Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1122 1 Debate h Council I H.E. ON CHINESE AS COLONISTS Protecting British Subjects (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. Replying to objections against the Registration of Aliens Bill, lhe Governor said it ought to be apparent to everybody that the bill applied to all
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  • 70 1 —Reuter. Advocates Issue Of New Capital To Help Farmers Shelley (Idaho), To-day. Senator Borah advocated. Government issue of $5,000,000,000 additional currency in an address to farmers. He said hoarding and contraction of credit prevented the farmer marketing his crops and maintained that such an issue would merely restore
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 96 1 .—Reuter. LONDON TO AUSTRALIA SERVICE NEXT YEAR HONG KONG RANGOON TO BE LINKED London, Yesterday. That it is hoped to inaugurate an air route from London to Australia via Karachi and Singapore in 1933 teas revealed by Colonel Shelmerdine, Director of Civil Aviation who said that
    .—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 143 1 —Reuter Wiresless. Sole Bulwark For International Peace And Solidarity Geneva, October 17. An appeal to defaulting States to make an effort to pay their arrears of subscriptions is contained in a resolution adopted by of the Assembly Deleg’ates who aive wen wrestling with the League Budget and, although
    .—Reuter Wiresless.  -  143 words
  • 153 1 Reuter. To Be Held In London On November 14 The World Economic Conference which, as already announced, will be held in London opens early in November. The committee meets at Geneva on November 14. —Rugby Radio Service. REUTER’S VERSION Ottawa, To-day. The date of the World Economic Conference
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 112 1 i.—Reuter. Mr. Roosevelt Attributes It To U. S. Tariff Policy Pittsburg, To-day. A budgetary deficit of upwards of $1,600,000,000 to the end of the present fiscal year if the present rate of Governmental receipts and expenditure is maintained was foreshadowed by Mr. Roosevelt in an election speech attacking
    i.—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 135 1 .—Reuter. PARIS JOURNAL DRAWS A MORAL NO CONTROL OF CURRENCY OFF GOLD Paris, Yesterday. The impossibility of controlling currency off the gold standard 'over a long period is the moral drawn by the Temps from the decline of sterling which has somewhat mystified financial circles here
    .—Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 155 1 drastic measure of disarmament. —Rugby Radio Service. 7vo Deputations To The Prime Rugby, Yesterday. A national memorial on the disarmament situation has been sent to the Prime Minister on behalf of over 300 signatories representative of many spheres of national life assuring him of widespread support by reformed public
    drastic measure of disarmament.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  155 words
  • 153 1 .—Reuter Wireless. Deported From Belfast To Liverpool Belfast, Oct. 14. Tom Mann was deported to Liverpool to-night. He arrived here this morning with the intention of addressing a demonstration but was detained at the police station and was escorted to the boat and was ordered to remain in
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  153 words
  • 82 1 —Reuter. RUBBER MARKET London, To-day. The chief factor contributing to the steadier tone of the rubber market is the fall of sterling in terms of United States dollars, state Symington Wilson in their Weekly Report which adds that the steady accumulation of rubber in America continues. Of 408,000
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 546 1 Tariff Conversations In Prospect INVITATIONS ISSUED TO SEVERAL GOVERNMENTS Ottawa In Parliament Rugby, Yesterday. Tariff conversations in immediate prospect with certain foreign Governments and the agreements with the Dominions reached at Ottawa mark a new departure in British trade policy which is attracting much
    i —Reuter.  -  546 words
  • 29 1 .—Reuter. Shanghai, Yesterday. The negotiators and brigands have reached agreement at Panshan and it is expected Mrs. Pawley and Mr. Corkran will be released in forty-eight hours.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 158 1 MJ the revolutionary movement. Reuter Wireless. Extraordinary Allegations Against Italy Belgrade, Oct. 14. Extraordinary allegations against Italy of planning to assist the Croatian revolutionaries' plot to arm the Croatian people on a big scale for revolution in the next spring are made in the report of Yugoslav Ministry
    MJ the revolutionary movement. Reuter Wireless.  -  158 words
  • 85 1 —Reuter Wireless. Deadlock Over German Insistence Geneva, Oct. 14. A deadlock has arisen in connection with the question of the reorganisation of the League Secretariat owing to the German insistence that no Power have over two officials among the upper ranks and that the various Under Secretaries rotate
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2292 2 RATES FOR CASUAL NOTICES BANKS. ThO ADVERTISEMENTS I II V perak turf club. The Mercantile Bank Chartered Bank Al? communications relating to i OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA Advertisements should be addressed S ACTtMN MEETING 1982. O f IndlO, Limited in England the Advertisement Manager, The Saturday, 22nd October, 1932.
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  • 574 3 IMPROVING SPEED AND STAMINA EFFICIENCY TESTED AT MAIDSTONE i Maidstone, Sept. 28. Maidstone is taking steps to improve the speed and stamina of errand-boys. An annual event known as the Errand-boys’ Derby has been instituted with this object, and it was run for the second time to-day.
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  • 266 3 FOUND EMPTY AT SIDE OF LINE A daring robbery of registered mail while it was being taken by train from Salisbury to Portsmouth is being investigated by the police and by railway and Post Office detectives. The registered packets were placed in a sealed bag at
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  • 667 3 ‘SUSPICION’ OF THE CORONER OPEN VERDICT A Coroner’s searching questions to doctors, and strong remarks on evidence, marked the inquest on a 20-year-old girl, daughter of one of the two women found gassed at Farnborough, Hampshire, on September 20. The inquest was on Miss Eileen Woollard,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 596 3 Rly Fat Shall Go”' gay That To-day—Then Do Tills h.-itit can go, because peopleall Listen also to the warnings against you kn° w re^uce j in the past few starvation and over-exercise. Fight fat about you has been disappearing as modem doctors fight it—with a gland y wrs> >•'. !)V
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    • 34 3 Since you have taken the trouble to read this, be convinced that the other advertisements in this paper are also read. If you wish to buy or sell, let the Pinang Gazette help you.
