Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 May 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 ii«iMiißHinffliiuiiuiiniuuiiii»iMiii«aHiiaiMnMuaaa« |rl. TOKISATSUf STUDIO, 9 B a ap*to<la£t Phot»» g i'ctpiiy by electric light. Phoae 772, a a 70, Bitbop SireeS, PENANG. 8 a iinaiiHiiniiußiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiunuiiiuianuiiHiiiiiiiiDaniwsiiunuiiuiiuiig 71 EXSKS9IBffIS3£S£3U9iZftB9BPO JttJJJJJJ ZttXt***t*»Z<X.** 18 BEERY BALLADS—No. 1. 0 I When Tin has dropped to fifty cents a picul, I And the Rubber Outlook fills
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    • 33 1 MUtßMroEßßangsaai osißmuramur I T. NAGATA I I 1 SPOT HERS, S I DENTISIS. s a J Head Gffice next to the Dispensary I I Branch (i fier, Leith strw. gtiniuimiaiMiKiuHiHi ufliviiiiuiiiiniuiMtiiHi hi:iwhiiomBBBB S
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  • 312 2 Summer 1930 Race Meeting. Saturday, 31st May, Tuesday, 3rd June (H. M. The King’s Birthday) Thursday sth, Saturday 7th and Monday 9th, (Whit Monday) of June, 1930 a Three runs for each division of Classes 1 2& 3 Horses Tuun Classes IV V (Combined) Horses. Three Class
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 371 2 POSITIONS VACANT. w 1 1 A- 4 T~ if y x-xtcc 1 tSgßgggPS' i Federated Malay States Railways. Temporary Electrical European Foreman nquired for about 12 months L r duty at Cjutral Workshops. Applicants must be experienced in the installation of A. C. Motors and Switchgear etc. Ba,ary $325/- per
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    • 375 2 THE THE CARLTON. The Only Down Town Reit»ur«nt I, Bench Street, PEN ANO PINANG Quick Tifllna, Grills, Sandwiches, Gold Beer, Wines, Etc. GAZETTE KONDO’S TONSORIAL PARLOUR List of Places where the Gazette 35 LBtrH street. can be bought at 10 cents. Onu*r New Management. Up-to-date and Hygienic. r Terms Moderate,
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    • 1042 2 I BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL maatschappij n. v. I NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY i« [lncorporated in Holland Jr by Royal Charter A. D. 1824.] V P,id-np-Capital I < J R F Statatonßoaorve [.bori «XC] k Hk Head Office in Amsterdam-* With Agencies in Rotterdam* &’s-Gravenhage. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches. Bandjermasin, Bandoeng*,
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  • 787 3 Insular Tentativeness: Gallic Incisiveness. Our talk at luncheon the other day, in the course of its wanderings, fell suddenly upon Chairs and Professors. A minute before we had been talking about the Conference now sitting in London; and my friend on the right, at this turn in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 I. min mm in in— t he most famous of all Nitro-cellulose I finishes is now available in handy sizes in an excellent range of colours in brushing form. BRUSHING DUCO is now on display at the premises of I Messrs Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. So call there and see
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    • 174 3 > BOSCH PLUGS and MAGNETOS aie your guarantee for RELIABILITY. SOLE AGENTS: N v STRAITS JAVA TRADING Co. <enang. MORE INTERESTING BOOKS. 4 Forest Life and Adventures in the Malay Arcb'pelago ly” Dr. Erio Mjoberg $7.25 Printing in *he Twentieth Century, A Survey. rhe T’irrs’ Printirc Number, Reprinted from the
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    • 190 3 !I Mystery Illnesses The germ of influenza has not been discovered. Even a common cold is a mysterious illness the germs of which Science cannot exterminate. Such illnesses, 2 if they cannot be cured, can often be avoided by proper nutrition. When you are tired take BOVRIL at once. It
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  • 400 4 REALISTIC NIGHT TEST BY R.A.F. 50 BOMBERS. Thousands Hear Engines’ Drone. ALL through the night and until after dawn on April 25, 50 giant bombing aeroplanes were droning in a great circle around London under conditions akin to aerial warfare. Thousands of people on the 400
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  • 152 4 AMBULANCE AS BRIDAL COACH. Straight from hospital to the altar was the experience of Miss Nellie Maudsley Walker, fifty-four, of Pendleton, who was married at a Salford Roman Catholic Church to Mr. L. Roebuck, sixty-eight, of Manchester, who was formerly a Congregational minister. The couple arranged to
