Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 883 1 INTENSE SURPRISE IN LONDON DUBLIN Future Of Irish Governor-Generalship A DE VALERA MANOEUVRE "Twisting The Tai! Of His Political Opponents —Reuter. Rugby, Yesterday. A communication was received a few days ago from Mr. De Valera intimating that on his way back from Geneva he would like to sec the Dominions
    .—Reuter.  -  883 words
  • 511 1 Scathing Criticism Of P.A.M. (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sir, —The man in the street has probably read in your paper the speech made by the new chairman of the Planters’ Association of Malaya at their half-yearly meeting. He has probably thought it a well-consi-dered
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  • 252 1 Sir, —I shall be very much thankful if you will kindly allow me space in your popular paper to bring to the notice of the Police that hooliganism is rife in the vicinity of Madras Lane. These hooligans gather at the junction of Ho Tiang Wan
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  • 55 1 —Reuter. London, Yesterday. The Wages Committee of the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners failed to reach agreement with operatives and resolved in favour of all members posting notices of reduction of wages by fifteen and a half per cent, from Oct. 10 similar to the reduction recently
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 26 1 —Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Yesterday. Stock Exchange conditions were dull today and British Government stocks weakened a to f'a with War Loan Assented 100%.-
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  26 words
  • 401 1 Germany Is Fighting— For Her Right In The World, For Work Bread at Home. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Yesterday. We are fighting for our right in the world, for work and bread at home,” declared President Von Hindenburg broadcasting a message of thanks to birthday congratulations in which connection he received
    Reuter Wireless.  -  401 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 I T. NAGATA BROTHERS DENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary ‘.ranch Office 52, Leith Street m. w. f.
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    • 63 1 POLITICS OF THE WEEK SPECIAL ARTICLE PAGE 6 BUY BRITISH AND BE PROUD OF IT. IMPORTANT to those about to go on LEAVE. PHONE 258 Penang, or call on us for full details of our Popular Scheme for the delivery in England of MORRIS CARS s We will take your
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2610 2 RATES FOR CASUAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE TENDERS INVITED. BANKS. ADVERTISEMENTS Abies’ j 7~~ EXAMBNAT3ON OF 7 Supply of cooked rations to Quarantine J MORgllOng ChCl au CAM In view of the existence of rabies station, Pulau Jerejak, and Sungei IICM ItawkL All communications relating to DRESSERS. among dogs in the
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  • 592 3 Once Terror Of Atlantic Passengers Quick to seize new opportunities, crooks who have for years been making a fat livin., bv fleecing wealthy passengers on transatlantic liners have now transferred thnr attentions to the different class of people attracted by some of the popular ocean
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  • 675 3 VAULTING OF HENRY VII. CHAPEL Sightseers in the Henry VII Chapei of Westminster Abbey had narrow escapes' on the afternoon of Aug. 29 when a heavy piece of masonry, weighing over a hundred-1 weight, crashed from the famous fan-tra- 1 eery vault to the floor.
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  • 473 3 CHOICE OF CHURCHILL AS CENTRE The shades of two unnamed Indian women, who acted as interpreters for the founder of Churchill, on Hudson Bay, will hover about that rock-girt northern settle--1 ment in September when the first west- bound cargo vessels, from Liverpool, arrive i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 CT" o* ctw’W !||''lid'll, I -Jg|e E Z GiClXlk 1 L-k®/3 i b i The Fragrance is not the Perfume’s k if is Yours! b If they compliment your perfume, it has only half succeeded! Change F i| to 4711 Tosca and they will compliment you. For a perfume should
