Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 33 1 1 THE Eastern Optical Co., (PENANG) (MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS) 188, PENANG ROAD, PENANG Fye tested by our Optometrist. Lenses ground to prescriptions. Frames <4 Mountings fitted projierly. Office hours: —8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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  • 785 2 MUSSOLINI’S BIG SCHEME. A Tube Suggested. From early times Rome has had to deal with the problem of traffic. Other towns could dream away existence within narrow streets where the spreading eaves of massive palaces nearly shut out all the blue sky like half-closed human eyelids. But Rome,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1250 2 NOTICES. I F SUKOiHION. Ex-Services rf Th' Soap W Including free town delivery or nt I that suits I i I p J th'Climate 1 payable in advance. JJ Penang Branch. ■X II There is a strong demand I X M Th K E O A M Spring growing steadily
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    • 36 2 Your Eye Does it trouble you If so try Sellers’ Lotus Honey, the safest, surest and most high-praised Nature’s cure for Eye troubles. Cures even Cataract, etc. Literature frse. Boon Pharmacy, Penang Road, Penang, (S. S.)
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    • 412 2 Excessive perspiration is a sign of weakness Not, of course, the perspiration due to heavy exertion or heat, but the “Cold perspiration” and nightsweats which accompany weakening diseases, such as Tuberculosis. These nightsweats are not only a sign of weakness, but they also weaken the body. To conquer this weakness
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  • 1236 3 DJAMBI ROLLING IN WEALTH. Rubber M?kes Natives Rich. (From. Cur Ov<n Correspondent.) Medan, April 19. Accounts emanating from various sources regarding conditions in Djanibi have been published from time to time, but the following, which is a translation of an interview given to Java Bode by Resident
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  • 246 3 EXPERIMENT TO SHOW HOW RAIDERS WERE DESTROYED. Soap bubbles were used by Sir Ernest 1 Rutherford at the Royal Institution to illustrate on. a small scale how German Zeppelins were destroyed during the War. Sir Ernest, who is lecturing on rare gases of the atmosphere, says the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 Stop that Rheumaficfein Sloan s is the remedy you need! ]f you are a martyr to Muscular or Joint Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, Lumbago CZ or Neuritis if all other remedies have failed try Sloan’s without delay. Apply gently to the painful part. Don’t rub. Instantly you notice an amazing difference
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    • 43 3 Why Medicine? After the first bottle of MILK STOUT you experience an invigorating thrill ami you know that this delicious creamy, noui isbing Stout is doing you good. Why Medicine OBTAINABLE FROM ALL HIGH CLASS DEALERS. Brewers— H. G. SIMONDS Ltd., READING, ENGLAND.
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    • 189 3 ;I! I!! Hir>nu:>? UlhllilliilUl UHUffllMfe I SOMETHING NEW H HEAR THE WHISPERING PIANIST PLAY f 1 “ANGRY” 2 AND, IF YOU WANT SOME GOOD FOXTROTS GET “WHO WOULDN’T LOVE YOU” S AND f “BROWN EYES WHY i ARE BLUE > 10 inch Double Sided Price Sl-70 each. j Robinson Piano
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  • 977 4 ITS FUNCTION AND ITS FUTURE. A First Lord of the Admiralty once declared that the time would come when the British Fleet would be lifted into the 'air, says Lord Thomson in an article in the “Sunday Times.” He was thinking, no doubt, of airships and
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  • 657 4 ADVENTURES OF MIRAN. Miran Taukhalli Sirkhali Jamali, to give the full name of the Baluchi dacoit who has surrendered himself to the Sind Police, had a romantic career, says the Karachi correspondent of the “Times of > India.” There is nothing in his fairly crowded life of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 346 4 Alkali :n Soap I Bid For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Many soaps, prepared shampoos and shampoo powders, contain too much free alkali. This r. -r». dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The
