Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 676 1 TOKISATSU, PHOTOGRAPHIC art studio ’Phone 772. 68, BISHOP STREET. II < nnnDnnnnnnnanoanannnDcnHnnnnanannnanDnnana X u 13 BERGER S i s CONTINFNTAI ’I “stop Oli/f O PI A WI 99 Mr BERGER r a__Z 1 x .1 _fl_A._ n JLL/A n JL J1_j decay rvIVli tlAn s tvdfc I THE BERGER Colours
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  • 874 2 THE CASE OF JUDGE JEFFREYS. Tn his wireless talk about books, Mr. Desmond McCarthy said that Lord Birkenhead’s sketch of Judge Jeffreys in his new book on famous lawyers had shown that there was something to be said even for that ogre, writes Alpha of the Plough ”in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1438 2 .J Lr? < M J I MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICES. h bi! fi RATFS W SUBSCRIPTION. x Wanted: Used and nrnaed Postage B. K. MALAKAR, 378, Jalan Raya, landing free town delivery or 'I! Stamps of Malaya. Highest possible Kulim, Licensed Surveyor and Leveller, X prices paid. Prompt cash. Registered S. S.,
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    • 61 2 How It Gained a Good Reputation. The way to gain a good reputation is to be what you appear. That is precisely how Chamberlaan’s Cough Remedy has gained it’s reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, oroup ajnd bronchial trouble. Every bottle of this valued medicine is fully up to
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    • 326 2 paw— MIIiWJLI" The George Town Dispensary Ltd., THE LEADING CHEMISTS, II PENANG. I OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE. THE S Cheapest House in the FOR Estate Medical Supplies. I SAFETY FIRST. I I I I You are absolutely safe when you deal with “THE GEORGETOWN.” Each order is exe- I cuted
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  • 802 3 GERMAN FIRE LOZENGES. Apropos t!;. pviii ziug sequence of mansion fires, tenth within three rronths being lecQidcd this week, a theory vr.s aovaue. d to nie i y a fiiend of a rather sensational kind. Toward the clos of ]f:-25 continuous reports of farm tires a round London
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 302 3 bq GENERAL MOTORS Wakefield Castrol “AA Makers or w for Engine liiljiicdtion of all cars. CHEVROLET Wakefeld Castrol “C” OAKLAND I for Engines of G. M. C. a b g 1 jl h Trucks. “D” Gear Oil |Ls7 I Bais Ikm for Gear Box and Back OLDSMOBILE le Cas ro
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    • 203 3 I THE NEW Columbia I 1 GRAFONOLA 2 Gives everything obtainable in other Gramophones plus matchless I TONAL QUALITY i bSsKmI Hear u and you n be i tt 1 'Z convinced. mftjrL- 75 T I Model as illustrated a hi "I' iSPr I j B s22 i S Other
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  • 1213 4 ORIGINS OF COMMON PHRASES. Few of us pass a day without repeating, consciously or unconsciously, the words of some great writer or of some unknown phrase-maker of the past, said Professor E. Weekley in a broadcast Talk reproduced in the Radio Times.” I am not thinking of actual
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  • 379 4 FOOD AND FASTING. We notice, says the “Morning Pout,” that Lady Fisher, wife of the Permanent Secret-ary to the Treasury, has been testifying to her cure of chronic autotoxaemia by fasting. She has eaten nothing, she asserts, for twenty-seven dayss although she haA drunk s-ix times a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 50 4 Stops Neuralgic Pains and Headache. Tormenting neuralgia is eased and stopped by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Being penetrating, it reaches the congested spots, starts the circulation, removing tfee pressure and inflammation that ckuses the pain. Helps headaches, backaches, stiff, swollen joints, bruises, sprains ahd ■sore muscles. Sold and recommended every where
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    • 760 4 [FRF.F. 10-day test Mail the coupon MAE MURRAY, S' Metro Star, say»: X In the silent drama, where the whole appeal is to the eye, pretty teeth 1 are tremendously inipor- tant, and formerly a f 1 great problem. Today I Pepsodent is regarded at fc**, 1 jJ least as
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  • Feminine Reflections
    • 1457 5 Monday. March 15th: —Up betimes for making of a very fine White Vegetable Soup, the same well in accordance with the modern trend to eat little meat- The manner of making it to clean and very carefully prepare of vegetables 2 carrots, o turnips (small), 1 leek.