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  • 137 4 Euclid’s proposition that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides was used to solve a problem in the Brighton Police Court recently. Evidence was given that the body of a boy who had been
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  • 173 4 LINER CAPTAIN’S DISCOVERY, Captain Sir Arthur Rostrcn, Commander of tl e Berengaria, would not be srrprised if Corey Island, New York’s famous seaside resnrt will one day become semi-tropical, with the whole of L ng Island shore adorned with palm trees. The captain is continuing his
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  • 79 4 Police reinforcements were necessary At L’sbon recently to contral the crowds attempting to see Dr. Asuerc, the Madrid m-rscle” healer of nervous disorders. Wta’thy and poor alike besieged his hote’, and the stream cf supplicants, some of them paralysed and being carried, was unbroken from seven in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 I ECZEMA CM SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Spread Over Arms and Limbs. Healed by Cuticura. The trouble started about eleven years ago with a round patch somethir g similar to dry eczema on my right elbo\ z, and gradually spread ever my arms si. 3 limbs. As the skin scaled and peeled
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    • 93 4 "BOSCH" Plugs have proved to be best on the road, in the air and on the sea. i Electric Clocks I a Connects as any light or fan. 0 Current Consumption Less than One'Ceni per Month. J 1 90 Hours Effected I I» by Current 3 I Running Reserve. Interruptions
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    • 182 4 e I They, O' I don’t 'v afferf > my throat n ..X I 4 1 a -An w S Craven A are favourites X<l > w ladies. They do not stick to the lips. WCKMWA CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES MADt in LONDON Made Sp ecially to Prevent Sore .Throats CARRERAS
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  • 825 5 Summer Meeting. Fewer Events Or More Runs By TIC TAC.” From the complete entries for the Selangor Turf Club Meeting to he run at Kuala Lumpur on May 31, and June 3,5, 7 and 9 published below it will be seen that th u entries
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  • 402 5 HANDICAPS FOR FIRST DAY. 5 Races On Friday: 8 On Saturday. Below will be found the complete handicaps for the first day of the Singapore Turf Club Amateur RiC°s to be run on Friday, May 23. The weights forthr-e races on the second day sre
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  • 127 5 DERBYSHIRE 215. Hornibrook Takes 6 For 61. Cheaterfi°ld, May 21. Winning the toss the Derbyshire cap tain took firs knock agunst the Austr ilians at Chesterfield to uay. P. M. Hornibrook, the left hand bowlerof the side, tr jubted the batsmen from the start with bis soin
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  • 47 5 FIRST ROUND KNO K OUT. London. M y 21. In a schedule 1 fifte«en round bout at Premierland for the Ligh -we-ght B xing n hampionship of Great Br-t in. Foreman (Cai ada) knocked out Fred Webster the holder, in the first roundRemer.
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  • 350 5 YESTERDAY’S MATCHES. Sixth Draw By Police. R. C. met the Eastern Smelt* *ng Company in the League yesterday on the Renong ground, and defeated them by one goal to nil. The game was very scrappy and fell far below the standard of football usually seen at League
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  • 102 5 NO WEAK POINTS. Sir Thomas Lipton Confident.' London, May 21. Sir Thomas Lipton, who in the past thiri y years, has spent £500.000 on five yachis built to sail across the Atlantic and challenge in American water the holders of the America Cup, is confident that
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  • 104 5 23 Malaya Cup Trial (S.X R.C. Ground), 24 :Cricket: Free School vs P.C.C. Esplanade. 26;Penang Turf Club, half yearly meeting. Chartered Bank Chambers 4.30 p.m. 28:Football: M.A.F C vs P.R.C (Renong ground). 29 Football: Malaya Cup Trial (Esplanade). 30 Football: E.S. Co. vs Boatmen (Renong). S.X.R.C. vs U.I.A.
