAD LESSENED The gap that separates the Arsenal as leaders of the First Division of the Football League from their nearest competitors was narrowed on February 6 as a
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  • 1168 6 CELTICS RETURN TO FORM A CUP-HOLDERS’ BAD LUCK London, Feb. 11. That anything may happen in the one chance game was abundantly proved in the latest series of Scottish Cup contests. St. Mirren and Kilmarnock afforded, perhaps, the best instance of that, for it is
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    • 160 6 {Marvellous Sluff!' Day by day from all parts 1 I grateful parents write to CiJk U Orld scribing what Cow Gate h* d ‘i° rd de their babies. When all othertv/Tk for failed Cow Gate has been Sd J"* immediate and notice Id d Wlth BBSS*** Vomiting has eeased w
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    • 122 6 most £enera//y uaefu/ /Vfecf/o/ne for all Climates HU-fflis Browpffi Substitute. Acts like a charm in Checks and arrests 1 DIARRHOEA and FEVER, CROUP, ague. CTASI a <*U|| I C The reliable Family remedy for O I UHILLO INFLUENZA, COUGHS, COLDS PeCl fiC n CATARRH, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. I CHOLERA and true
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  • 1013 7 $27,294 as Damages ex-government SURVEYOR AS PETITIONER As briefly reported yesterday, Mr. Justice Prichard, K.C., was occupied in the Supreme Court in hearing a petition ijought by an ex-Government Surveyor against the Government, claiming a sum of $27,000 odd, being balance for certain work done
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  • 452 7 Harbour Tragedy “Scandal” DROWNED GIRL Returning a verdict that she met her death by drowning, which was accidental, the jury, at the inquest on February 13, at Dunwich, Suffolk, on Miss Elsie Ethel Smith, 18, of High-street, Gorleston, added the rider: “With reference to certain scandalous reports
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  • 59 7 Alleged to have committed extortion by putting one Wong Ah Yok in fear of injury, a Chinese named Chan Ah Slew was yesterday produced before the Penang District Judge. Accused claimed trial, and the case was postponed till March 3, bail being allowed in the sum of $2OO.
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  • 295 7 And the Contract Goes to Foreign Firms BRITAIN’S SHARE— Library Shelves and Window Frames London, February 12. The League of Nations continues to make a fool of Great Britain. Its latest success should be recorded. In order more firmly to resist suggestions for its
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  • 100 7 Sequel to Death of BandConductor The case in which Hurez Chandra Ganguli and two others were charged with the murder of a person named Lazarus, was yesterday mentioned before the District Judge, Penang. Chief Court Inspector McQuarrie, mentioning the case, said he was instructed by the D.P.P.
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  • 467 7 Musician, Painter, Writer, Sportsman, and HE EVEN MADE HIS OWN CLOTHES London, Feb. 14. Dr. Theophilus Bulkeley Hyslop, who has died at the age of 69, was a very eminent mental specialist and one of the most versatile men of his day. Apart from winning distinction
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  • 97 7 A Chinese named Teoh Kim Huat, who was charged before the District Judge with possession of non-Govemment chandu and dutiable liquor, claimed trial yesterday and attempted to saddle the affair on his aged mother-in-law and his wife. Accused was arrested by Monopolies officers at Bukit Gambia when he
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  • 57 7 To-day, at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.: 1. March —Cavalry of the Clouds —Alford. 2. Overture—The White Queen— Metra. 3. Selection —The Mikado —Sullivan. 4. Waltz —Quand L’Amour Meurt Cremioux. 5. Phantasia —The Phantom Brigade— Myddleton. 6. A Musical Comedy Switch—Fall. 7. Fox Trot —Sunshine
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  • 62 7 Narrow Escape of Neighbour* A flat terrace situated at the rear of a shop-house suddenly collapsed on February 25, 1933, at about 4 p.m., smashing soma beds and furniture belonging to the Wee United Medical Hall, Haadyai. It was lucky that the beds were unoccupied by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 CLOTH-LINED I I ENVELOPES < Sizes. Prices. 15|x6 $5.00 per 100 I 115 x6| $5.00 per 100 *l2 xs| $4.50 per 100 ,111x5 $4.00 per 100 I 111 x 5 $3.00 per 100 1 TO CLEAR. I 1 Pinang Gazette Press, i I Ltd. IA, PENANG STREET.
