Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 May 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 422 1 ■jriOKISATSIT STUDIO, ivith up-to-date Photo» paphy by electric light, ’Phone 772» 68, 70, Bishop Street, PENANG. w_. —aaMgai Il Maw bk| m MKjal 9 j3£i| B B If 6» I jf ZII/VA SS TWELVE CORNER BENT rX B principle of coixstru ctioix. Before you buy a Car and insist on
      422 words
    • 15 1 T. NAGATA BROTHERS. DENTISTS, i Head .Office next to the Dispensary. OfficeJ2, u Leith Street
      15 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1963 2 TENDERS INVITED. NOTICES. BANK». M'NISHS Tender, are invited for the Erection Chemical Diamonds. CHiNA.'*’ flß| SPECIAL J’oSon.oMt’hMay I R Hardn I Charter 1851) II I scotch whisky p iana and msy T I o ZS| Li IL* I i PR 1 "The Whisky you ask for again". Rs. stoßs 10
      1,963 words

  • 608 3 “JUJU” OF THE GOLD COAST. Crime Magic and Suttee. Strange tales of murder by magic on the Gold Coast, of how Eskimos ate the liver of a priest whom they Lad killed for his rifle, are told in the Police Journal just published. Unvarnished accounts
    608 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 g" Iw^r a Bewitching Appeal fl Kw, Your Face Powder should not only protect jjg and preserve your skin, but should delight M/ you with its quality and perfume and fBM enhance the subtle appeal of your whole h|l/ ensemble. M. Bourjois, Paris, who has spent a lifetime gg producing
      279 words
    • 42 3 An advertisement in the Pinang Gazette is a tireless salesman. It talks business all the time. It tells your story to potential customers far more efficiently than a commercial traveller. A dvertising in the pinang Gazette is the cheapest method of salesmanship.
      42 words
    • 350 3 Don’t know the pleasure you are missing being I without Music. I I’ < i t/ b MRIS Garters m\ i L R < No Metal Can Touch Yon The choice of the well- I H dressed man everywhere. ■H' Unsurpassed durability, ex- jgl treme comfort and a vari- A
      350 words

  • 592 4 an ancient system. Difficult Task For Scientists. SKY-GAZING men, even in the dim and distant past, must have observed recurrences in cloud formations, as if the condensed vapour that hangs about the earth had only a limited number of moulds in which to shape itself. But
    592 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 Gi owing Children laJ req Hire constant observation even when in apparent good health. Y Proper food, well digested, is essential. Their diet should be dyUp &fj S augmented by 3 zz •‘"‘KEPLER’ u RK Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract Contains active Vitamins A, B and D Bottles of
      195 words
    • 29 4 Pinang Gazette small advertisements have no holiday season they work all the time. If you have anything to sell let the Pinang Gazette bring it to the open market.
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    • 147 4 L NESTLE AND ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. k :I? > E 11 c THE LAMP OF KNOWLEDGE (7 0 3 PRACTICAL experience is famous reputation of the Nestle tke best teacher in every Company. branch of education. If you have not yef tried this < The k lowle ge of
      147 words

  • 637 5 PARLIAMENT to vote a SPECIAL GRANT. PHYSICIANS’ FEES. £3,000 For Purified Air. It is possible that Parliament will make grant to cover the immense expense attendant upon the illm ss of King George, lord Dawson of Penn in a recent statement in the House of
    637 words
  • 263 5 LIFE IN A TOWER. One of the quaintest little homesteads in London is to be found at «be battersea end of Ch' lsea Bridge, where Mr. Edwin May, a pensioned employee of Cnelsea Council, will shortly complete 25 years of residence. Mr. May’s home is one
    263 words
  • 120 5 a 3 Fancy Dress Ball and Carnival at Drill Hall, Peel Avenue, y 15 p.m. Municipal Band at the Esplanade p,m Turf Club Spring Meeting. J- W. C. A. Jumble Sale at the town Hall at 4.30 p.m. nniversary of the Accession of King George V 1910. -Singapore
    120 words
  • 259 5 NEW LIGHT ON EARL HAIG. Astonishing revelations concerning Earl ig and a bitter attack on Mr. Lloyd George are the outstanding features of a biography of Earl Haig by Brig Gen. John Cbarteris, which was published on April 20. Brig.-Gen. Charteris sees Earl Haig
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  • 173 5 THERE IS IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND COMFORT FOR AILING LITTLE ONES IN Baby’s Own TabletsThe health of infants and little children is subject to rapid changes, and prudent parents should not delay corrective treatment at the first sign of feverishness oV other indications that their child
