Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 September 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 ItJAGATA! brothers dentists Head Office next to The Dispensary. Branch Office 52, Leith Street 3£d.-—" »>• -L,- -Xk? t\Z~-= a 1 i- 11 lce If II > I *p 11l I t I I > 1 i-Z all sizes i f i Expanded Metal i- vQJk T/vR»7 <• J H
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    • 16 1 H.TOKiSATSU) STUDIO with up-to-date Photography by electric light. Thone 772, 68,70, BISHOP ST BEET, PENANG. I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1906 2 I"*"' e BANKS MiarvT in the estate of Does your Body get what it "L.— CHARLES WALLIS ROBINSON requires VITAMIN B. and china"’*' pTi t X% E DCUAV Boad Constructions etc. Notice is hereby given that all creditors |Bf| jK Paid-up-Capital fl’onoOOol I Please apply to and other persons having
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  • 295 3 FLIGHT BID BY HERO'S WIDOW All Lost” in Burma Crash RUNAWAY marriage at sixteen iiWJEPOLE may laugh at m?, but JL there is one thing lam determin'd to dol must give my children a real start in life, and then I intend to make the flight
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  • 264 3 With the installation of mechanism for the censoring of talkie»,’* the banning of certain English Sunday newspapers and weekly journals, the barring of books by Aldous Hux’ey, Bertrand RussaP, and others, the new censorship in the Irish Free State may he said to be fairly launched (says
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  • 180 3 CHILDREN AND EFFECTS OF LIQUOR During the war year?, the deaths certified as associated with alcoht lem suddenly decreased to a mere fraction of their former number?, and that reduc ion has since proved permanent. Dr. T. H. 0. Stevenson, medical statistical officer in the General
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 << *K NM XXA /> tk Z\ '.-.j yz'- h Z f^ xX -\zC wL2g) 0 y > y Zx ,Ju B SKI U I X’ P K f 1 p I I -'X'.;; ..'.••-5 I RUGGED peaks and Here you get milk at its green velvety valleys. best. The
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    • 17 3 "BOSCH*" Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air and on the tea.
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    • 260 3 ldl 1 1» JL. -a HIGH SOCIETY BLUES” These are the song hits from this big talkie success. I Wonderful melodies to dance to: g r’n I Jtnfc I’ke In A Story Back, F. T. I I’m In The Maiket For You Brilliantly Rendered By Van Phillips Band /.q f
      260 words

  • Feminine Reflections
    • 825 4 Monday Cotten frock* being fashionable this Beacon, whether of print or vo Ido wrDe vf a verv good o£ wfigbi g them, to preserve their colour. That to pot a little bran into Inke-warm water and to wash qu ckly through, then rinse in cold water, doing
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    • 328 4  -  BY MURIEL RAPSON With a little patience it is possible to find sets of china and glass which will harmonise with the col >ur scheme of an? room. Indeed, some of them are so lovely that one is tempted to choose them first, and then redecorate the
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    • 487 4  -  BY ATELA LEWIS Harmony of colour in dress is one of the greatest marks of good or bad taste in a wen an. Those people are fortunate who know, or feel instinctively what colouri look well together, and though an eye for colour may not be easily
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    • 71 4 Here are a choice collection of new shoes, dress materials being as popular as leathers, and, in most instances, shoes are richly coloured this summer. On the first stair the shoes are of embroidered shantung, then come tennis shoes of white buckskin with generous strappings in
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    • 480 4  -  BY MARGARET MELVIN There are d* fl lite fashions in wallpaper as in clothes, and this year the vogue seems to be a wall covering which is fadeless and washable and in varied patterns and colourings which can not only be washed but even scrubbed without any
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    • 423 4  -  BY DAPHNE DAVIDSON Ddnly f tshions in handbags for the summer include flat envelopes in necktie silk, lined with moires, whose eflours contrast with the mellow covr rs. A bag with a silken weave is edged by narrow white kid piping?, and pillar-box and royal
      423 words
    • 607 4 BY ROSAMUND As the summer advances the WlBe houeewife files a convenient dry shelf the store cupboard with pickles and so forth, which she knows the will fi Q( i useful when winter comes—if not before Here are some seasonable recipes. Rhubarb Chutney: About this time
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 You should give Martell s Brandy preference over others as it is superlat f CAST IRON Pipes and Pipe Bends. r j 1 JilnJ fl 11 J m t LB Manhole-Covers, Soil Pipes etc. I /II 1» i w swobi m l I II 11 0/ it H II R.