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    • 335 3 orfr? I P&v Ik (li «W' B < I 1 ■MMw II 7 WO A Good Buy Crornpton Lamps are a good buy.” To the user they give service of the best. Compare our prices with other first grade British Made Lamps. May we send you a price list? Sole
      335 words

  • 263 4 MEMBER OF SCOTT RELIEF EXPEDITION IN THE DOCK CHEQUE CHARGE A member of the Scott Antarctic Relief Expedition, who afterwards fought and was wounded at Jutland, appeared in the dock at Bow-street. He was Edward Carrington Smith, aged 40, described as independent, of Cam-bridge-terrace, Paddington.
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  • 308 4 SIR T. HORDER’S VIEWS London, October 3. 1 For all the artificiality in our lives, such is the power of adaptation in our nature, we may still enjoy good health. This assurance was given by Sir Thomas Horder, Physcician-in-Ordinary to the Prince of Wales, in
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  • 222 4 SERGEANT-MAJOR’S WIFE DISCHARGED “For the honour of the regiment,” the wife of the sergeant-major of the Bth Battalion Middlesex Regiment, who stole some ©f the regimental trophies and pawned them, was discharged at Brentford Police Court. Frances May Cook, aged 39, of the Drill Hall,
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  • 266 4 Army Of Women Detectives With Beauty Unadorned One of the most interesting departments of the Irish sweepstake organisation is the C.I.D. which is not the Criminal but the Central Investigation Department. Every member is a woman—and two of the principal rules to which they
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  • 152 4 LONDON EXPERTS OFF TO FIND THEM Two English wine experts have just left England for South Africa and Australia to discover the “aristocracy” of Empire wines. They are Mr. Cuthbert Burgoyne, the Empire wine merchant, and his son, John Burgoyne. They saw the recommendation of the
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  • 140 4 POLICE SURGEON SAYS THERE IS NO REAL DEFINITION OF IT Maurice Charles Forster, aged 52, described as a company director, was fined £5 at Leicester for being under the influence of drink while driving a car. He was ordered to pay eight guineas costs and his licence
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  • 127 4 A Communist demonstration while she was delivering a speech failed to perturb Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands at the opening of the States General. The Queen was reading the Speech from the Throne when two Communist members of the Second Chamber shouted, “Down with the
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  • 280 4 Wife Awarded $9O a Month The case in which Albert Edward Coules was summoned for neglecting to maintain his lawful wife, Frances Florence Coules, and three children, was heard yesterday before the Police Magistrate when, after a consultation in Chambers, Mrs. Coules was awarded a monthly allowance
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  • 335 4 MOST PICTURESQUE QUEEN IN THE WORLD The most picturesque queen in the world will be in England soon. She is Salote Toubou, six feet high, truly regal in appearance, a woman who rules 30,000 subjects in the South Seas—and lets them know about
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  • 92 4 The Malayan Kennel Gazette has made its Bth quarterly appearance and to all appearance the little journal is going from strength to strength—and that’s saying a good deal for these days. We congratulate Mr. Ward Jackson on the continued excellence of the publication. The latest number contains
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  • 113 4 We have received from the publishers, the Associated Newspaper of Ceylon Ltd., a copy of a new Tamil-English and EnglishTamil dictionary by W. G. B. Wells. Mr. Wells, the author of Cooly Tamil,” a book well-known to and very popular with local planters, we believe, has developed
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  • 424 4 Mr. James Baxter, tht new Financial Adviser, Bangkok, has arrived. Mr. R. J. Turnbull, late of Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., Batu Gajah, leaves for Australia to-day. Mr R. Page of the Prisons Department, Malacca, has left on furlough, and Mr. W. Marsh has returned to act as
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  • 170 4 TUNING-FORK RADIO RESEARCH London, Oct. 5 Hidden away in one of the loneliest corners of London is a laboratory where such delicate experiments are taking place that the slightest traffic vibration would bring them to naught. This is the new home of the Post Office
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  • 106 4 A quantity of peas, after resting for some 3,000 years in the tomb of Tutankhamen, in Egypt, have grown up and are now yielding crops in a little garden in Ronneby on the Swedish South Coast. A Danish professor, while taking part in the excavation of
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    • 195 4 ww SNA?PY NEW RECORDS _cm Wife’s First Husband John DS 866 r |Fs The Wsman Who Peys < Where’s The Girl DB 888 The Gu y Whose Wife is The I Life of The Party I CHICK ENDOR CHARLIE FARRELL AGAIN TICKLE THE EAR WITH FOUR CATCHY SONGS. HERE’S SOMETHING
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  • 423 5 I Misleading Labels On Foodstuffs SHOPKEEPER FINED ON TWO CHARGES A case of an unusual nature came before the District Judge, Singapore, on Tuesday» when T. G. Kiat, manager of T. G. Kiat and Co., was charged under the Food and Drugs Ordinance with selling
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  • 125 5 BRITON WHO IS HARVARD PROFESSOR On the grounds that he had been cruelly treated for five years, the Rev. Kirsopp Lake, an English theologian, who is now a professor at Harvard, has obtained a divorce from his wife. Mrs. Lake is stated to be living in
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  • 100 5 There is nothing surprising in the news that only one in every seventy-five marriages between students at co-educational colleges in America ends in divorce, whereas the figure for other marriages is one in six. When boys and girls grow up separately and in almost monastic seclusion, each
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  • 138 5 A Supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette states that a Bill is about to be introduced in the S 'ate Council of Perak, regarding financial provision for public service for the year 1933. The Bill states that a sum not exceeding $2,330,706 shall be charged upon the
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  • 414 5 THE "MASTER HAND DARING FRAUDS WILES OF AN ELUSIVE CRIMINAL A mysterious forger whose productions are clever enough to deceive expert bank cashiers and even the drawers of cheques themselves was mentioned at the Old Bailey. In the dock was John Thompson, aged 31, described as an agent, who pleaded
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  • 203 5 TRAGEDY AFTER TALK TO GIRL GUIDE FRIEND A few minutes after he had been talking to a Girl Guide friend, a Rover Scout was found dying outside the hall in which his troop, the 2nd Molesey, were drilling at East Molesey, Surrey. When members of the
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  • 48 5 'A debtor told Judge Cluer at Whitechapel County Court that his travelling expenses were very high. Judge Cluer.—You will travel as far as Brixton, but we will pay your expenses and keep you there. The operation of the committal order was suspended for 14 days.
