Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1623 1 COMMITTEE OF NINETEEN'S REPORT ADOPTED Unanimous Verdict GRAVITT OF SITUATION APPRECIATED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Mr. Churchill Counsels Peace London, Yesterday. The supreme interest of Great Britain is peace in our time,” declared Mr. Winston Churchill in a speech in London this evening. He
    Reuter.  -  1,623 words
  • 247 1 IN THE EAR EAST Report Published Geneva, Feb. 20. The League of Nations commission to s’udy the white slave traffic has issued the report of the committee that visited the Far East. It was composed of the American Mr. Bascom Johnson, the Swedish woman Doctor Sundquist, the
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  • 276 1 FRENCH PROVINCIAL PAPER A New Idea Paris, Feb. 19. An influential provincial paper the Petite Gironde in a signed leader declares that Germany is being kept in too narrow a 1 bondage, and that it is a mistake to limit her expansion eastward and south-eastward France should take
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  • 83 1 FINANCIAL AID Committee to be Appointed (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. The Municipal Commissioners at the monthly meeting unanimously decided to appoint a committee of three to examine the possibility of financial aid for local broadcasting from Singapore. Several members expressed the view that Singapore should
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  • 134 1 Leopard Leaps Gut of Burning Grass (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. t Some excitement was caused during a Holland Road grass fire when a young > leopard raced through the ranks of the firemen. The latter mistaking the animal j for a tiger gave chase armed
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  • 93 1 Chinese Stabs Inspector Without Cause (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. Charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, with stabbing a Eurasian police inspector, a Chinese pleaded he was starving and did not know what he was doing. Inspector Scully was standing and talking to
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  • 57 1 home buyers was 15,894. —Rugby Radio Service. Over Seven Hundred Overseas Buyers Yesterday Rugby, Yesterday. Reports from sections of the British Industries Fair show that oversea buyers at Olympia and the White City yesterday, numbered 761 bringing the total for the four days to 3,702. The attendence
    home buyers was 15,894.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  57 words
  • 339 1 FRANCE UPSET BY HER DELEGATE Endless Difficulties Paris, Feb. 18. On his return to Geneva, M. Pierre Cot made a speech at a banquet, saying that he wished to show Geneva the great desire of France to arrive at a regime of general peace based on security and equality
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  • 84 1 Over Electric Current Moscow, Feb. 20. The administration of the electric works complains that, despite repeated warnings, consumers have not limited their use of the electric current but have exceeded the allotted amount. The administration points out that further infringements of these regulations will entail not only
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  • 115 1 Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Yesterday. Large areas of England are snowbound and a blizzard in the south of Wales to-day was the worst experienced for some years. In Yorkshire and other northern counties many roads are impassable. Deep snow drifts block
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  115 words
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    • 1828 2 RATES FOR CASUAL municipal notice BANKS Th a ADVERTISEMENTS I Appointment of Office Assistant, Municipal I 111 Engi^B The Mercantile Bank Chartered Bank Applications are invited for the vacant I Smila/I OF INDIA aUSTRAIAA AND CHL A appointment of Office Assistant in the Qf 111 Cl IO LIIHITGO (incorporated in
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  • 1314 3 “OPPORTUNITY HAS COI.IE FOR NEW ISSUES”— BENEFITS THAT FOLLOW MONEY EXPANSION A call for a liberal and enlightened monetary policy to match our industrial and trading potentialities was made by Mr. Reginald McKenna (a former Chancellor of the Exchequer» at the shareholders’ meeting
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  • 212 3 A Comedy Banishes Grey Lady AFTER 40 YEARS A ghost which for more than 40 years has haunted the Royalty Theatre, London, has been banished by the happy modern atmosphere of “A Cup of Happiness, the Eden Phillpotts comedy which is now running there. Th"* gho« i
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    • 293 3 ssl Ol fcvjj _j < yHES ««e-fr’.S Any ©ld tim®, 1\ ;.A I A'sB^^** s l\ ->/ sublime, ~-~g sole Agents:— N.V. Straits Java Trading Co. <\ w~ hcup* «gjgHVa P O P ALL OVER THE WORLD .-tJO h English Fruits, gathered and 14 p.uked at the acme of their
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    • 197 3 i I 1 s n /1 /Q J fiiplO i A i/ PLe Packed by W fl JOHN A HUNTER CO LTD. Jj f| S tJ LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 1 I-" > I f w > nWx -‘'Z'> fe&,7 SOLE AGENTS W HENRY WAUGH CO- LTD. t PENANG. > 1
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  • 1485 4 COMMENT ON EVIDENCE IN PRIVATE INQUIRY CLAIM ACTION AGAINST SOLICITOR Remarkable evidence was given at the Manchester County Court in a case in ■which Micheal Bolas, private inquiry agent, King’s Road, Brooks’s Bar, Manchester, ctoimed £lOO, the balance of an amount which he stated was due
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  • 144 4 CHINESE CLOTH MERCHANT FINED False Declaration (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Feb. 24. A case which has been of considerable interest to merchants of Taiping, was concluded at the Magistrate’s Court, before Tunku Ismail, when one Teoh Teong Cheong, otherwise O. K. Cheong, partner in firm of Sin
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  • 440 4 Deputation of Four REPRESENTATIVES OF UNEMPLOYED Talks Request Rejected Two uniformed police inspectors, a sergeant, and plain clothes detectives were on guard at Broadcasting House, when a deputation of four from the National Unemployed Workers’ Movement, headed by Mr. Wai Hannington, called to urge Mr. C.
