Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 August 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 636 1 To Return Home With Amoy Johnson air secretary’s Congratulations h Reliability Of British Aero Engines Again Demonstrated STRIKING PROOF J. Mollison, the young Scottish airman, has once again startled th world by an act of considerable daring and courage. Already the holder of two aviation
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  • 126 1 THEATRE ROYAL The Dean’s Opera of Singapore, old favourites of the Penang opera fans, opened a short season last night when they staged Bawafa Katell at the Theatre Royal. Bawafa Katell, a story adopted from a Hindustani Drama was well acted by the troupe. Although one
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  • 212 1 —Rugby Radio Service. British Figures REPORT OF OVERSEAS SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE Rugby, Yesterday. Im view of the uncertainty of the present position and pending the deliberations of the Ottawa Conference, the annual report of the Overseas Settlement Committee now issued by the Dominions Office makes no attempt
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  212 words
  • 45 1 —Rugby Radio Service. American Comment on Italian Naval Decision Washington, Yesterday. A piece of wise strategy presaging Franco-Italian agreement is the comment of well-informed people here on the announcement that the Italian Government has decided to retire 130 thousand tons of naval tonnage.-
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  45 words
  • 56 1 .—Reuter. New York, Yesterday. The organisation and operating plan of commodities Finance Corporation, designed to furnish credit for the movement of commodities from producers to manufacturers is announced by Mortimer Buckner after a meeting of prominent New York bankers who will be asked to subscribe §50,000.000 to the
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 110 1 Bright Lynn-Walls Comedy at The Queen’s Ralph Lynn and Tom Walls need no introduction to Penang picture goers. In A Night Like This they give us another bright British comedy in the chain of British pictures that the Queen’s has secured at considerable expense. The only
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  • 150 1 Mr. O. Beckett's Sad End At Tapah We regret to announce the death which took place at Tapah yesterday under tragic circumstances of Mr. O. Beckett, the popular Perak sportsman. Our Ipoh Correspondent telegraph as follows Mr. Beckett’s death was due to a gunshot wound
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  • 92 1 —Reuter. Life Sentence CASE THAT ATTRACTED WORLDWIDE ATTENTION Shanghai, Yesterday. The trial ended to-day after fifteen months’ imprisonment in a Chinese prison, of M. Paul Noulens and Mrs. Noulens with a sentence of death which, under Chinese General Amnesty Act, was immediately commuted to a life
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. Endurance Flight DOCTOR’S DIAGNOSIS OF APPENDICITIS f New York, To-day. A woman aviator is circling over Neto York in a refuelling endurance flight 1 while suffering with appendicitis. She is Mrs. Frances Marsalis, who with Mrs. Conise Haden took off in a flying boudoir at 4
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 y, SAGAT A MOTHERS dentists Head Office next to The Dispensary BraO ch Office 52, Leith Street
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    • 159 1 IMPORTANT ANGLO-IRISH NEWS Page 9 5 In aid of 3 > THE ASIATIC UNEMPLOYMENT FUND, J > Dean's Opera V (THE BEST BANGS AWAN IN MALAYA) 5 Will present < Senorita D'Orzay" On Thursday, 25th August, < At the Theatre Royal, Z* PENANG ROAD. "J B < cAn all star
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1933 2 RATES FOR CASUAL MUNICIPAL NOTICE BANKS. C ADVERTISEMENTS r fl P The Municipal Commissioners of George «j —«.J 9 J Town, Penang, invite separate tenders for HCSPidSS All communications relating to the following: Rl If b n.- 9 Advertisements should be addressed to 1. “Construction of Cement Concrete V» wnCH?C|i£€BB
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  • 1459 3 THE IMPERIAL HERITAGE A TASK FULFILLED With the completion of the two great memorials of the missing at Arras and Thiepval, which will be unveiled respectively by Lord Trenchard on July 31 and by the Prince of Wales (in the presence of the President of the
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  • 322 3 INCREASE IN HOME PRODUCTION The Demand for Canned Vegetables is the title of the latest report by the Statistics and Intelligence Branch of the Empire Marketing Board (Stationery Office, Is. net). It reveals a growing market in the United Kingdom and indicates that there is a large field
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  • 183 3 MONEY LEFT IN WILL FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION A bequest, interest on which is to provide a “free tobacco day” for the staff in a City bank, is made in the will of Mr. Harry Rait, of Pai-ragon, Ramsgate, Kent, who died in April. He
