Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 January 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 475 1 |H. TOKISATSU STUDIO, with up-to-date Photo* '> graphy by electric light. ’Phone 772, 68, 70, Bishop Street, PENANG. BELL’S POILITE THINK Before you buy a Car and insist on M ml I I l"4 one which has been proved A A B J CHEVROLET TOURER $1,410 T> ASBESTOS-CEMENT. 55 miles
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    • 18 1 I T. NAGATA] BROTHERS j DENTISTS, j M Mier, mt! toft* Roarer I Mi Mm ft UM StoU
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1885 2 MCMIQLTC —I POLICE notice g c |c 1 Street Auction Rooms Madame Farina. l(ießw l tim P< t R. tra c SPECIAL tenders for the undermentioned work. 00-J NnW Ofl &Ĕ 22(1. Bedell StVPAf SCOTCH WHISKY “Laying of a sewer and construction Room No. 77. E. &O. Hotel, 15th, 17th,
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  • 1106 3 Impeccable Coiffures. BY A WOMAN CORRESPONDENT. P.iri.-, December 12. The hair-dressers of Paris met together the other night under the auspices of the Ecole Nationale de la Coiffure. The occasion was a dance given in the Salle des Ingenieurs Civiles. All the women present had impeccable coiffures,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 355 3 FIBS fi r KgliW fl! Ml 1 mRvZ Jl\ »L J- df? f Kayser Slipper Heel* hosiery 1 k Se that is sheer enou gh for beauty and heavy enough to withstand hard we 2 I Hosiv-v e 7 ,ce k heerweisht sli PP erHeel I rival Th for beauty
      355 words
    • 231 3 ata: WRf W I > HL. j; Doubles the Beauty of Your Hair The simple hair styles of to day make beautiful hair a necessity. Luckily, beautiful hair is now easily obtained. It is simply a matter of shampooing. “roper shampooing makes the hair soft and 81 y- R brings
      231 words
    • 315 3 I I' Every i Life Itself 1 n I Columbia JV2SW PROCESS RECORDS W Made the New Way tEiectrfcaHy DU A«cwdf wjttatf J 14R5 D I King For A Day Waliz Ted Lewis’ Band I Moonlight Midness F. T. 1505 D A Bit of Drift w jod F. T. Paul
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  • 754 4 “MISERY, WANT. AND POVERTY.” Corn Being Forced From Peasants. Sir William Joynson H cks, the Home Secretary, waa the at dinner of the Ladies* Imperial Chub at the Piccadilly Hotel recently. Lady Lawrence presided. Lady Lawrence, giving “The King,” said they honoured it with love and
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  • 365 4 x THE UMPIRE’S AWARD. Arbitrators Fail To Agree. The award has now been made in the dispute which arose as a result of the retention of the guarantee engineer on board the Vyner Brooke beh nging to the Sarawak Steamship Company, Ltd. It will be remembered
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  • 427 4 SENTENCE ON BANKRUPT. Sentence of four years’ peinal servitude was passed by the Recorder (Sir Ernest Wild, K.C.) at the Central Criminal Court on Hubert John Soppitt, 33, who pleaded ‘‘Guilty” to an indictment charging him with converting to his own use and benefit money which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 536 4 e s Colourful "Swans” /I JI t^at c h artn e y e JM P 7 /7 JW Br The pleasure of owning a \V; B/ M “Swan” is not merely Bl Mg obtained through its mil Sft A remarkable efficiency, but V 'wA/ Sf/111 s shared by its. charming
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    • 38 4 Penang War Memorial Fund, The public is again reminded that a Subscription List in connection with the above Fund has been opened. Donations should be addressed to the Secretary, the Municipality, and cheques made payable to War Memorial.’*
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    • 543 4 8 FREE BOOK ON HOW TO TREAT BRONCHITIS ASTHMA BY B. W. H UR, MD. The Registrar-General reports that last year 68,853 PEOPLE DIED FROM ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS IN ENGLAND AND-WALES. DON’T let Bronchitis or Asthma wear down your vitality. You can quickly recover and avoid repeated attacks taking Dr.