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  • 271 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, February 23. Mr. William Holmes Dinsmore, the Chief Justice, Kedah, will go on leave on March 11 and he will definitely retire from the service. Mr. Dinsmore, who was admitted to practise as an Advocate and Solicitor of Supreme
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  • 806 4 Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Holford are going on leave shortly. Mr. Justice Burton arrived at Singapore from Penang by the “Ipoh.” Mr. Roland Braddell returned from Europe by the Suwa Maru.” Mrs. Howard Pedlow and her three children have returned to Singapore. Mr. J. H. Rich,
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  • 78 4 SPRING 1933 RACE MEETING. Saturday, 11th and Saturday, 18th March 1933. Commencing at 2.15 P.M. each day. ENTRIES close at 4.00 P.M. on WEDNESDAY, Ist March, 1933. UNLIMITED SWEEPS: One ss.—Unlimited sweep each day for members only Tickets obtainable from the Secretary and on the Course. LADIES
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 518 4 7 Memories You Treasure Will Be Pleasantly Revived When You Listen To These Old Time Songs DR OA2 HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN DB Vox j pART 1& 2 Introducing “Sweet Adelaine “Garden Of Roses” l’]| ]>. Your Sweetheart”, “Tiny Seed Of Love”, “Nellie Dean.” DX 426 WHEN I WAS YOUNG I
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    • 138 4 COME AND SEE OUR NEW DISPLAY of Office and Household Furnitures. NEW MODELS, MODERATE PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS, NO VEXATIOUS TERMS. FOO CHEONG CO.. 89, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. IMT SKIN W Spread Over Child s Face. Caused Sleeplessness. “The beginning of tmaU, watery pimple on a nd de»»loped into a very
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  • 719 5 OVER 100 RUNS REALISED Hammond In Form TOURISTS make a good start Second Day's Play In Last Test Sydney, Yesterday. T)icrc was a crowd of 7,000 in the r „i„ K when the Australians resunicd their innings to-day. Ihe weather was sunny and the
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  • 274 5 P. R. C. v. CHINESE Former Lose by Odd Goal in Close Game Although beaten by the odd goal in five the Penang Recreation Club did well on the Victoria Green yesterday, against the Chinese who are undoubtedly one of the strongest sides in Penang
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  • 655 5 TWO TALES OF FORTUNE ONE LOST, THE OTHER WON Costs London Woman £10,500 TOWN LOSES TOO i Astonishing Luck of a Sweep Winner j t t Two remarkable stories of the vaga- 1 ries of chance —of a fortune lost and t of another won —are related below. 5 Twickenham
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  • 798 5 IN 1 "AS YOU DESIRE ME" J FINE M.G.M. FILM AT QUEEN’S Opening to-day at the Queen’s is a su- J perb Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film called “As I You Desire Me.” J It is an adaptation of Pirandello’s sue- 1 cessful stage play and it is as great a
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    • 105 5 r Blancmanges p^ ent y W flavoured too There is something particularly attractive about the new flavoured blancmanges which Brown Polson you. Children simply love them in their delicate flavours and pretty colourings. Time, labour and money saving—they are prepared in a moment with Flavoured Com Flour —made by Brown
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  • 302 6 Girls Send Deputation of Protest “MACHINES HAUNT EVEN OUR DREAMS” They are proposing to instal hundreds more labour-saving machines in the Civil Service, so as to do with one machine elaborate clerical work that now requires half a dozzen clerks or typists. The powers-that-be have made up
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  • 152 6 FROM 10s. TO £2 A FOOT Crowds are visiting the London Zoo to see the green mamba, whose bite nearly resulted in the death of an animal dealer’s assistant. The London Zoo is noted for its snake cages, which are the safest in the world. Although
