Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 374 1 “NIKKO” Photographic Studio Every Possible Assistance and advice given to amateurs. No. 7, Northam Road, Penang. TEL 579. j PRESSED STEEL SPLIT I The Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. S.), Ltd. i TT "V W W Hi "JT (Incorporated in England.) J JiL— 4 _■—4 -B— 4 -iL IK-Z f Wish
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  • 553 2 EVIDENCE THAT CANNOT BE gainsaid. Ovr Reda never tire of telling their dupes that if cnly they would make England a second Russia all their dreams would come true, writes John Blunt- Well, of couise, that is undeniable if their di earns —as some dreams do take tie
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1375 2 prTgsji z rr=. i™™i J Including free town delivery or gart; good condition; layed regularly, Hf p toge c/oPinang Gazette. On Arms. Skin Terribly 1 YAELE IN X 654-IC-4 Crackedi lr[itation Was I ooal *l36* ’< Triumph Auto Player Piano with Severe. CllticUra Heals. L Si Electrical attachments, in excellent
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    • 77 2 How It Gained a Good Reputation. The way to gain a good reputation is to be what you appear. That is precisely how Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has gained its reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, croup a,nd bronchial trouble. Every bottle of this valued medicine is fully up to
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    • 387 2 You don’t need to be ill to need Wincarnis Wincarnis is not merely for invalids, and those who are run down in health. It s for everybody, for men and women of all ages, a delicious tonic wine which will keep you fit and strong, and which you can safely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 304 3 The George Town Dispensary Ltd., I THE LEADING CHEMISTS, j PENANG. I OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE. I THE I Cheapest House in the Trade FOR B Estate Medical Supplies. R SAFETY FIRST. I I. I I You are absolutely sate when you deal with B “THE GEORGETOWN.” Each order is
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    • 417 3 I THE NEW I I Colombia I I GRAFONOLA Gives everyihing obtainable in other Gramophones =lz EE plus matchless S I TONAL QUALITY s Ifcw k fll Hear k and you be 1 convinced. i WXp i H Model as illustrated S ilipU I .w 1 i 11 r $220
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 466 3 P. G.” CROSS-WORDS PUZZLE COMPETITION. PUZZLE NO. 61. First Prize $5O. Second Prize $2O. Third Prize $lO. and Four Consolation Prizes of $5 Each. We publish below our puzzle No. 61, entries tor which close at 11 am. on Saturday, April 17. ACROSS. DOWN. I. Gloomy. j 6. Eminent Scientist.
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  • 1616 4 AN ECONOMIC ISSUE. Speaking at Mardy in the Rhondda Valley, Mr. A. J. Cook, secretary of the Miners’ Federation, made his first public utterance since the publication of the Coal Commission Report. The coal industry, he said, had passed through many severe crisis. There
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  • 172 4 STRONG CRITICISM. Captain Fred Guest, addressing a meeting of his constituents, Liberal and Conservative, in North Bristol, said the events of the past year had confirmed the wisdom of adopting a generally favourable attitude towards the Government. Some Liberals had felt this so strongly that they had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 559 4 Why do some men succeed in business? K THE a»ECT WAY TO SUCCESS IN the matter of /O\ i| foremost business business advancement \T/ educationist, The ‘‘opportunity” is School of Accountbetter spelt capabil- ancy has built up a ity.” Never before has .—J phenomenal record of there been so great
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    • 391 4 wk _J The Major ,r More Major Points Minor points like minor poets do not count —but Major Points such as Pure Tobacco Perfect Paper Perfect Making Airtight Packing and the Consequent consistent uniform quality of Army Club Cigarettes do count if you want the perfect cigarette. Army Club CIGARETTES
