Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 July 1930

Total Pages: 15
1 15 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 |H. TOKISATSU j STUDIO, s with wp-to-dato Bhat* graph/ by electric light, •Rhoae 772, I i 10*3, 70, Bishop Street, PENANG. I iiiTnn-..Bmnim— 1 1 I Have You Tried:- X jfl' t TUBORG On j A Fine light Danish Brew j nt a Reasonable Price p£ ter Board for Beauty
      134 words
    • 24 1 JHniß T. NAGATA H BROTHERS, j DENTISTS. I g w Siad OffKß MSt to the Pispenury s IHnch Gificfl, &2, t.mtb IaOUKUitaHKIIiiMW<HI«V«IMIMni M lUU«H»*W"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2077 2 POSITIONS VACANT/ PENANG’S SEA FRONTAGE. Q MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Wanted.—ls-grade Brewer for Group PUBLIC ANO PRIVATE RIGHTS ON WELD QUAY. All persons claiming refund of Rates T «*k 4* AVACf* Hospital on a healthy Estate in Kedah. in respect of bouses vacant during \/l lIIIUI Vdl Free unfurn'shed quarters salary r
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  • 440 3 “ASI A” DISASTER. Women Rescued from Blazing Ship. Calcutta, Jane 19. HOW an Arab pantry boy saved, at the risk of his lif a number of women pilgrims from the "Asia” which caught tire at Jaudah with 1,500 pilgrims on bohrd an<i became a wreck with
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  • 269 3 ON CONTINENT, BUT NOT IN ENGLAND. Although wireless reception in Continental trains is becoming commonpl: c j England is still without this development. In Germany it is achieved by “wired wireless” throughout the carriages, and in Canada reception is regularly cirried out on the long- iht ince
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  • 35 3 Dr. Lyttelton, formerly headmaster of Eton, protested at Woodbridge School rtuainst the tyranny of examinations. The tendency was to create a desire to pass them rather than to cultivate the love of knowledge.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 r p'tlE most famous of all Nitro-cellulose finishes is now available in handy sizes in an excellent range of colours in brushing form. BRUSHING DUCO is now on display at the premises of Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Go., Ltd. So call there and see examples of what anyone can achieve by
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    • 13 3 You should give Martell’s Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative.
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    • 503 3 WHITE AWAY 5 I New Stocks of the Ever Popular I “4711" Eau de (Aft C/fl*<//Zj CJr ‘4711” Eau de E Cologne in dainty v Cologne in fine cut new shape Jacobean D C BSif dainty square Ja- round bottles as /TH irnUmeSj cobean bottles. E p«rs<>nal°use if °is EaU
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  • 237 4 ENGLISH EFFORT. Work at the Parasite Zoo Laboratory. London, June 20. THE war against insect pests in every part of the British Empire, directed, from the headquarters in a Buckinghamshire village, is described in the report issued by the Empire Marketing Board. A converted country house
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  • 374 4 ANONYMOUS LETTER TO THE “MALAYA TRIBUNE.” Ordinarily, says the “M. T.”, we take no notice of anonymous letters, but one which we have received, in an envelope bearing the Katong postmark, ought perhaps to be published as a commentary on matters which have been much discussed in
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  • 168 4 THE ACCIDENT THAT LED TO MISS JOAN FRY’S ENGAGEMENT. It was by an accident, in every sense of the word, that Miss Joan Fry, the international lawn tennis player whose engagement to Lieut. Ashley Lakeman has been announced, first met her fiance. Last r-ugustMiss Fry and a party
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  • 363 4 A “BUSINESS.’’ Bad Manners in the Lap of Luxury. Lawn tennis “star” players are a law unto themselves. They have such a greedy conceit that they think they have only to lift their little finger to any tournament secretary and their behests will be attended to.
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  • 152 4 £5, C00 AND ANNUITIES TO COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER. Two middle-aged women, who once worked as housekeeper and cook in a beautiful mansion overlooking Streatham Common, are now the owners of the house and are provided with between £5,000 and £-'>,ooo each and annuities of £l2O fiom their
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  • 127 4 SIR W. E. PEYTON RETIRES FROM ARMY. The London Gazette announced that General Sir W. E. eyton retires on retired pay on June 12. General Peyton has had a romantic J rmy career. He is a son of the late Colonel J Peyton, of the 7th Dragoon
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  • 90 4 CATERING FOR "'PA, MA AND THE PRAM.” Beer gardens are included in the plans of a committee which is developing 250 acres of Weymouth, formerly known as the Backwater. The gardens will be run on German beergardens lines. “The trees which will spring up there will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 413 4 Olive and Palm are base of a true complexion soap (Ijy '4, Avoid thia miatake D not use ordinary soap in the treatment given above. Do not think C I 1 any green soap, or one represented as f rs of olive and palm oils, is the same as Palmolive.
