Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 252 1 < T. NAGATA BROTHERS, i DENTISTS. Head Office next to the Dispensary. Branch Office 52, Leith Street ftft ft ft•*♦ftft•ftft* ftftft »♦♦♦*•>« ft ft ♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦’>'♦♦♦♦•♦♦ ftftftftftftfftftftftftft ft ft ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««O ftftftftftftftftftOftftftftftftftMMftftftfttftftHftM ♦< H I THE motor union CsJ? J?* Jh, Z H 1 INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED II iaNT 1 8 i:
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    • 17 1 H. TOKISATSU STUDIO, with up-to-ckte Photo* gr&phy by electric light, ’Phone 772, 63, 70. Biihop Street, PENANG.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1142 2 POSITIONS VACANT. NOTICES. 1 7 BERNARD SHAW says -Life is Wanted: Telephone Linesman able Jdris Hydraulic Tin Limited •I II unnecessarily troubled and occasion* I take charge of telephones, must be ex- [Incorporated in England,] a ll y wrecked because we have no I perienced. Apply Hydraulic Iatan, technique of
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    • 1143 2 BANKS. the mercantile bank of INDIA, LIMITED. jMMBBijftftb (Incorporated in England.) Authorised Capital £3,600,0 0 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 g Paid-up 1,050,000 B .-/x Beserve Fund Undivided Profits £1,612,000 I JragHj. Board of Directors- B 4 1 J. M. Ryrie. Esq (Chairman), p R Chai- I jfgL me’s. Esq. <’hailes J
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  • 480 3 i DOCTOR GIVES ADVICE O Is it worth while for the busy business man to take a holiday Is the worry of the preliminary preparation, and anxiety whether things will be all right in his absence, going to be more than counterbalanced by any benefit
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  • 193 3 MR. BEX TURNER PUZZLED. Mr. Ben Turner is apparently puzzled to know why he, a cloth weaver, should be Secretary for Mines. Addressing an Independent Labour Party Summer School at Welwyn, he said: “Of course I am a clotjr weaver, having had nothing to do
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  • 69 3 When a motor driver was called to give evidence at a Hackney inquest on a boy, who was killed by a car he was driving, he turned to the coroner and said: “Not guilty The Coroner (Dr. Edwin Smith). “Don’t get the wind-up, as some people say.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 ii I k Extra Strength /II in trying climates Z I /CONSTANT heat drains r II your energy mosquitoes P are poisoning your blood. Extra I/ strength is needed to stand the > debilitating influence of the climate. Sanatogen will give you that, it will enable you to keep healthy
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    • 188 3 •a w Vi 4/ WL Heahh <* *F W W 3 a moderate v*H tt 'fit climate brought V» A J to ibc tropic». Kalzana puts I backbone into boys! A CHILD from three t» thirteen year» needs aa muc.i Calcium a day as two grown men, for the child,
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    • 121 3 THE COLUMBIA PORTABLE CHALLENGES THE WORLD •Wi» 2g®L I Model 109a Model 112a $35.00 $47.00 No Portable Gramophone Is So Good Test Compare. ffBMM KnaM©<<lm *K' OTPXTAXT <- < T aVS PAT ENT frs>_ jg> <•> r. Canvas Bags J TTy J Size. 19’ by 19’ by 24” j F--J
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  • 921 4 PFiAo invented Blue Ribbcn of the Turf"? WE find phrase-makers among the unlikeliest people. No one could accuse the father of the Brontes of being an unduly comfortable or comforting individual. Yet he it was who, when told he was on the point of death,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 I >O\ /*/a y I V~-;- *K I I [hg j I Foods The ‘Allenburys Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of babies* in hot climates. They are s h germ free, and being simply and easily prepared H I by the addition of boiling water, their use gives
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    • 99 4 Qive jHaby Strength t' When breast-feeding fails S a substitute must be found that will be as rich and nourishing as natural milk. The most perfect substitute is Mellin’s Food. Mixed as directed it con- >/ tains all the constituents °f Mother’s Milk and is Cz J ust as digestible.