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  • 976 5 PROPOSALS FOR I. L. P. The Empire Policy Committee of th« Independent Labour Party has preparec a report on “Socialism and the Empire,” which is to be submitted to the annua’ I conference of the party this year. Some of the main points in the report
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  • 363 5 DEAN INGE ON WORK OF GIRLS’ REALM GUILD. A luncheon was given at the Hall of the Merchant Taylors Company, Threadnee-dle-street, in support of the work of the Girls Realm Guild, nn organization which has for its primary object the making of financial grants to the
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  • 193 5 CZAR’S CAVALRY LEADER WHO JOINED THE REDS. The death, from pneumonia, is announced of General Brusiloff, the cavalry leader who was one of the most successful Russian commanders during the war [General Brusiloff, who was 74, became famous during the* war for his great drive from Pripet
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 253 5 y Baked to Perfection! s i Of course, an oven just right is necessary to successful > baking, plain or fancy, but it is hopeless unless the clough properly prepared. If >ou use Raisley in accordance i with the simple directions. }ou can always be sure that 1 every particle
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    • 50 5 Stops Neuralgic Pains and Headache, Tormenting neuralgia is eased and stopped by Chamberlain’s Balm. Being penetrating, it reaches the congested spots, starts the circulation, removing the pressure and inflammation that causes the pain. Helps headaches, backaches, stiff, swollen joints, bruises, sprains and sore muscles. Sold and recommended every where
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    • 108 5 The TOP NOTCH'Scotch Jfehq Psoras IV” AR.'aJJ I \y/ j&N -“I «aid STOP. and he «bJ I |Y\ wM I h\ i BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd., PENANG. □Hi 0.1 iiir. -L~n ~—7-7 r j nrrr~nii I Talk About 1t to those Who are Interested I In It! I That is precisely
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  • 1636 6 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. M. C. Sells, Postniister-Geneial, S.S. and F.M.S., li/i.s left for Home, Mis. C. J. Baker, Kuala Lumpur, has returned from a visit to Japan. The illness of Queen Sukhumal Marasri of Siam is causing the greatest anxiety. Capt. MaeKenzie of the ‘‘Hong XV ah is going on
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  • 1194 6 Increasing Demand For Company’s Products. FINAL DIVIDEND OF PER CENT. (From Onr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 9. The annual general meeting of Malayan Collieries Ltd,, was held at the reg’stered office of the Company at noon yesterday. Mr. 11. N. Ferrers, the chairman of the company, presided
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  • 233 6 H. M. S. AMBROSE vs EkSTERN SMELTING CO. A friendly game of football was played on the Renong Ground yesterday afternoon between a team from H. M. S “Ambros J’ and the Eastern Smelting Company and after a bard and fast game the Naval eleven proved victorious by
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  • 94 6 We have to acknowledge the receipt, from the Registry of Imports and Exports, at Singapore, of its Return of Foreign Imports and Exports for the month ended February 28, 1926. Excluding imports and exports by parcel post the total figures are. Imports £9,345.630 ($79,992,050) Exports £13,514,316
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  • 285 6 KIMBERLEY STREET MURDER. Mr. S. N. King, sitting as H. M. Coroner, returned a verdict of murder by Chew Lan after hearing evidence into the circumstances attending the death of Ng Kee Nga resulting from a stab wound on the back which penetrated one of the lungs. Inspector
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  • 239 6 CAPT. BROWN’S VERSION. Captain William Brown, who is now well on the way to recovery, has been able to give an account of what happened in the early morning of April 6th., when the Preventive Service launch Simbang, which he was commanding, was raided by rubber smugglers.
