Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTABLISHED 1833. PUBLISHED DAILY Ho 49. VOL. LXXXVII. FRIDAY, Ist MARCH, 1929. price io Dents.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 582 1 fu' tokisatsu I SfUOIO, up-to-date Photography b v cleClrlC llghl’phone 772, fa 70, Bishop Street, j PENANG. ®»F»nnnwssHnisinM«iwrinna«wßQnnM««annjßMßaan«M«B Have YOU tried 5 think i crkf’M Before you buy a Car and insist on n .x. one which has been proved M CHEVROLET TOURER $1,410 J RgW r SvUPST 3 j
      582 words
    • 33 1 T T. NAGATHA z i r k x iw n .ip 4» BROTHERS, ,DEN I IS I S. Hsad Office next to the Dispensary.. Brandi Office 52, Leith Street' r*- d* 1 T
      33 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2167 2 wckiieuT OTICg banks. ajaasKr— M-NIShS CHANGE OF TITLE. E I n icotch c wBw. Ath I Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada The Whisky you ask for again under the name of SWAN MAvLAKEiN subscribed capital £i,BW,eM B Z Aoentfi PRITOHARD ACo Ltd CRAIK, will in future be continued under
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  • 1189 3 Germany's Choice-Ex-Kaiser Or Hindenburg. Complex Megalomaniac, Contrast With Plain Bluff Soldier. THE EX-KAISER celebrated his 70th birthday on January 27. Both in Doorn itself and in monarchist circles in Germany the anniversary has been made the occasion of an organised attempt to create a new sympathy for the Imperial exile.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 216 3 r phx JbBX. X >t>. Kayser SLIPPER HEEL* HOSIERY A hose that enjoys wide popularity is this Kayser "Slipper Heel” hose that is service weight. It is exquisite.} fine and clear of texture—yet it wears exceptionally well. And the exclusive Kayser feature,’’Slipper Heel” gnes a smart slenderness to natural beauty
      216 words
    • 58 3 PA T E N T I I J o I Canvas Bags Size: 19” by 19” by 24” can be packed 224 lbs rubber. e 5 ffl can be used over hundred S z 'wL if times X j XL j!! < $6-50 each f.o.b. Singapore, Telegraphic address "ARISAKA.” Arisaka
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    • 266 3 BWsWSSSKiIMH yrJL w* BI.B'MIR-ftJ/Zz Rudy Wiedoeft. 5063 /S-renade-Badine Saxophone [Melodie Florence Oldham (comedienne). I takes a Good Man to do Thit V 011 I Ukulele Maid Grand Organ Solo. J Gipsy Caravan March (Nuptial Song Jean Lensen’s Orchestra. *»109 J Ganz ’ne Vesuviana Vielle Chanson Ejpagnole Squire’s Celeste Octet. 5123
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 I"!' I"; ffffW Iff iffi iff 1111 in ffii t jH ZZ 1 I i i jT*""""" i z fl 1 I B i I t g I i V I E (IK_ WOW E g J fe B J B 3 F~ B JI B— 3 I IBB» 1
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  • 488 5 1.-PALM-OIL FOR PROFIT (By Searchlight.”) This is going to be a whole series of pointers for Malayan investors, so let me begin by frankly stating my purpose. It is to popularise the oil palm as a sound commercial proposition which is going to bring increased prosperity to Malaya—and
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  • 791 5 AMICABLY SETTLED, Westernization Of The Sinhalese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Colombo, February 17. THE fear of further strikes and disturbances in Colombo was quelled on Friday morning by an amicable conclusion of the truce which was arranged kst week between the Ceylon Labour Union and the
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  • 315 5 OLD GRANNY.” Shouts During Address to Two Bishops. THEBE was an exciting scene in Westminster Abbey on January 25 during the service of consecration of the Bishops of Chelmsford and Lewes. A woman who made continual interruptions was removed by a verger. While the address to the
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  • 362 5 CORONER ON LOOSE WAY OF GIVING MEDICINE. Dr. Ambrose, the Walthamstow coroner, I criticised a woman doctor at an inquest on the chi'd of Mrs. Hughes, of Marlowe-1 road, Walthamstow, E. The mother said she paid 6s. 6d. a week for two rooms and a scullery in
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  • 138 5 Penang, March 1, 1929, I By Courtesy of Bhe Chartered Bank). I London Demand Bank 2/3 3/4 I 4 months’ sight Bank 2/3 15/16 I 3 Credit 24 13/32 3 Documentary 2/4 15/321 Calcutta Demand Bank 153|l I 3 days’ sight Private 156| s I Bombay Demand Bank 153|
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 409 5 C Advertisements. experienced er k typist essential. Ap ship Ping .r Pinarg Gazette. k poxN° l65 C u e ,d Clerk for Katn Tin tinted: f* e jQ Pn k e t, Siam. A Mbitf* LnDl u he paid to successful be a good bookLlicant d previous experience. Sper.« Ddba
