Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1004 1 MISSION A COMPLETE SUCCESS MALAYAN PINEAPPLE IN CANADA REDUCTION IN DUTY (From Our Own Correspondent) London, September 28. I had the pleasure this week of meeting Mr. William Graham, Principal o‘ Messrs. William Graham Co., General Produce Importers, 21, Mincing Lane, E.C.3. who ha-, just returned
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  • 8 1 ’•—Reuter. —Rugby Radio Service.
    ’•—Reuter.  -  8 words
  • 177 1 —Rugby Radio Service. When I Get The Opportunity CHANCELLOR’S SPEECH AT BLACKPOOL The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Neville Chamberlain, speaking on national economics to-day at the Conservative Conference at Blackpool, said that despite all the difficulties, including new and unexpected items of expenditure, reductions in expenditure
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  177 words
  • 76 1 —Reuter. Autographed Letters Acquired By Government %-nc. London, October 8. On the initiative of Sir Frank Swettenham five autographed letters of Sir Stamford Raffles, discovered in London, have been acquired on behalf of the Malayan Government. One addressed to Mr. Hare, Resident of Samarang, in 1813, mentions
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 117 1 .—Reuter. London Stock Exchange Feature WALL ST. SLUMP London, Friday. Renewed demand for gilt-edged securities was a feature on the London Stock Exchange, to-day prices recovering from recent weak tendency. War Loan assented to 101 >/ 8 .—Rugby Radio Service. New York, Friday. The Stock Market
    .—Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 85 1 —i .cuter.. Fleet’s Visit To Cyprus Limassol (Cyprus), Yesterday. A British officer, Commander Sutton of H.M.S. Resource, who was committed for trial on September 30, on the charge of the manslaughter of a native proprietor here, was found guilty this morning and sentenced to six
    —i .cuter..  -  85 words
  • 105 1 Oonference might also be discussed. —Reuter. American Representative In London PREPARING THE WAY London, Oct. 7. Anglo-American disarmament discussions are about to begin in London and Mr. Norman Davis, who represented America in the preliminary discussions at Geneva for a World Economic Conference, arrived at London from
    Oonference might also be discussed.—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 166 1 Reuter. Nanking Ministry of Railways’ Notification London, Yesterday. The Times City Notes, commenting on the Nanking Ministry of Railways’ notification that the railway administration is now accumulating funds for the purpose of meeting the loan obligations in default in connection with the five per cent. Tientsin-Pukow Railway
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 252 1 .—Reuter. Charge Of Attempted Arson FATHER STANDS SURETY London, Yesterday. The amazing case in which a charge of attempted arson is preferred against John De Perigault Mayhew, the 25-year-old son of the member of the House of Commons, Lieut.-Coloncl J. D. Mayhew, was resumed to-day.
    .—Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 22 1 .—Reuter. London, Yesterday. The Lancashire Cotton Spinners’ Associations have decided to enforce the wage reduction from October 17.
    .—Reuter.  -  22 words
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    • 2249 2 RATES FOR CASUAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. FUN .frjBjNKS» ADVERTISEMENTS (Bth Mile, Tanjong Bungah) ftnvornmAnt Notification The Municipal Commissioners of George MpderlCHlClSChe rWKgKOIICJ GTiU Government Notification. Town> Penang> hereby invite separate uirUT All ix- tenders for the following for one year from GALA rllwrll. N. V.. AU communications relating to the
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  • 361 3 1,000 ACRES WITH HEDGES KNOCKED DOWN EACH WILL HAVE 10s. A WEEK Four young men—three trained in an agricultural college and one who has worked on Dominion farms—have taken over two farms in Norfolk, knocked down hedges, and made it into one farm of 1,000 acres,
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  • 205 3 HAUNTED BY MEMORY OF WAR ORDEAL Medical science has been unable to help a former soldier, who, every year since 1916, has gone through the sensation of being buried alive and dying. He is Mr. F. J. May, of Kimpton (Herts) formerly in the