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  • 284 6 The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of March was 600 pikuls. The output of Pah ng Consolidated Co.. Ltd., for the month of March was 3,568 pels. The output of Ipoh Tin Dredging Limited for the month of March 620 pels. Mr. Brun, a
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  • 117 6 TOTALLY BURNT DOWN. A Chinese junk loaded with general merchandise and 300 tins of benzine destined for Sungei Patahi, caught fire in Penang Harbour at -about 8 o’clock last night. Within a few minutes after they were informed of the occurrence, Commander C. A. Peal, Harbour Master,
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  • 397 6 (Church of England.) Ist Sunday after Easter. 7.45 a.m. Litany, 8 am. Matins Hymn 127. 8-30 a m Holy Communion Hymn 499. 10 a.m Holy Communion (Chinese), 6 p.m. Evenson» Hymn 135, Ps Ciji. 211, Magnificat 81, Nunc Dimittis 258, Hymns 504, 125, 137. Thursday 8
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  • 123 6 PKNANG APRIL 10 192fi. iEy Courtesy of tru; < aarcrrrd Bank.) Demand Rank 2/4 1/32 5, 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 7/16 ,> 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 «> 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank 3 day’s sight Private 157| p Bombay Demand Bank M 155| 2 Madras Demand
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 IHDI6ESTION UNO THE REMEDY. If it’s only indigestion that’s troubling you' then your troubles can soon be ended, for, no matter how chronic your indigestion may be, Bisurated Magnesia will atop it instantly. This world-famed remedy for disturbed stomach conditions never fails to give relief in all cases in fact,
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  • 2414 7 British Supremacy Essential. FLIGHT AND COMMERCE. [TFe publish below a report of the .speech delivered in the House cf Commons by Sir Harry Brittain on Monday, March 8. The speech was mzide in connection ivith the debate on the Air Estimates and was sent to us
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  • 357 7 EXPERIMENTS BY THE HOME OFFICE. The latest theory of the Home Office is that detection by psycho-analysis of the criminal tendencies of boys and girls may prevent them from drifting into crime. Missionaries employed by the Home Office in the London Children’s Courts are now working on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 376 7 Good Digestion j fl is a fundamental con- I I dition of health. As a soon as the stomach ff B gets out of order the ft fl general health declines, K I the old zest and en- j thusiasm and the old B joy of living disappear. S M
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    • 232 7 I A NEW CONSIGNMENT I I f I Printed Polish Crepes, Royal Crepes, Satin Crepes, .Fl Jushi Silks, Striped Marble Crepes, and all kinds LI of ready made goods in newest and most charming J| C designs have just been received and are now being n displayed—AT I RAMA STORE,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 124 7 TOWN HALL April 19th, 20th and 21st at 9'30 p.m. CHIS MARGELIS Presents AMIE MAYNARD OF DENISHAWN FAME, AND HER ROYAL HAWAIIANS Complete Change of Programme Nightly. Presenting life in the paradise of the Pacific, weird melodies, enchanting songs and beautiful maidens. REAL HAWAIIANS, REAL HULA HULA Booking at ROBINSON
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  • 25 8 PATERSON. —On the 7th instant, at the European Hospital, K. Lumpur, to the wife of Mr. H. S. Paterson, Malayan Civil Service, a daughter.
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  • 404 8 Piracy on the China Coast continues to flourish despite the elaborate measures which have been evolved to counteract and discourage it. The latest victim of the Chinese followers of the jolly Roger is the steamer “Hsin Kong” bound from Shanghai to Hongkong. In this case the procedure
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  • 1551 8 It was as the Earl of Carrick that the Prince of Wales fulfilled a recent engagement in Scotland, thereby reminding people that he has titles other than that of Baron of Renfrew, which he employed on his Canadian tour. In point of fact, the Prince is f
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  • 291 8 ELECTION OF OFFICE-BEARERS. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Tpob, April 9. Lt Col. Cecil Rae, the Presidon', took the chair at the annual meeting of the Ipoh Club which was held on Wednesday last. The following report was submitted to the meeting which was accepted and the accounts as
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  • 215 8 Penang should be on the qtii virt’ as a python, about 15 feet in length, was caught a few days ago, in Aboo Sittee Lane, by Mr. E. H. Valberg, a visitor from Singapore. Owners of poultry in the locality have been complaining of their losses for quite
