Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 November 1931

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 521 1 F.NAGATA BROTHERS ENTISTS Head Office next to The Dispensary. H f e 52, Leith Street II Dollar Exchange Tables G .-.J»?,.» SSE! Sterling Into Dollars price I Dollars into Sterling I Bswßß w prom 3d. to 2s. 3d. JBMHfe Srkjl Amount* from Id, to £lO,OOO W .j. 'I Exchange Table
      521 words
    • 18 1 B.TOKISATSII! STUDIO 5 with up-to-date Photo- g graphy by electric light. ’Phon» 771» 70, BISHOP STBBBT, PENANG. f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1886 2 POSITION VACANT P. C. A., PEMAHG I BANKS. jawwaww «us the bmk uu «iiM®"" l P° la "X, Btltn** R»i .o Anim.Tr; Minima Subscription »3 gf L M TED< CORPORATION. Group Association, statirg qualifications, per annr.m paya n T TAV [lncorporated in England.! [incorporated in the colony or hongkong experience
      1,886 words

  • News From All Parts
    • 327 3 ATTITUDE OF GERMANY Stated by General Groener Berlin, November 13 IN the c ures of an interview with the Berlin correspondent of the Ch'cago ’’Tribune,” General Groener, Mnieter of Defence aid Minister of Interior, outlined Geruany'a attitude towards the Disarmament Conference» He declared that, since G -rcuany had
      327 words
    • 73 3 RUS I kN COUNT AND FORGED NOTES Nauen, (Berlii November 13 The news that Ccunt Alexander Nelidcff, a former efficer in the Russian Imperial Guards, had been arrested in Berlin on a charge of counterfrit ng coins and bank notes, has created a great sensation. Count Nelidt
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    • 56 3 A REPORT DENIED The Hague, November 13 In tie Second Chamber, the Foreign Minister, Heer Beelacrte van Blokland, denied a report that the Dutch and French General Steff efficers held a j)int conference or had conversations, adding that no such event could take pkee without the knowledge
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    • 171 3 POPULAR RECEPTION IN DENMARK Copenhagen, November 13 Avast crowd assembled on the quay when the steamer arrived conveying the members of the two Greenland expeditions, one German and one English, those of Profess r Wegener and 8 r Hubert Wilkin?. The expljrers were accompanied by several Eskimos and
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    • 232 3 TWO WEEK VACATIONS TO AID EMPLOYMENT Offioe and salaried people at the Good* ye.-r Tyre and Rubber Company are to take two weeks vara.ion without pay between October 1 and February 1, as part of the plan to prevent lay-offs and to sprrai work among the Lrgest num*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 521 3 CONSUMPTION HAS beeh cured A Rem dy for Consumption Has een Found 1 -> Wfe V i Elenburgs Foods I Made from the purest tnilk derk p. yonkerman, discoverer of the ol cows pastured in the home new remedy for consumption. counties, ths AUsnbuxys as it may seem after centuries
      521 words
    • 118 3 Your racket frame may be first class, bat if the gut is not the best, the whole racket be comes second rate. ‘‘Goldwing strings are the best. Insist upon Goldwing Gut when buying a new racket or when getting your old one re-strung. “Goldwing is superior in every respect. t
      118 words
    • 315 3 The Famous Tonic Powerful Blood Regenerator ‘AS VAN’ H e 'Sup f n-r- U 1 h' l is very limiLir n j i r i. n I i.. t, the eelel.r.,l e j Pm t-l-M ,f tke anient,- of s .p r em t It ,t,e> result, i„ rulu,- ,u
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  • 479 4 CHICAGO METHODS IN SICILY Submission or Death THE last of the Sicilian Mafia, 241 men, are now on trial at Palermo as the result of the determined steps taken under the orders of Signor Mussolini to stamp out this powerful secret society. It has ruled Sicily
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  • 230 4 PLANS FOR AN OUTRAGE ON THE RIVIERA Viennp. Silvester M dughka, the Hungarian business man whom the Viennese polic* have been questioning since October 12 in connection with the wrecking of exnreF««‘trainB at Bia Torbagy, in Hungary, and Jate»bog, in Germany, suffered a nervous cchapse
    230 words
  • 210 4 SCHOOL AIDS Left Handers are Encouraged LEFT-HANDFD children are no longer at a disadvantage in th ir school life, fcr special provisions are being made for them throughout the country. In some cases education authorities rpruviditg school desks with the inkjo s on the left-hand side
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  • 502 4 "T. O. M.” ARCH AEOT OGIOAL TREASURE lifted Bf Kinta dredge F’W are aware that s nee the beginning of the present month a tr'aime of hi* o rical imoortance and vi'n, has reposed i i the Perak Museu n at Taipiug. R*cent dredg ng oper*‘.inria
    "T. O. M.”  -  502 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 A new sef of v MM Hr fSI Bw Ol PLUGS will give your engine tnaf touch of eagerness that makes driving a delighta se? to-day. LODGE C 3 for European engine» screwed metr.c Stockists: K. Lee San Co, drT Cycle Carriage Co. r Georgetown Motor Garage, V\ and ad
      186 words
    • 38 4 Lawyer’s Requisite. Bodkins Green Silk’ Thread Tapes Indenture Paper Paper Seals Pink Office Tapes 1 ower of Attorney Form?; Registry of Deeds Forma White Office Tapes Will forms No. 1,2, 3, 4 5 The Pinang Gazette PRESS, LTD.