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  • 182 3 LOOKING FOR NEW HAIR COLOUR When lovely woman stoops to folly To catch a film director’s eye, What tint can banish melancholy When she, poor girl, is forced to dye? These lines are dedicated (with apologies to Goldsmith) to the world’s most dyed girl—a young English
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  • 257 3 ARSENIC IN BODY YOUNG WIFE’S DEATH AFTER A MEAL The death mystery of the young farmer’s wife, in whose body arsenic was found was explained as being due to a “very virulent microbe known as the streptococcus.” It Was stated by a doctor that she
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  • 118 3 UNDER RACE TRACK AT BROOKLANDS Bill Pritchard has the strangest home in the world. For seven years he has lived alone on the bank of the River Wey, where it flows through a tunnel under Brooklands Racing Track. Above is the steep banking where highpowered
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  • 134 3 NOT SO BAD AFTER ALL There is no conclusive evidence of moral decline; there is less crime, less criminality and less drunkenness in modern civilisation. Modem churchmen at a conference at Bristol, recently, appreciated these improvements in British life, but they deprecated the Edenic proportions of women’s bathing
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  • 78 3 PRINCESS ELIZABETH CALLS TUNE—FOR LUNCH? Princess Elizabeth, who is on holiday with the Duke and Duchess of York, and her baby sister Princess Margaret Rose, at Birkhall, is becoming a student of the bagpipes. She gave evidence of her prowess a few days ago. When lunch was
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    • 381 3 MUMM'S THE WORD I The Ef The M Champagne jLgsA Champagne jFvSk I Far 1 n for An T S ■lt I I 0 IV I I Everybody Bl— Occasion _o- I cIMWIW I PRODUCE OF H G. H. MUMM CO.. Society Vinicole de Champagne, Successeurs. B o I B
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    • 592 3 ASTHMA BRONCHITIS CATARRH 'JpHE etiquette of the medical profession entirely fails to restrain doctors’ spontaneous dM War outbursts of personal K testimony to the efficacy of the one liquid remedy j. J for Bronchitis and "...W Asthma which a Royal "iJfX Physician has endorsed. WILL YOU CONTINUE TO SUFFER WHEN
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  • 398 4 TO SHOW IN LONDON EIGHT WEEKS’ CONTRACT BARREL FINES i The Rev. Harold Davidson, rector of Stiffkey, left Blackpool on September 10 for London, where, according to his manager, Mr. Gordon, he will appear under contract for eight weeks—at a salary of £5OO a week.
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  • 67 4 All Five Occupants Drowned Paris, Oct. 3. Five people were drowned when a small boat capsized in a squall on Sunday evening in the bay of Mont St. Michel. So swiftly did the tragedy occur that, though near the shore, all the occupants of the boat, including two
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  • 66 4 Negotiations Still Proceeding Berlin, Oct. 3. According to a despatch from Geneva to the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, certain German official personalities at Geneva are continuing conversations with French circles, with a view to arriving at a compromise between the French and German points of view on the German
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  • 80 4 Another Complication in Chile Buenos Aires, Oct. 2. According to news to hand from Chile the return of the ex-Director Colonel Ibanez to Chilean territory has caused a ferment in Concepcion and Santiago favourable to the movement in the province Antofagasta and hostile to the military juntas. J
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  • 487 4 H.H. the Sultan of Perak is away at Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. J. Davidson has arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Home. Mr. A. C. Wilson is now Assistant Engineer, Waterworks, Ipoh. Mr. J. H. Burchett, formerly of Sepang Estate, has returned from home leave. Mr. Egmont Hake is
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  • 155 4 Further Violent Schoks Felt Athens, October 4 The Chalcidice peninsula and the Salonika region were rocked by a fresh series of violent earth-quakes, which wiped out several villages which had hitherto escaped disaster. Appalling scenes were witnessed at an ore mine, where hundreds are feared to have been
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    • 436 4 ;i Has No Ugly HF. RNBA Hair Now CENT PER CENT SUCCESS WITHOUT I I*llll IIV V OPERATION I h3d Why do you suffer from Hernia Come to Completely disCOUr- fl us, we shall make a contract with you and I mnH hv a heavy *R cure you of the