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  • 74 5 Thirty persons were injured by the flying hoofs of golloping horses, and a hundred others sustained minor injuries at a great rodeo given in honour of the birthday of Australia’s “cattle king,” Sir Sidney Kidman. The horses took fright and plunged into a section of
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  • 264 5 DEFEAT FOR SOCIALIST EXECUTIVE At the Labour Party conference at Leicester, consideration of the special policy resolutions of the national executive was begun. The first one, on currency, banking, and finance, was moved by Dr. Hugh Dalton, the following being among the declarations:— That the Bank of England
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  • 267 5 GRAVE CHARGES DENIED Paris, Oct. 3 Publicity has now been given to an alleged scandal connected with the French Air Ministry, as to which rumours have been circulating for some time past. It is alleged that, through improper transactions involving a high official of the Air Ministry,
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  • 185 5 SO WIVES GIVE HIM THE ORDERS A man in a Liverpool suburb does the daily shopping for a number of busy housewives and women who have to go to business! He found it was his only way of making a living. He earns a steady income
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  • 165 5 A PLEA FOR MINORITY GROUPS At the closing day of the Celtic Congress at Truro Mr. F. Llewellyn-Jones, M. P., in a paper on “Celtic Nations, and the problem of the Protection of National Minorities,” said that the protection of the national minority groups of Central and
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  • 117 5 «TEETHING” SAYS LINER DOCTOR When the White Star liner Adriatic returned to Liverpool from New York on September 28 the story was told of an early morning radio message received by the ship’s surgeon during the outward voyage to New York. The message came from the
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  • 36 5 Mr JK||ice Charles, at the Old Bailey stated to an applicant for a dock brief, who had not the necessary £1 3s. 6d. for counsel I cannot give you one on credit.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 01 Careless Washing Spoils the Fair The simple hair styles of to-day make beautiful hair a necessity. j inekilv beautiful hair is now easily obtained It is simply a matter of shamproper shampooing makes the hair soft d qflkv It brings out all the real life lustre, all the natural
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    • 141 5 TOWELS q You cannot get Better Value anywhere! We defy competition We have just imported J\' I v a splendid wearing Towel If in three useful sizes and ..'X i j, j f of a quality never before offered at the price. The j pile is close women. sturdy in
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  • 1584 6 Conviction And Sentence $15,000 FINE OR TWO YEARS In a crowded Court, Mrs. Dora Strezesali appeared before the District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson) for the third time since her arrival in Singapore on Wednesday, to answer a charge of smuggling 1,362 tahils of non-Govemment chandu valued at
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  • 228 6 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE WORKER London, October 2. Dr. L. P. Lockhart of Nottingham, a member of the Medical Research Board, who spoke at the conference of Works Directors, Managers, and Foremen at University College, Oxford, said that however much industry and life might be mechanized,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 t v A w EE “mt-S Sa£r Jia WATER Y WOOLLI ES In a Variety of Approved Colours THE DELIGHT OF WATER NYMPHS AS USED BY MGST COMPETITORS xN THE RECENT SEA VIEW HOTEL SWIMMING CONTESTS. By keep You milingr VpHO taatMfca kJ m gSHß|ae£*'| yl ,„7, > .as WifT
      151 words
    • 151 6 .pF > f rag w ip.. pw v 1' a 4 y >■' eV* 13 W OF FRESHMSSOJ every tin OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHil and HIGH CLASS STORES SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA (1929) M BISHOP STREET, PENANG Tel. 398. Telegraphic Address Postal *RASTAGI HOTEL—BRASTAGL GRAND JIOTEL BRASTAG. v Sumatra E-
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  • 469 7 Minister Who Had To Decide At Once London, Oct. 5. The three anti-Ottawa Cabinet MiniLord Snowden, Sir Herbert Samuel, Sir Archibald Sinclair, delivered up tlM .ir «ah of office to the King at Buckingham PalaceThey were still in the Palace when the thrw new Ministers
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  • 248 7 TO COMMAND THE AFRICA STATION It was announced recently that Real Aumiral Edward R. G. R. Evans, C. 8., S 0., is to be Commander-in-Chief on the !ca Station, in succession to Vice-Ad-r«l Hugh j. Tweedie, C. 8., to date from January 18, 1933. men have
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  • 353 7 NOBODY KNOWS THE REASON 4,000 CASES London, Oct. 5. An amazing increase in cruelty to children and animals is reported by the N.S.P.C.C. and the R.S.P.C.A. There have been more cases of cruelty this year than in any similar period since the war. Nobody knows why.