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  • 886 6 Summary Of Indictments. Melange Of Kindergarten And Borstal Reformatory. Wrangling —Not Research. THE following is a short sum mary of the specific allegations made against the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, and contained in the editorials of certain Malayan newspapers 1. No annual reports
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  • 61 6 FOUR CHINESE ARRESTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jmuary 11. There was further hooliganism in Malacca Street last night when a Chinese endeavoured to prevent some compatriots from entering the Manila Show, alleging that a Japanese was employed there. The police arrested four men who
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  • 49 6 SATURDAY’S RUGGER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 11. The following will represent Selangor against the Welch Regt, at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday Jack Richards, Parker, Baxter and Stratton-Brown Scott and Swan Taylor. Hanson. Gillespie, Dobbie, Cuscaden, Spurgir, Gomm, and A.N. Other.
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  • 689 6 Singapore Views. “CAUSED EXPRESSED DISAPPROVAL” RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY. PENANG has again come to the front in Malaya in connection with an official appointment, this time serious disagreement having arisen owing to a Government nomination of a particular Indian gentleman to the honour of membership of the
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  • 340 6 Chinese Sentenced.]' STORY OF ATTACK ON TWO RIKSHA COOLIES. FORGED LABELS CASE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 11. At the Assizes yesterday Tay Leong claimed trial on two charges of being in possession of forged labels, purporting to be the Milkmaid gold medal milk labels,
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  • 105 6 THE BROMHEAD M ATTHEWS COMPETITION. The following are the results of the Bromhead-Matt hews Competition M.S.V.R. A Company 455 S.V.C. Eurasian Company, Team 1 454 M.S.V.R. C Company 430 M.V.C. Chinese Company 428 S.V.C. Malay Company Team 2 427 M.S.V.R. “R” Company 426 M.S.V.R. “E” Company 420 M.S.V.R. “D”
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 “S. G.” FOOTBALL FORECASTS NO. 19. $5O DIVIDED. In this competition the St. Mirren v Dundee match was postponed. Ihe Consolation Prize of $5O has been awarded to the following competitors each with eleven correct forecasts Miss M. Dragon, 161 A, Argyle Road, Penang. Mr. H. M. Thomasz, Eastern Smelting
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    • 196 6 I I J I The Standard by which all Tyres 1 are judged. DISTRIBUTORS: 3 K. LEE SAN Co., 81, Beach Street, Penang. j he w S—4 3REN’S h SICE it and Brown(TV custard were another. Its I] \d lusive flavour u? Fl 5 acidity of iy es a delicious
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  • 1249 7 YOUNG FRENCHWOMAN SENT TO PRISON. Fiat Scene. At the Sussex Assizes at Lewes, Marie Louise Berthe Jacquin, 21, a I reach subject, pleaded “Guilty” to an indictment charging her with demanding, with menaces, LIO,WO ironi Mr. Edwin John Paxton, her former employer, and was sentenced to
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  • 329 7 SIR S. INSTONE’S VIEWS. AIl-The-Year Round Flying. Sir bamuel Instone, speaking on civil aviation at the London School of Economics, said that those who took up civil aviation after the War (with War types of machines), thanks to the Air Ministry’, the manufacturers, and the
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  • 584 7 PROPOSED NEW SANCTUARIES j Area In Uganda, Suggested. A suggestion that an area in Uganda abutting op the Albert National I aik in the Belgian Congo should be set aside as an extension of the latter reservation for wild life was made at a meeting
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  • 126 7 AMERICA’S TOTAL FOR ONE SEASON. Nineteen players have been killed and more than 100 so seriously injured as to have at least a bone broken during the football season in the United States. The total number of deaths this year, according to the New York Herald
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 I I I WHITEAWAYSI fl Great H fl II IC A 1 pt I s fl Commences lai I MONDAY, I January 14th fl for One Month J f| Only «■I Write for our illustrated flpi catalogue of E Sale Bargains, ig|' WHITEAWAY. K LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., fl| Penang, Ipoh,
