Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 572 1 “NIKKO” Photographic Studio Every Possible Assistance and advice given to amateurs, No. 7, Northam Road, Penang. TEL. 579. no more WHITE ANP troubles v i s| i —s W 2 1 The best motor policy >< the H g H Z 'by “MOTOR UNION.” H (> T this It is
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    • 13 1 THE Eastern Optical Co., (PENANG DIVISION) 188, PENANG ROAD, PENANG Head Office SINGAPORE.
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  • 934 2 SIR EDWARD ELGAR AT THE PRESS CLUB. Members of the Press Club had a thoroughly enjoyable evening recently when they celebrated their Mu/sical Night house dinner at the Club. In addition to a distinguished company of artists who supplied a brilliant programme the Club had among its guests
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1002 2 g-P- 11 "-L 1 tsExssxsxaiKESxszaixsK NOTICES. I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Royal Society of St George. B Including free town delivery or Un K postage. m The Annual Ball will be held at the wgflk. z WZr I PAYABLE IN advance. E-* 0-Hotel on SL George’s Day, Friday lli 23rd April.
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    • 384 2 Mu i I lIIHill Urv fl n V/A f V^.' J (o preserve Healtnw TBj! in the East I Physical health and mental alertness during ex- Wil 1 hausting climatic conditions can be maintained if ll II you make Ovaltine” your daily food-beverage. Il 1»| A cup of this highly
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  • 1196 3 (By A Woman Correspondent.) Paris, March 24 Saturday, March 20th, was chosen for the opening day ol the ‘Ccncours Hippique’,—She Horse, Show —the fashionable riding trials which annually precede the great ‘Salons’ and the opening of the Spring season. Those who sheltered under the great roof of
    1,196 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 i ifYou are I Tired and Listless take Wf Ydl ll \>X> Z$ <;;• r %s live* Drßoss S Life Pills, and have Y» 7w e k D fe°>’ T* 'MT’ *-W ff »«lIY U. »~«k MI. V VA. J POSTAGE STAMPS Purchased for Cash. £lO.OOO t> be spent on
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    • 76 3 BRASTAGI. THE FAMILIE HOTEL Catering especially for Eurasian and Asiatic Families. Clean and comfortable. TERMS MODERATE. Cars for Hire English Spoken. For full particulars or special terms apply to The Proprietrix, THE FAMILIE HOTEL, Brastagi, Sumatra. P. K. Shakkarai Rawther Co. (Established 1901.) 127 Pitt Street, Penang. Landing, Shipping, Forwarding
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    • 263 3 i I I j I Mobiloil P Male the chartyour guide > g MOTORISTS WHO KNOW GOOD g LUBRICATING OIL WHEN I THEY USE IT. P Whenever anyone mentions lubricating oil, what name comes u instinctively into your mind You think of Mobiloil because practically 2 0 all of the
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  • 825 4 brilliant durbar. Mr. Gandhi’s Appeal. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Travancore, April 2The nauseating mentality of the caste Hindus and the policy of indiscriminate non-intervention adopted by the powers that be, though sufficient in themselves to engender considerable despondency in the hearts of those who toil day and night
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  • 712 4 THE LAST OF THE WAR-TIME MOTOR LAUNCHES. There were once 550 and a few more of them, states the Manchester Guardian.” To-day, there are perhaps fifty rotting corpses in creeks and backwaters. And there is the little group still flying the White Ensign that has crawled
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  • 146 4 The enthusiastic reception accorded to Mr. L. Cranmer-Byng’s beautiful play Salma when presented recently at Birmingham has given rise to the hope that it may be seen in London on the professional stage in the near future—a hope shared by many who have bad the pleasure of witnessing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 '1 Sg? For Strong Health "After I hare taken /C K Kl' .L— <3/ Sanatogen for a few l\ s /X~ U days, I can do my flj routine work, which is J -X L"5 f> fairly arduous, withX out anyfielingoffatigue, ensuing at any time, writes a ph> sici >n
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    • 433 4 Hot Season Languor: Are you tired, listless, wearied of the heat Then take Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. They will reinvigorate you and enable you to pass the weary months before the Monsoon with fortitude and confidence. Does the hot weather oppress you Do you grow listless, tired, debilitated Do you lose