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  • 952 5 Chinese Too Good POOR GAME DUE TO SMALL FIELD All roads led to Green Lane yesterday the attraction being the semi-final in the top half of the P.F.A. Cup Competition between the Darul Aihsan Football Club ‘A’ and the Chinese Recreation Club ‘A’ which after
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  • 526 5 P.C.C. ‘A’ V. P.R.C. ‘A’ FARROW OUTSTANDING By a solitary goal scored early in the first half, a P.C.C. “A team defeated a P.R.C. A team yesterday on the Esplanade. Territorially, however, the Recreationists had much the better of the game and it was due to
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  • 138 5 The Position of the Monarchists Athens, October 1 The leader of the Monarchist Party, M. Tsaldaris, has addressed to President Zaimis a letter assuring the chief of the executive that his party unreservedly recognises the republican consitution. In the meantime negotiations for the formation of a coalition Cabinet
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  • 290 5 THE SCRATCHINGS WILL ERATO BEAT THE WARRIOR TO-DAY BY TIC-TAC J Ffc t 14* j9I. t r The scratchings for to-day’s races at Kuala Lumpur, the concluding day of the Autumn Meeting, are not heavy. Of those that I had tipped as outsiders likely to
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    • 171 5 They are burning up energy all the time play-filled days in the garden > A —that's why your children need this balanced diet Doctors tell us that now of all times growing children must have their focd properly balanced to provide the elements essential for growth and vitality. Wise parents
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    • 130 5 SOUR STOMACH IS DANGEROUS. Get Rid of the Acid Before It Does You Harm. Don’t let dyspepsia sap your vitality and shorten your life. Get rid of the dangerous acid and food fermentation that is irritating your stomach, forming gas and causing pain—conditions which only get worse if neglected, and
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    • 46 5 nA colours 33IT1SH BAR-LET PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. A simple, light and compact machine, finished in Black, Green, Blue, Red or MLaroon. W complete with travelling case. tfade by Bar-Lock (1925) Co. Nottingham England. Typewriter Manufacturers to H.M. the King. PRITCHARD CO., LTD., PENANG IPOH. n W f—ls-10-32
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    • 134 5 EVANS' Antis Throat PASTILLES are good for yur IS Doctors a'i E over the world r com- g mend them, know ng the efficient way in M which they re.icvc R colds, cough», ca a I rn. U inflamed and «epic g throats. f I From Chemist." ev»-ry- iHj where
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    • 200 5 TO-NIGHT at 7 p.m. Seen by over 160,000 people since T its inception at WEMBLEY PARK and they still keep pouring in 1 DEAN'S OPERA OF SINGAPORE Will Stage To-Night at the SOLAR HALU The Long Awaited For "DEAN'S REVUE" Featuring “DEAN’S FOLLIES" Comprising The Stars Misses KIAH, BOON, AMINAH
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    • 831 6 General Report For 1930-31 Bangkok, Sept. 28 Subjoined are the leading points in the general section of the Administration Report on the Royal State Railways for B. E. 2473 ROYAL TOUR A special train conveyed Their Majesties on May Bth, on their return overland from Their tour
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    • 376 6 Minister of Public Instrucficn's Circular Bangkok, September 29. A circular was recently issued to teachers and students by the Minister of Public Instruction, and is to the following effect:— It appears that there are still a lot of people who believe in charms, and certain secret
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    • 241 6 Bangkok, Sept. 29 The partnership Bhaen Sieng Siam has registered, at the Department of Commercial Registration in Bangkok, that Nang Kim Ran Yodmani has sold her limited liability shares to Nang Chen Chob Bhandakich. The Kek Lakdien Co., Ltd., is being wound up, and Nai Foong Vardanasarn
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    • 41 6 Bangkok, Sept. 29 One Nai Plueng Sri Prabhaya residing in the Bang Kapi district of Bangkok was shot dead by an unknown gunman on Saturday evening. The Hua Mak police were informed and further investigation is being carried out.