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    • 327 4 E Parker an I IntcrnotioBMl Success llgpl The Pen with Pressureless Touch Non Breakable Barrels anywhere, under all climates, j an d y° u Parker Duofolds writI ij|l| ii I;: jj ing the languages of the world. M Millions of users choose this master pen b I III for its
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  • 1361 5 Six For Arsenal. Merthyr Town Swamped By Brentford. Morton’s Quartette, London, September 14. HE following are the results of English and Scottish League matches played pn Saturday DIVISION 1. Arsenal 6 Burnley 1 Aston Villa 1 Sheffield W. 3 Blackburn R. 4 Grimsby T. 1
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  • 298 5 Draft Protocol. ADOPTED BY LEAGUE ASSEMBLY. CHINA’S RESOLUTION. Geneva, September 15. The Assembly, amid general applause, adopted the draft protocol relating to the adherence of the United States to the statute of the Permanent Court of Internatioral Justice. It also adopted by 32 votes to 15
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  • 163 5 IM POS ING FUN ERA L. Tue funeral of the late Mr*». L?m Eng Hooi (nee Tan Chooi Chit Neoh) wife of Mr. Lim Eng Hooi, Managing Director, Georgetown Motor Garage Limited, Penang, took place yesterday morning and was largely attended. A long profession
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  • 82 5 PERAK SPORTSMAN TRANSFERRED. Loss io Perak. Mr. E. H. S. Bretherton, Assistant Inspector of Schools. Purak, is shortly to be transferred to Pahang to act as Inspector of Schools. He has represented Pt r»k in Malaya Cup match's and in European state s >ccer, besides being a
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  • 61 5 Sept. 21—Inter District Hockey—S.Perak v N. Perak at Ipob. Rugger Ipoh v L. Perak at Teluk Anson. 27— Boy Scouts! Con cert: Ipoh Town Hall. 28— Boy Scouts Concerl: Ipoh Town Hall. Rugger: S ate Trial at Ipob. Oct. 5—Rutger: Ipoh v I, Perak a
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  • 809 5 Mr. P. A. B. McKerron has been s canded for service under the G,v?rn ment of Brunei. Mr. D.H. Hampshire, i« expected to arrive in Malaya by the due early in November. Mrs. D. Graham» of Te’uk Anson, left by mail train on Friday for Kuala Lumpur
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 924 5 s.s. ORDINANCE NO. 137 A (LABOUR) AND THE LABOUR CODE» 1623. PERRIHS EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN HHB «LAxfvJCJXw* Iff If* re hereby remtedcd that aaMMMBl m«n* Kb for the preceding quarter must be aant to THE DINING TABLE lb® O® ce ot the Deputy Controller of Labour. COD FVCDV AffACIAkl Malaya,
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  • 728 6 Deeply Interested. Reduction Not Merely Limitation Wanted. Relative Strength Table. Japanese naval circles are deeply interested in the report *of a proposed hive Power ?\aval Conference to be held in December as an outcome of the Anglo-American conversations but no official confirmation of the
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  • 139 6 SILVER DOLLAR REV OVED FROM STOMAf H. New York, September 14. A navel veterinary operation was performed at a cat and deg h'me at Great Falls, Montane, ricrntly. A surgeon operated oi a deg for the removal of a silver dollar from its stomach. The opera 1
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  • 121 6 PRIDE IN PRESERVING ANCIENT PALACES OF CHINA. Peking, September 14. General Chiang the Nationals President, baa prinPeed to g*ve£6, 000 from his private purse, as a c< n ribntion to restoring the deteriorated palaces in the old Forbidden City of tie Mar ch up, The President paid
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  • 356 6 BOLD SPEECH. FOREIGN ADHERENTS OF FASCISM. WORLD-WIDE INTEREST. Signor Mursolini recently resigned six Ministeries and created under secretaries as Ministers. In a speech at Rome he said that this did not mean that he was any less an absolute ruler. The Fascist Party, he declared, was becoming
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  • 87 6 Sept. 16—Moonlight Bind at the Esplanade—8 30 to 10.30 p.m. Sept. 17—Penang Assizes open, Quarterly Meeting of the L cencing Justices—District Court, 2.30 p.m. 20— Singapore Amateur Race Mee ing. 21 Singapore Amateur Rice Meeting. Kedah and Province Ass ciation annial golf meeting, Caledonia Course, Nobung Tebal. 22—
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  • 275 6 Are you pale and weak, tired most of the time, out of breath on slight exertion Are you nervous, is your sleep disturbed so that rest does not refresh you 1 Is your appetite poor, your digestion weak, and do you have pains after
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 504 6 'a ■’-j 11 jl l[a ■■•«sssse?’.»® RAIN. Q»B RAIN. w W\» Don’t be unprepared. y| Jg£ If That hcaVy Showei I Weather like the pre- JBSfr >> m t come on any I sent emphasises this rgL jffir >/^ timc now anti catc h I fact to you. you unawares!