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    • 163 5 m. v. “Glenshiel” Voy. 11. t Consignees of cargo per the above vesse from Europe are hereby notified that she i due here 7 a.m. on Sunday, the 3rd March 1929, and will commence discharging on arriva in the Roads. BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in F.M.S.) I Agents, GLEN LINE,
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    • 726 5 MALAYAN FOOTBALL COMPETITION NO. 63 $l6OO in PRIZES IS OFFERED FOR 9 MATCHES ONLY 9. $lOOO MUST BE WON. For a correct forecast of the 9 matches mentioned in the coupon, a prize of $1,200 will be given, and also a prize of $4OO for the next best coupon. Should
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 50 5 TOWN HALL To-night at 9-3 G Lnal Concert To-morrow celebrity CONCERT. |^LLM_ c O M PARABLE lift O »*'**■> I maud bell r\, ’Cellist SAYER Pianist. v rniaB opportunity >4 Sayer and pr °Srau>me is unusual, ntter) y eharrr- au t ter we ll-rendered hieeiii —China Press. J ws<os Piano
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  • 180 6 Famous Actor-Singer. PROGRAMME WHICH WILL APPEAL TO AH. WITH a record world tour completed and a second world tour now well advanced, William Heughan, the incomparable actor-singer,with bis brilliant assisting artists, Maud Bell and Gladys Sayer, returns to Penang this evening to give his farewell concerts in
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  • 137 6 The following are the results of tennis toarniinent ties played on Wednesday Singles Hanlicap Class ‘‘A”: —l5 G. Robertson beat —30.3 G. A. M. Hyde 6-4, 6—3 Doubles Handicap CLss “B” (Final):— —15.2 G. B. Crisp &n 1 E. C. Prattley beat Ser C. Filtock and P.
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  • 93 6 The result of a bowls tournament tie played on Wednesday was Teams of Three :—Scr J. M. Chalmers, D. Mc T eod Craik and A. V. Goodale beat 2 9. B. F. Sjutham, F. N. Byer and W. Dawson 21—19. The following are the results of Bowls
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  • 59 6 While homeward bound from Co’ombo to London, Mr. F.J. Lucking died on board the Orient liner Orjord. Mrs. *****, on hearing of her husband’s ulnese, went to Plymouth from Worthing o meet him. He became unconscious as the steamerapproached the port, and was 9 llmeh B
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    • 458 6 (To The Editor of The Finang Gazette.) Sir, —I should be grateful if you would grant me a little space in which to make a protest against the unjust criticism appearing in this morning’s issue of the Straits Echo of our performance of “The Ringer.” The play
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    • 343 6 (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir, —I sympathise with “Disgusted Underdog” of Penang and appreciate the fair mindedness of the Pinang Gazette leader-writer. Asiatic teachers, after obtaining the highest certificates locally available, are asked to be satisfied with a scale of $l3O
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    • 457 6 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette). Sir, \s we are approaching a time of the year which Britishers c ften select fcr visits to maybe well to mention one or two points arising out of recent which have been decided in the English Courts, in
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    • 130 6 Sir, —May I take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for your sympathetic comments on my letter regarding the hardships to the poor depositors in the Savings B*nk. With regard to my suggestion of affixing photographs of the depositors in the Pass Books you
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  • 224 6 Nibong Tebal Charge. EUROPEAN WHO STRUCK A CHINESE. AT the Nibong Tebal Police Court, to-day. before Captain Pratt, Mr. C. R. Gibbons, assistant manager of the iSungei Bakap Estate, was fined $lO for obstructing a public servant in the execution of his duty. A Chinese dog-shooter,
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  • 193 6 Are the Unemployment Figures Correct “SECRET NOTES.” Alleg tions against the Mnistry of Labour and the Employment Exchanges were made by Mr. Arthur Hayday, Socialist M.P. for West Nottingham, at a S cial In ur nee Confer e ice in Ma Chester which was attended by 320 delegates
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  • 123 6 ,—Reuter. SHARKEY GAINS VERDICT OVER YOUNG STRIBLING. Miami (Florida), February 28. Jack Sharkey outpointed Young Stribling in a 10 round CDntest at Flamingo Park. JACK DEMPSEY—PROMOTER. 30,000 witnessed the tight. The receipt amounted to £BO,OOO. Apparently Dempsey’s first promotion ven.ure has been successful The fight
