Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1322 1 TWO DAYS OF SEVERE FIGHTING Strong Line Reformed North Of Town FCBTY THOUSAND JAPANESE AND TROOPS ATTACK CHAOYANG Nanking. Yesterday. •‘Sb'iul'l Tang-Yu-lin and his troops as well as other anti-Ma.nchukuo Mr cs surrender to Manchukuo they will be dealt with leniently, says ;i Japanese
    —Reuter.  -  1,322 words
  • 42 1 >.. —Reuter. Tungliao, Yesterday. In a blinding snowstorm with the mercury at ten below zero troops under Generals Sakamoto and Mogi left Tungliao on Thursday and clashed with and dispersed irregulars twenty miles to the south-west. They then con- tinued to advance.
    >..—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 259 1 PRISONER ASKS FOR 100 YEARS “DON’T BE STINGY” Miami, February 20. An attempt to quash the charges of attempted murder of Miss Kruis and the boy Caldwell, two victims of the alleged attempt on the life of Mr. Roosevelt, was the first move by the defence when
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  • 80 1 to h .■tglttnd via New York.—Rugby Radio Service. Returning To England Immediately Rugby, Yesterday. Sir Malcolm Campbell has ended his speed record attempts as doctors have ordered him not to use his left wrist. It v'as so badly sprained that he could only use one hand to
    to h .■tglttnd via New York.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  80 words
  • 125 1 Story of Italian Military Planes for Hungary Rugby, Yesterday. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, was questioned regarding reports alleging that 32 r ilitary aeroplanes were recently flown say Italy to Hungary and there txaer tc‘pieces and hidden. He replied he had seen these statements, of which a
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  • 180 1 .—Rugby Radio Service. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST CAPITAL MOVEMENTS Bad Money Coming In Rugby, Yesterday. Replying to a Commons question regarding recent gold purchases by the Bank of England issue derai-tment the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, said that for various reasons large amounts of foreign money
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  180 words
  • 366 1 India Taking Special Interest London, February 18. The British Industries Fair, which will open on the 20th again, records an increase in the area occupied, this time of 17 per cent compared with 1932. There are 27 miles of stands in the special Empire Marketing Board section at Olympia
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  • 41 1 Contract advertisers are asked to note that insertion of matter arriving at the Pinang Gazette Office, on the day of issue cannot be guaranteed. AU matter should reach this office not later than 5 p.m. the previous day.
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  • 73 1 —Reuter. Agreement Between Smuts And Hertzog GENERAL ELECTION IN MAY Capetown, Yesterday. A coalition agreement has been tentatively reached between Generals Hertzog and Smuts whereby General Hertzog will be Prime Minister and General Smuts will also be allotted a portfolio. The agreement provides for full maintenance of
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 164 1 sure recovery in world trade. Reuter Wireless. Prince of Wales Pleads for International Co-operation London, February 20. A striking plea for international co-ope-ration to overcome the economic depression was made to-day by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at the dinner given in connection with the opening of the
    sure recovery in world trade. Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 71 1 Chinese and Indians Involved in Free Fight (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. Several Chinese and Indians were injured in a fight at Jalan Sultan to-day .vhen sticks and poles were freely used. Two Chinese and five Indians were sent to hospital with scalp wounds. Another Indian who
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  • 46 1 Effects of Malaria Fever (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. Peter Chin, employed in a steam laundry was sent to hospital with delirium as a result of malaria fever. The pat •nt had to be strapped to the a.abulance stretcher before he could be moved.
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    • 2019 2 RATES FOR CASUAL municipalnotice not,^ e f O arToT F ma P EL L A BANKS ADVERTISEMENTS ah——» o»..A^un*, licensing justices, O Engineer’s Department. PENANG. ART HAIRDRESSER NEDERLANDSCHE HOIW Kona ft fl for the vacant FK HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ, B yy appointment of A ssistan tin the >pne next quarterly sessions
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    • 1131 3 SHORT-WAVE RECEPTION TIMES PREPARED SY THE P.C. WIgIUSS CORRESPONDENT AND THE KHANG WIKLISS SOCIETY Midnight 1 a. m. 2 a. m. 3 a. m. 4 a. m. 5 a. m. 6 a. m. 5 p. m fin™ o to to to to to to to to P to 7 Bp.