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  • 103 7 DOG THAT WORKS AS SHOP ASSISTANT I A dog shop assistant which collects newspapers, delivers them to customers, and returns with the pennies is creating much interest in Wirral, Cheshire. Bess, a fox terrier aged eight and a half, is owned by Mr. Arthur Bowden, newsagent of
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  • 118 7 JUDGE SAYS PRETTINESS OFTEN HIDES VICIOUSNESS During the hearing of a case at Romford (Essex) County Court, in which a claim was made for the return of the purchase price of a mare, the plaintiff said the animal was bought for a greengrocery round, but its behaviour was
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  • 753 7 I CLASSIC SYSTEM CRITICISED ADVANTAGES OF CONTROL An interesting paper on A System of Forestry for the British Isles” was read by Mr. T. B. Ponsonby, of Thurles, in the Forestry Department of the Section of Botany, of which he was chairman, at the British Association conference
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  • 309 7 I ‘HAT-TRICK’ CHAMPIONSHIP GOES TO CHESHIRE PLAYERS men the king hears TO-DAY London, October 5. Working-men musicians from all over the country took part in the great battle of the brass bands at the Crystal Palace. It was one of the biggest bands of bands that have
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  • 371 7 DONE FOR FUN BY TEACHER TO STOP HIM CHATTERING London, October 5. A summons for alleged assault by putting a piece of sticking-plaster across a pupil’s mouth was dismissed at Westminster Police Court. The defendant was Miss Lillian Kidd, a schoolteacher employed at the St.
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  • 75 7 WOMAN WHO SWALLOWED A DOOR HANDLE A surgeon operating upon a woman in a hospital near Udine found in her stomach. 19 skeins of iron wire: 2 skeins of copper wire; 2 screws; Some nails; A piece of door handle; 8 pieces of tin; 1 upholsterers nail; 2
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  • 460 7 “TIRED OF POLITICS” Dublin, October 4. Mr. James McNeill returned to Dublin from London to-day as a private citizen, having "relinquished” his post of GovernorGeneral of the Irish Free State—or, in plainer words, having been dismissed by Mr. De Valera. Nobody recognised Mr. McNeill when he
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  • 180 7 WORK FOR THOUSANDS AT SOUTHAMPTON Southampton, October 2. Wi h the North Atlantic season fast drawing to a close the shipping companies are formulating plans for laying aside their ships for the purpose of overhauling. Nine large vessels are to be overhauled at Southampton this winter
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  • 99 7 TREASURED RELIC OF THE FIGHTING ON THE WESTERN FRONT Among the bequests in the will of Colonel Charles John Huskinson, a Newark solicitor, who died last June leaving £35,300, is the drum given to me by my regiment, the Bth Battalion Sherwood Foresters. “This drum,” said Colonel
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  • 439 7 EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF FILMS The several sections of the British Association began their practical business with the reading of papers in various halls at York. In his presidential address to the zoology section, Lord Rothschild told of the quail and her henpecked husband. In the Oriential quail,
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  • 122 7 UNDERGRADUATE IN AN ISLE OF WIGHT HOLIDAY ESCAPADE The conduct of young visitors to Seaview was criticised by the presiding magistrate at Ryde, Isle of Wight, when Stephen Mackenzie, a Cambridge undergraduate, of Dorking, Surrey, and Roger Pinsent, a public schoolboy, were each fined 50s. for
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  • 177 7 GENERAL’S TALES OF TORTURE AT HANDS OF COMMUNISTS Prisoners have been burned and boiled to death in Red Army Camps, according to the Canton General, Yu Han-mou, who has just returned to Canton after repulsing a Communist invasion (states Reuter). General Yu declares that many of
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  • 471 8 In August last year the Conservative Party’s highest hope was that it might enlist under the banner of Tariffs a section of Liberalism and three outstanding free-traders—the Conservative, Mr. Churchill, Sir John Simon, a Liberal, and Mr. Graham, the Labour Party’s leading economist, agreed to
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  • 295 8 When the commanders of the two British destroyers which made fast in Barcelona Harbour recently posted a sentry on the quay they had no thought that their action would be interpreted as an insult to Catalan dignity. The sentry of a British ship in a foreign port is
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  • 79 8 —Reuter Wireless. Franco-German War Hero Still In Politics Berlin, October 17. There will be two aged -competitors for the Speaker’s Chair when the Reichstag assembles, General LitzmanJ aged 82, a Nazi and Frau Clare Zetkin, aged 75, the red mother of the Reichstag. The General fought in the
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 782 8 ROAD TRAVEL IN SPAIN Is the word manana going to pass out of use in this delightful land of uncertainty, which gives so little value to time or money? To the minute (English hour, as they call it) the road coach starts on its journey. The passengers
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  • 733 8 IRELAND AND THE OXFORD MOVEMENT Ireland will have a spMal the coming celebration of the center I the Oxford Movement, which d f I past century has aroused so much controversy. One of the principal causes which I origin to the Movement was the by the British
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 |THIRSTy?| 1 THEN J I* DRINK r 1 A ■bhmmbbkh I HJ.VH'IIM HU II I I OH I RFFP i si I Obtainable Everywhere I 8 I Sole Agents (hnw€fe Phone 357. PENANG. w IE ■SBSeSIGB Mi g HBQ 9 F* S B u- ffi I 43 I IP this
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    • 188 8 1 1 E. O. HOTEL. SPECIAL. DINNER AND DANCE. Wednesday, 26th October, 1982. Dance Music By the Band of the S.S. “PRESIDENT POLK” TO-NIGHT AT 8-30 P.M. It’s A Fairyland At Night AT SOLAR HALL DEAN'S OPEIA AN INTERESTING CHINESE STORY ENTITLED Chin Say Bee OR THE Faithful Wife." AT