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 213 8 {V •< C -J 11l ’r/rluWSU draflHfr» x MMs (sTX. 4®&AvTi 111 |>jjtT>'::: <» Two sportsOne smoke Opinion is divided as to whether Golf or Hockey is the ideal winter Game. But on cigarettes all men of dis- 1 crimination are unanimous. They insist on SWE(XPRESS VIRGINIA CIGARETTES < jfeyiW*/
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    • 32 8 O.” Guest Night and Dancing Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Saturday—E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. •SZZZZZ2S2SS PEARS’ i J GOLDEN SERIES. J I i I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 332 9 Conference Of Miners Delegates. MEETING WITH OWNERS URGED. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 9. The Conference of Miners’ Delegates to-day, carried unanimously the resolution submitted by the Executive, recommending to districts, firstly, that no assent be given to any proposal for increasing the length of the working day,
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  332 words
  • 151 9 —Reuter. M. IERET’S VISIT TO LONDON. Paris, April 9. Following a Cabinet meeting, M. Peret, Finance Minister, stated that he would not go to London before the end of next week. It is believed that he is awaiting certain information from Washington with regard to negotiations at present
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 46 9 —Reuter. PEACE OVERTURES. Paris, April 9. Following Abd-El-Krim’s sending an emissary to the French authorities in Morocco, negotiations are being opened immediately in Ujda (Morocco) between representatives of the recalcitrant and Riff tribes and the French and Spanish authorities. A French delegation has been appointed.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 31 9 —Reuter. THE KING’S MESSAGE. London, April 9. The British Ambassador in Rome has been commanded to convey His Majesty’s regrets at the attempt on Signor Musso- lini’s life.-
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 25 9 .—Reuter' Mexico City, April 9. The petroleum law has been published in an official gazette. Hence it will im- mediately be effective.-
    .—Reuter'  -  25 words
  • 266 9 —Reuter. Led By Army Officers. HUNT FOR ELUSIVE LEADER. Athens, April 9. An official message states that Majors Bakirdji Karakoufa and Zefas led a mutiny with a small number of troops and occupied Karabcurnu and the Gulf of Salonika. Karabournu is surrounded. The fleet has been ordered
    —Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 205 9 PETITION TO VICEROY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Naihati, April 9. The incident reported yesterday has affected the Gourepore mills, the millhands having struck work as a protest against the assault of a fellow worker, resulting in his death, for which a man named Spence, an assistant in the
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  • 196 9 —Reuter. POLICE ROUND-UP. Paris, April 9. Determined efforts by the Paris police to obliterate the increasing illegal traffic in drugs have resulted in numerous arrests recently. They have made an arrest in connection with the death yesterday of a well-known actress, Vanda Sylvan, who was found dead
    —Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 128 9 —Reuter. American Disaster. MANY KILLED. New Orleans, April 9. An explosion occurred on a Standard Oil tanker while.two hundred men were repairing the vessel in the dry dock. At least five were killed and 47 injured. Later. The authorities are attempting to determine the casualties in a
    —Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 46 9 Reuter. PROPOSED CONFERENCE. Washington, April 9. The Government has calle 1 a conference of mar.time powers on June <8 for the purpose of dealing with the problems of oil pollution through an international agreement. Twelve countries have been invited, including Great Britain and Japan.—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 46 9 (Rugby Radio Service.)i London, April 8.- 1 The British Ambassador at Constantinople, Sir Ronald Lindsay, will proceed to Angora at the end of next week, after the conclusion of the Biiram Festival, to resume negotiations with the Turkish Government on the Turkey-Irak frontier question.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)i  -  46 words
  • 69 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates were Paris, 141.70; New York, 4.861 Brussels, 128 j Geneva, 25.18 Amsterdam, 12.12 J; Milan, 120.90 Berlin, 20.42 Stockholm, 18.14 Copenhagen, 18.58 Oslo, 22.63 Vienna, 34.45 Prague, 164«- Helsingfors, 193 Madrid, 34.40; Lisbon, 21 Rio, 6| Buenos Aires, 44| Bombay. Is.
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  • 230 9 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1925 6. Previously acknowledged $6,057.95 Lady Guillemard 50.00 Mr. A. W. Still 25.00 Hon. Mr. G. C. Clarke 75.00 Donaldson and Burkinshaw re Fleury deceased 15.00 “Charity” 70.00 Mr. F. H. Smith 5.00 “Sunnyside” 1-00 Per Mrs. Scott, Malacca: —Mr. Neo Ong Hee $5O, Mr.