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    • 70 5 This chic two-piece suit of “flying blue repp is designed to give the popular jumper effect. The coat is pleated at the- sides to mat-ch the front of the skirt. Crepe-de-chine of the same blue as the repp is used to face back the revers and to
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    • 580 5  -  BY POPPY BACON. I have heard the complaint that children are no longer childlike. It is said that the young hooligan who climbed trees, tore her frocks with complete disregard for their cost, and otherwise romped about, has departed in favour of an elegant young
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    • 585 5  -  BY MOLLIE LITTLE. Coralie's complexion always looked like an advertisement for somebody’s soap or face-powder. On meeting her for the first time you almost expected to see “That Schoolgirl Complexion” written across the front of her ridiculously simple little Paris hat! And she was no “bread-and-butter” miss eitherShe
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    • 486 5 BY ROSAMUND. At this stage in Lent, the minds of those who like old customs and observances turn to Simnel Sunday and the special cake which is associated with that day. Unhappily, since the War, Simnel Sunday has been less generally observed than formerly. but it is difficult
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    • 1156 5  -  BY VERA WESTON. “A woman’s work is never done” used to be; the favourite saying of harassed housewives. Although there is still a certain amount of truth in this threadbare adage, yet, having seen some of tha interesting household aids and inventions at the Ideal Home, Exhibition, at
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    • 127 5 PENANG APRIL 8, 1926. k BT COURTESY OF THU OWKKBBD Bank.) Lotion Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 7/fti .»3 Credit 2/4 9/16 8 Documentary 2/419/32 Calcutta Demand Bank R»ls6| 1 3 day’s sight Private ***** p Bombay Demand Bank M 1564 2 Madras Demand Bank 1564
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  • 1631 6 happy returns of the day _/v f to King Albert I who was born at Brussels on April <Sth, 1875, and is therefore 51 years of age. He is the son of the late Count of Flanders, the brother of King Leopold II and succeeded his uncle
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  • 946 6 FIGHT AT SEA IN EARLY DAWN. Four Killed Several Injured. With her searchlight smashed and her well-scrubbed decks stained with patches of blood, the rubber restriction launch “Simbang” cruised into the Singapore harbour from the west on Tuesday morning and drew alongside the wharf at Keppel Harbour.
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  • 841 6 CURIOUS PROBLEM FOR THE FRENCH POLICE. A classic problem of detective stories is the prisoner whose identity cannot be discovered. That old master, M. Lecoq, had to deal with one in his most famous affair, says the “Daily Telegraph,” Mr. Sherlock Holmes, in whose failings modesty had
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 297 6 TOWN HALL April 19th, 20th and 21st at 9-30 p.m. CHIS MARGELIS Presents AMIE MAYNARD OF DENISHAWN FAME, AND HER ROYAL HAWAIIANS Complete Change of Programme Nightly. Presenting life in the paradise of the Pacific, weird melodies, enchanting songs and beautiful maidens. REAL HAWAIIANS, REAL HULA HULA Booking at ROBINSON
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 56 6 T O w N HALL NAVAL BASE IN PENANG. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT. London Music Hall Nights DEPICTED BY THE “MUSICAL MADCAPS” The Soubrette Musical The Comedian I W:™' Madcaps The Pianist > “MULTUM IN PARVO” Book Nov/ at Robinsons.” Admission $3, $2 and $l. Sailors in Uniform Half
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  • 1104 7 Discontinuance of Action. SEQUEL TO ALLEGED SECRET PROFITS. I Application was made to the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, in the Supreme Court, Singapore, on Tuesday morning for the discontinuance of the action commenced by certain shareholder, of the Eastern Mining and Rubber Co., Ltd., against Dr. Willem
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  • 190 7 MARCH PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION. We are officially informed that the following students passed their examinations Final Examination For the Diploma of L.M.S. A. M. d’Cotta, K. C. Cbosh, S.S. Rasanayagam, J. Samuel, Taji Chong Yan, V. K- Thambipillay and P. Thi Hain at han. Pass in Medicine