      38 words
    • 186 4 I wW 8 C:X'' Xw 1 I Little sleepy-head There’s no “bush hush” about the house when baby I is fed on Humanised Trufood. His sturdy lirtle life I goes on like clockwork. Off into dreamland with B his bedtime bottle, and the sun is up when be clamours for
      186 words

    • 780 5 on< jr,y:—Mis’rees Batsait wishing to wcf m a good way of [reserving rpech Leave?, a'so such things as Sea ’’-vender snd Honesty, from her girden, tbjtshe may nae them for decoration *°hen So** l,B are iC3rc in vaye found by meat my reading ”,doing earn?. Fick the
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    • 450 5  -  BY IRENE ADAIR cr the country, rough tweeds are toade into Norfolk coats with shor., Ulv ied akirts on vokes, and there are Cipta and caps t-11 dee gned to g’-V© *&njQth without weight or bulk. Buch is BiniiL way to dress. fur other occasions the array
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    • 370 5  -  BY BETTY G. REYNOLDS Fathrooms are gradually charging from u: ojmfortablp, poky abomination?, to rooms of beauty where canvenierc*, comfort and art are combined. The bathroom of 1932 wi 1 ba a woman’s paradise, decorated and des gsed as tastefu ly and c refully as her boudoir.
      370 words
    • 527 5 BY ROSAMUND V.siting a friend of mine the other dav I fonnd her preparing for what she calls h?r "Autumn Cleaning;’’ this she con aiders time very well tpoi t. This year she is planning to minimize the fly Trouble next season and ss we all
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    • 198 5 MARRIED LAST MONTH The wedding took on O.t btr 17 at Holy Triniti, B.omptor, of George Potica-y Pollard, eldest son of Mt. and M'S. W. Pollard, of Whitmore, Chittlehamholt, Devon, to Evelyn J ssio By ant, of Hghballer, Umber!e>h, D von. The Rev. C.
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    • Article, Illustration
      68 5 F,at furs are very fa ih ionab la this autumn, and dressmakers use them lavishly on some of the newest coat des gns. Just how effective is brown astrakhan on tweed of the same colour, can be seen from ths coat sketched. De?p cuffs of self-mitsria! are
      68 words
    • 586 5  -  BY MARION WEBSTER We look round u» sometimes and wen- I der what a ma i sees in cjrtain types of t girls that makes him want to marry one < of them. It is ever a cause for comment aad speculation when a handsome n an,
      586 words
    • 531 5  -  BY MARIENNU MARjTON Weil choB‘ n shoes make up for a multitude of dress sine, and the approach of winter does not by any means detract from their eleg ire?. The new ccllectuns include novel combinations of tuode and calf with slender toes and fnicy strap?, and brown, blue
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 jlfl “W Mi i I I xp jtail in "r it— Wkt Leaves Hair Twice as Beautiful The simple hair styles of tc-day make beautiful hair a necessity. Lnckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. Proper shampooing makes the hair soft and silky.