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  • 130 6 STRUCK POLICEMAN IN THE MOUTH “I tender my apologies for everything that has happened. I was rather drunk.. .Once I had started there was no stopping me.” This statement was made at Cambridge Police Court by an undergraduate, Alexander Hore-Ruthven, who pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour while drunk,
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  • 575 6 FEDERAL AND STATE REDEMPTIONS SINKING FUND OPERATIONS Since its inception in 1923, the National Debt Commission has been responsible for the redemption of £50,779,784 of Australian public debts —Commonwealth and State. Until the Commission was formally constituted and assured of specific revenues for progressive debt extinction, sinking funds
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  • 148 6 DR. BARNES’S HINT TO DOCTORS AND TEACHERS Talking of the future of the British race, Dr. Barnes, the Bishop of Birmingham, said at a meeting at Knowle. “I hope it will be possible by the cooperation of doctors, religious teachers, and the Government to arrange
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 MALT r> aV MALTESE w 1 he best breakfast for everyone is Scott s Porage Oats. Scotland grows the finest oats of any country in the world. And Scott’s Porage Oats are Scotland’s Best —supreme in flavour and nour’shment--"%vAHDS BEp. ut A p-V‘-ss «as® 1 y. •’wl v l* J
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    • 622 6 I I X X ■< REASON/ I H 9 Cow CATS. > 111 sumtv 1 /N *CLUCING GOLD A CALCUTTA 1923 j, fr" From his first feed of Cow Gate, Baby shows pleasure and contentment —he loves it! And the Mother too watches with delight the regular and natural growth
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  • 837 7 COMMON SENSE AND A CHALLENGE TO ECONOMIC THINKING SOLVENT OF OUR PROBLEMS The Bishop of Manchester (Dr. Guy Warman) addressed the Manchester Luncheon Club at its annual meeting at the Midland Hotel, Manchester Dr. Warman, whose subject was “The challenge to economic thinking,” spoke in
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  • 483 7 Employers Fined £2O The maximum penalty of £2O was imposed on the Trent Oil Products, Ltd., of Gunness Wharf, near Scunthorpe, at Rotherham for having employed Harry Mumby, a motor-driver, of Elsham Moor, Brigg, for more than eleven hours continuously on becemebr s. The Chairman
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  • 157 7 That They Have No Time To Drink The importance of recreation in the British Army is emphasised in a report on the health of the Army. It points out that although the admissions to hospitals for injuries received in sport still continue to be high, Adam
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  • 1020 7 THE COLLECTIVE FARMS SYSTEM In a previous message, writes the Moscow correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, I described the situation that faces the Soviet Government this year, and suggested that action would have to be taken in regard particularly to three questions: (a) The lack of financial resources
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  • 407 7 Two Men in Possession of Indian Hemp IMPRISONMENT AND FINES FOR CHINESE Following the conviction of two Chinese, one for being in possession of deleterious drugs valued at $445 and the other for voluntarily causing hurt to a public servant in addition to being in
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  • 406 7 England’s Advice “YOU ARE UNREASONABLY FEARFUL” Sir Austen Chamberlain, presiding over the Anglo-French Luncheon Club in London, said he was firmly convinced that on a common understanding between Great Britain and France and on that alone could they build a common reconciliation with their recent
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  • 220 7 Two Suicides One Man Due To Pay £4OO Depression due to worry over income tax which in one case amounted to £4OO, was mentioned in two cases of suicide inquired into by Mr. Ingleby Oddie, the Westminster Coroner. The first referred to William Noble Robert Alston, aged
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  • 47 7 And Lost His Life Albert Tomsett, aged 48, of Victoria Cottage, Upper Belvedore, Kent, went back to his work at Erith oil works on his halfholiday to assist a comrade. A container of boiling oil burst, and he died in hospital from burns.