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  • 2186 5 SATISFACTORY increase in PROFIT. The annual general meeting of Teluk Anson Rubber Estate, Limited, was held Thursday, in the Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore, those present be- 3fr A. E. Baddeley, Chairman, the hon ble Mr. D. J. Ward, Mr. J. R. Crawf, rd Mr C. J- Stephen,
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  • 456 5 Singapore, April 17. The anticipated drop in rubber has beep realised and yesterday’s price of I/104 was the lowest touched for over a twelve month. It is fot unate, that for some time past, most people interested in rubber shares have expected a decline and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 61 5 LABOUR CODE 1923 F.M.S. LABOUR ORDINANCE 19C3 B.S. EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR ue hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Con trailer of Labour, Penang, during +he months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return will
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    • 532 5 Give your Baby the benefit of Lacto S en 1A THERE IS EVERY EVIDENCE to shew that many children grow and apparently thrive on indifferent nourishment. A baby can look well and even grow fat, but yet not be thoroughly and properly nourished. Mother’s milk gives complete nourishment to a
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  • 1455 6 mail’s Trulli of (March 24) JGj supports our indictment of the Malayan Education Department in the following trenchant terms “A streruous indictment of the Educa tion Department of the Federated Malay States has been published in issues of the Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle. It describes an
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  • 27 6 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 19. In accordance with the Summer Time Act summer time came into force in Britain at two o’clock this morning.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  27 words
  • 589 6 Tributes From Bench And Bar. DISTINGUISHED LAWYER. Striking tributes to the late Hon. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok were madeby the President of the Penang Bar, Mr. Balfour Earl Ross, and the Hon’bla Mr. Justice Brown, in the Supreme Court, Penang, to-day. Mr. Ross said My
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  • 133 6 —Reuter. BRITISH CONCESSIONS TO U. S. Washington, April 19. The United States negotiations with Britain with the object of minimising the smuggling of liquor are stated to have already yielded four important voluntary concessions on the part of Britain firstly, permitting American cutters to visit outlying British islands
    —Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 48 6 .—Renter. CONTRIBUTION FROM MONTE CARLO. The Save the Franc campaign is in full swing, and donations to the voluntary fund to redeem the floating debt are flowing in from all sides, including 70,000 francs from the Principality of Monaco and 10,000 from tha French Football Federation.-
    .—Renter.  -  48 words
  • 286 6 P.C.C- v. C.R C. Played on the C.RC. ground on Saturday The P.C.C. had an easy victory, Marshall carrying his bat through the innings for a capital 70. Donaldson made another splendid stand, giving a catch to Eng Hai when 40. At a. total of 139 for 5, theTp.C-C.
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  • 255 6 Public Services. J. W. Haddon b Seenimadar 2 F. W. Fletcher b and c Seenimadar 26 O. Scharenguivel run out Seenimadar 29 J. D. Fettes bW. T. Francis 1 M. M. Akbar b Seenimadar 4 P. T. Paul run out W. T. Francis 2 G.
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  • 57 6 Municipality v. Darul Aihsan on Tuesday, 20th April 1926, on the Esplanade at 5.15 The following have, been selected to represent the Municipality: Pawpnteh Lim Khay Seng and Tan Kean Soon W. F. Fletcher, Phung See Leng and. Nadaraipn,; M. S. d’Orville. Md. AH, Tech Cheng
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  • 1126 6 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mm R. L. Fry and infant arrived on the Motor Vessel “Glenberg.”’ i I Mr. M .C. Hay, has been appointed to be Federal Examiner in Tamil vice Mr. I W. J. K. Stark. Mr. E. A. Dubois, Timur estate, Johore, proceeds to Australia on leave next month.