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  • 265 9 Chinese in Bankruptcy Court. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore. April 10. In the Bankruptcy Court, Lee Pang Seng was further examined. He stated that his failure was due entirely to forward rubber contracts. At the end-of May last his liabilities were $600,000. He was insolvent by $400,000. His
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    • 116 9 (To the Editor, Pinang Gazette»”.) Sir.—The New Year that falls on the 13th April is observed and celebrated by Burmese, Singhalese and other Aryan descendants as their national New Year day from the dawn of the history of their nationalities. I am surprised to learn that Tamils
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  • 49 9 LABOUR AND PROHIBITION. Washington, April 9. Labour witnesses at the prohibition enquiry pronounced the law a failure, because it favoured the rich at the expense of the poor. They predicted that a national referendum would show that a majority of the people desired a change.
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  • 61 9 P.C.C. v. NAVY. On. Sunday, April 11, at 11 a.m., on the Esplanade ground, the following will represent the P C.C. H. C. D. Davies, A. J. L. Donaldson, H. L. Marshall, J. W. Haddon, A. W. Matthews, W. F. Fletcher, J. L. Potter, R. V. Patterson, C. H.
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  • 35 9 The result of a tennis tournament tie played yesterday was: Championship Pairs (Final): —G. H. Pinckney and J. R. Bennett beat A.K.A. B. Terrell and R. N. Byatt 9 —7, 6 —l.
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  • 55 9 The result of a bowls tournament tie played yesterday was Single Handicap (Final) —l-4 D. Lucey beat —3 J. Ford 21 —11. The following tie has been fixed for Wednesday, April 14: Double Handicap (Final) (Unfinished Tie): 3 E. Reimann and J. G. Allan v. 2J. Ford
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 254 9 STOVES I jg FOR BJ.\G\LOW USE iBBQKnSSSKBB Prices arc Free Fitting AU ji Nett. in pc,iang I u Dover No. 8 Cooking Steve Price $6O I Size of II >t 1 late 38 by 21 ins. j O\en 17 by 1G by 10 in j I Boiler $24 A I
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  • 1088 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Menggala for Tanjong Poera. Pangkalan Brandan, Pangkalan, Soesoe and Langsa. Howra for Singapore and Shanghai, Bintang for Port Swettenham, Singapore and Java. Teesta for Negapatam, Karikal, Porto Novo. Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Madras. Ellenga for Rangoon and Calcutta. Morioka Maru for Rangoon and Calcutta. Malaya for Bhuket
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  • 401 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sandav). BT TRAIN. Federateu Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-honr earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m, train:
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  • 123 10 B.M.A DEFINES ITS ATTITUDE. The British Medical Association, through its deputy medical secretary. Dr. G.C- Anderson, in a circular letter to the Press, states, that, the attitude of the association on the subject of newspaper articles by doctors appears to have been misunderstood. It is pointed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 341 10 phyllosan By E. BUERGI, m.d. Dr. Buergi’s Phyllosan has been proved by examination and exhaustive practical tests by renowned physicians to have definite therapeutic virtues of singular value. There is nothing else yet discovered with the remarkable recuperative properties of Phyllosan. The PRESCBIBER,” one of England’s leading mediz cal journals,
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    • 54 10 Bronchial Coughs. Bronchial coughs are not trifling. They are even menacing if allowed to hang on and weaken the system. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is just what you ought to take for bronchial influenza and la errippe coughs. It contans no opiates a pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort follows the
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    • 568 10 A SAFE AND CERTAIN REMEDY FOR rheumatism Overcomes Cause of the Trouble and Restores Perfect Health and Strength. FREE TRIAL BOX FOR EVERY READER. e Think wharf it would mean to be free Here is an opportunity for every hom u able your to obtain freedom from paw, briskly and
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  • 848 11 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reported yesterday as follows: Owing to the Easter holidays no report was issued last week, and the period under review is therefore from the 26th ultimo. A fter remaining steady round 2/5 Rubber at the close shows a sudden decline of 2d.