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  • 163 7 The Waiter Whom King Edward Named A little group of City men stood bareheaded in the rain in Holborn on January 30 when a funeral carriage stopped outside a restaurant. They had left their luncheons to pay a last tribute to Old Dan, who for 35 yearn
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    • 85 7 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION QQflw I K-uH Bbrarß Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO.. COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur. DRESSES FOR EVERYDAY A LONG FELT WANT kAHTEHti. 31, BISHOP ST., PENANG By Courtesy Robinson Piano Co. MARTINS
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  • 678 8 Will Everest, Queen of the Himalayas, admit defeat this year So tar she has resisted all the attempts—and they cover a period of very many years—of mankind to stand on top of her crown. Many brave men have sacrificed their lives in the endeavour to conquer
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  • 299 8 In the last few years a great deal has been done to lessen the everpresent terrors of the sea, and wise legislation gradually is diminishing the toll of life. Almost simultaneously two new reforms are announced. The British .Admiralty, warned by the fate of the submarines Poseidon
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  • 850 8 AN EQUESTRIAN JOURNEY Sped by a chorus of geographical advice, I mounted and rode towards my unknown destination. The young horse whom I was escorting upon his first country-house visit seemed to be as nervous as the occasion warranted. My own worries were more complicated, for if
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  • 744 8 A WORD TO AIR travellers Now that flying trip 3 on are becoming the con, fcfe news it seems necessary participants that they h ponsibilities. One is r! think it fussy if an out to look for them wh t tn*'"” reported for days. p k am
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    • 195 8 MCold meat and fowl become really appetising with a little LEA PERRINS'! SAUCE I T ZTZZZr‘t?*? "l"~ TT’T'T"?"?'■tttttT’T’T "s GENUINE <s> STOCK TAKING 1 SALE COMMENCING TO-DAY DRESSES —HATS —LINGERIE J BELOW COST. I 1 0 < M Modes ide Paris j J 'Phone 1242. Work is and then U\
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 229 8 SUPER WEEK-END ATTRACTIONS AT WEMBLEY Tan Hong Seah Amoy Opera WILL STAGE Saturday—2sth February, 1933. Day Show 1 p.m. ONG BOON ENG JIN CHIN Part 1. Night Show 8 p.m. GAIK LOO CHUNG SAY Part 1. Sunday—26th February, 1933. Day Show 1 p.m. ONG BOON ENG JIN CHIN Part 2.
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  • 96 9 —Reuter. Reply To Bavarians SECESSION "AN ACT GF MADNESS" Only Opposed To Socialists And Communists Munich, Yesterday. Addressing a meeting of thirty thousand Kerr Hitler replying to the threats of Bavarian Government officials to secede from the Reich said it would be an act of madness
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 530 9 Japanese Hopeful Of Disturbances Not Spreading To North China $10,000,000 FOR MILITARY EXPENSES BY SHANGHAI BANKERS ■Reuter. Tokyo, Yesterday. > With the commencement of Chang Hai- peng’s advance at midnight on Wednesday and the departure of Japanese troops under Generals Sakamoto and Mogi on Thursday
    ■Reuter.  -  530 words
  • 125 9 Some World Championships I Berlin, Feb. 19. A number of the world championships in winter sports were decided to-day, favoured by the first spell of real winter sport weather for a long time. The Ice Hockey International tournament, with twelve nations participating, was continued at Prague. Germany just
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  • 408 9 OUTPUT OF RUBBER The Silver Problem London, Feb. 18. The output of rubber in January from t!i 362 com panics registered in the Rir. r Growers’ Association was 10,279 tons, as compared with 12,832 in January, 1932. The stocks this week in Great Bii' rn will show an increase
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  • 97 9 Appearance of a Mystery Balloon Prague, Feb. 20. unsiderable excitement was created this ’Monday) afternoon by the appearance of a 'uysterious spherical balloon drifting over th» capital at a height of 3,000 feet. Sev’ ral military airplanes immediately took <>n in order to ascertain the balloon’s iden’y. but
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  • 102 9 News reached Ipoh yesterday morning of the death of Mr. N.J. Janett, which took place in a Nursing Home in Medan, Sumatra, early this morning. The late Mr. Janett came to Ipoh about four years ago from the Dutch East Indies, as
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  • 39 9 Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Yesterday. Sterling on New York was quoted at 3.41 Vz- London markets are quiet with British funds steady. War loan three and a half per cent, was at 99 3|16. Rugby Radio Service.