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    • 295 7 [theTrudential ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. BONUS DECLARATION I The Directors of the Company announce that the Bonus for 1932 will be—s 23 per $l.OOO sum assured Whole Life Policies $2O P er $l.OOO Endowment I N ADDITION I Policies issued prior to 1932 also receive i a further $B.OO per $l.OOO
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  • 962 8 Last month the four British railway companies came to a decision which surprised the country and upset the calculations of the three larg’e railway trade unions. It had been almost universally assumed that the companies would not accept the findings of the chairman of the National
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  • 1274 8 PROGRESS OF CEREMONY THROUGHOUT THE AGES i The practice of drinking to one another’s health at banquets was first practised by the ancient Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The first recorded instance in England is that mentioned as occurring in the year 450 A.D., at a feast
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  • 845 8 WHEN LOTTERIES V/ERr LEGAL R£ If. as is forecast in so r final report of the Be’a (l <, U» commends under c Legalisation of sweepstakes ii p' ,he proposal will not Only during the last 106 y ear b >Vationteries been illegal in Er-iv have lotright
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    • 11 8 E. O. HOTEL, PENANG. DINNER DANCE WEDNESDAY, Ist MARCH, 1933. i-ißiriririP'iripirtP!
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  • 1616 9 IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY FOREIGN SECRETARY Britain Must Remain Good Friends Of Both Parties COMMUNISM IN CHINA: MR. LANSBURY DRAWS MINISTERIAL PROTESTS London, Yesterday. Mr. Lansbury opened the Far Eastern debate in the House of Com- ()1 s by declaring that the Opposition
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  • 257 9 AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Factories Coming East Cairo, Feb. 23. Russel Pasha, this capital’s British-born chief of police, who has become internationally known for his merciless and successful campaign against the international organization of opium traffickers, will shortly submit a comprehensive report on the drug situation to the
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  • 64 9 Dies in Portugal Lisbon, Feb. 22. Portugal’s oldest woman, Rosaria Limila, has died here at 117 years old. She achieved fame in the middle of last century as the mistress of Portugal’s most famous bandit Brando, who terrorised the whole country. Subsequently she appeared on the music hall
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  • 461 9 Strained Nerves Geneva, Feb. 23. An amicable settlement of the Wednesday night incident over Mr. Henderson’s refusal to allow the floor to the German disarmament delegate, Herr Nadolny, is forecasted in informed circles, following this (Thursday) morning’s interview between the two men, which lasted over
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  • 126 9 France and the United States Paris, Feb. 22. The Petit Parisien believes Tuesday’s interview between the President-Elect, Mr. Roosevelt, and the French Ambassador, M. Claudel, to be an event of “incalculable consequence” in view of the fact that Mr. Roosevelt voiced the opinion that the United States could
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  • 82 9 Undismayed by FloodLights Vatican City, Feb. 11. The Pope to-day consented to appear in a talking film. The occasion was the opening of the new Vatican ultra short wave wireless station presented by the Marchese Marconi which is the only station of less than four metres
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  • 19 9 Mr. Roosevelt has named Mr. Henry Wallace Secretary for Agriculture and James A. Farley Postmaster General.— Reuter.
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  • 101 9 TIN —Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £147-5-0 £146-15-0 TIN—(3 Months) London £147-17-6 £147-5-0 Singapore $75.37% $74.62 >6 Business Done Penang $75.37 Business Done 25 tons. COPRA— (Sundried) $4.45 $4.40 BLACK PEPPER $19.50 $19.50 RUBBER London 2 AdNew York 2%c.(G) 21gc.(G) Singapore 6 cts. 6 e cts. TAPIOCA Fair Seed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 I The only Cheese ever awarded r I A Gold Medal by the International Medical Congress < St. IveE Cheese AC cents J per packet. J PRITCHARD'S |sEVENCOMMANDMENTS 1 FOR 1 I ADVERTISERS 1(1) Be legible—first, last and all the time. J (2) Conform to certain ascertainable con- J ditions,
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    • 1082 10  -  INDIAN ARMY RECRUITMENT—BURMA'S RIGHT TO SECEDE —BAN ON ALLAHABAD MEETING—THE SALARIES "CUT" INDIAN POLITICAL NOTES (BY AN INDIAN CONTRIBUTOR) During the week Mr. Gandhi figured very prominently in the proceedings of the Indian Legislative Assembly. The demand for his release was again pressed with great
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    • 246 10 Shock for 8-Year-Old Sister TRAGEDY IN MYSORE Match Discouraged by Mother Mysore, Feb. 10. The tragic discovery by an eight-year-old girl of her sister, Kamalamma, a 20-year-old dancing girl, and Puttarudrappa, also aged 20, her lover, hanging from a tree was made at the foot of the