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  • 97 6 LIST OF 1926 WINNERS. The following arc the respective winners in the above tournament Championship G. 11. Pinckney Run-ner-up N. A. Sedwick. Championship Pairs: G. H. Pinckney and J. R. Bennett. Single Handicap (Class “A”): N. A. Sedwick. Single Handicap (Class “B”): TR. Alty. Single Handicap (Class
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  • 66 6 JANUARY, 1926, WINNERS. Champion ship E- Reimann Runnerup: G. B. F. Southam. Champion,ship Pairs: Dr. C. H. Hedz and G. B. F. Southam. Single Handicap: D. Lucey. Double Handicap E. Reimann and L G. Allan. Team of Three: J. Ford, D. McLeod Craik and F. P. Montgomerie.
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  • 45 6 On the 17th .45 of an inch of ri n JT a recorded at Ayer Ttauri, none on the l ,s and 3.50 inches this morning. The levels at both reservo rs are better although there was a consumption 0 5,940,000 gallons yesterday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1234 7  -  BATTING FORM. SOME GENERAL REMARKS. BY CLEM HILL (THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN BATSMAN). Sjxirtsmen on both sides of the Globe u p Concentrating their attention upon he forthcoming visit of the Australian j'h ven to England, and soon the respective teams will be engaged in friendly contest.
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  • 313 7 STARVED MAN APPEARS IN BEDROOM AT 4 A. M. Kurunegalle (Ceylon) March 29,—Mr. A. E. Christ'-ffV?.z. Police Magistrate of Kurunegalle, held an enquiry to-day into an interesting case in which the Polgaha. wela Police charged a man named Ana. Mona Uttuman Ali, of Bandawa. with having been
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  • 16 7 May 8, 11, 1.3 15—Singapore Summer Races. Jun 5,8, 10 12 Se’angcfr Summer Races.
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  • 1248 7 HARDOUIN—V. D. STEENHOVEN. The Church of the Assumption, Penang, was on Saturday morning last the scene of a pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. John Hardouin, manager of Hardouin Estate, Bukit Tambun, Province Wellesley, and only son of the late Mr. A. Hardouin, and Miss Adel Cornelia
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  • 218 7 A LAMENT FROM HOME. Mr. Winston Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is desperately anxious to present to the peoples of Great Britain on April 26, a Budget more or less in accord with his recent optimistic utterances. He is tapping all sources in pursuit of a
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  • 143 7 verdict of de vth froSi NATURAL CAUSES. At Hie conclusion of the inquest held on ih 1 late Mr. i'homas Felix Cuthbertson, the Coroner returned a verdict of death due 10 atural cans’*.', i.o. cerebral haemorrhag Mr. A. E. Stone, of the Straits Trading Coir
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  • 77 7 PRISON AND ROTAN FOR THIEF In the Second Court, J enang. this morning, before Mr. J. S. W. Arthur a Tamil named Simeon was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment and ten strikes of the ro’an for the theft of two jackets and one watch from house No.
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  • 66 7 This well-known and popular company will open its return visit in the Town Hall on the 26th inst, and will produce the following well known successes “The Pauper Prince”, and “Secrets of the Harem”. Judging by their previous performance in Penang the public are assured of
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  • 1619 7 Indian Labour Force Immigration. MALAYA’S HAPPY POSITIONInteresting statistics regaiding the recruiting of Indian labour for Malayan rubber plantations were given by Mr. J. W. Kennedy, chairman of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association, at the 25th annual meeting of the association in the Caledonia Club, Nibong Tebal, on SundayMr. Kennedy
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  • 55 7 A motor car No. P. 2399 ran down the steep bank alongside the road at T,.: jong Bungah yesterday morning but v. h undamaged by the accident and n>-oe of the occupants, whose names ar. not known, wan injured. At the point where the cai fell there
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  • 21 8 SPEERS. On April 18, at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Mr, and Mr». W. E. Speers, Alor Star, a daughter.