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    • 45 4 To keep well in a trying climate take Halls Wine THE SUPREME TONIC From first h hiss Cheinists ,tml Wine Merchants, or from the Agents: AFRICAN ANO EASTERN TRADE CORPORATION, LTD- Singapore. Sole Proprietors Stephen Smith Co.. Ltd Bow. London England. hi i Hiiw m
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    • 269 4 G 833 i When headaches spoil B your pleasures, i I remember ENO i Nine times out of ten, a headache indicates that your H system needs the gentle yet effective aid of ENO. Most headaches are due to liver trouble, constipation, or indigestion, and nothing assists Nature better in
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  • 1292 5 the electric home. THE TRAGEDY OF TIkE “HAMPSHIRE." (From Our Own. Correspondent.) London, March 25. Contrasted with the gloomy formality and the “grubbiness” of old-fashioned living rooms, the electric house at Olympia is an astonishing revelation of what electricity now offers in the service of domestic brightness, cleanliness,
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  • 234 5 END OF U. S. ASHES.” BAD PUBLICITY KILLED IT.” New York. A message from Washington staters that Vera Countess Catheart has asked the producer. Mr. Carroll, to close down her play “Ashes” at Washington and to abandon its proposed appearance at New York. Ashes drew small crowds on one night
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 353 5 V jVw I Let Monkey Brand do your work Monkey Brand is long lasting; and even the last little bit will do a solid job of work. Monkey Brand cannot spill like powders—does not crumble. There is no waste. The solid, handy cake is crammed with cleaning power. Monkey Brand
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    • 113 5 SOMETHING EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW. Worn's rob children cf nourishment, give fhern pains in the stomach and bowels, fipoil their sleep and steal their strength. Administered for a few days, Baby’s Own Tablets drive out worms, and then the little sufferer rapidly improves. His appetite increases, he sleeps well, becomes
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    • 258 5 of food can so easily be .avoided, ■nd a zest and distinction given to every day dishes, as well as many new delectable dishes added to the daily diet, by the use of NESTLE’S PURE THICK CREHM. NESTLE’S PURE THICK CREAM is Cream of Cows Milk, and nothing but Cream.
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  • 1278 6 <*Z7PRIL 23, England’s greatest anniversary, the day of St. George, her patron saint, the day of Shakespeare’s birth, the day of the deathless fame of Zeebruggp, appeals to the heart of the nation and is regarded with greater pride throughout the Empire with every succeeding year. Eight
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  • 237 6 EURASIAN YOUTHS’ HOLIDAY STUNT. The case in which two Eurasian youths named Leicester and Ahin, were charged with cheating in respect of a motor car from Grant's Motor Garage in Cavanagh Road, Singapore, was taken up in the District Court, on Wednesday, the two accused pleading
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  • 124 6 Here are some gems: “Under a disagreeable exterior and under a huge moustache, the old soldier hid a sensitive heart-” “It is the rule in Denmark that a Frederick shall succeed a Christian, and a Christian succeed a Frederick, whatever may l>e the name of his predecessor.”
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  • 660 6 The Seang Bee Murder. MENTION OF CHANDU RAID. A three cornered file, hollow ground into the semblance of a very ugly dagger and mounted in a long brass tube,was produced in the Second Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon and this morning when the preliminary enquiry into the murder
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  • 78 6 MILITARY ATHLETICS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, April 23. At the Duke of Wellington’s athletic meeting there was a large attendance at Tanglin, including Sir Laurence Guillemard, and the G O.C. There were many close contests and the times generally were good. The Inter-Company relay race was won
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  • 50 6 ENGLAND v. THE REST. The following players will represent “The Root” to-day E. Walker; G. J. Gilmour and H. Thiede; D. Mathieson, J. Ford and J. B. M. Wilson D. D. B. Cook, E. A. Davies, A. R. Jones, J. C. Walker and W. Anderson. To play in colours.
