Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 April 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 541 1 »W MMiaiiHiniiNiiinMMuBM«a«Bunmwiißua 9 IH. TOKISATSU! I studio, i i 8 frith up-to-date Phota paphy by electric lifht, 'Phone 772 g M, 70, Bisbop Street, S PENANG. luiiuiuu nuniiuniiiiuaiiiiniw tw luitiiuuHUHii MBsauu iwavuDtn 8 M K J SIDEROSTHEN” I; BEER 1 HBf 1 1 I And How to Drink it i;
      541 words
    • 31 1 i T. NAGATA J s I BROTHERS. g I DENI ISIS. J s 5 J Head Office next to the Dispeuory g I 7" I Office, Leith Sine. g SMMHfIHMWSIMIMIWIwaNMUW MUNK
      31 words

  • 274 2 EASTER MEETING 1930. Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing. Ist Day Wednesday, 16th April, 1930. 2nd Day-Saturday, 19th April, 1930. 3rd Day-Monday, 21st April, 1930 THREE Runs for Harse» Class II and 111 combined. THREE Rues for Horses Clata IV and V combined. Entries of Ponies will not
    274 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1742 2 POSITION Th. W"** M Cmjfh <H^>)i B hed Rr ßr?tS s b firm''a en (agl 2» poking English NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the J J." SXXSVSS Has Arrived ,0 P 801 f^^oon. 6121 h April 1930 Runny mede Hotel, App ol JS-.SXSS oom 'V nf Wanted: European Surveyor, moot
      1,742 words
    • 176 2 FOR FOO CHEONG de CO., Furniture for Pining room. Furniture for Bed Room. 1 Dining table 6ft x 4 ft 15. 1 Almeriah 4ft 27.50 2 Ann chairs 8.50 1 Dressing table 3>ft 15. 4 Chairs 15. 1 Wash stand 3|ft 1 Dinner wagon 12. marble top 16.50 1 Sideboard
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  • 512 3 COUNSEL GASSED GIRL. Alleged Trick To Hide Murder. AN allegation that a man staged a suicide pact to hide the fact that he had murdered a girl who was in love with him was made at Aidershot. Henry Walter Fleming, aged 24, chef in an officers* mess
    512 words
  • 147 3 COUPLE FOUND DE AD IN LONDON BOARDING-HOUSE. A man and woman partially dressed were found dead in a gap-filled room in a boarding-bcu e at the Tottenham Court Road end of Euston Road, London. They arrived at the boarding-house on Tuesday and signed the register as Mr. and
    147 words
  • 99 3 SURPRISE FOR GIRL FRIEWD WHIN IOUCE INTERVENED. J.S’ph Reid Wai 'ace’s girl friend in a motor car which had been eland eat'nely ’‘possessed” exe'a med “What a show ing u,!” when the you g man* acc sted by a cons able, admitted having ttken the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 A Bull liij IN A China Shop can do enormous damage, but Inj such damage can be made good. irreparable Damage may be done to the delicate structure and functions of the 7 eyes through neglect, or by the use of incorrect or badly fitted lenses. J Accurate Eye-Testing is
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    • 11 3 "Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy!"
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    • 914 3 BANKS. I the mercantile bank or I inoiajjmited. OTT T TIW /T t Authorised Capital £3,000,(PC I I Subscribed Capitol £1,800,000 111 Reserve Fund Undivided Profits £1,612,000 M Wh—X JL VJL Board of Directors. J. M. Ryrie, Esq., (Chirman), P. R. Chalmers, Esq., Charles J. Hambro, Esq., J. O Robinson,
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  • 454 4 Influence Of The “Talkie.’’ THE theme gong cf the latest German sennd film success is entitled "Oh Ka.” These mysterious monosyllables represent the well-known AngloAmerican expression “OK." This is only one example of the rate at which the German is becoming enriched by a whole batch of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 There is no Season as Opportune as the Racing Season. Get your Smart and Fashionable Frocks prepared at our shop in good time for the Penang Easter Race Meeting. The following can be had at Our Store. Printed Crepe -de Chine and Georgette Silks, Fancy Embroidered Shawls to suit all
      341 words
    • 496 4 1 ===s Assurance in force exceed $38,000,000. I Assets exceed $11,000,000. S. C. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ctu. (I„cor 1>! >«l.d In>. LO NDON OFFICE. 27, OU J.wr,. EC. HEAD OFFICE i Winchester Hoose Siniapore. As.ur.nce Companie. Act. in every perticuUr. T «Company has £20,000 deposited
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  • 1046 5 REPORT PUBLISHED. China And Introduction of Gold Standard. REFORM URGENTLY NEEDED. —ReW*r’s Pacific Service. Shanghai, March 29. The report of the Kemmerer Commission of Financial Experts submitted last November to His Excellency T. V Soong, Minister of Finance, a very lengthy document running into 206
    —ReW*r’s Pacific Service.  -  1,046 words
  • 38 5 G B S. AT THE HOME OF SHAKESPEARE.—John Giek’ud, Richard Riddle and Brembei Wills in a sc ne from Mr. G orge Bernard Shaw’s “Aiidrocles and the lion/’ Sit the Old Vic.
