Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 August 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 446 1 Oagata brothers dentists Head Office next to The Dispensary. I Branch Office 52, Leith Street I i BUCHANANS Black and White Whisky Black a white Made a name for itse lf many b years ago by reason of its age un ’f° :m hitff 1 quality. That it still enjoys
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    • 155 1 H.TOHISATSth STU3IO with up-to-date Photography by electric light. ’Phone 772, 68,70, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. *m***«*«*«««O*M««*. I-/ 7 h a/ ii wU M A/'\ CIO H tfcwjalLma dwe k s J A H PRESSED STEEL TANKS B Y H Braithwaite Co., (Engineers)|Ltd. t* Braithwaite Tanks are built up from standardised unit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 941 2 POSITION VACANT. Claims by British Nationals PENANG’S SEA FRONTAGE. Under Clause 4 of Annex to A reliable firm to a?t hr onr Agent to iv n xv V r t PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RIGHTS ON WELD QUAYdistribute our Natural Sctniei Roe. For Section IV I art A., treaties 01 udj’m
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    • 981 2 BANKS.: the MERCANTILE BANK of INDIA LIMITED. M [Incorporated in Eng and.] Authorised Capital £i «nn 000 A. 1 SotecriW Capital W. ReBerve°Fnn6 4 Undivided £1,646,000 '"s. V Board of Director T M Rvrie, Esq, (Chairman), Sir Thomas, r jw S Gatto, Deputy Chairman), P. R. Esq., Charles J• Rambro,
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  • 448 3 SANCTITY OF LIFE. The Archbishop of York's View. Diseentirg from the view that punishment was “regulated vengeance,” the Archbishop of York, Dr. Temple, declared himself in favour of the abolition of the death penalty, when giving evidence before the House of Commons Select Committee on Capital
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  • 135 3 LORD GLADSTONE’S GIFT IN WILL. An announcement io Lord Gladstone’s will r a 8 the ex stance of one of London’s least known clubs. Lord Gladstone has left £250 to the “Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Catch Club” which was founded in 1761 by the fourth Earl of Smdwich. Ic
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  • 94 3 INQUIRY AT TOONA. Poona, Jaly 27. After the races last evening the Stewards of the Turf Club held an inquiry into the tunning of the horse Sarkha in the Mohammerah Plate, Division 1. After hearing the evkeice of the trainer. By ram joe Ruston, je.
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  • 205 3 FUTILITY OF IMPATIENCE. Patna Condemnation of Congress Activities. Pa'na, July 28. At a public meeting of Hindus Fand Moil w, held at M «kna (Patna district) to condemn the civil disobedienco movement, Kuan Sihib M hnood Hassan Khan, of Barb, who presided, advised his hearers to keep
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  • 271 3 MONSOON DANGER. L2 Karachi.’July’28. The Italian’aviator Savino has' decided not to proceed to Australia owing to the dangers of the monsoon. He is attempting a Karachi Rome fl ght, in five days leaving in the seaplane “Cagliari,” fittel with a British made Herm°s engine.