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  • 804 4 PROBATE SUIT Alleged Secondary Wife’s Claim Dismissed In the Supreme Court yesterday the hearing of the probate suit was concluded in which Lim Kim Thay claimed to be the secondary wife of Khoo Tek Chye deceased and therefore entitled to a share in
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  • 775 4 Mr. K. R. Blackwell, M.C.S., is due back from leave on Oct. 8. He will go ta Perak as State Treasurer. Mr. Paul Verdayne, of Paramount Pictures, Singapore, returned on Saturday after a visit to Bangkok. Mr. P. B. McKerron, at present Secretary to the Retrenchment Commission,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 These Capsules from O Bsi Chop Repaid and Chop lf I Jum Beer—Start Now. It be worth while— eJaclcs S 3 'Co.^^Lalaija 1 litd.ffij ‘■'TT JINCAPOrXt KUMAIUMPUn -linOH />E"*MC ANP PQnj /WUTENHAM BBBBEIBaBSESB B_M_B SB B B B B B B B B B B B B BBBBBBBHBBEBfcXHBBBfIBIBBBBBBBBBBiS TH Pi
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    • 12 4 I SURE-CURE ran i2 < «s«SZHadensa’’ s f OB HNKAYS AGENCK RfttodOS. I
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  • 1108 5 THRILLS OF A NEW SPORT They call it tunny-fishing, but in sober truth it is tunny-fighting, and it is the most glorious sport I know. A man who has fought and landed a broadbill or a marlin swordfish, a tarpon or a tunny—specially a
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  • 100 5 H. H. REGENT’S CUP FINAL MARCH SHORTLY (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, October 4. Playing in the semi-final of the Kedah Football Association tie for the above Cup, the Erics were beaten by the Young Rover Sports Club by eight goals to one yesterday afternoon on
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  • 122 5 Alor Star, October 3. The Erics and the Union Football, a newly formed Club clashed in the above competition on the S.K.C. ground yesterday. Both teams fielded their best elevens. The Erics scored four times, the Union Football Club replying thrice only. A few minutes before
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  • 109 5 Competition Results The following are the results of the Monthly Medal and Mixed Foursomes Competition played on October Ist and 2nd and September 28, respectively. October Monthly Medal (Stroke) Winner Hon. Mr. P. T. Allen 81 less 12=69 Runner Up A. T. Aird 76 less 6=70 Saturday
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  • 999 5 Magistrate’s “Very Wrong” Views CUSTOMS CASE APPEAL Heavy Fine Because Colony Needs Money A suggestion that a “plant” had been arranged by revenue officers was made by Mr. V’. D. Knowles when he conducted in the Supreme Court, Singapore, on Monday, before the Chief Justice, the appeal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 I 1 J I < B H v tSletHB PREPARATIONS **SOIR d« PARlS"—evening HB m Paris a phrase «vocative «4 romance and beauty, is the Hl|| Hm« given by M. Bourjois to B|& his lafasl, his supreme creation. B|| Soir de Paris toilet prepar•lions have been the most spontaneous success
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    • 151 5 THE sOW IMPROVED Quadro ba Photo Frame The Standard of Excellence An original and inexpensive method of framing photographs and other pictures in permanent and really artistic manner. RjHHnHSMKB i l By means of this amazing frame, which consists of a simple metal edging, it is possible to frame any
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 189 5 TO-NIGHT at 8.30 p.m. AT SOLAR HALL DEAN'S OPERA OF SINGAPORE. iIE PREMIER BANGSAW AN OPERA IN MALAYA Will Present The Popular Play "Bida Sari” —Parts 1 and 2. V.ith MR. K DEAN, MISS TIJAH and Md. NOOR (Sr. and Jr.) In the leading roles and The Ever Popular “FOUR
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  • 2371 6 MR. GANDHI'S SERIOUS POSITION.—TARIFFS AND THE TRADES UNION CONGRESS. —MR. MAXTON ADVOCATES A GENERAL STRIKE. —A PARLIAMENT FOR INDUSTRY (From Our Own Correspondent) 1 London, September 17. THE PREMIER’S RESIDENCE No. 10, Downing Street, which has just 1 been done up, looks well in its new
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  • 83 6 AMONG £25,000 LOSS OF EXILED MONARCH Two vases left by the late King Manoel to King George were among the articles stolen by burglars at Fulwell Park last April, according to reports here. The burglary took place on April 30. Art treasures, valued at £25,000, were taken.
