Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 304 1 I T. NAGATA brothers, DENTISTS. Head Office next to the Dispensary. Branch Office 52, Leith Street I Genasco Roofing gr H Do not un R>sks P INIII h Run c ntinentais uHy H WttflfM the Most Reliable Tyres *****0 bvnascu GENASCO ROOFING is a particularly fefe® 4 |<l J MfrOKsiSaiißl
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    • 17 1 H. TOKISATSU STUDIO, with up-to-date Photo» graphy by electric light. ’Phone 772. 68. 70. Bishop Street, PENANG.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2205 2 POSITION VACANT. J SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. (<S L. JLWanted: Chinese Doctor as Medical Thefollcwirg plant is now available QR L E THE M LI M^TED. N K S II Officer to < f estaire. for sale: UH to a Must hold qua.ificatioiis rfgisterable in 2 (No.) Air Locks and Diaphragms, 6'
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  • 308 3 “SNIFFYGENTS.” What A Vicar Thinks Of Them, THE Vicar of St. Katharine’s. Bournemouth (the Rev. E. J. G. Forse), provides an unusual “note” in his parish magazine for August. He writes ‘The sniffy-genteel who contemptuously abhor vulgar abbreviations, and never, nercr, NEVER say bike when they
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  • 410 3 ANSWER TO SICK SON’S CRY. London 1 elephone Call To Australia. Great Britain’s entire resources in radio science were marshalled recently to enable a widow to speak direct from London to the matron of the hospital in Sydney, New South Wales, thirteen thousand miles away, where
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 I t i cigarettes throughout the world are choosing Black and White, in pre- BWEi|V ference to all others. JUww'iwiJl Made from the choicest Vir- ginia tobacco and packed in airtight tins, they can always <v be relied upon to reach the Marcovitch standard of supreme quality* jwlfe N. V.
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    • 213 3 T\ 7" "A wSWkA xo wB M JBI ISaiBloK To Whiten Teeth Free Them of Dingy Film And thus protect them against many serious tooth and gum disorders RUN your tongue across your the chief cause of the commoner teeth and you will feel a film. tooth and gum disorders.
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    • 272 3 Tvvvwwwf vw v f v v vv'vvyww The most successful plug ever produced for the FORD engine (modal T) is the xgggEh igggggh Bgg 101 toX AF PLUG Its success is due to the wonderful oil resisting quality of the Lodge steatite from which the insulator /j? is made it
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  • 1018 4 DEVELOPMENT OF KANDY AS AIR PORT. COUNCIL IMPASSE. Government Defeated On Salaries Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent), Colombo, Septembers. AS indicated by me before this week’s meeting of the Legislative Council was awaited with interest. This was because it was thought that the interesting question of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 ■7' gg, p&* j P *7Ae I Allenburgs I Foods a Made from the purest milk k of cows pastured in the home 9 counties, the ’Allenburys II Foods are as easily digested I as mother’s milk. They are germ free and are simply S and quickly made by the
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    • 59 4 I I I Il j Wasted Horse Powr f I If you wish to avoid waste see g that your Works and Mills use the super-efficient, durable and fully i guaranteed I goioouv n P 4 AC H [T? £3IZ L.T lIM C 3 r DARBY CO„ k AND L
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    • 596 4 M jb.j.—mi '—m—cam» him ■-•‘■4 W 1 I I -lEJUVENATICN VBWU"POSSIBLE h L THE DANGEROUS AGE!! 'T'HERE comes in the life of every man and exacting demands of Nature without loss of woman a period of transition. The flow- energy or spirits. ing tide of youth has begun to ebb.
