Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 May 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 c wiiMivwniiKiitfuiNnimsiuiHnimamHHiMiaa fH. rOKISATSUf STUDIO, I pj ?s wdh up’io-date Photo» 3 jgraphy by electric S 'Phone 772, 4 M, 70* Bishop Street, j PENANG. J 5 wwwwmwaiiMiiiiiiwwniiwTOwaawMa» aaaai n::::::::n:::::i::::::nnn:::: «:»:»u:::::::::»:tttt:«::::x::::«ar it:::::::::::::::;::;::;»:»»:» Q I H The H t c I MOTOR UNION Insurance Co., Ltd. I INSURANCE I 2 g
      158 words
    • 30 1 anufliniutauoainiaauMironMMiniMiißiMWM «*<m» I T. NAGATA 1 s BROTHERS. f I DEMISES di I Head Office next to the Giipm; y I a f Brsncli Office, M, Leith Steee I sanMninnHMHiinHOiiiiniiHnMßffiiflHifiiiiitHfuiiiHiinMiKci:"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1878 2 I BANKS. k ■■in WI»m»>'IIWIBFgWMMBgJEr WMWaWte POSITIONS VACANT. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Mentafakßubber Company^ OKONQ AND shanghai I Wanted:—Diesel Electric Engineer for An Ordinary and a Special Meeting of (Incorporated in the S.S.) CORPORATION. g Dredge on C aa i of bum. Apply the Municipal Commiwonera will be nt.horised Capital
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  • 465 3 LORD IDDEBLEIGH AND NIECE OF MR. BELLOC. m rr,a 8® haa been arranged and will r e t’ 4 6 shortly between the Earl of Iddesleigh and Miaa El z :beth BellocLowndep, elder daughter of Mr. F. 8 A Lowndea and Mr?. Be I 100 Lowndea,’the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 389 3 Quick Start! Stop! PERRINS CORD SAUCE ON EVERY TABLEFOR EVERY DISH TYRES h. B, WOODFORD. No- Ib, Light StreetLadies’and Girls' Hats, selling at half-price-TO LE P. —Seaside Houses Tanjong Bungah, only can withstand these condiliors btcsuse they are built of viig’n rubber and One house. No 3. College Lane. Rent
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    • 139 3 nfei g y Allenburys Foods Made from the purest milk of cow» pastured in the home counties, the Allsnburys Foods are as easily digested as mother’s milk. They are germ free and are s'.mphf and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. 1 MSk N* 1 9 Birth
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    • 196 3 I “SINGIN’ IN THEBATHTUB" The hit from ‘‘The Show of Shows” will show you what marvellous effects Guy Lombardo gets from his orchestra. g Don’t fail to hear this record The other side is the inimitable Ted Lewis playing “Lady Luck Other Records You Will Like 5708 (Tip Toe Thru’
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  • 1097 4 Thin! Day’s Results. Monarch Wins The Big Race. Objection Against Balbarra Over-ruled. Fine Riinnin By Golden Eve. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, May 10. To-day’s races, the third day of the Singapore 7 urf Club Spring Meeting, were again favoured with fine weather and the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 539 4 I 1 f r Vim X 1 I /flwlk I I I I 5 Ila s I f I_\ I IM a! *77 LI7 i 'W X fSBi i I IHU iEB I 1 8 fclS At Home or Abroad PO I '4711' Eau de Cologne E,au de Cologne and
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  • 858 5 EXCITING CLOSE. Fine Innings By Sandeman. Penang defeated Kedah yesterday on the Esplanade by 10 wickets. There w’ere fluctuations in the game and although at one time, when Kedah had 5 for 90, it looked as if the visitors would put up about 150,
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  • 403 5 manned by German instructors. —British United Press. War Lords’ Plans. NEGOTIATIONS WITH FRENCH PILOTS. AVIATION SCHOOLS. Peking, May 10. GENERAL Chang Hsueh-liang, the Manchurian War Lord, is to develop a strong aerial force, including bombing and scouting machines, and is negotiating with French aviators to train
    manned by German instructors.—British United Press.  -  403 words
  • 89 5 the Chairman of the Company—Kugby Radio Service. GREAT PHILANTHROPIST. London, May 11. The death occurred last night of Mr. Thomas Ferens, aged 83 years, whose gifts to the public and charitable objects are estimated to have exceeded .£'l,ooo 000. His native town of Hull, in
    the Chairman of the Company—Kugby Radio Service.  -  89 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 234 5 “Sunnyside Up” The Theme song hits from this talkie are j Im a Dreamer, Aren’t We All” “If I Had a Talking Picture” I I And Layton and Johnston’s sing- I Iing of both on Columbia Record No. 5668 will intrigue you with their original treatment. Price $1.70 t K»
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    • 13 5 You should give Martell's Brandy th preference over others as it is superlative.