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  • 195 3 NEWlYORK YOUTH BECOMING GRAVER. The beard is coming into favour with the young men of New York. Incre sing numbers of covered faces are appearing among poets and budding lit riry geni* uses between the ages cf 20 and 30. And the cult is spreading to other
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 [Ciiticura TALCUM JI keeps the skin sweet and wholesame overcomes perspiration and is cooling and refreshing. V 11) /<■ '7 f Snmple each Soap, Ointment *7 and Talcum free upon request, C from Muller A Phipps \S < (Malaya» Limited, V Union Building, 'kJ Singapore. eat— A Point for Ever^^
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    • 13 3 You should give Martell Brandy the peference over others as it is superlative
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    • 335 3 COUP O M IQBawailai t BO» astSiSSyi Takes pictures p JFX I V MrW jgte 2.1" x 3.1" For ®3 use with Kodak mK Roll Film No. 1 20 Bg| iraoffiS u wl^^aS^^ 5 X'A>&| rCSc Sfy 7 vSk 3 rk5 Id <dp H hMLmm I/ This coupons availabla KODAK
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  • 444 4 Peace Talks Shrouded in Mystery. Mr. Jayakar Leaves for Poona. Allababid, Jnly 28. THE following statement has been issued to the by S r Td Bahadur bapru and Mr. M. R. Jlyakar says the Pioneer.” We again interviewed Pandit Motilal Nehru Pandit Jiwaharlal Nebru
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  • 210 4 BOMBAY MAHAMANDAL’S RESOLUTION. Bambay, July 28. The geneaal body of the B?mtay Mahamanda) (federation of commercial associatiora) adopted a resolution urging members to boycott the new Government Lofd as Government etopptd the issue of Treasury Bills and b< nks reduced tte rbte of interest on call
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  • 252 4 MAN’S DREAM TRUE—IN THE SUN. That the atom has already been “split” in the sun was suggested by Professor A. S. Eddington, the famous British scientist in addressing the World Power Conference in Berlin recently. ‘T tm going to tantalise you”, said Prof. Ednington, “with a vision
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 When baby screams in ,.s I s> v Mother should have an instant remedy at \x? x hand. There should always be a bottle of x Woodward’s Gripe Water in the house where there is a baby. This tried and trusted remedy for baby ailments is prescribed freely by doctors
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    • 23 4 You should give Martell’s j Brandy the Preference over others' 1 as it*is superlative. Massage House. 2, ARRATOON ROAD. MISS YURI, MISS MATSUXO.
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    • 272 4 wni'w wi 1 imriWHiiiirag— Olivers Jams Thousands of tons of fresh fruits are taken every year from Messrs. Chivers’ 0Mmen ded orchards direct to the Orchard Factory BY STOI >“ to be made into Jams and other fruit products. Every jar is sealed with pn < f'’ Chivers’ Patent Hygienic
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  • 297 5 MIDDLESEX DEFEATED. Warwick Lose to Gloucester. London, August 11. Surrey found Middlesex easy prey at the Oval and followed up some good batting by dismissing Middlesex twice for a total of 248 runs. Sandham, 158 not out, Gover G for 48 and M. J. C.
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  • 43 5 SCRATCHINGS FOR TO-DAY. The following are the scratchings for to-day’s races at Taiping Race 1. —Pyrites. True Boy, Pollykar and Last Chance. Race 3.—Pauline. Race 5 —Dixie. Race 6. —First Call and Gold Mount Race 8 —Ayrcrest and Sweet William.
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  • 410 5 PRESENTATION TO MR. J. A. G. WHARTON. The half yearly general meeting of the Kajang Club was held on Friday evening. The accounts showed a handsome profit after providing for depreciation repayment of Government loan and redemption of debentures. This was mainly accounted for by the lawn tennis
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  • 116 5 JUPP 6 FOR 32. County Force Follow On. Northampton, August 11. FOR the first time during the the present tour the Australians were forced to follow on at Northampton to-day. In reply to the County’s total of 249 the Australians made only 93. V.W.C. Jupp was responsible
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  • 397 5 REPORT MENTIONS TITLED ENGLISH WOMAN. London, July 16. Whispers that Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks are to separate, with a divorce action only three weeks ahead, have crystallised here and in Hollywood in emphatic denials from both, as well as from their joint attorney. The report
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  • 95 5 ACCUSED COMMITTED TO ASSIZES. When the hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon of the case in which fan Oh Liat was charged with attempted murder at 73, Katz Street, on Ju’y 3, further evidences were recorded. Among those who gave evidence were Choo Heo, a Chinese woman who
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 438 5 -JP FJf' —J I y k Ml Happy Childhood? j Days that Never Return V/ I Hi) uifa childien only once and those precious carefree days soon pist. Pour all happiness into v their childhood days, and remem I 1tr thet health is essential Jek to perfect happinessy u ui-i