    ,—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 113 6 WELCH REMMENTS’ ANNUAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 28. The Welch Regiment held their annual cross-country run this evening over a four and a half mile course. Private Mills was first in 31 minute?, Private Taylor second in 31 min. 2 secs- and Corporal Way
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  • 171 6 INACCURATE RECORDS AT SCOTLAND YARD. The justices of Melton Mowbray, Lei cestershire, have sent a letter to Mr. Bingley, the Marylebone magistrate, protesting at what they call an unnecessary reflection on them. When binding over a woman recently on a charge of theft, Mr. Bingley criticised the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 The result of Sunday Gazette Football Forecasts ro. 25 will be announced to-morrow.
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    • 114 6 DUNLOP PNEUMATIC MOTOR COVERS AND TI BES ARE REDUCED IN PRICE By 57. ====X== Distributors K. LEE SAN COMPANY, 81, Beac.i Street, Penang. A disordered digestive system often causes sleeplessness. You will find that sound and restful sleep will fsjß 'll I generally result from the use of ENO —just
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  • 1379 7 Inevitable Debacle. Objectives Of The Kuomintang. NINE months ago, Mr. J. O. P. Bland, writing in the Sunday Tinies, with regard to the outlook in China at that date, observed that public interest in Chinese allairs had been replaced in England and the United States by
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  • 822 7 The joint wedding of the Misses Stella and Ena, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arshak Sarkies of Penang and Singapore, will be solemnised at the St. Georges Church. Penang, < n Wednesday, March 27, at 4.30 p.m. Miss Stella Sarkies is to marry Mr. John S. Long,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 449 8 In this country, where the outlook of many of us, we daresay the m <j irity of us, is parochial in the extreme, we are wont to emphasise the things which do not matter at the expense of the things, and their number is legion, which cry
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  • 151 8 A LES ON TO ALL. (?rom Our Own Correspond-n Bangkok, February 28. The British are liked in Siam. His Majesty the King, addressing a gathering of practically interested in the tin dredg ng industry in the island of Pnket, said The companies of the British enbj
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  • 99 8 Reuter. NE.V AGREEMENT. London. February 28. The Anglo-A erican Power Petroleum Companies are to increase the price of petrol to-morrow by nine farthings a gallon. Moscow. February 28. A years’ agreement is announced bet wr en'tbe Anglo American O<l Combine and the Russian Oil
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 141 8 of the China Station in 1927.— Rugby Radio Service. TO FACILITATE ADVANCE OF JUNIORS. London, February 28. At his own request Admiral Sir Richard WeLb has been place! on the retired list and Vic°-Admiral Si.- R‘giuald Tyrwhitt his been promotel to the rank of Ad miral. Admiral
    of the China Station in 1927.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  141 words
  • 124 8 .—Reuter. Tok?o, February 28. The Government denies the reports that it has decided to apply artificial means to prevent a further fall in the yen, but it is reliably learned that the Yokohama Specie Bank has agreed to lend money with the Bank of Japan negotiable bonds
    .—Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 87 8 THARK.” ANOTHER SUCCESS FOR BANVYRD CO. The Banvard Company of talented artists scored another success Lst evening before a good house in their performance of Thark. Much need not be raid of the performance as Penang residents are well aware of the excellence and quality of the fare provided on
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  • 1519 8 OOD GESTES is the title of Maj Jr V# P. C. Wren’s new volume for the eZ Spring, which Mr. Murray published on February 27. It is a collection of stories of Beau, Digby and John Geste and certain of their comrades in the French Foreign Legion.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 301 8 <> 0 f '$R/ fe 'W/udkymade g' Jj| 44 .d&rfiffled ffi&rGMf |W I> ARLEY is a valuable food and the distilled K? 7 iS essence contains properties that are not fl ijj only restorative but are also health giving in a W yft greater degree than any other distilled article.