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  • 188 5 Reuter. MATCH DRAWN Surrey Swamps Middlesex GREGORY IN FORM London, September 2. THERE was some heavy scoring in the first-class matches which concluded to-day. The scores were as follows Sussex v. Australians Brighton Australians 367 < Kippax 158. Hurwood 91, Hornibrook 59 not out' and 233 for
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 43 5 Reuter. HULL CITY WIN AT NELSON London, c eptember 2 The following are the results of League matches played to day DIVISION 3. (Northern section.) Nelson 0 Hull City 2 Rochdale 2 Cheaterfield 3 SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Ranger* 1 Hamilton A. 0
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 67 5 .Reuter. MARINE OFFICIER S FATAL CRASH Chicago, September 2 There was yet another serious accident at the air races. Captain A rthur Page, United States Marine Corps, flying at 205 miles an hour in the Thomson Trophy race, crashed in front of 60 000 spectators Capt Page
    .Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 68 5 BY SCRATCH SINGAPORE SIDE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. September 8 In a dull game of soccer yesterday Singapore defeated Hong Kong by one goal to nil. Although a scratch side Singapore were too good for the visitors who were unable to penetrate the home defence. Singapore’s
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  • 272 5 UNPLEASANT INCIDENTS Unnecessary Display of Temper There were two prominent features in the yesterday’s football match played on the Renong Ground between the A. H. I. A. and the Padang Party when the latter ran out winners by the only goal scored in the match.
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  • 141 5 THE SCRATCHINGS Fair Fields for To-day The scratchings have not been heavy for to-day, the second day of the Singapore Turf Club Autumn meeting, and three place dividends are assured in every race. In tw’o events, unless there are further scratchings on the course, there should be
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  • 53 5 .Reuter. AMERICAN AIRMAN REACHES 28,000 FEET Chicago, September 2 Wilfred Moore of Kansas City, attempting an altitude record, reached a height of 28.000 feet. This is a new world s record if the barograph corroborates the evidence of the plane s altimeter. Moore was accompanied by Miss Alice
    .Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 38 5 Reuter. NEW BRITISH BOXING HOPE London, September 2 Teddy Baldock, the British Bantamweight Champion, was surprisingly but convincingly outpointed by Benny Charkey, a young Newcastle bantam, who was participating in his first big fight Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 34 5 Just Received From Europe" A new shipment of Printed Chiffon Dress Lengths. Colours Charming Fascinating. Each of them is of different design. Prices moderate. B. H. T. Doulatram Co., Ba, Bb, Beach Street, Penang.
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    • 117 5 j f 1 > I SPECBALIY MADE 1 and meeting a real need when breast feeding fails and raw milk is liquid danger" Cow Gate Milk Food brings health and vitality and everything that Baby needs for sound growth and steady development. Fresh from West of England pastures, rich in
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  • 2157 6 Grand Reception Speeches at State Banquet Weltevreden, August 28. ON Wednesday, 27th August, at 5.15 p.m., His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi, Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of the Malay States, arrived in Weltevreden and was officially received in the reception room
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  • 42 6 6 Singapore Turf Club Autumn Meeting, 3rd day. The Temerloh Coconut and Rubber Estate. Ltd., annual meeting Messrs. A. A. Anthony Company, 12 noon. 10 Singapore Turf Club Autumn Meetihg, 4th day. 13 -Singapore Turf Club Autumri Meeting, sth day.
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  • 370 6 Thrilling Adventures of Motor Cyclist Mr. Louis Kraft, who rode across Africa on a motor-cycle, recently arrived at Cape Town and gave an account of his adventures to the Press. Mr. Kraft claims that no other man has made the journey on a motor-cycle before. I started from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 14 6 FV'gs wva proved to bebc'ff oi liie read inithe air and on the sea.