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  • 697 5 Bad Case. Passenger Dashed Against Telephone Post. Driver With Defective Eye-Sight? THE trial of Dali bin Gasa, at the Penang Assizes, for rash and negligent driving in the Province and causing the death of a Tamil passenger named JJaravaran disclosed an extraordinarily bad case. The
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  • 368 5 WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION. Co-operative Housing Scheme. MINUTES of the Committee meeting held at cilices of Messrs. Adams and Allen on Monday 26 August 19x9, at 4 P-m, Present— Mr, C. It Samuel (in the Chair), Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdool Cader, Messrs. Lim Eow Thoop, Lim Keong Lay,
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  • 471 5 THE WEIGHTS. 4 Races To-Morrow 8 On Saturday. The following are the weights for the Singapore Po’o Club Gymkhana b ginning to-norrow. There will be only four races on the first day (Friday) starting at 4,30 p,m, Ou Saturday, h >wever, there will be a full
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  • 166 5 Reuter- $5,000,000 DAMAGE. PARAFFIN TANK ABLAZE AT HULL. CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHER. A wave of fire is sweeping dovrn the Sulphur Mountain in California and threatening one of the richest oil fields in the country. A giant tank containing 500,000 gallons of paraffin is ablaze in a
    Reuter-  -  166 words
  • 671 5 SIX BUILDINGS. Yesterday’s Sanitary Board Meeting. THE monthly meeting of the Kinta Sanitary B>ard was held at the Kinta Sanitary Board Office yes terday. Major G.M. Kidd, M.C.S., the chairman, presided, and the others present were the Hon. Lt. Co’. Cecil Rae, M.F.C., J.P., Mr. W.
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  • 71 5 —Renter. YORK CITY WINS AGAIN. Landon, Septerrb *r 18. The following are the results of EngFsh League matches nlayed to-day. DIVISION 1. Bolton W. 2 Middlesboro’ 2 DIVISION 2 Bristol C. 2 Preston N. E. 2 DIVISION 3. (Southern Section.) B’mouth &88. 2 Luton T. 1 Exeter
    —Renter.  -  71 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 Message Hot&se. 2, AItKATOON HOAD. MISS YURI. MISS MATSUKO.
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    • 345 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii H g Pdlm Oil Pointers—l. g Prudent Investment. g A man who work» hard for his money does not like to take un ’ue 1 risks with the Lttle that he can save. lĔĔ Yet it is absurd to leave it in the bank on current a'co’.nt at a
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  • 597 6 Improved Position. Success Of Salt Revenue Reforms. Preventive Service. China is not only meeting her yearly obligations with regard to the repayment of principal and interest on loans but has drawn up a scheme for the paying up of arrears. This improved position has been
    Reuter.  -  597 words
  • 327 6 Reuter- JAPAN, FRANCE AND ITALY INVITED. Prelim’nary Prcposal. HELD FOR SYMPATHETIC CO-OPERATION. Rapid strides are being made in the world of naval disarmament. Following the A nglo A meric an conversation s Air. MacDonald is issuing invitations to France, Italy and Japan to attend a conference
    Reuter-  -  327 words
  • 239 6 British United Press. PRIZES OFFERED. WORKS OF PAINTING OR SCLLPIURF. VARIOUS SCHEMES. With the idea of stimulating the growth of modem art in Italy the Fascist Party and the Government have combined to offer prizes for a work of painting or sculpture. Various federations have also
    British United Press.  -  239 words
  • 509 6 Some Suggestions For Letting Off Steam. HAVE y u a safety valve W< men—ard m a n—need safety va’ues just as much as steam eng:n°s or rteam pressure cookers. Men mat y. There are recognised outh Is for their nerv u< irritation or bid
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 459 6 hi i '^_Sf3 y Whit eawa y s I \ffii THE RIGHT article I 1 AIV the right price At/h M IrWd htoK m \l ISSI Pay an early visit and W sw Suns N —4 VIIV inspect our new Stocks j d 8 EVERYTHING X BEACH MEN’S GANTNER KNIT
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  • 453 7  -  Difficulties Of A Dry Course. By George Gadd. TFIE golfer has had a deal of »xp«rieu e this summer of playirg on hard and fast running c t recs and though he hie found lergth a good dra 1 easer to attain than usual he has bad to