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    • 71 8 E. O. Dance n’ghts every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesdays Saturdays—Evening Dress Th ursday s—Optional. Orchestra every day during Lunch and Dinner. Orchestral Concert every Sunday. Tiptons! CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd. Delightfully Situated and Facing the Sea and Peak. Modern Sanitary System. Hot and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

    Delius, the blind composer.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  537 words
  • 75 9 Radio Service. PASSES A QUIET DAY. London, February 28. E was ollicially stated at Bognor wt the King passed a quiet day. Hie sun shone brilliantly during afternoon and there was very httle wind. H'usf ijiiently His Majesty was e D sit at
    Radio Service.  -  75 words
  • 110 9 -Reuter, J C! >nic’s forgetfulness. Co] MeXiCO City* February 28. *ttly dnl^' n >erg b’ B accident was appa- th J fiilnre the macharight cotter pin in the axle of *'hen nJ* v ic b consequent'y came «’>«»“11 "t 1 Lindbergh took off. Ser and bergh
    -Reuter,  -  110 words
  • 62 9 ,—Reuter. DEMAND IN YORKSHIRE EXCEEDS SUPPLY. London, February 28. Continental ice conditions have created a rush of orders for British coal. Over 500,000 tons were exported from South Wales last week, which considerably exceeds any corresponding week for the past four years. The demand in Yorkshire
    ,—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 77 9 Reuter. full minutes published. Amsterdam, February 28. The Utrechtse Dagblad publishes the full text of the minutes of the alleged Franco Belgian Military Conference in Brussels, held from September 7-1-J 1927 They are dated September 20,1927 and are signed by the French General Debeniey, and tbe Belgian
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 196 9 Reuter. BUDGET PROPOSAL. PROCEEDS FOR ROAD DEVELOPMENT FUND. FINANCIALLY SOUND. The only new taxation in the Indian Budget i< the prop ised increase in motor spirit from four to six annas per gal’on The proceeds will be devoted to the Road Development Fund. Sir
    , Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 118 9 as usual, will be held at Olympia.— Rugby Radio Service. LARGEST EXHIBITION HALL IN ENGLAND. London, February 28, Olympia, the largest exhibition hall in England, passed yesterday to its new owners, who have decided up?n plans for a further extension of the building, which will take over
    as usual, will be held at Olympia.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  118 words
  • 116 9 —Rugby Radio Service. THE KING’S MESSAGE OF WELCOME. London, Febru ry 27. The 2nd Battalion Saos Guards, c ming from Shanghai, disembarked at South- mpton to-day and were given a rousing reception. The first message to greet them came from the King, who is Com
    ’—Rugby Radio Service.  -  116 words
  • 101 9 —Reuter. TO PROCEED TO GENEVA. London, February 28. A bulletin issued last night stated that Sir Austen Chamberlain is confined to his house with a catarrhal sore throat. He is much better and there are no complications and no feve»-. No further bulletin is being issued
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 68 9 Reuter. THREE MEN SENTENCED.' Melbourne, February 28. The trial has concluded of the five men charged in connection with the bombing of the Greek Club in December, during tbe troub'es arising from the resentment of the waterside workers’ employment of volunteer (largely non-Pritish) labour. Three
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 400 9 ,—Rugby Radio Service. Further Curtailed. MODERNIS ATION OF 1 HE ARMY. EXO .MOUS STRIDES. Speaking on the Army Estimates in the House oj Commons, Sir Laming Worthington-Evans said that Grtat Britain alone among the nations of the w >rld had curtailed her military expenditure. He declared that
    ,—Rugby Radio Service.  -  400 words