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  • 281 11 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’h s'lare list at I p.m. to-day Yesteday. To-day. Shares. >i -5 >» J 3 B CO CQ GC c. E c. i c. c. Rubber (Dollar.) Allenby 3.20 340 3.15 3.30 AlorGajah 3.00 3.20 2.90 3.10 ex
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  • 100 11 The following are our latest quotations Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Allenbys 3.00 3.15 Alor Gajab 2.60 2.70 Bedfords 1.20 1.25 B. Jelutongs 1.22| 1.27| Changkats 9.00 9.50 Indrag’ris 9.25 10.00 Jerams 1.67 i 1.72| Katoyangs 2.20 2.30 M. Pin das 3.05 3.15 cum Nyalas 13.00 13.50 Temerlohs 1.37
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  • 150 11 The following are additional rubber outputs for last month:— lbs. Perak River Valley 21,105 Jnru 17.428 Semanggol 2',026 Anglo-Johore 24,000 Bukit Palong 10,277 Consolidated Malay 73,000 Chulsa (Selangor) 31,000 Mambau (F.M.S.) 52,000 Sungei Salak 49,135 Sepang Valley 33,000 Tangga Batu 7,500 Thirdmile (F.M.S) 61,000 Vallevside 8,500 Ayer Kuning
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  • 1262 11 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. NAMES. I f I 1 £3 rubber [DoiUr.j Sclgc 8 Allenby Rnbhor Co 3 £ql 3 Alor Gajah Knhber 3 (X 3 2'l ex Amalgamated Malay Estate. 4 4 75 Ayer Hitam Plartlug Syndic» 21 50 22 5 Ayer Kotfing Rubber KjUU’ j 2J/ 1 Ayer
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 433 11 New Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT. Want' 1: Experienced Factory Clerk healthy Estate in Kedah. Apply with particulars to Box No. 105, c/o I’in mg Gazette. €97- 15-4 WH.X MUM M'iwwraMSmMHmWMMMMMnM V anted Innned'ately: An experienced European Manager for Motor business i;, I. u '.ng. Salary $5OO with $lOO House Allowance and
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    • 96 11 j The Wonderful j WILLYS- KNIGHT j I- FOUR TREMENDOUS REDUCTION IN PRICE I Now $2,800 Only I I* The Best Value in its Class. I Cycle and Carriage Co., Ltd., PENANG. Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Ipoh. I SUPPORT j I RUBBER I INDUSTRY The vital industry fl of Malaya
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  • 703 12 MR. AMERY ON HOPES OF PEACE. Speaking at. Birkenhead, Mr. Amery emphasized the Prime Minister’s appeal that everyone who was interested in the affairs of the country would give time to studying the report of the Coal Commission, and that no one would rush to hasty conclusions
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 137 12 THE BEST BY TEST' lILLER ffiwwKvA |WI YRE EANS fla j >|<ROUBLE ORE IT iMfetf I ELEPHONE ILEAGE MwJIBh» 1 644. UlillerCorOs GEARED -TOATHE-ROAD WE CAN FIT YOUR CAR NOW. A good car is worth a good tyre, and that’s why you must specify Miller’s and insure greater comfort, traction,
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    • 73 12 «S YOUR BREATH BAD? Have you a nasty taste in the mouth; a furred tongue If so Pinkettes are just the thing you need. They quckly and gently dispel constipation and regulate, the liver, thus banishing sick headachesPinkettes biliousness and ill-smelling breath by correcting their cause. Also clear the skin
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    • 946 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, Hot weather AUSTRALIA and CHINA. ills are (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) dangerous Paid-up Capital 53.H0.00® Reserve Fund £4.000,Mt Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.0H Head Office: 88, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. J Alor Star, Amritsar, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay, Calcutta, Canton, Cawnpore,
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  • 1132 13 A GLOOMY OUTLOOK. The report of the Coal Commission is still held up. The Commissioners have very wisely issued a warning to the Press not to expect that their propsals when published will dispel all the troubles of the mining industry writes Harold Cox in the Sunday
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  • 530 13 A BUILDER’S ADVICE TO BUILDERS. At the annual dinner of the National Federation of Building Trades Employers of Great Britain and Ireland, in London, the chair was occupied by the President, Mr. John Croad, F. 1.08., and among those present w< re the following :—Sir Charles Ruthen, Sir Edwin
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  • 26 13 April 14—Hari Raya Puasa, Public and Bank Holiday. May 8, 11, 13 15—Singapore Sumner Races. June 5,8, 10 12 Selangor Sti n ner Races.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 301 13 OMk I 1 Il 11 Get Whil'jp Hoi'se in I youjX X<j!ass I 3 It is a guarantee of good body and fine |j bouquet—whisky as soft 3 as silk—a sure sign of S p"f Jj| age. There are ample =r LMr& stocks maturing to ensure J fc-S > %y3v»l
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    • 36 13 Take With Sweetened Water. Saves the babies, helps the grown-ups, comforts elderly people'—that s Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoe>a Remedy. Used for infantile cholera, sudden pain in stomach, griping cramps, nausea with prostrating dianhoea. For sale everywhere.