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  • 776 7 LOCAL VOLUNTEERS ENGAGED. GENERAUS INSPECTION: SUC-E'SFUL OPERATIONS. MAJOR General Prichard, Genera) Officer Commanding the 1ro»ps in Malaya, yesterday inspected the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corns, this being his annual inspection, in the course of which an interesting scheme was carried out on Glugor Estate.
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  • 647 7 EIGHT COUNSEL ENGAGED. Judgment in Mohd. Noordin Litigation. Tn the Supreme Court this morninjfMr. Justice Sproule delivered judgment in the Matter of trusts created by a Deed of Settlement dated the 16th day of May 1886 and made by Mohamed Noordin, deceased. The parties directly named
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  • 79 7 To-daj- at the E<planade at 8 30 p.m. 1 March The Little Drummer Dowell 2 Overture Banditeustieiche Suppe 3 A Southern Sketch '‘Way Down Carolina’’ Lestrange 4 Widtz Wein, Weib Und G<-6 mg Straus-s 5 Prelude and Mazurka fro n “< oppelia” Delibes 6 A Princess of
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  • 315 7 Some Statistics. SUCCESSFUL I RAINERS AVD JOCKEYS. MCPHERSON AND BILLET. Below will be found the principal winning j ckeys and succ'tsful riiners of the Singapore Meeting concluded on Saturday. After the extraordinarily successful time he had at Ijo", Penang and Taiping Soencer has taken a back
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  • 227 7 CRUELTY TO FOWLS. Inspector Reddick charged Kotar S ngb, a Panjabi be f or-i Mr. F K. Wilson, the P«dice Mag’S rate, to-day, with criminal breach of oust in resp-ci of two buln cks valued 100 at Sungei Pioang, the property ot Nigar Sit gh, Tbeaccos-id
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  • 326 7 BUSH BROTHERHOOD, GALLP0L1 AND POT IE RIES. The Rev. Mazzini Tron, D. S. O., M 0., h3s been offered and has accepted ih-* living of St. Chau’s. Wolverhampton. He ha* been vicar cf St. Luke’?, Hanley, for the past years, and has had
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  • 153 7 ACCUSED ACQUITTED. When Inspector Blakesly charged ChinabScmv with theft of a gold bracelet valued $15/ in the Penang Police Court to-day the accuse 1 wanted a pjstponem°nt. His Worsh’p, however, allow *d tte frisec alien to goon with the examination ot the c unplainant. Sonndaram, Tamil woman
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  • 179 7 TO AUSTRALIA AND RACK: FLIGHT DEFERRED. The Ga9z«tte rxs'udvely stated the other day that Capta n 8 vino, of the Italian Navy, was due at any moment in in lhe course < f his fliKh- from Inly to Australia. Tne airman’s ambition was to flv from Ita'y
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 I Manufacturers of Every Description of I Surgical and Mechanical India Rubber Products. R Syringes, Water Bottles and Beds Air ESTD. 1847. Cushions, Enemas, Bed Sheetings, Teats, I Tubing, Valves, Washers, Railway Goods, Ci Electrical Gloves, etc. g la flj" Catalogues of Surgical or Sports Rubber H Products sent on
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    • 235 7 Singapore Cold Storage Co», Ltd», PENANG. iJ if I Suggestions 7or 3% Gold Tsiffin: Roast Leg Pork 1 /I Pressed Salt Pork N j Pressed Brisket Beef II 1 If Bologna Sausage j Windsor Sausage I Brawn Sausage 9 Phone 602 mat rr 1 J*- iqc, -A. *J. ’Mk yr
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 47 7 1111IM V Al RE TO-NICHT TILL WEDNESDAY, 18th. At 9-30 p m. A FIRST NATIONAL BRITISH PRODUCTION ANNY ONDRA in “EILEEN of the TREES” 8 Reels. And New Comedy. AT 7-30 p.m. MOLLY O’DAY in **The Shepherd Of The Hills” 8 Reels. Harold Bel! Wrights Best Seller.