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 I W GUEST I w, «LIMBS I Of a o'7 Nature, Intense I irritation. Cuticura Healed. I «I «offered lth a rash which broke I L rinits on my chest, body, arms Bmbsf H was of a dry natUre and t n Ses formed in the center of the II
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    • 333 3 There is I i. pleasurable Om 0 anticipation 7 wjrW in waiting for a BACHELOR a 4/ L v 111 I 'i PLAYER’S hACJHELOIR Finest Virginia I CORK T,PPED I CIGARETTES xl JOHN PLAYER&SONS, ENGLAND. I STUDY THE PINANG GAZETTE ADVERTISEMENTS IRK) There is much in the way of useful
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  • 1154 4 GOOD DIVIDENDS PUTH ARL AND CALCHAS PAY WELL Mr. Kirwan Rides Three Winners (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Yesterday. Light rain fell during the whole of the afternoon and affected the attendance for the first day of the Taiping Turf Club Amateur Races. The going
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  • 260 4 Mr. J. M. Scoular, of Penang, is going on leave by the Rawalpindi. Dr. W. J. Moir has been appointed to act as Principal Medical Officer, Johore. Mr. R. K. A. Bruce has been appointed Assistant Superintendent of Surveys, Central Kedah. Mr. C. M. Vignoles, manager for
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  • 230 4 PROVINCE WELLESLEY 13th Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 8.45 a.m. Tamil Holy Communion; 6 p.m. Evensong and Address at St. Mark’s, Butterworth. Wed. 7.30 a.m. Holy Communion at St. Mark’s, Butterwoith. Thurs. 7.30 a.m. Holy Communion at St. Paul’s, Bukit Tengah. MISSION CHAPEL, FARQUHAR ST. ENGLISH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 These distressing skin complaints are sure outward signs of Impurities In the blood surface treatment cannot bring lasting relief so remove the cause of the trouble from the blood by taking Clarke’s Blood Mixture. Of all Chemists and Starts. Equally good in LIQUID or TABLETform Every Wednesday Ladies will find
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    • 305 4 Something out of the ordinary usually I appeals to particular people and that is S why we present this advert in this unusual manner. ig COLUMBIA produce Records that 3 are unusual when looked at in the ffi ordinary way and we feel sure that the 3 following will appeal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 200 5 I FOR THE LATEST NEWS |< s k II see iBHBk n HKn II BQni JRSB wRBO ■Bl s 1 8 iilfeuSr WasSre eOb -Ka BB I r a II i f bMhs -3;* bks 9 l> Hn SlOwM kSlL i < B wB > |> s I AND 1
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  • 635 6 REGULATIONS BY NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Certain regulations governing the issuance of Consular Invoices have been promulgated by the National Government of the Republic of China on June 11, 1932. These come into effect on September 1. The following are the regulations:— From the date of the coming into
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  • 189 6 INNOCENT LOCKSMITH LENDS A HAND An unfortunate Parisian locksmith was condemned to pay damages amounting to £3O for having acted as the innocent accomplice of a particularly ingenious burglar. It appears that the thief, having made sure that the occupants of his chosen crib were absent, made
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  • 444 6 birth of a pygmy HIPPOPOTAMUS It is almost impossible to predict which exotic animals will succeed and which will fail when brought to England. Nineteen years, ago, when Diana,” the first pvgmy hippopotamus to arrive in London, came direct from its tropical home in Liberia, there
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  • 261 6 MR. COLVILLE, M.P., ON FROZEN CREDITS A deputation from the Association of British Chambers of Commerce was received by Mr. Colville, M.P., Secretary to the Department of Overseas Trade. The deputation was introduced by Mr. C. G. Gibson, M.P., chairman of the Overseas Committee of the Association, who
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  • 131 6 Lord Irwin, President of the Board of Education, opened new extensions and delivered prizes at Pocklington Grammar School, Yorkshire, in mail week. Speaking on education for citizenship, he said that the feeling in the minds of many critics with regard to cramming was not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 360 6 COLOUR COMES TO STAY Concrete has changed its dress Ihe grey of pure utility has given place to colour; colour that gives a finish of beauty appropriate to the character of the structure. Colorcrete the new coloured cement has all the qualities of Ferrocrete ’—the rapidhardening Portland cement —with the