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  • 342 6 Why Is There No Direct Control. NEED FOR LOCAL OFFICER. A few years ago the control of fisheries round this coast came within the jurisdiction of the Marine Court, and when in 1921 the Government decided to vest this control in a separate department the move was generally
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  • 174 6 ENDED BY UMPIRE’S SWORD TRICK. A protracted duel with the sword was put an end to recently in Rome by the maestro d'armi wounding one of the combatants himself, says the “Westminster Gazette.” Duels are always directed by a valiant swordsman, who stands, sword in hand
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  • 131 6 The value 01 advertising was referred to at the annual conference at the Guildhall, E.C., of the National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trade»!-’ Association, Ltd. Mr. John Fitzpatrick, of Liverpool, chairman of the propaganda board, said the board attached so much importance to
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  • 94 6 Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., local agents of Galang Besar Rubber Plantations, Limited, inform us that they are in receipt of a cable from the Secretaries of the Company advising that the directors have dec’ared an interim dividend of 3l per cent on the Preference Shares of 2/each in
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  • 1531 6 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. W. A. Freeman and Mr. R. A. Marriott (from Br. North Borneo) arrived on the s. s. “Rindjani’ 1 to-day. The late Mr. George William Johnson, C. M. G. (68), formerly Principal Clerk in the Colonial Offices left estate valued at £5,331. A tablet has been erected
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  • 1114 7 What their Education Should Be. MRS. APPASAMY AND ‘'HOMEMAKERS.” The University curriculum was drawn up some years ago for manufacturing Government clerks.” This was one of the very trite sentences in an excellent address by Mrs. Paul Appasamy of Madras, —a wellknown Indian lady who has lectured extensively
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  • 619 7 DECISIONS OF CHIEF JUSTICE. Judgment on the summons asking for directions in regard to matters in the administration of the wealthy estate of ti e late Mr. Seah Liang Seah, was delivered by the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, on Wednesday, says the “SingaporeFree Press.’’ The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 325 7 jSb Sore tary Eruptive Wkin KVj SOON MADE f y V healw i ''TREASURE the health, x purity and beauty of your child’s skin. Regard the least sign of soreness, rash, chafing or irritation as a possible source cf disease. Treat them all with Zam-Buk 1 This famous balm is
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    • 367 7 EVERYTHING TRAVELLER > AT WHITE AWAYS AND AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. ALL NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. “NEVER BREAK" n Cabin and Wardrobe Trunks. WjT —UM Perfectly new stock just opened out. A guirantoe amrnst P||| A breakage given free with each trunk. A magnifieeiit selection '.|S to choose from. I
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  • 44 8 Jeff.—At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on April, 21, to the wife of J. Jeff, Malayan Civil Service, a daughter. Despard.—At 27, Welbeck St London, W., on April 14 to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Despard, Rassak Estate, Mamban, a daughter, still born.
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  • 422 8 We have heard it remarked on numerous occasions by disinterested but observant visitors that the policy of mutual back-patting has been pursued in this part of the world with so much assiduity that it has attained the level of a fetish. The remark is platitudinous but it
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  • 502 8 We have had occasion, from time to time, to condemn the antiquated system, the poor administration and the wretched material of the Penang Telephone System, as it is humorously called. Government takes our money but fails to give ns what we pay for it an efficient
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  • 323 8 Cases for breach of promise of marriage are less numerous than years ago, when the custom of long engagements frequently imposed a real hardship on a jilted maiden. Recently these actions have been frankly discouraged by certain judges, who regard them as a survival of a bygone age.
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  • 1082 8  -  Some Qurious Situations. BY HARRY VARDON. (Six Times Open Champion.) There seems to be no limitation to the number of knotty points which may arise in connection with the rules of golf. For as many years as most of us can remember, the Rules Committee of St, Andrews
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  • 216 8 P. C. C. vs P. R. C. After a hard struggle the Penang Recreation Club, on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, divided the points with tho Penang Cricket Club in a League fixture. Erratic shooting spoiled the P. C. C. forwards’ attempts to score, despite th) fact that
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  • 90 8 VISIT TO KUALA PILAH. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Pilah, April 23. H. R. H. Prince George arrived here yesterday evening and stayed at the Estana of H. H. the Yang Di Per Tuan Besar of Negri Sembilan. This morning he visited the Damar Stores. F. M. S.