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  • 883 6 .—Reuter. Mixed Commission Provided Fundamental Points Accepted Will Dr. Sze Agree Paris November 18 Another secret, not a private meeting of the Council is to be held at 11 o’clock, the distinction being that no minutes are taken at a secret session and no unauthorised persons
    .—Reuter.  -  883 words
  • 157 6 Reuter Regains Control of Burning Vessel Shanghai November 18 The lives of more than 200 passengers in eliding a number of foreigners from Shanghai were jeopardised when an explo sion iu the engine room of the Yangtsze Rapids Steamship Company’s motor ship 'Ttu killed the eugine room craw
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 104 6 To day Hockey State team v. Tfap Rest, Hutchings bchool Ground. Nov. 20 Hockey: PR/!. v A lor Star Esplanade, 5 p m. Nov. 20 21 Singapore Po’o Club Autumn Meeting, Singapore. Nov. 21 Hockey Penang v. Selangor Kus la Lumpur. Nov 21 Rugby Football Penang k
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  • 162 6 Rugby Radio Service. Discussion of Reserved Subjects PLENARY CONFERENCE London, November IS The procedure to be adopted during the remaining stages of the Indian Hound Table Conference was announced by Loid Sankey who presided at a meeting of the Federal Structure Committee. Following a long interchange of
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  162 words
  • 176 6 Points in Chief Secretary’s Budget Speech The Federation is starting a most critical year with a surplus balance of $lB 693 326 The favourable trade bahnee for tbe last quarter reached the lowest level since 1908. The faith of the Government in the future of the country
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  • 234 6 Japanese Negotiations With the ihinese The following is a translation of ar announcement dated November 11, i?gueo by the Japanese Government on the Nonni affair. Recent conditions in tbe Nonni area arc getting worse and worse and a clash if imminent. After the completion of tbe repair to
    234 words
  • 301 6 .—Reuter. Singapore and K. L. Luck JOHORE PLANTER DRAWS HORSE 19 Prizes Of £30,000 Each Dublin, November 18 ONE of the greatest gambles in history is taking place at Dublin to-day and will continue until Friday. This is the draw in the great Irish Hospital Sweepstake on
    .—Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 114 6 S.C.C. Defeat S.RC, in Close Game (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, November 19 The SCO s hockey victory over the S. R.O yesterday by the only goal of the match will probably have an important hearing on the final selection of Singapore’s side to represent Singapore against belangor
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  • 150 6 ALOR STAR v. P R.?. A strong Hockey team from Alor Star is due in Penang to morrow to play the Penang Recreation Club. The match will be played on the Esplanade, beginning at 5 o’o’ock sharp The following will be the teams Al r Star.
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  • 187 6 Held by Devon and Cornwall THREE POINTS EACH London, November 18 The Springboks, who on Saturday were defeated by the Midland Counties at I eiceeter were to day held by a combined Devon and Cornwall XV.. each side scoring three points Reuter. The tourists phy r
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  • 570 6 RESULT OF DRAW The following is the resu’t of the drawing for the batch of 20 pony griffins shipped by Mr. R Morton, of Melbourne, by the 38 Nieuv Holland for the Per»k Turf Club. The drawing took place at 5 pm. on Tuesday
    570 words
  • 204 6 Reuter. Lancashire Traders Disappointed WILL M.p.’s pßpco THE _PONt? Bleaching Board’s Enc u uraje mtn The ardent hones of h nfin men tradiro with the Far eL? silver stabilisation would J place in the new programme were dis appointed L Mr. Neville Chamberlaia’ s the House of
    Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 88 6 -6* Sgo or Grand! and Hoover Washington, N «v.-nuberli Rushed through the busy streea ffil motor eye’s eeco t Signor iriuii Mt® panied by Mr. Stimiua, srri?eiM® White House and opened h jotvtraii® with President ii over. Signor Gnnfli and PivsiiMt conversed at the White Hj’ass f j
    -6*  -  88 words
  • 94 6 LONDON— CAPETOWN balisoury -Rugby Air Mail Servica h January London. November An air mail service between Capetown will open with a despe will leave Croydon on January first outward mail will leave enuary 25. and reach London on 5 be whole journey in eich occupy eleven days and ma
    , balisoury – . -Rugby  -  94 words
  • 53 6 —Reuter. Leader Advoca es Satyagraha Calcutta The Swarajists are dai i restive over the proceedings a fl 0 Table Conference and the non Gandhi. It is impossible to aci- ie^ out afresh struggle' an 6 (tflf «jj Nehru in a speech advocate with an AU India resistance
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1029 7 Weekly tiffin.—About 80 members and one guest Mr, Hobiyn) were present at the tiffin at the E 0 Hotel on Tuesday. Address. —The speaker for that meeting was Captain Alsagoff of the Malay Volun leers. Sudden illness however prevented him frcm attending the meeting and delivering his
