Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 576 1 HT TOKISATSU H STUDIO, w ith up-to-date Photo* graphy by electric light. ’Phone 772, 70, Bishop Street, PENANG. .'3K£RGKLgBMB» MMTB MMMBMMBMMMMMML =r-— SMjjL.— I 7* HI 4 exll rxx<xde otv tKe C\ 1 j UK TWELVE CORNER BENT Tf< f>r»iixc.ip le of cor<.s true tior< I Before you buy a
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    • 18 1 T. NAGATA BROTHERS. DENTISTS. IHead Office next to the Disjen sary. 0 [ranch Ofiice 52, Leith Street I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2304 2 lenders invited. NANKING HOTEL BAWKB “Aspro” will relieve headaches toothache. M-Nibrib Municipal Commi-aionera of W ESho. AND SHANGHAI artfcZjftfetS /SX George Town, Perang, hereby invite BANKING CORPORATION, quickly fly before Aspro. Fall directions for 1 CPF CI AL C> j t wrtrba The most eni table Rendezvous for taking aee
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  • 319 3 DEPORTED MAN’S FRAUDS. Escaped From ScottishHospital. ALEXANDER Ferguson, the man who escaped from Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow, before completing a term of imprisonment at Birlinnie, was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment at Stirling. It was stated that Ferguson, who was arres.ed at Kilsyth, had been deported from America
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  • 302 3 EGG COOKING PARTY IN A LONDON FLAT. Because he is tired of cicktail and bottle parties, Mr. Sheridan Russell, the ’cellist, who is a nephew of Sir Landon Ronald, the conductor, is to g ve an egg cooking party in th* kitchen of his flat at Handel
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 234 3 I I) L S'slhß Ci ‘C HEI THIC* |M|| B/ IT"* V® w/ For a cream which will V| <A add satisfaction and 100% /l| Ml nourishment to all fruits, /J f salads, puddings and sweets I/ get /> vi i z <1 I I L JBLMMJCT—aM3W^ —mm—l— A CAR
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    • 30 3 Houses wanted, for sale or to let, situations vacant or wanted, motor cars, cycles for sale or wanted—ANYTHING for sale or wanted. Try a small advertisement in the Pinang Gazette.
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    • 207 3 Song of the Sea All the hits from London’s Latest Musical Show. nQ (The Tavern Maid Lilian Davies a d Chorus 0154 I The Mirror Song kAo- f Somewhere and J. Vtrnr s°Ba (T rue Kyes S, Rollo vay nQ7 J Mirror Song F. -T. Dtbroy Somers B a nd
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  • 568 4 MR. COCHRAN’S ‘FATTENING’ LUNCH. Famous Doctor’s Talk to Chorus Girls. rg r "\TT, I thought we were goM I ing to be fattened.” This exclamation was heard on all sides at a private luncheon held at the Oxford Corner House, London, to inaugurate Mr. C. B.