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  • 78 8 STARTED AOAIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Allahabad, April 22. Communal rioting was resumed thi< afternoon in Calcutta as a result of which two were killed and six injured. The disturbance began with a drunken brawl. Apprehensive shopkeepers put up their shutters which was the signal for a general
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 I Unsweetened I I Condensed i MM MILK. I As sir t <!’ 1 J‘..i i.-h Army, Naw, and Air Ez Force, the South African =7 Gove:iiinerd, the British 4S»\\\lXlLS n //fe* T~‘ XC s? Indian Gov rnnn-id, eft*. i. s r g $ll-75 per 48 large tins, 7 L.
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    • 23 8 “K. O.” ST. GEORGE’S DAY. FRIDAY, 23rd APRIL. Special Dinner by the Chef. Dancing. L PEARS’ i I GOLDEN SERIES. I <h* i
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 542 9 Views Of Both Sides. CIU X OF THE SITUATION. (Rugby Radio Service.) —Reuter. London, April 22. The coal-owners and the Miners’ Executives met to-day. but the conference end 1 in a deadlock. Subsequently statements were issued by both sides. Mr. Cook, Secretary of the Miners’ pt ion.
    (Rugby Radio Service.); —Reuter.  -  542 words
  • 113 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 22. A message from the King was read at a luncheon given to the Australian cricket eleven by Australian and New Zealand business men in London. It was addressed to Admiral Sir John de Robeck, chairman of the Marylebone Cricket
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  113 words
  • 31 9 —Reuter. APRIL 26, THE FATEFUL DAY. London, April 22. Mr. Winston Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, will present bis Budget to the House of Commons on tho 26th April
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 124 9 Result Of Impart Daties. board OF TRAOE RETURNS. (IiUGBY Radio Service.) London, April 22. Those who have advocated import duties to safeguard British Industries against foreign competition are expressing satisfaction with the figures which have been presented to the House of Commons by Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, President
    (IiUGBY Radio Service.)  -  124 words
  • 83 9 IMPERIAL ECONOMIC COMMITTEE. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 22. It is announced that His. Majesty’s Government has proposed and other governments concerned have agreed that an additional member shall be appointed by His Majesty’s Government to the Imperial Economic Committee, as the representative of home agricultural interests. In
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  83 words
  • 106 9 —Renter. NEUTRALITY AGREEMENT. Riga April 22. The Lithuanian Foreign Minister has resigned, owing to his colleagues not endorsing his action for carrying on separate negotiations for a RussoLithuanian neutrality agreement. The Acting Foreign Minister stated that the Soviet Government suggested that all Baltic States should enter a
    —Renter.  -  106 words
  • 57 9 .—Reuter. PROSPECTS OF PEACE. Paris, April 22. According to the Petit Jovrnal,” M. Rriand, addressing the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, explained that there had been a complete understanding and collaboration between M. De Jouvenel and General Plumer. The combined operations were well in hand and peace in Syria
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 48 9 —Reuter. RETURN TO THE FOLD. London, April 22. The 13 Labour M.Ps. who were suspended last week resumed their seats in the House of Commons on the automatic lapse of the period of suspension, in which case the first offence is now limited to five days.-
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 44 9 Reuter. KHALIFAT AND ULEMA. Delhi, April 22. The Council of the Muslin Ulema is not satisfied with the decision rf the Central Kali fat to send a delegation to the World Muslim Congress and has nominated four divines to represent them.
    Reuter. •  -  44 words
  • 29 9 —Reuter. UNCERTAIN PEACE. Madrid, April 22. News from Morocco gives little hope of a successful outcome of the peace efforts as pessimistically stated by Primo De Rivera. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 28 9 —Vale. MAHARAJAH OF KAPURTHALA’S GIFT. Paris, April 22. The Maharajah of Kapurthala gave 50,C00 francs to the fund for the improvement of the franc. Vale.