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  • 1372 4 CHINA NEWS: No Change In Committee Canton, Feb. 10. There will be no change in the organization of the Southwest National Defence Committee nor will it be converted into a branch committee, explained Mr. Chow Lu, member of the Southwest Political Council, to Chinese newspapermen. Mi. Chow
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  • 735 4 Major Oldfield and Mr. B. W. S. Smith arrived in Penang by the s.s. Klang from Port Swettenham. Lady Margaret Loder, sister of the Earl of Listowel, arrived in Singapore by the j. V. Oldenbarnvelt. The Hon’ble Raja Sir Chulan, who has not been very well recently,
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    • 243 4 I l Memories You Treasure Will Be Pleasantly Revived When You Listen To These Old Time Songs no f HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN j I PART 1& 2 J Introducing “Sweet Adelaine “Garden Of Roses”, I’]| p )C J Your Sweetheart”, “Tiny Seed Of Love”, “Nellie Dean.” 1 HY AM f
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  • 590 5 BRADMAN AND O BRIEN STOP THE ROT Splendid Innings By McCabe LARWOOD BOWLS IN GREAT FORM Sydney, Yesterday. LarW ood and Voce opened the bowlin* to the batting of Richardson and Woodfull. Larwood was bowling the (ff theory while Voce was bowling over
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  • 99 5 HOME AND HOME MATCH The following are the teams in a P.CC. home and home match to be played tomorrow on the Esplanade Adam's XI.:—S. V. Adams (Capt.), L. H. Best P. L. Cooper, A. W. Foster, L. C. Smith, L. C. Lee, J. W. Pinhey N.
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  • 57 5 The following will represent the P.C.C. against The Authentics, on Sunday, on the Esplanade: —J. G. Carr, H. W. Brady, p. N. Knight (Capt.), O. R. T. Henman, W. G. Reeves, R. G. Gibson, I. Scott Dalgleish, H. W. Sanders, T. S. Anthony, A. L. B. Perkins
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  • 427 5 Yesterday The death took place early yesterday morning at her residence at Anson Road of Mrs. Helen Read (nee de Souza i after a very brief illness of one day. The deceased, who was 31 years old, was the younger daughter of Mr. and
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  • 946 5 Dr. Noel Clarke’s Call to Eurasians LOYALTY AND SINCERITY Keener Interest in Public Affairs A plea to the Eurasian community to equip themselves for the hard fight before them due to the much keener competition in all walks of life was made by the Hon’ble Dr.
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  • 274 5 TO-MORROW’S LEAGUE FIXTURES MANCHESTER CITY AT HOME TO LEEDS The following are the matches to be played to-morrow in the English and Scottish Leagues: DIVISION I .Arsenal v Blackbum R. Birmingham v W. Brom A. Chelsea v Bolton W. Everton v Derby C. Huddersfield T. v
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    • 235 5 YOU WILL YOU WILL APPRECIATE Q APPRECIATE THE THE HIGH U I II LOW QUALITY OI |Vf PRICE. Th Nail Scissors Of Finest Quality CUTTING OUT Stainless Steel. Bent or Qf'lCCrvß'’ Straight Blades. WKS Ist Quality $1.75 a pair. Of well kn °wn British manufacture. 2nd Quality $1.25 a pair
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  • 496 6 OFTEN RECRUITED NOW FROM RANKS OF UNEMPLOYED ORCHESTRAS “Oh! where is my wandering boy to-night, The *bog—of my fond —est care...." “You don’t hear so much of this sort of thing from the street musician in these days. It won’t do, now that
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  • 943 6 STATE FUNERAL FOR DEAD NAZIS GAG ON PRESS SET-BACK FOR HITLER IN PRUSSIA London, Feb. 6. I olitic&l rioting, in which there were several deaths, continued in Germany du-Fi.-k the week-end. Two dead Nazis were ■given a State funeral yesterday. The suspension by the Government of
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  • 232 6 THE SHY GIRL AUTHOR PLAY SUCCESS London, Feb. 5. Once more a “novice” has done the trick. On the programme of “Richard of Bordeaux,” the finest historical play which London has seen for years, appears the name of Gordon Daviot as the author. “Who is he? Whence
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  • 225 6 BELLICOSE ATTITUDE OF RHINELAND SOCIALISTS Cologne, Feb. 2. “We do not defend ourselves, we attack.” With these words the Socialists in the Rhineland accept the new Chancellor’s election challenge in the announcement of their first election meeting in the Rheinische Zeitung to-day. This counter-challenge fololws a Nazi attack