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  • 24 7 April 14—Hari Raya Puasa, Public and Bank Holiday. May 8, 11, 13 15—Singapore Summer Races. June 5,8, 10 12 Selangor Summer Races.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 283 7 Sore Throat! You are constantly liable to catch Sore Throat and infection» complaints from people who are sickening for them, or convalescent. Formamint conquer» Sore Throat and safeguards you against influenza, DIPHTHERIA, SCARLET FEVER, etc. It disinfects your mouth and throat so that the germs of these diseases cannot harm
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    • 179 7 Bronchial Coughs. Bronchial coughs are not trifling. They are even menacing if allowed to hang on and weaken the system. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is just what you ought to take for bronchial influenza and la grippe ■coughs. It contans no opiates a pleasant feeling of watrmth and comfort follows the
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    • 183 7 WBfflisßAW Have just unpacked and are now displaying A NEW SHIPMENT OF HIGH CLASS E. P. N. S. AND STERLING SILVER WARE SUITABLE FOR WEDDING AND OTHER GIFTS. Inspection Cordially Invited. Prices Extremely Reasonable. E.P.N S. Sauce Boats E.P.N.S. ENTREE DISHES. A nice assortment of E.P.N.S. CAKE BASKETS. Beet quality.
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  • 17 8 MILNE.—At Lendu Estate, Alor Gajah, on April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Milne, a son.
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  • 51 8 Roberts—Stubbs. —On April 5, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Ven Archdeacon F. G. Swindell, Sidney Herbert Roberts, second son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. R. Roberts of Highgate, London to Esther Lilian Stubbs, eldest daughter of Mr. T. W. Stubbs, J. P.. and Mrs. Stubbs, of
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  • 499 8 In the army or in any well-conducted expedition where the circumstances necessitate the laying-out of a permanent camp as a base from which to work, the site chosen for the purpose is always governed by two factors that is, if the parties entrusted with the erection of the camp
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  • 311 8 Attention should be called to the prevalence of pneumonia in Malaya. In Singapore, the local heilth figures, for March 20 and 27, show a total of 456 deaths of which pneumonia accounted for 56, there be ng more deaths from that cause than from any lt is said
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    • 141 8 [To the Editor of the “Pinang, Gazette. 9 Sir, —I shall be much obliged if you will allow me space for my opinion, as a trader, on the suggestion of Mr. Chew Chay Saye to hold an exhibition in Penan,g, which is being keenly discussed in commercial
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  • 1200 8  -  eT? Provincial Criticism. BY HARRY VARDON. (Six Times Open Champion.) An amateur with whom I played the other day complained severely about the cost of golf in the London district. He came from the provinces, and had been visiting several wellknowm courses in the now extensive
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  • 112 8 CLEVER IMITATIONS. A good many forged five-dollar Straits currency notes are, at present in circulation in Penang, and the public is warned against receiving these. They are clever imitations, and the unwary are liable to accept them without strict scrutiny. One of our representatives was shown one of
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  • 74 8 SMART RESCUE. While one of tho F.M.S. Railway launches was in mid-channel between Prai and Penang at about 11 o’clock yesterday, a Chinese passenger either fell or jumped overboard. The alarm was given, and the serang stopped the launch and circled about the place where the. man fell.
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  • 91 8 The following is the result of a tennis tournament tie. played yesterday: Single Handicap Class “A”:— —ls.gA. K- A. B. Terrell beat —30.4 G. H. Pinckney 6—o, I—6, 7—5. The s.s. Ampang” will resume her normal sailing from Penang to Pangkor, Bindings and Sdiawan on the 12th
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 231 8 w wWflank ~?U i&zM WlO«£<s J* ir" -^y S K^SSw* taw—~ TEari'/j 'wSvs&s' j»^K<®z3.y/^ ;i •®Kr- Tw<^£7L<L---— wa’-t/ _;Wyj|'rz, ——M i S3’’ I I Two sportsone smoke Fishing or shooting?—Each sport has its adherents believing their pastime unrivalled. But I? both agree that for cigarettes ,i| there can be only
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    • 41 8 “E. O." Guest Night and Dancing— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Satu r d a y —E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. PEARS’ I I GOLDEN SERIES. H H I I s-W H US: On-
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
  • 34 8 DEATH. The death is announced of the wife of Hajee R. E. Mohamed Kassim, J. P., which occurred last night at her residence, No. 121. McAlister Road. The funeral will take place this evening.