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  39 words
  • 177 9 -Rugby Radio Service. Some Figures for 1933 Rugby, Yesterday. Civil estimates for 1933 including those for revenue departments were issued to-day and amount to £391,178,984 against £423,117,378 for 1932 a decrease of £31,938,394. The Ministry of Labour estimate of £53,593,000 shows a net decrease of £28,875,000 compared with
    -Rugby Radio Service.  -  177 words
  • 58 9 for further discussions.—Rugby Radio Service. Interrupted Trade Negotiations Proceeding Rugby, Yesterday Colonel Colville, Secretary for Overseas Trade, to-day received members of the Danish delegation who have arrived for resumption of trade negotiations commenced in December last. Statements were exchanged with regard to the subjects under consideration and
    for further discussions.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  58 words
  • 51 9 Rugby Radio Service. Sir Ronald Lindsay See Mr. Stimson Rugby, Yesterday. Sir Ronald Lindsay, British Ambassador in Washington, conferred with Mr. Stimson, U. S. Secretary of State, to-day. He expects soon to meet Mr. Cordell Hull, who has been selected by the President-elect, Mr. Roosevelt, as Mr. Stimson’s
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  51 words
  • 73 9 Rugby Radio Service. British Trawlers to be Stationed as a Safeguard Rugby, Yesterday. Six British trawlers have been chartered for May, June and July in connection with the flight of between 20 and 30 aeroplanes which the Italian Government propose to send across the Atlantic during the
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  73 words
  • 61 9 Russia Buying Paris, February 20. A Russian military mission arrived on Sunday in the French capital, according to I,Oeuvre, and met with a friendly reception on the part of the General Staff and its chief General Weygand. According to the same source the mission is contemplating
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  • 299 9 Caused by Short Circuit After a lapse of some time the Fire Brigade were called out to a fire of some dimensions last night, the premises being that of the Singapore Cold Storage at Penang Road. The Brigade were on the scene within two minutes
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    • 135 9 (To The Editor of the Pinang Gazette) Sir, —I shall be glad if the Managements of Wembley and Fun and Frolic can see their way to change their Programmes from Sunday night to Saturday night so that everyone can get a good rest the next day after patronising the
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  • 70 9 Bandits Feared Stockholm, February 17. The astronomer of the Sven Hedin expedition, Dr. Nils Ambolt, has been lost in the Takla Makan desert (in East Turke»tan), according to advices from Peking, where he was scheduled to arrive at tint end of November, travelling over a route
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  • 106 9 TlN—Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY I London £l4B-0-0 £147-5-0 TIN—(B Months) London £l4B-12-6 £147-17-6 Singapore $75.50 $75.75 Business Done Penang $75.50 Business Done Buyers—No sellers COPRA —(Sundried) $4.50 $4.45 BLACK PEPPER $19.50 $19.50 f RUBBER London 2 Ad- 2 Ad. New York 2%c.(G) 2%c.(G) Singapore 6 ’/< cts. 6 A
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 z I (z> o “Swing” costs no more than ordinary brands, and in these days of economy that's a great comfort. And talking of comfort, there is nothing like Swing" blended Specially for the Tropics, for ironing out the hardships of I'fe 6y the way. how long did it take
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  • 752 10 FULL OF DISTRUST IN SPITE OF ASSURANCES OF COMPENSATION VILLAGES OVERRUN BY GOLD-DIGGERS The annual report for 1931 of the Native Affairs Department of Kenya Colony and Protectorate, issued from H. M. Stationery Office, contains the following reference to the discovery of gold:— An event of
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  • 784 10 Question of Road Costs SIR J. STAMP’S REPLY TO CRITICS Speaking at the annual dinner of the Chamber of Commerce, Lancaster, Sir Josiah Stamp said the adoption of the Salter Report was, in the public mind, regarded as a measure for the protection of 'railways.
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  • 1156 10 8 MEN AND A WOMAN CHARGED London, Feb. 4. Eight men and a woman appeared at Bow Street Police Court, London, charged with conspiring to defraud insurance companies. They were remanded until Friday next, on bail, the amount of bail fixed totalling £81,500. Early in the day
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  • 240 10 Clyde Getting Busy GOOD BARGAINS FOR OWNERS Glasgow, Monday. The outlook in the shipbuilding industry in Scotland has brightened considerably in the past few weeks. Shipowners are now apparently persuaded that they cannot hope to obtain better bargains in new tonnage than they can at present.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 64 10 SLUMP or no slump, all the advertising business that reaches this office is not accepted. Our Advertising Department exercises discrimination. It has to live up to the traditions of a century of unbroken publication and maintain its reputation for giving advertiser and consumer a square deal. If you see It
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    • 167 10 SQ Jto, IRA and every day a little biggera»d stronger QUAKER OATS gruel has nearly every food ele- ment a baby needs. It builds bone and muscle, feeds the nerves, blood and teeth 5 develops an alert, active mind and guards health, as well. This wonderfully nourishing, invigorating, natural food
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  • 234 11 Trade Union Goes Capitalist AND MAKES £2,927 The Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers, the chief official of which is Mr. George Hicks, the Socialist M.P., has been having a little dabble in high finance on the Stock Exchange. The result is that it has made
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  • 435 11 MYSTERY OF A D. H. LAWRENCE MESSAGE London, February 5. I am to-day able to throw new’ light on D. H. Law'rence’s mysterious letter to Katherine Mansfield, the well-known authoress, shortly before her death —a letter described by her husband as “so monstrously, so inhumanly