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  • 96 6 SIX ANIMALS FETCH ONLY £167 AT PUBLIC AUCTION Formerly owned by King Alfonso, five two-year-old colts and one two-year-old filly realised only 7,157 pesetas (approximately £167 at the current rate of exchange) at a San Sebastian auction. The five colts were sold to Senor Guzman Rodriguez for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 266 6 Sore Throat? “We are never without FORMAMINT, a little common sense protection is all that matters.” Mrs. R.J. —w. -ft FORMAMINT cures Sore Throat and prevents infectious diseases (Influenza, Diphtheria, etc.). IFcrmamint is obtainable at all Chemists and Stores. ARE WOMENS' BEST HELP TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY lasting good looks
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    • 154 6 <1 1A v V* tit* 1 A ’l 0 x\ Y* V -\V. AsAsW® to G UAKANTEE V\ W OF FRESHNESS on EVERY TIN OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHEMISTS and HIGH CLASS STORES SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA (1929) J&tcL BISHOP STREET, PENANG Tel. 398. nHaßß■»■■■EßßiffisM n S H S E E
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  • 912 7 Baby Janet Asks For An Ice! I thank the Daily Herald for saving my children They are unscathed,” declared Mrs. Hutchinson, weeping in her relief, when she and the other members of the Flying Family were landed in Scotland from the Lord Talbot, the Daily Herald rescue
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  • 108 7 MEMORIES TO BE JOGGED BY A SUMMONS IN THE NORTH Borrowers of books from public libraries who fail to return the volumes in reasonable time are to be taught a lesson in Manchester. Application for orders for the return of books was made in five cases at the
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  • 110 7 STRUGGLE IN WATER WITH OPEN JAWED MONSTER Three young men fishing for mackerel in a skiff had a thrilling adventure with a monster shark which followed the boat with open jaws. The frightened men, Cunningham, Doran and Mcßurney rowed landwards, and nearing harbour succeeded in
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  • 127 7 PROFESSION NOT AS PAYING AS IT USED TO BE Harley-street specialists and doctors generally have been so badly hit by the depression that many of them are unable to pay their house rent. This is in spite of the fact that fewer men are taking up the
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  • 101 7 “MY OWN MOTHER DIED LIKE THAT” SAYS CORONER < “People drop dead in the street from time to time from no apparent cause, and it is only when post-mortem examinations are made that pneumonia is discovered. My own mother was in the theatre one night and died the
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  • 195 7 HOME OF TOLERANCE AND LIBERTY Nudist colonies in England have been inundated with applications from foreigners who want to come to England just to sun bathe. They are being driven from their favourite sun spots on the Continent by Government wars on nudists in which England
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  • 67 7 OIL TANKER WHICH HAS AWAITED A CARGO FOR TWO YEARS Russia continues to purchase British ships. The 9,000 tons tanker Corabank ran trials in Belfast Lovgh and left for the Black Sea. Launched in 1930 the Corabank had not previously been to sea, no freight being
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 ah 'colours JPR-LFT PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. a simple light and compact machine, rmtshed in Black, Green, Blue, Red or Uaroon. Con f complete with $Jv/“ travelling case. Made bv Bar-Lock (1925) Co. Nottingham. Fnrland. Typewriter Manufacturers to H.M. the King. PRITCHARD CO., LTD., PENANG IPOH. m w f__] 5-10-32 IN EXCHANGE
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    • 240 7 v IB W’ I <y| V if v. Vg J ‘R’ stands for Records JJ > And you'll always see The holders use Castrol ■On Land, Air, and Sea fff ffff-slff More records and achievements on Castrol than on all other motor oils!! World records, international records, class records—pioneer achievements
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  • 829 8 It is now fairly evident that the report of the Lytton Commission on the SinoJapanese conflict has fallen very far short of anticipations. From one aspect alone is it of value. It is the first really authoritative and impartial survey of questions that have hitherto been distorted
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  • 350 8 The British Museum now breathes freely for it has shaken off an incubus. Its new newspaper department was opened recently at Hendon, and Bloomsbury will be reserved for the ever-growing accumulation of books. Henceforward a short journey to Hen-don-—now the home of winged words as well as
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  • 934 8 Gyroscopic Stabilization The approaching completion of the Lloyd Sabaudo express Transatlantic liner Conte di Savoia, which is fitted with Sperry gyroscopic stabilizing equipment, will revive interest in the subject of the automatic stabilization of ships to minimize the effects of rolling in waves. The principal factors
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  • 781 8 OYSTERS Of all the sea’s inhabitants the oyster 1 the aristocrat. The sturgeon, it j s furnishes an equally luxurious dish I when all is said and done, its real vir I lies in its roe; the meat, although Sturge I once was a “royal” fish, never
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 ■Y/AW»V.W.\W.%\WWWAW> Estate Supplies j J o 1 Acid—Formic Acetic Formalin < Latex Cups 1 Latex Tanks Rubber Packing Chests i Sulphate of Ammonia and Other Fertilisers c Sulphite and Bisulphite i Tapping Tools Etc., Etc., J o I GirrnßjE s ®fe J Phone 357. PENANG. r shop at > PRITCHARD'S
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    • 33 8 E. and O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE HOTEL IN THE EAST. ALL ROOMS FACE THE SEA each with sitting room and private bathroom attached. Modem Sanitation Throughout EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef.