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    • 13 5 Yov should give Martell Brandy the pderence over others as ii is superlative
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    • 80 5 -FREE Tailoring Offer DURING R Great Annual SALE For Six Days Only TO-DAY And Daily Till I SATURDAY MEN’S Auto Linen Palm Beach Suits I Made- to Measure FREE a During this week customers purchasing Auto Lrisien' and P Beach a Suiting, and the neces- sary trimmings from our I
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  • 210 6 FURTHER COMMENT. Need for “Example in Fighting ‘Inflation.’” The contemporary press is still commenting on the recent t’inang Gazette libel decision. This is what Quiz of the Malayan Saturday Post has to say A Chinese trader in Penang, charged with using false weights, pleaded that
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  • 326 6 TWO PROMINENT TOWKAYS BANISHED. The Chinese correspondent of the “Singapore Free Press writes to that paper on August 8 as follows Mr. Tee Loh Seng, once a Justice of Peace in Perak and a director of the Min Ko Jih Pao, Ltd Singapore, and Pang Chee Cheng,
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  • 230 6 HONG KONG SCHEME TO COST $200,000. f For the purpose of providing additional -facilitie for out door games in Hong Kong the Sports Club, an international body, has entered into an agreement with the Green Island Cement Company for the purchase of 27 acres of land
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  • 897 6 VIVID EXPERIENCES. Interesting Address by Mr. Davidson. Under the auspices of the Penang Teachers’ Association, Mr. James W. Davidson, F. R. G. S., of Rotary fame, delivered a very interesting address at the St. George’s Girls School in Northam Road last night on “My experiences as
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  • 133 6 AT KUALA LUMPUR. Acting-Controller of Labour. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 12, THE death took place this morning of Henry Charles Bathurst, Acting-Controller er of Labcur, Malaya. The funeral will take place this evening. Mr. Bathurst was very popular through out Malaya.
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  • 74 6 Let’s go to Malaya,” 11 I’m off to the Punjab.” See you after tea in Cyprus,” were the kind of remarks heard at the 'ndian Empire Garden I arty at Hurlinghom. These, however, referred not to travel plans but to sections of the grounds which the organizers
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  • 73 6 At a recent Turf Club dinner in Tangkok one of the speakers, in the course of his address, said: He did not think adequate consideration was given to that noble animal—the horse. He thought it was due to them to pay a tribute to the animal that had
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  • 238 6 Aug. 12: Taiping Professional Races, 1st day, Taiping. 12: Rotary Meeting, E. and 0. Hotel 8 30 12: Municipal Commission Meeting 4 p m. Penang L T. A. Open Tournaments, P. C. C. Courts, 4 p.m, 13: Penang L. T. A. Open Tourna ment, Contd. 14 Taiping Professional
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  • 447 6 Mr. C. H De Silva has been appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Singapore, vice the late Mr. E. L. Talma. General Sir Smith Dorrien has been taken to hospital seriously injured in a motor accident at Chippenham. There is little hope of recovery, Mr. R. 0. Jenkins,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 BOSCH" Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air and on the sea. POSING FOR HIS PICTURE By gluyas williams o® ®ri feA WONDERS WHY MOTHER GOT WATCHES PHOTOGRAPHER 5ET GETS BORED AND URNS HIM ALL DRESSED UP. IT UP CAMERA- IS RATHER BACK Ohl PROCEEDINGS
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    • 142 6 stag. V L i p Refrigerators I Chilled by h I Kelvinator I; Stay Dry and Sweet 1 S z lai jggJsESsSn 1!ll,l »i always Bettaf H not a trace d I of moisture produced by Kelvinator Electric i Refrigeration. The cold, frosty air is dry and sweet, j and
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  • 2715 7 Beneficiaries Indebted to Estate. Supreme Court. Payment of Monthly Allowances. X the Supreme Court this mornf jng the Hon. Mr. Justice > Sproulc gave judgment in the in connection with the Ah C<lxC Quee Estate. matter before I Lis Lord«bi Jjin Kim Sang appeared as nlainuh
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    • 100 7 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette Sir, —If only some body such as the Straits Settlements Association would give a lead by calling a public meeting, the vexed question of absurdly, high wages to indifferent Hylam boys motorcar cleaners calling themselves syces and coolie women calling
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  • 111 7 EUROPEXN CHARGED. Before Mr. Edward Jago in the Second Police Court this morning Mr. George Dickinson was charged with having enticed away a married woman named Mrs. E. H. M. S. Yeomans, knowing that she was the wife of Mr. S. C. Yeomans, in Penang on August 9.