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  • 74 7 Amount previously acknowledged $9,985.06 M*. M. M. Si hambram Chettiar 1000 Th» Hom Secretary Ex-Ser-v’ces Asecc ation of Ma’aya, Penar g Brar ch (Proceeds of the Dance organised by this Association held at E. 0. Hotel on Saturday 24th August 1929). 1,046.00 Total to date $11,041.06
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  • 99 7 NEW CT UR HOUSE. The Penang R> creation Club w ll sun be Etarting the construction of their new Club-home. P.ans have been drawn up ard will be submitted to membirs at the am ual mcetii g to le he’d shortly. The site has not yet been
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  • 88 7 MALAYA A “PARADISE FOR LAWYERS.” An instance of lepal costs was given at the Supreme Court, Kuala Lampur, before Mr. Jnstice P A. Farrer M nby, yesterday when Mr. S M. Sharma mentioned that, in a Temerloh case, when certain pro--5250 for professional s»rvic°s which b» wished to
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  • 72 7 —Reuter OPENS AT BARCELONA. Barcelona, September 18 dhe fourteenth International Cotton ’i.gres* opened at the Town Hill to-day when 500 delegat»», intending representatives from G-rat Britain, Egypt 1 ,H ia and Jap-.n attended. Mr. Howarth Gr»at Britain, in a cktai’e I cotton growing in the ritish Colonies
    .—Reuter  -  72 words
  • 86 7 Sept. 20—Singapore Amateur Rac° Mee ing. 21 Singapore Amateur Race Meeting. Kedah and Province Go’ficg Ass ciation anneal golf meeting, Caledonia Course, N:boug Tebal. 22 Ke Jah and Pr vince Golfing r s ociation auKuil golf m e ing. Caledonia C< urs”, Nebont Tebal, 28 —SeUngnr Turf Cub
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  • 132 7 RETURN OF GROUP CAPT. CAVE-BROWN-CAVE. EN ROUTE TO SINGAPORE. Group Captain 11. M. Cave-Brown-Cave, D. S. 0., D. S C.. Royal Air Force, who is in ch :rge of the R. A. F. Squadron a Singapore, and was in chirge of the R.A.F Flying Boat Squadron on its Far Eastern
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  • 166 7 SHELLSHOCKED MAN AFFECTED BY THUNDER. A victim of shell shock, Mr. Edgar Clements, aged thirty two, a baker, of West street, Richfo-d, who is apt to losi his memory during a thunder storm, went misaing from tone rece itly during a storm He went out to
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  • 1231 7 Meeting Of Licensing Justices. TROUBLE AT NETHERLANDS BAR THE quarterly meeting of the Penang Lcmsiug Just’.cei was held yes e day afternoon at the District Court. Mr. N. D M idie, the Ch drman, preside 1, and tue members present we»e: Mr. G. L. Him, Mr.
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  • 288 7 SE VE RED TEN DON. Accused Sent to Prison, I i the District Cturt tc-day Yeo Ab Phe» gave evidence from a stretcher in thecise in which Qaah Ah Cheow wis charged with voluntarily earning grievous hurt to him with a chcpp r. Dr. Sav ratnam
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  • 137 7 MAGISTRATE’S JUDGMENT IN ASSAULT CASE. Mr. F. K. Wil ion, the Penang P, Ice Magistrfat”, d livered judgment to-day iu the case in which Alex Bux, a detective, charged Baker bin B .1. jee with volunLri y causing hurt with intent to deter him from carrying out
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  • 830 7 Mrs. J. P. Swettenham is leaving fe Home early in October. Mr. A. Burnie. late of Pe is no v with the Shell-M x Co. in England. Mg E. Wat*, Inspector of Machinery, Singap re, wbs in Malacca on official bust ness on September 12. Mr. George
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 426 7 POSITION VACANT. Timekeeper and Distributing Clerk wanted for office in Penang. Apply stating salary required w th particulars of past experience snd eneb s ng copies only of tea imoniah to Box No. 241, P.nang Gaze te. 1 —lB 19 20-9 POSITION WANTED. By Indian Tamil as field conductor. 22
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  • 475 8 The rumour which gained ground the other day that the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore, had been singled out for elevation to the Bench, may or may not have been without foundation. But it served a useful purpose in that it drew attention to an ever increasing tendency
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  • 83 8 Reuter. ECHO OF TEAPOT DOME CASE. N w York, lB. The Herald and Tribune annon ces the formation of a milliard dollar trad styled the M trine Midland Corporation to acquire the c introlling ownership of the banks of the Tiu-t Companies.— Reuter. Washington, September 18. Mr,