    —Vale.  -  28 words
  • 123 9 .—Rsuter. More Wails from Uncle Sam. $14,000,000 EXCELS PAID. Now York, April 22. The Department of Commerce has announced that American rubber manufacturers have paid excess of approximately $14,000,000 in March on crude rubber imports owing to differences between spot prices and the high prices established
    .—Rsuter.  -  123 words
  • 56 9 NO SECRET AGREEMENT. (RuGßy Radio Service.)- London, April 22. In the II >use of Commons Mr. G. Locker-Lampson, Un ler-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, denied that the Government had approached or entered into any agreement with either party engaged in the civil war in China, in the event
    (RuGßy Radio Service.)-  -  56 words
  • 131 9 Our readers are reminded that the second article from the pen of Mr. Clem Hill, the famous Australian cricketer, will be published in the Pinang Gazette on Monday, April 26. In this article Mr. Hill deals with the personalities and callings of the players chosen to defend
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  • 89 9 —Reuter. MR. CHURCHILL’S DEFENCE. London. April 22. The House of Commons by 328 votes to 138 gave a third reading to the Economy Bill, after speeches had been made by Mr. Ramsay Macdonald and Mr. Lloyd George condemning the proposals in the Bill to take £4,700,000 from the
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 27 9 Reuter. EMPIRE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. London, April 22. Continuing play in the Empire Amateur Billiards Championship at Thurston’s Hall, Earlam, England, 2000, beat Ratledge, South Africa, 758.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 63 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates Paris, 145 New York, 4.B6rff 5 Brussels 136; Geneva 25.18; Amsterdam, 12.12 Milan 120.90 Berlin, 20.42 Stockholm, 18.16; Copenhagen, 18.60; Oslo, 22.38 Vienna, 34.47 Prague Helsingfors, 193} Madrid, 33.65 Lisbon. 2i Rio, 6t« Buenos Aires, 45th Bombay. Is. s|d.: Shanghai, 2s.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  63 words
  • 21 9 —Reuter. New York April 23. The Federal Reserve rediscount rate is reduced from 4 to per cent.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 20 9 Our Bangkok correspondent telegraphs that the two Spanish airmen who are flying to Manila arrived safely at noon.
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  • 199 9 .—Reuter. U. S. Debt To Britain. 75.000,000 DOLLARS WANTED. London, April 22. The British Government was recently pressed to ask the United States Government to arrange for the discharge by certain American States of long standing indebtedness to British bond holders in respect of moneys lent. Sir
    .—Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 192 9 —Reuter. FRANCE AND U.S.A. Washington, April 22. It is announced that the American Debt Commission will meet shortly to consider the funding of France’s debt to America. Mr. Mellon denied the report from Paris that he had reached an agreement with the French Ambassador in this connection.
    —Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 211 9 LORRY CRASHES INTO BUILDIN’G A collision between a motor lorry and a hired car occurred at Jelutong R >ad, near the Ban Hock Bee Rice and Oil Mills, yesterday afternoon. It appears that the lorry, (Municipal lorry P 1782) came out of River Road into Jelutong Road and
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  • 53 9 In the Second Court, Penang, this morning, before Mr. S. N. King, Choo Soon was sentenced to one month’s rigorous imprisonment for criminal trespass in house No. 41, Malacca Street, on the 12th instant. A witness gave evidence that he found accused in his fjoiu at 2.30 a.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 219 9 1926 i MOTOR CYCLES THE “UNAPPROACHABLE” il_. ”3.-1 W WRITE DEFERRED M FOR I. PAYMENTS J CATALOGUES. ARRANGED. M 3J H. P. 1611 Sporting Model Price $595 Nett j| j 3JH.P. 18 Overhead Valve Model $7lO 1U A Big Four Touring Model $650 A| I CALL AND INSPECT OUR s
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  • 683 10 FUTURE HOME IN BLOOMSBURY. The directors of Beecham Estates (Ltd.), the owners of Covent Garden Market, have decide! to apply to Parlian ent for powers to remove the market from its present site to that now occupied by the Foundling Hospital, Bloomsbury, says the Daily Telegraph.” This
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  • 135 10 The Earl of Airlie will, in the House of Lords, call the attention of the Government to the various, suggestions which have appeared in the Press for removing the railings on the east side of Hyde Park and permitting heavy traffic to use’ the road over
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  • 119 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Rindjani for Port Swettenham, Singapore and Java. Khyber for Singapore, China and Japan. Kopah for Bela wan (Deli). Sloet van de Beele for Langsa, Sabang, Olehleh, Padang, and Batavia. Shirala for Singapore, China and Japan. Hai Yang for Singapore, Hongkong and Amoy. The following ships are
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  • 439 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sandav). BT TRAIN. Federateu Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed Gaily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m, train:
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  • 130 10 PENANG APRIL 23, 1925. (By Courtesy Of The Chartered Bank.) Demand Bank 2/3 31/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/8 6 M Credit 2/4 1/2 ,> 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank R&l&s} 1 M 3 day’s sight Private H lb7| j Bombay Demand Bank 155} g Madras
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 289 10 Why you should choose a BSA Motor Bicycle YOU GET the greatest Motor Cycle value. a choice from the most comprehensive range offered by one firm (2.49h.p. to 9.86h.p.). Ol valves made from unbumable steel, II H to prevent pitting. a steel forging at every vital point in the frame.