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    • 259 6 vnmnnnn Has it occurred to YOU that the only way to ensu-. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS in the sugar you purchase is to buy it in packages, sealed and GUARANTEED by the refiner iiiiuiiii..wM>aafg<iiiii 'll 1 M rj i I iWIIO I 111 HillllgSHil IT AIK O O T. K- sugar is
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  • 425 7 Battle in French Territory Suspects Hiding in Lonely House in Jungle Reuter. a revolver battle between a of terrorist suspects anil police in Chandernagore, Sis the French Territory near lentta. early yesterday morning, e Bengali was killed and four Crested. The police, led by Sir rhirles
    Reuter.  -  425 words
  • 89 7 3euter. Extraordinary Precautions by the Government Buenos Aires, cptember 8 Alarmist rumours are spreading that Argentina is on the verge of a political upheaval. Signor Dellepiane, the War Minister, has resigned and it is believed that other Cabinet Ministers will follow The G(:erni?.nt is taking extraordinary precautions, Eleven
    3euter.  -  89 words
  • 200 7 .Renter. QUE TION MARK LAND I AT CURTISSFIELD New York, September 2 A message from St. Pierre states that the Question Mark passed over South St Pierre at six this morning, Eastern Summer Timo. Capt. Costes, in communication with the St Pierre w*irele 3 s station, reported
    .Renter.  -  200 words
  • 59 7 JU V/A. VliV .-•-Reuter. Japanese Buyers to be Admitted Cape Town. September 2 The Minister of Agriculture has decided to permit the Japanese wool buyers to enter into the Union for free competition on the outh African wool markets. This decision may lead to a very impor
    JU V/A. VliV .-•-Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 51 7 CHINESE FILM AT DRURY LANE. "Father in-laws" is the Chinese film showing at the I mry Lane Theatre Hall The picture has been drawing crowded bouses since Monday and it mamtams the usual high quality tor which its pro ,luc«rs the Sun Motion Picture Company ot Shanghai. BOh
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  • 51 7 .Reuter. Shanghai, September 2 iwo million silver piastres were recently shipped from Haiphong to London. It is understood that the Government of bd.a have negotiated for a further sale of *****,000 ounces of silver with a certain China banking corporation at a price slightly oelow the official
    .Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 43 7 Reuter. London, September 2 Rwt r a correspondent aboard the Orient IDer Orama" going to England from Australia reports that Mr. Scullin, who was 3n 'ng acutely from bronchial trouble w btii he sailed, is making an excellent reXvei y,Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 35 7 Reuter. Rio de Janeiro, September 2 v ral are believed to have been killed !b iuy injured while great df mage was t property by a tornado which c the city yesterday.Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 32 7 N EW ULTRAVIOLET RAY .Reuter. Moscow, September 3 «Oienfß CC rC^ cr Sedov engaged in a k- Ak in the Arctic has wirethat a scientist aboard has discovered K’ ultra violet ray.-Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 30 7 anurc Reuter Stockholm, September 3 the fjr s ''h J specially boarded bodiun Mn which landed the rniing t have, identified there Re/f r(b h’ s companion Striad
    anurc " Reuter  -  30 words
  • 718 7 HANDICAPS FOR SATURDAY Will Lucky Mistake Win Again? Below* will be found the handicaps for five races on Saturday, the third day of the ingapore Turf lab Autumn Meeting. The weights relate to the two top classes of horsts and afford an interesting study Class 1 has
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  • 64 7 JAVANESE UNDER ARREST Information has been received in Penang this morning to the effect that what was apparently a brutal murder had been perpetrated at Nebong Tebal. Details are scanty. The alleged murdered man is stated to be a Javanese, about 40 years old. Another
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  • 244 7 THREE PEOPLE INJURED Accused Charged in the District Court A Chinese named Ong Chye Seng, who had been previously charged in the Second Police Court, on three different counts of attempted murder, which charges were later reduced was to-day produced before Mr H. A. Forrer.
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  • 151 7 THREE CHINESE CONVICTED Heavy Fines in District Coart Mr. H. R. Baker of the Government Monopolies to-day charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer, three Chinese named (1) Tham Ah Fat, (2) Soh Peng and (3) Moi Lum with having offered for sale to the Superin tendent of Monopolies,
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  • 109 7 JUDGMENT RESERVED IN WILL CA'E There was no work in the Penang upreme Court to day, the suit which was expected to have taken up two days, coming to a conclusion at the end of the first day’s hearing. In this suit, between Mohamed Surat and Che
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  • 97 7 On returning from Borneo Lady Clementi visited The Child Welfare Society’s Creche at Minto Road and Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s Factory on August 27. On arrival Lady Clementi was received by Mr. Tan Kah Kee and his fourth son in law, Mr. Oon Khye
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  • 93 7 SENSATIONAL MYSTERY TALKIE PERFORMaN E The Drake ase is drawing crowded houses at the Queen’s inema. It is a super talkie of a sensational murder, keeping the audience in suspense from the beginning to the end of the show. It is a story ia which the daughter accuses
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  • 395 7 Mr. and Mrs David Frankel have re turned to ingapore. It is hoped that a Rotary Club will be started in Taiping at an early date. Mr. D. C. Watherston, Cadet, M.C.S., has been appointed to be a Magistrate of the Second Class in and for the
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  • 137 7 SEEVARATNAM—MUTTIAH A pretty wedding was solemnised yesterday at the Church of the Resurrection, Kuala Kangsar. the contracting parties being Dr. John E. Seevaratnam, S S. Medi cal Service), and Miss Charlotte Rosamma Muttiah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Muttiah of Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 136 7 RAO SAHEB KUNHI RAMAN NAIR IN PENANG Rao Saheb Kunhi Raman Nair, who has been appointed Agent of the Government of India in Malaya in succession to Rao Saheb Subbayya Naidu, whose term of office expired last month, arrived in Penang this morning by tbe 8.1.