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    • 297 5 This is Y SMILER/ J fed from the start on y f “Cow and Gate.” Well X pleased with life,sleeping 1 like a top and making 1 headway to mother’s, doctor’s and nurse’s infinite satisfaction. < Cow and Gate does not cause that excessive fatness which is so un- j
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  • 1821 6 AT KUALA LUMPUR. Bostock=Hill Takes 13 Wkts. For 28 Runs. DEADLY BOWLING. SELANGOR defeated Perak by ten wickets in the Inter-State Cricket match at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Sunday. Perak winning the toss sent in ScottDalgleish and Rix. MacDonald opened the bowling from
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  • 32 6 —Reuter. NEGRO BOXER’S VICTORY. Omaha, Nebraska, May 10. The Negro boxer Jack Thompson won the American Welter Weight Championship out-pointing the holder Jackie Fields in a fifteen-round contest.-
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 219 6 Zam-Euk Soothes The Skin Draws Out all lad secretions. N tare always makes a sharp protest i against any interference with the impor1 tant purifying fu ictions of the akin. A 1 tingling prickly sensation and them Lien appe rince of clusters of tiny red pimples on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 512 6 NEW CAR DISPLAY. Commencing Monday, May 12th and continuing for one week, The Cycle Carriage Co., (1926) Ltd., are staging a special exhibition of 1930 model cars which should prove of outstanding interest to all motorists and prospective motorists. Amongst the new models will appear the Singer Light Six. This
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    • 97 6 The reconstituted milk prepared DAILY by the Singapore Cold Storage Company is the nearest approach k to fresh, dairy milk in this country. Used in all Govt. Hospitals. Ui •—x A ark t z 1 THE CARLTON. Th* Only Down Town Re»t« t r,n •I, Boaoh Street, pXNANG Quick Tiflira,
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  • 479 7 POPULAR CHOICE. Io Act For Dr. Noel Clarke. The Pinang' Gazette understands that Br. J. Emile Smith. J. P.. Municipal Commissioner, Penang, will be appointed to the Legislative Council to act for the Hon. Dr. Noel Clarke who has just gone to Europe on
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  • 166 7 SUPREME COURT CASE, The public examination of Chan A h Kang, who was adjudged a bankrupt with two others as a partner of Chop Fook Chye Roh, which was fixed for to day in the Supreme Court was adjourned indefinitely as it v. us stated that
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  • 370 7 APPEAL FROM MAINTENANCE ORDER. Reconciliation In Supreme Court. That her husband objected to her going to the pictures twice a week was stated as one of the reasons for the matrimonial troubles between Cheah Kin Chong and his wife Khoo Gin Twee who
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  • 170 7 ADAM’S APILE” AND "WIDDECOMBE FAIR’. Unfortunately we are not able to view many English films and as a great numb r do not reach the high standard which we exoect nowadays, the majority of cinema fans have a poor opinion of the British reduction. “Adam’s Apple and Widdecombe
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  • 146 7 DISTINCTIVE SMELL I Tchin Kah vai in the dock this morning charged by an official of the Government Monopc lies with being in possession ..f dutiable liquor. The Chinese produced a receipt which was to have proved that he bought the liquor from a shop
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  • 450 7 TO-DAY’S CASES. Mr. A. D. York, the successor to Mr. F. K. Wilson of the Penang Police Court, occupied the bench for the first time this morning from ten thirty until the close of the morning’s cases. Mr. Wilson sat with him during the early part
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  • 138 7 yeoh ban moh co. In the Supreme Cou't this morning Mr. Justice Sproule delivered judgment in the case in which Yeoh Ban Moh and Company aid others sued Yeoh Cheang Thong and another in connection with the partnership business of Yeoh Bin Moh Co. The plaintiffs’
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  • 148 7 AT EATU GAN TONG. One Indian and a Chinese, charged with the theft of sand valued at four dol’a s from the stream, at Batu Gantong, were fined $l5 or given the alternative of seven days. The Police Inspector in cbarge of the case said