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  • 51 8 HARDOUIN—VAN DER STEENHOVEN At the Church of the Assumption, Penang, on April 17, John Hardouin, Manager, Hardonin Estate, Bukit Tambun, Province Wellesley, only son of the late Mr. A. Hardouin, to Adel Cornelia van der Steenhoven, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. van der Steenhoven, of Medan,
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  • 494 8 Severe strictures were passed by Mr. R. N. Holmes at the recent Chamber of Commerce meeting on the conditions prevailing at the Penang Harbour Board. In describing them as a disgrace to the port, he made the sapient suggestion that a member of the Chamber should be allowed
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  • 456 8 In connection with the forthcoming Test matches to be played shortly between Australia and England, we publish in another page the first article from the pen of Mr. Clem Hill, the famous Australian batsman, who has consented to write a series of articles dealing with the possibilities of
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  • 345 8 In a series of articles, under this heading, we have dealt very thoroughly with the question of E location in Malaya and the need for a complete revision of the unsatisfactory system, or lack of system, into which the Education Department hag drifted. The reason for our reverting to
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  • 1588 8 Villain of tfje Piece. WAS ITALY BEHIND BRAZIL AT LOCARNO? (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 25. It would need a veritable Machiavel to to piece truly together the tangled skeins of subterranean diplomacy at Geneva that finally wrecked the Locarno Pact at what seemed the moment
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 Van Ess Scalp Massage x 5 Clark’s Reducing Paste g 5; Mitcham Lavender Water J 5 Collosol Ferromalt S J Cuticura Talcums J Amami Shampoos Metrolac r Phyllosan x Molevac <? Agarol x Shavex r I GET THEM AT BOON’S The Chemists 182/186, Penang Road, Penang. (P Coty’s Houbigant’s Toilet
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    • 35 8 "EX o.” Guest Night and Dancing— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Satu r d a y E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. 1 PEARS’N R golden series. ,< I J
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 By Arrangement with United Artists Corp. Theatre Royal. Programme From Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st April. Matinee Saturday 24th at 2-30 p.m. Carol Dempster and W. C. Fields in Sally of the Sawdust in 10 parts Mary Miles Minter in Moonlight and Honey Suckle in 5 parts A Delightful Comedy
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  • 475 9 Outlook More Hopeful. OPPOSITION BY WOMEN. (Rugby Radio Service.) —Reuter. London, April 17. ig unlikely that any important developments for securing a resumption of negotiations between the miners and t ],e owners will occur during the weekend It is probable that the Prime Minister’s meeting with the owners
    (Rugby Radio Service.); —Reuter.  -  475 words
  • 120 9 MR. ALAN COBHAM’S NEXT FLIGHT. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 18. Referring to his projected flight to Australia, which will begin in a few week’s time, Mr. Alan Cobham states that the same firms which backed his flight to Capetown are going to support this further effort.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  120 words
  • 90 9 BREAKING BARRIERS. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 18. For the first time since the Russian Revolution a party of Conservative Members of Parliament—Sir Frank Nelson, Mr. Robert Boothbv, Captain R. C. Bourne and Colonel Moore —is paying a visit to Russia. Agriculture, grain, coal, oil and
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  90 words
  • 329 9 Term of Office In India Ended. BI TTER RELATIONS ESTABLISHED. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 18. An official welcome extended to Lord and Lady Reading on their return to London yesterday, after five years in India where Lord Reading was Viceroy, was marked by extreme cordiality. Special
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  329 words
  • 212 9 KILLED WHILE ON RESCUE WORK. (Rugby Raido Service.) —Reuter. London, April 19. Two British airmen, Squadron-Leader Tweedie, sen of Mrs. Alec Tweedie the well-known authoress, and FlightLieutenant Wallace have been killed in an air crash in Palestine. It is understood that these airmen with others of the Royal
    (Rugby Raido Service.); —Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 49 9 DROP IN RETAIL PRICES. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 19. At April 1, the average level of retail prices in Britain was approximately 68 per cent, above that of July 1914 as compared with 72 per cent, last month and 75 per cent, a year ago.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  49 words
  • 46 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 18. At the concluding session yesterday, the International Shipping Conference in London passed a resolution expressing willingness to co-operate with the League of Nations with a view to securing freedom of communication and transport of commerce for all nations.