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  • 645 5 Mr. Bennett Eyre Shaw is leaving Home this week end. The Rev. P. Browning, Chaplain of Faiping, and Mrs. browning are on a visit to Bangkok. Mr. I. Ogg, of Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates, Malacca, who is well-known in Malacca sporting circles, is going Homo on leave
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  • 43 5 To-day at the Esplanade at 6 p m. 1. March With the British Colours Bion 2. Overture Pique Dame Suppe 3. Polka Pierrot Megone 4. Reminiscences of (Sullivan Winterbottom 5. Ftx Trot My Inspiration is You Nicholls God Save The King.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 734 5 New Advertisements. Ann no r < 3 i 1 POSITION VACANT. J lw 1 1 Applications for tbe p< nt of Temporary Overseer, Grade III with salary of $95 mensem plus 15 per cent, temporary (r j \\\U\IVI //y -7 al Iowa- ce and motor cycle allowance of $35 per
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  • 415 6 Anti-Communist Movements. Drastic Measures To Stamp Out Trade Unionism. Exclusive To The Pinang Gazette.” More than 100,000 Chinese workers and peasants have been executed during the past year in the “white terror” instituted against Communist movements in China, according to the report of Mr.
    —British United Press.  -  415 words
  • 328 6 United Press. Appeal From Kandy. FOR RETURN OF CROWN AND CORONATION CHAIR. NATIONAL RELICS. Colombo, May 2. Apetition has been addressed to King George by the Maha Jana Sabha (the Public Association of Kandy, Ceylon) for the return to the Singhalese people of the crown
    United Press.  -  328 words
  • 23 6 FLEET SPORT. The start of a whalers’ race in an interval of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Fleets* manoeuvres.
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  • 156 6 NEW LAW AMBIGUOUS. IPOH SOLICITOR CHARGED: CASE DISMISSED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 3. AN interesting case under the new Vehicles Enactment came up for hearing at the local court yesterday, when Mr. Lewis, an advocate of Messrs Adams and Allan, was charged with failing to
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  • 93 6 A Repudiation. A report has appeared in the Press connecting the name of Sarkies Brothers with certain Bankruptcy proceedings pending in Singapore. We are asked to point out that this report is totally untrue and that the only partner* of Sarkies Brothers are Mr. Arshak Sarkies and
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  • 79 6 University Air Squadron.— Rugby Radio Service. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY M.P. London, May 2. Sir Geoffrey Bntler, the Member of Parliament for Cambridge University, died in a London nursing home to-day. He recently announced that because of illness he would not stand at the coming election. In
    University Air Squadron.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  79 words
  • 58 6 —Reuter, TRIAL OF FAMOUS BANDITS ENDS. Termini Imeres(S oily), May 2. After nine months’ proceedings the trial of the Mafia gang of bandits ha? ended. Out of the 161 accused, 150 were sentenced to the maximum period of 23 years’ imprisomment. The jury took a week to
    .—Reuter,  -  58 words
  • 169 6 Singapore Inquest. FOUND HANGING IN BATHROOM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 3. At the Coroner’s Court, yesterday, an inquest was held on a Chinese lady, Koh Geok Bee, who was found hanging by a skipping rope in the bathroom of her residence on April
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  • 143 6 and clears a muddy complexion.— British United Press, REJUVENATING THE SKIN. Berlin, May 2. A new elixir which is said to give doubtful complexions the bloom of youth and to restore to the skin its capacity for perfect functioning has been discovered. It is
    and clears a muddy complexion.—British United Press,  -  143 words
  • 89 6 1.600 nils north of Edmonton. British United Press. FOUR DAYS’ JOURNEY. Winnipeg, May 2. Furs from animals caught near th Arctic Circle were transported in four days by aeroplane to Winnipeg for auction. The trip, which formerly took three or four months was made
    1.600 nils north of Edmonton.— British United Press.  -  89 words