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  • 1177 5 AT COLOMBO. Former Malayan Journalist. IT is with the greatest regret that we have to record the death at Colombo of Major W. G. St. Clair, a former Editor and part proprietor of the Singapore Free Press, The news came quite unexpectedly in a cable
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 328 5 LEA* PERRINS SAUCE A DROP OR TWO Q t IN YOUR SOUP FEAR Little childre i are easily scared. The dread of nasty medicine so terrifies many chiliren th it they fear to tell when they feel ou‘-if-sorts, or ill. Most of us carremember even to this day tbe horrors
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    • 137 5 I.OM- |V I MILK, i V SMILER FED ON COW ©GATE Stocks just Fir rived From Somerset AT Georgetown A New Cow Gate Product Cow Gate chocolate Milk a Delicious 11 Nutritious Rich in Vitamin “D” Chocolate Milk is a Highly Nourishing Food Beverage. It is made from RICH CREAMY
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  • 163 6 —Renier. Army Of Officials. SPECIAL STRESS ON UN-EMPLOY-MENT. long questionaire. Washington, April 3. AN army of 120 000 officials is conducting a census which is intended to be the most complete tabulation of American citizens and their economic conditions that has ever been accomplished. A long questionaire
    —Renier.  -  163 words
  • 32 6 —Reuter. ON APRIL 6. Bombay, April 3. Through the newspaper, Young India, Mahatma Gandhi authorises the starting of mass civil disobedience to the Salt Laws on April 6.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 81 6 —Reuter. PT. MALAVYA’S LETTER. New Delhi, April 3. Nine Nationalists are resigning their seats in the Legislative Assembly following the passage of the Imperial Preference Provision in the Tariff Bill. They include 1 andit Madan Mohan Malavya who, in a long letter, says that he
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 86 6 —Reuter, RUMOURED ATTEMPT TO BLOW IT UP. Poona, April 3. A terrible disaster in the Kirkee Arsenal area was narrowly averted when a fire in the main magazine section of the Ammunition factory was controlled after two hours hard work by the second battalion of the Royal
    ■—Reuter,  -  86 words
  • 47 6 Reuter WAS SHE SCUTTLED? Boston, April 3. The British Schooner Aramay which was seized by a U. S. A patrol boat and 800 cases of liquor found aboard, sank while being towed to Boston. The Coast Guards aver that she was probably scuttled. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 57 6 Reuter. London, April 3. In the House of Commons the Coal Bill passed it third reading by 277 votes to 234. n i tv, London, April 4. <nJy five Liberals participated in the third reading of the < oal Mines Bill of vhich one
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 102 6 Reuter. Drastic Measures. AUSTRALIAN PREMIERS ANNOUNCEMENT. SUPER TAX ON I EER. Canberra, April 3 THE Prime Minister, Mr Scullin, announces drastic measures to curtail luxury imports some of which are prohibited and others rationed. He has imposed a 50 per cent, super tax on others including
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 167 6 aocntion of cunday schools.— British United Press SUNDAY SCHOOL METHODS. Chicago, April 3. Religion in the home is rapidly waning throughout the United States, according to the Rev. Dr. Phillips Osgood, of a inneapolis. He made this contention at a meeting of ministers here and claimed
    aocntion of cunday schools.— British United Press  -  167 words
  • 28 6 —Reuter DAIL AGREES TO COSGRAVE CABINET. Dublin, April 4. The Dail by 80 votes 55 has agreed to President Cosgrave’s Cabinet, which is same as before.-
    —Reuter  -  28 words
  • 115 6 discarded their veils.— British United Press. DISCARDING THE VEIL. Moscow, April 3. A concentrated effort to educate themore backward elements among the women to take a larger part in social and government work began on March 8 in the Soviet Union. This is known as International Women’s
    discarded their veils.— British United Press.  -  115 words
  • 50 6 .—Reuter. EXI ISP RMITTED TO RETURN. Batavia, A pril 3. On the ground that there is no longer any political objections to their return Home, the Government has decided to permits Native ommunists exiled to New Guinea, after the labour troubles in November 1926 to re-enter the country.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 30 6 VAVUW AU Reuter, Berlin, April 3. By 252 votes to 187 the Reichstag rejected the Socialist motion of No Confidence in Herrßruening and his Ministry.