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  • 150 9 Hearty Welcome in London. PRACTICE AT LORD’S TO-DAY. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 18. Intense interest is being displayed in England in the approaching series of test cricket matches which are to be played with the Australians. Great crowds gathered at Victoria Station yesterday afternoon to witness the
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  150 words
  • 85 9 .—Reuter. NEW PROPOSAL. New York, April 17. The United States Prohibition Authorities are understood to be seeking an agreement which will permit American officials to search ships in British West Indian waters —Reuter. ECONOMIST’S VIEWS. Washington, April 17. ’The noted Yale economist, Mr. Irving Fisher, testifying before
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 113 9 —Reuter. TERRITORIAL DISPUTE. Washington, April 17. As mediator in the South American dispute Mr. Kellogg will recommend that Chile and pern in the alternative of being two provinces be neutralized or transferred to a third South American country upon equitable compensation. It is understood that Mr. Kellogg
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 61 9 Reuter. TURKISH REPLY TO MUSSOLINI. Constantinople, April 18. The Turks are keenly interested in Signor Mussolini’s activities in Tripoli. Their anxiety concerning the reported Graeco-Italian pact, which the Italian ambassador denies, was followed by a proclaimation calling to the colours all Turkish army reserves due for service this year
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 46 9 —Reuter. JAPAN’S GOLD STANDARD. New York, April 19. The Yen soared to 46/93 cents to-day while silver touched the lowest point for two years, due to heavy buying in the exchange, speculators believing that the gold standard will be restored to Japan this year.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 24 9 STRIKE SETTLED. New York, April 17. The tug-boat strike has been settled, the Companies granting the wage increase and shorter hours.
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  • 230 9 .—Reuter. Demand For Maintenance of Order. SITUATION IN PEKING. Peking, April 17. Six ex-Premiers, including Doctor Sen, are on the Committee formed to request the citizens to maintain order in Peking. Five Sub-Committees have been appointed and there are four foreign Advisers, including Sir Francis A glen. Inspector
    .—Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 44 9 ANOTHER RIOT REPORTED. Madras, April 18. Serious rioting is reported to have occurred in Satyamangalam, 250 miles south west of Madras as the result of a dispute between agriculturists. A Sub-Inspector and five policemen were seriously injured. The situation is in hand.
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  • 35 9 ,—Reuter. NEW PRESIDENT’S CLEMENCY. Athens, April 18. M. Pangalos was sworn as President in the Cathedral in the presence of members of the diplomatic corps. M. Pangalos is relinquishing all dicta- torial rights.-
    ,—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 68 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates were Paris, 145 New York, 4.86 J Brussels 131 f Geneva, 25.18; Amsterdam, 12.12« Milan, 120.85 Berlin, 20.42 Stockholm, 18.15 Copenhagen, 18.59 Oslo, 22.22 Vienna, 34.50 Prague 164 A Helsingfors, 193| Madrid, 33.84 Lisbon, 2’5 Rio, 6A Buenos Aires, 44£ Bombay,
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  68 words
  • 50 9 Reuter. FRENCHMAN WINS CHAMPIONSHIP. Torquay, April 17. In the British Hard Courts Championship final Brugnon beat the 19 year-old Cambridge freshman, H. W. Austin, who is regarded as England’s new hope, by 7-5, 4-6, 3-6, 8-6, 6-3. Miss Joan Fry beat Mrs. Watson by 6-1, 7-9, 6-I.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 30 9 ,—Reuter. EMPIRE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. London, April 17. Play in the Empire Amateur Billiard Championship was continued at Thurston’s Hall. Result —Malcolm Smith, Scotland, 2000 P. Rutledge, South Africa 1801.-
    ,—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 45 9 Reuter. ABE MITCHELL’S GOLF WIZARDRY. Oxhey, April 18. Abe Mitchell played magical golf in a challenge match over 36 holes in which he beat Ted Ray by 7 and 5. He had the first round in 70 which is eight under bogey.-
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 211 9 —Reuter. Narrow Win For Scots. (STEADY DEFENCE BEATS ENGLAND. ft London, April 17. For the first time in 40 years Manchester was selected as the venue for the international soccer match between England and Scotland, which was jflayed to-day and which resulted in a win for the Scots
    —Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 267 9 FIRST DIVISION. Arsenal 3, Huddersfield T. 1. Aston Villa 3, Tottenham H. 0. Bolton W. 2, Sheffield U. 1. Burnley 2, Bury 2. Leeds U. 0, Birmingham 0. Leicester City 2, Manchester C. 3. Liverpool 2, Blackburn R. 2. Newcastle U. 3, W. Bromwich A. 0. Notts County