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    • 13 4 You should {/ive Mariell Brandy the peference over others as it is superlative
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    • 239 4 j new”light on I NUTRITION S “Food should refresh and invigorate the body and H not merely satisfy the sense of hunger and appetite; S it should produce energy and vital capacity. Extract from Report of the British Ministry of Health. It is in these two points that the value
      239 words

  • 550 5 EASY EXERCISE. The Banker and Ulah do Mile Quarter. BY' TIC-TAC. There were very few present to •watch the work on the course this morning but, after all, those who did not turn up need not feel disappointed as there were hardly any gallops done
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  • 67 5 SEPOY LINES DEFEAT S.X.Rj CLUB. The St. Xavier’s Recreation Club met the Sepoy Lines at soccer yesterday evening at the former’s ground and were defeated by three goals to nil. Mr. Cheng Hoe refereed. Score. Sepoy Lines 3 S X. R C’ 0 A Walk-over. At the
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  • 69 5 P. C. C. V PARir BUN CAR ON ESPLANADE. The following have been selected to represent the P.C.C. on Sundav, at 10-80 a.m. on the Esplanade A. F. Baughan, L. H. Best, R. T. Boyd G. Carr, G. T. Church J. M. Collins, A H. Hunt, P. N
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  • 287 5 PENANG AT IPOH. King Not Fit to Play, THE TEAM. The following have been selected to represent Penang in the Malaya Cup match against Perak at Ipoh on Saturday Pawanteh Ghim Huat and Bean Thong Carey (Captain).. My din and Kim Chooi Rozells, A. Reutens, Cheng
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  • 33 5 —Reuter. Rain Stops Play. Edinburgh, July 16. Rain stopped play at Edinburgh to-day when Scotland had scored 129 for the loss of three wickets against the Australians Alexander made 51.-
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 186 5 ACCUSED SAYS HE DEFENDED r RITISH GOVERNMENT. When a Chinese named Chan Ah Kow was charged before the District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson) on Saturday with causing grievous hurt he said, in his defence, that he got into a row because he objected to a compatriot running
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  • 199 5 BRITONS OVER 40 HANDIER THAN AMERICANS. At what age is man at the height of his physical efficiency Sir Thomas Oliver, the physician, asked the question in his presidential address before the Industrial Hygiene Section of the Royal Institute of Public Health Conference
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  • 329 5 SECOND Great Britain Lose Man. MURRAY INJURED. Christ Church (N Z.). July 5. New Zealand won the second Rugby Test match rgainst Great Britain by 13 points to 10. Though handicapped in the second half by the loss of Murray, who sustained a dislocated shoulder, Britain
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  • 158 5 “EVANS OF THE BROKE.” Rear-Admiral E. R. G. R. Evans —“Evans of the Broke” —now commanding the Royal Australian Navy, is becoming increasingly popular in his new command His democratic nature and the catholicity of his friendships appeals to the Australian temperament. “I am a
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  • 117 5 BAN ON ALL-INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE. L In a statement explaining the reasons for the decision of the United Provinces Government to declare the All-Indian Congress Working Committee an unlawful association, under Section 16 of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, the Raj refers to Congress activities in connection with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 'BOSCH" Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air anu on the sea.