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  • 697 8 Our readers will recall that the Pinang Gazette, in common with other Malayan newspapers, had occasion during October last, severely to criticise the administration of the internal affairs of the R ibber Research Institute of Malaya. Publication of this criticism caused the Board of the Institute to
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  • 85 8 —Reuter. REBELS IN SUPERIOR POSITION. New Delhi, January 10. It is announced that the Royal Air Force has evacuated altogether 132 persons from Kabul. An aeroplane yesterday flew from Peshawar to Kabul and back with mails as all telegraphs in Afghanistan have been cut. Permission has teen
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 95 8 20 SHOPHOUSES DESTROYED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 11. At 12.30 yesterday the fire brigade received a call to Bukit Panjang on the road across to Johore. Two engines were despatched and on arrival they found the village well alight on both sides of the
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  • 1577 8 LUMPUR riksha pullers are protesting against the impending cancellation of fifteen per cent of licences this year. If the riksha is to be abolished it can be done without injustice to the poor puller by the simple process of refraining from issuing licences to new pullers. There
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 'JBS <gr_ w.— Haig TO OPEN T 0 CLOSE Remove capsule II y Jjj2jjES\h /I "t le r d viSw 5..1 posh upwards NEW BOTTLE SEAL (NO CORKSCREW) QUICK CLEAN SAFE Nobody can put better Whisky into any bottle than that which goes into the Haig bottle. AEJj Doctors are
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    • 50 8 “E. O.” RACE WEEK. Special Dianer and Dance Every Race Day. i Fancy Dress Ball (Fancy Dress Optional) ON Saturday, 19th January. INSIST ON DEL MONTE FRUITS. THE BEST. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL,Ltd. Jan. 19th, 1929. Special Race Dinner and Ball. (Fancy or Evening Dress.) $3/- Per Cover. Kindly book in advance.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 72 8 FUNERAL NOTICF. The funeral of the late Mr. Lim Boon Aw, father of Messrs. Lim Seng Khuan, Lim Peng Cheow, Lim Peng Eong and Lim Peng Khoon will take place on Saturday, 19th January, 1929, at 10 a.m. from his residence No. 4, Penang Road for interment at the Batu
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  • 331 9 Reuter. Encouraging News. definite turn for the BETTER. REGAINING his health. It is generally conceded in Palace circles that the King has, at long last, taken a definite turn for the letter. The absence of the official morning bulletin is considered a very encouraging confirmation
    Reuter.  -  331 words
  • 147 9 —Rugby Radio Service. HUGE POST OFFICE SURPLUS. London, January 10. An appeal to the Government to restore the p nny postage is male by the Chambers of Commerce, the Federation of British Industries and other representative organizations. In a letter to the Prime Minister the signatories
    —Rugby Radio Service.  -  147 words
  • 108 9 —Reuter. QUESTION OF FOREIGN CREDIT. London, January 10. The Times in a leader states that it does not see in the displacement of Mr. Edwardes by Mr. Maze, as Inspector-General of Customs, any desire to destroy the international character of the Custom’s Administration. It says that China’s
    —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 342 9 LAWYER’S CLERK CHARGED ALLEGED TO HAVE GIVEN FALSE INFORMATION. ATTEMPTED MURDER REPORT. The case ia which Bashir A. Mallal, a Singapore lawyer’s clerk, is charged with giving false informa io a was commenced before Mr. B.S. Walton ia the Penang Police Court to day. Acting
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  • 196 9 —Reuter. SEQUEL TO DEATH OF A COOLIE. Hankow, January 10. A tense situation exists in connection with the recent death of a coolie, who was knocked down at the boundary of the Japanese Concession by a Japanese Naval motorcycle patrol. The coolie was taken to the
    —Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 69 9 —Reuter. LINKING FIVE COUNTRIES. Miami, January 10. America’s first international air line linking five countries, including the British West Indies with the United States, was inaugurated tc-day with the departure of four mail passenger aeroplanes for Cuba, Haiti, San Domingo, the Bahamas and Porto Rico. The
    ,—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 387 9 Rugby Radio Service. High Council Meeting. GENERAL BOOIH ASKED TO RETIRE. UNANIMOUS DECISION. A Salvation A r my communique states that the High Council has resolved, having recorded its high appreciation of the life and labours of General Booth to request him to retire from office and
    Rugby Radio Service.  -  387 words