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    • 285 10 r Can you improve a N I BOILED EGG? Try putting j I in a few drops of LEA PERRINS’ I SAUCE H J J H M 7 thousands of B I Do you know I 3 undermined, if not ruined, by having milk l|l N from Tubercular cows 3
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 122 10 Pola Negri in The Forbidden Paradise AT Theatre Royal. From To-night till Sunday 25th April, 1926. Matinee Sunday at 2-30 p.m. Programme. Show Starts at 7-30 p.m. 1. Burton Holmes. 2. Jimmy Aubrey in Ghostly Nights comedy 2 parts 3. Ralph Lewis in The Fog 7 4. BILLY WEST in
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    • 202 11 [To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, —I venture to suggest that it is hardly worth while publishing the Bridge articles unless they are correctly transcribed. Meet people find it very difficult to follow a bridge article at all, and if it contains errors will not take the
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    • 141 11 [To the Editor of the ‘‘Pinang Gazette.”] Sir.—For the past six months there has been a dispute among the local Muslims regarding the newly-constructed “Mehrab" (niche) of the Captain Keling Mosque, Pitt Street, Penang. Some say that it points towards the direction of Mecc?, and
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  • 425 11 ANNUAL MEETING. The tenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the Registered Office of the C»mpiny, No. 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, April, 20 1926, with Mr. E. W. Tyler in the Chair. Notice convening the meeting having been read
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  • 610 11 SOME STRANGE TYPES. There were six of us at ou.r table—and four languages being spoken, French, Dutch, Yiddish, and English, says a writer in the ‘Daily News.’’ The couple at the end of the table were holding forth m French; J spoke in English to the Dutchman,
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  • 145 11 The cricket match between the Penang C picket- Club a.nd the Kr an Club fixed for to-morrow h-ais been cancelledAmong ti e pr.s"e"ge' s who arrived in Singapore on March 30th by the “Haruna Maru” was Dr. Ho Chee Heng, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C-P.) (Lon.), son of Mr. Ho
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  • 627 11 CONVICTS WHO WANT ASPIRIN. The Changed Outlook. Interesting details of the changes in prison eonditons in England in the matte, of the treatment of prisoners and of the attitude of prisoners to the methods of 1 the authorities are contained in the Report of the Commissioners of
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  • 231 11 The following are the latest quo~ tations in Messrs. Kennedy Jt: Co.'s share list at I p.m. to-day Yesterday. To-day. E g 2 Sharks. >» >» C c P a> SQ or; CQ 0Q $O. t c. t c c. Rubber (Dollar.) A. Molek 2.90 3.10 2.80
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  • 150 11 The following are the changes in the report of THE MALAYA COMPANY, LIMITED for to-day Rubber Shares. Buyers. Sellers. Lunas Rubber Estates 4.25 4.35 cum Malaka Pinda Rubber 2.95 3.10 cum Mentakab Rubber Co .55 .57i ex New Scudai Ltd 2.95 3.05 Perak River Valley 2.75 2.90
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  • 132 11 The following are our latest quotations Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Allenbys $2.95 $3.05 A. Panas 13.50 14.00 Balgownies 4.50 4.70 B. Lintangs 1.20 1.25 Changkats 9.00 9.50 Indragiris 9 80 10.20 Kundongs 4.15 4.30 M. Pindas 2.90 3.00 ex P. Rivers 2.80 2.90 Sandycroft 3.70 3.85 S. Tukangs