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  • 1625 5 Kid Berg’s 111-Luck. How The United States Retains Its Titles. BEFORE and after Kid Berg beat Mushy Callahan at Albert Hall it was understood that when he returned to America he would fight Sammy Mandell for the Light-Weight Championship of the World. There was not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 154 6 .--Rugby Radio Service. building orders. Submarines, Destroyers And Cruiser. London, May 21. The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, said that orders had been given for work on the 6-inch gun cruiser Leander to be built at Devonport and for two destroyers at Portsmouth.
    .--Rugby Radio Service.  -  154 words
  • 140 6 MP. AND GIGANTIC IMPOSTURE” OF PROHIBITION. Leave to introduce a Bill to enable the B ard of Trade to snspend or ca cel the c rtificate of any master, mate or engineer engaging in the illicit importation of intoxicating liquor into U. S. A. territory was given to
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  • 123 6 THE PRINCE’S CAIRN COMPANION. A liking for dogs is one of the marked characteristics of the British Royal Family. In fac 1 throughout history it is remarkable that kings and emperors, almost without exception, have been devoted to some particular breed of dog, which they have
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  • 104 6 ,—S.F.P. On enquiries onMondav it was learned that as yet nothing definite is known rel garding the actual damage caused by the fire which broke out on the Japanese steamer Yonan Maru while she was lying alongside the Empire Dock, Singapore on Friday night. Cargo was still
    ,—S.F.P.  -  104 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 251 6 i ««■■-.rm «wmw- i,i MBFSB»IWBr r aSfI^MMaK®SK3EK7T^3EffIEIffT^BHWI^EMBBMMBBMKS!ra!HOPIMK3^®HK®®® ,IHB i I r^HOWE RS W !<3 3 B > rO Thi s I I Here Are Just a Few Of Them. ft r ,r tre-sragi I II 11 Illi MH I» 1 Turkish g Glasses Bath Towels With thick white cotton pile
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    • 45 6 1/ART/jvs m/’ puls, I APIOL STEEL I Sureandcertainfor xllFemale I g complaints.Fvcryladyshould S keep *x>x in the house. W. J. EDMONDS, 4 Tho English Pharmacy jJ K 52, 54, Beach Street, r’eiang. I You should give Martell's Brandy the Vri' others as it is superlative.
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    • 188 6 ji The use o f a 0 I KELVIN ATOR I Automatically Protects Yozir Food. fj i F I sSkSM PSI tXrl Es jgjggig n jgw a n S 3 ii Sai 1 H Economical fea&O i Hygienic rwMI h sag iH H 4 S It is less expensive to
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  • 988 7 British Adviser To Kelantan, Duff Company Settlements” Hampering Development. Exclusive Interview. AMONG the passengers aboard the s.s. Meonia, which sailed from Penang to-day were Mr. and Mrs. R.J.B. Clayton. Mr. Clayton has been British Adviser to the Government of Kelantan for the past three years
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  • 154 7 REVIVED PENANG RUMOUR I tatemeot By Agents Of The Line. For the second time within the past there or foui months, a rumour has gained currency in Penang that the French steamers which have ceased making enang a port of call will resume calling
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  • 102 7 British United Press. £BO,OOO SPENT TN A YEAR. Moscow’, May 21. Soviet officials are delighted with the marked improvement i n the tourist trade in Russia. It is estimated in official circles that during the past year tourists spent £BO,OOO in the Soviet Union, and the
    British United Press.  -  102 words
  • 92 7 Super Tra n s- A tlantic Cable Planned. (£2 00 »,001 to 13,000 0 British i United Precd REVOLUTIONARY DE < GN. Washington, May 21. Capable of carrying as much traffic as all the existing Trans-Atlantic cables put together, a new cable of revolutionary design is being planned by the
    (£2 00 »,001 to 13,000 ( 0 British i United Precd  -  92 words
  • 496 7 ARRANGEMENTS FOR JUNE 3. Firing Of Feu-de-Joie. The Pinang Gazette understands that the King’s Birthday Parade this year, on June 3, will be on a more elaborate scale than hitherto, and that in addition to the various movements usually gone through, there will also be
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  • 260 7 ENGINEER’S TOUR. Visiting Principal Cities. IAM is to have dial telephones just like the rest of the world said Mr M B. Chua to a Pinang Gazette reporter this afternoon aboard the s s Meonia. Mr. Chua, Chief Telephone Engineer of Siam, is on a