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  • 513 9 —Reuter. U;'2f 'PLOYED disturbances more than forty ARRESTS in LONDON COMMUNISTS ACTIVE Rugby, Yesterday. The Home Secretary, Sir John Gilmour, stated in Parliament that roO re than forty people were arrested during disturbances in the streets of London last night following demonstrations organised by a
    —Reuter.  -  513 words
  • 172 9 '■"is:™' General Trend Towards Fchanical Simplification, Economy and Beauty The 26th m London, Oct. 13. this momintr 2^ pia Mot °r Show opened Cro *’d was nen a huge and enthusiastic Min? a/T? 1 Promising excellent tcr confidently Tnt 01 iaterviewed b Y Reu*ould be brnu ntlcl P a
    '■"is:™'  -  172 words
  • 180 9 .—Reuter. WHY JAPAN WAS COMPELLED TO SEEK BUFFER STATE FUTURE OF SHANGHAI London, Yesterday. That there is urgent need for Western help to get China out of her internal disorders is the most important part of the Lytton Report, says Mr. O. M. Green in the
    .—Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 76 9 Reuter. Democratic Presidency Candidate’s Views Wheeling (West Virginia), Yesterday. Tariff bargains under stringent conditions were advocated by Mr. Franklin Roosevelt in a Presidential campaign speech. He urged the lowering of tariffs by negotiations with foreign countries,” but added he would never advocate a tariff policy “which would withdraw
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 76 9 .—Reuter. Unemp’oyment, Economy Measures And Disarmament London, Yesterday. The Cabinet met half-an-hour earlier than usual to deal with the momentous agenda including unemployment, further economy measures and disarmament. Germany’s refusal to agree to Geneva as the venue for the Four Power Conference is prolonging the deadlock, but Britain
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 75 9 Dramatic Evidence Against Mrs. Demelker Johannesburg, Yesterday. Dramatic evidence was given at the trial of Mrs. Demelker. Mrs. Stricker gave evidence that while Mrs. Demelker’s second husband was dying accused drew up a will in her own favour and insisted on her husband signing it while she supported
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  • 135 9 i.—Reuter Wireless. Government Resigns Politicians Eager For Office Bucharest, October 17. As the result of the differences of opinion between Dr. Viada Voevod, the Premier and M. Titulescu, the new Foreign Minister, who until recently was Roumanian Minister in London, over the proposed Russo-Roumanian Pact of non-aggression, the
    i.—Reuter Wireless.  -  135 words
  • 57 9 .—Reuter. Appointed Naval Attache At Tokyo London, Yesterday. His Majesty has approved the appointment of Captain J. G. P. Vivian to be Naval attache to His Majesty’s Missions in Japan and China with headquarters at Tokyo from January 1, 1933. Captain Vivian was appointed in 1930 to command
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 97 9 .—Reuter. SPLIT BETWEEN POWERS AT GENEVA ADJOURNED SINE DIE Geneva, Yesterday. A split between the powers on the question of the regulation of the manufacture and trade in arms was revealed to-day when the sub-committee dealing therewith adjourned sine die. France, Spain, Denmark and Poland strongly advocated
    .—Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 153 9 Reuter Wireless. Salaries To Be Cut By About 20 Per Cent. Geneva, Oct. 14. Salaries of the principal officials of the League of Nations will be docked by about 20 per cent, according to the agreement reached this morning after considerable discussion by the sub-committee on reorganisation of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  153 words
  • 128 9 ists have lost their lives there.—Reuter Wireless. Slips on Great Pyramid 461 Feet Above Ground Cairo, Oct. 14. A slip on the great Pyramid 461 feet high led to the tragic death this morning of an American, Mr. Rand Herrom, a member of the German American Himalayan Expedition
    ists have lost their lives there.—Reuter Wireless.  -  128 words
  • 80 9 .—Reuter Wireless. Young Communist Woman’s Exploit Warsaw, Oct. 14. A thrilling escape over the Russian frontier amid a hail of bullets was made to-day by a young Communist woman student of Minsk University. When the Ogpu agent went to arrest her, she seized a revolver and shot him
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 78 9 will be able to join the Commission. —Rugby Radio Service. Unable To Accompany' West Indian Commission Rugby, Y’esterday. Owing to illness Sir Sydney Armitage Smith is unable to sail with the Commission on closer union in the West Indies which leaves England on November 9. The arrangements
    will be able to join the Commission.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  78 words
  • 61 9 —Reuter. Hope Of Settlement Of Dispute At Last London, Yesterday. '■> Progress was made yesterday towards the solution of the cotton trade dispute. A joint conference of operatives and employers made a statement that the difficulties which confronted the conference had been removed. Operatives submitted a proposal on
    ;.—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 432 9 .—Reuter. CONVINCED OF ANTI-IRISH FEELING IN BRITAIN JUSTICE DENIED London, Yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that the present British Government is pressed forward by a certain anti-Irish feeling in Britain and supported by the attitude of a minority in the Free State. She is
    .—Reuter.  -  432 words
  • 136 9 .—Reuter Wireless. Sensational Hitch In The Arrangements London, October 13. There has been a sensational hitch in the arrangements for the proposed Monte Carlo Sweepstake to aid British 1 hospitals to-day when Sir Charles Higham announced that M. Rene Leon, who is at present visiting England to
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  136 words
  • 142 9 —Reuter Wireless. Figures Lowest For Many Years Irish Economic War London, October 121. u The gradual monthly diminution of British exports continued in September when th a figures totalled only £26,250,000, the lowest for many years and over £3,500,000 below the figures for September, 1931. Imports for last