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  • 25 9 —Reuter. AMATEUR CUP FINAL. Sunderland, April 17. In the Football Association Amateur Cup final Northern Nomads beat Stockton by 7 goals to I.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 ST. GEORGE’S BALL. In connection with St. George’s Ball, which was to have been held at the E. O. Hotel on Friday, April 23, the Pinang Gazette is informed that, pending sanction by the committee, this will now take place at the Penang Club. A further announcement will be made
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    • 130 9 I SPORTS HATS y .rrived. i #4 I W Latest and Smartest Shapes in V> bite and Coloured Felt Hats at Attractive Prices. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) WJ Penang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. THE FAMOUS 4ZASTZ2V CARS. There is no better example of sturdy British value for
      130 words

  • 1222 10 I HE ANGULLIA BANKRUPTCY. Son’s Racing Transactions. Mohamed Angullia, a son of M. E. Angallia, a bankrupt who was recently sentenced to three months’ imprisonment for failing to keep proper books of account, denied in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Deane, on Friday afternoon, that he was
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  • 132 10 TO DAY’S DEPARTURES. Egra for Port Swettenham and Singapore. van Hoorn for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli. Olehleh, Tjalang, Meulaboh and Sabang. Rawang for Pangkalan Brandan and Langkat. Sitiawan for Setul, Kuala Bahra, Snngei Opis and Tanjong Star. Ampang for Pangkor, Dindings and Sitiawan. Fooksang for Calcutta. Bessa
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  • 355 10 CL'i 'E DAILY (except Sunday). 87 TRAM. Fe-ierati-n Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registr ion and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close hair-ar hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. RcsVv: tion of Night Mail Service The f. -v.-intr additioral mails will be closed' ■'-.y 1 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 197 10 nnnwMBMMB n I j, a i i I BUY A FORD 1 iAND BANK THE BALANCE. I b n w 5 Truck Chassis 5 Car $1,125. g v $1,135. g M a Wearne Bros. Ltd., c n n 30, Anson Road, Penang. n n n flfiSM ft .w wa; a
      197 words
    • 225 10 I THE NEW I I CofamlMa I I GRAFONOLA Gives everything obtainable in other Gramophones plus matchless S I TONAL QUALITY JI Hear it and you’ll be 5 Sb. convinced. i ‘Wswj K I S Model as illustrated i ppH $220 I 1 Fi r I H -’J i M
      225 words

  • 104 11 FUN AT FISHING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 19. Pince George concluded his tbree-day visit to Kuala Kangsar yesterday, leaving by the mail train at Kuala Kubu en route for Bukit Fraser where he spent the night. The Sultan entertained his visitor to a river picnic and
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  • 275 11 PENANG APRIL 19 1923. (By Courtesy Of The Chartered Bank.) Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Ban 2/4 13/32 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 DoCCkuivL-ta; J ,/lb Caicuita Demand Pan k Rs ics,-1 3 day’s sight Private „157 r j g Bombay Datnand Bank w 15a g Madras Demand Bank
    275 words
  • 294 11 The following are the latest quotation* in Messrs. Kennedy Co.'g share list at 1 p.m. to-day Saturday. To-day. E 2 fi' E Hharbb. >1 s "cd p c x x co r. C C. 6. SC. C. Rubber I (Dollar.) Allenby 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.20 A. Hitam
    294 words
  • 127 11 The following! are our latest quotations Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Allenbys 2.90 3.05 A. Moleks 2.85 3.00 Bassetts 1.40 I.4scum all Bedfords 1.22 s 1.27| cum Colinburghs 4.25 4.40 Glenealys 2.75 2.90 Indragiris 10.00 10.40 K. Sidims 3.60 3.75 ex M. Pindas 3.00 3.10 N. Scndais 3.00 3.10
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  • 130 11 The Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., gives the following prices, on April 16 London. Spot £285.5s Down £l.los 3 mos. buying,, 273.5 s o.los 3 selling ***** s o.los Local. April 17 Singapore sold 125 tons at H 39 Penang buyers no sellers at $137 j. April 19: Singapore
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  • 58 11 The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. N. L. from 11th to 17th April 1926 (being one week) was 15 tons. The output of Chenderiang Tin Dredging Limited, for the half month ending 15th April was Dredge, hours 101, piculs 40. Dredge stopped 10 days boiler inspection,
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  • 1225 11 KENNEDY CO’S SHAR LIST. names. 6 S KDBbfiß [Dolur.J > c I o 8 Aliency Rubber Co q 00 3 -lor Qaj»h Rubber Estate o 80 3 CO ex m»ljr*mated Malay Estate* 7 50 4 75 yer Hitam Planting Syndicate 21 50 22 5U ver Katiing Rubber Estate* 1 17»
    1,225 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 513 11 sew Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT. Wanted Experienced Conductor, good «alary will be paid to sound, reliable man. Apply Aicadia Estate, Bagan Datoh. Wanted Competent Office Clerk for Estate in Kedah. Must be thoroughly experienced and conversant with Messrs. McAuliffe, Davis Hope’s form of Accounts. Apply Box No. 112, c/o Pinang Gazette.