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  • 652 9 —Reuter. Attempted Assassination. WELL-CONNECTED WOMAN ASSAILANT. Rome, April 7. Whilo Signor Mussolini was leaving the International Congress on Surgery an elderly woman tired a revolver at him at almost point-blank range, wounding him slightly on the nose. Signor Mussolini remained calm and immediately gave directions with a view to
    —Reuter.  -  652 words
  • 28 9 —Reuter. London, April 8. The Sun Insurance Company has purchased the* Samarang Sea Fire Insurance Company, which will be con- tinued as a separate entity.-
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 210 9 —Reuter. Serious Situation. EUROPEANS ASSAULTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, April 7. A very grave situation prevails in Gouripore, a city twenty five-miles from Calcutta, where thousands of millworkers have struck as a sequel to a European’s alleged assault on a coolie who died. The situation became worse
    —Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 151 9 .—Reuter. EVIL OF THE DRUG STORE. Washington, April 7. Interest has not abated in the prohibition enquiry. The chief witness is Mr. Buckner, Federal Attorney of New York, who has been considerably in the limelight recently as a result of a series of spectacular liquor raids he organised on
    .—Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 78 9 —Reuter. 4,000,000 BARRELS ABLAZE. San Luis Obispos (California), April 7. The largest fire in the history of the oil industry occurred here and involved four tanks, belonging to the Union Oil Company, containing nearly 4,000,000 barrels of oil. A lightning explosion broke hundreds of windows and shook
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 70 9 MECHANICAL TRANSPORT DISPLACING IT. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 7. In this year’s military training on Salisbury Plain special importance will be attached to the manoeuveres, which will be devoted entirely to the employment of mechanicalism. It is desired to test thoroughly how far horse
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  70 words
  • 44 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) London, April 7. The Prince of Wales, acting upon the advice of his doctors, left London to-day to start on the first stage of his convalescence at Sandwich, where he has taken a house for a short period.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  44 words
  • 17 9 —Renter. London, April 7. A bulletin issued to-day says Princess Victoria is making satisfactory progress.
    —Renter.  -  17 words
  • 345 9 Trade Mark Case. ALLEGED IMITATION OF CALVERTS. On the complaint of Mr. E. A. de Buriatte, of the legal firm of Messrs. Preisgrave and Matthews, the managers of four Chinese chops in Campbell Street were this morning summoned before Mr. G. A- Hereford in the District Court, charged
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  • 171 9 OFFER TO EGYPT WITHDRAWN. New York. April 7, The press publishes a statement from Mr. Rockefeller, Junior, to the effect that he has authorised his representative in Egypt to withdraw the offer, cabled by Reuter on February 14, to present to King Fuad and the people of Egypt
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  • 46 9 —Reuter. CROSSES MEDITERRANEAN. Brussels, April 7. The Belgian airman arrived at Athens from Cairo. He took 9| hours to cross the Mediterranean on account of high wind, hail and fogs. The conditions over Crete were so bad that he had to make a detour.-
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 99 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates were Paris, 139.40; New York, 4.86|; Brussels, 125| Geneva, 25.20; Amsterdam, 12.12| Milan, 120.90 Berlin, 20.43 Stockholm, 18.14 Copenhagen, 18.57 Oslo, 22.65 Vienna, 34.45 Prague, 164; Helsingfors, 193 Madrid, 34.38 Lisbon, 2| Rio, 6] i Buenos Aires, 44| Bombay. Is. 6jd.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  99 words
  • 591 9 Mr. A. H. Flowerdew has gone to Siam. Mr. Ashley Gibson has returned to Kuala Lumpur from Fraser’s Hdl. We regret to announce the d< ath of the wife of Hajee R. E. Mohamed Kassim, J.P., at her residence No. 121, McAlister Road. Dr. E 0. Chitty,