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    • 40 5 l/ARTJNS I AP/OL STEEL I Sure and certain for all Female I I cornplaints.Every lady should I keep a box in the house. 1 L W, J. KDMONDS, d 4 The English Pharmaoj J 52, 54. Beach Street, tenant f
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    • 1145 5 banks. gn:::::::::::::»:::::::::::*:::»:»»--”"””-”»-::::::»»!,, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, Jt S AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. g O'* 3 (Incorporated in England by Royal H X Charter 1868.) g 3 s I KC I VINAIW I 3 \X" L B°±h'e 8 C 11LL 1 IIWIB i Vat A lor Star, Amritsar, Bangkok, Batavia, g 5
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  • 690 6 case postponed. Accounts Ordered in Partnership Business. As Counsel who was to appear in case withdrew from it with His [xirdship’s permission, Mr. Justice pro nle in the Supreme Court this p'orning allowed a defendant time tiH Monday to engage another < ounS( ,j or be prepared to
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  • 112 6 PLANS FOR PREPARATORY SCHOOL. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 16 Discussing her plans for a school on Canimon Highlands with the Free Press, Miss Griffith Jones yesterday said now that the roadway was nearly finished it could not be long before the allocation of the land. She
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  • 204 6 COMMITTEE’S DECISION. Proposals by Water Engineer. As reported at the time, the President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, Mr. R. J. Farrer, announced at a meeting held on June 27 that a tentative agreement had been reached with the directors of Hammer and Co., Ltd., with regard
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  • 201 6 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. The following are the results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday Mixed Doubles Handicap —15.1 Mrs Reimann and CD D Hogan beat —3 Miss M Samuel and G P Trounce 6 0, 6-0. Singles Handicap lass A) —15.2 H J II Haas beat 15.3
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  • 116 6 CHNEBE PRkCriC S NOVEL METHOD. A Chinese of the labouring class made a novel attempt at committing suicide in his house in ukit Timah Road on July 15, says the “M.T He appeared to be injured but the other inmates of the house could find nothing wrong with
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  • 239 6 Sentence of two years’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by the District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson on July 15 on a Chinese who 1 was convicted of possession of a loaded automatic pistol, says the M.T.” Chief Court Inspector v eredith said that the prisoner was
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  • 151 6 DASTARDLY CRIME Rigorous Imprisonment for Offenders. Calcutta, June 20. C. B. Mortimer and Mrs. Monica Ryan were sentenced to-day by the Deputy Magistrate of Howrah to six months’ and six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment respectively under section 40 of the Bengal Children’s Act on a charge of
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  • 118 6 —Reuter. Committee to Carry Out Unification. London, July 16. Lord Passfield in a speech at Corona Club dinner which was attended by all those attending the Colonial Conference, stated that he had taken immediate steps to establish a committee to carry out the conference’s proposals on the unification
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 103 6 LARGE NUMBER IN CIRCULATION. The Pinang Gazette understands that there are a large number of forged dollar notes in circulation, not only in Penang and Singapore, but throughout the country. It is understood that the Detective Department in Penang apprehended one or two men with notes which
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  • 89 6 The “At Home to the Hon. Dr. J. Emile Bmith organise! by the Eurasian Association, Penang, in honour of his being appointed to the Legislative Council, will be held at 5 p m. on Saturday, July 19 The venue will be the Eurasian Volunteer Club
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  • 73 6 VISIT TO KEDAH. His Excellency the Governor, Sir Cecil lementi, K.C. u.G., with Lady Clementi and iss Clementi left this morning for Alor Star, being conveyed across from the Victoria Pier to Mitchell Pier, Butterworth, in the Government launch, Booby, which was in charge of < apt
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  • 117 6 July 17. —Asiatic Planters Association Extraordinary General Meeting, Chinese Town Hall, 2.30 p.m 18. —Malayan Athletic Championship Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. 19 Malayan Athletic Championship Meeting Kuala Lumpur, contd Kedah Gymkhana Club, Ama teur Meeting, Alor Star, 3 p.m Eurasian Association “At Home” to the Hop. Dr. J.
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  • 354 6 Before Mr. E. Jago, in the C econd Police Court, the case was mentioned by Mr. M. B. Lynch, in which ardasar, an Indian Mohamedan, was charged by the local police with having received stolen property, namely a motor car clock, and retaining same knowing it
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  • 223 6 MAN DIEB AFTER OPERATING ON HIMSELF. Louis Capetta, aged 42. the owner of a pastry shop in the Borough, New York City, died last month in Lincoln Hospital from peritonitis, following an effort to operate on himself with a razor for appendicitis. Capetta recently became ill with
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  • 173 6 The olonial Office announces that Mr Mark Young, Colonial Secretary at Sierra Leone, has been appointed Chief Secretary to the Government of Palestine. The King has approved appointment of Sir Phillip MacDonald. Chief Justice of Trinidad, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon in
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  • 559 6 Mr J. J. Saunders is slightly indisposed and was not able to attend office to day. Mrs W R. Blair has undertaken to act as Hon. Secretary in Kuala Lumpur for the Children’s Aid Society. Mrs. R. T. Beck ton and daughter, of Tai ping, are leaving
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  • 164 6 DEATH OF OLD PENANG EMPLOYEE. The Pinang Gazette regrets to announce the death which took place early this morning at the Butterworth Hospital of Simeon Joseph Francis, for nearly 33 years the trusted Head Tamby of the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. Francis, as he was popularly known, w’as
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  • 50 6 An unusually strong wind developed in Penang to-day and continued for several hours, particularly over the harbour area. In the harbour the sampans were tossed about like pieces of cork and even the huge tonekangs lying in the hncin were lifted and o’tel agaiuoC ji.j other.