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  • 71 7 TWO MONTHS’ JAIL A Chinese named Tan Cheok who bad been found guilty on a charge of tbe theft of 25 rambu tans valued at 20 cts. in the Second Police court, was produced before Mr. H.A. Forrer, the Penang District Judge, for Sentence. The accused admitted
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    • 189 7 (To the Editor of the A inang Gazette) Sir,Amplifying Mr. E. D. Butler's letter in the T'inang Gazftte, if well placed, companies can freeze out many other local Rubber Producers, any uay we look to Government to preserve the Asiatic inhabitants of British Malaya. By freezing out
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    • 193 7 Sir In a bureaucratic administration, the machinery of the governmet moves very slowly, and when an emergency measure such as Rubber Restriction becomes law, it begins to act as a narcotic, even though the operation of the enactment does untold harm in the long run. This
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  • 271 7 TAMIL DISCHARGED BY POLICE MAGISTRATE Felix, a Tamil, who described himself as a tally clerk in the Municipality was charged in the Second Police Court with being drunk and disorderly and secondly with assaulting a constable at T’atani Road last night. Sundaram. the constable who was alleged to
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  • 128 7 TAMIL LAD CHARGED IN COURT T efore Mr. Edward Jago in the Second Police Court, Singaram and Mucian 7 y. two Tamil lads, were charged with the th» of 10 katties of spent cartridges u,g tha Rifle Range, on optemWr We that they were used
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  • 519 8 Day by day the news from Iniia becomes more grave. The seeds of so-calle 1 civil disobedience and lilI il non-violent resistance to law and order have germinated, thrived and come to fruition, and to-day there is a spirit of lawlessness and contempt for law abroad through
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  • 156 8 Reuter. Four Chinese Victims in Fire London, September 2 Three Chinese children and their pet dog Spot perished in the fire in a threestoried building in a Liverpool Chinatown shop in which was occupied by their father, a laundryman named Hun Yen. Two other sons were badly
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 81 8 Tan Kah Kee’s Manager Seriously Wounded (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, September 3 Mr. Tan Keng Cheng, outdoor manager of Tan Kah Kee s Sambawa Road factory, was attacked by armed Chinese outside his residence in Oxford Road last night and was shot several times at point blank
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  • 41 8 Reuter. Freak Parties Running Candidates Berlin, September 2 Twenty-four parties are running can didates for the Reichstag elections on September 14. The new parties include one favouring complete prohibition and another is self-styled The Right may become Might P»rty” Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 1200 8 Penang, Wednesday. £e)O that the rest of Malaya may know it the wet season at Penang has set in. And wet it is in all conscience. Even so we welcome the change and would not have it otherwise even though our mackintosh is not what it was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 arriving iS.S*. President Polk. A SHIPMENT OF Fresh Fruit Vegetables COMPRISING Sunkist Oranges, Kelsey Plums. Sunkist Grape Fruit, Bartlett Pears, Selected Cauliflower, Selected Celery. 0 ORDER EARLY Pritchard Co., Ltd., PHONE 335. I Finest Dutch. Oigatrs I A Retail. Per tin of I Aguila Blanca $3.75 50 P ieces I
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    • 28 8 E, (XHOTXU The Band of the s.s. President Polk WILL PLAY AT THE AFTER-DINNER DANCE ON Friday, sth September, 1930. LIPTON’S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 749 9 Trade Union Attitude not Unfriendly. 4 Mr. Bevin's Address. important By-Election To-day at Bromley. Conservative Split. Further expressions of opinion on tariffs and free trade were ventilated at yesterday’s session of the Trade Union Conference at Nottingham. The spokesman was Mr. Bevin, who also endeavoured to hold
    Reuter  -  749 words
  • 49 9 .Reuter. Financial Expert to Visit New Zealand Wellington. September 2 Sir Otto Niemeyer has accepted the invitation by the New Zealand Government t* visit New Zealand. He sails on Soprani be r 4. The visit will primarily be concerned in the banking, currency and exchange problems.Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 336 9 .Reuter. No Intention of Offending Chinese BUDGET CRISIS Canberra, September 2 Mr. Scullin has replied to a Note from the Chinese Consul-General dated May 1, urging the discontinuance of taking finger prints of unprohibited Chinese, appealing for limitation of the right of stardh of prohibited immigrants and
    .Reuter.  -  336 words