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  • 814 9 Dr. Yen On Lytton Report JAPANESE EXPANSIONIST POLICY Sir Fredrick Whyte's Views Manchurian Anti-Bandit Drive Geneva, Yesterday. Tn a statement to the press Dr. W. W. Yen, welcoming publication of the Lytton Report, declares that had the Commission dealt with the development of
    Reuter.  -  814 words
  • 141 9 .—Reuter Wireless. General Resumption of Work In Lancashire London, Sept. 28. The resumption of work tn the Cotton Mills in Lancashire was fairly general to-day but in some cases the Mills will not reopen until next week. Though operatives in some centres have expressed opposition to the terms
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  141 words
  • 201 9 —Reuter. Big Effort to Check Drift to Democratic Party WHAT GOVERNMENT HAS DONE Desmoines (Iowa), Yesterday. A big effort to check the drift towards the Democratic Party among the debtladen farmers of the Middle West was begun by Mr. Hoover. In a speech here, following an
    —Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 72 9 —Reuter. Rugby, Yesterday. Lists for cash applications for the Australian three and a half per cent, conversion loan for £12,360,000 were to-day closed within forty-five minutes The result is acclaimed here, both in the city and in the press, as a striking example of the growing
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 182 9 —Reuter Wireless. Appalling Scenes During Greek Earthquake Athens, Sept. 29. While British sailors of the Mediterranean Fleet were helping in the earthquake stricken region of Chaloidice, a further shock caused fresh destruction, killing and maiming many thousands of refugees who are crowding Salonika with heart-rending tales of their
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  182 words
  • 97 9 —Reuter Wireless. London, Sept. 28. The Stock Exchange to-day ruled very quiet, which is partly attributed to the political uncertainties. Gilt-edged securities, however, are steady and the Commodity markets, generally, are steadier. Sugar ruled firm on covering demand induced by the news of disturbances in Cuba and of
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 31 9 Japan and travelled in China. —Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Sept. 28. The death is announced of the wellknown painter Emil Orlik, who studied in Japan and travelled in China. —Reuter
    Japan and travelled in China.—Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
  • 166 9 at Buckingham Palace. —Rugby Radio Service. Death of Baron Slatin Pasha at Vienna SUDAN HERO Rugby, yesterday. Van Slatin Pasha, formerly British Inspector-General of the Sudan, died at Vienna to-day aged seventy-five. Slatin Pasha had an amazing carrier. An Austrian by birth, he entered the service
    at Buckingham Palace.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  166 words
  • 66 9 —Reuter. Mexico City, Yesterday. The recrudescence of the friction between the Church and the State in Mexico is marked by President Rodriguez ordering the expulsion from Mexico of Archbishop Flores, the Papal Legate, who earlier made a statement defending the recent encyclical of the Pope in likening
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 196 9 .—Reuter Wireless. Why He Did Not Resign From Office London, Sept. 29. It is premature and unfair to judge the Ottawa agreements until both sides of the question have been heard,” writes Mr. Walter Runciman in a letter to his constituents giving the reason why he has remained
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  196 words
  • 43 9 —Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Yesterday. No fresh developments in the past week have occurred in India in regard to the civil disobedience movement. There were 3,310 fewer civil disobedience prisoners at the end of August than in the month pre- viously.-
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  43 words
  • 35 9 Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Monday. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, is returning from Geneva to London to-day by air. During the halt in Paris he will meet the French Premier, M. Herriot.