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    • 588 10 R. T. C. Scheme Criticised POSITION OF MISSIONS Calcutta, Feb. 12. A discussion on the “Future of European education in this country” took place at a meeting held at the Y.M.C.A. hall in Corporation Street, Calcutta. Mr. L. T. McGuire, M.L.C., presided. The Rev. T. H. Cashmore
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    • 520 10 Sir C. P. Ramaswami Ayyar on Reforms AIM OF DEFINITE STEP AHEAD New Delhi, Feb. 12. Referring to the House of Lords debate on the Indian constitutional reforms, Sir C. P. Ramaswami Ayyar, in an interview, said that the realities of the position had been
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    • 105 10 Meeting Dissolved at Kumbakonam Kumbakonam, Feb. 12. The Municipal Chairman convened a meeting of the Council for yesterday to consider the revised budget for 1932-33 and the budget estimates for 1933-34, but the meeting could not be held owing to the obstructive tactics of certain Councillors. Posting
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    • 1075 10 IS THERE AN ORGANIZED ATTACK ON RELIGION? SANATANISTS PREPARED TO RESIST Mr. T. S. Ramaswami Ayyar Mr. Gandhi’s life is a bundle of self- Contra dictions. Professing even to-day operation with the Government, its laws and institutions, refusing even to be released from prison except
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    • 76 10 2 Killed 22 Injured FESTIVAL TRAGEDY Alleppey, Feb. 9. Two persons were killed and 22 seriously injured when a quantity of fireworks suddenly exploded during a pyrotechnic display held in connexion with the Thalappili festival in the Nadaikkavu Bhagavathi Temple at Kandanad. Five of the injured,
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    • 93 10 Brutal Vengeance in Mysore Mysore, Feb. 12. Information has reached Mysore that some persons who bore illwill against Mr. Rama Das, a member of the Mysore Representative Assembly and of the Chitaldrug District Board, perpetrated a cruel and revolting form of revenge upon him. It appears
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  • 560 11 Denies Calling Herself Lady “X” AMAZING STORY New Year Resolve To Forget the Past A womai was asked whether she had r -i;i. 1 herself Lady X,” the name g v itten down, during the hearing a ca; at Southend, on February 10. jj, 1;
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  • 113 11 Ar.d Died a Pauper in Exile London, Feb. 12. auti r h?laCe f John Howard Payne, Hoi 1 tlle irnrnorL al song “Home, Sweet to u- 1 l Ham Pton, Long Island, is Jhei n over by the American GovernOJ '1 converted into a State
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  • 669 11 Role of a Nun Makes Her Decide London, Feb. 12th. Phyllis Stanley, the 18-year-old ballet dancer, who has played the nun in “The Miracle” 200 times, is to live her part in real life. She is preparing to enter a convent when the tour
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  • 135 11 People in Attics and on Roofs St. John's (Newfoundland), Feb. 10. The fisher folk of Sandy Point, a village near here, are marooned. The sea, following on a tidal wave yesterday, has swept aw-ay a section of the strip of land that joined
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 297 11 c Agar 1 Z its Castr o/ by ‘he Cast f O f o f J of l!le oi/s g o 9 <w o iWPaTpHFWI 1. I FOR WINEGLASSES. i R lc e Raleigh 1 t A*d Keep Ahead! ~,ATENTS N j 1 fl o 1 (XM This Famous Bicycle
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  • 312 12 Foodless for Two Days on Island BROTHERS’ PLIGHT IN STORM February 11. After having spent two days on Torrinch Island, in the Balmaha waters of Loch Lomond, two brothers were rescued yesterday in an exhausted condition. They were James Mcllhone (30), of Hillfoot, P.enton, and William
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  • 124 12 Latest Quotations Monday Saturday Paris 86 916 86 716 New York 3.41% 3.40% Montreal 4.10% 4.11% Brussels 24.30 24.27% Geneva 17.53% 17.52 Amsterdam 8.45 8.43 Milan 66% 66 916 Berlin 14.28 14.25% Stockholm 18 27|32 18.82% Copenhagen 22 716 22 716 Oslo 19% 19% Vienna 30
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  • 288 12 "PALMY DAYS” OPENING TO-DAY AT MAJESTIC Palmy Days,” which opens at the Majestic to-day, is one of the best musical films seen for a long time, and should on no account be missed. Remember Eddie Cantor of Whoopee fame? Well, he is the star in “Palmy Days
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  • 232 12 “STRANGE INTERLUDE” AT QUEENS Norma Shearer and Clarke Gable are seen again together in Strange Interlude,” which opened at the Queen’s last night. It is a fine M.-G.-M. film which is an adaptation of Eugene O’Neil’s most sensational novel of a woman who would not
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 158 12 THREE LEADING MEN FOR BARBARA STANWYCK IN “BABY FACE”— Barbara Stanwyck will have three leading men in her next Warner Bros. starring picture, Baby Face,’’ which is now in preparation at the Burbank studios. One of the trio has already been selected. He is George Brent, now appearing opposite Kay
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    • 27 12 ASK YOUR CHEMIST FOR A TUBE OB Haemorrhoids amf kindred ailmente A TUBE TO-DAY KEEPS THE SURGEON AWAY Stocked by United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road., Singapore.