  • 99 9 Reuter. Peking Postal Commissioner Besieged Peking, September 2 The Postal Commissioner, Mr. Nixon, was kept prisoner in his office .-eight and a half hours without a break yesterday by demonstrators demanding pay. He was finally released by the garrison, the commander intervening and forcing the demonstrators to
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 75 9 Siamese King to Travel by Ordinary Train (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, September 3 As a matter of economy involving a considerable saving in the King’s privy purse, Their Majesties are travelling from Hua Bin to the capital on Wednesday in the Royal Saloon attached to the ordinary
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  • 69 9 Reuter. Municipal Councillors Fire at Visitors Helsingfors, September 2 A deputation of citizens waited on the Municipal Council al Heinavesi and demanded the immediate resignation of all Communist councillors. The Socialist Chairman by way of reply fired a pistol it the deputation. A number iof Communists followed
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 296 9 Reuter. Order by Authorities at Paris TAKES REFUGE IN LONDON Sequel to Publication of Secret Document Mr William Randolph Hearst, the American millionaire newspaper proprietor, arrived in London yesterday from Paris having been ordered by the French authorities to leave France. This is understood
    Reuter.  -  296 words
  • 148 9 Reuter. Salvage May Not Be Completed till Next Year Brest, September 2 The Italian salvage ship Raffio has joined her sister ship Artiglio, to proceed to salvage the Egypt's bullion. The first stage of the work is the removal of the m.ichinery and superstructures from the deck
    Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 104 9 .Reuter. Warsaw, September 3 The woes of Polish deputies are increasing daily, due to Pilsudski’s ruthless tactics. His dissolving of Parliament on August 31 meant that deputies lost their salaries due on September 1. He has now cancelled their railway passes and had all telephones of the Lower
      .Reuter.  -  104 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 25 9 TO-DAY’S NEWS Page Hook to Try 3 Baronet Liftman 13 Woman’s Page 4 L?nal Across Britain 14 Port 5 local 7 £*Mnmercial W Shipping 12
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    • 62 9 1 EQUALITY y paints r ITHE I MANUFACTURE OF I WILKINSON, I HEYWOOD AND CLARKj 1 LONDON. f i I FALCON” I s brand. I Cygnite White No, 101 1 H Chocola e E P Fadeless Red Fa It less Greens S STOCKS HELD f 3 1 BY I Durege
      62 words
    • 278 9 Orchestral selections of four of the latest and most popular Sound -Films on two His Master’s Voice” Records which you will want to hear Again and Again. SONG OF THE WEST 'l Intro Hay-Straw.” West Wind,’’ The one Girl,” I Come back to me,’* F.nale. 1 HIGH SOCIETY BLUES j-
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    • 303 10 £13,000,000 Judgment Against Soviet London, September 2 The Arbitration Oort wh been considering the dispute le -veen the Soviet Government and L**na Goldfielie Limited, the English company, judgment to-day that the Company was prevented by the Russian Government from carrying out their agreement. The agreement
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    • 25 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE.) S.R. Sheet <;/s, per fouw’ pl $l9/33 Q det. Louden 4 IF/161 I*-* verb (gold W Cwtiffl o* l/ew»»A/’ten Z/cnnt's).
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    • 31 10 Sin/rpere Prices for Standard bed Smoked Sheet for to-Jry are ss follows: Spat w cents per lb. Sept. 141 ii Oct./Dec. 15| Jan/Mar. 1931 16j Market quiet.
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    • 85 10 Messrs Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd. Lundor, September 1, Spot £<33-15 0 three month/ buying £135-2 6 three months’ selling £135-5 0. Messrs. Boustead <t Co., Ltd. 3rd Sept: quotation for Singapore refined tin 168-25 per picul, butinm d-ne 225 tons, Penang Refined Tin <6B-25 per picul, buyers no
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    • 1065 10 Mr. A. W. Still writes in The Investor s Review. zlu eigh h of a penny stands between reality and my headline while I write, How long it will stand I cannot tell, but he portion of the industry is deplorable iu the 1 ist degree. The
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    • 331 10 DIRECTORS’ RETORT The report of the D'rectors of th? Menglembu Lode Minirg Co., Ltd., to bf submitted to the shareholders at the sixth annual general mating of the company, fa be held et the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1-, Penang Street, Penang, on
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    • 78 10 Ponsng. S'otemb°r 3, 930. (3y CnwrtAJiif The Chartered Bank). On London Bank Demand 2/3 23/32 4 m/ s 2/3 29/32 I 1 rivate 3 m/ts red it 2/4 1/8 3 Docnment»rv 2'4 1/4 On N’?w York Bank Demand 56 1/16 f France T.T. 1,425 India T.T. 155| Bangkok T.T.