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  • 112 6 The following bears out the lesson that the Minister of Public Instruction is trying to impress on school-boys. A Moslem snake-charmer of the Bang Khen market (a little to the north of Bangkok) took two large cobras to the Lak Hok district on Saturday to entertain passers-by
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  • 145 6 Bangkok, September 29. The nephew of a woman who died after receiving two injections at a dispensary in the Pomprab district of Bangkok, on Sunday, requested the police to take the doctor concerned into custody. It appears that the deceased lady had an attack of malarial fever on
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  • 155 6 Bangkok, September M It has been known for some that there was trouble brewing in 1 J car service, but it has probably J head to-day. First of all iour the men sent in a petition on lx:^/ cer tM staff asking for a rise in pay
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  • 72 6 NO BULL FIGHT S IN BANGKOK Bangka" The Sri Krung states that’ of Interior has rejected tlr' I one Nai Tuan Pratibhag. at 1 j monoply of holding bull-uh 1 <jpr i Park for a period of four y•ea 1 cant was told that the re r 'J on the
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    • 183 6 “SHIP” BRAND BEER BREWED IM BRITISH i 1 and BEER bottled .H.'-ffijWl SATisFiES 1 F JS I EVERY 11 GREAT jijSl I BRITAIN BE3Tsiij THIRST k W«tC ASC 80? no fCfi t «COOT 0* —O— fayW’gM i Sole Agents: H Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG SINGAPORE, IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR. H
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    • 104 6 V ll V* OF freshness ox EVERY TIN OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHEMISTS and HIGH CLASS STORES o SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA dispensary (192,9) BISHOP STREET, PENANG Tel. 398. !■■■—-rin-r-1 r~iri-r--i irr ■n-i-r 1 Manufacturers of Every Description of j Surgical and Mechanical India Rubber i Products. I Syringes, Water Bottles
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  • 1754 7 STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY o ATTORNEY GENERAL ASKS THAT PETITION BE DISMISSED As already briefly reported, the AttorneyGeneral, Mr. J. V. G. Mills, appeared in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. justice Prichard and moved by way of iJotion for a rule to show cause why
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    • 495 7 OP B3F F YOUR uF HEALTH BY TAKINd flbSB They clear all wastes and I J I poisons from your system, Jr Jr I leaving you full of vitality, F Bfl /Br f I energy and cheerfulness. \Y T r f yfl J r Pepsodent polishes teeth as it removes
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  • 668 8 The conviction is growing that international conferences have become a nuisance. So far they have never accomplished the purpose for which they were called rather have they intensified the difficulties in the way of attaining it. But there is this to bet said for them they advertise the
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  • 217 8 For more than two hundred years the British Navy has been doing the world’s work in sounding the seas and charring their depth, always working on the hypothesis that what it did in this way was done for all time. Is that assumption justified? The
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  • 1186 8 TEACHER AND PUPIL AU golfers have at some time, I suppose, felt their hearts warm with pity towards the professional who Is struggling with a lady pupil. He is so watchful, so concientious, and so polite and kindly, and all the time, despite his best endeavours, the
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  • 648 8 TYPEWRITER TESTS Is the pen, like the horse, doomed to tinction? In the United States the pens has been dealt a heavy bio# tv experiment in juvenile typewriting ducted by two American proft Typewriters were used in 27 schools ovj/' period of two years. The progress of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 229 8 ftSSI HS2I aSSI ES bSR Estate Supplies o Acid—Formic Acetic Formalin Latex Cups Lotex Tanks Rubber Packing Chests 1 Sulphate of Ammonia and Other Fertilisers Sulphite and Bisulphite Topping Tools Etc., Etc., j f GwTniyE E @fe 1 Phone 357. PENANG. 028 iUL Usfi w_ 3 3 EK GISSBEIKaStSI£eS9BSS'3I£fi*B H
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    • 33 8 TROUSSEAU LINGERIE. CORRECT CUT AND FINISH Chinese kAHTEntt 31, BISHOP STREET. By Courtesy of ROBINSON PIANO Co. SHERRY, Yellow Label (DUKKERS’) Served at special functions G. H. Slot Co., Ltd. t th st—3l-12.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 120 8 DEATH LEE KEONG OON.—Suddenly at Morningside on Wednesday at 9 p.m., Lee Keong Oon, the dearly beloved wife of Mr. Cheah Kee Ee, J.P., from apoplexy. Age 56. Funeral in accordance with Buddhist style on Sunday, the 9th instant, at 11 a.m., from Morningside direct to the Cheah Cemetery. 892—6