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    • 801 7 > o the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.) are to b® congratulated on k n Ieader appearing ’u your issue of a in8tant entitled “The Fish Ring j Again for without doubt, in dealing with f ta-a vital matter, you touch on a subject 1 of great
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  • 73 7 WINNER OF THE FIRST RACE. I i connection with the third dava’ reunite, published in the Sunday Gazette and on imther page of this issue io-Jay, tne winner of the First Race, as wired by our correspondent is obviously mistake. Toe Penaog Turf Ciub received Wallstone as the
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  • 803 7 Dr. F. V. Jacques, Health Officer, Perak North, is going on Home leave in June, i Mr, R. E. L. Davis replaces Mr. A. f Gould on the Malacca Advisory Committee. Sir Charles S ewart Addis, K.C.M.6., hai been re-elected a Director of the Bank of England,
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  • 179 7 TWO ATTEMPTED MURDERS. The third session of the Penang Assizes—there having been no cases at the second—ope» s to-morrow before Mr. Justice Sproule. Th* session is expected to last at least a week but may take 10 days. Out of the eight cases down
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  • 227 7 DINNER TO INDIAN CYCLIST. The sixteenth annual g* neral meeting of the Muslim Mahujana Sabha was held at the club premises on Sunday» May 11, at 6.30 p.m. The following office bearers were elected President: Mr P K Shakkarai Rawthar. Vice-Presidents Messrs V Sinda Madar and A
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  • 156 7 EXCELLENT FILM AT THE MAJESTIC, cgMMT.-ay-tirr Sunny Side Up,” the new talkingpicture, now showing at the Majestic Theatre,holds the interests of the audience from start to finish due not a little to the fine co-operation between the two stellar player?, Mirs Janet Gaynor and Mr. Charles Farrell.
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  • 72 7 SELECTED TEAMS. The teams for the Malava Cup Trial, on Friday at 5.15 on Dato Kramatground are as follows Whues: Kain Pnoot Ghim Hnat and Che Dm Huck 800. Myain and Carey (Capt.); Boon Tian, G. R. Evanr, Cheng Bwee. Ismail and Basheer. Colours: Pa wan'eh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 620 8 The comment made iu this column the other day regarding the price of fish iu Penang has drawn an interesting reply from a correspondent whose letter will be found iu our correspondence column’s to-day. The writer has had practical experience of trawling in Malayan waters,
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  • 87 8 —Reuter. WHIPPET TANKS IN ACTION. Peking, May 11. Hostilities are continuing on a seventymile front in the vicinity of the Lung Hai Railway. The Government are subjecting the enemy positions to constant aerial bombardment one of the results of which is that 47 civilians have been killed
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 76 8 Iteuter. 2,000 KILLED AND 5,000 INJURED. Teheran, May 10. Salmas was almost entirely destroyed by the earthquake shock which was felt here on May 9. In addition to 2,000 persons killed there are 5,00 > injured. There is considerable damage at Tabriz, the shock listing there for a
    – Iteuter.  -  76 words
  • 1153 8  -  A. IL L. Penang, Monday. by all the powers did */r we co,nH to the task o’day this fair morning fuhpieased with life and eager as any snuffling terrier after rat to take up pen and come to grips with whatever there should offer. Full true it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 .>■■ IWW W Miff*—* W i H The Falee in France of the "Sun” brand French Vermouth are enormon and it is also well introduced in the French Colonies, British India and other Overseas markets. Mestrs. Cazdis «nd Pr*t« are a Hr/ecwc’n working with a capital of 4| million Francs
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    • 45 8 O E. O. THE PREMIER HOTEL. Proverbial Among Travellers. Ideally Situated. Modern Sanitation Throughout. Arrangements made for Banquets, M eddings. Luncheon Parties. Etc,, Ete. Private Reception Room may be e; gaged for any function whatsoever. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors OApples, Prunes, Raisins, FROM THE World’s Orchard.