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    • 322 6 Look at k w> HHigljms» fig'Siflmjjp i i,i it, i r~.niß v i MWwb i A®, For infants ano inval' 0 Z H K t o a' > xO HBFk u There is everything your ,'r baby needs in a tin of Low < "V Gate! The rich concentrated nourK
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    • 352 7 RCADS and railway affected by heavy RAINS OVER WO INCHES AT RANGALLA j Although there has been a two-day lull in the torrential rain experienced Up-country during the last week, P.W.D. roads and railway lines are still affected by landslips and washaways. More earth fell on the
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    • 176 7 Mill To Be Established i at Anuradhapura -tnuradhapura to-day produces a grade of paddy from which an excellent quality of rice is obtained, which rivals the best grain imported from abroad. But the industry ig languishing for want of enoouragemmt and adequate organisation. The subject
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    • 74 7 I‘-ills Mahout and Damages A Property ▼t Galagedera, Feb. 7. Aft elephant, belonging to a wealthy ■Vill.iper oi Medasiyepattu in Harispattu, f 't' rday killed its mahout and then ran *mdk, des'roying a village hut and an “Ambalam." Tho residents through the headman sought Police assistance and
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    • 650 7 Investigation by Dr. Cochrane SURVEY BEING MADE Colombo, Feb. 13. Supplementary votes for some matters of importance will be sought at the meeting of the State Council to-morrow. In asking for a vote of Rs. 1,395 the Minister of Health makes the following observations: —“Two Medical
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    • 471 7 TRAFFIC PROBLEM OF FIRST MAGNITUDE: GOVERNMENT'S WASTEFUL POLICY Badulla, February 11. The threatened isolation of the entire Province of Uva, by reason of the Hakgala earth-slip on the one line of communication, and the subsidence on the Balangoda-Haldumulla Road on the other has precipitated a
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    • 246 7 Travelling Incognito as Duke of Toledo The ex-King of Spain, Don Alfonso, travelling incognito as the Duke of Toledo, arrived in Colombo by the P. and O. Comorin on a visit to his son, Prince Don Juan, who is serving as a cadet on the Enterprise.
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    • 424 7 Dr. V. R. Schokman’s Interesting Views The idea of having Western Asiatic games, with India as the venue, is an ex-, cellent one if it could be worked, only there is the question of cost," said Dr. V. R. Schokman, in an interview with the] Times of
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    • 131 7 Cause Unkn&VMi Damage < Estimated at Rs. 100,000 j Teldeniya, Feb. 11. i Yesterday, at mid-night, the tea factory on Getagahawela Estate, Rangalla, own by Mr. T. A. Devanayagam Pillai, caught fire and was burnt to ashes. The cause of the fire is not ye *nown_
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    • 358 7 Whole Family Attacked Two Women Killed Kandy, Feb. 6. How an accused attacked a whole family when he was prevented by one of the members from plucking some coconuts was told at the Midland Assize Court before Mr. Justice L. C. Dalton, and an Englishspeaking jury,
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    • 212 7 Bankers’ Applicatiori for Plaintiff’s Security I Before Messrs. Justices Garvin and on Tuesday, Mr. J. R- V. Ferdi nands supported an application by Messrs. Thomas Cook and Sons (Bankers), Ltd., Colombo, that the order of the Privy Council in the suit brought by
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    • 322 7 JUDGMENT FOR JAVASUMATRA CO. SUCCESSFUL CLAIM FOR $lO,OOO There was an echo in the Supreme Court, Singapore, on Tuesday, of the recent $500,000 copra fraud in connection with, which two Chinese, Koh Eng Hoe, a storekeeper employed by the Java Sumatra Trading Co., and Tan Thye
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    • 393 7 $5,000 Fine for Gajija Smuggler Smuggling of liquor, opium and tobacco is a common enough offence in Singapore but cases in connection with the importation of ganja (Indian hemp) are comparatively rare. One such case was heard before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the criminal district judge, on
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  • 18 8 HOPKINSON —On Feb. 21, 1933, at Cairn Holm to Violet, wife of L. F. Hopkinson, a son.