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  • 3245 9 HIGH COMMISSIONER'S MEMORANDUM ON DECENTRALIZATION HISTORY OF FEDERATION PROVES THE NECESSITY British Influence Rests On Good will Of Rulers An important memorandum prepared in July, by Sir Cecil Clementi, Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Malay on the policy of decentralization
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  • 77 9 ,—Reuter. Dutch-Ceylon Discussion Sourabaya, October 7. One of the biggest tea producers in the Dutch East Indies, accompanied by a member of the Batavia Tea Expert Bureau, h is arrived in Ceylon to discuss the proposed five-year tea restriction scheme, involving a fifteen per cent restriction of
    ,—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 131 9 Reuter. Increased Difficulties PEASANTS RELUCTANT TO MARKET PRODUCE Riga, October 7. Food supply difficulties in the chief industrial centres in Russia have been greatly increased during the last few weeks chiefly owing to the breakdown of the distribution system. The peasants remain reluctant to bring their produce
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 119 9 .—Rugy Radio Service. The King Contributes To Expenses Rugby, To-day. A cheque for £lOO has been sent by the King towards the expenses of the Mount Everest Expedition which is to leave England early next year. A letter expressing His Majesty’s good wishes for the success of
    .—Rugy Radio Service.  -  119 words
  • 70 9 .—Reuter. Chang Hsueh-liang’s Hopes Dashed Peiping, October 7. Interviewed by Reuter with reference to the Pawley kidnapping, Marshal Chan Hsueh-liang said, “The British legation knows that we have done everything possible to assist in the release of the captives, but without success.” Thus hopes entertained for the release
    .—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 41 9 .—Reuter. Firm Enquiries In London London, Yesterday. One of the results of the recent International Grocers’ Exhibition is that London Malayan authorities have received a number of firm enquiries for tapioca following on the considerable improvement in the product.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 223 9 —Reuter. Horses For Siam And Ipoh Holders £500,000 DROP IN RECEIPTS London, October 7. The draw for the Irish Sweep on the Cesarewitch began at Dublin to-day. The subscriptions totalled £3,624,448, of which £2.3.8,939 is available for prizes. The money has been divided into 23 units of
    —Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 125 9 .—Reuter. Mr. Stimson’s Acceptance of Principle Welcomed London, Yesterday. Lord Lytton, Sir Gilbert Murray, Lord Eustace Percy and other members of the League of Nations Union Executive Committee passed a resolution warmly welcoming Mr. Stimson’s acceptance of the principle that the Briand-Kellogg Pact, having as its sanction the
    .—Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 88 9 A Limerick Business Man Dublin, Yesterday. The new Governor-General, according to the Irish Independent, will probably be Mr. Stephen O’Mara, a business man of LimeTick, who played an important pro-Irish role in Washington at the time of the Black and Tans.”—Reuter. [Mr. Stephen O’Mara is the proprietor of
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  • 85 9 .—Reuter. New York, Oct. 8. The serious illness of Otto Kahn, the banker, was revealed when his physician testified in the Supreme Court that the strain might prove fatal if forced to appear to give evidence in the case in which Rosalinda Morini, the singer, is
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 89 9 MN—Spot YESTERDAY. TO-DAY. London £149-5-0 £149-0-0 TIN (3 Months) London £l5O-19-0 £l5O-7-6 Singapore $77.25 $76.37*6 Business Done Penang $77.12 Business Done 1 Buyers—No sellers COPRA— (Sundried) $5.85 $5.80 BLACK PEPPER $22.00 $22.00 RUBBER London 2%d. 2Jl|d. New York 3% (G) Singapore 7% cts. 7% cts. TAPIOCA Medium Pearl
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    • 12 9 VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA Unequalled |g. H. Slot Co.. Ltd. t th Et—3l-12,
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  • 181 10 EACH ONE A REFORMER OUT TO CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD RULES ?—BAH Two hundred people who mean to reform this over-regulated world of ours took the first step on September 1. They opened a progressive week-end at Hoddesdon, Herts, by sun-bathing in the nude —and by talking.