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    • 212 6 ALL BABIES THR| Vj BEST ON TRUFOOd. 4 /r k/'/\ u I Sturdy of limb, bright of eye, keen, alert youngsters—MALAYA CAN DO WITH MORE HUMANISED TRUFOOD BABIES HUMANISED TRUFOOD builds infants as nature would have them built. No other food so completely takes the place of breast milk. Send
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  • 493 7 DOCTOR CONDEMNS STRENUOUS WEEK-END MAY BE A CAUSE OF TUBERCULOSIS Inquiries among 100 male patients, undergoing treatment for pulmonary tuberclosis. led Dr. James Watt, of King George V. Sanatorium, Godaiming, Surrey, to the conclusion that these factors were often responsible for causing the disease:
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  • 451 7 TO LIVE THREE WEEKS LIKE EXPLORERS PEMMICAN DIET “IT WILL BE VERY GOOD FUN” Eight public schoolboys left London for a voyage of exploration in the Arctic, the first to be organised by the Public Schools’ Explorers’ Society. They will camp for three weeks 50
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  • 164 7 £lO,OOO DAMAGE IN SIX DAYS The slashing of shop windows in Adelaide baffled the police for six days, although the whole force in the metropolitan area was assisted by private citizens, and motor-cycle patrols are unceasing. Almost every city street, including shopping and business centres, has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 371 7 You Feei Fitter--And You Do Twice As Much f j Tenn cricket—»wim- A wonderf exer c -c ter oilice hours p; It you are unfit, either men- or physically, all sports g *Jose their savour. You: j CTer and your spin ‘F droops Every branch of WBpt > j sport
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    • 4 7 PkUB» LTO. »U< <*» BMB<-A»«»
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    • 158 7 ADVERTISING TELLS OF THINGS I To wear, to use, to eat and to entertain. It is the news that the housewife looks for. Place the merits of YOUR wares before them through the medium of the PINANG GAZETTE and increase your custom. W imii^iimiimi» IM *****8 BBBBB——BO BBBBBBBB—BBWBBBBIB-T1 i I
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  • 521 8 Flying once more takes pride of place in the news. The flight across the Atlantic from Ireland to America and back is undoubtedly one of the most important aerial enterprises in the history of flying and reminds us how the planet is collapsing in size to the
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  • 308 8 England is a very patient country, but, if her patience is not illimitable, the latest demand upon it ought to put her back up.” During the last twenty years she has sacrificed millions of lives and huge sums of money for Europe’s benefit; and now she is asked
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    • 197 8 [To The Editor of The Pinarig Gazette] Sir, —In these days of trade depression and monetary’ stringency, I think it is high time that a reduction in local cinema admission prices be made. The present prices charged by one of the leading theatres are exorbitant. I suggest a
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  • 42 8 —Reuter. Former Secretarv of Commerce New Appointment New York, Yesterday. Mr. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce, who resigned on August 4, has been elected President of the American Iron and Steel Institute in succession to Mr. Charles Schwab who becomes Chairman.-
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 931 8 Weather and sensational or, at all events, interesting public events have conspired to 5 make London a place of delight in this 1 most torrid season. There has been day < after day of fierce sunshine and on more 1 occasions than one, I
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  • 719 8 JERUSALEM’S V/’ATER SUPPLY When Jerusalem was tnV Turks in the Great W- ir k n frotn th. acts of the British water supply. Up to this n had been dependent upon the during the rainy seas on th/ 111 caught on the flat roofs of thl ter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 I i |HI jl I FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO GUTORJE c €fe —I Phone 357. SOLE AGENTS. Modes de 6 Paris o If you wont fo know the time, csk a policeman. But if you want to know what to wear. Ask Modes de Paris. PHONE 1242. DANISH CRBAAj J
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    • 65 8 E. and O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE y HOTEL IN THE EAST. I I H ALL ROOMS FACE THE SEA i each with sitting room and private .1 bathroom attached. n 3 h Modern Sanitation Throughout fc| EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef. I EXQUISITE LINENS DAINTY i UNDERWEAR VISIT
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  • 138 9 ,fX SPAIN Reuter. Wealthy Nobility to be Deprived of Their Estates SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE Madrid, Yesterday. Some of the greatest and wealthiest Crandees of Spain will be deprived of their estates by the Rebel Expropriation Bill passed by 262 votes to 14 in the Cortes last night.