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  • 314 11 A Bachelor Peer to the Rescue PLAN FOR PATCHING UP SQUABBLES IN SECRET Courts reserved exclusively for husbands and wives, in which they can air their matrimonial difficulties in secret, is the aim of a Bill to be introduced into the House of Lords by Lord Snell, a
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  • 278 11 VOICE LIKE A GIRL OF 20 Porthcawl, Feb. 4. Although she has used her voice to help local charities all her life it was not until she was 79 that she took lessons in voice production. That is Mrs. E. Parfitt, Newton, Porthcawl, now in
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  • 50 11 GIRL FOUND ELECTROCUTED Miss Nora Eileen Smith, a 23-year-old hair-dresser, of The Crescent, Charlesstreet, Eiland, Yorkshire, was found dead in the bath at her home. It is believed that she was electrocuted. The switch on an electric hair drier, which she had been using, was still on.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 289 11 I n 1 i 1 :J a-. •-ia' 73, w^E r j3SS > e iOs-'Wr r i I 1 1 t f IV I II 1 1 Th* most delicioui tcnic food you have ever been asked to take contains all the W most important health factors you need! Ostomalt
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    • 521 11 WdSICS I fejO V, Prevention is Better than Cure. resist and repel colds, y4t influenza, bronchitis, there is ’•'•uui.g better than a course Z/ySk rtTyS m* jfAngier’s Emulsion. Its a JE s 5 soothing effects and its tonic, EV ’g° ra t' n B influence upon V 7 rfST 7-
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  • 2050 12 PENAWAT TIN DREDGING CO. "FINISHING THE PAST WITH ONE DOSE 11 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Penawat (Malaya) Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., was held at the Registered Office of the Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penang, on Friday,
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  • 621 12 THE REAL DIFFICULTY The following letters appeared in the Financial Times of February 6. Sir, —The general mass of Rubber shareholders must be amazed at the lack of enterprise displayed by the leaders of the industry—both British and Dutch —in allowing the present state of affairs to
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  • 578 12 The following publications were received by the Department of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., during the period January 28th to February 10th, 1933, inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Application may be made by members of the public resident in
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  • 234 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Rubber Sales Department Penang, February 22. The Market continues lifeless with little or no demand from any quarter and local prices again close about unchanged on the week. The New York quotation shows a small gain of ft gold cent at 2,y gold cents but London is
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  • 23 12 The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N.L. from 12th to 18th February, 1933 (being one week), was 240 piculs.
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  • 128 12 Latest Quotations Friday Thursday Paris 86 7(16 86% New York 3.41 3.41% Montreal 4.11 4.09% Brussels 24.25% 24.26% Geneva 17.47% 17.50% Amsterdam 8.43 8.43% Milan 66 9|16 66% Berlin 14.25% 14.25% Stockholm 18.85 18.85 Copenhagen 22.40 22 7|16 Oslo 19.50 19.50 Vienna 30 30 Prague 114
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  • 371 12 Messrs. William j acka as follows on February i Business has been interfered with H the past week by fresh pohti Our Ministers, Bankers and find it impossible to agree upon ture and specification of the A 1 going to carry us out of the J of
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  • 307 12 Broadcast Oratory and the Written Word Colonel John Buchan, M.P. (U.—Scottish Universities), addressing the Sheffield branch of the English Association in the Sheffield University, said if broadcasting continued its achievements it would become the only medium for the man with a me* sage to his countrymen. In
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 590 13 Schedule of Principal Lines following 1« a llst of TeeBels gYrom Penang during the week: IN PORT fO-DAY KULMERLAND from Bremen, Ham- S Antwerp, Rotterdam, Genoa, S Sombo. Sails for Port Cheltenham, Singapore, Manila, Hongkong. Shanghai, North China and Japan. JUNA from Rangoon, Moulmein, TaS voj\
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  • 431 13 FEBRUARY, 1933 FEBRUARY 25 Cricket: P. C. C. Home and Home, Esplanade, 2.15 p.m. FEBRUARY 26 Cricket: P. C. C. v Authentics, Esplanade, 10.30 a.m. MARCH 1 Straits Settlements (Penang) Association, annual meeting, Town Hall, 5 p.m. MARCH 4 and 5 Cricket: P. C. C. v Ceylon
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  • 517 13 OUTWARD DUTCH AIR MAIL The Outward Dutch air mail due yesterday has been delayed and is now due to arrive at Alor Star at 11.30 a.m. to-day. OUTWARD MAILS A mail for Burma (excepting Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy) by the s.s. “Prominent” will be closed at 3
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  • 91 13 To-day, at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.:— 1. March —Mercatel —Heber. 2. Overture—Carni valia —Williams. 3. Selection —Round the Map—Finck. 4. Waltz —Amoretten Tanze —Gung’l. 5. Medley—Savoy English—lliffe. 6. Selection A Southern Maid—Fras-er-Simpson. 7. Fox Trot—Oh What a night Gottler. GOD SAVE THE KING. To-morrow,
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  • 363 13 The Way to World Peace Mr. Ramsay Muir, speaking at a Libera) meeting at Altrincham, said no nation could ever again be safe or prosperous on its own efforts alone, no matter how much it tried to shut other countries out of trade. Tho dominant feature of the
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  • 253 13 Captain Plays After Son’s Death Victor Watson, West Ham F.C.’s International centre-forward and captain of his team, told me on January 30 of his sad experience when he played in the Cup-tie against West Bromwich Albion on Saturday although his newly-born son had died the same morning,
    253 words
  • 388 13 Publication Rights MR. CHARLES MORGAN BIOGRAPHER It is disclosed that George Moore arranged in his will for the publication of his books after his death and the writing of his biography. The will, which is dated October 21, 1931, appoints the Public Trustee and Mr. C. D.