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  • 187 4 JUDGE ACCEPTS MURDERER’S PLEA OF GUILTY. The tria at Liverpool Ass z?s before Mr. Justine Finlay of Joseph Reginald Victor Clark (21), wireless engineer, a native of Hilgay, Norfolk, indicted for the wilful murder of Mrs. Annie Fontaine, occupied only four and a half minutes in consequence
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 /n THE ORIGINAL LEAVE CAR SERVICE Asthe originators of this unique scheme, jmuhavethe advantage of oar M II wide experience and unbiased advice as to the best make of Car and H 11 means of using one during your Leave: /7 We will sell you one and REPURCHASE IT after
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    • 218 4 When Beauty and Charm Re- i veal themselves. To maintain daintiness y and freshness, even after a whole day’s tennis, use 4711.” A little dabbed L on the wrists or temples BL yB or inhaled immediately refreshes and restores > vigour. For daily use 7 /LX pour a little “4711”
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  • 644 5 M. 3. >Lei Icy. the Colonial Treasi urer, leaving lor Home Ly the J/ <<ct donia. Air. M. Bertie wdl ace mpany the S 1tan of Johore to Lcrope <n the Alaccd(r nia which sails to-morrow. Mr. Henry Waugh, of Messrs. Katz Bros., arrived at Penang last
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  • 40 5 Cyclist, (at Bow County Court, London) —I had just put my nose into the cross roads when the lorry collided with me.. Counsel —Your nose give the length. Cjclist—What I mean is the nose of my machine-
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  • 42 5 Two Liverpool men xTere motoring to Southport when a hen on the road flew with such force against the windscreen that the glass was shattered. One of the men was cut about the face, but the hen was unharmed.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 324 5 Husbands Brothers— O FiancesAzltvX JiVl V a 'l thank you r f° r recommen dk>g fa®» ‘“HAZELINE’ y vk VJo (Trade Mark) f|®t SNOW Used after shaving, it allays tenderness and Your chemist has <t- cools the skin, leaving Buy wo pots it smooth and white. ?S Burroughs Wellcome Co.,
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    • 567 5 B r~ j You 11 ha’.e heard teli ol Lhe seif 1 LCLSI stropping device in the head of the "Valet” Razor, but do you i realise how simple it is, i*ow erhs cient, how by its use blades last, 1; not days or weeks, but months. Each day a
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  • 833 6 Sutcliffe Dropped Chapman Unfit. Hobbs And Jardine Open For England. 206 For 2 Wickets. Melbourne, March 8. THE fifth and last Test match of the present tour opened at Melbourne to-day. The greatest interest was shown in the game as if the M.C.C. won the
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  • 76 6 CAPT. J. SAUNDERS RETURNS TO PENANG. Among the passengers to arrive at Penang by the ss. Naldtra was Captain J. W. T. launders and Mrs. Saunders. Capt. Sounders will resume his duties as D paty Harbour Master, Penang. Capt. J. C. McLeod, who has b a en acting
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  • 67 6 HANDICAP FINAL. The following are the results of B jwls tournament ties played yester 'ay:— Teams cf Th ee: 2 W. B. Houston, H. C. Downer and A. Law beat 1 T. E. VUson, E. J. Bmnett and T. A. Wemvss 21—18. Ladies Singles Handicap Scr.
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  • 38 6 RESULTS OF YESTERDAY’S TIES. The result of tennis tournament tie played yesterday was Mixed Doubles Handicap. Final 30.3 Mrs. L. M. Evans and G. A. M. Hyde beat—ls. 4 Mrs. Hunter and G. Robertson 6—2, 6—2.
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  • 146 6 Reuter. Loyalists Occupy Vera Cruz. REBEL GENERAL SHOT. London, March 7. The Mexican Legation in a communique says that with the exception of Sonor?, whither 8,000 Government troops are rapniiv advancing and the small occupied at Esc bar the rest of Mexico is absolutely peaceful. The army
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 130 6 —Reuter. UNEMPLOYMENT INCREASING IN VIENNA. Vienna, March 7. U lemployment, which is steadily rising, has reacbei a record of 300,000.— Reuter. Berlin, March 7. For the first time smce the stabilisation of the mark, the Ruchsbtnk has been obliged to sell gold to meet c unmitments. It
    —Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 157 6 .—Reuter. DISCREPANCIES IN HIS RECOLLECTIONS. London, March 7. Piquancy is lent to the appearance of Mr. Win’ton Churchill’s fifth volume of The World Crisis The Aftermath,” which brings the story to the end of 1922, by the patent discrepancies in the recollections of Mr. Churchill on Mr.
    .—Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 70 6 .—Reuter. COLONEL STEWART DEPOSED FROM CHAIRMANSHIP. Whiting (Indiana), March 7. A battle between Colonel Stewart and the Rockefellers for the control of the $900,000,000 Standard Oil Company, in I diana, was fought out at a shareholder’s meeting and resulted in a victory for the Rockefellers.