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    • 41 12 SHELL n FLOOR POLISH to give A Brilliant Surface I ft- Lightest of Rubs. RUN YOUR HOME ON SHELL What Is the Good of repining <3 BUY I? THE PINANG GAZETTE AND SUNDAY GAZETTE Keep up to date and be happy
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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  • 611 13 Schedule of Principal Lines ne fo nowlng 1» a Mat of veaaela arriving pj wiling from Penang during the week: TN PORT TO-DAY R A WANG from Kantang, Pungah and g* u -hi Sails for the same ports— Gnirni <- Wednesday. edaVANA from Rangoon. Sails today
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  • 412 13 FEBRUARY, 1933 MARCH 1 Straits Settlements (Penang) Association, annual meeting, Town Hall, 5 p.m. MARCH 4 and 5 Cricket: P. C. C. v Ceylon Association, Esplanade. MARCH 11 Selangor Turf Club races, Ist Day. Cricket: P. C. C. “A” v. P. R. C. Esplanade, 2 p.m. MARCH
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  • 916 13 NOTICE The Air Mails despatched from Penang on the 17th February per the Dutch Aeroplane via Alor Stax-Amsterdam were delivered in London on the 27th February. The Post Office notifies that a telegram from the G. P. 0., London says that the mail despatched from Penang on February
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  • 183 13 Officers Keep Watch With Revolvers AMSTERDAM ALARM Amsterdam, Feb. 13. Alarm has been caused in Holland by rumours of a threatened mutiny among units of the Dutch fleet stationed at the Den Helder naval base, which is 40 miles from Amsterdam. Guards have been
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  • 199 13 It is Usually a Man who Cries Halves February 11. Almost every day fortune is knocking at some Parisian’s door—in the guise of a man who says: "You are the heir to a large fortune. I am a genealogist, and have traced
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  • 39 13 P. O. RANPURA The s.s. Ranpura from London via Colombo, is expected to arrive here at 6 a_m. on Thursday, March 2, and will leave for Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe and Yokohama at 1 p.m. the same day.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 65 13 SLUMP or no .lump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not «cepted. Our Adver tising Department exercises «iiscrimmation. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its. reputation for advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see
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    • 251 13 Six Pint Blancmanges ready flavoured Brown Polson’s Flavoured Corn Flour is a great idea. It saves time, labour and money because you can make delicious blancmanges and pudding sauces in a moment Resident A ent u ’ith only one minutes boiling. You now have the Sime Darby Co famous Corn
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  • 865 14 AGITATION FOR ANTIJAPANESE ACTION National Defence Canton, Feb. 16. Various Kuomintang organs in the comities have sent circular telegrams to the central authorities urging early adoption of a plan to grapple with Japanese aggression, now that Japan is bent on attacking Jehol, the gateway to Peiping and
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  • 452 14 Isis Laments Passing of Spacious Days VALUE OF A DEGREE IN PRESENT-DAY STRUGGLE London, Feb. 8. This is a depressing time of the year when several hundred undergraduates are thinking very hard about jobs, and finding it increasingly difficult to secure them, say the “Isis,”
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 260 14 prices from /J I $1.85 *VV JAJ I H PER PAIR. Tl J L \J I Jfo x ill Mb >1 Ir If I 1& z V Bkw ///A Even the loveliest ankles gain grace when clad by Kayser.* There’s a subtle witchery about this alluring hosiery that always makes
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    • 291 14 k?®®. Abundant jisk. ergy/ TN these strenuous days, thousands of active Amen and women rely on Horlick’s Malted Milk to keep them always fit. Made from fresh, full cream cows’ milk enriched with the nutritive extracts of malted barley and wheat, it contains all the energy-giving elements your system needs.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2009 15 J 1 I /T~~ ~~K p ©.-BRITISH INDIA i j r AND ap car lines I (Companies Incorporated in EngkkLui Jifr-'t***' 1 J~A yy. jfep ii3EfcLs3 3LUB FUMMEIj LIMB tdavci unuF RY nmiAo leave» Dne TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR mail passenger and cargo services v w LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT.