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 314 9 LIFE OF HARD WORK AND NO SLEEP Contrary to general belief, the bee’s life is anything but a honied existence. According to Mr. W. E. Hamlin, Secretary of the great National Show of Bees and Honey, held at the Crystal Palace, London, the average bee
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  • 100 9 nN—Spot YESTERDAY .TO-DAY. £153-0-0 £153-5-0 London TIN (3 Months) £153-7-6 £153-7-6 London S7S37’/i $78.12% Singapore Business Done ?77 35 $78.12% Penang Buyers —No sellers. 25 tons. Business Done J COPRA— (Sundried) 5 BLACK PEPPER 21 75 $21 75 RL'BBESt 2 2'Hd New York <G> 3 <G> TAPIOCA S
    100 words
  • 128 9 are now scouring the district.—Reuter. DARING RAID BY MOTOR BANDITS EUSTON INCIDENT London, To-day. Motor bandits accomplished one of the most daring mail bag robberies of recent years at Euston Station last night in full view of the station throng. They felled a postman and stole
    are now scouring the district.—Reuter.  -  128 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 i «JOHNNIE I ii WAbKER B BORN .1820—STILL .GOING STRONG. ■2 THE WHISKY <rw) I s F 1», THAT z/ EjJ g Q? NEVER VARIES i’ > yjjpr S jWrV] DISTILLED I BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. /V\ ’P* lEinzAJ 8^3... ■ji stqckf.t» by all leading liquor dealers. AGENTS: "Z John Little
      121 words

  • 374 10 BUILDING OPENED BY THE LORD MAYOR London, September 29. The City’s only theatre —that in the Cripplegate Institute—was reopened by Sir Maurice Jenks, the Lord Mayor, before a large audience, representative of the professional, business and theatrical worlds. Sir William Baddeley, Bart., the chairman of the governing
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  • 196 10 ACTRESS WHIRLED IN SWEEP DRUM Miss Gracie Fields, the actress, at present appearing at the Theatre Royal, Dublin, narrowly escaped being whirled into unconsciousness recently. Accompanied by a party of friends, she visited the premises of the Irish Hospitals’ Trust at the Plaza, under the guidance of
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  • 200 10 CHILDREN COULD STROKE HIM BUT HE QUARRELLED WITH HIS WIFE London, September 29. Rajah—the tiger that children could stroke—is dead. Rajah was one of the greatest favourities at the Zoo, for, unlike others of his kind, he was friendly. As one of the keepers told
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  • 181 10 DEAL STATION CLOSES AFTER 67 YEARS OF HEROISM Deal lifeboat, the Charles Dibdin, was sold by auction to-day. And it was bought by its last coxswain, William Hoile, for £B7 10s. With the sale of the boat comes the end of the famous Deal lifeboat
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  • 138 10 The engagement of Miss Europe 1930 is announced by the Paris Soir, which tells a romantic story of her meeting with her fiancee. Miss Europe is Mlle. Diplarakos, daughter of an Athens barrister, and her fiancee is Paul-Louis Weiller, the famous army pilot. It was on board the
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  • 98 10 HERO OF MODERN “SIDNEY STREET” BATTLE 1 i Argus, a police dog, is to have a memorial raised to him, in common with his j master, Police-Sergeant Tauber, at Koterau, near Pilson, by the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. For Argus was
    98 words
    • 409 10 Chinese Newspaper Criticises Report FAITH IN BRITAIN Hong Kong, October 10. The Public Opinion,” an independent Hong Kong daily newspaper, has severely criticised the Lytton Commission Report in a series of articles concluded to-day, and it urges for China, a policy of Blood and
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    • 129 10 Shanghai, October 8. Because a portion of his automobile entered the Chinese territory of Chapei while he was backing his car on Boundary Road, Mr. Livingstone, a prominent British barrister, was arrested and marched through the streets by a native policeman
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    • 147 10 Japan Involved In Fresh Crisis Peiping, October 8. Serious developments, possibly involving the Soviet, are threatened in North Manchuria, assuming the reliability of a special despatch to the Chen Pao, published this morning. The report is from Harbin and it states that persistent rumours are
      147 words
    • 206 10 Mr. Wang Chin g Wii On National Unity PEOPLE FACING CR!Sj$ Shanghai, Octob-r m Mr. Wang Ching-wei, former pLI of the Executive Yuan and member tire present Central Executive StoJ! Committee, in an Independence Dav age to-day declared his conviction 2 the people of
      206 words
    • 100 10 On Way To Assist In Fukia Warfare JOINS 19TII ROUTE ARM Hong Kong, October 14 I General Au Shau-nien one of the sal officers of the 19th Route Army, aca»l panied by Madame Au and Mr. fs? Kwai-ching, arrived here yesterday have been the guests
      100 words
    • 164 10 General Au Shau-nien TeM Plans Hong Kong, October JI Members of the Fukien J Commerce tendered a tiffin to Ger.-- I Shau-nien, Officer Commanding J 78th Division of the 19th my, yesterday at the Gloucester General Au, in the course of I*-' J explained
      164 words
  • 73 10 THREE MONTHS engagemen 1 The marriage arranged b^ s J. W. F. Treadwell, Scots of the Rev. F. W. and 1 well, of Buscot, Lechlade, r Honor Luxmoore, eldest << Hon. Mr. Justice Luxmo moore, of Bilsington I’ l- l now take place. v n Mr. Justice
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 225 11 THIRD time unlucky aFE protected by a CONCRETE WALL London, Oct. 5. nAriallv constructed concrete wall, A P h .s thick, prevented burglars from r S in the offices of A. reaf and Co., wholesale tobacconists, Ze into adjoining premises. th s is the third time theives
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  • 603 11 ‘THE UP-TO-DATE BURGLAR CAR AND ORDNANCE MAP USED London, Oct. 3. A ran who was described by prosecuting counsel, Mr. R. E. Seaton, as “the up-to-Ja'e, systematic burglar.” was sentenced to five years’ penal servitude at Hertfordshire Quarter Sessions at St. Albans. He admitted stealing property valued at nearly £3,000.