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  • 950 8 Practically all the time that Great Britain has been in India, her chief duty has been that of keeping the peace between India's many creeds and races. In carrying out this duty, she, as the paramount power, has scrupulously refrained from interference with the religious practices of the people.
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  • 1148 8 THROUGH LEISURE TO EMPLOYMENT (By Hartley Withers) “In the sweat of thy face shalt tiiou eat 1 bread.” This sentence in the curse oi Adam condemned man to get his living by manual work. Machinery has to a great extent, relieved us from the punishment inflicted i
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  • 860 8 THE KHARTOUM TRAGEDY Centenaries provide an opportunity a kind of spring-cleaning among bio?/ phies. They serve to correct the err, 1 contemporary history. The Gordon tenary has inspired several new books -ini i a mass of articles tending to rehabilitate I a man who, through becoming the
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    • 33 8 E. O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE HOTEL IN THE EAST. 4 all rooms face the sea each with sitting room and private bathroom attached. Modern Sanitation Throughout EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef.
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  • 687 9 -MURDEROUS hands being stretched TO THE FRONTIER" Danger Of Attack Emphasised JAPANESE REFUSAL TO SIGN NON-AGGRESSION PACT "ALARMING CIRCUMSTANCE” Moscow, Yesterday. f|( KrcMlin is very closely watch- (fri nese action in Jehol although it (hes not consider it a threat to the Though well
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  • 207 9 Open Verdict KILLED BY CAR DRIVEN BY EUROPEAN Remarking that the evidence before him was so contradictory that he could only return an open verdict. Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, concluded the enquiry into the death of a Chinese, who was knocked down by a
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  • 151 9 $2,700 Worth of Chandu in Harbour The old trick of contraband smugglers, that of throwing chandu or opium in sacks, into the sea with floats attached to them, was again tried by Chinese dope runners when the s.s. Seistan arrived in Singapore from China ports. On
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  • 90 9 corated with the Polar medal.—Rugby Radio Service. DEATH OF MR. H. G. WATKINS RECALLED Rugby, Yesterday. The King held the second investiture at Buckingham Palace to-day. Among the recipients of honours were five miners who received recognition for their bravery at the Bentley colliery disaster last year. The
    corated with the Polar medal.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  90 words
  • 64 9 bled to alter their course.—Rugby Radio Service. Good Work of Coast Guards Rugby, Yesterday. During 1932 coast guards took life saving action in the case of 580 vessels reported in distress off the coasts of Great Britain and northern Ireland. In the same period 80 vessels observed to be
    bled to alter their course.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  64 words
  • 148 9 Estate of Khoo Eu Yong In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Prichard, K.C., allow’ed the application of Mr. M. B. Lynch on behalf of Khoo Tek Keong for leave to appeal to the Privy Council in the suit between Ch’ng Joo Tuan
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  • 73 9 Second Session Opening on Wednesday. The second session of the Penang Assize Court for this year will open before Mr. Justice Prichard, K.C., on Wednesday, March 1, at 11 a.m. Up to the present three cases have been listed for hearing, one a case of murder from
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  • 73 9 —Reuter. Tokyo, To-day. If, as expected, the League passes the report and recommendations to-day the Cabinet will meet to-morrow afternoon to decide when and how to secede from the League and will thereafter notify the decision to the Privy Council which, owing to the gravity of the decision, is
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 115 9 right to such a demarche. —Reuter Wireless. GERMAN POLITICAL CIRCLES SURPRISED Berlin, February 18. Political circles are painfully surprised at the recent Anglo-French demarche in Vienna and the way in which it was done which is described as absolutely amazing,” and it approaches an act of violence
    right to such a demarche.—Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 113 9 Rugby Radio Service. Britain Still Desirous of Friendly Settlement Rugby, Yesterday. Asked if he would be prepared to negotiate with the Irish Free State Government with a view to exempting equivalent Irish produce from the special duties in return for withdrawal of Irish duty on British coal, the