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  • 505 8 Presumably because no one can suggest a practical use for it Prai Wharf, which cost mil’ions of dollars to construct and which is regarded as one of the finest pieces of work of its kind in the world, has never been included in the discussions regarding
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  • 130 8 BRITISH DELEGATION SAILS. London, September 15. Lord and L<»dy Hulaham left Southamp ton yesterday for Japan. Lord Hailsham is cha r nan of the British Delegation to the biennial conference of the Institute of Pacific Relatior s. Several members of the delegation sailed in the same
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  • 107 8 RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY. Bombay, September 15. Drastic action against Communists in Bombay and also the institution outside I Bombay of a settlement for Bombay hooligans on the lines of the Borbta* Institutions in England are the main recommendations of the Bombay Rots Enquiry Committee, which investigated
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  • 1038 8 ■yLL is quiet on the Tin LJ Front. The Tin Produ- t 4 ceis’ Association is n«»wan established fact with its leaders and its council of eminent expert-. So far as we are a war* nothing else has eventuated There is no more talk of restriction of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 86 8 o* /ZW P TM7 K Z V iLr 6 ///jf/// 9 /W7 r A Z' i o-Z./ i i O Jz 7 zA" J7 < <Z Xk»'****'*****'*** <■ M I THE TALK OF THE TOWN. McCoy’s Tablets. SEE “FIFI” NOW! Huttenbach, Lazarus Sons Ltd., S. S. F. M. S. Ill
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    • 72 8 E. O. SPECIAL NOTICE. Every Sunday meriting our Salon Orchestra will play from 11-15. Why not enjoy ycur morning refreshers to pleasing music I LIPTON’S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. Runnymede Hotel Limited. (Incorporated in the S. S.) Overlooking the S*a. Largest Ballroom (Wed. and Sit. Evening Dress).
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 50 8 ACK NOW LED IM ENT. Mr. L'm E ig Hooi b gi to thank all there kind friends and relatives who attended the funeral of bis beloved wife yesterday, sent wreaths, scroll,, banners, Utters an<i telegrams of condolence and ako thofl* who kindly lent their motor cars for the occasion.
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  • 367 9 First 1 roops Leave. HIGH OF BRITISH ARMY. UNBLEMISHED RECORD. The first of the British troops hare left the Rhine under the evacuation scheme. General Sir William Thwaites pays a tribute to their record in his farewt ll order. The last of the British troops wl
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  • 156 9 QUEER ROBBERY: THIEF STEALS HOUSE. Ba te. Montana, September 14. Montana always had the reputation of being “tough”. Gattie thieving, motor car banditry, child abduction and arson are common diversions of the populace. But Montana has live i up to its reputation with one of the queerest robberies
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  • 72 9 HURRICANES* VICTORY. New York, September 15. in the final of the United Sta k es Open Polo Championship the Hurricanes beat Bandspoint by 11 goals to 7. The holders. Meadowbrook, did not compe.e. The teams were;— 27ur rl canes—Stephen Sanford, Captain Roark (the only non-American), Watson Webb
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  • 270 9 I CONFERENCE RECOMMENDATIONS. TWO YEARS UNPRODUCTIVE 01 RESULTS. SERVICE OF MARKETS. I The President of the Board of Trade, in a speech at Oxford, I said that much practical progress towards freer trade could be I made even though a United States of Europe might, at
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  • 120 9 AT HAICHOW. Peking, September 15. The Norwegian Legation has received news that the steamer Atfnia was pirated at H flchow cn September 12. The Botnia grounded on a bar and the pirates attacked th° helpless ship and seized Caotain Haaland and Chief Off cer Woeterbein, demand irg
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  • 115 9 STATEMENT BY LONDON DELEGATE TO CONFDRENCE. Montreal, September 14. “You are having a lot of wastrels put on you. It is not fair to Canada. G rls and men are being sent out here who can never be anything but a hindrance. It is a shame.”