  • 160 9 Secretary for Dominion Affairs. Rugby Radio Service. CHAIRMAN NOMINATED. London, January 10. With the approval of the Government, who have consulted the oth r G >vernments represented at the Imperial Wireless and Cable Conference of 1928, the boards of the Eastern and Associated Telegraph Companies have nominated
    Secretary for Dominion Affairs.—Rugby Radio Service.  -  160 words
  • 63 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, January 9. Paris, 124.10; New York. 4.85 i Brussels, 34.90 a Geneva. 25.20| Amserdam, 12.08| Milan, 92.70* Berlin, 20.40 Stockholm, 18.131 Copenhagen, 18.18* Oslo, 18.19* Vienna, Prague, 1631; Helsingfors, 1921 Madrid, 29.72 Lisbon, 109 Athens, 375 Bucharest, Rio, 51* Buenos Aires, 47f Bombay. IfGj
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  63 words
  • 392 9 PENANG ASSIZES. QUARREL FOLLOWS GAME OF CARDS. SELF DEFENCE PLEA. At the Penang Assizes to day before Mr. Justice Stevens the case was continued ia which Govindasamy, a Tamil coolie, was charge 1 with the murder of Narayaoasamy and also with having voluntarily caused hurt, to
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  • 149 9 —Reuter. ARCHBISHOP OF YORK ENTHRONED. London, January 10. Doctor William Temple was to day formally enthroned as Archbishop of York, in York Minster. Rugby Radio Service. London, January 10. Mr. Alfred Sze, former Chinese Minister in London and later Minister in Washington, has been selected as the
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 149 9 that wheels are ute’.ese. British United Press. ORDERED BY SIONOR MUSSOLINI. Venice, January 9. A new gateway to Venice has oeen ordered by Signor Mussoliill; the Italian Premier. Hitherto from the mainland two and a half miles away the approach has been by railway to the
    that wheels are ute’.ese.—British United Press.  -  149 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 Aorange
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    • 102 9 OhA Special i Display Race Wear t if' AT f ‘I Is iff les •f» Large selection of the Latest Styles in AFTERNOON and EVENING GOWNS. MILLINERY in great variety. INEXPENSIVE FELTS. Newest styles in DAY AND EVENING SHOES. HOSIERY of DISTINCTION. X JOHN LITTLE CO-, LTD., (Incorporated in England.)
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 23 9 To-Night and Till Sunday 13th AT 9-30 P.M. NIGHTLY. PARAMOUNT’S MIGHTY PICTURE “The Rough Riders” ,1® the greatest picture since “BEAU GESTE” 1
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  • 1008 10 Some General Information. POSITION OF ASSOCIATED COMPANIES. As for previous recent years some general information is now supplied relative to Austral Malay Tin, Ltd and its associated Companies, in advance of the ordinary annual reports which can not be prepared for publication until the second quarter
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  • 166 10 BOUSTEAD CO. LTD. RUBBER SALES DEPARTMEN. Penang, January 9. A firmer tendency has been apparent during the week under review and, following the improvement reported tn home markets,’ values lo call y vatced li cents per lb, Standard Sheet being quoted to-day at 31 cent per lb. Cables to hand
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  • 157 10 The following are additional rubber outputs for last month:— Anglo-Malay 130,230 Pataling 73,23) London Asiatic 387,699 Golden Hope 174,984 Bikam 79,200 Sungkai-Chumor 65,454 Seaport 73,000 R. E. of Johore 63,566 North Labis 54,700 Tebolang 30,871 Pernaml’ang 156,807 Strathisla 70,561 Lanadroi 103,673 Ledbury 68,603 Cluny 36,132 Hoscote 74 299
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  • 95 10 The output of Kinta Tin for the month of December was Pels. 400. The output of Tin Kih for the month of December was Plant pels. 120, Tribute 30.40, total 150.40 pels. The output of Seminyih for the month of December was Pels. 100, Hours run 603, Yardage
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1224 10 New Advertisements. banks. M CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, POSITIONS VACANT. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) Assistant Storekeeper (Chinese) refor a local Engineering Store. p ß id. U p. Capital £3,eooMi Must have had at least two years’ pre- Reserve Fund £4,000,00« vious experience of engineers’
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    • 122 10 THE gw trade ROYAL TYPEWRITER COHPANY.INCPORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Z Special Features: Perfect Visibility Standard 4 Row Keyboard Automatic Ribbon’Reverse Unusual Speed and Responsiveness Extra Wide Paper Capacity and Writing Line Dust Protection over all Working Points Now Available in Handsome Colours. Cash or Instalments, Rom f o Limited S 6a, Beach