  • 81 6 nd committed suicide.— British United Press, ACCIDENTAL SHOT LEADS TO SUICIDE. Madrid, May 2. Jumping to conclusions proved literally fatal to a resident of the town of Santa Cruz de la Zirza. With another man he was examining a revolver which accidentally discba ged. His sister who
    nd committed suicide.—British United Press,  -  81 words
  • 275 6 —British United Press, SAFETY IN THE AIR. BRITISH TOO EFFICIENT IN WAR. Washington, May 2. IN adapting the aeroplane safety device of the “slotted wing,” invented by the British firm f Handley Page Ltd., to fighting machines, the United States Navy Bureau of Aeronautics has
    .—British United Press,  -  275 words
  • 73 6 —British United Press. WEARERS TO BE ARRESTED. Peking, May 2. More than 2000 men have cut off their pig-tails and 300 womeu have unbound their feet in Peking. These figures are given bv the Custom Reform Commission of the Offije of Public Welfare. S x months were
    .—British United Press.  -  73 words
  • 67 6 (reaßßv Radio Sbrvicb.) London, May 2. Paris. 124.175; New York ’4.85H; Brussels, 34 95 Geneva. 25 19 Amt12.07 Milan, 92.625; Berlin, Stnckhohn, 18.16; Copenhagen, 18 19|; Oslo 18.19$; Vienna. 34.57; Prague, 164 193 Madrid, 33 80| Lisbon, 108| Athens, 375 Bncuarest, 815$ Pio, 5f Buenos Aires, 47i a
    (reaßßv Radio Sbrvicb.)  -  67 words
  • 46 6 The Y.W.C.A. will hold a jumble sale in the Penang Town Hail at 4 30 P. M. on Saturday afternoon, May A large variety of articles in excellent condition will be offered for sale in aid of the Y. W. C. A. funds,
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  • 699 6 TRIBUTE in COURT most SCRUPULOUSLY Fai# OPPONhNT. VARIED CAREER A man of striking n eM nn.v. great charm of m a lllt r and considerable a tainment the tribute of Mr. Justices’’I 1 to the late Mr. Hastings KhU" in the Supreme Court to” df'”
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  • 437 7 —Reuter. 3 500 “Reds” Arrested. K'OIING in 15 RIJN: 6 DEAD: 80 WOUNDED. C OM?,;t NISTS ‘BLOODBATH.’ London, May 2. R; I PER’S correspondents throughout Europe indicate that police mobilisation in ij.e vaiious capitals yesterday was 011 the biggest scale ever known 3 500 suspected “Reds”
    ,—Reuter.  -  437 words
  • 176 7 •—Reuter. ORDERS FOR LONDON. London, May 2. ar in B .v ra Ling of the embargo on ft ceive<i i H nan orders have been anus ani n don for the insurance of tnderrfo for China. It is many laroo the mari ?R H menis
    •—Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 267 7 when it was decided to sell it.— Rugby Radio Service. FAMOUS PORTLAND VASE. WITHDRAWN AFIER BIDDING REACHED 29,000 GUINEAS. LEGEND OF PELEUS. London, May 2, There was a dramatic surprise at Christie’s saleroom to day when the famous Portland Vase was put-up to auction. In 35
    when it was decided to sell it.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  267 words
  • 152 7 —Rugby Radio Service. OFFERS OF CONTRIBUTIONS. London, May 2. Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary for Air, stated in the House cf Commons that the Government of Southern Rhodesia had intimated their willingness to arrange for a contribution of £lO.OOO a year for a period of five years,
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  152 words
  • 150 7 Reuter. NO INTENTION OF FURTHER REDUCTION. London, May 2. In the House of Commons in reply to questions, Mr. Duff-Cooper B‘ated that the British Forces in China had been con siderably reduced during the past yr ar and there vas at present no intention of any
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 99 7 New Zealand were also presen'. Rugby Radio Service. VISITED BY ROYALTY. London, May 2. The Duke and Duchess of York and Prince George visited theWnst InduDock this afternoon and inspec od the royal research ship, Discovery. Their Royal Highnesses were conducted over the ship by Sir
    New Zealand were also presen'. Rugby Radio Service.  -  99 words
  • 417 7 Half-Yearly Meeting. CHAIRMAN! AND DECREASE IN INCOME. SALARIES INCREASE. THE half-yearly meeting of the Penang Turf Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Downing-street, yesterday. Mr. A. K. Morgan occupied the chair. Others present were Mr. S. C. Vickers, Mr. E. V. C. Thomson, Mr. J.
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  • 42 7 —Reuter, POOR FIGHT. London, May 2. At the Albert Hall in a heavyweight boxing co test over fifteen rounds, Phil Scott, the British champion, beat the German champion, Dr. Ludwig Havmann on points after a poor fight.