    VAVUW AU Reuter,  -  30 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 349 6 "1 1 —’TZ; !851t. !3i£.r338r^ WHITEA WAYS I Are Now Shawng the Improved Models in FOLDING CARS I AU fitted with the new 'TEDI FLEX” leath r upholstery which is guaranteed against all the climatieal complaints. It will not O o I tacky or crack, but wi 1 wash like
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    • 12 6 Oj course I'll have another one, I do like MarteU's brandy I”
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    • 164 6 oßMWwa—jii «Buiifm 1 1r 4 s a a a k ■MB M ‘Y '—l a a 2 s s I II I olSlSrwib I S Ai k I vflflli WWW 3 fl mf l I GUARANTEE PROMPF I I Local DELIVERY OF I I THE SMALLEST ORDER. do away with
      164 words

  • 5037 7 Witnesses Story Of What Occurred At Jetty. Second Day's Hearing. Limited Number Admitted To Court. ONLY a limited number were admitted to the District Court to-day when the case in which Mr. G. F. Lenders, the Far Eastern representative of Carrera’s Limited, was charged with
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  • 502 8 From the reception given by the Municipal Commissioners to the Trimmer report, or rather that section of it which embraces port development at Bagan Luar, it is clear that there is a lack of appreciation of the real facts. Many people are still under the impression that Bagan
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  • 47 8 —Reuter. DEATH REPORTED. Addisababa, April 4. The death has occurred of Zauditu, the “Empress of Abyssinia and the Queen of the Kings of Ethiopia”. The Regent Ras Tafari now occupies the palace with bis own troops and up till now the country is quiet.-
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 166 8 DOCTORS ORDER COMPLETE REST. I Paris, April 4. Doctors have ordered M. Tardieu to take a complete rest. He is ill, due to overwork Reuter. Mr W. A. Ward, late Chief Sanitary Inspector, Penang Municipality, sails tomorrow in the Rawalpindi on leave prior to retirement Mr. G. B.
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  • 1149 8  -  JV H. Iu Penang, Friday. no HERE is an old proverb which runs to the effect that if wishes were horses beggars would ride. Mankind, generally, is apt to take for granted the truth of these sayings of seers without troubling to probe a little. Wishes, for
    1,149 words
  • 95 8 —Reuter, D ATH PEN LTY a MENDMENT. Lon Con, April 4. The House of his passed the committee stage of the Army and Air forcei and rejected the Conservative mend* ment to retain the death penalty for a man o induces his comrades to behave
    —Reuter,  -  95 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 *>\ Y* < «Wk^ k O ■BfflHT the reason I for the increasing I world-wide popularity I of Elaig Whisky is I INSIDE THE BOTTLE T®! A I I IWw LsS 77u krnpifte l&iUdlty W.V -=s( =■-■> <■ —=st TH There is a Real Demand for a Really Salt Biscuit.
      171 words
    • 28 8 -j- ‘w. i O o E. O. A perfect situation with every conceivable convenience and comfort. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. B y White Labd W w_yjsjs y s Jsa»
      28 words
    • 11 8 P>f course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy!"
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 29 8 DEATH. r St. Clair. —At Colombo on March 29th, 1930, William Graeme St. Clair in his 82nd year. For twentynine years Editor of the Singapore Free Press. Deeply regretted.