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    • 68 10 (Rugby Radio Ssrviob.) London, September 2. Paris. 123.75; New 4.8652 Brussels, 34 84; Geneva. 25.04; Amste'dam, 12.08; Milan. 92.95; Berlin, 20.39 Stockholm, 18.10 Copenhagen, 18.16 Oeto. 18.16 iT'enna, 34.43; Prague 164-f 6 Helsingfors, 193 i fl 6 Madrid, 45.95 Lisbon, 108.25 Athens* 375 Bucharest, 815; Rio, Buenos Aires,
      (Rugby Radio Ssrviob.)  -  68 words
    • 106 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY k Oa’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day: Yesterday To-day C 2 E BHABIS. X 0 0 CQ Ol CQ OQ tG. G. Sc* Mining Ayer Hitam Tin. 9/9 10/6 10/- 10/6 Hongkong Tin.. 14/6
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    • 57 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. TIN: LONDON. Spot £133-12-6. Unchanged 1 Mentha’ £135-7-6. Up S/SINGAPORE $61.25 per picul. Uown 25 c. 225 tons doM RUBBER t London 4 11/16 d. Down 1/16 d. New York 9i e. (Gold) Down >c. Local 144 cts. Down J
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    • 88 10 AUGUST RETURNS The following are the latest returns for August: Pangnga River Tin Concessions Ltd. Output piculs 1,161 Hours run 1.087 Yardage 273,000 Estimated realised value of ore $48,000. Muang Tin N.L, Hours 562 Cubic yards 72,680 Piculs 577 Ulu Klang Tin Ltd. Hours run
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    • 31 10 Iha. Penang 408,000 Sabrang 139.500 Straits 345,000 Rubana 139,000 Tali Ayer 153,500 Bagan Serai 57,000 Batak Rabit 48,000 Kurau 37,500 Merchiston 47,500 Mountjoy 81,500 Snngei Tukang 45,106 Brias 43,598
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    • 39 10 The homeward mail by the r.s. Kashmir doses at 530 p.m. on Saturday, the 6ch instant. The P. O. Maleva with mails despatched from London on August 14 is expected to arrive here at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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    • 84 10 Th-3 ss. Klang left Penang yesterday evening for Port Swtttenham and Singapore, with the following pisaengers: Miss Parfitt. Miss H. Depher, Mr. W. O. Arnold, Mr. W. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Laffan, Mr. K. H. Oon and Mr. A. A. N. Merican. s.s. Kinta The f.v. Kinta arrived
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    • 1038 10 KENNEDY Co.’s SHARE LIST. NAMES. i i 5 I S I* I I CO tp Hi |cs o c AHenby Rubbcu O« 22 J a lor C4»j*h Rubber FartwAt 80 ICO Amalnmatetf SSaiay Sztefc* 1 25 1 50 Ayer Hitam Planting SyaSie»*® 1 23 1 40 ex Ayer Kunlug Rubber
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 59 10 J -’.S Jlunnymede' Malaya’s Nicest Hotel DINNER DANCE Every Wednesday .Saturday MUSIC In the LOUNGE on Saturday mornings and every Sunday evenings from 7.30 EX-SERVICE NIGHTSaturday Next. There will be an informal gathering of Ex-Service Men and Women. Old style dances, and ommunity Singing. Supper from 11.30. EXTENSION UNTIL 1
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    • 422 10 1 ft gw Advertisements POSITION VACANT. Federated Malay States Railways Apnlieationa are invite! for the po Bto f European Lady Stenographer and Tyniut for temporary service i n the Locomotive Head Office of the FMS R-iilwiyß, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. The successful applicant would be paid $9O/- per mensem and subject
      422 words

  • 859 11 r SNOWDEN UNPOPULAR Successes and Failures lfB modern Gunpowder Plot blew up 11 Front Benches in the House 'Common., bnt .pared the rest; or if c lectorate. made desperate by disimpartially transported Socialist, <ir Irvitivei and Liberal leaders alike, to B Parliament lort its familiar savour
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  • 458 11 FACTS AS TEST Regarded as Quite Legitimate Washington The bland assertion in the Yale Diily New?,” a paper published by undergraduates at the University during term time, that one half of the Yale undergraduates are guilty of cheating at examination?, has provided a new variant here
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  • 268 11 CRITICS OF CADET CORPS Quite a warlike spirit was aroused during the discussion at a meeting of the London Education Authority of a demand for the abolition of cadet corps in L.G.C. schools, made by Mr. E. St. John Catch" pole. The higher Eduction Sub-Committee