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 189 9 Impressive Funeral Yesterday at K. Lumpur (Fom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Yesterday. The fur.i ral took place at the Cheras R' Cemetery this afternoon of the Hon. Mr. J. S. Arter whose death occurred at Bungsar Hospital last night after a short illness. The cortege left
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  • 281 9 Serious Allegations In Singapore Case KHOR TENG QUEE COMMITTED ’From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, To-day. Julian Israel continuing his tv ‘Jence against Khor Teng Mure, former book-keeper who charged with cheating, falsifyaccounts and using as genu--106 Gorged cheques, said that he s bmated the
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  • 495 9 Thomas—O'Kelly Conversations At Ottawa AGREEMENT TO AGREE Removal Of Militant Customs Tariffs .—> LAND ANNUITIES DISPUTE The United Kingdom delegation is very busy this morning signing agreements with India, South Africa and Newfoundland and preparing for signature agreements with Southern Rhodesia, Australia and New Zealand
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  • 172 9 —Reuter. Sir Samuel Wilson’s FORTHCOMING VISIT TO MALAYA London, Yesterday. It is learned on very reliable authority that Sir Samuel Wilson, Permanent Undersecretary to the Colonial Office, is leaving London on Oct. 28 for the Straits in connection with the question of decentralisation in the F.M.S. owing to
    —Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 122 9 Five Chinese Convicted at Lumpur Singapore, To-day. Five Chinese unemployed seamen were convicted by the third Magistrate on a charge of assaulting E. Hagemeyer, a European assistant of the A.P.C., Marine Department. It was stated that they threw’ pepper in Hagemeyers eyes when he attempted to turn out
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  • 19 9 i.—Reuter. The U. S. aircraft earner Saratoga was refloated from the sand bank after a few hours.—Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 184 9 i expected to continue.— Rugby Radio Service. England Records Highest Temperature for 21 Years Rugby, Thursday. Hot weather extends over western Europe. Yesterday there was continued sunshine and cloudless skies in London and southern England. The temperature in London rose to ninety-two degrees and at Jersey to
    i expected to continue.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  184 words
  • 708 9 Nazis Will Not Attempt Illegal March NO EXCLUSIVE POWER Berlin, Yesterday. Hitler, who is at present living in a lonely cottage near Berechtesgarten, in an interview maintained that his reference to Mussolini was misrepresented. The fact that the Nazis never asked for the Ministry of Defence
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  • 125 9 Rugby Radio Service. Mr. Thomas on Importance of Radio Contact Rugby, Yesterday. The British radio exhibition stand at a cost of £50,000 in the wireless house at Olympia opens to-day and will remain open until August 27. The impressive range and quality combined with the marked reduction in
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  125 words
  • 19 9 —Reuter. Death of Ex-Austrian Chancellor of Vienna Vienna, Yesterday. The death is reported of Dr. Schober, Ex-Chancellor.-
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 61 9 —Reuter. Indian Air Official Leaving In Search U.Y. Calcutta, Yesterday. Mr. Raynham, Managing Director of India Air Survey Company, is proceeding to Rangoon to-morrow en route to Bangkok in search of the missing fliers Salt and Taylor. The Australian, Naval Commander Hall, flying to Australia
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 80 9 —Reuter. Commercial Treaty Dealing with Indo China Trade Paris, Yesterday. The Franco-Japanese Commercial Treaty signed in Paris on May 13 came into force last night. It deals exclusively with trade between Japan and French Indo China and provides for each country to apply minimum tariff to imports