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  • 356 7 CORONATION CEREMONY Sultan Recalls The Old Days URGES PEOPLE TO WORK HARDER (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, November 19. THE c< remony of crowning the Sultana of Johoie took place yesterday in the presence of a large gathering and proved a most brilliant function <»f mixed oriental
    356 words
  • 85 7 .—Reuter. CONCERN AMONG POLITICAL OBSERVERS League Prestige at Stake London. November 19 The slowness of the progress of the Lesgue Council, coupled with reports of the occupation of Tsitsihar, is causing grave concern among political observers here who feel now, more than ever, that not only peace in
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 141 7 SATURDAY’S PRODUCTION To Aid Planters’ Provident Fund “THE PERFECT ALIBI” Under the auspices of the Kedah Planters’ Association ‘‘the Perfect Alibi’’ by A. A. Milne will be produced by the Surge! Patani Amateurs in the Sungei Patani Club at 930 on Saturday. The tickets are $2-50 each.
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  • 117 7 FUNERAL OF MR. J. S. CARDOS\ One of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club’s light ’plane i circled overhead during the committal service, and dipped in salute after the committal at the funeral d the Cheras Real Cometery of the late Mr. J. S. Cwdoea, whose death
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  • 261 7 Owing to the prevalence of rabies in Kuala Lumpur, import of dogs into the Klang and Coast Districts has been prohibited. Mr H Edward Clayton Manager of Ulu Yam and Puchong Tin Dredges, is shortly proceeding on transfer to Assam Kumbang, Taiping. Mr. C J Chisholm, of
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  • 520 7 BINDINGS TRAGEDY Body Dragged for About A Mile News of a Chinese rubber tapper being attacked by a tiger, while tapping on a rubber estate in the Bindings, and the discovery of his dismembered body about a mile away from the spot where his tapping
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  • 323 7 KILLING THE GOOSE THAT LAY S THE GOLDEN EGGS The new taxation proposals, writes a correspondent of the “Times of Malays, may be necessary to secure more revenue, but it is, nevertheless Uke killing the goose that lays tbe gc lien eggs. To begin with,
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  • Cinema Notes
    • 998 7 SUPER-FILM “Seed” at the “Queen’s” Brings Tears < What promises to be one of the greatest motion pictures ever made is now in the course of production at the Metro- Goldwyn Studios. The pic ure is 1 "Grand-Hot» 1” a screen adaptation of Vicki
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  • 514 7 TAMIL CONVICTED Fined and Sent to Prison A Tamil name! Arikan was to-day cmvicted by Mr. J. L. McFall, District Judge, Butterworth, on a charge of volant tarily causing grievous hurt to a Chinese named Oog Ah Peng with a dangerous instrument. The prosecution was conducted
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  • 76 7 ACCUSED CLAIMS TRIAL Alleged to hav* cimmitted criminal breach of trust of $l9O in ersh which was entrusted to h’m by a Malay woman named Che Ah, Osman bin Madar was today produced before Mr. J. P« Biddulph, the Police Megis’rate. The accused claimed trial and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 409 8 In commjn with all other gov ernments in times of embarrassment, the governments of ’the Straits Settlements and thFederated Malay States have looked in the same direction for ways and means to replenish their depleted purses. Of tbe two, tht F M.S. Government has looked tinI harder, and
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  • 217 8 The inoidenoe of the tex on batter in the F. M. 8. meds itaelf known in Penang this morning in a m wan ar that left no room for doubt among consignees of periahab’e goods to the F. M. 8. A local firm yeatarday afternoon dea patched
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  • 220 8 There appears some dissatisfaction at the failure of any definite move towards the stabilisation of silver but the consideration arises as to whether silver's decline is in itself a cause of bad trade or whether the fall is merely symptomatic of other causes. As we unldrstand
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  • 1305 8 Penang, Thursday. advantages of b jying British goods have been stressed here and elsewhere time and again. But sometimes we are met by the complaint: I don’t know any British line of that particular commodity. The trouble, admittedly, often is that British goods a*e too bashful and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 339 8 VISITORS TO HILL STATIONS can obtain all their supplies from any of our branches. Whatever your requirements we can supply from ou'r own stocks, which are always fresh. No extra charge for freight or packing. Pritchard Co., Ltd. PHONE 3352 —itttt--.t-- i i ii^ —-rmHam I All Prices Reduced. s
      339 words
    • 32 8 E. O. THE BEST SITUATED SEASIDE HOTEL IN THE EAST. ALL ROOMS FACE THE BEA, each with sitting room and private bathroom attached. MO9ERN SANITATION THROUGHOUT. EXCELLENT CUISINE under expert European Chef.