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  • 145 7 appointment confirmed. 31 Years In Malayan Civil Service. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. It was officially announced this morning that the appointment of Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane as Chief Secretary of the Federated Malay States had been confirmed. The news
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  • 357 7 RAID ON GREEN LANE HOUSEFour Chinese Charged in Police Court. A graphic story of a raid by the Penang Detective Police on a house in Green Lane, alleged to be occupied by a band of counterfeiters, was related yesterday in the Police Court, when Chief Detective
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  • 125 7 Geneva, May 21. A representative of the Swiss Government and Sir Eric Drummond on behalf of the League of Nations signed an agreement to establish a wireless service which would normally be working under a Swiss company but would be passed exclusively into the hands of the
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  • 594 7 MRS. FANNY HERBERT. Interesting and Chequered Career. Older Penang residents will regret to hear the news of the passing away last week of Mrs. Fanny Herbert, who has been resident in Penang for the last 30 or 40 years Who, in Penang, has not seen
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  • 191 7 British United Press life insurance expert s REPORT. Washington, May 2'. Unless there is a marked change in the present immigration policy of the United States, which allows only 150,000 persons to enter the country annually, the popula tion will become stationary at the
    British United Press  -  191 words
    • 430 7 (To the Editor of the r inang Gazette.) Sir,I quite agree with the views expressed by the Indian of Ipoh (Not Ceylonese Tamil) on the above subject, that the Trophy offered by the Hon. Mr. Abdul Cader should be open to both Indians and
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    • 205 7 Sir,I congratulate the Pinang Gazette for the bold comments made with regard to the suspension of the two so-called footballers w’ho should have been dealt with more severely by our timid Football Association. Football in enang has never been of a high standard, and one of
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  • 79 7 KUALA LUMPUR MYSTERY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. A sensational stabbing case wrs repoi ted at 2 a.m. to-day, when Miss Pender, a European Sister at the General Hospital was stabbed while asleep by an unknown assailant. It is understood that a
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  • 54 7 AT END OF LAST WEEK! Wireless enthusiasts of Pi nang were very disappointed at the the Empire News Bulletin at the- endAof last week, especially as the Postal Authorities at Kuala Lumpur had announced that it would be continued until Wednesday evening and. had asked for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 532 8 Mr. Roland Braddeil’s attack on the shipping conferences, which, he declared, were strangling the trade of the Colony, has aroused more interest than any other matter of public importance has done for a lon* time past. His contention that the conferences are driving the trade of the
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  • 314 8 It may be recalled that after installing a really efficient and up-to-date trolley-’bus service in Penang two or three years ago, the Municipal Department responsible for the undertaking for many months refused to publish either a time table or a fare schedule. The local press was not
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  • 1148 8  -  A. U- L Penang, Thursday. X ALAYA to-day says fare/y/ well to one of her oldest officials in the person of Mr. R. J. B. Clayton, the British Adviser, Kelantan, who leaves by the m/s Meonia on retirement after some thirty two years of distinguished service to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 ftr ji Wffll n—"• SW 7 Sir Kreemy Knuts frh Advice (iClji j 3 \4 3. Dj fllj tf 1 I 11 need not be told. Like it A Super-Kreem, his happy i face speaks for itself. I iVi! Where he is you may well wish yourself |ta, EkA to
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    • 61 8 c E gt O. HOT&U MESSRS. SARKIES BROTHERS have pleasure in announcing that they will present OH I— DOCTOR starring REGINALD DENNY on SUNDAY, 25th MAY 1930, at 9-30 p.m. A CINE-KODAK FILM supplied by MESSRS. STORCH BROS: LTD: PENANG. NO ENTRANCE FEE. 6 -o KOK MUSCLE BUILDING EAT WfTWtfCMTfLK
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 113 9 Sudden Crisis Over Sir Oswald Mosley’s Resignation. Unfulfilled Eleciion Pledges.” Mr. MacDonald Demands Vote Of Confidence From P. L.P. To-night’s Vital Meeting. Mr. Bamsay MacDonald, the British Prime Minister, yesterday threatened to advise the King immediately to dissolve Parliament. This surprising political crisis is the