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  • 190 11 No Faith In Troops. Shanghai, January 9. p clarirg th* inselves as tired of waiting r t oldiers to rid them of the scourge of (jj t hordes who have pillaged and bnrr e d their hemes and carried off the v<urger women folk, several
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  • 184 11 3 0,000 WAR DOCUMENTS COLLECTED. Bi dish United Press. NATIONAL ARCHIVES. Milan, January 9. A competition among students at Fcbools and university s in Italy for the btst collection of d< cuments bearing on Italj’s part in the Great War has resulted in thirty thousand now documents being add»d to
    Bi dish United Press.  -  184 words
  • 198 11 British United Press. TRANSPLANTING OPERATION. New York, J nuary 9. Seeing life through the eye of his fellow man may he come mere than a figure of speech for Mr. Bert Ferguson, an inmate of an eye hospital in New York. If a delicate and
    British United Press.  -  198 words
  • 145 11 p cut out from the solid mass.—Brirtsa *-ndid Pi ess. WORKMEN TRAPPED. Cleveland, January 9. Gnried under fifty tons of liquid conCre ts, the bodies of two men, who were forking at the bottom of a shaft 105 feet at Union Station, near here,
    p cut out from the solid mass.—Brirtsa *-ndid Pi ess.  -  145 words
    • 1081 11 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette J} Sir lam pleased to note A Lover of my Own Sex has wielded her pen for the defence and upholding of w men. In my opinion Master Mariner's views were so distorted and unreasonable as to be unworthy of comment. One
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    • 434 11 Sir, —With reference to the article under above heading in The Pinang Gazette of January 3, I regret to say that a petition to reprieve the notorious criminal, who was recently convicted by a judge and jury for forgerv and abetment of same, and sentenced to 3
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  • 81 11 PROTEST AGAINST INCREASED TAXATION. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 11. As a protest against the increased taxation now being enforced under the F. M. S. Motor Vehicles Enactment (1928) hire car and lorry drivers in Klang and Swettenham went on strike yesterday. Some
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  • 58 11 BANKS v LAW. The following will represent the Banks and Law on Sunday:— Time of starting by arrangement. Qrant Arthur v J rail Knight Swanson Bishop v MacLennan Lynch Linden Docker v Hope H'gan Kennedy Stevens v Hancock Terreil R i'sma r 9BB v b 9i P
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  • 64 11 A new County c-ass cruiser, H. M. S. Cumberland, under the command of Captain A. L. Snags»’, R. N., arrived at Penang yesterday during the course of her cruise in Eest- rn w iters. She will proceed to Saigon and after a short stay
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  • 130 11 The following programme will be rendered by the E. O. Orchestra, under the direction of Mr Arthur S. Lax, on Sunday, January 13, at 9-45 p.m1. March “V my Ridge Bidgood 2. Overture “The Merry Wives of Windsor” Nicolai 3. Suite Vive la Danse” Finck
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  • 370 11 To-day at the Esplanade at 6 p m. 1. March Men of Mons Marechai 2- Overture L’Amour Au Village Buillon 3. Waltz Cardoza Gomez 4. Selection No No Nanette Yumans 5. Fox Trot Is She My Girl Friend Ager God Save The King. The funeral of Mr. Oig
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  • 227 11 The following were the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY Co’s share list at 11 a.m. to-day;— Yesterday. To-i ay. as g U Sharks. >• >» 5 d 2Q cq 0Q c. to. 10. I 0. Mining. Batu Caves 1.57 j 1.62 J 1.57 J 162} Hi tarn
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  • 38 11 London Standard Loose. S. R. Sheet 30i ds per pound per pl. $4O/66 No. 1 Crepe 30} cts per pound per pl.=s4o/33 Quiet. London 9}d New York 18f c‘s. (gold) {By Ocurtesy ot Messrs. Allen Dennys).
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  • 134 11 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following prices on January 10: 1 ONDON Spot £223-5s down £2-17 6 3 mos. buying 223.5 s 1-153 3 selling 223.10 s 1 15s Local. January 11: Singapore 150 tons at $ll3 25 Penang buyers no sellers at $ll3. Messrs. Eastern
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  • 37 11 Rubber Prices. We beg to report tuat the Singapore prices for Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet for to-day are as follows Spot 30tc per lb. Feb/March 31c April/June 32c July/Dec. 33}c Remarks —Market Steady.