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    • 322 6 A Disclaimer. (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.) Sir, —I am directed by my Committee to write to you with reference to the article reprinted in your issue of the 15th July, from the Malayan Saturday Post under the heading “Admission to the Bar. Unsporting Lawyers and
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    • 262 6 Sir, I sure that most people agree with the views so often expressed in your paper, as to the necessity fora scheme which would open up Penang Hill and generally improve accessibility to the various areas which are unexploited at present owing to their distance from the Upper
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    • 167 6 Sir, —Why has the money changing stall at the Penang railway station been removed It has been there, I think, for nearly a year and I have always found it most useful and whilst at the station I have also seten a number of other passengers making
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 673 7 A day or two ago we ventured to express an opinion as to how the high cost of living to Europeans and others could be reduced. From correspondence we have received, we gather that the subject has aroused a good deal of attention, though
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  • 1050 7  -  a.h.l. Penang, Thursday. «JBOUT the office this morning, and more particularly in our eyrie, there is an odd feeling, a curious atmosphere of blankness. A small ink-stained table in a corner, a dilapidated blotting-pad, a forlorn paste-pot and an empty chair tell the story of this strange
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  • 75 7 As there will be no sitting of the Supreme Court to morrow (Friday), which usually a bankruptcy Day, His Lordship Mr. Justice Sproule this morning disinjww of a number of matters, including three public examinations. Mr. Lim Eng Hoe. sole proprietor o Chops Loh Ban Chuan and Chnan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 182 7 PRITCHARD C“ L" FOR GENUINE “HELLESENS” High Tension Dry Batteries. Treble Treble Capacity Capacity The best for all wireless receiving sets giving three times the service. T fe e Capacity 60 v> lts. Price $9.50. Grid Bias 9 volts. $l.OO. 15 volts. $1.75. All Guaranteed Fresh Stock. v <■ alir
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    • 46 7 E. O. HOTEL MONH LITTER The Star Pianist of the East and a Favourite of Singapore will lead the E. O ORCHESTRA DURING THE AUTUMN RACE WEEK 26th July to 4th August. Watch for further particulars. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. b roM B«W White Label U/ WHIBra
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 102 7 SCIO TTXWmmm it rr.r W WZTUJLLW iwxn 2JLLLU TOWN HALL R.B. SALISBURY 5 P Qi r Tuesday, 29th July i-, I The Girl Friend The Successor to 'No, No, Nanette Ls Wednesday. 30th July p Funny Face g 5 From the Winter Garden Theatre, 1 ondon. Thursday, 31st July j
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    • 25 7 TIDE TABLES. High Water. Low Water. To-Day. 836 am. 9.84 a.m, 3.15 p.m. 10.04 p. To-Morrow. 4.10 a.m. 10.10 a.m 8.48 p.m. 10 38 p.m
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  • 56 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mrs. Kee Hup Kheam and family beg to thank all those who attended the funeral of the late Kee Hup Kheam of Sungei Bakap, on Wednesday, the 16th of July, 1930, sent wreaths, scrolls, banners, letters and telegrams of condolence etc and also those who rendered assistance or lent
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  • 817 8 —Reuter Sequel to Alexandria Rioting. British Warships Despatched. Sidky Pasha and Nahas Pasha Warned. Responsibility for Foreign Lives. The battleships Queen Elizabeth and Ramilles have been despatched to Alexandria as a result of the strained situation there and the danger to foreign lives and property. The
    —Reuter  -  817 words
  • 123 8 Step by Selangor Chinese Chamber. READY TO SUPPLY LABOUR. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. The Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce has formed an unemployed camp situated at the Cantonese cemetery buildings. Yesterday’s Sanitary Board meeting agreed to recommend Government to supply free
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  • 191 8 —Rugby Radio Service. Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference. London, July 16. Five hundred delegates, representing thirty one parliaments of the world, including Prince Tokugawa, are attending the twenty-sixth conference of the Inter Parliamentary Union which was opened at the House of Lords by the Duke of Sutherland and presided
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  191 words
  • 113 8 .—Reuter, Steel Helmets to be Resuscitated. Berlin, July 17. President Hindenburg has won his battle over the Steel Helmets. On receipt of a promise from members of the Steel Helmets not to carry out military exercises in the Rhineland, the Prussian Ministry of the Interior has decided to
    .—Reuter,  -  113 words
  • 111 8 .—Reuter. Marketing Board Memorandum on Tung Oil. London, July 16. Experimental cultivation in many parts of the British Empire including Malaya, India, Africa and the West Indies, of a tree from which tung oil, formerly a Chinese monopoly worth three millions sterling yearly, is obtained is
    .—Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 35 8 .—Router. Consolidation of Lines Operating from Gulf of Mexico. Washington, July 17. The Shipping Board has approved the consolidation of seven g >verument owned shipping lines now operating from the Gulf of Mexico.