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  • 345 7 About 37 Chinese were charged in the Second Police Court this morning with gaming in public. They had a game at the Chinese Town Hall in Pitt Street, it was alleged. Although all the accused -were not asked whether they pleaded guilty to the charge of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 282 7 ■ru i m TMrTWWBBlPr inr-xj-A-, itiuji i,i, -TC.-arjjT; u-jn jl r< London IVlfi Ito. I AND Malta—London Within Two Days Both Out Home Journeys NON-STOP On the 31st July and 1st August Capt. Barnard in a Puss Moth Plane achieved the above record using, of course, WAKEFIELD MOTOR OIL. I
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  • 385 8 Yesterday we discussed various aspects of saue rationalisation and rival methods of extricating an industry from the crippling effects of what are broadly termed slumps. As is well-known, deflation was adopted at home as an antidote to the dangerous position in which Great Britain found itself as a
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  • 190 8 Miss Amy Johnson’s feat in flying alone from England to Australia has brought in its train a number of official honours and receptions, to say nothing of the publicity, which must be very trying and unnerving to such a young girl. But whatever the ordeal, her reception by the
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  • 157 8 Sequel to Wilful Trespass. Ong In Chye was again produced before Mr. Edward Jago in the Second Police Court this morning. He was charged on July 28 with wilful trespass into the house of a Penang Eurasian girl. Then, Chye did not plead guilty but told
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  • 36 8 Nehrus Removed from Allahabad Jail. Poona, August 12. Pandits Motilal Nehru and Jawaharlal Nehru have been brought here from the jail at Allahabad to confer with Mahatma Gandhi at the Yeroda Jail.—Reuter.
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  • 26 8 of Penang who had been spending a holiday in England are due to arrive in Penang by the “Kashgar” next week.
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  • 38 8 and Mr. E. D Kibble, all members of the Malayan Civil Service attached to the Public Works Department are due to arrive in Penang by the “Kashgar” on August 21.
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  • 1112 8 Penang, Tuesday. WE read that yet another philanthropically minded landlord at Singapore has reduced his rentals by ten per centum on account of slump conditions. We wonder when this Settlement will produce men of similar calibre, able to appreciate the difficulties of the times and sympathise with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 IA BULL I IN A China Shopj 1 1' can do enormous damage, but such damage can be made good. I I Irreparable Damage may be done to the delicate structure and functions of the eyes through neglect or by the use of incorrect or badly fitted lenses. ii 1
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  • Peshawar Fighting.
    • 562 9 Railway and Telegraphs Cut. Parties Hunted Out by Defending Troops. Provincial Situation Improves. The Afridi lashkar which advanced towards Peshawar appears to be dispersing. Serious communal disturbances have occurred in the Sind and the c a sualties have been serious. The latest reports indicate that
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    • 38 9 Newly Completed Dock Destroyed. Vancouver, August 11. Y'ire has destroyed the new Canadian National Railway Dock which the contractors expected to hand over completed to the Government to morrow. The loss is estimated at $1,200,000.— Reuter.