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  • 121 9 BREEZY ENTERTAINMENT. Mr. Lew James informs us that everything is in readiness for a breezy show at the Town Hall, to-night. A genuine London variety programme is promised and every item is intended to recall some old favourite in Blightly.” Lew James, the funny little fellow, has arranged
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 207 9 J fl I HIGH CLASS PROVISIONS i 1 AT II s STRICTLY COMPETITIVE PRICES. !Wids range of products of al! leading manufacturers X arriving monthly. John Little’s Famous Coffee 1 lb. tin 93 8„ 2 lb. tin 1-75 Accrawattee Tea 1 lb. tin 1-10 j j 2 lb. tin 2-10
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  • 487 10 THAB SAKAE TIN, LIT). The second annual general meeting of the shareholders of Thab Shakae Tin, Ltd., was held at the Offices of the Bangkok Secretaries, Messrs Barrow Brown Co., Ltd., on Monday, March 22. Mr. A. R. Malcolm presided and the others present were: —Mr. D. CouperJohnston
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  • 239 10 The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Malau Tin, Limited, was held at the Re. istered Office of the Company. Hongkong Bank Buildings, Downing Street, Penang, at 12 o’clock yesterday. Mr. A. R. Thornton, Chairman presided and there were also present Mr. D. L. Adamson
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  • 204 10 BLAKE CO’S. SHARE REPORT. Singapore, April 6. With the Easter Holidays taking up most of the past week, there is little ot interest to report. Rubber shares continue quietly steady the popular counters nuctuating mildly, according to the whims of market speculators. There is a demand for Malakoffs, but sellers
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  • 191 10 Statement of quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during March, 1926. Mar. 1926 Mar. 1925 Total to date. Against. U. K. 7.848.46 2,616.24 20,482.09 7,022.31 U. S. A. 22,809.11 20,715.58 65,171.03 50,762.08 Europe 1,890.30 2,***** 5,395.21 6,345.01 B. Poss. 622.26 442.90 1,762.19 1,473 43 Japan
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  • 218 10 PENANG, APRIL 8, 1926. Benares Opinm p. $5,000.00 non.. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stock Nutmegs 80s 125.00 nom. 110 s 110.0 b Coconuts per I.Oon 50.00 nom. Copra Sundried $11.85 sales Rattans 11.15 sales Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell- 13.00 Siam
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 160 10 I THE RONEO J “Junior” Steel I Filing Cabinet j 1 I JB .Jsn®F’^’ r v <■ 4tSS$ s I ,j*? IBF J i- m i I WSPtJy I i I R°NE9 (Incorporated in London) 6a, Beach Street, Penang. ss 2x; Telephone No. 551. di a Regal Qabinets. ■j. sJr>t>sb
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    • 321 10 Good News to Art Lovers. An Art Display of Japanese Satsuma Wares, by Kinkozan.” Cloisonne Genuine and Artistic, Porcelan Tea and Coffee Sets, in Real “Kutant” Antique Coloured Wood Prints, really old ones and also reproductions, and Modern Water Colour Paintings, Just Arrived from Japan will be opened on and
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 67 10 Entertainment De Luxe at Theatre Royal. From To-night Till Sunday 11th April, 1925. Matinee Sunday at 2-30 p.m. Show starts at 7*30 p. m. 1. News and Comedies 3 Parts 2. William Faversham in The Sixth Commandment 6 3. Lon Chaney in the greatest screen attraction of the age. The
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  • 111 11 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy 4 Co.’.» share list at 1 p.m. to-day Yestcday. To-day E E Sharks. S c «3 *S C C 2 30 CQ oc c. c. f c. c. Minint. Uhenderiang 23/- 24/- 23/- 23/9 Idris Hyd. 55/- 57/6
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  • 101 11 The following are our latest quotations Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Allenbvs 3.10 3.25 A. Panas 13.25 14.25 Bassetts 1.35 I.4ocum rts. Balgownies 4.60 4.80 Changkats 9.25 9.50 Jerams 1.65 1.70 K. Sidims 3.95 4.oscum Lunas 4.15 4.25 M. Pindas 3.10 3.30 cum Nyalas 13.25 13.75 Pajams 14.00 14.25
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  • 57 11 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE) S. R. Sheet 87| cts per pound per pl. $116.66 No. 1 Crepe 87i cts per pound= per pl. $116.66 Quiet. (By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys.) The following were the rubier quotations in London on April 7 Smoked Sheet 2/3 Plantation Ist latex crepe