    .—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 71 6 —Reuter. MAJOR COURT MARTIAILED. Peshawar, March 7. A Court Martial, presided over by Brigadier General Magstaff has be»n opened to try Maj >r M. C. C. Harrison, D. S. 0.. M. C., of th« Int Armoured Car Company, of the Royal Tank Corps, on a
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 728 6 THE “QUARTERLY JOURNAL.” MASS OF PRINTING AND EDITORIAL ERRORS. LACK OF CO-OPERATION. Following our recent criticisms of the R. R. 1., we have been looking through the first issue of the Q latterly Journal of the Institute of Malava, (vol. I nos. 1 2, January.
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  • 153 6 Reuter. APPEAL TO MR. CHURCHILL. London, March 7. A deputation, representing every bra ch of the motoring industry and the motoring public, has urge! Mr. Winston Churchill of the necessity of eff cting some relief from the high m toring tax tion and the cost
    , Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 70 6 Reuter. VISIT TO ART EXHIBITION. London, March 7. The Earl of Airlie, on behalf of the King, w»lcomed at Victoria Station, the Queen Mother of the N-therlands, who was looking remarkably fresh and bright after her fourteen hours’ journey. She smiled in response to the
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 88 6 i Reuter. APPEAL TO GREtT BRITAIN FOR OFFICE US. Lmdon, Mircb 7. Commander Birr, of the Chines»N«vy, i visiting L >nd >n on a s-cret mission on behalf of ih» Chinese Government,»!’ the D lily He his approach the British Government with a rfqH to lend China
    i – Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 125 6 ARTS AND CRAFTS AND HOUSEWIVES* EXCHANGE. A recent innovation at the I° C{ C.A Rest Room is a perrnanenCrafts Exhibition and change. Here one may p h ket chfi, baby-were, sportscoat, paintings, wood carving a other items all made locaDM household commodities compr g m .de
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    • 109 6 (To the Editor of the pr’«L Sir.—Are J»"on to'’ 1 cash balance of $ll,OO b ic g the Municipal Fun Is, jfl precarried over from d*y amted by valueless cash cbi tb A Municipal omp oy abgC() Dde* l neglect of somebody, has deficit to with this amount.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 “S. G.” FOOTBALL FORECASTS NO. 26. $5O Won. In this competition two errors were made in the setting of the coupon so that the entries were judged on 12 results only. Two of these matches were postponed owing to frost. The Consolation Prize of $5O was won with 9 correct
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    • 15 6 When a other forms of Salesmanship fail try a small advertisement in the rinang Gazette.
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    • 23 6 ji|m I <lm Im I MM u -tl I k B '3 DISTRIBUTORS K. LEE SAN COM PANY, 81, BEACH STREbT, PENAN h
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  • 1285 7 The Prince’s Visit. Decline In Demand For British Coal. An Over-Manned Industry. THE visit of th-Prince of Wales to the distressed mining areas in the north of England helps to bring home to the average citizen the horrible condition in which in my of the
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  • 291 7 May Cross The Atlantic In A British Airship. £l,OOO FOR A BERTH. MME. de Lauda, formerly Countess of Drogheda, will, if her efforts to secure a place are successful, be the first British woman to fly the Atlantic in a British airship. She hopes to cross, in the
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  • 308 7 E. O. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. The following programme will be rendered by the E. O. Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Arthur S. Lax, on Sunday, March 10 at 9-45 p in1. March Medley Partial Moment/’ Arr Winter, A cleverly arranged potpourri of World famous Marches. 2. Overture “The Bohemian Girl
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  • 133 7 To-day at the Esplanade at 3 p m 1. March Old Faithful Holzman 2. Overture The Eclipse Williams 3. Intermezzo Canterbury Chimes Ancliffe 4. Selection Begg r’s Opera Gay 5. One Step Flapper Wife Rupp God ave The King. M ears. Gutbr e and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 289 7 I J"Couse for I XJOfjiteaways I I Jiigfj Values I V. f da y I j /7 ore better 3 anci i n wan ever. j H J£>owest -/i (>D a I < an a ossible i'l Early H g Prices, jj Y vi§it I 10-dau’s i gneoaliews! NEWGOODS R
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  • 423 8 Recently we asked why the affairs of the Penang Building Siciety, Limited, were allowed to wander into the limbo of unsuccessful ventures and more particularly, why shares of a speculative nature formed the principal assets of a Society formed for specific purposes calling essentially and primarily for security.