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    • 198 9 A BUILDING RING Remarks in Singapore 1 District Court. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August 12. Some interesting remarks dealing with the existence of a ring of Chinese building contractors who are causing difficulty to the Government, Municipality and other public bodies wanting houses erected were made in the District
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    • 173 9 New System Adopted in England. MINIMISING RISK. London, August 10. Owing to the large number of aerodromes which now exist west of London and to the consequent large amount of air traffic, the Air Ministry has introduced an experimental one way system similar to that
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    • 210 9 Invested by the King at Buckingham Palace. London, August 11. Their Majesties received Miss Amy John son at Buckingham Palace. The King invested her with the insignia of the C.B.E. Miss Johnson afterwards flew in her aeroplane Jason to Hull where she was enthusiastically ■welcomed by
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    • 90 9 May Call At Glamis Castle. London, August 11. The King and Queen, who arrived in London to-day from Cowes, will stay at Buckingham Palace until Wednesday when they will go to Sandringham for a short stay before proceeding to Balmoral. On their way North they may
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    • 81 9 Chauvinistic Resolution at Annual Meeting. Warsaw, August 11. “Polish Legionaries are ready as always to strive, even to the last drop of their blood, for integrity of the frontiers is the concluding phrase of a resolution passed at the Radom annual meeting of Legionaries—men who rallied round Pilsudski
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    • 60 9 Too Late to be of Benefit to Crops. New York, August 11. Showers yesterday brought a respite in New York's fortnight of heat wave. Seven States in the drought-stricken Middle West were also visited by showers, which is cheering even if, perhaps, too late to be of
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    • 132 9 Bombs Dropped on Returning Workers. STRIKE COLLAPSE SEQUEL New York, August 11. The Providence coal mining district of Kentucky, which has been torn by labour troubles for months, was thrown into uproar by an aeroplane at six this morning when miners were going to work
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    • 98 9 Fears that City is Again in Hands of Communists. Nanking, August 12. The mysterious absence from yesterday of wireless messages from Changsha, which previously were coming in at regular inter vals, has given rise to apprehension that the city has again fallen into the hands of
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    • 108 9 Japanese Privy Council’s Committee. Tokio, August 11. The personnel is announced of the Privy Council s Examination Committee for the London Treaty of which the function is to create a ratification process. It corresponds with the American Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee. The chairman is Count Miyoji Eto
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    • 93 9 Thousands of Dollars Damage to Railways. Tientsin, Au ust 11. Floods have been devastating the region between Tientsin and Mukden in the past week and washouts occurred at numerous points on the Pekin -Mukden Railway Station platforms were washed away and several bridges were badly damaged. Tbe
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    • 75 9 Bad Impression at Angora at Persia’s Reply. Constantinople, August 11. The Persian rejection of the Turkish proposals for military co-operation against the Kurds has caused a bad impression in high official quarters at Angora. The Turkish Government to day reapproached tbe Persian Government asking it to