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    • 12 8 "BOSC/r* Ploafi hare prnred to be Vn tv; JUX, nV v»vA V»‘*
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  • 648 9 strong appeal for order. —Rugby Radio 8« MAGISTRATES’ WARNING. M r PATEL ADVOCATES NO-TAX. CAMPAIGN. FURTHER ARRESTS. Bombay, May 10. The “no tax campaign of which Ur- V. J. Patel, the ex-President of Imperial Legislative Assembly is a staunch protagonist, is now taking a definite shape
    strong appeal for order.—Rugby Radio 8«  -  648 words
  • 233 9 in order to buy a tank. —British United Press. SERV.CE TO COUNTRY. WAR CORRESPONDENTS’ TRAINING URGED. FUND RAISED. Moscow, May 11. Poets, dramatists and novelists should be trained as war correspondents in the forthcoming battle for the defence of the Soviet Union, according to military leaders
    in order to buy a tank.—British United Press.  -  233 words
  • 126 9 —Rugby Radio service BROOKLANDS RACE. BENT EYS FIRST /ND SECOND. London, May 11 The double twelve hours’ international motor race at Brooklands ended yesterday in a British victory. A Bentley car which averaged 86 84 miles for 24 hours and which was driven by Farnato and Clements
    —Rugby Radio service  -  126 words
  • 65 9 Africa, Irak. Persia and India. —Rugby Radio service. TO BE INAU URATED THIS WEEK. London, May 11. When the new long-distance air services are inaugurated this week, there will be fifty large air liners arriving and departing daily at Croydon, {establishing one hundred mile an hour communications
    Africa, Irak. Persia and India.—Rugby Radio service.  -  65 words
  • 52 9 a draw of three goals each.—Kugby Radio Service. ENGLAND DRAWS WITH GERMANY. London, May 11. The first football match between representative English and German teams for seventeen years took place before a huge crowd at the Berlin Stadium yesterday and resulted in a draw of three goals each.
    a draw of three goals each.—Kugby Radio Service.  -  52 words
  • 103 9 —Reuter. ADDRESS TO £3,000 BLACKSHIRTS. Leghorn, May 12. Signor Mussolini recovered his best flamboyant style in an address to 30,000 people after inspecting the new Gorizia. Blackshirts, how is your pulse he queried. The crowd roared “Steady, we are at your orders till death.” Men of Leghorn,
    —Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 170 9 —British United Press EXAMINING POSSIBILITIES. ARCTIC REGION TO BE EXPLORED. EXPEDITION LEAVES. Copenhagen. May IL An Arctic exp uiition which hopes to make discoveries which will enable accurate weather forecists to be made, has left here and will spend the winter on the inland ice of
    —British United Press  -  170 words
  • 172 9 smooth patch for “miles. —Rugby Radio S’ ervice. All Going Well. AHEAD OF BERT HINKLER. London, May 11. Miss Amy Johnson the twenty-two year old English girl who is attempting to fly alone from England to Australia left Karachi to-day for Allahabad and hopes to proceed
    smooth patch for “miles. —Rugby Radio S’ ervice.  -  172 words
  • 56 9 —Rugby Radio Service. WON BY INDIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT. London, May 10. The prize of £5OO offered by the Aga Khan for the first Indian to make a solo flight between England and India has been won by Mr Man ohan Singh, a young student of Bristol
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  56 words
  • 71 9 MR A D. YOnK ARRIVES. Mr. A. D York who has been appointed to act as Second Magistrate, Penang has arrived and will be assuming duties directly Mr. F K. Wilson proceeds to Kuala Lumpur to take up his new appointment on May 19. Mr York will be
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  • 125 9 May 13. Penang Football League P C C v ACS U. Esplanade. May 13 Municipal Commission meeting, 4 p.m. Penang Assizes open. 10 30 a.m. May 14. Penang Football League Police v S X R C, J atani Road Boatmen v D A F C, Renong Ground P
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  • 166 9 —British United Press. PUBLICATIONS CURTAILED. PUBLIC F» FLIN 3 SHORTAGE. AUTHORS CONCERNED. K oscow, May 11. A paper famine in Russia is seriously curtailing newspaper and book publication The Soviet newspapers alone need 50 per cent more paper than the Government mills can supply this year Their
    .—British United Press.  -  166 words
  • 134 9 CONSIDERABLE EXCITEMENT. ELECTRICAL GOODS DESTROYED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 12. A fire destroyed a large quantity of electrical goods which were stored at 4 A Oxley Road The outbreak occurred shortly after one o’clock on Sunday morning. The building is owned by Mr. M.