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  35 words
  • 113 9 DISARMAMENT —Reuter. Alleged Embezzlement And Larceny IMMEDIATE STEPS FOR EXTRADITION HEAVY BAIL *4 r? > 4 Chicago, Yesterday. That immediate steps are to be taken for the extradition of Samuel Insull from, France and his brother Martin from Canada, was announced by the State Attorney
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 206 9 —Reuter. j Effort to Bring Germany Back LONDON CONFERENCE London, Yesterday. That the object of the proposed conference in London would be to deal with difficulties which have arisen through Germany’s withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference is made clear by an official announcement stating that the
    —Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 118 9 Suggested Amalgamation of Ipoh Golf and Swimming Clubs (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, To-day. A special general meeting of the Ipoh Golf Club last night discussed a proposal for the club to amalgamate with the Ipoh Swimming Club. Both, in the near future, wall move to new sites
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  • 101 9 [lN—Spot YESTERDAY. TO-DAY. London £149-10-0 £152-0-0 TIN (3 Months) London £153 7 6 Singapore ********** Business Done Ppnane- $76.62% $78.12% Business Done < Buyers-No sellers. Buyers-No sellers. COPRA (Sundried) $5.80 $5.85 BLACK PEPPER 22 50 22 00 RUBBER London 2^d 2 d New York 3ft (G) 3% (G)
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  • 38 9 —Reuter Wireless. Washington, Sept. 30. Unemployed in the United States at the end of August numbered eleven and a half millions according to the estimate issued under the authority of the American Fede- ration of Labour.-
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 60 9 ’—Reuter Wireless. Reasons Given for Concentration on Pacific Washington, Sept. 30. The United States Atlantic Fleet will be kept in the Pacific until after the next concentration of the Fleet in winter was the important announcement made by Admiral Pratt, Chief of the United States Naval Operations’ Department.
    ’—Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 39 9 —Reuter Wireless. Brussels, Sept. 28. To-day the City was plunged into darkness when the electricity power station was wrecked through the explosion of a turbine, Damage to the value of 25,000,000 francs was caused. —Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
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    • 45 9 IRunnvnse&e The Brighter Hotel.” MR. PIMM PASSES BY sometimes I but quite often he finds it divertingly attractive to tarry awhile in the RUNNYMEDE TO-MORROW DINNER DANCE THE HOTEL WILL BE OPEN ON SATURDAY, Bth OCTOBER FOR REFRESHMENTS AFTER THE i SHOW UNTIL 1 a..m
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    • 584 10 JAPAN PRESSED BY BITTER ENEMIES Struggle Inevitable Hong Kong, Sept. 24. War in the Far East, a great and devastating struggle, will inevitably involve Japan and will prove the salvation of China, if the nation stands united and watches for its opportunity to heave off the
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    • 324 10 Canton, September 17. Since the formal recognition of Manchukuo by Japan, China’s rival political factions in Canton and Nanking have discovered a common ground on which to meet and find fuller unity. Canton authorities to-day assert that it has become impossible for
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    • 144 10 Nanking Favours Action I r MUST FIGHT FOR HER OWN DEFENCE Nation's War Fever Nanking, Sept. 20. The concensus of opinion in Nanking is that Chinese diplomatic efforts will be futile unless they are backed by military force. The official “Central News,” emphasising this point, recalls that when
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    • 471 10 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY FEELS ANTAGONISM TENSION GROWING Shanghai, Sept. 27. Strained relations have developed between Japanese and European elements in Shanghai, owing to the persistent reports that Japan would presently attempt to seize control of the foreign settlement. At the same time, foreign settlement, French Concession
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    • 321 10 A Coach Smash of a Century Ago The Great West Road had its traffic dangers before the advent of the motorcar, according to a tombstone inscription just deciphered in Hungerford church-yard. The inscription reads: Sacred to the memory of James Dean, late Bath coachman, who departed this
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    • 317 10 Picked up Ball Leads to Lawsuit A dispute over golf etiquette has brought two golfers to the law courts. While 1 competing in a tournament in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., a male golfer, espying no one in the way, drove his ball. On coming up to it he saw
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    • 558 10 19th Route Army In Pact With Nanking UNDERSTANDING LIKELY Riva! Chiefs Dissatisfied With Japan Resistence Canton. In official circles here there is a growing tension, for the attitude of the Canton Government appears to indicate the intention of creating an open breach with Nanking, and
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    • 480 10 Troops Massed CHINA PROTEST RINGS IN WORLD CAPITALS Shanghai, September 24 Tanks, armoured cars and heavy pickets of marines patrolled in Shang. hai, martial law was declared in the Japanese and foreign quarter of king, and special police throug ICJt all China and Hong Kong went
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 ONE DAY! I I I *****,720 A DAY I two tllirds of thls sum was paid to living policy hollers. SWFn THE SUN LIFE OF CANADA MEANS MONEY PROTECTED BUSINESS, INVESTMENTS AND OLD AGE Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canadc. I W. ALLAN ELEY, SINGAPORE. Manager Hong Kong Bank Chambers.