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 60 8 Rugby Radio Service- ACCOMPANIED BY DAUGHTER. London, September 18. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald motored to Sandringham to-day to visit the King. The Premier, who was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ishbel MacDmald, will stay overnight at Sandringham retarnit g to London to-morrow. The Princa of Wales
    Rugby Radio Service-  -  60 words
  • 52 8 Reuter. RIGHT WING MOVEMENT. Moscow, Septi mber 18 The Central Execnt va Committee of the Soviet Union have dismissal from big position as Vice Cojamitsar of F.nance M, Frumkin who lately has been pro m nently identified wi.h the right vi ig mnv m< nt of the
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 1073 8 OOHUKSDAY and Time, o’clock. There is as yet uoj smu lge of smoke on the far horizon to denote the welcome advent of the mail per P. and O. steamer. Vain it is to sigh and vain to hope. Courage, however, go< d readers. There is always
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 =Rl j THE TALK OF THE TOWN. McCoy’s Tablets, j SEE “F1FI” NOW! j Huttenbach, Lazarus Sons Ltd., S. S. F. M. S. PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY (ESTABLISHED 1872) The Purchase of Jewellery and Silver Ware Without Lavish Expenditure is made easy if you will consult the Leading Jewellers. B. P.
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    • 92 8 E. O. SPECIAL NOTICE. Every Sunday morning our Salon Orchestra will play from 11-15. Why not enjoy your morning refreshers to pleasing music THE IDEAL COMBINATION Apollinaris “The Queen of Table Waters” AND Dewar’S White Label Whisky The Rajah of Whiskies”. I A.GRNTS. Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., (Formerly Katz Bros.,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 48 8 Ho 1 is a J a kYJhI Bd JBL FK O ifti jfc. -0 -r- ¥t- it*' Phone 986. TO-NIGHT TILL SUNDAY, 22nd September. A Paramount Ms Special Film Th LEGION f e CONDEMNED With Gary Cooper Fay Wray One of the Greatest dramatic sensations of the year,
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    • 25 8 TIDE TABLES. High Water. Low Water. TO DAY. 1.30 g.m. 7.04 a.m. Midday. 722 p.m. To MORROW. 145 a.m, 733 a.m. 1.17 p.m. 7.47 p,m-
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  • 101 8 DEATH. Lee —kt 376, Fnrnnh R Penang on September 16, 1929, Lee Khong Boon, aged 73. Far e-al 10 a. m. Sunday September 22, 1929. Friends and Relat vea are r<quested not to send B.tchean (S-vee‘.meats). FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral <ftl e late Madam Kob Chin Khoon (Mrs. Cheah Eug
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  • 449 9 ’I UUBl’ *IXIO I, -Reuter, Optional Clause. BRITISH EMPIRE TO SIGN TO-DAY. DRUG TRAFFIC. Great Britain and the Dominions are to sign the Optional Clause of the statute for a Permanent Court of International Justice to-day. A discussion on the drugs traffic revealed the fact that
    ’I UUBl’ *IXIO I,—-Reuter,  -  449 words
  • 113 9 COMMANDER F. WILD TO WORK ON THE LAND, Commander Frank Wild, the famous explorer, who has been working as a barman in a Zuiuland vill; g», h s arrived in Durban to take up a position on the Rand gold mines offered him by an old
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  • 189 9 —Reuter. OFFICIAL PROTEST. SINO-POLISH TRADE TREATY S'GNHk TEXT NOT PUBLISHED. The rumoured arrest of 1,000 Chinese by the Soviet Government has drawn a strong protest from Dr. T.C. Wang, the Chinese Foreign Minister, through the German Government. The Sino Polish Treaty on the basis of full
    .—Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 68 9 Already acknowledged $9,399.20 Lim Bock Kee Esq. (second contribution) 100. Government Junior Office rs Associate n. Kuala Lumpur (sicond contribution) 109.50 Dato Lee Kong Lam, J. P, M. S. C Kuala Lumpur 100. Wee Hap Lang Etq., J.P Kuala Lumpur 50. Loke Chow Thye Esq.. J. P., Kuala
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  • 72 9 FOOTBALL MATCH. The following will lepresent the Y. B. M. in a friendly game of Socc r againfet the S'poy Line Recreation Club on Friday on the Dato Kramat Ground at 5 p.m. H. R. Pawanteb, A. O. Yahaya (Capt.) and Md.'N >or, O. Md. Hassan.