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  • 153 9 British United Press. SIR WILLIAM NOBLE’S VISIT. Sydney, May 21. Arrangements for the establishment of a factory for the manufacture of electric and telephone equipment in Sydney are being discussed by Sir William Noble, a director of the British General Electric Company,
    British United Press.  -  153 words
  • 210 9 .—Reuter. EASTERN HONAN FIGHTING. NATIONAL FORCES CAPTURE KWEITE. GERMAN TRAINED TROOPS USED. Shanghai, May 21. President Chiang Kai-shek captured the walled city of Kweite in Eastern Honan yesterday’ afternoon after a week's severe fighting. The Nationalists captured Kweite railway station on May 13 and the Northerners,
    .—Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 170 9 Rugby Radio Service. CONSERVATIVE MOTION CARRIED IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. London, May 21. In the House of Lords a motion expressing grave concern regarding the industrial outlook and demanding as the most immediate and practical remedy a comprehensive policy of Safeguarding of industries, anti dumping and
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  170 words
  • 154 9 Rugby Radio Service. YESTERDAY’S PRELIMINARY TRIALS. London, May 21. The Air Ministry’s airship R 100 was taken from its shed at Cardington before dawn to-day and an hour and a half later she was safely locked home to the mooring mast. Major Scott
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  154 words
  • 82 9 IbU o uy uxUuu. J kMENTA <Y COMMITTEE TO bE AP» OiNi ED. London, May 2L The Under Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Drummond Shiels, said that it was proposed to present to Parliament on June 20 the conclusions of the Government regarding a closer
    IbUouy uxUuu.  -  82 words
  • 368 9 WHOLESAIE ARRESTS. HOW CONGRESS HOUSE RAID WAS CARRIED OUT. PRESSURE ON GOVERNMENT. Bombay, May 21. I he Congress House raid was of a most thorough nature. A large area around the building was strictly guarded by armed pickets. Those arrested include Mr. Choksey, Vice-President
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  • 107 9 ,Rugby Radio Service. STATEMENT IN PARLIAMENT. London, May 21. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, replying to questions in Parliament, said that various questions connected with Communist Propaganda were receiving his serious attention. Replying to Sir Austen Chamberlain, he said that the Government thought it
    ,Rugby Radio Service.  -  107 words
  • 96 9 STEEL, IRON AND COAL COMBINE. London, May 22. A big industrial Rationalisation scheme in w’hich the Bank of England will take a direct concern, is announced. The Bank will have a controlling voice in two new steel, iron and coal companies named the Lancashire >teel Corporation
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  • 633 9 Memorandum Rejected In Its Entirety. London, May 21. In the House of Commons, Sir Oswald Mosley made a statement regarding his resignation from the Government. Sir Oswald Mosley was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, which is a post with only minor duties, and when
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  • 143 9 Reuter. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND’S STAND. Washington, May 22. How two British Dominions objected to the cruiser building programme of the United States during the London Conference was disclosed by Senator Reed, one of the American delegates. Cross-examining Admiral Pringle before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
    – Reuter.  -  143 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 17 9 "BOSCH" Plugs have proved to be best on the rnad. in the ai. and on t+e x-a..
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    • 160 9 South Sea Rose” The Theme Song from the film now showing at the Majestic Cinema, has heen recorded by the New Mayfair Dance Orchestra ON His Master’s Voice” Record No. B 5801 Available at S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD., 16 BISnOP street. Have your motorcar spray painted with /u Used by
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    • 86 10 OPENING OF CUTS. Ruling Of Local R. G. A. Committee. "W'W E have been rr quested by the local K. G. A., Kuala Lnmpu*, to pubbsn the following: There would appear to be some doubt whether it will be in order for estates which are adhering
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    • 57 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. TIN. LONDON. Spot £143-15-0. Up £2-0-0 3 Months’ £145-12-6. Up £2-0-0 SINGAPORE. $73.62| per picul. Up $1.621 200 tons done RUBBER: London 613/16 d. Up 1/16 d. New York 13ii c. (Gold) Up |c. Local 23 cts. Up 1/4 c.