    388 words
  • 348 13 Efforts to Trace Sender of Bogus Messages Efforts are being made to trace the person responsible for a hoax on the relatives and friends of Squadron-leader Bert Hinkler by sending telephone messages that he had been found alive in a hut on the Swiss Alps. Squadron-leader Hinkler disappeared
    348 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 84 13 I TEN AC EROS ™e p x PROVED XV PROTECT,VE PAINT ANTI-CORROSIVE Extensively used by Public Works, Mines and Estates. Colour card and prices on request. HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS LTD., 1 (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Engineers and Contractors. PENANG. /WAW.WAV. k i CLOTH-LINED ENVELOPES Sites. Prices. LlsJx6 $5.00 per
      84 words

  • 465 14 Stormy Board Meeting Described 44 HE HAS PUT THOUSANDS OF POUNDS IN OUR WAY 4 Most Honourable Man Judgment with costs was given recently to the widow of a professional backer of horses, who was defendant in an action brought before Mr. Justice Branson
    465 words
  • 168 14 Under-Nourishment Leads to Vicar’s Death At the inquest on the Rev. Herbert Humphrey Skinner (70), Vicar of Mission, Notts, near Doncaster, it was stated that his death was hastened by lack of nourishment, the result of a self-imposed fast of four days. Mr. Skinner was found dead by
    168 words
  • 273 14 Married Man and Girl EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER Cord on W rists Two days after the body of a woman with cord tied round her wrists had been washed up on the shore of Balsc addon Bay, Howth, County Dublin, a man’s body, also with cord tied
    273 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 293 14 [no» pans FOR WINEGLASSES. (PATENTS Nos. 1489—*****9) o Price s],so 100 > (Printing extra) PROTECT YOUR TEMPERS AND YOUR CLOTHS BY USING THEM J Obtainable From CALDBECKS 5 TeU 587. I 11l ILL lii I 1» I—WIIT ISifiL I < I“ KZ Zki ps>• 0 I i■ 11 1 i
      293 words
    • 92 14 i E J' REI E ss salesman-a„ in the 1 inang Gazette is a tireless salesman. From one week s end to another it talks business without boring potential customers. It tells your story (unknown to yon perhaps) to a wide circle of interested readers and its influence is all
      92 words
    • 374 14 k A*?4 f v HANDKERCHIEFS FORMAN Famous the world over, for their enduring colours, splendid quality and fine texture. See the latest patterns —a wider and smarter range than ever. Tootal Guaranteed for satisfaction. You know Pyramid by the Pyramid name label—none genuine without. A TOOTAL PRODUCT. TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE
      374 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2147 15 A. tn K P ©---BRITISH INDIA f hn Ax i AND APCAR lines RtrW-trJ-tN I iNQ 1 (Companies Incorporated In Engfcnuj 74* BLUB FUNNEL' LIMB mAue uauc nv rwiin J leaves Due 1 TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR I MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES Vessel. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT. Penang London
      2,147 words

  • 252 16 Mr. Mohamed Rhouse TO TAKE PLACE OF MR. MOHAMED UNUS The Pinang Gazette understands that Mr. Mohamed Rhouse, C.H., J.P., has been appointed as Malay member of the Legislative Council vice the Hon. Mr. Mohamed Unus bin Abdullah, whose term of office expires at
    252 words
  • 613 16 P. P. s. In the life of to-day, the characteristic unit is the town, the factory or the trade union. In the eighteenth century it was the country village, embracing the chief daily concerns of the majority of Englishmen. The principal nursery of natural character, the
    P. P. s.  -  613 words
  • 82 16 Watch The Sports Columns Of The P.G. As already announced* the “Pinang Gazette” by arrangement with the London “Evening News H has acquired the sole rights in Malaya for the reproduction of Warwick Armstrong’s commentary and descriptive reports on the fourth and fifth Test matches.