    .—Router.  -  35 words
  • 134 8 Reception and Presentations at Colombo. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Colombo, July 16 Miss Amy Johnson arrived »t Colombo aboard the B. and 0 s s. Naldera this morning and was welcomed by a large crow «1 the jetty. She was given a reception at bir Solomon Dias's
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  • 503 8 .—Reuter Liberals to Rescue of the Government. SAFEGUARDING ISSUE. Mr. Baldwin’s Vote of Censure on the Government was defeated in the House of Commons last night by 312 votes by 241. Liberal support saved the Government. London, July 16 Mr. Stanley Baldwin moved a Vote of
    .—Reuter  -  503 words
  • 152 8 Renter. Mr. Henderson and League of Nations. London, July 16. In the House of Commons at question time Mr. Henderson said he was quite prepared to submit to the League of Nations the White Paper in which the difficulty was emphasised of dealing with the muitsai system in
    Renter.  -  152 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 u id ■annnnn o E O 8 TO-DAY’S NEWS. 8 Page Arab Boy’s I luck 3 Prohibition Failing H Greedy Lawn Tennis Stars 4 Notorious Dacoit's Adventures 13 Keeper of the Ashes H The King’s Quaint Rents 15 Simon Report Sales 11 Sport Local Q Shipping 12 o Commercial 1®
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    • 13 8 You should give Martell Lrandy the inference over others as it is superlative
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    • 177 8 Another Great New Recording BY “His Master’s Voice,” “PAGLIACCI.” Recorded in complete form on nine plum label records in album (Series No. 97). Complete $22-50. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd., 16. Bishop Street. Have your motorcar spray painted with h IB ®jb h I I Used by the leading Motorcar Manufacturers
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    • 199 9 PLANTERS’ ASSOCIATION. Sub-Committee's Control Scheme. SATURDAYS MEETING. AN extraordinary general meeting of the Asiatic Planters’ Association of Malaya will be held in the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Miners’ Association Hall on Saturday, 19th July 1930, to receive the special recommendations of the special sub-committee appointed to considei
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    • 220 9 The following is a comparative statement of the value of Foreign trade, excluding parcel pest and buLion. in 1929 and 1930. Imports. (In thousands of dollare). Incr. 1929 1930 c r Dec. January 76,903 71,514 5,389 February 72,319 63,890 8,429 Marcu 71,409 61.950 9,159 April ***** 66,089
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    • 136 9 WHAT THE SLUMP MEANS IN FIGURES. Big Decrease Against 1929. Malayan trade during the first six months of this year showed a total decrease of (148,123,000 ES compared with January-June, 1929. Imports during the first half of 1929 were valued at (444,403,000, as against (388 599,000 this year
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    • 55 9 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. TIN: LONDON. Spot £134-7-6. Up £3-0-0 3 Months’ £136-0-0. Up £3-0-0 SINGAPORE. $6B 62} per picul. Up 75 c. 300 tons done RUBBER: London 51 id. Down 1/16 d. New York 10 Jc. (Gold) Unchanged Local 17i cts. Unchanged By