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  • 83 9 Messrs. Tiang L?e and Company, Penang, who are the propri. t >rs of tbe Dindirgs Ice Company, are erecting a new ten-ton ice plant on Pangkor Island in addition to their present plant. With this new plant the ou’pnt of ice will increase from five
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  • 180 9 NARROW MARGIN. London, September 18. The Rest of England defeated Notk, tbe Champion c unty, by 8 runs at th? Oval in the list match of the season. The scores were as follows: The Res': 399 (Woolley 106) and 282 (Staples 4 for 63) NotF;
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  • 361 9 Uk DIO FYUIU LUUUVI V-r I V for British coal as a retult. Rugby Radio Service- Justified By Results. MR. THOMAS RETURNS FROM CANADA. FULLY SATISFIED. Mr. J, H, Thomas is completely satisfi d with his tour and hopes and feels that it will contribute to
    Uk DIO FYUIU LUUUVI V-r I V for British coal as a retult.—Rugby Radio Service-  -  361 words
  • 249 9 ROBBED A FISHERMAN. GANG CAUGHT IN MOTOR CAR. FOUR ARRESTS. An armed robber who was arrested a month after ho had robbed a poor fisherman received a severe sentence at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. He was ordered to receive 10 strokes °f the ‘cat” and to
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  • 341 9 INTERESTING CASE. Quitting Before Expiry Of Notice. BEFORE Raja Kamaralzaman, Manickam, a Tamil cook, was charged on Wednesday with quitting work before the expiry of his notice. Mr. I. Fisher appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. G. 11. Gartside fur the defendant. The case created much
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 82 9 IM E w “H.M.V.” RECORDS TO-DAY 5 (Mid-September Supplement). f ff f j 1 1 1 i S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. 16, Bishop Street. I ARISTO I RED LINE |motor OILS.J I I i BSE'SS p 8 Ji SOLE AGENTS FOR:- g MALAYA AND BORNEO: SIME DARBY CO, LTD, g
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  • Latest Commercial News.
    • 385 10 The followinr were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 *.m to day Yesterday. Todaj. OU to V go Shares. c 5 flQ M CQ 00 to, Sc. I C. I 0. Rubber (Dollar). Benta 1.22} 1.27} 1.25 1 30 Mining. Asarn K.
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    • 71 10 Penang, September 19, 1929. By OourtMV of The Chartered Rank On London Bank Demand 2/3 11/16 4 m/st 2/3 7/8 Private 3 m/et Creak 2/4 13/32 3 Documentary 2 4 15/32 Oq New York Bank Dnnand 55| France T.T. 1.420 India T.T. 154} 4 Bangkok T.T. >o} Batavia T.T.
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    • 72 10 (Rugby Radio Ssßvica) Londor, September 18. Paris, 123 855; New York. 4 84U Brussels 34.88; Geneva. 25.15; Ams’ 92.675 Berlin, IRoiU k^? ckh im 18.10; Copenhagen, 18.205 Oslo, 18 205; Vienna. 34.43n s p 163}; Hets ngfore, 192}; M-drid’ 3->»; Lisbon, 108.20; a, 375; I7:v ar K e
      (Rugby Radio Ssßvica)  -  72 words
    • 144 10 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE.) S.R. Sheet 34 cts. per pound per pl=s4s/33 No. 1 Crepe 34} cts. per pound per pl— 145/66 dull. London 10 3/161 New York 20£cts. gold. By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys. General Produce Agency Ltd. Spot 34 ic per lb. G c t. 1929
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    • 21 10 Messrs. Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. London, September 17, Spot £205.7.6 three months’ bnving £209.5s t .ree months’ selling £209.7.6.