    82 words
  • 19 16 —Reuter. TEST CRICKET SCORE Sydney, To-day. At lunch time England had scored 253 runs for three wickets.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 73 16 Malay C.C. vs. Post Office Recreation Club The following have been selected to play against the Post Office Recreation Club on Sunday on the Datoh Kramat Ground, play commencing at 10 a.m. sharp:—A. Rahman (Capt.), B. C. Ahlip, H. R. Pawanteh, M. T. Samsudeen, H. D. Ahmed, C. M.
    73 words
  • 127 16 AT FUN FROLIC Boy Nara to Met Singapore Challenger This second boxing meeting to be held at Fun and Frolic Park promises to be a better success than the one held last week. There will, no doubt, be a bigger crowd in view of the fact that Boy Nara, the
    127 words
  • 84 16 District Court for Trial The Deputy Public Prosecutor’s instructions were read in the Police Court yesterday with regard to the three men charged with the death, on January 22, of A. Lazarus, bandsman. The charges against first accused, Mydin Pitchay, and third accused, Jagat Singh, were withdrawn,
    84 words
  • 62 16 In connection with the Billiard Tournament beginning to-night at the premises of the United Indian Association in Anson Road, the following have offered prizes: Ist prize: Silver Cup, to winner, presented by Mr. R. S. Narecharia. 2nd prize: A cue, to runner-up, by the Hon. Mr. H.
    62 words
  • 645 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday. To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Weng 95 l.OOex 90 l.OOex Ayer Hitam ll|9ex 11,3 ll>9ex Batu Caves 37% 42% 37% 42% Kamunting 61% 6]7%ex61%
    645 words
  • 87 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Yesterday. The Local Rotary Club celebrated the twenty-eighth anniversary of the formation of the Rotary movement by holding a dinner dance last night at the Grand Hotel when over 100 were present. The attendance included Mr. Kempe, President of Perak and the
    87 words
  • 29 16 —Reuter. Six Cabinet Posts for Each Party Capetown, Yesterday. The Coalition agreement is published. It provides General Hertzog’s and General Smuts’s supporters six Cabinet posts each.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 35 16 -Reuter. Communist Headquarters Closed Until Further Notice Berlin, Yesterday. Karl Liebknecht house, headquarters of the Communist Party has been closed until further notice on the ground of reasona- ble leaflets being published there.
    -Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 121 16 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND Quinquagesima 7.50 Litany. 8 a.m. Matins. Pss XV XX XXIII 8.00 Holy Communion. 10.30 Holy Communion Chinese. 6.30 Evensong Ps XXX 113. Magnificat 48. Nunc Dimittis 112. Hymns 27,3 211, 210, 255. Ash Wednesday 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Matins
    121 words
  • 51 16 PENANG, FEBRUARY 25 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2 3 23i32 mjts 2|3 13|16 Hongkong T.T Private 3 m ts credit 24 3 Documentary 2 4 532 On New York Bank Demand 39nom France T T. 985n0m tt «2» India T.T. Shanghai T.T. Bar
    51 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 40 16 I JUST UNPACKED I Waterproof Printed Crepe-de-Chine 36 f FOR I Ladies Eveningfrocksl I Guaranteed Fast Colours WITH VARIOUS LATEST DESIGNS 1 PRICES VERY MODERATE 1 f Inspection Cordially Invited i WASSIAMULL’S SILK PALACE No. 12. BISHOP STREET. Thon, 626.
      40 words
    • 123 16 DOCTORS WHO SUFFER FROM DYSPEPSIA Doctors know that most cases of digestive disturbance are due to acidity, and so when they themselves get an attack of stomach pain, they obtain instant relief by taking a simple, harmless antacid preparation—‘Bisurated’ Magnesia. If you suffer after eating; if food lies like lead
      123 words
    • 82 16 WIRELESS I WIRELESS Informative and interesting articles appear in the Pinang Gazette ON FRIDAYS. gentlemen’s int /w/i 1 /•J. L 1 new se l ec on in I original and attractive 1 colourings. > Foi'fl Wl Rich in shade and texture, in light weight I V’ f for tropical wear.
      82 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 83 16 WIRELESS To-day’s Programme Call Signs: G.S.E. G.S.C Wavelengths: 31.30 metres. 25.28 metres. P.M. 9-50 Big Ben Derboy Somers And His Band From the Plaza Theatre, London 10.10 Talk: ‘The Theatre” Mr. St. John Ervine (Blattnerphone-Stille Process» 10.25 A Recital of New Gramophone Records by Christopher Stone 11.00 Ireland v. Scotland
      83 words