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  • 451 8 Preparations are now virtually complete for the opening next month by Imperial Airways of the great 5,000 miles Empire air route which is to bring India with n six days of London. The j >urney will be made in six daily stages. Passengers and
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  • 14 8 The homeward mail by the s.s. Macedonia closes at 5-30 p.m. (o-morrow.
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  • 1211 8 WE WOND R whether nor local con < iupoia-y, in its hsue of this morning, in the column devoted to a review of the tin situation by an expert, did not intend that the article in question should appear in its Saturday issue under the heading Wit
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  • 199 8 FORMER COLONIAL CHAPLAIN. It is with regret that we have to record the death of the Rev. Frank William Haines, a former Colonial Chaplain at Penang, which has taken place at Home where he had lived in retirement for about 12 years. He was
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  • 43 8 The Lady Superior gratefully acknow' ledges the following donations towai ds th School Building Fund Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co. Mrs. G. Bruyns jq'qq Mrs. U. Paul IQ 0O Mrs. M. Bateman 235.00 Previously acknowledged $17.34t0G March Btb, 1929.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 m iWIOWI® Haig Whisky 3 ffW&t W Y> /.?> /W WMf7w3OB ag WHISKY MADE I IN SCOTLAND IS Distilled from Barley Barley is a valuable food and the XT 3 distilled essence contains properties that are not only restorative but are also health giving in a greater degree than any
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    • 65 8 E. O. Dance n’ghts every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesdays Saturdays—Evening Dress Thursdays—Optional. Orchestra every day during Lunch and Dinner. Orchestral Concert every Sunday. y pwfi\* Wbitelobd I// RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd. Delightfully Situated and Facing thd Sea and Peak. Modern Sanitary System. Hot and Cold Running Water. Largest Ballroom in
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 23 8 DEATH. HAINES. The Rev. Frank William Haines, formerly Colonial Chaplain, Penang, aged 71 years. (S. S. and F. M. S. papers please copy.)
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  • 1010 9 Rugby Radio Service. Regular Service From London To India. British Air Estimates. further Advance In Technical Development. Increased Efficiency. Inthe House of Commons introducing the Air Estimates, Sir Samuel remarked that Great Britain would welcome a reduction in air it was general and if
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  1,010 words
  • 221 9 practices hymn-tunes. British United Press. 20th CENTURY NOAH. AVENGING TIDE WITHIN A YEAR. A MAD WORLD. A twentieth century ark, complete with a small piano on which the owner will play hymns of praise when his vessel has saved him from the flood which
    practices hymn-tunes.—British United Press.  -  221 words
  • 162 9 —Reuter. STATEMENT BY EARL WINTERTON. London, March 7. In the House of Commons, during question tim% Earl Winterton said that Gandhi had not been arrested. The Government of Bengal had intimated that the lighting of a bonfire to burn foreign cloths was illegal. Gandhi said tl at