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  • 78 9 —Reuter. REX HARTLEY S VICTORY. PLAY OFF WITH VETERAN AMERICAN. In the competition for the historic and most valuable trophy in golf, the >"t George’s Cup, the veteran American Walker Cup player Dr. Willing tied with the exCantab Rex Hartley with a score of 148 for
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 75 9 FIRST GAME TO GREAT BRITAIN. Rome, Vay 11. De Stefani (Italy) beat Riches (Egypt) 6_o, 6—2, 6—o and De Morpurgo (Italy) beat Grand Guillot 6 —4, 6 —l, 6 —2. De Morpurgo and Gaslini beat Zahar and Riches 5-7, 8-6, 61,8 6, 7-5. Italy won by three matches
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  • 141 9 In the upreme Court this morning Mr, W aylor, cting Registrar, supreme Court, Penang applied for admission to the Bar ef the Straits •"ettlements Mr. B. E Ross made the application but as certain formalities were not quite in order the application was postponed for one
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 You should give Martell’s Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative,
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    • 236 9 ANOTHER GREAT HIS MASTER’S VOICE RECORDING. Beethoven’s Fourth Symphony. SYMPHONY N.. 4 IM B FLAT MAJOR, OP. 60. Ist Record: Ist Movement —Adagio Allegro vivace 2nd Record; 2nd Movement-Adagio 3rd Record; 3rd M ovement Allegro vivace 4th Movement—Allegro ma non troppo 4th Record: 4th Movement—Allegro ma non troppo RUIN. OF
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 69 9 THEATRE ROYAL J To-Night and Till Thursday 15th. Two First Class British Pictures Wynham Standing and Marguerite Allen in “Widecombe Fair” 7 reels A Captain Norman Wdk«r Production from Eden Pbillpotts’ Famous Novel Ifonty Banks in “Adam’s Apple" 8 REELS A rip roaring racy, rullickinsz side splitting comedy of a
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  • 1754 10 jhe Dominions At The Conference: Future Of Egypt And The Sudan: A Hundred Years Hence. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 17. It is their Majesties* intention to make Windsor their headquarters during the coming summer, in view of its easy accessibilitj from London and the considerable
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  • 506 10 RECOVERY FROM LOWEST POINT. Charles Bradburne and Co’s Report Tii London 3 months :—£l47/5/0 London “Spot” :—£l4s/12/6 New York —32§ c nts (G) The prices qn >ted above are above the worst experience! during the week, three months’ Tin dropping on 7th ins'ant to £144 5-0
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  • 78 10 7k PER CENT. DIVIDEND. Messrs. Boustead Co., L u d., Per a op, have received a telegram from the Secretaries, Mes rs. Ed. Boustead Co., London, advising that ths Annual Accounts for the year 1929 have been issued showing a profit of £9.833. —and
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  • 65 10 DIVIDEND OF 3 PER CENT. Messrs. Boustead Co., Ltd., Penang, have received a telegram from the Secrea ie®, Messrs El. Boustead Co. London, that the annual accounts for tbe year 1929 have been issued showing a profit of £2.715, and rec»mmending (be payment of
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  • 76 10 2k PER n ECLARED. Messrs. Boustead Uo„ Ltd., Penarg, h'lve received a telegram from the Secretaries, Messrs. Ed. Boustead Co., London, advising that the annual accounts f< r the year 1929 have been issued allowrg a pre fit o’ £2,573, and recommending ‘he payment of