    —Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 113 9 TlN—Spot YESTERDAY. TO-DAY. London £l4l 17s £142 ss. Od. UN (3 Months) London £143 ss. Od. £143 10s. Od. I Singapore $73.12% $73.12% Business Done Pfenang $72.62% $72.75 Business Done Buyers Buj ers COPRA— (Sundried) 560 s 6 BLACK PEPPER $24.00 $24.00 RUBB ER 9 7/1 ah I
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  • 966 10 THERE WSLL BE A PC-XT FOR ST ?N SPACE THE MOON IN 2 WEEKS MARS IN 11 YEARS! INVENTOR’S CLAIM An explosive that may lead the way to visits to the moon and strong enough to wreck a town with a single
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  • 168 10 GOVERNOR’S ASSURANCE TO NATIVES In view of the big influx of miners into the Kakamega native reserve following the gold discoveries there, many natives are apprehensive that they will lose their land. In order to dissipate these fears, Sir Joseph Byrne, the Governor, addressed a
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  • 179 10 BIG EXPLOSION AT CARRARA The greatest blasting operation ever attempted in the famous marble quarries of Carrara was successfully carried out, when a quantity of marble estimated at 300,000 cubic metres was severed from the Tecchione mountain. For six months workmen had been mining a point
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  • 161 10 SUCCESS OF BRITISH MACHINES The international contest for the circuit of the Alps by military aeroplanes, which takes place every four years, was flown in perfect conditions, the nations competing being France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Denmark, Rumania, Poland, and Switzerland. The course was Zurich-Thun-Lausannc-Bellinzona-Zurich a
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  • 230 10  -  —By G. B. S. “ALWAYS THE VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES Mr. Bernard Shaw was 76 on July 25. When he w r as congratulated he retorted: “How would you like to have people ask you how it feels to be 76?” After what Mr. Shaw
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 352 10 1 jj JI «fez Jje 't I THatt-Creme "47 tr Co Cd Cream IP Vanishing Q 3 t Grearn This delightful cleansing cream J 3 S keep your pores in working J Exquisitely perfumed /OgS order and your I EJ t 4 with %7ir Eau de Co- ra I complexion
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  • 498 11 SHE DOES THE COOKING —HE TIDIES UP 60 YEARS OF BLISS AND ONLY TWO OR THREE CROSS WORDS In a little cottage in Peckham a man and woman were looking back over the 64 years since they first met. They were born on the same
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  • 148 11 SIR S. HOARE ON STRAIN OF PUBLIC LIFE The strain of public life has now become so great that in a few years the only man who will be able to be Prime Minister of the country will be a lightweight boxer, who will
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  • 127 11 MEN’S REFUSAL OR OFFER The State Government has called up for work the unemployed on the highest scale of food relief —namely, married men with large families—but nearly half this class failed to attend, and a number announced at the depots that they would not
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  • 362 11 Romance of Two Workless Families THE PRINCE AS FRIEND: LIFE IN LAND OF FLOWERS Here is a romantic little story of the ortunes of two men who three years ago were workless and on the dole. The men, named Dean and Evans, were miners in Wales,
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  • 372 11 MONEY RETURNED TO CREDITORS M. Ekman, the Prime Minister and. leader of the People’s Party in Sweden, j has returned 50,000 kronor [about £2,500] > to the receivers of Kreuger and Toll, this being the amount of a donation which the party received from the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 388 11 Many of the world’s most beautiful women women prominent in Society and on the stage and screen —are enthusiastic users of ODOL, the pure, white tooth paste with the refreshingly pleasant flavour. They know that ODOL is the perfeet dentifrice—just as ODOL is the perfect Mouth Wash—the two combining to
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    • 23 11 It is a long lane that has no turning. An advertisement in the Pinang Gazette will help to pull you through dull times.