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  113 words
  • 38 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. A middle-aged Jewish woman, who was robbed in Arab Street, chased and caught the robber and recovered part of the money. The man was sentenced to six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 51 9 Tew who has retired. —Rugby Radio Service. Mr. A. F. C. Webber to be C. J. of Sierra Leone Rugby, Yesterday. Mr. A. F. C. Webber, Puisne Judge of Nigeria has been appointed Chief Justice of Sierra Leone in succession to Sir Mervyn Tew who has retired.—Rugby Radio
    Tew who has retired.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  51 words
  • 76 9 work in Welsh pit disasters.—Rugby Radio Service. FAMOUS WAR INCIDENT RECALLED Rugby, Yesterday. The death occurred of Colonel Watts Morgan, Labour Member of Parliament for East Rhondda, aged 69. During the war he distinguished himself by holding up the German advance at Cambrai with 400 men of
    work in Welsh pit disasters.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  76 words
  • 35 9 i.—Rugby Radio Service. Centenary Commemoration Service in London Rugby, Yesterday. > The centenary commemoration service for Samuel Pepys the diarist was held in London to-day and was attended by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
    i.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  35 words
  • 75 9 —Rugby Radio Service. I GREAT SUCCESS OF NEW GERMAN SCHEME Rugby, Yesterday. Answering a question calling his attention to the voluntary work scheme in Germany whereby employment had been provided for 200,000 youths on schemes of communal service, the Labour Minister, Sir Henry Betterton, said he was giving most
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  75 words
  • 45 9 Rugby Radio Service. Drifts Ten Feet Deep in the North Rugby, Yesterday. Snow fell heavily in North England today and drifts on Yorkshire moors are in some places ten feet deep. There was snow also in parts of Kent but none in London.—
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  45 words
  • 31 9 Reuter. Mr. George Dem to be War Secretary Salt Lake City, Yesterday. Mr. George Dem, ex-Govemor of Utah, announces that he has accepted the war secretaryship in the Roosevelt
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 90 9 TlN—Spot YESTERDAY TO-DAY London £147-12-6 £l4B-0-0 TIN—(3 Months) London £l4B-0-0 £l4B-12-6 Singapore $75.50 $75.50 Business Done Penang $75.50 Business Done Buyers—No sellers COPRA—(Sundried) $4.60 BLACK PEPPER $19.50 RUBBER London 2Ad. New York Closed 2%C.(G) Singapore ctfl 6 l cts TAPIOCA r See l *3.60 Medium Pearl RICE m
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    • 59 9 I KRAFT WELSH RAREBIT S IS IDEAL AS A SAVOURY. Try A Packet!!! I I 40 Cents. j 1 o PRITCHARD'S /FOOD DEPT.) £be The Brighter Hotel.” To-Morrow MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE From 12 Noon. DINNER DANCE Sunday Orchestral Concert 9 P.M. SATURDAY, 18th March. IRISH DINNER and DANCE (Tables
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  • 2012 10 CHANGING OVER TO THE MAINS—IMPORTANCE OF GRID BIAS —WIRELESS SOCIETY NOTES —RECEPTION NOTES (By Our Wireless Correspondent) I am often asked by radio enthusiasts whether it is a difficult matter to convert a set which is working on batteries so that it will work direct on the electric light
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    • 42 10 IMPERIAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN No. 119 (Produce) In your own interests use the correct form prescribed by H. M. Customs. Printed forms (ordinary and air-mail paper) obtainable from The Pinang Gazette Press Ltd. la, PENANG STREET. miiih nnrtHnnn nr rt nrinnfin
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    • 1087 10 PRINCIPAL SHORT-WAVE BROADCASTING 1 STATIONS In Order Of Wavelength GENEK L INFORMATION. x s STATION. h -gg Interval Mgnals, days of transmigsion., £2 I 7.4 41,891 La Turbie, France I I 9.8 30,602 Coltano, Italy 1 1 AG o 13.04 23,006 Malabar, Java |FLZ a/o 13.92 21,540 Saxonburg, Penn., U.S.A.
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  • 720 11 DISCLAIP4S DELIVERY OF FIREBRAND SPEECHES CAMPAIGN AGAINST COMMUNISTS Berlin, Feb. 2. I only ask for four years: after that .he nation can do what it will with me—crucify me if it likes,” said Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in the course of an interview which he gave to
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  • 629 11 ROMANCE IN ’BUS AND TRAIN GIRL’S £2OO BREACH DAMAGES London, Feb. 7. The story of a proposal of marriage on a ’bus top—interrupted by the conductor —and renew’ed in a train, was told to Mr. Justice Du Parcq and a common jury in the King’s Bench Division.