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    • 320 13 fc. .'H IWrl j BBv Royal By Royal to At Court to tile Couto •f J of fiPaiM Your Baby will be sturdy and happy —«turdy, if hit iced contains all the Your Baby needs Glaxo to make nourishing elements of the purest him as you would have him, milk
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  • 754 14  -  TALES TOLL) TO THE MAGISTRATE. By R. E. Corder. St, Patrick’s Day—and, for the first time in many months, not an Irish name appeared on the charge-sheet at Tower Bridge Police Court on March 17. The Irish quarter in Bemondsey was busy “drowning the sharmock,” and to-day
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  • 298 14 Singapore, April 6.—Business has been considerably restricted owing to the Easter Holidays and conditions are practically unchanged since our last report. Rubber shares are. if anything, slightly higher but Tins and Industrials have been neglected. Mining.—l<lris Hydraulics have been erratic and after business at s<s. close firmer
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  • 235 14 PENANG, APRIL 10, 1926. Benares Opium r. «hos» >5,000.00 noiu. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stock Nutmegs 80s 125.00 nom. 110 s HO.Oo Coconuts per l.( 11 p 50.00 non.. Copra Sundri»-H $ll.BO buyers Rattans 11.15 sales Rattans Coarre 10.50 Green Snail Sb.Hn
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 49 14 A Good Liniment. Rub Chambeirlain’s Pain Balm on the painful spots. It, is penetrating, starts up the circulation which carries the congestion and pressure that causes the pain That is how it helps rheumatic pains, lunri ago. backache, peuraleria, swollen, achiru lo’rfp ppj muscles. Sold and re, ccmn.ended everywhere.
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    • 4 14 CROSS WORD J?.* PUZZLE.
      4 words
    • 274 14 *?<o *****. Supreme Quality THIS set contains apparatus to cover a wavelength band of 300 to 500 metres, but provision is made for the addition of Igranic Coils, which increase the tuning up to 3,000 metres. A special -two-valve circuit with a certain amount of adjustable reaction assures the reception
      274 words

  • 615 15 CHOWBASTA MARKET. Penang, April 10, 1926. cte Government Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat m each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Lamb do
    615 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 304 15 (i fc;= JL Jt JL JC T jL A champion muscle-builder <1 MEN of India: if you of rice and three times as aspire to athletic much as a potful of meat, honors—desire suppleness, It is strengthening —invigstrength and endurance— orating —sustaining —yet eat the food of champions not body*heating.
      304 words
    • 323 15 STRAITS-AUSTRALIA SERVICE K. P. M. Regular Monthly Sailings from Singapore to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne direct by the up-to-date passenger steamers “Houtman” and “Tasman.** Fitted with wireless, a Laundry, Barbershop, Spacious Swimming bath and ship’s band The Restaurants aboard the s. s. Houtman and Tasman supply British Food. Passengers and
      323 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1209 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG IS L HHk SHI ■k WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. |H HH SIIME HH E |1 RHESUS in port London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. EMk BE E SARPEIJUiM Apr. 15 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Glasgow. MACH AON Apr. 22 London. Rotterdam and Hamburg.
      1,209 words
    • 581 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA and apcar lines. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAU. PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. dL O. SAILINGS, LONDON-FAR.EABTERN SERVICE. BhanfhaL Moji I For Colombo, Adon, Port Said, M«r»«ill« For Singapore, Bongkonf, onengn m j London. Yokohama «nd
      581 words