    603 words
  • 668 11 11 YEARS SLAVE OF THE MAHDI GORDON’S HEAD FLUNG AT HIM The career of one of the most romantic figures of modern times ended on October 4 with the death in Vienna of Sir Rudolf Slatin, formerly Inspector-General of the Sudan and famous in Anglo-Egyptian history as
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  • 119 11 Proposed Re-Union During Christmas Holidays The Ex-Services Association of Malaya propose holding a re-union of members of the Association and their families at Fraser’s Hill over the Christmas Holidays. The Red Cross and Victory Houses and three rooms in Convalescent have been placed at the disposal
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  • 320 11 Chain Of Journals For India Delhi, October 6. With a view to starting a chain of syndicated newspapers, journals and periodicals in English and in the vernaculars in various parts of the country, a company, the National Journals Limited, with its head office at Delhi has been
    320 words
  • 83 11 Placed Under Arrest Bombay, October 3. Pandit Govinda Malaviya, son of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, was arrested this afternoon. On reading in the city papers in the afternoon the report that he was wanted by the police, Pandit Govinda Malaviya communicated with C.I.D. officials intimating that he
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  • 226 11 NATIONS TO MEET IN LONDON The World Economic Conference is to be held in London on a date to be fixed by the Council of the League at its next meeting. The organising committee of the Conference announced this decision on Oct. 3 and also that a preparatory
    226 words
  • 55 11 To-day’s Programme At The Esplanade 1. March Dublin Bay Hewitt 2. Overture Tantalusqualen Suppe 3. Selection Show Boat Kern 4. Ballad The Heart of the Sunset Nicholls 4. Waltz Amoretten Tanze Gungl 6. Selection Community Land No. 1 Stoddon 7. Fox Trot Let’s Have Another Cup O’ Coffee
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 ?I I J j I FAMOUS FOR ITS FINE )I 1 H DELICATE FLAVOUR (I 'if J 8 1 11 AND UNVARYING QUALITY H )i—* J I < r I lx' 'SSix |*l J i 1 K 1 I 1 i H Ii g > ?i i II- I JL'
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  • 1929 12 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DOSS ON YEAR’S WORKIN'G OF £1,262 The Twenty-fifth Annual General Meeting of The Beaufort Borneo Rubber Company Limited, was held on Tuesday, 20th September, 1932, at the Registered Office, 5, Whittington Avenue, London, E.C.3, Mr. M. S. Parry (Chairman) presiding. Mr. W. M.
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  • 333 12 No Payment On Ordinary The directors of the Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., announce that the interim dividend on the “A” and “B” Preference shares of £1 each and on the “C” Preference shares of 16s. each, will be paid on October 31 to shareholders on the register
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  • 208 12 September Exports Higher Than For Last Year The notable feature of the Malayan trade returns for September, which were published on Monday, was the fact that for the first time for many months exports showed an increase over the corresponding month of the previous year. Exports for the
    208 words
  • 171 12 Latest Quotations Wed. Tuea. Fat. Oat. 19 Oat 18 Sip*. 19 Paris 86 1/4 863 128 96 New York 8 89f 8.41 4,85? Mon ire b! 8.( 9i 8.71 J Braaeela 24 57i 24.55 84 Geneva 17 54 17 70 24 86 Amsterdam 8.48 l2 08
    171 words
  • 119 12 The following are the outputs for the first half of October:— AS AM KUMBANG TIN DREDGING LIMITED Hours run 29(5 Cubic yards treated 60,000 Total Piculs 427.01 Nett value $20,043.00 PUNGAH TIN DREDGING LIMITED Hours run 288 Cubic yards treated 90,000 Total Piculs 565 Nett value $26,459.00 pcs.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 301 12 You need suffer no longer the pain and discomfort of Rheumatism Sciatica, Lumbago if your blood is kept in a pure and healthy state remove the cause of the trouble by taking Clarke’s Blood Mixture. Of all Chemists and Stores. EqmsOy good in UQ DID or TABLET form \jknTins Mr'
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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  • 1069 13 N 0 change in PIG slaughtering hours JcTROLETHALER TO BE PURCHASED Lt IN 1933 WEMBLEY ASSESSMENT OBJECTION an Ordinary Meeting of the routes of a e rs of George Town, 27th SeP tiber, 1932 (Presid ent); Dr present- sian Ewe Esq., Yeoh J E Sm
    1,069 words
  • 156 13 THEY WILL MAKE WOMEN SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE At last a British film is to have frocks that will make women sit up and take notice. I saw them at Elstree (writes a Daily Sketch representative), where Amalgamated Films Association are finishing the idyllic Franz Lehar
    156 words
  • 956 13 Schedule cf Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving nd sailing from Penang during the week: IN PORT TO-DAY S.S. BENREOCH from London for Port Swettenham. Singapore, Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, Kobe and Yokohama. S.S. BUYSKES from Langsa, Lho-Seuma-we, Sigh, Sabang and
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  • 210 13 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. Hockey: P.c.C. v. P.R.C., Esplanade, 5.10 p.m. Penang Free School annual prize giving, Free School, Green Lane, 11 a.m. OCTOBER 22, 26 and 29. Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting, Ipoh. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. Rugby: Perak v. Negri Sembilan (Far-leigh-Robertson Trophy) at Ipoh. FRIDAY, OCTOBER
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 428 13 You Fee! RHer—And You Do < Twice As Much Tennis—cricket—swimming—football—all wonderful exercise after office hours provided you are fit. If you are unfit, either mentally or physically, all sports t lose their savour. Youi r IP* energy flags, and your spiri droops Every branch c sport has its champions, and
      428 words

  • 473 14 HAVE THEY GAELIC ORIGIN IRISH DELEGATE’S VIEWPOINT Have the Arthurian legends a Gaelic origin? Professor Arthur Clery, of Dublin, administered a mixed shock to delegates at the Celtic Congress when he raised this question in the course of a paper read at Tintagel, on the brow of the
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  • 318 14 MEN’S COLOURED SHOES i London, October 5. Bigger women’s shoes for their bigger feet. Men’s shoes dyed to match the colour of their suits. These are two of the principal features in the Shoe and Leather Fair, which opens to-morrow at the Agricultural Hall, Islington. If
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  • 401 14 WISECRACK KING COMING TO LONDON London Oct. 5. The world’s funniest man is coming to London. He earns £20,000 a year by inventing jokes and wisecracks. This Napoleon of humour is Mr. Al Boasberg, America’s champion gagster, whose latest jokes are cabled all over the globe. Hundreds
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  • 228 14 BRITISH SAILORS MAKE RESCUE WORK SAFER Athens, October 1. Amid the desolation wrought by the succession of earthquakes in the Chalcidice Peninsula demolition parties from the British battleships Resolution and Resource are busy blowing up tottering buildings that threaten to collapse upon the relief workers under
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 21 14 WIRELESS WIRELESS Informative and Interest- i jslis ?-VJ i 1 v s ing articles appear in the Pinang Gazette ON FRIDAYS.