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    • 220 10 For August, hr?. yards ne’e. P< gang Prespcc irg 246.90 Amount reabzed $16,854.75 Tribute at 7 per er nt. due to comr’ny $1,179 83. F r the first half of September. pels. Rtnang Tin N-n 2 Dredge 246 No, 3 Dredge 113 PRODUCE PRICES. Penarg, Sepiember 19. 1929.
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    • 71 10 The boxe vard mail by ss. Morea closes at 6 p.m, to-mo*row. We ere advised by the local Agents that the N Y. K. Ne v Orient-California Liner m. e. Asama M<eu will make h< r initial voyage from Kobe on 7 h October, 1929. for S n
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    • 1175 10 KENNEDY Co's SHARE LIST. NAMES. J I 3 ĕ I RUBBER [Dollar.] 9 c 8 o c Allenoy Rubber Oe 2 25 2 5' ilui HajaD Rubber Estate 1 C< 1 8 Amalgamated Malay Estates 3 2 3 4 Kyer Hitam Planting Syndicate 3 2, 3 5 Ayer Knr.’ng Rubber
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 832 10 I T’GRAMS “KYI.PA” ’PHONE 1373. "DICK’S" Asbestos Packing and J ointing for I Superheated and High Pressure I Steam and Hydraulic. I All Grades and 1 ypes in Stock. I OBTAINABLE FROM KYLE, PALMER CO., LTD., I 46/48, Beach Street, PENANG. I Also at IPOII KUALA LUMPUR AND SINGAPORE, I
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  • 1657 11 Making Our Youtfi “Jlir Mindedr talking ffiy television. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, August 22. THE latest portrait of the Prince of Wales, commissioned for presentation to the Honourable Artillery Company las been painted by an oflicer of the regiment, Mr. Gerald C. Hudson, who “found’* himself
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 890 11 $5OO FOOTBALL FORECASTS. $5O MUST BE WON. $5OO WAITING FOR YOU! Just a few strokes of the pen. Quite a simple task. No worry, no waste of time. Yet it may bring you $5OO. THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE. You are not required to forecast scores—only results. If you succeed
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    • 249 11 NfcMTyyar uriQ- I i Quality =AND== I Service I I ’S Medical Prescriptions All prescriptions are di-pensed by an experienced and efficient st If under the personal supervision of the Managing Director. 1 INGREDIENTS are of the finest quality obtain- 1 able, chem'cally or physiologically tested to ensure efficiency. Fresh
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  • 299 12 DRYS’ BOAST. “Steady Rise In American Liquor Consumption.” A cold statistical report containing no ‘"argumentative text,” but filled with tables to prove that under Prohibition there has been a “distinct steady rise in American liquor consumption,” is being carefully studied by Government ofiiciils at Washington, and particularly
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  • 427 12 FUTURE FULL OF DOUBT. Morning Post’s Premature Announcement. Contidr-rable doubts are being expressed in Trade Unit n circles over the scheme for the future of the Daily Hera J .<f It was stated in the Mominy post recently thit the Gjne.-al Council of the Tralee
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 473 12 ifl 1 llflll-M WOLLUffI GT IS fegggj <> i j Some of tfee FREE GIFTS i for users of I MM "The Wine of Life IniJLL txq you want to be HEALTHY, ENERGETIC, FULL a j J op VIM AND VITALITY? Do you want VALUs ABLE FREE GIFTS? Get BOTH!