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    • 88 10 R( u’.er. SUNDAY REST. Suggestion of Government Conference. Sir gipore, May 21. The Asiatic Rubbf r Pro lucers of Perak have passed a resolution asking the Goverr ment to declare Sunday a day of rest f <■» all labcure?s in Malaya and supporting the suggestion of
      R( u’.er.  -  88 words
    • 48 10 FIN iL DIVIDEND OF 5 PER GENT Th* local agents are by cable from the Secretaries of Meriiunu Pegoh Limited that th* B end rf Directors hive recommended a fit a 1 dividend of 5 re r cent, less Income Tax f>r the year 1929
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    • 68 10 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, May 21. Paris. 123.97 New York, 4.86s 3 s Brussels, 34.825 Geneva, 25.125 Ams terdam. 12.08 k Milan. 92.72 Berlin. 20.37 Stockholm, 18 125 Copenhagen. 18.165 Oslo, 18.165 Vienna, 34.465; Prague. 164; Hele'ngfnrs, 193; Madrid 39.975; L>ebon. 108.25 Athens, 375 Bucharent.i 818; Rio s«d
      (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  68 words
    • 70 10 Penan» May 22, 1930 By Curlew The Chartered dank On London Baah Demand 2/3 1 h 4m| 2/3 15/16 Pr>ate 3 m/ts Cr>.iit 2/4 1/8 3 D 'sr>ment»ry 1/4 OiiNewYorl 1 d.tna D> m,nd 56 1/8 France I\T. 1,425 India T. I\ 1514 Bangkok T.T. go| Batavia T T
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    • 136 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Go’s share list at 11 a.m. to day Yesterday To-day 5S g g SHARBfi. b 5 C 3 fIQ UQ CO OQ ft e. Sc. ft c. Ic. Mln oft. Bata Cave?. 80 .85 80
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    • 294 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE.) B.R. Sheet 23 cts. per pound =per pl= 130/66 Quiet. London 6 13/161 New York 131 cts. (gold) (7?y Curtesy of Mew*. Allen Dennys'). Geweral Produce Agaacy. Ltd. Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for tc-iay are a? follow’»: Soot 23 cents per lb.
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    • 172 10 b. b. SILVERYEW.” The s. s. Silveryew making its first trip to Penane ig now in port scbeiuled to sail for Home this evening. Tn»« Silver Liner is a sister ship of the Silverpalm which recent'y left Penang. There are five other ehips of
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  • 478 10 Arlandu was charged this morning in the Penang Police Court before Mr. D. York with < bstracting a public servant in the perf »rmaoce cf duty and with allowing cattle to stray on private grounds. The accused was fined three dollars on the last charge and
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  • 106 10 ATTRACTIVE TALKIE” TWIN AT THE MAJESTIC If attendance counts for anything, Ghiang K d-shek is the best cinema draw” to have ever appeared before the public of Penang. This was obvious last night at the opening of the new programme at the Majestic Theatre. Speaking
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  • 51 10 Friday, at the Esplanade at 6 p.m. 1 Grand March The Spirit of Pageantry Fletcher 2 Overture The White Queen M< tra 3 Cornet Solo Band of Hop? And Glory” E'gar 4 Selection Wilfred Sanderson’s Popular Songs Hume 5 Patrol Britain’s Ist L n* WiLiams God Save the
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  • 1088 10 KENNEDY Co.'s SHARE LIST. names. 5 F 3 if 9Q m H S rUBBIB (Dallas.! f c ft c o Allenby Kabbei Oe i k JjX/"Shleate 2 fo 2 7( I I e,_ Brndloa«« 2 2 Rwsett Rubber tfo 70 8 Beta lilntang Rabbre ce 1 CO 1 h ex
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 82 10 You should give Martell's Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative. AGONISING PILES. There is no need to suffer this distressing affliction. One tube of DR. VAN VLECK’S PLASMA will relieve you of all painful swelling and inflammation. Results are amazing. It succeeds in most obstinate cases. Simple