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  • 121 9 STATEMENT BY BOROUGH ENGINEER. Naw York, Septemper 14. New York could be without rain for 300 dajs before i'S water supply would be threatened. This statement was nude by Mr, Patrick Qailty, Borough Engineer of Manhattan, while commenting on serious droughts
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  • 253 9 Keen Interest. I POSSIBLE FLIGHT 10 INDIA. SHED TESTS. If the Home trials of lhe giant British airship 11 101 are successful they will be followed by a flight to India. The B 100 will undergo important flight trials at Cardington. The largest airships ever launched
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  • 75 9 “JOURNEY’S END.” London, September 15. Arrangements have been made for the world broadcast of the famous war play, ‘‘Journey’s End” on the evening of Armistice Day from the short wave experimental station 5 S. W. at Chelmsford. All other stations in England will simultaneously broadcast
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  • 48 9 INVITATION ACCEPTED. London, September 15. Reports from Moscow state that the Soviet Government has accepted the British invitation to send an envoy to London to discusi the resumption of Anglo Russian diplomatic relations. The envov win rrobablv arrive on September 24. Rugby Radio Service-
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  • 64 9 NEXT MONTH. London September 15. Lord Irwin, Governor General of India, and Lady Irwin, who will conclude their holiday in England next month will leave London on October 10 for Marseilles en route for Bombiy. On arrival Lord Irwin will resume the Viceroyality of India
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  • 47 9 TILDEN’S VICTORY. Foresthill, September 14, W.T. Tilden won the American Lawn Tennis Champion hip f or the seventh time, heading Hunter 3—6. 6—?, 4—6, 6—2, 6—4. This is the first occasion on wh ch the pair have m»-t in the American c fi—l.— Reuter»
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  • 243 9 OWNERS’ SCHEME. OUTPUT AND SILLING PRICES. NATIONAL CONTROL. In the event of the coal owners’ 'final decision being in the hands of the Government next month it is proposed to introduce legislation into the House of Commons in November. The legislation will deal with hours and
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  • 262 9 CC? FINAL. (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, September 14. The football season in Taiping is fast approaching its end. All but four of the I League fixtures have been played off, but I it was a foregone conclusion that the Perak Club would be rhe champions
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  • 154 9 SATURDAY’S HOCKEY MATCH. In a hockey match played on the Ipoh Catho'io Club ground on Saturday, the Horne's of Taiping defeated the Catholic Club by the odd goal of three. The visitors played with better combi" nation but although they attacked on several occasions in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 396 9 IM IM HI IMi I I mgSMMMKaaaMgBBBMaeu— I 1 tf MH Mil III 11V M ill Si I I I Mjauwii iilr BHmmuhI r MOUTRIE Style II I THE PERFECT IANO FOR ENANG A»K US FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd., «5? c> i" .a LIPS SAFES I a
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  • 725 10 MARKET REPORT. I enang, Monday. Conditions in the Share Market show little change ft rom those of the preceding week and with speculators and investors adopting “a wait and see policy it only rtquiresa little sustained impiovement in the commodity and the me al to infuse fresh
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  • 67 10 {Rugby Radio Phbvicb.) London, September 14, Paris. 123 895; N ew Yorh 4.84VBrussels, 34.875 Geneva, 25 165; AlumMiUn 92 70 Berlin, S0.36: Stockholm, 18.10, Copenhaann 18.21a 0.1" 18.205 Vienna. 31 43 ’n 3l; B l n otB. 1925:, 108.20: Atbeua, 375: Bucharest 817 Rin 5S Bneno. Air,<