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  • 290 11 BELGIAN KING AND HIS WIDOW Thirty thousand Belgian war veterans, representing every branch of the Belgian Army, noa-ched past the Royal Palace at Brussels where King Albert took the saI 111 6" Qi The imposing ceremony lasted for hours and was the culminating point
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 'BOSCH'* Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air ana on the sea. WEAK AND PAINFUL JOINTS Are your arms weak Are your legs unable to carry you about? Do you feel like falling down Does your work not interest you? Do games and recreation even
      162 words
    • 129 11 Hie Corneil KeslouroßC UNDER lUROIEAN MANAGEMENT 16, Beach Street.Phone 1185, Two minutes walk from the Wharf and Piers (Opposite the I’, 0. Agents Office) The Coolest and Most Up-to-date place for Evening Teas and' Scones Ice Cream de Luxe Soda Fountain Drinks Breakfasts, Tiffins, Dinners 'and Grills, Cold Beer, Wines,
      129 words
    • 477 11 THE FUTURE OF THE EMPIRE, foes in the arms cf even/ nursing mcthĕt iK x I V I v v > '■pHERE are occasions when, do what you JL will, the Mother’s milk remains scanty, weak and unsuitable. In these cases Sunshine Glaxo has proved helptul to the Mother, remedying
      477 words

  • 1163 12 Port Of Penang. Schedule of Principal Lines. THE following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the weeki In Pert Te-iiay. &8. Indragiri” from B. B*hra, Bagan Si Api Api, Paneb, and Asahan.' Sailed to-day for Asahan, Berombang< Paneh, Bagan Si Api
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 Yov should give Martell Brandy tm peterence over others as it is svperlativ
      13 words
    • 229 12 1 s j5J z"-*x i Allenburgs Foods r H I B The Allenburys’ Foods are 6 particularly suited to the g feeding of babies in hot I I climates. They are germ free and their use is an absolute 1 S guarantee against infantile 3 E diarrhoea and cholera. B
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 250 12 L I—, Better Sound jrfk -J E* 1 V ere cun d Reproduction v p Sounds Right. THE HOME FOR BIGGER AND BETTER ENTERTAINMENT OUR NEXT ATTRACTION e The Year’s Biggest and Latest For Owing to pressure for screenina dates of other big duction productions, the season can only be
      250 words

  • 190 13 LADYLIKE Uses Title For His Wife’s Sake PREFERRING hie j ,b as a liftman in an < ffice building at Waterloo» lowa, to a new life in England, Sir Reginald Beatty Wolseley, who is described in the peerage as the l(Kh Baronet of Mount Wolseley. County Carlow,
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  • 217 13 This is what happened to the foundation stone of a new extension to the Lloyd Memorial (Caxton) Seaside Home at Deal, Kent. It was supposed to have been truly and properly la’d in the afternoon by the Countess of Minto. But it wasn’t. The countess
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  • 139 13 HOW A WO VAN OVERCAME INDIAN PREJUDICE That India will becinaean egg-produc-ing c >untry, sending each year millions of eggs to Britain, is the dream of Mrs Fawkes Ansell, Secretary of the United Provinces Poultry Association, who has arrived in London to supervise the Indian egg display at
    139 words
  • 82 13 TO TAKE UP MOTOR-BOAT RACING. Amy Johnson intends, it is reperted, to ake up motor-boat racing. Arrangements have be a n made with a leading firm of motor-boat builders, and an up-to-date engine aid boat are being built for her use. Misn John? n v tends to
    82 words
  • 82 13 A big patch of oil fl atirg on the Thames buret into fl »mes near Woolwich, pro bably by a match or cigarette end being dropped from a p saing vessel. The blfz ng oil fl ated down stream with he tide, a d in t
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 341 13 t-1 gC&Mw**' r whisky a Kg .-> A Welcome Change! fifflhl »j 'I 1 F you arc not drinking Ifl ,llfi W>W I "RED HACKLE” you JQE arc rot dr n Lirfi the s V' 4 s£ J p ig;\ best. Try it for a change. kA < 'ij-jffiX Y
      341 words
    • 179 13 EMINENT IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WQRLD I UJ|5‘L-L= '|i SEEN THROUGH 1 I THE MICROSCOPE Only long strands of pure golden Virginia tobacco are seen when 555 Cigarettes are j subjected to the close scrutiny of the microi «5» scope. The careful elimination by special processes of all deleterious