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    • 598 10 New Advertisements. Rotterdamsche Lloyd. 1 s. s. Blitar from Rotterdam and Genoa POSITION VACANT. Consignees are hereby notified that j their the «hove steam*Wanted on or about Ist January, 193 b re q D Tues f a V> the May, A European Medical Officer to act J* 1 rve or
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  • 1262 11 Port Of Penang, Schedule Of Principal Lines. w* HE following is a list of ves- i seis arriving and sailing from Penang during the In Port To-iiay. f Reyniertz” from Acbeen port?, Meulab >h Sails to-morrow at 4p m. for Acheen port?, Tjdang and Menlaboh. d
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  • 221 11 COLONEL’S COMPLAINT IN IPOH POLICE COURT. A curious complaint was raised in Ipoh Police Court in reference to a paragraph in the local paper reporting the arrest of a Sinhalese houseboy for alleged theft after absconding from Colonel Prior’s house. When first produced in Court,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 219 11 Peps flK The breatheable medicine If* handy tablet form. PEPS soothe ant heal the Throat, ease the Chest and clear the In a remarkable manner. f 0r COUGriS, COLDS Bronchitis H. B. WOODFORD. No 1b, Light StreetTO LET. —Seaside Houses Tanjong Bungah Furnished. Supplies Malay Marble Tombstones for men and
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    • 237 11 ———i i The Italian World-known Artists CONESTRELLY’S 8 First Time In Penang. z isako’3 nmtuie RUSSIAN ROYAL vlllvUw The Biggest Show In The East. AT 1 MAGAZINE ROAD f Opening SATURDAY, 24th MAY, at 9-15 p.m. Matinee Every SATURDAY and SUNDAY at 4-30 p. m. i I Better, Bigger And
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 91 11 Another Movietone jSong Hit From Fox fIT THE MAJESTIC E TO-NIGHT AT 6-45 P.M. AND 9-30 P.M. Maiinees: Saturday and Sunday at SOUTH SEA ROSE An all-talking, singing romance of The South Seas presenting tbe noted stage star LENORE ULRIC. See and Hear China’s Man of the Hour PRESIDENT
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  • 375 12 POPE TO RECONVOKE COUNCIL. Summons Likely In June. AN event of pre-eminent importance to the Catholic world will occur in 1931 when, according to reliable Vatican sources, Pope Pius intends to reconvoke the Ecumenical Council, whose work was interrupted in 1870. According to the same sources,
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  • 485 12 Mrs. Cyril J. Lowe of Klang is a a intca'e of the General Hospital fcr suspected appendicitis. Mr. G. J. D. Walters has been compelled to leave Sarawak on urgent medical grounds. M r A. N. Farquharson. of Messrs. Hallam and C Kuala Lumpur, has left on
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 321 12 Pritchard co., ltd. Special Reduction before Stock-taking Several Smart Afternoon and Evening Gowns All one price Cream Mercerised Silk Morning Dresses Twenty only $lO-° each Voile and Cotton Zephyr Frock $8 each Straw] Hats Beige, Green, Blue, White and Black. tpO CdCfl Also several Semi-trimmed Hats to clear One price
      321 words
    • 341 12 The Emotions And Digestion. Why Langhhr la Good at Mealtimes. There is a curious relation between the emotions ani the procesT of digestion. Ii is a scientific fact that sudden grief or joy wdl ins‘antly arr-sc digestion and the functions of the s’.nmajh will not be resume i until the
      341 words
    • 537 12 QROSSLEy If you are interested we shall be glad to give you any particulars desired. H6IRRLSONS .BARKER C? L? < Incorporated in the Straits Settlements. > 1 Try Our ORANGELLAj 4 delightful full flavoured drink I whi.h is gaining in POPULARITY S every day. Fraser Neave Ltd., Argyll Road, PENANG.