  • 166 9 machinery into an organisation.— Rugby Radio Service. SUCCESSFUL YEAR’S WORK: MANY SALES. London, February 28. The report for the past year ef the British Artists’ Exhibition, founded by Sir Joseph Duveen with the object of giving possible purchasers of pictures at home and abroad an opportunity of
    machinery into an organisation.— Rugby Radio Service.  -  166 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 Aorange
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    • 135 9 Special Display OF 'Beach Wear" t Large selection of the famous “Jantzen” |J ‘‘Bradley” and I Forma J Bathing Costumes Prices from $B-50 to $l2-95. j ij Bathing Caps J 95 cents to $l-75. a Bathing Shoes v $l-75i JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) BISHOP STREET, PENANG, and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 57 9 I I I I I dw Bui sB i To-Night and Till Sunday, 3rd March. At 9-30 p.m. Nightly* WthWshgirll r u Dolores e Costello F fl John Ha non I -V- BROS PRODI' CT lON 1 The latest and greatest stars in’jhe Merriest Comedy of the Season. At 8p
      57 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 499 10 ~--T' ,x“ 22 '^SSasSSSfe'-^is -•■.■k, wV t" x l j£ ft I|k rj _HSr3 IA W 1 Jgfok SB X/W \tfcT < k rßfe* la wy W** 7jfi| W I w Mf® 4ti& WMfewJM jfc* I I|b i W j IMA Ifcfe- 5 i' vfe- wi I I |W c
      499 words

  • 469 11 WEE-LY MARKET review. S ngapore, Fib nary 27. glad to again report on an active rulb?r th res and a further I' improvement in values. The gen modi y price is h gher by 11/16’. and J', 0 I 3Ddoi. Blocks are increased by only With American
    469 words
  • 337 11 Messrs. William Jacks and Co. reported on lebruary 4 as follows Trade ah over the country is improving, and in proof of this Iron and Steel, Coal and Coke, have all advanced in price, and our Leading Investors have absorbed the flying supply of Preferred and Ordinary
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  • 699 11 Singapore, Feb. 26. The Tin market dnrii g the past week has bten quiec and uointeretting and the price cf the metal on balance shows no alteration. Bth Seiling and Dollar Tin shares have been dull and the e are few changes to note in market quotations.
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  • 90 11 Ifassrs. Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd London February 27, Spot £220 15s three months* buying £*****.6 three months’ selling £222 15s. Messrs, Boustead Co.. Ltd—--28 h February quotation for Singaoore refined tin $*****1 per picul, business done 250 tonp, Penang refined tin $112.12 j per picul, buyers no sellers
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  • 23 11 The output of Ronpibon Tin, No Liability for the month ended 28± February was piculs 404, c. yds 52,UUU, bouts 533.
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  • 289 11 The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 am to day:— Ytsterday. To day. OD QO Shares. 5 ZCJ c CQ 00 CQ 0Q c. c. C. Rubber (Dollar). Allenby 240 250 2.40 2.45 Ayer Kun ng... .621 67* .60 65
    289 words
  • 80 11 The following are the latest quotations in THE MALAYA COMPANY LIMITED’S share list:— Buyer?. Sellers. Tin. Kuchai Ord. 1.40 1.45 M. Consolidated .62* .65 Nawng Pet 1.10 1.15 Peuawats .9 J .92* Rahmans 1.45 1.50 Rantau Pref. 1.37* 1.40 Taiping 1.04 1.06 Talams 1.50 1.52* Kuala Lumpur
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  • 97 11 The following are our latest quotations for to-day Mining. Buyers. Sellers. Hong F.tts .62* .65* Hitams .72 ,75 Haad Yais 9/3 9/9 Harbours 8.50 9.00 Johans .39 .41 Kampongs 24/9 25/6 Kuchais 140 145 K. Lumpurs 33/- 33/6 Lahats 15/9 16/3 Malaya Consols .62 .64 Mung Prefs
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  • 37 11 Rubber Prices. We beg to report that the Singapore prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows: Spot 45c per lb. March 45*c April/Jane 47c July/Sept. 47*c Remarks :—Market Firmer.
    37 words
  • 39 11 London Standard Loose. S. R. Sheet 44 cts per pound per pl. $5B/66 No. 1 Crepe 45* cts per pound per pl.=s6o/33 Steady. Londbn 12j 1 New York 26* cts (gold). {By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys).