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    • 60 9 Rugby Riido Service. THREE MILLIONS OVERSUBSCRIBED IN LONDON. London, July 16. An Austrian international Iran cf £3,0C0,C00 in seven per cent Sterling bonds vai offered to-day for subscription in this country at ninety-five oer cent, and within two hours of the opening the lis:s were declared closed. It
      Rugby Riido Service.  -  60 words
    • 69 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, July" 16. Paris, 123.61; New York. 4.86} Brussels, 34.81; Geneva, 25 P 3 Arne ‘erdam, 12.08: Milan. 92.65 Berlin. 20.37 Stockholm, 18.09 Copenl agen, 18.16 Oslo, 18.16 Vienna, 34.44 Prague 164 G Helsingfors, 193 A; Madrid, 41.85 Liebon. 108.25 Athens, 375 Bucharest 818; Rio,
      (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  69 words
    • 72 9 Penang, Jcly 17, 1930. By Courtesy of The Chartered Bank On London Bank Derrtnd 2/3 1 4 mha 2/3 15/16 Private 3 m/ls Credit 2/4 1/8 3 Dccvmertsry 1/4 On New York Bank Demand 56 1/8 France n T.T. 1,425 h India T.T. 1541 Bangkok T.T. 79} nom Batavia
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    • 37 9 The homeward mail bv the s.e Erinpura closes at 6 r.m. to-morrow. The 8.1. Rohna with mails despatched from London on June 26 is exp cted to a rive here at 6 a.m. to morrow.
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    • 209 9 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day:— Yesterday To-day 2 C Ĕ Share?. Z rs e *5 0Q UO QQ QQ I c. le. 10. 10. Rubber (Dollar). A. Hitam 2.25 2.50 1.70 2.00 ex
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    • 195 9 LONDON STANDARD (I OOSE.) S.R. Sheet 171 for found =per pl= 123/66 Quiet. London 511 New York 1( j c!s. (gold). (8& Cour'esV of Messrs. Allen Dennys). Geaeral Produce Ageacy, Ltd. Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are ae follows:— Spot 171 cents per lb.
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    • 69 9 RETURNS FOR HALF JULY. The following are the latest output returns f< r »he first half of July: Taku»pa Valley Tin Dredging N.L. Henri 355 Cub e yards 97,000 Picu's 529 Rvrut Basin Tin Dredging Co., N.L. Hon s 231 Cubic yards 38,000 Piculs 327 Pangnga River Tin
      69 words
    • 1034 9 KENNEDY Co.’s SHARE LIST. NAMES. 5 5 38 1 s 3 rUBBBB fDellMd 0 0 Allenby Rubber O« I 1 40 Alor Gajsh Rubber Estate -J > JO Amalgamated Matey States J 1 Ayer Hitam Plantfaf 1 70 CO ex Ayer Knning Rubber g Ayer Molek Rubber Oo 1 Ayer
      1,034 words
    • 195 9 Penang. July 17» 1930. t cte Bmara Opium P. <*•* nom C* o n 7SW Gold leaf Mao. Picking. nom ITO.or Nutmegs 80s h «0-0 110 s n0 Ooooanuts per 1,000 9 ?‘22 Oopra Sundried buyers 7.70 Rattans Rattans Ooarre m Green Snail Shells M l 3 v
      195 words
  • 67 9 The following arrived in Penang by the Hector this morning from the Far Eas Mr. Cranner, Mr?. Cranner. Mr. and Mrs. P.D.G, Gain, Mra. and Misaes Gain, Mr. T.F. Johnson, Mr. Stevans and Mr. J.B. Wallace. s.s. Kuala. The s.f. Koala” arrived in Penang this mortjiog from Belawan
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 You should give Martell’s Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative.