    .—Reuter,  -  42 words
  • 42 7 —Reuter. NORWICH CITY DEFEATS WATFORD. London, May 2. In the first division of rhe English League Blackburn ini Burnley drew each aid* 4 scoring once ni in the Southern Section Norw ch City tefeab'd Watford by five goals to two.-
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 96 7 The health statement for th-s Muoictpality of George Town for the week ending April 27, 1929, tjiows a total <>f 61 deaths —36 males ar d 25 females the death rate being 22.07 per mille compared with 25 33 in the preceding week and with 30.70 in the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 459 7 ipoh. PF NANG TELUK I TAIPENG. B ANSON. a MEN’S WEAR EXCEPTIONAL Values GANTNER Swimming Suits I and superiority of mate- J\ 2/ are the dominating seaside gar- rials, style and work- f ments to-day, lheir bright manship are the key /Ay I joyous colours command attennotes of these lines.
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  • 515 8 A proposal is afoot in Penang which, we feel sure will have the blessing of the Officer-in-Charge of Co-operative Societies, F.M.S. and S.S. It is the formation of a Printers’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, and, inter alia, its objects are to promote cooperation, self-help and the circulation of
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  • 56 8 —Reuter. i SEVEN PERSONS KILLED. New York, May 2. There were seven killed and scores injured and many farm buildings were blown down by a tornado at Wheatley, Arkansas. Three negroes were killed and fifteen injured by a cyclone at Georgia. Twelve persons were injured
    ,—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 37 8 .—-Reuter. JrLAST STRONGHOLD ON NOR- THERN FRONTIER. n vDouglas'(Arizona), May 2. After Federal occupation of Nogales, the rebel garrison of 1,500 men at Aguaprieta, the last rebel stronghold on the northern Mexican frontier, surrendered. Reuter.
    .—-Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 52 8 —Reuter, SERIOUS FIRE AT RANGOON REFINERY. 7 Rangoon, May 2. A serious fire broke out at the Burmah Oil Comp my refinery at Syriam this morning when a 100,000 gallon kerosene tank exploded and blew off the roof killing a man. Thirty-thousand gallons of kerosene are still
    .—Reuter,  -  52 words
  • 1047 8 HE 0. P. O. will learn with interCQ est that certain individuals in plain clothes are masquerading as private police officers and interfering with members of the public. They may or may not be duly authorised members of the police force. But as we are not at
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  • 214 8 l— Reuter. NEGOTIATIONS FOR REVISION* Tokyo, May 2. The Foreign Ministry has iwued the I texts of two notes exchanged between Dr. I C.T. Wang, the Chinese Foreign Minister, and the Japanese Minister, Mr. Yoshizawa, I concerning the question of the revision of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of
    l—Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 15 8 The homeward mail by the M. Mantua closes at 6 p.m. to* day.
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  • 90 8 -Reuter. NEAR BAGHDAD. Baghdad, May 2. The Dutch Naval seaplane D. 22 w route for Java fouled some telegrap wires and crashed into a bridge on t River Tigris. The pilot was killed and two occupants injured. The D. 22, one of three Dutch flyn* boats,
    -Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 79 8 P. C. C. v ALOR STAR. p (?>• The following will «««"“‘i <®il* C. on Sunday, 3« G. Esplanade Ground T. j Aate, J. G.An B tin,C.G. Barney p. Boyd, J. M. Collina, H. R sinJ p. N. Knight. <CaptJ, J. B. a sen, J.
    79 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 Haig I I JOHN HAIG CO., LTD., ■distillers t of Scotch Whisky since 1627. L_ rnj >»>H>M«li»liliilil il li| 11 il 11 CHEAPEST AND (BO BEST! I I iI n “Dead-*All Dead” 1 T JJ S Not a single survivor—that’s ths beauty of Btodl q ii A Flag. It kills
      247 words
    • 67 8 E. O. Dance nights every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesdays Saturdays—Evening Dress Thursdays—Optional. Orchestra every day during Lunch and Dinner. Orchestral Concert every Sunday. I g White Label W RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd. .'.rj Delightfully Situated and Facing the Sea and Peak, Modern Sanitary System. Hot and Cold Running Water. Largest
      67 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 1246 9 Japanese Emperor Honoured By King George. Order Of The Garter. Conferred By The Duke Of Gloucester. Distinguished Assemblage. Al the Japanese Imperial Palace, this morning, H. R. [I the Duke of Gloucester conferred on His Imperial Japanĕse Majesty the Highest Order of British Knighthood,
    .—Reuter»  -  1,246 words
  • 237 9 —Reuter. ANIMATED DISCUSSION. STOCK TABLE OR BUDGET ESTIMATES. AMERICAN RUMOUR. The rejection, on a point of order, of a certain Soviet amend ment by the Disarmament Conference has given rise to a press report in America that reduction has been abandoned in favour of limitation. Mr.