      32 words

  • 1699 9 Artillery Bombardment Japanese May Cross Chinese Eastern Railway Outcome of Fighting Doubtful Shortly after dawn this morning Japanese artillery on the Nonni front thundered the opening of a large scale offensive against General Ma Chan Shan. The Japanese have been reticent regarding
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  • 148 9 —Reuter. President Hoover Disturbed INFORMAL MEMORANDUM Washington, November 18 It is understood that President Hoover has approved an informal memorandum to the United States Ambassador at Paris reiterating the U. S. Government’s attitude on reparations. It is believed that the memorandum, which is merely one of a
    —Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 49 9 The peace strengths of the armies of Powers represented In Manchuria are»— Russia 562,000 (conscript) Japan 200,000 (conscript) China 1,000,000 (voluntary) In the air, China is outnumbered, the actual figures not being* available. Both Russia and Japan, however, have well over one thousand military aeroplanes each.
    49 words
  • 79 9 —Rugby Radio Service. Negotiations Bet w een Governments London, November 18 In the House of •'onmna, the Under Secretary for Foreign Affvrs < apt. Edeu, stated that the present negoti ition between the French and German Governments were understood to ielate solely to the question of procedure name
    .—Rugby Radio Service.  -  79 words
  • 40 9 Reuter. Medical Experts and Supplies Cairo. November 18 In conformity with the League of Nations request, medical experts and supplies are being despatched to China to join in the esmpiign against diseise arising out of the floods.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 55 9 bir Harcia been Governor of Somaliland— Rugby Radio Service. Sir Harold Kit.’ermaskr Appointed Governor London. November 18 The King has been p’eased to appoint Sir Harold Kittermaster to be Governor ant Commander in Chief of British Honduras in succession to Bir John Burdon Sir H&rcld Kittermaeter since 19-"
    bir Harcia --- been Governor of Somaliland—Rugby Radio Service.  -  55 words
  • 127 9 October Overseas Trade ADVERSE TRADE BALANCE INCREASED Departmental Machinery Ready London. November 18 The derailed view of British overseas trade in October, published to night by the Board of Trade, has a spe cial interest in view of the Government’s Anti-Dump ing*” Bill. The figures show
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  • 93 9 The Conservative Parliamentary Agrioul tural Committee yesterday passed a resolu tion demanding before the recess an outline of the full agricultural programme of the Government regarding a quota and guar anteed price for wheat; the position of malting barky; the future of the eugir beet industry and the
    93 words
  • 156 9 at the shortest notice. —Rugby Radio Service. Opposition’s Objection Answered The second reading of the Abnormal Importations Customs Duties Bill was moved in the House of Commons to night by the Parliamenury Secretary to the Board of Trade Major Ilore Be isha, who answered the Opposition arguments on
    at the shortest notice.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  156 words
  • 46 9 Reuter. Estimated at Over 6,200,000 Washington. November 18 The number of unemployed is estimated by the Federation, of Labour at 6.200.00(1 The federation, however. notes thu beginning of an improvement following a rise in wheat prices and an increase in the cotton shipments Reuter.
    ] Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 48 9 Reuter. Father Lodges CLim Against Government Shanghai. November 18 Kr Thorbnrn e father has lodged a claim for 100 000 taels against the Chinese Government in ccnne tioa with the expenses worry, and anguish s istained by himself aid wife in reepeat of his sons death.—
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 li I® ’i'wKcvaw.. 4 V4iw Cl Ab, 3 V tea*.
      10 words
    • 305 9 His Master’s Voice A Few Good Ones from November Issue. GEORGE METAXA > Out of Nowhere Tenor > B 3935 Fall in Love With Me EVELYN HERBERT ’j Mother Scprano B 3938 Silver Moon BING CROSEY BAR I TON E Wrap Your Troub'es in Dreams Gene Austin Tenor r B
      305 words

    • 835 10 (To the Editor of the Pinang Sir, —Instead of marshalling her forces and preparing for eventualities as she ought to be doing, China is content to indu ge in hopes and expects the League of Nations to settle for her her dispute with the Japan; and if in
      835 words
  • 80 10 Pen ang, November 19 B V Courtesy of the Chartered Bank Ou London Bank Deman 1 2/4 1/32 4 m/ts 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/is credit 2 4 13/16 Ou ,i 3 i, Documentary 2/4 ***** New York Bank Demand 43 nom T T i 050 num >• TT
    80 words
  • 135 10 RUD ON EX-MINIVER’3 HOME London, October 31 Apparently provoked bv political spite, raiders stole the historic Northumberland County flag last night and wantonly damaged Wellington Hall, the Home of Sir Charles Trevelyan, ex-Minister of Education in the last Labour Government, who was defra'ed at the po 1
    135 words
  • 120 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations In MESSRS. KENNEDY Co.’s share list at 11 a.m. to day Yesterday To-day 2 2 Ĕ 2 Shares >, S B cq OT w tn to. o. to. to. Mining Ayer Ilitam 11/. 11/6 10/9 11/3 Killinghall Tin
    120 words
  • 62 10 Latest London, Niw York and Local Pricet 77/V» LONDON Spt f!32 0 0 Dowa £2 0 0 3 Mln' £133 17 6 Down £2 0 0 SINGAPORE K6.37} per picul Down 87} c. 75 tor's dore RUBBERi Leaden 3 d, Up 1/16 d Km York 411/15 c,
    62 words
  • 181 10 Eastern Smelting Co. Ltd. London November 17, Spot £134.7 6 ’h-ee months’ buying £136 5 0 hree months’ seTng £136.7.6. Ifessrs. Boustead d Co, Ltd. 19th November quotation for Singapore refined tin t 66 37} per picul, business <ione 75 tons, Penang refined tin 166 12} per picul,
    181 words
  • 140 10 Latest Quotations Wed. Tues. Bat. Nov. 18 Nov 17 Sept. 19 Paris 96| 96| 128.96 New York 8.77 4.85} Montreal 4 2 4.20} Brussels 27« 27| 84.88 Geneva 19f 19g 24.86 Amsterdam 9 13'32 9 13'82 12.03 Milan 73 73i 92 89 Berlin 15& 15j 20.52
    140 words
  • 920 10 KENNEDY CO. SHARE LIST I I li KDE3EK IDeJWtJ I c f f Allenby BabbM S? If Alas Rubber BcUle Sd Ak« Kunhas Babbei Ay®» Boleb Babbei Oe rk Iyer Fap— Bnbbf Mot**— Belia PlanMn* c Babb— Go 4 J bLu aintan* RcbbtJ CO BeitcH Plant! Ser* Babb» Botat- Bor«iU
    920 words
  • 238 10 Ewans November 19 ete. Benares OplQin p, «heat uon 5JG0.00 Cloves ii ?O.OC Gold leaf elleri 7S.CC ncm 170.0 C Nutmegs SI b .< 70. 0 C h HOb .i 60.00 Oosonutsper 1.000 u 15.00 □opra Sundried buyers 5.80 Rattans ralei 11.10 Rattans Ooarte 10.6! Green Snail She!