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  • 39 11 The General Produce Agency Ltd Beach Street, Penang, report that the following prices were realised at their auction room to-day: Good F.A.Q. Ribbed Smoked Sheet $ll2 to sll3| F.A.Q. do 109 111 Low F.A.Q. do 103 108
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  • 114 11 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following prices, on April 7 London. Spot £285 Down £1.15.0 3 m/s. buying,. 274.15 „3.0.0 3 selling „275 „3.0.0 Local. April 8 Singapore sold 150 tons at $137 Penang buyers no sellers at $137. The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd:— London, April
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  • 61 11 The following are additional rubber outputs for last month: lbs Jong Landor 64,000 Bakap Plantations 12,168 Titi Karangan 7,063 Batu Matang 750 Arras 07'136 Patani Para South Malay Sungkap Para 0 ‘2bo Ke,la ***** Pant Perak Batu Lint&ng Taniong Ramhutan 16,080 Kuala Dingin 15,000 South Johore «.ob7 Baling
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  • 18 11 The homX/ard mail by the s.s. Moroa. closes at 5-30 on Saturday the 10th instant.
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  • 1130 11 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. j SJ RUBBER [Dollar.] I c o S Allenby Rubber Oo 3 U 0 3 ''o Alor Qajah Rubber Estate 3 COl 3 20 ex AnrtrJgamated Malay Estat-a 4 60 4 75 Ayer Hitsn Placttng Syndicate 21 50,22 5 Ayer Kaniug Rubber KataVe 1 22*
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  • 109 11 FILM CLASSIC FOR PENANG. When the screen verison of Victor Hugo’s classic The Hunchback of Notre Daine was shown in the big cities at home it was unanimously btated to be one of the best pictures that America had yet produced. The Theatre Royal management
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  • 91 11 The health statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending 3rd April 1926, shows a total of 74 deaths —44 males and 30 females —the death-rato being 28.357 per mille compared with 29.90 in the preceding week and with 23.06 in the corresponding week of
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  • 80 11 The output of Menglembu Lode Mining Company Ltd., for the month of March was Mill 236 piculs, Tributers 10 piculs,—246 piculs. The output of the Siampse Tin Syndicate Lim’tpd, for the month of March was 1016 piculs. The output of the Hitam Tin Limited for the month of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 250 11 New Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT. WANTED Male and Female Assistants for Drapery Department. Previous experience essential. Apply John Little Co., Ltd., Penang. WANTED A Work’s Overseer, must be steady, able to read plans and have good knowledge of concrete. Salary $l5O to $2OO according to qualifications. Apply with testimonials to Adamson,
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    • 113 11 MORE GOOD MILK BEAR BRAND r B/dWE R j "BEAR” BRAND j HYGIENIC SWISS MHK its er ved in its natural purUN 3r or Z anyS l without addition ot 9 ET.J'oing else. IZ deft ifJ? erfect security, this m‘lk 0 IC i M TA off beinh S k Vdluable
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  • 1193 12 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Sri Muar for P. Langkawi and Kantang (Trang). Ayuthia for Belawan (Deli) and Asahan. Toyooka Maru for Colombo and Bombay. Van Hogendorp for Belawan (Deli), Paneh and Asahan. Rompin for Pangkor, Dindings and Sitiawan. Trang for Kantang (Trang) Girbee, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Kinta for Port
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  • 438 12 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BT TRAIN. Federateu ivlalay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m. train:—Parit
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 155 12 JUST UNPACKED CARPETS and MATTINGS in all sizes and Latest Designs ALSO SILK KIMONOS in a Variety of Colours. The Cheapest Store in Town. PARMAN AND BROS., 14, Bishop Street, Penang. S' 1 The Super 1® \Wj Driving Belt I®\W Unique Guarantees. Fimtm Sale MmiMhtm, LEWIS TYLOR. L&L, 9. st.
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    • 47 12 A Good Liniment. Rub Chamberlain’s Pain Balm on the painful spots. It is penetrating, starts up the circulation which carries the congestion and pressure that causes the pain. That is how it helps rheumatic pains, lumbago, backache, neuralgia, swollen, aiching joints and muscles. Sold and recommended everywhere.
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    • 308 12 I The Pick of COTY’S can now be obtained at X BOON’S—the Chemists. X C l —Perfumes S LOty S Lotions I Ambre Antique, Emeraude, Paris, T L’Origan, Chypre, Iris, Jasmin de Corse, Rose Jacq, Styx, X. Muguet and Violette. S Coty’s Face Powders L’Origan, 5 Paris, Chypre and Rose
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  • 1555 13 ANNUAL REPORT. We are in receipt of the annual report' of the Penang Chamber of Commerce to be submitted at the annual general meet- i ing to be held on the 13th inst- We give below a few interesting extracts: Municipal Commission. Mr. P. M. Robinson
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 378 13 .-i Today wives keep the r \J* V“j l"" Charm of a lovely skin. WNU proud of bis wife. You See Them. Always Together She, poised—confident; warm cheeks and slim shoulders; the woman clever enough to st 7 y° un ith her husband. He, with pride colour to Palmolive Soap.
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    • 35 13 Take With Sweetened Water. Saves the babies, helps the grown-ups, comforts elderly people—that’arChamber. lain’s Colic and Diarrhoe-a Remedy. Used for infantile cholera, suddeai pain in stomach, griping cramps, nausea with prostrating dianhoea. For sale everywhere.
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    • 205 13 l i M Indispensable as a Household Medicine M gj* It is their searching, cleansing qualities invaluable as a household remedy. Impuri- aUf ties collect in the system of the healthiest and causing serious illness. Hence the necesB B ty f° r keeping the digestive organs in J proper working
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 214 14 /gSf There’s jp nothing like a good night’s rest for fitting one for a good dags work-'and there's nothing like a Cup of Horlidts for ensuring a good nights rest. Never be without this easily made and nourishing night-cap’ In 4 sizes of all Bazaars Stores Shave In Comfort With
      214 words
    • 301 14 GERMS RENDERED harmless. The Modern Method of Fighting Malaria Evary day many germs of disease enter our bodies, but they are made ha,rmlous and passed off if the fighting forces of the body are in good condition. ißdch red blood is the power that keeps the human body in order.
      301 words
    • 176 14 &Jr s? C p f J (•->-* <’A >1 A cigabelT l A<AU C IW W j JMWMW ffe Golden Smokes from London. Piccadilly Virginia Cigarettes are like old wine to 4^e P a ate finest Sun-sweetened golden Virginia tobacco only is used —wrapped in pure rice i paper, and
      176 words

  • 613 15 CHOWBASTA MARKET. Penang, April 8, 1926 eta Government Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat m. each 1.00 Liver with heart A lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Lamb
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    • 957 15 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL Jg «BiBM V OT 0 MAATSCHAPPIJ. jS NEDERLANDS trading society. W M B »M gR U g ESTABLISHED 1824. KJ H U X M H E ffl Capital (Paid-Up) f. 80,000,000 abt. £6,660,667 Statutory Reserve f. 20,536,861 abt. £1,711,40, I Special Reserve f. 22,660,000 abt. £1.888,333 j
      957 words
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    • 1330 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. WWfWFWfaI 111 ■Si INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG- BHi Ik' I WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. |jgg| K M| MM ggK H Bk QjHHj RHESUS Apr. 9 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. MTTM W -Mi SARPEbUN Apr. 15 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Glasgow. i MACH AON Apr. 22
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    • 535 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UNES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER A CARGO SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. dk O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN ForSSinfspore. Hongkong Shanghai, Moji I For .Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseille Yokohama end Robe. and London. K ASTTGAR
      535 words