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  • 398 10 Mr. Jack Lawson, M.P., the Labour leader, contributes the following to the New Clarion ’Six and a tanner for eight hours of this, Jack.’ ‘Six and a tanner.’ ‘xi. word to a movement. The sentence began as he bent, drew back the great shovel, rammed it into
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  • 97 10 Fundamental Change in Government Danzig, September, 30. A fundamental change appears to have come overnight over the Government of the Free City, which during the past few months has made effective use of National Socialist Parliamentary support. The Government groups, which by themselves are in a minority, were unexpectedly
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  • 216 10 Egypt Legend “COINCIDENCE” OF DEAD COUPLE Once again the strange legend of the curse of the Pharaohs is recalled by the deaths, within a week of each other, of Mr. Guy Bethell and his wife, whose home was at Cornwall-terrace, Regent’s Park. Mr. Bethell did not take
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  • 404 10 Super-Aerial Thriller At Majestic SKY BRIDE, at the Majestic is one of the best aerial thrillers to date. In it we see brave pilots go down to the earth in bits, and by some spectacular stunting in mid-air, the theme works itself up into a super thrill. The
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  • 79 10 Frontier Policy and the Soviet London, October 1 M. Titulesco informed Reuter that he has resigned on account of the recent change of policy in the negotiation of the Pact between the Soviets and Rumania which would have the result of recognising directly or indirectly that Bessarabia is
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    • 254 10 FiRST thing in nfi the morning—an JxL |FA exc ick H PERRINS' II SAUCE Z W. 'l JELLIES are eas y to make set Q uickl y and are offifiiffßSlfc delicious to the taste. They are obtainable in < a variety of tempting fresh-fruit flavours— < (XV Strawberry. Raspberry, j
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    • 411 10 IL An Eminent Docu Gives You the Me an to Keep Fit and Y I£ you are over 40, your greatest 1 IS—to keep on keeping young y I 're “as old as your arteries.” Har I I ing arteries and increasing I pressure are not only a JL. 10
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  • 392 11 ONE WORTH £lO,OOO 160 WHICH ARE ALWAYS RIGHT Twenty-four men are busy at Buckingham Palace giving the King’s clocks their autumn clean. The work will occupy two months, for they will clean and adjust every one of the wonderful collection of more than 160 clocks at
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  • 182 11 WHEN EARRINGS ARE REALLY BUTTONS Artificial pearls sent *o British manufacturers for ear-rings are not pearls, but buttons, because they have a hole through them—so say the Customs authorities, and demand a tax of 33 1-3 per cent. This and similar rulings have caused chaos among
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  • 160 11 IT IS BAD FOR TRADE There is war in the hat world, and all because girls will insist on making their own hats. Paris is to blame for introducing handknitted and corchet caps. Felt makers are starving and milliners are getting desperate. The trouble really began
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  • 245 11 14 KNOW IT 14,000 TRYING TO SOLVE A SECRET Fame has come to Willesden. No longer is it a lebcl on a railway junction. It has joined Coventry and Broadway in the Select List of Palaces Possessing a Lady Godiva. By now its secret
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  • 485 11 “Young man wants somebody to join him in world-wandering, walking, working, and sailing.” This advertisement, which appeared in the "Sunday Express,” drew nearly 500 replies from men and women suffering from the wanderlust. People of all ages in all classes wrote expressing their desire
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  • 73 11 When Tomasso Zarelli, an Italian ship’s cook, was charged at Cardiff with concealing 25 bottles of rum and brandy with intent to evade duty, a Customs officer said that some of the bottles were concealed under 4in. of salt and a double layer of eggs. Others
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 For Tender Faces Containing the medicinal, antiseptic and emollient properties of Cutacura, it produces a creamy lather that enables tender-faced men to shave in comfort. Note how smooth, refreshed and invigorated the face feels afterwards. Malayan Depot: Muller Phipps (Malaya' Limited, Union Building, Singapore. 1 x F'.Utl LTD sura*. *N«LAN»
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    • 294 11 Ifl 81 SSHSBBHaa 8 B B B B B M B 4 a a a a a 9 a a a I Rubber thats alure! WaRKW IBM B Dunlop Tyres sell so quickly that every one is new from the factory at Fort Dunlop when you buy it» Live, new
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  • 583 12 During the past week there have been no special features calling for comment in any section of the local share market, and with a slightly easier feeling prevailing all round, business has been on a somewhat restricted scale. End of the month tin statistics proved rather disappointing
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  • 287 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT Penang, October 5. The local market continues extremely sensitive to any fluctuations, however small, in the home markets and values have again been erratic during the past week, closing approximately cent per lb. below the best but 3/16 cent above the lowest point touched.
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  • 124 12 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,090 th. auction on Wednesday, when there was catalogued 1,513,040 lbs. 675.46 tons. Offered 1,404,673 lbs.; 627.08 tons. Sold 1,252,939 lbs.; 559.35 tons. Spot London 2%d. New York 3% cts. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents per L.b.