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    • 201 10 RUBBER report. Singapore, September 13. Spot remains unchanged at 34 cents and the trice has varied but slightly during the past week. A reduction in Dealers’ stocks of Blankets was the main difference in the published Colony stocks at the end of which were re duced from
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    • 188 10 Singapoie, S-’ptt mber 12. The local market has been quiet throughout the week, but with a rather firmer undertone. To-day’s cables quote London down 1-161 it 10.3 161 and New Ymk down cent g r ld at 20i gold. Bjth Markets close I below b a st, but
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    • 68 10 Penang, September 16, 1929, By Courtesy of Chartered Bank On London Bank Demand 2/3 H/I6 4 m/st 2/3 7/8 Private 3 m/et Credit 2/4 13/32 3 Documentary 2 4 15/32 O.i New York Bank Demand 55| France T.T. 1,420 India T.T. lUfe Bangkok T.T. 80| Batavia T.T. 139| Singapore
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    • 175 10 The following c mpara’ive s‘atement nf the total value < f foreign merchandise, ex eluding parcel post, imported to and exported from British Maliyaduring 1928 and 1929. is forwarded by the acting Registrar General of Statistics. Imports. (In tl ouearcs of dcPars Increase or 1928 1929
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    • 215 10 Penang, September 16. 1929. cts. Benares Opium p. chest nom 5,0'0.00 C oveg 90.00 Gold leaf sellers 72.00 Mace Pickings nom 170 00 1 Nutmegs 80s 70.00 HOs 60.00 Cocoanuts per 1,000 50.0b Copra Sundried sales 9 Rattans sales 11.15 Rattans Coarse M 10.60 Green Snail Shells 13.00
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    • 150 10 British Malaya Exports of Para (exclnsive of ht?x) rubber for the month of August 1929, as tbolarM British Continent of Uni’ed States J wan Other 'fWai United K’ngdom Possesions Ecu ooh of Amerca Onnntrka T ta Qa.nt.tie. V.>oc Qnan- Vain, Q,,n- V.ltt. Quo. Value Q,.n- V.lae Qaan-
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    • 1220 10 KENNEDY Co'. SHARE LIST. NAMES. I gg I I Ui r— RUBBER [Doling.] o 3 e 9 c Allenby Rabbet Co 2 25 2 50 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 CO 1 89 Amalgamated Malay Estates 3 20 3 40 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 3 25 3 61 Ayer Kunlng
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    • 97 10 The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY A- Co’a share list at 11 a.m. to day b Saturday. To day. 2 E E SHARES. S D oa tn cq oq to. Sc. S e. Ic. Robber (Dollar). Brunei U. 5.00 5.25 5.00 5.25 cum Tapah
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    • 51 10 TO-DAY'S QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Sellers. Tin. Ayer Hitams 14/ J 4/6 Haad Yais 9/6 lo/ Puchonga 26/3 26/9 Ratruts 19/ 19/6 Southern Malayans 16/6 17/ Kintas 1 75 1.77| M. Consolidatecs .54 .56 Norths .84 .86 Penawats 1.05 1.07| Rahmans 1.'8 1.60 S. Luas .40 p. Talama 1.54
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    • 75 10 TO-DAY’S QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Sellers. Tin. Batu Caves 1.40 1 45 Hong Fatts .79 .81 Huey Yots (Pref) 21/6 22/3 Jelapai gg 21/9 22/3 c. Kampongs 23/9 24.6 cum Kintas 1.75 1.774 Muang (Prefs) 22/6 23/3 Puchongs 26/6 27/3 Renong Consols. 23/3 24/ S. Luag .40 p. Talams
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    • 83 10 TO DAY’S QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Se lers. Mini: g, Bmgrins 35/6 36/ Hoad Yais 9/9 10/3 Huey Yots Pref 21/ 22/ Jelapangs 21/6 22/ c. Kinta Dredges 1.724 1.754 Kuchais 1.52£ .1 55 j Kuyohs .15 .20 Lukuts 1.924 L97i Muang (Prefs) 22/3 23/ M. C'UihoIh. .52 .54
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 333 10 New Advertisements. POSITION WANTED. By an <xoere c*d I dian an Clerk o Conductor, or Factory Clerk < r 3D y contr<r c atood r**f*-rn< f r imn y diate e gagemn t; 15 yetis’ ex 1Q Rubber hdiatea pieas» rrply lo s.V o 76, McAlister Lane, Penang. NOTICES. NOTICE
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  • 43 11 'YACHT RACING is not confined to Ck W.f. Toe start of a race at S mhen i-on-Sea, where the young own- ra er j y the thrill of the sport in spite of the small size cf their craft.