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    • 19 11 [FOB J ENVELOPES OF EVERY J DESCRIPTION AT TIB lowest PRICES Rlne up 408 s Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd.;
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    • 325 11 Redemption of Strmts Settle- HAROLD LLOYD meats 7Z Loan (1921-1926). IN Holders of Bearer Bonds of the above loan can obtain payment of the principal tttxt TlTflD "BY 99 of these bonds by surrendering them yy H Y yy ll l\ Y during ordinary office hours on and after May
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 96 11 “P. G.” CROSS-WORDS COMPETITION. Solution of Puzzle No. 61. We publish below the correct solution of the Pinang Gazette Cross-Words Puzzle No. 61, together with the names of successful competitors Ist., Prize Mrs. D. Dorall. Kuala Lumpur 2nd., Prize Mrs. Y. Tan, Penang. 3rd., Prize Mr. Lim Swee Hoe, Penang,
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    • 89 11 TOWN HALL, April 19th, 20th and 21st at 9-30 p. m. CHIS MARGELIS Presents AMIE MAYNARD Royal Hawaiians Complete Change of Programme Nightly. REAL HAWAIIANS and HULA’S Booking at ROBINSON PIANO Co. Prices $3, $2 and $1. I TOWN HL.LL, I B RETURN VISIT OF THE Russian Light Opera Co.,
      89 words

  • 531 12 Singapore, April 14. Although the price of Rubber is substantially down during the week Rubber shares have fluctuated within narrow limits and the market generally closes firm. Tin has fallen £9 in London but locally is practically unchanged. A notice has appeared in the local Press regarding
    531 words
  • 230 12 PENANG. APRIL 19, 1926. Benares Opium p. 15,000.00 notu. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings 160.00 sellers Nutmegs 80s 100.00 nom. 110« 95.00 Coconuts per 1,000 50.00 nom. Copra Hundred $11.60 buyers Rattana 11.15 sale* Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No.
    230 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 The George Town Dispensary Ltd., I THE LEADING CHEMISTS, I I PENANG. I I OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE. I the I Cheapest House in the Trade I b for I I Estate Medical Supplies. I I SAFETY FIRST. I K You are absolutely safe when you deal with B “THE
      280 words
    • 88 12 bhbhmbmm hi in'irm nrr -..u;. THE j ‘PREMIER’’ I RUBBER CHEST 3 PLY WOOD. I fl m j.) prM j v jT f I j d hEIVHfcK* I I lljllllll AN ECONOMY IN ITSELF. I I Free from Splinters. !10 Increased Packing Capacity. Saving in Weight. I Damp Proof. j
      88 words

  • 913 13 SIR H. DOBBS INTERVIEWED. No Question of Kurdish Independence. I have had the good fortune of an interview with Sir Henry Dobbs, High Commissioner for Iraq, who is leaving on the, Arab kingdom the imprint of a resolute liberalism, writes a correspondent of the “Manchester Guardian.’’