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  • 117 11 FREE DINNERS FOR POOR London, Feb. 4. Budapest.—A very generous gift made by the late Mr. Galsworthy under the seal of secrecy was revealed at an extraordinary meeting of the Hungarian P.E.N. Ch J, held this afternoon, in memory of the great author. Thanks to Mr. Galsworthy’s
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  • 578 11 BRITAIN’S PROPOSALS London, Feb. 2. The Foreign Office, in a statement giving details of the progi amme for the Disarmament Conference, suggests that the direction of the work should be placed in the hands of the Bureau. The aim of the bureau should be
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  • 167 11 A FIRM THAT WONT EMPLOY SHORT MEN Tall men or short—which make the better salesmen The question arises from the fact that one of the leading manufacturing firms in Britain employs only men over 5 feet 8 inches in height on its stales staff. It is contended by
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    • 253 11 I «S J l An outstanding example of British Craftsmanship f Bluespot Loudspeaker 32 Pow. i Whether you require something I expensive or inexpensive, best i value vvill he obtained from the 7 3/uespot range of loudspeakers. |L'| MB Stockr .s :—KEE HUAT CO., KEY CYCLE MOTOR CO.. < Sole
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  • 3057 12 SEEKING HIDDEN WEALTH OF AN EMPIRE L EXTENSIVE BRITISH AIR SURVEY PLANS FLYING ABOVE MOUNT EVEREST AERIAL ATTACK ON EARTH'S HIGHEST PEAK London, Jan. 31. Vast regions of the British Empire which are unmapped and practically unknown will yield their secrets within the next
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  • 132 12 Latest Quotations Thursday Wednesday 1 Paris 86% 86% i New York 3.41% 3.40% Montreal 4.09% 4.08% Brussels 24.26% 24.25% 1 Geneva 17.50% 17.49% Amsterdam 8.43% 8.42% Miian 66% 14.25% 14.24% Stockholm 18.85 18.85 Copenhagen 22 7; 16 22 716 Oslo 19.50 19% Vienna 30 30 Prague
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  • 1165 12 Second Half- early Report 1932 The following is the second half-yearly report of the Kedah Planters’ Association: Membership and Acreage as at 31st December, 1932 North Kedah, 30 estates; planted, 61,431 acres; total, 74,626 acres. South Kedah, 33 estates, planted, 79,204 acres; total, 105,915 acres. Total,
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  • 214 12 the prospect of r-., from financial anx lETy The Importance ami v<Uu/ > l> 3 work were stressed at the Midland section of the Institut Rubber Industry, held at the GrinVi Birmingham, last night, Mr. F r upresiding. 1 King The principal speakers Were m
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  • 571 13 Schedule of Principal Lines Mt ,owing is a list of vessels arriving Pen&ng dUFlng W IN PORT TO-DAY m/'I'TTA MARU from Singapore. Sails for Rangoon and Calcutta. ■qqMERLAND from Bremen, Ham*S Antwerp, Rotterdam, Genoa, b' l ?’SaM Colombo. Sails for Port tten-am, Singapore, Manila, Hongk*ng, Shanghai,
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  • 436 13 FEBRUARY, 1933 FEBRUARY 25 Cricket: P. C. C. “A” v Eastern Smelting Co., Esplanade, 2.15 p.m. FEBRUARY 26 Cricket: P. C. C. v Authentics, Esplanade, 10.30 a.m. MARCH 1 Straits Settlements (Penang) Association, annual meeting, Town Hall, 5 p.m. MARCH 4 and 5 Cricket: P. C. C.
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  • 788 13 The Post Office notifies that a telegram from the G. P. 0., London, says that the mail despatched from Penang on February 3 by the s.s. “Baleoran” was delivered in London on February 23. AIR MAILS A mail for Europe, Great Bri'ain, Ireland and North America by steamer
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  • 524 13 CAPSIZED IN SQUALL RICH AMERICAN DROWNED London, Feb. 6. Mr. Ralph Crimmins, a wealthy American, was drowned when his boat was caught by a squall and capsized near Queenstown. Mr. Crimmins, who was thirty-seven, had recently taken up residence on Great Island, in Cork Harbour.