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  • 734 11 False Returns. ATTEMPT TO DEFRAUD THE CHARTERED BANK. Shanghai, August 29FOUND guilty on two out of three charges in II. M. Supreme Court before Judge G. W. King and a jury consisting of Messrs- W. B. Anderson. W. IT. Gouldbourne, AV. Gater, J. B. Watson, and M.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 I I f < 11 1kUX wRji i <w J=k IBtn i iPrlL CFRurrq T( saline J x.ti i ctx rTMX yy Jn I iA- -pA ji v*-T r*A >tr* i 2H Kl 1 HTHIS preparation contains the natural medicind s 1 principles of the Grape and Lemon. B It
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    • 171 11 I When food makes 1 I no appeal! I B A failing appetite is one of Nature’s B K danger signals. It is a warning that all is S not well with your digestion—that your X 9 system is not freeing itself punctually B and thoroughly of its daily waste.
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  • 1521 12 Lord George Sanger J. R- Whitley ~ir Ray Lankester. By the RT. HON. T. P. O’CONNOR, P C., J/. {SUPPOSE I am one of the few people who remember Lord George Sanger. I ftgver knew why he assumed that title; but he did; and people universally
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  • 15 12 —A ne xplaca ticnof an anti aircraft gun cn (he "Cer taur.”
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 369 12 OR L E Ledgers 150,200,300, 400 and boo pa g with double Cash Columns EDGERS of 146, 242, 314 page» Singe Cash Column £ASli Boo< 4 100, 160 and 200 folios JOURNALS < pages INUTE hiuii 2 3 and Squire MINUTE Books of 2 and 4 quires witl Index and
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    • 302 12 JJLi^Mr 1 i I !11 ...•■uiiin!;!... ĕ ‘i x i i I/ i -ft 111 jt j i i i .ft'" I i ftQW i ftr H i -J fl I I Iz- I I i I i BgaaggfeM*» «B» I WtiiBiCI I y wiiV/'A'.■: 1 b |i I WoffR.