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    • 35 9 Ottawa, August 11. Thousands watched tbe R 100 encircle the Capital several times. The Prime Minister, Mr. Bennett, and the Mayor of Ottawa conversed with the airship’s officers by wirele-s lelephone. —Reuter. i.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 40 9 Iff 1G DAY’S NEWS. Page. Fikit Vertajam Rubber 11 Walking Tower if Eabel 14 Death cf Mr. H. C. Bathurst 6 Fcient’st’s Daring 11 Death Penalty No Deterrent 3 Local 7 Spo t 5 Commercial 10 Shipping 12 I K—
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    • 239 9 I SwiMMINoSuiTS m B r z t for F0,< STYLE ACTION Smart, Slendering lines, perfect fit am; uErKL complete swimming freedom —then distinguish the Jantzen Swimming V jMT Suit. Extremely elastic, the Jantzen JArri M gives you greatest ease in Swimming. Ya Due t the magic Jantzcu-stitch, it has m
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    • 149 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day Yesterday to-day sees Share;--. 3 DQ O) M 5 |o. c. Nfniatf. Ayer Hitam Tin. 9/- 9/6 9 3 Chenderiang 3/- 3/6 3/- 3/6 Karr unting T..... 5/6 6/-
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    • 68 10 (Rugby Radio Sbrvich.) London, August 11. Paris, 123 84; New York, 4.87ji Brussels, 34.81; Geneva, 25.03; Ainslerdarn, 12.08; Milan, 92.99; Berlin, 20.38 Siocknolm, 18.10; Copenhagen, 18.16; Onln, 18.16; Vienna 34.43; Prague 164fa; Helsingfors, 193f; Madrid. 44.05; Lisbon, 108.25; Athsns, 375; Bucharest, 818; Rio, 5sVd; Buenos Aire*, 41fd Bombay,
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    • 78 10 Prcnns, August 12, 1930. Bfe Courtesy ef The Ohartered Bank). On London Bank Demand 2/3 23/32 4 m/ts 2/3 29,32 Private 3 m/ta redit 2/4 1/8 3 Documentary 2 4 1/4 On New York Bank Demand 56 1/16 M France T.T. 1,425 India T.T. 155} Bangkok T.T. 79} nom
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    • 201 10 Penang. August 12, 1930. t Cta Benares Opium p, obwi nom 5,000.00 Cloves 1, 9O.Cf Gold leaf sellers 72.0C Mace Pickings nom 170.0( Nutmegs 80s 70.0f w 110s .1 Cocoa nuts per 1,000 M 90 00 Copra Sundried 'buyers 7.30 Battans sales 11.1.' Battans Coarse 10.6( Green
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    • 171 10 LONDON STANDARD (T OOSE.) S.R. Shee* 15} cte, per pound =per pl 120/66 Easier London 4} i New York 9} cis. (gold). (■ip Cturtea’I of Meaara. Alien Dennis). Goa*r®T Produce Agency. LtdSingapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows: Spot 15i cento P« r
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    • 56 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. T//V: LONDON. Spot £136-5-0. Down 2/6 3 Months’ £138-0-0. Down 5/* SINGAPORE. $69.121 per picul Down 12} c. 125 tons done RUBBER: London 4} d. Down }d. Hew York 9} c. (Gold) Down Jc. Local 15} cts. Down c. By
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    • 110 10 LATEST RETURNS. The following are the latest returns for JfOy. Pegang Prospecting Co., Ltd. Output for July picuta 103.65 Amount realized f4.541.75 Tribute st 7 p.c. $317.92 Tahm M nes Ltd. Output picu. 8 469.79 Tongkah Harbmr Tin Dredging Oo. N.L. From 3rd to 9th August
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    • 12 10 Salisbury, Runnymede. Choabian, Hengco, Armenian Line. Thong Tuck. Hakhikkee, Keuling.
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    • 43 10 The homeward mail by the s.s. Edavana eh Sas at 6 p.m. on Friday, tte 15th instant. The B.I. Eohna with mails despatched from London on July 24 is expected to arrive here at 6 Am. on Friday, the 15ih uuk—.
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    • 1085 10 KENNEDY Co.’s SHARE LIST. NAMES. I gI 4 c 1 J2 oj S I OQ_I H n I RUBBBB CDchas.l S c S 0 U c Allenby Rubber Oa 1 10 1 2 Alor Gajah Rubber Batete J 10 1 20 Amalgamated Malay Batetea 1 P0 2 0' Ayer Hftam
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    • 46 10 The “Kedah” left for yestetda’7 with the following passengers Mtj >r and Mrs. Patrick«nn, Mr. A. Sarkies, Mrs. R. Billet, Mr. Duggan, Mr. Glineur, Mr. S. Hakata. Mr. Tan Sin Eng, Mr. K, H. Taun, Mr. Gan Teong Tat anl Mr. Gan Hock Hye.