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  • 50 11 13th January Ist Sunday after Epiphany 8 a.m. Holy Communion and Address at 8. Caul's Chapel, Bukit Tengah. 6 pm. Evensong and Address at S. Mark’s Church, Butterworth. 18th Friday —S. Prisca V M. —7-30 am. Holy Communion at S. Paul’s Chapel, Bukit Tengah.
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  • 121 11 Penang, January 11, 1.929. (By Courtesy of The Chartered Bank), London Demand Bank 2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2,4 3 Credit 2/4 516 3 Documentary 2/4 3/8 Calcutta Demand Bank 153 3 days’eight Private 156 p Bombay Demand Bank 153 g Madras Demand Bank 153 > g 3
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  • 540 11 Mr. E. J. H. Corner has been appointed Assistant Director of Gardens, Straits Settlements. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Braddell und child proceed on leave by the N.D.L. 1 rttr, sailing about February 18. Dr. L. J. McLaughlin, secretary m charge of the Chicago office of the American
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 HIS HEALTH MEANS YOUR HAPPINESS. A matter of much concern to you is the selection of the right remedy to give your child when he is out-of-sorts, or ill. It is to fill this need of yours, and his, if the trouble arises in the child’s stomach or bowels, as
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  • 730 12 BLAKE COMPANY. WEEKLY SHARE MARKET REVIEW. Singapore, January 9. Owing to the Christmas and New Year holidays, we made no issue of this review for two weeks for during the holiday period markets were neglected ar d devoid of interest. With the advent of the New Year tin shattered the
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  • 53 12 The following are undelivered telegrams: Tylau, Jrio, Ovr, SoleimaT Baiash, Kesavjee, Joocheang. The 8.8. Padua from London via Colombo is expected to arrive here at 7 p.m. on Monday (14.1.29) and will leave for Port Swettenham, Singapore, China and Japan at 4 p.m. Wednesday (16.1.29). Steamer will work
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  • 50 12 Th a following are the latest quotations MALAYA COMPANY LIM!TED’S share list Mining Shares Bnyem- SeUen. Ba n Caves 1-574 L62t Johan Fatt -3» A as 11 a Raja Perak -g. Ratrnt" 19 125 Talam Mines Teja Malaya W; Runnymede Hotel 1-22| I United Engineers 12.30 u
    50 words
  • 85 12 The following are our latest quotations for to-day Buyers. Sellers. Tin Batu Caves L 59 l-6~ Bangrins 40/3 40; 9 B. Padangs .48 .50 Kuchais 1-5? Katus 27/6 28/Kents 5/9 6/Laruts 15/9 16 M. Consols. -64 -66 Norths .62 .64 Penawats »89 .91 Pattanis 4/6 5/Rahmans 1
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  • 93 12 The following are our latest quotationfor to-day Buyers. Sellers. Tins. Bangrins 40/- 41/Haad Yais 8/3 8/9 Huey Yots (Pre) 20/6 2 /6 Jelapangs 23/9 24/6 Kampongs 23/- 24/Kuyohs .27 .29 M. Consols. .63 .65 Nawng Pets 1.07$ 1.10 Pangngas’ 6/6 7/Pattanis 4/- 4/6 Rahmans 1.82$ 1.85 Sione
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  • 212 12 Penang, January 11, 1929, Benares Opinm p. chest #5,000.00 nom Gloves 90.00 nom Gold leaf 72.00 seller Mace Pickings 14.5.00 nom Nutmegs 80s 80.00 nom 110s 70.00 nom. Ooconuts per 1,000 50.00 nom Copra Sundr ied I sales Rattans 11.15 saie Rattans Coarse 10.60 Green Snail Shells 13.00
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  • 14 12 The homeward mail by the s.r. Mantua cloees at 6 p.m. tc-day.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 981 12 it\ THE ORIGINAL LEAVE CAR SERVICE ff H Astheoricinatorsofthic unique schema, you have the advantage of our JF wide experience and unbiased advice as to the best make of Car and Z 7 1! means of using one during your Leave. iraJw Wo will sell you one and REPURCHASE IT
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    • 80 12 PRITCHARD Co., Ltd., PENANG. RACE and EVENING GOWNS Models of the latest London and Paris Fashions. CHARMING GOWNS In Plain and Figured Ninon, Lace, Georgette and Satin. Inexpensive and Distinctive. PRICES FROM $29 to $lOO. MILLINERY IN THE NEWEST STRAWS and FELTS PRICES FROM $9.50 to $39. shoesT Ail entirely