    913 words
  • 465 13 NEED FOR UNITY.Allahabad, April 3. Colonel Gidney paid a short visit to Allahabad to-day. Addressing a number of members of the Anglo-Indian and Domiciled community, Colonel Gidney appealed for unity and the sinking of personal jealousies. Later he met the Central Committee of the United Provinces Anglo-Indian Association
    465 words
  • 332 13 GHOST CURES DISEASES OF HEART AND MIND. 5 Situated in Oxley-road, Singapore, and bearing the number 33, is a vacant house, the doors and window s of which have been nailed up for months. The houses adjoining are occupied, but the landlord has been unable to get
    332 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 277 13 OMELETS should always be seasoned with I LEA PERRINS* I SAUCE Good News to Art Lovers. An Art Display of Japanese Satsuma Wares, by G Kinkozan,” Cloisonne Genuine and Artistic, Porcelan Tea and Coffee Sets, in Real Kutani.” Antique Coloured Wood Prints, really old ones and also reproductions, and Modern
      277 words
    • 246 13 G. 423 z When you cannot sleep > remember ENO Sleepless nights are often caused by a disordered digestive system. H Thousands have found that sound and restful sleep is induced by the R-SKQC&QSSSEEaH regular use of ENO, which corrects the sluggish and imperfect action ■I of the human system.
      246 words

  • 1207 14 A BRILLIANT IRISHMANOpeninn Up Spain. A friend recently returned from a business visit to Spain gives some interesting .impressions of that country, which he knows «ell. He says that under the dictatorship the government is more efficient, more honest, and more popular than ever it was under what
    1,207 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 338 14 -BYNIN’ AMARA The Tonic you need It quickly braces up the system when run down or suffering from the after effects of illness. ‘Bynin’ Amara stimulates digestion and enables those who suffer from loss of appetite to enjoy their meals thoroughly and derive full benefit from them. It is invaluable
      338 words
    • 421 14 GASSED IN THE GREAT WAR. An Ex-Gt'nner’s Plight. Many of our ex-soldiers are still suffering from the priv-’tiens th°y endured while on active service: the ecnstant exposure and nerve racking experiences have left their mark cn many man, and some indeed are little better then human wrecks. How ex-Gunncr Robert
      421 words
    • 314 14 A Pine Forest in a Pottle." "the REMEDY YOU BREATHE.» rßecause their healing effect is so like the famous curative pine-forest air, Peps are often described as A Pine-Forest in a Bottle.” You simply take a Peps out of its silver wrapper, place it on the tongue, and breathe into
      314 words

  • 614 15 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, April 19, 1926. S cte Government Mutton— Matton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Lamb do
    614 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 962 15 BANKS -Kg; fiTHO iW. Oja NEOERLANDSCHE HANDEL jj maatschappij. HR KH 3 HERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. K 12 ESTABLISHED WM. ft Bfc SUPERIOR'? t (Paid-Vr) f.<000.000 «bt. 16.666.507 W B R«orr. 1.20.536.561 .bt. £1.711.40; H U_J g! R-«rv. 1.22.660.000 abt. iI.SSS.SM S flP* S HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. H J“f Qj
      962 words
    • 151 15 The Wonderful j WILLYS KNIGHT I FOUR s TREMENDOUS REDUCTION IN PRICE I Now $2,800 Only j The Best Value in its Class. S Cycle and Carnage Co., Ltd., S PENANG. j r Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Ipoh. r ■QWUBDBDHaBaaUsaUDBaanBQBCIBaBEiB S 8 Regal Qabinets. British Meriting Paper of K’’9b Quality.
      151 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1373 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. iS INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG- IK k HUB jA BS9I WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. IK KM KK ggjk Kgg| ggH A I BHeS| §MACHAON Apr. 22 London. Rotterdam and Hamburg. lIJML jBl RHEXENOR Apr. 29 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. TANTALUS May 6 London.
      1,373 words
    • 530 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDI,\ I AND ?APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P, a O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. For F r g KHYBER Apl. 22 "DEVANRA Apl. 25 MALWA JJ a y J 6 pL
      530 words