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  • 158 13 In view of the comments that have lately been made regarding the prospects of a shipbuilding revival, it is of interest to give details of the orders for new ships, not only in this country but abroad, since a slight improvement was noted. Records have
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  • 72 13 S.S. “SUWA MARU” FOR EUROPE We are advised by Messrs. Boustead Co., Ltd., the local agents of Nippon Yusen Kaisha, that the s.s. Suwa Maru,” which was originally scheduled to arrive on Saturday, the 25th February, is now expected to arrive in Penang from the Far East via
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    • 719 13 $lOO 1 oo FOOTBALL FORECASTS. $lOO WAITING FOR YOU I Just a few strokes of the pen. Quite a simple task. Nc worry, no waste of time. Yet it may bring you $lOO. You are not required to forecast scores—only results. If you succeed in forecasting the highest number of
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  • 710 14 BRITAIN’S SONS ONCE STREAMED TO NEW LANDS—NOW THEY ARE RETURNING—WHY were so fortunate as to be gifted with infinite vision, and could see the present as well as the past in what is called nowadays a tone-space continuum, we should
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  • 456 14 FAMOUS ORIENTAL SCHOLAR HISTORY FROM MONUMENTS London, Feb. 6. The Rev. Dr. Archibald Henry Sayce, who was for twenty-eight years Professor of Assyriology at Oxford University, died, at Bath, in his eighty-eighth year. Professor Sayce was one of the most distinguished of Oriental scholars. He
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  • 209 14 JUDGE DECLINES TO BELIEVE IT London, Feb. 1. In the Probate Court, Mr. Justice Langton refused to believe that a man had gone down with the Titanic because his name was not in the passenger list. The matter came up on an application by cousins of
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  • 182 14 LORD HALIFAX SEES HIS FIRST TALKIE AN EX-MINER’S FILM London, Feb. 4. Viscount Halifax, of Hickleton Hall, Doncaster, who is in his 94th year, saw his first “talkie” picture. He motored to a cinema at with his daughters, the Hon. Mrs. LaneFox and
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  • 219 14 THE KING OF CARVERS SAYS SO Mr. Levi Funk, a bachelor, of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, thought so little of the ability of women with the carving knife that he has left all his money, amounting to £5,000, to be used for classes in the art. The king
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    • 426 14 W 0 E H When dirt Rust have commenced their havoc on v I presence is betrayed by annoying squeaks and 1°^ thpir V multitude of sources. Preventive is better than cure e fr m a I I by using CASTROL PENETRATING OIL it c Start rt ght 1 1
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    • 279 14 f.. 1 ®«SllenbUKjs’ Foods The ‘Allenburys’ Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of infants in hot climates. They are free from harmful germs, and are readily prepared by the simple addition of boiling water, thus giving complete k independence of doubtful milk supplies. Moreover, they are practically identical in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2057 15 d /r— m -K IJ P. 0.--BRITESH INDIA (Im i 1 JMal. f A /E\ ,**k i\ I jAj^== y <v AND APCAR LINES 1 4, 11 I Z (Companies Incorporated In BLUE FIIMEL' MME TRAVEL HOME BY DOLLAR I MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES ypwtf-l. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT.