    —Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 98 9 -Reuter. CONVENTION STILL UNRATIFIED. Geneva, March 7. The League Council has adopted the Opium Committee’s report, presented by Senator Dandurand (Caaada). The report draws attention to the fact that over half the members of the League have not ratified the Geneva Opium Convention of 1925. Senator
    -Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 62 9 —Reuter. FOUR COMPANIES’ PROPOSALS. Singapore, March 7. It is understood that the directors of the Allenby, Balgownie, Connemara and Kundong Rubber Companies have submitted to the shareholders’ proposals for amalgamation, which will form one of the biggest combines in Malaya, to be known as Connemara United,
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 524 9 —Rugby Radio Service. American Press Story. REPUDIATION OF DEROGATORY STATEMENT. GENEVA INTERVIEW SEQUEL. Sir Austen Ch imberlain has repudiated a statement, alleged to have been by him and published in the American Press, containing a derogatory reference to the Kellogg Pact. He stated, I
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  524 words
  • 59 9 Reuter. SFECIAL SESSION OF CONGRESS. Washington, March 7. As forecasted in Mr. Hoover’s inaugural address, a special session of Congress will be held on April 15 to consider agriculturaLrelief and Wmited changes of he tariff. Mr. Hoover has already had several conferences with the Attorney-Genert 1 and
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 Aorange
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    • 124 9 r ’I W ffokproof" KjlL— Stocked iii: Newest I j All Sizes. Designs, I* 71 JI flew Shipment of §ents fHole hosiery just Jlrrived. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) BISHOP STREET, PENANG, -J. «I Also Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. •’"ir D frigidairTS ■□l Era keeps food colder l|3
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 45 9 TO- NIGHT a TILL SUNDAY, IOTH Corinne Griffith AND Conway Tearle “Lilies of the Field” 9 A FIRST NATIONAL WINNER. EMPIRE NEWS FILM AT 9-30 P.M. Tom Tyler in “Tom’s Gang” KE SELS; 5 ELS Ralph Ince and Margaret Livingston in “Breed of the Sea’Jl
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 145 10 j f I am 1 —-1 f to 1 s&t 2 MMKjIMMHI!»'" Z MM»» IB I 11 I fl I oMMM ir' ll lm i i 1 ills i -f-V,! i a ■BBHKr t *'7 f 5 -^^•s^te^NXvx: zvS? <lx>»rT^Sga3ME^4^S Ir -7y <VJy yj^lH x gtei a 9hs4 I x.
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  • 178 11 INSURANCE COMPANY AND MAN WHO LIVED TO BE 100. A Popular Sportsman. One of the best-known figures of the Turf, Mr. Junes Melrose, the centenarian, died at York on F bruary 4. He became chairman of the York Race Committee sixty yeais ago and attended every Gimcrack
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  • 283 11 Half-Time Lead. GREAT DISPLAY BY WRIGLEY. A poor “gate” saw the club come off victorious in the match against the Raspers by four g als to two. The whistle was in th= capable charge of Mr. Sanders. The early exch were in favour of the Raspers
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  • 38 11 Rubbar Prices. We beg to report that the Singapore prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows Spot 43|c per lb. March —44 c April/June 45c July/Sept. 45|c Remarks :—Market Quiet.
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  • 37 11 London Standard Loose. S. R. Sheet 43| per pound, per pl. |sB|No. 1 Crepe 431 per pound per pl. 158/33 Easier. London 12f i New York 25| cts (gold). (By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys).