    ,—Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 967 9 —Rugby Radio Service, Masterly Document. BRITISH FINANCE CONTROLS THE WORLD. MR. CHURCHILL’S SETTLEMENTS. The Rouse oj [ords passed by a large majority f a motion, brought forward by Lord Birkenhead approving of the principle of the Balfour Memorandum as regards war debts. To repudiate il
    —Rugby Radio Service,  -  967 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 “S. G.” FOOTBALL FORECASTS No. 34. $5OO WON. The first prize of $5OO has been won in“S. G.** Football Forecasts No. 34. The name of the lucky winner will be published in to-morrow’s Pinang Gazette.
      35 words
    • 197 9 W e the ft I HOUSE 0 b I g FOR QUALITY. g ELECTRIC IRONS H g g GIVE i xx FVFRY RELIABLE tt g SATISFAC- HESCHL I 8 no. MAKt t H THE "ROWENTA" IRON. p I♦♦ The ideal iron for Travelling, adaptable for 103 to 230 volts. Detachable
      197 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 52 9 Ml" Is 4 i f I To-night and Till Sunday, May 5 Louis Joseph Vance’s Novel adapted to the screen “Alias The Lone Wolf Starring Lois Wilson and Bert Lytell, the novel that created a sensation. A thriller in the full sense of the Word. AND THE Latest Number M
      52 words

  • 116 10 BREAKE ’OF rk v- rx i at Brooklands H. E. Tlaister his f Don ’facing motorist, who set up five new records TRIBUTE TO Oi_D COMRADES, —The scene at the Cenotaph, when nearly a thousand French ex-servicemen led by Cencral Gouraud paid tribute
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 119 10 Yeu^ 100 d c®/ Must be Cleansed &i&\ H r JHSgk —for N. J Club Whisky is as I «<«s* I St J Ong to day aS ln the days ai I llagl of yo r forefathers who also I m&Wri I a PP reciate d quality and mellow I
      119 words

    • 963 11 p] e3 vy March Shipments. O STREET SEII LING DOWN. London, April 4. n w iDH to the Easter Holidays there u lv been 2$ working days since the Report. On Thursday P rning when the Market closed at 1 business was inactive and prices c
      963 words
    • 198 11 The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co's share list at 11 a.m. to-day:— Yesterday. To day. Shares. 0» >» Cl CS 0Q OD fIQ 00 Sc. Sc. Sc. Sc. Rubber (Dollar). Batu L.... 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.05 ex Borelli 2.50 2.75 250 2.75 cum
      198 words
    • 64 11 The following are the latest quotations Buyers. Sellers. Tin. Bangrins 32/6 33/3 Hong Fatts .50 .521 Huey Yots (Pref) 23/9 24/6 Jelapangs 19/- 19/6 Johans .27$ .30 Katus 29/- 30/Kuchais 127$ 1.30 Muang Prefs 15/9 16/3 Penawats .78 .80 Petalings 5.25 5.35 Rantau (Prefs) 1.26 1.29 c.
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    • 78 11 TO DAY’S QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Sellers. Tin. Hong Fatts .50 .53 Jelapang 19/3 19/9 Johan .28 .29 Kent 5/6 5/9 Kinta 1.37$ 1.40 Kuala Lumpur 29/6 30/- ex Mambau .75 .80 Penawats .79 .80 Petaling 5.35 5.45 Puchong 21/3 21/9 ex.r, Pungah 24/- 24/6 Rantau Pref. 1.27 1.29
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    • 83 11 London Standard Loose. S. R. Sheet 321 ds per pound per pl. =-$43/66 No. 1 Crepe 321 cts per pound per pl.=s43 66 Quiet. London 9 15/16d New York 19f cts. (gold) (By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys.) 1 General Produce Agency Ltd. Spot 33 c per lb.