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    • 280 11 because it M writes se easily PARKER IS PREFERRED 4 OIT VE a new writing experience ,Olffig in store when you try the Parker '''tSW Duo fold. Once you touch its jewel1 smooth point to paper you’ll know z why over 26,000,000 people acclaim to WniCT t3 writing ease. I
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  • 934 12 LOWER NET LOSS Modified System of Tapping The twentieth Annual General Meeting of the Merchiston Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C.2, on Thursday, July 21, 1932, Mr. E. L. Hamilton, the Chairman of the Company, presiding. The secretary, Mr. F.
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  • 400 12 NEW INSTALLATION AT TANJONG PAGAR A considerable aid to the palm oil industry in Malaya is the establishment of a pumping installation, for the purpose of transhipment in bulk, by the Singapore Harbour board at Tanjong Pagar. The oil will be stored in tanks of
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  • 308 12 BONUS OF $lO,OOO FOR MANAGER “Your Board is of the opinion that the accumulated funds possessed by the comI pany are considerably in excess of needs for carrying on its business. They thereI fore propose that the sum of §lO per share be returned to shareholders
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  • 282 12 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY’S HOLDING An outstanding feature of the ever-grow-ing list of those who are converting their holdings of 5 per cent. War Loan is the Prudential Assurance Company’s decision to convert the whole of its holdings amounting to over £12,000,000. It has been pointed out
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  • 542 12 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED OR RECEIVED The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics SS and F.M.S., during the period August 7th to 13th, 1932, inclusive, and a-e available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Application may be made by members of
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  • 210 12 MESSRS. BOUSTEAD CO., LIMITED RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT Penang, August 17 Although to-day’s spot quotation records a gain on the week of cent per lb., va--1 i lues have fluctuated sharply since w’e last wrote. The tone at the close, how’ever, is > quiet but steady at 7% cents per lb.
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  • 1123 12 KENNEDY CO., SHARE LIST NAMES. s a 3 I ————j RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc. c. Allenby Rubber Co. 3’ <5 Al<.r oaiah R.iCber Estate ai. .'jjamatrd Malay Estates JO So 4ye, Hmm Planting Syndicate 4» A*er Kunrng Rubber Estates 5 L Ay ei MoL k Rubber Co. *5 Ayer Pana* Rtib'<r
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  • 178 12 Latrst Quotatinns Fri Thurs Aag 19 Aug. 13 Stpt 19 Paris 89 15 82 b 8 5/s 128 96 X T ew York 847 1/8 847 5/3 4,85; iontreal 8 98 3.9J* .«assets 24 97J 25 /32 34*8 rcnsvA 17 l7-32» 21 SG A. ussetd&ra 8.61)
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 WIRELESS WIRELESS Informative and Interesting articles appear in the Pinang Gazette ON FRIDAYS.
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    • 297 12 n~~ er t—■>—. PHOTO OF NERVE-CELLS SEEN THROUGh’m’. -h < 1 ww. take Sanatogen. j till my nerves are better” r T'HOUSANDS of people—as sceptical as you—have discovered that their decision: “I will give Sa natoge n a fairtrial,' haschanged their whole ’.i k. Where form erly they felt worn
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  • 980 13 Schedule of Principal Lines e following is a list of vessels arriving J .ailing from Penung during IN PORT TO-DAY M aTANG from Tongkah, Kopah, ReS “ng and Victoi .a Point. Sails for the t same ports— to-day. OC «ITIAWAN lr- Star. Sails for S Pulau
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  • 144 13 SATURDAY, AUGUST 20. A.A.A. Meeting of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Kinta Indian Association: Annual General Meeting at 4 p.m. Penang 1932 "Bisley” Meeting, Kampong Bahru Range, Penang, (Contd.) Taiping Turf Club Amateur Races, 2nd Day, 2.30 p.m. P.F.A. Cup Final in Ipoh: Ipoh Club v. P.C.R.C. SUNDAY, AUGUST
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  • 456 13 AUSTRALIA WANTS TO 'SEE HIM IN THE TESTS THEY ALL SAY “YES” i QUALIFICATIONS THAT HAVE TO BE OBSERVED Critics are already attacking the posslhla inclusion of the Nawab of Pataudi, on£> of the most brilliant batsmen in England, in the Test team to tour Australia.