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  • 17 11 The following are additional rubber outputs for February: lbs. Kuala Kangsar m 134.977 Bruas 30,957
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  • 51 11 The output of Hitam Tin, Limited during the month of February a 8 pikuls 130. The output of tin ore from the Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate Limited, for the month of February was 765 pikuls. All three dredges stopped 3 days during the Chinese New
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  • 645 11 FRASER AND NEAVE’S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, March 5. Daring the period under review the tendency of the Tin market has been slightly easier, although according to London advices there has been some revival in consumers’ demand. The market in Tin shares continues dull and there is little
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  • 292 11 The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day Y aterday. To day. 3D 30 OQ n Shares. 2. ZZj 0 0 3) CQ 00 CQ UQ C. C. C. $O. Rubber (Dollar). Allenby 2.30 2.45 230 240 Bassett 110
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  • 77 11 The following are the latest quotations in THE MALAYA COMPANY LIMITED’S share list Bayers. Sellers. Tin. Hitams .70 .73 Johan .38 .40 c. Kinta Tin Dredging 1.50 1.524 Kuchai Ord 1.37| 14 M. Consolidated .60 .6?| Nawng Pet 1.074 1.10 North .55 .60 Penawats .90 .92 Petaling
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  • 80 11 The following are our latest quotations for to-day Bayers. Sellers. Tins. Batu Caves 1.55 1.574 Haad Yais 9/3 9/9 Hitams .70 .724 Hong Fatts .674 .70 J jhans .374 »40 c. K. R vers 3.20 3,25 Kuchais Ord. 1.35 1.374 Lahats 15/6 16/ Mambaus 1.05 1.074 Nawng
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  • 82 11 The following are our latest quotations for to-day Mining. Buyers. Sellers. B. Padangs .424 -45 Hong F tts .65 .674 Hitams .71 .73 'Kuchais 135 1374 Kintas 1-50 1.52 Laruts 15/3 15/9 Mdaya Consols .59 .61 Norths .57 .60 Penawats .89 .91 1 Petalings 5.70 5 90
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  • 504 11 Messrs. Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. London M«rch 6. Spot £219 10$ three month?’ buying £2215/ three months’selling 221.10?. Lfe.wrs. Boustead de Co.. Ltd—--7 h M*rch quotation for Singapore refined tin 1111.50 per p cul, business done 200 tons, Penang refined tin $111.374 picul, buyers no sellers unrefined tin
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 342 11 J If you suffer* g I AN4EMIA I iBWUS HEADACHE I NERVE COLLAPSE I I r INSOMNIA I TAKE ffl PJjf restoratives v\ hich are most beneficial for Nerve Complaints are J K 8 V i mtained in Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. J9L r^niedy a and* 1 strengthen the very lo*
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    • 169 11 “NOW ACTIVE, PLUMP AND LOVELY”. Shanghai School Teacher Tells How His Little Ones Have Been Helped By Baby’s Own Tablets. Mr. Li Tsien Tsang is teacher of English at the Tsi Lu Public School, Avenue Dubail, Shanghai. “My child, Shih Mei”, Mr. Li writes, “frequently suffered from indigestion, diarrhoea and
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    • 8 11 CLOSE OF PLAY. England 240 for 4 wkts.
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    • 266 11 New Advertisements. POSITION WANTED. European Tunnel Foreman seeks reengagement as same,27 years’ experience of Public Works at Home and Abroad, also experience of heavy timbering, trench work, concrete, etc., could also manage Lode Mine. Apply Box No. 74, c/o Pinang Gazette. THE PINE FOREST CUREPeps The Wonderful Medicine For Throat,
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  • 679 12 First annual meeting. Progress Made At The Mine. The statutory or first annual general meeting of Tarua Tin, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company. No. 3, Weld Quay, Penang, on Tuesday, sth March 1929, at 3 p.m. Mr. S. Wood-Hill presided and the
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  • 66 12 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 7. Paris, 124.24| New York. 4.85| Brussels, 34.95 Geneva. 25.23 Amsterdam, 12.111; Milan, 92.67|; Berlin, 20.45 Stockholm, 18.16 Copenhagen 18 20 Oslo, 18.19 Vienna. 34.52 A Prague, 1631: Helsingfors, 192 f Madrid, 32.97|; Lisbon, 1871; Athens, 375 Bucharest, 8171 Rio, 535 Buenos Aires.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  66 words