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    • 42 11 Messrs. Boustead Co. Ltd—2nd May quotation for Singapore refined tin $100.37| per picul, business done 200 tons, Penang refined tin $99.75 per picul buyers no sellers, unrefined tin $99.37| per picul, tin ore $99.371 per picul, business done 121 tons.
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    • 50 11 hours yards pels. Hitam Tin 75 Rahman Hydraulic 1000 Teja Malaya (No 2 dredge) Ratrut Basin (No. 1 dredge) 490 32,000 245 (No. 2 dredge) 130 11,000 38 Takuapa Valley (No. 1 dredge) 455 117,000 672 No. 2 dredge) 598 180,000 470 Kamunting Tin 2,047 306,500 1,370
      50 words
    • 201 11 Penang, May 3, 1929. cts. Benares Opium p. chest nom 5,0C0.00 Cloves >. 90.00 Gold leaf sellers 72.00 Mace Pickings nom 170.00 Nutmegs 80s 70.00 HOs 60.00 Cocoanuts per 1,000 50.00 Copra Sundried buyers 9.20 Rattans sales 11.15 Rattans Coarse 10.60 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Rice* Siam No.
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    • 119 11 sth May—sth Sunday after Easter, 8 a.m. Holy Communion and 10 am Morning Prayer and Address at Alor Star Church, 6 p.m. Evensong and Address at freemason’s Hall, Sungei atani. 6th Monday—Rogation Day—S. John Evang ante Port Latin, 8 a.m. Holy Communion at Sungei
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    • 183 11 BOUSTEAD CO. RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT. Penang, May 1. The market continues dull and there is little of interest to report this week. A sharp drop of If cents cent last Thurs* day brought the spot down to 33* cents per lb but values have since remained steady at the lower
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    • 63 11 Messrs. Boustead Co., Ltd., Penang have received a telegram from the secretaries, Messrs. Ed. Boosted Co., London, advising that the annual accounts have been issued showing a profit of £34,521. and re« commending a payment of a dividend of 5 per cent. The sum of £lO,OOO. is
      63 words
    • 219 11 Penang, May 3, 1929. 'By Courtesy of The Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/3 23/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/3 7/8 3 Credit 24 5/16 3 Documentary 2/4 3/8 Calcutta Demand Bank 153 f J 3 days’ sight Private 156 f ts Bombay Demand B ink 153 f Madras
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 Harsh Soap? Bad Complexion Rough skin, wrinkles, blemishes and florid or dull complexion inevitably follow the use of harsh soap. Don’t subject your skin to such treatment. Use only mild, soothing, rejuvenating Palmolive Soap, made from those age-famous beauty aids palm and olive oils. PALMOLIVE FWw «wt olwt 9 Os
      60 words
    • 387 11 Baby’s Food > is Baby’s Life gr "’X. _> H GIVE TOE FOOD j) that feeds Many a child’s health has been permanently impaired through lack of proper nourishment in infancy. Think, then, how important it is to see that your Baby’s food contains the needed nourishment for healthy growth
      387 words

  • 458 12 20 Million Bottles Of Champagne. Teetotalers Come Under Nationalists’ Suspicion. It has recently become a favourite pastime with German Nationalists to sniff out “high treason’’ in all sorts of holes and corners. The latest class of the population to incur this incrimination are the teetotalers, who have
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  • 122 12 To-day’» Departures. Matang for Bhuket (Tongkah), and Pul u Parji. Modjokertu for Singapore, Manila, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle» Ellenga for Madras.’ Tasman for Langsa, Sabangi Olehleh, Padang and Batavia. Kedah for Belawan (Deli). President Wilson for Colombo, Suez? Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa, Marseilles, New York
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  • 519 12 CLOSE DAILY except (Sunday). BY TRAIN. Federated and Non-Federated Malay States Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail, Rbsumi-tion Of Night Mail Service The following additional mails will be closed Daily (Sunday excepted; at
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  • 238 12 The following programme will be rendered by the E. and O. Orchestra, under the direction of Vlr. Arthur S. Lax, on Sunday, May 5, 1929. at 9 45 p.m. 1. Overture ’’The Bohemian Girl” Balfe 2. Suite “Three Eastern Sketches” Howgill (a) Morning, In the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 423 12 In this wSrfflßL ■is fkr 4 *wk*#fc»<M» j climate j IIS |||gk —your whole Wpi ih ||E 7 HUI Wine system cries j Th» Supreme 7 ffijjffqjjWjjX' out for WnSWStT V<> i *m to-do* -=T’ jHall’s Wine Hall’s Wine is a genuine medicated wine. It enriches the blood and tones
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    • 368 12 LAWN TENNIS RACKETS AND BALLS. “QUEEN’S” RACKET represents the very last word in Racket P™a., The rounded frame is made from s>e I English Ash, and is strung with all u h;'!' led ««ention being given to the I “8 to the country to which the Racke- k Extra trebling
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  • 383 13 WOMAN’S LIFE IN AFRICAN FOREST. Like Kipling’s “MowgĔ”. Well authenticated cases have been reported from time to time from India of human beings nurtured by animals in the jungle like Kipling’s Mowgli. Further evidence that Mowglis are something more than a mere product of the imagination now
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  • 349 13 SOME QUEER EXPERIENCES. “Sleep-walking is much more common and more dangerous than most people aware,” said a well-known doctor to a Press representative recently in discussing the case in which a young man took poison, with fatal results, at Scarborough, while in a state of somnambulism. This latest instance
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 216 13 I The MAN I who know» the climate I know» the need for Calvert’s I 20* CARBOLIC I Medical Soap that powerful antiseptic soap always reliable in strength and quality. Sold by local dealers and bazaars. See that our name and trade mark I 00 you inferior ar •onietimes offered.