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  • 530 16 Australian Youth to Play at Wimbledon HIS TEN FINGER GRIP February 11. Vivian McGrath, the 17-year-old Australian youth, who caused a tennis sensation by defeating Vines, the American who holds the open championship at Wimbledon, was himself beaten by Gledhill in Ilia Australian championship at Melbourne.
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  • 931 16 Arrival at Penang DOING 38,000 MILES ON LAND AND SEA IN 132 DAYS Carefully Planned Social Life on Board The triple-screw de luxe steamer ‘‘Resolute of the Hamburg American Line arrived in Penang this morning on her tenth round-the-world-cruise, carrying 182 passengers besides a
    931 words
  • 20 16 Reuter. TEST MATCH SCORE Sydney, To-day. At lunch time the score was England 2 wickets for seventy runs.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 208 16 Reuter. STEEPLECHASE First Call-over London, Yesterday. The following is the first call-over for the Grand National to be run at A intree on March 24: 100 to 7 Golden Miller offered, 15 to 1 taken. 18 to 1 Gregalach offered. 20 to 1 Heartbreak Hill offered. 20 to
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 22 16 March Monthly Medal The March Monthly Medal (Bogey) will be played on Saturday and Sunday, 4th and sth proximo.
    22 words
  • 25 16 The Annual Auction of Magazines and Periodicals postponed on the 14th instant will be held in the Club to-morrow at 7 p.m.
    25 words
  • 64 16 "Out of a Job” Plea A Tamil named Jamaludin was charged with being a stowaway on the s.s. “Tung Song” on Saturday during a voyage from Bagan Datoh to Penang. Accused pleaded guilty, saying that being unable to get a job at Bagan Datoh he had tried to return
    64 words
  • 691 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESB-.S. KENNEDY Co.’s snare List it 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday. To-aay Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Hitam 11|3 li;9ex 11|3 ll|9ex Batu Caves 37% 42% 37% 41 Hongkong 12|6 13|6 12|6 13|6 Johan 10 12% 11
    691 words
  • 1125 16 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST C t! I NAMES, JK I S </> H RUBBER (Dollar.) c. c Ailenby Rubber Co. 41 50 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 25 35 Amalgamated Malay Estates 70 91 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 50 0 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 5 15 Ayer Moiek Rubber Co. 20
    1,125 words
  • 44 16 PENANG, FEBRUARY 28 (By Courtesv of the Chartered Ratf) On London Bank Demand 23 23» mLs 23 13 Hongkong T.T. 4 Private 3 m ts credit 24 3 >, Documen'ary 2455 On New’ York Bank Demand France T.T. India T.T. Shanghai T.T. Bar Silver
    44 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 37 16 IMPERIAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN No. 119 (Produce) In your own interests use the correct form prescribed by H. M. Customs. Printed forms (ordinary and air-mail paper) obtainable from The Pinang Gazette Press Ltd. la, PENANG STREET.
      37 words
    • 87 16 THE TIRFXESS SALESMAN—An advertisement in the “Pinang Gazette" is a tireless salesman. From one week’s to another it talks business without boring potential customers. It tells your story (unknown to you perhaps) to a wide circle of interested readers and its influence is all the more satisfactory in so far
      87 words
    • 215 16 FOR SALE For Quick Sale one 12 H.P. Wohler Coupe $350/-. Owner going on k In Perfect running order. Can k i at Messrs. Wearne Bros., Ltd. M.V. GLENAPP Voy. 26 (ARRIVED 25-2-33.) Consignees of cargo per the at ve vessel from Europe are hereby notified that t General Survey
      215 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 75 16 W'RELESS To da s Cansi gns:G>SE &G Wavelengths: 31.30 met P. M 2528 Metres. 9 50 Big Ren Midland Studio Orchestra Directed by Frank r-> 10 20 K Can 1 o)| Vaudeville 1105 News Books" Mr. Baai, g, H. 25 (Gramophone Records) The Leslie Bridgewater Q uin t Fantasy, Old
      75 words