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  • 448 13 CONFERENCE AT PORTSMOUTH. And Graver Problems Of Life. The Conference of the Institute of Journalists opened at Portsmouth Guildhall on August 19 with the President (Mr. H. A. Gwynne, editor of the Morning Post) in the chair. The Lord Mayor (Councillor j. E. Smith), in welcoming
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  • 150 13 VISIT TO THE ROSS INSTITUTE. The Queen paid a surprise visit to the Ross Institute and Hospital for Troni-j cal Diseases, Putney, recently and spent more than an hour talking to the patients and inspecting the research de- partments. I Iler Majesty was especially interested in the work
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  • 93 13 The excessive number of half-pennies in circulation is now a public nuisance (writes a correspondent of The Times). To-day I was given eight halfpennies in change for a shilling after a purchase of «d. worth of goods. It seems to be the aim of every omnibus
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 390 13 |WW RBTLESSNIGHTS Developed Into Large Eruptions. Cuticura Healed. A few months ago some pimples broke out on rny left forearm. They developed into large eruptions and spread under my arm. They were of a wet nature, causing itching and burning and restless nights. *T tried various ointments with no success.
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    • 539 13 WW'.T-TWW— Ml i w _n~~~ —■■wiirS‘n’iT?S^ «w < ■"■■■■"Hl— l tell -V jy- Qfhe Ij Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History j||| r-a Six in the price thefouvl fc-. Bl 1! Sir g «ip 7 '5 B TTe New Chevrolet Six offers the in impressiveness by equally rem1 distinguished beauty and
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  • 276 14 “THE KEY TO PEACE” Ignorance Of The Man In lhe Street. Advertising the League of Nations was among the many subjects discussed at the first general session of the International Advertising Convention in Berlin. Dr. Luther, the former Chancellor, opened the session. “The League of Nations,’’ said
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  • 420 14 RESULT OF FIVE YEARS’ TRIAL. I The Board of Control (England and M ales) has published a report written by Surgeon Rear-Admiral E. T. Meagher on “General Paralysis and its Treatment by Induced Malaria” (Stationery Office, price 2s. net). The report is concerned only with cases admitted under
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 244 14 —w——— j W tb w r “Theins M) e MXIH 'conjurhiĕ' 9 with iW' 's► ,r j»-v *wj! -«s® SwiskK v 2 flKßi A Every modern scientific inven- A JQ Sf tion known to this generation as S S ff S 9 Conditioning Plant, Dust C> f t Extractors, etc.)
      244 words
    • 478 14 To Build You 1 I up !!When your system is f run down tafy: I I N Y A L 11 TONIC N- a splendid reconstructive tonic for those who are run down, weak aad 'I i anaemic as well as for those who are convalescing. Contains iron in its
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  • 580 15 CHOWRA3TA MARKET. Penang, September 19, 1929, Motto*— ct Mutton Indian m per lb 55 Head Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart A lung do 150 Tripe do IJO Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 4 I Snet —4) Kidney pair 3 Feet M
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 194 15 WARNING. It has come to cur notice that certain dealers in this territory are trying to pass off Lipton's Jj Calcutta Tea ~a cheaper arti- cle),for Lipton’s Yellow Label H CEYLON lea and we therefore warn the public that no Tea can be guaranteed asbeing Lipton’s J* Genuine CEYLON Tea
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    • 86 15 MCCAEWU M T PE R PORTION w S \\Wul I SOLE AGENTS THE EASTERN AGENCIES, LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR BANGKOK. H ar R. YOUNG CO., LTD. Civil Constructional and Sanitary Engineers and Contractors I Reinforced Concrete Specialists Estimates Free Dealers in all Classes of Building Materials Corrugated Asbestos. I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1375 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LfblE- |[[hZS’l HAMBURG-AMERIKALINIE INTENDED RAILING* FROM PENANG PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES. WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. 26 OUTWARDS. Jh“ O* 10 F- Port Swetlrnh.n.. M«iU. Sh.n g h.i Kobe .nd a xfk'MTDR Go 18 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. i at Oct. w'S?AU3 O’’ 24 Marseilles. London,
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    • 599 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE Peninsular and Oriental S. H. Co., under con- Bombay-China Service to qi M tract with His Majesty's Government, London an(J and Far East Mail Service. paR Outwards from London for China and Japan. due Penang
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