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  • 526 13 IRreljdeaeo-' i < Xsrousers: Man wild Xsdree JXands A REVIEWER has been pointing out some interesting errors in Susan Ertz’s new novel “The Galaxy’" (Hodder and Stoughton, 7s. 6d The book depends for its atmosphere largely on skilfully interwoven paragraphs hitting off the recent history of England
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 249 13 Zox’ SKIN TROUBLES —saw OF THIS CLIMATE t-v> w,. iMiag!yiiaLaafe^Kcaa?3fca. l g ibs y& :3 Germolene is excellent for all skin troubles, and is especially 3 adapted for use in hot climates. Use it for pimples, ringworm, Srg. mosquito bites, insect stings, for r < festering wounds, and for all
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    • 112 13 ST?? ■'r*-ryT* O GcrrtLinJ- tggL™ v <-190 r W 1 WMdfe) There is nothing more welcome on a hot day, when Old Sol seems determined to shrivel you up, than a glass of Montserrat. This delicious Lime Juice makes a good thirst a thing to be treasured I ‘monkerrct mi
      112 words
    • 167 13 at' w **s. *^^L>^BsW s <<-*%^'I I i, IC-JB» «te'WPy «r^ r> w ?W L /Jgf? V V V'%u z -< <O MBa o®«liBillOBW W- R£F V -W" v<$^^ 4 si Y. X' ':> >T«1 W r > W I r— I M *t< x X b\ JSBw&X s JJSgyhjt
      167 words

  • 334 14 NICHE TO ELLEN TERRY, Sprigs Of Rosemary From Her Garden. Sprigs of rosemary—‘that’s for remembrance” —were given to ev*ry one ot the congregation entering Sc. Fam’d C'hnrcb, Covent Garden for the service of enshrinement of the silver casket containing the of Dame Ellen Terry in
    334 words
  • 274 14 YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENT BY NATIONAL TRUST. During the year 1928 29. annual subscribers to the National Trust, for the first time in the Trust’s history, totalled over 1,000, The year, states the thirty-fourth annual report, wes a wonderful one. Some of the properties acquired are among the most
    274 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 313 14 I ARISTO I RED LINE g (motor OILS.) S s I 4 1S' it s 1 Wa1?1. I e-jlt*! M 1 1 iMtaffT 0 =E I i as I IlnpWwM 1 r s I “h I! I 1 fo e KI7-Wi m 2 Wl'nSl 1 r S= I 5 Um»W»<SM.
      313 words
    • 95 14 TOO OLD TIRED-OUT MEN Too old, tired-out men, lacking vigour and vitality, your trouble is a blood trouble. The kidneys are failing to keep the blood stream pure, thus poisons and waste matter accumulate. The impure, sluggish blood makes you tired, weak and lacking in the vim and vigour to
      95 words
    • 228 14 I Grand Hotel Brastagi I (4,800 FEET ABOVE SEA-LEVEL). t T J TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: 1 Brastagi Hotel, Brastagi. Grand Hotel Brastagi, Brastagi, T 4* Sumatra E C T All Telegraphic enquiries must be sent reply paid. T T Unique health resort in the Sumatra Highlands. BRACING AIR EXTENSIVE
      228 words

  • 583 15 CHOWRASTA MARKET. I Penang, September 16, 1929. M ttton S rl Mutton Indian M per lb 55 Head Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart inn« do 1.50 Tripe do 100 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 43 Buet 40 Kidney p&ir 31 Feet
    583 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 243 15 KLOSTER BEER i %iaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicj% s f Fl I I rf I fl J*™ 4fM 1 TE I I atrial S 1 WILL DRINK s 1 1 fl& i CONVINCE OF THE k s E i YOU EAST. 1 tHW™ 3 1 1 s SSmSkS I I I I .j i
      243 words
    • 115 15 S T’GRAMS “KYJ.PA” ’PHONE 1373. ■‘DICK’S” I Asbestos Packing I I sand Jointing for I I Superheated and High Pressure I I Steam and Hydraulic. I I All Grades and lypes in Stock. 1 OBTAINABLE FROM KYLE, PALMER CO., LTD., j I 46/48, Beach Street, PENANG. I I Abo at
      115 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1278 16 "Wt mjĔWNNEL LIN— CT HAMBURG.AMERIKALINIE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. OHf! PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES. WEEKLY SERVICE, LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. t tAMrnnv c,,,.»- T cndon, Rotterdam end Uambmg. PIHI OOTCTES Lt. 26 M mrtillw. M >». Ro’-terd.m and H .mbnrg OUTWARDS. Due Singapore 5 HECTOR 0R O°£ 10 F.r Po
      1,278 words
    • 598 16 P. O.-BRITISH INDIA and apcar lines (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES, Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under con- Bombay-China Service to Sinnanore ru tract with His Majesty’s Government, London an j and Far East Mail Service. H Outwards from London for China and Japan. Kalvftn
      598 words