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  • 191 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at H a- m to-dhy Saturday to-day 3a g g SHABBB. 2 SL do d 8 tn oq la. |o. to. Se. Robber (Dollar). Allenby 1-55 1.65 1.55 1.65 cam Mentakab .38
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  • 52 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. TIN: LONDON. Spot £145-2-6. 3 Months’ £146*124. SINGAPORE. 373.25 per picul. Down 25 c 200 tons done RUBBER: London 7d. Down 1/16 d. New York 141/4 c. (Gold) Unchanged Local 231 cts. Down 1/4 c. By Courtesy of Messrs. KENNEDY
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  • 195 10 Penang, May J 2, 1930. t eta. Benares Opium p. chest num 5,000.00 Ciov«s 90.00 Gold leaf sellers 72.00 Mace Pickings nom 170.00 Nutmegs 80s 70.00 110« 60.00 Cbooanuts per 1,000 9000 Copra Sundried buyers &90 Rattans sales 11.15 Rattans Coarse 10.60 Green 8m U Shell 13.00 Rtcb:—
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  • 178 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE.) S.R. Sheet 231 cts, per pound =por pl= <3l/66 Quiet. London 7d New York 141 <*B. (gold). (B|/ Cwrtesy of Measre. AUen Dennis). Garnered Produce Agwncy. Ltd. Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows: Spot 231 cents per lb. May/June
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  • 64 10 (Rugby Radio Skrvicb.) London. May 10. Paris, 123.86; New York. 4.853 2*, Brussels, 34.815 Geneva, 25.10 Amsterdam. 12.07 ff; Milan. 92.68; Berlin, 20.36 Stockholm, 18.10$ Copenhagen. 18.165 Oslo, 18.16 Vienna, 34.445; Prague. 164; Helsingfors, 193; Madrid. 39.845; Lisbon. 108.30; Athens, 375 Bnchareet, 818 Rio Buenos Aires, 435/; Bombay,
    (Rugby Radio Skrvicb.)  -  64 words
  • 324 10 Penang. May 12, 1930 B|/ Qourteev el The Oharterei Bank On London Bank Demand 2/3 f w h 4 m/ts 2/3 15/16 Private 3 m/ts Credit 2/4 1/8 3 Documentary 1/4 On New York Bank Demand 56 1/16 France M T.T. 1,425 M India T.T. 154 k Bangkok T.T.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 You should give MartelVs Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative.
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    • 551 10 New Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT?'' Wanted An experienced I Clerk. Must b« able to tvL» Apply to Box No. 80, e/. Pinang Q az nte‘ Required for Chief ArchiterG Offa, Puhfe W.rl. s D.pX\ Two Architectural Draftsmen s.i up to «250/- per mfinBe n aWty. Only experienced meQ The posts are
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  • 1044 11 Port Of Penang. Schedule Of Principal Lines. rHK following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang daring the week: In Port To-iay. •j. '“Sitiawan” from°lß. Serai and K. Kurau. Sails for Merbau and Sg. Patani to-day at 2 p. m. 5. a. Rahman
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 138 11 •'T-- '/.XZ'J FOR YOURSELF THE DELIGHTFUL SMOOTHNES AND flexibility of chevroIsO LET’S SIX CYLINDER ENGINE lili Pmbl iWii rTrasOTKaT a Six in the price range of the four Li Borneo OKevrolet Ltd., Penang—J poh—T aiping. Swee- Hin, Bhuket. R O D U C O F G N E R A
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 115 11 Packed to the Doors t Hundreds were unable to gain admission to the show last night! Come Early to Avoid 1 isappointment. MAJE S T I O PHONE 1179. To-Night Till Wednesday 14th May. As in London and New York So in Penang Phenomenal Success William Fox Movietone Musical Comedy.