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 208 10 “ALHAMBRA” u NOTICE is hereby given that the Trade Marks depicted above incoi ptaring their design the word ‘Alhambra’’ and also the Trade Mark consisting of tn word •‘Alhambra” made, written or printed in any size, shape, colour or form, are several!» the exclusive properties of Messrs. ALHAMBRA CIGAR AND
      208 words
    • 432 10 New Adveitisemenh I MISCELLANEOUS SACRIFIC E—Manufac'urer who C3mpelled eloee Penang branch has twelve months lease on two etcreyed < flfice, good eituation. Preened sublet, low rental to cut loes. Wri e B x No 152 c/o Pinang G zatte. TO LET No. 4 Weld Quay. Gohwn. Suitable for Offices and
      432 words

  • 397 11 five races on first day Mr. J. C. Osborne Acting as Handicapper The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Singapore Polo Club Amateur Meeting, in conjunction with the Singapore Turf Club, to be run to morrow at Singapore, together with the
    397 words
  • 561 11 LIST NO. 18 The following further subscriptions are gratefully acknowledged:— cts. Amount previously published as per List No 17. 13.381 68 Staff of Penang Harbour Board. Mr. Lim Guan Chuan 5 00 Lim Swee Hean 5 00 Khoo Beng Teong 5 (0 Tan Gin Chong 5
    561 words
  • 662 11 PLANTERS AND GOVERNOR Company Directors Give Details The Governor-General of the Dutch Zast Indies recently gave an interview to the Committee of the Planters’ Association who bad sent in a petition to aaeist the Dutch planters during the depressor, And an account is contained in
    662 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 POCKET CHECK ROLLS TOR ESTATES, MINES, ETC. 1 4| x 6J 2 4J x 6J 3 5} x 7j 4 6f x 8f 5 5} x 7 J 6 5} x 7} 7 4| x 7> 8 5g x 7f 9 6f x 8| 10 6 x 9 11 5
      64 words
    • 110 11 "s’b* l. A Hisb-Clas» Guaranteed LEVER WATCH FREE. The four lines of letters In C J K Jk T H B L .AWaRB v seno jvu. a k M [gSLi Absolutely Free, one of g o R Eg Ef/ cur famous guaranteed 1 Wk I Lever Watches ladies or gent
      110 words
    • 135 11 LITTLE BOY IN AWFLM Almost Blind With Skin Trouble. Cuticura Healed. “My little boy’s trouble began on bis ear. It became red and very dry, and when the skin cracked water came f.-om it. His ear was very hot and The trouble spread to his eyes and ne was almost
      135 words
    • 275 11 Great Britain’s 1 finest products I are 3 The Best in the World I §1 t v i i g— I //i DUNLOP not merely the name o£ a tyre but national i WW servlce Made in England. >l<»l< I j ~l i JU ma ■—r—wxnwrimwnA—w—m—i—w—e mw~imTrn~nTW ■>< r-»-!» -w
      275 words

  • 835 12 Port of Penang Schedule of Principal Lines The following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week. IN PORT TO-DAY Steamer From Sailirg For Date of Sa’liog Rimba P. Dode Pore W. 11 To-day Tung Song Bsrnam River Pulan I au&kawi
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 177 12 UNIVERSAL APPROVAL! I It is said that to gain universal approval is one I of the impossibilities of life. Yet the great range of “Standard” products sold throughout the 7 Xu world always satisfies our customers. T f Automatic Telephone Equipments Manual Telephone Equipments Telephone Apparatus Telephone Sets and Associated
      177 words
    • 176 12 fcfeo i/fcwi 1 Of Chemists 1 and Stores I fota) a 1 K 3 W in two sizes. «W' > Cc’ds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cougfc. The pleasant, soothing action of Angier’s Emulsion, together v th its tonic and building properties, make it an ideal remedy for children’s ailments. Moreover, the
      176 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 155 12 wrasssiszi w. k»a—-To-Night at 6-15 9-30 Acclaimed by lasi night's Big Crowds as one of the Finest Pictures C?2j J A Challenge to ._J.,...! JLXJ -I J Women in Love WITH JOHN BOLES —GENEVIEVE TOBIN and a Superb Cast of Players Also Special Number of d Universal British A ews.
      155 words

  • 516 13 FOREIGN JOURNALISTS’ DIFFICULTIES After Stalin RED REGIME WEAKER THAN IN PAST YEARS THE conditions under which foreign newspaper correspondents in Moscow have had to work during the Sovie t regime aie described in Dr. Pau Scheffer’s retrospective review, “Seven Years in Soviet Russia,” (Putnam. 15s. net.)