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  • 34 16 —Reuter. London, Yesterday. The following are results of matches played to-day in the English League: DIVISION I Blackburn R. 1, Manchester C. 0. DIVISION 111 (Southern Section) Norwich C. 3, Aidershot 2.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 73 16 February Mixed Foursomes Th© following was the result of the Penang Golf Club February Mixed Foursomes: WINNERS Mrs. J. W. Clark and Brodie 42 less 3=39 RUNNERS UP Mr and Mrs. P. N. Knight 43 less 3=40 Miss H. Brown and Fenwick 47 less 4=43 Mr. and
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  • 117 16 Dates for 1933 In addition to a heavy cricket season the Esplanade will also be the venue of a number of athletic meetings during the course of the current year. The first sports meeting will, as usual, be the Municipal Sports and the last will
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  • 42 16 “At Home on Saturday Messrs. Wassiamull Assomull Co., liave issued invitations to an “At Home’’ on the occasion of the opening of their new premises at No. 12, Bishop Street, Penang, on Saturday, February 25, at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 19 16 —Reuter. TEST MATCH SCORE Sydney, To-day. At lunch time the score was Australia 411 for seven wickets.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 136 16 tournament Yesterday’s Results The following were the results of yesterday’s matches CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS G. W. Bryant and N. A. Sedgwick beat A. S. Giles and T. S. Anthony, 6—2, 7 —5. MEN’S SINGLES HANDICAP B E. T. M. Lias —4 beat D. Murray 2, 3—6, 7—5, 6—2. MEN’S
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  • 146 16 Appeal Against Conviction The Police Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, today convicted Goh Ewe Tin, the Chinese ’bus driver who was charged with possession of 11 gallons of samsu, and imposed a fine of $3OO, or in default two months' rigorous imprisonment. The bus, in w’hich
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  • 106 16 Adjourned for a Fortnight When the adjourned public examination of Lim Chin Guan (in bankruptcy) was mentioned in the Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. Justice Prichard, K.C., Mr. R. D. Hume said that he had a medical certificate which certified that bankrupt was suffering from
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  • 770 16 CO., LTD. Directors’ Report The following is the Directors’ Report of the Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd., to be presented to shareholders at the 24th annual general meeting to be held at No. la, Penang Street, on Saturday, March 4, at 12 noon: The total area of the Company’s
    770 words
  • 149 16 Two Women Accused Acquitted Two Chinese women, mother and daughter who were charged in the District Court, the one with keeping open a place wherein facilities were provided for the consumption of chandu and possession of non-Govemment chandu and chandu druss above 5 tahils in weight, and
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  • 205 16 Second List of Subscription for 1932-33 c. Previously acknowledged 5,012.70 PER MRS. SIME D. W. Brisbane, Esq. 50.00 T. F. Anderson Pole, Esq. 25.00 Hon. Mr. Jas. Robertson 25.00 R. E. Holttum, Esq. 20.00 R. Renton, Esq. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sime 150.00 European Staff
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  • 160 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, Yesterday. A picturesque Chinese wedding was solemnised at the Chong Wah School Hall of Kampong Perak, yesterday. The bridegroom was Lee Chang Beng, son of Lee Poh Seng and the bride Sw’ee Koh, daughter of Lee Kim Chuan, both are well known
    160 words
  • 52 16 PENANG, FEBRUARY 24. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2[3 mits 2 3 ***** Hongkong T.T. 42*4 Private 3 m'ts credit 2 4 1j32 3 Documentary 2'4 532 On New York Bank Demand 39nom France T.T. 985n0m India T.T. 152% Shanghai T.T. 134 Bar Silver
    52 words
  • 593 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotation*, in MESSuS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day. Yesterday. To-aay Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Hitam 11|3 ll|9ex 11|3 ll|9ex Batu Caves 37% 42% 37% 42% Hitam 21 23 21 23 Kamunting 6|o 6j7%ex 61%
    593 words
  • 68 16 MISSION CHAPEL. FARQI’HAR STREET ENGLISH SERVICES SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. Observance of Lord’s Supper. 4.30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible' Classes. 6.00 p.m. Gospel Service. Preacher, Mr. VV. S. Blick. MONDAY 8.00 p.m. Young Men’s Bible Studw Class. WEDNESDAY 6.00 p.m. Prayer and Ministry. CHINESE SERVICES Sunday 10.30 a.m.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 47 16 r i 11 ifbi ri JUST UNPACKED Waterproof Printed j I Crepe-de-Chine 36 1 FOR Ladies Evening Frocks I Guaranteed Fast Colours WITH I VARIOUS LATEST DESIGNS I i PRICES VERY MODERATE > Inspection Cordially Invited j i WASSIAMILL’S SILK PALACE No. 12, BISHOP STREET. ‘Phone 626. J
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 199 16 WIRELESS To-day’s Call Signs: G.S.E. G S c p Wavelengths: 31.30 metres' 9 50 Big Ben Famous British Dance Ban (Gramophone Records. 10.20 A Musical Programme with Illustrations arranged by Sir Walford Davies 10.50 Talk: ‘The World and Ourselves" Mr. Vernon BartleV J B ;tner P h< »e-Stille Proems, 11.15
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