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  • 2307 11 TENANTS' BALL AT BALMORAL.—WOMEN EXPERTS ON SLUMS.—CHOOSING A BOY OR GIRL.— CAREERS FOR WOMEN IN ADVERTISING (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Sept. 21. QUEEN MARY'S CUP OF TEA Queen Mary has a private retreat in the Highlands- a little bungalow hidden among the fir trees
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  • 106 11 HUGE ECONOMIC UNITS WITH BRITISH EMPIRE AT THE TOP Lord Melchett, at the Bonar Law College at Ashridge, Herts, visualised the world divided into huge economic units fifty years hence—with the British Empire the greatest of all. “I think that when history comes to be written a
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  • 96 11 A PROBLEM OF DRINK AND MARRIAGE If you want to get married in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, you must convince the authorities when you ask for a licence that you are not a confirmed alcoholic. A medical certificate is required by a new decree of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 246 11 H the choice ERL, OF CHAMPIONS 5 ILM i Hr S D IDCTWttP S Q PAT. N* U K.. I M 3 maoi in englano -<.?Z-; j 3»- -r, J® Bl B aStBBBBBHIBBBBBBBBHBBHeBBBCaSBBHEHBaBa Bk SUCCESS WITH SUNSHINE GLAXO What Nurses Write: EXPECTANT MOTHERS NURSING MOTHERS moraine sickness relieved nausea finished
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  • 517 12 TIN POOL RUMOURS U.S. AND COPPER PRICES On the metal markets during the week ended Sept. 17 a number of speculative holders took fright at the setback on Wall Street and started unloading their holdings. Naturally, fresh buyers were scarce and prices received a jar. In some
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  • 213 12 DEBENTURE INTEREST TO BE POSTPONED The directors of the Buloh River Rubber Estates estimate that if the estates are adequately maintained, there will be a deficit on the working over the next two years of about £3,500, exclusive of debenture interest, which calls for £696 per annum.
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  • 239 12 Some interesting statistics in the September “Mining Magazine” indicate one of the ways in which the base-metal industries tend to cure themselves of the effects of a slump in demand and prices. It appears that last year the quantity of secondhand non-ferrous metals produced in the United States
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  • 796 12 ITS EFFECT UPON PRICE OF TIN The rapidity of the growth of the tin canning industry throughout the world is apt to be lost sight of, as is also the effect of this industry upon the price of tin itself. So much has been heard of output
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  • 6 12 Company Reports RUBBER SCHEME
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  • 355 12 BULLS DISILLUSIONED London, Sept. 17. Exuberantly bullish operators in the commodity and share markets must be feeling sore and, perhaps, a little disillusioned at the reaction in the rubber market. These people waxed enthusiastic over the beggarly fractional advance in the price of the commodity as heralding
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  • 73 12 AUGUST FIGURES UP TO EXPECTATIONS The United States rubber consumption figures to hand on September 16 show that in August 22,372 tons were used (against market estimates of between 22,000 tons and 24,000 tons), as compared with 28,272 tons in July and 27,586 tons in August, 1931.