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  • 363 11 Messrs. James F. Hutton and Co., Ltd., Manchester.reported as follows on February. 6: Since the issue of our last week’s report values have maintained their steady basis although something in the nature of a small decline has been experienced at the beginning of this week. In
    363 words
  • 110 11 The following are our latest quotations for to-day:— Buyers. Sellers. Rubbers. Allenbys 2.30 2.45 Bassetts 1.12* 1.17* Brogas 1.40 1.45 Connemaras 2.30 2.40 Jerams 1.55 1.65 Kempas 3.60 3 70 Mentakabs .55 .57* N. Scudais 2.95 3.05 Pajams 2.60 2.70 S. Tukangs 1.32* 1.37* Tapahs 2.60 2.70
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  • 54 11 EXCELLENT TIME MAINTAINED. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February *2B. Mr. J. Robson, the Penang-Singapore non stop motor-cyclist, riding a New Imperial, arrived at Singapore at 7.10 this evening. He left Penang at 5.25 this morning. He was stopped four times by Police for his licence, thus
    54 words
  • 89 11 3rd March—Third Sunday in Lent 8' a.m Holy Communion 10 a.m. Hol,. Baptism, Morning Prayer and Address at Alor Star Church, 6 p.m. Evensong and Address at Freemason’s Hall, Sungei Patani. 4th Monday—B a.m Holy Communion at Sungei Patani. Bth Friday—6 p.m. Annual General
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 206 11 Sib JPV 3B SB «a* i>'- >• a- I 4 flu K* MB M* g M >•• Si. ML <0 St. CJ I PLAYER’S CORK-TIPPED CIGARETTES J I A pl i /UviUAjj yPW? i i 1 -r—’ t*. I 1 w < j 7= (Ta 1 it-?- I i W-W
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  • 266 12 CENSUS OF STOCKS. The following is a Census of Stocks of Rubber held by Dealers and on Estates of over 100 acres on 31st January, 1929, together with certain export figures. Estate Stocks O 2 Q 2 -X5 T 5 Eh a- *2 Territory „ua o g m
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  • 221 12 Penang. March 1, 1929. Benares Opium p. chest ss,Of 0.00 nom Cloves 90.00 nom Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings 145.00 nom Nutmrgs 80s 80.00 nom 110 s 70.00 nom Cccoanuts per 1,000 50.00 nom Copra Sundried $9.90 buyers Rattans 11.15 sales Rattans Coarse 10.60 Green Snail Shells
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  • 161 12 RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT. Penang, February 27. There has been a continued steady advance in values during the we The local market closes firm at 47| cents, the'highest point touched since publication of the announcement of withdrawal of Restriction, with London and New York 11/16d and U
    161 words
  • 125 12 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 905th. auction on Wednesday, when there was catalogued 1,927,833 lbs. 860.64 tons. Offered 1,611,425 lbs.; 719.38 tons. Sold 1,448,960 lbs.; 646.85 tons. Spot. London Is. l}i. New York 26} cts. Prices Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents Per Lb.
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  • 43 12 To day at the Esplanade at 6 p.m. 1. March Our New Commander Latam 2. Overture The Calif Of Bagdad Boieldieu 3. Mazurka Mathieux Kuhnier 4. Reminiscences Of Choppin Winterbottom 5. One Step Heading For Louisville Meyer God Save The King.
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  • 15 12 The homeward mail by the s.e. b'llenga closes at 6 p m. to-day.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 466 12 b*» I em ‘COLDSJgg? ft W^EN y u j\ Of all chemists f fln dissolve a ant medicine jLJB a*Sk B I ,/a ra handy PepstabletX dealers, //7/ -P® £»L B I 'J in the mouth, the\ fU /5 jstS&h Sr&> K Ut* 3 healing andgermici-\ E fi |Xj dal
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    • 20 12 frit A few flowers for the lady I nnecessary—we have known each other for a long time.”— Wahre Jakob, Berlin.