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 80 13 THE MINUTE Ti~IAT SEEMS A YEAR By glijyas will fams I I i U -i 7 Khmi I nn ®h MH Tiw nl K-4 9 J''"'”””""'”'”””-" t IN THE middle of one of THOSE UN6ERIN6 POORSTEP 600PBYES, A ROAR ISSUES FROM THE PEN TO THE EFFECT THAT SOMEBODY HAS LEFT
      80 words

  • 164 14 TRADE AID Mid-Victorian Flan Revived WITH the objfc: of providing work for thousands of men now on the dole, a vast scheme for the construction cf a ship canal connecting the Solway Firth with the Tyne is to be put before the Ministry of Labour. Britain at
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  • 154 14 TOLL OF LIFE IN CITES The toll in health and happiness exacted by the din cf a great citv is vividly shown by a report of the New York Noise Abatement Commission, an official b?dy composed chi» fly t f eminent doctors. The experts add
    154 words
  • 146 14 YOUNG IRISHMAN’S LOVE FOR MISS MER EDES GLEIIZE Mita Gleitz»', the Channel swimmer, has jast annoatced that the is to be married, and the prcspective bridegroom is Mr. Patr’ck Carey, an engineer and an ex-lieutenant of the Irish Free State Army. He is 26 years old and
    146 words
  • 83 14 If anyone wants a Channel island, Libou, the fertile little islet to the west of Guernsey, is in the and will be sold by auction on the spot. There is a dwellirg house, and the extent is 54 vergee' l rather more than that number of
    83 words
  • 65 14 Mum’s the Word Ido not intend to talk, or to write a book about it. Only peep.t of sixty should write books.” This was the statement made by Mina Katherine Trevelyan, daughter of Sir Charles Trevelyan, Minister of Education, when she landei at Plymouth after a hike” in Canada. She
    65 words
  • 61 14 B.UP.I I ENGLISH GIRL’S LAST CONTEST Before sailing for Rio de Janeiro to compete in the forthcoming world beauty Miss Bennie Dicks (“Miss Englana') f Maida VJp, Ba id that this would be her us contest. I am returning to my work as a mannequin, it is
    — B.UP.I I  -  61 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 174 14 kUJ M'S PERFEtgp^ypTS WHISKY -W I Scots IWSM S ®K V 3 hH TI h vul -To Soothe and Heal cuts and burns, abrasions, scratches, I bruises and also ulcers, prickly-heat, cutaneous eruptions and eczema, your first thought must be: Apply PUROL For sunburn, sore skin and feet from walking
      174 words
    • 618 14 EXTRA ENERGY& EFFICIENT PHOSFERINE ~~~i counteracts 4 NERVE STRAIN says Sir John <r Martin-Harvey Q The distinguished actor-manager famous the world over, for his roles in 44 The Only Way,” Hamlet,” etc., ivrrtesr Z? jM 1 y< touring with my company, from u I* VV one end of the country
      618 words

  • 572 15 CHOWRASTA MAR SET. p *nang, September 3, 1930 Mutton ctB Matton Indian per o 56 Head Sheep or goaleach 1-30 Liver with heart lum do 1.50 do 1 no Goat or Sheep per lb 56 Sweet Bread pair a>> Suet P 4 0 idney 39 Feet M the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 330 15 MA i? I I '-ST)!>■ I *> 4 f gSfl ll J T»l H 9 l n I SOLE AGENTS: I Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., I Just Received I THE I Annual of the East Embracing Efiypt, East Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon, British Malaya, Siam, Dutch East Indies, French Indo-China,
      330 words
    • 642 15 KPM (Incorporated in England). Royal Packet Navigation Company. Reduced Fares Hongkong to Europe FIRST CJLA.SS [lncorporated in Rollancl] £l2O. Connecting with Canadian Pacific Telephone No. 582. Telegrams: Paketvaart.” Atlantic Empresses £ll2. Connecting with one class Cabin Altantic Steamers, ai T 1 q-i I -i- SECOND CLASS. SteamcrB to S»il.| Sa.lmg
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1372 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE ddllar steamship like INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. I oM AMIE3RICAK MAID LINE WEEKLY LJNDON N. CONTINENT. Ftih 5 I GLAUCUS Pept. 4 Lundin, Ro ter Jan aid Hunburg. i J t ITI-— v SaRPEDON Sept. 11 Mar.«eibei?, London, Rotterdam md Glaagrw. c HELKNUB Sept, 18 London,
      1,372 words
    • 605 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDP AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated n Ingian?) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO Penimlar and Orisnt&l S. 8. Ce., con’ TehOiw fractwitb His Majesty's bnnant, Lento an! j S:mr W i and Far l ast Mad Senice WM Outwards from Losdoo lor China and Japan. n ar i SeDi
      605 words