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  • 171 12 Latest Quotations Tues Man F&t Oat. 4 Oat 8 St pt 19 Paris 88 8/16 88 7/82 128 96 New Yoik 8 845 5 8 4,85? Monxrtrl 8.80 8 Brcfsela 24 87$ 24 34-8 Geneva 17 l7 9 J 24 86 AtneUidam 8.59 J 8.60} 12
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    • 525 12 J. HHwI FORCED TO RETIRE 3 Are you making some provision for your future requirements or are you just going from day to day allowing the future to Representatives take care of itself. Have you the courage Mr. Beu R T. 2,1' in other words to face facts. c essrs
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  • 833 13 Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving sailing from Penang dunng the week: IN PORT TO-DAY S 8 AUTOMEDON from Liverpool for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pukow and Hankow. ar S SAALE from Bremen, Hamburg Antwerp, Rotterdam, Genoa, Port’ Said, Colombo, Belawan
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  • 249 13 OCTOBER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6. “Mr. Pirn Passes By,” Town Hall, Penang (in aid of European Unemployment Fund) 9.30 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. Rugby: Taiping v. Ipoh at Taiping. Selangor Turf Club Autumn Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Second Day. “Mr. Pirn Passes By,” Town Hall, Penang (2nd Performance) 9.30
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  • 1131 13 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT WAYS IN WHICH BUSINESS MAY IMPROVE The report for the year 1931 on the Netherlands East Indian Import Trade, issued by the British Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands East Indies gives a valuable indication of ways in which British Empire trade
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    • 111 13 W Unchanged in /W r W 1 I a changing vkJt m -XI world .owl J wit Qua H W ***** l AWARDED)]! X hv-n-dWI% MB w-w fk a Illi k:/ ;MR J WlflO! a Willi I L Jr-H t'k i WWr *al iWllMt 4 i'll V IHI I v
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    • 314 13 It’s a Shame To Stay Fat So Easy to Reduce Look about you. Note how slender on that gland factor which modern docfigures now displace the fat so common tors now employ. The tablets are preparyears ago. There has come a new era, ed by a world-famous medical laboratory. based
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  • 447 14 PROFESSOR'S NOVEL REMEDY FOR DEPRESSION A VICIOUS CIRCLE THE GULF BETWEEN BANKS AND THE PUBLIC Proposals to overcome world depression were advocated by Professor J. R. Bellerby in the Economic Section of the British Association at York. He said: “The one hope of recovery is
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  • 425 14 ROMANTIC PRINCE OF PERSIA Romance has once more coloured the life of that human whirlwind, Riza Khan, the most romantic of the princes of Persia. This daring Napoleon of the East has bobbed up in the news once more by personally chastising a Meshed
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  • 871 14 KING’S WEDDING MESSAGE “HAPPINESS TO THE YOUNG COUPLE” London, Sept. 21. The King and Queen sent a diamond, pearl and enamel brooch to Miss Joan MacDonald, second daughter of the Prime Minister, who was married to Dr. Alastair MacKinnon at Wendover. This brooch the bride wore pinned
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 281 14 v /s' gk Wj\ s' s' X. s' Use a soap which does something nnre than cleanse—a soap which protects from infection as well. Use Lifebuoy! Have your home not only free from dirt but free from dangerous germs. Lifebuoy banishes both; makes everywhere clean, sweet and germ-free.. Don’t take
      281 words
    • 347 14 You Feel Fifter-And You Do < Twice As Much Jg Tennis —cricket —swim- I Wls ming—football—all wonderful exercise after office hours provided you are fit. If you are unfit, either mentally or physically, all sports Jwjg lose their savour. Yom energy flags, and your spin C droops- Every branch c
      347 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2304 15 rs *iuxr.>.l, p and o-british ikdia y J t) I 1 1 r ’-v®™» and apcar lines S RtJXNTI X& (Companies Incorporated 74« BLUB FUMMBE MMR SAIL gFtltvW H E H g 1 mail passenger and cargo services rnvnnN atortH CONTINENT BOSTON AND NEW YORK PnnincU. ««a Q v ANTrNOR
      2,304 words

  • 1131 16 Hamlet-—A Review (Specially contributed) An old play which has been previously stayed with much success by several Malay operas visiting Penang was produced last night by the Dean’s Opera of Singapore at the Wembley, Magazine Road. It was entitled “Hamlet.” BANGSAWAN ATAI BANGSAWAN Briefly, the story of
    1,131 words
  • 167 16 Mr. Pim Passes By" After an all too long silence it is pleasing to be able to record that the Penang Choral and Dramatic Society is to stage a production. In years past the performances of the society were the outstanding events of Penang entertainments and we
    167 words
  • 210 16 Labour Member In Incident Withdrawn From House Belfast, Sept. 30. The Mace was twice flung on the floor of the House by an Irate Labour Member in a scene of disorder which preceded the prorogation of the North of Ireland House of Commons. Following the refusal of the
    210 words
  • 36 16 —Rugby Radio Service. Rugby, Yesterday. Mr. Winston Churchill continues to make satisfactory progress but owing to the severity of the recent haemorrhage some time must elapse before he can engage in any active work.