  • 870 12 Londo February 7. The Rubber Market for the current week has been fu*ly steady but rather inactive. The tone was firm on Friday and Saturday but eased off slightly on Monday. Tups lay showed a slight recovery, while Wedn°sday was dull with- out change in
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  • 528 12 Week'y Market Review. Singapore, M »rch 6. Following upo 1 the activity of the past few weeks markets have been more subdued fnd quotations are below beat. Rubber has fluctuated sharply up and down, and the daily changes have usually been the reverse to what was generally
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  • 116 12 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 906th. auction on Wednesday, when there was catalogued 2,221,074 lbs. 991.55 tons. Offered 1,767,604 lbs.; 789.11 tons. Sold 1,439,299 lbs. 642.54 tons. j Spot. London 12s. fd. New York 25J cts. Prices Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents Per
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  • 152 12 rubber sales department Penang, The Market ha B been during the week and i O «T w «Ko Show a decline <,f two cent, n^T'-' 0 our last report. k since U.K, stocks now stand at 29 poc t farther small increase on'i»? 6 total of
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  • 238 12 Penang, M.rch 8, 1929. B a nares Opium p. chest 85,0 0.00 nom Cloves 90.00 nom Gold leaf 72 00 sellers Mace Pickings 145 00 nom Nutrn gs 80s <SOOO nom 110 a 71.00 nom (’’ocoanuts per 1,00 0 50.00 nom Copra Sundried B 9 SO sales Rattans
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  • 106 12 Penang, March 8, 1929, (By Courtesy of The Chartered Bank/. London D mand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank 2/.) L’l 3 Credit 24 33 3 Documentary 2 Calcutta Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private g Bombay Demand Bank Madras Demand Bank 5 3 days’sight Private Rangoon Demand Bank 3
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  • 85 12 r i 10s eacl l Two youths were fmed p a ying Wimbledon Police n( o n. pitch a<nd toss on a Sundax a en P. C. Parkiinson said t iat arrested one of them, a lad said, I I>een l n ;l bitand toss, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 346 12 -G-K ■.JyX S'VH iifiw x wy p Sfel KU 1 W ffl ii /£r IpWfIR J J pa Ka I I t A N D_ E| 1 Jtfs/ie6 ffkioletb I (BOURJOIS PARIS) jg* Ji TOILET PREPARATIONS |l I This delightful scries strikes a decoratixe note on the toilet table of
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  • 385 13 ILLEGAL removals. Warning At Consistory Court. hME stroutl remarks on the S wav in which church bells are frequently removed with- warrant and damaged or Jed were made by Mr. F. H. i }'rritigt° n > Chancellor of the L P of London, presiding over J CWsistory
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  • 99 13 INTERESTED in wireless but NOT IN FOOD. Mr. J.S. Biinbridt/e, of th« New Health kf c>cty, in a lecture in London, said tha’ diseases were ciused hv faulty diet. Strange as it may seem,” he said, “you get a man to take unlimited interest n hie wireless
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  • 114 13 WORKMAN’S DISCOVERY WHILE CYCLING AT NIGHT. alniLn* 3 discovered that while cycling ford T 6 rf North Road, near Stem caml ,nco nB hire, at night a workman Bide p° e 8 a lywg on the roadcfthai r trnd n K bom the coffin was part h
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  • 97 13 F LIGHIS OF ELOQUENCE. h ZZu* I ar!iam n ar y candidate sssigt him use of an aeroplane to The’ Wl 1 b’ B e ec tioneering. His DartvV^ at ta,,ieB him here an 1 there T hat if H? Ue of couree should wear, Eert be chance to win,
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  • 118 13 To-day*» Departures. Oaderkerk for S»bang, Port Said, Genoa. Marseilles, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Houtpian for Langsa, S*bmg, Olehleb, Padang and Batavb. Kedah for Bdlawan (Dili). Automedon for Colombo, Suez, Port Said., Amster am London fand Hamburg. Ruth Alexander for Colombo, Sulz. Port Siad Alexandria, Naples, Genoa, Mirseil ep,
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  • 463 13 CLOSE DAILY except (Sunday), BT TRAIN. Federated and Non-Federated Malay States Malacca. Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption Or Night Mail Service. The following additional mails wi’l be closed iaily (Sunday excepted) at
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 68 13 Home VIA Canada or United States £l2O £ll2 From Hong Kong or Manila to any port in Northern Europe RAT E S COVE R I Class Trans-Pacific I Class Rail Across North Aw erica Trans Atlantic Cabin to the value of G $205 or 145 Other through Rates £B3—£loo -£lO2.