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    • 156 9 J. R. Perkins, Auctioneer and Appraiser. SALES ROOM No. 53. Hale Street, IPOH. RELIABLE CARS ON HIRE. Office Phone No. 579. House Phone No. 761. Office: No. 53, Hale Street, Ipoh, Perak. CHINESE HOTEL, CHOP KHOON SIONG, 89 and 91, Belfield Street, IPOH, PERAK. Restaurant, European and Chinese Fojd, Charges
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    • 258 9 FOOTBALL. South China Football Team vs. Penang fc Chinese Football Association on Monday, 21st July, 1930. South China Football Team vs. Penang Football Association on Wednesday, 23rd July, 193 q On Victoria Green (Chinese Recreation Club Ground). Kick-off at 5-15 p.m. sharp. Donors’ Seats will be reserved. Tickets of Admission
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  • 561 10 FLAG SYMBOLS FOR ESTATES. DUTY OF DUKES. A Bucketful of Snow and Washing Water. 0.1 June 18, the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington went to Windsor Caa le to paz to the King his yearly rent for Strathtieldsaye, the Hampshire estate
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  • 340 10 WORLD WANTS SIMON REPORT. COPIES BY AIR. Great Writing and Typing Task. So great has been the demand for the first v)lum? of the report of tbe Simon Comm’ssion on India that the Stationery Office is printing another batch of conies, says tb» Sunday Dispatch of June
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  • 379 10 PRESIDENT'S ADMISSION. Amazing Facts and Figures. Prohibition is failing utterly. That is the opinion of famous Americans and also of the writer of this article, an American journalist. After nine and a half years’ experiment, Prohibition is coming to an end. President Hoover heads the list who
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  • 83 10 “I regard the Wall-street slump merely as one of those r< cirrent flurries thtt happen among speculators,” said Mr. E. W. Baatty, chairman of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in an interview. "By specul tors.” be adder*, ‘‘l do not mean investors. Thes* flurries have no serious or permanent
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  • 200 10 Nervousness is the greatest obstacle to success, and it »s an enemy of happiness and health. Vic ims of “nerves” are handicapped, even though in other respects competent, for they lack energy, confidence, coolness, courage and health. Nervousness is a sign that the nerves are weak
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 335 10 sum from Ifflff .ERUPTIONS Over Head. Pain Awful at Times. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Healed. Fcr twelve months I suffered from dandruff and sore eruption s which spread all over my head. My hair fell out, Y.nd at times the pain was awful. I also had pimples on my head
      335 words
    • 109 10 UMIMII I'TT W 5 EIGHTEEN HOLE GOLF COURSE ExriJ/i'rvt <rl the Hu/Z Hcr\ HctcL I Mu 30 kwfr™ Pvuuj. by TraW I r THE INFORMATION BUREAU I f r ROYAL STATE RA.LVrtYS t pUusi epou BANGKOK. SIAM. I advert 1 nt ond moillO. DO NOT MISS THIS OLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Free\
      109 words
      25 words
    • 295 10 SPECIFY CROMPTON’S -tWAhi /1 lfc I M 1 H. Off I For Proved Reliability js We have the RIGHT MOTOR for your needs. We know the RIGHT WAY to apply it. f SOLE AGENTS: United Engineers, Limited, (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. I PEN NG 1 Pilot “Super-Wasp”
      295 words

  • 969 11 Port Of Penang. Schedule of Principal Lines. THE following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week: In Pert Te-day. 6. 8. De Haan fmm Achepn Portr, Meulaboh and Tjtlang. 8 dis f< r B. Deli, Acheen, Tjdang and Meulabeh on
    969 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      9 words
    • 44 11 Send your future enquiries for your Z «tx Yo can also happy if you remiirpmont« wear the right glasses. requiremen s. Get them at: Cottoirwaste The New Dispensary, to —-j-— n™ opticians, Messrs. C. M. VYAS Co,. «A ROM). PINHO. 69 BjBhop gtreet penaiig
      44 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 398 11 Entire Change of Programme. To-Night TWO SHOWS wer talk ie MGHTLf nw|V|Br git HoUse 6« P ..a vJgy Fcm »8 9-30 pm. T” 2W Two-Talkie-Feature Programme for the First Time in Penang. A Night of Laughter! AND j O y with the Gleasons (James and Lucille) with the favourite of
      398 words

  • 442 12 R3IGN OF TERROR AT NASIK. Lonely Forest Official Waylaid. Bombay, June 19. A STORY which reada like a Robin Hood tale comes from Naeik, where a notorious dacoit has for the past year instituted a reign of terror in the forest district. Styling himself “King of the
    442 words
  • 215 12 A man was on trial for his life at an Irish assizes, before a judge who prided himself on giving the prisoner the benefit of every doubt. Counsel for the prosecution drew the judge’s attention to the fact that the prisoner was without counsel to defend him.