    516 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 247 13 fir \w ii &f \P< li IF I W’ WOi 8 B|'7 > l > w*‘ lt;, .M. Vitality in the hot Season! VITALITY activity mental and physical respoosi^eness—how much we need them out East— bow little we have them There are some people who seem endowed with lasting energy.
      247 words
    • 266 13 I Aridrsws LivWrSait I~ I 1 7 1 5 ®r \[M Preserves Your MeskltH. The Eorneo Company, Ltd. fey re» XyV v.-arj 77/F BETTER BLADE FITS GILLETTETYPE H RAZORS OLD OR NEW fl Pul a PROBAK Blade info your Gillette type razor. Whal then You get, from that razor, a
      266 words

  • 494 14 A PREDICTION Astrologer’s Forecast of Armageddon Bombay, October 28 A disciple of His Holiness Gurudeo Shree Shantivipya Mahan j who resides on the heights cf Mount Abu has obtain-. ed from the later the following fort cast j of coming events His Holiness believes that the present,
    494 words
  • 219 14 LONDON TRAFFIC HELD UP BY IT3 PASSAGE The biggest girder in the world, which is to be need as the mainstay of the Cumberland PJace H)te’, now baing built at Marble Arcb, made a slow but alven turoug journey from Marykbone Station to its destination, followed by
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 432 14 1 f KEEP W Fra J strong tgT/ ■and KEEP WELL wllW J < When the climate makes you list- < less, nervy and almost without < k energy to carry on, it’s a sure sign jSSaS < you need Hall’s Wine. Hall’s < Wine is by far the finest
      432 words
    • 25 14 I APIOL aSTBKL I I r ,<lr 11 fcrMW—Mi, I R W. J. KDMOxDS, I I Kntliah I »2. S 4. Baacb «real. r«MB S
      25 words
    • 158 14 i LEA j L PERRINS' j i SAUCE i Take a little with your cheese Doctor away bv ’he occa ion»! use of EVANS PASi iLLES. They protect your throat and give relief in cases of colds,coughs and catarrh. From Cho«r i»U< erywhere. Mtule tn Kugiaa J u> formula Of
      158 words
    • 328 14 I i I S''felw I H’wl I i 1 br R IN 7 x ta 7 i kN'W )zN/ ;r 31 7 <Or\ F< > vrnWk' vJ/ NJ i ib t U j j 1 ~l n How Parker ff Pressureless tf Touch” improves your liandwritin" I "Pressureless Touch*' and
      328 words

  • 635 15 Penang, November 19, 1931 chowrasta market Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 40 Head goat 1-20 Sheep 90each Liver with heart lung do 90 1.30 Tripe do 90 Goat or Sheep pe r lb 40 Sweet Bread per pair 35 per lb 35 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four
    635 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 423 15 THE PINANG GAZETTE o list li wfeert jgi be si W Cesta. tJCAL Rahtsa», B Hote3 3d Eußnyinad© Hotel B g.Md. 00., Vfateria Piw and Swektesham Pier. Ml. len.'All Money Obangar 4 Beach Bl T. M. N. Mydin, 27, Lalih Steeai. feel Btop., 215. Panftisi Road. Scot Huai, 178, Penang
      423 words
    • 449 15 k. 1 -1 ISSilifr Wo? 1 swßgfc. w I 73 Bww WHfesSSB 1 isa I Mi,., wlffl-lJMii 1 ‘At. ■;W.:7 ‘1 sSSaSflr \i*r%nA \A I W, i lIW /K QCueand. I gt n il r 4 1 irw/I I' WwZaa I The Glamour of Rhythm h-l I U 47H" g
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1771 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDH I THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE I dollar steamshjp line a INTENOKU SAILINGS FROM PENANG ofoJAMICRICAN MAIL LINE-. I AND APCAR LINEi WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON N. OONtINENT. u (Companies Incorporated in Kk3lani\) ICMIAI N-v 20 Mir-Miles, Lwhn, Ry.terd im, H imburg 3 k I x ALCINOU3 NLv 6
      1,771 words