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    • 94 10 The s. 8. "Kinta arrived yesterday with the followirg passengers from Singapore and Port S wetter ham. Mr Mrs J J Vaneton, Mr M U Yats, Mr Gain. M-H Sehweiz r. Mr and Mr 8nh, Huat Hai, M dam Chong Phocn. Mrs F B O Maliy and child.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 385 10 New Advertisements. TO LET, Office, nr No. 3. Bishop Street. Apply to B. P. D< Silva, Ltd., Jewellers. FOR Singapore Municipality. The followirg Plant is now available far sale Crushers Broadbent 21 x 10. Fixed. 2 No. Mixers: R insome Portable with 460 D. C. Motor. 2 No. Ransome Portable
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    • 402 10 »Y4dbtemujHWMMiii 1 1 u LiMJiiL j losnaE--^-.- yHE most famous of all Nitro-cellulose finishes is now available in handy sizes in an excellent range of colours in brushing form, BRUSHING DUCO I is now on display at the premises of Messrs Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. So call there and see
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  • 2609 11 21st Annual Meeting. Shareholders Against Dividend. Held Over. jbe t%ent5-fint ordinary general eft ng of the Eukit Mer’ejam Bulbir r i M v,ae held at Winchester House, Old Ercad-etreet, E C.2, on July 16,1930 jjr A 9. Ai rier (Chairman of the Ccmnarv) presidingThe r presentative
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  • 497 11 "IMAGINARY EVENTS.” Locked in Steel Case to Breathe Poison. Professor J. S. Haldane’s account of an experiment, during which he shut himself and a companion—a Mount Everest explorer—:n a steel chamber, where they inhaled carbon monoxide to ascertain its effects is published in the current number of the
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  • 278 11 TRAFFIC HOLD-UP. Water 5 Ft. Deep on Main Line. New,York, July 4. Two thunderstorms meeting ever New York last night precipitated a cloudburst, which caused half an inch of rain to fall in ten minu'es, completely blocking road and unlerground traffic at the tail en 1
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  • 162 11 HOSTILE LASHKAR NEAR KABUL, Army’s Alleged Disloyalty. Peshawar, July 27. Travellers from Kabul report disturbances in the Kohideman country. Bachba-i-Saka’s countrymen under the leadership of General Khan Mohamed are s.dd to be t xa?pera’ed at the execution of Bachha-i-Saka las. year after his promised pardon. Accord'ng
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 B/Ol- iu jfiort DUNLOP THE TYRE FOR WHICH THERE IS NO COMPARISON. 'B0SCE" Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air ana on the sea, Mrs. M. F. DIAS, Qualifi d Midwife, 1G years experience in 5.5 and f. M. S. Government Hospitals, Retired in 1924.
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  • 960 12 Port Of Penang. Schedule of Principal Lines. THE following is a list of vessels arriving and bailing from Penang during the week; In Pert T» day. 9. s. “Ku da” from Bagan Datoh an Teluk Anson. Sails f>r Bela an techy at 5 p- m. p.'s.'
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 37 12 THEATRE ROYAL I Monday 11 Wednesday 13 Last 3 Episodes of “The Diamond Master” Franklin Farnum Buddy Roosvelt IN IN Double Barrelled Justice Reckless Courage Cross Country Bunion Race (COMEDY) Next Chang P.ogramme of 3 Paramont features.
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    • 448 12 11 wi. M*fa— Asset, exceed til,000,000. s7g Assurance io force exceed »38.000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE! Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, Ec Tie Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complin with the British
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  • 612 13 PEACE AND BEAUTY. Impression of a Recent Trip. Seeirg a hill station complete with houses surrounded by pretty carders, a rest house and golf course with perhaps a hotel or two approached by a good road making the journey up ersy and comfortable, it is difficult
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  • 83 13 DRAMATIC APFE1RANCE AT SHOLAPUR. Poona, July 26. A telephone message from Shohfur eays that Dr. Antrolikar, leader cf the Fholapur Congress Committee, who hid been n issina since the hst riots m May and who had not turned up even his property was attached and sold by public
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 211 13 T-UMkj'\ xr and you mustn’t clean it with soda—soda dissolves the surface. Then the brightness which is its charm is lost for ever. There is one way to deal with every burn, stain or tarnish on this silvery surface—log it off Zog is made to cleanse t JP scratchlessly. Use
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    • 59 13 OLD MALAYA. Personalities of Old Malaya by Cyril Baxendale, is now ready for issue at $2 a copy. Ihe volume may be purchased through our agents through* ou the Peninsula or direct from the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd., la Penang-street, Penang. 'BOSCH" Plugs have proz ei to be best on
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    • 297 13 What makes a I Imik t®w c k —I IL The Willys Six is the best truck in its price class—’DURABILITY—SPEED— K ECONOMY-LOW FIRST COST-these are the essentials to the owner. Never before has a combination of design and units resulting in rugged construetion, for speedy operation, been offered as
      297 words

  • 688 14 BOGEY OF THE YOKE. Report of Hong Kong Currency Committee. In the lengthy report issued by the Currency Committee there appears the very welcome admission that “it is conc ded on all hands that stabilisation in currency matters is an ideal which it is meet
    688 words
  • 379 14 A VARIED LIFE. Interpreter’s Wordy Job. Piccadilly possesses a walking Tower of Babel. He wears a dark blue uniform and has fi?e flags—French, German t Italian, Spanish and Danish—on his sleeve, and is unmistakably English—and his name is W. Crowthera. His lif iis one of the
    379 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 205 14 Now lose no time get®oye*s e7 -XEMi ASPIRIN1 "fZJ A The Original I SBpftpl Tjt V| ay*’sASPIRIN I fl I "ik A>ml Tablets give rapid Illi I I M/1 An and certain relief in If* I I 0 I headache, toothache, L S earache, rheumatism, in- fluenza, neuralgia and fever.