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  36 words
  • 119 16 To-day at the “Garden at 5 p.m. 1. March Military Tactics Rosey 2. Overture Soir d’Automme Bouillon 3. Potpourri Melodious Memories Finck 4. Fox Trot Ali Baba’s Camel Gay 5. Selection No, No, Nanette Youmans GOD SAVE THE KING The 5.%. “General Metzinger,” due at Penang on her
    119 words
  • 296 16 Colours v. Whites The first State trial hockey practice match will be played this afternoon on the Esplanade at 5.15 p.m. and it is hoped that players selected will arrive to time. If the weather is fine the game will be played on a pitch
    296 words
  • 57 16 C.R.C. ‘A’ vs. D.A.F.C. ‘A’ The Semi-final match in the Penang Football Association Cup Competition between the Chinese Recreation Club A and the Darul Aihsan Football Club A will be played on the Free School Ground at Green Lane on Friday October 7, commencing at 5.10 p.m.
    57 words
  • 19 16 RESULT OF TIES PLAYED YESTERDAY Singles Handicap:—Scr. L. M. Norris beat -f-3 D. McLeod Craik 21-13.
    19 words
  • 85 16 From Wembley Wayang < > < v A gook-looking Chinese woman named Yong Fai Ying was to-day charged before the Police Magistrate with the theft of a gold w'atch with a chain bracelet and a gold ring valued $BO. The case was postponed and the
    85 words
  • 60 16 PENANG, OCTOBER 5. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2/3% »> m/ts 2/4 Private 3 m/ts credit 3 Documentary On New York Bank Demand 40 France T.T. 1,000 nom India T.T. 153 Bangkok T.T. 80 per tics. 100 nom Batavia T.T. 99% Singapore T.T. prem.
    60 words
  • 525 16 SATURDAY’S PRICES 1 The following were the latest quotations 3 in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list e at 11 a.m. to-day:— t Yesterday. To-day. 1 Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers s MINING y Ayer Hitam 12/3 12/9 12/6 13/ s Hong Fatt 37 39 37 39 r
    525 words
  • 1079 16 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST Ĕ S NAMES. I ca tn I RUBBER (Dollar,/ S c c Allenbj Rubber Co. 5° Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 30 4U Amalgamated Malay Estates 65 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 05 /5 Ayer Kumng Rubber Estates 5 5 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 15 Ayer Panas Rubber
    1,079 words
  • 336 16 AIR MAIL A mail for Europe, Great Britss, r, I land and North America by steamer .'I cutta, thence by Rail to Karachi for j'l veyance by Imperial Railways, will closed at 10 a.m. on Saturday. A mail for Europe and North AniericJ Alor Star-Aras’ erdam Direct Service,
    336 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 49 16 ON OTHER PAGES London Letter for Women n Politics of the Week 6 Crooks Now Go Pleasure Cruising 3 Give Money to the Spend-thrifts.. 14 China News io Sobbing Mother’s Gratitude 7 Big Game Fishing on British Coasts 5 Latest Cable News 1 9 Produce Markets 9 r 9
      49 words
    • 13 16 WIRELESS WIRELESS Informative and Interesting articles appear in the Pinang Gazette ON FRIDAYS.
      13 words
    • 160 16 Budwood Budded Slumps. rill IVcll Known Clones /kviM also TANDJONG KEMALA 12, 14 26 RUBANA 393. SABRANG 24. AVROS 185. Prices on application to —CAI-.EY ISLAMS PORT SWETTENHAM. PENANG LIGHTERAGE Co., Ltd. Application has been made to directors of this Company to issue to Madar and Company of No. 6'
      160 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 34 16 j PENANG \VEatHf r H REPORT Temp Wi ”-> 6 a.m. 77 Noon 89 TIDE TABLES High Water. TO-DAY 2.47 a-m. 3.15 p.m. a. p.m. TO-MORROW 316 a m 10.20 3.59 p.m. 9, 52 pnL
      34 words