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  • 160 13 SEARCH FOR SCAREMONGER The Michigan State police have sent out an alarm through the Middle West for a man who they assert has been directing, on behalf of a “revolutionary” group, a campaign for undermining public confidence in banks. They say that in a raid on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 150 13 DON’T LET INDIGESTION AGE YOU. Many a young person looks old and haggard through indigestion. The con 1 nual pain and discomfort combined with the inability of weakened stomach organs to extract nourishment from food are such a terrible strain that they drive all trace of youth away. If you
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    • 446 14 —Bangkok Times. THE PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY Bangkok, Monday. At Friday’s meeting of the People’s Assembly, according to the Krungdeb Daily Mail, the President (Chao Phya Dharmasakti Montri) laid down the rule that discussions in the Assembly are not in future to be reported, unless that body has reached a
      .—Bangkok Times.  -  446 words
    • 256 14 When It Causes Loss of Life Bangkok, Monday. The usual meeting of the members of the People’s Assembly was held yesterday afternoon at the Ananta Smagom Throne Hall. There were 61 members present, Chao Phya Dharmasakdi Montri presiding. The meeting terminated at about 6 p.m. The Committee
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    • 132 14 On Friday last a young man, 21 years of age, was arrested for throwing a brick at a motor car in which Phya Manopakarana, The President of the People’s Party Committee, was proceeding to the Paruskawan Palace. Fortunately no damage was done. The man. on being
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    • 88 14 The Minister of the Interior ordered the appointment of a committee to consider the applications or petitions of the owners of pawnshops, richshaws. ammunition shops and public houses on Thursday’ last. The Committee consists of the Assistant Lord Prefect, as President, and the Superintendent of the Police Special
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  • 218 14 A MILLION-GALLON ORDER FOR WINE The house of Mouquin, a family firm whose two restaurants in New York were among the most famous in the city for several decades before Prohibition, has bought 1,000,000 gallons of light French wines in readiness for repeal or modification
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  • 67 14 The Glamorgan County Education Comth^ tee at v Cardlff decided to restore to te ch ers who were conscientious obiucted Urm& he Wa r the increments dew fron their salaries on account of said a h ltUde Alderman D. D. Davies 18 eoX«Se W
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  • 188 14 LABOUR CALL FOR FIVE-DAY WEEK The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labour at a meeting at Atlantic City decided to call upon President Hoover—in conformity with the precedent for intervention in industrial affairs set up at the White House Conferences in November, 1929—t0 take immediate steps
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  • 125 14 DECISION TO RESTRICT OUTPUT It is officially announced that, as a provisional arrangement, one-third of the forthcoming production of wine in France and Algeria is to be withheld from the market. This is being done under a law passed in July, 1931, by which, to maintain prices,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 695 14 Has No Ugly ■HF /Hr* ■H q M Mb 1 \t .4»"‘ V 4 st <'- A 7 t./ suspect I was ever afflicted with that <« S 1 kSSSw» Pepsodent polishes delightfully perfumed. 448 T. Sold by all Good Chemists. /> Y teeth as it removes nlm f This