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  • 259 14 PARSONS INDICTED. Charge Of Wangling Livings Behind The Scenes. Proposals to deal with what he called “the wangled’ carried on behind the scenes in the exchange of livings, were put forward by the Rev. C. E. Douglas at the Church Assembly, in London recently. The
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  • 168 14 HOW MRS. MEYRICK LOST £150,000. Since the publication of Mrs. Meyrick’s opening article in the Sunday Sentinel, which was in unprecedented demand as the only paper containing the famous night club queen’s own confessions, speculation has been keen as to the nature of her coming revelationsFew
    168 words
  • 114 14 RIDES TOi COUNCIL CHAMBER CARRYING LANCE. An ass was the mount chosen by M. Henri Castagne when he rode to the Mairie of Pessac, near Bordeaux, t 0 take his seat as newly-eledted councillor, says the Central NewsThe new councillor wore the grey tophat decorated with
    114 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 394 14 0R L E Ledgers iso, 200,300,400 and soo page with double Cash Columns LEDGERS of 146, 242, 314 pages Single Cash Column £ASH Books of 100, 150 and 200 folios JOURNALS of 300 pages INUTE Books of 2, 3 and 5 quire» MINUTE Books of 2 and 4 quires witk
      394 words
    • 29 14 Houses wanted, for sale or to let, situations vacant or wanted, motor cars, cycles for sale or wanted—ANYTHING for sale or wanted.—Try a small advertisement in the Finang Gazette.
      29 words
    • 186 14 Auett over »9,500,000. S. C. Auurance in force over »35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. H (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICEi Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, Rc The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life
      186 words

  • 580 15 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, May 3, 1929. M era ton ct Mutton Indian M per lb 55 Head Sheep or goat m each 1-30 Liver with heart A lung do 1.&0 Tripe M do 1.00 Goat or Sheep m per lb 55 Sweet Bread m pair 41 Suet M»
    580 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 (TRADE MARKj THE FERTILIZERS OF THE I. G. Stikstof Verkoop Mij. (I. G. Nitrogen Sales Co., Ltd.,) Semarang, Java. ARE SOLD BE Katz Bros., Ltd., Sole Agents Throughout Malaya British Nonh Borneo and Sarawak. •<>**««« «•««••«••♦eeeeeeeee »»««**«*«*< ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< jiTHE MODERN WALL DECORATION. H f HALL’S DiBTE»gEE3<>r J f jjE?' 1
      151 words
    • 353 15 n YfalMhXx V is AN EVENT TO BE PROUD OF AA w f\\ 11 50 YEARS AGO Iwil iK C as//&s ,f B M I k Vi WERE FIRST MANUFACTURED I MF M The policy of HO. Wills I |P JW T in adhering rigidly to High. i KB Quality
      353 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      1,161 words
    • 604 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INmr AND APCAR LINES (OOMPAMDUI laoobporatid u Irglamd.) miK PAMENGER AND CARGO MRVicg, Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. under Sailings of steamers of ths contract with His Majesty's Govern- India 3 N. Co 1 ment, London and Far East Mail Service. (Incorporated in E n 1 Outwards
      604 words