      205 words
    • 58 14 1he Cflrlhn Restouragt UNDER IURO-EAN MtNAGEMENT 16, Beach Street.—‘Phone 1135, Two minutes walk from the Wharf aad Piers. (Opposite the P. 0. Agents Office) The Coolest and Most Up to-date place for Evening Teaa and Sconea Ice Cream de Luxe Sod* Fountain Drinks Breakfasts, Tiffins, Dinners and Grills, Cold Beer,
      58 words
    • 186 14 You should give Martell’s Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative. MV KLI.S, I APIOL STEEL Sure and certain for all Female I complainta.Every lady should I 3 keep a box in the house. U fi «I w, J. EDMONDS, J The Enffllnh Phermeoj K 52, 54, Beach
      186 words
    • 119 14 ELIWWS HELMETS ■NS'S’ 0N ’««X» HAVING IPyA-R, f Or AN OVER BLLWOOD. f loo YEar$ L OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STOREKEEPERS. JOHN ELLWOOD SONS. Chariott* T r X- AT 230, p e nan g R oa i Free Presentation Sale!! Z Coupon for Purchase of $5- You won't get one Bottle
      119 words

  • 597 15 CHOWRA8TA MARKET, Penang, August 12, 1930 Mutton cts. Matton Indian per io 56 Head Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart A loaf do 1.59 do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 56 Sweet Bread pair 40 Suet 4Q idney pair 80 Feet the four 59 Fowl
    597 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 142 15 1— IIIIIil im J| i' 1 JpRRA i I «|lflini| l Mil 1W f IITS» i’ll M hill "JI JjJ IN. I wJi I' 11 wM IM J ’iM ES3 I, I ItH I I 11 7 l!S,: 4| l |l ill I W?5 I I Kloster BEER SOLE AGENTS:
      142 words
    • 475 15 German BIBBY LINE Faat twin «crew mail paaaonger aieamor* and mofor Teafell bolLloyd. W€ n R an ff°° n > Colombo, Port Said, Martelllea, Plymouth an< London with through oonnectioiii from Pauang za r.,,.„ PROBABLE HOMEWARD BAILINGS. Our WARD SAILING. Steamers. Leaves Rangoon. f. s. Oxfordshire Aug. 21 For Port
      475 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 679 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE H SAILINGS FROM PENANG. j i I WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON N. CONTINENT. 5 AENEAS Aug. 14 Marseille*, London, Rotterdam and G aigow. MENESTHEUS Aug. 21 London, Rotter lain and Hnnbu g PHILOCPETE8 Aug, 28 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg, GLAUCU8 Sept. 4 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg.
      679 words
    • 707 16 I DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE I AMERICAN MAIL LINE < rife f WJw i TRANS PACIFIC. ROUND THE WORLD I Hongkong to Ban Francisco and To Colombo, Alexandria, Naples, «J Los Angeles via Honolulu, Gmoa, Marseilles, New York 5 PRES. JEFFERSON Aug. 12 and Boston. <| PRES. LINCOLN Aug. 26 PRES.
      707 words
    • 530 16 P. O.-BRITSSH !X|7i, AND APCAR LINKS 13 (Companies Incorporated in r ’LAND.) MAIL PASSENGER A*D~CARGO S£ R¥ Ce Peninsular and Oriental S. K. Ce., tinker con- Fenzna, Outwards from London for China and Japan. ilk du, Fan., B1 8 f Raphgar Aug. 21 KbX SeT 18 W Stef 8*41 Morea
      530 words