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    • 213 12 LAM CHEANG 11G, BUCKINGHAM STREET, 1 FURNITURE DEALERS China Black Wood Furniture Impo f t er> plain or MOTHER < J I > F *sdesigns r MINMri tiite rrr r- -r- ALL ARE WELCOME TO SEE OUR J SPECIAL DISPLAY OF I A FULL RANGE OF FURNITURE j Especially China
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  • 146 13 To-day’s Departures. Sarpedon for Cok mbo, Sa» z, Port Said, Marseilles London, Rotterdam anc Glatgow. Autolycns for Colombo, Sa z, Port Said, New York, Boston and Baltimore. Ayuthia f< r Pangkalan Brand ar. Fionia for Port Said, Genoa, London, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Copenhagen. Rohr a for Port Swettenham
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  • 535 13 CLOSE DAILY except (Sunday). BI TRAIN. Federated and Non-Federated Malay States Malacca Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, oxcart where otherwise stated, close half an honi earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption Or Night Mail Service. The following additional mails w 'l be closed daily (Sunday excepted)
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  • 82 13 March 1 2—William Heugban at the Town Hall, 9.30 p.m. M.C.C. v Victoria, Melbourne. 2 Cricket: Merchants v The Rest, Esplanade, 2 p.m. William Heugban at the Town Hall, 9 30 p.m. 3 Cricket: Merchants v The Rest, Esplanade, Contd. 3rd in L a nt, 9 Selangor Races,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 376 13 JoR l e 3OO. 400 and SUO page J Cash Columns 146, 242, 314 pages Single Jy Cash C° lumn 100, 150 and 200 folios 3OO pages Books of 2, 3 and 5 quires tfINUTE Books o f 2 and 4 quires with M Index and Numbered Pj 415 Rub-di
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    • 255 13 Asset» over $8,000,000. S. C. Assurance in force over $30,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). IHLAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance
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  • 558 14 NO TURNING. NO PARKING, NO LATE WIVES. New York Traffic SpeedUp. MR. Grover Whalen, who recently was appointed Commissioner of ihe New York Police, is applying the great business experience gained as the head of the world’s largest department stores (Wanamaker’s) to New York’s trailic problems.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 333 14 Before she sets out T for the evening a woman must xifT x be satisfied with her appearance. fll I’ 1 1’ r f y Her frock may be perfect, her V* hair look its loveliest, but if she l| z -<{;?,Vgh is uneasy about her complexion, k er cn
      333 words
    • 159 14 HER BABY GIRL SUFFERED TERRIBLY BUT IS NOW IN PERFECT HEALTH. Mrs. Moise Cabotte, of Makainik, Quebec, writes: —“Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy ip. the world for little ones. My baby suffered terribly from 'indigestion and vomiting, but the Tablets soon set her right ?nu now sne is
      159 words
    • 164 14 /«Bl 2 Bl fePO y For More Years and More Miles Graham Brothers Trucks and Buses are famous for their simplicity of design, ruggedness of construction and the high grade material of which they are built. These features represent basic value. Dodge Brothers, always vigilant for improvement, have augmented this
      164 words

  • 575 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang, March 1, 1929. Mutton— ct Mutton Indian per lb 55 Head Sheep or goat each 1-30 Liver with heart A lung do 1.50 Tripe M do 100 Goat or Sheep M per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 49 Suet 40 Kidney M pair 80 Feet
    575 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 159 15 J s4> $M| x I J lip |i^ vri h»*** KLOSTER BEER LION HEAD BRAND.” I--'' I Kksl S g|hl s SPECIALLY light AND I brewed FOR I f appetising. 3 THIS CLIMATE. i I I 1 J (’WKS-— W 5 SOLE AGENTS i f KATZ BROS. LTD., i I
      159 words
    • 368 15 I g H M KI ft Castles” C .Cigarettes ;< BrihgJ hree a| U«Tobaosr? i r\ MbwiP z’ >2 '*> S i J I I Ta— I >C< j a ra g During the half century a \?7 that'Three Castles” have a BEEN ON THE MARKET, THEIR t POPULARITY HAS
      368 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1269 16 (fi3 hambukg-amerika UNIE INTENDED SAILINGS» FROM PENANG. fjg PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES. WEEKLY SERVICE, LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. 5 MiTs OUTWARDS. Due S ogapore ACHILLES M*r. 14 Marseilles. London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. m.,. Burgenland For Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. W.h Mar. PHEMIUS Mar. 22 London. Glasgow t m.B. Ruhr For
      1,269 words
    • 626 16 P. ©.-BRITISH INnj> AND APCAR LINES (OOMFAKIM IKOORPORATID E Sauso) ■AIL PASSENGER AND CARGO MRV| CB Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. under Sailings O f steamers contract with His Majesty’s Govern- iHdia S. n Mlßi ment, London and Far East Mail Service. (Incorporated i n p Outwards from London
      626 words