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  • 112 11 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following prices, on April 22 London. Spot £2Bl Unchanged 3 mos. buying 270 Up 5/3 selling 270.5 s 5/Local. April 23 Singapore sold 125 tons at sl36| Penang buyers no sellers at 7he Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd:— London, April 21. spot.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 578 11 [S'ew Advertisements. THE KUALA SIDIM RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED. I>OSI (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Wanted Driver for Fordgon Tractor. NOTICE is hereby given that an ExtraApp ]v Manager, Simpang Estate, Sim- ordinary General Meeting of the Kuala pang Am pat. Sidim Rubber Company, Limited, will be —held at No. 1,
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    • 85 11 KONDO’S TONSORIAL PARLOUR 35 LEITH STREET. Under New Management. Up-to-date and Hygienic. Terms Moderate. MASSAGE! MASSAGE!! MISS SATO VIOLET RAY TREATMENT Telephone No. 4??. LABOUR CODE 1923 F.M.S. LABOUR ORDINANCE 1923 S.S. EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR vre hereby reminded that assessment re turns for the preceding quarter must be sent
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 68 11 TOWN HALL 2 performances only 2 Monday 26 April and Tuesday 27. THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIGHT OPERA COMPANY AND THEIR BALLET BEAUTIFUL. HT<- >• ft Monday at 9.30 p.m. “THE PAU?£T PIUNCE,” a lijht ojin in tSraa acts. Tuesday at 9.30 p m. “SECRETS OF THE H\REM,” a misical play
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  • 558 12 BOMBAY’S WARM WELCOME. “Good Impression Made.’’ (From Our Own Correspondent.) Allahabad, April 11. The week has seen the inauguration of a new Viceregal regime. Lord Reading welcomed his successor on Thursday afternoon and himself embarked for Home on Saturday, bearing with him the good wisher for the
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  • 188 12 Having deserted their ship, the British steamer Apnl>?a, when she arrived at Singapore ab nt a week ago, because they were dissatisfied with the conditions on board, two seamen named Thompsell. an Englishman, and Laverty, a British South African, were arrested by Inspector Bostock of the Marine Station
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  • 24 12 April 26—Government Servants’ Thrift Society Annual Meeting. May 8, 11. 13 15—Singapore Summer Races. June 5,8, 10 <fc 12 Selangor Summer Races.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 242 12 Van Ess Scalp Massage Clark’s Reducing Paste Mitcham Lavender Water Collosol Ferromalt Cuticura Talcums Amami Shampoos Metrolac Phyllosan Molevac Agarol Shavex I£ GET THEM AT BOON'S The Chemists 182/186, Penang Road, Penang. v Coty’s Houbigant’s Toilet Goods Lavona Hair Tonic Colorite Luton's Hat Dye Stillman's Freckle Cream Kalzana Rubinat Petrole
      242 words
    • 269 12 I? The Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. S.), Ltd. 5 I X (Incorporated in England.) I Wish to advise all motorists and consumers of f I “SHELL” OILS that commencing from March S Ist 1926, I SHELL MOTOR OILS will be sold under the names by which they I are so
      269 words

  • 629 13 CLAIM AGAINST JEWELLERS SUCCEEDS. Mr. Justice McCardie, in the King’s Bench Division on March 19, gave his reserved judgment for £lOOO (the agreed value of the jewellery), with costs, in favour of Mrs. Dolores Pauling (formerly Booth), of The Lodge, Effingham, who sued Messrs. D.