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  • 651 13 ST. JUDGE ACCUSES SOLICITOR OF CARELESSNESS. e Obviously Peurile Explanation. p a solicitor’s failure to keep a proper aiuiy Was wmiuuiieu upon Oy Mr. Jus--3 uce Deaaie m the course of a judgment aenvered on xne case was one in which Radin bin Auuul tvamnan. sued
    ST.  -  651 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 745 13 I fsychol°g’ s t sa 3 s I Everyone Has I Occult Power D i|tr ibute« Free Book Describing Uniqc 171 System which has been tested by score of New Students who Report Astoundin Results. Also sends Free Psycho-Analysi Character Delineation to all who writ at once. jfow the avenge
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    • 71 13 |R|i b more into !t r-.'L 8 CA Before a set of tennis, dri n a glass of coolg Montserrat ’and equip ycurseli with vitality and ‘‘pep’ for P uunTrnSnlWl com n§ L' amc Stron in nahiral vitamins VaLjjJL. and pr.pared only frw cultivated limes. Monisssspj Or all Dealers. Prepared
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    • 240 13 over s8<000«000« S« C» Assurance in force uve» $30,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). HLAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. f LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of a II g a and complixs with the
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  • 138 14 To*d*y f Departure*. Steel Mariner for Aden. Suez. New York Philadelphia and Baltimore. Sloet van de Beele for Langea, Sabang, Oleleb. Padang and Batavia. Kathgar for Singapore, China and Japan. Ampang for Lumnt. Kedah for Bela wan (Deli). Helen via for Colombo, Camaran, Jeddah, Amsterdam London Hamburg. Mantua
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  • 482 14 CLOSE DAILY except (Sunday). TRAIN. Federated and Non-Federated Malay States Malacca Johoie and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an how earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption 0» Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) at 6 p.m.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 424 14 HOME” anda CAR! TJOME-the name brings up memories—of the places you used to visit,—the friends you knew g T and must look up-the beauty spots you must see again. I TO THOSE GOING HOME ON LEAVE. s Let us solve your problem with the exceptional facilities at our command. Purchase
      424 words
    • 184 14 Home VIA Canada or United Stain £l2O £ll2 FROM HONG KONG OR MANILA TO ANY PORT IN NORTHERN EUROPE RATES COVER I Class Trans-Pacific I Class Rail Across North America Trans Atlantic Cabin to the value of G s2(*s or 145 Other through Rates £Bo—£B3—£loo-£lO2 FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION APPLY THE
      184 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 39 14 5 M htl I V fi&ffiijgjl I t How is your husband I don’t know I haven’t seen him for five years. The last time I saw him I must have said something to annoy him.”— Die Muskete, Vienna.
      39 words

  • 566 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang, January 11. 1929. Mutton— Mutton Indian perjb Head' S jeep or goat each 1-ou Liver with heart A lung do 1» J Tripe do ,UU Goat or Sheep Perjb 55 Sweet' Bread P air Suet Kidney P 8 Feet four &■> Fowl (full grown) each
    566 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 228 15 3r 'O® 'k Apollinaris i Water. !s I THE NATURAL SPARKLING I MINERAL WATER. I I I It contains a small quantity of Bicarbonate I of Soda which corrects acidity and aids I Digestion. i I Ask for a WHISKEY POLLY Bottled at the BRITISH-OWNED i Apollinaria Spring—Rhineland. i Sole
      228 words
    • 100 15 WHAT THE DICTIONARY SAYS»FLAVOUR THAT QUALITY OF AN YTHRW 7 WHICH AFFECTS THE TASTE $R E SMELL 0R WHICH 6RATIf IES PALATE is f I I X. J I I I aISe VC SF* TNIRK IS omareth more gratifying than A JOp l -Z2— -j— i WWW giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiinuiH Morris Cars.
      100 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      1,324 words
    • 641 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA and apcar lines (OOMPANIBS InOORPORATID IK ENGLAND.) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICB9. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. under Sailings of steamers of the British contract with His Majesty’s Govern- India S. N. Co., Ltj ment, London and Far East Mail Service. (Incorporated in England Outwards from
      641 words