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  • 513 9 Radio Service. International Obligation. ADMINISTRATION ON MANDATE TERMS. PREMIER’S STATEMENT. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr, Baldwin, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald said the British Government would continue to administer Palestine in accordance with the terms of the mandate as approved by the council of the
    Radio Service.  -  513 words
  • 125 9 ,—/vcufer. DISCUSSION SENATE. Washington. April 3. nho new pknet discovered by the Lowell Observatory, Arizona, recently, was the subject of a debate in the .'enate, especially on the relation of reports from Europe and elsewhere reflecting doubts on such planet s Professor Macmillan, an astronomer of Chicago University
    ,—/vcufer.  -  125 words
  • 167 9 —Reuter. NATIONALIST FORCES. GERMAN MILITARY ADVISERS. x PREPARED POSITIONS. Yen Hsi Shan has guaranteed the full protection of Foreign life and property and has declared a punitive expedition against Marshal Chiang Kai-shek. According to plans the Nationalist Forces are preparing to evacuate Tsinanfu. Shanghai, April 3. According
    —Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 151 9 British United Prrss. STOOD BY HER HUSBAND UNTIL DEATH. Vancouver, April 3. The story of a Scotswoman’s suffering and death in a lonely lighthouse in the Straits of Georgia. British Columbia, has just been disclosed here. Bearing the body of Mrs. Margaret Cottier Couldery, wife
    British United Prrss.  -  151 words
  • 144 9 British United Press. MAGISTERIAL FRANKNES IN CEYLON. Colombo, April 3. There is an engaging frankness about some of the Magistrates in Ceylon Courts At a Provincial Court a lawyer for the plaintiff examined a witness who contradicted himself and the plaintiff. The Magistrate asked the witness
    British United Press.  -  144 words
  • 74 9 British United Press. NEW'PAPERMEN APPOINTED BY I PRESIDENT HOOVER. Washington, April 3. Journalists are now being appointed to diplomatic posts by President Hoover. I 'ix diplomatic posts, including that of Ambassador to France, have been filled by pres men in recent months. Three of them were drafte
    British United Press.  -  74 words
  • 44 9 1 THE > CRATCHINGS. i ThO following are the scratchings for today’s Amateur Meeting atlpoh: i Race 2 f Crisp. Race Gipsy Girl and Beaufort. Race 5 Tija. Race 7 Taiping 11. Race 8 Che Siti All Engagements: —Taiping 11.
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  • 524 9 Reuter. Delegations’ Discussion. TIIK' E-POWER AGREE-Mt-NI. REASONABLE SETTLEMENT. Senator Reed, the American Delegate expressed the opinion that a Three-Power Agreement was an honourable and reasonable settlement between the three and not a victory to any one in particular. The Javanese Government's reservations contained in the reply to
    Reuter.  -  524 words
  • 214 9 Reuter, NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. PRbSHHNT IRIGOYEVS “FROTFSI.” WHEAT DUTY. Wireless telephone communication has been inaugurated between North and South America The withdrawal of Senor Irigoyen the Argentina President from participation in the inauguration ceremony is considered in Washington as a direct snub to the USA. Buenos
    Reuter,  -  214 words
  • 23 9 Reuter. WELL-KNOWN SINGER. London, April 3. Ths death has taken place in London of Madame Albani, the well-known singer.—
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 108 9 British United Cress. FOREIGN LANGUAGES NOT WANTED, Rome, April 3. Italy is practically without "talkies” as a recent decree issued by Signor Mussolini, the Premier, prohibited the use of talking films in any foreign language here. Up to the present the Italians have not made any
    British United Cress.  -  108 words
  • 56 9 —British Un’ted Press BURMESE < ONVu T’S AHIEVE ENT. Rangoon, April 3. Two Furmese convicts have been on hunger strike for months, one from October 12 last and the other since'November. This fact was revealed in the I urma Legislative ouncil at the February session in
    —British Un’ted Press  -  56 words
  • 140 9 April 4 and s—lpoh Turf Club Amateur Meeting. s—Municipal5—Municipal Sports, Esplanade. Parit Perak Rubber Co., Ltd., annual meeting, Henry Waugh Co. Annual Meeting Ayer Kuning Rubber Co. Ltd Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co., noon. 7 Entries close for Penang Turf < lub Easter Meeting, noon. 8 Annual Meeting,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 22 9 E. O. HOTEL. By special arrangement the dance-orchestra of the President Wilson will play at the E. A: O. Hotel this evening.
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    • 11 9 "Of course I'll hare another one. I do like Marled's brandy!’'
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    • 135 9 LITTLES Annual Sale Qommenees Monday, March 31st. FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY. > JOHN LITTLE C- L™' PENANG. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. I |LINDETEVES| (Lin ieteves-Stokvis, Inc: D.E.1.) g PENANG IPOH g STOCK H DIFFERENT ALLOYS OF ĔĔ White Metal THE EYRE SMELTING C° L T g H TANDEM WORKS.
      135 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 904 10 DIRECTOR INTERVIEWED. Stars Hold Out For Money To Talk. A hint to talking moving pictures audiences was given to-day to a Pinang Gazette reporter to be passed on to the general public by Mr, Richard Wallace one of the foremost talking-motion picture directors in the United
    904 words
    • 595 10 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.) Sir, —The "not-unexpected-quarter” is keenly conscious of the sportsmanlike spirit in which you gave publicity to views t directly contrary to yours. But he regrets that instead of meeting the point raised by him, you have merely evaded it by
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    • 62 10 Sir, —I shall be very thankful if you will kindly allow me a little space to announce to your readers that I have this day resigned my seat as Vice-Chairman of the A C. S Building Committee and that henceforth I shall be in no way connected
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  • 74 10 Penang, April 4, 1930 Bp Cjurtesy of The Chartered Bank) On London Bank Demand 2/3 4 m/n 2/3 15/16 Private 3 m/ta Credit 2/4 1/8 3 Documentary 2/4 1/4 On New York Back Demand 56 1/16 M France T.T. 1,425 h India T.T. 1541 M Bangkok T.T. 80j Batavia
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  • 394 10 For stealing a bag of copra valued at six dollars Phen Theow, Cantonese, was given a sentence of 15 days or fifteen dollars by Vr. F. K. Wilson in the Penang Police Court this morning. Two previous convictions were found against Tan Ah Chun, Cantonese, who
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  • 69 10 (Rugby Radio Servicb.) London, April 3. Paris, 124.29; New York, 4.87; Brussels, 34 86 Geneva, 25 125 Am? terdam, 12.11 g; Milan. 92.79; Berlir. 20.38 Stockholm, 18.18 Copenhagen 18.17 O«lo. 18.17; Vienna. 34.525, Prague, 164 j Helsingfors, 190 f; Madri-’, 38.70 Lisbon. 108.30 Athens, 375 Bncharest, 818 Rio
    (Rugby Radio Servicb.)  -  69 words
  • 125 10 MARCH RETURNS. THE following are the latest tin and rubber returns for March 1 E>s Baling 32,500 Kuala Dingin 39,384 Subur 18,111 Tanjong Rambutan 27,263 Sungei Bay. 17,487 Rasa 30,977 Jong Landor 57,420 Bakap Plantations I 095 Titi Karangin Patani Para 62,814 Batu I 37,0C0 Arras
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  • 53 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. TIN: LONDON. Spot £164-10-0. Down 12/63 Months’ £166-7-6. Down 10/* SINGAPORE. $83.62 j per picul. Down $125 200 tons done RUBBER: London 7 0/16 d. Unchanged New York 15 > c (Gold) Unchanged Local 251 cts. Unchanged By Courtesy of
    53 words
  • 142 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSSj 8.R. Sheet 25| eta, per pound =pe r pl=134/33 Quiet. L mdon 7 9/16 1 New York cts. (gold). {By Courtesy of Meaara. Allen Denny*) General Produce Agency Ltd* Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbtd Smoked Sheet for to-day are a> follows;— Spot 25| cents per
    142 words
  • 77 10 For March. Hi am Tin, Limited. Piculs 230 Ulu Klang Tin Ltd. O' 1 1 Pie. 450 Running time hours 617 Yardage worked cubic yds. 79,800 T«-ji Malaya Tin Dredging Co. L'd Th*. Company's ootpnt for the second ban of March is as follows: No. 1 Dredge restarted
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  • 16 10 T b m3i by the p w 1 Bawalpindijs at 6 p.u. o morrow.
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  • 154 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share Het at 11 a.m. to day Yesterday To-day C S SHABBB. J 0 -5 e J ao oq oq tc ft c. ft O. ft O. ft C Mlniaft. Ayer TTitam Tin. 15/li
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 23 10 808 Ijiwription V F, you ar «u««rer fron I/ Sffteria i Ind r f and pain Hdangerou.. Start your eVr.n?w Metres ECZEMA e-sSerStiaTroulfe.
      23 words
    • 328 10 New Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT. Wanted Agents to sell our sola and Pith Hats, Embroideries, Sarees and Cotton Sorings in the Penang District. s3oo to $5OO a month or on 10 per cent commission basis. Apply for full particulars and prospectuses to the Post Box 3581 Bombay 4, India. FOR SALE.
      328 words
    • 164 10 .uc.OW° 0S J YEASTON tablet. WILL MAKE YOU FIT Vitality easily attained yet envied by many. Yeaston Tablets ensure radiant health taken regularly they will make you eat, eleep, work and play better. Bottle, of 36 $1 OO Bottles of 100 $2.25 Ask for Gee Yeaston Booklet BOON PHARMACY PENANG
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  • 1162 11 FAMOUS MEN IN THE CRIMES CLUB. Sixty Members Who Meet Thrice A Year. THREE times a year sixty ncen interested in crime—from a scientific point of view only, of course—meet and discuss that sul ject in its many aspects. They are members of the Crimes
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  • 1465 11 PORT OF PENANG. Schedule Of Principal Lines. THE following is a list of vessels arriving and sailing from Penang during the week: In Port To-day. s. Tung Song from Bernam River Sails for T. Anson and B. Datoh to-lay 5 p. m. s. Ampang” from Sitiawan.
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  • 199 11 Penang, April 4, 1930. ots. Benares Opium p. chert nom 5,000.00 Clovee h 90.00 Gold leaf sailers 72.00 Mace Pickings nom 170.00 Nutmegs 80s ,i 70.00 w HOi «0.00 oocoannts per 1,009 50.00 Copra Sundried buyers 9.05 Rattans eales 11.15 Rattans Cot roe 10.60 Green Snail Shell i
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 74 11 MM— u WHMggZSL I^3^ I I 111 C^rhe RACKET |HBi Sets A New Standard. Points —l. Tension for speed. 2. Talar c j for accuracy. 3. Durability f< r economy. 4. Quality unequalled. Sold in the following colours Blue and White, Green and White, Ped and White. Obtainable at JOHN
      74 words

  • 807 12  -  PENALTIES j OF BEING i FASHIONABLE; By John Heygate. AWAY WIIH QUACKERY AND “‘MAGIC’’] MOTOR-CARS, Governments and Paris dreee-designers have one thing at lea?t in common, that they ar? ceaselessly evolving new form? rnd fresh to meet the changing demands of other people. They are all
    807 words
  • 807 12 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Chief Inspector Morgan, of Ipoh, h: s had to go into hospital for treatment. Mr. P. W. May, who has been in Bangkok for some time on business, hes returned to Singapore. Erche Samsudin, Inspector of Pole, Teluk Ansnr, lai teen transferred to J IbufS O.C.P.D. there. Mr.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 190 12 M&ss&ge House. 2, ARRATOON ROAD, MISS YURI- MISS MATSUKO MAJCSTff* opening of the J W-1179 The Home for all the Best Talking, Singing, Dancing and Sound Pictures. (Under the Maragem nt of the Chinese National Film Company). At Penang Theatre, Khoo Sian Ewe Road Now in the Ccurte of Rfcong
      190 words
    • 11 12 "Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy."
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    • 430 12 ---A. l i L going home? —then make a note of HENLYS’ “BUY-BACK” PLAN You want to motor when in England. Right! Henlys will sell you a car, and, at the same time, Siarantee to buy this car back at a pre-determined price when you leave. The difference between the
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  • 249 13 PRIMATE TO INQUIRE INTO ITS RELIGIOUS VALUE. Stay-At-Home Habit. The question of the utility of broadcast services was raised at the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury meeting in London, when Canon E. G. Salwyn (Portsmouth) moved that a request be made to the Primate to
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  • 101 13 A CHURCH WORKER SUFFOCATED ON HER BED. 3 It was stated as a Walthamstow inquest on Mrs. Ada Mary May (77), a widow, of Carisbrooke Road, Walthamstow, well known as a local worker for charitable organisations and churches, that she went out to pest a letter
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  • 61 13 Louisa Piper (27)was sentence 1 to eight months in the second division at the Old Bailey, London for throwing spirits of salts at her husband. It was stated that the woman, while making a complaint against her husband at a Police 0«. urt. threw a phial
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  • 55 13 Owen Brown initiated the uncommon art of playing imaginary golf with a walking etick in a GLsgow street, but, for spoiling the innovation by “shouting, bawling, and using bad language,’’ he incurred a fine of 10j 61 at Govan Police Court. He denied that when arrested he
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 360 13 SEE HOW VIM SjT YOUR FLCORS L\ C’\. ‘o You can easily keep floors‘-not-A less with Vim. Sprinkle a little I Vim on a damp cloth and rub. x’ In a moment you see the surface A A V °f linoleum or v ood appearing p£~«g V\ O \y I
      360 words
    • 225 13 Jsjh a Pain now I xho'/ld I Her to let you know hole much I have benefited by the line of Krunchen. For twenty yearn I tea» a perfect martyr to tick headache and bilioutneats, alno I suffered agony from pains in niy stomach, and I could get no relief.
      225 words
    • 238 13 —and inwardly digest All the difficult cases come to Milk is the natural food for a baby. Lactogen now. Babies who are not “Lactogen” is the rich creamy milk growing. Not gaining! “Lactogen” which Baby has been needing all the is given to babies like these and you time. With
      238 words

  • 360 14 E. P. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. The following programme will be rendered by the E and 0. Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Arthur S. Lax. on, Sunday April Gth at 9-30 p.m. 1 Grand March The Spirit of Pageantry Fletcher This work was originally written for military band, and gained a
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 345 14 THRESHER pm] GLENN Yin TAILORS SHIRTMAKERS EVENING DRESS TROPICAL KIT Special facilities for prompt delivery of the immediate requirements of gentlemen arriving in London from overseas, who, on production of this advertisement, will be entitled to a special discount of 10°/ o Call on arrival at 152-153, STRAND, W.C.2 (K<xf
      345 words

  • 592 15 CHOWBABTA MABKET Penang, April 4. 1930 Mutton— S ci Hatten India* M per lb 60 Head Sheep or goat M each 1-30 Liver with heart A lung do 1.53 Tripe M do 1.00 Goat or Sheep M per lb 60 Sweet Bread M pair 40 Suet M 40
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 158 15 GOLD LEAF BRANDY. |DOTT&3 The Product QS of France M»a mi SHIPPED BV jf I j )$j ;-t -SIMM «£ISSL« 'SHE La TEKJNw TOWARD VI» K\ »e K. PA m*c «SORGE v it 'I O» Guaranteed Years Old. fe EROt>tfCl y HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. (Formerly Katz Brothers, Ltd.) g:::::::::::::::::;:n:::::::::::::
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    • 319 15 JU j J —r U w w ifa™ Sw I' The new Ford Truck, powered b y a four cylinder, fortyJ engine, is rated as a3O cwt. truc k It is a remarkably 'i 1 efficient unit, designed to give an nnasial range of performance at economical cost. Mechanical up-keep
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    • 1211 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE I dollar STEAMSHIP LINE „7™".cTS"" ii MAIL^LINE I k I MENELAUS Apr. 10 Mir?eilh?, Loadon, RotV* a 1 Hamburg J; J MERIONES Apr. 16 London. Rotterdam and Hain AcAA/X I’’ BARPEDON Apr. 24 Marseilles, London. Rotterdam i&; Glasgo > •AUTOMEDON Apr. 30 London, Rot erdam an
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    • 588 16 P. oTbRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES Pentimlar and Oriental S. H. Ca., ndar ten- puug, Tetak taon. Port Swettenham, atatu tract with Hia Majesty's Bwermnent, Lanta and Singapore Sanice. aad Far East Mai Senka. Bulan Apr 5 Oirtwirtfs fnoi LiMidM for
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