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2124 15 iS g^g 8 g g S ai °gFS^ a 8 P. and 0. --BRITISH INDIA V IjS. K I AND APCAR LINES I I (Companies in England) 7 SBs£2E 2«IME g; MAIL PASSENGER and CARGO SERVICES NOFTH BOSTON AND NEW YORK AND AMERICAN MAIL Il IM IP ffi Peninsular and
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  • 339 16 TALOH SINGH RUNS SECOND Koneh In Sprint Final (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. The annual championship meeting of the Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya was held this afternoon. It had been raining in the morning, but although the weather cleared and there was bright sunshine
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  • 229 16 BY NINE RUNS Mitchell Bowls Well for Winners London, Yesterday. At Ilkeston, Derbyshire defeated the Indians by nine runs in a low scoring match. Derbyshire made 248 and 168. The Indians made 205 (Naoomal 101 Mitchell 5 for 77, Townsend 4 for 36) and 202 (Mitchell
    229 words
  • 263 16 TO-DAYS PRICES The following were the I test quotation? in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’e share Le at 11 a.m to-day Yesterday To-day E E Ĕ Ĕ Shares c CQ U 2 M $O. 0. C $O. Rubber (Do !ar Ama'eamated .30 >5O .EO .75 B;«tu I iat
    263 words
  • 149 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO’S NOON QUOTATIONS Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN. Kinta 85 87 87 89 Kuchai 43 45 42 44 Penawat 40 42 41 43 Petaling 3.95 4.00 4.00 4.10 Rahman Hydraulic 47 50 47 M 50 S. Taiping 12% 15 13 15 Sungei Luas 87% 92%
    149 words
  • 112 16 SOON THEAM CO. The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon to-day: Yesterday To-day Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TIN. Bangrins 10/0 11/0 10/6 11/6 Ipoh Tins 13/3 14/3 13/6 14/6 Kinta Dredges .87 .89 .87 .89 Kuchais .42 .45 .42 .45 Norths .12% .15 .13% .16 Pahang
    112 words
  • 65 16 T» Buyers Sellers TIN. Bangrin 10/3 11/0 Hongkong 12/6 13/6 Ipoh 13/3 14/3 Johan .14 .16 Killinghall 8/6 9/3 Kinta .86 .88 Kuchai (Ord.) .42 .44 Penawat .40 .42 Petaling 3.95 4.10 South .13 .15 Sungei Luas .87% .92% Taiping .25 .27 GENERAL. Gammon 1.15 1.20 M.
    65 words
  • 46 16 The Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows Spot 7 1/4 cents per lb. September 7 5/16 OcL/Dec. 7 7/16 Jan./Mar., 1933 7 5/8 Market quiet. London and Liverpool Stock likely to be decreased by 1,050 tons.
    46 words
  • 81 16 Pennns Aneu t2O {By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank On London Bark Demand 2/8 25 82 4 wfu 2/3 27/S Private 8 rn/»3 credit 2/4 1/18 3 Docnmentary 2'4 3T16 On New fork Bank Deni cd 39 7/8 France T T 1 000 nom India T T. 158 f
    81 words
  • 173 16 OUTWARD MAILS A mail for Teluk Anson, Bagan Datoh, J r>ort Swettenham. Malacca and Singapore] by the s.s. "Mata Hari” will be closed at. 3 p.m. to-day. I A mail for Singapore, Hongkong and; Swatow by the s.s. “Soiviken” will be closed at 3 p m. to-day. A
    173 words
  • 80 16 —Reuter. FULL TEAM i Mitchell Selected For Last Place London, Yesterday. Mitchel, of Derbyshire completes the M.C.C. Team which leaves for Australia on September 19. The full side is as follows. D. R. Jardine (Surrey)—Captain. R. E. S. Wyatt (Warwickshire). K. S. Duleepsinhji (Sussex). F. R.
    .—Reuter.  -  80 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 63 16 S.S. PEMBROKESHIRE 11 VOY. 25. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel from Europe are hereby notified that a General Survey of all cargo landed in a damaged condition will be held in P.H.B. godown No. 3 at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, the 23rd August, 1932. No further survey will
      63 words
    • 187 16 THERMOS gjl ASKS I Ki... I is 14’ •<d Elffl ryjatalßMlfc PATENT STRONGLAS LINING ALL BRITISH LONG RECOGNISED AS THE MOST LELIAL' HENCE THEY ARE THE MOST WIDELY USED E 44 > iffim h. -.A'. JHK > lnV /T IS YOURS A r I sunshine Baby? > '4 I NO
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