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  • 55 12 The following are the Rubber outputs for the month of September 1932 of the following Companies:— lbs. The Yarak Rubber Co., Ltd. 13,542 The Ayer Tawah Rubber Plantations Co., Ltd. 63,000 The Sandycroft Rubber Co., Ltd. 26,400 Dindings Rubber Estates Ltd. 48,955 Lesong Tujoh Rubber Estates Ltd. 6,700
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  • 59 12 The following are the Tin outputs for the month of September 1932 of the following Companies Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging Ltd: Hours run 344 Cubic yards treated 63,000 Total Piculs 543.45 Nett Value $26,193.00 Working costs $11,027.87 Pungah Tin Dredging Ltd: Hours run 538 Cubic yards treated 176,000
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  • 153 12 Latest Quotations Frl. Thur. Bat. Oct 7 Oct. 6 Sept. 19 Paris 88 88 1/16 128,96 New York 8 45? 8.45| 4,85? Montreal 8.8 i B.Bli Braeeele 24 24.87i 84.88 Geneva 17 l7 891 24 86 Amsterdam 8.58 J 8.59 12 03 M.lan 67$ 67 5/16
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  • 407 12 Ocean Shipments of rubber, including concentrated sorts’ during the month of being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan p September, 1932. TOTAL Sheet Crepe Latex, Concentrated Latex, Revertex Tons Tons Transhipment Transhipment Transhipment Alnlny Grand Export Malay Export Malay State s Total Destination Proper S.S. States
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    • 13 12 WIRELESS WIRELESS Informative and Interesting articles appear in the Pinang Gazette ON FRIDAYS.
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    • 149 12 M*WM*4 wWr When Distance Lends Enchantment Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills will Help. ’"THE old saying that "Distance lends enchantment" is never more apt or to the point than when applied to people whose breath is laden with evilsmelling odours. No matter how handsome they may appear, they lose their
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    • 450 12 N6P V S and Indigestion I m ««Ap a martyrdom by Poor Health follow the llf your life 1» rate fo] folk and prove the Efficacy of Cassell’, I example of Tablets in your own individual and particular I case TO-DAY! W"*" NERVES on edge I Or Every woman knows
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  • 853 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week: IN FORT TO-DAY MS. SILVERWALNUT from Belawan for New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore via Suez. BS. BULAN from Singapore, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. Sails for Teluk
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  • 233 13 OCTOBER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. Rugby: Taiping v. Ipoh nt Taiping. Selangor Turf Club Autumn Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Second Day. “Mr. Pirn Passes By,” Town Hall, Penang (2nd Performance) 9.30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 f Entries Close for Perak Turf Club Autumn Meeting, 3 p.m. OCTOBER 22, 26
    233 words
  • 1092 13 Why Parties Have Decided In Favour Of Amending Prohibition Law “Industry, commerce, art, literature, music, learning, entertainment and benevolence all find their finest expression in this saloonless land.” —The Anti-Saloon League. “The Eighteenth Amendment is recognised by the men and women of our country, the
    1,092 words
  • 331 13 MEN WILL PAY £3 FOR A 25/WEDDING RING! Jewellers cannot make plain gold wedding rings dear enough for young men who are about to be married. A young man goes into a jeweller’s shop. I want a wedding ring, he says, with a show of indifference. Gold asks the assistant.
    331 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 206 13 The Pin qnq Gazette IS OBTAINABLE DAILY FROM OUR AGENTS AT P.M. Bukit Meria jam at 3.45 Simpang Ampat 4.10 Sungei Bakap 4.20 Nibong Tebai 4.30 Parit Buntar 4.45 Sungei Lima 5.00 Bagan Serai 5.15 Kamunting 6.20 Taiping 6.30 Sungei Patani 6.45 POST SUBSCRIBERS following areas > Butterworth, Prai, Ktpala
      206 words

  • 544 14 Religion Learned From Their Grandmothers IS MAN A FALLEN ANGEL OR A RISEN APE? An attack on certain scientists who make slap-dash pronouncements on the great problems of religion with little reflection was made by Dr. W. R. Matthews, Dean of Exeter, in a challenging sermon
    544 words
  • 124 14 U.S. SAILORS MUST PLAY THE GAME Sailors in the United States Navy’s scouting force cruisers have received orders to make fair play the rule in athletic contests. The commandments, promulgated in an order by the Admiral commanding, are Consider all athletic opponents as guests and treat
    124 words
  • 186 14 CUPID GETS ROUND THE ENGLISH LAW Two lovers, reunited after a separation of four years, were married in a tender three miles off Plymouth. The story behind the ceremony is a romantic one. In 1928 the Norwegian motorvessel Childar sailed from Oslo on a voyage to
    186 words