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  • 1968 12 WHOLE CITY PRACTICALLY BURNT DOWN. SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES OF EARTHQUAKE IN RANGOON. WORST IN LIVING MEMORY. One of tbe worst earthquakes ever experienced in Burma took place last night when at least fifty persons lost their lives, and 200 were injured. Damage to property was
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 337 12 Ju THE GIRL WHO ENJOIS LIFE. It is just in her "ceen age” that a girl should be getting most fun cut of life. Yet so often it happens that girls of sixteen-to-twenty have outgrown their strength —are quickly tired, pale, nervous, generally run-down and unhappy. These are sure signs
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    • 353 12 MORE INTERESTING BOOKS, Forest Life and *Adventures°|in the Malay Archipelago by D- p Mjoterg Jrl t?.25 Printing in the Twentieth Century, A Survey. “The Times’’ Print* Number, Reprinted from the special dumber of “The Tim October 29, 1929 with many additional illustrations 14.50 On Alexander’s Track to the Indus. Personal
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  • 557 13 IS IT A MENACE Husband’s Time and Wife’s Time. Is the joint banking account for hus bands and wives a menace or a means of happiness in the average household r Now that the old pass book is disappearing from the banks in favour of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 212 13 <?■ '^l^'llp^^ 1 A special feature cf < die new um k crs (16/50 h.p., “Snipe*’ and “Pullman” ranges) is the wonderful Silent Third or Alternative top gear. This is especially useful for fast traffic work hill'climbing or in fog and bad weal^cr conditions —when it is used just as
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    • 93 13 OLD MALAYA. “Personalities of Old Malaya”* by Cyril Baxendale, is now ready for issue at $2 a copy. The volume may be purchased through our agents throughout the Peninsula or direct from the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd, la, Peaang-street Penang. To take Halls Wine TV SUPREME TONIC RESTOBATIVB —is to
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    • 222 13 jb 'Sfo' <■ >9 I think J i they re wonderful! They do not stick to my lips and I know they’re pure, and made under the most hygienic conditions lUi .A. CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Made Specially to Prevent Sore Throats CARRERAS’ HYGIENIC FACTORY RD L N°wa CRAVEN “A” liil
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  • 392 14 BUSINESS FOR ORDINARY MEETING. The following is the Agenda of an ordinary meeting of the Penang Munici pi] Commission, to be heli on May 13. 1 Minutes of last meeting to be confirmed. 2 Any special business the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4 Motion by Mr.
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  • 112 14 Tc-day at the Esplanade at 6 p.m. 1 March Grove House Hume 2 Overture Le Domino Noir Auber 3 Selection A Waltz Dream Strane (From The Operetta) 4 Entracte Valley of Poppies Ancliffe 5 Three Pieces (1) Fox Trot— Lucky Me Loveable You Yellen (From the Metre-Goldwynt -Mayer
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 230 14 LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, NEW YORK ALLIED NATIONAL CORPORATION LTD. Public Works and General Contractors POWER EXPERTS 72/74, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.I CONTRACTORS TO H.B.M. AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS v have suffered agony p t iymouth Pla write< or from deep-seated l nhld’aVaib ulcers, bad legs and similar nicer' breakup out on
      230 words
    • 44 14 You should give Martell's Brandy the preference over others as it is superlative. vr FtNf AN£) pjaftiMtS 15 YORK u antiseptic dental Powder OtIUHSE AMD WHITEN THE COLGATE CO- J NEw YCR»$ r U.S.A. Bole Agents: Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England) PuNAAG.
      44 words
      200 words

  • 583 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET Penang, May 12, 1930 Mutton— f c* Matton India* per lb 60 Head Sheep or goaleach 1 3 J Liver with heart lua< do 15 I Tripe do l.w fl Goat or Sheep per lb 60 Sweet Bread pair 4u Suet 40 Kidney pair S) Feet
    583 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 134 15 Aflollinaris WA TER. The Natural Sparkling ZZ Mineral Water. ZZ It contains a small quantity of Bicarbonate of Soda which corrects acidity and aids Digestion. ASK FOR A WHiskcy Polly Bottled at the British-Owned A poll i naris Spring—Rhineland. Sole Agents Henry Waugh <& Co., Limited, (.Formerly Katz Brothers, Limited.)
      134 words
    • 142 15 MIXTURE «W Accepted from intuition by the connoisseur—yet acclaimed as “iust 'Wfe. the thing” by the regular smoker. XX'Vv v.yyzSSaSßk if?#-? LAMBERT I BUTLER, I v ENGLAND. I X. Z- num—J I R. YOUNG CO., I LIMITED. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS I Manufacturers of all classes of Concrete Goods, Mosaic Flooring Tiles
      142 words

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    • 1234 16 i MIL BLUE FUNNEL LINE tjoulais qtf’amshsp line UNTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. I; >t£t<7 5 WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON N. CONTINENT. j; 077?U /kPiLKICAN M AIL LINL J; AUTOLYCU3 May 15 London. Rotterdam, and Hamburg. IJ J J PATROCLUS May 22 Marseilles, London, Holland and Glasgow. i i j frL V
      1,234 words
    • 587 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND AI’CAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES Peninsular and Oriental 8. H. Co., under con- Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettennam, tract with His Majesty s Government, London and Singapore Service. and Far East Mail Service. Bulah Outwards from London for China and
      587 words