      21 words
    • 374 14 S r 1 f •< /’(.s' V'i i I -Asa® I iriwfel’lMlHxS wl' 1 O Iff W Wili| MSI" '''l I Blue and Gold Lobei p" i, i WW V WMf n Mfmß i “Bon Voyage!” with “4-711 Sos i'’ wM 4 WnilifPTlS >li happy thought a charming prelude to
      374 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1970 15 L&J IB it p -British |ND ’a Jj FRANCISCO s=“ AND APCAR LINES y .XT (Companies Incorporated in F!nglcr..i i H V—t A MANILA >< A' i i 4 K. PENANG S >O> CRISTOBAL r J* BIME FUNMEK. 1 a U W ML I MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES t
      1,970 words

  • 843 16 SUPREME COURT SUIT Registrar Ordered To Hold Enquiry In the Supreme Court to-day, before Mr. Justice Prichard, K.C., the suit down for hearing between Saw Yew Huat (plaintiff) and Saw Soon Keat and others (defendants) was not proceeded with, the Registrar being ordered to hold
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  • 32 16 .—Reuter. London, October 19. In the Southern Section of the Third Division of the English League, Brighton and H. A. were to-day defeated by Aidershot by two goals to nil.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 23 16 The usual Mixed Foursomes Competition will be played on Wednesday, 26th instant. Competitors will choose their own partners and opponents.
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  • 220 16 —Reuter Wireless. International Soccer Match Dascrtbed Blackpool, Oct. 17. England won the first soccer International of this season by beating Ireland by one goal to nil. A crowd of 20,000 spectators saw the English forwards attack spiritedly. The Irish retaliated on the right but were smartly
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  220 words
  • 72 16 —Reuter. Likely Field Of 33 London, Yesterday. The following are the final acceptances for the Cambridgeshire to be run at Newmarket on Wednesday, October 26 Slipper St. Oswald Abbot’s Worthy Alluvial Thepen Diolite Andrea Great Scot Venturer Wyvern Pricket Rear Admiral Thaouka Totaig Double Arch Royal
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 96 16 "SP. C. C. V. P. R. C. The following are the teams in the above match to be played to-morrow on the Esplanade. l P.C.C.: —A. H. Kennerley; W. J. Leaney and A. E. Coope; L. H. Best, A. W. Foster and H. R. Oldham; S. A. Woosey, D.
    96 words
  • 103 16 Preparing For G.O.C.’s Inspection The full battalion of the Penang and Province Wellesley Corps will be out on Sunday on a tactical exercise in view of the annual inspection by the General which will take place on Sunday, October 30. The various companies are expected to
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  • 103 16 Reuter. Scottish League Defeats Irish League London, October 19. The Inter-League soccer match between the Scottish League and the Irish League was played to-day at Ibrox Park, Glasgow, before 9000 spectators and in ideal weather and resulted in a win for the Scottish League by four goals to
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 81 16 RUGBY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. The Selangor ruggerites proceeding to Penang on Saturday are: Macaulay; Somerville, Goode, Boyd, and Ager; Leach and McArthur; Taylor, Thomson,’Perry, Calderwoob, Mussett McNiece, Dunlop and Bell. Reserves Bellingham and Smith. McGregor’s arm will precent him playing against Penang
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    • 392 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Yesterday. A fight over a fountain pen in the Luna Park, Taiping, on the night of October 15 brought three English speaking Chinese (one with a black eye) to the Taiping Criminal Court this morning. The one with the
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    • 175 16 Fire Ale.rri Caused By Careksa Motorist (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Yesterday. Much excitement was caused in Taiping last night at about 8 p.m, when •an alarm was raised that a Are had broken out in a shop in Market Road. In a moment, the street corner
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  • 114 16 (Penang and P. W.) LIST No. 17 The following further donations to the above Fund are gratefully acknowledged. c. Hutchings School Staff 11.00 Staff of Messrs. Cheng Ean and Soon Chee 13.00 “De Reske Cigarette Donation (further donation) 53.08 Koh Sin Hock, Esq. s qq W. D.
    114 words
  • 562 16 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day:— Yesterday. To-day. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers MINING Ayer Hitam 12/3 12/9 12/- 12/7% Hong Fatt 35 40 35 40 K. Lanjut 17/6 18/6 17/ 18/ Kent 3/3 3/9
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  • 63 16 PENANG, OCTOBER 20 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2/3 “/t 3 2/4 Private 3 m/ts credit 2/ 3 Documentary 2/4% On New York Bank Demand 39 France T.T. 950 nom India T.T. 153 Bangkok T.T. 80 per tics. 100 nom Batavia T.T. 97% Singapore
    63 words
  • 278 16 AIR MAILS A mail for Europe and Norn I Alor Star-Amsterdam Direct I be closed at 6 p.m. to-morrow. I A mail for Siam (Bangkok) s I (Rangoon), India (Calcutta), Iraq 5 I dad), Egypt (Cairo, Palestine and I by road to Alor Star and thence toT I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 ON OTHER PAGES I Java Tea in Ceylon Packages 5 The Master Hand 5 European Woman Smuggler Sentenced 6 Doctor and Girl’s Death 3 Saved by Wonderful Career 4 Minutes of Municipal Commisisoners 13 Rubber Reports 12 Latest Cable News 1 and 9 Produce Markets 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS POSITION WANTED
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous