Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 February 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 |h. tokisatsuf I STUDIO, I ap4o-d«te Phote. rrapby by electric light, Phone 772, 68, 70. Bithop Street* J PENANG. -tssss 11 !—<- !—TT??—SSS 1 ll-J ".I 1 J **±**±**************************f t t 4< Blacky White” I motor union H Insurance Co., Ltd. i < i lO INSURANCE I black a white’
      214 words
    • 41 1 j ronnuDßUMniaaaKMiami UMButiminiiwi g I T. NAGATA I I I BROTHER 5, 1 s DENTISTS. s 1 1 j Head Office next to the Dispensary I 1 6 J Bruch tyfcr, h?, Luth Sim 1 I SDnwnuaii miiwn itnniiuiiKUanmiai.m NHiniiiim imuuuuuu
      41 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2082 2 POSITIONS VACANT, NOTICCS. BatchelOl, "gnaws, js: Limited Claims Ho Hong Bank Building, Beach Street, Closing Of Light Street. Gl 111 JX/anted Immediately, general Penang. Canvasser for newspaper office. 21 2 Notice is hereby given that to permit Perfection in manufacture is only 4 C~,.J e->Un, J n of the re-construction
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  • 283 3 Hungarian Students. VISITIM ENGINEERING WORKS. VARIED EXPERIENCES, BRONZED by the sun and wind of many countlies Z«lton Sulkowsky and Gijula Bartha, two Hungarian students from Budapest arrived in I’enang on Friday from Bela-wan-1 <eli on their round the world tour on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and side
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  • 174 3 EXHIBITION MATCHES. T. Harada and 11. batoh, the Japanese lawn tennis players who are on their way to compete in the Davis Cup competition, arrived in Penang on Saturday morning by the N. Y. K, liner, Ilasuka Maru. They came ashore and had a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 698 3 BANKS. CHARTERED bank OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1868.) Pin! np-Capital £3,000,000 Fund £4 000.fH)O rve Liability of I’roprietors £3,o' O,O'X) B Head Office 3ft, Bisho: agate, London, E. C. Agencies and Branches A lor Stan Amritsar, Bangkok, Batavia, p oin bay, Calcutta, Canton,
      698 words
    • 120 3 "Of course I'll hare another one. I do like Martell's brandy!" N OT I C E. The undersigned is a maker of Canvas bags such as Mail bags, Cash bags, Tin ore bags, etc., Awnings, Tents, Splitwire, Tennis screens, Canvas for Camp bedsteads. Tarpaulins of any size accordng to order,
      120 words
    • 463 3 FOUR REASONS WHY Zimmerman Pianos Arc chosen by Discerning Musicians, Schools, Cinemas, £tc. o 1 Sound Construction, made by experts for the East. 2 Tonal Quality, pure singing tone of great depth and quality. 3 Beauty of Design, that matches the most perfectly appointed Home. 4 Price, for an instrument
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  • 2293 4 Rammy Springs A Big Surprise. Hobbs’s Day. Large Gathering And Fine Sport. Kinta Girl and Cocoa Nib Canter Home. The opening day of the Taiping Turf Club Professional Meeting on Saturday v*as attended by fine weather and attracted a very large eiowd, among those present being
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 TIRED-OUT WITH T pain Halls There is an epidemic of premature oldness." Men and women who w a should be in the prime of life, vigorous «»<2» and vitally fit, find their capacity for THB sumu-eD work or pleasure destroyed by constant W CO take CL H£W lense of li/t
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  • 2669 5 Two Phases. Baumann Before And Baumann After. Supervision Of Bores? Kuala Lumpur, Friday. THE case concerning mining lands in Gombak Valley, Selangor, in which the partirs are Malayan Tin Fields, Ltd., Renong Tin, Ltd., and John Charles Baumann was continued after tillin to-day befoie Mr. Justice
    2,669 words
  • 152 5 JUD3E WOMAN MOTORIST’S MONSI’KOUS RISKS.’ An uninsured woman motorist pleaded that she had no meat s to compen3«te a man who was l»n>cked down by her car appeared at Marylebone County Court. She was Mrs. Mvry Tooz», and she appeared to answer a judgment summons for £B3 obtained against
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  • 209 5 How Dr. Williams* Pink Pills Drive It Out of the System. With every turn of C 'ld or damp weah«r one hears the cry, "My enemy, rheumatism, has returned to torture m*!” So it wil’, for people who continue their futile attempts with outward applications to core this
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 "O/ course ril have another one. I do like Martell's brandy!"
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    • 214 5 t ,87 A, X Smoked by the Elite rr- I ot rive Continents O 1 <J KIM X-g A-JKU- _MX? MELACHRINO EGYPTIAN eiGARGTTĔS Obtainable from John Little Co. Ltd. SINGAPORE.KUALA LAMPUR. PENANG AND IPOH XXXXXXXXXXNXXXXXX: r 1 I I me junior i; i( t r i i IS Malaya’s Finest
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  • 144 6 'Reuter. RUGGF p VICTORY, iw Good Forwards: Poor Backs. Shanghai, February 16. The Welch Regiment beat Shanghai by eleven points to three in a rugby nritch to-day. The weather was fine and the ground in ideal condition. There were about 2,000 spectators. Joseph scored after a
    'Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 360 6 HANDICAPS FOR SECOND DAY. The following are the handicaps for the Second Day of the Taiping Turf Club Professional Meeting to be run on Wednesday the 19th instant: TAIPING WEIGHTS. Race 1. Ponies Class 111 5 p.m. Colake 10.10, Master Reggie 10.8, Imareek 10.4, Ensign 10.4,
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  • 27 6 lieuter OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE DRAW. London, February 16. The Inter-Varsity hockey match between Oxford and Cambridge at Beckenham resulted in a draw, two goals each.-
    lieuter  -  27 words
  • 31 6 Reuter. Geneva, February 15. Mr. Hughes has resigned his Judgeship of the Court of International Justice in consequence of his appointment as Chief Justice of the United States,
    , Reuter.  -  31 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 337 6 i Cwi<M® I j Mttkfsed Knocks the I Hout of Impurel </ s < y /Ar \%r/ z z<Zz < P n f WS t L M a m/ Li/ 5 I x i 3 XB*J*o\ y 5 x y .< Impure milkmilk from infected cows, or which is contaminate
      337 words
    • 11 6 Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy!"
      11 words
    • 363 6 1 nUrx r iMMAB Hl lXu?' "ffn I < lf®’ TRAVEL REQUISITES The Best You cm Buy for the <J 1- "rpnnk Price Made of Plywood, Body cover- solid bottom TR4». 1 with Green C tnvas and strengthened by brass locks. all round Battens of Bent Wood. Strong WWiXs ~~X
      363 words

  • 892 7 CHOP TOPI ACHAI CASE. Appeal from Mr. Justice Sproule’s Judgment. Tn the Court of Appeal to-day, before the Chief Justice, Sir William Morison, Mr. Justice Thorne and Mr. Justice Whitley, the appeal was taken np in which Messrs. S. j; S Abdul Kareem and Company are
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  • 522 7 Loss to Medical Service. UNIQUE EXPER ENCE OF LEPER CONDITIONS. BRIEF ILLNESS. WE regret to record the death of. Dr A. H. Wheatley, Medical Superintendent of the Pulau Jerejak Leper Camp, which occured at the General Hospital early this morning following a very brief
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  • 139 7 CLARA BOW IN TRE FLEET’S IN.” Olara Fow, the Aiming haired star o Pai amount Pictures, whose new films we have awaited for some time, is at las' appearing in one at the Theatre Rjyal tonight, and although it is being screened on a mid-week pr< gramm°, that
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    • 110 7 (To the Editor of tbe Pinang Gazette), Sir,The Tuah Peh Kong procession is rot a new thing. It h*s ben held annually on th«=* nam a day for years and is well known to everyboiy. If Nebong Tebal Inquirer is a new comer and wants to
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    • 134 7 Sir,It gave us the greatest pleasure to read an article on the needs of Four Valve” and gladly inform you that we have the interest of wireless enthusiasts at heart. We are sure that Four Valve” will b* interested to know that we have eitablished
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  • 190 7 SUSPICIOUS DRIVER. (From Our Oatq Cjrrespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 17. A gang of four Chinese robbers was captured near Kuala Lumpur as the result of the repetition of a hold up of a hire-car driver, who was engaged in the transport of the gang from
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  • 204 7 EVENTS OF 1930. Mme. sylvia, said to belong really to the high Australian nobilityi has gained a reputation in Germany as a soothsayer. To a number of guests at her house in Berlin recently she told of events that are to occur in the year
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  • 42 7 Sir William Morison, Mr. Justice Thorne and Mr. Justice Whitley will be leaving Penang on Wednesday to sit in the Kedah Court of Appeal which opens on Thursday, the 20ih instant. Their Lordships are expected back on Saturday.
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  • 121 7 NEW FIGURES. Plume Spirit Vacuum Oil. Messrs. McAlister and Co., Ltd., the local agents, have received a telegram from the Vacuum Oil Company Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, to the effect that Norman Wizard Smith brok*» the world's 10-mile record on the 17th January on the 90Mile beach
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  • 201 7 SATURDAY’S RESULTS. The following are the remits of tennis tournament ties played last Saturday S ngks Handicap Jias* B 15.2 A G Honey heat N Ward 6-3. 6-3 Singles Handicap (Class C”) 5 E Mitchell beat 2 C Bundle 7-5, 7-5 3 H W Mitchell w.o.
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  • 157 7 NEW BOOK 8. Class 1902, by Ernst Gleaeser. The English Tradition of Education, by Cyril Norwood. Famous Plays nf To-Day, by R. C. Sherriff Others. The Hambledon Cricket Chronicle, by F.S. Ashely Cooper. The Hanse, by E. Gee Nash. The Historians’ History of the World, Edited by Henry
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  • 135 7 NEXT SATURDAY’S PFRFORMANCE IN PENANG. The Butterworth Amateur Dramatic Society are to present Miked Pickles,” which attracted crowded audiences at Butterworth, at the Seamen’s Institute Fort Cornwallis on S tirdav. A farce in three soasms Mixed Pickles” was written by Mr. J. Lumsden of the Straits Trading Company.
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  • 77 7 Penang, February 17, 1930 Bv OourtMV The Oharterefi Bank), On London Bank Demand 2/3| M 4 m/it 2/3 15/16 Private 3 m/st Credit 2/4 3/16 3 w Documentary 2/4 5/16 On New York Bank Demand 56| France w T.T. 1,425 India M T.T. l.'4i M Bangkok T.T. M Batavia
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 477 8 In the matter of making use of the aeroplane for the transport of goods and passengers our enterprising neighbours in the Dutch East Indies have put Malaya to shame. Regular air services are now in operation all over the D.E.1., and only the other day the Dutch
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  • 215 8 KILLING THE GOO'E i HAT LAYS GOLDEN EGGS” When we hear anyone who, through greed, has lost a benefactor, or who, through over charging, has lost a good business connection, we may say -"illy ass! He has killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.”
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  • 1184 8  -  H. L Penang, Monday. lawyers and journali'ts there is kinship qualified by a distinction. Kinship because in the course of his occupation the indiscretions, great or smal', of which from time to time he is guilty, provide a not inconsiderable portion of the b r ead and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 r=— Mt* k> 1 J C* r r-~~ T.r' 1 I if To make your Dinner a real pleasure, finish with one of the folkwing FRENCH LIQUEURS THE BEST France can produce. Slot Brandy XXX X X X j Cognac Growers r o. i PIPPERMINT Get Freres JI CORDIAL MEDOC
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    • 52 8 The best situated Hotel in the East. Rooms with every modern comfort. Reception Room for weddings, parties, private dinners, meetings, etc. Spacious dining room to accommodate 600 persons. Ballroom with finest dancing floor. Orchestra acknowledged the best in the East. European Chef. Use Only the Best. DEL MONTE And Enjoy
      52 words
    • 11 8 Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's hrandy!"
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 46 8 ra'K I .YiffWUu /T Wi > FAw r., *ywHffiww!aM»H TO-NIGHT AND TILL WEDNESDAY llHli Phone 986 A Paramount Comedy Deluxe CLARA BOW -FLEET’S IN”a Clara’s Latest Greatest Picture. Supported by Two other entertaining F Ims Jack Holt in Zane Grey’s Vanishing Pioneer.” Helene Munday in STARK LOVE.”
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    • 24 8 TIDE TABLES. High Water. Low Water Today 235 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 3.13 p.m. 9.29 p.m To-morrow? 3.04 a.m. 9.38 a.m. 340 p.m. 10.03 p.m.
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  • 30 8 DEATH. WheatleyAt the General Hospital, Penang, on the 17 th inst., Alexander Herbert Wheatley, Superintendent, Leper Asylum, Pulau Jerejak, aged 51. Deeply regretted. Funeral to-day from hospital at 4.45 p.m.
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  • 1038 9 Question Of Figures. Japan And 70 Per Cent Ratio. Not being Given Up. London, February 16. The piincipal delegates to the Naval Confeience are again spending the week-end uut of London and on this occasion the proceedings of the last few days have given them
    I.enter.  -  1,038 words
  • 232 9 Hugby iadio service. ANOTHER ATTEMPT. KAYE DON AND 4,000 HP. CAR. I SPECIALLY DESIGNED. < Mr. Kaye Don, the British racing I motorist, is to make an attempt on Sir Henry Segrave’s land speed record I of 231 miles an hour. He is to drive a
    Hugby iadio service.  -  232 words
  • 88 9 Reuter. GANDHI’S PLANS. i Ahmedabad, February 16. Definite plans are crystallising from Mahatma Gandhi’s headquarters .for launching a Passive Resistance Campaign and they will be ready to be put into operation on the date of the expiration of the ultimatum which Gandhi is preparing for presentation
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 47 9 Reuter. GOVERNMENT DECIDES TO CLOSE. Moscow, February 16. The Soviet Government has decided to close the Goods and Stock Exchanges. The value of foreign currencies and securities will be fixed in future by Committees attached to the Soviet State Bank and its Vladivostok Branch.
    . Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 46 9 Reuter. TEN VILLAGES DESTROYED. i Athens, February 16. An earthquake was felt throughout the Near Eastern Islands on Friday night and it destroyed ten villages. On the Island of Crete several people were injured and the inhabitants panicked and encamped in the open.
    . Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 103 9 Rugby Hadio Service GREAT IMPROVEMENT. London, February 16. Giving evidence before the Royal Commission on Licensing, Sir George Newman, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, spoke of the great improvement which had taken place in national habits and national health. The English people, he
    – Rugby Hadio Service  -  103 words
  • 73 9 l 'e"ter. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY DISSOLVED Madrid, February 16. The pendulum is «winging very rapidly from the Dictatorship. The King has dis solved the National Assembly, Primo De Rivera’s Puppet Parliament. Firemen have already covered the old lettering on the door with a new brass plate inscribed,
    l'e"ter.  -  73 words
  • 297 9 being displayed by it. Rugby Radio Service. Opening To-day. WORLD S LARGEST TRADE SHOW. STEADY GROWTH The British Industries Fair which opens to-day at Olympia and Birmingham will be the largest trade exhibition in the world. The exhibits include not only home products but also products from
    being displayed by it.Rugby Radio Service.  -  297 words
  • 32 9 Reuter. ENGLAND DEFEATS WALES. London, February 16. The amateur soccer match between England and Wales at Aberystwyth resulted in a win for the former by two goals to one. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 187 9 SINGAPORE FLYING CLUB. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 17. The Singapore Flying Club held its first race yesterday morning, the occasion being also the First Air Race in Malaya. The race was open to qualified A licence holding pilots over a 7 1 Bth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 11 9 "Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell’s branlyl”
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    • 220 9 His Master’s Voice GRAMOPHONES THE NEW MODEL 104. This new model at the exceptionally low figure of $75 has undoubtably set a new standard in gramophone values. Combining as it doos all the latest improvements including the double acting automatic stop, exclusive to H M. V., and the famous No
      220 words

  • 1234 10 Nellmay Rubber Co. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. Mr. Dove’s Comments. AN extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Nell may JRubber Co., Ltd., was held at noon on Saturday at the offices of Messrs. Kennedy, Burkill Co., Ltd,, for the purpose of receiving a report of the
    1,234 words
  • 133 10 TO-DAY’S PRICES. The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day: Saturday To-day E E E E Shares. r 0 0 93 UQ CQ QQ 10. 10. IG. la. Minin#. Ayer Hitam Tin. 13/6 14'- 13/7* 14/3 Hong Fatt
    133 words
  • 167 10 RETURNS FOR FIRST HALF OF FEBRUARY. THE following are mine outputs for tte first half of February Kamunting Tin Dredging. LM. Output piculs 574 Hours run 519 Ritrut Bism Tin Dredging Co, N.L. Output pica s 553 Hours 546 Cubic ya r ds 49,000 Takuapi Valley Tin Dredging
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  • 51 10 Latest London, New York and Local Prices. tin. LONDON. Spot £172-15-0. 3 Months’ £175-12-6. SINGAPORE. $39.62 I per picul. Up 37| cts. 100 tons done RUBBER-. London ***** d Down 1/16 d New York 15} c. (Gold) Unchanged Local 261/4 cts. Unchanged By Courtesy of Messrs. KENNEDY
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  • 79 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSg.) 8.R. Sheet 26} eta, per pound =per pl=t35/Qniet. London 7 15/ 6d New York 15} cts. gold {By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys General Produce Agency Ltd. Singapore Prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are at follows:— Spot 26} cents per lb. March
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  • 530 10 TIN SHIPMENTS High Iron And Steel Prices. BUYING DISCOURAGED. London, January 22. THERE has been little or no change in the World’s Trade Outlook in the week that is past, but Cartels and Combines are finding their task harder than ever to pull against the
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  • 511 10 SPECULATIVE BUYERS. TIN IMPROVEMENT EXPECTED. BLAKE CO. Rubber enjoyed another of those inexplicable rises during the week, which are always likely to occur when the price is near or below the average cost of production. More rumours of Anglo-Du’ch conversations anent restriction of output, b a tter
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  • 629 10 PUBLIC TIRED. Penawat Shares Decline. BRADBURNE CO,, LTD Kuala Lumpur, Saturday, THE note of optimism in share and commodity markets last week unfortunately subsided at the opening of the period under review, and, at close, is conspicuous by its absence Tin has steadily although gently declined in
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  • 16 10 Owing to pressure on our shipping arrivals and depait' r Ucia i>»er,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 260 10 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. m i r> Bright Relative Wind. Stations. falT Sun- Humi- Direc- Speed. Weather, shine. dity. tion. F. F. ins. hours, per cent. m.p.h. Alor Star 89 74 Nil 6.2 65 E 15 Fine Kota Bharu 83 74 5.1 2.2 85 ENE 15 Overcast K.
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  • 210 11 were carried on easily and audibly. Rugby Radio Service. Telephone Calls.. rRO'l SHORE TO MID ATLANTIC. SUCCESSFUL TEST. London, February 16. C( L RSATIONS between peonlc on land and people in in id-Atlantic are the latest vonder provided by wireless. I 1( postmaster General annour(( <
    were carried on easily and audibly.Rugby Radio Service.  -  210 words
  • 366 11 .—Reuter. CHURCHES CLOSED. A' REQUEST OF POPULATION. EQUAL RIGHTS. Moscow, February 16. According to the official Tass Agency, Soviet journalists have submitted a questionnaire to the metropolitan Sergius, head of the Patriarchal Orthodox Church, and to members of the Holy Synod. Judging by their answers there
    .—Reuter.  -  366 words
  • 662 11 Mr V. Aston M .C.S. is a passenger to Penang by the Rawalpindi Dr, R. M. Forsyth. Health Officer. Seremban, and Mrs. Forsyth, are spending a holiday at Fraser’s Hill. Mr Lee Kirn Soo replaces Mr Liau Chia Keng (resigned) on the Chinese Advisory Board, Singapore. Captain
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  • 218 11 Reuter. Adviser’s Memorandum. SLEEPERS IN ROTTEN CONDITION. DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Shanghai, February 16. MR. Mantell, the American Advisor to the Ministry of Railways, in a memorandum regarding the Tientsin-Pukow railway states that the proper operation of the line has been interrupted for many years by military activities and from
    ~ Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 120 11 Reuter. MILLS EXTRA HOLIDAY. Immediate Protection Wanted. Ahmedabad. February 16. At a meeting of the local Millowners’ Association a resolution was passsed in favour of closing down the cotton mills on one extra day a week from March 15 in view of the accumulation of
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 70 11 Reuter, AMERTCAN DECISION. Amatftirs And Professionals. New York. February 16. The American Lawn Tennis Association has sanctioned the first open tournament to include amateurs and professionals. This decision is contingent on the international federation agreeing at a meeting to be held in Paris on March 15. 7
    Reuter,  -  70 words
  • 47 11 TODAY AT THE ESPLANADE AT 6 P. M 1. March Quebec Stopford 2. Salection A Life on the Ocean Binding 3. Intermezzo Malinda s Fairy Bower Hume 4. Waltz Kunstler Leben Strauss 5. Fox Trot Come On Baby Pinkard God Save The h ing I
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 S. G.” FOOTBALL FORECASTS No. 23. > $5O Won. No competitor succeeded in forecasting correctly all matches in this competition. The consolation prize of $5O has, therefore, been awarded to the following with 12 correct forecasts: MATTOS, 3, P<r»k Road, Penang. LIM EWE GHEE, 10a, Church Street, Penang.
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    • 11 11 "Of course I'll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy!"
      11 words
    • 354 11 a TH—FiHBM— BMa—H I 1 \Y7 ITH a fuU W five-seater touring body or as an all-enclosed saloon, this big., P° wer^u l u/ 28 h.p. WSIM Morris Cowley is kHilt specially for overseas service a stanc l th 6 strain of f rough roads, steep gradients, heavy loads, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 561 12 i *'z fesid 4 z lml. > t b Kl| Sf 9 JMiJy fc zwzzzzzzzz; w It VW < HE \_dto wks- jt Mr JK&'> VZZ//ZZZ///: Z' M^zzzzzz z />Ea ®d/ 'f y?" ZZzz Zz "X E wto za > -d? x h '''''////"//S ''S//J//Z <//// w//s////!r '//////S, '//////l V
      561 words

  • 1048 13 Claim For Tote Dividends. When Are The S. R. A. Holding An Enquiry? Flagrant Breach Of Rules. IT is a month ago that the Pinang Gazette drew attention to the fact that the owners of Master Reggie, Bonnie King and the Miser had claimed
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 30 13 LARGE ESTATE CHECK ROLLS. To Clear at Specially Reduced Prices. Weekly Check Roll Books with Rice Advance Column without Fortnightly »> with at $2.50 Leach. Stock by PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, LTD.
      30 words
    • 454 13 J i_.. j I i I H I /WpA x\ I i w, BI i r“- M A V’ WWL s I Fyj de j’ I VJ L. Eh U I S fit r Ml ra Home or Abroad ia 1 H m 47//’Eau de Cologne -47//’ £au Cologne and
      454 words

  • 289 14 ENGLISH SCOTTISH CUPS. SATURDAY’S RESULTS. Arsenal Win At Middlesboro. CELTIC DEFEATED. London, February 15. I’* HE following are the results of the English and Scottish Cup matches played Saturday: F. A. Cup. (Fourth Round.) Newcastle U. 3 Brighton &H A 0 Huddersfield T. 2 Bradford C. 1 ston Villa 4
    289 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 242 14 THE FLAVOURING FOR ANY DISH Ta \MMF' WBEEGETg—WI Fill *T7 I XWaiUlStra Sj f/fr A-"> W Mil I IHb Br77^«g& ffr&uSTyn) The Barber Strops His Razor—so Should You Only years of practice and experience enables the barber to strop his razor quickly and efficiently, but your dealer will show you
      242 words
    • 69 14 11 Of course I’ll have another one, I do like Martell's brandy!" I Prepared Ensure positive traction for your car on muddy, sandy roads Drive safely, without skidding, on wet, slippery pavements Carry always Weed Tyre Chains, ready to be put on when needed. Look for the name Weed” on
      69 words
    • 279 14 W?’-' SS-' < lew f I think they’re wonderful l They do not stick to my lips and I know > they’re pure, and made under the most hygienic conditions CRJ /SSTJK CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Made Specially to Prevent Sore Throats d CARRERAS’ HYGIENIC FACTORY W HAMPSTEAD RD., LONDON A
      279 words

  • 585 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET Penang, February 17, 1930 Mutton t ci Matton Indian par lb 60 Hoad Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart 6 loaf do 1-60 Tripe do lon Goat or Sheep per lb 60 Sweet Bread pair 40 Ruel 40 Kidney pair 80 Feet w the
    585 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 242 15 II Zr^ K xA ft" [fl y «jpSrafrff** y' i WJW IB|| I IK I i&w i|l' th 1 S |H o9| 1 Ck 3JWU' J. 1 ..'/J I\ UtV'KUI PS?"z' V* VBOOUCIS z'? J ta/ v 3 r ,“S. Za\' teWj Zr3-—- iJTB*- -A I '■JpOE WWiWjj'it SOLE AGENTS:
      242 words
    • 209 15 3ES— A3KEXZSUH9MMSuS3Kr> R. YOUNG CO., L I'D. Civil Constructional and Sanitary Engineers and Contractors Reinforced Concrete Specialists Estimates Free Dealers in all Classes of Building Materials Corrugated Asbestos. Flat Asbestos. Ridges. Galv. Steam Water Tubing Connections Plain and Fancy Wall Tiles. of British Manufacturer. BRI Sole Agents for the Midland
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1286 16 iHE BLUE FUNNEL LINE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. < I’ WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON N. CONTINENT. U AGAMEMNON Feb. 19 London. Rotter inm, and Hamburg. f J HECTOR Feb. 27 Marseilles London, Rotterdam and Glasgow. PYRRHUS Mar. 5 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. PHILOCTETES Mar. 13 Marseilles. London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. AM
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    • 692 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES :±S ES'.’-tlii' ix r l '“fa and Far East Mail Service M nfl S,ngapoPB Outwards from London for China and Japan. a n F e b. 21 due Penang. Sailings of Steamers of the British
      692 words