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  • 1067 13 ALARMING ADVENTURE OF FOUR EUROPEANS. Ladies Spend The Night On Mountain Side. I Details reached the Times of Malaya on Tuesday of an alarming adventure by a email party of Europeans of Kuala 1 Kangsar who set out to climb Gunong Bubu, near Padang R?ngas, on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 546 13 TRUE BEAUTY OILS J|Sk Use them this way to protect your natural charm jSfc -rtFH Age is a challenge to beauty. Today I »he woman of forty or fifty refuses to let Uf <he years conquer her loveliness. She protects her treasured complexion, first f index to enduring beauty. Jk
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  • 239 14 THIRTEEN ATTEMPTS BEING PLANNED. Nineteen Lives Lost In Three Years. IT is being asked if nothing can be done to dissuade some of The many pilots who are planning to make attempts to fly the Atlantic this season. The suitable weather for Atlantic flying begins in about
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  • 159 14 THEFT OF Cash AND JEWELLERY. At the Selangor Ass z’P, before the Hon’ble Mr. Justice P. A. Farrer-Manby, a European named Charles Brown, formerly employed by Messrs. John Little and Co., pleaded not guilty to a chirge of stealing from that firm c*sh and jewellery to
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  • 172 14 WOMAN REPLIES TO THE CRITICISM OF WOMEN TEACHERS. The plea that boys should be taught by men teachers, and not by women, made bv Mr. W.E. Cray at the Conference of the National Association of Schoolmasters, was criticised by Miss F A. Underwood, general secretary
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 385 14 A Z X-A I pa Gloriously AliveAlways Not a care in the worldthey can dance all night because they are gloriously alive gloriously healthy and fit. Hall’s Wine has supplied them with both mental and physical reserves of power, which enable them to get I a hundred per cent, out
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    • 57 14 OLD MALAYA. Personalities of Old Malaya” by Cyril Baxendale, is now ready for issue at $2 a copy. The volume may be purchased through our agents throughout the Peninsula or direct from the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd., la, Penang-street. Penang. BOSCH" Plugs have proved to be best on the mad.
      57 words
    • 110 14 1 MM > f *********"sw w\ KX i X/ X > W\ J MMBBMM KSnsaKKQS&BQBHHBaaBOB R. YOUNG CO., LIMITED. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS Manufacturers of all classes of Concrete Goods, Mosaic Flooring Tiles The only Flooring Tiles Manufactured with an admixture of Granite Siftings British Pigments and under European Supervision. ROOFING TILES.
      110 words

    • 808 15 Since much matting ia used, M Japanese and other kinds, 1 think it b<)t |l to write here of an excellent way of WC ninw the matting. First brush the c B 0 remove all the 1 lose dust, then very well indeed with a strong ,ntion
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    • 378 15  -  BY DAPHNE DAVIDSON. Io p* -paring the new modes, coats and coatteta are still very important. Simple frocks aro worn with coats whose finishing touches are intricate and fussy though the converse holds good, and one Bees sunpie, straight coats of the frock mateiials where frills
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    • 443 15  -  BY ROSAMUND. Tins of water-glass” displayed on the grocer’s counter at this season, are a useful reminder of the wisdom of storing eggs for winter us?, while they are btill reasonable. Eggs shod I always be put into the preserving mixture as soon after they are
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    • 84 15 Grey tweed is a really excellent choice for your new .suit if you choose bright accessories. This frock and its accompanying coat are of grey tweed in a soft, almost-beige colour, and, on the coat, there is stitchery in cherry-coloured threads. The top of the frcck has
      84 words
    • 559 15  -  BY JOYCE BURLEIGH. There is no domestic task which the average housewife dreads more thin washing blankets, which she usually does after she has finished her spring cleaning. It will be good news to many to learn that there is a means of washing
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    • 480 15  -  BY POPPY BACON. Evening fabrics are very delightful, this season, showing a revival of satin and failleboth sides of the fabric being ust-d on the same modelcrepe-de chine, chiffon, plain and patterned, lace and a fair amount of lamethis, though, for coats and capes rather than gowns. Floral
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    • 544 15  -  BY MURIEL RAPSON. When every woman with any pretentions whatever to smartness began to use cosmetics as a matter of course, there was a noisy outcry against the practice, and predictions’Jthat the [English woman’s complexion would eoon become a thing ofFcoarseness and wrinkles. Well, it hasn’t happened
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 104 15 The Baby’s Best Aid to Perfect Biqestieas Good health and a well-developed body and brain depend upon good A "W digestion during childhood. They are vAX the sure reward in families where Woodward’s Gripe Water is used regularly. p— T A small dose of this pleasant remedy r X*» Vs\\
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1321 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE i dollar steamship line Untended sailings from penang. I? AMERICAN MAIL LINE i WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON N. CONTINENT. < J; I PATROCLUS in port Marseilles, London, Hollani antGU g J aL-, i l EUMAEUS M*y 29 London, Rotterdam and 11 «moo g. J PERSEUS June 5
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    • 635 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDH AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in Enoland) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES Petwnsatar and Oriental 8. H. Co., wider con- pg flgßa r e i l p Outwards tram London for China and Japan. Mata Hari v o Bulan >. ay 2< an a Peuauff May j.
      635 words