    629 words
  • 518 13 Messrs. Baker, Morgan Company, L‘d., Kuala Lumpur, reported on Monday as follows:—There is only a small week’s business to discuss, for which the two more (Malay) holidays have been partly responsible. There has been a certain amount of doing in Industrials and Loans, whereas honours seem to
    518 words
  • 234 13 PENANG, APRIL 23, 1926. Benares Opium p. oh«M«t $5,000.00 non*. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold haf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings 160.00 sellers Nutmegs 80s 100.00 nom. h 110 s 95.00 Coconuts per 1,000 50.00 noin. Copra Sundried $11.77| sales Rattans 11.15 sale-? Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell» 13.00
    234 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 226 13 If I i II Wk s wk I J n 1 i-_ ‘*rf fhy'•■W Jy WA /f There was a pretty housewife Lived on the River Dee, She laughed and sang from morn till night So bright a home had she. The reason for such happiness Was plain for all
      226 words
    • 3 13 CROSS WORD > PUZZLE.
      3 words
    • 148 13 lansaldol I Italy’s Best Car. s 112 H.P. Full 5-Seater Touring. $3,000/- 12 H.P. Full 7-Seater I Touring. $3,600/- See the Ansaldo before you S make your choice. S I Cycle and Carriage Co., Ltd., < PENANG. S Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Malacca* J Seng Company, (Under New Management)
      148 words

  • 1005 14 HOW THEY STARTED. Sporadic Murder Continues. (From Oar Own Correspondent-) Calcutta, April 9. To-day is the eighth day of the eventful riot in. Calcutta which was started last Friday over -small communal differences. A party of Hindu processionists known as the Ary a Samajists started from their
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 314 14 KEPLER COD LIVER OIL with MALT EXTRACT Only the finest British winter-malted barley and cod liver oil, specially selected for its strength in vitamins, /X is used in the preparation of f 4 ‘KEPLER’ Cod Liver Oil and /\A) fT Malt Extract. A __g.L i G As a tonic food
      314 words
    • 153 14 re DELICIOUS, The Standard WHOLESOME, SFfei f or Purity and REFRESHING. Excellence. i P»« p are ’i A i t from Pure SAFEGUARD >« '««t ludiaa AGAINST ,< 1 Juice FEVERS. ad I ‘jw-xiS y J Yy~7 7r~~‘-'<L. r i FincU Refiaed So ar LIME JUICE OBTAINABLE FROM PRITCHARD Co.,
      153 words
    • 279 14 The George Town Dispensary Lid,, I THE LEADING CHEMISTS, I PENANG. I OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE. B THE I Cheapest House in the Trade a FOR 1 I Estate Medical Supplies. SAFETY FIRST. I jU You are absolutely safe when you deal with B “THE GEORGETOWN.” Each order is exe-
      279 words

  • 577 15 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, April 23, 1926. Government Mutton Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart A lung do 1.30 J/’P 6 «m do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton ]b 55 do
    577 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 643 15 BANKS NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPI J. NEDERLANDS trading society. ESTABLISHED 1824. Capital (Paid-Up) f. 80.000.000 abt. £6,666,867 ptatutory Reserve f. 20.536,861 abt. £1,711,40, Special Reserve t. 22.660,000 abt. £1,888,333 HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. Head Agbnct in Batavia. Prat !■<•«.- Bandoeng, Bandjermasin, Bata TIA Bombay, Calcutta, Cheribon, Djember, Djokjakarta. Hongkong, Kobk. Kota
      643 words
    • 420 15 mg— w—w f—Aewwwr: ws ;ji wwMßasKKiwogr*—— w .ii.« I Assets over $6,500,000. S. C. Assurance in force over $22,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. 9 Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, E. C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1369 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG- HE sss Jk ill 1 WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. IQ aSpv SQ|j ft RIIEXENOR Apr. 29 Marseilles, London, Rot ter. lain and Hamburg. R SIW g S S3kQ| TANTALUS May 6 London. Rotterdam and Hamburg. PATROCLUS May 12 Marseilles, London,
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    • 526 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. A O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. For Singapore, Boe£kon^Bh< n 4 h *k and London. l! Yokohama 000 Rommatwa May 6 ®DEVANHA Apl. 24
      526 words