      68 words
    • 280 13 I p| CCADiix J picCAnnl """‘""I iCCftDlii eICCADiiJ- _J. COOI Virginia? 2 I I IrTil I M SMOK,NG t I I gw acCADiI ggfl FLAVOUR, (ScaLiJ lilt! Lnni.J®M- DELIGHTFUL I °-!®j PicCADfe I I oicCADiJ FRAGRANCE |B CORRECTLY MADE FROM FINE F Ic|ThwFSrsKTTT3li| I .</ Iwlt wtew I BiOl® Ik
      280 words

  • 800 14 MAN’S FEAR OF AN “AWFUL FATE.” Barmaid’s Terrible Ordeal. THE case of a man who had the belief that he would become insane was related at the inquest on the victims of the shooting tragedy at the Royal Hotel, Buxton, on Saturday, when Frank Turner, the
    800 words
  • 487 14 Investors’ Gu ide. m A < B y V hat would inuome. in po rpetuity owuhfe but for the liv es nl Jfcrj4 and tkeir children and Ur Ch! month, through You would not get a Ciap. you could easily find o t 11 4 n»um for a self p
    487 words
  • 162 14 Mar 8-Annual General Mating ProWellesley and Kehh C orc Mission, S. Mark’s Chnrcb Vcatry. 6 p m Cricket: F.f± Te.t MMb»» at Melbourne. 9_ Selangor lst day. 10—4 h in Lent. 12— Bru as Rubber, A.GX 3, Weld Qaav. 12. 13 14-Macdoma Town Hi’L c hreot’ 13— ate
    162 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 257 14 I l Aaaet. over $8,000,000. S. C. A.aurance in force ever $30,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement»). c LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. HEAD OFFICE Winchester Ho ate, Singapore. The Company ha. £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complie» with
      257 words
      6 words

  • 552 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang, March 8, 1929. Mutton— g c t Mutton Indian per lb 55 Head Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart lung do 1.50 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Suet 4Q Kidney pair 80 Peet the four
    552 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 I (TRADE MARK.) I THE FERTILIZERS OF THE I I. G. Stikstof Verkoop Mij. I (I. G. Nitrogen Sales Co., Ltd.,) I Semarang, Java. I ARE SOLD BY I Katz Bros., Ltd., I Sole Agents Throughout Malaya I Br?tisL North Borneo and Sarawak. I ---rr ==s£ I REFLECT I ON
      201 words
    • 253 15 •’m I .< 3 1! ,s AN EVENT to be proud of AiilllW I 50 YEARS AGO I’l Iff 1 > WERE FIRST MANUFACTURED M’ jr A \l P° lic y of WD H.O. Wills r«B I 1 i* l ac^er i n to High uS 1 Quality Standards is
      253 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1274 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. IIH-fijI HAMBURG-AMERIKAIJNIE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. llf»Pf*|| PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES. WEEKLY SERVICE, LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. AUTOMEDON in port London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. AOHULES M»r. 14 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Due Singapore. PHEMIUS M.r. 22 Loadon. Rotterdam and Haaibnrg m Bargenland For Hongkong. Shanghai
      1,274 words
    • 654 16 P. ©.-BRITISH i\m> AND APCAK LINES (Companies Incorporatbd in England) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. under I Sailings O f steamer contract with Hi s Majesty’s Govern- India s 5 British ment, London and Far East Mail Service. (Incorporated' v LMOutwards from London for China
      654 words