    215 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 287 12 =Qd A .7' U ESSWIWWWIiy: on‘"sing Lifebuoy Soap? ""Pj”” Ve h C w rld ipsist f b ™V and lteps your h m UVF« MCOTHHO LIMITED WMJ*. Tok 1 SL' .\LIGM I, t NGI ANI > T-y»>.»»»»' JP«iMMib iwiwMiM—jauigLTnrrsinMn u nnrrr-ggrrwjgiaaryr-s < -'iT—>—: r--"\ea /Tx Ifc i W> <\
      287 words
    • 53 12 OLD MALAYA. Personalities of Old Malaya by Cyril Baxendale, is now ready for issue at $2 a copy. The volume may be purchased through our agents throughout the Peninsula or direct from the Finarg Gazette FffSS td ,la, Penang-street, Penang. You should give Martell’s Brandy the Preference over others as
      53 words
    • 98 12 ram M KGU& v TH uaSi fr* zOffWW a Six In the price range of the four in II fl HI|WMH n miii—mi h%siuii m nrr/ mm ■■iiinini iiimii WwEflnhMft V\ innnniiiirn 1 Borneo Chevrolet 1~4d., Penang—lpoh— Taiping. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS ’TT" s _Z_Ur' DOUBLE Y are Rencwrieo ■™o
      98 words

  • 265 13 TEAMS’ GLIMPSE. Lady Darnley to Produce Them. Whether the Australians win the Ashes or not, they will obtain a glimpse of them. Tte “Ashes,” which lave been fought for by English a d Australian cricket teams for more than 40 years, were produced for the first
    265 words
  • 136 13 SPEEDING DANGEROUS IN SOME AREAS. Curious inequalities in the enforcement of the motor ng speed limit by different police suthorities are shown in the Home Office return of motoring offences for 1929. W thin the area of the Cambridge county and borough police forces, for instance,
    136 words
  • 184 13 MOVE TO PREVENT DISORDER. A new police order to prevent public disturbances in the present crisis in Malta is issued in the Government Gazette. All demonstrations and gatherings of people in any street or in any other place to which the public has access
    184 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 347 13 Pass your plate for “Thanks, I should V like another helping.” Everyone thoroughly *7 enjoys the flavour of ipf Wall’s Cambridge prime meaty goodness does one a world of good. Made from a famous recipe with just the same care for 150 years jftTA 'WALL'S Cambridge IgPSAUSAGES T. WALL SOWS
      347 words
    • 18 13 "BOSCH’* Plugs have proved to be best on the rc ad in the air and on the sea.
      18 words
    • 352 13 made IN LONDON i «IF w f iF aWwMiiy fc 5 iB IB ollly f l«Br -S- T 'PPED /(JiVevA)/ Z. v J < *A “Every time I light a Craven “A” I thank my doctor for recommending them! He knows, and I know, that they don’t harm the throat.”
      352 words

  • 616 14 CHOWRABTA MARKET Penang, July 17, 1930 Mqttom— t 0| Matton Indian M pQr lb 65 Head Sheep or goat M each 1-3 U Liver with heart A lung do 1.50 Tnpe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 60 Sweet Bread a nair 40 40 Kidney pa i
    616 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 99 14 11® I IMWI mHm iIW ■i 111 it M ■>l IMmfc’l CS LOST ER BEER SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., 7-j c 5 SIEMENS SCHUCKERT Quotations For Electrical Plants. SOLE AGENTS.- g N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., SINGAPORE PENANG. g OtJHJQEFTBrji I ii^nß^■ ®8 T H F S
      99 words
    • 136 14 i y v /W V '^?V‘ lCux, C Y\\ i 1« M IBW'J I /I 7f M' i E I 7 CS j ■I7 m W/jf I 1 ggglEß xU V WILLS'S Ji 1 I! ZjT\ Fl 1 Ha i I ffaamairwg u a I .< J«aUl FjlLl LILI g
      136 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1319 15 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE f [INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. < cAH-1 AMLKILAH j, WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON |N. CONTINENT. HECTOR in no-t Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Glasgow. 4 AGAMEMNON July 24 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Hamnnrg. 7 ACHILLES Juiy 31 Marseilles. London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. 5 J W-W) I j MENTOR
      1,319 words
    • 632 15 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINKS (Companies Incorporated in E hl*nd.) MAIL PASSEzGER AMD CARGO SCRVJCES Peninsular and Oriental 8. W. Co., under ran- Fsnang, Tcluk.Anson,Psrt Swettenlmi jll tract with His Majesty’s Gofernment, London and Singapore Service 1 T aod Far Brt Sail Service Mat» Hm Oatwardc from Lcndoo for
      632 words