  • 108 14 MILITARY OR STRING Residents of Herne Bay, Kent, are protesting against the decision of the local council to discontinue performances by military bands, and to substitute a string orchestra. Only a meeting extraordinary of the Urban District Council can alter the decision, which was arrived at by
    108 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 673 14 (Q) i i II: C Zrf |Xlni ]gscah| The Fragrance is not the Perfume’s U i it is Yours! t If they compliment your perfume, it has only half succeeded! Change to “4711“ Tosca and they will compliment you. For a perfume should be 1 unobtrusive should subtly accentuate your
      673 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2062 15 P a,id O-.BRmSH INDIA M 3 “JLiJhESSKS 1.. 8 A«o AFCAK LINES X^^rTĔP ANTING X& I LA> coioMßo't- balboa MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES BLUE FUMMEI, 1,1 MP, ‘-FTTT £OftVW H E R E BOSTON AND NEW YORK Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. p ennno Teluk An-on Port Swrf*
      2,062 words

  • 82 16 —Reuter. Opposition of British and Other Delegates Madrid, Yesterday. Considerable interest is aroused in the communications to Congress by the proposals of the Japanese, Australian and Czecho-Slovakian Governments, which, if passed, would bring under censorship all messages if they contained matter prejudicial to the security of the
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 61 16 —Reuter. General World Agreement Hoped For Brussels, Yesterday. It is hoped that a general Agreement between w’orld sugar producers will be signed at Paris on December 12, when the plenary conference of the International Sugar Cartel will be held. A fresh proposal from Cuba is being considered by
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 47 16 —Reuter. Mexican Decree Against Catholic Priests Mexico City, Yesterday. A decree depriving all Catholic priests of citizenship and empowering the Government to appropriate immediately all Church property for conversion to secular uses has been approved by the legislature of the State of Vera Cruz.-
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 265 16 Donations in September The following is a list of donations received by the European Unemployment Committee in September, 1932: cts. Ex-Services Association of Malaya 996.22 Incorporated Society of Planters 1,065.90 B. O. Bush, Esq. 35.00 Dr. E. M. Rix 10 00 Mrs. C. M. Berkeley 10.00 Dr.
    265 words
  • 134 16 Ignorance No Excuse (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Yesterday. Tell him if he knew where Malaya was before he came from China, he ought to know where the Government is was the remark made by the Taiping Magistrate to an ignorant Chinese who pleaded he did not know
    134 words
  • 109 16 —Rugby Radio Service. Memorandum of Federation of British Industries London, Friday. Recognising that in the near future the British Government will probably be called on to negotiate commercial treaties with foreign countries the Federation of British Industries urges in a memorandum to the Board of Trade that contemplated
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  109 words
  • 5 16 EXCHANGE
    5 words
  • 2 16 EXCHANGE
    2 words
  • 49 16 —Reuter. Germany’s Reply To Britain Berlin, Yesterday. The Government has replied to the British invitation to a four power conference and it is understood, expresses certain definite wishes but states that it will be glad to participate in deliberations likely to lead to a fruitful settlement.-
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 233 16 A mail for North, North Eastern and North Western Sumatra by the s.s. "Rokan” will be closed at 2 p.m. to-day. A mail for Port Swettenham, Singapore and China by the s.s. “Gienapp” will be closed at 3 p.m. to-day. A mail for Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port
    233 words
  • 159 16 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND 20th Sunday after Trinity. 7.50 a.m. Litany. 8.00 a.m. Matins. PS. CXVIII. Hymn 7. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion Chinese. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. PSS. CXXV. CXXVL CXXVII. Hymns 244. 265. 308. 197. Thursday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion. Friday:
    159 words
  • 41 16 Oct. 9. Ede Day of Atonement (Yomn Kiptur). 10. Day of Atonement (Yomn Kiptur). 14. Ede Tabernacle Holiday. 15. Ist Day Tabernacle Holiday. 16 2nd 17—20. Intermediate Holidays. 21. Hosnana Rabba. 22. Eighth Holiday. 23. Rejoicing of the Naw.
    41 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 60 16 ON OTHER PAGES Four Wise Young Farmers 3 Poison Germ Puzzles Doctors 3 Siam News g Cleaning the King’s Clocks u Amateur Oracles on Theology 14 Claim for Damages against Government 7 200 Queer Bathers 10 Prohibition in America— Situation to-day 13 Local Football and Hockey 5 Selangor Races (Selections)
      60 words
    • 149 16 I. I Sllenburjis S I Foods I I Made from the purest a I I of cows pastured in the h olr H counties, the ‘Allenburys Foods are as easily digested i as mother’s milk. Thev>, i j v art I germ tree and are B F j» and quickly
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous